Explanation Text

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Explanation text

Explanation text is a type of informational writing that aims to provide a clear

and concise explanation ofa particular subject or concept. It is commonly used
in educational settings and scientific literature to conveycomplex ideas in a
straightforward manner. The purpose of an explanation text is to enhance the
reader'sunderstanding by breaking down the topic into its essential
components and presenting them in a logicaland organized manner.
Generic Structure of Text:
1. Introduction: The introduction of an explanation text provides an
overview of the topic and itssignificance. It may include a general
statement or a brief description to capture the reader'sattention and
establish the context.
2. Body: The body of the text presents the main information in a systematic
manner. It is divided into paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect
or subtopic related to the main subject. Theinformation is presented in a
logical order, often starting with the most basic or fundamentalconcepts
and progressing to more complex ideas.
3. Explanation: This section forms the core of the text and contains the
detailed explanation of thetopic. It may include definitions, descriptions,
examples, comparisons, and other relevantinformation to help the
reader understand the subject matter. The use of visuals such as
diagramsor charts can also enhance the clarity of the explanation.
4. Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the key points discussed in the
text and restates the mainidea or thesis. It provides a sense of closure to
the explanation and may offer a final thought or perspective on the
Tell the picture using a good explanation Text

Why do we need Exercise?

We often see people exercising in city parks or city squares. There are those
who walk briskly, jog, cycle, or do breathing exercises. Exercise is defined any
movement that makes ypur muscles work and requires your body to burn
calories. Why do so many people do that?
Exercise can make us feel happier. Exercise has been shown to improve your
mood and decrease feelings of depresion, anxiety, and stress. Exercise can
increase the production of endorphins, which are known to help produce
positive feelings and reduce the perception of pain. Thus, exercising regulary
can improve our mood and reduce feelings of axiety and depression.
Exercise can also inrease our energy reduced feelings of fatigue for 36 people
who had reported parsistent fatigue. It means engaging in regular physical
activity increase our energy levels. Furthermore, exercise plays a vital role in
building and maintaining strong muscles and bones. This is because exercise
helps release hormones that promote the ability of your muscles to absorb
amino acids. This helps them grow and reduces their breakdown.
One more Thing, exercise can improve brain function and protect memory and
thinking skills. To begin with, it increases our heart rate, which promotes the
flow of blood and oxygen to our brain. It ca also stimulate production of
hormones that enhance the growth of brain cells.

Identify the structure of the text!

The content Of The Opening Statement (Paragraph 1):
The Explanation sequence (Paragraph 2 and 3):
Vocabularies: (at least 20 words)

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