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Rumanian Folk Music




Rumanian Folk Music
, ,

Volume Four

Carols and Christmas Songs (Colinde)

Edited by


Texts Translated by


Preface to Part One Translated by


Preface to Part Two Translated by


@ I975 by Marlinus Nijhotl. The Hague. Netherlands
Softcover reprint o/the hardcover 1st edition 1975
All rights reserved. including the right to translate or to
reproduce this book or parts thereof in any form

ISBN-13: 978-94-010-1685-8 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-010-1683-4

DOl: 10.1007/978-94-010-1683-4

I n the first volume of Rumanian Folk Music (Instrumental Melodies)

portions of Bela Bart6k's subsequently-discarded preface, concern-
ing the fate of his folklore publications, are presented in explanation
of the editorial processes necessary for achieving the publication. 1 By
way of introduction to this revised edition of a previous, although in-
complete, published version of the Rumanian Carols and Christmas
Songs (Colinde), we refer again to the author's suppressed lines which
pertain to this volume:
The second publication by the same publisher was to include my collection of
Rumanian Colindas (Winter-solstice songs). Their extremely interesting texts were
supposed to appear in original as well as in English. After several years of delay,
the translation to English prose was completed, one part in adequate archaic
English, the rest (by someone else) in most unsuitable Kitchen-English. The
publisher did not wish to change this, though. Result: I published the book at
my own expense; however, only the musical part, because of lack of sufficient
funds. The texts are still in manuscript, even today.2

Our primary aim, therefore, has been to unite the Rumanian poetic
texts and translations with the musical part, in one volume, as was the
desire of the author. A second objective, motivated by the author's own
revisions of the Colinde,3 and enabled by means of years of experience
gained in editing the first three volumes of the present publication, was
to correlate the format of the music examples, poetic texts, and prefa-

1 Bela Bart6k, Rumanian Folk Music, ed. Benjamin Suchoff (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,
1967), Vol. I, pp. xxix-xxx.
I The two pages of this discarded draft, iii. Hungarian and English versions, are on file at the
New York Bart6k Archive. The publisher referred to is Oxford University Press (London).
8 That is, the first edition of Bela Bart6k's Melodien del' ,umanischen CoUnde (Weihnachts-
lieder) (Vienna: Universal Edition, 1935), hereinafter cited as abbreviated.

[ vii ]
tory material with that employed by Bart6k in the second and third
volumes of Rumanian Folk Music. What follows below, therefore, is a
comprehensive discussion of the source materials and the editorial pro-
cedures involved in the preparation of this volume for publication, and
a brief review of developments in the collection and treatment of Ru-
manian carols and Christmas songs that have appeared in available
sources since Bart6k's death in 1945.

As Bart6k states in his Preface to Part One, the Colinda melodies and
texts were collected by him in Transylvania,4 between 1909 and 1917;
part of them were published in 1913 (Bart6k, Arii din Bihor)5 and an-
other part in 1923 (Bart6k, Volksmusik der Rumiinen von Maramure$).6
The earlier publication, its first music example bearing the title Colindul
copiilor (Children's carol), is limited to a few general remarks about
Colinda songs. The M aramure$ book contains more technical informa-
tion on the subject, but-as the author observes- the small number
(twenty-seven) of Colinda songs published therein precluded a pene-
trating characterization. And Bart6k's published articles on Rumanian
folk music contain but fleeting reference to the Colinda material.7 It
should be noted that, in 1918, he apparently wrote a short essay about
the Rumanian Colinda songs, intended for inclusion with his composition
for piano solo titled "Rumanian Christmas Songs" (published by
Universal Edition, Vienna, 1918).8
In the first edition of the Colinde (p. VI) Bart6k advises the reader
that he deposited a complete copy of the poetic texts in the library of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, and in the university libra-
ries at Basel and Amsterdam. The circumstances surrounding this de-
posit in particular, and the Colinde pUblication in general, form part of

4 Hungarian territory ceded to Rumania in 1920.

6 This abbreviated title, adopted for present purposes, appears (passim) in the music no-
tations section of the publication. Arii din Bihor contains twenty-one of the 109 Bihar melodies
appearing in Colinde. (See the editor's concordance of melody numbers on p. XXXIV).
6 Published by Drei Masken Verlag (Munich) in 1923 and hereinafter cited as "Maramure*."
In revised form, published as the fifth volume of the present publication, it is cited as "R.F.M.
Vol. V (Maramul'e~)."
7 These articles, collected and translated by Constantin Br3.iloiu, appear in Scrieri mal'unte
despl'e mUllica populara 1'0mtfneasca (Bucharest, 1937). Bibliographic details are as follows:
"A hunyadi roman nep zenedialektusa," Ethnographia (Budapest), 1914, also in Zeitschl'ift fur
M usikwissenschaft, March, 1920; •• Rumiinische Volksmusik," Schweillerische Slingerzeitung
(Berne), 1933; "Roman nepzene," Zenei Lexicon (Budapest), 1931; "Roumanian folk-music,"
A Dictionary of Modern Music and Musicians (London), 1924.
8 Letter from Bart6k to Universal Edition, dated April 11, 1918. The location of this un-
published article-if it is not lost-has yet to be determined.

[ viii ]
Victor Bator's introductory essay to Rumanian Folk Music. 9 Let us
proceed, then, to an examination of the source materials.

The considerable number of drafts fall into two basic categories for
editorial purposes: Music (Part One) and Texts (Part Two). The first
category comprises those manuscripts related to the music examples, the
Notes to the melodies, and the prefatory and miscellaneous reference
material. The second category has to do with the poetic texts, the Notes
to the texts, the refrains, and the Introduction to Part Two.
The music examples.-The first draft, consisting of field recording
transcriptions for the most part, and on the spot notations made when
recording was not possible, was, excepting three reconstructed leaves
(mus. ex. Nos. 48, 62d., and 72) and two fragments (mus. ex. Nos. 104f.
and 112b.), left behind by Bart6k when he emigrated to the United
States in October, 1940. 10
The second draft is represented by the duplicate copies which were
prepared by Bart6k between 1925 and 1926 and sent by him to Oxford
University Press in London and to the Rumanian Academy of Fine Arts
in Bucharest. The latter copy is made up of fifty-six pages of music
manuscript paper written in ink (the Appendix-mus.ex. I-VI-is
lacking). There are numerous modifications-first in ink, then in red or
blue pencil. l l
The third draft is comprised of 106 pages of master sheets which are
exactly the same as reproduced in facsimile in the first publication of
the Colinde; it is on file in the New York Bart6k Archive. 12
The fourth draft is in the form of the author's own corrected, published
copy of the Colinde and in which were clipped six slips of music manu-
9 See Vol. I, pp. x-xiv, xviii ff.
10 Each of the editorially-reconstructed fragments and leaves is made up of two or three
slips of paper-the reverse sides containing references to Parry Collection variants-which
Bart6k had placed here and there in his Tabulation of Serbo-Croatian Material.
11 According to Professor Tiberiu Alexandru of the Institutul de Folclor, Bucharest,
Rumania (letter dated Nov. 22, 1964). The "Bucharest" MS. was received at the New York
Bart6k Archives after the completed editorial revision of this volume had been forwarded to
the publisher; nevertheless, a comparative study of its contents has been made, and the derived
data are included in this publication. The location of Part One of the London manuscript
(perhaps lost?) has yet to be determined.
12 In his incomplete foreword to this volume, the former editor, Constantin Brliiloiu (d.
1959), refers to a letter written to him by Bart6k, dated December 6, 1933, in which the an-
nouncement is made that retranscription of the recorded Colinde melodies had been accomplish-
ed and that about another two months woule! be the estimate for completion of the music
master sheets.

[ ix J
script paper containing the revisions of mus. ex. Nos. 1Oc., 81 d., 83a. var.,
8Sb., 92e., and 102i.13
The fifth draft, editorially revised, constitutes the version used in the
present publication. It was assembled from a copy of the Colinde publi-
cation and from the revisions contained in the fourth draft.
Notes to the melodies.-The English translation of the original publi-
cation of the Notes, editorially emended, forms the final copy used in
this revised edition (see tn. 11, above).
Preface and Introduction to Part One.-Here, too, the English trans-
lation of the publication served as the basis for the editorially-revised
present version.14
Miscellaneous reference material.-The tabulation of Statistical Data
Concerning the Output in Towns and Villages is discussed below (p. xii)
in the description of manuscripts of Part Two, where it originally ap-
peared. Bartok's pencilled marginal notes in his corrected copy of the
M aramure$ publication (pp. 1-9) offered a means of checking his re-
marks on Rumanian variants published elsewhere. Finally, his Tabu-
lation of Serbo-Croatian Material furnished additional data which were
incorporated with the revised listing of foreign variants. 1S
The poetic texts.-The first draft of the music examples is also that of
the Colinda texts.
The second draft of the texts, like the melodies, was prepared by
Bartok between 1925 and 1926. The London copy consists of sixty pages
in Bartok's hand, in Rumanian, neatly written in blue ink with a narrow
pen. This copy contains, throughout, the semivowels i and 1j. In 1933
or 1934, during or following the re-transcription of the entire Colinda
material (see fn. 12, above), he revised the MS.; indeed, the numerous
emendations appear in variegated autography.16 The Bucharest version,
however, has 502 pages; here the text lines are arranged in single column
form and on one side of each sheet, all written in ink and with few
revisions (see fn. 11, above). The orthography of the Rumanian Academy

13 The few corrections, made in red crayon, are limited to the music examples; in fact, they
encompass corrections and additions to data sections only.
14 In view of Bart6k's practice in Rumanian Folk Music it seems reasonable to conclude
that he may have prepared preliminary Hungarian and German handwritten drafts prior to
completion of the 1926 London and Bucharest copies. Regarding the probability of typescript
versions, see the description of the prefatory drafts of Part Two, below.
15 See the editorial remarks concerning this material on pp. xxii, 30, and 35-36.
16 A duplication of page numbers, written in black ink by a translator, Lucy Byng, also
appears in the draft (pp. 41-60). It should be noted that the cover page bears the author's
comment that the texts "from No. 105g. on are missing."

is observed (that is, without indication of semivowels) in Text Nos. 1-
IOSf.1 7 There are two typescript pages of text No. IOSa., amended by
Bart6k, which were added at a later date (see the explanation, below,
concerning the partial copy of the third draft of the texts).
The third draft consists of three complete and one partial typescript
copies in Rumanian; their description is as follows:
I. pelddny (1st copy): deposited by the author in the Magyar Tudo-
manyos Akademia Konyvtara, Budapest; it contains his handwritten
corrections and additions. Cited here as 'Budapest'.
2. pelddny: deposited in the UniversWits-Bibliothek, Basel; a carbon
copy, corrected as before. 1S Cited as 'Basel'.
3. pelddny: deposited in the Universiteits-Bibliotheek, Amsterdam;
a carbon copy, corrected as before. Cited as 'Amsterdam'.
The pagination of the Budapest copy is, excepting a few pages, typed
to p. 149. Thereafter, the pages are numbered in Bart6k's hand.
The Basel and Amsterdam copies are the same as the Budapest version,
but with the exception that an unnumbered page (text no. 10Sg.) ap-
pears between pp. 149 and 150. 19
Three leaves and four fragments (portions of text Nos. IOSa., IOSb.,
IOSc., and 10Sd.; in the form of original and carbon copies) were recon-
structed from Bart6k's Tabulation of Serbo-Croatian Material (see fn. 10,
above). Excepting three fragments, all contain the author's emen-
dations; indeed, text no. IOSa. shows the entry I. pelddny. Bart6k ap-
parently had these texts typed in Budapest (e. and f. variants, too?),
and he may have sent the leaves containing text No. IOSa. to Bucharest
(in January, 1932) as a format sample from which to prepare typescript
copies of text Nos. 105g.-141.20
The fourth draft is comprised of those text portions underlying the

17 Letter from Bart6k to Constantin Briiiloiu, dated Jan. 13, 1932. Also lacking are the
ruled double-lines used to indicate text lines which underlie their respective melody sections in
the music examples. Text Nos. IOSg.-141 (end), on the other hand, contain emendations in
Bart6k's autograph, including semivowel diacritical marks and ruled double lines. This portion
of the MS. (missing from the London copy), together with the similarly emended text Nos. 1-
10Sf. of the London MS., comprise the source material from which the third, typescript draft
(description follows, below) was made.
18 It was the intention of C. Brailoiu to use this copy for printing purposes in the present
volume, hence his handwritten additions here and there in the manuscript.
19 In the Budapest copy p. 149, originally containing only the fifteen lines of text No. 105£.,
shows text No. 10Sg. mounted thereon.
80 According to his letter to C. Briiiloiu, Jan. 10, 1932. In a letter to Oxford Univ. Press
(Nov. 2, 1934) Bartok states that "there are now 4 copies of the words at our disposal." It
seems safe to assume, however, that he alludes to the second, subsequently-revised and com-
bined London-Bucharest draft as the fourth copy.

[ xi ]
revised melodies in the author's corrected copy of the Colinde (that is, the
fourth draft of the music examples.)21
The fifth draft, brought by Bart6k to New York in 1940, is a carbon
copy of the complete texts which are orthographically treated according
to procedures used by Bart6k in Vol. III (Texts) of Rumanian Folk
Music. Furthermore, font and format of this draft differ from the typed
copies described above, and it contains none of the author's handwritten
corrections. 22
The sixth draft is the typescript copy prepared by the editor as the
final version for the present publication.
Introduction to Part Two.-So far as this manuscript survey is con-
cerned, the first draft is considered to be the preceding portion of the
second (that is, Bucharest) draft of the poetic texts. It comprises twenty-
seven pages, in German and in Bart6k's holograph, and it includes the
Preface, Notes to the Texts, Index of Refrains, Index of Towns, Villages
and Performers,23 and Table of Contents.
The second draft is represented by the copies of the third (Budapest,
etc.) draft of the texts, all in German and in typescript form. The proper
part-that is, the discursive matter and the bibliography-appears on
pp. 60-71; the Notes to the Texts, pp. 72-74; the Index of Refrains, pp.
75--84; the Index of Towns, Villages, and Performers, pp. 85-93; and the
Table of Contents, pp. 94-95. It should be noted that the last two pages
appear only in the Amsterdam copy and that the missing pp. 1-59
encompass the prefatory material of Part One. 24
The third or American draft (that is, the fifth draft of the poetic texts)
is for the most part the same as the first. Exceptions: the pages are
numbered from 1-31 and the Table of Contents is lacking (lost?).
The fourth draft, prepared from the English translation of the Basel
copy, is the editorially-revised present version. 25
Notes to the texts; Refrains.-Since this material was originally part of

Sl It is curious to note the concurrent use of old and new orthographical procedures here
(see fn. 30, below).
sa The draft shows corrections and additions by C. Br1iiloiu and the present writer. Infor-
mation concerning the original copy of this draft is lacking.
28 There is a second, revised version of this Index, also in the author's holograph (10 pp.),
which was probably added to the MS. by C. Briiiloiu.
a4 In a letter to Oxford University Press, dated July 2, 1934, Bart6k writes that he had
sent "95 typewritten pages (the Introduction, explanations, etc., in German, of my 'Rumanian
Xmas Songs') through R6zsavOlgyi from Budapest" a few days before. The Table of Contents
was intended to serve both parts of the Colinde book.
as The proper portion of the English introductions to Part One and Part Two had been
checked by C. Brailoiu prior to the present writer's assumption of the editorial function.

[ xii]
the Preface, the same description applies as set forth in the preceding
discussion of the Introduction to Part Two.


As Table I shows, the bulk of corrections is concerned with the data
and with the underlying texts of the Colinda melodies. In most cases the
corrigenda were derived from a comparative survey of the various text
drafts, the Bucharest (second draft) MS., and the author's corrected
copy of the published melodies. Wherever it has been considered ap-
propriate, particularly in those cases involving corrigenda which are
editorial in origin, explanations are offered in the form of marginal


Melody No. IStaff IMeasure I Description

7a. Caesura desig. 0, to read 6,

lOb. I I 3 t'inerial to read t'ineqel
IOc. Data Plus sign deleted from record designation
I 1 Fericean to read feril1an
2 I
3 pl'ecato to read pl'ecaty
F. 1028d) to read F. 1028b)
12f. 1 2,4 plecato to read plecaty
12bb. 2 5-6 ciul10ri to read §iul1ori
20 1 2 Loamn~a to read Doamnea
21b. 2 1 bunu to read bunu-i
21c. d. 2 3 da.n to read din
21m. 1 2
2 1 Same correction as No. :ub.
21n. 1 6 de to read da
21x. 1 2 .I to read J'
26a. 1 6 'ntreba to read 'ntreby
26b. 3 5 vinu to read vinul
31 1 1 Potbale to read Podbale
36 1 3 cer' to read ceri
45j. 1 1 1sos to read 1sus
1 2 zor to read zori
1 3 cer to read ceq
1 4 pogoratu to read pogority
45v. 2 4 adevarata to read adevarata
52b. 1 4 marea to read mare
53a. 1 3 hyphen deleted in 'n-ceriu
56b. 1 6 d'un to read un

[ xiii]

Melody No. IStaff IMeasure I Description

57 4 p!m!ntuluiu to read pam!ntuluiu
61d. 1 se to read sa
61e. 2, 7 un to read on
61 1. Text No. 61 1. to read 58d.
67b. 2 1 losif to read 10sM

70 1 3 da to read dai
73p. 3 5 Ie to read ma
73dd. ee. Data (Turda Arie~) to read (Alba de jos)
73gg. Data F. 876a. to read F. 976a.
73mm. 2 5 verd'~a to read verd'ea
74a. 4 5 sa m'ajungi to read sii-mi ajungi
75b. 1 2 Bar line deleted between second and third beats
81a. 2 ~ 28 to read Y!J
81d. Data Plus sign deleted from recO'Yd designation

I 4
d'ochip to read d'ot'iWi
VII. to read VIII. .
83a. Data 10 tOe) + to read 10lOc)·
83b. 3 I 4 3) 27 to read 4)
85b. Data Plus sign deleted from recO'Yd designation

I 1,2
Por!ncito to read Por!n~ito
XIII. to read XII.

86g. 4 vWtel'e to read vinetel'e
92a. 1 colo 'n to read colo
92c. 5 a~tea to read ahe~tea
92e. Data Plus sign and asterisk deleted from F. 1010£)
95£. 6 de to read dii
I 5-6
Caesura desig.
Romi'Q.oara to read Romin'Q.oara
m!i to read mai
ill 28 to read ~
1 1 naltu to read naltui
1 I
6 di'n to read in
Plus sign and asterisk deleted from F. 10lOe)
1021. I 6 cu~-a to read curtea
F. 1562c) to read F. 1600c)
l04f. Data
l04g. 1 5 Xiy to read §iy
l04h. 1 6 Domnul to read Domnu
2 I
2 dash deleted from calului-
Cook to read Cooc
119 Text no. 64 to read 64a.
121p. 1 I 1 3/4 to read 7/8

28 The cadential tone of the first melody line, correctly labeled by the author in the caesura
designation, is indeed e1 •
17 An erroneous duplication which, if left uncorrected, would fail to account for the footnote
figure in the last measure of the melody.
a8 The main caesura, correctly labeled by the author in the fifth measure of the melody, is
indeed ca.

[ xiv ]
After Bart6k had achieved the publication of the melodies of his
Colinda collection, he found the previously-missing phonograph cylinder
(F. 1010) on which were recorded mus. ex. Nos. lOc., 81d., 83a. (in part),
8Sb., 92e., and 102i. 29 These melodies were transcribed sometime after
the discovery of their recording, and the transcriptions were clipped to
their pertinent pages in the author's corrected copy of his Colinde
book. 3o In preparing his revisions for the present publication, it was
only necessary to make certain additions 31 (see Table 2, below) and to
delete the data-section plus sign which he used to indicate the missing
phonograph cylinder.
Regarding the tabulation of melody additions (Table II, below), ex-
planatory marginalia are delimited, for the most part, to those editorial
addenda which the present writer has regarded as perhaps requiring such
treatment. As a matter of convenience, listed here are those music
examples containing editorially-derived, parenthetical text numbers: 2,
3c.,Sb., 21e., 27, 39, 45m., 45p., 62v., 71c., 81h., 86h., 87c., 93, 9Sh., IISc.,
116, 121i., 121j., 128b., 131, 132a., and 133. The explanation for these
additions will be found on p. 39 (fn. 7S).


Melody No. IStaff IMeasure I Description

lb. 2 1 1) -
2 1 6 * to read ..32
3b. 2 4 2)
Th. 1 4 IVIII88
IOc. M.M. desig. [.J = 100-108]34
2 I 1 **82
29 According to C. BrAiloiu's marginal notes to this volume, a letter to him from Bart6k,
dated Nov. 11, 1935, indicates that the latter discovered another phonograph cylinder con-
taining mus. ex. No. 106. This melody, it should be noted, was not found in revised form in the
author's corrected, published copy of his Colinde book.
80 The first four melodies are notated in blue-black ink; the text portions are in old-style
orthography. Text corrections of these melodies, in blue ink, contain revised diacritical marks
(that is, the inverted breve)! Mus. ex. Nos. 92e. and 102i. have music and text parts in blue ink;
both transcriptions have their texts in revised orthographical form. (See fn. 21, above).
81 The author neglected to add caesura signs and designations, data sections, tempo desig-
nations, and a refrain mark.
38 See pp. xix-xxi, below, for comments concerning editorial treatment of the Notes to the
Music Examples section.
38 Derived from the author's caesura designation.
84 The metronome mark is missing from the revised version of this melody, hence the use of

[ XV]
Melody No. I Staff IMeasure I Description

12b. 2 7)
12e. 2 1 [IP3

16c. 5 @33

17 Caesura desig. @l35

20 1 2 Brace and underlying l.r.

1 3 2.r.
21z. 1 2 *32

33b. 2 2 ~33
45k. 2 triplet bracket
45p. Numer. desig. *32
45v. Data Kuba B.H. 581, 913; Kuhac 878 36
61g. 2 I 1 Double bar line
62b. Caesura desig. 8,5,8, VIII ~37
I 3 TI 33
64b. Caesura desig. @l35

69 2 6 4)
73j. 2 3 6)
73z. 2 2 @l33

73jj. 2 2 4)-
2 4 ~33
2 4-5 5)-
2 8 6)-
74b. Caesura desig. (8 + 8,)38
1 2 ~VII

I 2
Var. data
82a. 3 I 14 bass clef sign
86e. Data F.I005d)
86h. Caesura desig. [!] 35
87c. 1 4 Slur to beamed sixteenth notes
92c. 1 1 'n
92e. 1 I 3-5 Brace and underlying r.

35 Derived from the author's caesura symbol in the melody.

36 Derived from Bart6k's Serbo-Croatian "Tab. of Mat." For further details, see List of
Foreign Variants, pp. 35-36.
37 Syllabic strncture derived from Table 1; caesurae derived from the author's symbols in the
38 Placement of symbols derived from the author's caesura designation prompted editorial
addition of the parenthetical syllable figures. For validation of this procedure, see the author's
discussion of double lines on p. 11.

[ xvi]

Melody No. I Staff IMeasure I Description

92e. M.M. desig. [J= 246 (J = ?)]39

99a. Data • to f'ead .*32
102c. 2 7 stem added to note head
102i. 1 3-5 Bf'ace and und61'lying r.
106 1-2 1-4(1) Bf'acB and und61'lying r.
107a. 2 1 [!J33
111c. 2 3 r.
115c. 82 Data • to f'ead •••
1 2,4 •
11632 1 1 • to f'ead ••

2 I 7
Numer. desig.
•• to f'ead •••
121p. 1 I 2 3/440
128a. Caesura desig. Il ~ ~35

Mus. ex. No. 68 lacks the reference figure 1) at some point above the
second staff of the melody. The music example and its corresponding
text are not in the Bucharest (second draft) MS.
In mus. ex. No. 12c. the illustrative notation is missing from the first
and fourth measures of the marginal notes (staff 3).
(Melody Nos. in Italics Indicate an Explanation is in the Notes)
Pitch, M.M., and Record No.1 Pitch IPerformer I Texts M.M.
3c., 8, 9, 12g.j.s.u., 16c., 17, 7a., 12k., 17, 45e., 53b.,
21b.m.n., 27, 37c., 38a.b., 21e.k.l.x., 61b.d., 46b., 92e. 42 ,
45e.m., 46b., 47, 48, 53b., 54, 23b., 29, 68b. 47, 106.
61b.d.l.,, Me., 31d., 37a., 42b., 59c. 41 ,
66a., 68b., 73d.m.ff., 77a., 45b.f.k.v.' 49, 7311·41,
79a., 81j., 86d., 93, 94a.b., 53a.b., 61c.e., 78b.
95f.,98, 104e.k., 111b., 115c.,, 63.
117b., 118b., 119, 121h.j.n., 71b.c., 73f.u.x.,
132b. 8lf., 82b., 86g.,
95a., 96,
100b.g.h., 109,
114b., 115b.,
117a., 12lf.
at The unrevised version of this melody has a 6/8 time signature.
40 Editorial addition required because of correction of meter sign in the first measure (see
Table I entry for this melody number).
41 Contains the refrain only. 48 In the revised melody. See Table II.

[ xvii]
In the following music examples the reference figures and their illustra-
tive notations are missing from the marginal notes: No. 73bb. [2)],
81a. [2)J, 9Sb. [I)J, 102c. [2)], 107d. [4)J, 121a. [2)J. In the Bucharest MS.
melody No. 121a. shows this marginal note, designated with I), where 2)
now appears: ~
Table IV shows those diacritical marks, and so forth, whose addition
derives from the comparative survey of extant text drafts.


Description Mus. ex. No.

Inverted breve . 5a.,, 2Ij.-I., 27, 32, 45a.k.,
57, 62i.dd.,, 74a., 8Ia.d.i., I02i.,
104c.-e.g., 121i., 132a.b.
Breve . . . . . . . 26b., 45i., 62t., 75b., 93m.
Cedilla . . . . . . 38b., 75b., 83c., Ilia.
Apostrophic accent. 62f., 114c., 121e., I32b.
Grave accent. 21z., 25, 73p.
Inverted caret 121f.
Circumflex. . 67a.b.,73i.
Capitalization 2lf., 25, 52a.-d., 71a., 107a.e.
Wavy underline 12y.43, 23b. 44, 12Ib.f.44
Here and there in the melodies appear short underlines which desig-
nate syllable extensions. 45 These designations are editorial additions
based on procedures followed by Bartok in Vol. II and derived from a
comparative survey of the text drafts.
In concordance with punctuation employed in the texts, all refrains in
the music examples are terminated with exclamation points.46
Mention has been made (above) concerning six melodies revised by
Bartok subsequent to the publication of the first edition of the Colinde.
The portion of mus. ex. No. 83a. found by the author on M.F. 1010
represents a variant (text No. 21) of the notated melody (M.F. 1009, text
No. 28g.). It is quite probable that the author would have indicated the

43 Supernumerary additional syllable (see the author's explanatory discussion of this

phenomenon in Vol. II, p. 32). The sixth measure of mus. ex. No. 73p. shows this type followed
by a pseudo-upbeat syllable.
44 Pseudo-upbeat syllable (see comment in preceding footnote) .
45 In the unrevised text drafts the syllable extensions are enclosed in parenthesis, a denota-
tion which the author later changed (Vol. III, passim) to the underline.
46 It should be noted that C. Brailoiu made a number of corrections of punctuation in the
American draft of the texts.

[ xviii ]
revised variant by means of appropriate reference figures and marginal
notes added to mus. ex. No. 83a. For certain reasons, one of them to
provide the reader with an opportunity to examine Bart6k's autograph
of a Colinda melody, a facsimile of the mentioned variant is presented
~.fO{O q

,:K 'll~ tr,~r~Y p' ft., o'r f I'. 1&0 P' ~iPi'ilEti h

&b t? G' f' l' ·1 J' II f l' ¥IF II

A final word with regard to alteration of format: data section, aster-

isk, and caesura-designation placement; addition of classification symbols
to each page of melodies; and removal of variant listings to the Introduc-
tion have been made in order to correlate notational procedures in this
volume with those used by the author in Vol. II of the present publication.
In the following list of missing explanations to the music, melody
numbers in italics indicate that an editorial addition-in the form of a
suggestion as to what may have been the author's intended remark-
will be found in the Notes to the Music Examples: 450.*, 62e.*, and
The enumeration below offers explanatory remarks concerning other
editorial emendations in the Notes:
47 The first edition of the Colinde publication lists variant h.-which shows no asterisk-
as a change song. Variant g., unlisted in the first edition, has an asterisk and is sung by the
same peasants who perform the change song listed as variant i.

[ xix ]
lOc.**: Comment was derived from the author's note "1 Var. (egyikl)"
in the sixth measure of the revised melody.48
45n. *: The figure denoting the number of melodies in the cycle was
changed from 5 to 6.
8Id.*: Use of the revised melody necessitated change oftherhythm
pattern from:J .I.1J to ~gJ J.J.';. The author erroneously quotes the
second measure (changed to read "fourth") in the original note to this
melody. The references to the lost recording and the double asterisk
indicator, no longer valid, were deleted. 49
83a.*: Use of the revised melody necessitated deletion of the original
note. 50
92e. *: Same remark as to 83a. *.
93**: Text stanza 2, originally printed as part of this note, has been
transferred to the Addenda section of the Texts and Translations as the
continuation of text No. 155.
95h.*: Text stanza 2, originally printed as part of this note, has been
transferred to the Addenda section of the Texts and Translations as the
continuation of text No. 156.
116* : The second and third text stanzas, originally printed as part of
this note, have been transferred to the Addenda section of the Texts and
Translations as the continuation of text No. 158.
121 j. *: The listing of Cantec de stea texts in the original note shows a
duplication of variant h. This typographical error has been corrected by
substituting k. for the repeated h.51
The note to 88b. *, reproduced in the Notes exactly as worded in the
original version, either is in error or lacks further explanation. For ex-
ample, if both groups "begin with the last tone" of the four-measure
melody, and "close with the third measure," what is the function of that
part of the melody and its underlying text contained in the last measure?
Examination of the Bucharest MS., in which Bartok has notated the
melody on two staves, discloses that Group I. begins with the refrain,
sings the proper text line, and closes with the refrain. Group II., entering
on the penultimate tone sung by Group I., begins with the proper text
48 It is perhaps an inadvertency that the author makes no reference to the lost recording
(M.F. 1010, marked with the plus sign), in his published note to this melody.
49 The revised melody contains no indication with regard to its performance as a change
60 The required asterisk is missing from the data section of the first version of the melody.
51 The text (No. 104h.) to mus. ex. 121k. illustrates to a high degree the author's description
of Cdntec de stea texts (Preface to Part One, p. 2): lack of refrain, influence of Western
European poetry, and psalm·like ending which indicates a borrowing from ecclesiastic sources.

[ XX ]
and concludes with the refrain (as notated in mus. ex. No. 88b.). Group 1.
returns in the same fashion and with the same melodic line as Group 11.,
excepting that the refrain (junelui iunela~u!) is shortened from two
measures to one (junelujl). What occurs thereafter, indicated by Bart6k
with "etc.". is unknown.
The original note to 102i. *, concerning the missing record and the
probable omission of the upbeat in subsequent stanzas, has been deleted.
The revised transcription, based on the recovered recording, clearly indi-
cates a pseudo-upbeat tone in st. 2.
The note to 116*** (originally marked with two asterisks) seems
unclear as presently phrased by the author.

Editorial treatment of the author's prefatory essay to Part One

(Melodies) of this volume has been heedful of diverse problems such as:
(a) selection of an appropriate title for the work, (b) errata in and revi-
sions of tabulations and listings, (c) format, and (d) miscellaneous emen-
dations derived from the revisory process.
a) Title selection.-In view of Bartok's inconsistency regarding desig-
nation of the Colinda material in his published and unpublished folklore
studies in the English language, it was decided to construct a title which
would adequately yet succinctly describe content and which would
indicate, too, the connection between the original and revised versions:
Rumanian Folk Music: Carols and Christmas Songs (Colinde).
b) Tabulations and listings.-In Table 1, Subgroup BIll g), the refer-
ence figure for marginal note 9 (present no.: 27) is missing from the
original publication. Examination of the melodies indicates that the
reference figure 7 (present no.: 25), erroneously affixed to melody
designation 80-93, should be replaced by the missing reference figure.
Accordingly, the correction has been made. In Subgroup B III h) the
erroneous melody designation 195 was changed to read 105.
In the Additions to the Melodies section (original publication p. XVI)
the numerical designation for Maramure1 mus. ex. Nos. 11 and 12 were
interchanged, as they presently appear, in accordance with Bart6k's
note to those melodies in Vol. V.
In Table 2, the total for the number of melodies and variants has
been corrected from 477 to 481.
In Table 3, the omission of a total for the number of melodies and
variants may have been an inadvertency in the original publication.
The figure 418, therefore, represents an editorial addition.
[ xxi ]
The original, misnumbered list of Alba de jos change songs has been
corrected from 2, 12t., 39, 61c., 64v., 87g., 88c.d., 89b.c. to read 2, 12v.,
39. S9c., 62v., 86h., 87c.d., 88b.c. 52
There were a certain number of discrepancies in the tabulation of
statistical data (see also under c) Format, below) whose correction is per-
haps worthy of discussion here.
Bihor: Although the village totals are not affected in the revised
tabulation, the manuscript drafts show mus. ex. No. 9Sf. var. listed for
both Coticlet and-correctly- for Urvi~. Mus. ex. No. 73b, however, is
an Urvi~ melody which was inadvertently omitted from the drafts. An-
other erroneous listing for Coticlet, in the drafts, is 10Sc. (mus. ex. No.
lOS has no variants) which should read lOOc.
Cluj: The drafts give a total of 3, instead of 2, for the number of villages
represented from this county.
Hunedioara (Hunedoara): The 87c. (Petro~an, Alba de jos) listing
under the village of Paucine~d should read 86c. The lapse, however, does
not affect draft or revised tabulations.
Mure~-Turda (Mure~): The 4Sc. (Niere~teu) listing under the village
of Bala should read 4Sd.
Torontal: The drafts show the figure 14 as the total number of melodies
stemming from the village of Sarafola. This figure has been changed to
read 13 in the revised tabulation, since mus. ex. No. 100a. (Igri~) is in-
correctly placed as a Sarafola melody.53 Moreover, the number of Igri~
melodies has been increased from 12 to 13 in the revised tabulation,
since mus. ex. No. 111 d.-an Igri~ melody-was not listed in the drafts.
The total number of melodies for the county, of course, remains un-
c) Format.-Three procedures followed by the author in the second
volume of Rumanian Folk Music have been adopted for use here. First,
listings of Rumanian and foreign variants, formerly appearing under
their respective music examples as part of data sections, have been
assembled into separate tabulations as part of the prefatory material.
Included here are those M aramure$ Colinda variants which had been
placed in a special tabulation in the original pUblication (p. XVI) and
those foreign variants derived from the author's Tabulation of Serbo-
Croatian Material which he completed in July, 1942. Second, those por-

52 P. XXX in the original publication.

53 It should be noted that the melody is listed twice in the drafts; the first and proper
appearance is that under the village of Igri~.

[ xxii ]
tions of Bart6k's prefatory essay which are summary in nature have
been placed at the close of Part One under the title of Conclusions. 54
Third, the statistical data (described in the preceding paragraphs) were
removed from Part Two and revised as presently constituted.
d) Miscellaneous emendations.-Marginal notes in brackets represent
editorial additions. Many of them relate the Colinda publication to later
Bartok studies. Others explain deletions of text matter resulting from
the posthumous publication of the author's works which were formerly
in manuscript, and so forth. 55
It will be noted that the bibliography of works cited in Part One is
considerably larger than that of the original edition, for the most part
because of the editorial inclusion of studies which had only been cited
in the marginal notes. Here, too, bracketed entries represent editorial
Revision of format also brought about the inclusion of certain head-
ings and subheadings in addition to or in place of those contained in the
original edition.

In his discussion of the characteristic features of the Hunedioara

(Hunedoara) and Alba de jos areas, the author refers to certain scale
patterns-in the original edition- in Table 2 as being characteristic for
that REGION. Examination of the thirteen quoted music examples in the
tabulation, however (patterns 1.,3.,5., and 7.), show that all stem from
the county of Hunedioara. The county title, therefore, has been substi-
tuted for the general designation.
With regard to the Explanation of Signs Used in the Music Notations
section, revision of the music examples required a certain amount of
alterations of or additions to the original text matter. The emendations
made were derived exclusively from similar sections in the first two
volumes of the present publication.


Comparative study of the various drafts of the poetic texts disclosed
a rather large number of dispancrecies; in fact, the uncorrected American
54 Rather than a detailed editorial description here, the interested reader is invited to make
his own comparison of new and old editions.
55 In a number of instances reference to specific page numbers has been omitted, because of
production problems involved with the other volumes of the present publication. It should be
added here that certain marginalia (for example, fn. 8, p. 8) were derived from other, later
Bart6k studies.

[ xxiii]
(fourth) draft shows more than 1,300, the Basel copy (third draft) about
half that number, the Amsterdam copy still less, and that of Budapest
approximately 500. (The Bucharest MS. [the second draft], written
specifically in accordance with the orthography of the Rumanian Acade-
my, was of limited value in the comparative study.) The bulk of the
discrepancies involve errors of omission which, in turn, are for the most
part concerned with diacritical marks. All arise out of Bart6k's attempt
to achieve authenticity of notation by observing as far as possible the
rural pronunciation of the texts. Unlike the texts of Vol. III of Rumanian
Folk Music where, for example, the semivowels i and,!! are used only
exceptionally in the DICTATED portions, the Colinda texts include
everywhere the gamut of the author's system of diacritical marks. 56
Fortunately for the editorial process, there are comparatively few
instances in which all of the drafts omit the same semivowel in a given
text line. In such cases, and where no solution is provided by the re-
spective music examples, determination of catalectic (that is, with a
truncated foot) or acatalectic text lines has been made on the basis of the
metrical structure of the translations. 57
Text No. I Line IWord I Description
19. 23 2 Inverted Iweve deleted from third vowel
66 1 " to read = 58
9 2 3 : I moved from here to end of first text line
55 Line-counting figures moved down one line to present
15 1 6 Josu to read Josui
21 2 3 ~-o to read C~-o59
23b. 19 20 deleted as line-counting figure
31c. 7 5 moved up from here to present position
50b. 6o 1 1 Fericean to read Fe~an
4 2-3 I-at fericiaty to read l-a feril1aty
53d. Refr. Mel. 34 deleted61
66 Concerning the delimitation in Vol. III see the author's explanatory remarks on pp.
xli-xlii there.
67 See Vol. II, pp. 2-5, and E.C. Teodorescu's note to the Colinda translations (below, p. 217).
68 The double dash-the author's later (Vol. III) replacement for the quotation marks-
indicates a secondary quotation.
68 Derived from the author's revised mus. ex. No. 83a.
80 Derived from the author's revised mus. ex. No. lOc.
81 A misprint resulting from the author's failure to strike out the melody designation along
with the non-applicable second refrain.

[ xxiv]

Text No. Line 1~_o_rd----,-I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D_e_sc_r_ip_t_i_o_n_ _ _ _ _ _ __

59c. Refr. 5 Doamne to read Doamn'
68b. 9 10 moved down from here to present position
72 62

Line-counting figures moved up two lines to present
83h. 25 25-30 to read 25-31
36 35 moved up from here to present position
84b. 63 2 4 maslinu to read maslina
84c. 64 1 7 sus to read susy
84k. 1 4 n'auzi to read n'audzi
84p. 9 10 moved down from here to present position
fn. 1 zeu to read zau 65
95k. Line-counting figures moved up one line to present
1~ } position
96a. 9 10 moved down from here to present position
96b. Refr. 1-2 Domnul Domnula nostru! to read Domnul Domnula
{ nostry!66
p. I rn:-I 67
98f. 1 4 'ntrebu : I to read 'ntrebu : I 'ntreb,
99h. 5
15 Same remark as to No. 72
99i. 5 Line-counting figures moved up three lines to present
10 position
101e. 5 Line-counting figures moved up two lines to present
10 position
1 4
5 moved down from here to present position
to read 15
Craciun to read Craciuny
3,9 2 Sfanta to read Sfant' 68
3,9 4 Josaf to read rosaf

62 In this case and others listed here, the author neglected to change the position of the
line-counting figures after he had added verses to the previously-completed second (hand-
written) draft. The third (typescript) draft duplicates the error of the preceding one. It should
be mentioned here, however, that in a number of cases such errors were corrected by Bart6k.
63 Derived from the author's revised mus. ex. No. 92e.
64 In mus. ex. 104a. the footnote for the Chinci~ variant (text No. 84c.) indicates no trun-
cation of the last foot in the first melody section, hence the editorial addition of the extension
65 Correc ted by C. Briiiloiu.
66 In accordance with the repeated refrain in mus. ex. No. 111c.
6? In accordance with the second melody section of mus. ex. No. 26b.
68 Otherwise nine syllables! (Cf. line 15.) See also remarks in fn. 64, above.

[ XXV]

Text No. Line IWord I Description

106a. 1 I
I mag. to read ung.
jos to read in (sic !)jos 69
Sfanta 70
106c. 2 4 Sfantii to read {Sf&nt-
107b. 6 5 moved up from here to present position
109 71 1 1,2 Por&ncit-o to read Por&n!/it-o
5 2 bot'eze to read bot'eza
Line-counting figures moved up two lines to present
20 18-23 to read 20-25
112n. Data Mel. 95e. to read Mel. 95g.
1120. Refr. 1 Parentheses deleted 72
121 4 2 rasaritu to read rasarit
123 3 3 venity to read venitu 73
7 2 cias to read cia
127a. Bistra
125a. Data 127a.b. Albac to read 127b. Albac
132a. 4 5 cinsteasca to read cinsteasc'
133 1 4 saraci to read saraci
2 5 m&ncati to read m&ncati
136 7 1 Burfa to read Burta 74
Text No. 10c. has the author's handwritten entry Santu-~i in the
margin of the Amsterdam and Budapest drafts only.
Repeat signs were eliminated in text Nos. 112m. (mus. ex. No. 104c.)
and 140b. (mus. ex. No. 45u.), in accordance with the underlying text of
the respective music examples.
The line-counting figures of text Nos. 130--133 have been replaced by
punctulated Arabic numbers (1., 2., and so forth), in accordance with the
author's procedure in Vol. III. (See Section 10 of the Explanations of
the Signs Used in the Texts.)
There are two unusual inclusions of supernumerary additional sylla-
bles in the Colinda texts (No. 87k.: m,d;
No. 112r.: Cd),
a procedure not
followed elsewhere in the material or in Vol. III.
69 In accordance with the last measure of mus. ex. No. 61h.
70 In accordance with the last measure of mus. ex. No. I04h.
71 Derived from the author's revised mus. ex. No. 8Sb.
79 The parentheses-used by the author in the Colinda texts to indicate an extension
syllable - serves no 'purpose, since it encloses a semivowel. (Cf. mus. ex. No. 73dd., line I,
measure 3.) •
73 Retention of the semivowel would defeat the purpose of the extension syllable (y); in
other words it would decrease the syllabic count by one, thus preventing transformation of the
catalectic (seven-syllable) line into an acatalectic (eight-syllable) one.
74 Corrected by C. Brailoiu.

[ xxvi]
Concerning what appears to be faulty strophic structure in text No.
84u., the reader is referred to the note to the respective music example
(No. 12lr.*).
The format of text No.71a. has been revised to correlate with the
underlying texts in mus. ex. Nos. 12p. and 12r.


Text No. Line I Word I Description

47 5 Line-counting figure
15 I
Line-counting figure
58b. 3-6 [ ]75
1 I
82h. 15 Line-counting figure
84j. 5 Line-counting figure
84r. 1-4 [ ]75
89a. 5 Line-counting figure
94a. 1 I: :1 76
98g. fn. 1 Jinu !1i miry 77
99i. 1 4 rtl 78
15 Line-counting figure 79
102b. 1 2 'n
104i. 17 2 arc 80
108b. 30 Line-counting figure
t08n. 5 Line-counting figure
1t2r. 5 Line-counting figure
113a. 1-2 [ ]75
114c. 1-2 - [ ]75
122e. 2
[ ]81
3-4 I: :1
In text No. 101e. the first two (incomplete) text lines have been added
as derived from the respective music example (No. 33b.).
Referring next to other, typographical additions to the texts, Table
75 The bracketed text lines do not appear in the music example.
78 Although Bart6k deleted the repeat sign, restoration has been made on the basis of the
respective music example (No. IOOg.).
77 This line, in the form of a bracketed footnote, represents an editorial addition to the text.
(Cf. mus. ex. No. 26a.)
78 See the note to mus. ex. No. 30b.
79 See the entry for this text in Table V above.
80 In accordance with the author's similar procedure elsewhere (for example, text No. 34e.,
line 3).
81 The bracketed text lines do not appear in the music example. It should be noted that the
underlying text of this melody (No. 45v.) is identical with text No. 122c.

[ xxvii]
VII graphically illustrates the sharp rise in editorial emendations
stemming from the missing portion of the second text draft (text Nos.
IOSg.-141). Since the listed additions are omitted from all copies of the
third and fourth drafts, determination of their inclusion in the various
text lines has been made on the basis of one or more of the following
factors: (a) metrical structure of the English translations, (b) scansion
of preceding and following text lines, (c) presence of extension syllables,
and (d) syllabic structure of the text line in question.

Description Text No.

Inverted breve . 29, 69a., 86, 871., 93b., 104c., to5g.-n.r.s.v.,

106b., 107a., 108a.b.d.e.g.j.l.n. , 110a., 112b.
d.l., 114a., 115b.c., 116b., 121, 122a., 124,
125a.b., 131, 132a.c., 133, 135.
Breve. 9, 91c., told.g., 105x., to8a.b.e.g., ltoa.,
112c.i., lISa., 123, 127, 132a., 135.
Cedilla 105i.-k.t.x., 107a., to8g., 112e., 113b., 116b.,
136, 141.
Apostrophic accent . 11c., 87j., 135.
Inverted caret . . 28c., 65d.
Circumflex. . . . 108b., 109.
Capitalization . . 45,60e.
Straight underline 31d.e., 32g., 79a., 82e., 105p.x., lOBo.
Wavy underline . 87k. 82
As regards alteration of format of the poetic texts to correlate with
that of Vol. III, the following procedures have been used: refrains and
data sections moved from the beginning to the end of the text; refrain
indications added to the body of the text, as demonstrated by the
respective music examIiie; single and double lines instead of spacings to
indicate strophic structure; symbols indicating sex of performer
added to data sections; and English subtitles extracted from the
Introduction to Part Two and placed with their Rumanian equivalent
in the Texts and Translations~
There is but one missing note to the texts: No. 71b. On the other
hand, although notes are provided by the author, the following texts
required editorial insertion of asterisk indicators: Nos. lIe., SOb., 93a.,
93c. (line II), 99a. (lines I, 2, 20), and 102c. Certain notes which refer to
variants (originally listed in the texts) have been transferred to the
8S See the editorial commentary following Table V.

[ xxviii ]
Preface to Part Two as marginal notes to the List of Some Variants
Published Elsewhere. 83 So far as corrections of the notes are concerned,
two of the author's remarks required emendation: Nos. 4a.* and IOSe.*;
in each of the original notes reference is made to text lines which, be-
cause of his subsequent revisions, are not applicable. 84
In the following table a description is given of the editorial improve-
ments made in the index of refrains (which follows the poetic texts,
below) :


Refrain No. Description

7 Doamne to read { (Doamn')
10 12f. moved trom here to Group II86
(Dai) added
16 Underline added to Doamnere
17 Brackets added to Doamne
35 A postrophic accent added to Doamn
38 108 to read 108a.

cequ to read { ~:~

39 nos' to read nos[t]
Domn[u] to read Doamn[u]
44 DoamIliale to read Domniale
54 Doamne to read Doamn[e]
78 97b. to read 95c.
d'ochiti to read d'ot'itiii
d'ochiWi-s to read d'ot'itia.-S87
(ficuta) added
88 linD to read lin'
95 62f. var. added88

88 In the first edition listed under text Nos. 6Sd., 77b., 83h., 84v., 87n., 92g., 93m., 96b., 99i.
102d., l03h., 1041., 112p., 122e., and 136.
84 Correction of 4a .• : 8 and II to ,ead 9 and 12; of lOSe.·: 13,31, and 50 to ,ead 12,30, and
85 Listings in preceding tabulations do not appear in this table nor do those repetition signs
added by the editor for practical reasons. The reader should also note that editorial emenda-
tions of the index of refrains resulted from careful checking of the respective texts and music
examples. Marginal notes, therefore, are given only where special commentary was deemed
86 The group total-miscalculated in the drafts-remains 26.
87 According to C. BraiIoiu the preferable spelling of this word could have been ot'j Ii-as.
88 The group total-miscalculated in the drafts-remains 21.

[ xxix ]
The single refrains of Nos. 12 and 14 had erroneously been divided
into first and second refrains, thus necessitating the editorial deletion of
the superfluous numerical designations. 89
A rather important omission was the refrain of text No. 156 (mus. ex.
No. 95h.): Lerului ~i-a mdrului. According to Bart6k's classification
system in the Introduction to Part Two, the refrain belongs in Group
II; a bracketed entry, therefore, was made under No. 40. Another
omission was the M aramure~ refrain from the village of Glod (M aramure~
No. 14 var. 2, p. 7), which has been added to Group III, No. 66; its
addition required an increase of one in both total columns. For some
unknown reason Bartok neglected to include the refrain of M aramure~
No. 9a. as part of No. 95 (Group VI); its addition, of course, also re-
quired an increase in both total columns. Another omission was the
second half of the refrains of Maramure~ Nos. 9b. and lOb. (see Group
V, Nos. 86-87): Frunzd verde rozmalin (rojmalin).
Columnar totals for Group III, No. 66 and Group VIII, No. 120 re-
quired correction also.

Bartok, in the draft Introduction to Part Two, declares that there are
444 poetic texts. If, however, we include the twenty-three fragmentary
texts which underlie certain of the melodies,90 then the total changes as
expressed in the present volume: 467 texts.
The classification of the texts (Table 5) was revised in terms of desig-
nating symbols so as to agree with the author's system in Vol. III;
the new symbols, of course, replace the old throughout the texts.
Analysis of Bart6k's concordance of Rosetti-Colinde classification
types (p. 202 below) reveals apparent contradictions; in fact, his
assertion that Rosetti fails to list certain corresponding types-despite
the availability of published variants-is questionable. Text No. 90,
for example, is the last-numbered text of the seven which comprise
Group C I. b) (About the Holy Virgin); thus Rosetti's type Nos. 6 and
7 seem corresponsive. Text No. 94, according to the author's tabulation
(below, p. 209), has no variants published elsewhere. Be that as it may,
this text is one of two "Judas" texts (Group C I. e) of which the first
(No. 93) is corresponsive with Rosetti's type No. 19. And text Nos. 106-
107, together with No. 105, form Group C II c) (The Birth of Christ); thus

89The "2nd refrain" of Group 14 had the word Doamne omitted.

90See Section 18 (and its marginal note) of Explanations of the Signs Used in the Music
Notations (Part One, p. 39).

[ XXX ]
Rosetti's type Nos. I and 2 may be applicable here, for they are listed in
the tabulation as corresponsive with text No. 105.
Mention has already been made of revision of text format (p. XXVIII),
a procedure which required augmentation as well as emendation of the
entries in the Explanation of Signs Used in the Texts. Let it suffice to
say here that the new material was derived from the pertinent sections
of Vols. II and III of Rumanian Folk Music.
Editorial work concerning the List of Some Variants Published Else-
where will be found below (p. 205) in the marginal note to that tabulation.
It should be mentioned here, however, that the author's citation of the
Arii din Bihor variant (12/20) for text No. 14 has been changed to refer
to Vol. III (No. I I 77c.) of the present publication. 91
The bibliography in the drafts of Part Two contains references to
entries in Part One; moreover, all references are separated into ethnic
groupings. In order to avoid needless repetition and to follow the format
of the other volumes in the present publication, the bibliography of
Part Two is arranged in alphabetical order and without duplication of
previously-quoted sources.



In the second paragraph of his Preface to Part One Bartok offers three
reasons for his omission of a detailed description of the Colinda custom.
In view of his later treatment of the Rumanian material, however, his
explanations no longer seem valid; in fact, Vol. I of Rumania1~ Folk
Music contains melodies, notes to the melodies, and a prefatory dis-
cussion of the Turca dance. We present here, therefore, a summary of
the Colinda custom as described by the author in the above-mentioned
volume, and by ethnomusicologists of the Bucharest Folklore Institute
in published and unpublished sources:
Several weeks before Christmas the Colinda singers form into small
groups of eight to ten young men and women (in some areas-Maramu-
re~, for instance- the groups are formed according to sex), and carols
are selected for 'study' under the supervision of each group leader. On
Christmas Eve the groups set out on a caroling tour of the village;

91 Another editorial change: "Bart6k-KodaIy" to read E,d. Magy., in accordance with the
citation used by the author in Part One. Addenda: R.F.M III listings under Colinda text
Nos. 87 and 99.

[ xxxi ]
they stop in front of each house to inquire whether the host will receive
them, and-if they gain admittance-they perform four or five carols. In
the counties of Hunedoara and Alba the carolers divide themselves into
two choruses and sing altematingly in antiphonal fashion. 92 At the end
of the performance the carolers receive gifts and then move on to another
house. 93
The Turca dance is an accessory part of the winter solstice ceremonies
which are performed at Christmas time. The personages taking part in it
are: (a) the Colinda singers (colinddtori); (b) the player(s) of the music;
and (c) the personator of the Turca. 94 (In some areas the Colinda cere-
monies are performed without the participation of a Turca). After the
singing of the Colinda songs, the Turca performs his dance. He wears a
cloak covering him entirely from the top of his head to about his knees.
A (wooden?) animal-head with a long beak is attached to the top of the
cloak. The lower part of the beak can be set in motion by a string hidden
under the cloak, and it is handled by the Turca in order to obtain
clattering sounds of the two parts of the beak in a certain rhythm (see
Vol. I, No. 186e. and the respective Note).95
The designations A dobilor and A dobii instead of Dan!u Turcilor
seem to indicate that a kind of side drum with either one drumhead
(called dobd: perhaps from the Hungarian dob?) or two (vesca), played
with a single drumstick (maiul), are used in many villages-especially
in Bihor-in connection with Turca ceremonies (see Vol. I, Nos.
In Vol. I the Notes to the music examples contain the following ad-
ditional description of the Turca ceremony: "The March of the deer"

92 That is, they sing change songs which are described by Bart6k on p. 25.
93 Tiberiu Alexandru, Bela BartOk despre /olclorul f'omtnesc, Bucharest, Editura Muzicala,
1958, p. 44.
84 The "Deer." According to Alexandru (ibid., p. 43) the rUf'ca dance in the Ardeal region ill
known as the "Capra" (Goat) or "B,e,aia" and is performed on New Year's Day. The person-
ator of the Cap,a "is dressed in a large cloak and carries over his head a nicely-adorned
wooden figure which imitates the head of a goat. By moving the mouth of the figure through
a device, the performer produces a rhythmic clattering with which he accompanies his jumps-
to the merriment of all the onlookers." (See other details in "Rumanian Folklore" [prepared
by the Bucharest Folklore InstituteJ, Rosin ehe Bow, Paterson, N.J., Autumn, 1955 [Vol.
V, No. 9J, p. 5.)
96 From the author's description in Vol. I of Rumanian Folk Music, p. 41 (the TUf'ca
melodies are listed on p. 32).
98 Loc. cit. In her study Amologie Folclorica din rinutul Paduf'enilor (Hunedoa,a), Bucharest,
Editura Muzicai1i, 1959, Emilia Com~el has a most interesting example of a Colinda melody
(No. 23) which is titled Zicala dobei (Saying of the drum). The tune is played on a peasant flute
and is accompanied by the doba (two drumsticks?) and by "dance-words" which are directed
at the carolers or the hosts as the group moves from one house to another.

[ xxxii]
(Mar$u cierbuluj, No. 156.*) is performed by the flute-players of the
Colinde-singers' group when they walk in the streets or when they leave
the house after termination of their ceremonial business; "The dance
of the deer in the house" (Jocul cjerbuluj [in casii], Nos. 67.*, 68a. *) is
performed indoors; "The [piece] of the deer" (A cierbului, No. 503.*) is
played as intermezzi between the single scenes of the "deer" ceremonies;
music is played (No. 504.*, without designation) when the Turca or
"deer" asks the audience for presents; and "The [dance] of the deer"
(A cierbului, No. 501.*) is performed when the cierb (that is, "deer" or
Turca) gives thanks for presents received.
Table 5 of the Introduction to Part Two of this volume indicates those
texts (Nos. 77-81) related to the plugu$or (Group B 1. e) or ritual
ploughing songs. The plugu$orul (little plough) is a ceremony of the
winter solstice, performed by groups of lads, in which a nicely-adorned
plough is carried from house to house by the Colinda singers who-in an
allegoric form and in a long poem-present the work of the field (in-
cluding sowing, harvesting, and bread baking). At the end of the song a
recital of good wishes is made to the host, accompanied by the cracking
of whips, the ringing of little bells, and the playing of the Buhaiul (Bull)
-a specially-built instrument capable of producing a roaring sound
somewhat similar to the bellowing of a bull. 97


In the first publication of the Colinde the data sections of certain

music examples include references to the (subsequently-revised) re-
spectivemelodiesin the author's Arii din Bihor publication (1913).98 In
view of the possibility that the reader might want to compare the two
versions (the earlier publication, for instance, has a number of examples
in which the refrain is fitted to each proper text line) the following
concordance is offered: 99

97 See Rosin the Bow, op. cit., p. 5, for details concerning the construction and manner of
performance of the instrument.
98 In keeping with the author's practice in Vols. I and II of Rumanian Folk Music, this
information has not been included in the music examples of the present volume.
99 The respective poetic text, of course, is indicated by the numerical designation
which immediately precedes the first stanza of the underlying text in the given music

[ xxxiii]
ColindeNo. Arii din Bihor No. Colinde No. Arii din Bihor No.
21e. 100 71b. 33
21k. 180 71c. II
21k. var. I 61 73f. 249
21k. var. 3 179 73m. var. 261
211. 181 81j . I
29 207 96 253
31 136 lOOg. 247
42b. 3 lOOh. 235
45f. 208 109 124
61c. 129 115b. 206
61d. 166

In Vol. I of Rumanian Folk Music there is a bagpipe piece designated

o colinda (No. 737) which appears in Arii din Bihor (No. 353) under the

[ xxxiv]
title Colinda (Din cimpoi'U). (Cf. Colinda mus. ex. No. 73 and Maram'Ure~
Nos. 13, 14.)
In 1935, in Budapest, Bart6k prepared master sheets of twenty-one
Serbian and twenty-eight Bulgarian folk melodies which he had collected
in the Banat region (counties of Torontal and T~, formerly Hungarian,
now Rumanian territory). The last Bulgarian melody, No. 28, is titled
Chant de Noel, and, as the facsimile (p. xxxiv) of the author's autograph
clearly shows-it is a variant of Colinda melody No. 62.
The two series of "Rumanian Christmas Songs", which Bart6k com-
posed for piano solo in 1915 (published by Universal Edition, Vienna, in
1918), are based on the following music examples from his Colinda
collection: 100
Series I. (1-1O): Nos. 34b., 18, lOb., 62ii., Maramure~ 19 (= var.
Colinde No. 110), 113, 27, Ille.101 115d., and lISa.
Series II. (1-1O): Nos. 81L, 102j., lOa., 55, 65, 12j., 12r., 73m., 14, and
The Cantata Pro/ana, written by Bart6k in 1930 for mixed (double-)
chorus, tenor and baritone soloists, and orchestra (Universal Edition,
Vienna, 1934), is-in the composer's own words-"Rumanian texts set
to music." 103 Inspection of Part Two of the present volume discloses
that text No.4 (vars. a.b.) is the literary source for the composition.
Regarding the music, Bart6k goes on to state emphatically that the
thematic material is of his own composition: "not even an imitation of
Rumanian folk music." 104

100 The list of Colinda melodies is given in the order of their appearance in the piano tran-
101 According to the small-size notation of the Colinda melody in the piano transcription,
the former seems to comprise an admixture of melody and text of Nos. 111d. and 111e. Indeed,
another discrepancy can be found in the data section, wherein the village is given as SArafalva
(that is, Sarafola, county of Torontal: No. lIla.) instead of Igr~. Determination of var. e. as
the source has been made on the basis of the refrain (text as well as melody section).
lOS The data section of mus. ex. No. 73m. shows a different village designation from the one
given in the piano transcription (cf. Alexandru, op. cit., pp. 122-123); the small-size notation of
the fifth example (Series II.) has the first two lines of the respective text (No. 35a.) underlying
the melody, unlike mus. ex. No. 65 (lines 3 and 4). It may be of interest to note that eleven
of the transcribed melodies have been arranged for mixed chorus by Paul Arma (Boosey &
Hawkes, London, 1959), in this order: Nos. 34b. (Series I., No.1), 8li. (II.: 1), 73m. (II.: 8),
14 (II.: 9),55 (II.: 4); 102j. (II.: 2), 115a. (I. : 10), lOb. (I.: 3), 111e. (I.: 8), 113 (I.: 6) and 64b.
(II.: 10).
108 Letter to Octavian Beu, dated January 10, 1931, as quoted in Bart6k BAla levelei (ed.
Janos Demeny), Vol. III, Zenemiikiad6 VAllalat, Budapest, 1955, p. 193.
104 Ibid., p. 192. The reader interested in obtaining information concerning the manu-
scripts of the "Rumanian Christmas Songs" and the Cantata Pro/ana should refer to Victor
Bator's The B~la Bart6k A.rchives: History and CatalogU/l, Publication of the Bartok Archives,
New York, 1963, pp. 25, 28.

[ XXXV ]
Examination of various folk music bibliographies indicates that there
are probably not more than twenty-five Rumanian publications, wholly
or partly devoted to Colinda melodies or poetic texts, that have appeared
since Bartok completed his Colinde book in 1935.105 Of these, three have
been at our disposal and are briefly discussed below.1 06
In 1940 (?) Emil Riegler-Dinu wrote his Das rumiinische Volkslied l07
which contains melodies and texts assembled from various collections
and studies, including Bartok's Bihor and Maramure!j publications.
Eight Colinda melodies and two Colinda texts are presented here; four
of the melodies were collected by the author and one by Bartok. 10S Al-
though analysis of these melodies is lacking, and discussion of them as a
genre quite limited, Riegler-Dinu's study has particular interest for us
with regard to the importance and value of the present volume and the
others which comprise Bartok's Rumanian Folk Music. For the Ru-
manian ethnologist writes (p. 2): "The home of the Rumanian song is,
one might say, the high plateau; that is, the mountainous region of
Transylvania." After noting that the shepherds probably disseminated
their native Hore in old Rumania (Oltania, Muntenia, and Moldova)
during the Middle Ages, as they drove their sheep from the Transylvanian
and Maramure~ Carpathian regions to the Black Sea, Riegler -Dinu adds
(p. 6): "The Transylvanian Rumanian peasant song remains the source
of strength of the Rumanian song."109
Mention has already been made above (fn. 96) of Emilia Comi~el's
study of Padureni County (Hunedoara Region) folk melodies and texts.
This work includes the transcription of twenty-three phonographed
Colinda songs, a discussion of their structure, and a short essay on
caroling as performed by the Padureni foresters. Her classification sys-
105 See, for example, the listings in ]aap Kunst, Ethnomusicology (3rd ed., 1959; Supple-
ment, 1960), Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague; Journal of the International Folk Music Council
(London); Muzica (Bucharest); Revista de Folclor (Bucharest), and Journal of the Society tor
Ethnomusicology (Wesleyan Univ. Press.) The most important bibliography is the one prepared
for us by Emilia Comi~el, which contains seventy-seven listings dating from 1867 to 1964.
(Six books listed by Bart6k in his Colinde publication are missing from the Comi~el biblio-
106 It should be noted that, for certain reasons, we have been unable obtain the other Colinda
publications or a description of them.
107 Published by Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 1943.
108 No. 154, labeled B.H. 7 (Bart6k-Hunedoara), is Colinde melody No. 27, from Sarafola
(county of Torontal).
109 It may be of interest to note that Riegler-Dinu apparently was unaware of Bart6k's
Colinde publication of 1935, for the former refers (p. 21) to the latter's Rumanian Colinda
collection as a manuscript awaiting publication, and as "placed already since 1924 with the
Rumanian Academy of Sciences ... it discloses to us many special characteristics of the Colin-

[ xxxvi]
tem and transcription technique is somewhat similar to that of Bart6k,
but with the exception that the tonus linalis ends on gl in the major
mode and on e1 in the minor. Noteworthy omissions are the system of
symbols (for example, caesura signs, syllabic-count figures, designation
of original pitch, and so forth), marginally-notated minor variations,
and references to variants in Bartok's Colinde book or other collec-
tions of Colinda songs.110 With regard to the texts, although the
Bart6kian underlining of extension syllables is adopted, no use is made
of his special system of diacritical marks. This lack is particularly
noticeable in those melodies in which the underlying text contains
The following Padureni Colinda melody numbers (labeled P) can
be considered as being variants of melodies (labeled C) in Bartok's
Colinde book (parenthetical question marks indicate uncertain identi-
fications) :
PI = C12a. P7 = C102c. P14 = C105 (?)
P2,3 = C120. P8 = C82a. P19 = C62a.
P4 = C12t.u. P9 = C86a. P20 = C62bb. (?)
P5 = {C12dd. (?) PlO = C83c. P22 = C62b.
C4 (?) P12 = C84b. (?) [P23 = R.F.M. Vol. I, No. 65J
P6 = C84c. P13 = C85a. (?)
Another approach to the classification of the Colinde melodies is
offered by Josef Kuckertz. 111 In his study Kuckertz states that his
analysis "searches after the characteristics of the difference and similari-
ty in the songs. Consequently, there is the possibility and necessity of
groupings other than what Bartok considered appropriate." 112
It should be clearly understood, however, that Bart6k fully examined
the problems involved in the classification of East European folk music;
indeed, his exposition on the subject is set forth in the section titled
"Methods In Systematic Grouping of Folk Melodies" in the Introduction
to Part One of Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs (New York: Columbia Univer-
sity Press, 1951, pp. 14-16). He favored the "grammatical" grouping
principle, with its emphasis on clarity of relationship between a melody

110 We are in possession of a special communication from Mrs. Comi~el in which are listed-
for each of her Colindas-main and secondary caesuras, syllabic count, content structure, and
scalar form.
111 Gestaltvariation in den von BartlJk gesammelten rumanischen. Regensburg: Gustav Bosse
Verlag, 1963.
112 Ibid., p. 2.

[ xxxvii J
and its poetic text, as opposed to the "lexicographical" (that is, diction-
ary) objective which emphasizes grouping in terms of rendering melodies
easy to locate.
In a review of the Kuckertz study Karl Lorenz remarks that "It
demonstrates how important a treasure was brought to light by Bart6k's
collecting. Beyond his successful attempt to recognize 'Gestaltvariation'
in his corpus, Kuckertz indicates that the melodies have great usefulness
for the contemporary composer if he is willing to assimilate their melodic
substance." 113

By way of conclusion, we reprint here a portion of Bart6k's comments

which were incorporated as part of a prospectus for the first edition of
the Colinde and mailed to a selected list of possible subscribers in
1935: 114
"The [Colinda] material is treated according to rigorously scientific
principles. It is for the first time that melodies of this type are published
in such large number, in the most authentic manner, on the basis of the
phonograph recordings.
"It seems that among all the Eastern European peoples the Rumanians
have preserved best, till this day, these partly-ancient songs of the
winter solstice. At all events, the extraordinary wealth (estimated to
average 20 per cent) of the Rumanian Christmas songs is outstanding.
According to recent pUblications such songs are found only in compara-
tively small number among the neighboring peoples. For this reason
the Rumanian material is the richest source of this important folk
custom of East European villages .
•'The work should be of special interest to researchers in music folklore,
to ethnologists, and to linguists. "115
The conversion of Bela Bartok's Melodien der rumiinischen Colinde
(Weihnachtslieder) into Rumanian Carols and Christmas Songs (Colinde)
has been an undertaking of several years, excluding the appendix (pp.
000-000) which contains our computer-derived lexicographical index
of Colinda melodies. Throughout this period of the revisory process we
have made every effort to achieve the unification aim, as well as the

118 Journal of the Society of Ethnomusicology, Vol. IX, No.1, January, 1965, p. 67.
114 Prepared by the publisher, Universal·Edition (Vienna), copies of the brochure are on
file at the New York Bart6k Archives.
lU On the basis of his own use Bartok could have added "as well as composers and music

[ xxxviii ]
correlative objective, without modification of content or distortion of
the author's characteristic mode of expression. For this magnum opus
represents a significant addition to the corpus of Rumanian folklore and
a noteworthy contribution to ethnomusicology as a scientific discipline.


[ xxxix]

FOREWORD, by Benjamin Suchoff Vll




PREFACE, by Bela Bart6k







[ xli ]


APPENDIXES, by Benjamin Suchoff 557

[ xlii ]

T he material presented in this book includes both Colinda and

Cantee de stea melodies gathered by me between 1909 and 1917,
during travels for folkloristic research in that part of what was
then Hungary inhabited by Rumanians, with the exception of twenty-
seven Colinda and Cantee de stea songs stemming from the county of
Maramure~, which I have already printed in my collection Volksmusik
der Rumiinen von Maramure~.l I thought it fitting, however, to publish
here in more specific notation, and revised according to phonograph
recordings, the twenty-one carols in my collection Chansons populaires
roumaines du departement Bihar (Hongrie).2
Colinde (singular, Colindd or Colind; in many sections also, Corindal
are those songs of the Rumanian peasants which are sung around
Christmas-time by boys (in many locales either by boys or girls) who
wander from house to house. A detailed description of this custom
(style and manner, the actual time of Colinda singing; choice of Colinda
songs for special houses, such as those of family or relatives; which
Colinda songs are sung by older, which by younger persons; the role and
diffusion of the Turea or ,[urea dance in Colinda singing, etc.) must be
omitted here. For, in the first place, in most areas I did not conduct
specific research in this matter; secondly, quite a good deal has already
been related about it in other publications;3 and thirdly, the particular
purpose of the present publication is to shed light on the nature of the
Colinda melodies.
The Colinda melodies and the melodies of the so-called Canteee de stea
1 Sammelbande jur vergleichende Musikwissenschajt. Munich: Drei Masken Verlag, Vol. IV,
1923. [In English as Volume V, Maramuref County, of the present publication.]
B Bucharest: Academia Rom~na, 1913.
8 See, in the Bibliography, the publications of Brailoiu, Dragoi, Rosetti, Teodorescu, and
Viciu. [See also Bart6k's description of the Turca dance in Vol. I (Instrumental Melodies) p. 41,
of the present publication, or as extracted for editorial purposes on pp. xxxi-xxxiii, above.]

[ 1]
could not be separated from one another in this pUblication. For these
two groups of Christmas songs are not sharply distinct from one another
either textually or musically; often, for example, Stea texts are set to
Colinda melodies, and conversely. In general, one may list the following
as distinguishing traits; the Colinda songs are of older origin, indeed, in
earlier times they seem to have been the only songs of the Christmas
ceremony; their character, textually and musically, is definitely more
peasant-like; for the most part, they have one refrain; their role in
village life corresponds to that of the Kolatka or Koleda songs of the
Slavs and of the Regas songs of the Hungarians; in many areas they
seem to be connected with certain special ceremonies (such as, for ex-
ample, the Turca ceremony, and so forth); and they are, in general,
sung by older boys (even by men) or grown girls.
The Stea songs, on the other hand, are of newer, artistic origin. They
are strongly, if not entirely, influenced by Western European music and
poetry; in fact, aside from characteristic traits, evidence for such influ-
ence is offered by quite specific textual and musical borrowings. They
seem to have been artistically inserted into folk life by priests and
teachers; for the most part, they have no refrain. The role of the Stea
songs corresponds to that of the Bethlehem songs of Western and Middle
Europe, and the ceremonies at which they are used are likewise related
to those of the Bethlehem ceremony. Finally, Stea songs are ordinarily
performed by children.
Thus, these two groups are not sharply distinguished here. Never-
theless, because of the classification system adopted for the melodies, it
was possible to place the Stea songs, with few exceptions, at the close
of the material. Moreover, I have so indicated all songs that can without
doubt be considered Stea songs.
The Rumanian material is incomparably richer in Christmas songs
than that of neighboring peoples. The present publication is, at the
moment, the largest edition of melodies of this category; indeed, it offers
for the first time phonographed examples of European folk song melo-
dies in the so-called "Bulgarian" rhythm. 4 It groups all melodies in
'. [In his incomplete notes to this volume of the present publication, Constantin BrlHloiu
writes that "Bart6k's Colinda collection is by far the most important of all that had appeared
up to that time, a distinction it has not lost till now. What Bart6k does not say is that, from a
scientific point of view, his work and those of his predecessors are simply not comparable. And
while the 303 colinde brought out by Dragoi and the 200 put out by Cucu (Gh. Cucu, 200
colinde populare ... Edilie pastuma tngrijitd de Canst. Brdiloiu. Bucharest: Soc. Compozitorilor
Romilni, 1936), which Bart6k had been able to look into in Bucharest before their publication,
likewise offer a good bit of highly valuable and previously unpublished material, they were, on

systematic order; each melody has only so much text underlaid as would
be used by the performer in singing through the melody once. The com-
plete texts, systematically ordered according to content, is published
in Part Two, below. 5
I thank Mr. Zoltan Kodaly, who most kindly went over my manu-
script, for many valuable hints, especially concerning parallelisms in the
Hungarian secular and sacred material.

Budapest, May, 1935 BELA BART6K

the other hand, not transcribed from phonograph recordings. Furthermore, neither author
subjected the texts and melodies to a systematic classification."]
6 [This editorially constructed sentence replaces, for obvious reasons, the following text
matter in the author's original (1935) edition: "Die VeroffentIichung der vollstiindigen Texte,
nach Inhalt systematisch geordnet, ist spiiteren Zeiten vorbehalten: Interesse wiirden sie ohne-
dies nur dem des Rumiinischen kundigen Leser bieten. Zahlen bei den Melodien weisen auf die
Nummer des zugehorenden Textes in dieser spiiter geplanten VerofientIichung hin. Einstweilen
ist je ein Exemplar der vollstiindigen Texte in der Bibliothek der Unga,ischen Akademie de,
Wissenscha/ten Budapest, in der Universitiitsbibliothek Amsterdam und in der Unive,sitiits-
bibliothek Basel deponiert und steht dort Forschern zur Verfiigung." (The publication of the
complete texts, systematically ordered according to content, is reserved for a later time;
besides, the complete texts would interest only the reader who knows Rumanian ... ).]

[ 3 ]
Part One
Introduction to Part One

I ncluding variants, 454 melodies are published here. Besides these,

thirty melodic variants presenting only limited deviations are at-
tached as footnotes, each under its most closely related melody.
As in my other publications, I have transposed each melody here to
gl as the common final tone. The pitch of the original performance is,
however, given in most cases by means of a black note without stem at
the beginning of the melody. This note gives the original pitch of the
transposed notation: in bass clef if for men's voices, in treble clef if for
women's or unchanged boys' voices. 6 After this first step, a corresponding
system for the ordering of the melodies had to be found. Neither the
simple application of that system which I used in my Maramure~ publi-
cation, nor those two systems which I describe in my book Hungarian
Folk Music,7 seems suited for a synoptic grouping of the Colinda melo-
dies. Apparently every body of material of distinctive character re-
quires a distinct system of classification, constructed especially for the
After careful consideration, I decided that the system described in
detail below was best suited to the classification of the material at
hand. Before I proceed to this description, however, I must say some-
thing about the versification of the texts.


There is no text stanza structure except in isolated, half-artistic texts

8 The indication of original pitch is lacking where a relevant notation was not made to
begin with or could not, for some reason, be determined subsequently from the phonograph
7 [Published by Oxford University Press, London, 1931.]

