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1. A branch of criminology that deals with the study of the role of the victim in the commission
of an offense.
a. Ballistics c. Victimology
b. Criminalistics d. Criminal Procedure
2. This code contained the first recorded penal laws in the history of mankind.
a. Code of Solon c. Roman Law
b. Code of Draco d. Code of Hammurabi
3. This school emphasized Economic Determinism as a cause of crime.
a. Socialist School c. Biological School
b. Cartographical School d. Classical School
4. Out of 365 articles of RPC, what are the two acts considered as victimless crimes?
a. Prostitution and Adultery
b. Illegal Possession of Firearms and Illegal Logging
c. Gambling and Vagrancy
d. None of the above
5. This school is concerned primarily with the distribution of crimes in certain area, both
geographical and social factors.
a. Socialist School c. Geographical
b. Cartographical School d. Classical School
6. PCCR was formerly known as:
a. Miriam College c. Augustine University
b. Plaridel College d. Statistical School
7. Is one whose behavior is largely amoral and asocial and who is characterized by
a. Psychopathic Behavior c. Criminal Behavior
b. Kleptomania d. Psychoanalytic Behavior
8. A mental deterioration often accompanied by old age.
a. Feeblemindedness c. Senile
b. Insane d. Imbecile
9. Who popularized Phrenology in the field of criminology?
a. Joseph Kretchmer c. Rafaelo Garofalo
b. Franz Joseph Gall d. Jeremy Bentham
10. It has been called as the “Cradle of Human Personality”.
a. School c. Parks
b. Church d. Home
11. This emphasized that the obligations between man and his government are analogous to a
contract voluntarily entered into by and between contracting parties.
a. Sociology c. Social Contract Theory
b. Psychoanalytical Theory d. Neo-Classical Theory
12. It is necessary for the state to assume some sort of control over the behavior of the
members so that greatest happiness for the majority can be obtained.
a. Social Control Theory c. Social Contract Theory
b. Psychological Theory d. Positivist
13. This theory argues that classical theory should be modified in certain details.
a. Classical Theory c. Positivist Theory
b. Neo-Classical Theory d. Psychological Theory
14. A theory that believes crime as natural phenomenon and is comparable to calamity and
a. Classical Theory c. Neo-Classical Theory
b. Psychological Theory d. Positivist Theory
15. Born criminals are known as:
a. Physiognomy c. Atavism
b. Palmistry d. Phrenology
16. A type of criminal not born with physical stigmata but who is of such mental make-up that
they display antisocial conduct.
a. Insane c. Born Criminals
b. Criminaloids d. Epileptic Criminals
17. A French Anthropologist who first used the term criminology in French.
a. Garofalo c. Sutherland
b. Lombroso d. Topinard
18. It refers to that branch of state law that defines crimes, treats of their nature and provides
for their punishment.
a. Crimes c. Revised Penal Code
b. Felonies d. Criminal Law
19. It is the art of discovering character by observations and measurement of outward
a. Endomorphic c. Physiognomy
b. Geomorphic d. Endoctonomy
20. What are the three scientific divisions of criminalistics?
a. Identification, Personalization, Photography
b. Forensic, Organic and Inorganic
c. Chemistry, Physics and Biology
d. Medicine, Forensic, Criminalistis
21. A study of criminality in relation to spatial distribution in a community is:
a. Criminal Epidiomology c. Criminal Typology
b. Criminal Demography d. Criminal Psychology
22. It refers to the original name for criminalistics.
a. Forensic Chemistry c. Police Science
b. Science of Criminology d. Criminological Science
23. It deals with the study, comparison and identification of weapons as alleged to have been
used in the commission of crime.
a. Exterior Ballistics c. Examination of Firearms
b. Barrel of Firearms d. Firearms Identification
24. It is the branch of engineering that deals with the study of art of throwing missiles by means
of machine.
a. Bullet c. Ballistics
b. Barrel d. Caliber
25. It is the cornerstone of personal identification.
a. Photography c. Lie Detection
b. Fingerprint d. Anthropometrical
26. Lie detection is also known as;
a. Polygraphy c. Polygraphs
b. Dactyloscopy d. Potomographs
27. A school of criminology which advocated for an “Eye of an eye, a tooth of a tooth” or Lex
Taliones Doctrine.
a. Classical School
b. Neo-Classical School
c. Feminist School of Criminology
d. Positive School of Criminology
28. Is it the fitness to be the subject of legal relations that is inherent to every person and is lost
only through death.
a. Natural Capacity
b. Management Capacity
c. Juridical Capacity
d. Organization Personality
29. The forerunner of modern Penology.
a. Conditional Theory c. Roman System
b. Gracy Theory d. Elmira Reformatory
30. It is considered as the study of criminal things.
a. Instrument c. Criminalistics
b. Applied Science d. Dynamic
31. Any person who is graduate of BS Criminology has the Board Exam for Criminology and
registered in the PRC.
