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The effects of Fe0 and Ni0 nanoparticles versus Fe2þ

and Ni2þ ions on dark hydrogen fermentation

Mohsen Taherdanak a,**, Hamid Zilouei a,*, Keikhosro Karimi a,b

Department of Chemical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran
Industrial Biotechnology Group, Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Isfahan University of Technology,
Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran

article info abstract

Article history: The effects of Fe0 and Ni0 nanoparticles (NPs) versus Fe2þ and Ni2þ ions on the efficiency of
Received 28 June 2015 mesophilic dark hydrogen fermentation from glucose were investigated using the heat-
Received in revised form shock pretreated anaerobic sludge. The initial glucose concentration and the pH of the
20 November 2015 reactors were 5 g/L and 5.5, respectively, and the concentrations of the supplemented
Accepted 20 November 2015 metals were varied between 0 and 50 mg/L. The hydrogen and biogas yields of the control
Available online xxx test were 247 and 391 mL/g VS, respectively. The results showed that the effect of Ni2þ ions
on the hydrogen yield was highly significant (P < 0.01), improving the hydrogen yield by
Keywords: 55%. The effects of Fe0 NPs and Fe2þ ions were significant too (P < 0.05), enhancing the
Biohydrogen hydrogen yield by 37% and 15%, respectively, whereas the effect of Ni0 NPs was insignifi-
Dark fermentation cant (P > 0.05). The analysis of the soluble metabolites revealed that the hydrogen
Fe0 nanoparticles fermentative yield was mainly affected by ethanol and propionate production, while the
Ni0 nanoparticles production of butyrate favored the hydrogen fermentation.
Kinetics Copyright © 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Volatile fatty acids reserved.

Biohydrogen is produced either by photo-synthetic or

Introduction fermentative processes. Fermentative hydrogen production is
more applicable since it has a higher production rate and
Since the last century, the growing demand for energy has
simpler operation [6]. Moreover, various organic feedstocks
challenged the societies lacking fossil fuel sources and facing
can be used in this process. In comparison with photo-
serious environmental problems [1,2]. By numerous attempts
fermentative, dark fermentative hydrogen production enjoys
over the last decades, bioenergy has been proposed as a po-
more feasibility for commercial development [3,6]. Several
tential alternative which can efficiently mitigate the global
energy demand with the least adverse environmental effects. different parameters including the type of microorganisms,
Nowadays, the processes for the production of bioethanol, temperature, pH, substrate complexity, availability of micro-
biodiesel, biomethane, and biohydrogen have been mostly nutrients, and metal ions affect the dark hydrogen fermen-
focused to be more efficient and globally applicable, which tation [7]. Hydrogen production via dark fermentation process
biohydrogen is the most clean alternative with the highest is attributed to the reduction of protons to molecular
energy content (142 KJ/g) [3e5]. hydrogen, and this reaction is catalyzed by hydrogenases

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ98 3133915632; fax: þ98 3133912677.

** Corresponding author. Tel.: þ98 9361303035.
E-mail addresses: (M. Taherdanak), (H. Zilouei).
0360-3199/Copyright © 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Taherdanak M, et al., The effects of Fe0 and Ni0 nanoparticles versus Fe2þ and Ni2þ ions on dark
hydrogen fermentation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2015),
2 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 e7

