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[page 10 | Chapter 3: PANET Presidents Chapter 3 PAMET Presidents MR. CHARLEMAGNE T. TAMONDONG 1964-1967 Emergence of the Profession Mr. Charlemagne T. Tamondong is # native of Aklan who took up his college education at the Universiy ofthe Philipines under the late of Hygiene. He grodusted in 1956 With the degree of Bachelor of Science in Hygiene. Right after graduation, he joined the Depsrtment of Biostatistics of the Institute as a statistical aide, He was appointed as Instructor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in 1959. Upon his election as the first president of the PAMET, he was a professor in the Institute of Hygiene. Re-elected president of the PAMET twice, he was therefore the President of the organization for three consecutive terms from 196$ to 1967. As President of the Association, he worked forthe building and recognition of PAMET for Public ‘acceptance and for its good social standing. But the climax of his performance as President was on May 10, 1965, when he succeeded in working forthe bill (House Bill No. 7682) for the Medical Technologists in the country through the help of then Congressman Jose Moreno end Congresswoman Magnolia Antonino. ‘The bill was approved by the Lower House (House of Representatives) ofthe Philippine Congress. Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents | page 11 abi MR. NARDITO D. MORALETA 1967-1970 Professional Recogaition Mr. Nardito D. Moraleta was the second President of the Philippine Association of Medical ‘Technologists, Inc. He earned his diploma in Associate in Arts and Bachelor of Science in General Science in 1959 and 1961 respectively from the Philippine Union College (now Adventists University of the Philippines) and Bachelor of Sclence in Medical Technology in 1965 at the Far Eastem University (now FEU Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation), Worked as a High School Teacher in 1961 to 1962; a Medical Technologist in 1965 to 1966, Faculty member of the Manila Central University, College of Pharmacy and Medical Technology in October 1966 to July 1967 and at the School of Medical Technology, Far Eastem University — Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation from August 1967 to August 1988, He was also a parttime faculty member of the College of Science and Medical Technology Philippine Women’s University in 1970 to 1971, Currently the Director of Ploneer Educational Review Center (formerly Pioneer Review Center) since 1975, ificant recognition awarded him were; Bronze Medal Award (Service Award given by FEU Administration after 15 years of service) FEU Founder's Day Award Ceremony, FEU Auditorium, FEU, Manila — November 23, 1977; Outstanding Medical Technologist of the Year 1978, Outstanding Professionals Awarding Ceremonies. Given by the Professional Regulation Commission, Philippine Hotel, Manila — June 22, 1978; Plaque of Recognition. FEU-NRMF Beta ig been chosen as “Most Outstanding Professional in the field of Medical Technology for the Year 1978, Manila Hotel, Manila ~ August 26, 1978; Plaque of Recognition of Merit. Philippine Women’s University, Institute of Sciences & Medical Technology, PWU, Manila ~ September 13, 1978; Most Outstanding Faculty Award for the Year 1979-1980. Dean's Committee on Students Affairs, FEU School of Medical Technology, FEU, Manila ~ June 21, 1980; Plaque of Recognition as President of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists 1967 to 1970, PAMET, PICC, Manila — October 1, 1982; Most Outstanding Grand Chancellor, FEU-NRMF Beta Sigma Fraternity, Philippine Plaza Hotel, Manila ~ January 19, 1985; Distinguished Service Award. Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc PICC, Manila ~ October 5, 1985; Most Outstanding Health Professional inthe Field of Medical Technology - COPHA 1986; Plaque of Recognition. Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology & Public Health, In., Manila Midtown Hotel — April 26, 1995; Most Outstanding Alumnus ~ FEU Med. Tech, Alumni Society December 2002; Certificate of Recognition - Emilio Aguinaldo College, College of Medical Technology, Ermita, Manila — April $, 2004; Presidential Recognition, PAMET, Manila Hotel - December 14, 2004; Lifetime Tribute for Outstanding Achievement as President of PAMET end PASMETH ~ The Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and Public Health, Ine. 42nd Annual National Convention, Manila Central University, Caloocan City ~ May 4, 2012; Dr. Alfredo Pio de Roda Excellence Award — Philippine Assoclation of Medical Technologists Incorporated, $0th Annual National Convention, Manila Hotel Pavilion, Manila, Philippines, ~ November 30, 2014; Most Outstanding Alumnus ~ Leadership Category ~ FEU-NRME ~ January 20, 2016, page 12 | Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents He had been invited es speaker of Medical Technology intems, students, Med, Tech, professional organizations and other civic and social organizations. He hes also attended several conventions, seminars both of his profession, civic and social organizations. ‘Some important positions he held were: President, FEU Med. Tech. Alumni Association 1966 to 1968 and 1976 to 1977; President, Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. 