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NASA Technical Memorandum 4207

Propulsion System/Flight Control

Integration and Optimization

Flight Evaluation and Technology Transition

Frank W. Burcham, Jr., Glenn B. Gilyard,

and Lawrence P. Myers
Ames Research Center
Dryden Flight Research Facility
Edwards, California

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Office of Management
Scientific and Technical
Information Division


Frank W. Burcham, Jr.*

Glenn B. Gilyard**
Lawrence P. Myers**
NASA Ames Research Center
Dryden Flight Research Facility
Edwards, Califomia

Abstract Ames-Dryden Ames Research Center, Dryden

Flight Research Facility
Integration of propulsion and flight control systems
/l n normal acceleration, 9
and their optimization offers significant performance
improvements. The NASA Ames Research Center, CAS control augmentation system
Dryden Flight Research Facility has, over the years, CDP component deviation parameters
conducted research programs which have developed
CENC convergent exhaust nozzle control
new propulsion and flight control integration concepts,
implemented designs on high-performance airplanes, CIVV compressor inlet variable vane, deg
demonstrated these designs in flight, and measured DEEC digital electronic engine control
the performance improvements. These programs, first DEFCS digital electronic flight con-
on the YF-12 airplane, and later on the F-15, have
trol system
demonstrated increased thrust, reduced fuel consump-
EEL extended engine life
tion, increased engine life, and improved airplane per-
formance; with improvements in the 5- to 10-percent ENID engine model derivative
range achieved with integration and with no changes to EPR engine pressure ratio, P7"6/PT2
hardware. The design, software and hardware devel-
FNP net propulsive force, lb
opments, and testing requirements have been shown to
be practical. This technology has been transferred to FTIT fan turbine inlet temperature, °F
the user community through reports, symposia, and in- H pressure altitude, ft
dustry cooperative programs, and is appearing on op-
HIDEC highly integrated digital elec-
erational and advanced airplanes. The flight evalua-
tronic control
tion and demonstration have been shown to be key in
M Mach number
maturing the technology and hastening its transition
into production. N1 fan rotor speed, rpm

Nomenclature N2 core rotor speed, rpm

PB burner pressure, lb/in 2
ADECS adaptive engine control system
PLA power lever angle, deg
AJ jet primary nozzle area, ft2
PS'2 fan inlet static pressure, lb/in 2
PSC performance seeking control
"Chief,Propulsiqn Branch. Associate Fellow AIAA.
"*AerospaceEngineer.MemberAIAA. PT2 fan inlet total pressure, lb/in 2
Copyright ©1990 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Asu'onautics. Inc. No copyright is assertedin the United States PT6 turbine discharge total pres-
under Title 17, U.S. Code. The U.S. Government has aroyalty-free sure, lb/in 2
license to exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein
RCVV rear compressor variable vane, deg
for Governmental purposes. All other rights are reserved by the
copyright owner.
TT2 fan inlet total temperature, OF nology for the F100 engines was made shortly after
WA airflow, lb/sec the NASA flight evaluation.

WF fuel flow, lb/hr Based on the promising results of the previously

mentioned programs, the NASA Ames Research Cen-
WFAB augmentor fuel flow, lb/hr
ter, Dryden Hight Research Facility (Ames-Dryden)
WFGG gas generator fuel flow, lb/hr has established a research program for control integra-
Ot angle of attack, deg tion. The F-15 airplane was equipped with DEEC, a
digital flight control system, digital inlet controls, and
angle of sideslip, deg
computers and interfaces to provide a flight research
A change in parameter facility with excellent capabilities, called highly in-
tegrated digital electronic control (HIDEC). Integra-
Introduction tion between the engine control and flight control sys-
tems was implemented 4 followed by the addition of in-
Integration of propulsion control systems and let control integration. 5 The YF-12 cooperative con-
propulsion-flight control systems has been shown to
trol system, DEEC, and HIDEC used preprogrammed
produce significant improvements in airplane perfor-
schedules optimized for a nominal or known engine
mance parameters such as thrust, range, and rate of
state. In the next phase of the HIDEC program, a
climb. When systems are not integrated, each must
performance seeking control (PSC) system that pro-
be able to operate in a worst-case combination with
vides for onboard optimization will be implemented
the other systems, thus requiting large operating mar-
and flown. Another future use of propulsion and flight
gins. Integration allows these margins to be reduced
control integration may be propulsion-enhanced flight
at times when the full margins are not required, re-
controls for emergency landings with major flight con-
suiting in improvements such as higher thrust, lower
trol failures, such as total hydraulic system failure.
fuel flow, or greater maneuverability and range. Inte-
gration control laws may be developed in an off-line This paper will provide an overview of propulsion-
process, and stored in an onboard computer for im- flight control integration, and demonstrate the impor-
plementation. System performance could be further lance of flight research in moving the technology from
improved if a real-time optimization could be used in the laboratory to production. The importance of flight
place of the a priori or preprogrammed optimizatiott in the transition of technology for the YF-12 cooper-
This latter approach is much more challenging to de- ative control and DEEC programs will be given. The
velop and implement, but, because it can be designed NASA F-15 HIDEC program will be described, along
to adapt to flight conditions, it may be able to achieve with the plans and performance predictions for the
higher levels of performance. PSC program.

