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__Филология_ факультеті

____ Шетел филологиясы және аударма ісі __ кафедрасы

Кафедра меңгерушісі
_____________ Э.Т.Буранкулова

Lin 1202 Лингвистика БП ЖК пәні бойынша

6В01707 – Ағылшын тілі және информатика ___

(курс, мамандық)



Дайындаған _Садыкова С.А.

(оқытушының аты-жөні)

Ақтөбе, 2022
Емтихан сұрақтары:

1. Explain the following: Common Definitions of Language

2. Describe the following: Core Components of Language
3. Reproduce the following: Characteristics of Language
4. Define the following: Characteristics of Human Language
5. Identify the following: Displacement
6. Explain the following: Arbitrariness.
7. Describe the following: Productivity
8. Reproduce the following: Cultural Transmission
9. Define the following: Syntax
10. Identify the following: Functions of Language
11. Explain the following: Functions of Language (Verbal Communication)
12. Outline the following: Semantics
13. Describe the following: Traditional Grammar
14. Reproduce the following: Generative Grammar
15. Identify the following: Types of Meaning
16. Explain the following: Semantic Roles
17. Outline the following: Linguistics Basics
18. Explain the following: Explicitness
19. Reproduce the following: Systematicness.
20. Identify the following: Objectivity.
21. Define the following: The Scope of Linguistics
22. Describe the following: Intra-Disciplinary Branches of Linguistics
23. Explain the following: General-Linguistics
24. Show your knowledge and speak on the following: Descriptive-Linguistics
25. Reproduce the following: Comparative Linguistics
26. Define the following: Historical-Linguistics
27. Identify the following: Inter-disciplinary Branches of Linguistics.
28. Explain the following: Sociolinguistics
29. Outline the following: Psycholinguistics.
30. Explain the following: Applied Linguistics
31. Use your knowledge and speak on the topic: Computational Linguistics
32. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Geographical Linguistics
33. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the topic: Linguistics: Scientific Study of
34. Apply your knowledge and speak on the topic: Linguistics and Descriptivism
35. Use your knowledge and speak on the topic: Linguistics: Non-Speculative Nature.
36. Apply your knowledge and speak on the topic: Linguistics and Objectivity
37. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Linguistics and Spoken Language.
38. Use your knowledge and speak on the topic: Definition of Phonetics
39. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Nature and Functions of Phonetics
40. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Articulatory Phonetics
41. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak the following: Acoustic Phonetics
42. Apply your knowledge and speak on the topic: Auditory Phonetics.
43. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the following: Instrumental Phonetics
44. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Definition of Phonology
45. Use your knowledge and speak on the following: Difference between Phonetics and
46. Show your knowledge and speak on the following: Phoneme: The Basic Unit of
47. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the topic: Segmental Phonology and Supra-
segmental Phonology.
48. Apply your knowledge and speak on the following: Syllable and Division of Words into
49. Use your knowledge and speak on the topic: The Structure of the Syllable.
50. Apply your knowledge and speak on the following: Syllabic Consonants.
51. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the topic: Types of the Syllable
52. Use your knowledge and speak on the following: Consonant Clusters.
53. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Abutting Consonants.
54. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the following: Definition and Types of Stress
55. Use your knowledge and speak on the following: Morphology
56. Show your knowledge and speak on the following: Types of Morphemes
57. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Problems in Morphological Description
58. Use your knowledge and speak on the topic: The Prescriptive Approach
59. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the following: The Descriptive Approach
60. Apply your knowledge and speak on the following: Structural Analysis and
Constituent Analysis



Факультет филологический
Кафедра иностранной филологии и переводческого дела

_____________ Э.Т.Буранкулова


по дисциплине_____ Специально-профессиональный иностранный язык

в контексте межкультурной коммуникации (minor) __

для студентов

_________3 курс, 6B11101 - Туризм _

(курс, специалбность )

Составил __Садыкова С.А._

(Ф.И.О. преподавателя)

Актобе, 2022

Экзаменнационные вопросы:

1. Explain the following: Ski resorts are very popular in Switzerland.

2. Describe the following: Types of resorts in Kazakhstan
3. Reproduce the following: The most popular resorts in Kazakhstan
4. Define the following: The most popular resorts in Europe.
5. Identify the following: Spa resorts are very popular all over the world
6. Explain the following: Seaside resorts are very popular all over the world.
7. Describe the following: Your favourite resorts.
8. Reproduce the following: Golf resorts are very popular in Norway.
9. Define the following: The resort you have recently visited
10. Identify the following: The pleasure of travelling
11. Explain the following: Resort.
12. Outline the following: Your holiday plans
13. Describe the following: Types of resorts.
14. Reproduce the following: Pros and cons of all-inclusive resorts.
15. Identify the following: Camping holidays.
16. Explain what is good about going abroad for holidays
17. Outline the following: Advantages of spending your holidays at home
18. Explain the following: Disadvantages of spending your holidays at home
19. Reproduce the following: The best way to spend a holiday.
20. Identify the following: Vacation should be educational.
21. Define the following: Advantages of travelling by air.
22. Describe the following: Disadvantages of travelling by air.
23. Explain the following: Many people prefer flying to other means of transportation
24. Show your knowledge and speak on the following: Many people are afraid of flying
25. Reproduce the following: Pleasures and discomforts of travelling by air.
26. Define the following: Weather is a key factor to success of the airport operation.
27. Identify the following: Bad weather usually creates emergency situation at an airport .
28. Explain the following: Any delay or cancellation of a flight is the result of bad
29. Outline the following: Passenger relations agent is an important person for an airline.
30. Explain the following: Choosing a hotel you always face a dilemma: good-value price or
good location and service
31. Use your knowledge and speak on the topic: Internet offers a lot of advantages to travelers
because they can book hotel online, but steals business from the travel and
accommodation agencies.
32. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: A good hotel is always an expensive hotel.
33. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the topic: The best accommodation is a fully-
equipped flat in a private house.
34. Apply your knowledge and speak on the topic: Accommodations in my city
35. Use your knowledge and speak on the topic: Tipping policies in my country.
36. Apply your knowledge and speak on the topic: Swann House
37. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Hotels in my city.
38. Use your knowledge and speak on the topic: Types of Restaurants
39. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Restaurants Guides
40. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Restaurants. History
41. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak the following: The standard way of restaurant
42. Apply your knowledge and speak on the topic: Tipping Guide.
43. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the following: What is more important for a
restaurant: location or advertisement?
44. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: A multicourse meal
45. Use your knowledge and speak on the following: Customs, traditions, an etiquette
46. Show your knowledge and speak on the following: difference between regular meals and
special meal.
47. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the topic: Daily meals.
48. Apply your knowledge and speak on the following: Choosing a restaurant to go
49. Use your knowledge and speak on the topic: Eating out in Kazakhstan.
50. Apply your knowledge and speak on the following: Going to the restaurant.
51. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the topic: At the restaurant
52. Use your knowledge and speak on the following: Restaurant Guide.
53. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Things that make interview successful.
54. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the following: Things that make interview
55. Use your knowledge and speak on the following: Things that can fail you at an interview.
56. Show your knowledge and speak on the following: Restaurants in Aktobe
57. Show your knowledge and speak on the topic: Hotels in Aktobe.
58. Use your knowledge and speak on the topic: Your usual meals of a day: when, where and
what you usually eat on weekdays, on weekends and while on holidays
59. Demonstrate your knowledge and speak on the following: : Customs, traditions and
etiquette of eating in Kazakhstan
60. Apply your knowledge and speak on the following: Eating culture in my region

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