which have their optimum activity at certain temperatures The main purpose of this study was to investigate the
and pH dominants. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the effects of Fe0 and Ni0 NPs on the efficiency of mesophilic dark
process under optimum operational conditions [3]. hydrogen fermentation from glucose and compare them to
Hydrogenases, which are interfered in dark fermentation, those of the Fe2þ/Ni2þ ions (FeSO4 and NiSO4). Furthermore,
are mainly classified in two clusters according to their metal their effects on the kinetic parameters of dark fermentation
content: [FeeFe]-hydrogenase and [NieFe]-hydrogenase [8]. A process as well as the concentrations of the final soluble
wide variety of bacteria can express [NieFe]-hydrogenase, metabolites were investigated.
while a few are able to express [FeeFe]-hydrogenase [9,10].
Certain amounts of iron and nickel ions are needed to ex-
press and use the activity of these enzymes within dark Materials and methods
fermentation system. Several different studies have investi-
gated the effects of iron and nickel ions on dark fermentation Inoculum and reagents
process, reporting the efficiency improvement with certain
concentrations of Fe and Ni ions [9]. Yang and Shen (2006) Anaerobic sludge was obtained from a 7000 m3 anaerobic
investigated the effects of Fe2þ ions (0e4000 mg/L) on dark digester located at northern Isfahan wastewater treatment
hydrogen fermentation from starch using anaerobic sludge in plant, Isfahan, Iran. The sludge was sieved through a 1 mm
the batch reactor. They found that the addition of 150 mg net to remove its large particles. Then, it was pretreated under
FeSO4/L increased the hydrogen yield by 163%, as compared anaerobic conditions at 95  C for 15 min, and this heat-shock
to the control test [11]. Wang and Wan (2008) investigated the pretreated sludge was used as an inoculum for biohydrogen
effect of Ni2þ (0e50 mg/L) on dark hydrogen fermentation production. Total solids (TS) and volatile solids (VS) of the
from glucose using the digested sludge in the batch reactor. pretreated inoculum were 53.8 and 28.2 g/L, respectively. The
They found that the input of 0.1 mg Ni2þ/L increased the composition of the nutrient solution was (mg/L in deionized
hydrogen yield by nearly 65%, as compared to the control water): NaHCO3, 4000; K2HPO4.3H2O, 250; CuSO4.5H2O, 10;
test [9]. MgCl2.6H2O, 200; MnSO4.4H2O, 30; CoCl2.6H2O, 0.25 [17].
Because of the unique physical properties and chemical
activities of the nano-materials, such as high catalytic activity Dark hydrogen fermentation
and high specific surface area, a few studies investigated the
effect of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) on the efficiency of dark Dark hydrogen fermentations were performed in 118 mL dark
hydrogen fermentation [8,12e16]. Mullai et al. (2013) reported glass bottles as bioreactors containing 5 g/L of glucose, spec-
that 5.67 mg/L of Ni NPs increased the yield of dark hydrogen ified concentrations of iron or nickel (0e50 mg/L), 20 mL
fermentation from glucose by 22.7% [8]. Mohanraj et al. (2014) inoculum, 40 mL nutrient solution, and a certain amount of
investigated the effects of both iron oxide NPs and iron sulfate deionized water up to the total working volume of 80 mL.
on the hydrogen fermentation in a glucose fed system using Blank samples with only 20 mL inoculum, 40 mL nutrient so-
Enterobacter cloacae. They reported that iron oxide NPs sup- lution, and 20 mL deionized water were prepared to obtain the
plementation was superior to that of the iron sulfate and the hydrogen yield of inoculum individually. The initial pH of the
maximum hydrogen yield of 258 mL/g VS was obtained at iron samples was adjusted to 5.5 by 1 N H2SO4. After filling, they
oxide NPs concentration of 125 mg/L [16]. Gadhe et al. (2015) were capped with butyl rubber stoppers and aluminum caps
compared the effects of hematite and nickel oxide NPs on the and purged with pure nitrogen for 3 min. All samples were
efficiency of dark hydrogen fermentation from dairy waste- prepared in triplicate and incubated at 37  C. The bottles were
water in the batch reactor. They reported enhancement in the shaken manually before each gas sampling.
hydrogen yield by 23.8% and 16%, as compared to the control
test, in the presence of 50 mg/L hematite NPs and 10 mg/L Ni- Analytical methods
oxide NPs, respectively. Based on Eq. (1), the supplementation
of zero-valent iron nanoparticles (Fe0 NPs) to dark fermenta- Total solids (TS) and volatile solids (VS) of inoculum were
tion can decrease the availability of the dissolved oxygen in measured according to APHA standard method [18]. The
the system, leading to the better performance of the oxygen- concentrations of glucose and the produced soluble metabo-
sensitive hydrogenases. Although this action is also per- lites, including acetic acid (HAc), butyrate acid (HBu), propio-
formed by facultative bacteria, the rate of oxygen consump- nate acid (HPr) and ethanol (EtOH), were measured using high
tion by chemical reaction is much faster than its microbial performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, Jasco Interna-
consumption. Therefore, chemical consumption of oxygen in tional Co., Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a Bio-Rad Aminex
the presence of Fe0 NPs can be used as a complementary ef- HPX-87P column and a refractive index (RI) detector. The
fect. Moreover, after consumption of the dissolved oxygen, the temperatures of column and detector were set at 60 and 80  C,
Fe0 NPs is converted to Fe2þ ions accompanied by hydrogen respectively. Sulfuric acid solution (0.005 M) with a flow rate of
generation (Eq. (2)). 0.6 mL/min was used as the mobile phase.
The composition of the produced biogas was analyzed
using gas chromatograph (Sp-3420A, Beijing BeifenRuili
2Fe0 þ O2 þ 2H2O / 2Fe2þ þ 4OH, DE0 ¼ 1.67 V (1) Analytical Instrument CO) with a thermal conductivity de-
tector (TCD). The column was packed with Propack Q (3 m
length and 3 mm internal diameter, stainless steel, Chrom-
Fe0 þ 2H2O / Fe2þ þ 2OH þ H2 (2) pack, Germany) and the carrier was nitrogen at the flow rate of

