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Learning Experience The Classroom for Learning

The classroom serves as the home of the learners in the school. Here the learners are
exposed to strategies that can effectively nurture the developmental stage they are in. Learning
Experience (LE) 2 focuses on the classroom structures and displays used by the teachers.
Observe how a teacher structures a classroom in order to promote active learning for the
developmental level of his/her students.

Activity 2.1: Observing features of two classrooms of different grade levels

Classroom Resources Checklist

Classroom 1 Classroom 2

Grade: _____7______Room: _Mark______ Grade: _____8_______ Room: _Gaza_____


many? No many?
 Learner’s Desk Yes 36  Learner’s Desk Yes 32
 Teacher’s Table Yes 1  Teacher’s Table Yes 1
 Book cabinets Yes 1  Book cabinets No 0
 Bookshelves Yes 1  Bookshelves Yes 1
 Others Yes 1  Others Yes 1
Divan Divan


(Left, (Left,
Right, Right,
Front, Front,
Back) Back)
 Visuals for new or No None  Visuals for new or No None
current lesson current lesson
 Learners’ artworks No None  Learners’ artworks No None
 Honor Roll Yes Right  Honor Roll Yes Right
 Attendance No None  Attendance No None
 Projects No None  Projects No None
 Rules & Standards  Rules & Standards Yes Right
 Others: Yes Right  Others: Yes Right
1. Academic
Corner Back
2. Birthday


(Left, (Left,
Right, Right,
Front, Front,
Back) Back)
 Black Boards Yes Front  Black Boards Yes Front
 Bulletin Boards Yes Left  Bulletin Boards Yes Back
 TV Monitor Yes Front  TV Monitor Yes Front
 Others  Others

Activity 2.2: Identifying the purpose of the resources found in the classroom.

You have identified the resources found in the two classrooms, particularly the classroom
displays. Do the two classrooms share the same purpose or reason for the displays? You may
consult the teacher in the room to specify the purpose.

Classroom Display Classroom 1 (Lower Classroom 2 (Upper

Grade) Grade)
The purpose of the The attendance display is
1. Attendance attendance is to monitor used to track and record
the students when it student attendance daily.
comes to their
engagement with their
subject. It helps to
monitor the progression
and the retention of the
student. It will help you
to measure the
punctuality of the
The purpose of the rules Displaying classroom
2. Rules & Standards & standards is to maintain rules and academic
the orderliness inside the standards helps set
classroom. It will also expectations for behavior
help you to have an and academic
organized class. performance.

The purpose of the Enhance learning by

3. Visuals for new visuals is to let the making abstract concepts
lessons students be connected to more concrete and
the topic. it will help the engaging, help reinforce
teacher to have an key ideas, and provide a
exciting and interesting reference point during
class. instruction.

The purpose of the Make additional reading

4. Supplementary Books supplementary books is to materials readily available
help the learners to to students.
understand and be
connected to the lesson.

The purpose of the Displaying important

5. Bulletin Board bulletin board is to save announcements.
you from having a
problem with the
announcements and
important will
help you to become
productive. Also, this is
the part of the teaching

The purpose of the honor Motivate students to

6. Honor Rolls rolls is to recognize the strive for academic
students who excels in excellence by providing
their subject. Also, it will recognition and positive
inspire all the students to reinforcement for their
strive hard for them to be hard work and
in the honor rolls. achievement.
Activity 2.3: Designing an ideal classroom structure that can promote active learning for a
given developmental stage.

1. Write a narrative of your idea of a classroom for a grade level of your choice. Given the
characteristics of your learners, describe what the classroom should have in the classroom.

