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MEDDELELSER OM GRONLANOD Arctic and Alpine Mycology 6 Edited by David Boertmann & Henning Knudsen BIOSCIENCE 56 - 2006 Arctic and Alpine Mycology 6 Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Arcto-Alpine Mycology (ISAM 6), Greenland, 11-21 August 2000 Edited by David Boertmann & Henning Knudsen Meddelelser om Granland - Bioscience 56 iii 00 [David eertmann & Henning Kiwudsen, Arctic and Alpine Myecagy 6. Proceedings af the Siath International Symposium an Arcto-Aipine Mycology, Greenland, 13-21 August 2000. ~ ‘Meddelelser om Grosland Bloicicoce 5. Copenhagen, The Cofmmnitsion for Scientific Research n-Greenand, 2008. ‘© 2006 by the authors and the Commission for Scientific Reseurch in Greenland [No pact of this publican maybe reproduced in any form withous the written permission othe copyright owners Pubsishing editor Kirsten Canin Printed by Special Trytheriet Viborg » Froat comer: Myrivacleratinis wahiiana (Rost) N.F, Buchow...Jarmesn Lard, East Greeeland, 2989. Phos Jens. H. Petersen, Hack of caver: Amanita groenlandica Bas ex Knudsen & T. Bergen, Quinngua Valley, South ‘Greenkand, 1945, Phoro lens, H. Reversen, Selemtific Balter: Erik W. Born, Senior scientist, Greenland instiate of Narural Resources. PO, ox 570, DK: 3900 Niu, Genertand, Te, «45 32MhowKs, (ax = 45 s28onon, e-mail: whip. dk About the monographic series Meddelelser om Granfand iasclence Moddelcter zn Grendand, which 4 Danish far Monoprapits on Greenland bas published scxnific results from all fields of research in Greenland since ira, Bioctence invites papers that contribute significnaty ta studies of flora and foun in Groealaes ated of ecological problems pertaining to al Greenland enveonme nts. Papers primarily concerned with ather areas in the Arctic of Atlantic region may be accepeed, ifthe work actually covers Greenkand or is of direct importance to “cceminucd roueste3 in Growland. Papers dealing wth eoeatmental ptoblems ark! echet bordestave sudles may be referred to any ofthe series Gensciency. Biskcience or dan & Sociery accarding to “emphasis and edizoriat policy: Fat mete information ape w list publicatsons. please Vist (he wet site the Deans Poker Cemer boenp// wrench. All correspondence concerning this book or the series Mekielelser orm Grenland (including orders) shoukl be sene tat (Dunish Polar Center Struadgade wo H (DE-t40s Copeabagen (Benen, tel +45 338 0100 fax 4.45 1288 0802 ‘e-mail dpowdpeate (sam 978-97-625-1277-.0 A checklist of the Greenland basidiomycetes Torbjorn Borgen, Steen A. Elborne & Henning Knudsen Abstract Borgen, Terbjoen, Elborne, Steen A. and Knudsen, Henning 2006. A checklist of the Greenland basid- iomysetes. - Meddelelser om Gronland, Bioscience 56, Copenhagen, The Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland, p. 37-59. A checklist of 868 taxa of hasidiomycetes from Greenland is presented including B47 species, 1 sub- species, 12 varieties and 8 forms. Of these, 172 taxa are reported for the first time from Greealand, not ir cluding the species reported as new to Groenland in other papers in these proceedings. The list is based on records from the 120 references listed below, including original information