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English Course

Task – Vacation Conversation

Muhamad Bedug Dipo S (20220401245)


Character : Dipo (D)

M (Mika)

R (reza)

A (Mr. Agus)


At senen Station, we are waiting for our train to depart.

D: have you all prepared your ticket and ID Card?

M: I am all prepared.

R: I am prepared as well, but I felt like I forget something.

M: what is it?

R: I don’t know, can’t remember what I am forgetting.

D: just check your belonging za, we have spare time before our train depart.

R: let me check my bag first.

R: I found out I forgot to bring my swimming goggles.

D: that’s not a problem, we could rent the goggles along with other equipment in the island.

R: alright then.

M: let’s grab something to eat first, our train has not arrived yet


D: our train has arrived, let’s go to the platform.

M: yes finally, our vacation has started.

R let’s take a queue.

At the Gate entrance:

O: please show your ticket along with the ID card please.

D: Here you go, what platform are our train?

O: your train is at platform 3, please head to the underground pass and through the stairs to the
platform number 3.

M: Thank you.

R: there is our train, let’s find our carriage first.

R: excuse me, could you show us what carriage is our seat?

O; you are on carriage number 7. Just keep walking until you see the number 7 on the side of the

D: Thank you.

M: Thank you.

R: here is our carriage, number 7. Let’s find our seat first.

D: Yeah, let me sit beside the window.

M; no problem, I will take the aisle seat then, reza will be in the middle.

The train then depart to kudus.

After Arrived at Kudus Station, we change to local bus to get to the port.

M: finally arrived at the port. But the scheduled ferry is still 3 hours away.

R: I am starving, let’s have a breakfast first.

D: yeah, let’s go find something to eat.


R: let’s buy the ferry ticket first, the ticket booth has been opened,

M: let me ask first.

M: Good Morning, we would like to purchase three ticket to Karimun Jawa Island.

O: Good Morning, Yes the ticket is available, do you want the regular ferry or the express ferry?

M: What is the difference?

O: The express ferry is more expensive it is priced Rp.150.000, but it will be two hours journey to the
Karimun Jawa Island

M: How about the regular ferry?

O: The Regular Ferry is cheaper at Rp.15.000 but it will take 6 hours to get to the Karimun Jawa

M: let me ask my friends first.

O: No Problem.

M: Guys, which one should we take?

D: It will be great to take the express, but with our budget, it will be wiser to take the regular. We
could just enjoy the sea breeze.

R: yeah, no problem for me too, let just take the regular ferry. Although it is much longer journey, we
are on vacation, so it doesn’t matter.

M: alright, I will bought us three regular ferry.

M: Hello, we would like to purchase three regular ferry ticket please.

O: Certainly, the totalled is Rp.45.000.

M: here is the money.

O: Thank you for your purchase. Have a safe journey.

M: Thank you.


Then it was time to aboard the ferry, it is quite a big ferry.

R: wow, it is quite a big ferry. I thought the ferry will be smaller.

M: yeah, I thought karimun jawa with how small the island is, the ferry will be small.

D: yeah, I am glad we took on this trip.

R: Lets go aboard the ferry.

O: Please Show your Ticket and prepared your ID as well for inspection, Thank you.

M: here is our ticket and ID as well.

O: Let me check first. Alright, you guys can aboard. Please choose any seat available.

M: thank you.

D: Thank you, let’s choose near the starboard side seat.

R: hopefully I am not getting sea sick.

M: haha, no problem, according to research you could just lie down on your back to prevent sea sick.

D: wow I don’t know about that.

After Gruelling six hour ferry ride, finally arrived at Karimun Jawa Island.

D: finally arrived, what a nice view. So this is the renowned Karimun Jawa Island.

M: After Planning for two months, here we are.

R: Where should we head first?

D: Let’s head to our guest house first. Mika, you have the Guide Number right?

M: yes, let me call him first.

M: Hello, Mr. Agus. We have arrived at the port at Karimun Jawa Island. Could you tell us the location
of our guest house?

A: Let me pick you guys up, the house is in the middle of island.

M: alright we are waiting near the exit at the port.


