General Back Method Chen Chaos

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Generalization Backstepping Method Based Stabilization of Parameters Perturbation Chen Chaos Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System [Nader Mehra Masoud Taleb Ziabari _Seyed Amin Sadjadi_—- Mohammad Reza_——_Ali Reza Saab Foculty of Electrical Faculty of Eletical ‘Alamndazi Daliti Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Engineering, culty of Elerrical Faculty of Electrical Engineering Islamic Arad University slamie Azad University Engineering. Engizeenng tran Wslamie Arad University, Qarvin Branch, Ian Qavin Branch, ran nadernchraagmal comm. iar gmail com Abstract This study deals with the control of chaos using Generalized Backstepping Method. This new method fo control nonlinear systems was called Generalized Buckstepping method bectuse of is similarity to Buckstepping but its abilities to control more systems than Backstepping. The General Backstepping Method could achieve better performance than Backtepping Method in respect of lower Signal control, short setting time and overshoot, control ability of MIMO systems and non strict feedback systems, ‘The Generalized Backstepping approach consists of parameters which accept positive values. The parameters are usually hosen optional. The system responded differeny for each value. This paper Introduce 4 novel adaptive neuro fuzzy control method which trained by different error data to achieve optimal parameters. Hence with optimal parameters ‘controler can stabilize the Chen chaot ia much quicker than general backstepping method. Keywords: Chen chaos, Lyapunos, Generalized Backstepping Method , ANFIS. 1. Intropucrios Control of complex iregular dynamics has evolved as one ofthe central issues in applied nonlinear science during the last decade, Nowadays the notion of chaos contol involving stabilization of unstable periodic or stationary states in nonlinear dynamic systems has been extended to a much wider class of problems. Since the discovery of chaos synchronization introduced in (1), There have been tremendous interests in studying. the synchronization of chaotic systems. Chaos synchronization has investigated for a decade, for which many effective methods have been presented [2-8] and [9-165] Due to the simple configuration and ease of implementation in real systems, the Backstepping Method (BM) turns out to be one of the most efficient methods for chaos control (13, 17, 18). Ia particular, backstepping design and active control bave been recognized as two powerful design methods to control and synchronize chaos. It has been reported (19-21) that backstepping design can guarantee global stability, tracking and transient performance for a broad class of strct-feedback nonlinear systems. But it ems that tae Backstepping Method (BM) couldn't achieve good performance in non sirict-feedback Islamic Azad University Quevin Braneh, Ia sadidiagina ae Lahijan branch, tan stiseasstabaigmscom University of Science ‘and Technology (UST, Nara, eh nonlinear systems and also in some MIMO. nonlinear systems, Generalized Backstepping Method (GBM) have been introduced in [22, 23]. I's called GBM because of its similarity to Backstepping and more epplicetions in systems than BM, The GBM could have contol cost lower than BM, The main contribution of this paper is 1 design adaptive neuro fuzzy based on generalization backstepping method with opiimal parameters. The paper is organized as follows, Section IL describes the Generalized Backstopping Method, Section IT presents Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). Section TV describes Controlling Chen System, Section V simulation resulis of Chen system are discussed. Section VI provides cconclision ofthis study. HT Greeratizen BackstorPNG MeTHOD Generalized Backstepping method will be applied to a certain class of autonomous nonlinear systems which are expressed as fll = FUNG) 1 i= fm) eon o Tn which ER and X= (xj. 26 XE" In order to obtain an approach to control these systems, we ‘may need to prove anew theorem as follows Theorem: Suppose Eg. is available, then suppose the sealar function @,49 for the i, state could be determined in a manner which by inserting the 7, term for, the function y(x) would be postive definite Eq. 3 with negative definite derivative. L vonel$e 2 Therefore, the control signal and also the general contol LLygpanoy function ofthis system can be oblained by Eq.3, 4 SEZ 00+e,07-Lre BA Soe ey, =Skln-0,00)- 