1967 to 1970; Elected Sangunian Bayan Representative, Barangay 327 Zone 37 2© District of Manila 1975 to 1979; President, Philippine Association of School of Medical Technology and Hygiene 1985 to 1988; President, German Shepherd Dog Association of the Philippines 1987 to 1988; Chairman, German Shepherd Dog Federation of the Philippines 1988 to 1989 and Member, Board of Directors Lions Philippines, Kalayaan Division 1986 to 1987. ‘Authored Hematology for Medical Technologists; Clinical Microscopy for Medical Technologists; Medical Technology Laws and Ethics; Medical Technology Board Reviewer, Mostly used locally and internationally; Laborstory Manual in Clinical Microscopy and Laboratory Manual in hematology used by FEU School of Med. Tech, Students; The Medical Technology Profession and The Philippine Laws on Medical Technology book. AAs president of the Philippine Assoclation of Medical Technologists, Inc. he hes worked for the Passage of Senate Bill No. 996 at the Philippine Senate and signed into law by the President of the Philippines, His Excellency, President Ferdinand E. Marcos into Republic Act No. 005527 or the Medical Technology Act of 1969, on June 21, 1969. Making Medical Technology a profession and the Medical Technologists professionals; the registration of the PAMET with the Securities and Exchange Commission ‘on October 14, 1969 (Registration No. 39570); Organization of PAMET Chapters in Cebu and Baguio; Registration of the PAMET and its membership to the International Association of Medical Laboratory ‘Technologists (AMLT in Europe) on May 28, 1970; The Amendments of the PAMET Constitution and By-Laws were in 1968, and approved at 1969 National Convention of the PAMET at UST; Standardization of the Medical Technology Curriculum in all Schools of Medical Technology in the Philippines through the Medical Technology Council in 1970; Establishment of the Council of Medical Technology Education through R.A. 5527; Appointment ofthe First Medical Technology Board of Examiners through R.A. $527; ‘The First Medical Technology Board Examinations was conducted through R.A. 5527; Prepared the Medical Technology Code of Ethics which was adopted by the PAMET on August 6, 1968 and the Publication of the first offical newspaper of the Association the “PAMET News”. (Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents | page 13, MR. FELIX E. ASPRER. 1970-1971 1973-1977 Legislative Agenda ‘The third President was the only President (as of this writing) had served the association for five years as President. He is a native of Agoo, La Union and the only son of the present La Union Governor ‘Tomas M. Asprer and the former Elena Estonilo, Felix, as he is fondly called by his friends and colleagues, hhad his elementary education at Agoo Elementary School and his high school at Congress College, both at Agoo, La Union. Ambitious as a young man and like many high school graduates from the province, he ‘came to Manila to pursue his college education. It was at the University of Santo Tomas where he enrolled and obtained his Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology in 1964. Right after graduation, he was connected with the Basement Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy, ULS.T. Chatity Hospital as a senior medical technologist. A year after, he became the Executive Assistant to Commissioner Israel Bocobo of the Social Security Commission, and then as Technical Assistant to the ‘Commissioner and finally as the medical technologist of the Social Security System from 1968 to 1976. He was first elected as Vice-President of the PAMET in 1969 to 1970. Then appointed as member of the Medical Technology Board of Examiners and was connected with the Department of Tourism from 1976 to the present, ‘As President of the association, he worked for the approval of Presidential Decree No. 498 which igned by his Excellency, President Ferdinand E. Mareos on June 28, 1974. This is an amendment to Republic Act Number 005527. He also had the Philippine Association of Medical Technologist integrated (accredited as bonafide professional Organization for Medical Technologists) with the Professional Regulation Commission on May 24, 1975. Several chapters of the PAMET were organized during his term, such as: the La Union, Pangasinan, Zambales and Zamboanga Chapter. As a consequence of the approval of PD 498, laboratories were inspected for adequacies of their laboratory staffs, equipment and facilities, as well as other requirements for better service to the public. In this connection, the medical technologists were placed under an improved system of ranking together with some salary adjustments. With his accomplishments, one can not just close his eyes and keep silent but say something tangible and worth while for such extraordinary performances. ‘page 14 | Chapter 3: PAMET dents 5 a MR. BERNARDO T. TABAOSARES: 1971 - 1973 Celebration of the Profession ‘The fourth President of the Association is also the fourth child among ten children of Mr. Sabino ‘Tabaosares and the former Isabel Tacda of Tubungan, lotlo. Bemie, as he is affectionately called by his friends and colleagues, isa very loyal son of Ilollo, He obtained his education from the elementary to college in Iloilo, His elementary grades at Tubungan Elementary School, high school et Miagao High and his Associate In Arts which he completed in 1951 at the University of the Philippines’ Hoilo