Please cite this article in press as: Taherdanak M, et al., The effects of Fe0 and Ni0 nanoparticles versus Fe2þ and Ni2þ ions on dark
hydrogen fermentation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2015),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 e7 3

30 mL/min. The temperatures of the column, the injection control and metal supplemented experiments. Both ANOVA
port, and the detector were 40, 100 and 150  C, respectively. and PCA were performed using Minitab software (version 17).
Gas samples were withdrawn at regular intervals with a
pressure-lock syringe (VICI, Precision Sampling, Inc., USA) and
analyzed by gas chromatography. Gas volumes were calcu- Results and discussion
lated based on the ideal gas law by taking into consideration
the pressure in the bottle, the volume of gas head and the The effects of different concentrations of Fe0 NPs, Ni0 NPs,
hydrogen and carbon dioxide proportion. The results of the Fe2þ ions and Ni2þ ions on dark hydrogen fermentation from
gas analysis were reported on the basis of cumulative yield at glucose as well as the fermentation byproducts, including
the standard temperature (273 K) and pressure (101.3 kPa) and acetate (HAc), butyrate (HBu), propionate (HPr) and ethanol
normalized in terms of the total initial organic matter added (EtOH), were investigated. The results are depicted in Figs. 1
to each sample, as mL/g VS [5]. and 2. The gas production yields were calculated based on
In order to determine the effect of Fe0 and Ni0 nano- the consumed glucose. The glucose degradation efficiency (%)
particles (NPs) on the kinetic parameters of dark hydrogen and the final pH of the samples are presented in Table 1. The
fermentation from glucose, experimental methane pro- hydrogen and biogas yields of the control test were 247 and
ductions (mL) were modeled using modified Gompertz model 391 mL/g VS, respectively. The produced HAc, HBu, HPr and
(Eq. (3)) and the kinetic parameters were obtained: EtOH from the control test were measured to be 0.54, 0.86,
   1.04, and 0.86 g/L, respectively.
Rmax e
HðtÞ ¼ Hmax exp  exp ðl  tÞ þ 1 (3)
The effect of Fe0 nanoparticles on hydrogen production
where H(t), Hmax, Rmax, l, e, and t represent the cumulative
hydrogen production (mL), ultimate hydrogen production The effect of Fe0 NPs supplementation on the biohydrogen
potential (mL), maximum hydrogen production rate (mL/h), production was significant based on the ANOVA (p < 0.05). The
lag-phase (h), Euler's number (e z 2.71828) and incubation low Fe0 NPs input of 0.5 mg/L enhanced the hydrogen yield by
time (h), respectively [19]. 8% in comparison with the control test, probably due to the
The significance of the effects of each supplementation promoted activity of hydrogenases as well as the ferredoxin
was determined using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) with electron transfer after the Fe0 NPs supplementation, as re-
the confidence interval of 95%. Principal component analysis ported by Mohanraj et al. [15]. This supplementation
(PCA) was used to determine the similarities and the variances increased the HAc production by 57%, while HBu and HPr
of the produced hydrogen and soluble metabolites in the productions were reduced by 80% and 24%, respectively, and

