Photography - January 2024

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Pia Zanetti
Edizioni Periferia 2023 ISBN 9783907205396 Acqn 34138
Pb 23x33cm 352pp col ills £77

The hundreds of photographs by Pia Zanetti included in this volume reflect a biography of
countless travels. In a domain that had long been reserved for men, the Swiss-born photographer
tirelessly asserted herself. Beginning in the 1960s, she travelled within Europe for various news
magazines, and later internationally to every continent. Her interest is in the people she observes
on the street or at work, relaxing or contemplating. Unobtrusively, sensitively, and critically, she
captures the different narratives that take place in everyday life. Zanetti has repeatedly
documented solidarity and resistance. But she also looks for those rewarding moments when
dreams seem to come true.

Renate Graf - The Sacred and the Profane

A.Mag 2023 ISBN 9789893530450 Acqn 34147
Pb 24x32cm 188pp col ills £62.50

'The Sacred and the Profane' unravels the pungent beauties of Calcutta, combing through the
remnants of the mystical, glimpsing the ancient rituals of Hinduism as they have been practiced
for millennia. The photographs follow Renate Graf's gaze as she moves through the dusty streets
of the Bengali capital, at once mundane and holy. Her lens fixes on a bit of pottery, leading to the
scene where a cremation took place hours earlier: a tangle of incense, beads, dust, ash, and
cloth. Speaking about her own images, Graf says, "They do not define, they testify, and in the
cultural diversity of a universe, they are a language in themselves, my language to describe what
I see."

Henry Schulz - People Things

Buchkunst Berlin 2023 ISBN 9783910897014 Acqn 34151
Hb 29x25cm 136pp ills £52

Henry Schulz creates spaces that work with memories and moments from our history. The 61
photographs in this series were taken between 2020 and 2023 in various parts of Germany. In
these scenes, Schulz develops a fascinating psychogram of cultural landscapes. The precisely
designed components and structures of these often abandoned places reveal an image space
that correlates with moments of memory and expands the simple, seemingly everyday scenes
into our own history. The images make visible the social changes in these spaces between town
and country, yesterday and today, validating them while representing their aura and
transformation through time.

Lana Mesic - When you point a finger, three are pointing back
Eriskay Connection 2023 ISBN 9789083357133 Acqn 34205
Pb 16x21cm 488pp col ills £38

The complex history and contested borders that shaped the countries of former Yugoslavia set
the stage for Croatian-born Lana Mesic as she weaves personal narratives in which she
examines the role and meaning of the image of the enemy in her fragmented childhood. In light of
recent European political developments, her book encourages us to reflect on our own
experiences and consider how this history echoes to this day in the nationalist narratives that
dominate the political landscape. Photographs, newspaper clippings, rumours, television clips,
whispered conversations, written stories, and meticulously crafted relics made from matches and
matchboxes form an intriguing web.

Daido Moriyama - Record 55

Akio Nagasawa 2023 no ISBN Acqn 34153
Pb 21x28cm 130pp col ills £28

About once a week, Daido Moriyama goes to his office, now located in the Yoyogi neighbourhood
in Shibuya. On all other days, he usually takes the Yokosuka Line or a bus from the nearest
station, gets off at some point, and then just walks around while mixing with the crowd and
snapping pictures. On some days, it may be as many as 60 or 70 photographs; on others, no
more than 20. It always depends on when he feels satisfied. However, Moriyama cannot deny a
certain feeling that the images of the Shinjuku cityscape, where he has spent the majority of his
time, are gradually fading from his mind. So, at least once a week, his desire to "return to
Shinjuku" still brings him there.

Ad van Denderen - En Route

Lecturis 2024 ISBN 9789462264892 Acqn 34196
Hb 23x29cm 314pp col ills £48.50

The seventh volume in a series published by the Nederlands Fotomuseum in collaboration with
Lecturis focuses on Dutch documentary photographer Ad van Denderen. It coincides with a
retrospective exhibition of his oeuvre, which is primarily focused on apartheid, migration, and
geopolitical conflicts. His work, which was initially narrative and later more conceptual and
innovative, is marked by his complete immersion in his subject matter. His travels brought him to
South Africa, Israel, Palestine, and more. In addition to an extensive collection of photographs,
the book contains texts by curator Jenny Smets, Birgit Donker, Bianca Stigter, Frits Gierstberg,
and Van Denderen himself.

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