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Simple Setup Purpose is to find an eating goal to retain muscle mass during a diet.

ing a diet. Start here to enter your stats that are also used on other optional tabs. Answer the
questions to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR - calories burned sleeping) and Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE - calories burned doing copyright of format
ver. 1/5/14 [1] everything), and you will be given a daily goal appropriate for the amount you want to lose and your exercise type and time. If you want more details on by heybales on
the supporting studies and see the math yourself and tweak some values, you can go to the TDEE Deficit tab.
*** To change the values, you must go to the spreadsheet File - Make a copy ***
*** Or spreadsheet File - Download as Excel, to change the values *** Green is to set up in your website profile.

*** Only change values in yellow cells *** Red is results based on current weight. Blue is results based on goal weight.

Your Information
(sample data in yellow, delete before entering your own stats) You can track these stats on the Progress tab before you
Use US or Metric, not both, delete the unneeded stats update them with new stats.
f Gender (m/f) f
30.00 US lb and in Age 30 Metric kg and cm
106.5942 235 <------ Current Weight (CW) ------> Only valid weigh-in and measurement day -
morning after rest day eating normal sodium
165.1000 65 <----------- Height -----------> levels, not sore from last workout.

Estimated body fat% calculator Optional also

(optional but very recommended to see more progress, measure
first thing in morning after rest day, round to 0.25" or cm, tape Jackson Pollock 7-Site Skin Fold Caliper
should be level and firm but do not compress skin) Method (pics & instructions)
inch cm avg 2 or 3 measurements in mm
6.5 6.5 wrist of dominate hand - minimum girth chest/pectoral 34
13 13 forearm palm up - maximum girth abdominal 55
19.5 19.5 neck looking level - minimum girth thigh 40
44.25 44.25 waist - minimum girth triceps 26
48 48 abdomen at navel subscapular 29
51.75 51.75 hips feet together - maximum girth suprailiac 53
32 32 one thigh feet 2" apart - maximum girth midaxillary 39
16 16 one calf - maximum girth
body fat % 41.96
FALSE Body composition 51.94 U.S. Navy Circumference Method 276 FALSE
FALSE scale or handheld 38.85 Covert Bailey "Fit or Fat" book Method
43.2 43.99 Avgerage body fat % of the two to four methods
Your body may not measure well for BF% calculator currently, update your stats as you
lose fat which will cause movement to one number or the other as accuracy improves

Current Body Fat % (optional) 43.99 (use your own measured stat like BodPod or estimate from above calculator)
59.7034 131.6 Current Lean Body Mass (LBM)
46.8908 103.4 Current Fat Mass (FM)

Tested RMR value (optional) (Delete if none. Not estimated from BF% test like BodPod, but true RMR test.)

height in inches Need suggested goal weight?

65.00000208 (requires height & wrist size above)
large lb Frame size suggestion is large kg
113 small frame
125 medium frame
138 large frame

61.2350 135 <----- Final Goal Weight (GW) ----->

1,813 Cunningham
1,660 Katch Activity Calculator
1,787 Mifflin
1,660 Sedentary is base activity that is built on, which already includes weekly - 40 hr work sitting, 56 hr sleeping, 65 hr sitting/standing, 7 hr slow walking
1,997 Daily activity during a 40 hour work week that is more than just a desk-job sitting [2]
189 How many hours a week of work or activity are you standing on your feet or moving somewhat like service trades or with kids? 35 you can put notes
153 How many hours a week of work or activity are you physical with lifting or moving a lot like labor trades? 5 here as reminder
Exercise or consistent daily activity that applies [3]
23 How many minutes a week of low cardio exercise are you walking flat up to 3 mph or other equal activity, like yoga or yard work? 45 yoga class
0 How many minutes a week of medium cardio exercise are you walking flat from 3 mph up to 4 mph or other equal activity?
478 How many minutes a week of high cardio exercise are you more intense than walking 4 mph like circuit or gym or DVD classes? 180 3 Zumba classes
135 How many minutes a week of weight lifting (not circuit training) including set rests but not warmup/cooldown cardio are you doing? 120 3x40 min sessions
2,975 Does this many hours a week of exercise sound correct? 5.75 If not, confirm the minutes above.
1.79 (if your workout time is too variable week to week, fill in whatever
is constant, and go to the Tweak tab now)

% deficit method Your Results

2,380 Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 1,660 from Katch-McArdle formula based on weight and body fat 43.99%
2% weight loss method
Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) 2,975 based on your weekly activity averaged to a daily level with a BMR activity factor of 1.79
1,975 Total Daily Eating Goal (TDEG) 1,975 33.6% deficit is based on 100 lbs left to lose and max available to deficit

