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Kay was happy with Gyaubea although life wasn’t perfect as they want. They were living at
Akonoma a town in the Central Region. Kay lost both parents at his tender age. He was raised by
his Grandmother. The grandmother also died when he completed JHS. Life became hard and
unbearable after Junior High school. What to eat was even a problem. Due to his academic
performance he got scholarship to study at one of the grade one SHS in the district. After
completing Senior High school he couldn’t further to tertiary, he lost hope and thought his dream
of becoming a medical doctor has shut down. Kay could not further his education due to financial
difficulties. He started photography work in other to enhance good living. His photo studio was
located outskirt of town. People normally invite him home for photo shoot and other photo work.
Due to his work he is friendly with everyone around. Sometimes he move to other places for work
when there are programs. Kay was a hardworking and respectful young man. Everyone admired
him in the town.
Gyaubea was the only daughter of Mr Ampong a gardener in the town. Due to financial atrocities
he couldn’t enroll her daughter into tertiary after Senior High School. Gyaubea was also selling
fruits by the roadside. Gyaubea was an industrious, hardworking and a beautiful young lady with
a wonderful smile. Young men and grownups couldn’t stop patronizing her because of her
kindness. As time fades life continue to be hard with them, the photography wasn’t paying that
much. Sometimes he has to add construction work in order for them to survive. Kay and Gyaubea
were inseparable lovers. No measuring instrument can measure the amount of love they have for
each other. Their love for each other was unconditional.
One day Kay was at site doing construction work with his friends. He heard his phone ringing.
When he got to the phone the call ended. He checked the missed call and it was Gyaubea. He
quickly return the call. It seems someone is weeping on the phone, he said stop crying baby as
he usually call her. Tell me the problem. Baby please talk to me. Gyaubea told him that his father
is at the hospital due to a car accident. Kay told her to relax and calm down he will be there right
away. All he need is the name of the hospital. Gyaubea told him the name of the hospital and she
hanged up the call. He went to his Forman and told him the story and he was granted permission.
Kay quickly got to the hospital and saw his girlfriend Gyaubea sitting outside crying. What is
happening? Why are you crying? Talk to me baby where is daddy? Gyaubea said he is in the
emergency room but the doctor said before he start treating him, he will need an amount of
Gh¢2000.00 before. Gyaubea added where am I going to get this amount of money from. Kay
said stop crying beside the crying won’t solve the problem nor pay the money. I think I have
some Gh¢500.00 in my mobile money account. As Kay was trying to console Gyaubea a young
man who was passing by stood there and watched Gyaubea for sometime and ask please are you
Gyaubea? She said yes I am Gyaubea and who are you? He said I am Prince don’t you remember
me your classmate at JHS 2. She said Prince, Prince Southern Region. Prince said please don’t
make fun of me it is in the past, why are you crying? What’s the problem? Said by Prince.
Gyaubea told him the saga and he paid the money and gave her his card and left. Kay was
jealous a bit because Gyaubea couldn’t introduce him to his classmate. Sometimes it hurt when
your girlfriend can’t introduce you to her male friend. Gyaubea later came to Kay and said the
doctor said it has past visiting hours so we have to go home. On the way going home Kay said
I’m sorry for daddy’s accident wishing him a speedy recovery. Gyaubea said it’s fine he will be
fine at least we thank God for bringing us a helper. Kay pretended everything was fine but it was
not. They all got home besides they were living together in the same house. Kay went and took
his bath. Gyaubea too did the same. Gyaubea was a good cook so she went to the kitchen to
prepare something for themselves. Kay went to the kitchen and asked about guy who paid the
money. Gyaubea answered and said a classmate. This guy has been worrying me during JHS
time till we completed but I didn’t give him the chance. Out of insecurity Kay asked Gyaubea
that will you call him because he gave you his card. Gyaubea said yes I have to besides he is an
old friend and again I have to thank him for what he did. Kay left to the bedroom to take some
nap. After the food was ready Gyaubea called Kay to come and eat with her as usual. They went
to the hospital the next morning to see how Mr Ampong was doing. He was doing good. Kay left
after spending some time with them. He went to his studio to continue his unfinished work.