Introduction to Part One
that have spread among the folk (for example, those of mus. ex. Nos.
11Sa.b.d., 130, 131, 132a.b.). The isometric lines consist, in the greater
number of texts, of four trochees: 'h~xllhrl(XII;8 in a fewer number, of
three trochees: hrxxll'kx~ or xxlrxxl'xxll. Rumanian folk poetry has
only these two types of proper (that is, non-refrain) text lines. A trochee
here does not signify the metric verse foot in the conventional sense, for
Rumanian folk texts do not use such patterns of versification. I use the
term, therefore, to indicate a pair of syllables consisting of one stressed
and one unstressed syllable. 9
Only in the last trochee of the line is there a fixed requirement ap-
parent in the choice of syllables: it must be constructed of a pair of
syllables of which the first is stressed and the second unstressed in in-
flection. In the penultimate syllable, however, the suffixed article (-a,
-ul) and its declined forms (-ei, -ii, -lui, -lor) can stand as stressed in
inflection, even though they are only secondary accents when spoken. 10
In all other trochees, the choice of the stressed or unstressed inflected
syllable is entirely free; that is, a stressed inflected syllable can be
interpreted as a verse-unstressed syllable, and conversely.
The last (unstressed) syllables of lines of both types can be lacking.
In this case, syllable extension appears, so very characteristic of the folk
singing of most Transylvanian Rumanians. (The nature of this syllable
extension is partially characteristic for individual areas.) In the Colinda
text material presented here, the following types of syllable extensions
are to be observed:
(1) If the seven-syllable or five-syllable line ends with a closed sylla-
ble, the extension most often occurs through u (often, ui).
(2) If the last syllable of seven- or five-syllable lines ends with the
dipthong, vocal + 'If, then the half-vocal 'If is changed simply to a syllabic
u (instead of extension).
(3) If the last syllable of the aforementioned lines ends with the
dipthong, vocal + i, then the half-vocal i is changed to the syllabic i.
(This procedure is usual in Mure~ Turda and in the Campie, and frequent
in Bihor, Turda Arie~, and Alba de jos.) Moreover, the extension syllable
u is everywhere suffixed to the half-vocal j.
8 Each x represents one syllable. [" means a main accent, ' a secondary; II means a main
caesura, I a secondary.]
9 Concerning an exceptional case, see p. 15.
10 According to all evidence, the article in these cases is treated as an independent (stressed)
word; indeed, as may have been the case originally. In texts of six-syllable lines, however,
appears a contradiction to this general rule (for example, mus. ex. No. 23a., line 1); in texts of
eight-syllable lines this is a very rare occurrence (mus. ex. No. 82b., line 1).

Introduction to Part One
(4) If those lines end with an open syllable, then a re (in Bihor, inter-
changeably with le) is suffixed to it. l l
- N.B. In some villages of Mure!1-Turda (Chinc~, Hodac, Libanie!1d, Moi!1a,
Or!1ova, Urisiu de sus) and Banat (Denta, Tolvadia), a is used instead of u as an
extension syllable (in many of these localities a or aj instead of u emus. ex. Nos.
95e., l04d.] or a and u interchangeably). Very rarely, after a consonant, i also
appears as an extension syllable; equally rare is the use of the extension syllable
ej after the ending Ii. There is one example for i after an open syllable, and also
one for ~i (SanmicHiusul mare [Torontal], mus. ex. No. 82b.). Very significant,
though certainly quite rare, is the appearance of an extension syllable not only
at the end but also in the middle of an eight-syllable line: in this case it is a
matter of text lines composed of two half-lines, each of three syllables (~xrx );
the half-lines are presented by the performer as complete lines. Additionally,
there are extremely unusual and rarely found extension syllables which can there-
fore be presented only in the publication of the complete texts [Part II, below].

In many cases, especially at the end of a melody, the extension

syllable may be omitted; in fact, it is for the most part absent in texts
not of folk origin (see mus. ex. Nos. IISb.c.d., 1I7a., 12Ie.g.h.). Many
areas, such as Maramure~ and perhaps also the neighboring territory,
show less tendency toward syllable extension. Indeed, in these regions
regular eight- or six-syllable lines occur in which the last, always
open, and consequently unstressed syllable (actually, for the most part,
just the vowel of the syllable) is slurred over. The same occurrence also
takes place, though much less frequently, in other regions.
- N.B. A single, quite noteworthy case can be observed in Voiniceni (Mure!1-
Turda), where the last two syllables are often slurred over at the end of the melody
(see mus. ex. No. 73kk. and the annotation thereto).
The exclusively falling, trochaic rhythm does not correspond-as we
see in the verse-stress rule-entirely with speech stress. In some indi-
vidual cases it happens that there is an upbeat syllable before the first
trochee of the line, unstressed both in speech and in poetry and be-
ginning with a vowel (for example,
x xx x XX)
1l7.-Im..w.z1 "-ltd-I'
thus resulting in a nine or seven-syllable line. This upbeat is:
(1) either slurred over, especially at the beginning of the melody (for
example, 'Ntreaba instead of Intreabd in mus. ex. No. I02a.); or
(2) the vowel of the upbeat syllable is elided with the vowel of the
11 Instead of re, one often hears rie, very seldom ra (Hunedioara). On the other hand, ma and
mai do not appear as syllable extensions in the Colinda texts. [Cf. Vol. II (Vocal Melodies) pp.
3-5, of the present publication for the author's discussion of complementary syllables.]

Introduction to Part One
open final syllable or with the syllable-extending vowel, and is pro-
nounced or sung as one syllable (in such cases, i is elided); or
(3) the upbeat syllable stands at the end of the preceding line, in
place of a syllable extension; in this case, it is always notated as attached
to the preceding line; or
(4) in quite rare cases the upbeat syllable is sung on its own upbeat
tone, like those upbeat syllables that do not constitute an integral part
of the text, and is indicated by a wavy line (see p. 12, fn. 16, below); for
example, mus. ex. No. 86f., line 1.
In none of the aforementioned cases is this extra syllable counted in
the number of syllables of the line.
Everything that has been said, thus far, about text meter applies to
proper text lines. Now-as is generally known-most Colinda texts have
refrains repeated in every stanza,12 Most texts have only ONE refrain in
the stanza, less numerous are those texts with two refrains.
The number of refrain syllables is quite varied, ranging from two to
twenty-seven (for the latter, see mus. ex. No. 128). The versification of
refrains is not exclusively trochaic; in many of them, other verse feet are
to be found (for example, dactyl + trochee in the refrain of mus. ex. No.
51: xxxlxx).
If a refrain ends with a stressed closed syllable, a syllable extension
may also appear here-mostly by the addition of u-though it is very
often lacking. In unstressed open-syllable endings, the last syllable or
vowel is much more often slurred over than in proper text lines.
Now I proceed to the description of the schematic ordering of the
Colinda melodies, which is based on rhythm and stanza formation.



The melodies are first divided into three major categories.

Class A: melodies set to six-syllable proper text lines.
Class B: melodies set to eight-syllable proper text lines.
Class C: melodies of indeterminable form, mostly with text stanza
As it is clearly apparent from what has been said above about versi-
fication of the texts, there is no real distinction between eight- and
18 In other songs of the Rumanians, the refrain lines are to be found in greater number in
Banat, less frequently in Transylvania, Bibor, and Maramure~.

[ 10 ]
Introduction to Part One
seven-syllable text lines or between those of six and five syllables, since
the smaller syllable forms can be enlarged by means of extension sylla-
bles. This strict rule cannot be applied when counting the syllables of a
refrain, for versification patterns here admit other verse feet in addition
to the trochee. In such a refrain as, for instance, mus. ex. Nos. 51 or
61a.-h., we find a five-syllable refrain with an open, unstressed final
syllable. Since an extension is attached only to stressed final syllables,
this refrain cannot be completed and, therefore, must be considered a
five-syllable line. The number of syllables of a refrain, then, is deter-
mined in the following way: with closed, stressed final syllables, an
extension syllable is generally also counted (for example, in the refrain
of mus. ex. No. 73n.)13
- N.B. The refrain of mus. ex. No. 22 must be classed as a three-syllable type,
since syllable extension is inconceivable here. An open, unstressed final syllable
appears in only one case: the second refrain of mus. ex. No. 113; here no extension
syllable is counted.
Classes A and B are now divided into subclasses, on the basis of the
number of melody lines. 14
Subclass B I: one melody-line.l5
A I and B II: two melody-lines.
A II and B III: three melody-lines.
A III and B IV: four melody-lines.
Certain sequential or rhythmic repetitions, which would seem to form
a melody of five or six lines, are not counted as proper lines; melodies
containing such "double lines" fall under the three-line or four-line
groups. (For instance. mus. ex. Nos. 9-12e., and so forth, are considered
as three-line rather than five-line, since the first and third lines are each
considered as being composed of 6 + 6 syllables.) All those melody
sections that I consider double lines constitute, in my estimation, a
certain unity, a kind of double phrase. For this reason I have not classed
them as two distinct melody lines.
The syllable numbers of the individual melody lines are shown by

18 Unfortunately, in mus. ex. Nos. 63, 64a.b., the extension syllable was mistakenly not
counted in the refrain. On the basis of the correct syllabic count, these melodies should be
listed as 8, 6, 8 (see further below) between mus. ex. Nos. 70 and 71.
14 A melody line is that portion of the melody falling upon a text line. Refrain lines of more
than four syllables count as proper text lines; those of four or fewer syllables are, depending
on the musical relationship, considered as one text line with the preceding or following proper
text line.
15 One-line melodies are evidently incomplete types whose entire form has remained un-

[ 11 ]
Introduction to Part One
italicized arabic numerals, separated one from the other by commas
(mus. ex. No. 5c.: 8, 8, 9); the aforementioned double lines, by two
figures joined with a plus sign (mus. ex. No.9: 6 6, 6, 6 +
6).16 If all +
the lines of a melody stanza have the same number of syllables (iso-
metric stanza structure), then we need only one figure to show the
syllabic count of all lines of the stanza (mus. ex. Nos. 1a.b., 2, and so
forth: 6). In incomplete forms (where on account of comparison with
variants, we decide that the form is incomplete), those figures referring
to the hypothetically missing lines are given in parenthesis. In those
cases involving isometric stanza structure, the figures are usually given
separately for each melody line.
Every subclass is, in turn, divided into groups according to the syllabic
counts of the melody lines, progressing from lesser to greater number of
syllables (see Table 1).
Further subdivision follows next on the basis of the rhythm of the
melody line. This division is the most difficult to achieve for two rea-
sons: (1) the original tempo giusto17 performance has, in many cases,
given way to a more or less rubato style; (2) originally equal values (for
example, .I .I) are replaced, again in many cases, by unequal values (for
example, .I . .1').18 Where such difficulties arise the original rhythm must
-solely theoretically-be established through analogies, and the di-
vision attempted; a process wherein, naturally, the SUbjectivity of the
concept cannot always be excluded. The ordering in this sort of classi-
fication must, in the same way, be governed by the progression from
the simple to the complex. First the isometric groups are divided into
two subgroups, labeled ex) and ~) in Table 1: in those with isorhythmic
melodies (that is, in which the melody lines have the same rhythm) and
in those with heterorhythmic melodies (unlike rhythm of the melody
16 The upbeats fall on a non-integral part of the text (mostly on the syllables ai, ai, hili, hei,
a, t, ca, da, §i; often on a hummed consonant, like m, iI) and are distinguished by a wavy under-
line; they are not to be considered in the syllabic count of text lines.
17) I use tempo giusto to indicate performance in strict dance tempo.
18 The evidence points to tempo giusto (strict dance rhythm) as the original rhythm for all
Colinda melodies. But there are many variant groups where some-usually the predominating
number--<>f the variants have tempo giusto rhythm. The others, however, show a parlando-
rubato rhythm, apparently derivable from the tempo giusto rhythm of the first-mentioned
group. (For instance, mus. ex. No. 12 has seventeen tempo giusto variants, as against eleven
parlando.) Occasionally, however, we find a melody or variant group in the parlando-rubato
rhythm, of which the tempo giusto variants are unknown at the time, so that the hypothesis
may be drawn that its parlando-rubato rhythm is only a manipulation of an undiscovered or no
longer extant tempo giusto rhythm. Similarly, a rhythm of unequal values can be regarded, in
certain cases, as a transformation of an originally equal-valued rhythm.

[ 12 ]
Introduction to Part One
The subgroups thus achieved, in addition to the remaining unclassified
heterometric groups (in which melody lines are of unlike syllabic
number), are ordered according to the rhythm of the individual (first)
melody lines, progressing again from simpler to more complex. The
pattern aJJJJIJJJ ~ is, for example, simpler than AJ'JUliJUI; the
latter, in turn, i simpler than ~nJJlwJII. The resulting classifications
are numbered I., 2., 3., and so on, in Table I.





a) 6,5,6, . . .

b) 6, (= 6, 6, 6,) I 1.

BJ ilJ)liJ~
~JJ JJ IJd,~
..,;·t~c..wl~ ~.~

1. ~nnn il 9-10 20
2. ~JWJ!in ~ 11

AlI c) 6 + 6,6,6+6,21 3, inJlnJ ~ 12

4. K+a+~nJJ'nR 13-14
L5. N nU I J)! 15
d) 6,6,7, . . . 16
e) 6,6,8, ' . . 17
I) 6, 9, 6,22 18-19
g) 8,6,6, . 20
h) 8,6, IO, ' 21
i) 9,6,6, 22
j) 9,6,9, ' 23

19 In both melodies an original rhythm of ~J JIJ .11.1; 1 was assumed.

20 In No. 10 the pair 01 quarter notes is replaced with a pair 01 eighth notes.
~I I ot to be regarded as I2, 6, I2!
22 Two different rhythmic comhinations.

[ 13 ]
Introduction to Part One


I 11.~+a+BnlJ)I~J'1
a) 6, 6, 5, 6, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
25-28 23

A III b) 6, (= 6, 6, 6, 6')1:~ ~. ~+~~J.JI.J.~I · . 29

c) 6, 8, 6, 6, . · . 32
d) 8, 6, 6, 6,22 33-34
B 122 35-36
a) 6,8, . . . · . 37
b) 8,6,24 . . . . . . 38-40
1. B')UJIJ')JJ I 41-47

c) 8, (= 8, 8,) ex) \1 2.
",,' ~ )JJ II )J ))1
'"'ltH'H-1 n~rl
t n HI n ).). · . 48
~). . · . 65
d) 8, IZ,22 . . . . 50-51
e) IZ,8, . ....•. 52-53
· . 54
f) IZ, (= IZ, IZ,) {~~ 22 55-56
a) 5,8,8, . · . 57
b) 8, 5, 8,25 58-67
c) 8,6,6, . · . 68
d) 8,6,8, . 69-70
e) 8,6, II,. · . 71
f) 8,8,6, . 72-73
1. ... ..,{% J J J J I J J J JJ 74-79 26

2. gJlJ J II J>J Hn 80-93 27
_, ~unlnnl
g) 8, (= 8, 8, 8,) ex)
innl )I,U)! I
~nJl)IUn l
12)U.J!lnn l

28The rhythm appears partially modified in mus. ex. Nos. 25 and 27.
24Three different rhythmic combinations.
25 Six different rhythmic combinations.
26 In mus. ex. Nos. 74-76, 78, the rhythm seems partially modified.
17 The second melody-line has a partially modified rhythm in some of the music examples
listed here.

[ 14 ]
Introduction to Part One


3. 94---95
4. . • 96
~) 28 97- 104
h) 8,8, I2, 105
i) 8, II, I2, 106
j) 8, I2, 8, 107

a) 8,5,8,5, 108-110
b) 8,6, B, 6, 111-113
1. lJ1TIIi1T.l 1 114---115

2.••.JtiJJJ I )J)JI 116-119

B IV c) B, (= 8, 8, B, 8,) tt) ~H~lrHH

3. V'Jlllnnl 120
4. in ,j.) 1n;.)1 121
WV. 122 3 D-126
d) 8, 8, 6 + 6, B, 127
e) 8, I4, I4, 8, 128
f) IO, 8, I3. B, . 129

We refer here to the "sapphic" rhythm n J I J I (see mus. ex. No. 73) as
a :comparatively rare occurrence in Rumanian folk music. It is perhaps the
one exception to the rule propounded on p. 8 (above), according to which melody
sections containing proper text lines (not refrains) always divide metrically into
2 + 2 + 2( + 2) syllables. As I know from personal exchange of information with
Mr. Constantin Bdiiloiu, founder and leader of the Folklore Archives of the
Societatea Compozitorilor Romdni in Bucharest, he considers this pattern as an un-
Rumanian rhythm. The fact that it occurs much more frequently among the
neighboring peoples of the Rumanians seems to justify his suggestion. 31

A further division of the classifications, thus established, ensues in

terms of the level of the final tone of the individual melody lines:
(a) in two-line melodies, according to the final tone of line 1;
(b) in three-line melodies, first of all according to the final tone of the
main caesura (which occurs at the end of line 2 of all three-line Colinda

28 Seven different rhythmic combinations.

29 Five different rhythmic combinations.
30 See note to mus. ex. No. 122.
31 [A note by C. Brailoiu (see fn. 4, above) informs us that "This conviction, shared by
Bart6k, seems erroneous today. In all probability, the rhythmic formula in question belongs
to the so-called "syllabic giusto" (more exactly, to its trichonous variety), a system that is not
specifically Rumanian, but particularly frequent in Rumania."]

[ 15 ]
Introduction to Part One
melodies printed here), secondly according to the final tone of the other
caesura (or, in other words, of line 1);
(c) in four-line melodies, first according to the final tone of the main
caesura (here, too, at the end of line 2), secondly according to the final
tone of line 1, and thirdly according to that of line 3.
The ordering of the subclassification, thus achieved, is determined by
the level of the cadential tone involved, progressing from low to high. For
example, four-line melodies having gi as the main caesura are classified
before those with a i . Melody line caesurae are indicated according to the
following system of symbols:
, 0'-
t • I cs
..,. ....... ~";" ; I : i j 1 : j I f :
I iLli";r:inir:m I,d I.!; , 7 8 ~

Possible accidentals are prefixed to the symbol ( ~3 .61~ ).

The final tone of the main caesura is marked with 0, that of the pre-
ceding melody line with ], and that of the following line with [. Thus,
for example, 6, ~ 0
[1 indicates a four-line, isometric melody (mus. ex.
No. 29) which has six-syllable lines; the first melody line ending on b i ,
the second on ai, and the third on d 2 . 32 As another example (mus. ex.
No. 71a.), 8, 6, II, ~ [iI indicates a three-line heterometric melody which
has an eight-syllable, first melody line ending on ai, a six-syllable
second line ending on c 2 , and an eleven-syllable third line. 32
If, after all the divisions described above, still another classification is
required, it is decided according to the range (ambitus) of the melodies,
progressing from smaller to larger. Thus, for example, mus. ex. No.9,
with a range of six scalar degrees (IV-z = cLa i ) is classed before No.
lOa. (IV-P3 = cLbip).
No system, including the one described above, offers a mechanical
means for grouping of all the variants. Since it is very important, how-
ever, that all variants of a melody should be published as a unified group
and not scattered, I have-aided by the grouping system and a thorough
inspection of the entire body of material-primarily assembled the
melodies into variant groups, without regard to like or unlike construc-
tion of individual group members. At the head of each variant group
stands that member in which the structure is least altered and which
seems closest to the predetermined prototype. In the grouping of the

32 The last melody line always ends, of course, on gl.

[ 16 ]
Introduction to Part One
material as a whole, the ordering of the variant groups was determined
only by the structure of the first (a.) variant.
Those melodies constituting a single variant group carry the same
arabic number, the individual members being distinguished by letter
designations (a., b., c., and so on). The order of variant members within
the frame of an individual variant group is generally decided by a pro-
gression from simpler to more complex. Extended and, too, incomplete
variants (in which one or more melody lines of the full form are lacking)
appear at the end of the variant group.


Table 2 presents a clear illustration of scale and range factors.

Upon examination of the scales, it did not seem enough merely to
specify the scale without also determining its main degrees and the
latent harmonic relationships contained in the melody. Main degrees
(indicated by whole notes in Table 2) I consider to be those which almost
always fallon stronger beats than the remaining degrees, and which
therefore appear as more or less stressed degrees in the melody.33 In
other words, in terms of a popular explanation, main degrees are con-
sidered to be those which, when grouped chordally, can provide a con-
tinuous, most primitive accompaniment for the melody.34
In many melodies the function of the main degrees is so obscured that
they are not clearly discerned, as is the case in (Table 2) scale patterns
2., 9., and 17. Pattern 2. was, originally, apparently like pattern 1.;
pattern 9. stems, apparently, from pattern 8.; and pattern 17, from
either 12., 13., 19., or 21. Other melodies, again, especially those struc-
tured in the modern major or minor modes, show no trace degrees in the
sense referred to, but have scale degrees showing the familiar harmonic
functions of our major and minor system. In the determination of the
scale of such melodies, indication of latent chords rather than main
degrees was of importance, as in patterns 23., 25.-29. Marginal notes in
Table 2 offer information concerning the harmonic relationships in the
patterns already listed, as well as for others. It should be noted that the

33 In many melodies some melody lines are not alike in this respect, so that, in specifying
the scale of these melodies, other main degrees had to be given for the particular melody lines
(for example, Table 2, scale patterns 3., 6., and 16.).
34 If gl is not included among the main degrees, then the final note of the melody must
naturally have another chord underlying it (for example, Table 2, scale patterns 10.-\3.:
~ j 14.- \6.: _ ).

[ 17 ]
Introduction to Part One
final tone (tonus linalis) is, in every pattern, the note gl (indicated by
the sign +).
As concerns the ordering of scales in Table 2, I have arranged under
a given number those scales which show the same main degrees, and
those which display identical harmonic relationships, without regard
for minor differences in range or in the chromatic alteration of the less
important degrees. Thus, those patterns grouped under one number
represent a scale family, rather than a single scale.
- N.B. The use of parenthesis for the small-head note scale degrees and for
accidentals signifies alternatives for the degrees or accidentals in question. Thus,
among the melodies included under a given number, some have scales consisting
only of large-head note degrees, others have them made up of parenthetical small-
head note degrees or degree groups standing before or after large-head note de-
grees. The signs L-.J and .--, are used to indicate the range (ambitus) of
scales in which the small-size notation both precedes and succeeds the large.
The intonation of some degrees is not always pure or tempered. Speci-
fically, the fourth degree in patterns 3.,5.,9., 11., 13., 15.-17., and 20.
is often of fluctuating, lower intonation. Fluctuating, higher intonation
of the third degree is also found in patterns 3., 11., and 20. Unfortunately,
I had no access to apparatus for the accurate measurement of pitch.
More noticeable deviations from pure intonation are indicated in the
melodies with the signs t and +, ~ and o/a.

(Examples from Maramure~ are enumerated following the indication Mar.)

Number of
Description and Music Example Nos. with I without

1. ki -&.
I, ,.,: 12t.u., 81c.i. 2 4

2. ,
......~ : , . : 94 a. b. 2

3. & •
w e
:; .~. (Second line on ~)S5:
10 a.

85 That is, the second line has ~~ as main degrees.

[ 18 ]
Introduction to Part One
umber of
Description and Music Example ros. Melodies
with I without

9, 12cc., 52 c.,
4C.o t 'F -)!' 'IF~)0) "
4. t (I.) ill :;::E: 69, 81 b.d., 102 7 9
• ~". j., 128a. b .

5. 81 a. j . 2
~-.- f" and ..... .. ! . 36
32, 41, 43 3 3

7. &.0 f. : 10 b., 65. 2 2

19 q b) c) 42 b., 59 a. b., 61 k.,
~~ :. i·1 )(
. 37
8. Ih :I I~ !Io 73 ff., 74 b., 99 b., 7 9
102 k. 1.

9. t~. ; ,. 74 a. 38

10. ~
(-)(:;:. ;( )
:1 i, ,.)
Half-cadence at end: 39 7 b., 12 a. i.
n. z. bb., 34b., 35, 5~51 , 58a., 61h., 12 20
66 b., 80, 107 a.-e., Mar. 7.
II. fl.
i I'
",.,14 , HaIf-cadence at cnd: 39 12 e. f. j.-1. p.,
62 dd . ff . hh .-JJ.,
.. 104 J..
' k 3 13

• "lIh~
Half-cadence at end :40 3 a.-c., 7 a., 12 c. d ., IS, 20, 28, 34 a., 31 66
45 a. b. V., 46. a. b., 47, 52 a. b. e., 54, 58 b., 61 a . b. d . f.
g. I., 62 p., 621. n., 66 a. c., 73 u., 75 a. b., 83 a. b., 84 a.,
95 j. k., 102 b. c. f., 103, 104 a.-i. k., 106, III a.-e., 117 a.
b., 121 k., 127 a. b., Mar. 1.
36 ome part, of the melody show, a main degrees of the scale, tho; degrees drawn in
whole notes in the second pattern.
37 o.called "third·m lodies" with apparently Phrygian seal and main degrees of el~, gl
and bl~ . l' or these melodies one may imagine a econd voice, made up of scale tone and
movin.g parall'l to the mclod)' at a third helow, in which case the melody ends with a major
. gl
thlrd:.1 •
38 This melody originally must have had the scale given under B.a). It present form, in
which no main degrees arc discernible, mu t be regarded as a corrupted ver ion.
39 That i , i~~. In three-line forms with the structure A 0 A (see Table 3 and the com·

ments thereto), the fir5t line al end with the same half·cadence .


.0 That is, . In three·line forms with the structure A B ,\ (see Table 3 and the
comments thereto) the fir ' t line al 0 ends with the same half·cadence.

[ 19 ]
I ntroduction to Part One

Number of
Description and ~lusic Example Kos.
with Iwithout
- - -- - - - - - - -
Half-cadence at cnd :10 12 aa., 21 C.-e. h. i. n.
13. _ 0=, U.-x., 52 d., 61 C., 620., 68, 71 a. g., 81 h., 9 18
83 c.
14. ~~.~~~~~§I~~: 71 b.-d., 73 h. s. ii. rr. ss., 76. 3 9

15. W$ 0 01). 12 r., 73 f. 1. 111. p. r., 109. 3 7

16. ~jji'~L~1I ",5%. : 56 a. b. c. 3

a: b) c)
17. 10 16
12 h., 26 a. b., 33 a. b ., 57, 62 e. aa.-cc., ee., 73 v. kk.,
102 d., 120, 126.

18'W~ht~, 5 11

with Phrygian cadence: 41 61 c., 62 a.-d. I. g., 73 d. jj.,

95 i., 113.

22 43
10 c., 12 m. s. v. x. z., 21 m. aa., 27, 36, 62 u. V.X . , 73 j.
k. t. x. gg. 11.-00., 78 a. b., 81 g., 84 b., 86 h., 87 c. d.,
92 b. d . c., 102 c. h., 108, 112 a. b., 115 c., Mar. 2,4,8, 11,

20. Itf:¥H)tI:±: 44 a., 73 i. aa. 2 3

21. v~ · I:o;::O::C:, 10 17
with tonic and dominant chords: 42 13, 19,21 a., 37 b., 38 a.,

62 h. i. m. gg., 73 a.-c. e., 79 a. b., 96.
II 2 2
, ~ oi· o ; 12y., lOOc.

4l That is, • .

"2 Thal is, the melody contains, a. latcnt harmony, the tonic and dominant triad inter-
changeably: one i,; possible as the accompaniment rhord for many portion. of the melody; the
other, for the remainder.

[ 20 ]
Introduction to Part One

.:. ' umbcr of

Description and ".\Iusic Example. 'os.
with Iwithout

with tonic and dominant chords :42

45 c.-I., 100I., 115b.d., 118a., 5 IS
Jfar. 13 d.

24. :gi1 .~.Ir-'IIb)(~: 26 c" 73 y. cc., 118

b. 3 4

25. =9a~iPai6'*.tkY'.'¥I~)7·
~It;.:..-- . (.) ~ 67 156

with tonic and dominant chords: 42 I a. b .. 4, 5 b., 6, 8, 14,

16 a.-c., 17-18, 21 b. f. g. i.-I., o.-t. y. Z., 23 a. b., 24-25,
26 d., 29. 30 a., 39-40, 44 b. c ., 45 m.-u., 49, 53 a. b., 59 c.
d., 60, 61 i. i., 62i. k. r.-t., 63, 64 a.-g., 67 a. b., 71 f.,
73 g. n. z. dd. ceo hh., 77, 81 f., 82 a. b., 84 C., 85 a. b.,
86 a.-g., 88 a.-c., 89, 91., 95 a.-f., 97, 100 a. b. d. e. g. i.,
102 a., lOS, 114 a.-d., 115 a., 116, 121 a.-i. I.-r., 122 a. b.,
123-125, 130-131, 132 a. b ., 133, Mar. 3, 6 a.-c., 9 a. b.,
lOa. b., 12,13a.-c.c., 14,17-18.

#* --
%r c) with tonic and dominant
~"W;;Jl<#, ehords: 42 72, 95 I. .lIar. IS. 3 3

with subdominant and tonic chords :43 6 7

27. 48, 62 y., 92 a., 93, 95 g. h., 102 g.

28. §! . " ~~t~. subdominant and tonic chords: 43 12 CT., 2 2

~+=-;:JCeE with subdominant, dominant, and tonic 2

29. ~, chords: 44 98, 110.

5 a. c., 70, 73 O. 3 4

31. §t.,
. 'I.t-,af.
b) c
2,99 a., 129. 3 3

32. §t+±¥-: 90, 102 i. 2 2

43 That i~, thc mclody contain. , a~ latent harmony, the tonic and subdominant triads,
4-\ That is, the lIlelody COI\I(lin~, . s latent h(lrmon y, lhe tonic anc! (\omin(lnt triad, inter·

[ 21 ]
Introduction to Part One

Number of
Description and Music Example Nos.
with Iwithout

33. : 12 dd.

II, 12 b . 0., 22, 31, 37

a. b., 42 a., 55, 71 e., 16 19
73 pp., 81 e., 87 a. b.,
92 c., 101,l19,Mar.5,
35. Scale with chromatic steps: 30 b ., 100 h. 2 2

Total : 481

In scales with discernible main degrees, certain relationships are ap-

parent. If the final tone of the melody or of the scale is transposed a
fifth higher, the following derivations result:
pattern 19. > pattern I. (mus. ex. nos. 12m.s.v. > 12t.u.), pattern
21. > pattern 4. (102m. > 102j.).
If the final tone is raised a third:
pattern 21. > pattern 8. (73a.b.c.e. > 73ff.; 102i. > 102j.).
If the final tone is raised a second:
pattern 19. > pattern 10. (12m.s.v. >, pattern 21. >
pattern 12. ( > 62p.; 73a.-c., e. >
If the final tone is lowered a fourth:
pattern 19. > pattern 30. (73j.k. > 730.), pattern 21. > pattern 31.
(no example for this relationship).
A similar relationship exists between pattern 20. and patterns 3.,
11.; also between pattern 22 and patterns 5., 13.
- N.B. Patterns 13., 14., and 15. are isolated types, demonstrating no re-
lationships to other patterns.


Table 3 presents information concerning the content-structure of the

individual melody lines. Each capital letter in the table indicates a
melody line; lines of like content are described by the same letter.
Double lines are indicated with two capital letters joined with the plus
sign. In signs such as Av , B v , and so on, the subscript (= variant) indi-
[ 22 ]
Introduction to Part One
cates a small differentiation of content-structure, mostly at the end of
the melody lines. B5 means a transposition at the lower fifth; B4, the
lower fourth.

TABLE 3 45


(Examples from Maramure~46 are enumerated following the indication Mar.)

Number of
with Iwithout
Description and Music Example Nos.

1. !!v}: 38 a. b., 43, 48, 54, 56 a.-c. 5 8

2. A Av (I2, 8 = 4 + 4,4,4 + 4; cf. schema 8.): 52 a.-e.,

'Ts'f'fute ~e 53 a. b., 55. 3 8

3. A B: 1 a. b., 2, 37 a.-c., 39-41, 42 a. b., 44 a.-c.,

45 a.-v., 46 a. b., 47, 49-51, Mar. 1.-2. 16 43
4. A A B: 72,90,97. 3 3
5. A B A l:
3 c., 8, 18,58 a., 59 a., 60, 61 a.-e. h. j. k.,
A B Av J 62 a.-t. cc., 63, 64 a.-g., 65, 66 a.-c., 69-70,
71 a.-e. g., 73 bb. gg., 76-77, 79 a. b., 80,
81 a.-j., 82a. b., 83 a.-c., 84a.-c., 85a. b.,
86 a.-h., 87 a.-d., 89, 91, 92 a. b. d. e., 93,
95a.-1., 102a.-m., Mar. 6a., 9a. b., lOa.
b. 36 130
6. A B B }. 5 a.-c., 6,7 a., 19,21 a.-s. u., 57, 68, 73 u.
A B Bv • v. aa., 74 a. b., 92 c., 99 a. b., 103, 106,
Mar. 4, 13 b. 15 39

7. ABC: 3 a. b., 4, 7 b., 16 a. b., 17, 20, 21 t., 22,
23 a. b., 61 f. g. i. 1., 67 a. b., 71 f., 73 a.-t.
X.-z. cc.-ff. hh., 75 a. b., 78 a. b., 94 a. b.,
96, 98, 100 a.-i., 101, 104 a.-k. 27 87

8. !t~~!t~
A+B Bv A+Bv (6+6,6,6+6; cf. schema 2.) 9, 10 7 14
A+B C A+B a.-c., 11, 12 a.-e. 1.

45 Melodies of incomplete structure, with one or more melody lines of the prototype missing,
are not listed here.
46 [See fn. 1, above.]

[ 23 ]
Introduction to Part One
Number of
Description and Music Example Nos. with Iwithout

9. ABAB}
A B A Bv : 25, 32, 34 a. b., 108, 110 a.-e. 6 11
10. A B A(v) Bs }. 2 ..
A B A(v) B4 .6 aa.-]J. 10

11. ABBA }
A B Bv Av : 128 a., 129. 2 2
~ 10
~ 12. A ABC: 24, 30 a. b., 115 a.-d., 124, 133, Mat'. 4. 6

:§ 13. A B A C: 109, 112 a. b., Mat'. 15. 3 4

.!. 14. ABC B: 16 c., 27-28, 33 a. b., 114 a. b., 116, 127
a. b. 7 10
15. ABC C: 121 j. k. 2
16. ABC D: 26 a.-c., 29, 73 ii.-oo., 113, 117 a. b., 119-
120, 121 a.-Ll.-r., 123, 125-126, Mat'. 17-
19. 14 37
Total: 418

Melodies listed for schemata 2. and 8. have a related structure. If, in

scheme 2., each set of four syllables is considered as one line, then the
stanza structure 4 + 4, 4, 4 + 4 is obtained, which is very close to the
stanza structure of schema 8.: 6 + 6, 6, 6 + 6. Moreover, if each set of
four syllables or that part of the melody falling thereon in schema 2. is
considered as one melody line or as half a double line, and is labelled
with a capital letter, schema 8. is then obtained.
Unfortunately I had no opportunity in the first years of my research
to witness the Colinda singing at Christmas time and, therefore, the
extra-musical customs of these folkways. Partly from lack of time in the
villages visited, I also neglected to inform myself about the manner and
method of Colinda singing, limiting myself rather to the collection of
material from qualified persons. Therefore, I cannot report anything on
the question of performance characteristics of the material from Mara-
mur~, Satmar, Mur~-Turda, Cluj, Turda-Ari~, Bihor, Arad, and T~.
I had more success in Hunedioara and Alba de jos, where I could observe
the following characteristics in the singing of Colinda songs.
[ 24 ]
Introduction to Part One
The change song in Hunedioara.-In this area the Colinda melodies
are perfonned as change songs by two choruses of boys (each in unison,
of course); the change occurs from stanza to stanza. The interchange
takes place without any pause; indeed, in many perfonnances the first
eighth note of the new entry or new stanza falls on the last eighth note
of the preceding stanza.
The change song in Alba de jos.-Here, too, change singing is the prac-
tice in Colinda perfonnance, but with an added characteristic: the new
entry always occurs before the preceding stanza ends (see mus. ex. Nos.
2, 12v., 39, 59c., 62v., 86h., 87c.d., 88b.c.), so that in many cases the last
one or two beats of the melody sound together with the opening beats.
It seems-and the recordings bear witness-that the entry of the next
stanza almost always follows on the same, identical spot; it would, how-
ever, be necessary to observe this kind of perfonnance more often and
more carefully, in order to be able to determine whether the place of
entry is actually fixed or how far inconstant.
The change song practice just described gives the listener the im-
pression of eager haste on the part of the perfonners: as if the crowd of
singing boys cannot, for sheer impatience, await the end of the stanza;
indeed, that they must start the new stanza during the closing portion
of the preceding one in order to reach the end of the-usually quite long
-Colinda text and thus be able to visit more houses. Apparently this
noteworthy perfonnance practice is responsible for the incomplete fonn
(two-line instead of three-line) of most Colinda melodies of Alba de jos.
As I understand orally from Mr. Sabin V. Driigoi of Timi~oara, who has
also gathered Colinda songs in this area, he observed the same trait in the
perfonnances there.


In Hunedioara, Alba de jos, and Bihor-as far as I know-only boys

or men sing Colinda songs; in Maramure~, boys and girls (separately). I
have no definite infonnation on this score about other areas. In the
western fringe of Timi~ and neighboring Torontal the custom of Colinda
singing has already died out among the Rumanian peasantry, so that I
could obtain very few Colinda songs from the Rumanian peasants there.
In fact, almost all of the Colinda singing in this area has gone over into
gypsy hands, therefore almost all the Colindas from the aforementioned
territory stem from gypsy sources. The gypsies sing Colinda melodies to
Rumanian texts, exceptionally to Romany texts.
[ 25 ]
Introduction to Part One
Regarding the original pitch of the melodies, it is apparent from avail-
able information that women sing mostly in their lower register; the
lowest tone among old women is not infrequently g and even f. Men, on
the other hand, sing mostly in their higher register.


As is generally known, the lyric and epic texts of the other Rumanian
peasant songs are bound to no specific melody.47 In Colinda songs this
practice does not seem to be generally true, since we find here some
examples that show the connection of a text to a special melody. Thus,
for instance, we see in mus. ex. Nos. 1a.b., 16a.--c., 30a.b., 44a.--c.,
73mm.--oo., 74a.b., 99a.b., 112a.b., 11Sa.b.d., and 127a.b. that the melo-
dy variants of any given group are performed to variants of the given
text, which certainly cannot be ascribed to any accident. Naturally, in
mus. ex. Nos. 130-133, which stem from popular art songs, the text and
melody constitute a related unit, as is also the case in other Rumanian
songs of similar source. The projected basic investigation of this ques-
tion, through repeated hearings of the same Colinda songs sung by the
same performers at different times, and so forth, was rendered impossi-
ble by the untimely end of my collecting trips.
I t is important also to determine how far the refrain is related and
whether to the text or to the melody. The often entirely special rhythm
of many refrains implies that such refrains cannot be used in any melo-
dy, but only in those melodies in which the corresponding melody
portion moves in like rhythm. If several refrains (as, for example,
Domnuluj Doamne, Florile dalbe, and Juneluj bunu) have the same
rhythm (in this case xx.?< Ixx ), it is naturally possible-and it occurs
frequently-that the same melody is found bound to one refrain in one
text or locality and to another refrain in another text or locality. For
example, one finds in some variants of mus. ex. Nos. 61 and 62 the
refrain Domnuluj Doamne, in others, Florile dalbe, and in a third portion
of No. 62 variants, Juneluj bunu.
Refrains of equivalent rhythm are, among others, mostly those eight-
syllable refrains which show a meter of four trochees (mus. ex. Nos. 46a.,
62t., 74b., 81d.e., and 102k.1.) as well as those six-syllable refrains con-
sistingof three trochees (mus. ex. Nos. Sa.b., 12a.-e., and 30a.b.). As a
result of the investigation of this problem, it can be stated that in
47 See, under the same subtitle, the discussion concerning this point in my Maramure~
publication [fn. 1, above]. (The marginal note there offers a rather unsatisfactory comment.)

[ 26 ]
Introduction to Part One
individual refrains some relationship to melodies as well as to texts
is to be observed, though usually not in parallel occurrence. Con-
cerning the connection of many refrains to many texts, one finds
first that some refrains (mus. ex. Nos. IOc., 12y., 19, 21a.-s., U.-Z.,
23a., 25, 33a.b., and 34a.b.) occur only in connection with six-syllable
texts. Secondly, we see that those so-called "Family" Colinda texts,
sung in honor of a girl, almost always must have only specific refrains,
as in mus. ex. Nos. 62t., 76, 80, 81d.f.-h., 83a., 84c., 85a., 86g.,
92a.-d., 97b., and 116. "Family" Colinda texts sung in honor of boys
very often have a refrain, as in mus. ex. Nos. 62j.-1.n., 81e., 86f., 87b.c.,
and 88b.c.
Text variant groups always having the same refrain are, strictly
speaking, not found; on the other hand, one ratherfrequently encounters
melody variant groups bound to a specific refrain. It follows, therefore,
that a refrain relationship to specific melodies occurs in significantly
greater amount than to specific texts.
The absence of refrains in melodies whose variants are sung with
refrain, or in those of incomplete form, can be considered a matter of
loss. For if, as an example, a melody variant lacks that portion of its
melody to which the refrain is ordinarily set, then it is easily seen thatthe
omitted part accounts for the disappearance of the refrain. The lack of
the refrain in mus. ex. Nos. 2, 4 and 48 is explained by the fact that these
melodies are really incomplete forms of hitherto unknown three-line
stmctures. Those melodies in which no omission can be assumed, and
of which no variants with refrain are known (mostly Cantec de Stea
melodies), are most probably altered borrowings from some body of
popular art music.
A further question concerning the relationship of the text to the
melody is the following: In what way are the individual text lines set to
the individual lines of the music? First, it must be determined which
portion of the melody bears the refrain; secondly, in what way the
proper text lines are attached to the other portions of the melody. In
three-line melodies the refrain in the content stmcture {A B
and so forth} (schemata 5. and 8. in Table 3) is almost always set to

the second melody line. In the content-stmcture {A B B(v) } (schemata


[ 27 ]
Introduction to Part One
6. and 7.) the refrain is set mostly to the third melody line. 4S In four-
line melodies the refrain in the content-structure {AABAC
BAB} (schemata
9., 10., and 13.) is set mostly to the second and fourth melody lines (re-

peatedl), and m the content-structure 1
(schemata 12. and
14.) the refrain is found mostly under the third melody line.
The setting of the individual text line is treated in various ways. For
example, if two melody lines (without refrain) remain free for the proper
text lines, one and the same text line is repeated for both melody lines;
if three remain free, then one text line is repeated, as before, and the
following text line is sung to the third melody line. But it must be
observed that the repetition of proper text lines already described also
takes place in another fashion; indeed, since there is no strict rule about
repetition, it can occur in different manner from stanza to stanza. I
publish the melodies here with the exact setting as sung in the first
stanza. The setting of the following stanzas is given in Part Two (Texts
and Translations) as far as it can be determined through recording or
otherwise. According to these particulars, one can well realize the text
setting of the entire song, although I must point out again that, in actual
village performance, the performer often permits himself deviations
from the text setting adopted at the beginning of the performance. This
freedom does not, however, apply to the setting of the refrain, which in
almost all cases always remains the same.
A noteworthy kind of text setting, not yet mentioned, is found in
three-line melodies performed as change songs by two choruses, in which
the second melody line is always set to the refrain:
ISt Chorus, beginning with stanza I: first melody line on first text line,
third melody line on second text line;
2nd Chorus, following with st. 2: first and third melody lines each on
the second text line;
ISt Chorus, following with st. 3: first melody line on third text line;
third melody line on fourth text line;
2nd Chorus, following with st. 4: first and third melody lines each on
the fourth text line; and so on.
In melodies with schema 8. of Table 3 the text setting occurs in similar
fashion, except that every pair of (six-syllable) text lines is grouped to-
48 In three A B B(v} forms-mus. ex. Nos. 57, 103, and Mar. 4-the refrain is found under
the first melody line, in three others-mus. ex. Nos. 7a., 99a. and b.-under the second and
third melody lines.
[ 28 ]
Introduction to Part One
gether as a unit of twelve syllables for the melody's double lines (6+6).
Another procedure: each (double) melody line is set to a REPEATED text
Chorus I, then, gives the impression of having the leading role, in
that it intones the new text lines, while Chorus II only imitates what the
other ensemble has already stated, and actually only the second half of

Even a superficial reading of Tables 1, 2 ,and 3 above shows clearly
that the Colinda melodies represent no unified style overall. The indi-
vidual style of peasant melodies is characterized by "many like-con-
structed melodies, all of which show one or more related patterns." 49
There are, however, numerous and quite varied patterns in the three
Only the following can be listed as general characteristic features of the
majority of Colinda melodies:
(a) Three-line stanza structure, with main caesura at the end of the
second melody line; and
(b) Tempo giusto rhythm. 50
Closer inspection of the material, however, reveals certain stylistic
features characteristic only of individual regions. In fact, only the
Colinda melodies from Hunedioara and the neighboring Alba de jos, on
the one hand, and from Bihor on the other, show a specific character.
Hunedioara and Alba de jos.-The main characteristics are
(1) Mostly three-line isorhythmic stanzas, with the main caesura at the
end of the second line;
(2) Schema 5. or 8. (Table 3) content-structure;
(3) Rhythm of the individual lines (in A B A(v) structure): pattern B
III g) IX) 2. (Table 1);
(4) Final tone of the main caesura: usually 0;
(5) Scale: mostly patterns 19. and 25. (Table 2), less often (in thirteen
cases), but especially characteristic of Hunedioara, are patterns
1., 3.-5., and 7. (Only nine examples of the mentioned patterns are
from Torontal, Arad, Bihor, and Mure~-Turda.)
49 See Bart6k, Hungarian Folk Music, p. 8.
50 The parlando-fubato performance of many Colinda melodies is, as mentioned above, to
be regarded merely as an extension of the original tempo giusto rhythm.

[ 29 ]
Introduction to Part One
Bihoy.-Features of this area are
(1) Predominantly three-line stanzas;
(2) Mostly A B A content-structure, and in addition, A B B(v) and
ABC (schema 8. of Table 3 never occurs) ;
(3) Scale: only patterns 13.-16. (Table 2: twenty-five examples) are
really characteristic (there are but seven examples from Tim~,
Arad, and Mure~-Turda).
Considering next the relationship of Colinda melodies to other types of
Rumanian peasant melodies, and to peasant music or popular-style
music of other peoples, we must preface our remarks with the obser-
vation that an exhaustive investigation of foreign influences can scarcely
be undertaken here, for we have no satisfactory comparative material.
Especially, we have no collections of winter solstice or Christmas songs of
neighboring peoples. 51 We can, nevertheless, offer some indications.
The tendency of the Colinda melodies toward three-line structure is
seen in still higher measure in the paylando Cantec melodies of Bihor
and Hunedioara. Scale patterns 13.-16. of Table 2, characteristic of the
Colinda melodies of Bihor, reflect the influence of the other peasant
melodies in that area; in fact, the latter-especially the parlando Cantec
type--display these scales almost exclusively. 52 Other relationships are
not readily discernible; indeed, the Colinda type of Alba de jos and
Hunedioara is, for instance, absolutely unlike any peasant music known
to us.
The relative diffusion of scale patterns 10.-13. of Table 2, all with
half-cadence at the end of the melody, can most plausibly be traced
back to South Slavic influence, for these scales playa predominant role
in the peasant music of that territory. 53
The very great diffusion of scale patterns 23.-26., and 29. of Table 2
51 [The author's tabulation of material from Serbo·Croatia, deposited in the Columbia
University (New York) Library and in the New York Bart6k Archive, shows only two
examples of a koleda (winter solstice or Christmas song).]
58 Cf. Bart6k, "Der Musikdialekt der Rumanen von Hunyad," (Zeitschrijt jar Musikwissen·
schajt, Vol. II, 1920), pp. 352-360. [Hunyad represents the Hungarian denomination for
58 [Cf. Bart6k, and Lord, Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs (Columbia Univ. Press, New York
1951), pp. 59-61].

[ 30 ]
Introduction to Part One
-which are really nothing but modem major and minor scales-indi-
cates the influence of Western European style. It must be pointed out
that mus. ex. Nos. 29, 45, 49, 114-115, 117 (perhaps also 120), 121-127,
and above all 130-133 especially reflect such influence. Nos. 130-133 are,
with text, most probably slightly-altered forms of borrowed art songs.
Through what mode of transmission and to what extent the influence of
Western European music could infiltrate the domain of Rumanian
Colinda melodies is a moot question, even though in certain melodies one
can point to certain parallels stemming from the West. These parallels
are illustrated by the following examples:
The Hungarian church melody given in the Appendix to the music
examples, under I., is certainly to be regarded as a variant of mus. ex.
No. 45 (especially from a.-p.).54
Mus. ex. No. 49 apparently comes from the Gradual given under III.
in the Appendix to the music examples,55 and No. 100 is the variant of
a Hungarian church melody of the seventeenth century (Appendix,


Special mention is required for those rhythmic patterns which show
a division into sixteenth notes, and which are called "Bulgarian" be-
cause they often appear in Bulgarian folk music of every kind. The char-
acteristics of Bulgarian rhythm are: (a) the smallest unit is a sixteenth
note whose rate of speed is about M.M. = 300-420+; (b) higher values
are asymetrically compounded from these short units, such as J J. or
J. J; and (c) the combination of the values J. and J can-as we also
observe in Bulgarian folk music-produce the most varied rhythmic
patterns. 57 It seems desirable to investigate the question: In these
melodies, are we not dealing with merely accidental shortenings or
lengthenings of note values on the part of the performer?
Since this kind of rhythm is sung throughout the entire region of
54 The most recent publication in which this church melody is found, and from which our
example is taken, is Harmat and Slk, Silent vagy, Uram! (Budapest, 1932), No. 11. The oldest
known source is Kisdi, Cantus Catholici. In all likelihood, the original source is the fifth antiphon
of the first Sunday in Advent (given under II. in the Appendix to the music examples, as
found in Antiphonale pro diurnis horis, Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae, 1919, p. 189).
55 Graduale de tempore et de sanctis, Ratisbonae, 1923, p. 200.
56 Found, among other places, in the chant book Szegedi, Ferenc Lenart, Cantus Catholici,
Kassa, 1674, p. 24. In the Rumanian variants the first melody line of the Hungarian variant is
lacking; the correct labelling of the former, then, would be ~ ~ !
67 Cf. W. Stoin, Grundriss der Metrik und der Rhythmik der bulgarischen Volksmusik, Sofia,

[ 31 ]
Introduction to Part One
Hunedioara and, occasionally, also in Mur~-Turda and Bihor, we must
say "no" to the above question. True, everyone who is not accustomed
to the phenomenon of Bulgarian rhythm will at first have only an im-
pression of haste in the performance, will feel that it is a matter of
6/8 J.J .J J I performed so quickly that the quarter note values are
shortened by a scarcely perceptible amount. But this hardly noticeable
shortening regularly alters the quarter note to three sixteenths (one
may easily be convinced on this point by playing the recordings at half-
speed); in fact, it appears in so many performances, from different
villages, that there can scarcely be any question of accident. 58 The follow-
ing Colinda songs are in "Bulgarian" rhythm: mus. ex. Nos. 11, 12d.x.,
52c., 60, 81a.b.d.-f., 83a.b., 85a.b., 86a.b., 87a., 92e., and 102b.i. 59


Only one Colinda melody can, with full certainty, be considered a

borrowing from the Hungarian material: mus. ex. No. 11 from my
Maramurefj publication [see fn. 1 above]. This melody, an incomplete
form, lacks the first melody line which, in any case, must have been
like the fourth. If we complete the melody, then we have a tune with the
melody-stanza structure 8, TI
@] ~, with the content-structure A A5 A5 A
(A5 means a transposition at the higher fifth). This melodic pattern
is-as is made clear in my book Hungarian F olk Music-one of the most
widespread in the so-called "new style" (Class B) of Hungarian folk
music, but is, on the other hand, almost completely unknown in Ru-
manian folk music. It may be justifiably deduced, therefore, that the
melody cited was borrowed from Hungarian material.
A noteworthy correspondence is seen in the rhythm, partly also in the
structure, of mus. ex. Nos. 12i.-m., 26a.-c., 27-28, and the Hungarian
folk melodies Nos. 34a. (reproduced in the Appendix, under IV.) and
36 published in my book Hungarian Folk Music. But striking as the
similarity may be, in every respect, between mus. ex. No. 12m. and the
Hungarian folk melody No. 34a., we must nevertheless put aside the
thought of a mutual influence, for the original forms from which the
58 Certain dance types in other Rumanian regions also have a "Bulgarian" rhythm; for
example, the tmpcelecata (= tmpiedicata) in Mure~-Turda: 9!t6.J J .J. (J = M.M. 400).
59 [In Vol. II of the present publication (p. 31) Bart6k states that, except for the Colinda
melodies, Bulgarian rhythm is almost non-existent in Rumanian melodies sung with text. In
Vol. I (pp. 43-45) there is a rather extended essay on Rumanian instrumental melodies in
Bulgarian rhythm, including a detailed listing and description of the sixty-nine music examples

[ 32 ]
Introduction to Part One
Colinda melody stems (mus. ex. Nos. 12a.b., and so on) are basically
different, again in every respect, from the Hungarian melody cited.
Here is what seems to be an example of an accidental resemblance.
More to the point is the thought that the Hungarian folk melody No.
43 from Erdelyi Magyarsdg 60 is an adaption of mus. ex. No. 12f. When
Hungarian folk melodies Nos. 1,35, and 36 from Erdelyi Magyarsdg are
compared, respectively, with mus. ex. Nos. 43, 115d., and 26d., it is open
to question whether there is an adaption from the Rumanian into the
Hungarian material or conversely; since the last-named pair of melodies
are characteristic for neither body of material, but rather reflect a
Western European origin.
The appearance of the pentatonic scale (Table 2, pattern 34.), which
corresponds to that of the "old style" of Hungarian peasant music,
can-despite this congruity-scarcely be traced to foreign influence;
this scale can much more readily be seen as a species of the widespread
scale pattern 19. of Table 2.
The rhythm 6/s J.I .I J I J.I .I J II (and its offshoots-see pattern
B III g) ex) 2, Table I), characteristic especially of Hunedioara and
Alba de jos, does show a certain similarity to the "dotted" rhythm
4/4 J .I . .I. J I J .I . .I. J II of the old and new styles of Hungarian
peasant music. 61 However, a common origin of these rhythmic
patterns must be excluded: first, because of the special features of
the respective Colinda melodies, wherein the Hungarian melodies differ
basically; and secondly, because this rhythm appears almost exclusively
in 6/S time in the Colinda melodies and almost never assumes the strict
dotted form.


One can only offer suppositions regarding the relative age of the indi-
vidual Colinda melodies. Most probably, those types with major or
minor scales (patterns 23., 25., 26., and 29., of Table 2) are the most
recent, since it may be assumed that a Western European influence
could not have made itself felt until relatively late. For the other types,
a relative age-setting is very difficult; possibly Class A melodies (with
six-syllable proper text lines) are older than those of Class B (eight-
syllable lines).

60 B. Bart6k and Z. KodaIy, El'llelyi Magyal'sdg. NePdalok, Budapest, 1921.

61 Bart6k, Hungarian Folk Music, pp. 28ff.

[ 33 ]
Introduction to Part One
Five of the twenty-seven Colinda melodies published in my book
V olksmusik der Rumiinen von M aramur~ are not variants of the melodies
appearing in this pUblication. They are to be placed in the present
collection, therefore, according to the following order:
Maramure$ NO.2-between mus. ex. Nos. 42 and 43 (as an 8, I]
structure with a rhythm of equal quarter notes) ;
Maramure$ NO.4-between mus. ex. Nos. 57 and 58 (as a 6, 8, 8,
~ [!] structure);
Maramure$ No. I I [No. 12 in the original editionJ-between mus. ex.
Nos. 111 and 112 (as an 8, 6, 8, [6,] ~ ~ [! structure);
Maramure$ No. I2 [No. 11 in the original edition]-between mus. ex.
Nos. 126 and 127 (as an 8, TI
~ ~ heterorhythmic structure);
Maramure$ No. IS-betweenmus. ex. Nos. 31 and 32 (as a 6, 110 II
a b a b heterorhythmic structure).62


2 ..... Drag.64 1, 72, 196, 230, 19 ..... Drag. 28, 41.
288. 21 ..... M aramure$ 5, 16.
3 ..... Drag. 154, 168,214,247. 26 ..... Drag. 23.
5 ..... Drag. 223, 242, 301. 29 ..... Br. 29-32; Drag. 162;
6 ..... Drag. 102. Maramure$ 17.
7 ..... Drag. 220. 32 ..... Drag. 21, 39, 55, 57, 61-
9 ..... Drag. 95, 144, 177. 62, 74, 108, 118, 133,
11. .... Drag. 193. 150, 170, 183, 216, 243,
12 ..... Br.6s 11; Drag. 11 = 12, 255.
13, 43, 45, 73, 94, 135, 34 ..... Drag. 5, 7.
149, 169, 187, 204, 221, 45 ..... Br. 12, 39; Ciorogariu 66
267. 2a.; R.F.M. II. No. 15c.;
13 ..... Drag. 36, 248. Drag. 35, 167, 229, 265.
62 The use of lower case letters as content-structure labels indicates that the melody lines
(first and third, second and fourth) are isorhythmic.
88 [This tabulation was constructed from the author's Introduction (see the listing on p.
XVI) and Musical Part (mus. ex. Nos. 2-127) of the first pUblication (Bart6k, Melodien d61
Rumlinischen Colinde, Universal Edition No. 10259, Vienna, 1935). See the editorial Foreword,
p. xxii, for further details.]
84 Sabin V. Dragoi, 303 Colinde, Craiova, 1930.
85 Constantin Brailoiu, Colinde *i c4ntece de stea, Bucharest, 1931.
88 P. Ciorogariu, C4mece din Popo" Bucharest, 1909.

[ 34 ]
Introduction to Part One
46 ..... Drag. 136; Maramure$ 1. 86 ..... Drag. 4 = 9, 6, 14, 75-
52 ..... Drag. 98, 104,218. 77,83, 91, 103, 186,253.
53 ..... Br. 2; Drag. 59, 201. 87 ..... Drag. 87, 190, 232, 238.
54 ..... Drag. 3 = 19. 88 ..... Drag. 89, 198.
59 ..... Drag. 15. 90 ..... Drag. 27, 97, 128, 139.
60 ..... Drag. 200. 92 ..... Br. 19; Drag. 18,25-26,
61 ..... Br. 6, 24; Ciorogariu 2b. ; 31,53, 78, 109, 180, 192;
M aramure$ 6. M aramure$ 8.
62 ..... Drag. 17, 37, 42, 47, 66, 93 ..... Drag. 84, 226(?).
80, 82, 92, 101, 107, 122, 100 .... Drag. 22, 67, 106, 117,
124, 134, 137, 145, 148, 173.
155, 175, 194, 206, 209, 102 .... Drag. 79, 90, 93, 125-126,
213, 219, 227, 231, 236, 129, 185, 188, 250.
256,258; Maramure$ 9. 104 .... Drag. 20, 68, 257, 302.
63 ..... Drag. 29, 48 = 49 = 50, 108 .... Maramure$ 19.
252. 114 .... Br. 1, 41, 43; Drag. 123,
64 ..... Drag. 46, 51, 65, 132; 143, 152, 161, 244, 251,
M aramure$ 10. 254,276.
66 ..... Drag. 88, 174; Mara- 115 .... Drag. 172.
mure$ 7. 118 .... Br. 33, 38, 52; Drag. 119,
73 ..... Br. 4, 14; Drag. 63, 81, 166a.b., 207, 239, 286.
130-131, 159, 195, 202, 119 .... Drag. 32
205, 228, 234, 245, 259, 120 .... Drag. 280.
291, 295-296; M aramu- 121 .... Drag. 96, 138, 165, 292,
re$ 13-14. 299; Maramure$ 3, 18.
75 ..... Drag. 294 122 .... Drag. 208, 269 = 270 =
81. .... Drag. 24, 64, 181, 199, 274.
210, 222, 249, 283. 124 .... Ciorogariu 3.
83 ..... Drag. 141-142, 184, 203, 125 .... Br. 35-37; Drag. 160,
212,217. 215, 260, 277 = 278.
84 ..... Drag. 127, 147,224-225, 127 .... Drag. 100.


10 ..... Kuba B.H. 279; Kuba RH. Ms. 978, 980 (= "Tab. of Mat."
87 [This list was constructed from the author's entries in the musical part of the first
publication (see fn. 63, above) and from his Tabulation of Serbo-Croatian Material ("Tab. of

[ 35 ]
Works Cited in Part One
12 68 ••• Erd. Magy. 43; Kuhac 209, 944 (= "Tab. of Mat. "1142a.b.).
26 ..... Erd. Magy. 36.
43 ..... Erd. Magy. 1.
45 69 ••• Kuhac 82 (= Dordevic Nar. Pev. 46/2); Kuba XI. 49, 314;
Bosiljevac 6a. (= "Tab. of Mat" 563a.-d.).
73 70 ... Dordevic Nar. Pev. 24/1; Kuba B.H. 175 (= "Tab. of Mat."
74 ..... lui. Srb. 423. (= "Tab. of Mat." 682).
115 .... Erd. Magy. 35.
121 .... Susil2b;71 Kuhac 1489. 72


1. Melodies bearing identical Arabic figures are variant groups,
each variant of the group being distinguished by an additional small
letter (a., b., c., and so forth). Lesser variants are attached as marginal
2. The value of small-head notes (other than short grace-notes, before
or after the basic tone) connected with a large-head note by a slur, but

Mat." as abbreviated and described in Bart6k and Lord, Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs, p. 25. See
also fn. 51, above). The abbreviations given in the list represent publications which appear in
the Bibliography (below), and which are annotated by Bart6k in Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs,
pp. 22-27. In his book Folk Music of Hungary (New York, The Macmillan Co., 1960) Zoltan
Kodaly states that Colinde melody No. 49 is a variant of his mus. ex. No. 106 (a 'harvest-
home' song from the Zobor region, itself containing Gregorian elements from a Passiontide
Alleluia), and that Colinde melody No. 100 is a variant of Bart6k's Hung. Folk Music melody
No. 192. For details and other variants of these Colinda tunes, see marginal notes 84 and 93
(p. 138) in Kod;lJy's study.]
88 [According to "Tab. of Mat.", vars. 12d.e.s.-v.]
69 [According to "Tab. of Mat.", this music example is prefixed with Cf. rather the expected
Var. Examination of the Kuhac melody itself, unmistakably similar to mus. ex. No. 45, shows
the word Var. in Bart6k's hand. The other variants have been extracted from "Tab. of Mat."
The Kuhac and related examples appear under "Tab. of Mat." 563a. and, as Bart6k has indi-
cated there, refers to variants a.-c. of mus. ex. No. 45. Other "Tab. of Mat." references (158a.-
f.) to this Colinda music example have been added to the author's list following variant v. in
the Music Examples section of Part One of this volume.]
70 ["Tab. of Mat." shows "Cf. Bart6k Colinde No. 74a.-c." under its listing No. I 77a.-d.
The music notations, however, have Var., not Cf., in Bart6k's hand. Other errors in "Tab. of
Mat." include (a) Colinda melody No. 74 has only two variants, not three; (b) the Serbo-
Croatian variants belong to Colinda melody No. 73--specificaIly, to variants a.-c.]
71 The three-line variant, from Susil's collection (reproduced in the Appendix to the music
examples, below, under V.), is by all appearances of German origin. It is noteworthy that the
text treats a legend on the "Holy David."
72 [This example, an 8, ~ 0 ~ structure, appears in the Kuhac appendix to "Tab. of
Mat." See Bart6k and Lord Se,bo-Croatian Folk Songs, p. 24, for further details.]

[ 36 ]
Introduction to Part One
not by a beam, have to be subtracted from the value of the large-head
note; for example: ~ equals ~ ; when connected with a beam:
. ' no subtraction will be made (both types of notation appear only
in melismata). The use of small-head notes in transcriptions means that
the respective tones are sung with less intensity. Small-head ornamental
notes placed within brackets are omitted in later stanzas. Bracketed
grace-notes are sometimes omitted.
3. Melismatic groups always have a slur. Each single note in groups
connected with a beam, yet without slur, is sung to a separate syllable.
4. If melody lines show two endings, one for seven- (or five-) syllable
text lines, the other for eight- (or six-) syllable text lines (or conversely),
the deviant ending is shown in a footnote or annotation to the various
examples. If the endings differ only in melismatic structure, then the
slur over the melismatic group is put in brackets.
5. The sign 1"\ above a note indicates a slight lengthening, v a slight
shortening. The same signs below a note have the opposite meaning. The
fermata 17\ extends the note to at least double its value, but occurs only
where, for some reason, the specific length of the sustained note could
not otherwise be exactly measured.
6. The signs ~./ indicat~ a gliding (portamento): ~ means a
gliding that begins immediately after the sounding of the note and
extends to the level in which the sign stops (in this case, extending over
the entire value of the note; ~ means a similar gliding which, how-
ever, begins somewhat later (falling almost on the second half of the note
value); Yf means a gliding from the level in which the sign begins to
the height of the note indicated, the duration of the gliding falling al-
most on the first half of the note value; the same sign above or under a
melismatic group indicates a blur of the group by gliding.
7. Key signatures are used only when the respective degrees are
affected throughout the piece. Exception: small-head notes.
8. The arrow above a note, pointing upward, means a slightly higher
pitch (but never reaching the span of a quarter tone) than notated;
pointing downward, slightly lower pitch. ~ lowers, ~, raises by a
9. At the end of each melody line in the first stanza over the tone
considered as structurally the final tone, appear the figures in ], 0,
or [.
[ 37 ]
Introduction to Part One
10. Those text syllables underlined with a wavy line are not integral
portions of the text and, therefore, are not taken into consideration
when determining the syllabic number.
11. Syllables connected with hyphen, sounding in speech as one sylla-
ble or as one letter group, are often indicated in the melody with a
slur. 73
12. Above the first staff at the right side appear the figure symbols
indicating the syllable number and the final tones of the melody lines.
Bracketed numbers, and question marks standing alone or within cae-
sura symbols, refer to hypothetical melody lines lacking in the tune.
13. Recorded melodies stand in the form in which they are performed
for the first stanza. Exception: only in those infrequent cases in which
the state of the first stanza, for one reason or another (accident, in-
completeness, and so forth), makes this procedure impossible. Where the
notation commences with other than the first stanza, the beginning of
the melody bears the appropriate indication (2. st., and so forth). All
alterations in the performance of the melody appear at the end of the
piece, in the form of marginal notes in small print. For this purpose
reference figures are used both in the melody and in the marginal notes,
placed above the staves (for example, 1), or 1)_, 2), or 2)_, and so on).
Deviations standing under the heading Var. derive from the manuscript
version of the melody, taken in the given place and locality, sometimes
according to the performance by the same people who sang the recorded
versions. Lesser deviations performed by other persons are given under
the marginal notes, with indication of the circumstances.
14. After each piece are listed the data concerning the number of the
final recording, either M.F. (property of the Ethnographic Section of the
Budapest National Museum) or F. (private collection of the author);
the name of the village; the name of the county,74 in parenthesis; the
name of the performer(s), male or female; performer's age, as far as is
known; and the date (month, year) in which the example was collected.
If the performer was neither peasant nor Rumanian, then the name is

73 [Sometimes with a dotted slur in the melody (mus. ex. No. 45d.) or in the text (mus. ex.
No. 86g.).]
74 Five of the counties represented here bear different official titles today: Alba de jos is
now Alba, Hunedioara is Hunedoara, Mur~-Turda is Mure~, Solnoc-DobAca is Some~, and
Turda-Ari~ is Turda. [The reader interested in present official Rumanian toponymy is referred
to Tiberiu Alexandru's article "Despre localitiitile din care Bela Bart6k a cules muzica populara
Romineasca," Revista de Folclor (Bucharest), II: 1-2 (1957), pp. 172-176; and to Rumania
(Gazetteer No. 48 of the United States Department of the Interior), Washington, D.C.,
Government Printing Office, 1960.]

[ 38 ]
Introduction to Part One
followed with preot (priest), Jigan (gypsy), and so forth (see complete
listing below). If the number of performers whose names are known was
more than two persons, then only the name of the one performer (always
the same from a given group) and the word "etc." appear in the data
section. The capital letter Z. following the listing of the date shows that
the melody was recorded by Mrs. M. Ziegler and was notated by the
author from the phonograph recording. If the variants given as marginal
notes have no place and name listings, then they come from the same
person(s) as the classification form. If they carry only a new name listing,
then the variants come from the same village, but from another person.
15. The tempo indication tempo giusto means in dance-like, strict
rhythm. Parlando refers to a manner of performance in which the melo-
dies are not presented strictly in the notated rhythm, but with many
scarcely noticeable shortenings and lengthenings of the time values,
difficult to show in notation. The indication: (ace. 2 [or 3., etc.] st.)
between two metronome marks means that a gradual accelerando occurs
leading from the first to the second tempo during the second (or third,
and so forth) stanza. The time signature is not given in those parlando
melodies in which the values of the individual beats fluctuate irregularly.
16. Asterisks, such as *, **, and so forth, refer to the notes to the
music examples on pp. 188-196.
17. That portion of the text marked off by the sign' r. IS a
refrain. The text of each melody line begins with a capital letter. In
double lines, however, this procedure applies only to the first line of
the pair.
18. The number(s) standing at the beginning of the text of a melody,
or which, in footnote variants, follow the abbreviation cuv. (meaning
cuvinte, text), give the number of the complete text, or of other texts
sung to the same melody, appearing in Part II of this volume. If several
such numbers are found at the beginning of the text, then the first
(italicized) number applies to the complete version of the text whose
beginning is printed under the melody, the other numbers to different
texts performed by the same singers to that melody. Parenthetical
numbers at the beginning of the text show that the remainder of the text
is lost or is not recorded ;75 if the melody lacks a text, then the beginning
portions themselves, for one reason or another, have not been notated
75 [The word "Parenthetical" is an editorial substitution for the author's original words "The
absence of such." The substitution is a requirement arising out of editorial procedures in which
the previously-unnumbered texts were assigned parenthetical identification numbers and
placed in the Appendix section (Part Two, text Nos. 142-164) with their translations.]

[ 39 ]
Introduction to Part One
or are unintelligible from the recording. In footnote variants, lack of
text is shown by the abbreviation euv. lip. (euvinte lipsese).
19. Before the first bar of the piece is its pitch indication-a black
note without stem (in treble clef for voices of women singers, or boys
with yet unchanged voices; in bass clef for men singers) which always
refers to gl.
20. Special phonetic signs are:
j, '/:f, ~, 9, when functioning as semivowels;
n for nasal n;
d', 1', n', t', ~ for palatal pronunciation of d, 1, n, t, ~;
X for the gutteral sound similar to the Spanish j;
efor long open e at the end of many words; for example, instead of ea.
The Romany texts of mus. ex. Nos. 45r.u., 62f£., and 78a. are given
with Rumanian orthography:
eh (as in ehe, ehi) is pronounced like hard e;
gh (as in ghe, ghi) is pronounced like hard g;
th, dh, ph, peculiar to gypsy dialect, are to be pronounced like t, d, and
p, with an h as after-breath.
21. When the listing of the performer's name has been omitted for
certain reasons, the data sections contain the following general indica-
tions in Rumanian:

un om: a man o muiere tanara: a young woman

un om batrdn: an old man o fata: a girl
oameni: men doua tete: two girls
oameni batrdni: old men tete: girls
alIi oameni: other men aUe tete: other girls
un tecior: a young (unmarried) (un) ligan: (a) gypsy
man ligani: gypsies
doi teciori: two young men (0) Jiganca: (a) gypsy woman
teciori: young men (or girl)
aUi teciori: other young men o /iganca biitrdna: an old gypsy
dascal village teacher woman
preot: priest /igance: gypsy women (or
copii: children girls)
o muiere: a woman doua Jigance: two gypsy women
muieri: women (or girls)

22. The indication Cf. after the piece or variant-group refers to

melodies or variant-groups actually classified in another division (group,
subgroup, and so forth), but which nevertheless show one or two charac-
teristics in common with the melody at hand.

[ 40 ]
(Totals marked with * indicate only one performer sang in the village.)
Number of Melodies
by Class
County Village and Date of Recording
by I by
Village County
Alba de Jos Cherpenill XII. 1910 1 1 2
Fenell I. 1911 1 1 3 5
Petrollan I. 1911 1 1 2 10 3 17 34
-- -- -- -- - -- - --
Arad Manarau VII. 1917 2 2
Micalaca VII. 1917 1 1* I-t
Moneasa VII. 1917 1 1*
Petrill VII. 1917 1 1 1 3*
Sav~qin VII. 1917 1 2 3
,......, Soeodor VII. 1917 1 1*
Toe VII. 1917 1 1 2*
Traiall VII. 1917 2 3 5 I8
L.....J -- -- -- -- -- -- -- g-
-"'" Bihor Beiull II. 1914 1 3 4*
Budureasa VIII. 1909 1 2 1 4
Bulz II. 1912 1 3 4* ~
Cabellti II. 1914 1 1*
amp II. 1910 1 1 2 ~
Cociuba de jos 1. 1912 2 2
CorbCild XII. 1911 1 2 3
Cotic1et XII. 1912 7 9 1 17
Delan VII. 1909 1 1 1 3
Dragellti XII. 1911 2 1 1 3 7
Dumbraviia de codru II. 1914 1 1 2 2 6
Ginta Rohani I. 1912 2 1 3
Grolli II. 1912 1 3 2 6
Leheeeni VIII. 1909 1 1
LelCild VIII. 1909 1 1 2*
LunCiloara II. 1912 1 1 3 1 6
Rogoz XII. 1911 1 1 1 4 7
S~mballag XII. 1911 1 1 2
l;)ebill VIII. 1909 1 1 1 3*
Number of Melodies
by Class
County Village and Date of Recording
BIBIV I C IVillage by
by ICounty

$oimi II. 1914 1 2 1 4 1 9*

Ta~ad XII. 1911 1 4 5
Urvi~ II. 1914 4 5 9
Va~cau II. 1910 1 1 1 3 I 09
- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ---
Cluj Chibulcutul de campie VIII. 1916 2 1 3*
Manastiurul ungaresc III. 1910 1 1 2 5
-- -- ----------
Hunedioara Ciarbi'il XII. 1913 3 3 8 4 18
Fere~d XII. 1913 1 1 1 3 6*
Ghelar XII. 1913 1 6 7
Gradi~te XII. 1913 2 1 7 10 """"
Nuc~oara XII. 1913 2 1 12 15
Paucine~d XII. 1913 5 1 19 1 26
Rau de mori XII. 1913 3 1 1 10 1 16 98
-- -- --------
Mure~-Turda Bala IV. 1914 1 1 3 1 6 §'
~ Chinci~ IV. 1914 2 8 3 13 r+
L-J o
Curtecap IV. 1914 2 1 5 1 9
Hodac IV. 1914 1 1 '"d
Idicel IV. 1914 5 2 13 1 21 5-
Lechincioara IV. 1917 1 1 2* o:::::s
Libi'inie~d IV. 1914 2 1 3 2 8 (1)
Mice~ti IV. 1914 1 4 1 6
Moi~a IV. 1914 1 1 1 5 8
Niere~teu IV. 1914 4 2 7 1 14
Or~ova IV. 1914 1 7 2 10
Rapade sus IV. 1914 1 2 3*
Toplija VIII. 1916 1 1 2*
Urisiu de sus IV. 1914 3 2 2 5 2 14
Voiniceni IV. 1912 1 3 4 I2I
-- -- ------------
Satmar Comlau~a I. 1912 2 1 3*
Pom IV. 1916 1 1 2*
Recia IV. 1912 1 1*
Tarna mare I. 1912 1 4 5*
Turj IV. 1912 1 1* I2
- -------- ------- -------- - ---------
by Class:
Number of Melodies
County Village and Date of Recording
I II III I II III IV Village by
by ICounty

Solnoc-Dobaca Gherla XI. 1910 2 1 3

Lona XI. 1910 1 1*
Micola XI. 1910 1 1* S
---- ------ -- ----
Timi:;; Denta XII. 1912 1 1 3 1 6 1-i
]adani II. 1913 1 1 1 3
MAna.:;;tiur III. 1912 2 1 1 4 g
Murani III. 1912 1 1 3 5 §'
Seceani III. 1912 1 2 3 2I g.
r-1 ------ -- -- ----
Torontal Cianad II. 1913 2 1 3 2 8 g'
e Igri:;; XI. 1912 4 1 6 2 13 r0+-
L-.J o
SanmicUiu:;;ul mare I. 1910 2 2 3 7
Sarafola I. 1910 3 1 2 3 4 13 '"d
Tolvadia XII. 1912 1 1 ~
Valcani XI. 1912 1 1 1 3 4S o
-------- ---- -- ~
Turda-Arie:;; Albae XII. 1910 1 1 3 3 3 11
Bistra III.. XII. 1910 2 4 4 10
Cooc IX. 1919 1 1*
Tritul de jos IX. 1909 1 1*
Vidra de mijloc XII. 1910 1 1 2*
Vidra de sus XII. 1910 1 1* 26
- - - - ---- ---- ----- -----

484 melodies from eighty-three villages in eleven counties.