branch. However, because of a noble purpose and an honest intention to be of service to his own people in Ioilo, he came to Manila to take up the medical course. Upon arriving in Manila, he enrolled at the Far Eastern University. It was here where he eared his Bachelor of Sclence in Medical Science in 1956, and his Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology in 1963. ‘Ambitious as he was, he pursued his medical course asa self-supporting student. But because he is also a family man of seven children, he was not able to continue his medical studies, though he was able to finish the first semester and some of the subjects in the second semester of the third year, Mr. Tabaosares was connected with the Department of Anatomy of the Institute of Medicine at the Far Easter University as medical technologist. It was during this time that the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists was being organized, He joined the organization as the representative of P.E.U. during its first meeting; so that, Mr. Tabaosares is regarded as one of the pioneers in the organization of the PAMET. ‘As one of the first members of the organization, he was appointed by Mr. Almario as the chairman. of the Committee on Legislation, Rules and Regulations. Being a very active and industrious member of the essociation, he was elected by the members of the association as one of the members of the Board of Directors in 1967 to 1970. As @ member of the Board, of Directors, he was appointed as chairman of the Committee on Group Insurance and Loans. It was during, this period’ that he worked for the registration of the PAMET with the Securities and Exchange Commission. His efforts were rewarded on October 14, 1969 ~ when the Philippine Association of the Medical Technologist was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, In 1970, he became the Vice-President and in 1971, he was elected President of the organization. As president of the Association, he worked for the amendments to the Teves Law (about salaries of medical professionals) which was in third reading in the Of mdi rote ing in the Senate when Martial Law was proclaimed, 30 Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents | page 15 Nevertheless, one of his pet projects was approved by His Excellency, President Ferdinand E, ‘Marcos through the help of the Presidential Assistant, the Inte Honorable Guillermo de Vega proclaiming the third week of September as the Medical Technology Week. It-was also during his presidency that the Davao Chapter of the PAMET was organized. ‘Though Mr. Tabaosares' term was one of the shortest (September, 1971 to January, 1973), he was able to do his part towards the improvement of the organization. page 16 | Chapter 3: PAMET P MS. ANGELINA R. JOSE Jan, 1973 Sept. 1973 Career Advocacy ‘Tho fifth and the first lady president of the association was Miss Angelina R. Jose of Manila, She was born to Mr, Antonio Jose Sr., a businessman and to former Matilde Reyes, a teacher in May 23 in ‘Tondo, Manila, Miss Jose was educated at the Instituto de Mujeres from the first grade through high school. She took up Pharmacy at the University of the Santo Tomas which she completed in 1952. Having been an active member of the association, she was elected president In January 1973, being tho president with the shortest term of office, she was only able to work for the approval of the Professional Tax through the Bureau of Internal Revenue - that all registered medical technologist should pay a professional tax in the amount of seventy-five pesos yearly. ‘Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents | page 17 MS. VENERABLE C.V. OCA 1977-1981 Educational Enhancement a ‘The sixth President of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologist is a native of Lopez, jezon. She had her elementary and high school education at Maryknoll Academy at Lucena City, which she completed in 1952 and 1956 respectively. For her college education, she earned her Associate in Arts in 1958; Bachelor's degree in Medical Science in 1960 and Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology in 1963 — all at the Far Eastern University. Upon graduation she went to the United States to further her studies in medical technology. She ‘became an intern at Saint Francis Hospital, Columbus, Georgia in 1965, and passed the American Society of Clinical Pathologist Examination given in 1966. ‘She worked in several hospitals in the United States in several capacities as medical technologi from 1964 to 1967, When she returned to the Philippines, she became the chief medical technologist of the Mary Chiles General Hospital’s Laboratory and 2 faculty member of the Centro Escolar University Department of Medical Technology. In 1974 to 1976, she was the Manager of the Medic Diagnostic Di then the product Manager, Clinical Division, Getz Corporation (f ion of the Medic Company, pines) in 1976 — 1977. She was the Technical Director in the Philippines of Becton-Dickinson International Group from 1977-1979. Her records in the Philippine Association of Medical Technologist were: Secretary in 1974 — 1976; and Vice-President in 1976 ~ 1977. {As President of the organization, she saw to it that monthly medical missions were made as part of the association's services to the poor and unfortunate people in our country. ‘Another