After arrived at the guest house.

A: This is your place for the next three days, you will be share this house with other group, in the
other rooms. Please keep a clean place and do not disturb or make any loud noise during the night.
M: Thank you Mr. Agus.

D: Thank you, we will abide by the rules.

R: Thank you.

A: I will pick you guys up next morning, don’t wake up late. Or you will be left behind.


The next morning

D: Good Morning Mr. Agus.

M: Good Morning

R: Good Morning.

A: Morning, we just need to wait for other group.


After that we are headed to the beach. There was already a small ship waiting for us to take us to the
diving spot.

A: all of you can swim right? If some of you cannot swim, inform us, we could help you to dive at
shallow water.

M: No Problem, our group are ready.

A: Please hang on, we will begin our journey to the diving spot first.

D: what a nice view, the sea breeze also feel good.

M: this is what a vacation should be.

R: especially after the exam. Which is very hard.

D: could you not remind me about that exam.

R: sorry, haha. Looks like we arrived at the diving location.

A: Here we are, this is a spot for diving. I have to remind you, that there is some dangerous thing in
this water, please avoid the sea urchin, there are some in this water. And then please do not touch
the fire coral, it will sting your skin upon touched. And lastly please do not destroy the ecosystem.

Group: Yes Mr.A

A: and after some time we will provide you all with underwater picture. Enjoy your dive.

M: let’s go dive right away.

D: yeah, I can’t wait to sea the beauty of underwater.

R: yes, let’s dive.

The view of underwater with all kind of coral and some fish is really breathtaking.

A: Do you want to take an underwater picture?

D: It will be great, thank you. Our group is ready.

A: Let’s head there, there is a big coral, you could pose beside it.

D: Please take a nice picture for me.

A: No problem, my camera is quite good.


After Diving for two hours, the ship sailed to another small island, where we could rest in the beach,
while Mr. agus and crew prepared lunch for our groups.

A: our lunch for today is a specially grilled fish that our crew has catch.

A: come, taste it. Have some.

M: it really look appetizing.

R: it really looks delicious.

D: let’s eat, I am starving after diving for so long.

M: it relly is great, even though just grilled on fire, the fish is taste amazing,

D: eating delicious fish on the beach like this, is really great.


After lunch, Mr. Agus Take us to another wonder island that is near the main island.

The island is called floating island. Because it such a small island, that consist of sand in the middle of
the sea. So it looks like you are standing on the sea.

A: this is a floating island. This is one of the beauty of karimun jawa island. This spot is very famous,
especially for pre wedding photo shoot. You could walk around and have some photo in this island.

M: haha for us boys, this place is only good to looked at, not to get photographed in.

D: let me get my camera, I will get a good shoot at this place.

R: yeah let me rest on the boat. I kinda sleepy.


After that we are return to the main island. In the afternoon, we take a stroll on the main island.
Looking around the resident’s activity and eating out on local shop. What a wonderful experience.

After that, we are return to the guest house, while in there we have a chat with another group in the
other room. After that we are asleep in our room.


The next day, we have an adventure with Mr. Agus.

A: good morning, today we will head out a bit far from main island, there is also a nice diving location
with many fish to looked at.

D: Let’s go. I can’t wait to look the fishes.

M: yeah the last spot there isn’t many fishes.

R: but the last place the coral was very cool though.
D: agreed.

A: we have arrived at the second diving spot. In here there is not any sea urchin, but there is still
some fire coral in here. So be careful while you are diving.


After Diving, we are headed to other island.

A: now we are headed to a place where you could see many sea turtle.

M: what kind of place is that.

A: it is a conservative place for the sea turtle, where we hatch the sea turtle egg, and release them to
the sea.

D: hopefully, we could see some baby sea turtle.

M: it was a great place, we could learn how they could help the sea turtle.


After that we have some simple lunch with many kind of sea food, shrimp, squid, clam and many kind
of fishes. After lunch we are back to the guest house to prepare to return to Jakarta.

D: what a pity, our vacation comes to an end.

M: next year we could go to another place.

R: yeah, let’s planned ahead our next vacation.


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