on Greenland basidiomycetes, and on material in different herbaria, mainly the approximately 8.000 collections in the Botanical Museum in Copenhagen. The list serves as the base for a forthcoming funga, The new combination Hemimycena albicolor (A. H. Sm.) Elborne is proposed. Keywords: arctic biodiversity, fungal biodiversity, arc: tie basidiomycetes, Greentand ‘Forhjorn Borgen, Steen A. Knudsen and Henning Knud- sen, Botanical Museum, University of Copenhagen, Gothersgade 129, DK-n122 Copenhagen K., Denmark Introduction ‘The first checklist of basidiomycetes from Greenland is presented, based on material in herbaria, mainly in Copeahagen (C), and on literature references. The list includes 868 taxa. The compilation is semicritical; therefore, names in the literature, which we regard as ‘erroneous, are omitted and not further treated. They ‘will, however, be discussed ia the fortheoming funga. A mall number of preliminary identifications (cf.) pub: lished in the literacure by various authors are, however, included, A number of the included taxe have not yer been critically revised, and error therefore still exist to be corrected when the material is critically revised. In spite of these shortcomings we hope the checklist will serve as an easy overview of this large and important _group of fang! in Greenland, until a proper funga has ‘been produced. A preliminary version of the list also served axa quick reference at che Gth International Symposium on Arctic and Alpine Mycology (ISAM 6), which took place in Greenland in 2000. Completeness During the 28 years we have collected basidiomycetes in Greenland, we rarely paid attention to the Uredinio- myoetes (rusts) and the Ustilaginomycetes (xrmutt). However, co make the forthcoming funga complete for ‘basidiomycetes, we therefore decided in a late mo- ment to include these groups too. Thus, they are included on the basis of old and less systematic cot- tecting and other scattered information, and judging {rom lists from similar places in Siberia (Karatygin et cal, 1999) che real number of species must be higher than recorded in this list For the main group of basidiomycetes, the fleshy agarics, baletes, polypores, puff-balls, jelly fungi, club fungi, corticinid fungi and similar groups, we believe that the List covers well, although naturally more species will be added with more studies. Over the years we planned our expeditions in a way so that most habieats and geographical areas of TORBJORN BORGEN, STEEN A. ELBORNE & HENNING KNUDSEN Mig. 1. Greenland localities specially anvestigated by atleast one of the authors Greenland were covered. Thus, we have visited the forest valley (Qinnqua) in Tasermiut ford three times, where the largest concentration of Mountain binch (Betula pubescens Eheh. coll.) is found, and where they atvain the largest sizes in Greenland. The Kangilin- nguit (Gronnedal) area with scrubs of Abues crispa (Ait) Pursh was also visited three times. The Paamiut (Frederikshib) region was the area where TB lived for more than 22 years and is therefore the best-known fungal site in Greenland, including the fungi adapted tothe moist oceanic climate found along the coast and. in the heaths. Aspects of this area has been