Warks Cited in Part One 76

[Alexandru, T. "Despre localitajile dine care Bela Bart6k a cules muzica populara
Romineasca." Revista de Folelor (Bucharest), 1957, II: 1-2.]
Antiphonale pro diurnis horis. Parislis, Tomaci, Romae, 1919.
Bart6k, Bela. Chansons populaires roumaines du dlpartement Bihar (Hongrie).
[Cantece poporale romane~ti din Comitatul Bihor.] Bucharest, Academia Rom§.nii,
1913.371 melodies. [Cited as "Arii din Bihor."]
- . Five Village Scenes (Dorfszenen); for voice and piano. Vienna, 1927. Universal
[-. M elodien der rumanischen Colinde. Vienna, 1935. Universal Edition. 484
melodies. Cited as "Colinde."]
- . "Musikdialekt der Rumanen von Hunyad." Zeitschrift fur Musikwissenschaft,
Leipzig, 1920, II: 352-360.
- . Hungarian Folk Music. London, Oxford University Press, 1931. 352 melodies.
Cited as "Hung. Folk Music."
[-. Rumanian Folk Music. (Bart6k Archive Publication Nos. 2-4) The Hague,
Martinus Nijhoff, 1965. Vol. 1-1,115 instrumental melodies, Vol. II-l,440 vocal
melodies, Vol. III- 1,752 poetic texts. Cited as "R.F.M."]
[-. "Tabulation of (Serbo-Croatian) Material." Manuscript deposited in Co-
lumbia University (New York) Music Library. Copy, other drafts, and music
examples on file at the New York Bart6k Archive.]
-. Volksmusik der Rumanen von Maramure~. (Sammelbande fiir vergleichende
Musikwissenschaft, Vol. IV.) Munich, Drei Masken Verlag, 1923.365 melodies.
[Vol. V (Bart6k Archive Publication No.6) ofthe present publication.] Cited as
" M aramures. "
Bart6k, B. aitd Kodaly, Z. Erdllyi Magyarsag. Nepdalok Budapest, Nepies
Irodalmi Tarsasag, 1923. 150 melodies. Cited as "Erd. Magy."
[Bart6k, B. and Lord, A. Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs. New York, Columbia
University Press, 1951. 75 melodies.]
Bosiljevac, S. Album bosansko-hercegovaekih Piesama. Zagreb, St. Kugli. Cited as
"Bosiljevac. "
Brailoiu, C. Colinde ~i cantece de stea. Bucharest, Academy for Church Music, 1931.
Cited as "Br."
76 [Bracketed entries represent editorial additions. Serbo-Croatian entries are listed accord-
ing to the author's bibliography in SC1'bo·Croatian Folk Songs, pp. 22-25, 93.]

[ 44 ]
Works Cited in Part One
Ciorogariu, P. Cdntece din Popoy. Bucharest, Biblioteca romA.neasca (Socec and
Co.), No. 42-44, 1909. Cited as "Ciorogariu."
[Cucu, Gh. 200 colinde populaye (ed. C. Brailoiu). Bucharest, Soc. Comp. RomAni,
Dragoi, S. 303 colinde. Craiova, Rumanian Ministry for Education, 1930. Cited
as "Drag."
Dordevic, V. R. Nayodna pevanka. Beograd, 1926. Cited as "Dordevic Nay. Pev."
[-. Sypske narodne melodije. Juzna SYbija. Skolpje, 1928. Cited as "Juz. Srb."]
GYaduale de tempoye et de sanctis. Ratisbonae, 1923.
Harmat and Sil!:. Szent vagy, Uyaml Budapest, 1932.
Kacerovski, B. U kolo. Sarajevo, J. Studnicka & Co. Cited as "Kacerovski."
Kisdi. Cantus Catholici, 1651.
Kuba, L. "Pjesme e napjeviiz Bosne i Hercegovine," Glasnik Zemaliskog Muzeia
u Bosni i Het'Cegovini. XVIII (1906), XIX (1907), XXI (1909), XXII (1910).
Sarajevo. Cited as "Kuba B.H."
[-. Slovanstvo ve svych zpevech. Pardubice, Podebrady, Praha, 1884-1929. Vol.
XI (Montenegro). Cited as "Kuba XI."]
[-. The continuation of "Pjesme ... " Unpublished. Cited as "Kuba B.H. Ms.'1
Kuhac, Fr. S. Juzno-sZovenske narodne popievke. Zagreb, 1878-1881. Cited as
[Rumania. Gazetteer No. 48 of the United States Department of the Interior.
Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1960.]
StOll, W. GYundyiss der Metrik und der Rhythmik dey bulgarischen Volksmusik.
Sofia, 1927.
Susil, Fr. Moravsk6 Narodni Pismo Brno, Karol Winiker Verlag, 1859.
Szegedi, F. L. Cantus Catholici. Kassa, 1674.

[ 45 ]
Music Examples
A I.

6, CD

I) 3)
89 b. CC _ _ san - tl[ Mii - ri - e._ Co - rio - d·e . co
\) J
, ~----_/
rin - did

4) 2) 4)

F. 1174 c). Soimi (Bihor).lon Mo\(45).11 . 1914 .

Parl8Ddo. )'104-(ucc. 3. sl.)-1I0 6, CD

CD sic!
898 Cc _ _ _ _ S5n-tii fii - ri - e. Co - rin-de. co - rind'"
, v-----/

2. r.

F. 1165 b). de codru (Bihor). 2 uameni. II . 1914 cr N" .. 1ll05.

Tempo gill 10, ) . 160

.---: '0

(142.) M! - lie - ell-i. mil lIe - ell-i Smn -Ia-i Du - mi - IIi - en
M.F. 14S1 b).Pmo,.,n (Alba de jo ). reciori.l. 1911.

A II. a)
Tempo gi1l810, J'66 · (acc. 3. sL)-96! 6, 5, 6. VJ!) CD
I) 2J_ vW 3) Q) 4)

1f7 c. Mllrgu mi-sj, miii mlIr-gl!- .?omnulu~ nO-'~:'16r- gu mi-:!. mai marg
2. 3. r.
RT hi r' r
I) 3) 4}.-J--. I) 2) 3)4)
j I ~ I If J. I g)I·2.
ME 1375 b), Ch.rpcni~ (AlbK de jos). clast!l. XII. 1910

[ 49 ]
VO; 6,4,6, vn)~
(143.) 10 d·.·yu.! un fi - u Domnul Doamne! Io d-a-vuj un fiJI
Sar.rola (ToronlaL) li,ani. XI. 1912 '--v------'

A II. b)
Tem~~ giuslo, ).184 2) ~ 6, i)G)
107 a. A -- SI8 - j sa ra ma - rc. ta . re
4) CD S)

de Cr4 C!U - n\!. .'0 n4 SCUI un ~illl


1914. (31)

Trmpo gill"lo. ;.92-\.cc.3.~I.) -104 4) 6,4)@

3) _ _
~ 2)--
III. Plu - gu ~i ro . We ei· Plu - gu .. mj.
4) 6) 7)--


ro - ~I'c - e1.

~ I ,-~1: I ~}I ~: ~ I
41) 6)
Dom -

~. I

- lui Doam· ne!
~ I ~ I ~:
9 +25el
M.F 1839 bJ. Cianud (Toronlsl). lui. Tanci. ~iganc'. II. 1913

[ 50 ]
Tempo giUBto, .I.80-(acc. 3. • 1)-88

bA mi. sl'n - Irca - bi.


'Nlreaba mi Sa 'n-trea - b3. ,,-Jai Domnu lui Doamile!,

M.F. I72S b). Igri~ (Toronl.l) doul lig3nce (30). XI. 1912.

giWllO, .I . 116
2) 3) 4) _ _ '9 5)

92 c. MSn - ca me - ric ro - sii. Min - ca
6) _ ,)

cier - bu me - ric ro - ~i.i. , mar- rna . Ie - no!

vo, y.

M.F. I72S d). Ilri~ (Tor nlOll, doul \lR.nco (30). XI. 1912 .

Tempo giusto, ).168 6, 2)0)


81 d.D~-a sa nl . 5a - rl. ('am
81 III sa - Dom - nu lui Doamnc!....
2. y.
M.F. 16593). Murani (Timi1). Ion BUTdul!lln. Ion Onica. 111.1913.

Tt'mpo 8il18lo. J 96 2)
-IL 6,2)@

li7 i. Si m' . um-bI4. u m-bll . ,pal Domnuluj

Irar. '
Doamne. Dormului daj Doamn.!...


M F 846 c). Sanmicllu,ul mar. (Toronlal). un fecior. I. 1910

[ 51 ]
A II, b)
6, ~2)@
Tem80 giu 10, J, 652)
91 g , J... G:lzd'a·ce I domn bu - n!!, Gazd' a·ceSI domn

bu , Hoi da Ie· rut Doamn· 1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J

PI 'f

2. 3.
I) 2 ) @ 3)ft 2) :=:~ 3)
) 1 fEil ,gl pd ~=
F. 1326 a) icrC$lcu (MurC$-Turda) Carol Malu, lignn, IV. 1914. Z ,

Tempo giWllO (vivo) D
48 d~fasl! ro-li - la - lil, Dai Domnu-Iui Doamncl M.ull. rO-li - In· til
Pom (S4Imar), Gheorghe Boca (18~ IV. 1916. r

A II. c)
6+6, 6, 6+6, 1\QQ)
14aPIe - cal - 0, pic - ca - III pa - ler - ni - cu soa - reo

..10 Domnu-Iuj Doamnc:J Pu - ler - ni - CU so. - re, ca el s3 <3'n - soa - rc.
PaucinC$d (Huncdio8I"d), PClrUI Ddbucean (27). 26, XII. 1913.

TempO giuslo. ).166

'>-': 2L3)
44 . erie - st'em1Do3miie.~}1! 101.1 IIi crUl lu-me,
,Dai DomnuJu!
Q) 1) _ 9)_ 10) \

erie- ~te-mi, Doam1lc. cric~i!! ~-a "*'" '--'

fi - ul mi - cy,

[ 52 ]
A II. c)

6) 9}o1O) 11) 12)

Vat. Others
1)+2) 12) 1+2) 4) 5) 1) 8) 3)

'- '-'
F. 921a). Ci~rbal (Hunedioara). Vasile $i losir Co ta (50.42). XU . 1913.

6+6. 6. 6+6.

5 a. 0'01 roo· gl. si roa· gii fi· /Ie • riel mi· re· lui.
4) _ 3)_ 5) 6) 8)

Ioi Dom;;-u-lui Doam/le, Ti . ile· ricl mi· reo lui. De ce-z vantu-i Ii . nIl.
" 2. V'
r, 3. 4.
U 2) 4) 4) 2) J) 5) 6) 8)

F. 1029.). R5u de mo,; (Hunedioar.). Iosir Dochi. (25), Dumu Brail. (26). XU . )913

6+6. 6.6+6. 4) CD
Tempo gin to. [~=IOO'I08] 2)
I) ~

IOc.· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~IOa.91 b.(Hep

Fe· ri ' ~an & e· I!! Oi cez
W- nUI

L-- J
bu "!!! Dom - nu
lui ~i Do m lie I

•• 5
r. 6)

D'i cez domnul bu· ny, 80 - Ie riul bi!

2, Var.'
1) 3) ~ 5) 6) I 4)

F. 1010 d). PlIucinc~d (Hunedioara), Petru! Dabuccan (21)'ctc., 26. XU.1913.

[ 53 ]
A II. c)
6+6, 6, 6+6, ~3) CD
Tempo giWlIO, j,lSO- (ICC. 3.51.)·370
1.51. -:::--... I)

11.- :p. 4~IB !p' ~ i@ f iOeg·I~· l J>;I !ij ~'

50 a Fe - ri - cean d'e e - II! d'e ceSI domnul bu- nl!1

J; J!, j ! Jj ). I ~d' ~ :lj f iF} V
Dom- nu lui D03m~e! Bin' fe - ri - CIa - II! .
Y--.- - - - /
2) 2.s1

bin' l.a1 fe - ri cia - Iy, Bin' I-ai fe ri cia - Iy.


bin l-a1 ---

fe ri - cia II!, -loi..
- lui Doam/!e,J-

Bin' I-ai fe - ri cin - Ill. bin' I- aJ fe - r1


::;;--.. 2)

F . IOS2 bl. uc~... a (Hunedioa,u). Iancu Her\cg (19). XU. 1913

6+6, 6, 6+6, ~3) CD

Tempo Iliusto, J '110-( aCe. I2.•11 -118 21_ ~3)


14 b. Pu-ter- iii cu soa-re umbla Sa sa 'nso8re.
21 CD 3)- 3r -
4) 4)

lot Domnu - lui Doamiie.... ~i el n,i-~i umbla-[e, lu·mea·n-cun - ju - ra - f!.
-- . 2~ r'
I) ~ h 2) fr D 3) 4) d
~ I ~~ I J,-fjO I [" I
F. 98901, G,adi$le (Hun.dioaral. M1ha1 Co,iu (13), V.I., MOI$oni (IS). Xii. 19\3.

[ 54 ]
87 b. Cam~ I!n· gil ma • rIc. cam pc drum II ma· ric,
6)__ 7) UJ I) 8)
10) Domnu • lui Doamile! Pfeeat· 0, pl'eea· tl! ce ·t'e d'e fi .ejo.ri!!.
1~ 5) 6) 7) 8)

1)3)7)8)10) 6)

F. 1()()7e). Paucine~d (Hunedioara). POlrU! DAbuc •• n (27).0Ie., 26. Xli. 19\J.

31 e. illi Fe·ri - cean d'c e· l\l, fc - ri . cean d'e e· Ill!

CD 4L 3_ 6)

loi Domnu~ui Doam~:J.. Bin' I.aj fe· ri . cia· t\!. bin l:a1 fe- ri
"'-2. r 3)
\ 2'
. ~r 5)/6 5)<1;) 6)

F. 1050 d), Nuc~.ra (Hunedioara).lancu Her~eg (19) etc .• XU. 1913

10 b.1!.. P'on piejor d'e - ra . ill. p'O gu· ra de

4) S)eD 6)_ 7) 2)_ Ii) \/)-

10j Domnului DoamileJ, Ja·t.~.m! vin 18 va· I'c ~i·mi Co' bor 18 ca· I'e
'- 2. f. 2 3) 4) 5)

6) 7) a'\ 9) I)

F. 1028b).Riu de mori (Hunedioaral. losif Dochi. (25). Dumu Brail. (26). XII. 1913

[ 55 ]
A II. c)
6+6, 6, 6+6,02; CD
Parlando. ».200
I) 2) _ _ 4)

45. la- on vol- ni cu lui. - on Vo!- ni

2) 3) 5) Q)

cu lui
Ie - ------
Doam- I\~o!

La bun crai slu je ~tc. I. bun;;;ar slu

I) 2) 3) 4) 6)

F. 13270). ier.Sleu (Mur.s-Turda). Carol Malu. ligan, IV. 191., Z .

Tempo giuslo, J, 70- (ace. 2. st.) -75

12. Pie-cal - 0, ple",al - I!. pie-cal - 0, pie-cat· !!,


,-D~.i Dom - nu Doamne. lui-

Dom - nu lui Doamne! d:Ii

2. r
1) 2)
M.F. 182la). Jadan; (Timis). icol.i. Ccri~c3n(21). n. 1913.

6+6'[ 6.1 6+6, I) CD

Tempo gillBto I) i)
4Se. Fe- ri - cat. fe-ri - ce, fe - ri - cal, fe - ri ' ce,

ler, Dom - nil led De ci ne-j f: - ri - ce?


Toe (Arad), Joachim Lunlras (41), VO. 1917.

[ 56 ]
A II. c)
6+6, [6,J 6+6, Y1D <D
Parlando, ), IJ2 )

"# 9. A pi eel prund d'e rna re, pi - eel prund

Jvn) 4)_ J

d'c ma- reo OJ I'erui Doami'le! Man- dru'r pir rl- sa - reo

. 1233 c). Idicel (Mure! - Turd.). Susan. ~i Rafila Oncla (43.16). IV. 1914 .

6+6, 6. [6+6. 7 ~3) CD

113 a Ci vol bi - ~e eli vol, bi· lie

p3) (v)

~\i - Ii C! 1-0 ----

r! - sdln ghi-Ilj, ell 1-0 r! - stan - ghit
2. 3. Var.
I 3) 4) I J) 4) 2) 2) S)

F. 1213 b). Iditel (Mure~ -Turd.) Susana !i R.fil. Once. (43,16). IV. 1914

6+6 , 6.: 6+6, 3) CD
I) 2) - 3
91 d.87e. ~i-o lu - aI, lu a· la. ~i-o lu - at. lu a - I~

3) 2) 4)

D·ln zi de d-tn zi de Cni
Libanie$d (Mur~ -Thrda). Toader Ratot,; (24). rv. 1914 .

1) 2) ) 4)

!i.iu de s", (Mure~ -Turd.). Va,ile Suciu (31). IV. 1914.. cuv.. 87 •.

[ 57 ]
A II. c)
6+6. (6.] 6+6. vn) CD
I) VI!)_

10 h. P.-un picjor de pia - i. ~-o gu-n!: de ra· - !a -

2) _-.--,.,._ _ 3) _ _ _ ....

ta vin 1n ca - Ie. va - Ie
;;;;--..... 4)

Tri tUT A me de me cu tri cio· b~

5)_ 6)

ne - i. U nu-! un-gu ~ rea ·n~ r u-nu-j vrin-ce - ia - n\!o

M.E 56 c~ Sanmicl;u~ul mare (Torontal), un om. I. 1910.
M.F. 857a)'
I) 2) 3)

4) 5) 6)

Parlando. ) .160 , (ace ,168 6+6, 6+6, 6+6, Vli)@

I) 2) 3~ 4)

121.* ~~~e~§~~~~~~
10i VIi) p. - un pi ' cior d'e pIa - i. P"O gu 'rA
7) _ _ _ _ __

ra Ia - tii vin in ca Ie. Sa po - pos la

@ 8) 9)

va i'e Trej tur, mic d'e mie cu trei cia' ba ' nei .
l) 2) 3) 4) 5)

6) 7) 8) .--J~ 91

M.F 1722 c). liri~ (Torontal). un om (40). XI. 1912

[ 58 ]
A n. c)
Tempo giu'tO, ) .160 6+6, 6, {6+ / 6, 4)<JJ
1)_ 2) _ 3)_

91 e. Doi ho -ieri bl Ira - ili~, doj bo- jeri b§

4) CD
Ira - iii!!. Pc cum s'o ru . ga· tl!, pe cum ~'o ru· - ga - I\!.

F. 1356 a). Curtecap (Mure$' Turdo). Ana Burdean. elc.. IV. 1914. Z.

6+6, 6,[6+ 16, 6,~-D CD

S7f. ici co· lin dll
In r' CD
tOri .
~r r
lin dl
3) _- _ 1 _ 4) _ _

lori. Vol de - dnd urn· blali. Voi de - c3nd Urn • bla\l

F. 1327 c). Niere$ICU (Mure$·Turdal. Carol fa!u. pSBn. IV. 1914 .. Z.

6+6 6, 6+ 6, 1
Tl."mpo giu"to, ),132-1acc.1<1)-152
2' __ ' 3)_

IS e. Fe· ri · eean de e . II!. fc . ri . cean
7) 8~
d'c e • Ill' -!'ai Dom· nu u - lui Doamne!,
(senza 61 e ,enz. '::re7rr".]------'Vf-.- 3. - --:(-
se-II2a-'-6-:1-.-",-n2. rcfr.]

-,lC. TI
J 4. [come i1 2.] 5.

'-'-.r~ 1!.
F. 976 b).$d (Huned,Dara). Alexa Marina (50~ XII . 1913

[ 59 ]
A II. e)
6+6, 6,/ 6+6, I J) CD

7Ia . La _ __ Ii - ran - t3 nA, _ __

______________ 31 J 5) _ _

18 Ii n! n3 _ _ Est' un sea!!n d'o- d'i·na.

2. 3

J 3
I!~' iijDitIDJy 1m I'W
M.F '671 al. M~n~liur (Timi~ I. Lina Trand.rir. liganca (2S1. 111. 1912

Parlando, ).144
6+6, I). 6+6, 1 j)(i)
I~ ] 2) 3)

71 •. CCl 10 SUS, _ _
rnai su sy.

4) j) 5)_ eD
us, mal su - sJ.l La Ii· n~ fan - la - na


M.F 1669 cJ. Man!~liur (Tlmi~l. un om, Ill. 1912

6+6, 6, r6+6.]4)(])
Tl'mpo gill to
12 .
43. Sa-ra cca- l3-iss-ra,_ 10i Domnu-Iui Doamne! Sa-r:l cea - 13-jsa-ra,
P.tri~ (Arad),Petru Olar (30), Vl1. 1911

[ 60 ]
A II. c)
6+6, 1$, 6-1$, vlDCIJ
2) 3)

46. Fe ri "-
ecan d'e e . Bin' J.a! re-:--
VIi) 5)

n. c'a
L t
u. ' - '-_3_ Dom· n~·
D'1 __________ ___
2 k[Senra4)e ,.nza rerr.)
I)~ pi J ~plJd ~II ~
--- ~
13. ~
1'1 OJ I
F. 923 c). CIArbal {Huncdioar.). VasIle ~I (osir (,,,,,. (50. 42). XII I~IJ

6+6,6, 6+6. vi!) (JJ

12u. <.lIe Fe • ri d'e e •




d'; ecst dom nul bu· n\!! -.....- ..........
Dui Dom·nu

F. 1064
c~ Gh.lar (Hun.dioar.). un om. X II. 1913

Tempo giwto. J.84 6+6, 6, 6+6, 4)05

12v. I) 2)

07.··· Siant soa - ro nl - a . re 'n loa -:e 13

@t -9:, IJ J J IJ J J II
Dom nu Illi Doam - noy

M. F. 14570). Peoro!.n (Alb. de ~ feco,,,, I 1911


T('mpo g;wHo,
) 6+6, 6, 6+6,
I) _
_ 2)_ 3) '} \.l.A,
101 Du -mi-nee"i Bun gMdsi-o
1(. Dom:,u-i
Sfilnta-j gan-d i.l\!. Jal hUll!,.,

,in CTL~ III t~ i ,IB'I'2
2. .---.
13. 41
M.F 1963 d).Gonl' Rohani (Blhor), cameno b{lIrilnl. I 1912

[ 61 ]
A II. c)
6+6, 6, 16+6. I 2)0

4S b. Cel bo - ier _ _ __ tra ny, mL

3) _ _
D CD 4)

bun 10 . cu· ~ a - vI!· ~ mi, JO! Dom - nul. loi Doamri!


M.F 19S5 bl, COliclel (Bihor), rumenl. XII. 1911

Tempo giu 10, ) . 122

I) 2) 3) 4) 5) - - 6)

71 b. La Ii - 0.1 rAn !a n~ 13 Ii
.2 7)_
9) 101_ CD

M.F 1726 al. Igrl~ (Tornnl.I).2 lig.nce. XI. 1912.

n.p'S@ I j! J II II'~ J IJ J II
Sar.rola (TOrnnlan. ligani. XI. 1912 Oenl. (Timi~1 tig:,"i. XII . 1912


M.I' 1839 a). Cionad (Toronl.I). luI. Tanei. "ganci.. 11. 1913

[ 62 ]
A IT. c)
( 6.6, 6, 6-6, 1) CD
).132 CD
4a eel un t'e~ bl tra nil.
4 Cel un

bi! Ira - n;i eI _ _ _ c5 Sto d-a


EI _ _ _ cii ~i-o d-a VU - III NOli-a

.J U - ~o rio E I _ nu i-o'n-vii - \a - I~
f. 1273 a). Uri"u d. ,u' (Mure~-Turda). V.,il. Suciu (l1).1V, 1914

61 3 JI"JJ.JjI'IIJbl"}PIUPIJ, IgPl 61 J 11"J·OJ
'- "'----'
M.F 2042 a). Voiniceni (Mure~-Turd3).un recior. lV.1912.

6+6,J i)®

en 4dl J m
6+6, {6,
Tempo giusto, J.S6 )
1>- 2 -
12dd. t~ « 11 14 I @ lin !!IPJ I
48a. F. - ri • cern di: e .1\1._ fe-ri - cem d'. - e III
F' U p' j I
2.3.4. 3.4
II j
M.F 1482 d). (Alba de jos), rcciori. I. 1911 cr o. IS.

A 11. c)
6+6, IS, 1')+6, t) CD
1)_- 31 I)

4~ r. A. Fe - ri - cean d'e e - I\! d'i ccsi dom- nul bu - n\!,
4) CD 5)_ 1)__ 6)

-Joi Domnu - lui Ooomnc,;.... O'i cest dam-nul bu- ny, ho - ie - riul b! - Ira -n~ ,
2 r, 3, Var,

F, 1006 c), Paucine~d (Hun.dioar,,), Petru! Dabucoan (21),ot<:., XII 1913,

6+6,6,6+6, I) @ (0]
D 2) @
14. ;PUlmr ~U I
T 31 b, 01 cez'dornnul hUll\!, boie-rul ha-Irll-nu~
- ,'"loi... Oomnului... Ooam~e! .."

Drag Domnu i-a dat\! ~i kl e - ri - cia-Ill, Drag Damnu 1"0 datJ! ~i 1-0 fe - ri -Cta -I\!,

~i Domnu - lui Doamk~Orag Domnu i-a da - tJ! ~i 1-0 fc - ri • cia. ly.


pi r

F. 992 c), Gr~di"e (Hunedlo.m), Valer M",~onl (IS), Mihal Coriu (13I,XU, 1913.

6+6, 6,6+6, ~®
Tempo IfiUBIO. )'262
t 2) ~
31 a,
~ Fe - d'c I\!,
3) 4) 5) 6) 7lJ

de ce2 dom- nul bu - n\!, pal Domnu lui Doamn:;,


D'e eez om - nul bu - ny, bo - ie - riul b3 tnt . n~..!

2, var.

F. 1009 bl, Pauclne~d ( Hunedioara), Petru! mbueean (2nele" XII 1913, cr, No,12.

[ 64 ]
A II. d)
)./12 7, 4) Q)

23 a Iz-vor. iz- vo ra Iz . var. u:: • vo -
CD 2)

ra ~. -.,!:Iai I'e rui. I'e rui Doamn·!.....

2. ~

F 1355 a). unecap ("1urq .Turda). Ana Surd""n. o<C .• IV. M4. Z

Pariando, ), 138 6,6,7, 5)@

~... 23 b. Iz- vor. iz· vo - rB~
4) _ __
Iz - vor. iz ~ vO-

__ ~ __________________
Ii n~o~ ____ __~__~~~

6, -DCDQ
T"mpo giUllto, s 5) CD
23 c . Sa . Ii! sA 0 ba Iii. Ba • Ii! s3 0 bal:

Caci - e b):l - 51,; rna IA . nci - e bla SI3 • rna!"
Id ocel (Murel -Turda). Rania Once. 0(0))0 Rafola \,)lvnda (~5I. IV 1914

A II. e)
Tl'mpo Itiuolo i) 6,6,8. D0
17. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
sa 117 &.Sus In rd - 'iu Iii ra - sa -

n - I\!. ,Dom - ni e1 Dom - nu - lUI Doum-ns.-

Valeano (Toronlall. XI 1912 -------------------V

[ 65 ]
A II. f)
6,9,6, D0
'JR. In· Irea • bli 'n

~i Irea • bA. '--Dom· nu . lui

Doam· lie, dmg Doamne, le-or! $fin!i pe Dum • ~e ze . U:


'( 34'J

1I'1711 1 J

"r 'J/

F. 1019 b). Rau de mori (HunedlOara). lo.if Doch .. (25). Dumu 8mll. (26), XII 1913.

Tempo giuQlo.
ll _ _
2) _ _ 3) _ _ 5) L 8, II, 8,}
4) 6) _ _

73. Va • la • 18 )e • Vli • 13 • je.
7) 5)- 6)_ 10) II}

va • la . J". ~ Ya·la·jc. va . la . je.

Jxr5 ~l'
ii J II ('.2 I 51 p I II! I ~ f)

i i~) I'. 1l-- II: II-- rr;;

Jl~ MUleri:·
tI E l l _, •• ,0
C j r
IT~»I Ii
I r::::::;; 11'1
"9 E~
t=. 1231 bl. IdlccI (Mur.~·Turdal. Ion Pui (25~ IV. 1914.

A II. g)
Parlando. J- lOS·2)(acc. 3.>1.~120 8, 6, 6, Vi]) CD
I) 3) VI!)
Hoj ce Doam . ilea

-.....:~L_e_ _ _ _r_u_ _ _---.:i:....:8. t'e· rU'j Doamn:/ Dol domni dli cej marj
2. if J.

M.F. 19S4 c). COlicl., (8Ihnr). namenl. xn. 1912.

[ 66 ]
A II. h)
8, 6. 10, i)Q)
TNlIpo giU:lIO ).IO(){ "W 12 2) 2)

2la.~~~~~~m~~m~ IOlh.Cel dom· nu . \U-i bu· nu-i. Doamne! Bun gand ~i- 0 gan·
- '---,,---J
CD Ir. J) 4)

I!!. A ,--001 CO - ,in d'e:" Si-~i fa - ca d-oa spell
...=,.~ ror. ~
~ II" F~ II I!I ~
.pc ~'i
F. 1198 d~ Urvi~ (Bihor). un elm. U. IYI4 .


101a,42b.,I05a.CcI dom - nu - \u·j Cel dom· nu - \u ·i

- CD hu-nu·i.~

hu - nu-i. co - rin· de:" Bun gand ~i-o gan - dil.

Urvil (Bihor). Inn Vese (78). II. 1914.

T.. mpo giuslo, .P.I04-<.ec. J.• 1.).140

8, 6, /0, j)CD
IJ 2).J) 3)

\I~ b.. 0 a. Hoi ·n·lrea· bi, sa 'n - Irea - hiI· 1. ~ Sfinti. la Dum-ne-

4) CD 5L II 6L

ze u: _ ..poi co - ,in - de~ dfn ce s'o - fa - CUI

;,'j} 11'1~ , Pi i~ y" mI "p
F I W2 .). UrVl~ (B,hor). llie Bula. Mandril (50). Iun Dobla Burda (SO). II 1914

Tt'mpl~ giU'IO. ) . IOO-lace. J Sf) · 112 8, 6. 10, 2) CD

\IS e. D - in . Irea·ba . sa 'n ,rea-ba.~~ Sftnii la-i Dum - ife
2)_CD Ir

S'o fa - cuI

M.I' 1\154 a). COllclec (Blhor).(lamcni. I. 1912.

[ 67 ]
A II. h)

Parlaodo. ,P. 144

8, 6, 10. i)(i)

~e . du-i, s~ - dU-!, ~ TOI doi Domn! di
I.r f\

ru, ---="i--'2 rCO • rin . de!~ La poar- ta di

M.f. 7~ bl, 8udu","", (8th"", f.dor,. VIII IY09.

Parlaodo, ). ca 116 8. 6, /0. 2)G)


IOld. eel Dam· nu - \u·i bw,U1. Doamn.! Bun gand ~i-o gan
CD 2) .--J~~ ~ 3)

d'j • l~' Hn -Poi :o.rin.d'e:.,. Sffin·ta - Dumi . neC'

2. .-J~
IIID OJ J i b P!J=.JIIIJ 2.r var.
. I\c. <a
F. 1175 aI, ~OIm' (B,har). Ion MOL (45). n. 1914

.P= 184- (ace. 4. \1.1·20(1
))8. 6,10, i) CD
42a . 1I0i ·n·lor·cu. sa'n . lor·cu·!. ~ Do~· a d-oa· sfe
CD I.r

gr. re, -._D_0.o.i__c_ov·_ri_"_._d_'_e!., Pe Sus pe la ccr.


M.I-. 1948 b).Cotldet (Bihor"oameni. XII 1911

Parlaodo. )~96
8. 6, 10. i) CD
I) 7) 21- ),-

. !reaba. si\·n-lrea·bl· i, .....Dol~Jk!, Sfi"li la Dum· Xc -
CD 5) 6) ,

M.I- 18\18 aJ. Samba~"g (B'hor~ oamen', XU. 1911.

[ 68 ]
A II. h)

Parlando. ).16lj
8,6. 10, i)CD
om· nu - \u-i bu - nU-l.~ eel dom - nu - \u-i
4) I.r. 7)

bu nu·i. '-Oai ~rind ·e';'" eel dO ni - nu - \u- ! bun

2. 2.r 1.

-dc. m.

M.1O 2013 c~ Bub (Biho,). un om bM,Qn. 11. 1912 .

8, 6. 10, vCD
Parlaodo, ) ' 176-(acc. 1... 1-192 J)
d. 0-,.. - Irea - bi!, sII'n - 1rca - bli, -E.oa~-iIe !J Sfin\i. Ia Oum-lIe -
4) CD I.r.

- ze U: CO - rin - d'e~ O'in ce s'aU fa CUI

i.r. 1.

M. 1O 1971 a). Dr.lge~li IBihor). oamcni. xu. 1911 .

rna ... rio ......;;:O....;a..:.i_ _--,,~c-o---r-in---d~

e L.- Oi mij- loe di ra -
Var. I

MF. 874 b~ V~cau IBihor . un om. n.191O.


M . . 870 b). Beiu~ (Bihor). un fedor. D. 1910.. cu\'. 10Sd .. ..b · 160
t An n

!tt4!till"~ p~ l,lj!!I@~ R I"!j

M F. 676 cJ. Delan IBihor). douA fele, l.le~d \Bihor).un om. vm.1?rl9,c uv. 1'l~ r.
VD. 1909.; cuv. lOSe .. b1l8

[ 69 ]
A II. h)
Parlando, ) . I()4.(acc. 4. 51:;138 8,6, 10, ~CD
I) 2)
CD 105 e. 0 _ _ _ Ire - cu-~i. mai m!r-g1!,~ D-oj dol dru - ma .
2) (,,)

re i~ . pai co - rin - de!..... Dru-marl ci - ne slInt?

'-''--- -"

In sa a ra rej
M. ~ 885 al. Camp (Blhar). oumeni. 11. 1910.

Parlando, it'nlo ~
8, 6, 10, 5)CD
21m . • ~~~~~~~~~
101 c . eel dom - nu - \u - bu -nuj. ~ eel dom -nu lu-j

CD 1\ " Lr.

bu - nui. li ,-~D_o.::..i_ _ _._c_o_- _ri_n_-_d_e!-- Bun gand~i-o gs'n - di!.

6 syll. :
II J. Jl
Dumbravi\u de codru (Bihor). aameni . D. 1914 .

Tl'rupo gill"IO
1) _ _
2) _ 3, _ _
8, 6,10, 2)CD
93 a. ~e - du-i. mal ~e - u-~~ Doi domni dii eei

4) CD v
1) _ _ 2L
3) _ _ 5)_

ma - rio ,D-o! cO - rin - de-!J/ -u - null i_~ Ta - Ill.

!iOlm, (Blhor~ Ion MOl (45). II. 1914 ir

Urvif (Bihar). un om. U. IYI4. cuv. lip.

[ 70 ]
A II. h)
).100 8,6.10, I) CD
99 c. Su su·i.~ ca Sa rna . re-s

2) CD I.r
4) 5)

Sea - u - roe fru - mOs • se. .... Doi C? - rin - dC~ PS.n· gii ce-I£-a mo~.
2. 3.

M. F 1902 aJ. RO gOL (Bih",). oameni . XII. 1911.

8, 6, 10, 4) CD

CD,___~~ i.~ poa, - I. ra - ju -

2) -------= I r

i _____
~_D~~~ co_-~~~ - 13 ci - lie ~d'?


M.F. 1972 a). Ginla·Rohan! tBiho,). <lameni b;\l'~ni. L 1912 .

Parlando. ) , 1I6-t800. 2. • 1l -126

8, 6. /0, 2) CD
11- - 2)

IO! f. D-um - bra ce riu - lu !\!..~'Npoar - La ra-ju-

CO· fin A de;"" - t. ra - 1U lu~


M.F. 1965 a). Cociuba de jll' (Bih",). o"mCm biit,,,m, 1.1912

[ 71 J
A. II. h)
8, 6. 10, i) CD
Pa.lando, ), 168
.....---;:, I)

_ 9~

b. I~ _ _
ra - shi.~
r4 - Sa - rio ~i'n C8 - 51 ~i'n

mas'!_ "Ooi co - rin - d'el/ Da.-:n eel corn dii mas '
2. vIr.r.
rna· sa
M. F. 1952 d). COlicl.1 (Bihor).oameni. XIL 1911

&r1ando, >-2) 1()4 -(acc. 4 51.) - 116 3) 8, 6, 8, 3)CD

Il 3)_ _ 4) S)_

CD 103 B.CeI ce - re - scu me - ~te - re - scui. ,Doom - 1I~.,ai Oo~mul
6)__ ~ 8)--::===- 9) Lr.

OJ, Tri me - ~teri ea tri tn geri

MY 1956 a). Corb.~d (Bioor). 11,. On;\3, .IC .. XII. 1911.

Parlando. J,74 9, 6, 12, i) CD

t t 1)- - 2

105 b.
O-oj Ire - eu - 1 mai
1 2)
milr - gu . i.,Doam - tr._

o - oj doi dru - rna rei· '--M - mer doi---

J 2.r.

",C-,-o_ Dar dru - mar1 ei lIe- s?

-sa . (u
M F. 2000 al . Lunqoura \H i hor), Toad.. MulO", .,c .. lI . 191 2.

[ 72 ]
A II. h)
9, 6, [ /0, 1 i) CD
soa-ri· reo soar:

M, F. 19)8 a). T~ad (Bihor).o.meni. XII , 1911

Tempo Iliu 10. ).168

1)_ 2L

90 b. Hoi ·n·lor· C!!. ai-mull gal - bini

1.l4. 12,1 .

M,I- W51 b). COtlclet (Bihor). "amen'. XII. 1911

T('mpo giu 10. ).126 i\

8, 6,[10, I 2) CD
1)_ 2)3) 4)_5)_6)_ ';)
102 b. Co - lo'n sw. Doamlle: nlai '''''!!. ,-Doam-n~ D~"nu - Iui~

M, F 19~5 bt Cociuba d. j", (B.hur),oamem bilt rani. I. 1912 .

8. 6. 10, i) CD
99 a. Ie ra - sari. soa - re . ~. ,Soa.ri-Ie!; Ii! rii-s5 - ra ,oar
r. (sic!)
1. j .I. Var.

M. F 1923 al. Dr!gclti (B.hor).odmen •. XII . IYII

[ 73 ]
A II. b)
A II. j)

Tempo giusto,
8, 6, 10, 2) CD
I v)

94 b . Ce sa - rl·i d3 in stu sa ora? ' - HfI - 'lOS. [)om"ul noslJ.,.

M. F. 1952 b). Coticlet (Bihor), oamenl. XII. 191\

A II. i)
9. 6. 6. b3)(!)
Tempo I!illslo. ) =120 3)_
Il 4J:;;=r..
5b Le - ru - I'ui! Ce vant ~~-a b! to - I!!..

5) 6L
7) _ _
CD ~)

rus - a - i la p3 - man II! C~-a fosl m:li, mil - runt.


4. s. )

r. \)26 h) lerejteu (Mure)-Turda). Carol Ma!u. ,'gan. IV. 1914,Z .

A II. j)
9,6.9, VD@
Porlando Vi)
X7 h Dom -ni· II! j ~·am flor - nil. n~-arn flor- nil . N~-am por-

nil. n~·am por.nil. ,,Dorn:n;.h!, Jun! co 1m . d~ • lor1.

Saraf,.lu (Tur"ntal). l'gan!. XI. 1912

[ 74 ]
A II . .i)
III. a)
9, 6, 10. i) ®
J :104 i)
23b. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
107 b. A. -.1: e -~u - Ie!...' lap - t'e 1- ° seal da - t~.
® l.r

. lap-t'e 1'0 seal - d3l. ,L·e._I'c-ru-re!,...,· gin 1-0 bo-t'e-zat.

F. 1252 b).Or!ova (Mure~-Turd8). Mana late! (221. IV. 1914.

A III. a)
6, 6. 5, 6, i) CD 0
Temfl gi~sto. J,go- (ecc. J. stl-86i)
3)__ CD
99 f. L a _ ma- sli gal - ba - nil, La ma - sa gal - bii'- nii.
4) 5) 6) 0 7) 8)

-.!t.....o.;.!i.:...,._ _ _I_'e"",- ru1 Doam ne !,...,. La ma - sa gal blI - nii

2. t J.

A III. b)
6. 2) CD G
Tempo giu to . ).176
t 2) CD
105 e. Lu - a-i. s1\ du - ee - ~ Mai - ca-i pur- ce' gre - Ie,
,10 i Dom - no, io~ mi- na!,..., D'in - d'i - ~j ~i - me - r~


lif )1 I)
i: 1\
M.F. 1922 b). DrAse~t i (Bihor).oamcni, xn . 1911.

[ 75 ]
A Ill. b)
6, ~3)CD €J
~ mpo giu.lJlo

98 g. -Doamne. dra • gu~ Doam - ne. SIal · am sA I'e

CD. o
'n.tre·b.!!.. D'in ce s'o 'n·ce • pu - I.!!. Ji - nu ~i mi
Libaniqd (Mur.~·Turda'. Toader Moldovean. ligan UO).IV. 1914 .

Tem!,o J, 116 ~3)

26b. ~'):~~.~~~~!~'i'§
91! f. Stal' am ...
rc 'n tre b\!. Stal am
53 t'e-il - I reb. hi ~oami[e. dra • gU\ Doam-ne

Doam • ile. dra . gu\ Dosmn!,., O'in ce S'0 tn· ce .


pUI. O'in ce s'o 'n - ce pUI.

• Mi - rul ~i vi n u · Il!" Mi - rul ~i vi nul,

f'. 1271 a). UrislU d •• u<; (Mur.~.Turda). Vasil. Suciu (JI). IV. 1914.

Tempo giU810.

la, Sus pi la fij.

nat: 1.. Cu-ro chi a erea la. Cu ·ro chi - a creat.'
2. ~

F. JJ46 b). Bala (Mur.~·Turda) . Solonl.8 Marian . IV. 1914. Z .

[ 76 ]
A III. b)
6, J)Q)Q
Tempo giusto. ,A 172
/) 21

26d. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lli Pod·va . I'e.

pod·va . Ie Tre-ce mai e • sea . reo Tre ee mai e • sea· I'e


III t5J Pi tc Id (13J I'll hft i

M. F. 1685 b). \Timi~~ n muier. ,anAra. 111.1912.

6 6)Q) 0
T('mpo giu810 6)
Ii nA fin • 13 . n3. ,pal Dom· nu

0 r.

Ooam·ne!~ L. Ii • n:1 I8n· 13· n5. -Pai Dom· nu . lui Doamne;,...

S.rafols (Toron'sll. ligan,. XI. 11J12 . r.
T"mpo giu 10. 6, ?) 0~
3) 2)

H7 a . ~i 10 sus. mai SU SI!.
2 6)

Sus la dru . mul rna r1e. ,)01 Dom· nu lui

@ 7) 8) r. 9)

Doam • ne!/ D~·o par t'e d'. ca • I'e

~ I i I r ~ I .. ~
F. 976 c). Fcrq<! (Huned,oar.,. Alexa MArina (SO). X11.191J .

[ 77 ]
A III. b)
6, 5) 0~

sa re Ca 0 tal na

ma - r.; Stea-IIB s'o vi De· Is ra s1l rit.

M.I-. 737 a). ~eb, ~ (B ,hor). un om. VIII. 1909.

6. i) CD G
Tempo giu 10, J.n 2)_ i)
1>- 0-
99 h . La ma- s~ gal bi na . Lama-sa gal •
CD 2

hi - n3 , '-Hai dai I'e-rui Doami'le! J La ma - Ii gal bill'

2. r.

1-. 1272 c ). Uf1>'U de <u, (Murt~ · Turd.). Suciu (31). IV. 1914 .

Tem80 giusto, J ' IOO

30b. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lama-a gal bi - nil., ~. "Hai - da
3)_ _

I'. - rui Doam · ne./ La ma - 5i gal bin:

;j F) P) It;[h II J@ ~
C"iiLAIl I '@ I II
F. IJSS b). Curtecap ( Mure~ -Turda). Ana Burd""n . IV. 1914, Z.

Tempo giu to, » . 160. (ace. 4. • 1.) · 184

6, -D@@I
IL 4 2)

31 d. Pod - ba - Ie. pod· ba . Ie . Tre· ci ma eea va Ie.
3) (SrI I 4)_ _

La cea ea - sa rna • re Seris - ai ~e . zii loa - reo

II 4
II;) F I "
. .
~ 141 W,
-I oar.'
M. E 878 a). V"1du (B.hor) . o mu,ere. 11 . 1910.

[ 78 ]
A III. c)
6,8,6, 6, Y!fl®~
Tempo giUllIO,
J.8~2) 4) 5)_

6 . Cl el s'o IA~·da t~. eli el 5'0 IA\! - da IU -i.
I) 6) 3L Yll 7) - ll) .=...

- I\e - rei ju - lie - I!!,

--- Ci - ne - rei )u -

J 4.

F. 10~1 c).
uqoara (Hunedioara). lancu Her\eg (19) . Xn.1913.

A III. d)
Tempo giu 10, J.102 8,6.6,6, <D@)0
2)- 4

16. Jos pii" dru - mul ma - ....Doam - ne~
@ 5)

Sus pi" Ian - gil ca - Ie. ,101 Domnu· lui Doamlle!,/ NA - scm- o. cre - SCUI- 0
r- J......, 2 .•.
r7i ~ I "J! pJ
II g I ,! I I' 1 ¢ JII"
F. 1039 b). Rllu de mori (Hunedioara). luba~ (pr.ot. ca.60). XII. 191).

8,6.4,~:2) @ 03
Parlando. ) .126. i) 1)-

100e. 99g.'· - - a ~I'eap -lli, ~ Pan'" -
@)- 2 ) ® - --l.r.- - - - ' p o c o r i l . - -_ _

co - rab.

~poco ril.
21 y hl!) )11 !ll~ .r7 ;hf5 1J) ffll :,jIJ ..
F. 1340 b). Moi~a (Mure~-Turda). 011 Ucdlo~. lig.n~ IV. 1914. Z.

[ 79 ]
A Ill. c)
B I.
8,6. 6,6. i) CD (i
T mpo giuslo_ A232
I.s,~ l)t 2)3L.
91 a. Q.. ru
3) 4)

P/i wms'o ru - ga - '!!.. ....roj Domnu-lui Doam-/\e~ Dumne-lel! i-o

S) lsI. 1:r

da • I!!., !~ dal loc in ra . j!:!J "Doam'" ne!/ Un-d'e-! hi - ne


tra - i~. Un - d'c--s me~ se 'n - t'in . . se.

2.4 .
;1 JI
F. 1006 a). P.aucin~d ( Hunedloara). Pc .. U\ Dabucean (27). cIC .. XII. 1911

Tempo giu to, ).190

Merg i - re'n


I; ill} II
frun -fe, .)oj Domnului Doam~e!/ Da 'n,; - in (ea 10 - rl!.,
2.3. iY,.
II ~
F. 984 b). Grldi~l. (Hunedioara). dOl (cclon. XII. 1913

BI. 12,
Tempo gi~to, ). 152 -(ace. S. 51.)-176

S3 d. HI am-hl!m ~i co - rin - d! - m!!. '-Cw--cai "dr- ca(..,
M.F 1394 c~ Albae (Turda - Ari.\). (ocion. XU. 1910. r.

)1.,260 12,
J08 a. Ce sa- ra·l da ia - sta Sa - rA? ... Domn d'in ceri! ....
Ili'pICi!1 r.
M.F 1482 c). Fenq (Alba dc jos). (eciorl . I. 1911

[ 80 ]
B II. a) CD
Tempo giusto, J.90 o1) 2)

S3 a.~Flori dal be de mArl ~ oi um-blAm sa co -lin - da - m!!"
;.00: k r. Var. =4 II
L~ I r r ~F I II pi : r
M.F. 846 b~ S!nmclau~ul mare (Toronlal). un recior. I. 1910.

7. 8, CD

47. ,.,Ju - ~-a lunj, ju-i\el bun! , Juni p~ ju- /lei

ME l4S6bJ.Pelr~an (AJbadejc>s~recion. i.i9l1 . r.
5 6,8,0
Tempo giusto
mir! ~ Su' poal - ca
v.-rY 'I -
17.* Flori dal - be de de co - drul vcr - d'e

afarola (Toromal). un om (40). XI. 1912.

B II. b)
Tempo gill 10
CD 8,6. CD
74. em - ce 'n ca - sa, cru- ce'n ma- sa, ,-Hoi
da Ie - rui Doamne! .....
Pelr"i (Arad). Pelru Ol.r (JO),VII. 1917. --=-----vr.
Tempo giusto 8, 6, CD
38b, ~~t~~s.~st~"~~~~~~~~~~€I~~(6~')~~
H4r. Cu-Itn ri- U\ mi - CU! in bra -Ill .I.'cr dol reT ne-va-staL-
CiArbAl (Hunedioara~doi feclori. XII. 19U


Tempo giusto, ).IS2 ._8,6. CD

(147.) Co-Io'njo - sur, mal d'injo - Sl!, ...pomnu-Iuj Doamne Doamn!.....
MF.14S4 c).Pelro~an (Alba de jos~ feclori. 1.1911.
Parlando: ».100 3) 8,6·0
.... Oai Domnului Doam~e!/
M.F. 1818 a). Jadani (Timif~ Alenasie ~orm~an (4nn. 190.

[ 81 ]
B II. c)
8.7, ®
103 h. De cllnd Do~ s'o niI· scuta. --j'f;: nos' Doam/le,/
1I~l. II
M.F. 1850 e~ Cianad (Torontol). lula Tanei. t.i~anea. II. 1913.

Parlando, ),170 2L @
J) 4) 5)
II e. Co - lo'n jos. Doam·lle. mai jo-s!!-,.Hoi len flori. daI • be tIC mar!,/
2. 3. 2

M.F. 1391 a). Albae (Turda.Arie~). fecior, XII. 1910.

8, @
Hlrlando, );.123 I)

108 h. Rl! -sa· rit· o. ra-sa - rit - o. ,-Hoi Ie -Ie ler flor! de ma.!,/
Var. r.

" JI
M. F. 67~ d~ Dclan (Bihor). dou3 fete . VII . 1909.

Tempo l(iU~IO• .I> , 160'('CD 8, CD

I)j- 2 2)
'--" '--'

i 0 i
59 c. Scoa la. gaz-da nu durmi.........Ho...;.:..:i'-Ie~. ru...:....:.Je:....~~.,·.;.:D.:.o:::,an.:.'.:.:.n"
II £ pi J j I
II fa]l
A A Var . r

F. 1564. h). Tr3ia~ (Arad). Pavel Opr.a (17). Gli~ r (/7). VIL 1917

8, CD
105,.. Hai. SCUI • o. Doa",- ne. na

sc:u - t,!!. '- Ca-'1l flo - ri I\~._---"m.:.::A,--_ _,-,ru=--_ _I:.::u""i!'"

2. ~ ........ r.

1'. 1165 a). DumDravi!" de eodr. (Bihur). n"meni. 11.1914 .

[ 82 ]
B II. c)
8, CD
Tempo giusto, ) ,124
1) 2) 3) CD
lOS u. ~i'o nl • scu - t\!o mili-o SCu - t!!.

4) 5) 6)

¢ ,,11
M.F. 1972 b). Ginta - Rohani (Bihor). un om b'trin. 1.1912 .

Parlando, 8, CD
1)- -
) . 144
2) 3)_ _ 4) 5) _ _ CD
t05t.C'o _ __ na - SCUI. Doam • X~-o n3 - SCU - tl!,

J 7)

flo - ri l'~-a rna ru lu i! .....


3 )
F. 1174 b). ~imi (Bihor). Ion Mo\ (45). O. 1914 .
cr. No. 121.

Parlando. ) , 132 3) 4) _ _
1) _ _ 2)- --

45a. ~~~m~~~~~~~~
105 g. Bu-nil sa - ra _ _ _ lui Cnl cju - n!!!
6) 7) H)

La - sli rna Ion Iru sli tu . nyl


1;.2 Fttl!?' ID14) lJj IftI( 5.)) 171 4}

M.F. 1376 a). Cherpeni~ (Alba de j(5).O muier•. XU. 1910.

[ 83 ]
B II. c)
~ 8,@
Parlando,_lento, J .55
.. U~
0 t 2

108 m Tri crai de la r.1-sli Cu Slea-lI:a\! elI-la-Io - ri- I!!.
Var .........

121 r d"
M . F. 765 b). Trilul de jos (Turda.A"<~). un om . IX. 1909

8, CD
Temllo giuslo, J ' 144
I) _ 2)_ ~_ 4L 5L 6)
~31. Sus Ia vi'\lI vi- nu - lu- i, _ La um- bra gu - tu-iu - lu- i
2. a 2 voce 1.

I'. IDO aJ. Niere .'eu (Murrl - Turd.). Anica Neogoo. elc.. IV. 1914. Z.

2) - - \ : . ;
0' 8, f2'
:.---=:::::-. J ) - -.. _

us c. zur _ _ zur
be su
5) _ _
rori, z-

zur zur _ _ _ _ zur dal be su rori,

2.3. 4.

Marian. elc.. lV. 1914. Z.

Tempn giUSIO )
8, CD

">1U de sus (Mure~ -Tu rda), V..ile SUCIU (31). IV. 1914.
and: Chincl~ (Mure~ Turd.) Ale~.ndru Ma,,~ (38). 1 . 1914

Tempo giu t o, .A 120 8, @

45f.• ~~~~~g~~~~~~
Doam - ne - su se Hri

Tu e~li nO !!a lOq fru moa - se.

M.F 737 b). $ebi~ (Bihor). un om. V111 . 1909.

[ 84 ]
B II. c)
Tempo giu8to, 8, 0

~ti no - 1!3 zori fru-moa·se.
J. --...""--=

F. 92 2 c). Ci:\rbAI (Hunedioara). I'tIrU One~n (24)~ XII. 19 13.


36a . Co - 1o ___ sus.Doam
~e. maj _ _ su •
.. _-

_ _ _ _ dal ra - sa ri

M.F. 1402 b). Albae (Turd.· Ari",!). un "'"~ xn. 1910 .

Tempo giusto, 1)_-

58 b. Scoa-Ill. ea nu-i vreme d-a-durmil!!.

a- ~a __ ~!-a - lui mi- fi !'e-!!. Fa-~a-i d-al- b! de rna - 13- sa.

2. J.

F. 13410). Moi~ (Mur",!-Turda). NOli L~cAIO~. \isan (55). IV. 1914. Z .

A144 2)-_~
0 8, CD

zori d' i rep - Ie.

5) ---.....-::::,-=--


M. F. 1434 a). Vidra de sus (Turd.- Arie.l. un am. XU. 1910'

[ 85 ]
B II. c)
PorLmdo, - 80
8, (J)

122 c. Doam - nc _ _ I - su .Ie Hri stoa - .Ie,

no - !!~ _ _ __ zorl fru moo - sc.

M. F. 912 a). Bis'ra (Turda-Atie,), un nm. m . 1910.·

Parlondo, ,) 144

119. Prino - ra - $ul _ _ _ Vir - - Ie - my'


Vi - nili _ _ voi toli _ _ _ sil-I ve - d'c - my"


M. F. l~JO a), Vdnl de m[j\oc (Turda-AtiO$). un om. XII. 1910.

Tempo giusto @
45m. ~§~~~~~~H~~*§~§II
(I4R.)" Co-lo'n 'us Ia __ nl.~ - n·1U E·st~-unmar_ rna· re' - n-I!!._
Den.. (Timi$). un lIgan (23/, XII. 1912.

oi_ p3 sl ri, oa rn ci.

O! _ gcr ___ ~. frig _ _ miin • ca • Ii,

2.3. Var.

M. F. 19O5 d), Rogoz (Bihor), feciori, XIL 1911.

[ 86 ]
B n. )
Pnrlnndo, ) . 138 r:::::: 6::::-1 I)
o 8,0
l20a. A - - Sla - sa - ora _ __ d'e era - - eju ns.
2-- 3)--

A Sla- i sa - ra _ __ d'e CrA elu na .

2. Var.

F. 1241 b). LibAnic,d (M""'I - Thrda). Toader Moldovean, lig.n (SO)." IV. 1914.

049.) Iz rca ~-II\I

so sat _ __
6)- 7 I_I

D'e 18 __ Dom - nuJ __ ccl _ _ _ _ prca _ Siant .

2. 3.

F. 1336 c), Mice~,i (Mulq- Turda), FIo.rea CCl,clc$. etc.. IV. 1914, Z.

- 88 8, 0
J40a! Thcdlkhen SO nadl khcany, The - d. - !then so-! na-d. - khcanl!.
3. st.

Sar - phu-ICI 0 som- nal de - - I.!!, Sar - phu - 1.1 _ _ 0

1. st.··

som - nal dc-I.!!. _ _ Dus - len. dus - ten _ de Ro - ma-Ie _ _

F 1328 c). Nicn:~.u (Murcl- Thrda). Ton. Ferenl. ,'gan (34). IV. 1914. Z.

Parlnndo, - 1J6
J)'---::-=-' 3)-

115a. Co-boril-o _ _ Dum/\c - Ie· u. o·borit-o __ Dumlle - l.e - U

2. Var.: ISO

F. 1238 e), Idicel (Murel-Turda). Susana Oncca (43), Susana Sagiu (36), TV, 1914.

[ 87 ]
B II. c)

122 d.• 105 I. 0 1- suse Hi - rI - - stoa-se. 0 1- su-se HI - ri stoa - se.

L 1 Var.

M. F. 13890). Albae (Thrda-Anes). redon. XlI. 1910.


45u. ..
I ob.' u~ - te nU~le-~ Roma - Ie - re, ~ Ie n~te Ro- rna - Ie - ~
2. 2.3.

F. 1226 iI). Rapa de sus (Mures-Turda). Su.ana BotA. ligand (4S). IV. 1914.

122 e. Doamne I - su - se Hri-stoa - se. Tu e~ti no -!Iii zorj fru·moo - '".


Tu "'iti fa - z:i _ cea cu - ra - t3. _ Si lu-min' _ d - de· l'3-n\ - tAo
Cf. Kaeerovski 40 •. ; Bosiljevac 47; Dordevie
Nar. lTv. n / 2; KU~d B. H. S81. 91J; Ku~!ti8.
M. F. 831 al. SiinmiclAu$ul mare (Tomntal). un om. I. 1910.

673. Se-d~-un damn bWl ~I ci - Ilea - za. , Doaml~e dai Dom·nului Doamlle! ...
M. F. 1675 b). Murani (Tunis). Ion Ruzdugan. Ion Oni... reciori. III. 1912. 1.
Sararol. (Tomntal). un tigao Mlr.ln. Xl. 1912.

Tempo ~usro
Vakani (Torontol). [.t. (14-IS). Xl. 1912.

Tempo gilL<tO ® 8,®

22a. SUO poa-L~ _ _ de cod - ru\ ver - - de, Su' poa-I! _ _ de cod - rul verd'
Topli,a (Muocs-lUrda). Vasile V"da (30), VIlt. 1916.

[ 88 ]
B II. c)
117. Scu.lalifrati ou mai durmitl. _ Scu
M. F. 912 b). Bistro (Turda.Ari~). un om. III. 1910."
--- lali fraU nu mai dur • mili,

B II. d)
Ternpn !(ill.lo. ) =152
1-- @
32d. rie ___ 5'0 _ _ SCU • I.· lu,

mi llioa • ni! ~ $i pa cap s'o t'cp - til . nal,

2. Var.

Hal - - !lli..
F. 1l~7 c), 15iimbmvila d. codru (Bihor), Gheorghe Pinte, etc .. II. 1914. cr. 51. 66.

8,12, @
Parlomlo. ) - 176 2)--;--- 2
4 g. Po cum Dom nul ~i·o ru· • ga . 1)<,_

Dum·no· zel1 de _ _ _ 101 _ i-o da ' I!!., ,,Dom. nu-Iui Doamn'!,,1

2. y
F. 1264 b), Chinei$ (Mure$. Turd.), Alexandru Mir;$ (38), IV. 1914. cr. Nos. SO, 66.

B II. e)
12.8, Q)

cur, t'ea lui Cra, cju

• 2

yo ' ,M'ruj Doam, /Ie! J Lui ern ' quo _ ce ' lui bii, wi ' ou _
2. 3.

F. 923 b), CiflrbAI (Hun.dioara), Va,ile Ii losif Costa (SO, 42), Xll. 1913.

[ 89 ]
B II. e)
Tempo giusto. )_ 136 12, 8, CD
I 2)--- 3)--

52h. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
lOSe. Do ce sa . r:1.·j d-a - 5t:1. - sa - ra?

CD ~ 4)-- 5) 6)

,Le ruj_
Doam-lle ! J Sa ra-j rna . ro luj d-A-ju nl1.
2. 3. a\

F. 97S a). ert~d (Hun.dioara). Alexa Mlrina (SO), xn . 1913.

CD Thmpo ginstn, )t=31S 12,8,

la 51a - \IlI _ _ ce riu - lu iu,

"---" '-" "---"
,~Le .....::..i__~Doam -lie!
_ _ _ru J La scam-IIi - rea _ Dom - nu - Iu -
F. 1031 b), Riu de mori (Hunedioara), (<>sir Todoroni (18), Jon Muntean (20), XII. 1913.

'II mpo giwlo, ) - 168 12,8, CD

1)--- 4)-- 5 -
31. Po - run - cit - - 0,_ po- run-cit .. - 01 _

CD 7) S)-- 9

L'. - rui Doam - /I.! , Po - - run - cit - - 0, po' run· cit • 0

2. 3. 4.


F. 1m a), savfulin (Arad). Sofia Goian, VTI. 1917.

[ 90 ]
B II. e)
Tempo gin to, )~ 152- (ace. 3 st.) -160 12,8, CD
• 3. st. 1)---

52e. i!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
112 f. lu - da din _ _ somn scu - la - ri!.,

2) 3)

, Oom - nul Ooam - ~e! ..; Pe Ju - cia din _ somn scu - lar',

M. F. 1726 b), Igri~ (Torontal), douA ligance (30), Xl. 1912. Cf. NO. 211.

Tempo gin to, 160- (ace. 4 st.) -180 12, 8, CD

I) 2)-- 3

=i de la ra ~a ri
6)- 7)- 8}- 9

rilI.! -J Tri _
:..:...._ _--,-,,,,,,-==--
...Dom - nu'n~ce crai de - la ra - - sa - rit,
2. r--, r-J-,

3. 4.

M. F. 1673 a), Mlr.A$tiur (fimi$l, Lina Trandafir, li8llnea, m. 1912.

Thmpo giusto, ) - 138 12,8, Q)

8i. Ma-re-i sa-ra d-ina-sa.di, ,,LerDoa~nele!/ Co n3-SG\II$i _ _ DomnulSflint,

Idicel (Mu~.Turdal. Susana $i R.fiIa On= (43. (7), rv. 1914.

B II. f)
12, CD
Tempo giusto, vivo
•54. Di . mi . noa la di Oil.- ci.u nJ!.. " Le. rui Doam - ile! _ ,

F I J era· J J J II
Oi· mi - nea tiu ny,.
di I., Lc· rui v Doamn', J

Triii~ (Arad), Gheorghe Lerie (60), VI!. 1917.

[ 91 ]
B n. f)
12. CD

58a. Sc:u • laU. _ scu·laU _ bo·ieri_ rna


D'e va __ scu· • lati- fe . t'i· . Ie '.re, ,l'er_ Dom· l\ia Ie! ,

13 fon. : Var.

F. 1271 b), Uri iu de $Us (Mure$·Turda), Vasile Suciu (31), IV. 1914.

32g. rui _ Doam· Ilc! ,

J.., 3)---

Ca.j rur·ma _ de _ _ __ oi'n sa· la· i\I. - ...:l",'e_'_...cru..::...:..j Doamn'! ,


M. F. 2000 c), LUllC$oara (Bihor), Toader Muzoc, etc., II. 1912.

Pnrlnnrlo, ) . 204
1)- 2)
82 b. A, Gm . i~j Ta·t!1 DumIlc·ze· u, .,-L_e_ _ru
--=.j:...---.:...~am . ~e! ,
3)- 4 ) - -

~i_ fa· cem __ un _ _ _ fe· re·d!·u. _ ,Le . ru·j Doamn'!,

2. \'.Ir.

M. F. 1998c), Gro$i (Bmor). losif MU$i, lisan (25), n. 1912.

[ 92 ]
Ill. a)

Pur/undo, ) . 232
12, @

82a. Co-Ioi sus. _ co- - 101 mai. SU-S!l, ,L'e - ru-i _ _

4)-- 5)-- 6-

Doam lie!, Sus_ in var - fu _ _ mun-l'e·lu-i. _ .... L·c ru-j Doamn'! I

2. J. Var.

M. F. 1922 c). Dr.lge$ri (Bihor). oamen;. xn. 1911.

B III. a)
T..mpo I!ilmo. J=98 5,8,8, -J)@
re- ru-j Doam - ne! La_ ca - pu__ p~
3 r.
I) 4} 5 ) - - 6)

ru - lu - .ill

2. J. 4.

F. 1357 a}. Cunecap (Mu'e$-1Urda). Ana Burdean.elc, IV. 1914. z.

B III. b)
A 142 8, 5,8, vID@
2)-- 3- VTD
JOS. CO - 10 mai.- su - SQ, Dom- nu-lul Doam
5}- 6

~----- Co - 10 jos. CO - 10 mai su

F. 1165 c). Dumbravila de codru (Bihor). oamen;. n. 1914.

[ 93 ]
B III. b)

Tempo giusto, J. 108 vi})

8, 5,[8J, viP@)
57. Ja·mj seoa·11 - t'e,_ dom-nul _ bu - nu. Dom-nu-Iui Doamn'!
M. F. 14823). FeI1e$ (Alba dejos). feciori. I. 1911. r.

- in - rea ce - ~tor_ cur - ili!.

, Dom- nu - lui Doam - ile! , E - s~-on pi -

Y. 3.

F. 1050 b). uqoara (Huncdioara). lancu Hcrteg (19), elc. XU. 1913 .

Tempo I!ilmo, ) = 126

8, 5 [8], wpCD
... 1)-===- - 2)--- 3)--

59b. ~~~~~*~~~~§~~
·82 g. 11t am - bllm _ _ li _ _

t) B~11il £9 jb IA QJB ~ i ¥ II
co rin - <Iii m\!., \ Dai co - - ~I·i.::..
n _--:-_-=
2. ~J--' 3. Y 4.

M. F. 1395 a). Albae (Thrda-Aries). feciori. XU. 1910.

8, 4,[81, DCD
bl;Domn J;; • -J 'I II
din cer~··
M. F. 1457 a). Pell'O$3n (Alba de jos). feciori. I. 1911 .

!'. 4A 4r ij/2(! fi I fJ
Tempo ';\1 to, ) . 152 -(ace. 6.1.).170 8 4,[8],

~ 63 b. ~i _ ~e ta -
- sA. gazdli)1 ca - 51.
JIB 4 2;
• Dai-
SEll (}j~¥ II rID d'e!,

P'E4Pb, 14.II l'z. I

CO - -

2· ~13. ~
)' i9 II i ~ Y
M. F. 1993 a). Gnl$i (Bihor). feciori. U. 1912.

[ 94 ]
B III. b)
8, S. 8, ~(j)
Tempo gin 10, )8400
.1) 2) 2
la cur - I'ea _ lui erA - ciu - n.!!.,

,,D0m -nu - lui _ Doam-nc! ) Bu - nli lu - mi nli ~ Ve - d'e .

13. y. bI
""'" Ii "nflt Ii I" ~
~ ill
F. 1033 c). lUu de mon (Hunedioara). Iosif Todoroni 00. Ion Munlean (18). VII. 1913.

8,5,8, ~@
Tempo giusto, J - 88 l) V
61a. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
n - 83a. rit - 0, _ go

ri-Ior_ daI - be!) Fb- go - rit-o,_ po - go - - rit

2. t. Vat.

F. 1174 a). SOimi (Bihorl, [on MOl (4S), IT. 1914.

8,5,8, ~@

36b. ra - sli ri ~ Flo

ri - le-s

daI be!" Jiist. un porn mAn - dru'n nO - rit.

Corbesd (Bihar), XIl. 1911.

83 c. Fb - go - rit - 0, po- go - ri

Flo - ri- Ie -s Dumnc-zey ~i cu San - - t'etr':

·Var. BY.
M. F. 867 a), Reius ( Bihor), un fecio<, II. 1910.

[ 95 ]
B III. b)
8, 5,8, ~@
Tempo giU5to 5
61d·m~~~§~§~*~~~ 92b. 51 YO - ro - ~ yea ~

Oi· rni . nea·la - dea

, Flo . ri - Ie·s
y. dal be!, pur - ce· -

Leheceni (Bihor). vm. 1909.

8,5, 8, D0

" f. Co • Io'n _ dea - lu·i dup' on dea- 1!:!."Fio ri·le·s

I 2)- - '-----~t

dal be! Co . lo'n _ dea· lu·i dup' on _ __ deal


M. F. 91S b). Mlnii$liurul unguresc (Cluj). nwieri. m. 1910.

93 j. ce - rju· • lu .

3)- 4)- 1.

...:F1:.:o::......--..:r~i~.le~.=:._ _--...:::=.;. ce rju • - lui

2. y.

F. 13S4 c). Curtecap (MurC$-Thrda). Ana Burdean. elc .• [V. 1914 . Z.

8, 5,8, D®
4 4~ i D
Tempo giwto, ~ =104
61g. r F r r 14 I tp?"'j Jl
'IT 100 g . Tiit urn - bla Pet • rc _ _ pe ra - j! .
2 I)

\, Flo • ri· I'c· on zdal - be! , Tilt urn-bla Pet - re pe - mi..

II y ,
F. 1261 a). O~a (MurC$. Thida), MlIria Late$ (22). IV. 1914.

[ 96 ]
B III. b)
8, 5, 8, @ vITI
Tempo giusto, J = 69 1)- - 2)- - vfP
lo'n $i mai _ _ d-in__ jo - S!!.
6) - -

"Flo dal- be!; Co - lo'njos$i mai-,.:;_,in-- jos

2. ,...-JJli£i{

M. F. 1645 b), Voiniceni (MurC$ -1\!rda). Ludovi~a MAni$or, . tc .. IV. 1912.

8,5, 8, ~0
11 mpo giusto, ) = 84 - (ace. So st.) - 100
1) ~
38a. qob - rit /leg - ri cod - ba -

_o_m_ _ _
~,-D nu_-~Iui_ Doam /Ie!" Ciob-rii neg - ri cod bat
5. y

M. F. 1991 a). Coml3u$a (S~tmar). 0 muiere. I. 1912.

83e. Ai Po - go-rit-o, po - - go - ri .~-

,-Co- rin - d'e Doam - lie! , Dum - /Ie - ze~ $i CU _ _ san - I'err'
~ ~ fu

M. F. 2001 b}. LunC$08r8 (Bihor). oameni (Toader Muzocl. n. 1912.

8, S. 8, ~V@
. Tempo giusto, ) - 79 - (ace. 3. sl.) - 84
61k. ~@@~~~~~",----,~D~~~
52. Fa - t'e ve - sel, gaz - - dJi __ bu ml.

,Dom - nu - lui Doamn'!,
)f'l Ii jJ
Fa - I'e
J J J I jJ
ve - sel, gaz -
m Ii! jJ
df:::.... bun',
F. 1231 b)·, !dicel (Mul'C$-Turda). Gheorghe Oltean (39). LazAr SagAu (34~ IV. 1914.

[ 97 ]
B III. b)
Lento. parlando 4

611. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
58 d. Scu - lali, scu - lali. bo - jeri rna ri!!,--

4~ vr F
,Flo -
j ICW@'
- ri - le'n dal -
- be!j Scu-Iali, scu-Iati ho - ieri _ mari ,
Lec:hincioara (Mure$ -Thrda), Susana Steran (20). IV. 19r7.

Tempo giusto, Ja 88

1l2j. Cind ci na Hri - t05 _ _ _ la _ rna - sii,

,Flo - ri - le-s dal - bel , Oind ci - na Hri - stos_ la _ mas',

M. F. 1362 b), Gherla (Solnoc-Dobaca). un om. Xl. 1910.
8,5,8, vID®
vq> 3)--

62b. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
53 g. oj iG\urn - bllm co lin • dI - my' ~i

, FIo-ri - I'e-. dal - be!, Noiurn-bliirn$i _ co- lin - - dim

2. 3.

__ 5.

M. F. 1389 a). Albae (Thrda-Arie$), un recior, XU. 1910.

[ 98 ]
B III. b)
Tempo giul!tD 8,5,8, D®
53 •. "Flo· ri • Ie dar - be!,.----- Co - lin - . om,
D •
co - • lin - da - ~, Co-lin-da-om, CO - lin - da- -~

Top1il. (Mure$-Thrda), Vasil. Vod. (30), vm. 1916.

'T' ~
.empo jriu 10, t/'w 166 - (ace. 3. st.) - 180
1)- - - -

62e. ~')!~I.~~~~b~i~~~r~r~'~r~1~frG~'
65d. Co-bo-nl-o Dum - - I\e - ze u,
@ 2)- 3)--

\, Flo- ri l'e-5 dal - be!r-- Co - bo - rit - ° Dum - /Ie ze~

2.3. • 2. Var.

ze - u
F. t232 a), Idicel (Mure$-Thrda), Ion PIli (25), IV. 1914.

Thmpo giwto, ) ~IOO B,5,8, D®

t D
106 b. Co- ho- rit - 0, co bo ri t!,
3)--@ 1)--

" Flo - ri - - 1'. dar· - be !,....- Co - ho - rit - o. CO - ho - r1 - t!


31 r=~ II ~

F. 12S2.). Or$0V8 (MurC$·Thrda), Mdri. Late$ (22), IV. 1914.

"F1o-ri - I'e daJ· be!,

Chinci$ (MufC$.Thrda), IV. 1914.·

[ 99 ]
B III. b)
Tempo giusto, )=248 8, 5, 8, D®
62g.·~ ~~~§5~~1)~~~~~~~~~2)~3~)~~~~~D~~
112 1. Co - rea sus $i mai _ _ d'in SU • S!;

4) S) b3 6 7)-- 8)

,..oomnu - lui Doam - /le!; - Su' po - mu d-Ar - gi - - mu - lu ju_

2. 3.

291" ~ 11i if r b pi ) 141 ) A I" J} I btl It! j} r r

F. 1007 aI, Paucine$d (Hunodioara), !'elrut D3bucean (21), elc .. 26. XII. 1913.

S9 b. Scu - lati, Stu - Jali. mari bo- ie - - ri.!!.!

3)- t 4--

,pom - nu lui_ Doam - lie !__ 1ar Stu - Ian d'e nu dur - mi U\!-
3. 4. s.

F. 984 cl. Grldi$le (Hunedioaral. doi feciori. Xn . 1913.

h 213 8, 5, 8, DC])
11empo glUoto,

62i.* ~~~g~~~~~~~~~~
M.. 104 j. Sus la' nal - tu ce - riu - tu -

lui_ Doam·/le!,---- La lun·ci -I'e soa - ric lu • i!!..

2. 3.

F. 1007 dl, Paudnesd (Hunedioara), Petrul Dibucean (27), etc., 26. XII. 19\3.

[ 100 ]
B Ill. b)
8,5,8, DCV

(j)I03d. po- run cit - 0,

~J---. J

~ 10 Stan-til M3 ri· -e_ rna - rie

2. r-J-., J. 4.