was the series of seminars being conducted monthly with different prominent speakers in order to update the profession and the medical technologists who were in the active practice of their profession, Oca has served the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Incorporation from and a few months of 1982. [age 18 | Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents MRS. CARMENCITA P. ACEDERA 1982-1991 Image Building Mrs. Carmencita P, Acedera was the eighth president of the PAMET. She is a Medical ‘Technology greduate ofthe College ofthe Holy Spirit. She was also the Chief Medical Technologist of her ‘own Clinical Laboratory at Pasig City. She however, migrated to the United States of America in 1993, Nevertheless she has the following accomplishments as president ofthe Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. Giving Recognition to: Most Outstanding Medical Technologist of the year Award for most outstanding contribution to the practice of medical Technology; Crisanto G. Aimario Memorial Award for most meritorious contribution to the field of Research; Distinguish Service Award for meritorious contribution to the ‘members in general through service, ‘Most Outstanding Chapter Award. For the most outstanding chapter based on several outstanding criteria as a chapter; PAMET — Safeguard Acceptance Program; Scholarships for deserving Med. Tech. ‘Students sponsored by Proctor and Gamble — Safeguard; Membership of the PAMET with the Asean Association of Medical Laboratory Technologist (AAMLT); Upgrading of regular members with outstanding qualifications to the Fellow category; PAMET Hymn adapted ~ November 22, 1989; Hosted the 2™ AAMLT conference; Moved the PAMET National Convention to December; Organizing more PAMET chapters; Improved public services to communities; Initiated the raising of building fund for the PAMET office; Introduced the PAMET tothe different companies and well known organizations both local ‘and international (mostly at her own financial expenses) which gained the PAMET recognition from these companies and organizations. Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents | page 19 MRS. MARILYN R. ATIENZA 1992-1996 Proactivism ‘Mrs, Marilyn R. Atienza was the ninth president of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. She is a graduate of the Medical Technology course from the Philippine Women’s University and presently taking her Masteral Degree in Management Technology at De La Salle, ‘She was a 6" placer in the Medical Technology Board Examination given in 1978, Right after her Board Examinations she was connected with The Medical City as a rotating Medical Technologist from 1979 to 1981. In 1981 to 1983 she was the Senior Medical Technologist of the Hospital, then Chief Medical Technologist in 1983 to 1995. However, she joined the administration ‘personnel as Manager of the Business and Corporate Development Department in 1995 to 1997. In 1997 to 1999 she became the Manager of the Internal Marketing Department. Since 1999 to the present she is the Manager of the Marketing Department. Mrs. Atienza was not only very active in her professional career but also in different Medical ‘Technology organizations both local and international. She served the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. in several capacities until she became its President in 1993 to 1996 and 1° Vice President of the Asean Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists in 1995 to 1997. She has been very busy also as Speaker in conferences of several organizations both local and international. Mrs, Atienza is presently a member of the Medical Technology Board (Medical Technology Board of Examiners) giving Board Examinations to Medical Technology graduates of the Philippines for their license to practice the Medical Technology profession, Her accomplishments as President of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists are: Procurement of PAMET Office; Regional Conferences on Professional program on educational Constitution; More CPE seminars rendered to PAMET members; Community Service Program ~ Batong Buhay project; National Voluntary Blood Service ~ PAMET played a very big role; Close coordination of PAMET and PASMETH; Publication of the official newspaper of the Association, the “Lab News” and the official Journal of the Association “Phil, Journal of Medical Technology”; Membership of the PAMET to the ASIAN Association of Southeast Asia Medical Laboratory Science (AAMLS); More intensified civic involvement of the PAMET through Medical Missions; Improvement of the Association's financial status; Scholarship for children of qualified PAMET members; Placement program for Med. Tech. graduates in clinical Laboratories, Medical Companies, Schools and Drug Companies; New salary scheme for Med. Techs; Inclusion of all Med. Techs to “Hazard pay”; Sending qualified Med. Techs as scholars for the training program offered by the Japan International Med, Tech, Foundation, ‘page 20 | Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents MRS. NORMA NUNEZ CHANG 1997 - 2000 International Leadership Mrs. Norma Nufiez Chang was the tenth president of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. She took her Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology from the University of Sto. Tomas. She is the Chief Medical