Zoology Practical Exam Tips 2024

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Identify the given invertebrate animal.
1 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

Identify the given invertebrate animal.
1 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

(Hydra vulgaris)
One identifying character:
• Tentacles present.

Identify the given invertebrate animal.
1 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

Liver fluke
(Fasciola hepatica)
One identifying character:
• Suckers present.

One adaptation:
• Suckers present.

Identify the given invertebrate animal.
1 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

(Ascaris lumbricoides)
One identifying character:
• Cuticular covering.

One adaptation:
• Cuticular covering.

Identify the given invertebrate animal.
1 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

(Pheretima posthuma)
One identifying character:
• Cylindrical segmented body.

One economic importance:

• Increases soil fertility.

Identify the given invertebrate animal.
1 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

(Hirudinaria granulosa)
One identifying character:
• Suckers present.

One adaptation:
• Suckers present.

Identify the given invertebrate animal.
1 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

(Apis indica)
One identifying character:
• 6 legs and 2 pairs of wings.

One economic importance:

• Gives honey and beeswax.

Identify the given invertebrate animal.
1 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

(Bombyx mori)
One identifying character:
• Body has head, thorax and abdomen.

One economic importance:

• It gives silk.

Identify the given invertebrate animal.
1 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

(Penaeus indicus)
One identifying character:
• Body has cephalothorax and

One economic importance:

• It is used as food.

Identify the given invertebrate animal.
1 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

(Pila globosa)
One identifying character:
• Spiral shell.

One adaptation:
• Gills for aquatic respiration and
lungs for terrestrial respiration.

Identify the given invertebrate animal.
1 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

One identifying character:
• Star shaped body with five arms.

Identify the given vertebrate animal.
2 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

Identify the given vertebrate animal.
2 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

One identifying character:
• Ventral mouth.
One economic importance:
• Used as food.
One adaptation:
• Stream-lined body.

Identify the given vertebrate animal.
2 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

(Labeo rohita)
One identifying character:
• Large scales present.
One economic importance:
• Used as food.
One adaptation:
• Stream-lined body.

Identify the given vertebrate animal.
2 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

(Rana tigrina)
One identifying character:
• Moist skin.

One adaptation:
• Skin and lungs for respiration.

Identify the given vertebrate animal.
2 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

Garden lizard
One identifying character:
• Dry scaled skin.

One adaptation:
• Can change colour.

Identify the given vertebrate animal.
2 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

One identifying character:
• Feathers and beak present.
One economic importance:
• It is edible.
One adaptation:
• Feathers and beak present.
Identify the given vertebrate animal.
2 Write one identifying character/one economic importance/one adaptation.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

One identifying character:
• Ear pinna and hairs.

One economic importance:

• It is used as food.

Identify the slide of given tissue. Sketch and label two parts.
3 Time: 7 min Score: 2 (Identification: 1 Sketch & labelling: ½ + ½ = 1)

Identify the slide of given tissue. Sketch and label two parts.
3 Time: 7 min Score: 2 (Identification: 1 Sketch & labelling: ½ + ½ = 1)

Striated (Skeletal) muscle

Microscopic view
Identify the slide of given tissue. Sketch and label two parts.
3 Time: 7 min Score: 2 (Identification: 1 Sketch & labelling: ½ + ½ = 1)

Non-striated (Smooth) muscle

Microscopic view
Identify the slide of given tissue. Sketch and label two parts.
3 Time: 7 min Score: 2 (Identification: 1 Sketch & labelling: ½ + ½ = 1)

Cardiac muscle

Microscopic view
Identify the given model or name the marked part. Write one physiological
4 function.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ Function: ½)

Identify the given model or name the marked part. Write one physiological
4 function.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ Function: ½)

Heart ➢ Right atrium: Receive impure blood.

Important parts & functions ➢ Left atrium: Receive pure blood.
➢ Right ventricle: Pump impure blood into lungs.
➢ Left ventricle: Pump blood pure into body parts.
➢ Superior & inferior vena cavae: Collect blood from
various body organs.
➢ Pulmonary artery: Carries impure blood into lungs.
➢ Pulmonary vein: Carries pure blood into heart.
➢ Aorta: Carries pure blood into body parts.
➢ Valves: Prevent backflow of blood.

Identify the given model or name the marked part. Write one physiological
4 function.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ Function: ½)

Important parts & functions
➢ Trachea: Carries air towards lungs.
➢ Bronchi: Carries air towards lungs.
➢ Right & Left lungs: Stores and
exchanges respiratory gases.
➢ Alveoli: Stores and exchanges
respiratory gases.

Identify the given model or name the marked part. Write one physiological
4 function.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ Function: ½)

Kidney ➢ Cortex: Nephrons present for urine

Important parts & functions formation.
➢ Medulla: Take part in urine formation.
➢ Renal pyramid: Conducts urine.
➢ Renal calyx: Receives urine from
collecting duct.
➢ Renal artery: Carries blood into kidney.
➢ Renal vein: Carries blood from kidney.
➢ Renal pelvis: Carries urine from renal calyx.
➢ Ureter: Carries urine from kidney.

