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ECE202 - Physical Development of the Child

Fall, 2023
Assignment 1
Total Marks: 20


 Late assignments will not be accepted.

 If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
 Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses
work done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking
the ideas from different sources and expressing them in your own words
will be encouraged.
 No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
 The solution file should be in Word document format; the font color
should be preferably black and font size should be 12 Times New Roman.

Question: 1

Write down the FOUR practices for maintaining good posture in various positions,
along with relevant examples.

Question: 2

Write down FOUR activities to improve postural control in children.

20 Marks

Criteria Ratings Marks

Exemplary Acceptable Incomplete
Question: 1 8-10 marks 5-7 marks 3-0 mark

Write down the FOUR All practices for Less than FOUR Only TWO
practices for maintaining good practices are written for practices are
maintaining good posture in various maintaining good posture written for 10
posture in various positions are written in various positions, maintaining good
positions, along with in detail along with along with relevant posture in various
relevant examples. relevant examples. examples. positions
Question: 2 8-10 marks 5-7 marks 3-0 marks

Write down FOUR Well explained all Less than FOUR Only TWO
activities to improve FOUR activities to activities are explained to activities are 10
postural control in improve postural improve postural control written to improve
children. control in children. in children. postural control in

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