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SP 1

Hank is a cowboy. He lives on a farm. He has a horse named Ginger. Hank loves Ginger. He rides
Ginger every day. Sometimes they walk slowly, and sometimes they run fast. They always have a
good time.

Ginger is Hank’s horse. She is light brown. Her tail and mane are dark brown. She is three years old.
She lives in the stable by the house.

Ginger waits for Hank every morning. She enjoys their time together. Often, Hank gives her apples.
After long rides, Hank always washes and brushes Ginger. He usually brushes her tail. Then he gives
her food and fresh water. Ginger loves Hank.

SP 2

Little Red Riding Hood is the story of a brave girl. One day, Little Red Riding Hood’s
Mother gives her a lovely lemon pie to take to her grandmother. Her grandmother lives alone in a
cottage in the middle of the forest. When Red Riding Hood reaches the cottage, she finds the door
open. She knocks at the door and cries, ‘Grandma, may I come in?’ Her Grandma says, ‘Come in,
my dear.’
Little Red Riding Hood thinks her grandmother sounds different. When she goes inside, she is
surprised. Her Grandma looks different too. She knows that the person in the bed is not her
grandmother. The person in the bed is the Big Bad Wolf! Just then, Grandma hears Little Red
Riding Hood’s voice. She shouts loudly to warn Little Red Riding Hood. A woodcutter hears her
cries and rushes to the cottage. He kills the wolf. Grandma is inside the cupboard. She comes out
of the cupboard and takes her granddaughter in her arms. They thank the woodcutter
and offer him some pie.

SP 3

Stacy is a singer. She loves to sing. She is in a band. She sings in the band. She is the lead singer.
Sometimes she plays the piano.

Chad is Stacy's boyfriend. He is also in the band. He stands next to Stacy. He plays the electric
guitar. Sometimes Chad sings with Stacy.

Dean is Chad and Stacy's friend. He is also in the band. He stands next to Chad. He plays bass guitar.
Dean does not sing. He does not like to sing.

The band practices three times a week. They mostly perform at nightclubs. Sometimes they sing at
weddings. They are a very good band.

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SP 4

Jim Sullivan likes music. He plays many instruments. He plays the piano, clarinet, saxophone,
trumpet, guitar, and bagpipes. The bagpipes are his favorite instrument to play. Not very many
people play the bagpipes.

Jim plays the bagpipes for celebrations. He also plays the bagpipes in parades. The audience listens
to the bagpipes. They clap for Jim. They enjoy the music of the bagpipes.

Jim also teaches people how to play the bagpipes. He gives lessons to children and adults. He
teaches them the history of the bagpipes. He teaches them how to play music with the bagpipes.
Jim is a good teacher.

SP 5
Robert Hughes lives in Atlanta, Georgia. He lives with his wife, Patricia. They live with their two
children, Sam and Lana. Robert loves his family.

Robert works as a police officer in Atlanta. He likes his job. He is a good police officer. Robert is a
police officer because he likes to help people.
Robert protects the citizens of Atlanta. He solves crimes and catches criminals. He keeps the
citizens safe.

Sometimes he visits the schools. He talks to students. The students like Robert. Officer Robert
Hughes is a hero in Atlanta.

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PC 1
Now Janet is in her house. She is sitting on a wooden chair. She is holding a coat. She is fixing it.

James is Janet's husband. He is sitting in front of her. He is fixing clothes too.

Elizabeth is sitting next to James. She is Janet's sister. Right now she is helping Janet and James. They
are working together. They are fixing clothes.

At this moment a man is coming in. He is wearing dark clothes. He is carrying a pile of clothes. They
are all working very hard.

PC 2
Right now, it is Monday morning. Mike and Tina are at home. They are sitting at a table. They are
eating breakfast.

At this moment, Tina is drinking coffee. She is eating a pastry. She is sitting across the table from
Mike. She is talking to Mike.

Mike is Tina's husband. He is sitting at the table with Tina. He is also drinking coffee. Mike is
listening to Tina.

After breakfast, Mike and Tina are leaving for work. They work in the city. They are riding the bus to

PC 3
Now the children are at school. Amy is sewing. She is practicing. She is sitting on a bench. She is
sitting near Timmy.

Timmy is at school too. Timmy is studying. He is sitting behind his desk. He wishes he could play with
the other children.

John and Susan are also at school. They are playing outside. They are picking flowers for their
teacher. John is carrying his hat. Susan is wearing a bonnet.

At this moment, Sarah is walking by the door. She is helping the teacher. She is carrying textbooks to
the shelf.

PC 4
Today, Abby is visiting her grandparents. She loves her grandparents. At this moment, she is sitting
on her grandfather's knee. She is listening to a story. She is smiling. She loves her grandfather's
Jacob is Abby's grandfather. He loves his granddaughter. Right now, he is telling her a story. He is
holding her on his knee. He is holding her hands. They are sitting in the living room.
Sarah is Abby's grandmother. At this moment, Sarah is standing in the kitchen. She is baking
cookies for Jacob and Abby. She is also listening to Jacob's story.

English Grammar Tenses: Stories, Exercises and Answers (

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