F. 1050 8), Nlq03I1I (Hunedioara), Jancu Heneg (l9~ elC. XIT. 1911

8,5,8, Dill
Tempo giu~to, ) .244

1b., le. Co - lea _ su - sui. mai _ _ d';n _ su

3)- I) 2 - 4)

, Ju - ~e luj
bu - nl!,!, D'~-sup • ra la_ rA s4 - - ri t.\!.,
2. •• 3.

F. 1028 d). Rliu de mori (Huncdioara), losif Dochia (25), Dumu BrAila (26). xn. 1913.

Tempo giusto, ) . 156 8, 5, 8, Dill

621. ~~~~~~I)~~~~~2)~~3~)~~~~~~~D~~
82h. Su' _ oer_ ro· ~u. r.l sa ri

2) 3)--

, Dornnu, • lui Doam./le!,r-- Su'_ccr_ roo ~u, r.l - sa ri

2. Var.

F. 975 c), Fere$<! (Hunedioara), Alcza M!rina (SO), XII. 1913.

[ lOt ]
B III. b)
Tempo giu 10 8,5,8, D®
62m. :)I~. 4i

) IF

Plcac' un ju .. ne
1M r
{j:b Ii J
va - - na
4)- 5)- 6)~ 8) 9)- 10)

\. Ju - /Ie - I~~____bu_-_n-='!.,-,,!I Ca - I"c. lun - &3_ no- -iii zi - re,

2. 3.

71 a I a Y

F. 921 b). CiArbal (Huncdioara). Vasile Costa (SO), I05if Costa (42), xn. 1913.

Tempo giu. to, ) - 168 _ (ace. 2~. 51.) -184 8, 5, 8, D®

1)- 2)- D
62n. ~ti~§~m~~~~~~~
• 24. ~in - na _ cu _ _ flori i-al - • be,

~ Ju· ne - lui_
bu - nU! 7 D-in po- i. . na eu _ fIori i-a! - be
2. 3. \far. ~

F. 1566 e). TTai~ (Arad). 0 muiere, vn. 1917.

Tempo gin 10, ) = 224 8, D@

D o
620. ~.. U~~~~~~~~~~~
100 i. Par - ce - d·c. Pel· • ru d'c ra
® 2) 3)- 4- 5)--...,.-,-

, Ra - iu mfuHIru lu - mi-nos!, Par-ee - d'c. Pet - ru d'c ra - i!!;

2. 3. 4. S. Var.

F. IS6S b), TrAi~ (Arad), Letilia Leric, YD. 1917.

[ 102 ]
B III. b)
8, D@

3) 4)

Dom-nu - lui Doom -lIe!,_ Sa- mj a-duc'un I'el!_ I'e- - ga - !!!.,_

2. r. Vat.

F. IOS9 b). u~oa;:a (Hunedioara). lancu He"eg (19). elc .. XlI. 1913.

Tempo, .J>~ 1 60 8, D0

1)-- 2) 3- 4) 5)

d-. - ce - ~rea Cur - \iu. "Dom - nu - lui,


Dom- nu -lui Doam-~e ) D-a - $e naI- 1'. ~i 'n-fo - la - t'e.

2. r. 3. Var.

F. 920 c). Ci3rb31 (Hunedioara). Vasile Cosla (SO), [osif Costa (42). XlT. 1913.

11 mpo giu~to 8, D0
62 ,
·1 g. De- clnd mi - rei li- ai pie - ca - I!!, "Dom-nu - lui.

~m - nu - lui Doamlle !, lar mi - rei du pil _ v:i na - 11!..

Riu de mori (Hunedioara). N. lub3$ (prool). xn. 1913.

Tempo giustO, .J>- 152 8, D0

1)- D
.. :z8h. Plea - c;1 Lin - III , Da (- I'eo - na
2.- 2

fa - - til dal - b3 !, Plea - ea Lin - Iii Ia ran - ta - nil

2. 3.

F. 1336 a). Mice$li (Mure$-1\lfda). Floarea COtele$ (19), elc.. IV. 1914. Z.

[ 103 ]
103g. De c8nd DoIlHlU s'o na - scu - ty, ,-FIo-ri - I'e-s daI -
2. 3.

F. 1224 c). lUpa de SUs (Mure$-Turda), Susana Bilta. ligand! (45), IV. 1914.

[81,5,8, D@

(ISO.) ,-FIo- ri - I'e-s dal be!_ Co-Io'njo-sul. mai_d'in jo - Sl!.

2.4.6. 15. 7. Var.

M. F. 1454 h). ~t"'san (Alba de jos). fecion. I. 1911.

[8],5,8, D@
Tempo giusto, ) - 232 4

69a. Dom-nu - lui....,.. Down-lie!, Noi umblam sa co - lin - d4 - mu,
M. F. 8450), Siinmic1!u$ul mane (forontal), feciori, 1. 1910.

[81,5,8, D@

53 c. , Flo - ri - Ie daI be',.... Si mer-gem a co - - rin - da - Ie

Socodor (Arad). un rccior. vn. 1917.

Tempo giusto, ) - 216 fA\
I) ~ 2) 3) 4-

a. , Flo - ri - le-s daI - be!,--Scula\i. boi.ri, nu dur · ~i· ti.
~14. Ivar. ~
I! fi pi Ft9 1I; 1 F4 jl 121 J[ 3!+4!
Ii! 'i'l[
M. F. 1482 b). FcnC$ (Alba dejos). r.ciori, T. 1911.

[ 104 ]
B III, b)
8, 5, 8, 5 i) ® <I

I h. O'e-cind mi - riel ~i-o pI'e ca - fl!., ~Flo - ri - re-s

6)~ 2)- 1) 8 ) -

<lal be! =r Tot rni-riel du pA _ vi - - na - fl!., "Ao- ri -- le-s dal - be! ,

2. 3.

F. 9930), Gradi$te (Hunedioara), Mihai Coriu I. (13), Valer Moi$oni n. (IS), xn. 191).

Tempo giu~lo, ; =80 8, 5, 8,5 D®Q


Scu-1au. scu-Ia\i bo- ieri rna - ril!. ,Flo- ri - I'ey.
3) ~ 5)-

daJ be!, ~u-laU. scu-la\i bo ieri rna - riu, ,F1o- ri I'c

daJ - be! ,

F. 1356 b}, Cunecap (Murq-Thrda), Ana Bunitan, etc., TV. 1914. Z.

Tempo giu 10, ;=104

8,5,8, D®
I) D
34e. Noa - tJ., noa - tJ. bo - u su ry,

cw. 3) 4~ 5) 6)
4~b ~ r
"Flo - ri
IF) rJ ?1l1 e r
daJ - be!r-- Noa·tJ., noa- III
if r I(---- -.b J I J ;)ij II
bo- -u su rl!
2. 3.

F. 1329 b), ierqleu (MurC$.Thrda), Anica Neagoi (11), .Ie., tv. 1914. Z.

F J33S a). M'lCC$ti (MuI'C$·Thrda). Alexandra MoIdovean 04~ [000 Pap (3R), IV. 1914, Z.

[ 105 ]
B III. b)
Tempo giu 10, A 168 0 8, 5, 8, 5, D@X!
62dd. ~~~~§i~~I~~~~~~~~~li~~~2~~3~~~~
64 a.
Ciu-curi ver - d'e d'e _ rna - ta - a; ,Dom-nu - lui
@ ( 4 ) ---S- --"""'Y."

Doam - lie!, Ciu-curi verd'e d'e _ _ rna - ta - sa ; ,Domnu - lui_ Doam-~e!1

2. v.u-.

M. F. 1684 b), Seceani (Timi$), 0 muiere, ITT. 1912.

Oi Dom- nu - lui Doam-ne OJ Dom - nu - luj Doam - no

Ocnta (Timi$). un ligan (23). xn. 1912 .·

Temso giu to )~208 -(ace. 3. <I .) - 224 8,5,8,5, D@@

62ee. 4" i75.
J!jJ J J J II! 4 ) JJ Ii
§. Sli-mitrii.e~ti, dom - nu1, _ eu
J J I) I.
bi ~e , ,~Do_m_-_nu_
_ I....:

@ @ r.

bi - re,_ , Domnu - lui Doam-~ell


2. 3. Var. II
M. F. 1n3 b). Tolvadia (Toronlal). 2 liganee (25). Xl . 1912.

8,5, 8,5, vijJ@6'n

Tempo ~usto,
1) 2)- 3)
J~ 84 -(ace. 3. st .) - 90 vib
4) S} 6 - 7)
141.· $u - lu - ro - rna ~ - val - do, "Flo - ri-Ie-s daJ - be !"

$u tu-ro-ma ~ - val - '----'

do, _ _ , Flo - ri-le~ dal - be! 1

ii~ 11Iafi)I"bl"'~ F'RllIIlIjl:i ptltJltP'B Iblt II

M. F. 1726 c), Igri$ (Torontal), 2 ligance (JO), xn. 1912 .

[ 106 ]
B III. b)
8,5,8,5, DG)(l
Tempo giustO
J) D 2) 3) 4)

60d. Scaa-Ia, gaz - da, nu _ _ dur - mi ~. , Dom-nu lui
~ 6) Q 7)

Doom - lie!, Scoa-lli, gaz- dll , nu _ dur - mi -!E.> pomnu - lui Doam· rle! ,


Va,. Ton. fin.

F. 1591 b). 0 fall.

8, 6, 8, 6, D@)<J
I'arlando, )~ 122 -(ace. 2. 1.). 140 D 5)--
1)-- 2)- 3)- 4)--

83g. Co - bo- rit-a~ _ Dom - nul_ Sfanl, ,Hai

8)@) 9-- 10)

Ie - ru-mi Doam - lie. hail, Dom-nuL Sflnt _ p'a-

11) - - 12)--

, Hai Ie - - ru-mi Doam - lie, hail J




Sfin - IU
-min - IU

M. F. m3 a). [g'il (To,ontal), un Om (3~. XI. 1912.

[ 107 ]
B III. b)
Tempo ~iu.IO. ) = 144 J{
62ii. ~~~mm~~~~~ 69b. Ciu • curi ver· d'e d. mii . ta • &!;

\ Dom • lUI • lui. _ _ Dom· nu Iui_ Doamlle L, qu· curi vcr - d'e
Cr. Q 4)

de _ _ _ mii • ta . 54;
o m;....•....;n.;.:.
u_--;;Iui- Doom - /Ie! I

2. J 3.

M. F. 1672 b). M3n~tiur (Timi~), Lina Trandafir. liganc1. ITT. 1912.

, Oom. nu lui_ Dom . nu • lui Ooam~e!1 Ai· sta.;, gaz - <Ii

4·hl. II r eel _ _ mal
~ ;) Ii ~
---==--J I J
n,:!, _ _ ,
~ )

~i JJ ,UJ FI FJIlI tl71 eAJ £lUll!! H G/)!ti_F;!21 71 J]J}J I ...,.r _

M. F. 1726 d). 18ri$ (Torontal). 2 ligance (30). Xl. 1912 .

M. F. 1727 a). cuv. S3 h.

= 192:
Ton. fin. Var
lui'J]J9 11I41flJ? 11i41J J J J

[ 108 ]
B III. b)
Trmpo giusto. ).96-(3cc.)-106

87n. A - la·i sa - ra
CD v
lui, Crn - ciu • nj!, -----

Doamn', si-a nos'Dnamn'! , A lui Crn-<=jun eel ba -Iran.
M. F.llSJ C), Micol. ( olnoc·Dobaca), un om, XI. 1910. cr. No. lOt.

Trmpo giu to, J 106-(acc. 4.•1.)-116

8,5,8, [X'D
dam- pu rna - la • iu - lu • i,

. hoi p" dam - pu rna la - iu - lu -

2.3. 4.
II ~
: 21 ~
F. IS77b), Savarlin (Arad), Lin. Adam. VII. 1917.

Tl'mpo giustO, J, 90-(acc.3. 51.) ·106

8,5,8, VJJ)
.. @ l26.Hai cu to ·\ii sa 5u i-m!!,. ~Hoi I'cr,
0--- 2) 3) r.

flori de miir!, _ _ _ Hai cu to - Iii sa 5U im

2. 3
"lp Im~ I"
F. 1071 c), Ghelar. (Hunedioara), Maria I..asculoni Zric (22), xn. 19\3.

Tempo gillJ!to, 8,7,8, 3)@

1040. Dum-ne - lell d'e la'n -Co • pu - tJ!, Oom - nu - 'lui
3 r.

si-a nos' Dam· nu ! " Dum - r'Ie - zey d'c la'n - co • put

M .F. )973 a), Tilrna mare (Sllmor), reciori, 1.1912 .

[ 109]
B III. b)
Tempo giuslO,J.84-{acc.5.St.). IOO 3' 8,7, 1, 3XD
d ~- V ~ 0
64d.~~~~~.~~~ 92d. Noi.d-umblim d'e co·!, Dam· nu ·Iui Ji·a nos' Oom· nu! ,
I.(var.) Vat.

M.F. 1978 b), nrna marc (SAlmar), reciori, I. 1912.

Tempo giU810 8.7,8,00

1) - --

84s. Co • lo'n jos mai din jo Oom -ni lor
~i s!!.'
3 1 ) -- - r.

~i-a nos' Doamn ! Co -Io'n jos ~i mai din jos


II F 6
Chinei$ (Mures Turda), Ale.andru MAris (38), IV. 1914.

8,7, 8
T('mpo gill to, J.82
.. gri can • la • ra, Oom - lIi·lor

2) - - . , - - -

Zori de zi ra sa· rll .

2.3 .
I! rF"'·.vpl
EP 0 I
F.llSl e), Or$ova (Mures - Turda), Maria laiC! (22l. IV. 1914.

120b. A - 51<1-1 sa • ra de Crll-ciu - n!, flori dol·be~d'e rna· r! !"

Vor. IMuier;:
I" F I" J ,21 G I 4 )11..)11 41 F ~~ ~ ; ;
-be de mAr
F. 1241 c), Liblnie$d (Mure! - Turda) , Toader Moldovean, ligan (SO),IV. 1914.

[ 110 ]
B III. b)
Tempo giu~lo, ~'J36 I) 2) - - - 3) - - 4) '0
35a. Cu scan-durl dal be d'e bra d!!..
5) CD 6) - 7) - - - 8)-Y-

• Dnm-nu-Iui Doam-/le !, Dar in pal ci - I\e- cui ca - ty.?

I.' Var.
'I) 11II(3)!!")
F.9220). iarbal (Hunedi""ra). VaSIle Co 13 OO).lsif CO<l.(42). XII.191J.

Tempo gilL_to, moderato

84a. La ce pia Ira ra - za rna - lao

Dom-nu - lui Onam - no! J Mai-ca ran - ta-i ra - za - mat'
r. (Arad),un fecior. VII. 1917.

Tl'mpo giusto, ~.78 I) ---==---

109. Co - 10'n sus la moo .. t'e'n SU .. S,!!,

@ 3)--

Hai I'e - rui Doam-lIe! J Co-Io'n sus I. mun - t'e'n u - s.l!,


~t .. 11" J
F. 1341 cJ. Bal3 (Murt$ - Turda), Solonica Marian.elc . , IV. 1914,Z

[ 111 ]
B III. b)
T mpo giUllto, J.92-(acc
2 - - - - - -- 3) - - 4) - -

10 e. Hal Co - lo'n sus la cer bun Ie - fe ,

5) - 3)- 6) v

Co- In'n su 18 Cer - bun Ie - I'e sanl no -II" lur

4 7)

me d'e \/01, Sam no \Iii lur me d'e \/ni

2. I pi
r g'
I II II ;}!
• ~ I"
i!1=§ 1416 1
F . 1234 b). Idicel (Mure$' Turd.). Dumilru Moldov•• n (19). IV. 1914 . cr. 05. 50,51.

Tempo giusto, J'108 I) _ 1

67a. ~~~~~~~~~~~
105j. Bu - nii zi lui Cra - ciu
Dom . nu -lui Doam- no I, Lui Cra - ciun ce . lu[ b<i - Iran!
M. F. 1450 a). Bistra IT\lrda'Arie~) , un om . XII. 1910.

8.5,8, DCD
Ii F-
Tempo giu~to, J:S8 i)
67h. 41 U105j. Bu . ml
lIa lui

a Cra -
I pS;J -==- )' I - n\!.,

...:f);..;o""m:.:--'-n:.::u_-....;~i Doam- ne I, Lui Cra· cjun ce - lui ba • Iran !

.1 r ~O
cu In .•• r
M. F. 911 b) . Bistra (Turda Arie$). un om·. 111.1910.

[ 112 ]
B III. c)
8.6.6,@@ Q)(2
Tempo giusto, ).I40.(acc. J. '1.).152 ) @
41b. Co • 10 sus la rll . sa ri . tY"

~,l~ai~n~o~ la~l~D~o~

e - st'~ -un mar ma re'n . no ri . I!!" lai. Dom-



l . '2.,rna : ~
II g~
M .F.I72Sa), Igri$ (ToronlaJ),unom, XI,1912.

B III. d)
8,6,8, Vj)@)
T('mpo giusto, ).62.(acco4 .>1.).74 q)
1)-- 2)-J---

USb. Pin ru • ge - Ce, pin fa . ge t'e,

®4) 5) 6)

,Dai co· lin· de - li Doamn' !, Pin ru· ge • I'e, pin fa - ge - ~e

61) , i l n pi 0"14. e 51 P'd)! 4! J. J ¥


M.F. 1231 d), Idicel (Mure$ ·Turda), Dumilru Moldo.ean (19), IV. 1914.

[ 113 ]
B III. d)
Parlando. • 67
J) - - v!Y
65c. Cin' i-a - co du - p3 rna sa,
2)- CD
Hoi. dai Ie rui Doarn - ~~o !, Du- pi! rna - Sa ci - ne


F.1325b), NiereSleu (Mures - Turd'),earol Malu, ligan. IV.1914,Z .

B III. e)
Tempo· 168
8,6,11, V@)

102a . sfin - Ii - 10 - ru-li", •Co - rin -d'e ,

_ d'e I, Sfin -Iii rn~ei. ~i dra-gilmiie-i-!i! Co-r~n-d'e! I

21 t
F.1I92b). rvi,(Bihor), IIi. Bula Mandrii (SO), Ion Dobl. Burd.(SO),n.1914 .

8,7, II, iXD

T .. mpo ).152 -(3"".4 .• t.)-162 ~
11 - --""2)-

83 d . Po - go - ril - 0, po - go - ri I!!..: ,~C~o_-~r~in~-=
de~~~I~'- v---

co-rin - de !, - - Durn-ne-ze~ pa aSI pa-man-I!'.... Co - rin-de !


II J J J pi ~
M. F. SSS b), C~mp (Bihor) oameni, n. 1910.

[ 114 ]
B III. e)
8.7,8, v])@
Parl.ndo, ) . 112

051.) Nil scut -od - un domn ta - na - 'y, rin . dc,


co 'in - de - Ie !, Din cu'1i. bu - n~ -a dom - nii buni


M. F. 722 c), Budureasa (llihor), reciori , vm. 1909.

8,7,8, x!D@)

Parlando, )'176 -( -188
\}- 2) - J) - 4) - 5)- 6)-t

87j. D-um - bhi-li Doam-ne ci ne d-um -bli!?
7) .' '@)
8) 9) - -

lL...- J ----.J
Co - ,in - d'e, co ,in de Ii !,
10)- II) 12)-- IJ) 14) - - - -

Mai - ca Sffint'

2. 3.

Var. 13)+ 14) (v)

.ran .1:\
M.F. 1998 b). Gro~i (lliho,), losir Mu~i.ligan(2S).O.1912.

[ 115 ]
B III. e)

ParlaDdo, ) . 184
8,7,8, .»0
I) I.}) ~
- d-um - blii - sa - i, Doam - d-um - bfa,
87.1. Pre ~e.


.C 0 - r in - d'e .. m~~_c,,-,o,-----',;'e;.....!., Cil <1-0 mai'cil-i dup'uo fill


II ~6 pi
MF.1951 c), COliclel,(Bihor), o.meni, XII. 1911.

8,8,12, DQ)
Parlando, ) . 144
1)-- D
lOOe.Co - 10 sus Co 10 mai. su - sui, ,Co - rin -d'e I'e,
.--1--, G) Ir.

us in poar-ta fa - iu -Iu - i, . cO-fin-~e - I'e!;


F.1I75 c), Soirni (BihOf), ron Mal (45),11.1914.

8.7,8, D0
Pa rl ando, ) . 150 -(acc.l.s!.) -156
1) - -


96a. Pl1 su'd - urn - bra cie - riu - lu - i. Co

3) - - - - 4)--- 5 ) -- -

co - rin - d'e - I'e! ~ Sus in poar-ta ra - i.u - lui.


~i. , y Fi [i 1"))
- e,__
,fiF97iplfJ I
p . 1192 c), Urvi$ (Bihar), llie Bul. a Mindrii (SO), Ion Dubl. Burda (SO), n.1914. cr. Nos.l,IOS.

[ 116 ]
BIll. f)
Par/audo, ) , 132
I) 2)-- 3)4)--

34c. Ai pe rlit in

2)- 6) ---.--~~-------
(n) ,-:--J-,

Co·lo'n jos pe rat in jo • 5.!!. .1!. --,C:.:u=--_:.:nu-n::.:.;::~ d~·a


:i)I'!I~ I'ml 41 fj l!tseI AJ, 6l 'I g)i

F. 1561 b),ChibulcUIUI d. campi. (Cluj), Zacari. Chisa 00). vm . 1916.

8,8,6, ~Q)
Parlaudn, ). 200
t) 2) 3)

IIOb. Rii sa . ri t¥~ soa • re lu i,
5 ) - - : , , - - - - --
6)- 1)-0) 8)--

Ra·zd . mul pi man· lU lu i, _Co-rin·d'e mi Doamn'!,

2. r.

........ __ .. , ..
sfin • Ii · . i
1. ~J--. .... __ .. -" ..

sran • la • i
' ... _- "'"
M.F. 1900 a), SambA$ag (Bihor),unom, XlI.19U .

91b.Hai ~i zi . cern d-o co rin dii !


Da co·rin d~ -------·--"1 ca· 'I,' Om zi · ce! Co·rin·d'e mi Doamn' !,


M.F. 1950 c), Cnliclel (Bihnr) , un om, Xn . 1911.

[ 117 ]
B III. t)
LSI.), 204-(ncc.3. sl.)-216

llOa.Co - Io-i jos, co Io-j p - s!!.,


4 & Ir r

r sil J I~O Ij J J J
d - urn - bra- i ce - riu lu - i, Co-rin-d'e rni

I"-2 I
ma - rL....:.j - tea - z' - i
M.F. 19S4 b).al,i.

8,8,6, ~G)
Parlando, ) . 168 :;'\
1) - - - -- 2)-3)- 4 ) -- V
73c. ~~~g$*~~~~~~~
'08e . Crc - scut - 0, ra sa rit o - de
5)--- 6) - - - - - Q) 1)- 1)-

Do-us StC - Ic' lu mi .. noa - se, ,Co- rin-d'c - mi Doamn'! ,

en F sJI" #2> i
2. " "

F. 1I74 d), Snimi (Bihor), Ion 01 (45), 0 . 1914.

~ n r 1 bIW'r F pdQ J IP')' i

Urvi$ (Bihnr), IIi. Bula • Mondrii (SO), Ion Dobl. Burda (SO), 0.1914.; cuv. 97 •. , IOOf.

8,8,6, ~@)
Tl"mpn giu8Io

91c .•I08f. Jc - ~it - 0, Doam - ne,. ie - ~i I!!, Va - oa -tori

d-. - lui Pi - I. - l!l, Co - rin - de - mi Doamn'!"

Urvi$ (Bihar), (on Vese (78), n. 1914. r.

[ 118 ]
B III. i)
8,8,6, ~0
Temp<> giueto. ) . 208
1)- 2 ) -- - ~ 3) 4 ) -

97c. Cre-scut-o, s3 - r; tll - ~o - - D-un gal-bil..:J1
S) 6) 7) 8) 2

dil _ _ __ lu - cea - fll Doamn,1 ....

r =--
M.F. 1923 b), DrAge$ti (Bihor). oameni . XU .1911.

88 ,6, DG)
Tempo j!iuAto. J. 116
84p. Co' - 10 us pil _ _ -=- du - pa lu - nii ,

n- - - G)

Co- 10 sus du - pi! lu - nil. ,Co-rin-de m; Doamn'!/


M.F. 6778), Delan (JIihor),2 rete 06 -17), vn. 1909.

8.8,6, 5)0)
Tempo giU.lO, J, 132 -(acc. .) -144 D
t I) 2) J) - - - 4) - -

38b. !e~i, Iu - oa pan' a - fa (ii ,

5) 6) 7) CD
Iu - 03 - ne, pan' a - fa· ra, ,Co' rin -d'e m~ Doamn ' ~

M.F. 1978 c), Tarn. mar. (Satmar), reciori,1.1912.

[ 119 ]
B III. f)
8,8,6, 2)®
Tempo giueto, J. 126 ~

eo I §

.. 4~ I U
~ 2) J) 4)-

73h.' F I : ~
~ =~~-l '''8'1' I r-- It
1:=: ~ 1a~~
lOOd . Scris-{) Dom nal , c~ - O maio seri - Sl!?
5) 6) ---:@::;:2
,-- 7) - -

Scri<-{) mea - sA ~i _ sea - u - ne . ,Co-rin~.I'e mi Doamn·!....


VIY I" br @ I"

M. F. 1936 a), TiI.$ad (J3ihor).o muiere. xn. 1911.
m It. E.IlI" a II~ l;'ill ,
8,8,6 #~@
Parlando, ) . 204 -(acc.4.sL) - 240
1)- 2) - 3:----.... #~

finli 13 Dum ne

a I SF' === Ij :J 3 J II J
4~# b
4) 5) 6) - 6) - acc ..•..•• -.
r Ir
Sfint;ila Dum -lie
Ii 2('
- ze - ui, ~ ,ClH'in-d'e miv Doamn t !. . .
I... 2.r.

~AII£15If (:~Pia IIIFf?plf (iWI~-Al6iJir

M.F. 201S aJ. Bulz (J3ihor), un Om bitran. n. 1912 .
It 1£I!W P'1I1 1

Tempo giullo. J. 134

8,8,6 <D@
1)- 2) - 3) 4)
64 a . Ciu - curi vcr - d'e d'e la - s~,

~3 5) - 6) - -
4) t

Ciu-curi vcr d'e _ _ d'e ma - 13 - d; ,Co-rin-de mi-~i Doam-iie!....


Ivar.. Ivar. r,
~41 ~a ~ I, F 1"
b ~
illl;1 f i J=I
M.F. 1727 <I). IJI'i$ (Toronlol), 2 muieri(30), XI. 1912 .

[ 120 ]
B III. f)
8.8,6. ~})@
Tempo giUII10. J. 110 ~})
1)- (~ 2)-3)-4)--

638 . ~i ne la - s4, gaz - da, 'n cA - sa. ~i ne la-

5) 7) ) 9) 10)

54, gaz - dA. -n ca - 54 1

M.F. 2013 a). BlIlz (Bihor), un om !>tlmn", D. I9\2.

73 1.
102e,Co-lo sus, co lo _ _ mai. su - s~
5)- 6) -

Sus in dal - bu rA - 54 - ri - I!!., ,Co-rin-d'e mi Doamn'!,


I"F ;141 0 ItlWJ Ilflpl

M,F. 1948.), ('nlicl.t (Bihor), oameni. XIl. 1911.

8,8.6, ~CD
Tempo giu81o.

..84I..,92g.Creseul - 0 ~i mi r3 - sA ril o.

3)-- 4) -
5) 6)

Cre-seut-o ~i - mi rA - s4 ril • 0, • Co - rin-de mi Doamn" /

Dumbrsvi,. d. codru <Bihor). osmeni. n . 1914. r.

BeiU$ (Bihor).un fecior, CUY. 84 p.

[ 121 ]
8 III. I)
8,8,6, 3)0)
Tempo ~iU810, ~. 116
1 ) - - - =- - 2)-~"'---
553. Hoi scoa - Ie t'e, hoi ~om bu - n!!.,

3) -J - 4) - - - -

~i vezi sfinli a lui Cn! - ciu . nu, .. 0 Hri-SlOS ii Domn!...



II r F I" F 9il r oJ"1 2 I"
43 Ivaf.
F. 11990), C~besli (Bihar), Bulo MaisH Bornic. (47), O. 1914.

8,8,6, ~@)
Parlaodo. ).168 {)
J --

." l28b. ! La fiir-~i - lu _ _ __ lu mi ji 1$. - - -
3) - - 4l..--;;, 4

La snir - ~i - lu 1 lu - mi ji - -Ie~ Doamn'~

F. 1345 c), Bala (Murel - Turd.), Solomca Mari. n (2 I),eto " IV. 1914, Z.

Parl.odo, ).148 8,8,9, i)@)

I) --r---------
!Zl.,l02d.Lu - a _ _ S, mal ca, _ _ du

..--:::: 3

pa _ _
ce C~ d-0 mai - cil, _ _ !!!! 1i du
a tf'mpo

fi u, _ _ ... Co-rin-d'e-mi Doom

Mai-ca stan - 13 _ _ ..!!!!, Mal-ca Sf1In - lA, _ _ !!!! . rin • d'~

M.F. 2000 b), Luncsoara (Bihor), Toader Muzoc,etc., II. 1912 .

[ 122 ]
B III. f)
8,8,9, ~CD
Tempo giusto, J. IIO(acc.2.• L) - 116
1) - - - J

Ciu -curi vier d'e _ __ de rna

( sic!)

3 ) --

ta - sA, _ _ _ qu - curi vier - d'e de

A: _ _ , Co-rin - d'e mi-~i Doam . ne._co rin - dIe !. . .


ri rill C-)I if @
M.F. 1839 d), Coanad (foronta!), lula Tand. liganca. 11.1913.
1]) r-=;JI

8,8,10, .1)@
Tempo giusto, J• 112
1)--2) - - 3)- 4) - - - - - . } ) - -

o rl - sa ri . tJL

5) J

RA -sA - rit 0, _ _ __
r4 - 54 ri t~ __


4~" JjJ J J......>IJ I J) 'f £ II

,Co - rin - d'c mi- Ii Doamn', bun co rin d'e !~

tDClBt31+ IF 141 f'@II/]LJ rig IS) Imu t1 151 EJ) i

F . I564~), Trloa$ (Mad), usana Hord 08), Vn.1917.

[ 123 ]
B III. f)
8, .i)@
Tempo giusto, J, 132
1) - -
2)- .1)
84k . A A-udzj gaz cIi, lIor n'a - u - dzi,
4) @
A-udzj gaz - dli, I/or n'a - u - dzi TOB - eli'n eer ~i

4~ ;J
sluj - ba ' n
I @ ; I qg J I J I J J I Jl ¥
ra i. sluj - ba'rl raj?
Toa - eli 'n Cer
• I
2. =- ~ Ivar.
n ~ 121 if II ~ 141 ltr
F . 1260b). Or~ova (Mure$ - Turda). MAria Llle$ (22), IV. 1914 .

8, <D®
Tempo giusto, J . 144

1!4 o . Co - 10 sus la Ru - sa - Ii - ne , Co -10 sus


la Ru - sa - Ii - ne, ,Co-rin-dam , Doam - ne, co - rin - dam !;

M.F. 83 1 b), Siinmtcllu$ul mare (Toronlal), un om, 1.1910 . r.

8 .1)®
! ! Tempo giuSlo~ J ' 81 ~ P I).~
73v. ~,~,~51~'i2i:~D~~t'F~I§E~~~1r5F§S~)I~r~sJ$j(~S~)I
.. 79b. Co - 10 Sus ~i _ _ mai in _ _ su - s~

4~ 0
2) - - 3 ) - -- - 4) - -

Co - 10
(57; I JGJ1)
sus ~i ____
--= 9~~
F\ II ~
in _ _ _ su

)lIe) j I; 1 I
,Di - mi - nea !a lui CrA - eiu nu !..." .

- clun
F . 1072 c). Ghelar lHunedioara) . Mlna LAsculoni Zric(22) . Xn.19IJ.

[ 124 ]
Parlando, ) . 116

56. DomJitu,domnrun, sal! nu dor - mi, Dorml ru,domnbun,_

4~Iz PFr=-A @~ ~I Ji3 ) J~)ll phr

sa", _ n u _ dor
- mi ?-Ji-a nost'Domnu- i - Dum - ne
~ I
M.F.9I1a), Bislr. (Turda-Arie~),un om o,Xn.1910. r.

Tempo giusto, J, 88

I r r
116. . TAt am, Doam - ne,

zi ,. t!!, Tit am, Doam

I 4JJ±StJ lOr
- iie, _ _ _ _ d~a - u -

45~~ r D
3) 4) 5) 6) 7)- 8)

I ~ "'~~
! I tQ!j I ~ EJ J l I
zi t.!!J CA ftau nl - SCUI xi - ul sfiinl.

M.F. 1979 a). TOrRa marc (51lma,), reciort, 1.1912.

[ 125 ]
B Ill. f)
8, ~IJ)

1I6 b. Ai Tat am, Doam - ne, - d'-a u

lao oar laol
3) 4) 5) 6) 7) - - 8) - --

I r SYP'421J I J !
zi CII ~i-o na scut Xi - ul _ _

10)- - 11) - - - -

sfin . 1!L. - Noi nu_~t'im - d'~·un . d'~·o na scut .

!J I tf Iii if}~
1 r"iB 1
r 0JIJiI1 i"F &1 tlbl tJ r iJ III! e±:::!@1 e?li5 I
Q 3.

II Ii lii

,ibl"!tJlltlJl lil Q Qluiill1hsa 1

M.F. 2047 b). Tun (Sllmar) , o ligancl. IV. 1912.
111 j l~a:4IEJ r I

Tempo giusto, J, 88

4... 5~ i
f7!! g=-sob I
I) 2) - - 3)

73aa. J J llF re=.s} I

124 . COL a . co 10, ce - i_ve -

@ ~-----------
4 Gn r"1J D I Q
d'e -!!. Cot a - co
kE§i% I J;:::::# I 4..... ) Jj,J I J !
- 10, - - ce - i ve - d'e .

M. F. 1991 b). Comliu,. (lillmar).o mUler•• 1.1912.

[ 126 ]
B III. f)
8, ~@
Tempo giusto, ;. '1.132
1)-- 2) - - 3) - -- ~-5)--

Iru d - in

ra - il!.. - ,Ra - iu mi.n dru -
lu - mi no - u '/
3)--- 11)5) - - 12J ----'.t.

Prim-blli'n sus ~i prim - blli'n jo - s!!., _ _

utG I" It I'L 151 r 1"1 fSG I" (] llil r

2.• b .::::::::Ft
1"911 Ii, I
"2'·1'1 ~U II!! re ld !!! Ij II" FJ
.. I Y

F.IOSOcl, UC$Oara (Huned,oara).lancu Her,egQ9).elc. xn . 1913.

8, DCD
Tempo giusto, ;, 77-(ac<.2.51.)-80 I) --=--
73cc,:)!·4~i ~ IU C·bl Q I F £bl
U2e. HaL La 0 pela - IrA _ _ ro slo

2) D 3)-===---

411 FCU J~ 'I I r) ~r IlIrClfflI ditr J

va - tA, La 0 pc!a Ir3 _ __ ro SiD

4 'Fs CD 4)

l ),.
~e - d'e mal - ca _ _ _ su - pa - rat'.
51 II

[ 127 ]
B III. f)
8, Dill
Tempo giu8to, J . 90 -( - 96

73dd. 4 4~ i iii rJ F
I Em I (---.b r
1120. Clnd Hri - ci na la

2) - --

I0 4 ;) Ig J. t! Ii
rna - sa, Cand Hri - SIOS ci na _ _ la

3) ~--
rna - sa, _ _ , Sa - ra-l rna - rea - - lui Cr§ ciun !/

I r 3# I" I J


r I" J , 1.1 r siP

2. b 3. iJ
M.F. 1455 aJ. Petro,an (Alba de jos). copii. 1.1911.

8, DCD
J. 84 D
Jd II r?~r?~1 r s~r
Tempo giusto,

:)j • 4i AU n

73ee.· IH J. II
U2 p. Sa - ra ma rea _ __ lui CrA - ciu - ny.!
C&nd ci-na_Hri - stos _ \a rna - sa, Sa- rot rna - rca _ lui Cra - ciun ~

2. .t.. r.

M.F . 1473 al. Petro,an (Alba de josl . fcclon . 1. 1911.

Tempo giU8tO, D 8, DCD

73ff. 4W\, i. n JJ IF IF a 18 n In D I
4~llfl J I J,=v ~ I D J I fJ D
I J I J ~ ) IJ ~ II
Doarn - ne, co - rind~
ChlOCI$ (Mur., - Turda). AI.xandru Mln$ (38). IV. 1914. r.

[ 128 ]
B III. f)

Tempo giU610, j'l56

8, DCD
73gg. :P~.
R tfJ Ii r~ I r~
== ~Jjv I 4~ ;j
28f. GrA ,i fi ' ea eli ' U

,L'er fi ,co • J'~o v~..::..d,..::..
o __ t"iJ.!t,!l_---:;0c:...e_ '~g"'_ri:...;..!....
' ---'-'
Ivar.- r.
"fAIJ).!! J d 1ft to II r
J J IF' ,;~ 14_)·J
A ii~ . grl . GrA, i ,r; , ca _ _ cA II mal' Co
F . 976 0) Fer;$d (Hunedloora) . AI.XlI Miinna(SO). XII. 1911.

mai- d'in

I •
Co ' lo'n jo su _ _ _ mai d'in

ne, haL
jo ,s,!!, '- at Ie, ru!. Doam - Ie ' ru!, Doamn'!....

=-- ~ y~
1\ Ai I" rip Cr
141 ~ obi J r !)
F. 1225 c). Rap. de sus (Mur~ - Turda), Su ana Bala , O "gancA (45), IV. 1914 .

Tempo giu 10, ~ , 80

73ii.· t)! II- 4~ i n

l05n . Pre - urn ' bll

[ 129 ]
8 III. f)
8,8,7,8, .})®~

I r~tf I
/Ie I'e,
4) - -

Vin i~i do - J.l~ ran - du - i\e - I'e, _,0001 r1i lor
.3 r.

~i -a nos' Doomn'! , To - l~i vin la _ _ noi pre ci - n~,

F.1260 n). Or$ova(Mure$ - Turda). M~rJa Lale$ (22). IV. 1914.

8, D®((3
4~h mIu F I€11 fl@1 {MJ @'1 rJ I
Parlando, ) . 144
o 2) - -

73kk. " d-
Sl 65b. .6._ Susin poar-La_ r; -
iU lu . U!.,-- .6.

~ou It l)lit)lF la
in poar - ta ra - iY. - lu -
¥t u,
IE} 1,9J~Y I
,Dom - nu • lui, v-

4g' F' Dam • nu·lui.

~ n
tg; If IuD I g; I it2?J1jj J I I ~ II
Doamn'~E·s~-oma s;1 _ _ d I . bl'n'. "

ij-JII'uA-12!~r~l!!flll4IYJlel!'r'''ldJq .611J ',I rfi;lJ.1

~ o.'IHn-1 -103-_ comdemas'

M.F.203Sa). Voiniceni(Murt$ -Turda),unfecIOf, IV.1912. 8, D®®

Parlando, ) ' 144 ~ D 1)-

7311·~~.4~~!u~r Ir=ICt-Jl(JOl l JII

65a. Sus in poar • La ra - iu - lu • ll!.. I

4 ~U bePI ~R5i ;'lfP, Fit ofSS) I J

51, J
! I Sus in;ar ~ ta~ ra - S) iY. - lu - tU , 6) ,Dom - nu-Iut

~f r jAr 1" Il'

Dom - nu - luj
Doamn' !... La grl- d'j
r 11 €b
# I kfsJj I J.
Dom - nu - lut
,'I II
Ii i
P I' * I ";1 141 r ill I IJ oP lit #
F.I34S b). Moi$8 (Mure, - Turda). Raflla RO$ca (J2),elc., TV. 1914,Z .

[ 130 ]
B III. f)
Tempo giusto, J, 100 8,8,6+7,7, b})@@
134 . los in la ra ru . ma ilea sca,

los in la . ra ru ma nea scil, '- e· gu·ra,

no - gu-ra, dAmbradobra ie-li- bra, Foa -ie vcr-d'c-a ie -de - nl !,

F. 1272 a). risiu de Sus (Mure$ -TUrd3).vasil.IUcIUOI).IV. 1914.
8,8,6 +7.7, (l <I>@
J - 104
4 ~~i)1 n
Tempo giusto,

73nn. F I;-Irq= r9§1; s;£JI

4Q) 5)- 6)-

Jos lola - ra ru ma - llea- sea, ile -gu-ra.

7) 8~ 9) ( v)

di-brado-bra ie-lim-bra, Frun-zil ver-d'e ie -d'e ni!"

~4.· ~
O§~ 161 ~ IBI (43" f4G IMJgqa II! F lE "Jjbr
St(! J3 I
1\ (5, JJP I't@· I" 4 J·I
F.1355 c}.Curtecap (Mure$ - Turd.), An. Burdean.etc .. IV,I914, Z,

T..mpogiu!to, J,94-(acc,3. t,)-120 8,8,6+7,7, ~~@@
I) 2) 3)- @ 4)
7300. tin (=-ft I IT IFF I l F f ,) I
134. los lola - ra rO - mii Ilea - sea,

n ,ar I r I(1fjf S$rma I fl" 6J

5) 7)
.~ & ,jjeO J
los la - ra ro - ilea - sea, Ie - lim-bra,
4 9)'

je - lim-bra, t i-bra dobra ie - lim-bra, Frunzil ver - d'e ie .. d'e - ra v

'V (J id)

2 b r, 13
II ', 4',) P'bI~JB'm p',-:;]J), i2dfJ!p''f>'II4I!II't~dlla~r lire
ie - der'
M.F, 2042 b), Voiniccni (Murc~ -Turd.), feciori, IV. 1912.

[ 131 ]

® 34b.Da Co - lo'n jo SU, mai d'in

3) - - 4)

jo s!!..' Co - 10'11 jo SUo rna! d'in jos

kll ~ I" r
21 ~r 141
F .1267 c). Chincis (Mures· Turda). Rus.nda Chiorean 01). IV.1914 .

TI'mpo giU"lO, J, 124

79a . Co • lo'n jo su, din

2) 3)

jo d'c rna ta . sa.

fi C1 P' LJ I r \I'd Iti n Ui!1 ~ I" 21

F.IJ28 b). ,ere$'eu (Mure$ - Turda). Carol Malu ligan. IV. 1914 ,Z.

Tempo giusto, J,1Q4

sus pi _ _ __ liin • ga
2) u- - 3

lu • na, Sus. sus, sus pi _ _ lan . ga Iu . nil,

II ,tJlZlpJ'I II ~J 141
42) I
F. 1233 d). Id,eel (Mures • Turda), Dumilru Moldovean (l9).IV. 1914.

[ 132 ]
B III. g)
Tempo giusto, J ' 106
I.Sl. b~
74a. ~~~§~~~~~~~§§~
7a. Da ist ccr - ebU I ml-a tre • cu . tY..,

~ ~~ J J
Da ist
D J I J J D~ IJ J J J Ir J J
cer - bul mi-a Irc - eu - t.\!, Hat ler hop dai Ie - rui Doamn'!"
l II
'V,....---=---~ r.

u lre-cu • r~, cum s~ lrea·clI., Cu II· I'e ro - ~toli dom-ne - ~Il!!..

La - u - d! s's II - u - da - I!!., ,.....H_a.::..i--'.Ie'-.r--'..'-"-'-=-"'V Ie - ruL Doamn' !".

3051. r.

~i pre Toa-d'er I-a slri - ga - I!!" ~i pre Toa - d'er I-a slri - ga - I!!.:
.. t

-Ho ho ho ju p1I - lie Toa -d'cr! CI n'aieal lJun sl· mLa-jun -gi,

- ee vij - I'e d'c I'e - ga - tJ!., iet 0 - ga - ri

d'e IA - Ira - I!!.. Hai ler _hop dai Ie - rui DoanlO'!..

' -----'-~--'-~~----~~--'--~
F. \341 b)_ MOI~a (Mure$ - Turda). 011 LacaIO$.\lgan(S5).lV.1914, Z. r.

T empo gjl~;O.J'88 8/8+8,) ~~@

PJ. b~
4•~s, I n Pp).eJl II ~£&J 4)3 IS J J J I
2)- 3)-

7g. u ~Iiu ieri. _ _ al al - II - ie - ri, u ~Iiu [eri. al -


al - \l- ie - ri 'a lre-<:ulcer-bup'a-i - cia? ,Hoile.rumidai I'e· rut Doamn' ~

"nr .#91IZYC;J!I ")1 14ilJPIJ.

2.""'" r.
pi; ;
F. 12SI a . Orsova (Murcs - Turda). MAria Lalcs(22).IV. 1914.

[ 133 ]
B III. g)
Tempo giu 10, J ' 116 ,~
I) ...----.:: 2) - - v~

75a. 9 tH - ~I 4F' G ~ r' fQ I C" 1P ~ J l

I05k.Mai ca fin-ti S'O lu . aI,

3) 4) - ®

F. 1271 e). UrlSiu de 5US (Mure~ . Turda). Rafil. C.oloca (24). Vasile Sueiu(3l). rV. 1914.

l06d. Sui - ci - na vcr de'n vri . ji lJ!.,

Sui . ci . ni ver - de'n - vri -ji - I!!, .. -
Si-a nO ' Dorn ·nul
Dum - ne-zeu ~

J) j
F. 1325 .) . Nier~leu (Murel- Turda).Carol Malu \lgan(35). elc .. IV .1914,Z

J . 106 ·(ace.].sl.) -110

8, D@
Tempo giuslo,
lid . Co - 10 sus ~i mai d'in su - suit

@ 1)- 2)

,Li - no Ii - no ~i - rna - Ii no !, E - st~undea l dal - bUI d'e 0 - i.!!.,


V· r ~r I,', r 51 I
F. 1068 c). Ghelar (Hunedioara), un om, ' XII. 1911.

[ 1'34 ]
B III. g)
8, D0
Tempo giU8to, J. 100 - (ace. - 108 J) D
77. . 28e. Ci ci ci, la 1a - stA ca - sa.

POOl -nul ra - dul ra - duj, boi!

- /
E - st'!:-o fa - Ii Iii - u - da - Ii.
2. 3. 4. r.
M.F. 2053 e}. Reeia (Sllm.r}.o rala(l4}.IV. 1912 .

Tempo giusto, ) . 1J6
t I) -~

78a. ~.~~~~~~.~~~
So - coi I
139. So - col Ie - Ie mai te - Ie - !:E.. Ie -

mai te - Ie - !!:., v
-J tJ; r.
r F I Fe
F.I329 a). Niere$leu(MurC$ - Turda}. Toni Ferenl.ligan (J4), 1V.1914,Z

Parlando, ; ,\92 8,1)@

78b. ~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§
$' a &br 11 .M... . . v
'l i' II

r rr
2. ~
II F piNE Ill"
F.1344b). Moi$o' (Mure$ -Turd.). oti Laealo$.ligan(55},IV.1914,Z

Tempo giusto, D 8,D®

79a. ~~~~~~~~~~
22b. Su' lu - fa de ma - lin ver - de, Le - ru - lui ii-a
5 r.

ma - ru - lui..!-- Su' tu - fa de ma - lin ver - de

POOl (Sltm,r). Gheorghe 8oca(l8).IV. 1916.

[ 135 ]
B III. g)
8,9,8, ~ CD
Tempo giu to, )'148 -( -156
34f. Pin gr~ - d'i - na cea dom - ~ea - sea.
S 1--

Flo - ri-!'e-s r10ri dalv~_be

_ _d:..'e=--m!.c:::..:r-,-!.... Pin gri- d'i - na cea dom-liea -sea

2.3. r.
I! J ,
F. 1231 c). Id,ce! ~\1ures - Turd.). Ion Pui (5).IV.1914.

Tempo giusto, ), 164

R4j. Sluj - ba sfin - t~ CI - ilc;. - 0 can - t~?


,Li-no-mi Ii - no. ,.......:c:....::..::......:.h:....·_-.:.:n~o~ CS,,!'o no - ~~ popi. b! - tm -ni!!.

II g Ji4
F. 92S c).Cilrbal (Hunedioara). 2 reciorl. 0.1913.

Tl'mpo giusto, )J , 420 8,vvCD

1) - - 2) VI

77b . Scu - lali. scu - lali bo -

31 - 4)-- CD 5-- 6) - - 7J

,Doom';'. ioI:.Dom - nu - lui Doom;'. ~ Scu - lall voi Ro - mani plu - ga - ri.!!.!


2. {l.
") Alb!;! a3 (I'il l l p 14I). aJ
1 4.

F .1028 al. R3u de mori \Huncdloara) losir Dochla (25). Dumu 8r3l'" (26) . X II. 1913.


F .10090). Paucine$d (Hunedloara). Pelrul D~bucean (27).cuv . IOS r.··

[ 136 ]
B III. g)
8, Vj)G)
Tempo giu to. )J. 358
1)- VJ)
lOOp . Sus la _ _ nal - tu cie riu lu i!!.
2 CD 1)-

,Doam.~e iai Dom - nu - lui_ Doam-IIe! La
"V . " lun - ci - I'e soa - rie - lu - i\!..
2. 13.. 1.
II Ji pi» pi Ji Jt :
F.l059a). u<soara (Hunedioara).lancu He!,\cg(l9).ctc .. XIl . 1913.

8, V!PG)
Tempo giusto, ) . 150

81c_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
---- 84g. Co
- lo'n su - suo mai. din _ _ su - s.!!.
1) - 2)--

--dID) Yhi} lJ J ;;1

- .....h) 83 ;,I~}
- ....... ~J 'I II
Hoi. Ie rui dOL Ie - rui. Doom-n. lr- Lu - ce._lu - ce, Cc stril-Iuq?-

2.]. ivar.
II ~;!.o y
. lu . ce?
F.1264 aJ. Chinci$(Mul'ei -Turda), Ale.andru Mari$(8).lV. 1914.

Tempo giusto. )1.420

1!9 j
1) - - 2) 3) 4)-

81d. !)I • ~ III J£ J Ilj.J!

103e. D'a - sta-i Sa - ra. Sa - ra-i, ma - ric, • L'cr fi - cu - IA

4 g) n.l i I fj Jg,; )}I gJl 11

~ - t'i -lis ne - gri !/ Sa_ra - i ma - r~
lui. d-A - ju - n!!._
MIlL 'f ;V f II
14'a p1 J! It.I§)!
F. 1010 a). Pauc,nesd (Hunedlo.ra). Petrul D4buccan(27).etc .. 26. Xn.1913 .

[ 137 ]
B Ill. g)

Tl'mpo giuslo. )J. J9S 8, i)CD

J)- 4)
4) - - 5)

I08j.· Vi- rIe - - mul ji - do ve SCY.,

6) --..ill.... 1)1
t 7)- R)- 9)

,0 -oiju - /Ie - lui (Sic !) l'i - rie - rie - lu!" S'o n. - <CUI Dom - nul ci,c - rie - sc.!!..

F.IOSI a). NUC$oara (Hunedioara). I. ncu He'leg(J9),"c .• XII . 1913.

Jl .3 6

F. 1037 d). R'u de morl (Hun.dlo"a). lo>if Todoronl U8).lon Munlean(20).·· <'\lv,lg.

Tf'Illpo giU810. )t, 428


32.f. Hoi Ce rand . matc·. a ce la rin . d!L
2) - - - - - @ 3)

,..'':er fi - cu - \0 d'n-I'il! /Ie - gri !,. O'e_m~~i ba - Ce van-tu Ii - nll..?

2. Var.

F, I009d). Pauclnc$d (Hunedooaral. Petrul Dabucean(27).ctc .. 16, XII.1913,

Tempo giusto. ).174

81g.• ~~~~~~~~~~~~
32 • . Bil - tu - ~L fi - co. bii - lu - ~i. dra gao

Cu - nu -na d'e rI ri vi - /Ie - (e I Van -IUri. rieci pc la fe - ri.e - $IW..

- (sid) ./
F.IOSI b) . uC$oar.(Huned,o.ra). Jancu Her\eg(J9).etc .. xn.J913.

[ 138 ]
B III . g)
8,9,8, ~Q)
T~mpo gill w, )I, IS4
I) V~
(152.1 Co • 10'n jos ma .. re'n jo

Ii • no Ii • no re· rui lin'!':- Sap. t'e sa . t'e ji· do . 'e~tl


F . 1~J9d, 1.11«1 (Murc~· Turd .. ), Su,an,' Once" (4]) .IV. 1914.

8, 9' L8 '.v~CD
T~mpo gill~to, /'. 16H ~
Il 21- Y!!J CD*
10f. Co -10'11 JOS 13 munt'e'llJo - SU.
fk,ri dal - be d'e
- y------"

.... I.1Hhl . Cuncc;,p(Mures' Turd.}. Ana Burdcan,"c .. lY.1914,Z.

T{".npn ~ill!'lto VI

60c . Ler Doom-ne. Sfin . tii \1. - ri - e: , Dom - nivDoamn' !,

Lelc~"IBlh<>r), un om, VJll.l<JO~ . r.

T .. mpo I!illsto, ; '~4()

8, DCD
Jl 21 31 - 4 - 5)- 6)12
IIc. Co - l'e'/1 :)us d'in su · SJl.,

CD<) 10)- 11) - 12)

,Si-s no . ri I'e' d'~.a dol nric - riu !/ E"t~ 'u/1 dmpda\ - bu d'e no - ri!!.,


F. 1006b). Pau"Inesd (Hun.dloara), Petrul Dabu".an (~7),c"' .. 26. XIl.1913.

L i'22M"
lit !It " )
.... 1008 b). ~uv.105 >.

[ 139 ]
B III. g)

Tempo giusto, » #v!P 8,#v!PCD

- 184
I) 2)---~

85. Sfin 'Iill no - ui no - 'lOa-de 1l ~DofTHluldaLDom - nu -Iub Doom-ne ~
Var. J) J. 10 ~2) J. )12) . . y.
M.F. 845 b). Sanmlcllu$lIl mare (Toront.I).un reolor. '-1910.

~.21. Hei Plea - eli fi - Ca la Clin - 13 - ns. ~~L",-i_-...:n.;;:'_"'-li_--,-n"",4y -

~- Cf- 7)--

ru - ju - Ii - nA J, _ Cu u I - cio - ru d-inlr' 0 ma-n~.

"m;} F'lYI
2. ~v",.
II ; 141 fJ!PI~' 1t.l4:3, pi J! III i I J! III ~ IU1" J
F . 1009.). 10IO c)· . P;\ucJne~d (Huned,o.m). Petrul DAbuce.n (27).o'c .. 26. X'i'I . 1913. •

Tempo giu810, ) . 393 8, DCD


83b. ~~~~~~~§§§~~If
59b. Seu Iali..

-0' 3)- f)-
mari. bo - ie riJ! !


·00· su !,.., CA niji noj n'am a - dur - mi - II!.

2. Ivar. r.
II JI ,II i pI ~ 1'' J
F .1009 e). Pauclncsd (Hunedloara). PClrul Dabuccan(27),clc .. 26. XII. 1913.

Tempo giu 10, ,) -164 8,10,8, D@

I) 2) D
82e. ~ D-a cui. is d·. - Ce - ~t'e3 cur - I@, ,Dom - nu - lu - il!.
3) 4)- r.

daiDOOHlu -lui Do.m-lle J., D-a - ~e 'nal - t'e ~i'n - fo - la - I'e.
II , III F=J I" J •
~", ~
I i
F. 943 c),e,arbal (Hunedloara).dOl fcclorl. xn. 1913.

[ 140 ]
B III. g)

8, V:WCD
Tempo giusto, )l. 388
4~ 11/ G

84a.· :)". V' P I~ .c'

19. La cur Ii I'e Cid vi • i.e il!..
2 3)

.,Doam. e_ i.ol Dom • nu • ~ Beall bo ·le· rii Ii . ri • je • iJ!.


II Y 13"1 ~ PI)1 P' it!!
&~ 1" )1
F . 1049 b). Nuc,o;':; (Hunedioara). l.ncu Her\eg(9).etc . • Xn.191J.

8, DC!)
T mpo ) , 380
84h. ')l." &III} V· pC:-- J P I ~. ) Jl J!
40. Foa ie ver· d'e lur bu . re r!:.,

4~ J!,Doam·i'ie
V" p' P ~I S' ) Jl l I J> v'
i.oi.- Dom. nu • lui.
Doam1'\e~ A· ve
F-.bp I~'
L'e • na liiei
Ca i.e· r.!.·
j>. II
F .1035 c). Rau de mori (Hunedioara). los if Tod.,roni (8) . Ion Muntean aO),XlI.19/J.

Tempo giusto, J> -146 8, !)CD

:)l. 4a!'r
1)- 2) 3)- i)
84e. ~ lor Jl
27 . Co lo'n jo jo

6) 7)
,Da+I'i • a • n~ fa . Ii dra· gi~ D'·in eel camp man· dru fru • mO • s.'!,

t r ' rr?i.e
f~~'~rl :--:;:-~l.= :--::==:':
- ~I" IAIE <}ll~r~ FI F~FPI
F. 922 b). Cilrb11 (Hunedioara). Vasile Costa(SO).losif Costa (42). Xn.1913.

[ 141 ]
B III, g)
Tempo giusto, ) . 380
J}- 2) 3)
8, DCD

12..34a. $i-amvi-liit bi ral,! I. t'i· ~e, ,~C_e_-_ri__n_a__c~e~

4) CD' 5)-- 6)-


t'i lIi-oa-r3 !,_ $J..amvi - nit, c'am d - a • u • zi . l~,

2. J.

F.IOJ9 cj. UC$oarn (Huned,oar.). lancu lIeneg (l9).elc .. xu. 1913.

T.. mpn giusto,.,!1, 410

85b.·~ ~~n~~~~~D
109. (Heil Po - ran sit 0, po ran - ~iI - 0,

2)-- ~CD

.Dom - nu lui dai - lui Ooam ne !"


10 San tii _ _ _ Mi ri Ma - rea

k ~)j 166 FI 6 Pi;PI I J3?~

F.IOIO b). PaucIn"d (Hunedlo"'), Pelru\ Dabucean (27).«0.. 26. X n. 1913.
Il zl ,} i

Tempo gtu to,)l, 423

8, Dill
0- D
14d . La poar - tii la Te - Ii gra - d!!"
CD () 2)- 3)--

pa - du rie - \U !/ S'. na - scut on ton bra - do - it!,

F. 1020 b). Paucine$d (Hunedloara), Andel Andel,,", (18). 26. xn. 1913.

II ~ j21 a III ~
Petrul Dabuc •• n (27),.10 .. cuv. 100 a.

[ 142 ]
B III. g)

)I. 394 8, ~CD

Tempo giusto,

1I2g. Sus la cur· t'ca cea dom • Ilea • seA, ,Doom·oe iol Dom
I I)

nu . lui Doam· ~e !/ Ci 03 Hi ri

" Ji I /I J) I II t1J 13.II J! I04.'2."

F.I049 a). ucs<>'''''' (Hunedi"".). laneu HCrlcg(l9),elc .. Xn.191J.

8, s)(D

la ra . sa . ri . t!!, "p
__oo_m_,_o_c_ _d_a..:.i_D_om_.

nu • lui Doam· ne !" E· st<;. ·un porn dalb d';n • flu • ri • tu

Paucinosd (Hunedinar.), Pelru! Dabuce.n (21),elc., 26. 11.1913.

T .. mllO giu to
8. vCi)
Pc u'd· urn • bra ie iY., .p m·nul dal Dom·

nu . lui Doam • ne!/ ]u· ne cal ;ml, pol' co . ve· Ite

PaucIOesd (Hunedio.r.). Pelful D~buce.n (21),010 .. 26. 11.1913.

8, DQ)
T(>mpo giusto. ) , 240
D Il
• IfU prin ra iOl Dom·
1 7 II
nu • lui Doam'!!e !/ Prim blA'n sus Ii prim • bla'n jo . s!!.,
Var .
F.I005 d), Paucinesd (Hunedioara), Petrul D3bucean (21~elc" 26. XIl.19IJ.

[ 143 ]
B III. g)

Tt'mpo giu 10, ) .240 8, ~CD

11 - - 2) - 3)
7c.7b. in Irca ·M,'n· Irea b;i mari bo ie rill,
4) - 5)- 6) 7)

,,<;a~ ju . ~e . lui I'i • ~e· re . lui !/ Pe eel ui nar d'e voi·fti • C!!,


1'.1005 d. Pauconc,d (Hunediua .. ). Petrul Oabut"Can(27).etc .. 26. X 11 .1913.

I. 2. J.

In . Irca·
F. 1008 .1). cuv. 7. b.

8,8J8], ~
T('mpo ::: iuSlo. ) . 173
I) * CD
28d . .';fer-gc::!·lo • na (si.-.~ "Ia ran • til • nil. , nli vi· ne
de v-",--.:.:...---,,-,--..c..:..c-
Ie· I'e ~

M.I'.1675cl. Murdnl (nml,). Io n BULdugan . lon Onle •. feclon. 111.1912.

.8,rRl, {)CD
Tl'll1po :::iUSIO, ) , 152
* CD
(153.)·i a • ra d'e A • n!!,poamt'le loi DOflHlU·lui Doamn' !/
M.I'.1454 a). Petru,.," (Alb. de jo ).reclu", 1.1911. V

T"ml'o !( iU<lo. )i. 377 8,9·*,8, ~CD

3~h. SUpl Ccr ro~ d'e ra - sa ri . t!!. , ,Doam-ne. D03I'n·ile. yo-


Dnm·nu - lui Do.m. /'Ie !" .';f~n - dru po· mu-i d'in' nu ri I.!!.

1'.1017 oj. R3u de "",n (Hu nedh}am). 10>lf Todoro", tiS). Ion Muntean (20).XO.l9ll

[ 144 ]
B III. g)
8.10,··8, DCD
Tempo ~ius(o. ) . 234
l04b . Sus 13 nal· til cje ru -Iu - ill. ,}u - !\ea -lui bun.
CD r.

ju - ilea mi - re - lui~ Su' poa - I'e - I'e ra iu - lu - i~,

F. 992 a). GrAdi$le (Hunedloara). MIhal Conu (13). Valer MOJ$oni Os). XI1.I91J.

8, , !8J,~JXD
Tl'mpo I(iu~to. ).150 ~
n--------=''- 2)- 3)- CD
(154.) Cam SUpl vi - 13 vi-nu-Iu-i._ Supt um-bragu - t'i-u - lu-i
2. 3.S.7.

,Ju-i\e-rc iu - lie-lui bu-n~ ..

M.F. 1412 a). Pclro$an (Alba de jos). feclOri. 1.1911.

Tempo giu (0. ,ISO

105m. Tn grA- d'i - na Ore..:i - ~_--...:.....:.---...:..:..:..._O~o~m -nu - lui 00am-i1e t

- V'
M.F.1471 a). Pelro$dn(Alba de ios). fcclon. 1.1911. r.

Tpmpu giu~(o. ), ISO 8,9\[8J, IXD

J) 2) D
84i. Co - lo'n jo - sui. in jo SJ!.,

,Doni' nu • lui Doom· ne Oomn d~·a nost';,

3.4.S. ivar.
II ~«
'-1 _21 i~
M.F. 1471 b). Pelro$an (Alba de ios). f.clun. 1.1911.

Teml)O giu (0, ).168

7d. - Cc ma'ntre-ball, marjbo • ie. ri, \.Ju ·ne· lui ju - ne • la - ~u !,

M.F.1481 c). Fene$(Alba dejo.). feclon.I.1911. v

[ 145 ]
B III. g)
Tempo giusto, ) , ISO 8,8/8J, IXD
1)- 2)

34g.Co-lo'n jo-sul, maid'in jo-S!!. ,.lu-ili - J'e ju ne ·Iui bu·nn !....

r FI r
i,. 4.( Ii i JlI
M.F. 1473 b). Pelro$an (Alba dejo,). re~lon. 1.1911.


95a.<;U5 pa sla - va ce - riu - lu - iI!., _ _ poam·ne ioi Dom-

.. V-
2 3)

nu . lu~ Doam-ne ~ Su' poa - I'e - I'e ra ju & lu . il!,

t 'F 1m F 5)1$ ~F
F .990 c). Gr~di$le (Hunediosra). Mihal Coriu (Il). Valer MOlsom Os). XD.1913.

Tempo giusto, )i: 330 -(ace. 1st) ·360 9, 8, 8, D@

90.-, 4eJIFn
0- ,

r ~IIAJr(Atar 01
~ le.,D. Ie - TU-mi Do.m - ne ~ L. por - Ii - Ie

2)- nl.... Ii. ill

~ };J t· r I·t I1JBr 431); §E&r J Ie ~~HJ b II
la'm-pA - ra - tll. $e - de_mi - rea ra - z~ - rna -Il!., ,Hoi I~ - rui~-

II [ 121 ~
~ I 2.r.

F.IS72c) Sivarsin (Ar"d). Lina Hide.n. Vn.l917.

8, 00)

a IN
Tempo giu to

91. ~ g~ F
93e. La ran -
t~ na
~ I) 4~ Jd llg
ra - iu - lu - L
ler Dom •

,e@rW¥¥I~F r
i} ,. If II
nu - lui bun!, La fan· til - na ra· iu • lui
Chinei$ (Mur", Turds), Alexandru Mlri,(38). IV. 1914.

[ 146 ]
B III. g)

Tempo giuslO, ,). 162
.-- D
8, D@

. 30.
Co - 10
jo ~i

.-- mal din jo - S!!" ,-,-F_i_- -,

ct:.,.o__r_i_ _I~

d'o - \'i ci - IA 1/ Co - 10 _ _ jos ~i mai d'in jo - sy,

F.I068 oj. Gh~lar (Huned,o.ra). MAria Uscu\onl Zrlc (22). X 11. 1913.

Tempo giuslo, ,). 146 -(ace. 21: , ..) -156

1)- 2)-
2Ra. om - ii: fi ca eel lii _ _ _ _ maL ca,
• 4)- 5 ) - 4 6)-

Grii -lei fi - ca ell - la_mai.-ca, '....l_'C_T_fi_ _cu

__- ..:.Ia~-v d'o - fili. rlC· gri !/

i var.
t! Jt :
.921 c). CiarbAI (Huned,oara). Vasile CO". (SO). lostf Costa (42). Xn.1913.

Tempo giWlO, ,). 160 8, ~@

82 d. Co-I'on sus ~i mai d'in SU - S,!!, "Li no Ii no

4 r.

Ie TO Ii no y D-a - cui anI a he - ~Iea curlL m:'l


F. \064 d). Ghelor (Hunedloam). un om. ' xn. 1913.

T .. mpo giu 10,

;' · 234 -(acc.2.s1.)-246 f\ 8,10,8 D®
I) 2)- 3 -- OJ 4) - -

d'in 25. Slr~ii'
a - -Hea . n3 ce - la - I'e, '-....L_e_a-_n;,,:ii---.:I_-_I~ea=-_-_n...:a_-v­
- 6) 3---

d 'o - chi - li-s lie Pii fe rie • SI'e de d-u ia giL

2. Var.

F.IOO6 d). Pauctnesd (Huncd,oara). Pelrul DAbuce.n (27).clc . X11.l913.

[ 147 ]
B III. g)
8,10,8, D@
Tempo giusto.
[)I. 246 ()j,?)]
f'JI 2)- 3)
7)--- 4) 5 ) -

92 .
!Wb.l. Hei Co -10 su< la Ru -sa - Ii . nj!, ,pilr - mia· na ,
6)- R)

dar.fltaoa mi Doam-ne j E - st~ • 0 lU • fa d'e mil - • 0.1,

2. r. Var.

F.lOIO n. Pauconesd (Hunedlo3ru). Pelrul Dabucean (27),ClC. XII.191J,

8,9*,8, DG)
(155)" Di - mi - nea-Ia lui era - eiu - ny, ,FI<>-ri -Ie· s dal - be, V - -
Q2 r.

ler de m' - ru !/ Di - mi - nea - la lui Crii - eiu - nJ!.

PetftS (Arud) . Petru Olar (]OJ. rv.l9l7.

Tempo !(iusto, modo-ralO

tlOb, Seaa-lii. gaz - do, nu dur-",i - r~. , coa-lii. gaz - d.,

nu dur - mi r~ Ca nu-i vrie me de dur·mi. ,

Denta (TlmisJ. un lIgan. '1(11.1912 .

Tl'mpo !(iu!lto, mod.'rato 8,~CD

6Ob . Sena - la, gaz • da. nu dur • mi - r~, SeQa-la. gaz . do,

nu dur - mi r.t- nu-i vrie - Ille de dur - mil.

Denta (Tlmis). 0 "gancl. xn. 1912.

[ 148 ]
B III. g)

Pa r1ando, ) , 152
8, D0
1)-- 2)-3) - - - - 4)

32a. ! Fa U _ _ dal bA de'm-p~ - ra - t~

,Lu m;";i.oa - r~ _ d'o-I'ii-s ~e ulal_


M.F .2001 c). LllnC$oara ( Bihor) . Toade, MU/oe, elc .. n .1912 .

Tempo giusto, ), 184 8, D0

J) 2) - D 3) 4) 5) 6)

95b. ~~~§~~~~~9~§S~
M3-ri - e - i fa -Ia bu - na, O'i-m;-nea -I~
J1) - - 12) 13) - - -

s'o scu·la - t!!, 0'; - 01; . nea . I~ __ "0 scu -Ia I\!..


4 ' Vat.

M .F . 20n b). BulL (Blho'). un om h~triln. U.1912.

Tempo ~iusto, )!. 136

32c. Du m; fie d'; mi - ilea - IA.

2) 3

...Ler fe-I'; - 13 d'o-I'i liislle - gri ~ Du - mi -fie - ca d'i - m; - hea - la


M.F. 1992hl . Groll (Blhor), reCIOrl, n .1 912 .

[ 149 ]
B III . g)
. DCD Tempo "iusto,
J, 96
2llb.Oi·mi • /lea . I~ m~ scu ·Ia • ill., ,: ie . ri • vo. . r§
3 3) 4) - - r.

d'o . rilt ne . gri !/ ~i p3 cap m~ t'iep • t.1 . na • ~

2. 4.

M.F. 1924 ), D rnge$ li (Blhor),un om. Xn.1911 .

Tempo giu~to, J , 90 8, ?)CD

28c,Si fi ·cu · \a gaz·d'i·i I'e. a scu·la
,~ie . . i.~oa - ril d!o-t"i't ne grr~
. ....:..:...----"-~
M.F, 1935 c), H$ad (BIhar), un om, XO.l911.

Te mpo giu",o
D 8, DQ)
1 ) - - - - . -- 2) 3)

re, _ _ d-in • Ire ma . re, s '_
,..:.~=-t·a_n_o_ 0_0_111_ ' _nu_
0-----;:-- 2) r,

Dum ·ne . ze • u !/ D·in • Ire ra sa ril da soa . re

~olml (Bihar), Ion Mol (45) , 0 . 1914.

rVIS (Bihor) 110e Bul. a M~ndru (50), Ion Dobl. Burda (50), U.1914 .. Cuv. 93 S .

Teoupo giu@lo. )1' 168

8, DC±)

112n. Din Fi • cio. nl S'O na - Scu . l!.r

I) 2)- .) - --

,..:.V=-i_.-"Ia,,----,-,vc:.cr_ _d=:e:....v de mar ver - de !.1 Din Fi· cioa . r~ S'o na - scut

. ~~I
pi a =
&1' r.

F .1212 d), Idicel (Mures • Turd.) . u ana $1 Rafll . Once. (43,16), IV. 1914 .

[ ISO ]
B III. g)

Parlando, J. 86
; .4~'i


95h. G ~

l' ) W· J!
(156.)" Pe dea lu Col nu oa ti,
4g, c:J Jr
la n J.
2) v 3) 4) 5)

a ~t'

J!~ I U 7
9' GI b Y If \I
F •
Le -ru -lui
- ~i.-amA-ru -Iu
i ~ Pe dea lu Col-nu-oar'

2.~ r J' Ijlg ~
Pr. t 1"'0 r' t' ISI 4 '""
F.1344 c). Moi$a (Mu",$ - Turda). Rafila RO$ca (32)elc .. IV.1914.Z.

8, DO)
t J . 9~r-? D
'; •4I n
Tempo giu8to,

95i. J. ~ I~t::;E J.
83b. Po - go - rit 0, po - go - ri t,!!.. ..!-er fJori dal - bi

l II
ler dA rna ru !/ Dum-lie - leI! ~i cu San - t'etr';

i, @ ;'f I
M.F . 1952 a).Coliclel (Bihor) . oameni. xn.1911.


cu - i me - it'e - re scu,

4' D@t axalwlAr f"1 n

~ 4)-

J jell n
3)- 5)- 6)-

j 'I II
,10i Dom-nu - lui, ioL Doom"e-I'. !/ Tri me-st'eri in tri t'i-puri

M.F. 1923 c). DrAge$l. (Bihor). un om. XII.1911 .

[ lSI ]
B rII. g)
8, D@
T('mpo giUMLO. )'144 -(acc.s. st.) -160
Il 2)--
3)-- 4)

~3h. Cre S(:ul O. ra sa - rit - 0

1)- II) 9)-

-loi Domnu Iu •
toi Doam"e re !" D - un pOl11nal - tu-i raz-mu-rat
2. 3. 4.


M.F. I<}~ b). Corbe$d (Blhor). Ihe Onola,ctc.XTI.1911.

T('mpo giu.LO. ) . 138·(a«. 4.,1.) · 144 8, 7XJ)

Il- 2)-~-3 3)

2'l. Fa-Lii dal bi de'mpara - tu-i, ,Lu-minioa-ra-i. o-L'izi.neg·j..
- V"
2. ..... 4.

M.F. 1955 a). Coticlel (Blhor' oamenl. xn. 1911.

Parlando. ~ ·92 R. DCD

1)-- 2)-

2. \1e re mi • re I,-a va - na - k, Me - re mi - re
4)- (v)

I'~-a vii - na - k. ,Oat co - rin - de Ie ruj Ooamn l ~


M.F. 870 0). Belu$ (Blhor). un feclor, 0 . 1910.

[ 152 ]
B III. ~)
Parlando, 1>. 160 8, DQ)
1)-- 3) - D 4)

gra ,d'i ' na Za - nu - lu - i, La gra - d' i - na
7) ---==:---=-

M.F. 1391 c). Alb.e(Turd. - Ams). fcclon. XII. 1910.

Tempo giusto. viva('\!

D 8, D0
un> - bl;\m sa eo - lin ' dam. Noi UIII - bMIlI ,a

Co - lin ,d;\ - mg. mA . ru - lui Doamn· ~

Sarafol. (Toront.I). II~am . X1.1912 . r

Tt>mpo giusto, jJ ' 126

8. D@
1) - - D • 2)- 3)-
51. 0 - 10 sus la ra -sa - ri - I!!. I.
r3-i dun - ea
4) - 6) - - 7) R)- 9)

ne - gru-i. vo- cia, 18 - ..j-t dun-ea ca - rul

2.3. r.

MY. 1818 0). Jan.dl (TimIS). leolat Ctflsan (21) ".11. 1913.

Tempo giuslo, .P, 130 -(rall.3..t .)-1I2

us la ra -sa - ri - I!!.,. \,DB - rul Doamne


M.F. 167Sa). Murant (Timts).lon BUldugan.lon Ontca.cte .. m.IYI2 .

[ 153 ]
Tempo giusto, ). 76 - (ace. 3 SI .) - 80

I03e. De-eAnd Dom-nu so nA - scu - I!!. De -eand Dom-nu

- - - - 2)-- 3)---
s'o n~ - seu ~ -a nos' Dom- nu-~ Dum - ne - ze!!J

2. Sar.fola ( liga01:

M . F. 1725 0). Tgri~ (Torontal). 2 liganee. XI. 1912 .

Tempo giusto, ).104 8, 3)0

I) 2)-1 3)
I03e . De·cand Dom-nu s'o nA-scu - I~ ~i _ pa-man-tu

4)- o 5)---

s'o fA - eu ~a nos'Dom-nu-! Dum - i\e - ze~


2. ~ 3.