0.7% deficit method Average Daily Deficit Calories 1,000 2 lbs expected weekly fat loss (not always weight loss)
2,152 If that TDEG is a jump of 200 calories over your avg current eating level, and your weight loss was stalled, only increase 200
calories a day extra for a week or two at a time. If you are still slowly losing, perhaps jump half the distance for a week or two. Alternate use - Eating For Future You
If the TDEG
deficit range & cardio/lifting % currently is within 100 cal of your BMR because you have a lot to lose and/or are doing lifting rather than high cardio, Eat now what you would likely eat at
suggest you take 1 day every week and eat at TDEE. Make it a lifting day for max benefit, at least a workout day at minimum. goal weight, with a slight deficit, only
228 need to change if your activity changes.
0.6 When your weight drops 5 lbs, or your measurements for body fat % change, or your daily activity changes, or your exercise type
and time change, then you need to correct the stats above to see if your final TDEG changes enough to worry about.
The TDEG includes the exercise you specified in the Activity Calculator, so if you miss a planned hour, skip 100 calories that day Fill in all stats above as normal.
unless that sends you below BMR. If you make up that workout hour, eat 100 more. Eat back unplanned exercise totally. Current TDEE --> 2,975
You do NOT eat back the planned exercise. You can log your planned workouts as 1 calorie, or total calories after you have met
your daily goal, or total calories and remember your TDEG so the posting on wall will show the full burn amount. This resulting Future TDEG is for goal
Above TDEG is based on ratio of heavy cardio to lifting you plan on doing and amount to lose. All heavy cardio or no exercise has weight TDEE with a 5% deficit, but not
Future You BMR lower than current BMR.
least deficit, lifting has most deficit, because lifting helps retain muscle. It is a sliding goal based on your planned workouts.
Future TDEG --> 2,270
Changes to make in your account and diet settings
Update website account profile Deficit calories is really the Current
TDEE minus Future TDEG.
Set any weight loss goal to maintain, and change any activity level to cause daily burn to end up near 2975
Avg Daily Deficit -- 704
Protein / Fat % Update website diet or eating options >
25 Set eating goal amount to 1975 23.7% deficit for 1.4 lbs weekly fat loss
25 Set Carbohydrates to 50% (247g), Protein to 25% (123g), Fat to 25% (55g)
Please keep updating stats for accurate
math on deficit, and if Future TDEG
Macros are based on common recommendations for your LBM or GW, you can tweak your macros more on the Macros tab. matches BMR now, both will lower too.
Ignore the math on website for weight loss, since they will not know the better TDEE to subtract eating calories from. Use same macro goals to the left.

Optional - You can view these results in more detail on the TDEE Deficit tab, you can eat back exercise
calories that are too variable with Tweak tab, you can read the other tab descriptions.
Progress Keep track of past measurements and weight and eating levels here, to tweak or see progress being made. Currently entered stats Instructions to keep this tab, but get new spreadsheet
ver. 10/25/13 [4] from Simple Setup tab are shown, just retype what is important to you with the date they applied before you enter in new stats in the Avg eaten daily calc
Simple Setup tab. Use table at right to get Avg eaten daily figure, and adjust the TDEE to reality.
enter in total calories eaten from last
logging to current, no zero days used.
Current stats from Simple Setup tab From food logs Start date Gross calories
Age Weight Height Avg BF% Navy % Covert % 7-site % Scale % LBM FM BMR TDEE TDEG Avg eaten daily wrist forearm neck waist abdomen hips thigh calf other other 11/1/2012 2005
30 235.0 65.0 43.99 51.94 38.85 41.96 43.20 131.6 103.4 1,660 2,975 1,975 table to right 6.5 13 19.5 44.25 48 51.75 32 16 11/2/2012 2050
11/3/2012 1994
Log stats from above 11/4/2012 2015
Date of stats Weight Height Avg BF% Navy % Covert % 7-site % Scale % LBM FM BMR TDEE TDEG Avg eaten daily wrist forearm neck waist abdomen hips thigh calf other other 11/5/2012 2009
11/1/2012 235 65 45.4 51.9 38.9 42 43.2 128.3 106.7 1,627 2,856 1,856 2,015 6.5 13 19.5 44.25 48 51.75 32 16 11/6/2012 2009
11/7/2012 2020
Avg eaten daily 2,015

TDEE Adjustment calculator

TDEE estimate based on at least 4
weeks of loss and gross eating calories

Amount lost in lbs - 8

Over # of weeks - 4
Avg eaten daily - 2015

Observed TDEE : 3015

Change Activity Calc daily activity
standing hours to: 42
(if enough to worry about)
(Do not estimate if new workout routine
started, or inaccurate food logging, or
starting too low below TDEE, no need
suppressing system even slower.)
Website Tweaking I use a HRM and know my exercise calories, and want to log and eat them back to feed my workouts, which are
irregular or vary too much week to week to use the TDEE Deficit method. I want to keep my metabolism running
ver. 1/3/14 [5] as high as possible and net eat above my BMR or RMR.
*** Only change values in yellow cells ***
*** You must go to the spreadsheet File - Make a copy, to change the values ***
Your Information *** Or spreadsheet File - Download as Excel, to change the values ***
(Enter your stats on the Simple Setup tab) *** Only change cells in yellow ***
Gender (M/F) f Red is for current weight.
Age 30 or Metric Blue is based on goal weight.
Current Weight lbs 235 Current kg Green is the info to enter in to profile.
Height inches 65 Height cm
Final Goal Weight lbs 135 Goal kg
Current Body Fat % (optional) 43.99
Current Lean Body Mass lbs 131.6 (used in Katch/Cunningham formula as best BMR/RMR estimate)
Projected BF% if LBM kept 2.5 (this may not be realistic, you may lose or gain some LBM)

BMR - base calories body burns sleeping deep all day (Basal Metabolic Rate) LBM - everything but fat in body (Lean Body Mass)
RMR - calories body burns if awake but resting all day (Resting Metabolic Rate)

What is my more accurate BMR estimate from Katch-McArdle formula? 1,660

What is BMR based on the Mifflin-St Jeor formula? 1,787
What about the least accurate Harris-Benedict formula? 1,840
What would be my BMR from tested RMR?

How do I tweak profile settings so the daily eating goal is based on the better BMR or RMR estimate?
Which BMR / RMR value to use? 1660
Confirm Simple Setup Activity Calc is filled out with consistent activity - 1.79 multiplier
Which daily activity multiplier to use? 1.44

Daily activity maintenance - 2,390

Deficit amount % - 20.0 Deficit cal's - 478
Daily NET eating goal - 1,912

Update website account profile

Set any weight loss goal to maintain, and change any activity level to cause daily burn to end up near 2390
Update website diet or eating options
Set eating goal amount to 1912
Set Carbohydrates to 50% (239g), Protein to 25% (120g), Fat to 25% (53g)
25 25
MFP should set net goal to -
After 5 lb loss or measurements change, enter new stats on Simple Setup tab and confirm Daily NET goal.
Macros are based on common recommendations for your LBM or GW, you can tweak macros on the Macros tab.
Log and eat back your non-included exercise calories to maintain that net above BMR/RMR. 4
So that your exercise calories also have the same deficit % as above and don't include normal daily activity calories, you can enter the gross reported calories
from machine, HRM, or exercise database. The normal activity will be taken out, and the deficit taken off.