Identify the given model or name the marked part. Write one physiological
4 function.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ Function: ½)

Brain ➢ Cerebrum: Centre of memory.

Important parts & functions ➢ Cerebellum: Centre of body balance.
➢ Medulla oblongata: Controls
➢ Pons: Controls respiration.
➢ Thalamus: Acts as relay station.
➢ Hypothalamus: Centre of hunger and
➢ Corpus callosum: Connects two
cerebral hemispheres.

Identify the given model or name the marked part. Write one physiological
4 function.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ Function: ½)

Eye ➢ Sclera: Protects eyeball.

Important parts & functions
➢ Choroid: Supplies blood for eye.
➢ Retina: Forms image of objects.
➢ Cornea: Passes light rays into eye.
➢ Iris: Controls amount of light
entering into eye.
➢ Lens: Focuses light into retina.
➢ Optic nerve: Carries impulses from
eye into brain.

Identify the given model or name the marked part. Write one physiological
4 function.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ Function: ½)

Ear ➢ Ear pinna: Collects sound waves.

Important parts & functions ➢ Ear canal: Passes sound waves into
➢ Tympanum: Produces vibration
when sound comes.
➢ Ear ossicles: Transmit vibrations to
inner ear.
➢ Semicircular canals: For body
➢ Cochlea: Centre of hearing.

Identify the given model or name the marked part. Write one physiological
4 function.
Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ Function: ½)

Urinary system
Important parts & functions
➢ Kidneys: For excretion and
➢ Ureters: Carry urine from kidney
into urinary bladder.
➢ Urinary bladder: Stores urine.
➢ Urethra: Carries urine from urinary
bladder to outside.

Identify the type of joint. Write one peculiarity.
5 Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

Identify the type of joint. Write one peculiarity.
5 Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

Hinge joint
Functional peculiarity:
• It allows movement only in one

Identify the type of joint. Write one peculiarity.
5 Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

Ball and socket joint

Functional peculiarity:
• Provides swinging and rotating

Identify the type of joint. Write one peculiarity.
5 Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

Pivot joint
Functional peculiarity:
• Provides rotating movement.

Pivot joint between atlas and axis

Identify the type of joint. Write one peculiarity.
5 Time: 4 min Score: 1 (Identification: ½ One value point: ½)

Gliding joint
Functional peculiarity:
• Provides sliding movement.

Draw the digestive system of cockroach. Label 4 parts.
Draw the viscera of frog. Label four parts.
6 Identify one analogous and one homologous organs from the given chart
and write one peculiarity.
Time: 15 min Score: 3

Draw the digestive system of cockroach. Label 4 parts.
6 Time: 15 min Score: 3 (Diagram: 1 Label 4 parts: ½ x 4 = 2)

Digestive system of cockroach

Labelled parts

1. Salivary glands 7. Mesenteron

2. Salivary receptacle 8. Ileum
3. Oesophagus 9. Malpighian tubules
4. Crop 10. Colon
5. Gizzard 11. Rectum
6. Hepatic caecae

Draw the viscera of frog. Label 4 parts.
6 Time: 15 min Score: 3 (Diagram: 1 Label 4 parts: ½ x 4 = 2)

Viscera of frog
Labelled parts
1. Oesophagus 8. Urinary bladder
2. Liver 9. Ureter
3. Stomach 10. Kidney
4. Intestine 11. Fat bodies
5. Rectum 12. Lung
6. Cloacal aperture 13. Gall bladder
7. Cloaca 14. Heart

Identify one analogous and one homologous organs from the given chart and
write one peculiarity. (Vertebrate heart and vertebrate brain/fore limbs of
6 whale and fore limbs of cheetah and wings of butter fly and wings of birds)
Score: 3 (Identification: 2 Peculiarity: 1)

• Homologous organs are
organs having
fundamentally similar
structure and origin but
different functions.
• Analogous organs are
organs having similar
function but different
Homologous organs Analogous organs structure & origin.
Two samples A and B are given. Identify the sample with glucose/ protein /
starch. Write procedure and result.
Two urine samples A and B are given. Identify the presence of albumin in the
7 sample using the reagents provided. Write procedure and result.
Two urine samples A and B are given. Identify the urine of diabetic patient.
Write procedure and result.
Time: 15 min Score: 2 (Experiment: 1 Procedure: ½ Result: ½)

Two samples A and B are given. Identify the sample with glucose.
7 Two urine samples A and B are given. Identify the urine of diabetic patient.
Write procedure and result. (Note: Same experiments for both questions)

Procedure (Benedict’s test) Observation Inference

Solution turns
Presence of
Sample A Take 2 ml of given sample greenish to brick
in a test tube and add red ppt
equal amount of
Benedict’s reagent. Boil
Sample B for 2 minutes. No colour change No glucose

Result: Sample A contains glucose/ Sample A is the urine of diabetic patient.