600 600 (c)

Carbon dioxide (a) Carbon dioxide
Hydrogen Hydrogen
500 500
Biogas (mL/g VS)
Biogas (mL/g VS)

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
Control 0.25 0.5 2.5 5 10 25 50 Control 0.25 0.5 2.5 5 10 25 50
Ni0 concentration (mg/L) Fe2+ concentration (mg/L)

700 800 (d)

Carbon dioxide (b) Carbon dioxide
600 Hydrogen 700 Hydrogen

Biogas (mL/g VS)
Biogas (mL/g VS)

200 200
100 100

0 0
Control 0.25 0.5 2.5 5 10 25 50 Control 0.25 0.5 2.5 5 10 25 50
Fe0 concentration (mg/L) Ni2+ concentration (mg/L)

Fig. 1 e The effects of Fe0 NPs, Ni0 NPs, Fe2þ ions, and Ni2þ ions on dark hydrogen fermentation from glucose, as compared
to the control test.

Please cite this article in press as: Taherdanak M, et al., The effects of Fe0 and Ni0 nanoparticles versus Fe2þ and Ni2þ ions on dark
hydrogen fermentation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2015),
4 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 e7

1.8 (a)
EtOH HAc 1.8 (c)
1.6 EtOH HAc
HPr HBu 1.6
Soluble metabolite (mg/L)

1.4 HPr HBu

Soluble metabolite (mg/L)

Control 0.25 0.5 2.5 5 10 25 50
Control 0.25 0.5 2.5 5 10 25 50
Fe0 concentration (mg/L)
Fe2+ concentration (mg/L)

1.8 (b)
EtOH HAc 1.6 (d)
1.6 EtOH HAc
HPr HBu 1.4
Soluble metabolite (mg/L)

1.4 HPr HBu

Soluble metabolite (mg/L)

1 1

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
Control 0.25 0.5 2.5 5 10 25 50 0
Control 0.25 0.5 2.5 5 10 25 50
Ni0 concentration (mg/L)
Ni2+ concentration (mg/L)

Fig. 2 e The effects of Fe0 NPs, Ni0 NPs, Fe2þ ions, and Ni2þ ions on the fermentation soluble metabolites including acetate
(HAc), butyrate (HBu), propionate (HPr) and ethanol (EtOH).

no EtOH was produced. Since the production of EtOH and HPr production was enhanced by 74%; the HPr production was
reduced the yield of hydrogen production, the enhancement reduced by 75%. The maximum hydrogen yield enhancement
in the hydrogen yield could be attributed to the inhibition of of 37% was achieved after Fe0 NPs input of 25 mg/L, as
HPr and EtOH producing bacteria. However, the small compared with the control test. While no EtOH was produced,
hydrogen yield enhancement could indicate the low in- the HAc production was nearly constant; the HPr production
teractions between the supplemented Fe0 NPs and the mi- was decreased by 54%, and the HBu production was increased
croorganisms, highlighting the need for higher Fe0 NPs input, by 88%. It could be understood that the supplementation of Fe0
as demonstrated by Choi et al. [20]. The higher Fe0 NPs input NPs enhances the HBu production in addition to the inhibition
(5 mg/L) led to the higher enhancement in the hydrogen yield of EtOH and HPr productions. Further increase in Fe0 NPs
(11%), as compared with the control test. No EtOH was pro- concentration (up to 50 mg/L) reduced the hydrogen yield by
duced; the HAc production remained constant; the HBu 65%. While the HAc production was enhanced by 65%, the HBu