Table range of frequent reported calorie burn, workout minutes, and calories to be logged/eaten back
With HRM tab with correct stats, here is your burn for a workout: 45 minutes 150 average HR 437 calories burned
Reported calories burned - Workout minutes - Amount to actually log and eat back - Extra Deficit cal's - Total Daily Deficit -
can list workout info here 500 60 320 180 658
lift 300 60 160 140 618
yoga 150 45 60 90 568
lift 300 60 160 140 618
zumba 500 60 320 180 658
0 0 0
zumba 500 60 320 180 658
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
Weekly Totals - 2,250 345 1,342 908 3,777
FitBit/BodyMedia Tweaking I use a FitBit (FB) or BodyMediaFit (BMF)/BodyBugg, and want to confirm and tweak their site and diet site, for better calorie
ver. 1/5/14 [6] estimates based on Katch BMR or actual RMR testing. I want to take a deficit % rather than block amount of calories. Fill out the
*** Only change values in yellow cells *** Simple Setup tab first up to the Activity Calculator.
*** You must go to the spreadsheet File - Make a copy, to change the values ***
Your Information *** Or spreadsheet File - Download as Excel, to change the values ***
(Enter your stats on the Simple Setup tab) *** Only change cells in yellow ***
Gender (M/F) f Red is for current weight.
Age 30 or Metric Blue is based on goal weight.
Current Weight lbs 235 Current kg Green is the info to change in profile.
Height inches 65 Height cm
Final Goal Weight lbs 135 Goal kg
Current Body Fat % (optional) 43.99
Current Lean Body Mass lbs 131.6 (used in Katch/Cunningham formula as best BMR/RMR estimate)
Projected BF% if LBM kept 2.5 (this may not be realistic, you may lose or gain some LBM)

Tweaking FB or BMF
Tested RMR if known - 1,800 Calculated Cunningham RMR: 1,813
44.56461492 1722.80138
Katch BMR: 1,646 based on tested RMR
Mifflin BMR: 1,787 based on gender, age, weight, height
The BMR's used are more than 50 calories different and
height adjustment would help

FB & BMF use a BMR value as foundation to estimating sleeping, non-moving, and slow moving calorie burn.
For those devices to use the better estimated Katch BMR based on BF% or tested RMR, height can be changed.
As stats change, this will change too. 154.9183598
Change the height on the device's site for your profile to: 61 inches If you change the height, you'll need updated stats for below
FB stride length will need to be manually corrected. after a couple weeks with new setting.
Estimating TDEE
3 options, 2 methods, pick 1.
1 - Non-Exercise Method 2 - TDEE Deficit Method (adjusting slightly daily)
Non-exercise (or partial-exercise) TDEE, eat back exercise Exercise included TDEE, do not eat back exercise calories.
calories when done. Used with exercise the device is good at estimating calorie
Used with exercise the device is not good at estimating burn on; walking, jogging, steps, elliptical maybe, running
calorie burn on; lifting, circuit, spinning, rowing, ect. maybe, group classes maybe.

Find 7 typical days with normal routine that does NOT Find 7 typical days with normal routine that does include
include exercise (or only exercise the device is good at exercise the device is good at estimating calorie burn on and
estimating calorie burn) and enter the reported TDEE. enter the reported TDEE.
2150 2450
2200 2420
2175 2470
2100 2350
2050 2320
2125 2500
2075 2400

Average non-exercise (or partial) TDEE: 2,125 Average exercise included TDEE: 2,416

Take these 2 values to Tweak tab here in spreadsheet, and enter in correct Take these 2 values to Tweak tab here in spreadsheet, and enter in to the correct
cells for BMR and Multiplier, then follow instructions there. cells for BMR and Multiplier, then follow instructions there.
Katch BMR: 1,646 Katch BMR: 1,646
BMR multiplier: 1.29 BMR multiplier: 1.47

In addition to instructions on Tweak tab, set your device sync option to In addition to instructions on Tweak tab, set your device sync option to positive and
positive and negative. Use that tab to figure out how much exercise to log negative, eat whatever the new daily goal is.
that the device is not good at estimating, like lifting, circuit, spinning, The result here is eating about the same number daily based on what your device
rowing, ect. Eat whatever the new daily goal is. is seeing, future monthly check on device TDEE would be useful as stats change.
The result here is smaller daily adjustments on non-exercise days from
device syncing, and eating correctly for execise it is not good at estimating,
or all exercise HRM is valid to be used for.

3 - TDEE Deficit Method (set amount daily)

Non-exercise TDEE, do not eat back exercise calories.
Used with the Simple Setup Activity Calculator estimating the
workout calories to balance out through the week. But using
the device for other daily activity.

Find 7 typical days with normal routine that does NOT include
exercise and enter the reported TDEE in table above.

Take this value to the Simple Setup tab here in spreadsheet,

and enter in to the Activity Calculator - Daily Activities section
- service trades line as hours on feet.

