IOQM Sprint L5 - Quadratic Equations

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B.Tech. IIT Roorkee

➔ 11+ years teaching experience
➔ Mentored and taught around 20000+ students
➔ Produced 400+ IIT selections
➔ 10+ INMO selections
➔ 1 EGMO Selection
Maximum Marks : 22 Marks
Que no: 1, 2, 3 2 Marks Questions
Que no: 4, 5 3 Marks Questions
Que no: 6, 7 5 Marks Questions
SMO - 2006 2 Marks

Q1. Suppose that the two roots of the equation

are ⍺ and β. Find the value of ⍺ + β.

SMO - 2006 2 Marks

Q1. Suppose that the two roots of the equation

are ⍺ and β. Find the value of ⍺ + β.

Answer: 10
SMO - 2006 2 Marks

Q1. Suppose that the two roots of the equation

are ⍺ and β. Find the value of ⍺ + β.


Let y = x2 – 10x – 29.

Then x2 – 10x – 45 = y – 16, x2 – 10x – 69 = y – 40.

Therefore y = 10. So y = x2 – 10x – 29 = 10.

Hence x2 – 10x – 39 = 0
Therefore 𝛼 + β = 10
AMC 12 2021 2 Marks

Q2. All the roots of the polynomial

z6 – 10z5 + Az4 + Bz3 + Cz2 + Dz + 16 are positive integers,
possible repeated. What is the value of B?

A. –88

B. –80

C. –64

D. –41
AMC 12 2021 2 Marks

Q2. All the roots of the polynomial

z6 – 10z5 + Az4 + Bz3 + Cz2 + Dz + 16 are positive integers,
possible repeated. What is the value of B?

A. –88

B. –80

C. –64

D. –41
AMC 12 2021 2 Marks

Q2. All the roots of the polynomial

z6 – 10z5 + Az4 + Bz3 + Cz2 + Dz + 16 are positive integers,
possible repeated. What is the value of B?

By Vieta’s formulas, the sum of the 6 roots is 10 and the
product of the 6 root is 16. By inspection, we see the
roots are 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, and 2, so the function is
(z – 1)2(z – 2)4 = (z2 – 2z + 1) (z4 – 8z3 + 24z2 – 32 z + 16)
Therefore calculating just the z3 terms, we get
B = – 32 – 48 – 8 = 88
AMC 12A 2012 2 Marks

Q3. Consider the polynomial

The coefficients of x2012 is equal to 2a. What is a?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 10
AMC 12A 2012 2 Marks

Q3. Consider the polynomial

The coefficients of x2012 is equal to 2a. What is a?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 10
AMC 12A 2012 2 Marks

Q3. Consider the polynomial

The coefficients of x2012 is equal to 2a. What is a?

The degree of P(x) is 1024 + 512 + 256 +...+ 1 = 2047.
We want to find the coefficient of x2012,
so we need to omit the powers of 2 that add up to
2047 – 2012 = 35.
We find that 35 = 20 + 21 + 25.
From here, we know that the answer is
20 . 21. 25 = 26.
Therefore, the answer is 6.
PRMO - 2018 3 Marks

Q4. Suppose a, b are integers and a + b is a root of

x2 + ax + b = 0. What is the maximum possible value of b2 ?
PRMO - 2018 3 Marks

Q4. Suppose a, b are integers and a + b is a root of

x2 + ax + b = 0. What is the maximum possible value of b2 ?

Answer: 81
PRMO - 2018 3 Marks

Q4. Suppose a, b are integers and a + b is a root of

x2 + ax + b = 0. What is the maximum possible value of b2 ?

If “a + b” is a root then it satisfies the equation
Hence (a + b)2 + a (a + b ) + b = 0
⇒ 2a2 + 3ab + (b2 + b) = 0
Now since “a” is an integer Discriminant is a perfect
⇒ 9b2 –8(b2 + b) = p2 for same p ∈ Z
⇒ (b – 4)2 – 16 = p2
⇒ (b – 4 + p) (b – 4 – p) = 16
b – 4 + p = ±8, b – 4 – p = ± 2, b – 4 + p = – 4 – p = ± 4
So b – 4 = 5, –5, 4, –4
⇒ b = 9, –1, 8 , 0 ⇒ (b2)max = 81
AMC 12 2015 3 Marks

Q5. The zeros of the function f(x) = x2 – ax + 2a are

integers. What is the sum of the possible values of a?

A. 7

B. 8

C. 16

D. 17
AMC 12 2015 3 Marks

Q5. The zeros of the function f(x) = x2 – ax + 2a are

integers. What is the sum of the possible values of a?

A. 7

B. 8

C. 16

D. 17
AMC 12 2015 3 Marks

Q5. The zeros of the function f(x) = x2 – ax + 2a are

integers. What is the sum of the possible values of a?
The problem asks us to find the that is, the discriminant a2 – 8a equals
sum of every integer value of a such k2, for some nonnegative integer k.
that roots of x2 – ax + 2a = 0 are a2 – 8a = k2
both integers. a(a – 8) = k2
The quadratic formulas gives the ((a –4) + 4) ((a – 4)– 4) = k2
roots of the quadratic equation (a – 4)2 – 42 = k2
(a – 4)2 = k2 + 42
From this last equation, we are given a
As long as the numerator is an even hint of the Pythagorean theorem. Thus
integer, the roots are both integers. (k, 4|a – 4|) must be a Pythagorean
But first of all the radical term in the triple unless k = 0
numerator needs to be an integer;
AMC 12 2015 3 Marks

Q5. The zeros of the function f(x) = x2 – ax + 2a are

integers. What is the sum of the possible values of a?