In the mid-1970's, propulsion system digital control Integrated Propulsion-

and control integration were developed and demon- Flight Control Research
strated in the integrated propulsion control system
(IPCS) program, a joint USAF]NASA program flown Digital flight control, digital propulsion control,
on an F- 111 airplane.! The flight demonstration clearly and integrated flight-propulsion control research,
showed the benefits of digital control and control inte- conducted on the YF-12 and F-15 airplanes at
gration. In the late 1970's, a digital cooperative con- NASA Ames-Dryden will be described in the follow-
trol system was flown on the NASA YF-12C airplane. ing sections.
This system integrated the inlet control, autothrotde, YF-12 Flight Research
airdata and navigation functions, and resulted in dra-
As mentioned previously, NASA has conducted a
matic improvements in flightpath control and range,
research program on flight control systems and propul-
even though the integration was not optimized. 2 This
sion system-flight control interactions on the YF-12
technology was used when the concept was imple-
airplane. High speed supersonic cruise at Mach num-
mented on the SR-71 fleet. Digital control of the
bers greater than 2.5 and altitudes above 70,000 ft
F100 engine was flight demonstrated on the NASA
have highlighted many new airframe-propulsion sys-
F-15 airplane in the digital electronic engine control
tem interdisciplinary problems which impact efficient
(DEEC) program.3 The decision to use DEEC tech-
aircraft operation. High speed cruise flight led to the
and development of variable geometry shock wave in the optimum position subject to inlet
mixed compression inlets with control loops consist- stability constraints.
ing of airframe and propulsion system feedback vari- Airframe-Propulsion System Interactions
ables. This led to pronounced effects on the stability
and control of the aircraft. In addition, atmospheric Automatic inlet operation affects both the longi-
characteristics at high altitude and high-speed cruise tudinal and lateral-directional characteristics of the
conditions introduced problems not normally encoun- airplane. In the longitudinal mode, the thrust-
tered with lower speed-altitude cruise flight. The pri- drag changes associated with the automatic inlet
mary difference is the significantly faster rate at which operation significantly degrade long period-phugoid
a supersonic cruise aircraft traverses atmospheric ef- characteristics. 6 This in turn can adversely affect the
fects such as temperature, pressure, and wind changes. flightpath control task. Adding atmospheric variations
High-temperature and supersonic flow, and rarefied at- such as a temperature change further complicates the
mospheric conditions also contribute to measurement problem by inducing effective thrust changes. With
problems both in terms of absolute value and resolu- the very long response times involved, pilot induced
tion. These aerodynamic and atmospheric characteris- oscillations are a potential problem.
tics can affect aircraft flightpath control significantly. Lateral-directional interactions of the airframe with
The NASA YF-12 flight research program ad- the propulsion system are very pronounced on the
dressed many of the previously mentioned issues con- YF-12 airplane at high-speed cruise flight conditions.
ceming supersonic cruise at flight to Mach 3.0 and Aircraft response tests were made using a rudder pulse
80,000 ft, during a sequence of research programs: (1) with the stability augmentation system off for both in-
flight measurement of airframe-propulsion system in- lets fixed and inlets automatic operation. With the
teractions, (2) development and flight test of flight- inlets fixed, the dutch roll damping of the aircraft is

path control modes including the addition of an auto- stable; however, engaging the automatic inlet control
throttle, (3) the design of a cooperative aircraft- mode makes the system unstable. Flight data was an-
propulsion control system, and (4) installation of a alyzed to determine the forces and moments induced
digital control system incorporating inlet, autopilot, by the inlet geometry. Results indicate that the inlet
autothrottle, airdata, and navigation functions. geometry has the same order of effectiveness as the
ailerons and rudders. 7 Analyses have been performed
Airplane Description
illustrating how inlet geometry can be used to augment
The YF-12 airplane (Fig. I) is a twin-engine, delta lateral-directional airplane stability, thus an integrated
winged airplane designed for long range cruise at approach to airframe-propulsion system control in the
Mach numbers greater than 3.0 and altitudes above area of stability augmentation can lead to a reduction
80,000 ft. Two nacelle-mounted, all movable verti- in control surface size.
cal tails provide directional stability and control. Two Altitude Control
elevons on each wing, one inboard and one outboard
of each nacelle, perform the combined function of ele- Precise flightpath control is required for both sat-
vators and ailerons. The airplane is normally operated isfactory ride qualities and maximum airplane perfor-
mance. Accurate control of altitude and Mach num-
with the stability augmentation system engaged to pro-
vide artificial stability in pitch and yaw and damping ber becomes increasingly difficult at high-speed, high-
in pitch, yaw, and roll. altitude conditions caused by decreased aircraft stabil-
ity, low static pressures, and atmospheric disturbances.
The airplane has two axisymmetric, variable- The original autopilot did not have an altitude hold
geometry, mixed compression inlets, which supply air
mode capable of operation at Mach 3.0 flight condi-
to two J58 engines. Each inlet has a translating spike tions. Pilot control of the altitude ranged from hun-
and forward bypass doors. An automatic inlet control dreds to thousands of feet depending on atmospheric
system varies the spike and bypass door positions. The
flight conditions. Therefore, an early objective of the
spike position is scheduled with flight conditions to set YF-12 research program was to develop an autopilot
the throat Mach number. The bypass doors are con- mode capable of accurate altitude control at altitudes
trolled by a closed-loop system as a function of flight above 70,000 ft.
conditions and duct pressure to position the terminal
A key elementin thedevelopment of thealtitude accurate Mach control. The same high-fidelity sim-
holdcontrolmodewasto obtainaltitudeinformation ulation developed for the altitude hold development
from anairdatasource.This presented threeissues: task was also required for the autothrotfle-Mach hold
(1) low transducerresolutioncausedby the high- development task.
A flight-test example of the autothrotfle controlling
altitude), (2) measurement lag of approximately Mach number along with the altitude hold mode en-
1.5sec at this altitude condition, and (3) sensitiv-
gaged is presented in Fig. 3 at a flight condition of
ity of noseboom static pressure measurements to an-
Mach 3.0 and 72,500-ft altitude. The atmospheric con-
gle of attack (angle-of-attack changes appear as alti-
ditions were considered to be smooth and the com-
tude changes).
bined systems capabilities were evaluated a number
A high-fidelity simulation was developed to repre- of ways in this example. The autothrottle was en-
sent the many nonlinear aspects of the overall alti- gaged in Mach hold while the airplane was stabilized
tude control problem. Detailed models of all the ele- in a 36°-bank tum. Shortly after engagement, the pi-
ments affecting altitude control were contained within lot rolled the airplane to wings level. Approximately
this simulation. The simulation included the three de- 2 min into autothrottle operation, the pilot commanded
grees of freedom, inlet geometry effects on aircraft a 0.023 Mach reduction; the relatively slow response
motion, inlet operating effects up to the unstart bound- was caused by the throttles being in the minimum af-
ary, the characteristics of the afterbuming mode of the terbuming position. During the stabilized portion of
engines, and the variation of density with altitude. This the run, speed was held to approximately 0.01 Mach of
simulation was found to be an absolute requirement the desired value. Altitude hold was on throughout the
to design an acceptable altitude hold system for the autothrottle operation. The ride qualities of the com-
actual airplane. bined system, as indicated by the normal acceleration,
Typical flight-test data s with the altitude hold mode were very good. 9