Table 1 e The effects of Fe0 and Ni0 nanoparticles versus Fe2þ and Ni2þ ions on the glucose degradation efficiency (%), final
pH, and acetate/butyrate ratio (%).
Conc. (mg/L) Glucose degradation efficiency Final pH HAc/HBu ratio (%)
Fe0 Fe2þ Ni0 Ni2þ Fe0 Fe2þ Ni0 Ni2þ Fe0 Fe2þ Ni0 Ni2þ
0.00 64 64 64 64 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 160 62 62 62
0.25 63 63 65 66 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.4 25 267 143 248
0.50 65 66 64 70 5.4 5 5.1 5.3 20 87 378 77
2.50 64 63 65 64 5.3 4.9 4.9 5.3 183 208 155 140
5.00 62 63 66 68 4.5 5 5.3 5.6 60 129 34 168
10.00 63 62 64 66 4.9 5 5 5 21 90 567 258
25.00 65 64 67 65 5.5 5.2 5.3 5.2 310 44 107 59
50.00 65 62 68 66 5.5 5.3 5.2 5 41 58 132 68
Control sample.

Please cite this article in press as: Taherdanak M, et al., The effects of Fe0 and Ni0 nanoparticles versus Fe2þ and Ni2þ ions on dark
hydrogen fermentation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2015),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 e7 5

