Adjective Quiz Merged

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

ADJECTIVES (Describing People)

careful careless healthy sick shy outgoing

fat thin lazy hard-working smart stupid
friendly unfriendly old young special ordinary
funny serious polite impolite strong weak
happy sad rich poor tall short

 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the box above.

1. My friend likes to exercise and eat fruits and vegetable, so he’s ___________.

2. A: Are you a lazy person? B: No, in fact, I’m very ___________.

3. My son Thomas is very ___________. He’s only five years old.

4. He should play basketball because he is ___________. He’s not short.

5. My sister isn’t very ___________. She’s shy and doesn’t like to meet new people.

6. He worked very hard his whole life and saved lots of money. He’s ___________.

7. I went on a diet last year and lost five kilograms, so now I’m ___________.

8. Sarah always says, “Thank you”. She’s a ___________ person.

9. Of course, I’m very ___________! I got an A+ on all of my exams!

10. My uncle loves to tell jokes to make us laugh. He’s ___________.

11. My friend can lift 200 kilograms, so he’s really quite ___________!

12. Jennifer and Kelly always look left and right before they cross a busy street. They are
___________ when they cross a busy street.

13. My classmate always smiles and has many friends. She’s ___________.

14. Nothing seems to make my grandfather sad. He’s a ___________ person.

15. Khaled can make many different animal sounds. Most people can’t do that. He’s

Grammar Focus Adjectives (describing people)

Level Intermediate


1. healthy 9. smart
2. hard-working 10. funny
3. young 11. strong
4. tall 12. careful
5. outgoing 13. friendly
6. rich 14. happy
7. thin 15. special
8. polite
Adjectives quiz
Level A

1. Her hair is long and _________.

A) curly
B) happy
C) slim
D) late

2. He drives a bright red sports car. It's very _________.

A) wild
B) shallow
C) fast
D) tall

3. Today, the weather's going to be ___________.

A) hopeful
B) warm
C) blue
D) urgent

4. This house is _________ and old.

A) awkward
B) electric
C) large
D) fat

5. I'm feeling really ________ today.

A) late
B) long
C) happy
D) round

6. The food at this supermarket is always _________.

A) gentle
B) hopeful
C) empty
D) fresh
Adjectives quiz
7. Her new husband is very ________.

A) high
B) smart
C) urgent
D) relaxing

8. Take care of this letter, it's ________.

A) urgent
B) round
C) blonde
D) fresh

9. I had a brilliant holiday. It was really _______.

A) relaxing
B) loving
C) low
D) straight

10. I have fallen in love with a _________ woman.

A) closed
B) beautiful
C) wooden
D) handsome
Adjectives quiz
Level B

1. Which word is an adjective?

A) after
B) pretty
C) taste

2. Which word is an adjective?

A) dirty
B) ran
C) away

3. Which word is an adjective?

A) eat
B) hot
C) meal

4. Which word is an adjective?

A) beautiful
B) over
C) wave

5. 'Lovely' is an adjective

A) True
B) False

6. 'Liquid' can be an adjective

A) True
B) False

7. Adjectives always come before the noun in the sentence.

A) True
B) False
Adjectives quiz
8. How many adjectives are there in this sentence? I thought the film was very long and boring.

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3

9. How many adjectives are there in this sentence? I need to find a new car that is less
expensive to run than my old one.