Two samples A and B are given. Identify the sample with glucose.
7 Two urine samples A and B are given. Identify the urine of diabetic patient.
Write procedure and result. (Note: Same experiments for both questions)

Procedure (Fehling’s test) Observation Inference

Solution turns
Presence of
Sample A Take equal amount of orange to brick
Fehling’s A & B solutions red ppt
in a test tube and add 2 ml
of given solution. Heat to
Sample B boil. No colour change No glucose

Result: Sample A contains glucose/ Sample A is the urine of diabetic patient.

Two samples A and B are given. Identify the sample with protein.
7 Two urine samples A and B are given. Identify the presence of albumin in the
sample using the reagents provided. (Note: Same experiments for both questions)

Observation Inference
(Sulphosalicylic acid test)

Urine Presence of
Cloudy ppt
Sample A Take 2 ml of given albumin (protein)
sample in a test tube
and add 2 drops of
Urine Sulphosalicylic acid. No colour No albumin
Sample B change (protein)
Sample A Sample B

Result: Sample A contains protein/albumin.

Two samples A and B are given. Identify the sample with protein.
7 Two urine samples A and B are given. Identify the presence of albumin in the
sample using the reagents provided. (Note: Same experiments for both questions)

Procedure (Biuret test) Observation Inference

Violet or bluish Presence of

Sample A Take 1 ml of given pink colour protein (albumin)
sample in a test tube
and add biuret reagent
(1 ml of 5% NaOH + 1 %
CuSO4). Mix well. No colour No protein
Sample B
change (albumin)
Sample A Sample B

Result: Sample A contains protein/albumin.

7 Two samples A and B are given. Identify the sample with starch.

Procedure (iodine test) Observation Inference

Dark blue Presence of

Sample A
Take 2 ml of given colour appears starch
sample in a test tube.
Add a few drops of
iodine solution. Mix
well. No colour
Sample B No starch

Result: Sample A contains starch.

Prepare a stained slide of your cheek epithelium. Draw and label one part of
a single cell.
8 Prepare a stained thin film of your blood smear on a slide. Identify one cell.
Draw and label.
Time: 15 min Score: 2 (Slide preparation: 1 Diagram: 1)

Prepare a stained slide of your cheek epithelium. Draw and label one part of
8 a single cell. Time: 15 min Score: 2 (Slide preparation: 1 Diagram: 1)

Procedure: Collect the epithelium by gently scraping the inner lining of cheek with the help of
finger. Spread it on a slide and add one drop of methylene blue stain. After 1 or 2
minutes, remove excess stain by holding slide vertically. Then cover it with a cover
slip. Spread it gently. Observe under microscope.

Original view under microscope

Prepare a stained thin film of your blood smear on a slide. Identify one cell.
8 Draw and label. Time: 15 min Score: 2 (Slide preparation: 1 Diagram (RBC & 1 WBC): 1)

Procedure: Prick the finger tip with a lancet. Put a drop of oozed out blood on one end of a slide.
Spread it with the help of another slide to get a thin film. Let the slide dry in air. Put
2-3 drops of Leishman’s wright’s stain. After 2 minutes, drain out the excess stain.
Dry the slide again and observe under microscope.

Identify the pathogen. Name the disease caused by it and write one symptom.
9 Time: 4 min Score: 2 (Identification: ½ Disease: ½ Symptom: 1)

Identify the pathogen. Name the disease caused by it and write one symptom.
9 Time: 4 min Score: 2 (Identification: ½ Disease: ½ Symptom: 1)

• Ascaris (Roundworm).
• Ascariasis (Worm trouble).
• Diarrhoea, fever.

Identify the pathogen. Name the disease caused by it and write one symptom.
9 Time: 4 min Score: 2 (Identification: ½ Disease: ½ Symptom: 1)

• Entamoeba histolytica.
• Amoebiasis (Amoebic
• Dysentery, abdominal pain.
Identify the pathogen. Name the disease caused by it and write one symptom.
9 Time: 4 min Score: 2 (Identification: ½ Disease: ½ Symptom: 1)

• Plasmodium.
• Malaria.
• Fiver and shivering.

Identify the pathogen. Name the disease caused by it and write one symptom.
9 Time: 4 min Score: 2 (Identification: ½ Disease: ½ Symptom: 1)

• Microsporum (Ringworm
• Ringworm.
• Dry, scaly lesions on skin, nail
and scalp.
Identify the given embryology slide. Sketch and label one part.
Time: 7 min Score: 2 (Identification: ½ Sketch: 1 Labelling: ½)

Identify the given embryology slide. Sketch and label one part.
Time: 7 min Score: 2 (Identification: ½ Sketch: 1 Labelling: ½)

T.S of testis
Identify the given embryology slide. Sketch and label one part.
Time: 7 min Score: 2 (Identification: ½ Sketch: 1 Labelling: ½)

T.S of ovary
Identify the given embryology slide. Sketch and label one part.
Time: 7 min Score: 2 (Identification: ½ Sketch: 1 Labelling: ½)

T.S of Blastula
11 Viva Voce. Time: 1 min Score: 1

Simple questions
based on your

Certified Practical Diary
12 Score: 2

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