Technologist ofthe San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation Hospital Laboratory Department, and as Dean of the College of Medical Technology, she had been very active in the fferent professional organizations both local and international. She was the President of the Downtown Lions Club, Ladies Club from 1974 to 1975; Vice-President of the Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology & Hygiene from 1986 to 1988; 2 Vice President of the Asean Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists (AAMLT) in 1986 22% Annual Convention; President of the Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and Hygiene from 1988 to 1997; National Treasurer of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologist, Inc, from 1997 to 2001 and Accreditor of the Philippine Acorediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU). She had been Guest Speaker and Lecturer of the different organizations from Isabela, Cagsyan to Davao City and all over Asia, Europe, Canada and the United States of America. As the fruit of her total dedication and invaluable service rendered to the different professional organizations, she has been awarded, the Service Award by the San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation, Inc. in March 15, 1997; Lifetime Achievement Award by the Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology & Hygiene in April 29, 1997; Loyalty Award by the San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation, Ine. in March 7, 2000; Leadership Award by San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation, Inc. in December 2, 2000; Most Outstanding Medical Technologist by the Professional Regulation Commission in June 20, 2003 and Most Outstanding Medical Technologist by the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. in December 11, 2003. Her accomplishments as president of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists were: the establishment of more PAMET chapters; Community Services in form of Medical Missions; revised the Medical Technology Code of Ethics in March 7, 1997; sending scholars to the Japan International Medical ‘Technology Foundation; Scholarships for deserving Medical Technology Students sponsored by Safeguard Strong financial status for the PAMET; Close relationships of the PAMET with PASMETH; active participation of the PAMET to the AAMLT and AAMLS activities and programs; Adopted the Medical ‘Technology Prayer; Spiritual enrichment by sponsoring a “RETREAT” for chief Medical Technologists, PAMET Board of Directors, PASMETH and MEDAP members and the quarterly CPE Seminars in the NCR, Regional Chapter’s seminars were also supervised by the National Organization. ‘Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents | page 21 = x, MS. AGNES B. MEDENILLA. 2001 - 2002 2005 - 2006 Organizational Dynamism Ms. Agnes B. Medenilla was the eleventh president of the Philippine Association of Medical ‘Technologists, Inc, She graduated as Class Valedictorian in High School and took her Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology degree at the University of Sto. Tomas in 1962. Right after her college education, she went to the United States of America to further her studies while practicing her Medical Technology profession at the School of Medical Technology, Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfield, New Jersey, USA in 1962 to 1963. As soon as she completed her studies at Muhlenberg she took up national examinations for the American Society of Clinical Pathologists and ‘successfully passed it becoming a registered Medical Technologist of the USA. Aside from her formal schooling, she has also trained abroad in different fields of specialty in Medical Technology, such as Hycel Medical Instrumentation at Houston, Texas, USA; Automated Clinical Chemistry System at Dallas, Texas, USA; Assays for Estrogen Receptor and Progesterone Receptor at La Jolla, California, USA; Alphacfetoprotein and Immunological Procedures at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan in Oct. 1978 to March 1979; Technicon H-2 Operation and Maintenance at Singapore; Technicon H- 2 Computer and UIW Software at Venice, France and London, England; HLA Training et Gottingen University, Gottingen, Germany; DNA Technology at Dreieich, Germany; Instrumentation Workshop at Sttutgart, Germany and Kremmunster, Austria; Flow Cytometry & Feescalibur at Singapore. She also trained in Management, Leadership and Quality Control Makati Medical Center, other Hospitals and well known health and civic organizations. She finished her Master of Science in Medical Technology at the Philippine Women’s University in 2003. For her active role in different professional organizations she was a member of the Medical Technology Board from 1980 to 1989; Secretary of the AAMLT in 2000 to 2002; President of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. from 2001 to 2002; Auditor of AAMLT in 2003 to 2005; Secretary of the Philippine Council for Quality Assurance in Clinical Laboratories in 2000 to present; Chief Medical Technologist and Administrative Officer, Department of Laboratories, Makati Medical Center since 1973 to present. She also Authored and Co-Authored the following books and publications: A Handbook of Tests for Diabetes Mellitus, 1986; AIDS Surveillance by Laborstory Tests