a. Criminalist c. Police Officer
b. Criminologist d. Board Passer
32. It refers to a person who is trained in the application of sciences, instruments and methods
in the detection of crime.
a. Criminalist c. Forensics
b. Police Officer d. Chemist
33. Who originated a system of classifying criminals according to the body measurements?
a. Cesare Beccaria c. A.R. Garofalo
b. Alphonse Bertillion d. W. A. Bonger
34. An Italian authority in criminology that developed a concept of natural crime and defined it
as a violation of the prevalent sentiments of pity and probity.
a. Alphonse Bertillion c. W. A. Bonger
b. Cesare Beccaria d. R. Garofalo
35. Criminology is dynamic, because of the following reasons except;
a. It changes from time to time
b. It changes as the social condition changes
c. It changes from one place to another
d. It is exact and permanent
36. Who is the founder of Classical School of Criminology?
a. W.A. Bonger c. Cesare Beccaria
b. Alphonse Bertillion d. A.R. Garofalo
37. Who advocated the theory of “feeblemindedness” causes of crime?
a. Cesare Beccaria c. R. Garofalo
b. R. H. Goddard d. W. A. Bonger
38. What nation pioneered banishment as a form of punishment?
a. Ancient Rome c. USA
b. England d. Africa
39. A condition of sexual perversion in which a person derives pleasure from being dominated
or cruelty treated.
a. Autophobia c. Masochism
b. Logomacy d. Megalomania
40. It refers to the study of mankind and its development in relation of physical, mental and
cultural history.
a. Archeology c. Psychology
b. Sociology d. Anthropology
41. A morbid fear of one’s self or of being alone.
a. Megalomania c. Autophobia
b. Necrophilism d. Masochism
42. It refers to the statement that “We would have no crime if we had no Criminal Law”.
a. Legacy c. Lex Taliones
b. Logomacy d. All of the above
43. When the study of crime is in relation to the existing law within a territory of the country,
then it can be considered as:
a. Dynamic c. Idealistic
b. Territoriality d. Nationalistic
44. A mental disorder in which the subject thinks himself great or exalted.
a. Necrophilism c. Megalomania
b. Phyrophobia d. Masochism
45. It is a morbid craving, usually of an erotic nature for the dead bodies.
a. Necrophilism c. Erotomania
b. Masochism d. Autophobia
46. A non-criminal person who commits a crime when under extreme emotional stress.
a. Situational Criminal c. Habitual Criminal
b. Rational Criminal d. Episodic Criminal
47. A morbid propensity to love or make love.
a. Necrophilism c. Masochism
b. Erotomania d. Kleptomaniac
48. It refers to the transmission of physical characteristics from parents to offspring.
a. Inheritance c. Twin Theory
b. XYY Syndrome d. Family Tree Study
49. An uncontrollable morbid propensity to steal or pathological stealing.
a. Erotomania c. Megalomania
b. Autophobia d. Kleptomania
50. In the USA Universities, Criminology was under the Department of __________.
a. Medicine c. Psychology
b. Biology d. Sociology
51. The study of the relationship between environment and criminality.
a. Criminal Etiology
b. Criminal Physical Anthropology
c. Criminal Typology
d. Criminal Epidiomology
52. The modern explanation of punishment is:
a. Revenge c. Correction
b. Rehabilitation d. Both B and C
53. PEACE stands for:
a. Phil. Entity Associated with Cultural Education
b. Phil. Educators Ass. For Criminology Education
c. Phil. Education Association for Criminology Educators
d. Phil. Educators Assistance for Criminology Educ.
54. The study of physical features and their relation to human behavior is called:
a. Demography c. Somatotyping
b. Human Behavior d. Human Anatomy
55. According tot Edwin Sutherland, the scope of Criminology includes the following, except the:
a. Making of Laws
b. Breaking of Laws
c. Reaction of the people towards the makings of Laws
d. Reaction of the people towards the breaking of Laws
56. A clash between societies because of contrary to the beliefs of substantial variance in their
respective customs, language, institutions, habits, learning, traditions etc.
a. Social Conflict c. Mental Conflict
b. Cultural Conflict d. Personal Conflict
57. It refers to that body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon.
a. Victimology c. Criminology
b. Criminalistics d. none of the above
58. It is an attempt at scientific analysis of the conditions under which penal law was developed
as a process of formal social control.