engaged showed that altitude was held constant to The combination of altitude hold and autothrottle
within 25 ft for the 4-min duration; remarkable consid- Mach hold provided the most stable aircraft platform
ering the resolution of the altitude measurement. The yet demonstrated at high altitude, Mach 3.0 flight con-
altitude hold mode worked well even when decelerat- ditions. This research activity demonstrates the tech-
ing, in one case slowing by 0.4 Mach. nology is in hand for application to any similar stable
Speed-Mach Control platform or commercial requirement.

The YF-12 airplane had a Mach hold control mode Integrated Controller Design

which worked through pitch control; if the aircraft A wide range of potential benefits may be real-
slowed down, a pitch down command resulted and ized by development of an integrated-cooperative con-
vice versa. As such, the mode was very sensitive to trol system for supersonic cruise vehicles. The ben-
small atmospheric disturbances; while Mach number efits range from improved inlet stability, reduced en-
may have been held reasonably closely, it was at the gine temperatures, propulsion system drag and trim
expense of significant pitch maneuvering resulting in drag reduction, weight reduction, and control surface
a rough ride in terms of normal acceleration. Since size reduction.
many cruise applications require simultaneous altitude
Studies were initiated by NASA to develop inte-
and Mach control, a speed control effector in addi-
grated control concepts and thereby validate some
tion to pitch control was required. As such, NASA
of the benefits discussed. One NASA-supported de-
supported the development and flight test of an auto-
throttle controller in conjunction with a new Mach hold sign study had the objective of developing an inte-
grated lateral-directional augmentation system using
mode which worked through the autothrottle. This
inlet controls. This study was based on the previously
new autothrottle-Mach hold capability was designed
discussed airframe-propulsion system interactions and
to work simultaneously with the previously discussed
force and moment measurements.
altitude hold mode. A diagram of the system after im-
provements were incorporated is presented in Fig. 2. Results of the study indicated that incorporation of
As with the altitude control, atmospheric characteris- inlet control geometry in lateral-directional stability
tics and airdata measurements are critical factors in augmentation was effective in increasing dutch roll
damping.Thisincreasein dutchrolldampingwasac- Airplane Description
complished whilestill maintaininginletunstartprotec- The NASA F-15 airplane, Fig. 4, is a high-
tion evenin moderateto heavyturbulence.(An un- performance, air-superiority fighter aircraft with ex-
startis anaerodynamic phenomena in whichtheter- cellent transonic maneuverability and a maximum
minal normalshockwavemovessuddenlyfromthe Mach capability of 2.5. It is powered by two after-
inlet throatto thecowllip.) Thestudyalsoshowed buming turbofan engines. The F-15 airplane provides
thatusingthepropulsionsystemtoaugment theflight a complementary testbed airplane to the supersonic
controlswouldresultin reducingthe takeoffgross cruise YF-12 airplane.
weightof a supersonic cruiseaircraftdesignby upto
7 percent. Flight Control System

Flight Demonstration of a Cooperative The F-15 airplane is normally equipped with a me-
Control System chanical flight control system and an analog control
augmentation system (CAS). For the HIDEC and PSC
Several of the separate analog-mechanical control
tests, the analog CAS was replaced with a digital elec-
systems of the NASA YF-12 research airplane were tronic flight control system (DEFCS). This system du-
replaced by a cooperative digital control system. 1° All
plicated the analog CAS functions and also had excess
of the functions shown in Fig. 2 (inlet control, auto-
capacity which was used for integrated propulsion-
pilot, autothrottle, airdata and, in addition, the naviga- flight control. The DEFCS is a dual-channel fail-off
tion functions), were performed in a single computer.
system, programmed in Pascal. It has a Mil-Std1553A
The central digital computer control provided more data bus interface to facilitate interfacing to other air-
accurate computations and faster response. The im- craft systems. 12
proved altitude and Mach hold autopilot logic was in-
corporated. Airdata computations were improved, and Engine and Digital Electronic Engine Control
lag compensation was applied. In addition, more pre- The F100 engine, Fig. 5, is a low-bypass ratio, twin-
cise inlet control was obtained with the digital system, spool, afterbuming turbofan engine. The three-stage
and inlet stability margins were reduced. 2 The over- fan is driven by a two-stage, low-pressure turbine.
all result of the flight research was that range was in- The 10-stage, high-pressure compressor is driven by a
creased by 5 percent. Altitude control capability was two-stage turbine. The engine incorporates compres-
improved by an order of magnitude as compared to sor inlet variable vanes (CIVV) and rear compressor
manual control. variable vanes (RCVV) to achieve high performance
Implementation on the SR-71 Fleet over a wide range of power settings; a compressor
bleed is used only for starting. Continuously variable
Based on the success of the digital flight-propulsion
thrust augmentation is provided by a mixed flow after-
control system on the YF-12 airplane, the SR-71 fleet burner and a variable area convergent-divergent noz-
incorporated the cooperative control system concepts
zle. For the DEEC program, the F100-PW-100 engine
as part of a major avionics upgrade. 11 In fleet use,
was used. This engine is the production engine for
this system realized range improvements of 7 per- F-15 and F-16 airplanes.
cent, and eliminated the occurrence of inlet unstarts.
Thus, the flight demonstration served to speed the For the HIDEC and PSC programs, a derivative of
transition of the technology developed in the YF-12 the F100 engine, the F100 EMD (company designa-
flight-propulsion control research to the operational tion PWl128) was used. The F100 EMD incorporates
SR-71 fleet. a redesigned higher airflow and pressure ratio fan, im-
proved materials in the high-temperature section, and
F-15 Flight Research a redesigned 16-segrnent augmentor.