42m ba 2012.00 ° voem=3388 +53 f9-0,00F ® Proof: The Eq.l can be represented as the extended form of Eg fe LAD) + BOOME= Ly © = FX + Bo Xo v(x) is always positive definite and therefore the negative definite of its derivative should be examined; it means w(x) in Fg.6 should always be positive definite, so that P(X) would be negative definite, F-Lak Sahrawi) 6) By (Xn) + R(X and subtracting ¢,(x)0,(X) 10 the iy term of Eq.S and 7 would be obtained. adding and ferbienrscrmeoleschn-e0] Gy =m ” Now we use the following change of variable 2, =9-@(X) 2, =u, — P(X) (8) 20, 4,09 =DS[,00+2,000] ° “Therefore, the E97 would be obtained as follows {r =i + 2200,00]* £18.00] oy =m 9, " Regarding to 2 which has nm states, the w) can be considered with m terms, provided that’Eq.11 would be established as follows. =m, a ‘Therefore, the last term of Eq.10 would be converted 0 q.12 4, ,-®(X)=4, (12) At tis Stage, the contol Lyapanovfinton would be considered £413 Kamat tyes 03) ‘This is a positive definite function, Now it is suticient ‘examine negative definitely ofits derivative, Fm 2 ijco+8.c0e, co} go VX) an 200+ D2, In order thst the fimetion F(x) would be negative definite, it is sufMleient that the value of 4, would be selected as Eg 15 k,>0 as) ‘Therefore, the value would be obtained from following equation, Ft.m=¥ xlf(00+8,000,00]- as Laat sway Baa? ‘Which indicates thatthe negative definitely stats ofthe Sanction (Xn). Consequently, the conto sigeal fueton, sing the Eq 7,9 and 11 would be converted to 17 2200, BEB vorrenlEaa- an Labr-o,00] “Therefore using the variations ofthe variables which we camved ou, he Eq can be tained. Now, considering the Unlimited region of postive definitely of ¥,(Xn) and negative definitely of ¥(X,n) ad the radically unbounded space ofits states, global stability gives the proof [22,23] I, Aaprive NevRO-Fuzzy INFERENCE SYSTEM (ANEIS) ‘Network-based fizzy inference system (ANFIS) has been proposed by Jang [24]. The fuzzy inference system is ‘implemented inthe framework of adaptive networks using @ hybrid learning procedure, whose membership functi parameters are tuned using a back propagation algorithm ‘combined with a least squate method. ANFIS is capable to dal with uncertainty and imprecision of human knowledge. Ithas sel-organized ability and inductive inferenee funetion te leam from the data, ANFIS is a multilayer feed forward network [24]. Each node of the network performs a parGculr function on incoming signals as well as a set of Parameters pertaining to this mode, To present the ANTS Erchitecure, let us consider wo-fizy res based on a frst order Sugeno’s mode! [25] shown in Fi. 1 Rule 1: f(s Ap) and (Xs By) then G.- PX, OX R) Rule 2:if (Kis Ay) and (Xs By) then = PX OX R) The system has two inputs X; and Xo with one output F. A square node (adaptive node) has parameter and. changes diving uaining while a czcle node (ixed nade) bas none. Two membership fictions are associated with each input The rule conlane two fuzzy iEthen rules of Takagi and Sugeno's type, The key features of the five layers are described a follows, In the following presentation 0; denotes the ouput oftode “Tina layer E26} Layer I: The nodes inthis isput layer ee adaptive. They define the membership functions of the inpus. The tmemaership fincion can be bell-shaped or Gaussian Parameters” in this layer are refered to as promise parameters On5= al) i242 Ou, aX) i= 3,4 where, Aj and'B, can be any appropriate fuzzy sets in parameter for Layer 2: The nodes inthis rle layer are fixed, It mlipies all he incoming signals and sends the product out, Output ofeach ode represents the fring stengt oF a rule On, = Wh= Hl Xe) teu) fe 12 The ouput of each node i this layer which represents the fring sengt othe re. Layer 3 Toe nodes in this normalization layer are ne The nodes noraline he Erng senghhs obtoned Layer 2 o= Me 2 20) a Mie 2 a Layer 4:The nodes in this inference lnyer ae adaptive. The cutpusin this layer are he outputs fom Layer 3 multiplied bys liner fel. Prater a this tye re efered to #8 contequet panne ous Mrs MUMK Ce*R) t= 42 @D where P, Q)and R, ate design parameters (consequent pararee since They del with he then pan of the fuzzy fl. Layer $: The nodes in this ouput layer ave fixed coupes the overall expat wie summation of te ‘righed outputs fom Layer 4: as) as) e120 @ — xX w OW AD _ \/ ‘ ee BHO 4 i I a The ANFIS architecture is not unique, Some layers can bbe combined and sill produce the same output. There are two sols of parameters in