My Ideal of a Classroom for Grade 7

As a future educator I need to be a key in creating a positive learning

environment. A classroom with a good layout facilitates learning and success. And have an
intellectual environment where the students have the opportunity to grow and develop
physically and emotionally and intellectually during this important time of their lives. In
order to provide this type of environment for the students. So, I will setup the classroom
with such a good ambiance and organize all materials. My classroom should have rules and
regulations, learner’s desk, bookshelves with book cabinets, teacher corner, bulletin
board, attendance, best work, honor roll, and first aid kits. The basis of the classroom will
be built on mutual respect and trust. I plan on creating this mutual trust and respect by
developing close relationships with all of the students. I also plan to make students feel as
though they are a crucial factor in the classroom unit as a whole. Students are just seeking
approval and attention. I believe these students may need some guidance to behave
appropriately in my classroom, so I will make sure they know how important being
respectful is because through this, students build their feelings of trust, safety and
wellbeing. Lastly, discipline of the students through this helps students stay focused on
their academics. Over time, this teaches them how to focus in other ways. A disciplined
student is able to stay focused on his goals and keep his work as a top priority.
2. Sketch the interior of your dream classroom that will show the pieces of furniture, various
displays, and teaching aids. Consider a floor plan that will allow collaborative work and other
group activities.

My Ideal of a Classroom for Grade 7

Teacher’s Corner Bookshelves

Learning Experience Content Knowledge and
3 Pedagogy
LESSON 3.1: Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Its Application Across the Curriculum

This lesson will guide you in understanding content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge,
and curricular knowledge. It will you realize the importance of content knowledge and its
application to teaching and learning. The objectives of this lesson are the following:

1. differentiate content knowledge from pedagogical knowledge and curricular knowledge;

2. observe how teachers align the content of the lesson to the curriculum; and
3. analyze the benefits of pedagogical content knowledge.

_Education Theory___________________________________

A. Write down the information asked and answer the succeeding questions based on your class

Name of Teacher Ms. Mardy P. Resmenia

Date and Time of Observation September 6, 2023; 12:45 – 1:45 PM

Elementary: San Felipe Elementary School

Educational Background High School: King’s College of Marbel, Inc.
College: King’s College of Marbel, Inc.
Course: BSED- Mathematics

Assigned Grade and Section Grade 7- Mark

Assigned Subject/s Grade 7- Mark Mathematics

Grade 7- Matthew Mathematics
Grade 9- Joy Mathematics

Relevant Training Attended INSET- PEAC

1. Are the teacher’s background and qualifications aligned with the subject/s he or she is
assigned to teach?
Yes, because she is also graduated from college of education where all areas that she
learns aligns in her teaching subject which is Mathematics subject.

2. Does he or she use the K to 12 curriculum guide in preparing a lesson plan?

Yes, because the school required them to make their lesson plan based from the K to 12
curriculum guides because it is the standards-based.

3. Does he or she consider the learner’s prior knowledge in designing a lesson plan?
Yes, because assessing student’s prior knowledge allows the educator to focus and
adapt their teaching plan. While for students, it helps them to construct connection between
their old and new knowledge.

4. Does he or she use varied teaching strategies to deliver the subject matter?
Yes, as a mathematics teacher it is a must to use different strategies to deliver their
lessons in order for their students to understand the topic well. And I observed that the teacher
used an instructional tool such as PowerPoint and use a visual material in order for the
students to understand what is integers clearly.

5. Does he or she conduct research in planning for his or her lessons?

Yes, because it provides the teacher confidence when teaching the lesson based on

B. Check (/) the box that corresponds to your class observation. Write your remarks in the
rightmost column.

Indicators Observe Observed Remarks
1. Explains the subject matter The teacher has a loud and
clear voice and provide clear
a. Clearly / explanations of the content.
b. accurately She also provides a hand-out
c. comprehensively for her students. She also asks
students questions to assess
their listening skills and to get
their attention.
2. Relates the subject matter with The teacher review first the
previous lessons that have been / previous lesson and then she
taught or future lessons to be relates their prior knowledge
taught to their present lesson.