Gyaubea also went home after visiting her father. Whiles she was taking her phone from her bag,
some card fell down and she picked it. It was that of Prince so she called him and thank him for
the money. During the conversation Prince asked Gyaubea if they can have lunch the next day.
She said yes to him without hesitating, just send me the location and I will be there.
It was quarter pass 12 in the noon and Gyaubea was dressing up to meet Prince for the launch.
She heard a knock on the door and she asked who is there? Kay responded it’s me baby. She
opened the door and Kay entered. Where are you going this afternoon with this gorgeous looking
and dressing. I am going to meet a friend. Who male or female? Asked by Kay. You know am
always concern about you. I don’t want anything to happen to you that’s why am asking you that.
All that Gyaubea could say was don’t worry I will be fine. She said I love you baby and shut the
door after her. Kay was wondering who his girlfriend was going to see but he has no clue.
Whiles Prince was waiting at the restaurant Gyaubea gorgeously walked in and sat down. Prince
couldn’t take his eyesight of Gyaubea whiles she comes in. They exchanged greetings as normal
vibes. Prince gently asked her what she will drink and the waitress got her. Prince asked
Gyaubea about his life and how things are going. Gyaubea told Prince all about her life and
Prince said don’t worry I’m here for you. I will help you, anytime you need anything don’t hesitate
to call me. Gyaubea then asked Prince what he do for living? Prince started by saying you know
one of my sister’s is in the state. She has been sending me container’s.I have a big shop at Accra
which all the things are stored and people comes there to purchase. Phones,
laptops,chairs,refrigerators and many more. That is what I do for living. Again I have two Washing
bays and a saloon that I manage. Gyaubea said that is good. Prince asked Gyaubea. Please are
you in a relationship or married? She said yes I am in a relationship, I don’t want to loose my man.
She added that, the guy you met me with at the hospital is my boyfriend. Prince said does he
take good care of you? Do you even love him? Besides I still love you and I want to spend the rest
of my life with you. You are such an amazing lady I don’t want to loose sight on you. Kindly give
me chance to make you the queen in my life. Gyaubea said Prince it’s not like I don’t have any
feelings for you. I really like you but I don’t want to cheat on my man. He loves me and care for
me. Whiles they were talking Gyaubea had a phone call and it was one of her friends Anastasia.
She answered the call and said hello Anastasia. Anastasia said hello girlfriend how are you doing?
Sorry I have not visited you and daddy for a while. How is everything how is daddy ? Gyaubea
said everything is fine just that daddy was involved in a fatal accident and he has been admitted
to the hospital. Anastasia asked the whereabouts of Gyaubea and she gave her the address.
Within a time frame Anastasia showed up. Gyaubea introduced her to Prince and she seems
happy seeing him. They had some conversations and they wanted to leave. Prince told them to
join him in his car so that he can alight them home. They joined him and he alighted them home
safely. Whiles they were waving Prince Kay came out of the room to see who was around.
Anastasia immediately said hello Kay how are you doing? Kay responded and said everything is
fine and he left without talking to Gyaubea. Anastasia told Gyaubea to call her when going to visit
her father at the hospital, she wants to go home. They departed and Gyaubea entered the room.
Where are you coming from asked by Kay? Tell me who that guywas. Gyaubea said relax and hear
me out. He is my father’s friend who was looking for him. Look at you, do you think I don’t know
who he is. Is he not your so called classmate. The two argues for sometime and Kay left the room
to his shop. Gyaubea freshened up and left to the hospital to check up on her father.
Gyaubea came back early, when she was about to enter the room she heard her phone ringing.
She checked and it was Prince. She answered the call, Prince said hello Gyaubea how are you
doing. I just got home. Gyaubea said please can we talk later because am not in the mood to talk.
Prince said okay then let’s talk in the evening. She hanged up the call and relaxed in the sofa.