Hours standing on feet: 77.64

Finish filling out your planned exercise and continue with

instructions to change your profile settings. Set your device
sync option to no sync.
The result here is eating the same number daily based on
non-exercise TDEE and planned exercise. If that changes
would be useful to check device TDEE when stats change.
Macro value calculations I want to apply some common recommendations with my daily eating goal, like eating enough protein to support
ver. 10/31/12 weight lifting, or following macro recommendations based on LBM, and need to convert to a method using macro
*** Only change values in yellow cells *** percentages. Or I want to follow the Zone diet that has it's own daily and meal calorie goals based on LBM.
*** You must go to the spreadsheet File - Make a copy, to change the values ***
Your Information *** Or spreadsheet File - Download as Excel, to change the values ***
(Enter your stats on the Simple Setup tab) *** Only change cells in yellow ***
Gender (M/F) f Red is for current weight.
Age 30 or Metric Blue is based on goal weight.
Current Weight lbs 235 Current kg Green is the info to change.
Height inches 65 Height cm
Final Goal Weight lbs 135 Goal kg
Current Body Fat % (optional) 43.99
Current Lean Body Mass lbs 131.6 LBM kg

Total Daily Eating Goal from the Simple Setup tab: 1,975 1,600
What is the daily eating goal you plan on using? 1600 As weight is lost, and goal goes down, you'll need to recalculate.
Protein - common recommendation is at least 0.91 g/lb/day (2 g/kg/day), of LBM, or 1 g/lb goal weight
LBM Goal Current
protein grams 120 123 213 grams per lb or per kg
protein calories 478 490 854 Multiplier to use: 0.91 2.00

Fat - common recommendation is 0.37 g/lb/day (0.8 g/kg/day), of LBM, or 0.45 g/lb goal weight
LBM Goal Current
fat grams 48 49 86 grams per lb or per kg
fat calories 431 443 770 Multiplier to use: 0.365 0.80

Carbohydrates - common recommendation is to fill out the rest of your daily goal calories.
LBM Goal Current
carb grams 173 167 cannot
carb calories 690 667 use

Enter the macro calories you would like to use based on your daily eating goal, you can tweak values as you see fit.
protein 456
fat 412
carb 732
Total: 1600

How do I change website macro values to my own amounts?

Find your eating goals and macro amounts.
Set Carbohydrates to 46% If website only goes by 5%
Set Protein to 29% increments, adjust as needed.
Set Fat to 26% Suggest rounding up protein.
Set other values as desired.

Zone diet method from Barry Sears

Theory is to encourage mainly fat burning during daily activity and as much as possible during exercise. Therefore all cardio should be in the Active Recovery HR
zone, HIIT should be 30 min max, and weight lifting can be done. Always eat a 2 block snack for a workout beyond the selected Exercise Activity Level. Should never
go more than 5 hrs without a meal or snack. Please read up on it if interested, this is just a calculator. Requires estimating bodyfat%, because you feed the LBM. Re-
measure every 5 lbs lost. Minimum about 1183 calories.

Exercise Activity Factors and Levels

0.5 - sedentary (no formal sports activity or training) Additional points to add:
0.6 - light fitness training, such as walking Add 0.1 for every daily hour above 2 hrs hard training
0.7 - moderate training (3 times or hours a week) Add 0.1 if nursing
0.8 - 5 times or hours weekly aerobic training or moderate weights Add 0.2 if pregnant
0.9 - heavy daily weight training Add 0.1 if you stand long periods at work
1.0 - twice-a-day intense sports training Add 0.15 to 0.2 for strenuous jobs

Enter your Activity Level Factor: 0.9 (may use number between levels)

Daily protein goal: 118

Macros Carb Protein Fat

goal grams 158 118 53
goal calories 632 474 474 1579
gram per block 9 7 3 Goal (minimum 13 blocks)
goal blocks 18 17 18 1547
percent 40% 30% 30%

How do I change MFP stats to manually enter my own goal?

Update website account profile Set any weight loss goal to maintain, and change any activity level to whatever, doesn't matter though
Update website diet or eating options Set eating goal amount to green value above
Set Carbohydrates to 40%, Protein to 30%, Fat to 30%.

When exercise up to 60 min is logged beyond the planned amount, make the calorie burn 182 as reminder of extra to eat.

Meal and Snack block sizes Sizes in grams

Blocks Carb Protein Fat Calories
1 9 7 3 91
2 18 14 6 182
3 27 21 9 273
4 36 28 12 364
5 45 35 15 455
6 54 42 18 546

Meal/snack suggested blocks to get total to 17

Breakfast 4
Lunch 4
Snack 2
Dinner 4
Snack 3
TDEE Deficit goals I don't know my exercise calories and/or don't want to eat them back on just one day. I want to feed my
workouts for body improvement. I want to keep my metabolism running as high as possible by net eating
ver. 1/3/14 [7] above BMR on weekly average. I want a safe deficit off my TDEE. I want a single Daily goal. copyright of format by heybales on
please PM suggestions for improvement
*** You must go to the spreadsheet File - Make a copy, to change the values ***
*** Or spreadsheet File - Download as Excel, to change the values ***

*** Only change values in yellow cells *** Red is results based on current weight. Blue is results based on goal weight. Green is to change in profile.

Your Information Estimated body fat% calculator

(Enter your stats on the Simple Setup tab) Need suggested goal weight? (Enter your stats on the Simple Setup tab)
Gender (M/F) f 6.5 wrist 48 abdomen at navel
Age 30 or Metric frame size suggestion is large 13 forearm 51.75 hips
Current Weight lbs 235 Current kg small frame 113 19.5 neck 32 thigh
Height inches 65 Height cm frame 125 44.25 waist 16 calf
Final Goal Weight lbs 135 Goal kg large frame 138
Current Body Fat % (optional) 43.99 51.94 U.S. Navy Circumference Method
Current Lean Body Mass lbs 131.6 LBM kg (used in Katch & Cunningham formula) 38.85 Covert Bailey "Fit or Fat" book method
Projected BF% if LBM kept 2.5 (this may not be realistic, you may lose or gain some LBM) 45.40 Avg body fat % of the two (within 5% decent estimate, outside bad)

BMR - base calories body burns sleeping deep all day (Basal Metabolic Rate) RMR - calories body burns resting and awake (Resting MR)
What are the different formulas I've seen for BMR? (based on weight, BF% or age, weight, height) Cunningham formula - 1,813

What is my more accurate BMR estimate from Katch-McArdle formula? 1,660 My tested RMR - 1533 While this BF% may not be
accurate, it does show if
What is BMR based on the Mifflin-St Jeor formula? 1,787 Estimated BF% - 56.0 estimated BF% is correct, or
What about the least accurate Harris-Benedict formula? 1,840 Estimated BMR - 1,384 RMR is suppressed.