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3

10. How many adjectives are there in this sentence? You told me that the talk would be

A) 1
B) 3
C) 3
Adjectives quiz
Level C

1. An adjective describes a verb.

A) True
B) False

2. You can begin a sentence with an adjective.

A) True
B) False

3. It is very ______ to write clearly.

A) dangerous
B) important
C) silly

4. There are no more ______ towels in the cupboard.

A) white
B) dirty
C) empty

5. I can't afford that coat. I need to find a _______ one.

A) black
B) cheaper
C) fashionable

6. I've lost my glasses so I'm wearing my ________ ones.

A) clean
B) better
C) old

7. Be careful - the roads are ______ after the rain.

A) slippery
B) long
C) bendy
Adjectives quiz
8. 'Better' can be an adjective

A) True
B) False

9. 'Surprised' can be an adjective

A) True
B) False

10. 'Angrily' can be an adjective

A) True
B) False
Adjectives quiz

Level A

1. Her hair is long and _________.

The correct answer is: A. curly

2. He drives a bright red sports car. It's very _________.

The correct answer is: C. fast

3. Today, the weather's going to be ___________.

The correct answer is: B. warm

4. This house is _________ and old.

The correct answer is: C. large

5. I'm feeling really ________ today.

The correct answer is: C. Happy

6. The food at this supermarket is always _________.

The correct answer is: D. fresh

7. Her new husband is very ________.

The correct answer is: B. smart


8. Take care of this letter, it's ________.

The correct answer is: A. urgent

9. I had a brilliant holiday. It was really _______.

The correct answer is: A. relaxing

10. I have fallen in love with a _________ woman.

The correct answer is: B. beautiful

Adjectives quiz
Level B

1. Which word is an adjective?

The correct answer is: B. 'Pretty' - it describes something.

2. Which word is an adjective?

The correct answer is: A. 'Dirty' - it describes something.

3. Which word is an adjective?

The correct answer is: B. 'Hot' - it describes something.

4. Which word is an adjective?

The correct answer is: A. 'Beautiful' - it describes something.

5. 'Lovely' is an adjective.

The answer is: A. True. Lovely is an adjective - for example 'a lovely view'

6. 'Liquid' can be an adjective.

The answer is: A. True. Liquid can be an adjective, for example 'liquid gold'.

7. Adjectives always come before the noun in the sentence.

The answer is: B. False. Adjectives can also come after the verb: e.g. 'the weather is terrible'.
Adjectives quiz
8. How many adjectives are there in this sentence? I thought the film was very long and boring.

The correct answer is: B. There are 2 adjectives in this sentence - 'long' and 'boring'.

9. How many adjectives are there in this sentence? I need to find a new car that is less
expensive to run than my old one.

The correct answer is: C. There are 3 adjectives in this sentence - 'new', 'expensive', 'old'.

10. How many adjectives are there in this sentence? You told me that the talk would be

The correct answer is: A. There is 1 adjective in this sentence - 'interesting'.

Adjectives quiz
Level C

1. An adjective describes a verb.

The answer is: B. False. An adjective describes a noun. An adverb describes a verb.

2. You can begin a sentence with an adjective.

The answer is: A. True: e.g. Loud music was playing all night.

3. It is very ______ to write clearly.

The answer is: B. It is very important to write clearly.

4. There are no more ______ towels in the cupboard.

The correct answer is: A. There are no more white towels in the cupboard.

5. I can't afford that coat. I need to find a _______ one.

The correct answer is: B. If you can't afford something you need a cheaper one.

6. I've lost my glasses so I'm wearing my ________ ones.

The correct answer is: C. I've lost my glasses so I'm wearing my old ones.

7. Be careful - the roads are ______ after the rain.

The correct answer is: A. Roads can be slippery after the rain.
Adjectives quiz
8. 'Better' can be an adjective.

The answer is: A. True: I hope we have better luck next time.

9. 'Surprised' can be an adjective.

The answer is: A. True: He had a surprised look on his face.

10. 'Angrily' can be an adjective.

The answer is: B. False. Angrily is an adverb.

