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YL6: 00.

02 Chapter 2: The Economic Problem: Scarcity and Choice

07/16/2019 Economics for Managers
08:00-12:00 Principles of Economics, 10th Edition

TABLE OF CONTENTS → The best alternative that we give up, or forgo, when we make a
choice or decision.
I. Scarcity and Choice .................................................................................1
A. Three Basic Questions ..................................................................1
B. Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost .......................................1 II. Scarcity and Choice in an Economy of Two or More
II. Scarcity and Choice in an Economy of Two or More ............................1 A. Specialization, Exchange, and Comparative Advantage
A. Specialization, Exchange, and Comparative Advantage.............1
• Theory of Comparative Advantage: Ricardo’s theory that
III. The Production Possibility Frontier .......................................................2
specialization and free trade will benefit all trading parties, even
Definition .............................................................................................2
IV. Economic Systems and the Role of Government ................................2 those that may be “absolutely” more efficient producers.
D. Mixed Systems, Markets, and Governments ...............................3 → Absolute Advantage: A producer has an absolute advantage
CHAPTER SUMMARY................................................................................3 over another in the production of a good or service if he or she
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................3 can produce that product using fewer resources (a lower
WHY STUDY ECONOMICS? ............................................................3 absolute cost per unit).
THE SCOPE OF ECONOMICS.........................................................3 → Comparative Advantage: A producer has a comparative
THE METHOD OF ECONOMICS .....................................................3 advantage over another in the production of a good or service if
REVIEW QUESTIONS .......................................................................3 he or she can produce that product at a lower opportunity
REFERENCES ............................................................................................4 cost.
REQUIRED .........................................................................................4
FREEDOM SPACE ............................................................................4 Comparative Advantage and the Gains from Trade

I. Scarcity and Choice

A. Three Basic Questions

Production of Bill and Colleen with specialization vs without

• (a) shows the best Colleen and Bill can do each day, assuming
they each wish to consume an equal amount of food and wood.
Figure 1. Three Basic Questions (Case et. al, 2012) • Notice that Colleen produces by splitting her time equally during
the day, while Bill must devote two thirds of his time to wood
1. On the surface, economic issues seem quite different from one production if he wishes to equalize his amount produced of the
another, but the fundamental concern is choice in a world of scarcity. two goods.
2. Individuals’ choices determine three key features of society: • Panel (b) shows what happens when both parties specialize.
▪ What gets produced? Notice that more units of each good are produced.
▪ How is it produced?
▪ Who gets what produced?
→ Every society has some system or process that transforms its
scarce resources into useful goods and services.
▪ Basically, society has a way to make use of what we have
(scarce resources) for goods and services
→ In doing so, society must decide what gets produced, how it
is produced, and to whom it is distributed.
→ The primary resources that must be allocated are land, labor,
and capital.
Important Terms
→ Capital: Things that are produced and then used in the production of
other goods and services. Production Possibilities with and without Trade
→ Factors of production (or factors): The inputs into the process of • This is how the combinations of food and wood that Colleen and
production. Another term for resources. Bill can each generate in one day of labor. The amount Colleen
→ Production: The process that transforms scarce resources into can finish is at any point of ABC, whereas Bill can finish at any
useful goods and services. point in DFE.
→ Inputs or resources: Anything provided by nature or previous • Specialization and trade would allow both Bill and Colleen to
generations that can be used directly or indirectly to satisfy human move to the right of their original lines, to points like C′ and F′. In
wants. other words, specialization and trade allow both people to be
→ Outputs: Goods and services of value to households. better off than they were acting alone.
B. Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost • The graph is just a visual representation of the table above
1. Scarcity and Choice in a One-Person Economy • Main idea is that if you specialize and trade, you maximize the
→ Nearly all the same basic decisions that characterize complex capabilities of your resources thus work efficiently (cuz that’s
economies must also be made in a simple economy. what economists love)
→ The concepts of constrained choice and scarcity are central to
the discipline of economics.
→ A person must decide what to produce and how and when to • Weighing Present and Expected Future Costs and Benefits
produce it. → We trade off present and future benefits in small ways all the
2. Opportunity Cost time.

