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Amin and Amina

Islamic Moral Stories for Children

Episode 1: Learning Allah’s Creation

 Location: Outside Amin and Amina’s House

Twinkling Stars start to disappear as dawn comes in. A tiny house with colorful
walls attracts attention. A shinning and beautiful magic color lights up from its
windows. This house belongs to the Salman family where Amin and Amina, their
children, live. Amin starts to open his eyes. His eyes blink a few times and a
smile appears in the two corners of his lips. He sits up and stretches his arms
and legs gently, swinging form right to left. Amin rises up from bed, puts his
blanket, pillow and bolster neatly in place.

 Location: Sitting Room

Amin quietly opens the door and comes out of his room. In the corner of the
sitting room he sees his father and mother siting on the carpet. They are busy
reciting the Holy Quran and waiting for Fajr Prayers. Amin’s mother, Fatima sees
him behind the door and she smiles, and gives him a sign to clean up and get
ready for prayers.

Amin walks to the bathroom, washes himself up and takes his ablution and gets
ready for prayers. When returning from the bathroom he knocks on his younger
sister Amina’s door to wake her up and get ready for Fajr prayers.

 Location: Amina’s Room

Amina gets up and is half awake, and then all of sudden dives back to her bed,
puts her blanket on top of her head and goes back to sleep again.

Seeing this, Amin frowns and shakes Amina’s toes with his hands and tells her to
get up as morning prayer’s time is about to set in.

Finally, Amina gets up and slowly makes her bed and gets ready for Fajr prayers.

 Location: Outside the House

The beautiful sound of adzan can be heard coming from one mosque and
followed by other mosques.

 Location: Sitting Room

The Salman family then pray congregational morning prayers. Amin’s father
stands in front as the Imam who leads the prayer.
 Location: Dining Room

Amin and his family are seated at the dining table eating breakfast. Fatima,
Amin’s mother has prepared a big loaf of bread stuffed with jam and cream for
breakfast that’s enough for everybody. Happily they started to eat after saying
Bismillah. While eating, they chat happily and when they finish they thank Allah
by saying Alhamdulillah.

 Location: at School

At school Amin and Amina enter the classroom.

At noon the school bell rings followed by noise coming from the classes. It is
home time. Students rush out and go home.

In class Amin goes to his teacher Mr. Saleh. Mr. Saleh is busy packing his stuff
into his black bag and getting ready to go out from the class.

When he sees Amin approach him, he asks Amin if he can help him.

Saleh : What’s up Amin ? How can I help you?

Amin : I have a question Sir… Do you have time?

Saleh : Sure Amin….go ahead and ask! Hopefully, I’ll have the answer that
can satisfy you (He smiles).

Amin : How can we know Allah exists and how can we become close to Him?

Saleh : MashaAllah… that’s a very good question. Well, it is not very easy to
answer Amin! …..To know Him, we can try to observe some of His creations. Lets
say the earth….He created the earth that stands still on its orbit. It stands
without legs and He has raised it without pillars. He has decorated the skies with
the stars and the light of the meteors and set the shinning sun and the bright
moon in an orbit that rolls around. Praise be to Allah the Almighty that has
created all those without any example nor help from others!

Amin : Then, what is the purpose of observing all those creations?

Saleh : By observing all these creations, by knowing the perfection and

precise movement of Allah’s Creation, we can come to an understanding that
everything is in order and exists only by Allah’s will and power. Nothing exists
voluntarily. It is a sign of God that everything is in order. Look at the planets that
move on its orbit, none of them has ever crashed against the other.

Amin nods his head confirming that he understands.

Saleh : Why don’t you look around your neighborhood? There are plants,
animal, insects, the moon, the stars that you can observe. Lots of things to
Amin: O… Okay Sir! Alhamdulillah, now I am starting to understand and can’t
wait to observe things!

Location: in a Play Yard

At the play yard not far from the mosque, Amin and Amina meet their friends
Yusuf, Nur and Badu. Then, Amin calls them over to play together.

Amin: Guys, Mr. Saleh told me that while we play, we can also learn and observe
so many things in our neighborhood… our surrounding!

Yusuf: O yeah? So, what is it for ….Amin?

Amin: By observing all of Allah’s creations, we know that God is Great and it
make us closer to Him and we can know our Creator better!

Nur: Hmmmm … I still don’t get it ….. Amin!!

