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Stage 3: Learning Plan

Procedure Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Administrati
ve Routine

 Prayer Say: Might I request everyone to please

stand and let us put ourselves in the
presence of God. Let us pray.
(The students will
Say: Our most gracious and heavenly stand and pray)
Father, Lord, we praise and glorify your
Name. Thank
you for Your unending blessings You
showered upon us and thank you for
bringing us here safe and sound. Lord,
please forgive us from our sin as we
forgive those people who sins
against us. Please give us heavenly
wisdom, knowledge and understanding so
that we can understand our lesson for
today. Guide and protect us by your
mercy blood. These all we ask and pray
in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen! Amen!

 Greetings Say: Good morning, class. You may take Good morning,
your seat. Ma’am.
(The student will take
a seat)

Say: How are you today class? We’re good, Ma’am.

Say: That’s good to hear. I hope your

good mood will continue all throughout
our lesson

 Checking Say: Okay class, I will check your

of attendance based on your seat plan. I
Attendance hope you are in your proper seat.
(The teacher will check the
attendance using the seat plan.)

Say: Very good class. Everyone is

 Review of
the Previous Say: Class, let’s have a review. In your
Lesson previous lesson, you have learned what is (Students raise their
gathering/collection of data and its hands)
different methods. Who can state what is
gathering data? Collection or
gathering of data is a
Say: Yes, please. process of gathering
(the teacher calls the name who information from all
volunteered) the relevant sources
to find a solution to
the research problem.

Say: Very good, class!

 Motivation/
Drill Say: This time, we will have a drill. This
activity called “Look at Me”.
(The teacher attach the activity on the

Objects Tally Total




Say: Based on what you have seen on

the board answer the following questions.
1. How many rabbits are there? 8.
2. How many cars are there? 16.
3. How many pencils are there? 12.
4. How many dogs are there? 32.
5. How many animals are there? 8.
6. How many objects with wheels are
7. How many non-living objects are 24.
8. How many objects are there all 56.

Say: Thank you so much for your

cooperation. I believe that you have
already an idea about our topic for today
B. Lesson
Activities Say: In the previous lesson, we have
I. Explore discussed gathering of data and its
 Presentati different methods use in collecting data.
on of the This morning, let’s discuss organizing
topic data in a frequency table.
(The teacher will present the Learning
 Presentati
on of Say: Today we will have an interesting
Learning discussion. I hope everyone will listen
Targets and participate actively in the task that
will be given. I’m requesting everyone to

(students read the

Learning Targets)

please read our learning targets for


Say: Thank you, class.

Say: Today, I am expecting that at the

end of our discussion you can organize
 Getting data using frequency table.
the Prior
Knowledg Say: Say: And now, before we proceed
e to our discussion, we will have our
activity please group into three and select
a leader and secretary and then prepare Yes, ma’am.
a one whole sheet of paper and write
your member. Understood? (students count and
go to their assigned
Say: Now, please count from 1 to 3. 1… group)
2…3…! Go to your assigned group and
form a circle.
(the teacher flash the activity on the

Say: As what you have seen on the

monitor, the following data are obtained
in the survey on the number of
cellphones possessed by each family.

Say: Answer the following questions.

1. How many students were

2. How many families have at least 2
cellphones in their possession?
3. How many families have less than
4 cellphones?

Say: Who can answer number 1?

50 students, ma’am.
Say: Yes, please.
(the teacher calls the name who
Say: Very good! How many families have
at least 2 cellphones in their possession? 8 families, ma’am.

Say: Good job! How many families have

less than 4 cellphones? 26 families, ma’am.

Say: Job well done, students. I think you

already have an idea now about our new
topic for today.

II. Firm-Up Say: This morning, we will discuss about

organization of data. When hear
organization of data what comes into (student share his
your mind? ideas)

Say: Thank you for sharing your ideas.

Say: Everyone please read the definition

of organization of data and the frequency

(students read the


Say: Thank you, class. Frequency

distribution table has two types; the
ungrouped frequency distribution table
and the group frequency distribution
table. Girls, please read the ungrouped
frequency distribution.

(Girls read the

ungrouped frequency

Say: Thank you, girls. Boys, please read

(boys read the
ungrouped frequency

the grouped frequency distribution.

Say: Thank you, Boys. Now you have
already an idea what is frequency
distribution table.

Say: Now I will discuss to you the steps (students listening)

in getting the frequency distribution table
for ungroup data and there are 3 steps
and we will use the data gathered in our
previous activity.