YL6: 00.02 Transcribed by Jacobs by Marc Jacobs for Marc by Marc Jacobs 1 of 4
• Capital Goods and Consumer Goods • The cost per bushel of corn—measured in lost wheat—has increased.
→ Consumer Goods: Goods produced for present consumption.
→ Investment: The process of using resources to produce new Unemployment
capital. • During economic downturns or recessions, industrial plants run at
→ Capital Goods: Goods used in producing other goods rather less than their total capacity.
than consumed by customers • When there is unemployment of labor, we are not producing all that
we can.

III. The Production Possibility Frontier



Figure 2. Production Possibility Frontier (Case et. al, 2012)

Figure 4. Inefficiency from Misallocation of Land in Farming (Case et. al,
• A graph that shows all the combinations of goods and services 2012)
that can be produced if all of society’s resources are used
efficiently. • Waste and mismanagement are the results of a firm operating below
• The ppf illustrates several economic concepts. One of the most its potential.
important is opportunity cost. • Sometimes inefficiency results from mismanagement of the economy
• The opportunity cost of producing more capital goods is fewer instead of mismanagement of individual private firms.
consumer goods. • In Fig. 4, inefficiency always results in a combination of production
• In Fig. 2, moving from E to F, the number of capital goods increases shown by a point inside the ppf, like point A.
from 550 to 800, but the number of consumer goods decreases from • Increasing efficiency will move production possibilities toward a point
1,300 to 1,100. on the ppf, such as point B.
Negative Slope and Opportunity Cost The Efficient Mix of Output
• Marginal Rate of Transformation (MRT) is the slope of the • To be efficient, an economy must produce what people want.
production possibility frontier (ppf). • Output efficiency occurs when the economy is operating at the “right”
• The negative slope tells us how much society must give up of one point on the ppf.
output to get a unit of another output. Economic Growth
The Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost


Figure 5. Economic Growth Shifts the PPF Up and to the Right(Case et.
al, 2012)

100 • It is an increase in the total output of an economy. Growth occurs

when a society acquires new resources or when it learns to produce
more using existing resources.
Figure 3. Corn and Wheat Production in Ohio and Kansas • Growth shifts the ppf up and to the right.
• In Fig 5, productivity increases have enhanced the ability of the
• The ppf (Fig 3.) shows the opportunity cost of corn production United States to produce both corn and wheat.
increases as we shift resources from wheat production to corn • Productivity increases were more dramatic for corn than for wheat,
production. Moving from point E to D, we get an additional 100 thus, the shifts in the ppf were not parallel.
million bushels of corn at a cost of 50 million bushels of wheat.
• Moving from point B to A, we get only 50 million bushels of corn at IV. Economic Systems and the Role of Government
a cost of 100 million bushels of wheat.