Amina, Yusuf, dan Badu in rows shake their head and mimick that they don’t
really get the point.

Amin : Okay then…You will understand soon, follow me and let’s start to

After some time, Amin finds an ant hill, on the ground. The kids then encircle the
nest and look at what is going on.

Amina: Wooow! Ants walking straight in a row!

Amin: Hey look! They are not just waliking they are carrying food! They seem to
be collecting lots of food and carrying it to their nest!

Yusuf: Look that small ant can carry a very big piece of food.

Badu: Woow! (looking at the ants with surprise)

Nur: What are they collecting? Look the other ants are bringing dry leaves and
small branches.

Amin: Mr. Saleh said by observing Allah’s creation, we can learn many things.
Look at the ants, eventhough they are very tiny, they work in groups, helping
each other. Some ants look for food and put them in a safe place inside their
nest, and others collect leaves and small brances to build a strong nest. Isn’t
beautiful? Allah has taught them to do all these works.

After satisfied enough observing ants they start to look for other Allah’s

A big oak trees grows not far from their play yard. Amin, Amina and friends are
eager to see this amazing tree. Their sight catches a colourful object that makes
a beautiful sound, a bird. A mother bird looks very busy giving her babies food.
Amin: Look at the bird, she is tiny and sings a beautiful song. She has wings so
she can get to high places on the trees safe enough to make a place for her
babies. MashaAllah.

Amina: MashaAllah…. so cute! Wow how busy they are. Her babies make noises
to call their mom to give them food!

Yusuf: Ahhh! Now I know from ants, birds, trees …. we can find that Allah is
great giving them such knowledge to take care of themselves so they can live
and survive!

Amina: So sweet….a bird teaches us to love each other….!

Nur: Yeah,…humans should learn from ants to work hard…work with others like
ants…and should give love, look after and protect our families just like a bird!

Badu: Oh yes! Now I understand…..(Scratching his head eventhough it doesn’t

really feel ichy)

Suddenly, Dadu, the naughty boy from their neighborhood comes.

Dadu: Badu! What are you doing there!

Badu: Mmmmmm we are observing …….trees……..oh no….our play yard!

Dadu: Observing Trees? ….Play Yard??? Why ?? (Frowns, and bends his head

Badu points at the big Oak Tree where the birds are singing.

Dadu: Why are you looking at the old tree?

All of sudden, Dadu’s eye catches another object that looks more interesting
than the birds. (a beehive!).

Dadu: Hmmmm! It’s a bee hive! Hey You! Who dares to get the bee house, take
its honey and eat it?

Amin: It’s a bee’s house! Leave them alone! If you disturb them, they will chase
you and sting you!

Dadu: Ha ha ha, Now I know that Amin is a chicken! Pek pek petook! (makes a
chicken sound to bully Amin).

Dadu doesn’t listen to what Amin says. Dadu asks Badu to get a long stick and
they start to poke at the hive and make the hive fall.

Dadu: Hey look! There are no bees, they’ve gone!

Amin : Amina, Nur, Yusuf , let’s get out of here! The nest doesn’t have honey as
they thought!
Amin and friends walk away from the trees. They try not to run but walk a bit
fast. Be quite don’t run but walk fast.

As the hive falls, it makes a loud sound on the ground. And suddenly thousands
of bees come out from the nest and start to make a loud humming sound and fill
the air in all directions.


Dadu and Badu just realize that lots of bees live inside the nest. And in a panick
try to run away from the bees. But the bees chase them and sting them several

Location : Amin and Amina’s balcony Upstair

At night, there’s a full moon. The moon looks brighter than ever. The stars are
twinkling. Everything looks beatiful. Amin and Amina are standing and gazing at
the skies. Some meteorites sparks make the evening look more beautiful

Amina: Brother, Today we’ve seen lots of interesting creations of Allah !.

Amin: Alhamdulillah, Sis, learning about Allah’s Creation makes us more closer
to Allah. We feel comfortable that Allah is so great to make all these creation.
Some are tiny, some are big and some are beautiful and lot more! Look at the
skies above…the moon, stars, planets, meteors? It is so beautiful! It is all Allah’s
creation…..and Allah is truly more beautiful than His creation.

Amina: Yes Brother..Allah is Great…Allah is Jamal (Beautiful).

Amin: Allahu Akbar.

Both of them smile.

Sparkling skies above (Amin’S house zooms out).

The End of 1st Episode


Jana H.


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