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GEN 013: People and the Earth's Ecosystems

Module #15 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Kenneth M. Custodio Class number: _______

Section:UP-FC1-BSEE2-SA1 Schedule: ___________________________________Date: ________________

Lesson title: The Causes of Global warming Materials:

Learning Targets: SAS,
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
1. Define global warming References:
2. Explain how the global warming occurs and explain the Introduction to environmental science effects of
the calamity to the ecosystem revised edition, J. Unday, S.
Banzuela, J. Dalisay, M. Aromin


Hello, PHINMA Ed students! Welcome to GEN 013! Did you know that global warming started in 19th
century. The destruction of ozone layer in the atmosphere and global greenhouse effect contribute in the
occurrence of this phenomenon. The most affected areas of global warming are countries in tropics,
subtropics, and developing countries. There will be heavier rainfall in already rainfall months and lower rainfall
during dry month. There will also be frequent tropical cyclone that will extend to areas where they are less

B.MAIN LESSON Content and Skill-Building

What is global warming?

Global warming refers to an average increase in the earth’s

atmosphere primarily due to so-called greenhouse effect. As
explained by Hadley Center for climate prediction and research in the
United Kingdom, when there is a change in the world’s ocean
temperature, typhoons and cyclones will become more frequent and
more severe. Countries with winter season will experience a longer
and colder season compared with a normal one. Aside from this
world’s mean sea level will rise up from 15 to 95 centimeter higher by
2100, meaning many islands will simply disappear. When the water in
the ocean warms, it will cause the sea level to rise and the ice to melt
in the polar region. The global temperature will also rise to about 0.03
degree Celsius decade and the sea level to 5.5 cm per decade.

What is Climate change?

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

GEN 013: People and the Earth's Ecosystems
Module #15 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Kenneth M. Custodio Class number: _______

Section:UP-FC1-BSEE2-SA1 Schedule: ___________________________________Date: ________________
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Climate is the long term-average of the region’s weather events lumped

together. For example, it is possible that a winter day in buffalo, New York,
could be sunny and mild, but the average weather- the climate change
represents a change in these long-term weather patterns. They can become
warmer or colder. Annual amount of rainfall or snow can increase or decrease.

Effects of greenhouse gasses and global warming

1. Melting of ice caps. Melting of ice caps will cause a great imbalance
to nature. Most polar organism will be displaced. Since ice caps are
freshwater, it will also desalinate seas and oceans and cause
disturbance to oceans and cause disturbance to ocean currents and
2. Rising sea levels. The polar ice caps will begin to melt. As a result,
the sea level could arise anywhere between 10 centimeters and 2
meters or approximately 4 inches and 6 feet. The rise of the sea level
flood 2000 square miles of land.
3. Change in climatic patterns. This is already being observed for the
past few years. Different countries have seen the climatic pattern
changes in their own respective areas.
4. Spread diseases. As some countries become warm, disease-carrying
insect and animals migrate towards warmer areas bringing diseases with them.
5. Economic consequences. Global warming and climatic changes have brought hurricanes and typhoons
that damage our household, agricultural industries and others. Also, diseases that come with global
warming const one to treat and control.
6. Increased drought and heat waves. Although some increase of earth will become wetter due to global
warming, other areas the worst of it with more severe drought also expected in Europe
7. Other effects are: bleaching of coral, El Niño and La Niña phenomenon.

Solution to global warming and climate change

There are simple methods on how to stop global warming and climate change. Planting trees absorb much of
our carbon dioxide emission and thus lessen greenhouse gasses. Driving a full minivan may be kinder to the
environment than two midsize cars. Whenever possible, join a carpool or take mass transit like jeepney and

Every household in the country can replace one regular light bulb with an energy-saving model. So,
replace your incandescent bulb with more efficient compact fluorescent, which now come in all shapes and
sizes. You’ll be doing your share to cut back on heat trapping pollution and you’ll save money on your electric

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

GEN 013: People and the Earth's Ecosystems
Module #15 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Kenneth M. Custodio Class number: _______

Section:UP-FC1-BSEE2-SA1 Schedule: ___________________________________Date: ________________
bills and light bulbs. One of the quickest ways to reduce your global warming impact is to unplug the extra
refrigerator or freezer you rarely use. Let policymaker know you are concerned about global warming.

Check for Understanding

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

FALSE 1. Melting of ice caps will cause a great imbalance to organism living in specific region FALSE
TRUE 2. If the environment become warmer disease-carrying such as insect and animals migrates toward
warm country.
FALSE3. Climate change occur if the population grow rapidly and government did not support welfare of the
citizen. FALSE
TRUE 4. Rising of sea level happen because of global warming and climate change. TRUE
FALSE 5. Planting trees will help the economy to prevent nature to become worse. FALSE
FALSE 6. Climate change is a phenomenon where the climate become warmer. FALSE
TRUE 7. Global warming is a natural calamity where the temperature become warmer or colder. FALSE
TRUE 8. El Nino and La Nina is part global warming. TRUE
TRUE 9. When there is a change in the world’s ocean temperature, typhoons and cyclones will become more
frequent and more severe. TRUE
FALSE 10. One of the quickest ways to trigger the global warming impact is to unplug the extra refrigerator or
freezer you rarely use. FALSE


Direction: You are done with the session! Now let me know how much have you learned from the lesson today
by answering the 3 questions below.

1. Three things you learned:

2. Two things that you’d like to learn more about:
3. One question you still have:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

GEN 013: People and the Earth's Ecosystems
Module #15 Student Activity Sheet

Name: Kenneth M. Custodio Class number: _______

Section:UP-FC1-BSEE2-SA1 Schedule: ___________________________________Date: ________________

Thinking about Learning

Direction: Answer the question briefly.

1. What will happen to the earth if global warming continues?

Ensuring that the earth has enjoyed temperatures that permitted the emergence of life
forms as we know them, including humans.
2. What can you do as a student to solve global warming and climate change?
Stop burning, and use other trasportations.
Answer Key

Check for Understanding

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. False

Thinking about learning

Answer may vary

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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