Based on the significant performance improvements The DEEC system is a full-authority system for the
found from control integration on the YF-12 pro- F100 engine which controls the major controlled vari-
gram, and the desire to work the control integration is- ables on the engine, and replaces the standard F100
sues on a highly maneuverable fighter-class airplane, engine control system. The DEEC is engine-mounted
a research program was developed using the NASA and fuel-cooled, and consists of a single-channel digi-
F-15 airplane. tal controller with selective input-output redundancy,
and a simple hydromechanical secondary control.

The functionsof the DEECsystemareshownin four separate phases. During the flight evaluation,
Fig.6. TheDEECsystemreceivesinputsfromtheair- several problems were found. 3 The most significant
framethroughthepowerleverangle(PLA)andMach problem was a nozzle instability that occurred during
number(M). Engineinputsarereceivedfrompres- afterbuming conditions at high altitude. This insta-
suresensors;fan inletstaticpressure (PS2), bumer bility caused stalls and blowouts, and was not pre-
pressure(PB), andturbinedischargetotal pressure dicted by simulations or altitude facility tests. 13 This
(PT6); temperature sensors,fan inlettotal tempera- instability was thoroughly investigated, and eventu-
ture(7"T2),andfanturbineinlettemperature (FTIT), ally eliminated with control system changes. By the
rotor speedsensorsfor the fan (N1) andcompres- end of the NASA tests, significant improvements had
sor (N2). It alsoreceivesfeedbacks fromthe con- been demonstrated, with stall-free operation over the
trolledvariablesthroughpositionfeedbacktransduc- entire F-15 flight envelope, faster throttle response,
ersindicatingvariablevane(CIVVandRCVV)posi- improved airstart capability, and an increase of over
tions,meteringvalvepositionsfor gas-generator fuel 10,000 ft in afterburner operation, with no pilot restric-
flow(WFGG), augmentor fuelflow(WFAB), aug- tions on throttle usage. Figure 8 shows the DEEC idle-
mentorsegment-sequence valveposition,andexhaust to-maximum power throttle transient results; all were
nozzleposition(AJ). The input information is pro- successful, whereas, without the DEEC, the F100-
cessed by the DEEC computer to schedule the vari- PW-100 would experience stalls and blowouts above
able vanes (CIVV and RCVV), position the compres- the indicated boundary.
sor start bleeds, control WFGG and WFAB, posi-
The successful completion of the NASA DEEC test
tion the augrnentor segment-sequence valve, and con-
program allowed the USAF to put the DEEC into full-
trol the AJ area. This logic provides linear thrust
scale development and production. At the same time,
with PLA, rapid and stable throttle response, pro-
an evaluation was initiated for the F-16 airplane, which
tection from fan and compressor stalls, and keeps
was equally successful. Digital electronic engine con-
the engine within its operating limits over the full
trol equipped engines have been flown in operational
flight envelope.
F-15 and F-16 airplanes and have demonstrated large
The DEEC logic provides open-loop scheduling of improvements in performance, maintainability, and re-
the CIVV, RCVV, start bleed position, and augmentor liability. Thus, it is clear that the NASA-USAF flight
controls. The DEEC incorporates closed-loop control evaluation in the NASA F-15 was key in the transition
of airflow (WA), implemented through N 1, and en- of the DEEC technology quickly into operational use.
gine pressure ratio (EPR). The closed-loop logic elim-
inates the need for periodic trimming and improves Highly Integrated Digital Electronic Control
thrust and transient response. The two main control Modes and Results