TDEE - Total Daily Energy Expenditure that would normally include exercise, usually daily avg based on weekly routine
Three ways to get this figure; 1. Activity Calculator, 2. Known exercise calories, or 3. BodyMedia/FitBit device. Pick one method or compare. 3B is best.

1A. Activity Level calculator (Katch or Mifflin BMR * multiplier) (based on studies from WHO in 1985, and Durnin, Passmore in 1967, and Bubb, Martin, Howley 1985)

*** enter weekly totals on Simple Setup tab *** Time Daily Calories
Sedentary - most of day sitting, description at right (BMR x 1.30 male or 1.20 female) 1,997 Sedentary avg weekly hrs:
Hours of work standing on feet and/or moving somewhat (service trades) 35 189 These additions to base Sleeping - 56
Hours of work physical with lifting or moving a lot (labor trades) 5 153 calories subtract the base Work sitting - 40
Minutes Light exercise (walking level up to 3mph or other equal cardio, yoga, yardwork) 45 23 RMR calories that would Walking slow - 7
have been burned
Minutes Moderate exercise (walking level up to 4mph or equal cardio) 0 anyway, so no doubling Sitting/standing - 65
Minutes Heavy workouts (harder cardio than Moderate, intense gym/DVD classes) 180 478 up for this time.
Minutes weight lifting (not circuit training) including set rests but not warmup/cooldown 120 135
weekly exercise hrs 5.75 TDEE 2,975 (less TDEE for female -
equivalent BMR to TDEE multiplier 1.79

1B. Activity Level calculator (Katch or Mifflin BMR * multiplier) (based on study by Harris in 1919) 2. I already have my known exercise calories from a Heart Rate Monitor,
Multiplier TDEE what would be my better estimated average TDEE?
Sedentary - little or no exercise, desk job 1.2 1,992 Daily non-exercise activity (MFP based description) Daily Calories
Lightly Active - light exercise/sports 1-3 hrs or days a week 1.375 2,282 Sedentary - most of day sitting 1.25 2,074
Moderately Active - moderate exercise/sports 3-5 hrs or days a week 1.55 2,572 Lightly Active - good part of day on feet 1.4 2,323
Very Active - hard exercise/sports 6-7 hrs or days a week 1.725 2,863 Active - good part of day doing physical work 1.6 2,655
Extremely Active - hard or 2x daily exercise/sports & physical job 1.9 3,153 Very Active - most of the day doing physical work 1.8 2,987
avg exercise calories per hr included in this TDEE: 134
Average exercise calories from HRM Sun 500 60
3A. I have BodyMediaFit or FitBit or other with daily stats, what is my average TDEE value? in the first column Mon 300 60
Take a typical week of activity, and enter each daily total in section to the right for exercise calories. Average workout time in minutes in Tue 150 45
Do not include minutes. Remove the value for "Daily non-exercise calories to use", there is your TDEE. the second column Wed 300 60
Thu 500 60
(this removes your daily
3B. I use BMF or FB and HRM, but I trust the exercise HRM calories more, what is my better avg TDEE? cal's from the HRM cal's Fri
Enter daily stats for three different but typical non-exercise 24 hr days here. so not double counted) Sat 500 60
Day 1 2450 This adjusts their Harris BMR used to Total 1,708 5.75 hrs/wk
Day 2 2435 calculate calories burned to the best Daily Average 244
Katch BMR if available.
Day 3 2420
Daily non-exercise calories to use at right: 2,262 Daily non-exercise calories to use from above: 2262
Enter this value and your average HRM exercise calories and minutes in section to the right, there is your TDEE. (or to left if BMF or FB) TDEE: 2,506
equivalent BMR to TDEE multiplier 1.51

Now that I have my BMR and TDEE, what are the different deficit methods I can use? Should re-calc every 5lbs lost, as daily goal may change, or may change method used.
TDEE value from the Simple Setup tab: 2,975 2,506 All Daily total gross goals do not go lower than current BMR.
What TDEE value from above do you want to use? 2506 1.510008078

Deficit is 10% to 20% off TDEE, depending on amount to lose. lbs or kg calories calories
Deficit amount: 20.0 Weekly weight loss: 1.00 Daily deficit: 501 Total Daily Eating Goal: 2,005 this is appropriate if focus is
cardio or little exercise.

Deficit is 2% of weight to be lost, each week, which means more to lose is bigger deficit, less to lose is smaller deficit.
Goal weight to lose (lbs or kg) : 100.0 2% weekly to lose: 2.00 Daily deficit: 1,000 Total Daily Eating Goal: 1,660 this is appropriate if very
obese and the lowest goal.

Deficit is 0.7% of current weight, to potentially allow gaining LBM during deficit. study -
Current weight (lbs or kg): 235 0.7% weekly to lose: 1.65 Daily deficit: 823 Total Daily Eating Goal: 1,683 this is correct if focus is lifting
heavy 3 x week minimum.
Deficit is Calorie Cycling based on BF%, and lifting or rest day, with a TDEE refeed day. basis -
Current bodyfat%: 43.99 weekly loss depends on # of workouts Daily avg lift/rest deficit: 501 Non-Lift day TDEG: 1,754 this is correct if focus is lifting
heavy only 3 x 45-60 min or 4
Lift day TDEG: 2,255 x 30-45 min weekly for re-
Higher Fat macro Rest day goal: TDEE - 30% Log only the lifting workout for eating back with calories per hr: 501 composition, cardio if done is
Higher Carb macro Lift day goal: TDEE - 10% Refeed on a rest day using TDEE as goal every: 10 days only walking on rest days.
Create a workout called Refeed/Reset for that day with calories: 752
Deficit is based on 5 days eating at TDEE, and 2 non-consecutive rest days eating at 25% of TDEE. study -
Defict amount: 21.4 weekly loss: 1.07 Daily deficit avg: 537 5 TDEE days: 2,506 this is useful if 2 rest days and
steady routine.
2 Intermittent Fast days: 626.5
Create and pre-log on 2 rest days a food item called "IF day adjustment" with calories of: 1,880