at the Makati Medical Center During ‘Two Year Period, 1987; Surveillance by Laboratory Tests at the Makati Medical center During a Three ‘Year Period II and Evaluation of the Technicon H-1 at the Makati Medical Center in 1989, ‘Among her outstanding ewards, honors, scholarships and grants that she had were a Fellowship by the Foundation for Basic Research for Oncology in Japan in 1978; Talaang Pandangal, UST in 1983; Outstanding Thomasian Award in 1984; Conrado Potenciano Award for Pharmacology and Oncology, UST ‘Page 22 | Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents 4m 1984, Most Outstanding Medical Technologist, PAMET in 1994; Most Outstanding Professional in Medical Technology, Professional Regulation Commission, Republic of the Philippines in 1995; Quezon Medatya Ng Karangalan, Outstanding Citizen of Quezon Province, Lucena City in 2003. ‘As President of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc, she initiated the “PAMET Job Fair” with the objective of helping the new board passers and unemployed Medical Technologists find jobs. Revision to R.A. 005527 seeking for the Chairmanship of the Board of Medical Technology to be given to Medical Technologist, through Aklan Congresswoman Gabrielle V. Calizo who is herself Medical Technologist submitted in the House of Representatives. PAMET conducted “Outreach Programs with Procter & Gamble in the evacuation centers in Albay during the Mayon Volcano eruption in 2001. In 2001 PAMET was awarded as “The Most Outstanding Association” by the Council of Health ‘Agencies in the Philippines. PAMET was nominated as “Outstanding Professional Association” at the Professional Regulation Commission in the years 2001 and 2002, The “Journal of Medical Technology™ ‘containing research papers of medical technologists was published and included in the Heerdin database by PCHRD. PAMET as one of the founding members of the Philippine Council for Quality Assurance in Clinical Laboratories served as “Secretariat” to the Quality Assurance Surveys or the Council, PAMET Participated for the first time as one of the organizations in the “Voices in Infection Control” in the Infection Control Society Convention. PAMET started programs on membership concerns and financial viability for the welfare and stability of the association and its members. PAMET CPE Committee ‘established linkage with the PRC Medical Technology CPE Commitee with a memorandum of agreement with the Board of Medical Technology. PAMET aoquired two new condominium unites adjacent to the PAMET office used for seminars, workshops, mectngs, product / test demonstrations and other projects ‘and a mini-library. A “Directory of Members” was completed matched with the master list of PRC which provides easy tracking of members. Waiting time for PAMET ID has been addressed. Average waiting time '5 two woeks for individual applications. Amendments to the PAMET Constitution and By-Laws were started. Action Plan for a National Survey on Misclassification of Medical Technologists in government service was prepared, This will serve as basis for request on reclassification of Medical Technologists. ‘Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents | page 23 DR. SHIRLEY I. FABIAN-CRUZADA. 2003-2004 Interdisciplinary Networking evercju% Shitley I. Fabian-Cruzada earned her degree in B.S, Medical Technology at the Far Eastem University in 1970. She finished her degree in Master of Science in Public Health (major in Medical Parasitology and with Medical Microbiology and Medical Biostatistics as cognates) at the College of Public Health, University of the Philippines Manila in 1978 under a scholarship program of the National ‘Science Development Board (NSDB, now known as the Department of Science and Technology or DOST) ‘as well as under a thesis grant of the Southeast Asian Ministry of Education Organization (SEAMEO). She eared some units in the PhD Biological Sciences program of the University of Sto, Tomas Graduate School. She finished her Doctor of Education (major in educational management) at the Trinity University of Asia (formerly known as Trinity College of Quezon City) in April 2003. Dr. Cruzada worked as a Research Associate at the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) under the NSDB Anti-Brain Drain Program for almost five years. She later on worked as a Medical Research Technologist at the U.S, Naval Medical Research Unit No, 2 (NAMRU-2) for 9 years and as an Intermittent Medical Technologist at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA) for 5 years. She had a brief stint as the Chief Medical Technologist of the Tropical Disease Research Foundation, She was a reviewer in Hematology at the Pioneer Review Center from 1975 to 2006. She was also a reviewer in Hematology and Medical Parasitology in review centers outside of Metro Manila and in “In-house” review classes of the different Medical Technology schools all over the Philippines. Her “Handbook in Hematology for Medical Technologists” is still being used as a review reference by medical technology students all over the country, especially those who are preparing for the MT Licensure Exams, She was Dean of the College of Medical Technology, Trinity University of Asia from 1996 to 2006 after which she ‘migrated to the USA to join her family, Dr. Cruzada was an active officer