Kay was in his photo studio and someone came in. Good evening. Kay responded good evening,
the young man said please I am looking for Kay a photographer. Kay said please am the one. The
young man said please my madam said she wants a photo shoot in her house so if you are less
busy I should come with you. Kay asked if the distance is far. The young man said it’s just three
blocks away. He quickly took his camera and other setup and left with the young man. They
finally got to the place, it was a huge house with flowers and beautiful paintings. They knocked
and the security came and open the gate. The young man send Kay inside and said madam
please he is here. The young man then left. Kay was looking at the beautiful interior decor. Kay
saw a beautiful young lady coming from upstairs and greeted. Kay responded good day madam.
Kay couldn’t stop looking at her because of her beauty. He then proceeded to the reason he
came. After the shoot, Kay said madam I am done with the shooting so I want to go to the shop.
The young lady said kindly call me Tina please. Kay said I hear madam Tina, can I please leave.
The young lady said do you care for anything? Kay said no I am fine. She gave him her card and
Gh¢ 500.00 for transportation. Kay was happy and he thanked the young lady and left to his
When he got home Gyaubea was on a phone call with someone, out of anger and jealousy Kay
couldn’t asked her anything and left to the bedroom. Gyaubea went to him and asked baby
please dinner is ready come and let’s eat. Kay didn’t mind her. She again said baby please I’m
calling you dinner is ready, Kay didn’t mind her again. She went and sat outside. Kay heard that
his phone was ringing so he answered and it was an old friend. He checked the time and it was
fifteen minutes to twelve o’ clock in the mid night he continue his sleeping. Gyaubea too was
deeply asleep although Kay was hungry but he has no choice because his own anger caused the
Gyaubea woke up early in the morning and made breakfast and invited Kay to come and eat as
they have been doing usual. Kay joined her and they apologize to each other about what
happened. Gyaubea promised Kay that she won’t put on such behavior again. Kay also said am
sorry for how I spoke to you yesterday. They continue happily as it has been going on.
Kay and Gyaubea went to the hospital to see how Mr. Ampong’s condition has gotten to. The
doctor said he is okay now so they will discharge him the next day. Gyaubea thanked the doctor
and went back to her father. After spending some time with him they left to their various shops.
Kay rushed to his shop to finish madam Tina’s work. He finished everything and sent it to her by
WhatsApp message . Madam Tina was happy and grateful for such a wonderful work. She called
Kay and asked him to come over to the house. Kay said I am a little busy so I will come later.
In the evening Kay dressed up and proceeded to madam Tina’s house. Madam Tina welcomed
him and asked him what he will eat. He said anything. They had a locally prepared food. Whiles
they were eating madam Tina couldn’t take her eyes off Kay. She started by saying Kay. A phone
started ringing and it was Kay’s phone . He answered the call it was Gyaubea, she was waiting for
Kay so that they can eat supper
together. Kay told Tina that he wants to attend to someone urgent so next time. He left Tina and
came home.
Mr Ampong was discharged from the hospital the next day Gyaubea and Kay went and brought
him home from the hospital. Due to his condition he has to rest for sometime before he can do
anything. Kay had a conversation with him for sometime and left. Gyaubea went to her shop the
next day. Whiles she was busily selling Kay came there to assist her sell for sometime. Tina came
there to buy fruits, when she got there Kay was inside the shop and Gyaubea was outside the
shop. Gyaubea shouted customer customer, how are you doing? Tina responded I am fine but it’s
been a while. Gyaubea told her about her father’s incidence. Tina was sorry for her. Kay called
Gyaubea baby baby what’s going on outside? He came outside to his surprise it was Madam
Tina. Gyaubea said Customer please meet my boyfriend his name is Kay, baby this is one of my
customers who is more than a sister to me. Tina was not feeling comfortable because of Kay.
They exchanged greetings as if that was their first time of meeting. Tina took her fruits in her car
and left. Kay and Gyaubea worked till evening before returning home.
Although things are not good but it is better than before. Gyaubea was washing cooking utensils
whiles Kay went to her that he is going to the next town for work. Maybe I won’t return. Gyaubea
said okay take care of yourself well. I love you baby said by Kay to Gyaubea and he left. Kay was
on a different mission then what he told his girlfriend Gyaubea. He went to a restaurant to meet
Tina. Tina was happy that Kay came. Kay told Tina about Gyaubea and the love he has for her.