If your workout routine changes in a major way, then re-calc your TDEE. If you miss or add a planned workout, skip or add 100 calories per hour that day, unless that goes below BMR.
All these methods include exercise, therefore workouts can be logged as 1 calorie (and you do not eat them back) if you desire to log workouts and see the same daily goal.
Some suggest still looking at daily eaten minus exercise calories, and never net below BMR, some suggest rest days will balance out those days on a weekly basis.
If constantly netting under BMR by more than 100-200 when exercise is subtracted, you should use TDEE method with known HRM exercise calories, tweaked on HRM tab.
If changing goal higher to get out of a stall or slower weight loss, be aware it probably took weeks to get to that point, and may take weeks to get out of it. Stick to it!

How do I change MFP stats to manually enter my own goal?

Update website account profile Set any weight loss goal to maintain, and change any activity level to cause daily burn to end up near 2506
Update website diet or eating options Set eating goal amount to a green value above
Ignore the math on website for weight loss, since they will not know the better TDEE to subtract eating calories from.
You should confirm your macros have enough protein too, see the Macros tab and use your selected TDEG above.
Heart Rate Monitor - calorie estimate improvements & HR zone training *** Only change values in yellow cells *** rev. 11/18/13 [8]

How to improve HRM estimate of calories burned during steady-state aerobic exercise. (which is only time that estimate is valid)
HRM stats
0 Gender (m/f) f Metric (kg & cm)
metric conversion Age - 30
106.594207 Weight lbs - 235 Do you run or do gym classes naked? This should be weight with clothes.
165.1 Height in - 65
Resting HR (RHR) - 60 Take first thing in morning before moving, 3 days avg. Tested VO2max - 20.5
HRmax - 188 Enter results from section below. Weight at test time (kg) - 120
VO2max - 33.8 Enter results from section below. Current weight VO2max - 23.1

VO2max - Simple but more impact - Polar and others may estimate your VO2max for you, and allow you to change the value based on testing.
This method is found to be better than submaximal VO2max tests. If you can do a maximal test in next section down that would be more accurate.
If you selected a similar activity level during HRM setup, it is using this type of calculation, but this may be more accurate. Study

Step 1 - Enter all the HRM stats above

Step 2 - Enter PAS from below choices - 3.03

Physical Activity Score (PAS). PAS is the number matching the level below.
Choose one activity level that best describes your usual pattern of daily/weekly physical activities, including activities related to house and family care,
transportation, occupation, exercise and wellness, and leisure or recreational purposes. Use the matching PAS # in Step 2.
Level PAS # Description
1 0 Inactive or little activity other than usual daily activities.

2 0.32 Regularly (>5 d/wk) participate in physical activities requiring low levels of exertion that result in slight increases
in breathing and heart rate for at least 10 minutes at a time.
3 1.06 Participate in aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging or running, cycling, swimming, or vigorous sports
at a comfortable pace or other activities requiring similar levels of exertion for 20 to 60 minutes per week.
4 1.76 Participate in aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging or running at a comfortable pace, or other
activities requiring similar levels of exertion for 1 to 3 hours per week.
5 3.03 Participate in aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging or running at a comfortable pace, or other
activities requiring similar levels of exertion for over 3 hours per week.

Step 3 - Resting Heart Rate from above: 60 (this should be measured first thing after waking up before moving around, average a couple of mornings)

Step 4 - Enter estimated VO2max into HRM, or compare with what is there. What difference could that make for reported calories burned?
39.11 MET value: 9.65 Polar funded study basis -
VO2max: 33.8 ml/kg/m 575 Enter avg HR - 150
Current VO2max in HRM - 20 500 Enter time in mins - 60
VO2max based on HRmax & RHR: Male only

HRmax - Difficult but good impact - most HRM's roughly estimate your HRmax based on 220-age, and hopefully allow you to change the value.
For HRM's that don't allow changing the VO2max, and don't ask questions like above, they base VO2max on HRmax stat and other stats.
So this stat is very important to know how much effort based on HR the workout was, and how many calories burned.
Step 1 - estimate HRmax based on other formula's
Step 2 - estimate HRmax on field test with walking. If you've ever reached a peak HR during a workout higher than this result, that + 5 is best HRmax
Step 3 - only if exercising for a while and Dr approved, and want to do max test that will also give better estimate of VO2max or

How to improve workouts using HRM and zones

The body can only get stronger with proper rest and nutrition. Using a TDEE deficit method handles part of that. But the body can't improve from exercise if not given adequate
rest to use that nutrition. That can be accomplished not only by a total or Active Recovery rest day, say after the hardest workouts, but also by having proper balance between
really intense workouts, recovery workouts, and what is being stressed in those workouts. Without proper recovery, workouts will reach a plateau and not improve as much as
all the hard work being done could improve them. Do you want the most improvement for time and effort spent? All-out each time is not the best method. Resting HR going up,
more than normal sickness, plateau or going backwards in performance or strength, all will tell you if body is being stressed badly and going wrong direction.

Step 1 - Get decent HR zones.