production was decreased by 57%. Therefore, it could be un- reduced by 32%, as compared to the control test. In this test,
derstood that the hydrogen was produced through HBu type EtOH was increased by 15%; HPr was decreased by 26%; HAc
fermentation reaction. The higher Fe0 NPs input (50 mg/L) and HBu were increased by 28% and 38%, respectively. No
disturbed the HBu production bacteria and therefore, the significant disturbance in the HAc or HBu production was
hydrogen production was decreased. This phenomenon has observed. It could be understood that the hydrogen yield was
also been reported by Mohanraj et al. (2014), who investigated more affected by the EtOH production than the production of
the effect of hematite NPs on the efficiency of dark hydrogen other byproducts. As in the Fe0 NPs, the supplementation of
fermentation. They reported that the hydrogen yield was Fe2þ ions at all concentrations enhanced the biogas yield and
enhanced with increasing the hematite concentration and the highest biogas yield of 493 mL/g VS was obtained at Fe2þ
then decreased at higher concentrations [16]. Almost at all ions concentration of 5 mg/L.
concentrations, the Fe0 NPs supplementation led to the higher
biogas production, in comparison to the control test, and the The effect of NiSO4 on hydrogen production
highest biogas yield of 551 mL/g VS was obtained at Fe0 NPs
concentration of 25 mg/L. The effect of NiSO4 on the biohydrogen production was highly
significant based on the ANOVA (P < 0.01). The initial Ni2þ ions
The effect of Ni0 nanoparticles on hydrogen production concentration of 2.5 mg/L enhanced the hydrogen yield by
28%, in comparison with the control test. As the concentration
In contrast to Fe0 NPs, the effect of Ni0 NPs on the biohydrogen of Ni2þ ions was increased to 10 mg/L and 25 mg/L, the
production was insignificant (p > 0.05). The only enhancement hydrogen yield was enhanced by 46% and 55%, respectively, as
in hydrogen yield was achieved from the Ni0 NPs input of compared to the control test. These enhancements might be
2.5 mg/L, which enhanced the hydrogen yield by 0.9%, in due to the interaction of the Ni2þ ions and the [NieFe]-hy-
comparison with the control test. This result was not consis- drogenases [21]. The higher concentration of Ni2þ ions led to
tent with the obtained results by Mullai et al. (2013), who the higher positive interaction. However, increasing the con-
investigated the effect of Ni NPs on the efficacy of dark centration of Ni2þ ions from 25 to 50 mg/L reduced the
hydrogen fermentation from glucose. They reported that the hydrogen yield by 5%, probably due to the inhibitory effect of
input Ni NPs of 5.37 mg/L could increase the hydrogen yield by Ni2þ at higher concentrations [9,22,23]. Supplementation of
22.7%, as compared to the control test [8]. No straight effect on Ni2þ ions at all concentrations drastically enhanced the biogas
the EtOH, HAc, HBu or HPr production was observed. At some yield, and the highest biogas yield of 680 mL/g VS was ob-
concentrations, the EtOH production was increased in com- tained at Ni2þ ions concentration of 50 mg/L, which was 74%
parison with the control test. The highest EtOH production higher than that of the control test. The presence of Ni2þ ions
was observed at Ni0 NPs concentration of 5 mg/L, leading to significantly reduced the EtOH production, and it could be
the lowest hydrogen yield of 99 mL/g VS, which was 60% lower seen that the higher hydrogen yields were achieved at lower
than that of the control test. When the concentration of Ni0 EtOH productions.
NPs was increased to 50 mg/L, the process was drastically
inhibited; hydrogen, HAc, HBu, HPr and EtOH were reduced by Kinetic study
41%, 9%, 57%, 82%, and 93%, respectively, as compared with
control test. The increasing concentration of Ni0 NPs reduced The experimental hydrogen production data were modeled
the hydrogen content. The lowest hydrogen content of 32% using modified Gompertz equation. The results are presented
was obtained at the Ni0 NPs concentration of 50 mg/L. in Table 2. For all samples, the fine coefficients of de-
Generally, unlike the Fe0 NPs supplementation, the Ni0 NPs terminations (Adjusted R2 z 1) indicated the good correlation
supplementation was not favorable for dark hydrogen between the experimental data and the used model. The lag-
fermentation using anaerobic sludge. phase, maximum hydrogen production rate, and the
hydrogen potential of the control test were 25.5 h, 4.5 mL/h,
The effect of FeSO4 on hydrogen production and 63 mL, respectively. Generally, the supplementation of
Fe2þ/Ni2þ ions and Fe0/Ni0 NPs increased the lag-phase times,
The effect of FeSO4 or Fe2þ ions on the hydrogen yield was probably due to the disturbance effect of additives on the
significant based on the ANOVA (p < 0.05). The Fe2þ input of microbial metabolism [3]. This phenomenon has also been
0.5 mg/L enhanced the hydrogen yield by 7%, as compared reported by Mohanraj et al. (2014), who observed that the
with the control test. EtOH and HPr productions were reduced supplementation of palladium NPs at all concentrations
by 37% and 28%, respectively; HAc production remained enhanced the lag-phase time of hydrogen fermentation [12].
constant and HBu was reduced by 27%. Further increase in the Supplementation of Ni0 NPs had a more negative effect on the
concentration of Fe2þ ions up to 10 mg/L enhanced the lag-phase than the other additives. Except Ni0 NPs, the other
hydrogen yield by 15%. The EtOH and HPr productions were additives at certain concentrations increased the maximum
decreased by 43% and 35%, respectively; HAc production was hydrogen production rate. Supplementation of Fe0 NPs (25 mg/
increased by 8%; HBu was decreased by 25%. Therefore, these L), Fe2þ (0.5 mg/L) and Ni2þ (10 mg/L) increased the maximum
enhancements in hydrogen yield could be attributed to the hydrogen production rate by 44%, 13%, and 62%, respectively.
inhibition of EtOH and HPr productions, which consumed the Moreover, positive effects on the maximum hydrogen poten-
hydrogen; therefore, the process was shifted to more tial after Fe0 NPs, Fe2þ, and Ni2þ supplementations and the
hydrogen production than hydrogen consumption. At higher highest achievement were observed after Ni2þ input of 25 mg/
concentrations of Fe2þ ions (50 mg/L), the hydrogen yield was L, which was 57% higher than the hydrogen potential of the

Please cite this article in press as: Taherdanak M, et al., The effects of Fe0 and Ni0 nanoparticles versus Fe2þ and Ni2þ ions on dark
hydrogen fermentation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2015),
6 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 5 ) 1 e7