Step 1. Set up a table using three

No. of Tally Frequency
Say: Each item in the column 1 is called
a class of the table.

Step 2. Read each item in the raw data

and mark a stroke (or tally) in the Tally
column in the same row as its class.
No. of Tally Frequency
1 |||
2 |||| |||
3 |||| |||| ||||
4 |||| |||| ||
5 |||| ||
6 ||||
Say: Mark every 5th stroke with a cross
like “||||” to count it easier.

Step 3. The Frequency of the class is the

number of times each class occurs. Write
down the frequency of each class by its
counting corresponding tally marks. Find
the sum of all the frequencies and write it
as shown.
No. of Tally Frequency
1 ||| 3
2 |||| ||| 8
3 |||| |||| |||| 15
4 |||| |||| || 12
5 |||| || 7
6 |||| 5
Total: 50

Say: The sum serves as check whether

the tallying is correct or not.

Say: When we plot the data in a scatter

plot this is the result. The No. of
Cellphones will be our X (X-axis) and our
frequency will our Y (Y-axis).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Say: Is there any question or clarification

about ungrouped frequency distribution

Say: Now, let’s proceed to the grouped

frequency distribution table.
Example: Scores of 60 students in a 30-
element Math Quiz

Class Interval Frequency (f)

28-29 1
26-27 3
24-25 3
22-23 3
20-21 6
18-19 6
16-17 8
14-15 6
12-13 10
10-11 14

Step 1. Find the Range (R). the Range is

obtained by subtracting highest score
(HS) and lowest score (LS). Add 1 to the
difference to arrive at the potential
number of scores or potential scores.
R=29-10= 19
The number of potential scores=

Step 2. Find the class size (i). In finding

the class size, we simply divide the range
by 10 and by 20 such that the class limits
are not less than 10 and not more than
20, provided that the class covers the
total of scores.
i= =2
Step 3. Set up the classes. In the setting
of classes, simply add i/2 or one-half of
the class size (i) to the highest score 28.5
to obtain a higher limit, and subtract i/2
to the highest score to obtain the lower

i/2= 2/2=1
Add 1 to 28.5, that is
28.5+1=29.5(higher true limit)
Subtract 1 to 28.5, that, is
28.5-1=27.5(lower true limit)

Thus, the topmost True limit is

27.6 – 29.5
To obtain the integral limit, just simply
add 0.5 to the lower true limit and
subtract 0.5 to the higher true limit.

The topmost integral limit is 28 – 29.

Class True Limit Frequency

Interval (f)
28-29 27.5-29.5 1
26-27 25.5-27.5 3
24-25 23.6-25.5 3
22-23 21.5-23.5 3
20-21 19.5-21.5 6
18-19 17.5-19.5 6
16-17 15.5-17.5 8
14-15 13.5-15.5 6
12-13 11.5-13.5 10
10-11 9.5-11.5 14

A cumulative frequency distribution

can be obtained by adding the frequency
level starting the frequency of the lowest
class interval up to the frequency of the
highest interval.

Step 4.
This is done by cumulating the frequency
or successively adding the frequency
from the bottom for “lesser than (cf<)”
up to the highest-class limit or start
cumulating or adding the frequency from
above for “greater than (cf>) up to the
bottom. Make sure that the end value is None, ma’am.
equal to N.

 Practice Class True f x <cf >c (students count 1 to

Inter Limits f 5)
28-29 27.5-29.5 1 28.5 60 1
26-27 25.5-27.5 3 26.5 59 4
24-25 23.6-25.5 3 24.5 56 7
22-23 21.5-23.5 3 22.5 53 10
20-21 19.5-21.5 6 20.5 50 16
18-19 17.5-19.5 6 18.5 44 22
16-17 15.5-17.5 8 16.5 38 30
14-15 13.5-15.5 6 14.5 30 36
12-13 11.5-13.5 10 12.5 24 46
10-11 9.5-11.5 14 10.5 14 60

Step 5. Graph the table.

Say: Is there any questions or

clarification about frequency distribution

Say: Since there are no questions let’s

have a practice. This is a group activity,
please count from 1 to 5, then go to your
group and form a circle.

Say: Please get 1 whole sheet of paper

then assign a leader and all members
should be participate and have a part so
that it won’t be unfair to other. Leaders,
please list the name who participate on
your group and you have 10 minutes to
do your activity.