of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc, (PAMET). She held the position of Executive Secretary for four years (two terms) and had been Vice- President for two terms before she was elected as the twelfth president of the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. (PAMET). During her term as PAMET President, she also served as: Auditor of the ASEAN Association of Medical Laboratory Technologists (AAMLT); Member of the Advisory Council of the Asian Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists (AAMLS); Director of the Philippine Federation of Professional Associations (PFPA); Member of the CHED Technical Committee on Medical Technology Education; Member of the CHED Regional Quality Assessment Team (RQAT); Vice President of the Philippine Association of University Women (PAUW) ~ Trinity College Chapter; and Trainor in the DOH-PAMET Training of Analysis for Drug Testing. Dr. Cruzada was frequently invited as a guest speaker by the different Med. Tech. Schools and PAMET Chepters all over the country, She held several positions in educational, civic and social professional organizations. She had received more than 100 plaques, certificates, medals and other awards; trained in several fields of specialties in Medical Technology education and laboratory practice and was a page 24 | Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents, consistent scholar and an honor graduate, She was an author and co-author of books and several professional publications. Her accomplishments as PAMET president were: Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was forged between PAMET and the Department of Health - National Reference Laboratory (DOH-NRL). Under this MOA, PAMET handled the training of analysts for screening drug testing Isboratories all over the Philippines in close coordination with the DOH-NRL and with the active participation of the different PAMET Chapters; MT Graduate Scholarship Project was established under the sponsorship of Proctor and Gamble's “Dagdeg Kerunungen, Kinabukssan ng Kalusugan Grant Program”; Regional Conferences and meetings were held; chapters were visited and those inactive ones were reactivated; Interdisciplinary [Networking and collaborative activities were done with other related professional organizations; PAMET Website ( was promoted; the Medical Technology Revision Bill to Revise R.A, 005527 ‘was submitted to the Senate; Inerrelationship among PAMET members was enhanced through sports, job fairs and spiritual nurturance retreats; free standing laboratory practitioners held their first general assembly; maintained active Involvement and participation of PAMET with PASMETH, CHED, PSP, CHAP, COPHA, PFPA and other professional organizations; International involvement with AAMLT and ‘ACMLT; coordinated with PAMET USA for AMT/ CLS review, joint medical mission in Laoag City, and ‘other activities; and conducted Research and Community outreach programs. Her current positions are: Professor in the CLS program of the College of Southem Nevada, Las Vegas, USA; 2™ VP of PAMET USA; President-Elect of PAMET Nevada Chapter; and invited reviewer in Hematology and Immunohematology in review classes conducted by PAMET chapters or private Filipino medtech groups in the USA, She also volunteers as a lecturer in PAMET seminars, MedTech schools and review centers whenever she is on vacation tothe Philippines, Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents | page 25 DR. LEILA M. FLORENTO 2007-2012, Global Perspective ABSMT graduate of UST in 1977 and a PhD graduate of UST in 2005, she is the Manager / Scientist of Biological Sciences Department, United Laboratories, Inc. Accomplishments as president of PAMET from January 2007 to June 2008, Post-graduate scholarships to five members taking MS Med, Tech,; Post graduate training in “Diagnostic Parasitology” held in Davao, Cebu and NCR; Research workshops on “Formulation of Research Proposal” in Davao, Cebu and NCR in coordination with PCHRD; Research forum for professionals and students held during Med. Tech, Week; Quarterly seminars on new technologies, values, quality improvement for members and laboratory management, pre-analytical variables, human resources for health and product updates for Chief Med. Techs. And supervisors; Job fair for new board passers; Bayanihan Plan — financial assistance to family of members who died, national board of directors suffering from dreaded disease, senior citizen discount benefits for members on convention and seminars; activation of PAMET web forum at; continuation of PAMET Newslink & publication of research articles in PAMET Journal; Ratification of amended PAMET Constitution and By-Laws last Mid-Year Convention in Cebu — April 2008; activation of Chapters and holding Regional Conferences (Camarines Sur, Cagayan and Davao) to encourage chapter members to participate in Mid Year and Annual Conventions; Community Outreach — Medical and Dental Missions in Novaliches, Q.C. and Laboratory services to PRC employees and dependents on PRC Week 2007 & 2008; Library updated w/ books and computers donated by PAMET-USA; Linkages with CHED on policies and guidelines for Med. Tech. internship and curriculum, DOH on standardization of clinical laboratories & PCQACL in establishing quality assurance in the laboratory; Intemational Linkages with - PAMET-USA, ACLS (Asean