Tina also told Kay that she really love him and want to fight for his love. Kay said please madam
as you can see am with someone so it won’t work. Anastasia too was there with a friend sipping
some win. She saw Kay with Tina so she quickly called Gyaubea to come and see what his guy is
doing with another lady. Gyaubea couldn’t swallow the pain so she rushed to the restaurant and
disgrace Tina as a boyfriend snatcher. Kay was disturbed at the moment and he couldn’t say
anything. Tina didn’t say a word and walked to her car and drove away. Whiles Kay and Gyaubea
were exchanging words angrily, Anastasia came there and ask what was going on. Kay told her
the issue and she pretended she know nothing about the incidence. Gyaubea left Kay and
Anastasia at the restaurant. Anastasia assured Kay that she will talk to Gyaubea so he should not
worry. Kay thanked her and left home.
Kay got home and saw Gyaubea crying, he asked her to stop crying beside Tina is just a friend.
All that Gyaubea could say was do you think I am a fool, what shows that you don’t have
something doing with her. I will not sit down and watch someone bring down what I have built
over years. She left Kay and went inside. Kay went inside put his phone down and left to buy
something. The moment he left Tina called and Gyaubea answered the call. Hello baby I hope
you will come over tonight. I love you and I know you love me too. Please come over so that we
can have dinner together. She said please are you not talking hello hello. Gyaubea hanged up the
call and wept bitterly. Tina called and called but no one answered again. Kay came inside and
Gyaubea was not there. He took his phone and saw missed calls from Tina. He called Gyaubea
to find her whereabouts but she didn’t answer the call. Kay asked few people around about the
whereabouts of Gyaubea but all his effort proves fatal. He came back to freshen up and change
his cloth. After dressing up he headed to Tina’s house . Kay thank you so much for coming over,
what is the meaning of what happened out there said by Tina. Please I’m not here for any
interrogations I don’t owe you any explanation. Stay away from me don’t call my number again we
don’t have anything doing. Whiles Kay was talking to Tina. Tina rushed and hug Kay and started
begging him not to leave him. All of a sudden Gyaubea came there. She was heart broken and
totally disappointed about what she saw. She left them and walked away. Kay try all his possible
best to explain things to Gyaubea but she couldn’t listen.
The next day Kay waked up to find all his belongings packed outside and who stands besides it
was Gyaubea. She warn Kay to leave the house. His presence is no more needed in the house
moreover the relationship is over. Kay begged Gyaubea to forgive him but she didn’t. Gyaubea
locked the door and left to shop. Kay called one of his friends to help him beg Gyaubea. Gyaubea
insisted that their relationship is no more, his father advise her about the decision she is making.
She didn’t listen to anyone.
Kay took his bag and left the house. He went and stayed with an old friend. Tina tried calling Kay
but his phone was switched off all the time. She searched everywhere to find Kay but she didn’t
see him. Gyaubea also realized that she has made a mistake so she went and asked few friends
of Kay about where he could be. All her effort proves fatal. Gyaubea went to Tina’s house to finds
out if Kay was there but it resulted in a fight. Tina called her security to throw Gyaubea out of the
One day Tina was on the way to Kay’s studio, she saw someone lying down helplessly and blood
was oozing him. She rushed and check the person to her surprise it was Kay. She took him to the
nearby hospital so that he will get treatment. Tina visited him day in and day out. Third day at the
hospital whiles Tina and Kay were having conversations Gyaubea showed up. Tina went to her to
explain what happened to Kay, the moment she started talking Gyaubea slapped her and
engaged in a fight with her. The nurses called the security man to separate them. The two of
them left the hospital. Tina went to the hospital the following day to see how Kay was faring.
They discharged Kay that same day so Tina asked him to come and stay with her for some time.
Kay went and lived with Tina.Kay was fully recovered and he told Tina that he can’t stay anymore
he don’t want to create any problems. Tina pleaded with him to stay but he refused. Tina gave
him some amount of money to rent some room and use the rest to take care of himself.

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