treated by Borgen (2006) in a paper included in these proceed- ings. In Central Western Greenland on Disko and ia Central Eastern Greenland on Jameson Land large areas have basic soils due to the * calcareous under- ground, The Disko area was visited once by us, but has ‘been investigated by other mycologists such as P. Milan Petersen, M. Lange and 1D. Lamoure (see refer- ‘ences below }. Also Jameson Land with large areas of Dryas-heaths was visited once. Kangerlussuag is the deepest Qord in Greenland, and has therefore in the ‘inmer parts a special, dry continental climave and a rich sol (loess). This area was visited several times by us and by M. Lange, who made the first larger study of ‘the Greentand basidiom yoetes based ona three-month stay there, In the Nuup Rangerlua (Godthab Fjord) we studied the copses of Ainus and Salix once. From the northernmost parts of Greenland we hive bess infor mation than from the ocher parts. The Qaanaaq (Thule) arca in northwestern Greenland was visited ‘once and similarly the Zackenberg area in northeast- ‘erm Greenland was visited ance recently, In summary, the authors have collected in Green. Jand for a number of years. T. Borgen lived for z2 years (1978-2000) in SW Greenland (Paamiut) and collected inmensively in that area. Besides, he has participated in ‘expeditions to other parts of Greenland in 1983, 1984, 1085, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1901, 1999, 2000.and 3003, S.A. ‘Elborne has participated in expeditions in 1981, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989 and 2000 and H. Knudsen in 1983. 1984, 1987, 1989, 1991 and 2000. ‘Fig. 1 is. map with the areas we huve investigated during ane or more seasons. Fig. 2 is a map of all the localities from where the so far 6800 collections of ‘Greenlandic basidiomycetes in herbarium Centered in ‘our database originnse ‘Mode of presentation ‘The list is presented as a list of the three classes of lbasidiomycetes. Of these, the Hymenomycetes has been weated as a number of clades resulting from recent molecular srudies by Hibbett and Thorn (2001), Larsson & Larsion (2003) and Binder et al, (2005) ‘Within each clade one or more orders are found, and in these, the families, genera and species are treated alphabetically. For each order or sometimes family, « few words ‘characterize the contents of the order regarding form- groups Subspecies, varieties and forms are included if ‘known, Author names are abbreviated according 10 ‘wwnw ames.asp, The names uted are to our best knowledge the current names. The taxonomy of the basidiomycetes is however strongly changing these years due to recent molecular studies. Misapplications and older, rarely ied synonyms are included to help the reader when looking for the name in the older literature. If the mis- application or synonym jis mentioned only as an epi- ther, itis understood thar the genus is the same in the literature referred to. If it was placed in another genus the generic name is also mentioned. Species not men: tioned in the printed references at the end of the paper are marked with (C), meaning that material is present in Herbarium C. These taxa are here reported for the first time from Greenland, In a few cases material