a. Penology c. Criminal Etiology
b. Sociology of Law d. Criminalistics
59. Is it an attempt at scientific analysis of the causes of crimes.
a. Criminal Etiology c. Penology
b. Sociology of Law d. Institutional Correction
60. It is concerned with the control of prevention of crime and treatment of offender.
a. Criminal Etiology c. Penology
b. Sociology of Law d. Institutional Correction
61. Who is the author of the book “Principles of Criminology” who hopes criminology to become
a. Cyril Burt c. Healy
b. Cesare Lombroso d. Edwin Sutherland
62. It is defined as science of fingerprinting.
a. Polygraphy c. Instrumentation
b. Criminalistics d. Dactyloscopy
63. Psychiatry refers to what?
a. Polygraphy c. Human Capacity
b. Human Mind d. Personal Identification
64. It is the process of producing an image by the action of light.
a. Polygraphy c. Photograph
b. Photography d. Dactyloscopy
65. It is the study of handwriting and disputed documents.
a. Questioned Document Examination
b. Disputed Examination
c. Document Examination
d. Questioned Document Investigation
66. When was the effectivity of Revised Penal Code?
a. January 1, 1952 c. January 1, 1932
b. January 1, 1942 d. January 1, 1922
67. Which of the following is not included in the elements of felony?
a. Dolo or Deceit c. Culpa or Fault
b. It is not punishable d. An act or omission
68. Which of the following is not included in the elements of dolo or deceit?
a. Intelligence c. Intent
b. Freedom d. Negligence
69. Which of the following are the elements of Culpa or Fault?
a. Lack of Foresight c. Both A, B and D
b. Imprudence and Negligence d. All of the above
70. It is a single act which constitute only one offense.
a. Unitary Crime c. Simple Crime
b. Static Crime d. Complex Crime
71. Rebellion is a crime against what?
a. Public Order c. National Security
b. Chastity d. Person
72. A felony which the penal law attaches the capital punishment.
a. Grave Felonies c. Slight Felonies
b. Less Grave Felonies d. Aggravating Felonies
73. What are the sub-classifications of crime?
a. Felony c. Offender
b. Infraction and offense d. Both A and B
74. What kind of crime wot which an offender gains something on the crime he committed?
a. Extinctive Crime c. Acquisitive Crime
b. Continuing Crime d. Accidental Crime
75. R.A. 3815 is otherwise known as?
a. Anti-Gambling Law
b. Revised Penal Code
c. Illegal Possession of Firearms
d. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act
76. It is when the end of result of crime is destructive.
a. Extinctive Crime c. Acquisitive Crime
b. Irrational Crime d. Accidental Crime
77. He is the founder of Positivist Theory and regarded as the Father of Modern Criminology.
a. Cesare Beccaria c. Enrico Ferri
b. Jeremy Bentham d. Cesare Lombroso
78. He supported the theory of Cesare Beccaria and advocated the “Utilitarianism of Hedonism-
Pleasure seeking”.
a. Jeremy Bentham c. Rafaelo Garofalo
b. Cesare Beccaria d. Wilhem Bonger
79. Those crimes that are only committed during a certain period of the year.
a. Continuing Crime c. Static Crime
b. Seasonal Crime d. Extinctive Crime
80. Those crimes committed by a person who do not know the nature and quality of his act on
account of the disease of the mind.
a. Rational Crime c. Irrational Crime
b. Insane d. Feeblemindedness Criminal
81. What Criminological Theory advocates, “Man is acting to his own Freewill”.
a. Positive School c. Sociological School
b. Neo-Classical School d. Classical School
82. It refers to a criminal who continues to commit unlawful act of a diverse reason.
a. Habitual Criminal
b. Accidental Criminal
c. Recidivist
d. Passive-Aggressive Criminal
83. It refers to the type of criminals who commit crime in an impulsive manner usually due to
the aggressive behavior of the offender.
a. Passive-Aggressive Criminal
b. Habitual Criminal
c. Active-Aggressive Criminal
d. Recidivist
84. It refers to the explanation that crime is produced only by one factor variable
a. Multiple Factor c. Logomacy
b. Single/Unitary Cause d. Etiology of Crime
85. These types of criminals who are normal in their behavior but merely defective in their
socialization processes.
a. Habitual Criminal c. Logomacy
b. Single/Unitary Cause d. Etiology of Crime
86. It refers to the type of criminals who commit crimes because they are pushed to it by
inducement, by reward or promise without considering the consenquences.
a. Active-Aggressive Criminals
b. Socialized Delinquents
c. Passive-Aggressive Criminals
d. Incidental Criminals
87. It is an explanation that crime is not produced by a single cause but a combination of several
a. Multiple Factor Theory c. Etiology of Crime
b. Single/Unitary Cause d. Logomacy
88. It refers to the study of the relationship between the facial features and human conduct of a
person in relation to his crimes.
a. Palmistry c. Geography
b. Phrenology d. Physiognomy
89. It refers to the study of external formation of the skill that indicates the conformation of the
brain and the development of the various parts in relation to the behavior of a person.
a. Physiognomy c. Palmistry
b. Phrenology and Craniology d. Atavism
90. It refers to the types of physique which is characterized by the relatively great development
of digestive viscera; tendency to put a fat which tend to be relaxed and easy going.
a. Endomorph c. Ectomorph
b. Mesomorph d. None of the above
91. Criminology is dynamic, which means it;
a. Changes as social condition changes
b. Is exact
c. Ever changing in its system
d. Is not a scient
92. It refers to the types of

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