3. Presents facts, theories, and The teacher presents a fact by

concepts to support the validity of / having her sources from books
the content and make it hand-out for her
4. Manifest understanding of the The teacher gives an
learners’ background in relation to / opportunity for each of her
the subject matter students to speak and share
their ideas about their lesson.
5. Utilizes appropriate pedagogical The teacher discusses the
strategies in the delivery of the / content and uses a visual
subject matter material in order for students
to understand the lesson
6. Integrates appropriate technology The teacher using laptop and
tools specific to the subject matter / monitor to deliver her lesson.
to be taught

7. Promotes inquiry-based learning The teacher asks a question

to develop higher-order thinking / which encourage the students
skills and/or 21st-century skills to think critically and
collaboration with their
8. Uses appropriate languages to The teacher uses English as a
make subject matter delivery more / medium of instruction but
comprehensive when she find her student
difficult to understand some
terminologies, she explains it
in a Filipino language so that
the students will understand it

9. Shows skills in the use of Teacher gives assignment to

information and communications her students, then students are
technologies (ICT) to facilitate / given a chance to explore in
teaching and learning. the internet to know more
about their lessons.
10. Uses effective verbal and non- Teacher delivers her lesson
verbal forms of communications / fluently and clearly. And also,
strategies to promote meaningful teacher gestures and facial
learning expression of the student get
the attention of the students.

Other Comments:


A. Based on what you have observed in class, explain the importance of the different kinds of

1. Content knowledge
Based on what I have observed content knowledge affects how we interpret the
content goals we are expected to reach with our students. And when teachers have his/her
subject mastery, he/she delivered his/her lesson clear and accurately in which his/her
students understand his/her lesson.

2. Pedagogical knowledge
Teachers well-planned pedagogy which increases the quality of their instruction in
a way helps their students to learn. And when the teacher delivers his/her instruction
clearly it also improve the student outcomes.

3. Curricular Knowledge
Teachers regularly revisiting it and it helps them not only measure progress but
also to add new topics that necessary for his/her students. It also helps teacher to organize
the content that he/she will teach.

B. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to enrich his or her mastery of the
subject matter?
The strategies that the teacher needs to apply to enrich his/her mastery of the subject
matter is that deeply understanding about the topic and searching more about his/her topic and
continuously reading books or articles that related to his/her subject matter.

C. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to enrich his or her pedagogical
The teacher employs the cooperative learning strategy because the cooperating teacher
encourage students to actively participated with their groupmates to work their activity.

B. What do you think were the strategies used by the teacher to augment his or her curricular
I think the strategy used by the teacher to augment her curricular knowledge is through
searching and reading books or articles that related to her subject matter.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that pedagogical knowledge is necessary to become effective teacher because to

control the class as a teacher you need to deliver your instruction clearly to improve
learning outcomes. And also blended content and pedagogical knowledge make the
teacher unique among others but the most important here is the content on how the
teacher delivers the lesson accurately.

2. I believe that the teacher will become effective teacher if he/she relates his/her
pedagogical knowledge to the content knowledge to make his/her lesson relevant and
more understandable.

3. I feel that if we connect the content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and curricular
knowledge, we can assist students in mapping their ideas, relating one thought to another
and reflecting their thinking to create meaningful learning.

4. When I become a teacher I will employ content, pedagogical and curricular knowledge in
order for me to become effective teacher. A teacher with higher content knowledge who
master the subject matter and can deliver the lesson clearly, accurate and understandable.

LESSON 3.2 Strategies for Promoting Literacy and Numeracy

This lesson presents the teaching strategies that augment literacy and numeracy skills. It
will help you analyze how different strategies are employed in integrating literacy and numeracy
in teaching. The objectives of this lesson are the following:

1. define the terms “numeracy” and “literacy”;

2. observe how literacy and numeracy are integrated in teaching and learning; and
3. identify strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy.


A. For each given domain, write down the literacy strategies used by the cooperating
teacher during your class observation.

