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Senate President Aquilino Pimentel III, Members of the Senate, Speaker

Pantaleon Alvarez and the Members of the House of Representatives, Vice
President Maria Leonor Robredo, President Fidel Valdez Ramos, President
Joseph Ejercito Estrada, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Chief Justice
Maria Lourdes Sereno and the Justices of Supreme Court, His Excellency Papal
Nuncio and members of the diplomatic corps, Executive Secretary Salvador
Medialdea, the members of the Cabinet, fellow workers in government, and my

We Filipinos cherish and celebrate the Democratic Republic we have and this
we deeply owed to our former president from President Cory Aquino down to
our latter president of the Philippines. The democracy of our country, basically
the government vested the supreme power in the people. On the memorable
phrase of President Abraham Lincoln, democracy is government of the people,
by the people and for the people.

As a leader of this country I firmly stand to ventilate the gut issues in our
society, however I am not strong enough to hold all the responsibility for our
nation. Thus, I need you my countrymen, I need your cooperation to make
possible of eradicating the social problem that constraints our development
and promote peace and stability of our country.

Today, our country facing crisis amid Covid19 pandemic. It has been more
than a year that we constinuously fight this pandemic but unfortunately the
longer the time this pandemic lasts the more miserable its effect.

Recently, the DOH reports the total deaths as of July 21,2021 raise in the total
number of 26, 844 and the total number of confirmed cases reached 1, 157,
903. As of 14 July 2021, a total of 14, 465, 786 vaccine doses have been
administered. Hopefully, many more Filipinos will be vaccinated to ease our
apprehension of this novel virus.

As part of building a strong macroeconomic fundamental amidst pandemic we

will continue what we have been started until we meet our Millennial
Development Goals despite of many adversities we encounter. My
administration will continue and improved our current macroeconomic policies
including the fiscal and monetary policy that can help to stimulate the
condition of our economy.

On the other hand, based on the Department of Education report the data of
enrollees and dropout rate of students sad to say there are 1.1 million learners
at the basic education level who did not enroll this year. Fortunately, the latest
enrollment data for School Year (SY) 2020-2021 there are already 26.6 million
enrollees for both private and public schools. This data shows that there are
students who are left behind and struggling to access the new mode of learning
the DepEd adopt to continue the studies of the learners. Because of this the
government will collaborate on the educational institution and other
organizations both in public and private to allocate sufficient funds for the
needs of the learners, plan an effective implementation of the new mood of
learning and detailed planning to help learners ease difficulty to access

In other social issues particularly on women, it has been reported that more
than ten million Filipino women still live today in poverty, with rural and
indigenous women being the most vulnerable. Maternal mortality and access to
reproductive health care services are among the most pressing concerns in the
country. Eleven women die every day due to pregnancy and child birth-related
causes. In order to give solution of the maternal mortality I re-open the hearing
issue of RH Bill in the senate considering the rate of maternal mortality. I
believed our nation will not become whole without women who will shaped the
characteristic and mold the ethical and values of our children.

In the agricultural sector, men receive 20% higher wages than women.
According to the HIV/AIDS Registry of the Department of Health, 24% of the
reported 5,233 cases as of June 2010 are women. Gender disparities in
education favor girls, with higher enrolment and completion rates than boys,
which compromise the development of gender-equal education opportunities.

My countrymen, every individual are entitled to human rights. I encourage you

all, let us promote a culture of non-violence, equality and unity in diversity.
Yes, we have laws that protect every individual, laws that will punished the
criminals and court to give justice to the oppress but there is no greater than
the unity of the people of the country in building a nation with peace and

With this, my administration shall be sensitive to the State’s obligations to

promote and protect, and fulfil the rights of our citizens, especially the poor,
the marginalized and the vulnerable and social justice shall be pursued, even
as the rule of law shall at all times prevail.

Human rights must work to uplift human dignity. My administration shall

implement a program to development as we improve our people’s welfare in
many areas such as health, education, adequate food and housing and better
job opportunities.

In the field of agriculture. My administration will firmly support our farmers to

enhance their productivity through the use of new machineries for agriculture.
I will ensure to allocate budget to help our farmers improved their production.

To our heroes OFW’s, I will use my authority and power to protect you. My
administration will ensure your safety and security in working abroad.
To our indigenous countrymen. My administration shall make a program that
will help you to preserve our native cultures and help you connect in the
modern world.

I hope that before my term of Presidency last, I can be able to fulfill my

responsibility, my goal and my dream for our country.

Thank you.

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