is not present in C, but in other herbaria, which are stated with their herbarium code according to Index Herbariorum ( with the exception of SVER, which is the acronym for the herbarium at the Instirure of Plant and Animal Ecology at the Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, Yekaterinbuirg (Sverdlovsk), Russia. If marerial is present in C and in other herbaria, only € is mentioned, It is to be understood that for all taxa where a reference is mentioned there fs also material in C. If this is not the case, the mark (| C) comes after the references. In a few cases a record is included! Lacking both a printed reference andl material; if so the record is included for other reasons, e.g. hased ona photograph Annumber of species are not naruralty occurring in Greenland, but have been introduced with planted conifers, oF occur only on imported timber of conifers, Such taxa have been marked “introduced”, to warn the reader irom making wrong conclusions about the ‘nocural distribution of these vaxa. List of public and private herbaria including cited material from Greenland c Herbarium, totanical Garden & Mu seum, University of Copenhagen, Den mark GB: Herbarium, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 0: Herbarium, Botanical Garden & Mu- seum, University of Oslo, Norway ‘SVER: Herbartum, Institute of Plant and Ani- mal Ecology, Yekaterinburg, Russia ‘A CHECKLIST OF THE Gi INLAND BASIGIOMYCE An Fé. 2. Greenland locaiines with material of bamiomycetes resent and digitalsed in the Copenhagen hetbariun (C TRH: Vitenskapseuseet, Norges tekniskena- turvidensikabelige Universitet, Trond- beim, Norway Kobayasl: — Yosio Kobuyasi, Tokyo, Japan, material 0t hoeated! Lamoure: Denise Lamoure, Lyon, France Morewu: —Plerre-Arthur Moreau, Lille, France Rald: Erik Raid, Copenhagen, Denmark Rune: Flemming Rune, Copenhagen, Den: mark Senn-trlet: Beatrice Senn-Irtet, Bollingen, Switzer land References Alist of primary references, i.e. in which the author(s) of the particular reference has seen and recorded material from Greenland is listed in Table 1, Also a few a Hibbert, DS.and Thorn, RG. 2001: Basiiomyeaea: Homo- Dasidicenyeetes, kn: MeLauehlin, J. Laughlis, IL. ‘and Lembe, PA. eda), The Mota WIL Systermatics and evolution, Part B. Springer Verlag. Heri : 121 968. Larsson, E. afd Larsson, KH. 2003. Phylogenetic relation shape of runsuloid basidiomycetes with emphasis ont aphrytiophoralcan taxa, — htysologia of: re-1065, UREDINIOMYCETES - Rust fungi UREDINALES Coleosporincene Licicl Chrysomyxa Linger cempetti (Pers.) Curam. 96, 97 edi (Alb. & Selwein.) de Bary 96, 97 pirolata G. Winter 38, 82, 96, 97, 98 Melampsoraceae (sete! Melampsora Castagne epirea (Kunze & Schumach.) Thiim. 10, 33. 98,75. 76.77.78, 81, 96, 97, 98, 99 (many as M. arctica) Pucciniastracese Lieppik Naohidemyces S, Sato, Katsuya & ¥, Hirats, vaccinii (Alb, & Schwein.) S. Sato, Katsuya & Y. Hirars. 1 (as Melampsors vaccinii) Pucciniastrum (uth gurrarum (J. Schré} Hyl., Jorst. & Nannf. 