Observation Strategies

1. Oral Language Brainstorming and discussion

2. Phonological Awareness Using music and dance

3. Book and Print Knowledge Using visuals, semantics, and graphic

4. Alphabet knowledge Promoting writing and reading

5. Phonics and Word Recognition Organizing games and fun activities

6. Fluency Promoting writing

7. Spelling Inquiry-based learning

8. Writing and Composition Promoting writing

9. Grammar Awareness and Storytelling


10. Vocabulary Development Using visuals, semantics, and graphic


11. Reading Comprehension Promoting writing and reading

12. Listening Comprehension Using audio and visual materials

B. Write the numeracy strategies used b the cooperating teacher during our class observation in
the following subjects.

Subjects Strategies

1. Language (English/Filipino/Mother Comparing and contrasting as they create and

Tongue) respond to a range of texts.

Understanding numbers, counting, solving number

2. Mathematics problems, adding and subtracting numbers

Collection of good valid scientific data in different

3. Science ways and then use it to draw conclusions as well as
make predictions.
4. History/Araling Panlipunan / Social Construction and interpretation of timelines,
Studies graphs, tables, maps, scales and statistics.

5. Values Education Reflection and interpretation in a situational

6. Computer/ICT Students use a calculator or something like that to
perform more challenging numbers.
7. Music, Art, Physical Education, and Solving and interpret the Body Mass Index
Health (MAPEH)

8. Technology and Livelihood

Education (TLE)
comparing, and
interpreting data,
using graphs and
diagrams and
using play
money in
teaching financial
comparing, and
interpreting data,
using graphs and
diagrams and
using play
money in
teaching financial
comparing, and
interpreting data,
using graphs and
diagrams and
using play
money in
teaching financial
comparing, and
interpreting data,
using graphs and
diagrams and
using play
money in
teaching financial
comparing, and
interpreting data,
using graphs and
diagrams and
using play
money in
teaching financial
comparing, and
interpreting data,
using graphs and
diagrams and
using play
money in
teaching financial
Calculating the cost of fertilizer and seeds.
9. Others


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have observed in

1. How can literacy affect one’s life?

Literacy has a great impact on a person’s life, it includes the ability to read and
write which can protects person from being deceived by malicious people. By having
these abilities can help one person to achieve his/her goals in life.

2. How important is numeracy in our daily life?

Numeracy is very important in our daily life and it is necessary, having this skill
help us to solve problem solving, and it is important for individuals to develop logical
thinking and reasoning strategies in their everyday activities. We can use it buy paying
our bills and checking if we received the right change, setting and keeping to a budget
and ability to reason.

3. How can literacy and numeracy improve the learner’s academic performance?
Literacy and numeracy skills are the foundations of lifelong learning and full
participation in society. These skills empower students to make meaning, think critically
and creatively, and reach their full potential. Throughout the grades, literacy and
numeracy are applied across all areas of learning.

4. In the absence of digital technologies and printed materials, what do you think are the
strategies you can use to promote literacy and numeracy?
Teach students how to properly use the internet and determine which sources are
credible and valuable. Allow student choice in how they would like to complete
assignments. Offer a choice board with multiple options.


Complete the following:

1. I realized that literacy and numeracy skills are the foundations of lifelong learning and
full participation in society. These skills empower students to make meaning, think
critically and creatively, and reach their full potential. Throughout the grades, literacy
and numeracy are applied across all areas of learning.

2. I believe that when teacher use literacy and numeracy skills can greatly improve many
factors in students’ life, including improvements to their social life, education and career
prospects. The ability to read, write, calculate and understand information, can hugely
affect their employability in their future.

3. I feel that literacy and numeracy have a great impact for the daily life of one’s person and
also for the community. And if everyone has these skills can make their life career better.
And everyone is capable to do his job and through this it can also improve our
community because everyone is capable doing something.

4. When I become a teacher, I will promote literacy and numeracy to my students because it
can help them to become success in the future. Because literacy is necessary for students
to be able to read but more importantly to understand what they are reading and to be
able to do this effectively they need to be able to access texts effectively. And numeracy
is key for students to access and make sense of their world. Being able to quantify and
measure their environment in different ways will help them to make wiser judgements
about the kind of actions to take in their lives.

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