M. F. IR48 c). Cianad ( un ligan. O. 1913.

Parlando, J> . 224

93i. cris-o Dom-nu. ~e-o mai seri s!!?_ _ eli - tu-j zi - pa

Q) 4)

d<'l va - rA ~. __ ..Qoam-iie Dom -nu~ Dum - ne - ze1!J


2. 3. 4.--------- Var

M. F. 1953 b). COliclet (Bihor). un om, XU . 1911.

[ 154 ]
B III. g)
Tempo giusto, ) . 110- (ace. 3sl.) - 144 8, ~G)

cand Hri-stos ci - na la ma sA, _ _ CAndHr i-stos ci-

5 ) - 6) 1)-----

na _ la ma sA. _ _ -S-a nos'Doam-nc_ D-!';..:m'-'--_ _-"-

2. 3.

M. F. 1689 b), Seceani (Timi$). a muiere tMara. m. 1912.

Tempo giusto, 8, tJ0)

I 2

lOOe. ~b~~~§;~~~§~~~~§1
.". 53 b. Noi d - um-bilim d~-a co - rin - da - ~, Nai d-umbllim d~-a

3)- 4)- ill 5)

co - rin - da -§i.-a nos' Doam - fie v Dum - ne - zellJ,

2. 3.

M. F . 1839 c). Cianad (Torontal). Jula Tanei. ligane!. II . 1913.

Parlando, )'200
I) 8, ~®
2) 3 4
3 b. D-in-d'; mAio m; rel , _ \ill l'e._ D-In-d'j mlj, mi -
3 1)
5) 8

rel, _ _ _ \ill - • I'e?_ -.!:!£i florj dal- be ler da _ ma:J,

v,-- - - - --
2. 3.


M. F. 1935 b). n$ad (Bihar). a muiere . xn. 1911 .

[ 155 ]
B III. g)
Parlando, ), 108 8, ~Q)
100g. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
a. Su' ro -
94 di - ri Su' ro -~ju r~ sA - l!!,.__ ~iu

r~ - s~ - ri IU, ~ -3 nos' Doam-ne-i Dum one - le\t.!,
M. F. 874 a). Va~cAu (Bihor). un om. n. 1910 . r.

Parlando, )'168
1)-== --------- =-_8, ~Q)

3a . Hoi _ _ mi-re-Iui ta-nA-re lui, Hoi ___ mi-re-Iui-

la-nA ore luL _ _ ~i flori dal - be lor _ _ de


M. F . 727 b). Budureasa (Bihor). feciori, VDJ . 1909.

Tempo giusto Q) 8, 'DQ)

100i. ~~~~~~m~~~~~
53 b. oi por-nim cI\l-a co- lin - da - !!, ~i-a nos' Dom-nu-i Dum-ne-ze\!J,
Sarafola (Torontal). ligani . XI. 1912. r.

Tempo giusto, J.83

104 J. Raj , raj , rai. grA - d'i - nft dul - ce, __ .J;1om - nu -

2) - - -3

lui Domn Dum - iie - zctL, Raj, rai, raj,_ grA - d'i - nA dulci,
2. Var.

F. 1239 g). /dicel (Mure~- Turda), RaCila Oncea (I~). Ludovica Moldovean (l7),IV. 1914 . cr. 0 . 63.

[ 156 ]
B III. g)
Tempo giu to, ).222 8, i)Q)
I) 2)- 4)

S9b. 7f. Scu -Iali, scu - lali mari bo - ie rill, .,Qoam - lie
5) CD 6) -

ioj Dom-nu-Iuj Doam - ii~ Jar cu - la\i d'e nu dur - mi

2. 3. 4. Va.

F. 984 a}, Grldi~te (Hunedioara), 2 fecior;' XD. 1913.

Tempo giusto, )j . 400 8, DCD

1) - - 2-
l02b.· ~@~*~~~~~~@~~
l!4d . Hei Co -10 su - SU, ma,i d'in su - S!!, "goam-,;e

6) CD 7) 8) 9) 10

_ _--=-io-"i_D~om- nu - lui Doam-ii9 D~-a- su - pra - 1a ra - sII ri I!,!

2. 3.


F. 1028 c. Rau de mori ( Hunedioara) , [o.if Dochia (2S), Dumu Brail. (26). XU. [9[3 .
)j . 383
I. 2. 3. 4. Ton.rin. ,

F . 1035 b). losif Todoroni (18), [on Munte.n (20}.euv. 112 i.


Tempo giusto, )'136- (ace . )-146 0 8, i)(J)

J) 2) 3)- 4
1050. Pe su' poa -13 Ce - riu - lu - jui, .J?oam - lie

5) 6) CD 7) 8)-

ler Dom - nu - lui Doarn - "ej, Pljm-bA-~i Maj-ca Dom-nu - lu - ill,

- -.....v
2. 3. r-: J ---- Var.

F. 920 a), Ci4rbll (Hunedioara), Vasile Costa (SO), Josif Costa (42).Xn. 1913 .

[ 157 ]
B III. g)

Tempo giusto, ). 233 8, DQ)

1)-- 3) 4}

l02d.* ~B~§~~~~~~~~~
83f. H3j Co - bo rit - o. iii - me - ril - 0, J20am - ne
5) 6)

jai Dom - nu - lui Doam - ".0 PA sca - rA sfan - l~ d'e sca - rA

2. 3,··· Var.

F. 1007 b). P3ucin.~d (Hunedio.ra). Pel,u\ D~bucean (27), elc .. XU. 1913.

Tempo giusto, j;. 246 8, 0®

I} D 2)--

105z. Po - run - Cil - 0, po - run cil 0 --Qoam - ne
3) 4) 5 6) 7) H) 9)

ioi Dom-nu - lui Doam - "51 !o Sf3n - IA MA - ri - e Ma rie


F. 1029 c), Riiu de mori (Hunedioar.). lo,if Doehia (25). Dumu Bnlila (26), xn . 1913 .

Tempo giusto, J! .2 10
1)-- 2) 3 ) -- 8, D®
104 a. Sus la nal - lUi cje - rju lu ju. -!?oam - ric

1 ) -- 2)

iai Dom- nu - lui

Doam - "9 La lun - ci - I'e soa - rie lu - i\1
3. Var.

F. 1059 c). uc~oara (Hun.dioara). laneu Heqeg (I~), cle .. XII . 1913 .

[ 158 ]
B III. g)

92a. A D'i - nA in -t'ea ce - ~I!a _ _ cur - Ii!!. ,Doam-iie

3)- J

~ DOln-nu -lui Doam -ii~ "'! -SCll . li.mi-o , n3-scu !i - mj.o


~i peri 1·
F. 91S b), Fere~d (Hunedioor.). Alexa M~rina (SO) , X II. 1913 .

Tempo giusto, )'160 8, DCD

I) 2)-- I) 3) - - 4)

l02h. ~~~~~~~~d~J[~
82 d. Co · lo'n __ su ~i _ _ mai in su· S!!, ~oam-ne

r;;: ..--..... 6) J)--- 7) 8)

ler Dom-nu . lui Doam-ns" Co . 10 sus ~j _ _ _ mai in ~u - S!!

2. ,-;;:: J. Var.

F. 1068 b) , Ghelar (Huedioara), Maria Uscu\oni Zric (22). xn . 1913 .

Tempo giu to, 11.380 8,

1)---- ...--..

l02i. ~~mm~~~gr~~~t3lh%~~
84 h. Hei Pi un dea· lu eel· ai rna· rie. ~am. nc

ioi Domnului Doam-~ Rtl - sii . ri . tu sfan· !U soa . rie

~ ..

F. 1010 e). P.ucine~d ( Hunedloara). Pe"u\ 04bucean (27). 0Ic .. 26. xn. 1913 .

[ 159 ]
B III. g)
Tempo giusto. ). 246 8, rYXD
II b. o.;-.-su pra pi! __ r~ - sa ri t~, ..J2.oam - no
1) 2)- CD
'--' ...;/

ioj Dom-nu-Iui Doam-n:J, Man-dru-! dm - pu __


F. 992 b). Grad'~lc (liun.dioar.). "1ih., Coriu (13) . Valer Moi~oni (IS). fl. 1913 .

Tempo giusto, ).
1) -
2) - D
8, DCD

82f. Di - na in l'ea ce - tor cur - ~i~, -J-i n~


lior Ii - na Ii r dra - glij, Doi micri nnlH ~i mi nu na l.i

2. 3.

f- . 958 cJ. Gradl~le (Huncdloar.). 2 fe Ion . XU. 1913

8, DCD
102 L
773. Sus . sus l!!. n~

_ _......::Iio_r~v Ii - na lior dr. - g~ Jos 10 cur - lea n~ .

uquara (Hun.d,onr.) . lancu Heqeg (l9).eI0. XII. 1913 .
8, D(D
Tempo giusto, ), 96 P
102m.*~~~*~~~~~~~$~~~ ~
55 b., 84n.!a ri - - eli a - . min - le. _ _ ga£ . da .

M. F. 1447 b). Biwa (Turd.· Arie~). un om. XII. 1910 .

[ 160 ]
B III. g)

ParlanrlQ. _ , no rit. __ a1 • ,210

r r r r r r"

103. :5:~ ct bhb[;

. I
-t ~~
~.~ ~ j l
_,_'_ _L_i__"_o'
33. !", __"_,,_._ 1_,__"_o_~I~~__a_r_-m
CD 4)- 5)-

~)f11~ ~1.Jt.d .. j f)rn~ ~ I~\j )'1

Plca-ca doaOl-na - j la f5n - lim'. Plca-d dll"m-"a - i I" fan -Ian'.

M, ~ 19~5 c). ("oliele' (RlhM). ".meni. '(II 1911

Tempo giu~lo ... ' ll~ '" 8, :D@

2 st. I) l; 2)-----:::

104a.' ..-4~~·t j J J J ]13 1 J =ltD J. )ru ~~

114 c los pc prun-du rnA - ri - i - ~. Ci - I'i - ~oa
rA ~!-a no"
4 ) - --

rrr i-- T;J (!3

@ 5)~ 6) 7)---

~\f '1 i ~1r r IUlJ

Donmn'y m~ - n~ ,11 - re

~ j63 i @ jnt'p).frr~-~-l~~iI",e s'c'u Of: to ~ 11

" )," L,- 11- ~an

hlnc ..... ("fures· Turda) Cu\. 8 r ..

lr.r ~1\)-f1+ .
~ 126() c). Or~ov" (Murc~-Turoll). \1;1n" L.a'c- (22). IV 1914.

Parlanrlo, ) . ell r.o· I) ?) 8, ~@

104b.:5~~& j Ui J d j..JJ =t- In

10.1 r De dnd Dom - nu \(j nli - ,eu - I!!. Ll- It ~oa - ra
2) 3)----_~


~" -#. ~" y

~! -a nOSl DoaO]' n£} ~i pol - man - lU 1-0 fa ell III


F. 1127 h). "Iicrc~,cu (Murc~ Turo.). Carlll Ma\u (35) \IItan. IV 1~14 . 7

[ 161 ]
B III. g)
Tempo giusto, J. 84 8. :D@
II 2)-

I04c.~ ~~~j J ~ J
~ II 2 on Din
' .1-,
' • cloil . rA
'3~ n~' scu' 'u . L, . II • 03 r3
f i ..
I!f ~r
~I·a nos
[)oam~ Dom - nu ,u.

F . 1336 b). \1'«~l1 (Mur.~- Turd,,), Ale<andru Moldove.n (34). IV 1914. L

t> Tempo giusto . ., 89 · ("c( 2, " .).96

8, ~®

I04d. ~ ~ ~ i ~l J ; J lJ=J J J
112 n, A D'in Fi . cioa - rA <'0 n;;· 'eu .Iai. L', • J'i • ~na


i J '1 Y
51'" nos ' Doaon.~ D'jn Fi cjoa • rA "0 113 scut

~~ ~lnaJ.
1 I
I- 1234 c). Idicel (Mur.,- Turda), Su,ana ~, Rafll. Oncea (43.16) . IV 1914 .

T 'mpo giusto 8, 7, 8. :?)@

2) 3)--

i 1J J j
I) r-T'""""T"""-'
I04e. ~-l> In J - TJ ~___
41 a Su,. sus. sus. pc lfin· ga lu· n:l. L, - Ii - ~an

4) 4) 5) - - - - - - - --

Doarnn], Cl!'o ona rnA lin de lu - nA.

l1b~ni.~d (Mur.~-Turda). Toad.r Raco!, (24). IV 19(4 .

Chinci~, (Mure~- Turd.>. Alex.ndru MA"~ (38)·

[ 162 ]
B III . g)
Parlando , ) , 216 8, ~@
2) 3)
114 a. Pe prun· du m~ ri rii sa· Ie , -Jd..- Ii - \loa
4) - - @

~i-a nos' Doam!0.-t Pe

" '-

F. 1"00 cJ. Chihulcutul de Campoc (Cluj). Zacaric Chisa (30). VIII . 1916 .

R2 i. A\,l cre - seul ~i iii·a~ n~ - seu I!. , Dom nu lui

2) -

~i ·a nos ' Doam!2J; On ~ i\! sfanl pre - a eesl p~ man!.

2. 4.

1-.13400), Moi'!'l. (Murc~ · Turd,,) . oli Lacalo~. liga n . IV. 1914 . Z .

Tempo giusto, J,82

i .
nos Doam!!'y ru lui Dom nu {Sfiin II.
--v Sfiinl
F. 1247 cJ. Hod.c (Murc, · Turd.), RafolJ , i Maria Todorenn (17.35) . IV. 1913 .
8,6,8, 2j@
4) -

104i. =.!.:!=~:EFfr.

rai cu fiii'!
2. Var .

F. 1234 .). Idicel (Mure - Turda) . Ion Pl.Ii (25). IV. 1914.

[ 163 ]
B III. /1:)
8,6,8, D@
- 108

104 d , N Dum-~e - zeu pon - tru 'n-cc - pu - t1!,-,Doomn', Doomn'


~i-a nos Doamn'! _ _, Dum-~e-zell p'in-lru 'n-ee - put
M. F, 193R b), T~$.d (Bthor), un om, XII, 1911.

8, (/, 8, DO)

o I! - sa - Il!, ,.0 am"', Doamn',


li-a nos'Doamn" Prc _ A - dam ~i pre E· - va


M, F. 13560), Gherla (Solnoc·Dohaca), un fecior, XI. 1910.

B III. h)
Tempo ~U'IO, . -100 8,8,12, DCD
39, Crc-scul-o, _ _ ra - siI-ril-o _ _ _ D-unpomna1t _ ~i

2)- CD 3)

ra - ma-na I~, \ Co -rin-d'e . I'c _ eei Domno _ _ Sffin - t.'I _ \<13 - ri'!/

M. F. 1951 a), COliclel (Bihor), un om, XU. 1911, cr. Nos, I, 7\.

[ 164 ]
B III. i)

Tempo giusto, J-1I0 8, II, 12, 1:)@

136. \. Prea_ ju - na - ler, prea_f~- pan-del, ~i pre prumba-riel,


@ ;)-

hai_ hai_ rev-Ia dev-lal J Ca-pu ca-Iu-Iui Oa -Ia Ii - ga-nu -luj.

3.7. 10. 2. 3.-6.,8.-10.

Murani (Timi$). Ion Buzdugan, Ion Onica, m. 1912.

BIll. j)
8, 12, 8, DQ)
&r1ando, ) - 164
3{~ D
1) 2) 4)
103g. A sta-i sa - ra lui Cr3 - qu - ~

S) 4 .--J-, Q)
D'e clnd _ Domnul _ _ 5'0 na- scu - J!, - - \.~L~'e..:.-~ru~i=:::'-r::::=~Doa~~m~n~'!I
6)--==:-- 7)

~i pi! - - man - tu _ _ _ __ 1-0 (3- - - cut

2. 'hr.

F. 1233 a). Idicel (MufC$-1\uda). Susana $i Rafila Oncea (43. 16). IV. 1914.

[ 165 ]
B III, j)
8, 12, 8, DCD
Parlaodo, ) _ ca. n6
---.. ~ D
92f. 10- la _ _ /Ie· • • lIea _ du, ce _ _ _ m'o i,

Plug _ ~i __ boi a · ,du,ce _ _ _ vo ' i, __ ,L'c, rui _ Doamlle!.1


Plug _ ~i _ _ _ boi_ a, ,du, ce _ _ __ vo - it

F. 1272 b), Uri,;u de sus (Mures,Thrda), Vasile Suciu (31), IV. 1914.

Parlando, ) =104 8, 12.f81. DCD


841. A Co Io'n _ _ sus _ _ _ in _ _ _ _ __

~ D 2)~

pill· , t'i· . ,0, • riu, _ ! Co· , , I o ' n _ sus_ in _ __

p3J t'i, , , 0, • riu, ! ,-_L_'c_'_ '_ _ru...;i- - Doamn'!/
2. ~

F. 1346 a), Bala (Mure$' Thrda), Solonica Marian, IV. 1914, z.

[ 166 ]
BIll. j)
IV. a)
8, 12, [81, DO)
Tempo giUllto, )J~ 253 1) D
SO., 78b, 6Oe.Zur zur Zur cu zu - ;l.- - ri-Ie t _

J 3)-- Q) 4--

Zur zur ZIlT eu ZU-ol- - - ri -le. _ _ ~Le - rui_ _ Doamn'!/

2. 3.

IN in iffi!~ ~i I~ @J J iW11i ~ !tiJJl y , Y f I

F. 133S b). Mice$ti (Murq-Thrda). Alexandru Moldovean (34). Ion Pap (38). TV. 1914, Z.

8, 12, [81, @Q)


129. $i' nove - - seli iu- - bit ere - - ~t'i - ne.

2) Q)

$i 'nove - seli iu - - - bit ere - - ~t'i - ne. , Le - rui , Doamn·!.1


F. 1328 a), Nierestcu (Mures-Thrda). Carol Malu (3S). lisan. TV. 1914, Z.

B IV. a) 8,5,8,5, DCDQ

Parlando, ) . ca. 160 D
3) --=---------..
76. Doam - ~1<'6l-di-e oa-melli bu-ni,~F1o - - - - - ri- le-s
CD5) Q 7)~ 8-


Iblrr 1&5fDO JOi'I~b~JJII dal- - be

M. F. 1992 c). Gr~i U1ihor), reciori. n. 1912.

[ 167 ]
B IV. a)
8,5, 8, 5, ~CDQ
Parlando, J!. c8.190 3 f~ '
II 8. D-ur 1~,Doamne, ci - ne d-ur-IA ?_ ~ - ru mi Doam-nel---


D - on d-ur-la(r), d-on_ pA - cu - ra - ru _ ~~e_:...-.!.r!!.u~~i Doamn).

M. F. 728 a). Budureasa (Bihar). fecinri. vm. 1909 . r.

8, 5, 8, 5, i)~0
Tempo giusto, J'120 j) G)
110.* ~~~~~§l~~~~~~
82c.Cre-scul-o. rA - Sa - ril - 0 . _ .£10 ri Ie dal - beJ...

~i d-un m;! - ru .i d-un pll - ru; ,£10 - ri Ie dal - bej,

M. F. 1952c). CoticJet (Bihor). oameni. XTI. 1911. r.

B IV. b)
8, 6, 8, 6, Vg)@(Yn
Tempo giu to (allegretto) vrj) ®
34 d. PA !er-mur! de Du - nA - ri - Ill. ,Jai Dom-nu - lui Doamn~

E - ste-o dal - bi! chi - Ii - Dom - nu lui Doam -nc:Y

Sar.rola noront.I). ligani, XI. 1912. v

8, 6,8, 6, ~®C2

26PA po-ia-na cu flori dal - be, F.:.:lo",ri,--_d=a::.J_-....:be:.:..::=.v-


®2 I)

ler di mAr'y_ Pi po - ja - na cu florjdal-be. '-! lori dal- be _ ler di mAry


m! -ru
Toe (Arad), loachim Luntr •. (41). vn . 1917.

[ 168 ]
96 b. La ce l'a -lrA_ dA-sLre-ma-tA,_ ..Q?m - nul D ~nUI!·no - st~_

La ce ta - tra _ dA- stre-ma - [4._ '" ~m - nul Dam-nu-I! nostJ.,


F. 1175 b). Soimi (Bohor). Ion Mal (45). n. 1914 .

Tempo giu.sto, J. 92 8, 5, 8, 5, V1!> CD cYn

IUd. :f§ ~~~~~~~I~)~~~VW~~~~~~~CD~5~

53 b. oj um-blAm d~-a co - rin - da - rie. .J:!?rj dal be de mAr),
2) 3)_

um - bhlm d~-a co - rin - da rie, ~i dal be de mii,0


M. 1-. 1727 b). Igri~ (Torontol). 2 !oganee (30). XI. 1912 .

87m. Pe po - du \U de

Pe po· du - tu de d-ar_ gin - lU. -..Qom· nu - Ie..... Doam - nc;J...


2. Sarafola (Torontal). \ogani- :

Dam-nul Dam -nul

M. F. 1127 c), I~ri! (Torontol). 2 !i~ance (30). XI . 1912.

[ 169 ]
B IV.b)
'T' • ~ 8, 6, 8, 6, D~Q
gIUSto, ",. 232
I) 2)- 4- ~
IDe . Co-Io. CO - In du - pi dea - I! . ...t!.aj - da ler bo - jeri.!.,
2) Q J)-

Cn -10. co - In du - pi dea - I~, -,!Iaj· da ler bo ieriJ,.


F. 1263 bT Chinei~ (Mur~-Turda). Maria ~i Leonlin. M!"~ (14 . 16) IV. 1914 .

~ 6, 8, 6, D~Q
Tempo giusto, "'·176-(3cc. 3,\,).IR4
I) 2)-

IOd . Ai Co-Io'nsus pc mun-fe 'nsu- s!!, ~

~i Co - 10 'n sus pc mun - Ie: 'n su - su -J!oi da I'er bo - jeri.!,.,

2. 3.

F. 1561 0). Chihulculul de eampic (Cluj) . Zaea,ie Chisa (30) . VITI . 1916.

8, 6, 8, 6,
Tempo giusto, J, 92I) 2)

12M a. in pa -lru cor - nUll de lu - me, -l2? - ru m'o
da jo~
@ 4)-

in pa - Iru cor - nuH de: lu - me, ",,"u - mea me, 10 - mea mt1
2. r.
Urisiu de sus (Mur.~ - Turda) , Va il. Sueiu (31)' :
2. 3.

F. 1251 b) , Or~ova (Mure~ - Turda), Mar;a Lalel (22). IV. 1914 .

[ 170 ]
B IV. c) 8, 4)CDG
Tempo giusto, J. 84 CD

104g . Dum'ne-ze~ d· in· tru ·n-ee· pUI,_Dum· ne-ze~ d-in - Iru 'n-ee - pul

Ta - la lu - mea 0 fa - CUI _ Ta - U. lu - mea o fa' CUI.


F. 1356 c). Curt.cap (Mur.~- Turda), Ana Burd •• n, lV. 1914, Z .

8, DCD@ h
D~ CD Parlando, - " 132 ~
1081.Tri c.-aide-Is rll - Sa - ri I!! Cu _ slea~ av c3 - la - 10 - rit.


Ciind in ca - Ie -~i pur - ce - dea. Sica - \.Ia 'n ca - Ie 'n - ga - du - ia .

2. ~I~ ~2) - 3)-


3., 2 .. rna:

M. F. 1429 b) . Vidra de mijloc (Turd.- Arie~), un om. XU. 1910.

Tempo giusto, J.96 8, DCDG


114c.* t.~~~~~§!§~~~~~~~~~~
108 n. Tri erai d'e Is rli


ri I!! Cu _ _ _ stea,,' s~ cll III to rit.


M . F. 1453 b), PClro ~a n (Alba de jos). fcciori , I. 1911.

[ 171 ]
M.F.I392a).Albac (Tur<h.Aric~). ur om~XlJ.1910.

Tempo giwto. J. 106 ·(acc.lsl.)·116 i' 8. ~ CD (f

2L ':/ 2)


ll5a.- '); - tal J JI J tJI

132b.Tri cnlj d.1 - la ra· sa - ri - t!! Cu Sle3\!. a~ ca-
3) 0 4) 5) 7) ~)

Iii-to-ri-t!!. Casii-lvad sa·1 cu·noo-sca ~ipreHri·SIDS sa·1 cin·sle:l-o;cii.

no 1"iJ' 11" "6 I b

I' If I a'll). IF!! ~ J jly 141ft~ 151 &
113. t 1VJr.
III! Ok y1Q II
M.F. 1905 c). Rogoz (Bihor).redori. XIJ .1911.
Tempo giU"to. J'64.lJ1 ~ CD
U5b .. ~4~~a~iJ~J~J~J~I~£ij~~J~1J~~3~J~J~I~111~~J§1
1323. Tri erai de-Ia ra - sa • ril Cu cii • Iii· 10' ril.
- @

Ca sao! va· <Iii. sa-I eu-noa - ca Si pe DOrTHlU sa-I cin·st.easc:

