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Curse of Strahd

You have landed in the lands of First Aid

Barovia through impenetrable mists.
Applying first aid to a stable character
You seek to find escape from the valley after a fight allows them to spend a Hit Die
of Barovia for healing


Characters begin at first 6th level and This campaign is a horror adventure but
the campaign will finish around 9th or 10th the characters may be called on to help
level. You can choose any options from the residents of Barovia, this is not an evil
Players Handbook,Xanathars, Tashas and campaign and evil characters will not be
Monsters of the Multiverse with the allowed.
following exceptions.
Similarly you need to create a character
HOUSE RULES who is not only willing but also
enthusiastic to work together in a group.
Banned Classes.
• Twilight Cleric
The adventure features themes of a horror
• Gloomstalker Ranger nature it can contain the following
• Kidnapping
Standard array will be used, assign these,
• Missing children
15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 with one +2 and one +1 • Curses
instead of your race stats.
• Imprisonment
Multi classing
• Violence and Gore.
Requires approval from the GM
Banned feats Lines
• Lucky This game will not contain
• Alert
• Unwanted sexual contact
Any additional races or classes would have
to be cleared prior to character • Animal abuse or cruelty
• Party-initiated torture
Resurrection type spells can use any gems • Inter-party violence
of the correct value not just diamonds.
• Inter-party betrayal
Upon casting find familiar then a
random roll is made on the familiar table. If • Cannibalism
you want to change the familiar to roll
again you need to repay the 10gp worth of • Violence against children and adults,
materials and recast the spell.
• Mental assault
• Ritual sacrifice
Each time a character is reduced to 0
hp and then is healed above zero they will • Kidnapping
gain a level of exhaustion. This is recovered
in the normal way • Consensual sex

Brutal Criticals • Enemy-initiated torture

• Parasitic invasion
A nat 20 critical hit causes max + rolled
damage will be “veiled” off-screen.

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