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Experiment no 8

Title of the Experiment: Normal and ppm solution

1. Introduction:

The normal solution is created by dissolving a 1-gram gram equivalent weight of a material in 1 liter of
distilled water.

Two units of measurement used to describe concentration in a chemical solution are ppm and molarity.
Ppm stands for "parts per million," or the number of solute molecules in a solution. Molarity, on the
other hand, describes how much of a substance—either a solute or the concentration of a solution—is
contained in one mole.

2. Apparatus and Chemicals:

o Weighing balance
o Volumetric flask
o Beaker
o Stirrer
o Stopper
o Pipette

3. Safety Information:

o Wear chemical-resistant gloves, preferably made of nitrile or neoprene, to protect your


o Put on safety goggles or a face shield to shield your eyes from splashes or spills.

o Wear a lab coat or a chemical-resistant apron to protect your clothing.

o Use closed-toe shoes and consider wearing chemical-resistant boots if working with
larger quantities of NaOH.

4. Experimental Setup:

o normal solution: dissolve 1 gram o fNaOH in I liter of water

o ppm solution: add 1 mg of NaOH IN 1 liter of water

5. Experiment Findings:
1ppm=1mg/1L solution

Liquid solute = liquid solvent

M = purity%*density*10/Molar mass

M H2SO4= 95×1.84×10/98=?
M HCl= 37×1.2×10/36.5=12

 Known Required

C1V1 C2V2



0.05 molar H2SO4 0.05 H2SO4

 Known Required
C1V1 C2V2
18.2V1= 0.05×500mL
V1=0.05M×500mL/18.2M= 1.37mL

6. Conclusion:
The volume of sodium hydroxide used is 1.37 ml

7. Possible errors and their mitigation:

Measurement errors: Errors in the concentration of the solution might result from inaccurate or
imprecise measurements of the solute or solvent. To reduce this error, it is essential to use
calibrated measuring equipment and adhere to the right measurement procedures.

Evaporation: If the solution is not adequately covered while being prepared, evaporation may
take place, resulting in a higher concentration than anticipated. Always cover the solution
containers to avoid this, and work quickly to reduce exposure time.

Temperature variations: The volume and concentration of the solution can be impacted by
temperature fluctuations. To reduce this mistake, solutions should be prepared and measured
at a consistent temperature. If at all practicable, the correct temperature corrections ought to
be used.

8. Application of this activity to a real-world problem :

Analytical Chemistry: For calibration and standardization purposes, ppm and normal solutions are
frequently employed in analytical chemistry. Through methods like titration, spectrophotometry, and
chromatography, they are employed as reference solutions to ascertain the concentration of unknown
Standard and ppm solutions are essential in all businesses' processes for quality control. They are
employed to check the precision and dependability of tools and apparatus, making sure that they are
correctly calibrated and measured within acceptable ranges.

Environmental Monitoring: In environmental monitoring, pollutant concentrations in air, water, and soil
samples are determined using standard and ppm solutions. These methods assist in determining the
concentrations of contaminants, such as heavy metals or organic pollutants, and in evaluating their
possible environmental effects.

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