Syllalbus Python TW

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Certainly, I can provide you with a rough outline of a 12-week Python course along with some examples

and explanations for each week. Keep in mind that this is a general structure and can be customized
based on the skill level of the participants and the goals of the course.

**Week 1-2: Introduction to Python**

- Basic syntax: Variables, data types, and operators.

- Control structures: Conditional statements (if, elif, else) and loops (for, while).

- Example: Write a program that calculates the average of three exam scores.

**Week 3-4: Functions and Modules**

- Defining and using functions.

- Scope and lifetime of variables.

- Introduction to built-in modules.

- Example: Create a function to calculate the factorial of a number.

**Week 5-6: Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries**

- Lists: Creating, indexing, slicing, and modifying.

- Tuples: Differences from lists, immutability.

- Dictionaries: Key-value pairs, methods for manipulation.

- Example: Build a program that maintains a dictionary of contact information.

**Week 7-8: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)**

- Classes and objects: Creating and using classes.

- Inheritance and polymorphism.

- Encapsulation and abstraction.

- Example: Design a simple banking system using OOP principles.

**Week 9: File Handling**

- Reading and writing files.

- Working with text and binary files.

- Exception handling: Try-except blocks.

- Example: Develop a program that reads data from a CSV file and performs calculations.

**Week 10: Error Handling and Debugging**

- Common types of errors: Syntax, runtime, logical.

- Using the traceback and debugging tools.

- Strategies for effective debugging.

- Example: Introduce intentional errors into a program and guide students through the debugging

**Week 11: Intermediate Topics**

- List comprehensions: Concise way to create lists.

- Lambda functions: Anonymous functions.

- Modules and packages: Creating and importing.

- Example: Use list comprehension to filter even numbers from a given list.

**Week 12: Project and Final Review**

- Assign a larger project that combines various concepts learned.

- Encourage students to design, implement, and test a real-world application.

- Final review of all concepts covered during the course.

- Example: Have students work on a simple e-commerce application that includes user registration,
product catalog, and shopping cart functionality.

Remember, this is a general overview and can be adjusted based on the specific needs and pace of the
participants. It's important to provide hands-on coding exercises and projects throughout the course to
reinforce learning and practical application.

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