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Grade 10 “____” Variant I

Name ____________________________________________
Reading. Read the text and choose True/False
Natural Disasters: A Force of Nature
Natural disasters are powerful and often devastating events that occur due to natural processes of the
Earth. These events can cause widespread destruction and have significant impacts on the environment,
human settlements, and ecosystems.
One common type of natural disaster is earthquakes. These occur when tectonic plates beneath the Earth's
surface shift, releasing energy in the form of seismic waves. The magnitude of an earthquake determines
its intensity, with stronger earthquakes causing more severe damage.
Another natural disaster is hurricanes, also known as cyclones or typhoons, depending on the region.
These intense tropical storms form over warm ocean waters and can bring heavy rains, strong winds, and
storm surges when they make landfall.
Floods are another type of natural disaster that can result from heavy rainfall, storm surges, or the rapid
melting of snow. Floods can lead to the overflow of rivers and streams, submerging land and causing
damage to homes and infrastructure.
Volcanic eruptions are yet another force of nature. When magma from the Earth's interior reaches the
surface, it can result in the eruption of a volcano. This can lead to the release of ash, lava, and gases,
posing risks to nearby communities.
1. Earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates. True / False
2. Hurricanes are characterized by strong winds and heavy rains. True / False
3. Floods can only occur due to heavy rainfall. True / False
4. Volcanic eruptions are caused by the rapid melting of snow. True / False
5. The magnitude of an earthquake determines its intensity. True / False
Grammar. Choose correct answer
1. Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence: "He decided to _____ smoking."
A) give up
B) give in
C) give out
D) give away
2. Choose the synonym for the word "precise":
A) vague
B) accurate
C) ambiguous
D) misleading
3. By the end of the year, the author ………… on his novel for 3 years
A) will have worked
B) will have work
C) will have been working
D) will be working
4. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: "She is allergic _____ cats."
A) on
B) with
C) to
D) by
5. The gardener ………. the lawn by noon.
A) will have mowed
B) will be mowed
C) will have been mowing
D) shave mowed
6. Choose the antonym for the word "generous":
A) stingy
B) lavish
C) benevolent
D) magnanimous
7. Organic crops are not …… altered in a laboratory
A) totally
B) artificially
C) beneficial
D) biological
8. Fill in the blank with the correct word: "The concert was _____, and the audience applauded loudly."
A) boring
B) fascinated
C) tedious
D) captivating
9. Look at the clouds, I think it.........
A) will rain
B) is going to rain
C) rains
D) rain
10. Mary …… her report by Friday
A) write
B) will have written
C) will have been writing
D) have written
11. Wind farms are …. up throughout the countryside.
A) springing
B) growing
C) powering
D) controlling
12. If I.........a million pounds, I would buy a house.
A) Have
B) Had
C) will have
D) would have
13. He …… his leg while he ……. rugby.
A) was breaking, played
B) broke, was playing
C) breaks, is playing
D) broke, played
14. He considered ....... himself to the board.
A) to introduce
B) introducing
C) to be introducing
D) to introducing
15. You......have been here an hour ago. But you didn't show up.
A) should
B) could
C) would
D) will

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
1. A) give up
2. B) accurate
3. C) will have been working
4. C) to
5. A) will have mowed
6. A) stingy
7. B) artificially
8. D) captivating
9. B) is going to rain
10. B) will have written
11. A) springing
12. B) had
13. B) broke, was playing
14. B) introducing
15. A) should

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