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Accelerate: to happen faster or earlier; to make something happen faster or

Acquire: to get or buy something
Adolescent: a young person who is developing into an adult
Albeit: formal for although used to add information inside a sentence the nation
is adapting, albeit slowly, to the new global economy.
Attain: to succeed in getting something, usually after a lot of effort attain (a)
master’s degree/standard/level/proficiency/mastery
Attribute: Something is the result of something else - Often use with
adverbs: Solely, largely, directly
Await: wait for something
Breakthrough: important development
Commence: begin
Commodity: a useful or valuable thing
Consecutive: following continuously
Constitute: considered 2nd meaning: to be the parts of a whole
Correlate: Closely connected
Deprive: To prevent somebody from having something important
Deteriorate: Become worse
Devise: Invent a plan system or object
Elucidate: Make something clearer by explaining it more fully
Exaggerate: Make something seems larger than it really is
Exacerbate: To make something bad even worse
Exert (have 2 meanings): To use authority power influence in order to
make something Happen - 2nd meaning: Make a physical or mental effort
Expenditure: The act of spending money or the amount spent
Facilitate: Make something possible or easier
Immense: Extremely large or great
Imminent: it’s likely to happen very soon
Incur: To experience something unpleasant as a result of your actions
Misconception: A belief or an idea that is not based on correct
But - However, Although, Despite, In spite/ Despite (of this),
Nevertheless, Nonetheless
While - Whereas, conversely, on the other hand, in contrast
And - Along with/Together with, As well as , Besides.
Also - Moreover, Furthermore, In addition.
In the same way - Similarly, Likewise,
Now - At present moment, at present, currently
Later - Subsequently, thereafter
For this reason - consequently, As a consequence, as a result,
People – humans, mankind, humankind, the people, society, teenagers,
adolescents, youth, adults, middle- aged people, senior citizens, elderly,
offspring, sibling
Advantages: benefits, pros (plural), merits, strengths
Disadvantages: Cons (plural), weakness, drawbacks
Results: consequences, repercussion,
Job: profession, occupation
A lot of: a number of, a multitude of, a Plethora of
Rich: wealthy, well-of, better-of, moneyed, privileged, prosperous (city)
Poor: disadvantaged, needy, impoverished, deprived, underprivileged.
Wrong: incorrect, false, and fallacious
Cheap: inexpensive, affordable, Low- Priced
Expensive: costly, overpriced,
Enough: sufficient, adequate
Helpful: beneficial, valuable, advantageous

Hugely, extraordinarily, extra, excessively, overly, over

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