38 pyrolse (Pers.) Arthur (C1 Phragmidiaceae Cora ‘Trachyspora Fucke! intrusa (Grev.) Arthur 2r, 38, Bo, #2 (as.alchemillae}, 96, 97,99 Pucciniaceae Chev Gymnosporangium Hedwig cormutuch Kern 47, 06,07 Puccinia Pers, albulensis Magnus 38, 58, 82 arenariae (Schumach,) G, Wineer 74, 96, 97 bistorrae (F. Strauss) DC. 38, 58, 96, 97, 98 biytti de Toni 97, $8, 99 borealis Juel (C) campanulae Carm. 26, 34, 38, 98 cruciferarum Rudolphi 1, 3, 75, 76, 78 (as cardamines bellidifolla) ‘ssp. nearctica Savile & Parmelee 106 drabae Rudelphi 1, 38, 46, 80, 96,97, 99 (as cruciferarum on Vesicaria) epilobil DC. 46, 82, 99 A CHECKLIST OF THE GREEWLA: eutremac Linds. x8, 82 (as cochleariae) Ihieracil (ROMI.) Mart, 46, 58, 96, 97, in 96 and 97 mixed with variabilis holboellii (Horhem.) Rostr. 96 lympei Jerse. 98 nova-zembliae Jarst. 38 coxyrise Fuckel 38 pazschkei Divtel 98 vat. jueliana (Dietel) Savile 108 pedicularis Thiim. 34, 38, 107 persiszens Plawr. 82 (as thulensis) pone-nemoralis Orth 96 palverulenta Grev. 96, 07 suxifragae Schlecht, 31, 38, 78,96, 08, 00 vat. curtipes (Howe) Dietel 18 var. longior Savile 108 saiitagae-tricuspidatae Hennings 1 scandica Jabans. 38, 46 seprentrionalis Juel 38, 82.96 (as Aecidliurn sommerfelii) thiaspeos Sehub. 76 thymi (Fuckel) Henderson 97 fax schneider’) ‘veronicarum DC. 96, 97, 98, 90 ‘USTILAGINOMYCETES - Smut feng EXOBASIDIALES Exobasidiacese J. Schrut. Arcticomyces Savile warmingii (Rostr,) Savile 45, 9, 96, 97, 99, 105 Exobasidium Woronin aequale Sace, 89 cassiopes Peck Bo (as myrtillif. amphigena), 89 hhypogenum Nannf. 89 splendidum Nannf. 89 vvaceinii (Puckel) Woronin 89, 93. 96, 97 vactinii-uliginosd Boud. + (as vaccinii), 45, 54, ‘BI, 97, 99 USTILAGINALES: Ustilaginaceae LR. Tul. & Tul Anthracoidea iiref Digelowii Nanmf. (C) ‘elynae (H. Sy.) Kuk. 22, 76, 109 hhecerospora (B. Lindeb.) Kiukk. (C} ‘kkarii (Lito) Nannf. (C) rrupestris Kukk. (C) TORBIORN HORGEN, STEEN A. ELEORNE & HENNING Wi scirpi (Kithn) Kukk. 82 Schizonella |. Scherét. melanogramma (DC) J. Schr6t. 39 Sphacelotheca de Bary hhydropiperis (Schumach.) de Bary 96, 97, 98, 9% Ustilago (Pers.) Roussel bistortarum (DC) Kénicke 39, 80, 82.96, 97, @ hhyperborea A. Blytt 39 Inenigiae Rostr. 39, 96, 07 vinosa Tul. & C. Tul. 99, 80, 81, 82, 96, 97, 98,90 violacea (Pers.) Roussel 36, 97 Ustitentyloma Suvile pleurapogonis Savile 109 ‘TILLETIALES Tilletiaceae J. Schrix. ‘Tilletia Tl & C. Tul, cerebrina Ellis & Eveth, (C) \UROCYSTALES Urocystis Fuckel agropyri (Preuss) Fischer von Waldheim 97 anemones (Pers.) G. Winter 97 junei Lagerh. 39 sorosparoides Fischer van Waldheim 39,97, 98, % ‘riseti (Ciferri) Zundel 39 HYMENOMYCETES ~ Mushrooms, polypores, club ‘fungi, puff-balls, jelly fungi, corticloid fungi ‘TREMELLALES ~ Jelly fungi ‘Tremellaceae Fr. ‘Tremelia Pers. foliacea Pers. 28, 54 indecorata Sommerf, (C) mesenterica Retz. 12,13. 28, 54, 65. 97 (a3 lutescens) DACRYOMYCETALES ~ Jelly fungi Dacryomycetaceae J. Schr, Cerinomyces G.W. Martin -erustulinus (Bourdot & Galzin} G. W. Martin 54 (on imported wood) Dacryomyces New odpressus Grojnos (C) minor Peck 54, 87 stillatus Nees 12, £3, 16, 54 Ditiola Fr, radicata (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr, (C; om imported wood) AURICULARIALES - Jelly fungi xidinceae RT. Moore Basidiodendron Rick eacsiocinereumn (Hohn. & Litseh.) Luck-Allen 54 (mar. in GB) ‘eyrel (Woke) Luck-Allen 54 Exidia Fr. nucleata (Schwein. ) Burt 87 (mat, in SVER) recisa (Ditmar) Fr. 12, 13, 97 repanda Fr. 12, 13, 28,54, 65, 87, 97 (as albida) shuretiana (Lév.) Fr. (C) Exidiopsis (Bre(,) A. Moller effusa (Sace.) Maller 54 griscobrunnea Wells & Raity, 54 Stypella A. Maller grilletli (Boud.) P. Roberts (mat. in SVER) santharelloid clade: ‘TULASNELLALES ~ Corticioid fungi Tulasnellaceae Jvc! ‘Tulasmella J. Schrit allamospora Wakef. & A. Pearson 54 (mat. in GB) eichleriana Bees, 54. 