loops are shown in Fig. 7. The upper part of the fig-

With the successful development of the DEEC and
ure shows the airflow logic, in which WFGG is con-
installation of the DEFCS on the NASA F-15 air-
trolled to maintain the scheduled fan speed, and hence,
plane, it was practical to integrate the engine and
airflow. Proportional plus integral control is used to
flight control systems. The HIDEC program integrated
match the N1 request to the sensed N1. Limits of
these systems and developed control modes to make
N2, FFIT, and PB are maintained. Shown in the lower
use of the integrated system capability; these con-
part of Fig. 7 is the EPR loop. The requested EPR is
trol modes and the flight results are discussed in the
compared with the measured EPR, based on fan in-
following sections.
let total pressure (P7"2) and PT6, and, using propor-
tional plus integral control, the nozzle is modulated to Adaptive Engine Control System
achieve the requested EPR. The EPR control loop is As part of the HIDEC program, an adaptive engine
only active for intermediate power operation and aug- control system (ADECS) mode was incorporated on
mentation." At lower power settings, a scheduled noz- the F-15 airplane. In ADECS, (Fig. 9) airframe and
zle area is used, and fan speed is scheduled by PLA. engine information is used to allow the engine to op-
Digital Electronic Engine Control Flight Tests erate at higher performance levels at times when the
and Results inlet distortion is low and the full engine stall margin
is not required. The ADECS mode increased thrust
Flight testing of the DEEC began in 1981 in the
levels as shown in the fan map by increasing EPR
NASA F-15 airplane, and continued into 1983 in
at constant airflow (EPR uptrim). Fuel flow reduc-
tionscouldalsobeobtainedby reducingthe throttle data were acquired at Mach numbers up to 0.9, and
settingto holdthrustconstantasEPRwasincreased. altitudes up to 40,000 ft.
In essence,ADECStradedunneededstall margin The EEL mode successfully lowered the engine op-
forthrust. erating temperature while holding thrust constant to
In a recentflight evaluation,the ADECSmode within 1 percent. Temperature reductions, shown in
was evaluatedon the F100 EMD engineson the Fig. 12, ranged from 15 to 90°F. These temperature
F-15airplane.Significantperformance improvements reductions were used to predict a 10- to 12-percent ex-
weredemonstrated. Thrustimprovements andcon- tension of engine life by the engine manufacturer.
stantthrustfuelflow reductions weredetermined, and
The HIDEC technology is being incorporated in the
comparedto predictions.Theability of the ADECS FI00-PW-229 increased performance engine and in
to adaptto rapidaircraftmaneuvers andthrottletran- other advanced engines. It is believed that the flight
sientswasalsodemonstrated. Intentionalstallswere demonstration and evaluation were key in the rapid
alsoconducted to validatethe stabilityauditproce- transfer of HIDEC technology into operational use.
duresusedto developthe ADECSlogic. Typicalre-
suitsareshowninFigs.10(a)and10(b),foranaltitude Performance Seeking Control
of 30,000ft. InFig. 10(a),thecalculated intermediate Performance Seeking Control Compared to
powerthrustfromtheflightdatamatches thepredicted Highly Integrated Digital Electronic Control Per-
thrust,with increasesof 8 to 10percent.In Fig.10(b), formance seeking control (PSC) is a program which
thefuel flow reductionsobtainedatmaximumthrust will feature an onboard real-time adaptive optimiza-
levelswith the PLA reducedto hold constantthrust tion of engine, inlet, and airplane parameters. Perfor-
areshown;flightdatamatchespredictions well,with mance seeking control and HIDEC are compared in
decreases of 7 to 17 percent.Theseengineperfor- Fig. 13. As shown, the previously discussed HIDEC
manceimprovements resultedin airplaneperformance ADECS mode was developed off-line from extensive
improvements (rateof climb,specificexcess power)of mathematical models of the engine and airplane. The
10to25percent. 4 integration schedules of optimum EPR were stored on-
ExtendedEngineLife Mode board in tabular form as a function of the flight and
engine variables. As such, the EPR uptrim schedules
Theextended enginelife (EEL)modeincreasesen- were only optimum for the average engine operating
gine life by reducingturbinetemperature.This re- with nominal bleed on a standard day.
ductionis accomplished by increasing
creasing engineairflowalongalineof constant
thrust, Performance seeking control, on the other hand,
whichreduces fuel flowandtemperature. uses many parameters in optimizing the cost function
in real time onboard the airplane. It also uses a Kalman
EPRuptrimcommand filter to identify key engine parameters, which are then
andan airflowdowntrimusingthe followinginputs: used to update the engine model. In this way, the en-
PT2 and TT2, aircraft Mach number, angle of attack
gine model can adapt to the actual engine and flight
(ol), and angle of sideslip (19). The commands are cal- conditions being flown. More details of the PSC im-
culated in the DEFCS and sent to the engine's DEEC
plementation on the NASA F-15 are shown in Fig. 14.
to produce the constant thrust EEL mode.
Parameter Identification
The EEL mode operates as shown in the block dia-
gram of Fig. 11. The fan map shows that thrust lines The adaptive capability of the PSC algorithm is
are less steep than temperature lines, so by increasing provided by a Kalman filter estimator. TM The flight
EPR and reducing airflow, thrust can be held constant measurements used by the Kalman filter consist of
at reduced temperature. This operation nearer the fan four engine control and five engine response param-
stall line is modulated in real time on the F- 15 airplane, eters. These parameters am compared with the pre-
and is only possible with an integrated system. The dicted nominal engine operation and the Kalman filter
larger benefits occur at subsonic conditions, where the is then driven by the difference. The Kalman filter pro-
engine is not operating on the temperature limit. vides estimates of five component deviation parame-
ters (CDP) which represent the difference between the
The test approach used to evaluate the EEL mode
predicted and actual engine performance. Ideally, the
was to perform two test points back-to-back, first to
CDPs represent changes in the (1) fan-low turbine ef-
collect the baseline data and then the EEL data. Test
ficiency,(2) fan airflow,(3) compressor-highturbine tions, the nozzle area, engine fan and compressor vari-
efficiency,(4) coreairflow,and(5) coreturbinearea. able vane positions, core and afterburner fuel flow, fan
In practice,however,the CDPsalsocontainthe ef- airflow, and fan speed. These parameters are computed
fectsof modelingerrorsandunmodeled effectssuchas as trims to the current control inputs and are sent to the
Reynoldsnumbereffects.Performance seekingcon- DEEC and inlet control systems.
trol asdeveloped fortheNASAF-15airplanehasbeen Predicted Performance
constrained to useonlythestandardsensorseton the
F100DEECengine,andcannotdifferentiate efficiency The predicted performance of the PSC on the
changes betweenthecompression andturbinesections F-15 airplane was determined for subsonic flight con-
of aspool. ditions, using the PSC digital simulation. Figure 15
shows the intermediate-power thrust _.mprovement
CompactModels over the standard F100 EMD engine, both for the
To solvetheoptimizationproblem,the CDPsare HIDEC ADECS mode and for the PSC maximum
usedwiththemeasured variablesin a steady-state
lin- thrust mode. Performance seeking control offers 3-
earmodelformulationof theenginetoproduce unmea- to 10-percent more thrust increase than ADECS. Fig-
suredengineparameters. Themodelis adjusted tothe ure 16 shows the breakdown of thrust improvement at
currentflight conditionusingbasepointtablesbased one flight condition. The ADECS EPR uptrim repre-
onengineoperating pressures.Nonlineareffectsin the sents 3 percent of the thrust increase. However, PSC
augmentor arealsocalculated. adds an additional 9 percent; 5 percent because of the
ability to optimize airflow, 1 percent each for optimiz-
The exhaustnozzlemodelcalculatesthe intemal
ing the fan and compressor variable stator vanes, and
nozzleperformanceandexternalboattaildragas a
2 percent more for EPR uptrim to values higher than
functionof engineandflightconditions. ADECS could achieve because of the Kalman filter
The inlet-trim dragmodelrepresents the perfor- adapting to the actual flight engine. Similar benefits
manceof the inletfirst rampon inletpressurerecov- are available at other flight conditions.
The first phase of PSC will be limited to subsonic
atedchangein positionof thehorizontaltail, andits
conditions, where the inlet effects are not significant.
trim drag. Theinlet third rampeffectson inletdrag
In a later phase, the inlet will be incorporated in the op-
timization, and Mach numbers up to 2.3 will be flown.
modelsareassumed to notchangewithtime,andare
A prediction of thrust benefits at supersonic condi-
notupdatedby theKalmanfilter.
tions is shown in Figs. 17(a) and 17(b). The thrust
Optimization increase as a function of Mach number and altitude