Adjective - Adverb

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. He looked at me __________________ when I interrupted him. (ANGRY)

2. Marty and Judith are __________________ married. (HAPPY)

3. I lost the game because I had been playing __________________. It was even ____________
than last season’s game. (BAD, BAD)

4. The boss is always __________________ -informed. There’s not much you can hide from
him. (GOOD)

5. My French isn’t very __________________, but I can understand him __________________ if

he speaks __________________. (GOOD, PERFECT, SLOW)

6. The film was __________________. I haven’t seen one as __________________ as that

before. (TERRIBLE, BAD)

7. Sue was __________________ upset about losing her job. (TERRIBLE)

8. Expensive hotels are often __________________ than __________________ ones.


9. They discussed __________________ technical matters in the meeting. (HIGH)

10. Do you want to pay __________________? (SEPARATE)

11. They have to work __________________ for a living, but if you look at other people, they
__________________ work at all. (HARD, HARD)

12. The children behaved ______________, so they were allowed to go to the party. (GOOD)

13. It’s the _____________________ painting in the whole exhibition (VALUABLE)

14. I __________________ drove my car into the river. It was pretty __________________.

15. The cook prepared an __________________ lunch for the guests. (EXCELLENT)

16. She had __________________ money to spend than last year (LITTLE).

17. __________________, Paris is quite a __________________ city. (OBVIOUS, LOVE)

18. Jerry is the __________________ student in my whole class. (BAD)

19. The man became __________________ when the guard asked him to leave. (VIOLENT)

20. The exam was __________________ easy. (SURPRISING).


1. He looked at me angrily when I interrupted him. (ANGRY)

2. Marty and Judith are happily married. (HAPPY)

3. I lost the game because I had been playing badly. It was even worse than last
season’s game. (BAD, BAD)

4. The boss is always well-informed. There’s not much you can hide from him. (GOOD)

5. My French isn’t very good, but I can understand him perfectly if he speaks slowly.

6. The film was terrible. I haven’t seen one as bad as that before. (TERRIBLE, BAD)

7. Sue was terribly upset about losing her job. (TERRIBLE)

8. Expensive hotels are often more comfortable than cheaper ones. (COMFORTABLE,

9. They discussed highly technical matters in the meeting. (HIGH)

10. Do you want to pay separately? (SEPARATE)

11. They have to work hard for a living, but if you look at other people, they hardly work
at all. (HARD, HARD)

12. The children behaved well, so they were allowed to go to the party. (GOOD)

13. It’s the most valuable painting in the whole exhibition (VALUABLE)

14. I nearly drove my car into the river. It was pretty close. (NEAR, CLOSE)

15. The cook prepared an excellent lunch for the guests. (EXCELLENT)

16. She had less money to spend than last year (LITTLE).

17. Obviously, Paris is quite a lovely city. (OBVIOUS, LOVE)

18. Jerry is the worst student in my whole class. (BAD)

19. The man became violent when the guard asked him to leave. (VIOLENT)

20. The exam was surprisingly easy. (SURPRISING).





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Passive Voice

Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of the verb in

1. At last night's ceremony, they _____________ the award to an unknown actress. (GIVE)
2. The survivors __________________ by a cruise ship that __________________ to be near
3. Two hours after the accident the doctor __________________ him dead. (DECLARE)
4. I remember __________________ to the circus by my father. (BE TAKE)
5. The weather _____________________ in the next few days. (NOT IMPROVE)
6. Coffee _____________________ before you __________________ it. (MUST ROAST, SELL)
7. The bridge _______________________ at the moment so it _____________________. (REPAIR,
8. The police __________________ the victim a picture of the suspect. (SHOW)
9. The new staff members _____________________ all the help they need. (GIVE)
10. That door _________________________ for ages. (NOT OPEN)
11. A few days ago, a judge __________________ him to appear before court next month.
12. The Times __________________________ such a shocking letter before. (NEVER PUBLISH)
13. They _________________________ on what to do when the headmaster __________________
14. The vandals __________________ bottles into windows and __________________ a few cars.
15. The new teammates _______________________ more time to get accustomed to the
practice sessions. (SHOULD GIVE)
16. After dad __________________ me to the zoo, he __________________ me some new
clothes at the department store. (TAKE, BUY)
17. I __________________ to the party last Thursday because I ____________________. (NOT
18. I __________________ so surprised by such an outstanding performance before. (NEVER
19. When we __________________ out of the cinema, the bus __________________ to take us
home. (COME, TAKE)
20. All the papers _____________________ in by next Friday. (MUST HAND)

