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fgUnh igpku %& fgUnh okD;ksa ds vUr esa xk] xs] xh fy[kk jgrk gSaA
og mn;iqj tk;sxkA
eSa dy vaxzsth i¡<qxkA

Helping Verb :- Shall, Will

Main Verb :- Verb l [Bare Infinitive]

NB :-1. H.V. Shall is used only with Subject / Pronoun :- I / We.

2. H.V. Will is used with rest of the Subjects.

Usage :-
1.To describe Open Condition in Conditional Sentence. (Conditional Sentence dh Open Condition dks crkus ds fy, )
e.g. :- If I get the bus, I shall go to school.
2. When two clause are joined with When/If/As soon as/Unless and Main Clause will be in Future Tense and
Time Clause is in Present Indefinite Tense.
e.g. :- When he comes to my house, we shall play chess.

Key Words :- Tomorrow, Next + Time

Sentence Building :-
Affirmative Sentence :- Subject +Shall/Will + Verb l +Object +Place +Time.
e.g. :- Ram will play football in the ground tomorrow.
I shall give him a pen next sunday.
Negative Sentence :- Subject + Shall/ will not +Verb l +Object +Place +Time.
e.g.:- He will not play football in the ground tomorrow.
I shall not like to eat mango next sunday.
Interrogative Sentence :-
Helping Verb Question :- Shall/Will +Subject +Verb l +Object +Place +Time?
e.g. :- Shall I meet him tomorrow ?
Will he read a book tomorrow ?
Wh word Question :- Wh word +shall/will +Subject +Verb l +Object +Place +Time?
e.g. :- When will Sita sing a song next monday ?
Why shall we tear the paper tomorrow ?
By :- Deepak Mehta

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