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Ge OF use on a network is prohibited p (Australia) Pty Ltd.Further reproduction, distribution, stora¢ Printed / viewed by: [] @ 2021- nsed to SAI Global’Jacobs Grou} Copyrighted mater m ne ng nu AS/NZS 1170. wind direction multiplier (see Clauss hill shape multiplier lee (effect) multiplier (taken as 1.0,exceptin New Zealand lee zones, see Clause 44.3) resonant component ofthe along-wind base moment (Appendix E) shielding multiplier topographic multiplier terrain/height multiplier average mass per unit height mass per unit area of flag average mass per unit height over the top third ofthe structure ‘mass per unit heightas a function of height z reduced frequency (non-dimensional) number of stress exceedances number of spans of a multi-span roof first mode natural frequency of vibration ofa structure, in hertz first mode natural frequency of vibration of structure in the along-wind direction, in hertz, first mode natural frequency of vibration ofa structure in the crosswind direction, inhertz number of upwind shielding butldings within a 45° sector of radius 20h and with hezh natural frequency of twisting (torsional) mode of a tall building (Appendix E} design wind pressure acting normal to a surface, in pascals Pe, Pi or Pp where the sign is given by the Cp values used to evaluate Cshp NOTE: Pressures are taken as positive, indicating pressures above ambient and negative, indicating pressures below ambient. external wind pressure internal wind pressure net wind pressure design wind pressure, in pascals (normal to the surface), at height z, calculated in Clause 24.1 NOTE: The sign convention for pressures leads to forces towards the surface for positive pressures and forces away from the surface for negative pressures. average recurrence interval of the wind speed in years (Clause 3.2); or (© Standards Australia Limited/Standards New Zealand 2021

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