The PSCalgorithmthenoptimizesthe combined are shown in Fig. 17(a), and the breakdown of inlet,

system,includingtheengine,nozzle,inlet,andtrim engine, and nozzle components of thrust are shown

dragfor the desiredperformance parameter,
usinga in Fig. 17(b). The thrust improvements, while not as
linearprogramming algorithm.Theperformance ob- large as those predicted for subsonic conditions, are
jectives(costfunctions)availableare: potentially equally significant because of the smaller
excess thrust at supersonic speeds.

1. Maximum thrust, Propulsion-Enhanced Flight Controls

2. minimum fuel at constant thrust, Many multiengine airplanes can be controlled to

some degree with only the propulsion system. There
3. maximum engine life at constant thrust, and are many instances in which a total or near-total flight
control system failure has occurred, and pilots had to
4. maximum thrust at constant temperature. use the propulsion system for flight control. With the
advent of digital controls, it may be possible to de-
Primary constraints of fan and compressor stall mar- velop an emergency flight control mode that uses only
gin, temperature, and engine and inlet geometry form the engines. Because of the inherent low bandwidth of
the boundaries for the optimization. engines compared to flight controls, it is unlikely that
good flying qualities can be obtained, but emergency
The outputs of the optimization are the two inlet
landings may be possible. NASA Ames-Dryden is cur-
variables; the cowl position and the third ramp posi-
rentlyinvestigatingthedevelopment of suchaninte- 2Anderson, D.L., Connolly, G.F., Mauro, F.M.,
gratedflight-propulsioncontrolmode,bothfor trans- and Reukauf, P.J., YF-12 Cooperative Airframe/
port andhigh-performance fighter-typeaircraft. Ex- Propulsion Control System Program, NASA
periencefrom the cooperative control,HIDEC,and CR-163099, 1980.
PSCprogramswill be importantin developingthis 3Burcham, F.W., Myers, L.P., and Walsh, K.R.,
capability.It is anticipated
thatflightvalidationwill "Flight Evaluation of a Digital Electronic Engine Con-
alsobedesired. trol in an F-15 Airplane," J. Aircraft, vol. 22, no. 12,

TechnologyTransition 1985, pp. 1072-1078.

4Myers, Lawrence P., and Walsh, Kevin R.,

Transition of NASA propulsion control-
Performance Improvements of an F-15 Airplane
propulsion-flightcontrol integrationis shown in
with an Integrated Engine-Flight Control System,
Fig.18.TheYF-12research beganintheearly1970's, NASA TM-100431, 1988. (Also AIAA 88-2175).
flewin thelate1970's,andtheconcepts wereimple-
mentedontheSR-71in 1983.TheDEECresearch be- 5Chisholm, J.D., Nobbs, S.G., and Stewart, J.F.,
ganin themid-1970's,wasflownin theearly1980's, "Development of the HIDEC Inlet Integration Mode,"
andwentintoproductionfortheF100-PW-220 engine ASME paper presented at the 1989 Gas Turbine
in 1986.TheHIDECbeganwith studiesin theearly Engine Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
1980's,flewin themid-1980's,andis nowbeingap- June 1989.
pliedto theF100-PW-229 andadvanced engines.In 6powers, Bruce G., Phugoid Characteristics of a
all threecases,the flight demonstration andevalua- YF-12 Airplane With Variable-Geometry Inlets Ob-
tionwasa keypartof thetechnologytransitionfrom tained in Flight Tests at a Mach Number of 2.9,
thelaboratoryto production.Flightresearch exposes NASA TP-1107, 1977.
concepts totherealworldenvironment, forcingall an-
ticipatedproblemsto be addressed.It alsoprovides 7 Berry, Donald T., and Gilyard, Glenn B., "Air-
highly-visibleandindisputable evidence ofthevalidity frame/Propulsion System Interaction--An Impor-
of a concept.Moreover,if a conceptpasses theflight tant Factor in Supersonic Aircraft Flight Control,"
evaluation, thelikelihoodofgettingit intoproduction AIAA-73-831, Aug. 1973.
is sharplyincreased. S Gilyard, Glenn B., and Smith, John W., Results
from Flight and Simulator Studies of a Mach 3 Cruise
Concluding Remarks
Longitudinal Autopilot, NASA TP-1180, 1978.
Integratedpropulsion-flightcontrolanddigitalcon- 9 Gilyard, Glenn B., and Burken, John J., Develop-
trol researchhavebeenshowntohavesignificantper- ment and Flight Test Results of an Autothrottle Control
formancebenefitsfor high performance andsuper- System at Mach 3 Cruise, NASA TP-1621, 1980.
soniccruiseairplanes.TheYF-12cooperative control
flightresearchconceptwasimplemented ontheSR-71 l°Reukauf, Paul J., and Burcham, Frank W., Jr.,
fleet.Flightresearchon thedigitalelectronicengine Propulsion SystemFlight Control Integration for Su-
control(DEEC)systemon the NASA F-15airplane personic Aircraft. Proceedings of the SCAR Confer-
ledtoproductionusein theF-15andF-16airplanes. ence, NASA CP-001, part 1, Nov. 1976, pp. 281-302.
Morerecenthighlyintegrateddigitalelectroniccon- l lDeGrey, R.P., Nelson, R.L., and Meyer, J.E.,
trol (HIDEC)flightresearchis nowbeingappliedto "SR-71 Digital Automatic Flight and Inlet Control
advanced engines.The flightevaluationanddemon- System," SAE paper 851977, 1985.
strationof thesetechnologies havebeena keypartin
thetransitionof theconcepts to productionandopera- 12Baer-Reidhart, Jennifer L., and Landy, Robert J.,