M.F. 736b).Scbi~ (Bihor),un om.VJJl.1909. 8,8,6,5, DCD@
~~~w D 00
(b/.) Nq a· cum or - fa· ci - lor. * Voj di • e - cij bu· ni - lor •
4 I)

Li-u-d.1~ si can - Ia~j Si vij.mj bu • cu

Ci~rb!J (Hunedioara), ur recior~·· X111913.

[ 172 ]
B IV. c)
. J ?) 8,8,6,5, ~ CD@
4,. i J J J J I F@
Tempo gtWlto, =84 0

115d.· !P U· J IJ J j J I
IDe. oj a - cum Of - La • ci - IOf, ~i voj, bun dj·
CD (4

4'I 1iQ
'4) E3
R r r I U r i ci J J J I
2) 3) 5)

e - ci - lor, U - u - dati si cln- tati. ~i va bu - cu -

4,. J
6) 7)

~ liF r r g I Uri @J J J I W ) II y
faQ.! Dati. da - r! toq a eM- la, C4 gaz-da 00 - lac I1!< -O da;
2. senza 7):
Un F' n I III er 14i r" u f" ~ 1"'JjJJ ~
M.F. J38J b). Bistra (Turda-Arie$), WI om", xn. J9JO.

[ 173 ]
B IV. c)
.» @
4~ In DJ. ra I FEiJJJ. ,
Parlanclo ("'nto)

117b. I b£~4JJ) II 83 J , II
104 i. Di - 03- in - tea ra - ju-Iu - 1U. Di - na - in - tea ra - iu-luj

Si- A-dam cu E - va se-de· !!:. Si-A- dam CU

Ledtincilllra (Mure$-Turda). Su an. Stefan (20).1Y.1917.

[8l , 8.8,8.1) @ @*
T..mpo gi",,(O ).138

118a. 4. 4'''?
U9.·· In
0 -
Jl j
@ 3) 4) 5)_

in 0 - ra - suJ Vi - fla- i - mu Ve-nili, '"OJ toli sii-I ve-de - mu.

2i! ; Jj I 0" IIMoe; Fi 51

II 1: 1 D ri; II
dem o
M.F. 14530). PClro$an (Alba de jos). rociori,l. 19U .

[8l,8.8,8 1) @ ~..
Tt'mpo gill~to

60a. Co - 10 sus la ra - a - rit, Co - 10 sus la

ra - sa - ri - Ill. Ai Dom - nu lui 1ai Dom-no!

Sarorol. (TorontaJ). ligani, XI. 1912.
8, DCD~
D 0)

'i Rw r ~
64a.Cjucurj ver-de

Slo- bo - zi· ne
r I~ r D
gaz· d~:n c~ -
Sarafol. (Toront.I), 0 liganc! (24), XI. 1912 .
de rna - ta- sa, S1·.


a Ii (r F g ml
no· Stru! Dom - nu-lui Doamne!

i-a nostru! Dom - nu-Iui Doamne!

OJ )


[ 174 ]
pa Dom-nu

9) 10)_
J, I
siI liI~ - dii -"'!!, D'e ; - iii - m~ diJ - du - roa- siI, De ; - iii - ma cill- du- roas;

Parlando . .P'0-==--_
172 8, ~(f) ~

_ __ J'I
4) _ _

12la, 4. ,t I U
104 c. Dum-iie-zo _ _
rJ r j
I (J

- lru'n -ce- pu -

~ IA
0 f

Durn-ne-zo _

~ a
PA , 1 In p?
hU'n-ce- pUl Lwnea:ji
6) G 7)_

~ IWlpiJll nr4!B~ I n J, 1 I
loa - l'~-a !l-cu - I~. Lwnea ~;_Ioa.r~-ara- cut.

2i'~)p'O Iti ~(&Ir @14I r· 81 9 & 1'fF I'l~ I

F.1252 c),Or~ova (, Carolin. Husar (17). rv. 1914.

Parlando, A 1S2 1\ 8, ~ (f) C!

1 ~

121h, 4 ...
4111 NO fjr
U3 b.

La _ grii - d' ; -
rr I Err r' vlOr @ II
na ra - iu -
2 ) 3)

lu - iu. La gm- d'; - na

ill -
4)_ 5) 6) 7)_ C! 8) 7)_ !JL 10)

ra-iu- 1I.ti. MandrJi cru - ce sa ri- d'i - ca, MfuKlr.i eru - ce sa r; - d';c:

F. 1346 C),BaJa (MIJrC$-Turda),Solonica Marian,clC .. 1V.1914, Z

l. ••
21r 1
41j Y i lltl11f'll! I
F. 1347b),cuv.: 62

[ 175 ]
Parlaodo, )~ 140

Old. A Co.] sa- ra _ d!i a - sui sa m '! A
J) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
J 2)

Qi-j Sa - ra _ _ nil - seu - tu - lu - i. A ell 50_ nii - seul

4) _ _
---....,.0. "

!u - da'n sus eli _ __ s'o 5CU· la · I!!.

Q 3)_

da'~i da ba· I'Ij,_ Gra • je cl1' a _ _ lui duj.013.l'Ij:

A% F'i
2. ~
M. F. 2001 a). LunC$wra (Bthor), Toader Muzoc.ctc..lL1912.


6l!b.411.Cel damn bun so ve - sc - ~I. _ Cel domn bun s'o ve - se · lil._

Q2) _ _

4n Mfm·dra
r' ~ I n f 1M I n 4C2£D ~
tna· sa ~·o gii· lit. _ _ MilO·dra rna sa
IJ j J.
$j-o ga· til.
if I

~~F v j'l r' ) II

Gh:rla (, XJ. 1910.

[ 176 ]
lI2r. Tri CO-CO§! negri 0 can-tal, Zorj de ,zjl!'- 0 ra - va..- sal.
Q 3) _ _

Doril!, Pi - Ia - l'e, 0 nu dorh!,! Da d'e dorJi!, in c:i t'e scoa-13,

~i ~ I ~ 1') r' J. Iii J ;, II

MF. 9I5c).MlinA~liurul unguresc(Cluj),o muiere,

4. 4gAUF R m
Tempo giUl!lO, ).I54-(a c.1sl.)-168 {)

121g. I U ill I C]'

lI2e. Tri erat d~-a pli - man - lu· lul. Tri erai d'~-a pil -
(1) Q
4 (J
In EO I n 0
Vi-nu-ji Ia'n-chi - na-rea lui.
Vi-nu-ji la'n-ehi
ill I Q
- na-rea
M F. 1987c). ComlAu.$a (Silnw), 0 muiere,I.1912.

Tempo giUl!lo
121h. 4gA U gr
l~k .Tri eral. de - la 1'3- 54 - ril, Tri era[ de - la ra, 54 - ril

4n Cu SlCau' au
eli -
I A r In) J
III - to - rit.
Cu SlCaJ"I' aJ"I eli
13 - to - ril.
) y, II
Derua (Timi~)-. un' ligan (23). xn.1912.

Tempo giwto, ).168 ~ 8, ~ Q)

____ I)

12li. ')I'. f~ A ~ IA iF ' G U la ie r ~g I

(159.) A - cum am va - zul mi - nu- nea, ea 0 re in 0 ger
4)_ 5)

0_ spu- nea. A - eum loa-!'e s'aJ"I'moplioni- lu, Precums'3l! fosl pro - ro ciol!!.
IVaf' ) F:%A
~ I

2.4b:::Jll 13.
41(£J1"[j'5 !!!J 151 !"& 115.

M.F. 1472b).Pelto~ (Alba dejos),feciori,1.19I1.

[ 177 ]
B IV. c)
Tempo gill8to, 8, .D ill Q
121j. ~4~·i~d~J~J~J~I~F§F~~~I
F r ~F~~r~r~
(J60)Tri craj de - la r4 - sli - ri l!!, Tri cra,i_
~IDOlr' ~ Jl I r' j
de - Ia n'l sa ri - l~ Cu steay' all cd -

4J M 4=~ If. a Ir' j I r' Jl II J tl J II

III - to - ri I!!, - CU stea~' 3\1 cd III to - rit.
Ciarbll (Hunedioara), un fecior,' xn.1913.

Tempo giusto, ). 176 8, 4) CD @

4"' tJ
Q- ~ ~
121k. :,.- § F gTt; P r?]t I
I04h. in grA - d'i - na ra ju - lu - i, _ __

4" E2r w) ,·3 Ig r3 j,--;- ¥ I E P W) ~"

in gril- d'i - na _ ra - ju - lui Se - d'e - A- dam c u _

4" M!J J Jl r

PlJ) Bf

It IJ j JI , , II
E - va lu - i. :>e - d'~-A -dam cu E - va lui.

~ 0
11M Il F3l
Pid~ I4IH!IIMEijPI .• nl II
D 1

F. 1271c), Urisiu d. sus(Mure~ -Turda). Vasile Suciu (31), IV. 1914.

Parlando, ).200
8,4) @ c?
$#... 4e'# a ~ ~;() I F ~~
1211. ~ Fir ~ ~ IT I
93k.Co - Io'n jos _ maj d'in jo - s!, Co - Io'n jos ~;
@ t'i

4F ~
maj d ';n jos

j., ., 1M n

porn man-dru fru-mo·siI,
j) OJ
Es~un po1l m.TJ - dru rru-mos;

41 Jill J litl r ill h I!! J J I


F. \267 d). Chinci~(Mur.$- Turda), Rusand. Chiorean (U), 1Y,1914.

[ 178 ]
B IV. c)
8, ~ill@
Parlando, )'200
4n 0
120a A - sla-i
sa· ra
r I C; Q
d'e C r3 - ciu.~,
r o
Cli so
nli - scut
f3 1
4 V'Jl, 1EB~) ["1 J J ;£·F I cP~)iPI n J ; -I
Dom-nuJSraru, 5i-o nlI·scut pe fan u-sca -ta De in·geri in - cun-ju-rat .

411 j 'F ' I J j fr I uf) tJl -F I J J J II

Haj-clati bo-jeri,

sA· I vi- de·~, Cu !or - dan 51-1

bo- Ce-zAin .


F.124Ia), Liblni~d (Mure$.Twda),"Illwb Moldovean (50),pgan,N. 1914.

86,8,6, :D ill <I
4i ~
r r r II E; S

121n. Ir j' 6 1[; FO Ii

20. Da Sus Ia \3 - ra un· gu- rea - sci, FIo- ri - co - Ie
ill Q'--;-
$i ~ J ij I r r FFIi a fl) I n 4:.} 8 I J! J ¥ '1 II
clal- be! , E·~·ofa-~ ru-ma· nea - sci. Flo-ri· ce - Ie daJ· be!
Lona (Solrcc·Dobii<a). un feci Or. Xl. 1910.

'y I
8,6,8,6, :Dill <I
Tempo giustO,J.100
u r

1210. 4ii G I (3 F' V I r r r FJ I

84m. Co-Ioh jo - su, maj d-m jo - S!!, Zu - 0 • ril' de

Co- lo'n jo - su ,
mai d'in
m I J J 4J J I J

jo - S!!. Zu - 0 - riJ' de

leA. II r.
niPlB411 1121 PJ J'F' 014p I"r'!' J'

F.1329c), NierC$leu (MurC$-Turda).AniCl eagoi.etc.,N.1914,Z.

[ 179 ]
B IV. c)
Parlando,j'l32 2)___ 3' 8,6,8,6, ~ @

121p. ~Iz. ~~~!~~I§)~~~~~~~~~~~~V~~€p~~~~C~b

,3 U IT ~ II rUE' V II r F r I
84e.Co-lo·n sus

V II n
Ia ra

_. sa· ri

~ l!!.

Zu - a - rei de


4 JI 'i

Co- Io'n sus la rii - sa- ri

oJ. },
- l!!.
Ii (F rlOIA
Zu- ii - rei de
J. 'I 'I II

aI ~ pd) I'll iP
~ zur!

1i ti1 pi

F. 133Sc). MicC$li(Mure$-Turdo), AJeJCandru Moldovtan,etc, IY.1914,Z.
8,5,8,5, ~ Q)e!
Tempo giwto, ).172 2) ~
I}_ :;;--... 3) 4) 5)

12h.' 4~1 U if' ~ I i!U E' ~ iii UJ Ii

.". 114b. Co - Io'n jos ~i rna! din jo - S!!, ZU - reI de

~ j) 7L~
4~ I J ~
Q) (v)
$ Ii T] J. ) I fJ
Co- lo'n jos

~i rmj din jo - su,

.. ) iii
Zu - reI
d'e lur!
¥ II
2. ~---

II r 141 , ;
F. 1239 b),ldicel (MufC$-Turda), Miicia Broruar, IV. 1914.

F. 1241 d}. Libarue$d (MUTt$ -Twda), Toader MoIdO>'C3J1 (SO), ligan: cuv. : 84 u. cr. NO.44.

Q [8, 8lB,B, D®~

r?j Ihtl
Parlando, )'126 I
& /'EFi39
liBr Br lulJ{JJ
4.51.·· 2L 3L 4L
122a. '):. 411 J ~ ImJy '1 II
I27.Foar'I'es·a~ 'mpli ·/lit fru-mos, _ Foor·te s'a~ inpli·~iJ fru-mos .

~IPfij 1~!!Ii1I'tl 1M] 1~1.5 I

M. F. 1390 a). Albae (Turda.Arie$), f""ion. XILJ91O.

Trmpo giusto,), 190· (acc . 3.• 1.) ·210 [B, BJ, B.8, VCD Q*
411 ~})J J ~ I pm FJ~ I ~ F mJ Jlj V j
1) 2),...-;:;;:; \ 3) 4}_

122h.')'. J Jdl
II ~
67b. A .

~ pi J .1) .;14)
Fit r
sta-jca·sa d'o·mul bu- n!!, A- SJa-i

""·5.1 d'omLll bu-n!!.

M.F. 1849C),Cianad (Tororua1). 0 ligand

[ 180 ]
B IV. c)
8, \!)CD Q
Tempo gi\ll!to. ).214 '0
4. 4i )
Q ~

I IOOh.g
I j JJ
Tot urn- bla Pet -
JI j r'h pin
J J J In J J J J!
ra - i. Tot urn· bla Pc-
4i n 1m D JIIII!? Jh II
J) 4)]) 6)

J't Igu r Jl I UOfP~

IIU pin ral Parlla poar.La ra- tu - Iu - i, u ga- sca_ nea - mu d!;-a luj.

F.1267a), Chincit (Murc$-l\Jr[h~ Fin Chio"",n (SS),IV.t914 .

Ternpo giusto, J, 100.(acc.2. 1.)-104

124, ~~~~~~I~)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
84v. A_ E· s~·un mar rna re'n . flu

4S~12 II en

ri .
't II n j
Dar su' poa - Ia
J Ii 0
rna - ru
F 11,3 J. t
Iu • i!:'.
4) _ _

E • ~-un I'ea.po de rna-La - sa, E - st~-W1 I'ea-g;in _ de rna· Las:

~-IJ lli(fi J; y ;1> 4f1J.;4I r J rI

M F.1849a), Cianad(Toronral),0 ligand bau-ani,IL1913.

Tl'mpo gn to, J.'58

4II rrr
125, ')!. f) r D I r Jl J J ~ IA ELf IN
105i. A - stB- i sa - ra, sa - ra rna· reo sa eM· tim, Sa
3)_ ® 5) 6}Q
i ~ 4)
~ II ~r ~~ r y I J ~rt ~ I ; ~
--I .:= ~
fP'2& I &J I ; tJj
~ -1 C;
't I
co . lin-d'ern,(si !)A.sLa-j . ra lui A- JUIl, Mi· ne zi - ~a lui era. ciun.

.:::: i .
21;"1. r lilJ I" h I
3 ~ var
1,Itd IMrd14lr ~
M.E 14SOb). Bistr. (Turda.AriC$), un om, Xll.19JO.

[ 181 ]
B IV. c)
8,.~ ill @
TC'mpo giu'lo, ) z 138-(3CC. 3,'1.)-152 .~

83 h. Co- bo - fil a. co - bo nt.
3) ______~--------~~-----------------

Co-bo-rit- a co- bo - ril Dum-no - zet! cu

@ 6)_
7) _ _
5)_ ,-3,

Pe- tru Sfant. Own-ne- ze~ cu Pc - tru Sfant.


Ilf& E: a 1£(3',214,LID r' ~ • 1I~'wl


M.E 1381 a). HI.1ra (Turda -Aric$). un om. XII. 1910.

B IV. d)

l25a. Pa - lru pii stori sd'n - tiil - oi - nl.

4) _ __

I~ J J i4" Jl4] I
Pa - tru pa- tori

sirn - tal - oi - ra. Ra - za

SOa ro - lui.

flo- rea soa - re - lui! Pa- tru pa - stori d'n- tm - Iii - ra.

lli tp)1 2 'm p'Hr 14!J !jl~'Jrr) 1"· Im1 r II6IB P'an II
M. F. 1451 b). SlStra (Turda· Arie$). W'I om, XlI. 1910.

[ 182 ]
B IV. d)
Tempo giu"to, J'96 8,8,6+6. D@
4@4~ I A
I) 2) 3)

125 a . P a·!rU pa· stoll" "
~ Ii
"" -
r f rf . •
Pa· tru
r' ~ Ii
sall-"" fD· rd , pa - slOIl.

4~ i j J J J II m D II 0

r' ~ J. ~ Ii J y l II
sli'n·tiI· ni· di, Ra -:m sea· re - loJ, SO-ra Soa· r e · lui!

V3.t . ...

Ii 11.:111 ~ 11 41 , 14 • y
M. F. 1403a).Albac (Turda-Arie~). copu. X II. 1910.

B IV. e)
8,14, 14, 8, OOCY
L110 D
Tempo giuslo,

128a. * ')1· Ir r if f . I JJCQJI

If. Hl\1 Plea - ca ju • nii la va - na1,

.. ® ..
4 JJ; na bre·ci- na
JJJ 13 J J J IS j 31 1ft; JJJ
¥>l do - bra- na, ~ do· bra-na Dur-mi-na eur-mi-na,
(i{ r.

4 J J J Jim
lem" vcr - d'e ea ie . de·
J Ir
r r ff I n
Sus Ia moo - Iii. lui Pi· ial.
OJI! if II
F. 1005 b), Paucinold (Hunodioara), Petru\ D:lbucean (27),<:IC .. 26. XlI . I9IJ.
10,8,8, ~CD
Tempo ~USlO. J.\JO Vi)
128b. * ?JC

4i J 5

161. ~e - ci - na
J ?J

j Q I
ghe. ci - na
J J btU
do- brn - na,

4J J J J j

I if1 jJ 1!3 J J ! J I V J J ¥ II
Tom • nan dur - rna duro mi· na, Lemn ver·de de je - d'e - ra .

F. 1029 d). Rliu de mori (Hunedioara). Josif Dochia (25), Dumu Braila (26), XD. 1913.

[ 183 ]
B IV. f)
Trmpo giu~to, J '76
2L 3)_
4)-=_ _
D ~

15. A Co - lo-n jo - su, ma ; d'in jo - sui. Doam-nc\!t.

Q) 7) Q)

cia! A
a14! Ctp Ill! ~q1191FJllmJ
Dra - go-li Doom-ne Dom-nur~ E - s~-un paJcdal - bu\ d'e \10 - i!!.

1:W III ¥ I"l( r 1111ijr I~ fj. pi g PHI I

41111 [1 t'lJ} l(il~ 1111; l"lIJfjlFw ;2101 Ipn~ IIIAI), Ij'i' 14ffJn81@1\1115 OJ J i 9

F. 923 a), CilrbaJ (HunediOOlr.lll. Vasile Costa (50),losif Costa (42), XlI. 1913.

Tempo giu to, ). 180-(

$. i Jbl iF; Ig (7F> I r F r r; II #2 J

I) 2)

130,· 1)1· if I
m. Ra - II lJ , _ _ nu lan- gu- i. nu plan - ge

4. J §' 1ft f?FD Ii r F r; I I elU? J 3 I


t&) 't j
Va - zan - du _ _ ri - ij tai in san - ge, ci ci nu

$# iJ J I J J 31 n I azu If) I an I J , II

j Jly
var pic-ri, ma,i var-10<> -.or in flO-ii Ta- l! -Iui ce - resc, la- lA-lui ce - resc.

WISl;d I
2. Vnr•
!lIO j PF!0.9I!l,J V141 llir
M. F. 1905 b), Rogoz (Bihor),feciori, XD. 19U.

[ 184 ]
(162.) a-~-rea ta Hri-stoas3 Dum - De- I.e - u nos - IrU,

er u la~ rJJW1Ali&!Jl¥ Illb er U

(sic!) .

'I iff IA
JU- sa- rit- a lu-mij lu-mi - na cu-oo - ~I'in- t4, O'n-tru dan-.\a cci cc

F-bea ste-lc-lor da la stea-ua s'au'n - va - \lit, Si .\a'n-ehi-na Ii - e

4RF3; Wl
Soa - rc-Iu! drep -
r la,4@ J;
III - ~i,
lIie e Hi

Si sa t'e cu - noa-sca
IR r r PE

pre t'i - ne
r? IA

IU- sa - ri- lui ecl d! _ _ sus, Doam- De, miI-ri-rc Ii- el

MF. 1904 a), Rogoz (Bihol}, f<ciori. XlI.19U.

Tempo gi\l8to, J= 116-(acc.

4ft I J @ J J I J J J ] Ift!D ;;
L& ~
132a.· 'p. J Ii
(163) M! - ri - re 'n - ttll cei de sus, lui Dum - nc - ZC~,

,. i J J J {j Ie JIO @ 'IIi j 3 J b In @ l J Ii
Si pre ~- mant fi1 in pa - eel A-stAz in - gc - ruJ vi - ne

01 prea bu- na ve - sli - rc; Tai - na rna - re va spu - De ,

Fe- cjoa - ra pfWlC va na - sfc . Cum poa-~-a-ceasta sa fi - e.

~ a i J J J 8 IgS Q';> 'I I r ) ifu II fD Jt W II

Cii de bar- bat nu ~ti - e; Dum - ne - zeu a - de - vii - rat ,

[ 185 ]

Me -Iu-$iel ne - vi - no - vaL Pa-slo- ri - lor, nu - e - rali.

Ii r r mDJ~ID~J I
C2n-Ia-re Ill<-a Cu in - ged ~i C\I har - hnn-geli!

Py' I
M_F.1904 b), Rogoz (Bihor), feciori,xn_1911.

IJO. MA- ri-re'" tru eei d: sus, in-llI!- rii can - la - re a~ a - dus,

C~ Hri-slos car s'a~ nil-scut, Lu-rnea cu dari a~ um-pillt. a e fill de


Durn-ne-ze~ , Sffu1t e ca ~i Ta- IAI~ , Sfant e ca $i Ta - tal sal}.

1\ ij J )J I
Mone .... (Arod), MiMi PO$" (23), VII. 1917.

T empo giu"to J,48-(acc. 151!}-90!

133,· tJ! · 411 i J J J) I J J I J t4 J fll J J lit

(64) Tri crai da Per - si - da- i 1 - rod cum i - "!! vii - ZUI,

4~ A J j j Ii J J I J j J J I J ) 'I Ir rr r
Mlb-- gimd ]a dfu1 - sa'm - plI- ril - Ii - a de mult·· - Pen- lru ce voj

um- blati.. Pre ca- re Ie cer - ca\i:! Stril- i-na'm-pll - ril - li e!

M_F. 1905a), Rogoz (Bihor), reciori, XIJ . 1911.

[ 186 ]
1. 41 oJ I j r Ij F I IT r Ij I r I ('
4 r ~r
fc! - nyes - sc! - ges szCp haj - naI, Kit !gy kil-

I J J I J l I J J I Fir J I j ~ r I J # II
sz()n- loU az an - gyal: Od-v6z- h!gy, lei - jcs rna - lam - tal!

lI_ e
• •
. ; I· I; • FII
I •.
I •

Ec-ce ve - ni - el Pro - pile - la ma - gnus ip -


C • I • • I • •
b; • • - II
se rc - no - va - bil Jc - ru - sa - !em, al - !e - lu j:l.

e • • • •. I, 1 •
• = ~ .. II
AI - Ie - lu - j:l, AI Ie - lu - ja, AI - Ie tu j:l!
Ve szto (Bekes),19I8.

IV. 4A j5
An- go
J ~0
Ii Bor
r :U
- b:l - la,
I (J ; g
Kis szok - nyal
r ~0
var - ra-

3 I
: £J I n .
~ j
.0 II
E - Iii! kur - tab bo - doll, H;\ - IllI hosz-sza 00- dou.

4. ! • a I0
J I ,.1
Iii - l:ku ze - Ie - nii.
t; ~
I j

4" r r I U 5f
Iii - nu,
¢ku 7J!- Ie
I r r r
a ni lin
I J .::j I
di - ¢ku
sa - ze - nli_

VI. S f' t t r t t r 4
1 Y t t y
Od - voz - Ic!gy Meny- nye - i Sa - nya; Di - cso Is- ten-nek Szenl

tit i t 1 T t t ill
e II
• 4 Y
Any - ja: Sziiz Mi - ri - a
ld - vO$ - sc! - gunk fc! - nyes hai - na • Ia.

[ 187 ]
Notes to the Melodies

2. *Colindti iunilOf' (Carol for boys). first and second (full) stanzas,
**Change song. The entry of the finally the third stanza (only
succeeding group takes place the first half of the melody).
irregularly on the last eighth 12k.I. *These variants were not
note, third from last, or some- titled "Colinda" by the per-
where between the two values. formers, but it is evident, ne-
lOb. *Change song. vertheless, that both are
lOc. *Change song. carols.
**Variant sung by one per- 12m. *The final tone of the melody
former. undergoes a transposition of a
11. *Change song. The interchange step upward; therefore, the
is often made after the simul- deviant numbering (similarly,
taneous singing of the last tone variants v.x.y.).
of the stanza by both groups. 120. *From here to var. cc. are
12a. *Change song. The interchange shortened forms in which two
is always made as described for six-syllable (half-) lines of the
No. 11. original form are lacking. In
12b.c. *Change song. 12bb. the first (double-) line of
12d. *Same remark as to No. 12a. * the original form is lacking; in
12f. *From here to No. 120. there the rest, the last line.
are shortened variants, whose ** A real syllable break (see also
texts comprise 4 X 6 syllables. in No. 52a.). This phenomenon,
since a six-syllable line (or half- occurring here and there in
line) of the original form is Rumanian folk music, is not
lacking. In Nos. 12f.g.h.j.k. the known in the Hungarian ma-
second line is missing; in Nos. terial. I have found, thus far,
12i.m.n., the first half of the only one Slovakian example
third line (var. 1. has an un- (see Bart6k, Dorfszenen [Five
usually-irregular structure). Village Scenes for Voice and
12i. *The performers begin the song Piano], No.4) of a syllable
at the fifth measure. They sing break, but it occurs with great
the first text line, ce rna ispit'ili, frequency in Serbo-Croatian
on the second half of the melody songs (for example, Kuba,Pisne
(not printed here), then the bosensko hercegovske, No. 3).1
1 [Cf. Bart6k and Lord, Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs, pp. 74-76; also Vol. II of the present
publication, pp. 32-33.]

[ 188 ]
Notes to the Melodies
12p. ·An unusually richly-oma- 15. ·Not a change song!
mented l'ubato performance; 18. ·Change song. The last eighth
compare with var. r. from the is sung by both groups to-
same village. gether.
12t. ·The final tone of the melody 19. ·The text has only eight-syllable
undergoes a shift of a fourth lines and is not given.
upward. 21h. ·This rest for breathing.
··These two measures are some 21k. ·In the remaining stanzas the
times omitted; the melody then refrain stands at the end of the
bears no refrain. line, in the usual way. In the
12u. ·Same remark as to var. t.· forty-sixth and fifty-second
··Unnatural (urban) tone and text lines the first refrain is
performance, tempo is much 1udd instead of Doamne.
too slow (cf. Nos. 76, 92c.). 210.s." ·In the remaining stanzas the
12v. ·Same remark as to var. m.· refrain stands at the end of the
··Colindd junilor (Carol for line, in the usual way.
boys). Change song: the suc- 21v. ·From here to var. aa. are
ceeding group enters with the shortened variants in which the
new stanza on the first or third last melody line of the original
eighth note of the fourth meas- form is lacking.
ure; the preceeding group sings 21x. ·From the tenth text line on,
on, in canon fashion, or gra- the refrain is ~oimi.
dually falls silent. 21y. ·Doamne is not a refrain here;
•• ·This text was dictated; the the text consists of eight sylla-
recording has another text. bles.
12x.y. ·Same remark as to to var. 21z. ·In the remaining stanzas, ex-
m.· cepting the second and eleventh,
12bb. ·The first and fourth meas- the refrain is Fiorile.
ures in the ninth and twelfth 26a. ·The final tone seems errone-
text lines are as follows: ouslyone step too low (cf. vars.
JI£"oPI):I?@1I 26b. ·In the second stanza there is a
:. ~:Ii,:~ i ~ :tA.:~ new text line in place of the
12cc. ·The last melody line seems to 30b. • An unusual extension syllable
be transposed a fourth up- which can be replaced by Ie.
ward. 32. ·Change song.
12dd. ·Here, only the first (double-) 33a. ·Change song.
melody line is extant; compare ··First Pd, later Pi!
with var. v. (from the neigh- 33b. ·The distorted rhythm certain-
boring village). ly reflects a kind of gypsy style.
13. ·Change song. The succeeding ··The missing syllables are un-
group enters on the last eighth intelligible from the recording
note, which serves as th~ir up- (the first line was not given).
beat (on a), and then proceeds 34a. ·Change song. The upbeat is
to the next stanza. missing from the following
14. ·Change song. Valer Moi~ni stanzas.
sang the odd-numbered stan- 36. ·Change song. The succeeding
zas, Mihai Coriu the even-num- group starts approximately
bered ones. The last two eighths here.
of each stanza are always sung 37a. ·In the last stanza this orna-
by both groups together. mental note is omitted.
[ 189 ]
Notes to the Melodies
37b. *Change song. The preceding 45k. *Cantec de stea. Performed by a
group sings the first stanza to young man of higher schooling.
its end and, at the entry of the 45m. *The performer begins the me-
succeeding group, repeats the lody with the second line.
first measure of the melody. The 45n. *Cantec de stea, from a cycle
latter then begins the second of six songs: Nos. 131, 132a.,
stanza with the first measure of 133, 130, 115a., and 45n.
the melody, completes it, and 450. *[Note is missing. Cdntec de
repeats that measure as the stea?]
preceding group makes its re- 45p. *Cdntec de stea.
entry, and so on (cf. No. 62v.). 45r. Text in the Romany language.
37c. *The performer began the me- **The melody was begun with
lody with the second line and the second melody line.
closed it with the first. The last 45t. *Cdntec de stea.
two notes seem to have been 45u. *Text in the Romany language.
transposed a third upward (cf. 45v. *Cantec de stea.
vars. a.b.).
46b. :} Same remark as to No. 45e.*.
38b. *In stanzas 1-4 the first, third, 47.
and fourth (six-syllable) lines 49. *Performed by a young man of
are performed ~ and the higher schooling.
second half of the second meas- 52a. *Syllable break! See remark to
ure is sung on one syllable. No. 120.**.
39. *Colindul junilor (Carol for 52c. *Change song. The last tone
boys). Change song in which the is sung by both groups to-
change first takes place on the gether.
third eighth of the last meas- 52e. *The first and second stanzas
ure, later on the second, still are garbled in the recording.
later on the first, and so on. In 57. *Was begun with the second
this way the newly-entering melody line.
group begins with the next 58b. *Change song. The entry of the
stanza, the other group sudden- succeeding group (with the be-
ly stops-without singing the ginning of the melody or of the
melody to its end. next stanza) takes place in the
40. *Artificial tone and performan- second half of the last measure;
ce, in the manner of church the earlier the entry, the shor-
cantors. ter is the value of the last note
of the preceding group (and
45b. *Cantec de stea. Same remark
as to No. 40*. In the later stan-
59a. *Change song; without upbeat
zas J .J .. replacesJ .J., or vice
in the following stanzas.
59b. *Shortened value, because of
45e. *The text was not transcribed. unintentional lengthening of
45f. *Cantec de stea. the preceding rest.
45g. *Cantec de stea. The performer 59c. *Change song. The interchange
learned the song in school. takes place approximately at
45h. *Same remark as to No. 40*. this point, with the entry of the
**In the last stanza, gl is per- new stanza; consequently, the
formed .J ". preceding group omits the last
***This rest represents intake measure of the melody.
of breath (at the wrong place ?). **cey' instead of cerju.
45j. *Cantec de stea. Same remark as 60. *Same remark as to No. 59a. *
to No. 40*. The second stanza was, in

[ 190 ]
Notes to the Melodies
error, sung by the preceding numbered ones. From here to
group in the recording. var. jj. there are four-line
61k. ·The final tone was shifted a variants whose extended form
major third upward. The in- arises from a repetition, after
tonation of the recording is im- the third melody line, of the
pure. varied second melody line which
62c. ·Same remark as to No. 45h.···. is also transposed a fifth lower.
62d. ·This note is omitted in the 62cc. ·The text was not transcribed.
last stanza, whose structure In the recording the following
shows an unusual change-over fragments are intelligible:
in the first and second melody 1. tmparatul-- 1. The emperor--
lines: 5,8,8 instead of 8,5,8. cerby, the stag,
62e. ·[Note is missing.] r. Domnului r. To the Lord
62£. ·The text was not transcribed. Doamn'l Godl
62g. • [Note is missing. Change song? ---Craciun. ---Christmas.
According to the note in the 2. Bucuria n!:-a 2. He has given us
Bucharest MS., the first meas- facuty, (great) pleasure,
ure represents a variant per- r., Refrain
formed by the second group.] ---tomna mai --richer in the
62i. ·Change song. avut. fall.
62j. ·Change song. Sometimes the 62dd. ·Text not transcribed; pro-
last tone is sung by both groups bably a variant of Text No. 64.
together. 62ff. ·Text in the Romany lan-
62k. ·Same remark as to var. j .•• guage; refrain in Rumanian.
··Group I sings the upper part, 64b. ·To eight-syllable text lines.
group II the lower. 65. ·The first four measures of the
621. ·In the recording the refrain is first stanza are incorrect in the
] uneluj buny,. recording.
62p. ·Change song. The second half ··Only in the first stanza.
of the last measure is sung by 66b. ·These variants are sung by
both groups together. one performer in both strophes.
62v. ·Change song. The interchange 66c. ·Likewise in all following
takes place as follows: Group I stanzas.
sings the first stanza to its end 67b. ·Performed by a young man of
and repeats the first melody higher schooling. The tempo is
line at the point of junction; overly slow.
group II begins directly on the 71a. ·Ii is an unusual and excessive
second eighth (or, in later supplementary syllable. After
stanzas, on the first eighth of a (usual) re supplementary syl-
the repeated first melody line) lable, however, Ie used is in-
with the beginning of the melo- stead of Ii.
dy and the text of the second 73b. ·In the recording, probably by
stanza, sings to its end, repeats mistake, gl.
the first melody line, and so on 73c. ·In the recording, Toate mdndre
(cf. No. 37b.). instead of D01,fa stele.
62x. ·From here to var. z. there are 73i. ·In the recording the voice
two-line variants whose shor- level rises somewhat in the
tened form arises from the ab- third melody line. The new level
sence of the first melody line. is maintained in the following
62aa. ·Change song. Mihai Coriu stanza until the third melody
sang the odd-numbered stro- line, where the voice level
phes, Valer Mo~oni the even- again rises. As a result, the be-

[ 191 ]
Notes to the Melodies
beginning of the performance is (or just simple) of syllable-
considerably lower than the end. slurring at the end of the line
73j. *Always performed in this also occurs here and there
manner, in the recording, by among the Szekely [Transyl-
one of the two women. vanian Hungarians] and rather
73k. *Var. i. comes from the same frequently among the Serbo-
performer. Croatians and the Bulgars. (See,
731. *One section of the singers al- for example, Kuba, P.b.h., No.
ways sang the upward-stemmed 36; W. Stoin, Grundriss der
variant. M etrik und der Rhythmik der
73s. *Probably also in each follow- bulgarischen Volksmusik, Nos.
ing stanza. 159, 176).2
**Probably only in the first 73nn. *As the first stanza, only the
stanza. refrain portion is sung; as the
73x. *Performed by a young man of fifth stanza, only the first half
higher schooling. of the melody.
73y. *The recording begins with the 73pp. *This variant and the two
second melody line. following have a two-line form,
73aa. *Before the recording took in which the first melody line of
place, the melody was always the original three-line structure
sung in this three-part form: is missing.
the first text line under the 75b. *The dotted quarters often are
first and second melody lines, somewhat shorter, the eighths
the second text line under the somewhat longer, but only one
third melody line. It was not of the modifications occurs in
possible to record the entire each group of .J. J.
three-part form, for the second 76. *Tone production and perform-
melody line had meanwhile ance not in peasant style (cf.
departed irretrievably from the Nos. 12u., 92c.). In the record-
woman's memory. ing the first melody line of the
73bb. *Change song; a rather sur- second and third stanza is
prising difference between the absent.
performance tempi of.! both 78a. *Text in Romany language.
groups! The refrain, not transcribed, is
**Final tone after st. 3. unintelligible from the record-
73ee. Change song. The succeeding ing.
group starts the next stanza 78b. *The text, not transcribed, and
simultaneously with the last unintelligible from the record-
tone-sometimes, even any- ing, also seems to be in the
where in the penultimate Romany language.
measure. 80:· *The second melody line is consi-
73ff. *Text not transcribed. dered as coming from a hypo-
73gg. *Same remark as to var. aa.*.
73ii. *From here to var. 00. the thetical ~ IPr JJ I J r JJ I eight-
forms are extended to four-line syllable form, and is indicated,
structure. therefore, with 8.
73kk. *Instead of dalbii 'intinsa, a 81a. *Change song.
special case of elision of the UNot a change song.
two final syllables! This kind 81 b. *Same remark as to No. 18. *

2 [Cf. Bart6k and Lord, Serbo-C,oatian Folk Songs, pp. 76-77; also Vol. II of the present
publication, pp. 4, 33.]

[ 192 ]
Notes to the Melodies
81d. *The second melody line is checked. Most probably a
considered as coming from an change song, in limping "Bul-
eight-syllable structure (fourth garian" (10/16) rhythm.
86g. *Colinda jetelor (Carol for girls) .
measure.. IJ/III)
"_ •. v """I • Cf• Nos.
Q"Uti-$!, ne·O'- •. The first stanza contains only
87a.b., 93. Apparently also per- the second melody line. In
formed as a change song. addition to this stanza, three
81e. *Change song. This variant and (complete) others were tran-
the two following are on a level scribed.
a fifth higher than the preced- uIn the recording, Ilona is
ing variants. quite clearly audible instead of
**Change song. In the record- Ileana (Hungarian influence ?).
ing, three stanzasi without the 86h. *Colinda junilor (Carol for
slightest differentiation. boys). Change song: In the re-
81g. *Change song. In the recording, cording the succeeding group
six stanzas, completely alike. always enters here, without
81h. *In the recording the first melo- waiting until the end of the
dy line was omitted through- stanza, whereupon the preced-
out. The following text line, ing group gradually comes to a
found on the recording, goes: stop, before completion of its
Cu besericj cre!jt'ine!jtjy. stanza (the last four notes are
81i. *This rest is missing in the derived from the transcription
recording. The third line of the made on the spot). There are
melody is also missing. six strophes in the recording;
81j. *Colindul copiilor (Children's text lines four, five, and six are
carol). A very stunted form, not intelligible.
apparently even with an in- 87a.b. *Change song. The last notes
complete refrain. are sung simultaneously by
82a. *Change song. both groups. The second, third,
**Not a change song. and fourth stanzas of var. b. are
completely like the first.
82b. *In the last stanza: ~. The **At the refrain-according to
third melody line (which would the analogy of the refrain of the
be similar to the first) is mis- (incomplete) vars. c. and d.-an
sing. originally eight-syllable form is
83a. *[The author's transcription of suggested, wherefore the melo-
mus. ex. 83a., made from this dy is constructed as isometric.
record, appears in facsimile in (Cf. 8ld., 93.)
the editorial foreword, p. xix.] 87c. *Change song. The preceding
83c. *The third line of the third group sings the first stanza and
stanza could not be followed the first half of the second, the
further. succeeding group continues
84a. *Change song. with the second half of the
84b. *Change song. In the recording, second stanza and the first half
three stanzas, entirely alike. of the third, the preceding
85a.b. *Change song. group re-enters with the second
86b. *Change song. half of the third stanza followed
**In the second and fourth by the first half of the fourth,
stanzas (performed by the and so on. The text lines follow-
succeeding group) d 2 is lower. ing those given were not tran-
86c.d. *Since there is no recording, scribed and are not intelligible
the notation could not be from the recording.

[ 193 ]
Notes to the Melodies
87d. *Change song. The succeeding ance less peasant-like (d. Nos.
group enters with the next 12u., 76).
stanza, usually on the first 92d. *Change song. In the inter-
eighth of the last measure, but change the succeeding group
eventually only on the fourth sings the upbeat at the same
or sixth eighth. In the later time that the last eighth note
case, wherever between those of the melody is sung by the
two parts of the measure, the preceding group. The third line
entry overpowers, so to speak, of the third stanza is missing in
the close of the preceding the recording.
stanza. 93. *In grouping, the second melody
88a. *The second melody line is con- line can be considered as eight-
sidered to be eight-syllable in syllable (d. Nos. 8Id., 87a.b.).
grouping. **The performer knew no more
88b. *Change song. The preceding than two lines of the text.
group begins with the last tone 95b. *The first melody line of the
of the melody and closes with fourth stanza is missing in the
the third measure, the succeed- recording.
ing group does likewise. 95c. *The third melody line is o-
88c. *Change song. The succeeding mitted in all stanzas (here it
group begins the next stanza on is reconstructed) except the
the penUltimate eighth, some- last one, in which, however, the
times earlier, overpowering the preceding eighth rest is missing.
close of the preceding stanza, so This rest, though, is present in
that the last tone of the melody the other stanzas (likewise also
(at the spot marked with **) is in the recording) only because
generally never audible. the omission of the third melo-
89. *Change song. The last two or dy line at this point is treated as
three notes are sung by both the end of the stanza.
groups simultaneously.
90. *Structure not entirely clear; as 95d. *Colindii fete lor (Carol for girls).
though, because of the splitting 95g. *In eight-syllable lines, if the
of the refrain (H oj leruj da last (open) syllable is not
leru-mi Doamne) , the proper elided, in this manner: ~ .
text lines of the melody had 95h. *The first text line is shortened
been moved over one measure, by one syllable.
with the result that the limits **The continuation of the text
of the melody lines and the text was not known.
lines would not coincide. An- 951. *Colindii fetelor (Carol for
other structural pattern, in girls).
which melody and text lines do 99a. *The first melody line of st.
coincide, would be 6, 8, II,61 is missing in the recording.
**Tone production of the per-
@1; however, this explanation former not very peasant-like.
does not seem likely. 99b. *Begins a miner third lower.
92a. *Approaches triplet rhythm. then gradually rises to here.
92b. *The recording begins with the l02a. *Change song. The recording
second melody line. The first gives no clear picture of the
melody line of the first stanza is interchange, because of a stop
here a reconstruction according in the performance.
to that of the second stanza. I02b. *Change song.
92c. *Tone production and perform- **Change song. The last eighth

[ 194 ]
Notes to the Melodies
note is sung by both groups production in the style of
simultaneously. church cantors.
102d. *Change song. 115a. *Same remark as to No. 45n. *
* *One performer sang the upper 115b. *Cdntec de stea. In artificial (not
part, the other, the lower part. peasant-like) performance, with
***The third melody line of the unusually great difference be-
third stanza is missing in the tween the starting and closing
recording. tempos.
102e. *Change song. The second half 115c. *The downward-stemmed ver-
of the last measure is sung by sion applies to eight-syllable
both groups simultaneously. lines.
102j. *Change song. **Continuation of the text not
102k. *Change song. The second half transcribed.
of the last measure in the ***Cdntec de stea, learned in
second stanza is sung by both school.
groups together. The third 115d. *Cdntec de stea, performed in
melody line of the third stanza church-cantor style.
is no longer on the recording. 116. *Originally the third and seventh
102m. *A very meager variant, con- measures must have had the
sisting of only one melody line same rhythm as the others. On
(thus, a questionable variant). the basis of this hypothesis, the
104a. *In the first stanza the first and melody is considered and classi-
second melody lines are missing, fied as isorhythmic.
and in the third stanza, the ** As continuation of the text,
third melody line. only the second and third
104b. *Affected rhythm and perform- stanzas are given.
ance, too slow in tempo. ***In the second stanza this
104c. *Same remark as to No. 104a. * measure seems to be in a
104e. *Text not transcribed. rhythm that constitutes a tran-
104h. *One woman sang the upward- sition from that of the first to
stemmed, the other, the down- that of the third stanza.
ward-stemmed version. 118a. *It is clear from the printed
106. *Colinda jiganului (Carol of the variant given that the first (or
gypsies): a jocose carol, in second) melody line is missing.
which the refrain partly uses, **Colinda copiilor (Children's
partly imitates gypsy words carol; actually, Ctintec de steal.
(for example, devla means God). 118b. *Same remark as to var. a. *
110. *The group of Colinda singers 119. *Originally the penultimate
departs with the performance measure must have had the
of this Christmas song. same rhythm as the others; on
111c. *The syllable la results from the the basis of this hypothesis the
emphatic pronunciation of the melody is considered as iso-
last consonant. metric.
111e. *Text not transcribed. 120. *Probably another "farewell"
113. *Text not transcribed. carol; d. remark to No. 110.*
114a.b. *Cdntec de stea. 121b. *Only three measures of the
114c. *Colinda copiilor (Children's third stanza are recorded.
carol; really, a Cdntec de * *The first measure of the first
steal· stanza is incorrect in the record-
114d. *Cdntec de stea, performed with ing.
excessive ornamentation. 121c. *In the recording, the first
Rhythmic fluctuations and tone stanza consists only of the

[ 195
Notes to the Melodies
second, third, and fourth melo- **Cantec de stea. The first to
dy lines. The second and third third stanzas are incorrect in
melody lines contain, resp., the the recording.
first and second text lines; the 122b. *Same remark as to No. 122a.*
text of the fourth melody line, **Likewise in the last stanza.
not transcribed, is unintelligible 123. *The recording begins with the
from the recording. third melody line, so that the
121e. *Only for eight-syllable lines. text is shifted over by one-half
121j. *Titled Vitleim (Bethlehem the melody.
song); that is, Cantec de stea. 127a. *Cantec de stea.
Learned in school. -N.B.The **Only the first and second
entire group, 121, is Cantec de lines of the third stanza are
stea according to melody, but transcribed.
apparently only vars. a.-d., f.- 127b. *Cantec de stea.
k., m. according to text. * *These variants-apparently
121k.l. *Only for eight-syllable lines. to be considered as errors-are
121m. *The following four measures in the recording.
constitute only a free repetition 128a. *Colindd cerbului (Stag's carol),
of the third and fourth melody apparently thus named because
lines, which are also sometimes of the text.
omitted. ** Approaches triplet rhythm.
**Only for eight-syllable lines. 128b. *Colindd /iganului (Gypsy
12lr. *The first stanza consists only carol).
of the second half of the melo- 130.
dy; the others have this struc- 131. :} Same remark as to No. 45n.*
ture: the first half of the melo- 132a.
dy, repeated, then its second 132b. *Cantec de stea.
half. The text lines are not 133. *Same remark as to No. 45n.*
repeated. **An unintelligible phrase. [See
122a. *On the basis of the printed translator's comment (fn. 250)
variants given, it can be estab- to this verse in Part Two, Texts
lished that the first and second and Translations, No. 164.J
melody lines are missing.

[ 196 ]
Part Two
Introduction to Part Two

T he second part of this volume contains all the texts belonging to

the melodies of Part 1. Including 303 variants and 23 supple-
mentary fragments,! there is a total of 467 texts whose tabu-
lation below represents my first attempt at the classification of folk


Prior to examination of the ordering of the texts, the reader should

note that, because of the aforementioned initial endeavor, some errors
have crept in and were noticed only after all the material had been
classified and numbered. Moreover, there are certain texts which are
rather difficult to assign to a specific group. The various cases involved,
therefore, are detailed in paragraphs following Table 5.

I. Epic texts-secular subjects
a) Hunting (stags and lions) . 1- 9
b) Pastorals 10- 12
c) Ballads • . . • . . . . . 13- 24
II. Family life
a) To young girls. . • • . • • . . . . . • 25- 40
b) To the man giving the bride away • . . • 41
c) To young men (or to the son of the family) • 42- 47
d) To the host of the house . . . . • • • • • 48- 50
e) To a married couple . • . . • . • . • . 51
1 [See discussion of these editorial additions on p. xxx.]

[ 199 ]
Introduction to Part Two

I. Texts about the Colinda custom in general

a) Arrival of the Colinda singers. 52- 64
b) Congratulations . . . . . . 65- 68
c) Allusions to expected gifts. . 69- 72
d) Thanking and departing . . 73- 76
e) Texts related to the Plug~01'2 77- 81


I. Religious legends
a) About God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82- 83
b) About the Holy Virgin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84- 90
c) About the preeminence of God and John the Baptist. 91
d) Pursuit of St. John. . . . . . . . . . . . 92
e) About Judas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93- 94
f) The rebellion of the Jews against Christianity 95
g) Birth of Christ from a rock . . . . . . . . 96
h) About the Holy Mother and Christ. . . . . 97
i) Origin of wine, wheat, and annointing oil . . 98
j) Preeminence of wine, wheat and annointing oil.
k) About retribution in the future life. .
1) About the Last Judgement . . . . . 101-102
II. Texts about events described in the Bible
a) Creation of the World 103
b) The Fall of Man. . . 104
c) The Birth of Christ. . . . . . . . . 105-107
d) The three Magi . . . . . . . . . . 108
e) The Baptism of Christ . . . . . . . 109-111
f) Judas' betrayal and Christ's crucifixion. 112-114
g) Christ's ascension . . 115
D RELIGIOUS LYRICS • • • • • 116-133
E HUMOROUS TEXTS. • • • • • 134-136
H ApPENDIX • • • • • • • • • 142-164

Text No. 11 was put in the secular texts (A I b); Rosetti considers it
a religious one. 3 In my opinion it is of no decisive importance that in
some variants the shepherd is replaced by God or that in several both
the shepherd and God playa role. I consider this text a pastoral rather
than a religious allegory, although I admit that this interpretation may
be disputed.

a [Ritual ploughing songs; see editorial description on p. xxxiii.]

8 AI. Rosetti, CoUndele religioase la Rom4m, Bucharest, 1920, p. 64, type 24.

[ 200 ]
Introduction to Part Two
Text No. 13 is apparently not a ballad fragment; thus, its classification
(A I c) is dubious. At this time, however, I know of no better solution
to the problem.
Text No. 36b. (A II a) should be in Group c), but variant a. remains
as presently classified.
Whether text No. 40 (A II a)-a fragment-is properly grouped or if
it belongs among the Ballads (A I c) is questionable.
Text No. 41 is incorrectly placed between A II a) and A II c); in
other words, the grouping in Subclass A II should have been a), c), b),
d), and e).
Text Nos. 50 (A II d) and 65 (B I b) are difficult to classify; they
might also be considered as belonging in Group A II c), and Group
A II d) or Subclass C I, respectively.
Text No. 66 might be more correctly considered a special group in
Subclass A II; that is, a "family" Colinda to a drunkard!
Text No. 85 might be better subsumed under Group A I c).
Text nos. 96 and 97 should follow No. 90; in other words, Groups C
I g) and h) should follow b).
Text Nos. 101 and 102 might better follow No. 115 and thus form an
eighth group, h), of Subclass C II.

With the exception of the ballads, of Nos. 10 and 135, and possibly of
Nos. 134 and 136, all texts are exclusively set to Colinda melodies and
sung as Colinda songs. We know of no variant of these texts, from any
region, which did not play its role as a Colinda song. The situation is
different, however, with the ballad texts and with text Nos. 10 and 135,
since there exist numerous variants which are performed not as Colinda
songs, but as ordinary ones (cantece, doine). There is a possibility that
certain ballad texts developed special and exclusive functions as Colinda
texts in certain areas, but there is no sufficiently conclusive evidence
for this hypothesis.
Rosetti lists in the above-mentioned treatise certain types of Colinda
texts to which the individual text numbers of this study correspond as
follows: 4

4 The title of Rosetti's publication indicates that only religious Colinda texts are dealt with;
that is, such texts as are included in Class C of this study. The three exceptions-types 24,21,
and 22, whose texts are included in Classes A and B of my collection- are due to a difference .
of opinion (see above).

[ 201 ]
Introduction to Part Two
11 - 24 91 - 10 100 14
52-64 (?) = 21 92 - 27 101-102 - 15
65 - 22 93 - 19 103 - 26
82 - 23 95 - 18 104 - 20
83 - 13 96 - 25 105 - 1 and 2
84 - 6 98 - 12 108 - 4and5
87 - 7 99 - 11 112 - 9
113, 114 (?) = 8

For the remaining texts of my collection Rosetti lists no corresponding

types. However, publications available to him contain variants of text
Nos. 90, 94, 106-107, 109, and 115,5 as is evident from my list of variants
from other collections (see below, p. 205); thus, it is somewhat difficult
to understand why his treatise contains no types for the classifications
represented by these texts. 6 Rosetti's types 3, 16, and 17 are not em-
bodied in my collection.


The texts are followed by a systematic list of the refrains. Only one
Arabic numeral is assigned to refrains that are alike except for minor
differences; such deviations are listed in parenthesis under the refrain
in question. The refrains are grouped and numbered as follows:
I. Refrains with Domn; Domnul(e) ; Doamne . . . . . . 1- 39
II. Refrains with Ler; Lerului; and so forth. . . . . . . 40- 61
III. Various refrains (with Craciun; Luminioara; Raiu; and
so forth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62- 69
IV. Refrains with J une(lui) ; J unele . . . . . . . . . . 70- 75
V. Refrains with Ficiori/a; Ficu/a; Ileana; Leno; Nevasta. 76- 93
VI. Refrains with Florile . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94-110
VII. Various refrains (with Maru(lui); Cetina; Cununa. 111-119
VIII. Refrains with Corinde. . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-132
IX. Various refrains with more or less unusual words . 133-147

5 Text No. 85 is not included, since it is better regarded as a ballad text.

S [The reader should refer to the editorial commentary on pp. xxx-xxxi concerning the
apparent discrepancies in the author's text listings here.]

[ 202 ]
Introduction to Part Two
It is beyond the scope of this book to investigate the age and origin
of the Colinda texts or their relationship to folk song texts of other
nations, and so forth. I have tried, however, to make a reference after
each text (or text variant group) to the text variants in publications
available to me; whenever it seemed necessary, I appended critical
comments to the texts. The attempt to make reference to text variants
in other publications turned out to be rather difficult at times, because
most collections contain a kind of multiform text comprised of two,
possibly more, diverse and unrelated texts. 7 In such occurrences classifi-
cation was determined according to content of the preponderant com-
ponent. In a few cases I listed multiform (or double-) texts, according to
their component parts, as variants for two different text numbers of
my collection; the Notes to the texts indicate which part of the cited
text is relevant.


Lacking sufficient knowledge of phonetics, I have not attempted any

phonetic transliteration of the texts. I had to restrict myself to devising
a system which would reproduce the characteristic dialectal pronunci-
ations as far as I was able to observe them. Such an approach cannot, of
course, lay any claim to consistency in its representation of speech
sounds. Basically, there are two approaches to this problem: either the
texts are published without regard for consistent orthography, but so
as to give an approximate idea of dialectical peculiarities, or deviant
pronunciations are disregarded entirely and the texts are adapted to the
normal orthography of the written language.
I discovered, however, that even the latter alternative resists con-
sistent application, since dialectal pronunciation changes the number of
syllables of certain words. Obviously, in any such case the dialect must
not be tampered with, since the metric regularity of the poetry must
always be maintained.
Careful consideration of the problem finally led me to adopt a com-
promise; although this method is in itself inconsistent, actual inconsist-

7 Text No. tOSx. (see its note) provides a good example of an indissoluble amalgam of two
texts. In the case of some of the texts of my collection, which apparently were erroneous mix-
tures of different texts or, more often, of fragments, I detached the various components from
one another and listed them separately according to subject matter. Texts containing only a
few lines of extraneous origin were left intact; but in each case the foreign matter is identified
in the Notes to the texts.

[ 203 ]
Introduction to Part Two
encies are comparatively infrequent. s The following dialectal pronun-
ciations were changed to conform to standard orthography:
1. Instead of the usual pii (= pe; ii in this word is a sound between
ii and e), pe is used in some texts.
2. Instead of the dialectal ce, ci (for te, ti or che, chi), die, dii (for de,
di or ghe, ghi), and a kind of ~ (for ci) in Hunedioara and Banat texts, the
characters listed in parenthesis are used.
3. The general usage is to pronounce the ea, ia, and a of the third-
person ending of the past tense, as well as the vowel sound in mea, as an
e. e
open, long Although is used, therefore, as a substitutional vowel for
the most part, in some cases the three mentioned characters are retained.
4. The very common practice of palatalizing d, t, I, and n is generally
disregarded, except in words which differ from standard orthography in
other ways also (for example, cune, mne,!!, pt' eatra").
5. The mute i (see below) is retained.
I left unchanged all other special features of pronunciation that my
untrained ear was able to identify, for I was, of course, incapable of
distinguishing the more delicate nuances which would require a phonetic
system of notation.
In order to prevent any incorrect metrical interpretation of the texts it
was necessary to add a special diacritical mark to the semivowels i
and u, which form no separate syllables, as follows: i, ,!!.9
Texts that were recorded phonographically were subsequently checked
several times in order to make the written version as accurate as possible.
Finally, I should mention that Professor Gheorge Alexici has looked
over all the texts that were available in written form only. lowe him
the solution of many problems posed by dialect words as well as a num-
ber of corrections of erroneous transcriptions.

8 [The attention of the reader is directed to the author's discussions of orthography in

Vol. II, pp. 1-5, and Vol. III, p. xxxix-xlii, of the present publication.]
8 There are words that are pronounced in different ways, for example, g,aia (two syllables:
g,a-ia) and g,aia (three syllables: g,a-i-a), or luat (lu-at) and 11}at (one syllable). If, in such cases,
no orthographical distinction were made between it and i and between 1} and u, the metric
interpretation would be obscure. Another one-syllable pronunciation is C1}-o, and I point to
the well-known fact that it is sometimes mute (as, for example, in astasit).

[ 204 ]
Introduction to Part Two


Variants in other publications (listed in the bibliography of Part One and of
Part Two) are referred to as follows: last name of the author (in a few cases
publication titles are given, in italics) and text OR page (where texts are not
numbered) number. Double entries separated by a virgule indicate, in order, page
and text numbers.


1. . . . . . . . . Marienescu 136; Barseanu 49/XXVI; Velcu 6/IV;

Schmidt 22, 24; Viciu 138/LVI, 139/LVII, 139/
LVIII, 140/LIX, 141/LX; Dnlgoi 14, 24, 47, 83
107, 127, 134, 141, 175, 185, 188,227,238.
6. . Teodorescu 58/2,60; Dragoi 11,41.
7. . Marienescu 133, Teodorescu 69, 70; Tocilescu
527/2, 1466/1; Pasculescu 46/52; Viciu 119/
XVIII, 149/LXXIV; Dragoi 10, 194,232.
9. . Tocilescu 1468/1, 1472, 1474/2; Pasculescu 49/58.
10 . . Marienescu 147; Teodorescu 435; Tocilescu 3;
Barseanu 27/V; Viciu 167/CVI, 168/CVII, CVIII;
M aramure~ 187/7; Birlea 22/10, 123/24; Papahagi
CCCLXXX, 120/CCCCV; Dragoi 23, 58, 156, 183.
11. . . . . . . . . Marienescu 144; Teodorescu 41/1; Barseanu 24/
II, 26/III, IV; Bud 70/8; Pasculescu 65/87; Viciu
lIS/X, 166/CII; Birlea 104/25; Papahagi 75/
14 . . . . . . . . . Teodorescu 410; Bibicescu 337/351,339/352,340/
353; Alexici 51; Tocilescu 13, 15; Tiplea 4/2;
Pasculescu 182/13, 183/14, 184/15; R.F.M. III
No. 1177c.; Viciu 143/LXIII, 144/LXIV, 145/
LXV, LXVI; Catana 74/10; Papahagi 118/
16. . Viciu 113/VIII.
17. . Bibicescu 167/210; Alexici 45; Tocilescu 179,735/

10 [The data following below represents an editorial extraction of listings appearing in the
author's drafts of the poetic texts. The reader should refer to his comments and similar listing
in Vol. III of the present publication, pp. xcvii-xcviiL]

[ 205 ]
Introduction to Part Two
18 . . . . . . . . . Teodorescu 437, 438, 444; Alexici 42; Tocilescu 6,
8, 10, 12; Pasculescu 170/9; Viciu 169/CXI;
Catana 82/12.
19. . Bibicescu 345/355; Alexici 80, 83.
21. . Teodorescu 616; Alexici 112; Tocilescu 94; Bud
4/2; Papahagi 94/CCCLXVIII.
22. . Marienescu 45; Teodorescu 635; Bibicescu 261/
331, 267/332, 271/333, 273/334; Alexici 70; Bud
8/5; Catana 140/19; Birlea 24/11; Papahagi 90/
24. . Marienescu 110; Viciu 121 /XX; Birlea 109/31;
Dragoi 82, 101, 219, 237.
25. . Pasculescu 53/66; Viciu 30/XL; Dragoi 192.
26. . Viciu 126/XXXLI; Dragoi 20,49.
27. . Marienescu 118; Schmidt 16; Viciu 126/XXXII;
Birlea 109/32; Dragoi 76, 231, 236.
28. . Marienescu 102; Teodorescu 86/1; Radulescu-
Codin 134/104; B~rseanu 37/XIV, 38/XV; Velcu
II/VII; Viciu 125/XXX, 128/XXXVI, 130/
XLI; Dragoi 75,97, 128, 139,226.
31. . Marienescu 97; Schmidt 15/3; Viciu 127/XXXIV,
128/XXXV; Dragoi 54, 102, 197.
32. . Marienescu 100; Teodorescu 86/2, 87; B~rseanu
28/VI, 30/VII, 31 /VIII, 32/IX, 34/X, 58/VI; Bud
69/7; Pasculescu 55/68; Velcu 9/VI; Viciu 123/
XXVI, 129/XXXVII, 143/LXII, 146/LXVII,
LXVIII; Dragoi 3-7,53,64,89, 195.
34 . . . . . . . . . Marienescu 127; Teodorescu 82, 83; Radulescu-
Codin 118/96; Tocilescu 526, 1466/2, 1471; Bar-
seanu 34/XI, 35/XII, 36/XIII, 37/XIV; Bud
68/4; Pasculescu 56/70, 57/73; Schmidt 33; Viciu
124/XXVIII, 125/XXIX, 132/XLVI, 133/
XLVII, 135/LI, LII, ISS/LXXXII; Birlea 100/
19; Dragoi 34, 51, 222, 234.
35. . Dragoi 50.
36. . Alexici 145; Viciu 28/XIV, 132/XLV; Dragoi 25.
37. . Marienescu 125; Schmidt 18; Dragoi 48,81, 180,
38. . Viciu 147/LXIX, LXX, 148/LXXI, LXXII.
[ 206 ]
Introduction to Part Two
39. . Alexici 157; Dragoi 84.
40. . Papahagi 95/CCCLXX.
42. . Teodorescu 49, 50; Radulescu-Codin 126/100;
Pasculescu 49/57.
44. . Viciu 109/I.
45. . Teodorescu 46,47.
48. . Marienescu 149; Hetcou 46/IX; Viciu 90/CXXII,
CXXVIII, 94/CXXXI, 158/LXXXV, 159/
LXXXVII, LXXXVIII; Dragoi 30, 45, 73, 94,
115, 171, 187,221.
50. . Viciu 119/XVII, 165/CI.
51. . Teodorescu 77/1, 2; Tocilescu 527/1; Bru-seanu
39/XVI(?); Pasculescu 53/65; Viciu 163/XCVI.
52. . Viciu 37/XXXII.
53. . Viciu 95/CXXXII, 122/XXIII, 160/XCI; Mara-
mure$ 188/9a.
55. . Dragoi 65.
58. . Teodorescu 20/2, 21; Bibicescu 233/1; Tocilescu
524/1, 1460/1, 1480/1; B~rseanu 5/1, 7/III, 16/
XV; Ciorogariu 9/1; Bud 70/9,71/10; Schmidt 21;
Viciu 25/IX, 26/X; Maramure$ 188/8; Birlea 87/
4; Dragoi 63,66,263; Brailoiu 3, 4, 6, 7.
59. . Marienescu 12; Tocilescu 1488; Papahagi 76/
64. . Viciu 175/XII.
65. . Marienescu 62; B~seanu 12/XI, 61 /VIII; Bud
68/3, 73/15; Viciu 65/LXXIX, 66/LXXX, 81/
CIX, 102/CXLII,u 152/LXXIX.ll
68. . Marienescu 60.
69. . Viciu 191/XXXVII; Birlea 100/18; Dragoi 70.
72. . Dragoi 224, 225.
77 . . Teodorescu 39, 40; Tocilescu 523/1; Pasculescu
23/III, 58/74; Viciu 29/XVI, 35/XXX,12 36/
XXXI ;12 Brilloiu 28.
78 . . . . . . . . . Viciu 27/XII, 28/XV.

11 The first half of the text only.

18 The second half of the text only.

[ 207 ]
Introduction to Part Two
80. . Viciu 27/XIII.
82. . Marienescu 65; Radulescu-Codin 124/99; Marian
17,18, 19/1-2, 20/1-2, 21/1-2; Tocilescu 1481/2;
Bru-seanu 57fV; Bogdan 70/2; Hetcou 41/111;
Viciu 106/CL, lSI/LXXVII, 161/XCIII; Birlea
108/30; Dragoi 17, 155.
83. . . . . . . . . Marienescu 56; Alexici 169; Bru-seanu 16/XVI;
Bud 71/11; Hetcou 43/V; Viciu 61/LXXIII, 62/
Birlea 107/28; Papahagi 78/CCCXLIV; Dragoi
138, 207, 210.
84. . . . . . . . . Marienescu 28, Bibicescu 255/16; Alexici 156,
159; B~seanu 9/VI, lO/VIII; Tiplea 97/2; Bud
65/1,66/1,71/12, 72/13; Pascul~scu 19/26; Velcu
4/1; Hetcou 45/VII, 46/VIII; Schmidt 50; Viciu
44/XLIV, 48/L, LI, 49/LII, LIII, 50/LIV, 51/LVI,
51/LVII, 52/LVIII, LIX, 53/LX, 76/XCIX, 78/
CIII; Maramure$ 190/13 c.; Birlea 89/6;11 Papa-
hagi 79/CCCXLIX; Dragoi 55,79,93, 174, 198,
85 . . . . . . . . . Teodorescu 22, 93,94/1-2, 95; Tocilescu 1465/2,
1464/1, 1495/1; Pasculescu 14/18, 175/10; Viciu
77/CI, CII, 78/CIV, CV, 79/CVI; Blrlea 101/21;
Dragoi 189.
87. . . . . . . . . Marienescu 41, 51; Teodorescu 91/2; B[lrseanu
56/IV; Bogdan 70/1; Pasculescu 36/38, 61/79;
R.F.M. III Nos. 1, 1173a. (lines 5-10); Viciu 35/
Blrlea 92/8; Dragoi 36, 169, 178, 204, 214, 223,
242, 264, 299, 301.
89. . Dragoi 179.
90. . Marienescu 38.
91. . B[lrseanu 12/X; Pasculescu 13/16; Viciu 160/XC,
164/XCVIII; Dragoi 144.
92. . Marienescu 26; Alexici 155; Ciorogariu 11/2;
Viciu 55/LXIII, LXIV, 56/LXV, LXVI, 58/
LXIX, 143/LXI; Birlea 106/27; Papahagi 74/

[ 208 ]
Introduction to Part Two
CCCXXXII; Sebestyen 30, 42-43, 69-70 ;13
Dnlgoi 92, 124.
93. . . . . . . . . Marienescu 77, 80; Teodorescu 33; Bibicescu 246/
11; Marian 10, 11, 12/1, 12/2, 13, 14, 15, 16/1,
16/2; Alexici 142, 149; Barseanu 13/XII, 14/
XIII; Pasculescu 16/23, 50/59; Hetcou 39/II;
Viciu 87/CXVIII, 88/CXIX, CXX, 89/CXXI, 90/
CXXII, 152/LXXIX;12 Dragoi 15, 59, 125, 142,
153, 176,295; Brailoiu 13, 14, 19.
95. Teodorescu 32; Pasculescu 18/25, 30.
96. Viciu 51 /LV, 63/LXXV;U Dragoi 173.
97. Alexici 161.
98. Marienescu 53; Teodorescu 27, 28; Bibicescu 242/
8; Radulescu-Codin 132/103; Alexici 146; Tociles-
cu 524/2; Barseanu 21/XXI; Pasculescu 9/10;
Viciu 70/XC, 74/XCVI; Dragoi 2, 34, 108, 177,
230, 262; Brailoiu 11.
99 . . . . . . . . . Bibicescu 244/9; Barseanu 53/II; R.F.M. III No.
858; Viciu 95/CXXXIII, 98/CXXXVII,
102/CXLII,12 107/CLIII, 108/CLIV, 153/LXXX;
Maramure~ 191/15, 192/16; Dragoi 62, 154, 193,
220, 297; Arany-Gyulai 182/24; Bartok-Kodaly
16/11; Erd. Magy. 45.1 4
13 The three Hungarian variants are parts of so-called Regas songs and are of Western
Hungarian (Transdanubia) derivation. This type of song and the related Christmas custom
(regoles) were very popular in that area, and three or four decades ago it was still possible
to collect numerous specimens of Regas texts. In many of them the "wondrous" deer (csoda-
/iuszarvas) is mentioned, but only in the three texts given here does the deer tell the attacking
hunter that he is God's emissary. Since Transdanubia is far from any part of Rumania, this
occurrence can hardly be considered a case of mutual influence; the common theme must have
a common (unknown?) origin. Among the Szekely of Transylvania there were only two villages
in Udvarhely County where regos songs were known, which, however, told nothing of the
"wondrous" deer. It is interesting that most of the Rumanian variants known through
Rosetti's and my publications come from the Transylvanian part of Rumania.
14 The first of the Hungarian variants comes from the Transylvanian county of Mure~­
Turda; the third from Csik County (also in Transylvania); while the second is from the county
of Nyitra (now in Western Slovakia), an area far removed from Rumania, sung during the "fire
ceremony" on the evening of the feast day of St. John. There are no comparable data concern-
ing the first and third variants. What was said with reference to text No. 92g. (preceding foot-
note) also holds true here: apparently this type of subject was once as widespread in Hungary
as it still is in Rumania, a fact which presents some justification for the assumption of a common
origin. It is interesting that-as in the case of No. 92-all available Rumanian variants stem
from the Transylvanian part of Rumania. The first of the Hungarian variants was published
as early as 1872, while the first known Rumanian variant did not appear in print until 1887 (in
the Tribuna, Sibiu).

[ 209 ]
Introduction to Part Two
100 . . . . . . . . Marienescu 74; Alexici 139; Hetcou 47/X; Viciu
82/CXI, CXII, 83/CXIII, 84/CXIV, 85/CXV, 86/
CXVI, CXVII; Maramur~ 191/14; Btrlea 104/
26; Papahagi 77/CCCXLII, 77/CCCXLIII;
Dragoi 22, 132, 182, 252.
101 . Bftrseanu 18/XVIII; Pasculescu 14/17; Dragoi
102 . Erben 566/61. 15
103 . Bibicescu 235/316, 237/317; Radulescu-Codin
117; Tocilescu 528/1 ;12 Bftrseanu 8fV; Pasculescu
12/15, 19/26; Viciu 21/1, II, 23/IV, 25/VIII, 26/
IX, 30/XIX, 31/XX, 38/XXXIV, 39/XXVI, 59/
LXX, 165/XCIX, 165/C; Dragoi 91, 103, 181,
104 . . . . . . . . Marienescu 82; Bibicescu 234/2, 254/15; Bftrseanu
5/II, 22/XXII, 23/XXIII; Pasculescu 10/12;
Hetcou 42/IV; Schmidt 44; Viciu 80/CVII, 80/
CVIII, 81/CX; Maramure$ 186/3, 192/18; Btrlea
98/15, 99/16; Papahagi 74/CCCXXXIV; Dragoi
35, 164, 281; Brailoiu 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
60; Susil 37/30; Erben 559/48; Vykoukal 84;
Bartos 1151/2053; Slovak Folk Songs No. 329
d. 16
105 . . . . . . . . Marienescu 1, 3; Alexici 164; Tocilescu 1487/1;
Bud 66/2, 67/2; Pasculescu 11/3; Viciu 23fV, 33/
XXVII, 4O/XXXIX, 41/XL, 42/XLII, 43/
47/XLIX; Birlea 88/5; Papahagi 76/CCCXXX-
VIII; Dragoi 21,61, 118, 129, 148, 191,202,216,
243; Brailoiu 2.
106 . Viciu 32/XXV, -39/XXXVIII; Brailoiu 1.
107 . Teodorescu 26; Bibicescu 246/10; Tocilescu 1460/
2; Bftrseanu II/IX; Viciu 22/III; Dragoi 110.
108 . . Marienescu 6, 9, 22; Bibicescu 238/6; Tocilescu
1468/2, 1473/2, 1486/1, 1487/2; Velcu 5/II; Viciu
24/VI, 25/VII; Dragoi 71,200,203.

11The Czech variant from Erben's collection contains only the Struggle of Body and Soul.
11With regard to mutual influence, see comments to text Nos. 92 (fn. 13) and 99 (fn. 14)

[ 210 ]
Introduction to Part Two
109 · Marienescu 35; Teodorescu 31 ; Drag-oi 80.
112 · Marienescu 49; Alexici 144; Tocilescu 1462, 1483;
Bud 68/5; Hetcou 44/VI; Viciu 66/LXXXI, 70/
LXXXVIII, 71/XCI, 73/XCIV; Maramure~ 187/
6b, 189/12; Birlea 89/6,12 90/7, 93/9, 93/10, 94/
11,95/12,13; Papahagi 73/CCCXXX, CCCXXXI,
75/CCCXXXVI; Dragoi 19, 68, 143, 254, 256,
114 · B~rseanu 9/VII; Viciu 69/LXXXVI, 73/XCV.
115 · Marienescu 47; Viciu 72/XCII, 72/XCIII, 104/
CXLV; Birlea 102/23; Dragoi 296; Brilloiu 12.
118 · Bud 68/2; Maramure~ 186/1.
119 · Tocilescu 1475/2; Dragoi 166, 239, 286; Brilloiu
9 (?), 33-34.
121 · Tocilescu 1485/1; Viciu 33/XXVI; Maramur~
192/17; Dragoi 111, 121, 162,267; Brilloiu 29-32.
122 · Bibicescu 248/12; Tocilescu 528/1, 1479/1, 14811
1; B~rseanu 19/XIX; Viciu 37/XXXIII ;11 Dragoi
125 · Schmidt 47/2; Viciu 32/XXIII, XXIV.
127 · Dragoi 261,274,277; Brilloiu 36-37.
128 · Marianescu 90; Tiplea
, 98/3; Papahagi 80/CCCLI;
Dragoi 292.
134 · Dragoi 298.
135 · Alexici 118, 120; Drag-oi 199.
136 · Hung. Folk Music Text No. 297;17 Slovak Folk
Songs No. 970,17


1. Texts having the same number are variants, differentiated as a.,

b., c., and so on.
2. Strophic structure-which is, however, frequently variable (see
Part One, p. 28)-can be deduced from the manner in which the first
stanzas are fitted to the music. All the text lines between the beginning

17 The widespread Hungarian variant has everywhere only one stanza and thus enumerates
only three parts of the horse's body. The Slovak version is as detailed as the Rumanian, and
its language is every bit as ribald.

[ 211 ]
Introduction to Part Two
and the ·ruled double line ( ) appear in Port One, placed under
the respective melody stanzas or melody sections, except those in
brachets (dictated text lines which had been erroneously omitted
during the recorded performance). Text lines placed between, ruled
single lines ( ) were sung to one melody stanze.
3. Those supplementary syllables (p-ert One, pp. 8-9) which were
observed and noted down are indicated with an underline. 1s
4. Repeats of lines are indicated by I: : I; if there are slight deviatious
at the end of the repeated line, the signs II.1111. (prima I
volta, seconda volta) are used.
5. Text set off from the main part of the song by a large asterisk
contains the customary congratulations, which are not part of the subject
matter. The annotation F ara melodie (without melody) indicates that
such a text is not sung, but only recited.
6. Variants in text lines are marked with {; generally the upper words
are RECORDED, the lower ones only NOTATED on the spot.
7. Dashes are used for unintelligible syllables; dashes instead of a text
line indicate that one or more text lines seem to be missing.
8. Small asterisks refer to the Notes to the Texts, pp. 000-000.
9. Insteadofthe usual quotation marks the sign- (dash) is used at
the beginning of the quotation, for secondary quotations = (double
10. Texts with text stanza structure (Nos. 130-133) are indicated by
punctulated Arabic numerals placed in the left-hand margin of the texts.
Numerals without punctus, similarly located, are used in the other texts
as line-counting figures.
11. Cf. lin brackets) following the numerical designation of a text
refers to another text which is in some way related, although the latter
is printed elsewhere according to its classification.
12. Dialect words, except those that show only minute deviations
from the usual spelling or are generally known, are explained in the
marginal notes. < ung. (Hungarian), < nemt. (German), and < slav.
(Slavic) indicate the pertinent etymology. Sic! indicates unusual word
forms or words of unknown meaning.
13. Syllables connected by an arc are to be pronounced as one syllable
(for example, text No. 3a., ninth line: mje-9). Initial and final vowels
separated from the stem of a word by adash do not form separate
18 [The author makes exceptional use of the wavy underline (see the music examples,
passim) to indicate the pseudo-upbeat particle Gil (text No. 112r.).]

[ 212 ]
Introduction to Part Two
syllables. A d preceding a word beginning with a vowel and separated
from it by a dash is euphonic.
14. Special phonetic symbols used in the texts are fully explained in
Part One (p. 40: Section 20).
15. At the end of each text there is a figure in parenthesis indicating
the respective melody number in Part One. 19 In addition there are given
the respective village and the signs cfo or if; cfo meaning a female singer,
if a male one.
16. The occurrence of refrains is marked in the main text part by r.
(or I.r., 2.r.). The full refrain follows at the end of the main text.

19 Va,., ISt. Va,., or and. Va,. stand for melody variants which will be found in the marginal
notes of the given music examples.

[ 213 ]
Works Cited In Part Two

Alexici, G. Texte din literatura poporana romana. Budapest, 1896. Published by

the author.
Arany, L. and Gyulai, P. Magyar NepkOltesi Gyujtmeny. Vol. I. Budapest,
Kisfaludy Tarsasag, 1872. Cited as "Arany-Gyulai."
Barseanu, Andreiu. Cincj-decj de colinde. 2nd. ed. Br~ov, Ciurcu, 1903.
Bart6k, Bela. Slovak Folk Songs. [3 vols. (Vol. I, 1959; Vol. II, 1970; Vol. III in
press). Bratislava, Academia Scientiarum Slovaca.]21 Cited as titled.
Bart6k, B. and Kodaly, Z. Magyar Nepdalok. Budapest, Karl Rozsnyai, 1906.
Cited as "Bart6k-Kodaly."
Bartos, Frantisek. N arodne Pisne M oravske. Prague, Czech Franz-Joseph Academy
of Science, 1899-1901.
Bibicescu, I. G. Poesii populare din Transilvania. Bucharest, 1893.
Btrlea, I. Balade, Colinde fi Bocete din Maramure~. Vol. I. Bucharest, Casa
$coalelor, 1924.
Bogdan, T. A. Stefan eel Mare. Brlli?ov, Ciurcu, 1904.
Bud, Tit. Poesii populare din Maramure~. Bucharest, Academia Romana, 1908.
C1itana, Gheorghe. Balade poporale. 3rd. ed. Br~ov, Ciurcu, 1916.
Erben, K. J. Prostonarodni ceske pisne a rikadla. 2nd. print. Prague, Alois Hynek,
Hetcou, Petru. Poesia poporala din Bihor. Beiu!?, 1912.
Kuba, L. Pisne bosensko-hercegovske. Prague, Hudebni Matice, 1927.
Marian, Sim. Fl. Sarbdtorile la Romtni. Vol. I. Bucharest, Academia Romana,
Marienescu, Marian. Poesia populara. Colinde. Pesta, 1859.
Papahagi, Tache. Graiul ~i folklorul M aramure~ului. Bucharest, Academia Ro-
mana, 1925.
Pasculescu, Nicolae. Literatura populara romaneasca. Bucharest, Academia
Roman1i, 1910.
Radulescu-Codin. Din Museel. Cantece poporane. Vol. r. Bucharest, Socec & Co.,
20 [See pp. 44-45 (Works Cited in Part One) for bibliographic details of other publications
cited in Part Two.]
B1 [Excluding variants, Vol. I contains mus. ex. Nos. 1-421; Vol. II, Nos. 422-1077; Vol.
III, Nos. 1078-1620. As Vol. I shows, the music examples, poetic texts (untranslated) and
variants published elsewhere are printed together, under the individual numerical designations
of the melodies.]

[ 214 ]
Works Cited in Part Two
Rosetti, AI. Colindele religioase la Romtni. Bucharest, Academia Romana, 1920.
Schmidt, Tibolt. A hazai olahsag kolindakolteszete. Part I. Budapest, 1913. Pub-
lished by the author.
Sebestyen, Gyula. Regos-Enekek. Magyar NepkOltesi Gyflitemeny. Vol. IV. Buda-
pest, Kisfaludy Tarsasag, 1902.
Teodorescu, G. Dem. Nojiuni despre colindele romdne. Bucharest, 1879.
- . Poesii populare romdne. Bucharest, 1885.
Tiplea, AIexandru. Poezii populare din Maramure~. Bucharest, Academia Ro-
mana, 1906.
Toci1escu, Gr. G. Materialuri Folkloristice. Vol. I. Bucharest, 1900.
Velcu, N. G. Colinde. Caransebe!?, Libraria diecezana, 1911.
Viciu, Alexiu. Colinde din Ardeal. Bucharest, Academia, 1914.
Vykoukal, F. V. CesM Svatba. Prague. (Year of publication not listed; published,
however, in 1892.)

[ 215 ]
Texts and Translations


Throughout this collection of texts, words and phrases appearing in

parentheses have been added by the translator, either for the sake of
clarity or in order to render the original meter. Each piece is not only a
verse-by-verse rendition, but also, so far as possible, a word-by-word
translation. The refrains, on the other hand, are rendered throughout in
but an approximate manner, the translations conveying their general
purport only. Indeed, since a precise translation would more often than
not be impossible without resulting in gibberish, the translator's main
concern has been to reproduce the meter of the original in each case.
Refrains containing the word Ler, for instance, are untranslatable. The
origin and meaning of Ler, which appears constantly in Rumanian
carols (sometimes in the forms leroi, leroloi, lerelui, and lerom), are yet
to be determined with any degree of certainty. These traditional words
are often followed in typical refrains by a series of equally obscure and
unintelligible words. Moreover, Ler-Imparat (Emperor Ler) is a stock
character in Rumanian (prose) folk tales. One is tempted to speculate
whether we have here a reminiscence of the Roman Lares or, perhaps, of
the Celtic marine god Ler (cf. King Leir, popularized by Geoffrey of
Monmouth, and Shakespeare's King Lear). The verb a lerui, a Transyl-
vanian regional one, means to sing a carol to its own tune.
All footnotes, unless otherwise indicated, have been supplied by the
translator. The English and Rumanian subtitles, renditions of the
author's own German ones, have been supplied by the editor.

[ 217 ]




la. 25 Say'n sabii sa ne taiem?
Sa luptar'o zi de vara,
[Straga doi mari imparati:] Zi de vara pana 'n sara.
-Cille 'n lumea s'or d-aflarie, Cand i~i fu in cap de sara,
~i-aduce june pe ley
Sa-mi aduc'un l'ey l'egatu, 30 Pana 'n curte la 'mparatu,
Sa-i de fata ~i d-olatu. 1
I: Sa-mi aduc'un l'ey l'egatu : I, 'Y. Domnuluj, Domnuluj Doamne!
(62p. Nuc~oara ¢)
5 L'eu l'egat, nevatamaty,
Nici cu pu~ca nu-i pu~caty,

Nici de d-arc nesegetat? lb.

S'afl' on june d-insurat, Colea susul, mai d'in susy,
Cii.-mi aduce lel} legat, 1'.,
10 Ley legat, nevatamat, D'\l-asupra la rasarity,
Nici cu pu~ca nepu~cat, ====
Nici de d-arc nesegetat. I: D'\l-asupra la rlislirity : 1
Salta ici, salta cole,
Saltii.'n var~ii muntilor mandru .
15 La cruclle brazilor. Est\l-un pom { dulce 'nflunty
Gasi leu d-adurmit , {poam' a pomoluiy
La on spine d-influrit. 5 Da su pom dulce 'nfluritu
Pana june-mi chibzue, ------
Leu mi sa pomene ~ed\l-on june, hodine~te
20 ~i din grai ~a-mi graie: ~i murgutu-~i potcove~te
-D-alte capete-s mal mari Cu potcoave de d-argint,
~i la min' n'or cutezat, Cii. prind bine la pamant,
Dara tu ai cutezat. 10 ~i cune de sarma 'ntoarsli,
Say'n lupte sa ne luptem, Cii. prind bine ~i la coastii..
1 = eliidirile din juruI easei.

[ 218 ]



la. 25 Or by slashing out with swords?

On a summer day they struggled,
Two great emperors call out: On a summer day till evening.
Who'll be found in the (whole) world And as night began to fall
Refrain The young man brought (back) the lion
To bring me a lion bound, 30 To the mansion of the emperor,
To bring me a lion bound, (And his) land and daughter claimed.
5 A bound lion (yet) unharmed, Refrain: Unto God, unto God, Lord God!
Neither with a musket shot
Nor with bow and arrow pierced?
There be a young man unwed,
To bring me a lion bound,
10 A bound lion (yet) unharmed, lb.
Neither with a musket shot Up above, there, higher upward,
Nor with bow and arrow pierced. Refrain
He leaps hither, yon he leaps, Over there, toward the sunrise,
He leaps to the mountaintops, Over there, toward the sunrise,
15 In the middle of the pines. , {handsome tree a-blooming;
(There) he found the lion sleeping There s a sweet tree (all) abloom;
By a flowering bramble bush. 5 {But beneath the flowering tree
While the lad was taking council, Under the sweet flowering tree
(Lo,) the lion came awake A young man is sitting, resting,
20 And made speech and thus he said: And his sorrel he is shoeing,
There be other greater heads, (Shoeing him) with silver horseshoes,
And they dared not (come) to me; Because they grip fast the earth;
You however have made bold. 10 And (with) nails of twisted wire,
Shall we fight it out by wrestling, For they hold fast on a slope.

[ 219 ]
A I a}
Maiea lui daca-l vede, Dar sub umbra pomului
Ie din gur' ~-mi graie: Sed~-on june, hodine!ite,
-Petre, Petre, dragul maiehii, 5 La murgut imi potcove!ite,
15 Ce tu g~ndu ca ti-ai pus? Cu poteoave de molotru,
Or ai g~nd de pribegie, Cunele de s~a 'ntoarsa,
Or ai g~ndu de hotie? Care-mi prind bine la eoastii
El din gur' W?a-mi graie: $i la drumuri d~mburoase.
-Maiea, maiea, draga mea, 10 Maica sa la el vene
20 N'am ey g~ndu de hotie, $i din gur' asa-mi graie:
Niei g~ndu de pribegie, -Ce tu, june, ti-ai gandit,
Fara e\! m'am d-oblieit 1 De la murg imi poteoave!iti?
In v~i/oru muntilor, Say ai gandu de hotit,
La erueile brazilor 15 Sa\! ai gand de pribegit?
25 Est~-on leu adurmit, -Taci, maieo, nu ma 'ntreba!
Adurmit, nepomenit: N'am io g~ndu de hotit,
Duee m'oi, aduee l-oi. N'am gand niei de pribegit*
$i pe murg inealeea,
Salta iei, salt' acia, r. Florile-s dalbe!
30 Salta 'n vale, salta 'n eale, (62k. Rau de mori ¢)
Salta 'n v~rvu munWor,
La erueile brazilor,
Gasi leu adurmit, ld.
Adurmit, nepomenit. Pe su' d-umbra vitaieiY,
35 P~na el inti ehibzue, r.,
Ley din somn sa pomene June cal imi poteove!ite
$i din gur' ai/a-mi graie
-Stai june, nu-mi sageta, Cu poteoavele d~-arama,
Nu grabi eu moartea mea, eu eune de s~a dalba.
40 Fara 'n lupta sa ne lyam, 5 El pre murg sa 'nealeca
Ca luptele-s mai direpte. $i sa dara d~-a salta,
Sa luara, sa luptara Salta iei, salta eolea,
Zi de vara pana 'n sara. Salta 'n var!iii munWor.
Cand fu i/i in cap de sara, Supt on spina d-influrit
45 Ca-mi aduse ley pe june, 10 Gasea -mi leu d-adormit,
Cum l'aduse, jos nu-l puse. D-adormit, nepomenit.
Luara s'a doya oara Paua june sa gandea,
Zi de var~ pana 'n sara. Leu mi sa pomenea
Cand fu i/i in cap de sara, $i din gur' W?a-mi graia:
50 Aduse june pe ley, 15 -Da tu tanarel voinic,
Cum l-aduse, jos mi-l puse. Tu aiei de e~-ai venit?
$i ley din gura-mi graie: Say zilele ti-ai d-urit,
-Stai june, nu ma pU!iea, Sa\! viata ti-ai sf~ri/it?
54-65 = var. ~ 58-69. -Niei zilele n'am urit,
r. Juneluj buny,! 20 Niei viata n'am sfar!iit,
(62k. Rau de mori ¢) Ci-am venit sa ne luptiim.
Sa lupta eM sa lupta,
Sa lupta 0 zi de vara,
Ie. Zi de vara pana 'n sara.
Sub eer r0!i de rasarity 25 Cand Imi fu ~i murg de sara,
Mandru pomu-i d-influrity. Duse-mi june leului.

1 = aflat.

[ 220 ]
A I a)
(And) his mother, when she saw him, In the shadow of the tree
Spoke (to him) and thus she said: Sits a youngster, resting (there),
Peter, Peter, mother's darling, 5 (And) the while his sorrel shoeing,
15 What have you a mind to do? (Setting) horseshoes of sweet clover,
Have you set your mind on wandering, (With some) nails of twisted wire,
Or on robbery have set it? That hold fast upon the hillside
He spoke out and thus he said: And where ways are steeply sloping.
Mother, mother, my beloved, 10 Unto him his mother came
20 (Nay,) I have no thought of robbing And spoke up and said to him:
Nor have I a thought of wandering; Youngster, what have you in mind,
It is but that I've found out That the sorrel you are shoeing?
That upon the mountaintops, Have you set your mind on robbing,
In the middle of the pines, 15 Or have you a mind to wander?
25 There's a lion (lying) sleeping, Quiet, mother, do not ask me!
(Lying) sleeping unaware: I have not a mind to rob,
I shall go and bring him in. Nor have I a mind to wander.
And he mounted on his sorrel,
He leapt hither, he leapt thither, Refrain: White are the flowers!
30 Leapt in dale (and) on the way,
Leapt upon the mountaintops,
In the middle of the pines; ld.
Found the lion (fast) asleep, Down below the shade of grapevine,
(Fast) asleep (and) unaware. Refrain
35 While he was considering, The young man his horse is shoeing