87 helicospore Raunk, 54 (rat. in GB) Pruinasa Bourdot & Galzin 54 violea (Quél.) Bourdot & Galzin 54 CERATOBASIDIALES ~ Comicioid fungi ‘Ceratobasidiaceae G. W, Martin ‘Thanatephorus Donk fusisporus (J, Schrit.) Roberts & Haverslew 54 (ax Uthatobaskdiuan £), 87 ochraceus (Masse) (C) Botryobasidiacese (Parmasto) Jilich Botryobasidium Donk aureum Parmasto 54 botryosum (Bres.) J. Brikss. $4 (mat. in GB) conspersum J. Erikss. 54 isabellinum (Fr). P: Rogers 54 (as Botryohypochnus i.) (eat. in SVER Ineve (J. Erik.) Parmaste 54 (mat. in GB) obtusisporum J. Erikss. 54, 87 CANTHARELLALES - Chanterelles, club fungi, spinose fungi, conticioid fungi Sistotremataceae Julich Brevicelliclum K. H. Lars. & Hjortstarm exile (H. 5. Jocks.) KH. Larss. & Hjortstam 54 Paullicorticium J, Erikss pearsonil (Hourdot) J, Erikss. (mat. ia GB; ‘on imported wood) ‘Sistotrema Pers. brinkmannii (Bres.) J. Erikss. 28, 54, 87 Cantharellaceae J Schrot ‘Multiclavula fH. Petersen: corynaides (Peck) R.H. Petersen 7, 65 vernalis (Schwein.) R. H. Petersen 12, 13, Clavulinaceae (Donk) Donk ‘Clawulina J. Schese. cinerea (Fr) J. Sehrbt. (C) coralloides (1) J. Setvrit_ 12, 13, #7, 65, 05. (as cinerea) rugosa (Bull) J. Scheie, (C) 4gomphoid-phalloid clade GOMPHALES - Club fungi, coralloid fangs Gomphaceae Doxk Donk fistulosus (Fr.) Corner var. contortus (Holmsk.) Corner 12, 13, 28, 54 Junceus (Alb. & Schwein.) Corner (C) ‘Ramaria (Fr.) Bonord. abietina (Pers.) Qudl. 12, 13, 65 suecica (Pr.) Donk 65 Pterulaceae Corner ‘Pterula Fr. gracilis (Desm. & Berk.) Corner (C) GEASTRALES - Earth stars Geastraceae Corda ‘Geastrum Pers. minimum Schwein. 16, 62, 66, 69° stellarus Tode 12, 13, 54, 62.97 A CHECKLIST OF THE GREENLAND BASIDIOMYCETES chymenochactoid clade HYMENOCHAETALES «. |. ~ Polypores and corti- cioid fungi Chactoporellaceae Julich Hyphodontia J. rikss. alutacea (Fr.) J. Eriloss. (C) argrata (Ft) J, Bikss. 28, 94 aspera (Fr.) J. Brikss. 28, 54, 87 barba-jovis (Fr.) J. Erikess. 54 (mac. in GB) pallidula (Bres.) J. Erikss. 54 (mat. inGB) ‘quercina (Fr.) J. Erikss. 54 ssarnbuci (Pers.) J. Erikss: 54, 7 (mat. in GB tt ‘SVER) ssubalutacea (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. 54 Hyphodontielta A. Sarid mmultiseptata A. Strid (C) Coltriciacene W. Jalich Coltricia Gray perennis (LL) Murt. 17, 6§ (as cinnamomea). 97 (as Polyporus parvulus) Hymenochaetaceae Imazeki & Toki Hymenochaete |<. scinnamomea (Pers.) Bees, 28, 54, 87 ‘tabacina (Sowerby) Lev. 28, 54 Inonotus P. Kars. ‘obliquus (Pers) Pilét 28, 54 radatus (Pr.) P. Karss. 