tionaluseonatimelybasis. Highly Integrated Digital Electronic Control -- Dig-

ital Flight Control, Aircraft Model Identification, and
References Adaptive Engine Control, NASA TM-86793, 1987.

I Burcham, Frank W., and Batterton, Peter G., 13Burcham, Frank W., Jr., Myers, Lawrence P., and
"Flight Experience with a Digital Integrated Zeller, John R., Flight Evaluation of Modifications to
Propulsion Control System on an F-111E Airplane," a Digital Electronic Engine Control System in an F-15
AIAA-76-653, July 1976. Airplane, NASA TM-83088, 1983.

14Maine,T.,Gilyard,GlennB.,andLambert,H.H., rameter Estimation Process Using Flight Data,"
"A PreliminaryEvaluationof an FI00 Engine Pa- AIAA-90-1921, July 1990.

ECN 2704
Fig.1 Test airplane.

I system
Inlet control

,._ Autopilot .,

Fig. 2 YF-12 Program improved autopilot system.

20 j- Autothrottle engaged . [-

APLA _ End turn Disengage -_ /


- 20



- .05



- 300


1.4 E

a n,

J f I f I_ 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Time, min 900086

Fig. 3 Time history of YF-12C flight with autothrottle, Mach hold, and altitude hold modes engaged. M = 3.0;
72,500 ft.

F100 EMD
General purpose
digital computer

Digital interface and

bus control unit

Cockpit control
and display

Digital electronic
flight control system
(DEFCS) computers DEEC engine
Telemetry uplink from
ground-based computers

Fig. 4 Features of the F-15 HIDEC research airplane.

s Fan turbine
/-Augmentor ignitors
_-High-pressure / / (dual)

\ compressor / / /-Mixed-flow
\ High.pressure / / augmentor /-Variable area

--Fan \ turbine_ / / / / nozzle(A J)

Static pressure _-__ i__ ___

probe (PS2) - _,'_ _

/. Compressor __
'"^--. start bleed Flameholder
C°mpress°r2n/et _ _- C°tmpr_lsS \

vanes \ _-Augmentor fuel spray rings

_-Rear compressor variable

vanes (RCVV) 90oo88

Fig. 5 Section view of the F100 engine.

N2(2) t Generator _ I ] AJ

FTIT(2) N2(2) N1(2) PS2 , tC_I--± i'_'_C_ __

6 B IRCW] (2) I[ CI IV _I TT2 121 I I] _

IJ_l _
[J_l ._
_ Ignition AL" WF "--]I
'" I ignition
lAugmento; -


-- RCVV_ Gas

generator Augmentor
-- Blead------_
fuel metering fuel metering
,qP-----WFGG valves and valves
Digital electronic secondary
M PLA (2) control
engine control
-- Mode select --_
to Mode indicator-

< Segment

Augmentor ignition


Fig. 6 The digital electronic engine control system.

FTIT, N2. PB limits

_._ !ntegra' I_-_

P LA.----_=_'_1 rSqp_u:dt I _ . +

TT2-_ ,,_':.' . _ Proportional +_., _e_WF coNtrol

'"°b'ckI "2--'1sc_::;c,e_ "_t co;;;o,


ps_ _ PXe _

PT2 IPT2 , i _ AJ
NI_I calcu;ation _ _ request


NI--_I ,,_,n=_ lrequest ,'+ ional

PT2--*I"_7_,;'1 _') . Propo+rt EPR

TT2 _._._J integral | loop

Fig. 7 The DEEC modes for fan rotor speed and engine pressure ratio.

Success boundary

Standard F100-PW-100
0 Successful transient,

60 x 10 3 Airspeed, kn
125 150 175 200

5O 0

Altitude, 40


2o I I I I
.2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
Mach number _o_1
Fig. 8 Comparison of idle-to-maximum power throttle transients, for F100 DEEC and standard F100-PW-100.


control t
I _IF-1 S HIDEC I_ _ ....

1 Active stall margin mode

Airplane data
._n stall line
Mach, alt,
.,_._f-" Uptrim as a
(_, _, _= Airflow, EPR
stick, rudder EPR _ X/ J fl-
fu;hliOnntfro I
and surface AEPR
"__L ::tmlaal op line
inertial data, Airflow
attitudes, Fan stall margin is modulated in
rates real time as a function of flight
control and engine parameters.

Fig. 9 Schematic of HIDEC ADECS mode.


10 O O

8 B

increase, 6 --

4 --

O Flight

0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Mach number

(a) Thrust increase at intermediate power.