the above fuzzy inference system. The overall onput is linear in the consequent parameters on layer 3 but nonlinear in the parameters on layer 1. The hybrid leaming algorithm detailed in [26] consists of a forward and aa backward pass. In the forward pass, the linear paremeters fare updated using least squares estimator (LSE). In the backward pass, crors of derivatives ate calculated for each node starting from the output end and propagating towards the input end of the network, The nonlinear parameters are ‘updated by stoepest descent algorithm [26) IV. CONTROLLING PARAMETER PERTURBATION UNCERTAIN CHEN SYSTEM Consider the parameter perturbation Chen system as x=altXy-x) 5 = (eld) ale)ie x2 + ely + 23) ea xy bz Where a(t) «254 25in28,4() » 3+ (o0858/3.c0 = 28+ cose are system parameters and x,y,z are state Variables, w is input which is used t stabilized this chaotic system and initial condition (x,y,z) = (10,~10,10). Dynamical ‘behavior including chaotic motion is displayed in Fig 2, Fig.2, Phase portrait of Chen system Stabilization ofthe state: In order to use the theorem, it is sulicent establish £.28,25, (u2)=0 2s) $,(x,2)=0 @s) ‘According 10 the theorem, the contol signal will be obtained fiom Ea.26 ” (hth rey 26) ‘And Lyapunov function as Vexyz)ate ate ely a ety—¢) en 3°72" "9 20-4) V. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS In this section, numerical simulations of Chen system are presented, The simulation results of designed adaptive neuro fuzzy based on generalization backstepping method with optimal parameters are shown. The Generalized Backstepping Method (GBM) is used as an approach to control chaos in Chen system and eventually the results of this method would be compared with the chaos control result of Backstepping method (BM) [27] whieh is based on a recursive application of Lyapunov theory. Fig.3 shows that X state of Chen system can be stabilized with the control law w (26). Fig.4 shows that ¥ state of Chen system can be stabilized with the contol law 1 (26). Fig shows that Z state of Chen system can be stabilized with the control law u (26). Fig6 shows thatthe contol law w (26), Fig.3, The time response ofthe state x Fig.4. The time response of the state. Fig. The time response of the slate 2 PIR A occ bpd Fig 6, The time response ofthe contro input By comparing the figures, the following results can be obraited, +n ANEIS in compare to the Backstepping Method [27] and General backstepping method, the system states are Stabilized by a more limited control signal. Consequently, i is less possible that the contol signal ta be saturated ‘In ANFIS in relation to the Backstepping Method [27] and General Backstepping Method, Synchronization vill be accomplished in a much shorter time and overshoot. Considering the results obtained fiom simulations, the ‘much more efficiency of ANSIF in relation to. the Backstepping Method and Generalized Backste ‘Method will be demonstrated. VI. Concwusion’ In this study, a new method to control nonlinear systems is presented, The proposed method which is called ANFIS, by feed backing the dynamics of system and without eliminating the nonlinear dynamics, a controller is designed. ‘The designed controller consists of optimal parameters ‘whieh sccept positive values. The min contribution of this paper is to design adaptive neuro fizzy based on generalization beckstepping method with optimal parameters. ‘The Generalized Backstepping approach consists of parameters which accept positive values. The system responded differently foreach value, This paper introduce @ novel adaptive neuro fuzzy control method which trained by siffeent error data to achieve optimal parameters. By this jpproach the selting time and overshoot reach to their nimum values that demonstrated to have more optimal value when compared with previous methods, REFERENCES [1] LMP. 2 TL. Carll, "Synchronization in chaotic stems" Phys: Rev, Lett, 6 pp, $2124, 19, [2] LK Bai BAW, Sprot C, "On the synchrnization of a css of electronic eicuis that exhibit chaas,” Chaos, Soliton Fractals, vol [3(7), pp. 181521, 2002, [3] Bd. BlusjericOtolewsia B,Czslczynski_K. Kapitan T, "Amiphase synchronization of chaow by ancontinuca’ couplings Iwo enpacting—ofilry” (Chaos, Solitons & Mal vol. 12(10), pp 1823-5, 2001 [4] LC. Gong X, "On the synchronization of aiferent chaotic osellatrs,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractal, vol 11@),pp. 1231-5, 2000, [5] SA. 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