Table 2 e The effects of Fe0 and Ni0 nanoparticles versus Fe2þ and Ni2þ ions on the kinetic parameters of hydrogen
fermentation from glucose.
Conc. (mg/L) l (h) Rmax (mL/h) Hmax (mL) Adj. R2
Fe0 Fe2þ Ni0 Ni2þ Fe0 Fe2þ Ni0 Ni2þ Fe0 Fe2þ Ni0 Ni2þ Fe0 Fe2þ Ni0 Ni2þ
0.00 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 63 63 623 63 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.998
0.25 29.3 27.8 37.1 24.0 3.7 2.8 2.2 2.8 56 56 59 63 1.000 0.999 1.000 0.999
0.50 28.0 26.5 28.4 27.5 6.0 5.1 3.2 3.7 74 70 60 68 1.000 1.000 0.999 1.000
2.50 27.4 26.5 27.8 28.1 2.1 4.8 3.5 4.7 57 65 68 79 0.999 1.000 0.995 0.999
5.00 29.0 28.0 42.7 27.4 4.0 2.1 1.2 4.2 73 55 26 56 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.999
10.00 28.8 25.3 32.3 28.6 4.6 4.0 1.7 7.3 70 69 51 90 1.000 0.999 0.998 1.000
25.00 28.5 26.8 40.7 24.4 6.5 5.0 1.6 6.8 87 70 35 98 1.000 1.000 0.990 1.000
50.00 26.4 22.9 NDb 28.2 1.0 2.4 ND 4.8 27 42 ND 90 0.994 1.000 ND 0.994
ND: not determined.

control test. These positive achievements could be attributed with hydrogen and HBu productions. The enhancement in
to the promoted activity of hydrogenases as well as the hydrogen yield by Fe0 NPs could be attributed to the activation
enhanced electron transfer and microbial growth in the sys- of HBu production as well as the inhibition of EtOH produc-
tem [3,14]. tion; also, the enhancement effect of the Ni2þ could be mainly
attributed to the inhibition of HPr production.
Principal component analysis To summarize, the supplementation of Fe0 NPs, Fe2þ ions
and Ni2þ ions had positive effects on dark hydrogen fermen-
In order to come to a better understating of the effect of the tation from glucose using anaerobic sludge, while no signifi-
supplemented metals on the fermentation process, the cant effect was observed after the supplementation of Ni0 NPs.
experimental data (hydrogen yields and the produced soluble According to the ANOVA results, the significance of the sup-
metabolites) of the control test were accompanied by those of plemented metals on the hydrogen yield was as follows: Ni2þ
the metal supplemented experiments and used for the anal- ions > Fe0 NPs > Fe2þ ions > Ni0 NPs. The hydrogen was pro-
ysis of the principal components. Fig. 3 depicts the biplot of duced through the butyrate fermentation pathway, where the
the first principal component (PC1) and the second principal major effects of Fe0 NPs supplementation were the inhibition
component (PC2), demonstrating nearly 85% variance in the of HPr and EtOH production and the increase in HBu
data set. It could be seen that the control experiment was production.
closely associated with the HPr, HAc and EtOH productions.
Moreover, both the HBu production and the Control test were
positively correlated with PC2 and therefore, they were asso-
ciated to each other, but in a lower intensity. The HAc, HPr and Conclusion
EtOH productions were positively correlated with PC1 while
HBu and hydrogen productions were negatively correlated The yield of the dark hydrogen fermentation could be inter-
with PC2, indicating the hydrogen production through the HBu estingly enhanced by the supplementation of iron and nickel
fermentation pathway. Both Fe0 NPs and Ni2þ were linked at the optimum concentrations. The results revealed that the
effect of the supplemented iron and nickel was as follows:
Ni2þ ions > Fe0 nanoparticles > Fe2þ > Ni0 nanoparticles.
Moreover, it was found that the yield of hydrogen was dras-
tically affected by ethanol and propionate production.


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Please cite this article in press as: Taherdanak M, et al., The effects of Fe0 and Ni0 nanoparticles versus Fe2þ and Ni2þ ions on dark
hydrogen fermentation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2015),
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Please cite this article in press as: Taherdanak M, et al., The effects of Fe0 and Ni0 nanoparticles versus Fe2þ and Ni2þ ions on dark
hydrogen fermentation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2015),

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