Fuel flow
reduction, 10

O Flight

.4 .8 1.2 1.6
Mach number

(b) Reduction in fuel flow with uptrim to obtain nonuptrimmed maximum thrust.

Fig. 10 HIDEC flight results compared to prediction, 30,000-ft altitude.

Extended engine life mode


decreasing Fan stall
Airplane data
._ line
Mach, alt,
stick, rudder all margin
throttle <_ F Normal operating
-.--II, pressure
and surface
positions, _ line
inertial data,
"_"-" _" Thrust AAirflow
rates decreasing



Fig. 11 Schematic of HIDEC extended engine life mode.

I \
,, 30
Reduction ",,
in 60 --
,_ ,, ,, 40
turbine _" " ,-"
tempe ratu re, ""_ \ " ,, ,, /
OF 40 _.... "_

_ol- -'"_- ....

"" 20

o/ I I I I
.5 .6 .7 .8 .9
Mach number

Fig. 12 Results of HIDEC extended engine life mode, intermediate power.


,I [ i
i Data
r System
Data System '| base eI model
base , model
|ram ,,I I .....

I update

? logic

optimization of On-line
Mach v
one parameter optimization
C_ v

(EPR) Real-time of several


parameter parameters
Average engine, identification
bleed, standard day (Kalman filter)

Engine Horizontal
tail l


Fig. 13 Comparison of HIDEC and PSC block diagrams.

_IF-15HIDECI_ _-- .......... -- _ I I #_1_

7 flight _( .......... - Inlet I -- ] engine F

i control
I Horizontal tail control I i co.,ro,/


Inlet parameters

A Airflow
Aircraft and Engine
A Fan speed
flight control Real-time on-line parameters
parameters optimization for thrust,
l Optimization A Fan vane position
fuel flow, engine life & Core vane position

A A/B fuel flow
A Nozzle position

Integrated system model

tall model Identification

Component parameter
deviation Identification
Compact Model I parameters (Kalman filter)

model update
model logic
r I Dynamic
engine model


Fig. 14 Schematic of PSC mode.

Sea level 10,000 ft 20,000 ft

o 0
) O
(L 0
Thrust 10 0 O o o o
increase, [] [] []
L []
percent 5 O IT
0 I i I I I I I I I

30,000 ft 40,000 ft
15 O

Thrust [] [] [] []
increase, []
percent 5 - 0 PSC, Predicted

I I _ I l J [] HIDEC, measured (except

.4 .6 .8 1.0 .4 .6 .8 1.0 st sea level)
Mach Mach
Fig. 15 Percent thrust improvements for HIDEC and PSC, intermediate power.


12 Lower engine
margins required
(Kslman filter)
Variable stators
Thrust Fan guide vanes
from PSC
(core fuel flow)



Fig. 16 Thrust increase breakdown for HIDEC and PSC, M = 0.9, sea level, intermediate power.

_ .a;:::
-0- 35,000 ft r_

6 m @ 45,000 ft



1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
Mach number 900101

(a) Thrust increase.



Change 4 :::::::::::::::::::::: ::".::::::i:_:::::::':

_: ;_:_:_:_;_
percent 3


O 9001C2

(b) Thrust breakdown, M = 2.1, H = 45,000.

Fig. 17 Predicted PSC thrust improvements at supersonic conditions, maximum power.

1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994

control Production for
YF'12 I Gr°und research Fli_ght I
prog ram SR-71

F100 [ G round research [

electronic Production for
engine F100.PW-220 for F-15, F-16

Highly [ Ground research
Production for_,_
control F100-PW-229

Fig. 18 Transfer of propulsion and propulsion/flight control integration technology from ground research to flight
research to production.

__ Report Documentation Page

1. Rel0Ort No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipienfs Catalog No.

NASA "mM-4207
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Data

July 1990
Propulsion System-Flight Control Integration and Optimization-
6. Performing Organizatio_ Code
Flight Evaluation and Technology Transition

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.

Frank W. Burcham, Jr., Glenn B. Gilyard, and Lawrence P. Myers H-1603

10. Work Unit No.

RTOP 533-02-01
9. Performing Organization Name and Address
11. Contract or Grant No.
NASA Ames Research Center
Dryden Flight Research Facility
EO. Box 273, Edwards, CA 93523-0273 13. Type of Report and Period Covered

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Addresl

Technical Memorandum
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, DC 20546

15. Supplementary Notes

Prepared as a conference paper for presentation at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(AIAA) 26th Joint Propulsion Conference, Orlando, Florida, July 16-18, 1990.

16, Abstract

Integration of propulsion and flight contrql systems and their optimization offers significant performance
improvements. The NASA Ames Research Center, Dryden Right Research Facility has, over the years,
conducted research programs which have developed new propulsion and flight control integration concepts,
implemented designs on high-performance airplanes, demonstrated these designs in flight, and measured
the performance improvements. These programs, first on the YF-12 airplane, and later on the F-15, have
demonstrated increased thrust, reduced fuel consumption, increased engine life, and improved airplane per-
formance; with improvements in the 5- to lO-percent range achieved with integration and with no changes
to hardware. The design, software and hardware developments, and testing requirements have been shown
to be practical. This technology has been transferred to the user community dLrough reports, symposia, and
industry cooperative programs, and is appearing on operational and advanced airplanes. The flight evalua-
tion and demonstration have been shown m be key in maturing the technology and hastening its transition
into production.

17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s)) 18. Dkztribution Statement

F-I5, Flight research, Integration, PropuLsion, Unclassified -- Unlimited

Technology transition, YF-12

Subject category 07
19. Security Clessif. (of this report) 20. Security Clasaif. (of this page) 21. No. of pages 2.2. Price

Unclassified Unclassified 28 A02

NASA FORM 1626OCT86 *For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161-2171.

NASA-Langley, 1990

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