(Lo,) the lion came awake With some horseshoes (made) of copper
And made speech and thus he said: (And) with nails (made) of white wire.
Stay, do not unloose your arrow, 5 On his sorrel (then) he mounted
Do not hasten with my death, And began to leap about:
40 Let us rather fight it out, He leapt hither, he leapt yon,
Because wrestling is more fitting. He leapt to the mountaintops;
(So) they grappled (and) they wrestled Underneath a flowering thorn
On a summer day till evening. 10 Found the lion sleeping (fast),
When the evening shades were falling, All asleep and unaware.
45 Lion bent the youngster over, While the youngster stood in thought,
Bent him over, didn't fell him. (Lo,) the lion came awake
They set to a second time, And he spoke and thus he said:
On a summer day till evening. 15 Why, you stalwart youngster, you,
When the evening shades were falling, What has brought you to these parts ?
50 Youngster bent the lion over, Are you wearied of your days,
Bent him, set him on his back. Has your life come to an end?
And the lion spoke and said: I'm not wearied of my days,
Youngster, stay (and) do not shoot me, 20 Neither ended is my life,
54-65 = 58-69 of var. g. But I've come that we might fight.
Refrain: To the good youngster! For a while they fought it out,
Of a summer day they wrestled,
Of a summer day till evening.
Ie. 25 When the dusk began to fall,
Under a red sunrise sky Lion overcame the youngster: 1
There's a handsome tree abloom.

1 This is not clear from the text of the verse, which could mean the exact opposite. The sense
is indicated, however, by the subsequent developments.

[ 221 ]
A I a)
Cum n duse, nu mi-l puse. Dede 'n urma leului.
~i sa lQ.a a dOl}a oara Gasi leu adurmit
~i sa ll}a !?i sa lupta, 10 Supt on rug mandru 'nflurit.
30 Sa lupta cat sa lupta Pana mirea sa gandea:
Sa lupta 0 zi de vara, Sageta 1-0 0 lasa 1-0,
Zi de vara pana 'n sara Sageta 1-0 adurmit?
Cand imi fu!?i murg de sara Lel} sa tine 'nceluit.
Duse-mi leu junelui. 15 Pana mirea sa gandea,
35 Cum il duse, nu mi-l puse Leu 'n talpe sa punea
Pe tri sfoare de matasa ~i la lupta sa dedea,
tmpletite 'n cinci !?i 'n !?ase, Zi de vara pana 'n sara.
Ca mana la pumn de groase. Cand era mal langa sara
El pe murg sa 'ncaleca 20 Biruea mirea pe leu,
40 ~i sa dara d~-a salta. L-in~ela ~i 'ncurela
Salta ici, salta colea, Panga murgu 'mpaivana.
Salta 'n curtea junelui. Sus pe murg mi-s 'arunca
Junea din gura-mi graia: $i d~-atunci ca sa lua
-Ia ie~i, maica, pan' afara, 25 Tot d~-alungu drumului
45 De-mi descuie potiile, ~i d~-alatu campului.
Ca-ti aduc un lel} legat, Nime 'n lume nu-l vedea,
Lel} legat, nevatamat, Fara draga maica-sa.
Nici in pu!?ca nu-i pu~cat, Maica-sa din ciar 1 (sic!) graia:
Nici in sabij nu-i tliiat, 30 -Ferice, Doamne, de mine!
50 Numa la lupta-i luptat. Ce bliiatu mi-am bliiat,
Maica din casa ie~ind, Mi-am bliiat ~i mi-am scaldat,
Din suspini d'abie graind, $i mi-aduce lel} legat,
Din lacrimi d'abie zarind: Lel} legat ~i 'nculerat,
-Ferica de mine, Doamne! 35 Panga murgu 'mpaivanat.
55 Cam hazna ca I-am scaldat, Duce cinste la 'mparat
C'am scaldat, I-am fa~iat, De fala cutienilor,
Ca-mi aduc~-on lel} legat, De mila satenilor.
Lel} legat, nevatamat,
Nici in pu~ca nu-i pu~cat,
60 Nici in sabij nu-i taiat,
$i te, mire, vesele~te,
Numa la lupta-i luptat. C'inchinam cu sana tate !
'1'. Domnul daj Domnuluj Doamne! ISt Refrain: Da leru-mi Doamne!
(86d. Paucinesd if) 2nd Refrain: H oj leruj!
(90. Savar~in </»
La potiile la 'mparaty Pleaca junii la vanat,
~ede mirea razamaty, '1'.,
2.'1'., Sus la muntii lui Pilat ======
Gase urma leului;
~ede mirea razamaty Supt on spine d-influrit
~i s'o cere la vanaty, 5 Gase leul d'ardumit. -----
5 ~i s'o cere la vanatu Cand june sa chibzue,
Pe carli n'o umblaty. Lel} din somn sa pomene
Pe valea Celeului $i din grai ~a-mi graie:

1 = grai?

[ 222 ]
A I a)
Overcame him, didn't fell him. On the lion's spoor he came;
They set to a second time, Found the lion (fast) asleep
They set to and wrestled (on), 10 Neath a flowering blackberry bush.
30 For a while they fought it out; While the bridegroom thought things
Of a summer day they wrestled, over:
Of a summer day till evening. Should he shoot him? Should he leave
When the dusk began to fall, him?
The young man o'ercame the lion: Shoot an arrow through him sleeping?
35 Overcame him, didn't fell him, Feigning (sleep) the lion lay.
With three silken cords (he bound 15 As the bridegroom thought it over,
him), On his feet the lion rose
Both fivefold and sixfold braided, And (upon him) rushed to fight,
(Each) as thick as a (man's) wrist joint. On a summer day till evening.
(Then) he mounted on his sorrel As the evening shades were falling,
40 And began to leap about. 20 (Lo,) the groom the lion vanquished,
He leapt hither, he leapt yon, Saddled him, bound him with thongs,
Leapt into the young man's courtyard. Tethered him beside his bay,
The young man called out and said: (Then) he leapt upon the bay
Come out, mother, come outside, And set forth upon his way,
45 And unlock the gates for me, 25 All along upon the way,
For a lion bound I bring you, And across the fields (he went).
Lion bound (that is) unharmed, No one saw him in the world,
That is neither shot by gun Only his dear mother (saw him),
Nor yet slashed about with swords, (And) his mother spoke from heaven:
50 Only overcome by wrestling. 30 Lord, what happiness upon me!
From the house (his) mother came, What a lad I've bathed myself,
Barely speaking through (her) sobs, Bathed myself and washed myself,
Barely seeing through (her) tears: And he brings me a bound lion,
Lord, what happiness upon me! Lion bound and tied with thongs,
55 It avails me that I've washed him, 35 Tethered (too) beside his bay:
That I washed (and) swaddled him, Honor to the emperor bears,
For he brings me a bound lion, For the pride of (all) the courtiers,
A bound lion (that's) unharmed, For the mercy of the peasants.
That is neither shot by gun
60 Nor yet slashed about with swords,
Only overcome by wrestling.
And you, bridegroom, be rejoicing,
Retrain: Gt-ant the Lord, the Lord Al- 40 For we pledge (good) health to you!
mighty/ ISt Retrain: LO'Yd, I sing carols!
2nd Retrain: Hoy, carol!
Ie. If.
ISt Retrain The young lads are off to hunt
At the gateways of the emperor, Retrain
(Lo,) the bridegroom stands a-leaning In the mounts of Pilate high.
2nd Retrain (Lo,) he found the lion's spoor:
(Lo,) the bridegroom stands a-leaning Underneath a flowering thorn
And demands to go a-hunting 5 (Fast) asleep he found the lion.
5 And demands to go a-hunting As the youngster thought it over,
In the forests yet untrodden. From his sleep the lion woke,
In the valley of Celeu,2 He made speech and thus he spoke:

I Unidentified place name, apparently selected solely for rhyming purposes.

[ 223 ]
A I a)
~-ai cotatl june p'aici? I: Iar, mirel, dupii vanatu : I
10 Dar june din grai graie:
-Am venit, leu, la tine: Cierbu 'n sat ca ~i-o tunatu
Or in lupta sa ne lyam, 5 D'e cu sara pin sacara,
Or in pu~ti sa ne pu~cam,
Or in sabi sa ne taiem. De cu noapte 'n gray necoapte,
15 Ley din gur' ~a-mi graie: De cu zori pin dalbe flori.
-Ba la lupta sa ne lyam, ~i-o ie~it in dealu mare
Ci1 luptele-s mai direpte. ~i-o stragat in gura mare,
~i sa ly.ara, sa luptara, 10 Cii. de mirel frica n'are,
sa luptar'o zi de varii C'are coarne 'mpungatoare
20 Zi de vara panii. 'n sara. ~i picioar' azvarlitoare
cand lmi fu d-ln murg de sara, ~i oclli negri vedero~i.
Cum aduse ley pe june; Mirel din vanat sose,
Cum l'aduse, jos nu-l puse. 15 Soru-sa de pranzu-i da
Sa luptar 'a doya oara, ~i sa da dll-a-i povesti:
25 Sa luptar '0 zi de vara, -Deeand mirel ti-ai plecat
Zi de varn. pana 'n sara, Iar mirel dupa vanat,
cand lmi fu d-in murg de sara, Cierbu 'n sat ca ~i-o tunat
Cum aduse jun' pe leu; 20 De eu sara pin saeara
Cum l-adue, jos mi-l puse De cu noapte 'n gray neeoapte,
30 ~i tapa zgarda dll-agu~. De eu zori pin dalbe flori.
~i sa lyara ~i 'ntunara ~i-o ie~it in dealu mare
Pin fanata pana 'n brata ~i-o stragat in gura mare,
~i pin grana panii. 'n brane. 25 Cii. de mirel frica n'are
Murgul dete cam pe vad, C'are eoarne 'mpungii.toare
35 Leul dete far' de vad. ~i pieioar' azvarlitoare
Draga maiculeana lui, ~i oelli negri vedero~i.
Cum pe june mi-l vede, Mirel daea-mi auze,
Ea din gur' a~a-mi graie: 30 Dela pranzu sus sare
-Fereca de mine, soro! $i dupa eerb mi-sa ll}a.
40 CIl-am scaldat, Cll-am fa~iat, Nieauri nu-l ajunge,
Imi aduse ley. legat, Pana 'n vadu Oltului.
Nepu~cat, nesabiat, Mirel dete sa-l sagete,
Numa 'n lupta capatat. 35 Cierbu din gura-mi graie:
r. Secina brecina fO; dobrana foj -Stai, mirel, nu-mi sageta,
dobrana, Nu grabi eu moartea me!
Durmina curmina lemn verd'e ca Numa 'n lupta sa ne luam,
jed'era! Cii. luptele-s mai direpte.
(128a. Paucine~d () 40 Sa luara, sa luptara
Zi de varii. panii. 'n sara.
and fuse in cap de sara,
IJ1. Aduse cierbu pe june,
D'e cand mirel ti-ai plecatu, Cum l-aduse, jos nu-l puse.
r., 45 Luara-s'a doya oara,
Iar, mirel, dupa vanatu

1 = cautat.

[ 224 ]
A I a)
What did you seek here, young man? Again, bridegroom, (to go) hunting,
10 But the youngster spoke and said: (Lo,) the stag came to the village,
Lion, I have come to you 5 (Came) by evening through the rye,
So that either we might wrestle (Came) by night through unripe wheat,
Or with guns shoot at each other, (Came) by dawn through flowers white.
Or else slash it out with swords. And he came to the big hill
15 Spoke the lion and said thus: And called out in a loud voice
Let us rather fight by wrestling, 10 That he doesn't fear the bridegroom,
Because wrestling is the fairest. For he has (sharp) horns for goring
They set to and grappled (then), And (stout) hooves for kicking with,
Wrestled through a summer's day, And black eyes for sighting with.
20 (Through) a summer's day till evening. From the hunt the bridegroom came,
As the dusk was setting in, 15 (And) his sister gave him supper
Lion bent the youngster over, And began to tell the tale:
Bent him over, didn't fell him. Bridegroom, since you went away,
(So) a second time they wrestled, Bridegroom, since you went a-hunting,
25 (Through) a summer's day they (Lo,) the stag came to the village,
grappled, 20 (Came) by evening through the rye,
(Through) a summer's day till evening. (Came) by night through unripe wheat,
As the dusk was setting in, (Came) by dawn through flowers white.
(Lo,) the youngster bent the lion, And he came to the big hill
Bent him over, felled him down, And called out in a loud voice
30 Threw the collar round his neck. 25 That he didn't fear the bridegroom,
They set out, made their way down- For he has (sharp) horns for goring
ward, And (stout) hooves for kickng with,
(Went) through hay up to the armpit And black eyes for sighting with.
And through wheat up to the girdle. When the bridegroom heard (these
By the ford the sorrel crossed, things),
35 Without fording crossed the lion. 30 From his supper he leapt up
(But) his (own) beloved mother, And set out after the stag.
When the youngster she did see, He did not catch up with him
Spoke aloud and thus she said: Till the ford across the Olt.4
Happiness upon me, sister! As he aimed an arrow at him,
40 For I bathed him, swaddled him, 35 (Lo,) the stag spoke up and said:
(And) he brought me a bound lion, Bridegroom, stay and shoot me not,
Neither shot nor cut with sword, Do not hasten with my death!
Only gained by wrestling (fair). Let us rather fight it out,
Refrain: - - - - - - - - - Because wrestling is the fairest.
- - - green wood like the ivy/S 40 (So) they grappled and they wrestled,
On a summer day till evening.
19. When the shades of dusk were falling,
Bridegroom, since you went away, The stag bent the bridegroom over,
Refrain Bent him over, didn't fell him.
Again, bridegroom, (to go) hunting, 45 They set to a second time (then),
8 The dashes in this refrain represent words in some language or patois which, according to
the experts consulted by the translator, is not Romany, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovenian,
Croatian, Czech, or Ukrainian. The specialists agreed in inclining to the belief that the line
may be merely a meaningless jingle, put together arbitrarily for the sake of its briskly stimu-
lating sound and rhythm (similar to 'Hey, diddle, diddle' and 'Fee, fie, fo, fum'). [Ed.: Cf.
Bart6k, Hungarian Folk Music, p. 76.]
4 The Olt is one of the larger rivers of Rumania. After traversing Transylvania, it marks the
boundary between Wallachia and Oltenia, then flows into the Danube.

[ 225 ]
AI a)
Sa luara, sa luptara Mirel daca-mi d-auze,
Zi de vara pana 'n sara. Sus la munte el iese,
Cand fuse in cap de sara. La var~oru muntilor,
Aduse mirel pe cierbu, La crucile brazilor.
50 Cum l-aduse, jos nu-l puse. 15 Gasi cerbu d-adurmit
Luara-s'a tria oara, Supt on spine d-influrit.
Sa luara, sa luptara Mirel sta ~i-mi chibzue,
Zi de vara pana 'n sara. Cerb din somn sa pomene
cand fuse in cap de sara, $i din gur' a~a-mi graie:
55 Aduse mirel pe cierbu, 20 -Ce gand, june, ti-ai gandit,
Cum l-aduse, jos mi-l puse. De la mine ti-ai venit?
Cerbu din gura-mi graie: Ca la min' nu mi-a venit
-Stai, mirel, nu rna pu~ca, Vom merean de pe pamant,
Nu grabi cu mortea me, Decum jun' nebotezat.
60 Ci rna leaga 'n curea neagra 25 O'n lupta sa ne luptam,
$i rna tuna jos la tara O'n sabii sa ne taiem?
Tot la fala fratilor, -Ba 'n lupta sa ne luptam,
De cinstea parintilor. Ca luptele-s mai direpte
Cine pe tin~-o vede, $i-s de Dumnezeu lasate.
65 Toti pe tin' t~-or feriea: 30 Sa luptar' 0 zi de vara,
= Ferica d~-aeest mirel, Zi de vara pana 'n sara.
Mai feric' de maiea-sa, Cand im! fu d'in murg de sara,
C'aduee eerbu legat, Duse cerbu mirelu,
Nici eu pu~ea nu-i pu~cat, Cum il duse, nu mi-l puse.
70 Numa eu lupta-i luptat. 35 Sa luptar' a dOl}a oara,
r. (Mel. 62s.) Domnuluj, Domnuluj Sa luptar' 0 zi de vara,
Doamne! Zi de vara pana 'n sara.
r. (Mel. 81e. var.) D-oj junel, d-oj Cand im! fu d-in murg de sara,
t'inerely,! Duse mirelu cerbu,
(62s., 81e. var. Rau de mori if) 40 Cum il duse, jos mi-l puse.
Baga mana 'n pozonar,
Scoate frambii de matasa,
lh. 'N carea cerbului Ie trasa
D'eeand miriel ~i-o pl'ecaty, $i 'n curele-l eurele,
r., 45 J os la Olt ca mi-l tune:
Tot miriel dupa vanaty, Pe poteeul hotilor,
r., Pe ulita fetelor,
Pan' la maica lui acasa.
I: Tot miriel dupa vanaty : I Maica, daca mi-l vede,
50 Ie din gur' a~a-mi graie:
qerbu 'n sat ca ~i-o tunaty -Am 0 hazna, c'am sealdat,
5 D'e cu sara pan saeara, C'am scaldat, c'am botezat,
Ca-mi adus' on eerb legat,
De cu noapte 'n gral} necoapte. Nepu~cat, nevinovat,
Ie~i cierbu 'n dealu mare, 55 N uma din lupta luptat.
$i straga din fala mare, r. Floril'e-s dalbe!
Ca frica de nimeni n'are, (62aa. Gradi~te if)
10 Far' d~-on mirel tanarel.

[ 226 ]
A I a)
They set to and (started) wrestling, When the bridegroom heard of this,
On a summer day till evening. He went up into the mountains,
When the shades of dusk were falling, (And) upon the mountaintops,
(La,) the groom the stag bent over, In the middle of the pines,
50 Bent him over, didn't fell him. 15 Came upon the sleeping stag,
(So) a third time they set to, Underneath a flowering thorn.
(And) they grappled and they wrestled Bridegroom stood and thought
On a summer day till evening. (awhile).
When the shades of dusk were falling, From (his) sleep the stag awoke,
55 (La,) the groom the stag bent over, And made speech and thus he said:
Bent him over, flung him down. 20 Youngster, what had you in mind,
Spoke the stag (and said to him) : That you came (up here) to me?
Bridegroom, stay (and) do not shoot For there hasn't come to me
me, (Any) layman (yet) on earth,
Do not hasten with my death. Let alone unchristened youth.
60 With a black strap rather bind me, 25 Shall we fight by wrestling (now),
Bring me down into the country, Or by slashing out with swords?
For the pride of (all your) brothers, Nay, let's fight it out by wrestling,
For the honor of (your) parents. Because wrestling is the fairest
Those who shall set eyes on you And it is by God appointed.
65 (Each and) every one will praise you: 30 On a summer day they wrestled,
Happiness upon this groom, Summer day until the evening.
Still more so upon his mother, When the dusk began to gather,
For he's bringing bound the stag, (La,) the stag bent (back) the bride-
(That has) not (been) shot be gun, groom,
70 Only vanquished in fair fight. Bent him over, didn't fell him.
Refrain (Mel. 62s.): To the Lord, the 35 (So) a second time they wrestled,
Lord Almighty! On a summer day they wrestled,
Refrain (Mel. 81e. var.): Sing young Summer day until the evening.
people and sing, youngsters! When the dusk began to gather,
(La,) the groom bent (back) the stag,
40 Bent him over, sent him sprawling;
lh. Put his hand inside his pocket
Since the bridegroom has gone off, (And) drew out some silken ropes,
Refrain Pulled them over the stag's withers,
(Since) that bridegroom (has gone) And with straps he strapped him fast.
hunting, 45 Downward to the Olt he drew him,
Refrain Down the footpath of the robbers,
(Since) that bridegroom (has gone) Down the alley of the lasses,
hunting, Down to his (own) mother's home.
Has the stag come to the village; When his mother saw him (coming),
5 Through the rye (he came) by evening, 50 She called out and thus she said:
(And) by night through unripe It availed me that I bathed (him),
wheatfields. Bathed him and baptised him too,
Came the stag to the big hillock For he's brought me a bound stag,
And he called out greatly prideful (That's) unshot, (that is) unharmed,5
That he is afraid of no one, 55 Only wrestled (down) by wrestling.
10 (Fearing) only a young bridegroom. Refrain: White are the flowers!

5 In this text we fi nd nevinovat (guiltless, innocent) instead of nevatamat (unhurt, unspoilt).

This may be an error on the part of the singer or an error of transcription.

[ 227 ]
A I a)
2. 3b.
I: Mere mirel~-a vfmal~ :I I: -D-ind'i maL mirel, yail'e : I ?
1'., r.,

Leu 'n curte ca 0 'ntral~, I: -ea io yail'e Ie maiu : I

Lega url?ii de zavoare
~i gliganij de luvoare. I: Ca, ZO,1 noi am d-auzitu : I
5 Haida, ley, cane de ray,
ca iaea l?i frate tay. ca I: est' un munt'e far' da yoaie : I

1'.Daj corinde leruj Doamn'! 5 -ea muntile nu-i a tay,

(96. Beiul? ¢) Ci-i mney l?i eapu tay.

r. Hoj jloyj dalbe l'er da may!

3a. (100£. Ta~ad tf»
I: Hoi mirelui tanarelui : I,
Oi ij d-are, munte n'are
Mirelui l?i-o d-auzitu,
I: Cel unt'~ batran~ : I
EI ea l?i-o d-avu~,
Est~-un munte far' de oi.
5 ~i leu din grai graieste: EI ca si-o d-avu~
-Muntel~-acela-i al miey.
Noua §iul?ori.2
Mirele din grai graie: 5 EI nu i-o 'nvata~
---Cl;:-a fi des a muntelui,
Dint' 0 mie-Q suta mi-i da, Nice vacar~,

10 Dint' 0 suta mi-i da zece, Far' el i-o 'nvatat

Din zeee-mi un berbeee. Muntii la vanat.
• Atata l?i-ay vanat,
* 10 P'unde l?i-al} d-aflat
Urma de cerb mare;
Paya melodie:
~i-o 'nehinam cu sana tate,
Atat' ay urmarit.
ca l?i gazdei aveti ton a multumi. Pan' s'ay ratacit
r. Hoj jlorj dalbe lor de mal'l ~i s'ay neftinat 3
(l00h. Budureasa ¢) 15 'N noya eerbi de munte.

1 Zeu.
s = fiu~ori.
8 = schimbat.

[ 228 ]
A I a)
2. 3b.
Bridegroom goes away a-hunting Whence, oh bridegroom, (are) the
Lion's come into the courtyard, sheep from?
Retrain Retrain
Tied the bears up to the latches I am driving off the sheep,
And the boars to bolts (?) (has Since, by God, we've come to hear
fastened). That there's a mountain that has no
5 Come on, lion, evil hound, sheep. 9
See, here is your brother too. 5 (Nay,) the mountain isn't yours;
But your head, as well, is mine.
Retrain: Sing the carols 6 to the Lord!
Retrain: Hoy, white blossoms ot the
To the youthful bridegroom, hoy!
Retrain 4a.
He has sheep, he has no mountain. (Behold,) that old man,
It has come to bridegroom's ears He (at one time) had
There's a mountain without sheep. He (at one time) had
5 And the lion speaks a-saying: Nine sons (of his own);
It is mine, that mountain there. 5 Even taught them not 10
(But) the bridegroom said (to him) : Cowherds (how to be);
Off the sunless side you'll give me (Only taught them how
Hundred out of every thousand; In the hills to hunt.
10 Ten you'll give me of each hundred;7 They hunted so much,
One ram out of ten you'll give me. 10 Wherever they found
Spoor of a large stag,
* Followed it so far,
Without a tune: 8 Till they lost their way,
And in (goodly) health we pledge it, And until they changed
Because you have all to thank the host 15 To nine mountain stags.
as welll
Retrain: Hoy, white blossoms ot the

o Colinde (in Transylvanian parlance usually c(Winde )means carols. CoUnda (singular form)
is supposed to derive from calendae.
7 The switch in tenses in the course of a narration is one of the oft-encountered features of
Rumanian folk ballads. Often, but by no means invariably, it is dictated by the requirements
of rhyme or meter. Indeed, as will be seen hereinafter, not a few of these ballads feature yet
another kind of change: the switch from the "straight" or objective narration to the first-
person account, given in continuation by one of the characters involved. The translator has
sought to follow the originals as closely as possible in these respects, too, in a deliberate attempt
to convey their peculiar flavor of fantasy.
8 Each of the verses of this "envoi" has the same number of syllables as the original (which,
like the translated version, makes no attempt at rhyming, in this case).
8 It is not quite clear from the original transcription whether this verse has nine or ten
syllables. In the latter hypothesis, the verse would read: That there's a mountain which is
without sheep.
10 The content of this and the next four verses has been slightly redistributed in the trans-
lated version.

[ 229 ]
A I a)
Drag taicutu lor 4b.
Nu ~i-al) mai rabdat
$i el s'o luat, D-oi, unche~ biitran!
PUl?ca ~i-aJ.l 'ntaglat Doi fiuti d-avut,
20 $i 'n munti al) vanat, Doi fiuti de trup.
P'unde ~i-al) d-aflat $i nu i-a 'nvatat cerbi de munte; 5 Nici un me~te~ug:
'Ntr'on genunch~-o stat, Nici 0 plugarie,
Tras-au sa-i sagete. Nici 0 stiivarie,
25 Cerbu(cel mai mare Far' a vanarie.
Din grai ~i-o stragat: Pin codrii vanara
-Drag taicutul nostru,
Nu ne sageta, 10 Dupa ei sa
Ca noi t~-om lua La fantana rece,
30 In a~ti coarne razi 1 Tras-o sa-i sagete.
$i noi t~-om tapa -Draga tiiiculita,
Tat din munte 'n munte, Nu ne sageta,
$i din plai in plai, 15 Ca noi t~-om lua
$i din pat,:"etra 'n pt':"eatra, In coarnile noa~te
35 Tat tara te-i face. $i t~-om intranti
Taicul?orullor Pe pt'eatra mu~t'oasa,
Din grai ~i-o stragat: De tat tar te-i face.
-Dragi §iutii miiei, 20 -Dragii taiculitei,
Haidati vOl acasa Haidati voi acasa !
40 La maicuta voastra! Maica ta v'a~teapta
Cu dor va a!)teapta, Cu pahar pe masa,
Cu masuta 'ntinsa, Tat plangand pin casa;
Cu facIii aprinse, 25 Cu pahar de gin, 2
Cu pahare pline. Pin casa plangand.
45 Cerbul cel mai mare -Draga taiculita,
Din grai ~i-o grait: Ba noi n'om vini,
-Drag tiiicutul nostru, Ca bu~ele noa~te
Du-te tu acasa 30 Nu beJ.l din pahare,
La maicuta noastra, Fara din izvoare;
50 Cii comile noa~te Trupurile noa~te
Nu intra pe u!)a, Nu umbla 'n came~a,
Far' numai pin munte: Far' numai prin frunza.
Picioarile noa~te (12i. Idicel r/»
Nu·calca 'n cenu~ii,
55 Caci calca prin frunza;
Buzutile noa~te
Nu-si beau din pahare, D-oi roaga, sa roaga
caci'beau "din izvoare. II. I irr:-I
(12bb. Urisiu de sus if) I: T'iiieriel mirelui, r., : I mirelui,

1 Cf. raza.
2 = yin.

[ 230 ]
A I a)
Their beloved father 4b.
Could hold out no more,
And he started out: (There was) an old man
He spitted his gun, (And) he had two sons,
20 Hunted in the hills, Two sons of his own;
Where he came upon And he taught them not
Nine (fine) mountain stags. 5 Any kind of trade:
On one knee he went, Neither husbandry
Arrow set to loose. Nor herding of cattle,
25 Of the stags the largest Only (taught them) hunting.
Called aloud to say: Through the woods they hunted,
Father dear of ours,
Do not shoot at us, 10 After them he went
For we'll pick you up To the chilly wellspring,
30 With these pointed antlers Aimed an arrow at them.
And we'll toss you down, Our beloved father,
From mountain to mountain, Do not shoot your shaft,
From meadow to meadow, 15 Because we will take you
And from stone to boulder, Upon our antlers
35 You'll be torn to shreds. And we'll throw you down
Their (dear) father (then) On the mossy boulder,
Loudly called (to them) : Break you into pieces.
Oh, dear sons of mine, 20 Father's own beloved,
Come along (back) home Come along (back) homewards!
40 To your little mother! Your mother awaits you
Longing she awaits you With glass on the table,
With the decked-out table, Weeping round the house;
With the candles burning, 25 With a glass of wine,
With the glasses filled. Round the house a-weeping.
45 Of the stags the largest Our beloved father,
Spoke and said (to him) : Nay, we shall not come,
Our beloved father, For these lips of ours
Go back home (without us) 30 Do not drink from glasses,
To our little mother, From the springs (drink) only;
50 Because our antlers These bodies of ours
Can't go through the doox:way, Do not walk in shirts,
Only through the mountams; Only through the leafage.
(And) these feet of ours
Do not step on ashes, 5a.
55 For they step through leafage;
(And) these lips of ours He is praying, praying,
Do not drink from glasses, (Is) the youthful bridegroom,
For they drink from wellsprings. Refrain

[ 231 ]
A I a)
D'e ce-z vantu-i liny, Fiara campului.
Gheorge, frat' al nostru,
I : T'ineriel mirelui, Vie-mi sanatos,
5 D'e ce-z vantu-i liny, : I,
10 Murgul in~ela!1;
[Bate 'n chiar senin,] Pa el calecare,
D'e ce-z vantu-i liny Pa el caleca-
I: Ca el ca sa-mi bata : I
Toat'e varvuril'e Cerbu mi-l prindear~
Cerbu rancului,
15 Fiara campului.
10 I: Ca el ca sa-mi bata
Toat'e varvuril'e : I Din oasele lui
Curti ii smartaci (?),
$i agesturile; Din sangele lui
Ca el ca sa-mi bata Curti ii zugravi,
In cea vale saca 20 Din und'ile 1 lui
15 La peatra mUi?teata, Faci un pahlirel,
La rugutul verde, Sa bea na~ din el,
Rugu sa-mi clateasca, Dela na~ la fin,
Cerbii sa-mi scorneasca. Dela fin la nas
Cel cerbut murgut 25 Pan' la Medei~~.
20 Din gura-mi graia: 'Y. Lerul'uj!
-Tin~-o, mirel, tin~-o, (22. Niere~teu ¢)
N'o grabi cu mine,
$i tu sa te duci 6.
'N vadu lui Jordan,
25 C'acolo imi sant II. I I II. I
Noya cerbi suri, I: Ca el s'o laydaty : Ilaydatill,
Cu min' vor fi zece. 'Y.,
Cu coarnele lor I: Cinerel junely : I,
Curti a-i incornea;
30 Cu coastele lor
Curti a-i latui;
I I. I fILl
I: Cinerel junely : I junel!!i,
Cu peile lor I: Cmerel junely : I,
Curti a-i coperi;
Cu sangele lor 5 I: Ca el ~i-o d-aduce : I
35 Curti a-i varui. I: Cinste d'ela munt'e : I,
'Y. loj Domnuluj Doamne! ------
(lOb. Rau de mori ¢) I: Cinste d'ela munt'e : I,
I: Cinste d'ela munt'e : I,
Din droana de sute
Ce vant n~-a batuty, 10 Cerbul sa mi-l pu~te.
Pus-a-i la pamanty Cerbu-mi d-auzea,
C~-a fost mai marunt,
Tare sa 'ntrista
$i sa 'nspaimanta.
Cand treznind, pleznindy Draga maica lui
5 Cerbul mi-a sarindy 15 Din gura-mi graie:
Cerbu rancului, -Ce ti-i tie, cerbe,
Ce ti-i tie, draga,

1 = unghiile

[ 232 ]
A I a)
For the wind is quiet. Wild beast of the field.
(Prays) the youthful bridegroom, Our brother George,
5 For the wind is quiet. May he come back safe.
Blowout of the blue, 10 He saddled the sorrel
For the wind is quiet: (And) upon him mounted,
Let it blow for me Mounted upon him.
On all mountaintops, (Lo,) he caught the stag,
10 May it blow for me The stag of the glade (?),
On all mountaintops 15 Wild beast of the field.
And all sheltered spots; With the bones of him
Let it blow for me You'll plaster a house,
In that stony valley, With the blood of him
15 At the mossy boulder, You shall paint a house,
On the green-leaved bramble; 20 (And) out of his hoof
Let it stir the bramble, You shall make a glass,
Let it flush the stags out. For godfather's drink:
(But) the sorrel stag From him to the godson,
20 From his mouth made speech: From the godson back,
Hold it, bridegroom, hold it, 25 Up to Mediash.ll
Do not haste it with me; Refrain: Carol we!
Let you (rather) go
To the jordan's ford,
25 For that's where there are 6.
Nine stags ashen-hued: For he has been boasting,
They'll be ten with me. Refrain
With their antlers (then) (Has) the youthful stripling,
You'll gable (your) house, (Has) the youthful stripling,
30 With the ribs of them (Has) the youthful stripling,
You shall fence (your) house, 5 That he would be bringing
With the hides of them Honor from the mountain,
You shall roof (your) house, Honor from the mountain,
With the blood of them Honor from the mountain,
35 You shall paint (your )house. From a herd of hundreds,
Refrain: To the Lord Almighty! 10 He would shoot the stag,
When the stag did hear,
He was saddened sore
5b. And he grew afraid.
Refrain His beloved mother
What a wind has struck us: 15 Spoke (to him) and said:
To the ground it felled Stag, what's ailing you?
Whatever was smaller, What is ailing, darling?
When, cracking and snapping,
5 Upward leaped the stag,
The stag of the glade (?),

11 Media~ is an ancient town in the district of TArnava Mare, in Transylvania.

[ 233 ]
A I a)
De iarba nu-mi pal/ti, 10 Da Toader cand o-auzit,
Nici apa nu-mi biei, Tare el s'o suculit,
20 Ci tu tot tIni stat Vijlele !1i l~-al) gatat,
'Ntristat !1i marit, !;)i pe cal 1-0 'ncalecat,
De nu manci nimic? Dupa cerbul s'a luat.
Nu te teme, cerbe, 15 Gasia cerbul adurmit;
ca io t~-oi pazi, Tat in loc s'a socotit,
25 Mat bin' ca pe mine ca l-tInpu!1ca adurmit;
!;)i io-mi t~-oi lua Dar nici 0 fala ave,
'N cornitele mele; Nici 0 fala, nici 0 cinste.
10 mi t~-oi scoate 20 Vijlele l~-al) deslegat,
La liverzuri vierzi, Ogarile drum l~-al) dat,
30 La izvoare reci, Ogarile l-al) latrat,
!;)i io t~-oi biiga Vijlele l~-al) 'nconjurat,
'N mijloc de izvor, Dar cerbul s'a de~teptat
'N tufa de bujor. 25 !;)i la Toader i-o stragat:
Tanarel junel -Ho ho ho, jupane Toader,
35 ca el ca pleca Nu pe mine ma 'mpu!1ca,
Tot pe plai la deal, Ca io 'n coarne t~-oi Iua
Cu pU!1ca 'ncordata !;)i pe tine t~-oi purta
Pe mana direapta. 30 Pin molita,l pin mladita.
Si el sa uita Dar Toader cand auzea,
40 Cam pe rasarit: Tare ca sa suculea
Nu-mi vede nimic. la cu pU!1ca chibzuea
Sj el ca-mi iese Cam pin furca pt'eptului
La liverzuri vierzi 35 Unde-i grel) voinicului.
La izvoare reci. lar pe cerbull-o 'mpu!1cat,
45 ;;i el sa uita Dat-o carne vijlelor,
In miljoc de rai Ciolanii ogarilor,
'N miljoc de izvor Numai limba ~i-a luat-o
Cerbu mi-l zarj,e, 40 ~i la jebu 2 0 b1igat-o.
Cu pU!1ca-1 trozne. Picioare 'n scara punea
r. Doamfte! !;)i 'n varf de munte sarea.
(32. Nuc!1oara if) Catr' acasa i!1i vinea,
Mari boieri calea tineal);
7a. 45 Muiere 'n drumu ie!1ea
I: Da ist cerbul mi-a trecutu : I, Cl)-O plo~cuta plin' de gin 3
r., La boierii inchinand.
Boierii din grai graial),
Nu trecura, cum sa treaca, Cata Toader ii spuneal):
Cu tat'e rO!1toli(?) domne!1tiu, 50 -Ho ho ho, jupane Toader,
Lauda s'a laudaty, r., Unde tu ca ai umblat,
De ti-i calu d-obosit?
5 I: !;)i pre Toad'er I-a stragatu : I : -Dupa cerbu m'am luat.
-Ho ho ho, jupane Toad'erl Muieru!1ca lui straga:
Ca n'ai cal bun sa-mi ajungi, 55 Nu-l credeti VOl, mari boieri,
Nice vijl'e d'e l'egaty,
Nici ogari d'e latraty. r.,
1 < molid.
2 = buzunar « zseb, ung.)
3 = yin.

[ 234 ]
A I a)
Grass you do not graze, 10 But when Toader heard (these words),
Nor do you drink water, Mightily he stirred himself,
20 But (instead) you stand (And) the bird dogs he got ready
Despondent and sad, And he mounted on his horse
Not eating a thing. And set off after the stag.
Stag, be not afraid, 15 (When) he found the stag asleep,
I'll watch over you He took council with himself:
25 More than o'er myself, Should he shoot him in his sleep?
And I'll lift you up But that would have been no feat,
On my little horns; Bringing neither pride nor honor.
I shall take you (thus) 20 He unleashed the game dogs (then)
To the meadows green, And the hounds (too) he set free.
30 To the chilly springs, (So) the hounds bayed at the stag
And I'll set you down And the dogs surrounded him.
Even in the spring, But the stag awoke from sleep
In a peony bush. 25 And to Toader he called out:
Youthful stripling (then) Ho, ho, ho, you, Master Toader,
35 Set upon his way, You are not to shoot at me,
Climbing to the hills, For I'll take you in my antlers
With the readied gun And I'll go about with you
(Held) in his right hand. 30 Through the pines (and) through the
And he looked (and gazed) switches.
40 Somewhat toward sunrise: But when Toader heard (his say),
Not a thing he saw. Mightily he stirred himself,
He came out (at last) With his gun took careful aim
To the meadow green, At the forking of the breast,
To the chilly springs, 35 Where it hurts the stalwart worst,
45 And he looked (and gazed) And he shot (and slew) the stag.
In the midst of heaven: To the dogs he gave his flesh,
(Standing) in the spring, To the hounds (he gave) his bones,
(There) he saw the stag, But his tongue kept for himself,
Felled him with his gun. 40 And he put it in his pocket;
Retrain: Lord God! In the stirrups set his feet,
To the mountaintop he leaped.
(As) he homewards made his way,
7a. He was met by some great lords,
But this stag has gone through (here). 45 (And) his wife (too) held his way
Retrain With a flagon full of wine,
He has not passed, (for) how could he, For to pledge the lords withal.
(What) with all the lordly fences? (Then) the lords made speech and
Boasted has he boastfully. Retrain spoke
5 And he called to Toader12 (loudly): (And) to Toader they said (thus):
Ho, ho, ho, you, Master Toader! 50 Ho, ho, ho, you, Master Toader,
You have no good horse to catch me, Whereabouts have you been gone,
Neither game dogs for to leash, That (so) weary is your horse?
Nor yet hounds to bay (at me). I have been after the stag.
Retrain (But) his wife called out (and said) :
55 Don't believe him, you great lords,

18 Toader (TWAH-der) is the Rumanian eqnivalent of Theodore.

[ 23S ]
A I a)
C'are doi-tri 'bovnicele,l Sus mai sus Ill-oi radica
SA.nt tri milurj, de pamA.nt. D-in turou Sibiului,
Intr'on ceas c'acele calca De I-or bate vA.nturile,
~i 'nnainte IIi 'nnapoi. 35 V~nturile sficurile,
60 Darii Toader auzea, Ca pe june g~ndurile, 'n jeb f1i-o izbea, CA.nd ii june de 'nsurat,
Limba cerbului scotea, Nu-i 2 fata de miiritat.
Tare bine v'arata, r. Sa'l{- juneluj t'inerelujl
Mare falii-l1i eapata, (86f. var. Paucinel1d 1)
65 Mare falii, mare cinste.
r. Haj 161' hop daj l61'uj Doamn'l 7c.
(74a. Moil1a 1)
*lntreabii, 'ntreabii mati boieriu
7b. Pe cel t~nar d'e voi:i\.icy,
*lntreabii, 'ntreabii mati boierj,y
P'acest tA.nar junelaf1u: D'i ce-i murgul d-asudatu
~----- D'asudatu-i, raspumaty
--Ce ti-e murgu d-asudatu
D-asudat, tar' aspumaty? 5 Rupsa june d'll-a-ni 3 grairi,e:
-DIl-aia-i murgu d-asudatu,
5 --Ce voi, boieri, ispititiu?
Nu I1tiji bine ca IIi mine, C'o fost murgu la v~nat
Sus la munjii lui Pilat.
C'am fost sluga Ia 'mparatu? VA.nat mare Cll-O scornit,
M'o trimes dupa v~nat 10 C\l-o scornit l1i-o gorgonit,
Sus in munjii lui Pilat; Gorgonit-o boul sur.
10 ~i-am gasit ingorgonit, Bou-i dat-o cam pe vad,
~i-am aflat tot am v~nat, Murgu-i dat-o far' de vad.
~i-am aflat un cerb de-i sur. Grai mica fetelujii
L-am v~nat cat I-am wnat, 15 Dint' 0 mica griidinujii:
J os Ia jarii I-am tunat, -Minte june ca l1i-om c~ne
15 Cerbul dete cam pe vad, Ca n'o fostu Ia v~nat,
Murgu-l1i dete far' de vad. Ci-ar' 0 prunca 'ncredinjat
DIl-aia-i murgu d-asudat, Jos Ia jara d-ungureasca;
D-asudat, tar' aspumat. 20 Calea Ii de noya zile
Griii fata din cetate: Junll-O calea si 'n tri zile:
20 -Mint' on june ca IIi-on ~ne, 'Ntr' una mere, 'ntr' una vine,
C'ar' 0 fata 'ncredinjata; 'Ntr' una cere dll-o iubel1te.
Calea Ii de noua zile, Rupsa june dll-a-:i\.i grai:
J unll-o calca din tri zile: 25 - Taci tu, fata 'ngiorgionata! 4
'Nt' una duce, 'nt' alta vine, T~jele ji Ill-om taia,
25 'Nt' alta l1ede dll-o iubel1te, Sus mai sus ji Ill-om jiipa,
DIl-O iubel1te crel1tinel1te. Sa Ie bata vA.nturile,
June din gura-mi graie: Ca pe june g~ndurile.
-Taci tu, fata din cetate! 30 CA.nd Ii june de 'nsurat,
lola tin' m'oi siobozi, Fete mari de maritat.
30 Cheschinele ji-oi Iua, r. Sa'l{- jufteluj t'ifterelujl
Jos mai jos lll-oi d-alina, (86f. Paucinel1d 1)
1 = ibovnicele = milndrele.
2 = ~i?
3 = de-a-mi.
4 = inzorzonata.
[ 236 ]
A I a)
For he has two or three sweethearts, Up (and) higher I shall raise them,
(And) there are three miles to go. From the tower of Sibiu, 13
These he travels in an hour That the winds might blow upon them,
Both a-going and a-coming. 35 Breezes (blow about their) comers,
60 But (when) Toader heard (her say), Just as thoughts (beset) a youngster
In his poke he thrust his hand, When the youngster is to wed
(And) the stag's tongue he drew out, (And) there is no lass to marry.
Showed it very nicely round Refrain: To the 'Youngster, to the
(And) he gained himself great pride, stripling!
65 (Both) great honor (and) great pride.
Refrain: Come, sing, hop, sing carols,
Lord! 7c.
The great lords are asking, asking,
7b. Of that youngster of a stalwart
The great lords are asking, asking, Why his sorrel is asweat,
(Asking) of this youthful stripling: All asweat and in a lather.
Why is it your sorrel's sweating, 5 Said the youngster (unto them):
All asweat and in a lather? That is why the sorrel's sweating,
5 Lords, why are you trying (me)? For the sorrel's been a-hunting
Know you not as well as I Up above, in Pilate's mountains.
That I've been the emperor's servant? A great quarry he did start,
It was he who sent me hunting, 10 He did start and he did chase,
Up into the mounts of Pilate, He did chase the ashen ox.
10 And I came upon a chase, By the ford the ox did cross,
And I hunted all I saw, Sorrel crossed without the ford.
And I found an ashen stag; Spoke a tiny little maiden
For a while I hunted him, 15 From a tiny little garden:
Brought him down into the land; Like a dog the lad is lying,
15 By the ford the stag did cross, For a-hunting he's not been;
Sorrel crossed without the ford. But he has a lass bespoken,
That is why the sorrel's sweating, Down in the Hungarian land.
All asweat and in a lather. 20 'Tis a nine days' journey (thither)
Spoke the maiden from the castle: But the lad in three days does it:
20 Like a dog the lad is lying, One (day) going, one (day) coming,
For he has a lass who's plighted; One (day) wishes he might love her.
'Tis a nine days' journey (thither) (But) the lad spoke up and said:
(But) the lad in three days does it: 25 Hold your tongue, bedizened maiden I
One for going, one for coming, (Else) we'll cut your breasts away
25 And another one for loving, (And) we'll hurl them up (and) higher,
Loving her in Christian manner. That the winds might blow upon them
(But) the youngster spoke and said: As the thoughts upon a youngster,
Quiet, maiden from the castle! 30 When a youngster is to wed,
Else I shall rush up to you Lasses (ready) to be married.
30 And your kerchiefs I shall take, Refrain: To the 'Youngster, to the striP-
Down (and) lower I shall smooth them, ling!

13 An ancient city of Transylvania, capital of the district with the same name.

[ 237 ]
A I a)
7d. 7e.
-Ce ma 'ntrebati, mati boieri, Pleac' un june la vanatui.
1'., 'Y.,
Cal'ea lunga no~a zil'e,
Ce mi-i murgu d-asudaty,
[Murgu 'ncalca in tri zile]
Pintelat fli int'ingaty,
-Mint'e june ca i?i-un cane:
D-ogati buni is obosin, 5 Nu mi-o plecat la vanaty,
5 (?) vanan fefltelin,
~ofloi ca mi-o plecat la 'nsuraty,
Panii. dalbii-i rouratii ? -Taci tu, soro saIbileanca,
10, boieri, dirept v'oi spune,
ca am fost io la vanat Nu pe noi adevara,
Pe coastile Oltului. Cli noi tie n-om tala
lOPe pamantu Turcului, 10 Tatile, cosatile.
Sa mi yanez 0 ciutalina. Colo sus, mai sus l~-om pune
qutiilina fara splina. In turou Sibiului,
qut' a~ dat in jos pre vad, Sli Ie batii vanturile,
Murg 0 dat fara de vad. Sli Ie ploaie picurile.
15 D'acea-i murgu d-asudat,
Pintelat fli int'ingat,
D-ogati buni is obostn, 15 ~ite, june, veselei?te,
~oi?oi vanati feflteliti. C'o 'nchinlim cu slinatate,
Strag' 0 fatii jarjoveanca Pan' la gazda, pan' la toate I
20 Din varvul Jarjovului: 1'. Juneluj buny!
-Nu-l credereti. mari boieril (62m. Ciarbiil ¢)
Nu-i precum va spune el.
Ci-i precum V'Ol spune e~. 7f.
Ca el n'o fost la vanat,
25 Ci c'o fost ella petit 'Ntreaba, 'ntreaba mari boieri,
Pe coastile Oltului, Pe cel tanlir j unel~ :
Pe pamantu Turcului, -Ce ti-i murgu d-asudat?
-D~-aia-i murgu d-asudat,
La fetile Greculul,
Sa-i?i peteasc'o Greaca dalbii. 5 ca el fli-o fost la vanat.
30 N'o petit 0 Greaca dalbii, Vana mandru, ce-mi vana?
C'o petit 0 Franca neagra. ca-mi vana dol).' zi de varli,
-Taci tu, fatii jarjoveanca, Zi de vara panli 'n sarli.
Din vitrvul Jarjovului, Cand imi fu de murg de sarli,
ca la tine oi veni 10 Jos la Olt ca mi-l tunara,
P'inga curte mi-l plimbarli,
35 ~i-o tata n-oi tiiia-o,
D-in gradina l-aruncara.
rata ta n-oi pune-o
In varvul Jarjovului, Rups' 0 vita de radita
~i-o tabla de rumenita
Sa n-o batii vanturile,
Ca pe june gandurile,
40 Cand ii june de 'nsurat 1'. Doamne, joj Domnuluj Doamne!
(102a. Gradiste ¢)
~i fata de maritat.
1'. Juneluj iunel~yl
(88b. Fenefl ¢) 7g.
I: Nu i?tiy. ieri alaltaieri : I
N'a trecut cerbu p'aicia?

[ 238 ]
A I a)
7d. 7e.
You great lords, why ask you me, A young lad goes off a-hunting:
Refrain Refrain
Why my sorrel is asweat, Long's the way-a nine days' journey.
Rowel-scarred and all bedraggled, In three days the sorrel does it.
(Why) the good hounds are (so) weary,
5 And (why) blue eyes are (so) bleary (?), Like a dog the lad is lying:
(My) white feather (so) bedewed? 5 He did not go off a-hunting,
I, my lords, shall rightly tell you For he went away to marry.
That a-hunting I have been Quiet, sister from Sibiu,
On the bluffs along the Olt, Do not testify for us,
10 In the land that is the Turk's, For we shall cut off from you
For to hunt myself a doe, 10 (Both) your tresses and your breasts,
(Hunt myself) a doe ungirdled. (And) we'll set them there, aloft,
Through the ford the doe went down. On the tower of Sibiu,
Sorrel crossed without the ford. That the winds might blow upon them
15 That's why sorrel is asweat, And the rains might rain upon them.
Rowel-scarred and all bedraggled,
(Why) the good hounds are (so) weary, *
And (why) blue eyes are (so) bleary (?). 15 And you, youngster, be rejoicing,
Called a maiden from the Giurgiu,14 For we pledge you with (good) health,
20 From the mountaintop of Giurgiu: To the host, to everybody!
Don't believe him, you great lords I Refrain: To the good youngster!
It is not as he has told you,
But it is as I shall tell you:
For he hasn't been a-hunting, 7f.
25 But indeed he's been a-courting The great lords are asking, asking,
At the bluffs along the Olt, (Asking) of that youthful stripling:
In the land that is the Turk's, Why's your sorrel all asweat?
To the daughters of the Greek, Here is why my sorrel's sweating,
For to court a fair Greek maiden. 5 (It's) because he's been a-hunting.
30 Nor a fair Greek maiden courted, Hunted well, what did he hunt?
But a swarthy Frankish maiden. On a summer day he hunted,
Hold your tongue, you lass from On a summer day till evening.
Giurgiu, When the evening shades were falling,
From the mountaintop of Giurgiu, 10 Downward to the Olt was ridden,
For I'll come to you (anon) He was walked about the mansion,
35 And I'll cut you off a breast, He was rushed into the garden.
(And) that breast of yours I'll set Plucked a twig of pomegranate (?)
On the mountaintop of Giurgiu, And a bed of camomile too.
That the winds might blow upon it
As the thoughts upon the youngster, Refrain: To the Lord, to the Almighty!
40 When the youngster's (fit) to wed,
And the maiden (fit) to kiss.
Refrain: To the youngster, to the lad! 7~.
Yester or the day before,
Did the stag not come through here?

14 The translator has been unable to identify any mountain peak in Rumania named
Giurgiu or JArjov.

[ 239 ]
A I b)
1'., Cu coarnele flori strican',
Cu gura poame mancan'.
I: Nu mi-a trecut cum sa-mi treaca : I 20 Ce-mi facea ~i nu-mi facea,
Pe soare-l inceluia
Miii-a trecut cu baniere (?) $i din gur' a~a-mi graia:
-Ramani, soare, sanatos,
1'. Hoj l'erumj daj l'eruj Doamn'! Ca su' mana ta am fost,
(74b. Or~ova q,) 25 Harnic de mine n'ai fost.
r. Doamne daj Domnuluj Doamne!
(86c. Paucine~d if)
D~-asupra la rasarity,
r., 9.
Est~-on porn dalb d-influrity I: Pi cel prund d'e mare: I,
Cu florile sant d~-argint Mandrut par rasare.
$i cu merele-s d~-aur.
5 Nu ~til). ce mi s'o 'nvatat, I: Cel pe~t'e d'e mare: I
De poamele l~-o mancat, Cel pe~te d'e mare
FIorile l~-o scuturat.
Nu ~til). leu-i, nu ~til). zmel)., 5 Ral). mi sa 'nvatara:
Nu ~til). cerbu stretinioru. 1 Frunza miii-o mancara,
10 Soare daca d-auzea, Paru sa uscara,
Bun d~-ale~ 2 ca sa punea, Perile stricara.
Sa punea ~i mi-~i pazea, laon bun voinic
$i-mi pazea 0 zi de vara, 10 Pu~ca miii-o 'ntalat,
Zi de vara pana 'n sara, Pe~te miii-o pu~cat
15 Cand imi fu ~i murg de sara,
Vinl}-on cerbu stretinior, r. OJ I' eruj Doamne!
Tot sarin' ~i tot saltin', (12h. Idicel q,)

Din oile lui:
lOa. - 0 mea lamioara
Cam pe Ianga mare 10 Cu lanita creata!
Cam pe drumul mare Tu mea lamioara,
Plecat-o, plecat-o De tri zile 'ncoace
Cete dupa cete, larba nu-ti mai place,
5 Cete de feciori. Gura nu-ti tace,
J uni colindatori· 15 Hai sa trecem noi
Grai la-a mioara La negrul zavoi,

1 = tretior?
2 = ? « les, ung.).

[ 240 ]
A I b)
Refrain Spoiling blossoms with his antlers,
He did not. How could he pass? Eating apples with his mouth.
He came through to my own sorrow( ?) 20 What he did (or) didn't do,
He deceived the (watchful) sun
Refrain: Hoy, I'm singing carols, Lord! And he spoke out of his mouth:
In (good) health stay on, you sun,
For I've been under your hand
8. 25 (Yet) you've not been heedful of me.
Up above. toward the sunrise, Refrain: Grant, oh Lord, the Lord
Refrain Almighty!
There is a white tree a-blooming,
(And) its blossoms are of silver
And its apples are of gold. 9.
5 What it was I do not know, On that shingled seashore
Took to eating of the apples Refrain
And to shaking down the blossoms. Sprouts a handsome pear tree;
Was't a lion? Was't a dragon? (But) that fish, that sea fish.
Or was it a full-grown stag? 15 (But) that fish, that sea fish
10 When the sun got wind (of this). 5 Into evil ways fell:
He set out to keep good watch, He ate up the leafage,
Keep good watch and heedfulness. He dried up the pear tree,
And he watched a summer day, (And) the pears were rotted.
Summer day until the evening. John, the worthy stalwart,
15 When the dusk of evening fell, 10 Loaded up (his )gun
(Lo,) a full-grown stag did come. (And) he shot the fish.
All a-leaping and a-bounding,
Refrain: Hoy, Lord Almighty!


From among his sheep:

lOa. You, my (little) ewe lamb
Somewhat by the seaside, 10 With the wool all curly!
Somewhat on the highway, You, my (little) ewe lamb,
There departed, parted, For the last three days now
Parties after parties, Do not care for grass more,
5 Parties of young lads, (And) cease not your clamor.
Youthful carolers. 15 Come along, let's go
He spoke to an ewe lamb To the thicket black;

15 Strictly speaking, tretior means a three-year-old animal; but, by extension. the word may
be used in the sense of "elderly". However, the word stretinior (-u), found in this and similar
texts, might well be a corruption of streinior (diminutive of strein, strange or a stranger). The
word stretinior is furthermore oddly reminiscent of Stretenie, an Orthodox Church feast (Candle-
mas), that falls on February 2, a day that is also known in Rumania as the Bear's Day. An old
belief has it that bears come out of hibernation on that day, but return to their lair if they find
the weather is mild. The analogy to the American Groundhog Day is striking.

[ 241 ]
A I b)
ca-i iarba de noi 15 Cel, mai, Moldovan,
!iii apa de voi. ca-i mai ietagan (?),
-Drag stapa.nul miey, C'are oi mai multe,
20 Cum iarba sa-mi Multe ~i cornute,
!iii gura sa-mi !iii cai invatati
10 am d-auzit 20 !iii cwi mai biirbati.
Fratiorij tai, Frapor mai mare,
Ei ca s'or vorbit Din zile mai mare,
25 Pe tin' sa t~-omoara, Mare, sa vorbira
-Tu mea liimioara, ~i sa ispitira,
Daca-i treab' ~a, 25 Ca sa mi-l omoara
Tu lor sa Ie spuni: Pe eel Moldovan,
De m'or omori, ca-i mai ietagan (?),
30 Pe min' sa ma 'ngroape C'are oi mai multe,
Tat p'aici p'aproape, Multe ~i cornute,
Tat in dosu stfmii. 30 ~i cat invatati
Sa-m' aud ~i ca.nij. !iii mai barbati·
Tu mea liimioara, Cel, mai, Moldovan,
35 Tu lor sa Ie spuni: ca el mi-~i ave 0
Pe min' sa ma 'ngroape Mwdra miorita,
La negrut zavoi, 35 Cu pliivita:
Ca-i iarba de voi -Mioritame
!iii apa de noi, ~i pliivita me,
40 Vwturi Ie vor bate, De tri zile 'ncoace
Oil~-or riizbate, Gura nu-ti mai tace,
La mormwt s'or strWge, 40 larba nu-ti mai place!
Dupa min' or pla.nge. -Drag stapa.nul miey,
". Domnuluj fi Doamne! Cum iarba sa-mj, placa
(lOc. Paucine~d ¢) $i gura sa-mi taca?
Fraporij tai
45 Tare sa vorbeal}
lOb. Pe tin' sa t~-omoara
P'on picior d'e raiY, La apus de soare
P'o gum d'e plaiy, La ca.mpu 'n mohoare.
"., -Miorita me
50 $i pliivita me,
lata-mi vin la val'e Daca-i treab' ~a,
!iii-mi cobor la cal'e Tu de mi-i vede
V'o maica biitrwa,
5 I: latii-mi vin la val'e Cu bra.u de !,
!iii-mi cobor la cal'e : I 55 Tu sa-i spuni curat
------ ca m'am insurat;
Tri turme d'e mieiu $i la nunta me
I: CU tri ciobiineiu : I o cazut 0 stea;
Frati is d-a~ti tustriju: Brazi ~i cetin~i
------ 60 Ca mi-o fost nan~i:
10 I: CU tri ciobaneiu, Soarele ~i luna
Frati is d-a~ti tustriiu : I

Unu-i Moldovan,
Uni-i letagan (?),
D-altu mi-i Vra.ncean.
[ 242 ]
A I b)
Grass there's fit for us, 15 The Moldavian one
And water for you. Is the wealthiest
Dear master of mine, For he has most sheep, (too,)
20 How should I like grass, Homed ones and many,
And how cease my clamor? Trained horses as well,
I have overheard 20 And more fearless dogs;
Your own brothers (speak) (He's) the eldest brother,
(And) they are bespoke As to age the eldest.
25 That they are to kill you. Hear, they talked it over
You, my (little) ewe lamb, And they were emboldened
If the matter's thus, 25 To (agree to) slay him,
You're to say to them, That Moldavian lad,
If they me do kill, For he's wealthiest,
30 They must bury me For he has more sheep, (too,)
Hereabouts not far, Horned ones and many,
Just behind the sheepfold, 30 Trained horses as well,
Where I'll hear the sheep dogs. And more fearless dogs.
You, my (little) ewe lamb, The Moldavian one,
35 You're to say to them Lo, he (also) had a
They must bury me (Very) handsome ewe lamb,
By the thicket black; 35 With fair fleece (like ashes) :
Grass there's fit for you, Oh ewe lamb of mine
And water for us; And my ashen one,
40 Winds will blow upon them, For the last three days now
Sheep will make their way through, You've not ceased your bleating,
At the grave will gather, 40 Grass you no more care for!
And they will beweep me. Dear master of mine,
Retrain: To the LOYd Almighty! Grass how could I care for,
And how cease my bleating?
Your own brothers (lo,)
lOb. 45 Strong agreement made
At the foot of heaven, That they are to slay you
Through a mountain meadow, When the sun is setting,
Retrain In the field of foxtails.
Lo, their way are wending Oh ewe lamb of mine
Downward to the pathway, 50 And my ashen one,
5 Lo, their way are wending If the thing be thus,
Downward to the pathway, You, if you should see
The three flocks of lambkins Some elderly mother
With three youthful shepherds, With a woolen girdle,
Brothers they're all three; 55 Let you tell her straight
10 With three youthful shepherds, That I have got wed,
Brothers they're all three: And, as I got wed,
A Moldavian's16 one, A star tumbled down;
Wealthy shepherd's one,17 (Say that) pines and firs
One's a Vrancea 18 lad. 60 Were my sponsors (true);
The sun and the moon (too)

16 That is, from Moldavia, one of the provinces of Rumania.

17 1etagan, a corrupt form of orloman or iorioman, a designation found only in popular
ballads, means rich in sheep or stalwart.
18 Vrancea (VRAN-chah) is a mountainous region of Moldavia

[ 243 ]
A I b)
Mj-o tinut cununa. Ca ce lege i-ay facut:
r. loj Domnuluj Doamne! Or sa-l pu~te, or sa-l taie,
(12d. Rau de mori if) 15 Or caputu sa n ieie.
El din grai a1) cuvantat:
-Pe mine nu ma taiatt
lOco Fara prin' t'eptl ma 'mpu~catt
I: Colo, colo dupa dea1~, r. : I $i pe mine ma 'ngropati
20 In turmuta oilor,
I: Sant i~i tri pacurara~i : I In jocutu mneilor.
Cate 1)oi or fi cornute,
I: Num' un pacurar straini! : I Tate m'or plange pe munte;
Cate yoi or fi balai,
$i pe ala 1-0 manat 25 Tate m'or canta pe vai.
5 Sa bata oile 'n sat. Pe mine nu puneti lut,
Da lui legea i-o facut: Far' tri~cuta ~i caput.
Or sa-l pu~te, or sa-l taie. $i cand vant1)-a tragana,
-Pe mine nu ma taiati. Tri~cuta me mi-a canta,
Ci pe mine ma 'ngropati 30 $i yoile or zbiera.
10 In turi~tea oilor, $i Dumnezey m'o ierta,
In jocutu mneilor. Daca mi-a picat soartea:
Pe mine lut nu punett Dintre doi ortaci ai mei
Nice lut, nice pamant, Sa m'omoara dintre iei.
Numa draga gluga me, r. Hoj da l'er bojerj!
15 Fluieru dupa cure. (112b. Chibu1cutul de campie if)
Vantu cand a tragana,
Fluieru a fluiera.
Cate oi mandre cornute, 10e.
Tate m'or plange p'on munte; I: Colo 'n sus la cerbuntel'e : I (?)
20 Cate oi mandre balaie, I: Sant n01)a turme d'e 1)oi : I
Tate m'or plange 'n paraie.
r. Hajda ler bojerj! I: ~i n01)a pacurarei : I
(112a. Chinci~ t/» I: Numai unu-i strainel : I
5 ~i pe dinsu l-a1) manat
10d. Sa bata oile 'n jos.
I: Colo 'n sus pe munte 'n SUS!!, r. : I Oile 'n jos l~-o batut,
Lui gre lege i-a1) facut:
Sant v'o tri turme d'e oiy Or sa-l pu~te, or sa-l taie.
$i v'o tri pacurareiy, 10 -Ho ho ho, nu ma pu~cati,
Numai capu mni-Iluati.
Numa yunu-i strainely. 12-19 = 10d. 19-26
5 $i pe MIa 1-0 manaty (66c. Idicel if)

Sa bata oile 'n jos.

EI oile l~-o batut; 10f.
$i lui sfatu i-ay facut: Colo 'n jos la munt'e 'n josy,
Or sa-l pu~te, or sa-l taie, r.,
10 Or caputu sa n ieie.
$i el ca la ei c'Q-ajuns, Sant tri turme de l)aeiy(sic)!
Lui ortacij ca i-ay spus,

1 = piept.

[ 244 ]
A I b)
Held my wedding garland. What they had about him ruled:
Refrain: To tke Lord Almighty! They would either shoot or stab him,
15 Or his head take (from his shoulders).
He spoke up and said (to them) :
10c. You are not to cut me (down),
Over there, beyond the hill, Only shoot me through the breast,
Refrain And you are to bury me
There are three (young) shepherd lads, 20 In (the middle of) the flock,
But one shepherd is a stranger, Mid the frisking of the lambs.
And he was the one they sent Of the sheep, all that are horned
5 To the thorp to drive the sheep. Shall bemourn me on the mountain;
But they laid the law for him: Of the sheep, all that are fair
(They would) either shoot or stab him. 25 Shall beweep me in the vales.
Do not stab me, (pleaded he,) Over me do not set clay,
But you are to bury me But my jerkin and my pipe;
10 In the shelter of the fold, When the wind shall blow (on me),
Mid the frisking of the lambs; My own pipe will pipe for me,
Upon me do not set clay, 30 And the sheep will bleat (for me).
Neither clay nor any earth, God will (then) forgive me (too)
Only my beloved cloak Because fate's befallen me
15 (With my) pipe under the strap: That between two fellows mine
When the wind shall blow (on it), From their midst I have been slain.
(Then) the pipe will pipe (for me). Refrain: Hoy, let's sing, my lords!
All the fine horned sheep (a-grazing)
On the mountain shall beweep me;
20 All the fair-fleeced sheep (so) hand-
some 10e.
Shall (with) streaming (eyes) bemourn Yonder, high up on the mountain,19
me. (Lo,) there are nine flocks of sheep,
Refrain: Come, my lords, sing uP! And (with them) nine shepherd lads.
Only one a stranger is,
5 And he was the one they sent
10d. Downward for to drive the sheep.
Yonder, upward, on the mountrun, Downward he did drive the sheep,
Refrain Sentence grim they passed on him:
There are some three flocks of sheep They would either shoot or slash him.
And some three (young) shepherd lads. 10 Ho, ho, ho, don't shoot me (down),
Only one of them's a stranger, Let you only take my head.
5 And he was the one they sent 12-19 = 19-26 of IOd.
Downward for to lead the sheep.
(Downward) he did lead the sheep,
And about him they conferred: 10£.
They would either shoot or stab him, There, below, beneath the mountain,
10 Or his head take (from his shoulders). Refrain
(Back) to them he made his way, (Lo,) there are three flocks of sheep,
Unto him his fellows said

18 Mountain is substituted here for cerbun/ele, which is meaningless.

[ 245 ]
A I b)
$i tri pacurareiu. ~i cand vant 'a tragana,
Fluierit' a fluiera
Numa unu-i strainel 20 $i oile mi-or canta.
5 $i pe el cii l-al} manat 1'. Haj l'e1'uj Doamne!
Sa deie oile 'n jos. (66b. Bala </»
Pana oile 1\:-0 dat,
Grea lege lui al} aflat:
Or sa-l pu!?te, or sa-l taie, lOh.
10 Or caputu sa tl ieie. P\:-un picior de plai,
El din grai all' a grait: P~-o gura de rai
Pe mine nu rna 'mpu!?cati. lata yin in cale,
Numa capu mni-lluati. Sa cobor in vale
$i pe mine rna 'ngropati
15 In turmuta oilor, 5 Tri turme de mei
In jocutu mneilor. Cu tri ciobanei.
Pe min' pamant nu puneR, Uni-i Ungureany
Numa gluga!?i bonda Uni-i Vrancieiany,
$i fluierita la cap.
20 and vantu 0 tragana,
Fluierita mi-o canta; (12k. Sanmiclau~ul mare ¢)
ate oi dalbe cornute,
Ele mi-or canta pe munte.
1'. FloriI' e, Ilo1'i dalbe d' e mar! IOi.
(81i. Curtecap </» picior d'e plai,
P~-o gura d'e rai
lata Yin in cal'e,
109. Sa popos la val'e
I 1. I 5 Trei turmie d'e miei
I: Colo 'n sus la munt'e 'n susu, 1'.: I Cu trei ciobanei.
susy I: Unu-i Ungureany : I
I: Unu-i Moldoveany : I
I: Sant v'o l}Opt turme de l}aiu : I I: ~i unu-i Vranceanu : I

$i v'o ]Jopt pacurarei. (121. Igri~ ¢)

Numa unu-i straine1.
5 $i pe el ca l-a]J manat
Sa bata oile 'n jos. IOj.
Pan' oile Ie batura, Pa cel plai d'e munt'e,
Lui mare lege-i facura : I. 1'.,
Or sa-l pu!?te, or sa-l taie. Merg oil'e 'n frunt'e.
10 -Pe mine nu rna 'mpu~cati, 2.1'.,
Numa capu mni-lluati. Da 'naint'ea lory,
$i pe mine rna 'mgropati
In stranguta oilor Cine mi merierie ?
$i 'n jocutu mneilor, 5 D-aldje pacurariu
15 Pe min' pamant nu puneR, - - - - - - - - - luiY 1
Far' draga gluguta mea Candu mi-~i trecene
$i fluierita la cap. Oil'e pornene. -

1 Cuvintele acestea la ion. nu se inteieg.

[ 246 J
A I b)
And (with them) three shepherd lads. When the wind shall blow (on me),
Only one a stranger is, (My own) pipe will pipe (for me)
5 And he was the one they sent 20 And the sheep will mourn for me.
Down below to drive the sheep. Refrain: Come, sing carols, Lord!
While he herded (down) the sheep,
Sentence grim they set on him:
They would either shoot or stab him, IOh.
10 Or (instead) they would behead him. Through a mountain field,
He spoke out and thusly said: Through a gate of heaven,
Do not let you shoot me (down), Lo, upon the pathway,
Only take my head away; Down toward the valley,
And let you (then) bury me 5 Come three flocks of lambs
15 In the middle of the sheep, With three shepherd lads.
Mid the gamboling of lambs. One is a Hungarian,
Upon me do not heap earth, One's a lad from Vrancea,
Only (put) my cape and coat,
And my pipe beside my head.
20 When the wind shall blow (on me),
My own pipe will pipe for me; 10i.
All the white-fleeced, horned sheep Through a mountain field,
(then) Through a gate of heaven,
Shall bewail me on the mountain. Lo, upon the pathway,
Refrain: Flowers, the white apple To rest in the valley,
blossoms! 5 Come three flocks of lambs
With three shepherd lads.
One is a Hungarian,
109. One is a Moldavian,
Up above, there, on the mountain, One's a lad from Vrancea.
There are some eight flocks of sheep
And some eight (young) shepherd lads,
Only one a stranger is. 10j.
5 It was he whom they sent off Through that mountain meadow
Downward for to herd the sheep. ISt Refrain
While below the sheep he herded, Sheep ahead are going;
They passed heavy sentence on him: 2nd Refrain
They would shoot him or else stab But ahead of them
him. Who is (it tllat's) walking?
10 You are not to shoot me (down), 5 (Lo, it is) the shepherd,
Only take my head away; - - - - - - - -- him,2o
And you are to bury me When he had walked through (them),
In the shelter of the fold, He the sheep set going,
Mid the frisking of the lambs.
15 Do not cover me with earth,
Only with my own dear cloak,
And my pipe (set) by my head.

BO Author's note: indistinct words in the recording.

[ 247 ]
A I b)
Da 'naint'ea lory Cy-o fluiera ferecat.
CA.nd in fluiera-mi trage,
I. Y. Doamne! Dragi oile lui porne,
2. Y.10j Domnuluj Doamnel Din gura a!ia-mi graie:
(34b. Gradi!ite ¢) 15 -Dragile oile mele,
Vine vremea sa va las;
11a. Jos la tara sa-mi cobor,
Sa-mi cobor, ca sa rna 'nsor.
D-urla, Doamne, cine d-urlii ?
Grai miala d-ochi!ia:
20 -Dragule stlipanul nost'l
D-on durla(r), d-on pacurary, Cum nll-ai varat astli vara,
., Iarneaza-ne !ii-astli iama,
Cu oi multe dela munte, Cii !ii noi til-om darui
Cu !iuiere 'n!iuierate, La Craciun cy-on cojoc bun,
5 Cu topoare 'ncolturate. 25 La Pascu'\:li cy-o mielu'\:li,
Da !iede dll-a !iuiera, La San Giorzi cl}-on miel frumos,
Toate oile juca. La Ispas cy-on bru!i de ca!i.
Y. Doamne ioj Domnului Doamne!
Numa una nu juca,
Nu juca !ii nu manca. (102j. Gradi!ite ¢)
10 Gazda din grai tmi graia:
-Mioara, draga mioara, 11c.
De ce tu nu joci, nici manci? Core 'n sus ~i mai d'in susy,
-Cii io, gazd', am d-auzitu, Y.,
Ca ti-i gazda, vinde-mi. Est'll-un camp dalbu d'e floriy,
15 ~i gazda din grai graia:
-Vinde oi, zel}, io, oi, voi, I: Est'll-un camp dalbu d'e floriD: I.
Ca io de cand ~ed la voi,
Tot am dalbit ca !ii voi, Nu mi-i campu dalb d'e floriD,
~i barba mi bate bratu, 5 Ci mi-i campu dalb d'e yoiD,
20 Mustetele d-umerile
Paru-ml bate caIchiile. I: Ci mi-i campu dalb d'e l}oiu : I.
7-14 = llb. 5-7, 9-13
Y.Leru-mi Doamn[e]! 15 Pus-am gandu sa va las,
(109. Budureasa ¢) Sa va las ~i sa rna 'nsor,
Sa rna fac gazda de casa,
11b. De copij !ii de nevasta.
lJoaie bala lacrama,
DIl-asupra pa rasarity, 20 Cea mi eluta d-oche~a
Y., Ie din gur' ~a-mi graie:
Mandru-i campu d-influrity; -Ba, drag stlipanoru nost',
Cum nll-ai tuns ~i cum nll-ai muls
I: Mandru-i campu d-tnflurity : I; ~i nll-ai varat asta vara,
25 Iarneaza-ne !ii-asta iarna
Nu mi-i campu dalb d'e floriy, Ciici noi te om darui
5 Ci mi-i campu dalb d'e oiy, 27-30 = llb. 22-25
I: Ci mi-i campu dalb d'e oiy : I.
Faya melodie:
Dar la oi cine mi !iede ? Firll-ati voi slinatoase
~ede-mi dragul Dumnezey, ~i-mi dati cinste frumoasa.
Sta pe pU!iCa-mi razimat Y. $i-s flori/'e d'~-a doj mierjy!
10 Cl}-on topor imbarburat, (82a. Paucinesd ¢)
[ 248 ]
A I b)
But ahead of them (And) a pipe with iron shod.
When He played upon His pipe,
ISt Refrain: Lord God! His dear sheep got under way;
2nd Refrain: Hoy, to the Almighty! (Whereupon) He spoke and said:
15 Oh, you sheep of mine beloved,
Time's on hand to part with you,
lla. To go down into the land,
Coming down, Lord, who's descending. To go down that I might wed.
Refrain Spoke the swarthy ewe lamb (then):
(Tis) a shepherd (who's) descending 20 Oh, beloved Lord of ours,
Refrain As You've wintered us last summer,
Many sheep from uphill herding, Winter us next summer likewise,
(And he comes) with pipes a-piping, For we too shall give to You
5 With (sharp-edged and) cornered axes. A good lambskin coat for Christmas,
When he stayed and piped (awhile), 25 An ewe lamb for Easter Sunday,
All the sheep would dance (around). A lamb for Saint George's Day,
Only one of them held back, A cream cheese for Whitsuntide.
Wouldn't dance and wouldn't eat. Refrain: Lord God, hoy, to the Almighty!
10 Spoke the master, said (to her) :
Ewe lamb (mine), beloved ewe lamb,
Why d'you neither dance nor eat? lle.
Master, (it's) because I've heard Yonder high and higher yet,
That you mean to sell me, host. There's a meadow whitely blooming,
15 And the master spoke and said: There's a meadow whitely blooming.
Sheep, I swear I'll sell you (all), But it isn't white with flowers,
Because I, since I'm with you, 5 For the meadow's white with sheep,
Have gone white just like yourselves, For the meadow's white with sheep.
And my beard my arm is hitting, 7-14 = 5-7, 9-13 of llb.
20 My mustache (hitting) my shoulders, 15 I've made up my mind to leave,
(And) my hair my heels is hitting. Leave you (here) for to get wed,
Be a host and keep a household,
Refrain: Lord, I carol! With a wife and with some children.
The white sheep was shedding tears,
20 (But) the swarthy ewe lamb (then)
llb. Oped her mouth and thus she said:
Toward sunrise, up above, Nay, beloved Lord of ours,
Refrain As You've shorn and milked us (all)
Handsomely the field is blooming, And You've summered us last summer,
Handsomely the field is blooming: 25 Winter us next winter likewise,
(Yet) the field's not white with flowers, For we shall make gifts to You:
5 But the field with sheep is whited, 27-30 = 22-25 of lib.
But the field with sheep is whited.
But who's standing with the sheep? *
The dear Lord Almighty's standing; Without a tune:
He is leaning on His gun, May you all enjoy good health
10 By his side a bearded axe And begift me handsomely I
Refrain: Of two apple trees the blossoms!

[ 249 ]
A I b)
11d. Colea jos pe manieele
Colo sus ~i mai d'in sus~,
Serise-i stele manuntele;
r., 20 tn mijloeul spatelui
Est~-un deal dalbut d'e oiy. Serisa-i luna eu lumina,
~i in fata t'eptului2

Dar la \1oi cine-mi sed'e rna? Serisa-i raza soarelui.

~ed'e-mi Zel) eu Dumnezel) !!§
r. Hoi len Ilori dalbe d'e mar!
(42a. Albae 1)
5 Cu fluiera pe tureae,
Cl}-on top~r imbarburat.
Can' in fluiera ziee, 11f.
Oile coarde mergeau, 1. I I
Stapanu din grai graie: I: Colo 'n dealu-i dup' on dealy, r. : 1
10 -Behehe, oita me, ]TIl
Pus-am gandu sa va vand. deal
Dara oaie miorita
Din grai imi a~a graie:
-Behehe, stapanul mi el}, I: Est~-on
rrl fll.l
bd'et de paeurariy : 1 -rari
15 Mai iarneaza 0 iarna,
Cum n~-ai varat ~i-asta vara, Cand eu fluiera ziee@,
Ca noi bin' t~-om darui lJoile toate plange.
La Paseuta el}-o mneluta, 5 Numa balaie saraea
La Ispas el}-on bru~ de ea~, Sa ruga lui Dumnezel},
20 La Craeiun el}-on eojoe bun. Sa vie primavara,
r. Lino lino {lero lino! Ca ie buna plat' 0 da:
rujmalino! La Craeiun on miel zurdun (?)
(76. Ghelar 1) 10 La Ispas on bot de ea~
~i la var' 0 lana mare.
r. Florile-s dalbe!
He. (61e. Mana~turul ungurese </»
Colo 'n jos, Doamne, mai josy,
[Unde-i loeu mai frumosy, I: Pleeat-o pleeaty : I,
Nu f/til} eeata-i or verdeatiiV I: r. : I,
Or i-a turma d'e oi create? I: Cine mi-or pleeaty : I?
------ Doi boieri biitrani,
5 Da la l}oi cine-~i d-umblare?
------ Unde mi-or pleeat? La
Dumnezel} ~i eu Sant Patru, 5 Sfinte biseriei.
Cu fluiera fluierand, Nimie nu Vedeau prin
Pe oi, Doamne, ~iraind. Negru 'ntunerie,
-Raie (sic!), oaie biiealoaie, Far' un foeuiel.
10 Ca deeand umblam la voi, Ei la foe trageal};
Am albd'it ~i noi ea voi, 10 La foe cin' ~edea?
Ca noi pe vol ea v'om vinde. Mieul eiobiinel.
-Ba tu, Doamne, nu ne vinde, Oaie aburea,
Ca noi tie ea tl-om face Mielutul zbera
15 *Cojoe dalb pana 'n pamant,
Pe la guler d-aurit, r. I: Daj Domnuluj Doamne : 1!
Pe la poala d-argintit; (12f. Jadani 1)
1 La fonograf un ~ir ce nu se poate inteIege, in Ioc de ceIe 2 ~ire urmatoare.
2 = pieptuIui.

[ 250 ]
A I b)
11d. Down below, the sleeves surrounding,
With small stars (it will be) pictured;
There on high, and even higher, 20 In the middle of the back,
Refrain Pictured is the moon all shining;
White with sheep there is a mountain.
And in front, upon the breast,
Ho but with the sheep who's staying? Pictured is the sun's own beam.
'Ti~ the Lord and the Almighty, Retrain: Hoy, the apple blossoms white!
5 With His pipe thrust in His boot,
With a bearded axe (on hand).
When He played upon His pipe, 11f.
Round in rows the sheep would go,
There, uphill, behind a hillside,
(Then) the Master spoke and sai~: Refrain
10 Baa, baa, baa, small sheep of rome,
There is a poor shepherd lad.
I've a mind to sell you (all).
When he played upon his pipe,
But the (little) sheep, the ewe lamb,
All the sheep would (start to) weep.
Spoke aloud and thus she s~id: 5 Only the poor white-fleeced ewe lamb
Baa, baa, baa, oh Master mme,
Said a prayer to the Lord
15 Winter us another winter,
That the spring might (sooner) come,
As You've summered us last summer,
For she'd make a payment fair:
For we shall reward You well:
A fine (lamb) at Christmastide,
An ewe lamb for Easter Sunday,
10 A cream cheese at Whitsuntide,
A cream cheese for Whitsuntide,
(And) a large fleece in the summer.
20 A fair lambskin coat for Christmas.
Refrain: White are the blossoms!
Refrain: Softly, softly, {carOl softly!
oh rosemary!
11e. They have gone, departed.
There below, Lord, lower down,
Who has gone, departed?
Refrain . Two old noblemen.
Where the place most beauteous IS, Where have they gone off? To22
I don't know: is't mist or greenery,
5 Holy churches blest.
Or a flock of sheep all curly?21
Nothing did they see through
5 But who with the sheep is walking?
Darkling murkiness
The Almighty and Saint Peter,
But a little fire.
(They are) piping with t~e pipe, To the fire they went:
Setting, Lord, the sheep 10 rows.
Who sat by the fire?
Scabby mange, you black-faced sheep,
10 The small shepherd lad.
you, . Warmly breathed the sheep,
10 Since we've been about WIth you,
Bleated the small lamb,
We've grown white just like yourselves
(And) we are about to sell you.
Refrain: Give the Lord Almighty!
Lord Almighty, nay, don't sell us,
Because unto You we'll fashion
15 Of white lambskin a long coat,
All begilded at the neck,
All besilvered at the skirts;

21 Author's note: On the recording, (there is) an unintelligible verse instead of these two

ve~e~he peculiar distribution of words in these verses follows the original as closely as possible.
[ 251 ]
A I c)

13. P~-optsprezece cai,
NOl}a cai murie,
NOl}a s'obose,
l---rj rrr.-1 Soata nu-~i gase
I: SUS pi la ffmata : I -nar 10 Pan' pa sora-sa,
fT.I rrr.l
I: CU rochia creata : I crear
Ana Sanziana,
Sora soarelui.
Puternicu soare
ILl fIT.l
I: Jos pi langa rau : I ral}
El din grai graie:
15 -Tese, Ano, tese
ILl rn.l
I: CU secer' (?) in brau : I bral}
Fir ~i ibri~in,
Raine de matasa,
Ca sa-mi fi mireasa.
5 Ma plecai, plecai, Ie din grai graie:
Maruntu saitai, 20 -Puternicu soare
Ghinguri imi luai (?), ;;i-al miel} fratioare,
Ghingi (?) fara durere, Atunci ti-oi fi tie
Moarte fara vreme. El} tie sotie
10 Raida, frate, haida, Pana la vecie,
;;i-o cuprinde 'n viata 25 cand tu mi Ii face
;;i-o saruta 'n fata, o scara de fier
;;i nu-ti fie greata, Din fundul de mari
Ca nu-i soru-ta, Pan' la naltul ceri,
15 Ca-i draguta tao Pan' la mo~ Adam
Ma luai, luai 30 ;;i la moa~a Eva,
Panga rasarele ;;i mi-i intreba:
Cu nOl}a ulcere, Fi-o bin' a~a,
Dupa ie curere Pa lume sa ie
20 Leacuri l~-am aflat: o sora cl}-on frate
Tri scanduri de brad, 35 ;;i-on frate Cl}-O sora
Popa ~i-un diac, Pa lume de dor?
Patruzeci de cuie Puternicu soare
;;i 'n pamant s'o puie. Cu gand imi gande,
Scara sa face
(26c. Bala t/» 40 ;;i mi sa suie
Pan' la naltul ceri
Pan' la mos Adam
14a. ;;i la moa~a' Eva.
Plecat-o, plecaty -Draga mo~ Adame,
I"IT".--'1 rrr.l 45 Yin la intrebare
Tot pe Dumeatale:
I: Puternicu soare, Y. : I soare,
Fi-o bin' a~a
Ca el sa sa 'nsoare.
Pa lume sa ie
;;i el cat umbla o sora cl}-on frate
5 V'optsprezece ani

[ 252 ]
A I c)

13. Upon eighteen steeds,
Nine steeds came to die,
Nine got tired out,
Up about the hayfield, (Yet) he found no bride
In a ruffled dress, 10 But his sister (fair),
Down along the stream, Ana Sanziana,23
Sickle in the belt, Sister of the sun.
5 I went off, went off, (Lo,) the mighty sun (then)
Mincingly I skipped, Spoke and said (to her) :
A sma1l knife (?) I took, 15 Weave, Ana, start weaving
Sma1l knife (that is) painless, Thread of gold and silk,
Death (that is) untimely. Silken gowns (to fashion)
10 Come along, come, brother, That you might my bride be.
All alive embrace her, She spoke out and said:
On the cheek bekiss her, 20 Mighty sun (of daylight),
And do not be sickened, And my little brother,
Your sister she's not, (Only) then shall I be
15 For she is your love. To yourself a (true) bride
I went off, went off, Till time everlasting,
Along by the seedlings (?), 25 When you sha1l have made me
Carrying nine pitchers. A ladder of iron
After her a-running (?). From the bed of seas
25 Remedies I found: Up to the high sky,
Three (straight) boards of pine, Up to Father Adam
Priest and deacon too. 30 And to Mother Eve,
Two score nails (of iron). And you'1l ask of them:
In the earth to put her. Be it rightful thus
In the world to wed
A sister her brother,
14a. 35 A brother his sister,
In the world of yearn?
He has gone. departed, Mighty sun (of daylight)
Mighty sun (of daylight), With his mind gave thought,
Retrain The ladder was made,
That he might get wedded. 40 And he climbed (on it)
While he journeyed (thus), Up to the high sky,
5 About eighteen years, Up to Father Adam
And to Mother Eve.
Father Adam dear,
45 I have come to question,
(Ask) of you (a question:)
Be it rightful thus
In the world to wed
A sister her brother,
S3 Ana SAnziana is a corrupt form of Ileana CosAnzeana, the tra~tio~al "Beauty" or fairy
princess, heroine of Rumanian folk tales. SAnziene is the popular ~eslgna~lO? of ~he feast ~f the
Birth of St. John (June 24), a day fraught with weird and mysttc assoclattons tn the IIl1nd of
the Rumanian peasantry.

[ 253 ]
A I c)
50 $i-on frate cl}-on sora 14b.
Pa lume de dor?
Put'ernicu soare
lara mOil Adam
$i cu moaila Eva Umbla sa sa 'nsoare.
Pa soare-Ilega r.,
55 $i 'n iad mi-l baga. $i el mi~i umblarf,
ladullumina, Lumea 'ncunjura~.
Lumea 'ntuneca. 5 Napoi sa 'ntorcerie
lara mOil Adam D'in gura-mi graierie.
$i cu moaila Eva -Soro Sanziano, -
60 Ce sa mai gande ? Cand tu ca mi-i tese
Pa soare-l scote,
lar mi-l sloboze. Viguri de matasa,
~i el sa duce 10 Tu sa-mi fi nevasta.
Pan' la sora sa: Sora soarelui,
65 -Tese, Ano, tese, Cand mi-l d'auze,
Ca sa-mi faci camie~e Din gura-mi graie:
Fir ~i ibri~in -Put'ernicu soare
Haine de matasa, 15 $i asta c'om fac~-o
Ca sa-mi fi mireasa. Cand tu ca te-i duce
70 Ana Sanziana Pan' la mo~ Adam,
Ie din grai graie: De li-i intreba
-Puternicu soare Cum de s'ar put'e,
~i-al miel} fratioare, 20 Sa insor p~-on frat'e
Atunci ti-oi fi tie, ~i-on frat'e p~-o sora.
75 El} tie sotie
Pana la vecie, lara mo~ Adam
Cand tu mi ii face Cand mi-l d'auze,
Tot on pod d~-argint Pa soare-l lega
Tot pasta pamant 25 $i 'n iad mi-l baga:
80 ~i 'n capat de pod 0 Iadul lumina,
Nalta manastire Lumea 'ntuneca,
$i-on popa de ciara Pietrile-mi plezne,
Cum nu e pe lumea: Apa nu merge.
Ala ne cunune. 30 lar pa mo~ Adam
85 Puternicu soare Mila-l d-ajunge,
Cu gandu-mi gande, Din iad mi-l scot'e.
Podu sa face, Put'ernicu soare
De mana lua Napoi sa 'ntorce,
Tot pe sora sa 35 Din gura-mi graie:
90 Pa pod imi pleca. -Soro Sanziano
Soarele-mi pripe, Cand tu ca mi-i tese
Popa sa tope. Viguri de matasa:
Dumnezel} mi-lll}a, Tu sa-mi fi nevasta.
Pa cer mi-l pune, 40 Sora soarelui,
95 Cand luna rasere, Cand mi-l d-auze,
Soarele apune. Din gura-mi graie:
r. loj Domnuluj Doamne! -Put'ernicu soare,
(9. Paucine~d if) ~i asta c'om fac~-o,
45 Cand tu ca ti-i face
On pod pasta mari
~i-o scara de fer

[ 254 ]
A I c)
50 A brother his sister, 14b.
In the world of yearn?
Father Adam with (Lo,) the mighty s~n is
Mother Eve together Trying to get marrled,
Bound the (mighty) sun, Retrain
And (away) he journeyed,
55 Thrust him into hell.
Round the world he traveled.
Hell was lighted up,
5 Back he came again,
Darkened was the world.
From his mouth he spoke:
Father Adam with
Sister Sinziana,
Mother Eve together,
When you shall have woven
60 What else did they think?
Bolts of silken fabric,
They brought up the sun,
10 You shall be my wife (then).
Set him free again.
Sister of the sun,
Thereupon he went
When she heard him out,
To his sister (fair):
65 Weave, Ana, start weaving, From her mouth she spoke:
Sun of mighty power,
Shirt for me to fashion;
15 That we shall do also,
Thread of gold and silk,
Silken gowns to fashion, When you shall have journeyed
Up to Father Adam,
That you might my bride be.
70 Ana Sanziana For to ask of him
Spoke and said (to him) : How it could be done
20 That I wed a brother
Mighty sun (of daylight),
And my little brother, And brother wed sister.
(Only) then shall I be
Father Adam then,
75 To yourself a (true) bride
When he heard him out,
Till time everlasting,
Bound the (mighty)sun
When you shall have built me
25 And put him in hell.
A (fine) silver bridge
Over all the earth, Hell was lighted up,
Darkling was the world,
80 At the bridge's end, too
Stones were split apart,
A tall monastery
And a priest of beeswax, Water didn't flow.
As there's none on earth (more); 30 Father Adam then
"Twill be he who'll wed us. Was with mercy seized,
Brought him out of hell.
85 Mighty sun (of daylight)
Sun of mighty power
With his mind gave thought,
(And) the bridge was built. To his place returned,
35 From his mouth he spoke:
By the hand he took
His own sister (then), Sister Sinziana,
90 On the bridge set off. When you shall have woven
Hurried was the sun, Bolts of silken fabric,
Melted was the priest. You shall be my wife (then).
God (then) took him up, 40 Sister of the sun,
When she heard him out,
Set him in the sky.
From her mouth she spoke:
95 When the moon (now) riSf'S,
Sun of mighty power,
Sets the sun (of daylight)
We shall do that also
Retrain: Hoy, to the Almighty!
45 When you shall have made me
O'er the seas a bridge,
Iron ladder, too,

[ 255 ]
A I c)
Cu bate dll-oiel, 25 Cand tu mie mi-i aduce
Tot din fund de mill; Sfantu soare nana~ mare,
50 Pan 'la naltul ceri. Sfanta luna nana~iia.
June 'n casa sa jape,
$i ei mi sa h}ara, Numa cu gandu gande.
De ea sa cununa. 30 Sfantu soare can' ven.e,
La mijloc de pod Sfanta luna can' sose,
Sora soarelui Pa un'l Dumnialor pleca,
55 Din gura-mi graie: Pamantu 'n patru crepa;
-Put'ernicu soare, Pa un' Dumnialor porne,
DecM curva iie. 35 Pamantu 'n patru plesn.e.
Ey mai bin' rna tap 'Y. Domnuluj, Domnuluj, Doamne!
'N fundu marilor, (62r. Ciarbal if)
60 'N smoala pietrilor,
Umbra pe~tilor.
'Y. 10i Domnuluj Doamne!
(14b. Gri'idi!/te if) La poarta de Teligrady,
S'a nascut on Ion bradoiy,
D'in cel camp mandru, frumos, $ed'e 'n coat'e ~i 'n genuniiy
tnghiata tal) 'n miez de vara. $i sa roaga d'e pariniiu
Nu-mi inghiata de receala,
Ci sa 'nsoara on crai mare, 5 Sa-mi deie pa sora sa.