HRmax from top : 188 RHR from top : 60 HR Reserve (HRR) : 128

Zones based on Energy source of calories burned in HRmax zones

Zones and % of HRR (better) Lower Upper % of HRmax (good) Avg % of Fat Avg % of Carbs
1 - Active Recovery (Fat Burning) - 50-59% 124 136 94 - 112 (rough estimate) If 500 calorie workout in Aerobic zone was
2 - Aerobic - 60-69% 137 149 113 - 131 > 55 < 45 done, roughly 200 cal's was carb's burned
3 - Tempo (Steady State) - 70-79% 150 162 132 - 149 55 - 28 45 - 72 (500 x 0.4). If in Anaerobic, roughly 425 cal's
of carb's (500 x 0.85). You can translate
4 - Anaerobic - 80-89% 162 174 150 - 168 27 - 8 73 - 92
HRmax zones to better HRR zones.
5 - Maximal - 90-100% 175 188 169 - 188 7-0 93 - 100

Step 2 - Plan weight lifting/interval days/times with cardio days/times, and cardio day to day workouts.
Weight Lifting or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) should not be followed or proceeded by a day working out the same muscles intensely.
A hard or intense workout should only be followed the next day by a hard/intense workout using different muscles, or rest day, or recovery cardio.
Active Recovery Zone cardio is great for day after weight lifting or HIIT, little additional stress on same muscles, but get blood flow to them.
Aerobic Zone cardio is great for day before HIIT, as it's not depleting glucose stores you'll need to do the HIIT properly at max intensity.
Aerobic Zone cardio is fine for day after bottom of Anaerobic Zone training.
Tempo Zone cardio is fine for race day, but not slow enough for recovery and uses mainly carbs, and not intense enough for improvement, avoid.
Intervals using Anaerobic Zone for 1-3 minutes should use Aerobic Zone as recovery for same amount of time before repeat.
Intervals using Maximal Zone for 15-60 seconds should use Active Recovery Zone for 3-4x as long.
Cardio using bottom of Anaerobic Zone uses mostly carbs, can be 20-60 min, with day before or after doing Aerobic Zone cardio.
Workout in fasted state should only be low Aerobic or Active Recovery Zone cardio or weight lifting, so remaining carbs aren't burned through.

Day Workout type (lifting, HIIT, cardio) & intensity

Sun gym class lower focus
Mon lifting upper, recovery cardio walk
Tue recovery cardio walk
Wed lifting lower, recovery cardio walk
Thu gym class upper focus
Fri rest day
Sat DVD Zumba

Step 3 - Enhance cardio for performance and endurance, by using HR zones based on your Lactate Threshold found through self or VO2max test.
Basic idea is to run or ride (easiest to nail the resistance on treadmill/spin bike) for 20 min at LT, after 10 min warmup. Any higher HR and ability to continue at it fails, any
lower HR and you feel like you could have done more. Do two tests separated by 15 min very easy cardio, following a rest day. Use section on HRmax to estimate that
value first and enter at top. Use the LT estimated level as starting point for your test, move higher or lower as you feel you can. LT can improve with training.

HRmax from top : 188 RHR from top : 60 LT estimated : 169 LT Tested - 163

Info on zones and

Zones and % of LT (best) Lower Upper use.
1 - Active Recovery (< 80%) 114 130 stimulates circulation which speeds up healing of tissues that have been damaged
2 - Aerobic Threshold (80-89%) 130 146 should be most of training range for endurance over 4 min events, trains fat burning system
3 - Tempo (90-93%) 147 152 avoid, uses more carbs than lower zones, but doesn't provide enough training as upper zones will
4 - Lactate Threshold (94-99%) 153 162 train lactic acid usage and producing less of it, 20-60 min steady pace lower end, 12-30 min higher end
5a - Super-threshold (100-102%) 163 167 trains anaerobic carb burning system, helps muscle tolerate lactic acid build up
5b - Aerobic Capacity (103-105%) 168 172 intervals 1-3 min followed by zone 1 1-3 min, or 3-7 min followed by same in zone 2, requires recovery
5c - Anaerobic Capacity (>105%) 173 188 sprint intervals of 15-30 sec followed by zone 1 3x as long 45-90 sec, requires good recovery

Your personal calorie burn chart using VO2max, HRmax, and HR, based on Polar funded study formula -
Enter your HRM stats at the very top, using best results of the VO2max and HRmax sections further down. 32 I see studies or workouts that reference %
VO2max, What is my HR at those values?
avgHR bpm Minutes of exercise Calories for time avgHR bpm Minutes of exercise Calories for time
90 60 196.27 140 45 389.03 HRmax from top: 188
95 60 228.52 145 45 413.22 Formula only valid for 40-85% VO2max.
100 60 260.76 150 45 437.40
105 60 293.00 155 30 307.72 % VO2max HR bpm
110 60 325.25 160 30 323.84 40 119
115 60 357.49 165 30 339.97 55 137
120 60 389.74 170 15 178.04 60 143
125 60 421.98 175 15 186.11 65 149
130 60 454.22 180 15 194.17 75 161
135 60 486.47 185 5 67.41 85 173

Run / Walk Intervals weight based

135 Goal weight Up to 30 min Over 30 up to 60 min Over 60 up to 120 min Over 120 min
Weight range Run time Walk time Run time Walk time Run time Walk time Shift table down again
190 and up 0 full time x x x x
185 190 30 sec 9:30 min 0 full time x x % of time running
180 185 30 sec 4:30 min 30 sec 9:30 min 0 full time 0
175 180 1 min 4 min 30 sec 4:30 min 30 sec 9:30 min 5
170 175 1 min 2:20 min 1 min 4 min 30 sec 4:30 min 10
165 170 1 min 1:30 min 1 min 2:20 min 1 min 4 min 20
160 165 1 min 1 min 1 min 1:30 min 1 min 2:20 min 30
155 160 1:30 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 1:30 min 40
150 155 2:20 min 1 min 1:30 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 50
145 150 4 min 1 min 2:20 min 1 min 1:30 min 1 min 60
140 145 9 min 1 min 4 min 1 min 2:20 min 1 min 70
135 140 full time x 9 min 1 min 4 min 1 min 80
full time x 9 min 1 min 90
If starting and already on lower levels for weight, spend 1-2 wks on each upper
level before moving to your weight line. full time x 100
Several Timex Ironman watches have interval adjustments that work great for this. At goal weight on longer running time, spend 2-3 weeks on each interval levels first
Set second interval to repeat so many times. before going to the next one.
Garmin HRM with Firstbeat Technology VO2max tweaking (Forerunners 910XT & 310XT & 610 & 410 & 210 & 110, 405CX, Edges 800 & 500) rev. 9/12/12