In the case k = 0, the equation tirple (k, 4 |a – 4|) because the only
simplifies to |a – 4| = 4. From this Pythagorean triple with a 4 as one of the
equation, we have a = 0, 8 For both values is the classic (3, 4, 5) triple. Here,
a = 0 and K = 3 and |a – 4| = 5. Hence, a = – 1, 9.Again,

yield two integers, so these value yield two integers for both a = –1 and
satisfy the constraints from the original a = 9, so these two values also satisfy the
problem statement (Note: the two zero original constraints.
roots count as “two integer.”) There are a two of four possible values
If k is a positive integer, the only one for a –1, 0, 9 and 9. Hence, the sum of all
Pythagorean triple could match the of the possible values of a is 16
RMO - 2014 5 Marks

Q6. The roots of the equation x3 - 3ax2 + bx + 18c = 0 form

a non-constant arithmetic progression and the roots of
the equation x3 + bx2 + x - c3 = 0 form a non-constant
geometric progression. Given that a, b, c are real
numbers, find all positive integral values a and b.
RMO - 2014 5 Marks

Q6. The roots of the equation x3 - 3ax2 + bx + 18c = 0 form

a non-constant arithmetic progression and the roots of
the equation x3 + bx2 + x - c3 = 0 form a non-constant
geometric progression. Given that a, b, c are real
numbers, find all positive integral values a and b.

Answer: (2, 9)
RMO - 2014 5 Marks

Q6. The roots of the equation x3 - 3ax2 + bx + 18c = 0 form

a non-constant arithmetic progression and the roots of
the equation x3 + bx2 + x - c3 = 0 form a non-constant
geometric progression. Given that a, b, c are real
numbers, find all positive integral values a and b.

Let 𝛂 - d, 𝛂, 𝛂 + d (d ≠ 0) be the roots of the first equation and
let 𝛃/r, 𝛃, 𝛃r (r > 0 and r ≠ 1) be the roots of the second
equation. It follows that 𝛂 = a, 𝛃 = c and
a3 - ad2 = –18c, 3a2 – d2 = b. (1)
Eliminating d, r and c yields
ab2 - 2a3b - 18 = 0, (3)
RMO - 2014 5 Marks

Q6. The roots of the equation x3 - 3ax2 + bx + 18c = 0 form

a non-constant arithmetic progression and the roots of
the equation x3 + bx2 + x - c3 = 0 form a non-constant
geometric progression. Given that a, b, c are real
numbers, find all positive integral values a and b.

For positive integral values of a and b it must be that
a6 + 18a is a perfect square.
Let x2 = a6 + 18a. Then a3 < x2 < a3 + 1 for a > 2 and
hence no solution. For a = 1, there is no solution.
For a = 2, x = 10 and b = 9. Thus the admissible pair is
(a, b) = (2, 9).
Home Work
USAMO - 1984 5 Marks

Q7. In the polynomial x4– 18 x3 + kx2 + 200x – 1984 = 0,

the product of 2 of its roots is – 32, Find k.
Let’s Bring
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USAMO - 1984 5 Marks

Q7. In the polynomial x4– 18 x3 + kx2 + 200x – 1984 = 0,

the product of 2 of its roots is – 32, Find k.

Answer: 86
USAMO - 1984 5 Marks

Q7. In the polynomial x4– 18 x3 + kx2 + 200x – 1984 =

0, the product of 2 of its roots is – 32, Find k.
Using Vieta’s formulas, we have –32 + ac + ad + bc + bd + 62 = k, and so
a + b + c + d = 18, ac + ad + bc + bd = k – 30.
ab + ac + ad + bc + bd + cd = k, The key insight is now to factor the left-
abc + abd + acd + bcd = –200 hand side as a product of two binomials:
abcd = – 1984 (a + b) (c + d ) = k – 30,
From the last of these equation, so that we now only need to determine a
we see that + b and c + d rather than all four of
a, b, c, d.
Let p = a + b and q = c + d.
Plugging our know value for ab and cd
Thus, the second equation becomes into the third Vieta equation.
USAMO - 1984 5 Marks

Q7. In the polynomial x4– 18 x3 + kx2 + 200x – 1984 =

0, the product of 2 of its roots is – 32, Find k.

–200 = abc + abd + acd + bcd = ab (c + d) + cd (a + b),
We have – 200 = –32 (c + d) + 62(a + b) = 62p – 32q.
Moreover, the first Vieta equation a + b + c + d = 18,
gives p + q = 18.
Thus we have two linear equations in p and q, which we
solve to obtain p = 4 and q = 14.
Therefore we have

yielding k = 4. 14 + 30 = 86

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