1. At last night's ceremony, they gave the award to an unknown actress. (GIVE)
2. The survivors were rescued by a cruise ship that happened to be near them.
3. Two hours after the accident the doctor declared him dead. (DECLARE)
4. I remember being taken to the circus by my father. (BE TAKE)
5. The weather will not improve in the next few days. (NOT IMPROVE)
6. Coffee must be roasted before you sell it. (MUST ROAST, SELL)
7. The bridge is being repaired at the moment so it can't be used. (REPAIR, CANNOT
8. The police showed the victim a picture of the suspect. (SHOW)
9. The new staff members will be given all the help they need. (GIVE)
10. That door hasn't been opened for ages. (NOT OPEN)
11. A few days ago, a judge ordered him to appear before court next month. (ORDER)
12. The Times have never published such a shocking letter before. (NEVER PUBLISH)
13. They were being instructed on what to do when the headmaster came in.
14. The vandals threw bottles into windows and destroyed a few cars. (THROW,
15. The new teammates should be given more time to get accustomed to the practice
sessions. (SHOULD GIVE)
16. After dad had taken me to the zoo, he bought me some new clothes at the
department store. (TAKE, BUY)
17. I didn't go to the party last Thursday because I was not invited/ had not been
invited. (NOT GO, NOT INVITE)
18. I have never been so surprised by such an outstanding performance before.
19. When we came out of the cinema, the bus was waiting to take us home. (COME,
20. All the papers must be handed in by next Friday. (MUST HAND)
Name: ___________________________

Active Voice to Passive Voice

A sentence is in active voice when the subject of the sentence is performing the action.

Example 1: Pat drove the car.

The subject Pat is the actor in the sentence. Pat is driving.
A sentence is in passive voice when the subject is not performing the action, but the subject is instead being
acted upon by something else.

Example 2: The car was driven by Pat.

The subject car is not performing any action, instead Pat is acting upon the subject. Pat is still driving, but
is no longer the subject of the sentence.

Change each of the following sentences from active voice to passive voice.

1. The committee presented the report.

2. Karl watched the scary movie alone.

3. The burglar stole the television in the house.

4. I opened the window in the study for some fresh air.

5. The tornado lifted the house into the air.

6. Elizabeth wrote the song as part of a holiday celebration.

7. Philip and Daisy selected the music for the dance.

8. While eating dinner, the family discussed the day’s events.

Name: ___________________________

Active Voice to Passive Voice

A sentence is in active voice when the subject of the sentence is performing the action.

Example 1: Pat drove the car.

The subject Pat is the actor in the sentence. Pat is driving.
A sentence is in passive voice when the subject is not performing the action, but the subject is instead being
acted upon by something else.

Example 2: The car was driven by Pat.

The subject car is not performing any action, instead Pat is acting upon the subject. Pat is still driving, but
is no longer the subject of the sentence.

Change each of the following sentences from active voice to passive voice.
Actual student’s answers may vary. Example of correct answers:
1. The committee presented the report.
The report was presented by the committee.

2. Karl watched the scary movie alone.

The movie was watched by Karl alone.

3. The burglar stole the television in the house.

The television in the house was stolen by the burglar.

4. I opened the window in the study for some fresh air.

The window in the study was opened by me for some fresh air.

5. The tornado lifted the house into the air.

The house was lifted into the air by the tornado.

6. Elizabeth wrote the song as part of a holiday celebration.

The song was written by Elizabeth as part of a holiday celebration.

7. Philip and Daisy selected the music for the dance.

The music for the dance was selected by Philip and Daisy.

8. While eating dinner, the family discussed the day’s events.

The day’s events were discussed by the family while eating dinner.

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