Association of Clinical Laboratory Scientists), IFBLS (Intemational Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists), APFCB (Asia-Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry), AAMLS (Asia Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists) She is at present the President of Asia Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists. awe 26 | Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents ROMEO JOSEPH J. IGNACIO 20132018 vor! (Visibility, Oneness, Integrity, Commitment, Excellence) in Laoag Cit Norte, .S. Medical Technology et San Bom it Mr. Romeo Joseph J, Ignacio graduated B.S. yw 4uan De Dios College Currety he ee AMET Preset a tas a ong career record with Sysmex Philippines inc. he started as a Technical Representative and worked through Managerial roles from Division to County and ‘now holding a position as Vice President and General Manager. He received several awards and recognitions in different fields he handled namely: Presidents Award (Sysmex 2007) for his outstanding performance in sales growth in the Philippines, he was the first Country in Asia Pacific to receive this prestigious awards, Best Country Award for outstanding sales (Sysmex Asia Pacific 1999}; Outstanding Division Manager Sanofi Philippines in 1990; Man of the Year Award —highest sales performance in 1984, 1985, and 1986; PAMET Presidential Citation for meritorious and exemplary performance as ‘Chapters Chairman in 2008; PAMET Presidential Citation for exemplary performance as Chairman for the Awarls Committee, Chapters and Registration in 2010; Recognition as outstanding alumni San Juan de Dios College in December 5, 2010; received award fom Tarlac Provincial Police - Outstanding partner in Corporate Social Responsibility; and Centennial Outstanding Alumni Awardee, San Juan de Dios in 2013. He underwent training in Basic Hepatitis (1988), Advanced Hepatitis / AIDS Course (1989), Refresher Course Immunology (1990) in Sanofi Diagnostics Pasteur, Paris, France; immunofluorescence in Kallestad, Chaska Minnesote, USA in 1991; Hepatitis Alphabet in Diagnostics Pasteur, Paris, France in 1996; Basic Hematology in Sysmex Singapore in 199: ‘in Sysmex Japan in 1998; Chemistry Basic in Thailand in 2002; various Conventions in countries like US.A, ‘of Health, Auditor ir Asian i “ederation of Cina Biochemie ed Labor Senet, Der Ai Ascot His achievementsas PAMET President Is yet to be reco is i however, he has Filed the Med Tech House Bill 3502 last December 4 201 tee con ee eee igi the parading pe ileg dialed aig 11 to 15 and the abolition Of Medical Techni postin ing all entry level to Salary Grade 15, see prop i homogenous as with oher professions under PRC. Said bit Poveda yo eal Technology fet a> Chapter 3: PAMET Presidents | page 27 RONALDO E. PUNO 2015~ Present One PAMET He is a BSMT graduate of University of Sto. Tomas as full academic state scholar; he has an MBA in Healthcare degree from Ateneo de Manila Graduate School of Business and eared Laboratory Management Certification Program from Laboratory Management University (LMU) of the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP). He is a multi-awarded professional whose areas of interest include Laboratory Management System, Quality ‘Assurance, Clinical Chemistry/Mierpscopy and Biosafety/Biosecurty. ‘Accomplishments: President and Chief Medical Technologist in private practice in his own Clinical Laboratory ~ PROLAB Diagnostics. He also served as faculty member both in undergraduate and graduate school. Currently, he sits as the Ist Member of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Council of ‘Medical Technology under the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) ‘A member of the Technical Committee for Medical Technology Education under Commission on Higher Education (CHED). He has worked with the many projects of the Department of Health (DOH). He is the founding and incumbent Treasurer of Biorisk Association of the Philippines (BRAP). ‘Has been actively involved in various international organizations in the ASEAN, Asian and Asia-Pacific Regions as well as in the World. ‘At present he is a Board Director, Chairman of the Committee on Education and the Ist Editor-in-chief of the newsletter of Asia Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists (AAMLS) a Council Member of ASEAN Association on Medical Laboratory Sciences (AAMLS) ‘4 Chief Delegate to International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences (IFBLS) @ Corresponding Member of Intemational Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) for Laboratory Management Committee. 2016 Nordic Award granted by Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Finland and Iceland was accorded to him during the 32nd IFBLS World Congress in Kobe, Japan. He was also given the 2016 travel scholarship grant by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (ECC) in Madrid, Spain, He was twice a recipient of the Japan Association of Medical Technologist Award in 2012 and 2014 during the 30th and 31st World Congress of International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS) in Germany and Taiwan, respectively. In 2016, he was honored as the Most Outstanding Medical Technologist of UST Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Technology.

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