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Cambridge 13 - Test 1 - Passage 1

Long-haul /ˈlɒŋ hɔːl/ - traveling a long distance:
➔ New Zealand is a small country of four
Đường dài million inhabitants, a long-haul flight from
all the major touristgenerating markets of
the world. (Paragraph 1)
+ The business will not recover quickly; this is
the beginning of a long haul.
+ It's been a long haul, but people appreciate
what we've managed to do.
Similar: long term, long period, long duration.
Opposite: short term, short period.

Gross domestic /ˌɡrəʊs dəˌmestɪk - the total value of goods and services
produced by a country in one year:
product ˈprɒdʌkt/
➔ Tourism currently makes up 9% of the
country’s gross domestic product, and is the
Tổng sản phẩm quốc
country’s largest export sector. (Paragraph 1)
+ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a sum of
products produced within a country's
+ Gross Domestic Product is used to measure
the happiness of a country.
Similar: gross national income.

Exhilarating /ɪɡˈzɪləreɪtɪŋ/ - making you feel very excited and happy:

➔ The campaign focused on New Zealand’s
Gây phấn chấn, scenic beauty, exhilarating outdoor

hào hứng. activities and authentic Maori culture.

(Paragraph 1)
+ Although studying Vocabulary consumes
lots of efforts, I found it very exhilarating.
+ Getting the perfect score from someone
always makes me feel exhilarating.
Similar: thrilling, exciting, stimulating, energizing.
Opposite: boring, depressing, unstimulating,
agitating, discouraging, upsetting, worrying.
Tourism-related /ˈtʊə.rɪ.zəm/ /rɪˈleɪ.tɪd/ - business based on travel to make money,
such as hotel, tour guides, ..:
business /ˈbɪz.nɪs/
➔ Any tourism-related business could be
listed by filling in a simple form.
Kinh doanh liên quan
(Paragraph 2)
đến du lịch.
+ Tourism-related business can bring huge
profits to both enterprises and local
+ The market could also gain momentum
from the expansion of tourism-related
businesses such as premium restaurants,
spas and resorts.

Blockbuster /ˈblɒkbʌstə(r)/ - a period of 1,000 years, or the time when a

period of 1,000 years ends:
Bom tấn (phim). ➔ Another feature that attracted a lot of
attention was an interactive journey
through a number of the locations chosen
for blockbuster films. (Paragraph 3)
+ We all felt the movie was a potential
+ Do you want to watch the latest Hollywood
blockbuster with me?

Backdrop /ˈbækdrɒp/ - the view behind something:

➔ Blockbuster films which had made use of
Phông nền. New Zealand’s stunning scenery as a
backdrop. (Paragraph 3)
+ The mountains form a dramatic backdrop to
the little village.
+ The mountains provided a picturesque
backdrop for our picnic.
Similar: scenery.
Itinerary /aɪˈtɪnəreri/ - a detailed plan or route of a journey:
➔ As the site developed, additional features
Hành trình có kế hoạch. were added to help independent travellers
devise their own customised itineraries.
(Paragraph 3)
+ The tour operator will arrange transport and
plan your itinerary.
+ Visits to four different countries are included
in your itinerary.
Similar: guidebook, outline, schedule.

Driver /ˈdraɪvə(r)/ - something that has an important influence

on other things:
Tác nhân chính. ➔ This is important as research shows that
activities are the key driver of visitor
satisfaction. (Paragraph 6)
+ Young people are widely perceived as the
pop industry drivers.
+ Housing is a key driver of the economy.

Undertake /ˌʌndəˈteɪk/ - to do or begin to do something:

➔ The more activities that visitors undertake,
Đảm nhận. the more satisfied they will be.
(Paragraph 6)
+ Students are required to undertake simple
+ The company has announced that it will
undertake a full investigation into the
Similar: engage in, be involved in, participate in.
Opposite: deny, end, finish, neglect, refuse.
Once-in-a-lifetime /wʌns ɪn ə ˈlaɪftaɪm/ - very special because you will probably only
have it once:
Cơ hội hiếm có trong ➔ Because of the long-haul flight, most visitors

đời. stay for longer and want to see as much of

the country as possible on what is often seen
as a once-in-a-lifetime visit. (Paragraph 7)
+ A tour of Australia is a once-in-a-lifetime
+ Watching "Incantation" is a
once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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