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A recent study called The National Study of the Changing Workforce revealed that employees will trade
compensation for a good quality of life. The study concluded that companies that fail to address quality
of work life issues will lose their best employees to companies that do care about them.

Quality of work life (QWL) refers to organizational programs that create a high-quality workplace, treat
employees with dignity, and contribute to employee motivation. Job enrichment and Theory Z
management are two motivational approaches that enhance quality of work life. QWL programs also
include job sharing, flextime work arrangements, dependent care programs, parenting leaves of absence,
and employee sabbaticals.


Many people need to work but cannot work full time for a variety of reasons. However, many companies
do not need part-time workers or have only full-time jobs. Job sharing is a work arrangement in which
two part-time workers share one full-time job. Typically, one works during the morning and the other
works during the afternoon. This provides many parents who have childcare responsibilities the
opportunity to continue in their careers and maintain their work skills. Job sharing benefits companies as
well, contributing to high employee morale and avoiding costly recruitment and training efforts when
skilled employees can no longer work regular hours is also a recruitment source for full-time employees
when job sharers are ready to return to full-time employment.


A similar program helps employees who cannot conform to the typical nine-to-five workday, Flextime is a
work arrangement that allows these employees to set their own arrival and departure time. Some
employers have made flextime a companywide program, which has increased employee morale and
productivity. However, when employees are assigned to work teams that require close coordination of
work activities, the entire team must choose a common reporting time. Otherwise, some workers may
have to stand around waiting for the last employee to report to work.


Still another QWL program that is increasing in use is the employee sabbatical, an extended, paid release
from the job for periods of time ranging from one to six months. High-tech companies like Apple
Computer find that valued employees may lose their skills unless they keep up with the rapid advances in
their fields. Also, many of these jobs are highly stressful, and employees need relief from them
periodically. Sabbaticals help meet this need.
However, few companies consider the sabbatical a replacement for a paid vacation or holiday, and
employees do not lose their entitlements to such benefits while they are on sabbatical leave.


Recently organizations have been embracing the concept of diversity intentionally creating a work force
composed of people of all races, religions, genders, physical abilities, and beliefs. Diversity is similar to
the affirmative action programs mandated by the federal government during the 1970s in response to the
Civil Rights Act.

Employers viewed affirmative action as something that was imposed on them and was not necessarily
good for their business. Diversity, however, is a voluntary movement among employers and is viewed as a
positive activity that is good for the organization.

The willingness of employers to not only accept diverse members in their work force but to see this as
desirable is a positive trend in our society. Recruitment of diverse members is seen in both the public and
private sectors, in colleges and universities as well as businesses. Adolph Coors Company is one of many
firms that are trying hard to recruit and accommodate a diverse work force. Many believe that diversity
programs will help blend all individuals in our society and lead to a more effective society as well as more
effective companies.

Diversity programs will likely become more common human resource management programs in the
future. Employees are a valuable asset to all companies, and great care must be taken to attract, develop,
and maintain this resource.

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