(the teacher flash the students activity)

Direction: Give the true limits or class

boundaries of the intervals and prepare a
cumulative frequency distribution table None, ma’am.
then graph the table with <cf only.
Birth Weights of 50 Filipino Males
Born in Hospital (the groups start
Class Intervals Frequency answering)
weight (in
ounces) (students raise their
134-139 10 hands)
128-133 9
122-127 8 (write the answer in
116-121 1 the board)
110-115 5
104-109 2 (students raise their
98-103 9 hands)
92-97 5
86-91 1
N=50 (write the answer in
the board)
(the teacher distributes the graphing
(students raise their
paper to each group)
Say: Is there any question or clarification
about our activity?
(write the answer in
the board)
Say: Very good! Your time start now.
(students raise their
After 10 minutes…
Say: Time is up, who can answer step 1?
(write the answer in
Say: Group______, please go to the the board)
board and write your answer on the
space provided.
(students raise their
Say: Very Good! And who can answer hands)
step 2?

Say: Okay, Group _____, please go to (write the answer in

the board and write your answer on the the board)
space provided.

Say: Excellent! And who can answer step

None, ma’am.
 Seatwork Say: Group _____, please go to the
board and write your answer on the
space provided. (students find their
Say: Correct! Who can answer step 4?

Say: Group ______, please go to the

board and write your answer on the
space provided.

Say: Very good! And lastly who can draw

step 5?

Say: Yes, please Group ______, please

go to the board and draw your answer on
the space provided.

Say: Good job! Is there any questions or Yes, Ma’am.

clarifications regarding on our topic
today? (students start
answering by pair)
Say: Very good! Class, I believe that you
already understand our lesson today. At
this moment we will have a by pair Yes, ma’am.
activity. Please get 1 whole sheet of
paper and answer from step 1 to step 5
of the following given data. You have 5 (students pass their
minutes to answer. paper)

 Summarize
and Closure
Our topic for today is
about organizing data
in a frequency
distribution table.

Say: Are you ready? Organization of data

is the way to arrange
Say: Then your time start now. the raw data in an
understandable order.
After 5 minutes…
A frequency
Say: Are done class? distribution table is a
chart that summarizes
Say: Please pass your paper forward on values and their
the count of 5. 1…2…3…4…5…! frequency.

Say: Job well done, class. The results of Two types, the
your seatwork will be given next meeting. ungrouped and
grouped frequency
Say: This time, we will summarize our distribution of data.
discussion today. Class, what was our
lesson about today?

Say: Correct, who can define what is

organization of data?
(students start
Say: Very good! How about frequency
distribution of data?
(students throw their
crumpled paper)

Say: Excellent! How many types of (students pick the

frequency distribution of data did we nearest crumpled
discussed? paper and read it

Say: Good job, class. Give yourself

 Revisiting fireworks clap for your job well done.
the Learning
Targets Say: Now to end our class, we will have
our last activity named “Snow balls”. In
¼ sheet of paper write down what you
have learned today and crumple it, I will (students raise their
give a signal then throw it away. I’ll give hands)
you 1 minutes to do it.
Organization of data
After 1 minute is the way to arrange
the raw data in an
Say: In the count of three, throw your understandable order.
crumpled paper away. 1…2…3!

Say: Listen class, pick-up the nearest A frequency

paper and read it aloud. distribution table is a
chart that summarizes
values and their
Say: Thank you, class for your active frequency.

Say: Class, let us check if we attain our Yes, ma’am.

learning targets for today. We’re you able
to define organization of data and
frequency distribution table? (students raise their
Say: Then who can define organization
of data? Step 1. Find the
Range (R), Step 2.
Say: Yes, please. Find the class size
(i)., Step 3. Set up
the classes, Step 4.
cumulating the
Say: Very good! How about frequency frequency or
distribution table? successively adding
the frequency from
the bottom for “lesser
than (cf<)” up to the
highest-class limit or
start cumulating or
Say: Correct! Next, we’re you able to sort adding the frequency
and organize data using frequency from above for
distribution table? “greater than (cf>)
up to the bottom.
Say: Then, who can identify the steps in Step 5. Graph the
solving the group frequency distribution table.
 Dismissal (students clap their
Say: Yes, please. hands and shout very

Good day and thank

you, ma’am.
Say: Excellent! Give yourself three times
clap and shout very good!

Say: Might I request everyone to please

stand. Class, thank you for your active
participation and I have a great day with
you and I hope you too. Good day and
thank you, class.

Example 1. The following list

shows the number of pets in each
of the 40 families.
Example 1. The following list
shows the number of pets in each
of the 40 families.

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