VO2max - Firstbeat estimates your VO2max for you, based on BMI and hours of exercise weekly.
If you know your VO2max or estimated it better, there is no where to change it. But you can tweak your height to make it use your known value.
Firstbeat tweaks the following study

Step 1 - Enter all the stats that are in the HRM -

0 Gender (m/f) - f
Age - 30 Metric (kg & cm)
104.3262451 Weight lbs - 230
165.1 Height in - 65

Step 2 - Enter PAR whole number - 6

Physical Activity Rating (PAR). PAR is whole number from 0 to 10.
Select the PAR that best describes the frequency and number of hours the Garmin has logged each week
for last several weeks (hours more important than frequency if a couple long days add up):

Workout Frequency Time per week PAR

no exercise 0
Less than 15 min 1
Once every two weeks
15 to 30 min 2
Once a week About 30 min 3
About 45 min 4
2 to 3 times per week 45 to 60 min 5
1 to 3 hours 6
3 to 5 times per week 3 to 7 hours 7
Almost daily 7 to 11 hours 8
11 to 15 hours 9
More than 15 hours 10
What difference could that make for reported calories burned?
Step 3 - Enter your tested or better estimated VO2max - 34.3 575 Enter avg HR - 150
38.27 Firstbeat estimated VO2max : 27.6 538 Enter time mins - 60
Polar funded study basis -

Step 4 - To make Firstbeat use your VO2max stat, change the height in the Garmin to - 74 in
188 cm
*** Usage suggestion - perhaps you swim 2 hrs a week, or some other activity the Garmin does not log
because you don't wear it. It will be low on the hours in the above table. So your better estimated VO2max
may just mean using a PAR value that reflects your actual total weekly activity. See what that Firstbeat
estimated VO2max is and enter that in the better estimated cell. And then change the PAR value to what the
Garmin actually does log and is likely to be using.

basis for change -

[1] Ver 4 of spreadsheet, and this Simple Setup tab is new, and the place to enter stats.
11/2 - changed wording after TDEG and Deficit results to show stats.
11/29 - Changed % deficit method to be truly sliding scale.
12/2 - Added instructions for eating at goal weight.
12/8 - Corrected TDEG cell formula to choose which method.
12/10 - added fields for Future You method and resulting figures.
12/21 - based on some new research, lowered calories burned for lifting.
1/5 - added line to change macros based on rec's from Macros tab
1/7 - automated Future You section
1/23 - moved Future You section down with Your Results section
1/25 - New math in Activity Calc to better match descriptions of exercise
3/22 - Visual changes to activity calculator only
3/24 - Format changes for better Excel conversion
3/30 - Added skin fold BF method
4/24 - Made MFP activity level setting math correct instead of default setting - still doesn't matter
6/6 - Changed formulas for when you reach GW
7/8 - Added stat for tested RMR and using it in calcs
8/5 - Added gram figure for macros to % shown for changing in MFP
10/17 - Changed Activity Calc to weight based rather than BMR based estimates
10/23 - Study shows women have 5-10% smaller sedentary TDEE for equal LBM,so Activity Calc has that
in it now
10/30 - Corrected woman TDEE reduction to only apply when Katch is being used with LBM, and amount of
reduction, men get increased in same case. Added BF scale entry to avg in results.
1/3 - updated formulas that reference MFP activity levels after they changed the BMR multiplier.
1/5 - changed formula for gender TDEE correction if using tested RMR figure.

[2] These hours usually only matter if 10 hrs or more of your 40 hr work week is standing or moving more,
rough estimate is fine. Or if extra job that is standing in addition to desk job, add it on.

[3] The minutes of cardio relate to walking flat for those speeds. You might test walking flat 3 and 4 mph for
20 min to get a feel or HR for that intensity level, and then compare to your elliptical or stairmaster or incline
walking, ect to confirm what level your workout is at.

[4] 12/1 - just made.

3/30 - added 7-site BF%.
4/9 - added calc for avg eaten daily figure.
10/17 - added section for apparent TDEE and activity calc adjust.
10/25 - added Scale BF%.

[5] update 10/6 - added exercise calories deficit and table for better eat back.
update 11/17 - added a line for calorie burn based on HRM tab stats. Reflected BMR multiplier from Simple
Setup tab.
12/1 - updated % deficit method to match other tabs.
12/8 - corrected Total Deficit figure in exercise calories area
1/27 - added macro values to change
3/24 - formatting changes so Excel conversion looks better
4/19 - better math on MFP activity level change
6/6 - changed formulas for reaching goal weight
1/3 - changed formulas that use MFP BMR multipliers that they increased

[6] 5/7 - Created.

10/30 - Corrected height adjustment formula to take in to account different TDEE based on LBM for
1/5 - Corrected above formula if tested RMR is used.
[7] Ver 4 of spreadsheet, and this Simple Setup tab is new, and the place to enter stats.
12/21 - based on some new research, lowered calories burned for lifting.
1/12 - added Deficit method IF 5/2.
1/24 - Changed BMR multipliers for accurate use of descriptions of intensity.
3/24 - Format changes for better Excel conversion.
6/6 - changed formulas for reaching goal weight.
1/3 - updated MFP activity multipliers for their changes above sedentary level

[8] update 11/8 - Corrected formula for VO2max for correct male estimate, and added another estimate for
males. Changed Personal Calorie burn chart to different layout.
12/8 - wording changes only.
12/31 - added section to see new VO2max from old test VO2max when weight changes.
6/24 - added section on run/walk intervals.
11/18 - modified run/walk intervals for more gradual increase.

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