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6 - Digital Self 24-Hour No Social Media Challenge

For 24 hours, try your best not to access any of your social media accounts. This
includes accounts that let you converse/comment/react to other people's posts or
content such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc. Messaging apps
like Messenger, Viber, and the like, are exemptions. After the challenge, answer the
following questions.

1. How many hours did you take a break from social media?

I think it's only for a few hours? I think 12 hours at most and it's not even
continuous. I think I only take a break when I eat, charge, play with my cat, and
sleep. Does sleeping at night count?

2. How difficult or easy did you find the challenge? Explain.

It's very challenging for me, considering that I have to consider the activities I
have to submit online plus I get bored when I'm not using my phone because it's
also my form of entertainment, and well I want and have to talk to

3. What were your reflections while you were offline for 24 hours or so (or less)?
How did you spend your time instead?

When I try to take a break for a few hours and play with my cat, it's indeed
relaxing. I used it to take a break from pack activities, the stressful environment
of social media, and well from stressful people.

4. Do you consider taking time off from social media healthy? Would you do it

For me, yes it’s healthy because we have an outside life away from social media.
While doing it again? Depends. If I got stress from it, yes I'll definitely do it again.

5. Optional: If you did not finish the challenge, explain why.

It's very hard for me considering that I have and need to talk to my people
because they are away from me, plus I need to do my activities online because
of their impending deadline.
6. From the activity, how do you think the digital world influences your self?

It has a very big impact on myself, specially, because of the standard some
people set on it. Because I am a social media person, of course, some of those
standards influence me. For example, in the standard of beauty, because I see
those people being pretty and such, I also want to be like them, but at the end of
the day I also realized that I am me, just me, and there should be no standard
that should define me for who I am. And I also learned that there is really no
definition of beauty, only society dictates it, because each one of us has our own
definition of beauty. But back to the question, the digital world really has a big
influence on oneself, specially if your life is inside of social media and not on the
outside world anymore.

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