12, 13, 27, 28, $4,.65,07 Phellinus Quel. cinereus (Niemelii) Fischer 16, 54 laevigarus (Fr.) Bourdot & Galzin 54 Jundellii Niemeld ra, 13, #84, 28, 54 (as punctatus), 96, 97 (as contiguus f, nigricans) Hyphodermataceae Julich Basidioradulum Nobles rodula (Fr.) Nobles 28, 54, 88 Hyphoderma Wallr. argillaceum (Bres.) Donk (C) ‘cremeoalbum (Hohn. & Litsch.) Jilich $4 (mat, in GB) ‘cryptocallimon B. de Vries 54 (mat. in GB; ‘on imported wood) ‘obcusiforme J. Erikss. & Strid 54 pallidum (Bres,) Donk (mat, in GB) praetermissum (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. & A. Strid 28, 54, 87 roscocremeum (Bres.) Donk 87 setigerum (Pr.) Donk 28, 54, 87, 97 (as Grandinia granukosa) TORBJORN BORGEN, STEEN A, FLEORNE & HENNING KMUI amiser P. Karst. 61, 64 parouillardii Quél. (C) pytranthes Romagn. 64 subimpatiens M. Lange & A. H. Sm. (C) seercorarius Fr. 64 Panaeolus (Pr.) Quel. sater (J.B. Lange) Bon #2, 3. 64 semiovatus (Sowerby) Lundell & Nannf, 12, 13, 64 ssphinctrinus (Fr.) Quél. 64 (as campanuilatas) Psathyrella (P1.) Qué!. ammophila (Dur, & Lév.) P. D, Orton (C) fibrillosa (Pers.) Singer 61, 64 glareosa (Favre) Mover (C) velutina (Pers.) Singer 12, 13, 64 Cortinariacese Pourar ~ Agarics (Cortinarius Pr, ‘Subgenus Cortinarius innamomes (L.) Pr. 12, 13,19, 28, 58, 65 sinnamomeoluteus P. D. Orton 12, 13, 19, 61, 95, ‘croceocomus Fr. 19 sroceus (Schaeff,) Bigeard & Guillemin 19, 28 huronensis Ammirati & A. H. Sm, 19, 28 norvegicus Heiland 19, 119 [as sphagneti) polaris Holland 12, 13,10 raphanoides (Fr.) Fr. 12,13, uuliginosus Berk. 19 violaceus (L.) Fr. 16, 28 ‘Subgenus Myxacium (Fr.) Trox absarokensis M.M. Maser (C) alpinus Boud. 12, 13. 58, 61, 65, 66, 69, 95, 119, Ro collinitus (Sow-) Fr. (C) deliburus Fr. 12, 13, 17, 61, 65. fennoscandicus &. & K. Bendiksen & Brandrud v phuvius (Fr.) Fr. (C) septentrionalis E. & K. Bendiksen & Brandrud 5.14307 trivialis JE. Lange 12,13, 18A, 65 Subgenus Phlegmacium (F.) Trog argunus Fr. 65 durus P. 0, Gran 17, 20 smultiformis (F.) Fr. 6 Borphyropus Fr. 12, 13,17 scourus (Fr) Fr. (- C; photo) talus Fr. (€) Subgenus Telamonia (Fr.) Loudon acutus Fr. 6; agathosmus Brandrud, Lindstrdim & Melot 14, 0 albaviolaceus (Pers.) Fr. 12,13, 14, 17519 alnetorum (Velen.) M.M. Moser (C) ‘anomalus (Fr.) Pr. 12, 1, 61, 65, 95 biformis (Fr) Fr, 149 (> C) beunneus (Pers.) Fr. ‘var, exilis Favre 65 scaninus (Fr.) Fr. (C) ef. caesionigrellus Laroure 61 (eat, with Lamoure) chrysomallus Lamoure 15 decipiens (Pers.) Zaw, ‘var. decipiens (C) ‘var. atrocoeruleus M.M. Moser (C) decoloratus (Pr.) Fr. 65 diasemospermus Lamoure (mat. with Moreau) disjungendus P. Karst. 14, 17 fulvescens Fr. ss. Favre 61 (mat. with Lamoure) helvelloides (Fr.) Fr: (C) hemitrichus Pr. 12,13, 61, 65, 95 hinnuleus (Sowerby) Fr. ‘var. gracilis Favre 12, 13, 64, 65 imbutus Fr. t4 (as evernius), 17 inops Favre a2, 13, 66 fonophytlus M. M. Maser 14, r7 lamourene Bon 61 (as fallax) obvasus (Fr.) Fr 45, 95 oreobius Favre 61 (mat. with Lamoure) paleuceus Fr. 64, 65 paragaudis Fr. 14, 17 parvannulatus Kilner (incl. cedriolens M. M. Moser) 15, 61 pauperculus Favre 15, 95: cf, percavus Favre 61 (mat, with Lemoure) phaeopypmaeus Favre 15. 65 cf, plumbosus Fr. 61 (oat. with Lamoure) pautimouraces M. Lange 65 pulchelius JE. Lange 65 pulchripes Lamoure 6t (mat. with Lamoure) purpureotuteus Laroure (C) saninsus Fr. 65 saturninus Pr. 65, subbalaustinus Henry 4 subtorvus Lamoure 12, 13, 61, 95, tenebricus Favre 61 (mat. with Lamoure) ‘umbiicanas P. Karst. 15, 17

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