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MMH326845 Predictive Maintenance Coursework

100 Marks

You are required to write a three-page report (Minimum 2000 words) for this
coursework. Additionally, include a Front Page, Abstract, List of any
Abbreviations and Table of Contents, in Roman numbered pages prior to
commencing the narrative on Page 1 [Arabic numbers].

1. In the context of the digital transformation of operations and

maintenance, identify ten published works with the application of:
 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,
 Predictive Maintenance,
 Stochastic Process Methodology,
 Simulation,
 Industry 4.0,
 Statistical Modelling and Predictive Analytics,
 IoT Remote Monitoring.
2. You can choose any number of applications. Moreover, you can add
more applications of your choice that you learned throughout the
3. Using “Times New Roman, 12 Font Size Text, Line Spacing 1”, write a
short literature review of NO MORE than three pages (minimum 2000
words), citing the ten published works using the Harvard System.
These published works should include Journal papers.
4. Your three-page report should highlight the connections between the
topic headings listed above in the context of the digital transformation
of operations and maintenance. Herein, you should first write a
background on what all research has been done on your study topic (s).
Follow this with 'what is missing' or 'what are the open questions of
the study'. Identify the gaps in the literature and emphasize why it is
important to address those gaps. Conclude the report by suggesting
how to bridge these gaps utilizing the knowledge gained from the
5. The coursework assessment rubric further provides advice on the
report structure and grading.
6. Utilising a fourth page [and fifth if necessary], list your References
using the Harvard System. [Author(s) name and initials, Date, Paper
Title, Journal/Conference, pp., ISBN, ISSN, DOI, Publisher’ address etc.]
Give the fullest information to assist your reader in accessing the
material that you have cited.
7. Complete the cover sheet below and insert it at the front of your work.

Coursework Assessment Rubric

The rubric is based on following criteria’s:

1. Quality of the introduction: This can include the clarity of the research
question, the background information provided, and the purpose of the
literature review.
2. Relevance of sources: This can include the selection of sources, the
breadth and depth of sources used, and the relevance of sources to the
research question.
3. Critical analysis: This can include the synthesis of information from
sources, the evaluation of sources, and the demonstration of critical
thinking skills. For instance, 'what is missing' or 'what are the open
questions of the study'. Identify the gaps in the literature and
emphasize why it is important to address those gaps.
4. Writing quality: This can include the use of proper grammar, clarity of
writing, referencing, and overall organization of the literature review.
5. Conclusion: This can include the summarization of key findings, the
demonstration of understanding, and the relevance to the research

Here is a Grading Rubric:

S.No. Criteria Weighting Possible Scores

1 Introduction 20%
2 Relevance of 30%
Sources 5-Excellent, 4-Good, 3-Adequate, 2-
3 Critical Analysis 30% Needs Improvement, 1-Poor
4 Writing Quality 10%
5 Conclusion 10%
Total 100%
Threshold 45%

Note: The weighting and possible scores can be adjusted to fit the specific
requirements of the assignment or the teacher's preferences.
Your work should be marked with your Full Name and Matriculation Number
AS SHOWN on your Matriculation Card.

Please Deposit your Coursework via GCULearn in line with the hand-in date
relating to your mode of study by the date set out in the GCULearn



(PLEASE PRINT) Dr Amit Kumar Jain

Student Name:

Matriculation Number: Year of Study: 2021/22

Programme Title:

Predictive Maintenance
Assignment Title:

Module: MMH326845
Student Declaration:
This piece of work is not plagiarised. It is my own original work and has not been
submitted elsewhere in fulfilment of the requirements of this or any other award.

Signature: Date:

Your mark could have been higher if:

Additional Marker Comments:

Marker Signature: Total Mark

Marker Name: Amit Kumar Jain


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