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Command Economies • INVESTMENT: The process of using resources to produce new
• An economy in which a central government either directly or indirectly capital.
sets output targets, incomes, and prices • LAISSEZ-FAIRE ECONOMY: An economy in which individual
Laissez-Faire Economies: The Free Market people and firms pursue their own self-interest without any central
• Literally from the French: “allow [them] to do.” An economy in which direction or regulation.
individual people and firms pursue their own self-interest without • MARGINAL RATE OF TRANSFORMATION (MRT): The slope of the
any central direction or regulation. production possibility frontier (ppf).
• Market: The institution through which buyers and sellers interact and → NEGATIVE SLOPE: tells us how much society must give up of
engage in exchange. one output to get a unit of another output.
• Some markets are simple, and others are complex, but they all • MARKET: The institution through which buyers and sellers interact
involve buyers and sellers engaging in exchange. and engage in exchange.
• The behavior of buyers and sellers in a laissez-faire economy • OPPORTUNITY COST: The best alternative that we give up, or forgo,
determines what gets produced, how it is produced, and who gets it. when we make a choice or decision.
Consumer Sovereignty → OUTPUTS: Goods and services of value to households.
• The idea that consumers ultimately dictate what will be produced • PRODUCTION: The process that transforms scarce resources into
(or not produced) by choosing what to purchase (and what not to useful goods and services.
• The mix of output is dictated by consumers who “vote” by buying or shows all the combinations of goods and services that can be
not buying. produced if all of society’s resources are used efficiently
Individual Production Decisions: Free Enterprise specialization and free trade will benefit all trading parties, even
• Under a free market system, individual producers must determine those that may be “absolutely” more efficient producers.
how to organize and coordinate their production. REVIEW QUESTIONS
• In a free market economy, production decisions are made by private 1. T/F The production possibility frontier (PPF) shows important
organizations acting in their own interest. economic concepts, one of which is resource allocation.
Distribution of Output 2. T/F. The opportunity cost of producing more capital goods is fewer
• A household’s income affects the amount of output it can get. consumer goods.
• Income is the amount that a household earns each year. It comes in 3. The following statement/s explains why the increase in PPF in this
several forms, such as wages, salaries, and interest. example is not parallel:
• You may be able to increase your income by getting more education
or training.
Price Theory
• In a free market system, the basic economic questions are answered
without the help of a central government plan or directives.
• This is what the “free” in free market means—the system is left to
operate on its own, with no outside interference. Individuals
pursuing their own self-interest will go into business and produce the
products and services that people want.
• Other individuals will decide whether to acquire skills; whether to
work; and whether to buy, sell, invest, or save the income that they
• The basic coordinating mechanism is price.
D. Mixed Systems, Markets, and Governments
• The differences between command economies and laissez-faire
economies in their pure forms are enormous.
• In fact, these pure forms do not exist in the world.
• All real systems are in some sense “mixed.”

Important terms:
• ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGE: A producer has an absolute advantage
over another in the production of a good or service if he or she can a) Waste and mismanagement with corn production occurred
produce that product using fewer resources (a lower absolute cost b) The country went through a famine
per unit). c) A decrease in productivity of corn per year was evident
• CAPITAL: Things that are produced and then used in the production d) Productivity increases were more dramatic for corn than for
of other goods and services. wheat
• COMMAND ECONOMY: An economy in which a central government e) None of the above
either directly or indirectly sets output targets, incomes, and prices 4. This is an economic system where the basic economic questions are
• COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE: A producer has a comparative answered without the help of a central government plan or directives.
advantage over another in the production of a good or service if he or It is where the system is left to operate on its own, with no outside
she can produce that product at a lower opportunity cost. interference
• CONSUMER GOODS: Goods produced for present consumption. a) Command Economy
• CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY: The idea that consumers ultimately b) Ceteris Paribus
dictate what will be produced (or not produced) by choosing what to c) Laissez-Faire Economy
purchase (and what not to purchase). d) Price Theory
• ECONOMIC GROWTH: An increase in the total output of an e) None of the above
economy. Growth occurs when a society acquires new resources or 5. The three basic questions of economy are the following except:
when it learns to produce more using existing resources. a) What gets produced?
• FACTORS OF PRODUCTION (OR FACTORS): The inputs into the b) How is it produced?
process of production. Another term for resources. c) Who gets what produced?
• INPUTS OR RESOURCES: Anything provided by nature or previous d) None of the above
generations that can be used directly or indirectly to satisfy human ANSWERS
wants. 1F: Not resource allocation but opportunity costs, 2T, 3D, 4D, 5D

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• Case, Karl E., Ray C. Fair and Sharon M. Oster. 2012. Principles of
Economics, 10th Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.


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