5 Sa mi-ji ie pa sora sa. Maica sa cand l-auze,
-Hai tu soro Solomie, Cata Ion a~a-mi zice:
Hai cu min' la cununie! -10 atuncia ca ii-oi da,
-Ey, mai frat', atunci oi mere Cand tu mie ca mi-i face
Cand tu mie ca mi-i face 10 On pod mare de argint,
10 Pod dll-arama peste varna. Sa triecem pasta pamant,
June 'n casa sa jape, !i'i-on pod mare pasta varna,
Numa cu gandu gande, Ca sa triecem pan' la mama.
Podu iute sa face. EI toate Ie isprave
-Hai tu soro Solomie, 15 $i acasa sa 'ntorce.
15 Hai cu min' la cununie! Haida, soro Solomie,
-El)., mai frat', atunci oi mere, Sa mergem la cununie!
Cand tu mie ca mi-i face Maica sa cand l-auze,
Pod dll-argint peste pamant. Catra el a!/a-mi zice:
June 'n casa sa jape. 20 -10 atuncia ca ii-oi da,
20 Numa cu gandu gande, Cand tu mie ca mi-i face
Podu iute sa face. o scarita pan' la soare,
-Hai tu soro Solomie, Ala-ii fie nana~ mare;
Hai cu min' la cununie! $i-o scarita pan' la luna,
-El), mai frat', atunci oi mere,

1 = unde.

[ 256 ]
A I c)
With the rungs of steel, 25 When you shall have (gone and)
From the seas' own bed brought me
50 Up to the high sky. The blest sun (as) wedding sponsor
(And) the blessed moon (as) matron. 26
And (so) they were wedded, The young man rushed in the house,
To her he was married. Merely thought (it) with (his) thought,
Midway on the bridge, 30 When the blessed sun arrived
Sister of the sun (And) the blessed moon came (too).
35 From her mouth spoke up: Wheresoever they did go,
Sun of mighty power, Into four the earth was split;
Rather than your whore be, Wheresoever they set out,
I shall hurl myself 35 Into four the earth was cracked.
To the seas' own bed, Retrain: To the Lord, to the Almighty!
60 To the gloom of rocks,
Shadow of the fish.
Retrain: Hoy, to the Almighty! 14d.
At the gate of Tzarigrad,26
14c. There was born a half-wit, John.
In that beauteous meadow fair, Crouches on his knees and elbows
Midsummer the pond is freezing. And (his) parents he beseeches
Not because of cold it's freezing, 5 That his sister he might wed.
But (because) a great king's wedding, When his mother heard him out,
5 (And) his sister is his bride. She spoke thusly unto John:
Come along, sister Salome, (Only) then I'll give her you
Come along to (our) wedding! When for me you shall have fashioned
(Only) then shall I go, brother, 10 A great bridge of silver (made),
When for me you shall have fashioned, That we might cross o'er the earth,
10 O'er the toll,24 a bridge of copper. And across the toll a causeway,
The young man rushed in the house, That we might cross o'er to mothel.
Merely thought (it) with (his) thought, He did finish everything
Swiftly was the bridge set up. 15 And he came back home again.
Come along, sister Salome, Come along, sister Salome,
15 Come with me to (our) wedding! Let us go to (our) wedding!
(Only) then shall I go, brother, When his mother heard him out,
When you shall have fashioned for me She spoke thusly unto him:
O'er the earth a silver bridge. 20 (Only) then I'll give her you
The young man rushed in the house, When for me you shall have fashioned
20 Merely thought (it) with (his) thought, To the sun a little ladder,
Swiftly was the bridge set up. (That) he be your wedding sponsor,
Come along, sister Salome, Likewise to the moon a ladder,
Come with me to our wedding!
(Only) then shall I go, brother,

24 The reference here is to the so-called "tolls of the air" (vamile vazduhului), resting places
of the dead on their way to heaven, according to popular belief. The silver coin put in a dead
person's hand before burial is for the payment of these "tolls", which are found frequently
mentioned in Rumanian folk songs.
lIS In Orthodox church weddings, another couple-usually older married friends of the bride
and bridegroom-officiates as wedding sponsors, in a capacity analogous to that of godparents
at a baptism. During the ceremony, they hold wreaths or gilt metal crowns over the heads of
their godchildren.
B8 Here corrupted to Teligl'ad, Tzarigrad is the ancient designation of Constantinople.

[ 257 ]
A I c)
25 Aia-u fie nanal1' buna; 2.1'.,
~i-o scarita pwa 'n stele Nascut-o, crescut-o
Ale-ij fie nana~ele.
El toate Ie isprave I: Nascut-o, crescut-o : I
~i acasa sa 'ntorce: 5 Nascut-o, crescut-on
30 Sui, Marie, in cocie,
Sa mergem la cununie I Verd'e palciniory,
~i 'n biserica I-intra, Galban vi!?iniory.
Icoanele jos pica, los d-umbra ratunda,
Luminele sa stange,
35 'N mijlocul altarului I :los d-umbra ratunda : I
Iel1ie maica Domnului, 10 los d-umbra ratunda,
Ie din grai ~a-mi graie:
Ai grija, popo, de tine, I: Jos d-umbra ratunda : I,
Ca ce faci tu, nu faci bine, Da su' frunza lui
40 ca aia nu-i direptate,
Sa sa ie sora cu frate! ~i su' umbra lui
1'. Md1'u-j 1'OIfU Pddu1'jeju! Cine sa umbrel1te
(86a. Paucine~d 1) 15 ~i sa hodine~te?
Vasii tanariel,
Voinic ginga~el
15. Cu cujma de miel,
Colo 'n josu, mai d'in josui, De miel balu~el.
1'., 20 'Naljate 'mparate
Est!:-on palc dalbuj d'e yoiy. ~ede !/i-l prive~te,
Din gura-mi graie~te:
Da la uoi cine-mi erarie? - Vasii tanariel,
Sorior ~u fraji~ory. - Voinic ginga!/el
5 Frat'e-l1i merie mai naint'ei
[fat cantan' !Ii fluieran'ui] Doamne!
I. 1'.
Sora-!?i merie mai napoiY 2.r. 10j Domnuluj Doamne!
(33a. Rau de mori if)
Tat plangan' ~i suspinan'ui
Ie din gur' al1e-mi graie: -
10 -'Nceata, frate, cantecu, 17.
Sa-mi inceat io suspinu, . r.,
Ca de can' am suspinat, Su' poalca de codrul verd'e
Voile s'or departat.
Mucucel foc mi-sa ved'e.
1'. Doamneyt, Nu I1til). focu-i pocolit,
Zd1'l1nc mdndrulo, zd1'dnc o de voinici ocolit?
dulculo, 5 Nu ~til} zece, cincisprezece,
Zd1'dnc zdrdnc zdrdncu Numa frig la un berbece.
D1'agoli Doamne daj {DomnuZ'1 ;:ii nu-l frige cum sa frige,
DomnuZuj! Ci mi-l frige in carlige
(129. Ciarbal 1) ~i l-intorce in belciuge
10 ~i mi-~i beal} vin tot d!:-al dulce.
Maicuja a~a zicea:
16. -Bea, bea, bea, Iaoane, beare,
los pa drumul mare, Iaca pot'era colearel
I. 1'., -Las' sa fie, nici nu-mi pasa,
Sus pi (sic!) lwga cale, 15 Ca nu-s muiere cu conci,
[ 258 ]
A I c)
25 (That) she be your wedding matron, 2nd Refrain
Also to the stars a ladder, There was born, there flourished,
(That) your witnesses they might be. There was born, there flourished,
He did finish everything 5 There was born, there flourished
And he came back home again. A little green maple,
30 Jump into the coach, Maria, A small yellow cherry:
Let us go to (our) wedding! Beneath (them's) round shadow,
As they went into the church, Beneath (them's) round shadow,
To the ground the icons fell, 10 Beneath (them's) round shadow,
(And) the candles (all) went out; Beneath (them's) round shadow.
35 In the middle of the altar, But beneath their leaves
(Lo,) the Holy Virgin came. And beneath their shade,
She made speech and thus she said: Who is taking shelter,
Have a care, priest, for your welfare, 15 And who rest is taking?
What you're doing isn't rightful, Basil, a young lad,
40 For that's not (an act that's) lawful (And) a stalwart nice,
That a sister wed (her) brother! With a lambskin cape
Refrain: Lo, the crab apple is ruddy! Of white lambskin (made).
20 Emperor exalted
Sits and looks upon him,
15. (Unto him) he's saying:
There, below, (and) lower down yet, Basil, (you) young lad,
Refrain (And you) stalwart nice,
There is a white flock of sheep.
But who's staying with the sheep? ISt Refrain: Oh Lord!
('Tis) a sister and a brother. 2nd Refrain: Hoy, to the Almighty!
5 Out in front the brother's walking,
All a-singing and a-whistling;
In the rear the sister's walking, 17.
All a-weeping and a-sighing. Refrain
From her mouth she thusly spoke: At the foot of the green forest
10 Brother, let you stay (your) song, You can see a tiny fire.
That I (too) might stay my sobs, I don't know whether it's still
For since I've been sobbing (thus), Or by stalwarts it is ringed.
(Lo,) the sheep have strayed afar. 5 Ten, fifteen, I don't know (rightly),
But (it is) a ram they're roasting.
Refrain: Oh, Lord, They're not roasting it like others,
Strum, my sweetheart, strum, But they're roasting it on pothooks
you sweet one; And they're turning it on ringles,
Strum, strum, strum-ho, 10 And the while sweet wine they're
Oh, dear Lord, give the Almighty! drinking.
Little mother thusly spoke:
Drink, drink, drink, John, (and) keep
16. drinking,
Down upon the highway, See, the watch is over yonder!
ISt Refrain Let it be, I do not mind (it),
Up beside the footpath, 15 I'm no woman in a bonnet,

[ 259 ]
A I c)
Ca sa strA-g ea nu mai poei, Beay boierii tariieiu,
Ci-s voinie eu eumanaeu,
Uit~-aiei ea e~-o sa faeu: I: Beay boierii tiirijeiu : I,
Un 'pa murgu m'oi 'n~el~,
Tot troi beay ~i-mi vesel'eseu
20 Pot'era e'oi rasfirar.Jl.
5 ~i pe Cidva mi-o peteseu
'Y. Florj dalbe de ma'Y!
Zi de varii 'n sara.
(37e. Sarafola 1) Und fu J oi d-in cap de sara
Pa Cidva mi-o 'neredintara,
18. Vineri boala 0 lovi,
10 SA-mbata Cidva muri,
Colo josul, mai d'in josu, Dumineea vin euseri
Colo 'n josu, mai d'in josu, RA-urin' l1i 'mpraurin'u 3
'Y., Dela poartii tot strA-gA-n'u:
-la, ie~i. Cidvo, pA-n' d-afara,
I: Ce zare d'e foe sa ved'e : 1? 15 De deseuie portile~,
Ba nu-i zarea foeului: Sa tunam eu liiutile~ I
5 Oehi~orii ~erpelui,
le~e maiea Cidvieiy,
~ede 'n drum ineolaeit
PA-n' laerami d-abia-i ziire,
~i manA-nea la-yn voinie,
PA-n' suspini d-abia griiie:
Jumatate 1-0 mA-neat.
20 -Ia fiti, euseri, iertatori
CA-ti drumari pe drum trere, ~i niipoi intoreiitori,
10 Toti in ~erpe azvA.rle. Cidva-i moarta la fereastii,
Paziti-va, oamini, drumu, La fereastii sus pa masa,
Cum l-ati pazit pA.n' amu; Pa eovoara de matasa.
Muma sa 1-0 blastamat: 25 Toti euserii cii sa 'nereder.e,
-MA-nee-ti ~erpcii 1 sA-ngile, ~i napoi ea sa 'ntoree~,
15 Cum ne mA-neati zilele Numa tA.narel mirelu,
De euta.te azeuta.te, Numa el nu sa 'nerede~,
De palo~e ruginite. 'ntuna f1i-mi veder.~,
* 30 Oehij negri d -aruneare
~i din grai ~a griiiel1l:
lar bogatu-i ea ~i toamna: -Maieo, maiculeana mere,
Bogatia 'mprejur easa, Creapa giolgi in patru £oi.
20 Sana tate d-intra 'n easa, ~i ne 'ngroapa p'amA-ndol.
Intra 'n easa dupa masa. 'Y. Doamne joj Domnuluj Doamne!
Sa-mi !lii2 gazda siinatoasa,
(84a. Nue~oara 1)
Piste d-an mai veseloasa.
Sa-mi d-ospeti ~i sa-roi petreei
25 Pi su' poame d-influrit 20.
Toamna sii ea de rodit. Sus la tara ungureasea,
'Y. Haj Id-'uj Doamne, hajZeruj Doamn'! 'Y.,
(73hh. RApa de sus «» Est~-o fata rumA-neasca.
19. Nu-i voinie d~-o 'neelu~
La eurtil'e Cidviieiu, ~i pre murgul d~-a saril~.

1 = serpii.
a = fii.
a = re-urind, impre-urlnd.

[ 260 ]
A I c)
To cry out that I am beaten; (Lo,) the country's lords are drinking,
I'm a lad in sheepskin cap: (Lo,) the country's lords are drinking.
(Just) look here what I shall do (now): They keep drinking and carousing,
When I'll saddle up my bay, 5 Asking Cidva's hand in marriage,
20 I shall go the watch to scatter. On a summer day till evening.
Thursday, as the evening ended,
Refrain: Apple blossoms white! Cidva was betrothed and plighted;
Friday illness struck her (down);
10 Saturday, Cidva was dead;
18. Sunday (morning) came the in-laws,
Over there, below, down lower, Bringing pledges and good wishes,
Over there, below, down lower, From the gateway loudly calling:
Refrain Come along outside, oh Cidva,
What's that glimmer of a firelight? 15 (For us) to unlock the gateways,
Nay, that is no firelight, With the lutes that we might enter!
5 (Lo, it is) the serpent's eyes: Cidva's mother came outside (then),
It lies coiled upon the road Barely seeing through (her) tears,
And it's eating up a lad, Barely speaking through (her) sobs:
It has eaten half of him. 20 Be forgiving, in-laws (mine),
All the wayfarers that passed And turn back upon your way;
10 At the snake were hurling (stones). Cidva's dead beside the window,
People, mind the way you're going, By the window, on the table,
As you've minded it till now. (Lying) on a silken carpet.
By his mother he was cursed: 25 All the in-laws were believing
May the serpents eat your blood, And upon their way returning;
15 As you're eating up our days, But alone the youthful bridegroom,
With the sharply pointed daggers Only he was disbelieving,
(And) with broadswords (that are) Until he'd gone in a-looking,
rusted. 30 (His) black eyes (about him) throwing;
(Then) he spoke and thusly said he:
And the rich man is like autumn:
Mother of mine, little mother,
Split the winding sheet in four,
Wealth encompasses (his) mansion; Bury us together both.
20 In (his) mansion (good) health enters, Refrain: Lord, hoy, jar the Almighty!
Goes inside, (sits) at the table.
Host, a goodly health we wish you,
Through the year, of better cheer (be), 20.
May you revel, may you feast Up in the Hungarian country
25 Underneath the trees in bloom, Refrain
In the fall be as in fruit. There's a lass (who's a) Rumanian.
Refrain: Come, sing the carol; come, Refrain
carol, Lord! There's no lad there to seduce her,
And (then) leap upon his sorrel.
At the mansion of (fair) Cidva,27

21 Cidva is an extravagantly corrupt form of Tiva or Chiva, which in turn are diminutive
forms of Paraschiva, a fairly common feminine name in Rumania. Tidva or tigva, often pro-
nounced cidva, also means gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris) as well as skull.

[ 261 ]
A I c)
5 Murgul prind~-a r!nt'ezar.J1, Toti masarii sa sculara,
Fata prind!(-a sust'inar.J1. 1 Cu paharu inchinara,
-Taci, fata, nu sust'inaIQ, 35 Dela nime nu luara.
Ca te trecem d~-aicear~ Sa scula l1i mireasa,
Peste munti intr'alte curtiy Cu paharu inchina:
10 La parinti necunoscutiy -Acest pahiiriell-oi be,
Cii-i dela sotia me!
r. Floricele dalbe! 40 Beati cuscri ~i ospatati
(121n. Lona ¢) ~i de cale va cotati,5
Mireasa nu capatatj..
r. Mdj. lin~-or mdj. lin~-or verzjd!
11. (B3a. Paucine~d ¢)
Da lele puiut, puiut!!i,
r., 11a.
Vineri ma-ta cfJ-o facutlJ;
fT.I fTIl
I: SU' poalii de codrut, verde: I verd'
Sambata marie crescusiui,
Dumiiiecai d-insura~iY: -
------ M!ndru fagada~ sa vede.
5 Luni catana ~i-mi pleca~i. Da 'n fagada~ cine ~ede?
El din grai a~a-mi graie: Petrea, Petrea, crtjmar mare
-Draga muieru~a me, 5 Cu Ileana, fata mare.
Pune 'n gand ~i te marita, Da Ileana, fata mare,
N u ~ede inima fripta! Dimineata s'o sculat
10 Ie s'a pus s'o maritat, ~i pe cap s'o t'eptanat,6
El in catanie-o plecat. Matura 'n man' 0 luat,
~apte ani 0 catanit, 10 Sobile l~-a~ maturat
La orlab 2 l-a~ slobozU. ~i gunoiu l-a~ tapat,
El venin' pa drum nainte L-a~ tapat spre rasarit
15 Sa 'ntatni c~-on mo~ batran: ~i-a~ vazut Turcii vinind.
-Buna zi1}a, mOl1 bUran! lute 'n casa l1i-a\l- intrat
Ce-mi strangi Dumineca fan ? 15 ~i din gur' a\l- cuvantat:
-Taci, catana, ca~ta-ti drumu, -Ascunde-ma, tata, bine,
Ca nu strang de dragu ta~, Cii Yin Turcii dupa mine.
20 Ci strang de amaru mie~, -Dragu tatii, t!(-oi ascunde
De doru ficiorului, Supt 0 tufa de malin,
Ca-i in tara Piemului,3 20 Unde sum vantu lin;
-Mai mo~ule, mo~ batran, In chilie de tam3,ie,
Este yin in sat la voi, Turcii de tin' sa nu l1tie.
25 De s'aud~-at&ta hoi? Abia horba 7 v'a];! gatat
-Este chiar la casa me, ~i pe fat' 0 ~ezat,
Sa marita nora me. 25 Turcii 'n casa a];! intrat.
-Mal mo~ule, mOl? batran, -Na, ~edeti, voinici, la noil
Lasa furca ~i greblii, -Noi n'am vinit sa l?edem.
30 Hai de mar' 4 la-a ta casa! Noi am vinit sa petim
Ei spre casa ca;'- plecara, Pe Ileana, fata mare,
In casa can' sa bagara, 30 N~-o da nOl}8. de muiere.

1 = suspina.
2 = concediu < Urlaub (neml.). 5 = cautati.
3 = cehelui < Bohme (neml.). 6 = pieptanat.
4 = sa mer gem. 7 = Yorba.

[ 262 ]
A I c)
5 (Lo,) the sorrel started neighing, All the guests rose to their feet,
(And) the maiden started sobbing. (Each one) pledging with (his) glass;
Quiet, lass, do not be sobbing, 35 (But) from none did he take (wine).
For from here we'll cross you over, The bride, too, got to her feet
O'er the hills, to other mansions, (And) she pledged her glass to him.
10 (Take you home) to unknown parents, This glass I shall drink, (said he,)
For it is from my own wife!
Refrain: Little snow-white blossoms! 40 Drink, you in-laws, and feast (well),
And (thereon) be on your way,
(For) a bride you shall not get.
21. Refrain: Softly, ho, green leafage softly!
Little one born out of wedlock,
Friday did your mother bear you, 22a.
You grew up on Saturday, At the foot of the green forest,
(And) on Sunday you got married; Can be seen a handsome tavern.
5 Monday went away, a soldier. But who's living in the tavern ?
He spoke up and thus he said: Peter, the great tavern keeper,
Oh beloved wife of mine, 5 With Ileana, (who's) a maiden.
Set your mind on getting wedded, But Ileana, (who's) a maiden,
Do not stay with heart a-burning I Got up early in the morning
10 She got ready, she got wedded; And her hair she nicely combed,
He went off a-soldiering. Took the broom into her hand,
Seven years he was a soldier, 10 (All) the rooms she (then) swept out
(Then) they let him go on leave. And the sweepings she threw out,
Down the highway he was coming, Toward sunrise 28 threw them out,
15 (When) he met an aged man: And she saw the Turks come near.
A good day to you, old man! (Back) she hastened to the house,
Why d'you gather hay on Sunday? 15 And she spoke out of her mouth:
Quiet, soldier, mind your way (now), Father, you must hide me truly,
I'm not haying for your love, Since the Turks for me are coming.
20 But I'm haying for my woe, Father's darling, I shall hide you
For the yearning of (my) son, Underneath a lilac bush,29
Who's in the Bohemian's land. 20 Where the wind does softly blow,
Old man, (tell me,) you old man, In the chamber of the incense,
Is there wining in your village, So the Turks won't know about you.
25 That there's so much shouting heard? Hardly did he end his say
There is, at my own house too: And the maiden put away,
My son's wife is getting married. 25 When the Turks came in the house.
Old man, (listen,) you old man, Stalwarts, come along, sit down!
Leave the hayfork and the hayrake, We have not come to sit down,
30 Let us go to your own house! We have come to woo a bride,
When they set off to the house, (Woo) Ileana, (who's) a maiden:
When they went inside the house, 30 As a wife (now) give her to us.

28 That is, toward the east. In common parlance, east and west are referred to as sunrise
and sunset in Rumanian, whereas north and south are designated as midnight and midday (or
29 Though it is the bird cherry or pin cherry that is commonly called malin in Rumanian
(P,unus padus), in Transylvania it is the lilac bush is usually designated by this name.

[ 263 ]
A I c)
-Ascultati. iubiti, la mine: r. Leruluj ~j-a maruluj/
Pe Ileana a!i da bine, (79a. Porn if)
Dar acum de ~epte zile
Pe Ilean' Q-am ingropat.
35 De nu-mi credeti cuvantu, 23a.
Hai sa v'arat mormantu I: Izvor, izvora~y : I,
Supt 0 tufa de malin, r.,
Unde sufla vantu lin,
$i e~ 0 plang cu suspin. I: D'e-ai ~i1 graitoriu : I

(48. Toplita if) I: Cum e~t'i margatoriu : I,

10 tl':-oi intreba, -
5 N'ai vazut ceva
22b. Joi dimineata:
I I. I~ N evasta frumoasa
I: Su' tufa de malin verde, r. : I verde Fugita dl':-acasa ?
Bat'-o sa 0 bata,
Mandra curticea sa vede. 10 Mare blastamata!
Da 'n curtice cine ~ede? Ca ie ~i-o lasat
$ede, ~ede-mi Jid batranu, On barbat ca-on steag
5 Arl':-o fata, foc' 0 bata, $i-on copil beteag
C'a muri de maritata. Bat'-o sa 0 bata,
Dimineata s'o sculaty. 15 Mare blastamata !
Pe obraz ca s'o spalaty, Ca ie ~i-o lasat
Goz in poala l-o-apucaty Plug cu ~ase boi
10 $i afara 1-0 tapaty, $i poganici doi
L-o tapat spre rasarity Turmuta de oi
$i-o vazut Turcii vinindy. 20 $i-urduta de junci
Ie in casa ~i-o intraty: Cu coarnile 'n dungi.
-Tata,-mi yin imi petitoriy. Bat' -0 sa 0 bata,
15 Tata, tata, de m'ii da~, ]dare blastamata!
Arda ~ura ~i casare Ca ie ~i-o lasat
$i tata stransura tare. 25 Stavuta de cai
Da rna bag' in boldulere Cu coama 'mpletitli.
$i rna 'nvart' in joljulere. $i ~i intrauritli..
20 Turcii 'n casa s'o bligaty.
-Treceti. Turcij, hodinitiy! r. Haj leruj leruj Doamn'/
-N'am vinit sa hodinimy, (16a. Curtecap c/»
Noi am vinit sa petimy.
-10 n'am fata de petity,
25 Am avut-o ~i-o murity. 23b.
De nu-mi credeti cuvantu!!l, I: Izvor, izvora~ : I,
Hai ~i 'nvara mormantu!!]: r.,
De nu-mi credeti besadar.Jl,
Hai ~i 'nvara crucita!!]. I: D'e-ai §i1 graitor : I,
30 Pe mormantul fetei mele
Bosaioc ~i carajele. I: 10 t'l':-a~ intreba : I
4-17 = 23a. 5-18.

1 = fi.

[ 264 ]
A I c)
Hearken unto me, (my) dear ones: Refrain: 'Tis the carol of the apple!
Gladly I would give Ileana,
Only seven days ago now
Ileana I have buried. 23a.
35 If you don't believe my word, Springlet, little springlet,
Come, I'll show the grave to you, Refrain
Underneath a lilac bush, If you were a talker
Where the wind does softly blow, As you are a gusher,
And I mourn her with a sob. I would ask of you,
5 Saw you not a thing
Thursday in the morn:
A wife (that is) beauteous,
22b. Run off from (her) homestead?
Under a green bush of lilac, Run off from (her) homestead?
Refrain (Oh,) may she be stricken,
Is descried a handsome mansion. 10 What a wretch accursed!
But who's living in the mansion? For she's left behind
Living, an old Jew is living, A man like a flag
5 Has a daughter, fire strike her, And a sickly child.
For of wedding she might die. 3o (Oh,) may she be stricken,
In the morning she got up, 15 What a wretch accursed!
(And) she (nicely) washed her face, For she's left behind
Took the sweepings in her lap A six-oxen plow
10 And she threw them out of doors; Also plowmen two,
Toward sunrise threw them out, A small flock of sheep,
And she saw the Turks arriving. 20 Of heifers a herd,
(Back) inside the house she went: (All) with side-swept horns.
Father, suitors coming for me. (Oh,) may she be stricken,
15 Father, father, if you wed me, What a wretch accursed!
May the barn and house burn down, For she's left behind
And the whole of your wealth (too). 25 Of horses a drove,
But I'm going in the shop, (All) with (their) manes braided,
In a sheet I'll wind myself. 31 Flowing down in ringlets.
20 Came the Turks inside the mansion:
Come in, Turks, (and) rest yourselves Refrain: Come, sing carols for the LordI
(here) !
We have not come to get rested,
We have come to woo a bride. 23b.
I've no daughter to be wooed; Wellspring, little spring,
25 I did have one and she died. Refrain
If you don't believe my word, If you could but talk,
Come and overturn the grave; I would ask of you:
If you don't believe my say, 4-17 = 5-18 of 23a.
Come and overturn the crosses,
30 On the grave that is my daughter's,
(Turn the) marigold (?) and basil.

30 In this verse, de miiritatu (of wedding) is quite likely an erroneous transcription of

nemiiritatii (unwed). If so, the verse should read: For unwedded she might die.
31 For this and the immediately preceding verse, there is a possible alternative reading, to
wit: Put me (rather) in the tomb, I Wrap me in the winding sheet.

[ 265 ]
A I c)
~i turma de oi Ci mi-I salta catll-odata
~i pacurari doi. 5 Cu sulita intr'o-mana,
qucur verde in cealalta.
r. Haj lino l'eruj Doamn'! Nime 'n Iume nu-I vedea,
(16b. Moi~a ¢) Fiir' 0 dalbii 'mparateasii.
Curse 'n casii, spuse 'n masa:
10 -D-ales dalbe d-impiirate,
23c. Lucrut mandru ce-l vazui
Cam din sus pe riisarit:
fLl fill
I: Bata sa 0 bata : I bat',
Un june calul jucand;
Nu mi-I joaca cum sa-I joace,
15 Ci mi-l salta catll-odatii
Cu sulita intr'o mana,
fT.I fII.l
I: Caci e blastamatii : I -mat'I
qucur verde in cealaltii,
Da 'mparat cand auzea,
===== Tunii 'n grajdu ferecat
Ca ie !li-o liisat
Biirbat ca on steag 20 ~i scoate murgu 'n!leIat,
5 ~i-on copil beteag. tn!lelat !li 'ncurelat,
o batii s'o bata, Cum ii bun de 'ncalecat,
Cum nu-i bliistamata! Sus pe murg de s'arunca
Cii ie !li-o lasat ~i la june sa ducea:
Plug cu !lase boi 25 -E bun jocu, junela!l?
10 ~i-o turma de oi, -Multiim, dalbe d-impiirate.
Pogiinici-s doi. D-imparat din ciar (sic!) 1 griiia:
-Hai noi caii sii-i jucam,
(16c. Idicel ¢) Sii-i juciim !li sii-i schimbiim!
30 J unel~ din ciar graia:
-De jucat cai om juca,
24. Da de schimbat n'om schimba,
I 1. I Cii d-al tal). Ii calu mare
~i sta bine s~'-un domn mare,
I: D-in poiana cu floq i-albe, r. : I
35 ~i d-al miel). ii calu mic
i-albe ~i stii bine sl).'-un voinic.
r. juneluj buny!
Un june calul jucarie. (62n. Traia!l ¢)
Nu mi-l joacii cum sa-I joace,

1 = grai?

[ 266 ]
A I c)
And a flock of sheep But at times he sets to leaping
With two shepherd lads. 5 (While) a spear he holds in one hand,
In the other a green tassel.
Refrain: Come, softly carol, L01'd! No one saw him in the world,
Only a white emperess.
She ran in, said at the table:
23c. 10.0h, white emperor exalted,
A fine thing (it is) I've seen;
Stricken may she be, Toward sunrise, higher up,
For she is a wretch! Capers with his horse a youngster;
For she's left behind He's not merely cutting capers,
Husband like a flag 15 But at times he sets to leaping
5 And an ailing child. (While) a spear he holds in one hand,
Oh, may she be stricken, In the other a green tassel.
Isn't she accursed? But the emperor, when he heard,
For she's left behind To the bolted stable went,
A plow with six beeves 20 And brought out the saddled roan,
10 And a flock of sheep, Saddled, fitted out with straps,
Farmhands there are two. Just right to be mounted on.
On the roan he threw himself,
To the youngster he went off:
25 Is the capering good, lad?
24. Thank you, (yes,) white emperor.
In the clearing with white flowers, Spoke the emperor and said:
Refrain Come, let's make the horses caper,
Capers with his horse a youngster. Make them caper, change them tool
He's not merely cutting capers, 30 (But) the youngster spoke and said:
We shall make the horses caper,
But exchange them we shall not,
For your horse is a large horse,
And fits well under a great lord;
35 Whereas mine is a small horse,
And fits well under a stalwart.
Refrain: To tke good youth!

[ 267 ]
A II a)




25. Nime 'n lume nu s'afla,

StrA-ga-Ileana d'in eetat'e, Far' un fiu mie d-tmparat.
r., EI pa murg inealeea,
Pa ferie~t'e d'e d-uiaga, Prinse murg' a mi-l juea,
40 Mi-l juea 0 zi de vara,
I: Pa feriest'e d'e d-uiaga : I Zi de vara pana 'n sara.
Can' imi fU!1i murg de sara,
Cine 'n lume s'or afla, Pastil cap mi-llii.pada.
5 Sa-mi joaee murgutu ei Leana din gura-mi graie:
Far' deleag de ~erpeleag, 45 -Tot merey, murgut, merev,
Fara fray, far' de eapastru. C'ala ij stapanu tilv
Nime 'n lume nu s'afla, !?i drag sotioru miey.
Far' on dalb de paeurar. r. Leana, Ileana d-ochili-s negril
10 El pa murg inealeea, (92d. Paucine~d if)
Prinse murg' a mi-l juea;
Mi-l juea 0 zi de vara,
Zi de vara pana 'n sara. 26.
can' tmi fu ~i murg de sara, I: Pa poiana eu flori dalbe, r. : I
15 Nu-l putura lapada.
Straga-llean' a doya oara Flori alegu, flori eulegu,
Pa ferie~t'e d'e uiaga, Fac cOliti1;e (sic!) mohortte,
Cine 'n lume s'or afla PA-ntra t'it'e 1 ~i-o ruji~.
Sa-mi joaee murgutu ei ti Vin~-o fatil sa mi-o rupa.
20 Far' de leag de ~erpeleag, Rujita din eiar (sicl)2 graia:
Fara fray, far' de eapastru. -Nu rna rupeU, fete, nu,
Nime 'n lume nu s'afla Ne 'nrujitil, ne 'nflorita,
Far' on Wr~ d-Ungura!1. Cum Ii ruja mai urltil,
El pa murg tnealeea, 10 Ci la mine de-ti vini
25 Prinse murg' a mi-l juea, Sambata, Duminiea,
Mi-l juea 0 zi de vara, !?i pa mine m'tti gasi I
Zi de vara paM 'n sara. !?i 'nrujitil ~i 'nfloritil,
Can' imi fu ~i murg de sara, Cum ii ruja mai frumoasa.
Nu-l putura lapada. 15 !?i pa mine de m'iti rupe,
30 Straga-Ilean' a tria oara !?i pa mine de m'iti duee,
Pa ferie~t'e d'e d-uiaga, !?i pa mine de m'Ui pune
Cine 'n lume so'r afla, Cam d-in fruntea dantului,
Sa-mi joaee murgutu ei Sa-ti fae fa~ d-oehilor,
Far' de leag de ~erpeleag, 20 Oehilor ~i mangaio~i,
35 Fara fray, far' de eapastru. Mangaiati fieiori frumo~i.

1 = chite.
B = grai?

[ 268 ]
A II a)



25. Nobody on earth was found,

Only a young emperor's son.
From the castle calls Ileana, He the sorrel did bestride,
Re/rain Set the sorrel prancing (too);
(Looking) through the glassen
40 A (whole) summer day he rode him,
A (whole) summer day till evening.
(Looking) through the glassen
Came the shades of evening twilight,
windows: O'er his head the sorrel threw him.
Who on earth could there be found
Spoke Ileana (then) and said:
5 Who might make her sorrel prance, 45 Always, sorrel, evermore,
Without any kind of harness,
He's (the one who'll be) your lord,
Without reins, without a bridle?
And my own beloved mate.
Nobody on earth was found,
Re/rain: Your eyes are black, Ileana,
Only a fair shepherd lad.
10 He the sorrel did bestride,
Set the sorrel prancing (too);
A (whole) summer day he rode him, 26.
A (whole) summer day till evening. In the glade with the white flowers,
Came the shades of evening twilight,
15 (And the sorrel) couldn't throw him.
They choose flowers, gather flo~ers,
Called a second time Ileana, Ruddy posies (?) they are making;
(Looking) through the glassen Mid them all there is a peony,
windows: 5 (And) a maiden comes to pluck it.
Who on earth could there be found Spoke the peony and said:
Who might make her sorrel prance, Do not pluck me, lasses, nay,
20 Without any kind of harness, (All) unpeonied, unblooming,
Without reins, without a bridle? As the peony's most ugly;
Nobody on earth was found, 10 But if you should come to me
Only a Hungarian scrivener. On a Saturday (or) Sunday,
He the sorrel did bestride,
(Then) you shall discover me .
25 Set the sorrel prancing (too); Both (all) peonied and bloommg,
A (whole) summer day he rode him, As the peony's most beauteous.
A (whole) summer day till evening. 15 Thereupon, if you will pluck me,
Came the shades of evening twilight, Thereupon, if you will take me,
(And the sorrel) couldn't throw him. Thereupon, if you will set me
30 Called a third time (then) Ileana, Toward the forefront of the dance,
(Looking) through the glassen So that (people's) eyes I'm facing,
windows: 20 Eyes (that are) caressing (too),
Who on earth could there be found To caress the handsome lads.
Who might make her sorrel prance,
Without any kind of harness,
35 Without reins, without a bridle?

[ 269 ]
A II a)
1'. Flof'j dalbe leI' di maf'! ~i sa-mi ial} inelu miel},
(lllb. Toe if) Tat inel pe degetel,
~i sa-mi iel} eununa me,
Dupa apa sa rna due,
27. 10 can' tn poarta sa ive,
Colo 'n josu, ma,i din JOSY, Vot'iti negri d-arunea:
1'., Cam tn lungu drumului,
D'-tn eel camp mandru frumosy ~i 'nea ea ea mi-ji 5 vede
V'o tri juni eu tri eai buni.
Mult'e fet'e-mi d-oblieei!!,l 15 D-unu june sa japu
Multe flori ea-mi eulege!!!. ~i mi-ji ll}a marutu miel},
------ Tat marutu din sanutu;
5 [Da multi juni ea mi-ji 2 veneJ,[!!, D-altu june sa japu
Tate fete ea-mi prindeJ,[!!.] ~i mi-ji ll}a inelu miel},
Tat' ficioarie Ie prindeJ,[!!, 20 Tat inel din degetel;
Le prindel}, Ie slobozeJ,[!!. D-altu june sa japu
$i mi-ji ll}a eununa me.
Numa d-unu mi-o opre, Fica din gura-mi graie:
10 Mi-o opre, mi-o ispit'e: -Dati tmi. juni buni. ee mi-ati ll}at,
-Marie, dalbi'i Marie, 25 ca voi daea nu mi-ti da,
Spune-mi tu adevarat, 10 pe voi v'oi blastama:
Un'3 maiea-ta tl'l-o bi'iiat? Carl'l-o ll}at marutu miel},
-tn gradina florilor, Putrezeasea ea marutu,
15 Sa fill draga junilor Ca marutu din sanutu;
Ca florile fetelor. 30 Carl'l-o l\lat inelu mie\l,
-Marie, dalbi'i Marie, Petreaea-sa prin inel,
Spune nOl}' a dO\la oara, Ca inel prin degetel;
Un' maiea-ta tl'l-o bi'iiat? Carl'l-o l\lat eununa me,
20 -tn earligii pimitii,4 U~te-sa ea eununa.
S'aud vinu picocin'y 1'. L' ef' licuJa d' -ot'iJi negf'i!
$i vinarsu f1uruin'u (92b. Ciarbi'il ¢)
Cizme rOl/ii tropiein'y,
Poala dalba suvalcan'y.
1'. Da-/l'iana lata df'aga! 28b.
(84e. Ciarbi'il if) Dimineata rna seula~,
~i pa cap rna t'ieptana~, 6
I: Graie fica eata maiea : I, Cofi in brancii-mi d-apueaiu
1'., ~i la marea d-alearganl -

-Da, maieo, t'eita tei, 5 D-apa 'n eofi d-apueaiY

Sa-mi d'eseui lad'ita merie $i napoi rna 'nturna,iy

~i sa-mi ial} marutul mieu, $i rna 'ntaliii eu d-un miru.

5 Tat marutu d'in sanutu, Mir' apuea inelu,

1 = s'aflau.
2 = mi-~i.
a = unde.
4 = pi vni tei.
5 = mi-~i.
e = pieptenai.
[ 270 ]
A II a)
Refrain: White apple blossoms sing! To take out my little ring,
Of my finger the small ring,
And take out my wreath (as well),
27. That some water I might fetch.
Downward, there, toward the bottom, 10 When she came out to the gate,
Refrain (Her) black eyes she threw (about);
In that handsome meadow beauteous, Not far off, along the road,
Many lasses could be seen She caught sight of three young lads
Many flowers gathering. (Riding) upon three good steeds.
5 And along came many lads, 15 (Lo,) one youngster rushed (at her)
All the lasses they did catch; And her apple snatched away,
Only maidens did they catch, Little apple from her bosom;
Caught them all (then) set them free. (And) another youngster rushed
Only one they set not free, And he snatched her ring away,
10 Held her (and) of her they asked: 20 Little ring from off her finger;
Maria, fairest Maria, (And) another youngster rushed
Truthfully tell unto us, And he snatched her wreath away.
Where did your own mother bathe From her mouth the daughter spoke:
you? Give back, good lads, what you took,
In the garden of the blooms, 25 For if you don't give it me,
15 That the lads might care for me I shall set a curse on you:
Just as lasses (care) for blooms. He who took my apple small,
Maria, fairest Maria, May he rot as does the apple,
Tell us yet a second time (too), Like the apple from my bosom;
Where did your own mother bathe 30 He who took my little ring,
you? Through the ring may he be drawn,
20 At the entrance of the cellar, Like the finger through the ring;
So that I might hear the wine drip, He who took my wreath away,
And the brandy flowing (freely), May he wither like the wreath.
(Hear) the red boots tramping (also), Refrain: Carol, maiden, of your black
(And) the tucking up of white skirts. eyes!
Refrain: Ileana, darling maiden!
28a. In the morning I got up
Said the daughter to the mother: Retrain
Refrain And my tresses I combed out,
Let me have your small key, mother, In my hands I took the pitchers,
That I might unlock my small chest, To the sea I went off running;
To take out my little apple, 5 I dipped water in the pitchers,
5 The small apple of my bosom, And I made my way back
(homewards) ;
And I came upon a bridegroom,
(And my) ring the bridegroom seized;

[ 271 ]
A II a)
$i fica din grai graiel?te: Ca, junut, t~-oi bIastama,
10 -Ada, mirut, d-inelu, De tu, jun, ii putrezi,
Ca din grai t~-oi blastama, Ca mar' ro~u d-aista!
De tu, miru,-i rujina, lara-~i marsa mai nainte,
Ca l?i-inelu d-aista! 25 lar sa 'ntalni cu d-alt jun,
Vini-l?i fica mai nainte, Mai frumos, mai luminos.
15 Sa 'ntalnel?te cu d-alt miru. J un' apuca cununa
Mir' apuca maru rOl?U $i ficuta graie:
$i fica din grai graie~te: -Ada, junut, cununa,
-Ada, mirut, maru ro~u, 30 Cununa-te-i cu dins a,
Ca din grai t~-oi blastama, Cu dinsa, cu doamna sa,
20 De tu, miru,-i putrezi,
Cum putrede maru ro~u! *
Vini-~i fica mai nainte, $i te 'ntoarce fica 'n loc,
Sa 'ntalne~te cu d-alt miru. Avere-i, fica, noroc.
Mir' apuca cununa r. Njeri'ljoarii d-ot'ilj negri!
25 $i fica din grai graie~te: (95e. Tii~ad if)
-Ada, mirut, cununa,
Cii din grai t~-oi blastama, 28d.
De tu, jun', t'e-i cununa
Cu fica, cu doamna sa! Merge-llona 2 la fantana,
r. Njeri'ljoarii d-ot'ifi negri! r.,
(95d. Dragesti if)
La fantana pan' gradjina
28c. Cu carcejile pe mana,
$i ficuta gazd'iil'e, Cu rochia vajaindy,
r., 5 Cu catrinta vant facandy,
D'imiiieata sa scula Cu papucii tropocindy,
Cu cerceie-~i zdrancanindy.
$i pa cap sa t'eptanal'e,l Cand a junse la fantana,
Cofi in mani ii apuca Puse mana pe vadrutii,
5 $i la mare alerga. 10 Tapa ochii pe ulitii,
$i napoi sa 'nturna Vin tri juni ca tri pauni.
$i sa 'ntalni cu d-un jun, Unu-i cere mar din sanu,
Cu d-un jun d-a lui Craciun. Unu-i cere inelu~u,
Jun' apuca inelu, Unu-i cere cununial}a.
10 $i ficuta graU~: 15 AI. c~-o cerut mar din sanu,
-Ada, junut, inelu, Putrezeasca el ca maru;
Ca t~-oi, junut, blastama, Al c~-o cerut inelu~u,
De te-i, junut, covriga, Putrezeasca-i degetu~u;
Ca ~i-inelu d-aista! Al c~-o cerut cununial}a
15 lara marsa mai nainte, 20 Cununa-sa el cu dinsa,
lar sa 'ntaIni cu d-alt jun, Cu dinsa, cu maica-sak!
Cu d-alt jun d-a lui Criiciun.
Jun' apuca maru ro~u
$i ficuta graie:
Unde-i Ileana frumoasa,
20 -Ada, junut, maru ro~u Ea sa fie sanatoasa,
Parintil ei sa tra iasca !

1 = pieptena.
2 = Ileana.

[ 272 ]
A II a)
And the daughter speaks to tell (him) : Or I'll set a curse on you,
10 Give (me), bridegroom, (back) the ring, So that you, young lad, will rot
Else I'll speak a curse on you, Just as this red apple (rots)!
So that, bridegroom, you'll be shamed Once again she went on forward,
Just as (you have shamed) this ring! 25 Met another lad once more,
(Thereat) onward goes the daughter Handsomer, more shining yet.
15 And she meets another bridegroom. The young lad snatched (off her)
Bridegroom seizes (her) red apple, wreath,
And the daughter speaks to tell (him): And the daughter said (to him) :
Bridegroom, give (back) the red apple, Give (me), young lad, (back my)
Else I'll speak a curse on you, wreath,
20 So that, bridegroom, you will rot, 30 May you wedded be with it,
As the red apple goes rotten! (Wed) its owner with the wreath.
(Thereat) onward goes the daughter
And she meets another bridegroom. *
Turn back, daughter, on the spot;
(Lo,) the bridegroom takes her wreath, May you, daughter, have (good) luck!
25 And the daughter speaks to tell (him) :
Refrain: Your black eyes, small swarthy
Give (me,) bridegroom, (back) the
Else I'll speak a curse on you,
So that, lad, you will be wed 28d.
To the daughter, the (wreath's) owner! To the well goes Ileana,
Refrain: Your black eyes, small swarthy Refrain
maiden! To the well (goes) through the garden'
In her hand (holding) the pitchers,
28c. With her kirtle all a-swishing,
5 Raising wind up with her apron,
And the landlord's daughter young
With her slippers all a-patter,
Refrain With her earrings all a-tinkling.
Got up (early) in the morn,
When she came up to the wellhead,
And she combed her tresses out,
In her hand she took the bucket,
Took the pitchers in her hands,
10 Threw her eyes into the alley:
5 And went running to the sea;
Like three peacocks come three lads.
Then she came back (home) again,
One asks for her bosom's apple,
And she met with a young lad, One asks for her finger ring,
With a lad of Christmastide.
One asks for the wreath (she's
The young lad snatched (off her) ring,
10 And the daughter said (to him):
15 He who asked for bosom's apple,
Young lad, give (me back) the ring,
May he rot as (rots) the apple;
Or I'll set a curse on you,
He who asked (her) for the ring,
So that, young lad, you'll coil up
May his finger rot away;
(In a circle) like this ring!
He who asked (her) for the wreath,
15 Once again she went on forward,
20 May he wedded be to her,
Met another lad once more,
To herself and to her mother! 32
(Met) another caroler.
The young lad snatched (her) red
Since Ileana is (so) beauteous,33
And the daughter said (to him) : A good health to her we're wishing,
20 Young lad, give (back) the red apple, A long life unto her parents!
32 This and the preceding verse may also convey the idea that the lad be wedded with the
wreath to his own mother.
33 Alternative reading for this verse: Where's the beautiful Ileana?

[ 273 ]
A II a)
r. Cunund de vinelele! 10 Sa rna due el). pa ulita
(86g. Murani if) Cu earcejii d'e manuta,
Cu cizmele tropotin',
Cu earceje zdrancanin'
28e. La fantana dupa apa.
Ci ci ci ,la iasta easa, 15 La fantana cin' era?
r., Era dalbut junel~.
Est'l;)-o fata laudata. El fata can' imi vede,
Ella fata sa jupe,
I: D'imineata s'o seulat : I, Inela~u sa i-I ieie,
------ 20 Inela~ din d'eget~.
Cizme ro~ii-o ehefelit,l
5 Parut, ro~ii-o t'eptanat,2
------ ' {/iCU/a d ,... .,
r. L er licol't}o -at tIl: neg"'.
Paru ro~iiu-o t'eptanat,
Cofil'e 'n man'-o luat, (73gg. Fere~d cp)

La fantan' 0 alergat,
La fantana ramurata, 28g.
10 De voinici imprejurata. Pl'eaca fica la fantana,
Unu la ie s'o tapat, r.,
Inelu i 1-0 luat; Cu ulcioru d-intr'o mana,
Altu la ie s'o tapat,
Viriga i 0 luat. Cu ulcioru zdraneanin'y,
.15 Cine 0 luat inelu, Cu cizmuta tropol'in'y
Sa umbla din mana 'n mana;
Cine 0 lyat viriga, 5 Fodori largi in vant tragan'y.
Cununa s'ar eu dinsa, Pe peatra fantaniei
Cu dinsa, eu doamna sa! Stay tri juni ea tri pauni;
Raduj radui radui boil Unu tri pene-mi t'it'e~te,4
r. { Domnuj D-altu ealu potcove~te,
(77. Recia cp) 10 D-altu sulita struje~te.
Hala de tri pene t'it'e~te,
El din gur' a~a-mi graie~te:
28f. -Yin' tu, fico, dupa mine,
Grai fica eata maiea, Ca io tie ea ti-oi da
r., 15 Tat 0 furea d-aurita,
D-aurita, d-argintita.
-I-ada, maieo, ~i-ai (sic!) eheite, Fica rupse dl;)-a-mi grai:
-Ba io, june, n'oi veni,
Sa mi descuni ~i-ai ladite, Cam 0 furca ea ~i-a tao
20 Hal de murgu poteove~te,
Sa mi-~i iay ey ee ~tiy eu, El din gur' a~a-mi graie~te:
-Yin' tu, fico, dupa mine,
5 Sa mi-~i iay ey ee' 3 cismute, Ca io tie ea ti-oi da
Sa Ie trag in piciorute, Tat on inel d-aurit,
~i eareeje d'e manute, 25 D-aurit ~i d-argintit.
Inel~ pe d'egeta!?, Fica rupse dl;)-a-mi grai:
Catrintoare 'n susuoara, -Ba io, june, n'oi veni,

1 = euratit eu peria « ketel, ung.).

2 = pieptenat. 4 = ehite~te.
3 = eele. 6 = eel.

[ 274 ]
A II a)
Retrain: Wreath made ot centaury 10 To go out into the alley,
tlowers! In my hands (holding) the pitchers,
With the top boots pattering,
With the pitchers clattering,
28e. To the well to get some water.
Hoy, hoy, hoy, within this household 15 Who was (standing) at the well?
Retrain (Lo, it was) a youngster fair.
There's a (fair) praiseworthy maiden. When he caught sight of the lass,
In the morning she got up, At the lass he (straightway) rushed,
(Her) red boots she dusted off, To snatch off her little ring,
5 (Her) red tresses she combed out, 20 The small ring from off her finger.
(Her) red tresses she combed out,
Took the pitchers in her hand, Retrain: Sing about your black eyes,
(And) went running to the well, maiden!
To the well (o'erhung) with tree limbs,
10 (That) by stalwarts is surrounded.
One (ofthem) rushed up to her, 28g.
(And) he snatched her link away; To the well the daughter's going,
(Yet) another rushed at her, Retrain
(And) he snatched her ring away. In one hand holding the pitcher,
15 He who snatched away the link, With the pitcher all a-clatter,
May he go from hand to hand (too); With her top boots all a-patter,
He who snatched away the ring, 5 Wide sleeves in the wind a-ruffling.
May he wedded be with it, On the stone rim of the well
(Wedded) with it to its owner. Three lads like three peacocks sit.
Retrain: {set the oxen going, hot One three posies is adorning,
Lord God, set the oxen going! One (of them his) horse is shoeing,
10 One (of them his) spear is whittling.
He who posies three's adorning
28f. Speaks and thus says (to the daughter) :
Said the daughter to the mother: Come along, follow me, daughter,
Retrain Because I shall give to you
Let me have that small key, mother, 15 A (fine) distaff (all) begilded,
To unlock my little coffer, (All) begilded (and) besilvered.
To take out what I've in mind, (But) the daughter spoke and said:
5 To take out my little top boots, Nay, lad, I'll not come along,
On my little feet to draw them, I've a distaff just like yours.
In my hands to take the pitchers, 20 He who is the sorrel shoeing
On my finger the small ring, Speaks and thus says (to the
Apron (tie) under my armpits, daughter) :
Come along, follow me, daughter,
Because I shall give to you
All begilded a (fine) ring,
25 All besilvered and begilt.
(But) the daughter spoke and said:
Nay, lad, I'll not come along,

[ 275 ]
A II a)
C'am on inel ea fli-al tal). 5 Unde bate vantu 'neet.
Hal de sulita struje~te, $i d-acolo ti-ai a£lat
30 EI din gur' afla-mi graieflte: o lumita ~i-un ine1.
-Vin' tu, fico, dupa mine, Coata,l fata, pa inel,
Ca io tie ea ti-oi da ~i-ti 2 fi mirul tanarel;
Tat on mar inmargarit, 10 Coata, fata, pa colac,
Primavara d-influrit, ~i-ti fi mirullui gazdae;
35 Cat ii toamna de rodit. Coata, fata, pa polita,
Fica rupse d~-a-mi grai: Ca-i a£la bani in capita.
-Ba io, june, n'oi veni,
C'am on mar io ca ~i-al tal).
Y. Lina lina yujulina! ~i
t'e 'ntoarce cruce 'n foe,
(83a. Paucinefld if) 15 Ramal, fata, cu noroc!
Y. Luminjoara-j ot'izj neg'!
(95 1. Coticlet if)
11. I IILl
I: Pleaca Linta la fantana, Y. : 1fantana 30.

I: ~i canita duce 'n mana : I.

rr.-I 1ll.J
I: Colo jos ~i mai d'in jOSY, r. : 1josy,
I: Gasi apa tulburata : 1 I: J os in lunca soarieluiy : 1
I: ~i fantana 'ncunjurata : 1 I: Ploil'e mi or ploiaty : 1
5 De tri crai eu ficiorei Ape mari ee mi-or venit,
Rumuno~i ~i frumo~ei. 5 Luncile I~-or noroit.
Un voinic din grai graia: Pin noroi creseut-or £lori;
-Linta, Linta, draga mea, De marunte-s pre marunte,
-Da-mi mnie cununa ta, De nalte-s pan' la genunehe,
10 Sa rna 'mpan frumos cu ea! De vanate-s mohorite.
Mandra Linta sa 'nro~ea 10 Dupa £lori cine vene?
$i cununa-i arunca. Vine Ana ~i Ileana,
$i Marie ~i Cosana.
Sa fi, Linta, sanatoasa,
* Ano, Ano ~i Ileano
$i Marie ~i Cosano,
Sa plate~ti colinda noasta. 15 Peste £lori cine-i mat mare?
Y. Da Il'eana lata dalbd! Gradinariu £lorilor,
(62t. Mice~ti cf» Fratele surorilor.
-Dupa £lori cin' v'o manat?
-N~-o manat maieuta noasta,
20 FIorile sa Ie culegem,
Fata dalba de 'imparat!!!, Cu matasa sa Ie leg
Y., ~i bine sa mi Ie pun,
Ca cu ele rna eunun
Dimineata t'~-ai seulat~, Sus in poarta raiului
------ 25 Cu ficioru crailui.
La fantan' ai d-alergat~, Y. Ficjori/a d-ot'ici/a!
------ (92a. Ghelar if)
La fantana lui Mancet!!i
1 = cauta.
2 = sa-ti .
[ 276 ]
A II a)
For I have a ring like yours. 5 Where the wind (so) softly blows,
He who's whittling at his spear And ('twas) there you came upon
30 Speaks and thus says (to the A small candle (?) and a ring.
daughter) : Maiden, seek to find the ring,
Come along, follow me, daughter, That your bridegroom might be young;
Because I shall give to you 10 Maiden, seek to find the cake,
All of pearl an apple tree, That your bridegroom might be rich;
(That is all) abloom in spring, Maiden, on the shelf be looking,
35 As in fall it's all in fruit. You'll find money in the bonnet.
(But) the daughter spoke and said:
Nay, lad, I'll not come along, *
I've an apple tree like yours. Cross, turn round into the fire,
Refrain: Softly, softly, mallow blossom! 15 Farewell, maiden, and good luck!
Refrain: Little light of your black eyes!
Lintza 34 to the well is going, 30.
Refrain (See,) down yonder, lower down yet,
In her hand the jug she carries. Refrain
(But) she found the water troubled, In the meadow of the sunshine,
And the well (she found) surrounded (Heavily) the rains have rained,
5 By three kings with (all their) sons, The high waters have come (down),
Ruddy-faced and beautiful. 5 (And) the fields they've mired o'er.
Said one stalwart (unto her) : In the mire have grown flowers;
Lintza, Lintza, my beloved, As to size they are too lowly,
Give your garland unto me, They are tall up to the kneecap,
10 To adorn myself with it! They're so blue that they are darkling.
Beauteous Lintza's face went red, 10 Who has come after the flowers?
And she tossed the wreath to him. Ana came and Ileana,
And Maria and Cosana.
* Ana, Ana and Ileana,
A good health to you, (fair) Lintza, And Maria and Cosana,
That you may reward our carol! 15 Who is greatest o'er the flowers?
Refrain: A fair maiden is Ileana! ('Tis) the gardener of the flowers,
(Who) the sisters' brother (is).
Who has sent you after flowers?
29. We were sent by our mother,
Fair-skinned daughter of an emperor, 20 That the flowers we might gather,
Refrain (And) with silk to tie them up,
In the morning you got up, For myself to store them up,
To the well went running off, For with them I'm to be wed,
To the well made by Mancet, 35 At the gate of heaven above,
25 (Wedded) to the king's own son.
Refrain: Little maiden fair to look at!

34Linta is a diminutive form of Elena or Ileana.

85Mfmcet, an otherwise unidentifiable proper name (pronounced approximately mun-
CHET), appears to serve no other purpose in this verse than to provide a rhyme for the follow-
ing verse.

[ 277 ]
A II a)
31a. Da la 'mparateasa
Mulji ii trebuiasii:
Fericean d'e elu,
Somne3 de matasa;
1 1.
I: D'e cez'l domnul bunu, 1'. : I buny
I lill 45 La nOl}a cumnaji
NOl}a cai 'ni?alaji;
Boierul biitranu! La nOl}a cumnate
NOl}a pot'elate;4
Bin' I-a fericiaty, La nOl}a surori
5 I: Drag Domnu i-o daty : I 50 NOl}a 'ncingatori.
D-o fica frumoasa. 1'. Daj Domnuluj Doamne!
(15. Paucine~d if)
D'e frumoasa marie,
Soara 'n lume n'arie;
D'e 'nteleapja ce-iu, 31b.
10 Ca zana d'in ceriu. [Fericean de eluJ
D'i cez'l domnul bunu,
$i pa ie mi-o cer Boierul biitrany!
Tri in~i din tri parji. 1'.,
Mai curand mi-o cere Drag Domnu i-o daty
Dalb de pacurari; 5 $i 1-0 fericiatu,
15 Altu ca mi-o cere
Tifr~ d-Ungur~; I: Drag Domnu i-o daty
Altu ca mi-o cere I I. 1 1'--';1""""1.-----'1
Fil,!. mic de 'imparat. $i 1-0 fericiatu, 1'. : I fericiaty.
lara maica ei
20 Din gura-mi graia: Drag Domnu i-o daty
-Dar tu, fica mea, D-o fica frumoasa;
$i zaluica 2 mea, 10 D'e frumoasa fiiu,
D'intr'ace~tia tri Ca zana d'in ceriu,
Pa car' ji-ai iubi? I: D'e frumoasa fiiu,
25 -Ba jo mi-a~ iubi Ca zana d'in ceriy : I,
Dalb de pacurari; $i pa ea mi-o cer
Da nu I-oi iubi, 15 Mulji de multe parti.
ca s'o d-ustani Mai vartos mi-o cer
Voile mulgand, Tri in~i de tri parji.
30 Ca~i dulci de strangand. -Dar tu, fica mea,
Ba io mi-a~ iubi $i zMuda mea,
Tifr~ d-Ungura~; 20 D'intr'ace~tia tri
Da nu l-oi iubi, Pa car' tH iubi?
Ca s'o d-ustani -$i io mi-~ lubi
35 Banii numarand, Dalb de pacurari,
Paharu umpland. Dar nu-l poci 5 iubi,
Ba io mi-a~ iubi 25 Ca s'o d-ustani
Fil,!. mic de 'mparat, Sara, dimineaja
C'a~ fi 'mparateasa Voile malgan',6
40 $i-a~ ~ad'e la masa Ca~ dulce strangan',
Cu sabia trasa. La min'aducan'.
1 = acest.
2 = cf. zalud.
3 = sucne.
4 = un fel de panza fina ~i subtire « patyolat, ung.).
5 = pot.
6 = mulgand.

[ 278 ]
A II a)
31a. Yet, to (be) an empress,
Many (things) are needed:
How happy he is
Petticoats of silk (made);
That master so kindly,
45 Nine brothers-in-law
(Need) nine saddled steeds;
The noble old lord!
Nine sisters-in-law (then)
He was well rewarded,
(Need) nine (dainty) kerchiefs;
5 The Almighty gave him
Nine sisters withal
A beautiful daughter.
50 Nine girdles (will need).
So great is her beauty,
Refrain: Give the Lord Almighty!
Like her there's none other.
So great is her wisdom
10 As a heavenly fairy's. 31b.
She is asked to wed
Happiness is his,
Three men from three parts.
That good gentleman,
Soonest she's sought after
The old nobleman!
By a shepherd fair;
15 Another would wed her,
The dear Lord bestowed has
A Hungarian clerk;
5 Happiness upon him,
Yet another'd wed her,
The dear Lord bestowed has
A young emperor's son.
Happiness upon him:
And her mother (then)
20 Spoke and said (to her) :
Him the dear Lord's given
But you, daughter mine,
A beautiful daughter;
And my crazy one,
10 She's as lovely as
From among these three,
A heavenly fairy;
Which one would you love?
She's as lovely as
25 I would like to love
A heavenly fairy.
The fair shepherd lad;
And her hand is sought
But I'll love him not,
15 By men from all parts;
For he'd tire out
Mostly she's besought
Milking (all) the ewes,
By three from three parts.
30 Making the sweet cheese.
But you, daughter mine,
I would like to love
And my crazy one,
The Hungarian clerk;
20 From among these three,
But I'll love him not,
For he'd tire out Which one would you love?
I would like to love
35 Money counting up,
The fair shepherd lad;
Filling up the glass.
But him I can't love,
I would like to love
25 For he'd tired be,
The young emperor's son,
(Both) evening (and) morning,
For I'd be an empress
Milking (all) the ewes,
40 And I'd sit at table
Gathering sweet cheese,
With the sword unsheathed.
Bringing it to me.

[ 279 ]
A II a)
30 $i io mi-a~ iubi $i te socote~ti,
Tifra~ d-Ungura~, ca pe tin' te cer
Da nu-l poci iubi, Multi din multe pam,
Ca s'o d-ustani 20 Tri din tri cetati.
Sara, dimineata, Mai vartos t~-o cere
35 Banii numaran', Dalb de pacurari.
Pahare umplan', D-oi, ficuta me,
La min' aducan'. Din gura graie:
$i el can' sa 'mbeata, 25 -Ba io nu m'oi duce
Face larma 'n casa. Dupa pacurari,
40 $i io mi-a~ iubi Ca mi-s'o d-urlt
Fil} mic de 'mparat, Sara, dimineata
$i-a~ fi 'mparateasa, Oile 'ntorcand,
$i-~ ~ede la masa 30 Din stranga mulgand,
Cu sabia trasa C~ dulce strangand,
45 Cruci~ pasta masa. Miei mici d~-aplecand.
Da la 'mparateasa
Mult ij trebuiasa: Joj Domnuluj Doamne!
Somna 1 de matasa; (12c. Nuc~oara if)
La fii de 'mparat
50 Hincel} 2 ferecat.
f'. Joj Domnuluj Doamne!
(14. Gradi~te if) Podbale, podbale,
Treci-ma cea vale,
La cea casa mare
31c. Scris-ai ~ezatoare,
-Ir-.-I fll.l
I: Fericean d'e ely, Y. : 1ely, 5 Din nOl}a fecioare,
I: Bin l-ai fericiaty : I, Cu Zvochita zece.
La Zvochita-mi vine
I: Bin l-ai fericiatu : I, Tri din tri latuq,
I: Bin I-ai fericiatu : I,
De patri vaduri:
5 I: Mai bun loc i-ai daty : 1 10 Unu d'imparatu,
I: D-in miljoc d'e raiu : I, Unu de bogaty,
U nu de dom mare.
$i-o fica frumoasa.
De frumoasa ce-i Maica graie~:
Ca Sfintii din ceq, Cumu s'o do dal}
10 De frumoasa-i mare, 15 Dupa d'imparatu,
Soata 'n lume n'are. Ca-i mare bogatu,
Ba-~i d-are, mai d-are:
Sora soarelui In marginea lumii,
$i-a pamantului. In fundu campii
15 -D-oi, ficuta me,
Tu te mai gande~ti (31. Vascau q,)

1 = sucna.
2 = trasura, birja « hint6, "ng.).

[ 280 ]
A II a)
30 And I'd like to love And consider it,
The Hungarian clerk; For from many parts
But him I can't love, Many seek your hand;
For he'd tired be, 20 From three cities, three:
(Both) evening (and) morning, You'll be sought more strongly
35 Money counting in, By a shepherd fair.
Glasses filling up, Little daughter mine
Bringing them to me; Spoke out and she said:
And when he gets drunken, 25 Nay, I shall not marry
In the house makes uproar; The fair shepherd lad,
40 And I'd like to love For I'm wearied (now)
The young emperor's son. (Both) evening (and) morning
Emperess I'd be Turning (in) the sheep,
And I'd sit at table 30 Milking in the fold,
With the sword unsheathed Gathering sweet cheese,
45 Crosswise on the table; Suckling little lambs.
Yet an emperor's lady
Many (things) has need of: Re/rain: Hoy, to the Almighty!
Petticoat of silk (made);
For an emperor's sons,
50 Iron-banded coach. 31d.
Re/rain: Hoy, to the Almighty! Coltsfoot, (yellow) coltsfoot,36
Cross me o'er that valley:
At that lordly mansion,
31c. You've ordained a gathering,
How happy he is! 5 (Made up) of nine maidens,
Re/rain Ten, counting Zvokitza. 34
How happy You've made him, There come to Zvokitza,
How happy You've made him. From three parts, three (men),
How happy You've made him: (Coming) from three fords: 38
5 Better place You gave him 10 One of (them's an) emperor,
In the midst of heaven, One of (them's a) rich man,
And a beauteous daughter. One of (them's a) great lord.
She's as beautiful Said the mother (then):
As (are) heaven's saints; How'd I not her give, 39
10 So great is her beauty, 15 (Wed her) to the emperor?
Has on earth no equal. For he has great riches
Yes, she has, however: At the world's (far) border,
Sister of the sun, At the flatlands' bottom,
Also of the earth.
15 Little daughter mine,
You're to think it o'er

86 The plant referred to here is Tussilago /ar/ara.

87 Zvochita (the accent is on the middle syllable) is the diminutive form of a name the
translator is unable to identify with any degree of certainty. (Evdochia?)
88 De patri vaduri is obviously meant to be De pe tri vaduri.
89 This verse, Cumu s'o do dau, is obviously meant to read Cumu sa n'o dau.

[ 281 ]
A II a)
31e. Pe parau f<1ntanii
20 Sant i~i cai impriponati
I: Podval'e, podval'e : I, Cu priponii de rna tasa.
I: Trece mai escal'e : I,
==== -Ai Ii lele, fiea me,
Luda e~tL bolanda e~ti!
I: Ca-i escale-i mare: I,
I: Scrisa 'n ~ezatoare : I Or tu nu te nadaie~tL
- - - - - - - 25 C'acii is cruscrutij tai?
5 I: De nova fieioare : I, Yin la mine, cer pe tine,
I: Fieii ficilory : I· Cer il?i multe langa tine,
Cer i~i d -oi ~i cer i~i boi,
Ca m'or ~i ceruty
Cer i~i mandre d-argintei.
Ficior de 'mparaty 30 -Coata 4 maica, de ili dati.
Maica nu m'o daty.
Ca-s taleri nenumarati,
10 Lasa 'mpariitie -Ai Ii lele, fica me~,
Focului s'o fie. Ca pa tine duce t~-or
Peste munti intr'alte curti,
$i de la 'mparaty
35 La parinti necunoscuti.
Hincevl ferecaty,
De-i vede pa nene tav,
De la 'mparateasa
Ii gandi, ca-i taica tav;
15 Bunda de matasa. De-i vede pa mama ta,
Ii gandi ca-i maiea ta
(26d. Seceani 4»
32a. 40 $i fata te gotove~ti,
Fata dalbii de 'mparaty, $i5 corinda n~-o plate~ti
r., Cu doi-tri de d-argintei,
D'imiileata t~-ai sculat $i5 ne potcovim caii,
Ca de cand am aradit,6
$i pa cap t'~-ai t'eptanaty 2 45 Caii ni-s'o cjumpavit.
$i mai mandru t~-ai 'mplet'it Trebve caii potcovit
------- eu potcoave de colac
5 Cu cosata 'n ~apte vite, $i cu cuie de carnati.
Pantre vite-s rumanite, Cununa-i de busuioc,-
Pe de laturi busuioc- 50 $i5 fi, fata, cu noroc!
$i fi,3 fica, cu noroc!- r. Luminjoara d'ot'ij negri!
Curse-~i fata la fantana (95a. Lunc~oara if)
10 CV-un ~u~tar galban la mana,
La fantana din luncet,
Indi-~i bate vantu 'ncet.
Apa 'n ~u~tar i~i lua, $i Marie-i fata buna,
Curs' acasa, spus'a rna-sa: I: D'imineata s'o sculaty : I
15 -Ai Ii lele, maica me!
Ciuda mare c~-am vazut: I: $i pa cap s'o t'eptanaty 2 : I
La fantana 'ncunjurata Cofi in brancii ~i-apucaty,
De voiniei impintenati

1 = trasnra « hinta, ung.).

2 = pieptenat.
3 = sa.
4 = canta.
5 = sa.
6 = pornit « ered, ung.).

[ 282 ]
A II a)
31e. By the brooklet of the well
20 There are (also) tethered steeds,
Coltsfoot, (yellow) coltsfoot, 40
(All made fast) with silken tethers.
Cross me o'er the footpath (?), Woe is me, oh daughter mine,
For the way is lengthy,
You are silly, you are crazed!
Ordained for the meeting
Can it be that you don't guess
5 (Made up) of nine maidens,
25 That those are your own in-laws?
Daughters of the daughters (?),
They have come to ask me for you,
I've been asked (to marry)
Ask for many (things) beside you: 41
The son of an emperor. Ask for oxen, ask for sheep,
Mother wouldn't give me:
Ask for beauteous silver coins.
10 You're to leave the empire,
30 Mother, try to give us them,
Leave it to the fire.
For they are uncounted coins.
Woe is me, oh daughter mine,
Also from the emperor,
For they'll carry you (away)
Iron-banded carriage;
O'er the hills to other courts,
From the emperor's lady,
35 To parents unknown (to you).
15 Fur-lined silken mantle.
When your father-in-law you'll see,
He's your father, you shall think;
When your mother-in-law you'll see,
32a. She's your mother, you shall think.
Fair-skinned daughter of an emperor,
Refrain *
40 And (you), lass, adorn yourself
In the morning you arose
And pay for our caroling
And you combed your tresses out,
With two (or) three silver pieces,
Braided them more handsomely,
That our horses we might shoe,
5 (Set) in seven strands (your) ~resses, For since we have started out,
Camomile among the strands IS, 45 Ou; horses have gone lame.
(And there's) basil at the sides,
(Our) horses must be shod
Maiden, may you have good luck! With shoes (made) of pastry roll
To the well the lass went running,
And with horseshoe nails of sausage.
10 In her hand a yellow bucket,
Garland is of basil herb,
To the river-meadow well,
50 Maiden, may you have good luck!
Where the wind (so) softly blows. Refrain: Little light from dark eyes
She took water in the bucket,
Ran (back) home, said to her mother:
15 Woe is me, oh mother mine!
A great wonder I have seen: 32b.
(Lo,) the well is all surrounded
And a good lass is Maria,
By bespurred (and) stalwart lads;
In the morn she got up (early),
And her tresses she combed out,
In her hands she seized the pitchers,

40 In this text we find podbal (coltsfoot) rendered as podval, the name given to each of the
two logs that secure a barrel that is stored on its side. This initial invocation is surely meant to
be that of 32d. d b t
41 The reference here, and in the subsequent variants, is to the dowry expecte y cus om
from the bride's parents.

[ 283 ]
A II a)
5 La fanUna-i ~i-o-alergatu, r. Ler jet'i/a d'ot'iIi4-s negri!
La fantana d'in luncety, (95c. Grol1i ¢)
D-und'i-~i bate vantu 'ncety.

-Ai lelele, maica-me!
quda mandra ce vazui: Fata marie s'o sculatu.
10 Pe parau fantanij r.,
Sant i~i cai impriponati. ~i pa cap s'o t'eptanat,3
Tat in pinteni ~i matasa.
-Ai lelele, fica me, fLlrrrl
Acii is ajuns frumos,
15 Yin la mine, cer pe tine.
Ceru-~i multe langa tine:
I: La fantana l1i-Q-al'ergaty, : 1-gat,
La fantana 'ntru faget,
Ceru-~i boi ~i ceru-~i oj, 5 D-inde-~i cura d-apa 'ncet.
Ceru-~i buti cu bani marunti Cofa d'apa mi-~i d-umple,
~i p'atatia di florintP La maica sa ca vine
20 -CalJta, maica, di mi dati, ~i fata din grai graie:
Ca sant lazi nenumarati. -D-alei. maica, c~-an4 vazut,
10 Cii-i fantana 'ncunjurata
* Cu cai suri impriponatj.
maica, sanatoasa
~i2 fi, ~i maica din grai grale:
~i noi cat santem in casa! -Ceia-s petitorii tai,
(95b. Bulz ¢) Yin la mine, cer pe tine.
15 Fica maichij, nu t~-oi da,
Cii e~ti mica ~i luduta,
32c. Ca ~i cei nepriceputi.
I 1. I I II. I D-aleg buti cu banii multi
I: Dumineca d'imineata, r.: 1d'imineata ~i-o mintie de d-anglii 5
20 ~i cizme de calmajii
I: Scoala fata dalbineata : 1 Si un bota u mare de oj
------ Si-un plugut eu ~ase boi.
1: ~i d-apuca cofa 'n mana: 1 r. Luminjoara!
(50. Dumbravita de codru ¢)
~i te cara la fantana
5 ~i te spala pe obraz, 32e.
Pe obraz cu vinut d-ars,
~i pe mani cu vinuri bune. Batu-l1i. fico, bii.tu-~i. draga,
8-12 = 23a. IS, 16, 19,20,22 r.,
Nu mi-s cai impriponati. Vanturi rieci pe la ferie~tiY,
Ci mi-s petitorii tai.
15, 16 = 32a. 26, 27 I: Vanturi riecj pe la ferie~tiy : 1
Ceru-~i multi cu bani mananti.
Nu m-is, fico, vanturi rieciY,

~i la
fata iarba creata, -
5 Ci mi-s petitorii t'eiy,
I: Ci mi-s petttorij teiy : I,
~i-ai fi, fata, sanatoasa!

1 = fiorini.
2 = sa.
3 = pieptenat.
4 = am.
5 = un fel de postav (anglia. ung.).

[ 284 ]
A II a)
5 To the spring she went off running, Refrain: Lass, of your black eyes we
To the spring (that's) in the meadow, carol!
Where the breezes gently blow.
Woe is me, oh mother mine!
Such a wondrous sight I've seen: 31d.
10 By the brooklet of the spring (Lo,) the maiden is arisen
There are horses tethered (fast), Refrain
All bespurred, in silken trappings. And her tresses she has combed,
Woe is me, oh daughter mine, She went running to the spring,
Handsomely have those arrived: To the beech-grove spring (she went),
15 They have come to ask me for you. 5 Where the water softly flows.
Many (things) they want beside you: She with water filled the jug.
They want oxen, they want sheep, To her mother she went (back),
They want kegs of pennies small, And the maiden spoke and said:
Of florins as many more. Woe me, mother, what I've seen!
20 Mother, seek to give them us, 10 For the spring is all surrounded
For there are uncounted chests. With grey horses tethered up.
And her mother spoke and said:
A good health we wish you, Mother,
Those are suitors (come) for you,
They have come to ask me for you.
And to all who're in the household! 15 I'll not give you, mother's lass,
For you're young and simple-minded
Like those lacking common sense,
31c. Who choose kegs with many coins
Sunday, (early) in the morning, And a fur-lined coat of cloth
Refrain 20 And some russet leather boots
Get up, little fair-skinned maiden, And a numbrous flock of sheep 42
In your hand take up the pitcher And six oxen with a plow.
And get going to the fountain, Refrain: Little candle!
5 And (there nicely) wash your face,
(Wash) your face with brandywine
And your hands (wash) with good 31e.
wines. There blow, daughter, there blow,
8-12 = IS, 16. 19,20,22 of 33a. darling,
(Nay.) they aren't tethered steeds, Refrain
But they're suitors (come) for you. Chilly winds about the windows,
IS, 16 = 26, 27 of 338. Chilly winds about the windows.
Ask for much in pennies small. Yet they're not cold winds, (my)
May your cheek (like) curly grass be,
5 But they are your suitors (coming),
But they are your suitors (coming),
And a good health to you, maiden!

48 Bola" means a heavy staff carried by shepherds, whereas botei" means a large flock. If
the former is truly meant here (an incorrect transcription ?), this verse should read: And a
heavy shepherd's staff.

[ 285 ]
A II a)
Vin la mine, eier pe t'ine. 32f.
~i-mi eier, fico, mult eu t'ine,
I: ~i-mi cier, fico, mult eu t'ine : I Ce rand, maic', acesta randy,
10 ~i-mi eer plug eu l?ase boi, r.,
~i-mi cer turmele de oi,
D'e mi~i bat'e vantu liny?
~i-mi cer eiordele de vaei, =====
Maica-sa d'in grai graierie:
~i-mi cer stevele de eai, -Nu mi-~i bate vantu liny,
~i-mi eer sute de £lorintV -------
15 Lasa-mi, fico, lasa-mi, draga, 5 Vin la min' ~i cer pe tine.
De pe plug eu l?ase boi, ~i cer, fico, mult cu tine:
Lasa-ma numa de doi. tmi cer plug, soruti de boi,
Doi is boi cam mohoriti, ~i-mi cer ciorda eea de vaci,
Care-s la frati mai d-uriti- ~i-mi cer stava cea de eai.
20 Doi is doi cam balaneiy, 10 Fica din gura-mi graie:
C'aia-s, fico, de ai tai, -Nu fi, maica, suparata,
Ca din fala fratilor, Ca din plug, soruti de boi
Din cinstea parintilor. V'om lasa pe ce~ti doi boi,
Lasa-mi, fico, lasa-mi, draga, Care-s in par mohoriti,
25 De pe turmele de oi, 15 C'aia-s maichii mai uriti.
Lasa-ma pe noua oi, ~i din mil, dalbe de oi
NOl).a oi ,nol).a mioriy, V'om lasa pe zece oi,
NOl).a miele d-oehil?ele, ~i din ciorda cea de vaci
C'alea-s, fico, d-ale tele, V'om liisa pe l?ase vaci,
30 Ca din fala fratilor, 20 ~i din stava cea de cai
Din cinstea parintilor. Mi-ti da murgu in~alat,
Lasa-mi, fico, lasa-mi, draga, C'ala-i fala fratilor
De pe eiordele de vaei, ~i cinstea parintilor.
Lasa rna pe dova vaei, r. L'er ficu!-o d'ot'i/i negri!
35 DOl).a vaei cam baliinele, (81£. Paucine~d 1)
C'alea-s, fico, d-ale tele,
Ca din fala fratilor, 32g.
Din cinstea parintilor.
Lasa -mi, fico, lasa -mi, draga, Pa eel d'eal cu £lori frumoase,
40 De pe stevele de eai, r.,
Lasa murgu sa mi-l dai Ca-i turma d'e oi 'n sala~y
D'inl?elat, bine 'nfranat, Da la turma cine-~i d-umbla?
D-inl?elat cu nova l?eiY D-umbla-~i d-umbla sfantul soare
~i 'nfranat eu nova frane,
45 Cum ii sm la murg mai bine. 5 Cu sora sa cea mai mare.
Lasa-mi, fico, lasa-mi draga, Sora sa d'in grai graii~:
De pe sute de £lorinti, -Mulge-i iute, sfante soare,
Lasa ma-tei cinsprezeee, Ca t~-ajung~-on nor de ploaie,
C'aia-s, fico, d-ale tai, -Ba z~ala nu-i nor de ploaie,
50 Ca-s din fala fratilor, 10 Ci-aci is cuscrutii tai.
Din cinstea parintilor. Vin la mine, cer pe tine,
r. Cunund d'e ftori vinet'e! (sic!) Ceru-ti multe langa tine:
(81g. Nucl?oara 1) Ceru-ti plug cu ~ase boi,
I-om legadi 3 ~i cu doi;
15 Ceru-ti turma jumatate,
1 = fiorini.
2 = zeu.
a = mu1tumi « elegedik, ung.).

[ 286 ]
A II a)
They have come to ask me for you, 32f.
And they want, lass, much beside you,
Ask of me for much beside you: What's afoot at this time, mother,
10 Ask me for a six-ox plow, Refrain
And ask for my flocks of sheep, That the wind is blowing softly?
And ask for my herds of cows, (But) her mother spoke (and
And ask for my droves of steeds, answered):
And for florins by the hundred. (Nay,) the wind's not blowing softly,
15 Leave me, daughter, let me off, dear: 5 They have come to ask me for you,
Of six oxen and a plow, And they want, lass, much beside you:
Let me off with only two. Want a plow, (and) pairs (?) of beeves,
Two are somewhat dark-hued beeves And they want the herd of cows
Which (your) brothers most mislike; , And the drove of horses too. '
20 Two are rather light-hued beeves. 10 Spoke the daughter, (answered her):
For those, daughter, are your own, Mother, let you not be worried,
As of (your own) brothers' pride, Of the plow (and) pairs of beeves,
Of (your) parents' honor (too). We shall leave you these two beeves,
Leave me, daughter, let me off, dear, That have coats of darker hue
25 (Let me,) off the flocks of sheep; 15 For those mother most dislike~·
Let me off with (but) nine sheep, And of thousands of white she~p,
(With) nine sheep, (with) ewe lambs We shall let you off with ten;
nine, Also, of the herd of cows
We shall let you off with'six;
(Let me off with) nine black ewe
lambs, 20 Of the drove of horses too
For those, daughter are your own, You'll give me the saddled roan
30 As of (your own) brothers' pride, For he is (my) brothers' pride '
Of (your) parents' honor (too). And (my) parents' honor too.
Leave me, daughter, let me off, dear, Refrain: Of your black eyes we sing,
(Let me off) the herds of cows; daughter!
(Let me off) with but two cows:
35 Two cows (that are) rather whitish, 32~.
For these, daughter, are your own,
As of (your own) brothers' pride, On that hill with beauteous flowers
Refrain '
Of (your) parents' honor (too).
Leave me, daughter, let me off, dear, There's a flock of sheep enfolded.
40 (Let me) off the droves of steeds; But who is the flock attending?
'T~s the blessed sun attending,
Let me (but) the sorrel give,
Saddled (and) well bridled (too), 5 WIth the eldest of his sisters.
(All) besaddled with nine saddles Said his sister (unto him):
And bebridled with nine bridles ' Blessed sun, hurry and milk them,
45 As most fit is for the sorrel. ' For a rain cloud is upon you.
Leave me, daughter, let me off, dear; Nay, I swear, that's not a rain cloud
10 But it is your in-laws, (see,) ,
Of the florins by the hundred,
Let your mother (pay) fifteen, They have come to ask me for you,
For those, daughter, are your own, Ask for many (things) beside you:
50 For they're of (your) brothers' pride Want six oxen and a plow,
We'll content them with but two;
(And your) parents' honor (too).
Refrain: Garland made of sky-blue 15 Want one half the flock moreover,

[ 287 ]
A II a)
Leglidi i-om tria parte; Ma.
Ceru-ti murgu din grajdut,
Vine marea cat' de marea,
D'inl1ayat l1i d-infrAnat
~i de drum bine gatat.
Dar pre vie ce-mi adu~-al:..A­
-duce-mi brazi incetinati,

20 qucur verde de matasa,

* Cu molidve mestecati.
5 Pintre brazi, pintre molidve
Da-i, Doamne, gazdij viaja I Noata, noata boul sur.
'Y. L'e'Yuj Doamne! D-in coarne la boul sur
(56a. Lunl10ara t/) Leganel de palcinel.
'N leganel cine-mi l1ede?
10 ~ede-mi fic' acest' domn bun.
33. Dar de lucru ce-mi lucra?
'Y., Tot tmi coasa,-mi chindisel1te
I: Pleaca doamna-i la fAn1An' : I, Gulerul ta1Anij-sal},
Naframa frajinij-say.
I: La fantana L'iyordanu 1 : I 15 Nici cat fir nu d-ajunge:
------ Rupse-l1i fica l1i-a plAnge.
[Tata tay t'~-o daruit Nime 'n lume n'o d-aude,
Cu tri sut'e de forinti2 Num' 0 dalba 'mpariiteasa,
5 ~i pa taji bami mananti, ~i din grai ~a-mi graie:
~i 3 fie potcovim caii, 20 -Ce pIangi, fic' acest' 7 domn bun?
Ca de cand am tat vimt, Nu pIange, nu suspina,
~i caii n~-om pOt'init4 ell ti-oi da frati, buni barbati
Tata tal} t'~-o daruit.] ~i parinti incomorati.
10 I: Nu-mi treabii.-mi darul tay : I, Frati or bate d-argintu,
Mie-mi treab' un junel~, 25 Parinti spala auru;
Junelal1u cel d~-asara, ~i fir ti I-or firui,
Care poarta poarta 'n spate, Cu argint I-or l1uc1ui,8
~i la capu-i cu forinti Cu aur I-or polei.
15 ~i pa taij banij manAnti. 'Y. Cet'ina cet'inioa'Ya!
-Noi, Linli, t'e 'ndaturam (85a. Nucl10ara t/)
Cu tri itie 5 de Yin
~i fie fi lucru de 'mplin.
Noi, Linli, t'e 'ndaturam 34b.
20 Cy-un colac mandru de gray,
cat 0 roata de hint'ey.6
I: Colo 'n josu, mai d'in jOSY : I jos

Ramal Lina cu norocy!
t'e 'ntoarce cruce 'n focy,-

'Y. Lino, Lino l~-a'Ymo Lino!

. I
fT.l fILl
strat de busuiocy : I -ioc
IT.I fIT.l
rat mare frumosy : 1 -mos
(103. Coticlet t/)

1 = lui J ordanu.
a = fiorini « forint, ling.).
a = sa.
4 = potienit.
5 = 0 masura « ieee, ling.).
8 = trasura « hint6, ling.).
7 = acestui.
8 = face aluneeos « sikol, ling. 7).

[ 288 ]
A II a)
We'll content them with a third part; Ma.
Want the bay out of the stall,
Like the sea, high water's coming,
Saddled up and bridled up,
Bu~ w~at ?rings it on the vineyard?
Nicely readied for the road.
It 18 bnngmg boughy pines
20 (Behold) a green silken tassel,
Tangled up with mountain firs.
5 Midst the pines, amid the fir trees
Swimming, swimming's the grey o~.
Grant the host (long) life, Almightyl
On the horns of the grey ox
Refrain: Lord, I carol!
(Hangs) a little maple cradle.
Who is sitting in the cradle?
33. 10 'Tis this kind lord's daughter sitting.
But what work is it she works ?
She keeps sewing, she keeps stitching
To the spring the lady goes,
At her father's collarband
To the wellspring of the Jordan.
(Lo,) your father's given you At her brother's kerchief (too).
15 Nor did she have thread enough,
A three hundred florin gift,
5 All the little pennies too, (So) the lass began to weep.
Nobody on earth can hear her
That our horses we might shoe;
Only a white emperess, '
For, since we've been on our way,
And she spoke and thusly said:
We have lamed our horses too.
20 Kind lord's daughter, why d'you
(Lo,) your father's gifted you.
10 Of your gift I have no need;
Do not weeep, (and) do not sob,
(What) I need (is) a young lad,
For stout brothers I'll give you,
That young lad of yesterevening,
And well-moneyed parents too.
Who the gate upon his back bears
(And) the brothers shall beat silver
And wears florins in his hat
25 (And) the parents shall wash gold; ,
15 And the little pennies all.
They shall draw out thread for you,
Lina, you are in our debt
They'll besilver it with silver
With three measures of (good) wine,
That our work might be fulfilled· TheY'~1 begild it with (fine) g~ld.
Lina, you are in our debt ' Refrasn: Boughs of pine, small boughs of
20 With a handsome wheaten cake
pine tree!
Like a carriage wheel in size. '
* (See,) down yonder, lower down yet,
Turn about, cross, in the fire,
Farewell and good luck to Lina! There's a { bed of basil herb,
beautiful large meadow,
Refrain: Softly, softly, clamor softly!

[ 289 ]
A II a)
Cu dirarea pe mijloe. Fara unul d'intre vol,
Carare cin~-o faeea? 20 Far' voinicul eel d~-asara,
5 Tat on bOl) eu eoarnile, Car' al) pus picior in scara
Cu eoarnile zugravite. $i-al) pa~it a nOl)a tara.
Cu eopite poteovite. r. Cununa d~-aur!
Da in eoarne ee aduee? (72. Chibu1cutul de campie if)
Da on leagan de matasa.
10 Da in leagan cine ~ede?
Rusanda eu Susana 34d.
$i eosea de ehindisea Pa termuri de Dunarita,
GuIer la tatane-Sal) r.,
$i eiupag de mana sa. Est~-o dalba chiliita,
15 Tata-sal) din grai graie: r.,
-Coase, eoase, draga tatii!
Ti-oi da oi ~i ti-oi da boi· In chilie cine ~ade ?
-Nu-mi traba boi, nice! oi, Paratchia, fata dalba.
Far' dragutu eel d~-asara : 5 De lucru, zal), ce luereaza?
20 $ede 'n poarta razamat, Curuie~te, popriste~te
Cu cizme negre 'nealtat Naframa la frate-sal).
$i eu parul retezat. -Fa-mi ~i mie d-o niiframa,
(73pp. Chinci~ <f» Ti-oi da oi ~i ti-oi da boi.
10 Nu-mt da oj f?i nu-mi da boi,
Ci-mi da earu cu comoara
34c. $i voinicu eel d~-asara.
I: Colo 'n jos pe rat in joSY : I, $ede 'n bata razamat,
r., Zice 'n £Iujer ferecat.

r. [aj Domnuluj Doamne!
II. I (111 a. Sarafola if)
I: Est'~-un strat de basaioey : I -ioe

Cu dirarea pe mijloe. 34e.

Da eararea cin~-o faee? I I. I f"li"1
5 Da 0 fae~-un bobarnaee I: Noata, noata bou sury, r. : I sury
Cu poehite poteovite,
Cu eoarnile 'ntraurite. I: Da, ZO,2 'n eoariie ciii~-aduee : I?
Da 'ntre eoarne cine ~ede?
Leagan de matasa verde. I: Da, z0.:...,Yn l'eagan d'i matasa : I
10 Da 'n leagan cine-i eu1cat?
Fata gazdei, Maria. Da, zo, 'n leagan cine ~ade?
Tat eoase ~i tat sa 'ndoase 5 Da, zo, Ana, fata dalba,
Pomni~or fraeiueul' sal), De eoasa, de ehindisef?te
Guleraf? tatucul' sal). Guleru tatane-sal),
15 -Tu, Marie, fata dalba, Naframa fratine-sal).
Coase-mi mi~-o pareche,
Ti-oi da l)oi ~i ti-oi da boi· r. Florile-s dalbe!
-Nu-mi traba nici l)oi, nici boi, (62ec. Niere~teu c/»

1 = nici.
2 = zeu.

[ 290 ]
A II a)
With the pathway down the middle. Only one among yourselves,
Who has made the pathway (there)? 20 Only yesterevening's stalwart,
5 (,Twas) a bullock with his horns, Who has set foot in the stirrup
With his horns (all) painted over, And has stepped into a new land. 45
(And) beshod with shoes (of iron). Refrain: See, the golden wreath!
On his horns, what is he bringing?
(Why, he brings) a silken cradle.
10 But who sat inside the cradle? 34d.
Rusanda and Susana, 43 On the banksides of the Danube
And they sewed to stitch (amain) Refrain
At their father's collarband, There's a little cell (that's)
At their mother's jerkin too. whitewashed.
15 Spoke their father (unto them): Refrain
Sew on, stitch on, father's darlings, In the (little) cell, who's sitting?
I shall give you sheep and beeves. Paratzkia, a fair maiden. 46
We want neither sheep nor beeves, 5 By the Lord, what is she working?
Only yestereven's lover: She is cutting out (and hemming (?)
20 He stands leaning on the gate, (At) a kerchief for her brother.
With black top boots (he is) shod, Make for me as well a kerchief,
And his hair (is) cut off (short). (And) I'll give you sheep and beeves.
10 Do not give me sheep and beeves,
But give me the cart with treasure
34c. And the lad of yesterevening.
(See,) down yonder, in the meadow, He stands leaning on his staff,
Refrain Pipes with iron-banded pipe.
There's a flower bed of basil, Refrain: Hoy, for the Almighty!
Through its middle goes the path.
But who's beating out the path?
5 It is made by a black bullock,44 34e.
With its hooves beshod (with iron), The grey ox is swimming, swimming,
With its horns (with gilding) gilded. Refrain
But between its horns what's On his horns what is he bringing?
(hanging) ? Why, I swear, a silken cradle.
(Lo, it's a) green silken cradle. But who's sitting in the cradle?
10 But who's lying in the cradle? 5 "'ny, I swear, the fair lass Ana,
(It's) Maria, (our) host's daughter. (Who) is sewing (and) is stitching
She keeps sewing and keeps hiding (At) her father's collarband
For her brother a small sash (?), (And) her brother's kerchief (too).
Neckband for her father (too).
15 You, Maria, fair-skinned maiden, Refrain: White are the flowers!
Sew a pair for me as well, (do,)
(And) I'll give you sheep and beeves.
I need neither sheep nor beeves,

43 Here, to fit the meter, Rusanda ("eete Ruxandra) and Suzana are accented on the first
and last syllables, instead of being stressed on the second syllable, as they commonly are in
44 Bobitrnaee, which we find in this verse, has been erroneously transcribed. It should read:
bou bi1.rnaee.
45 There is a possible alternative reading for this verse, to wit: And has stepped into our
46 Pariitchia is a corrupt form of Paraschiva.

[ 291 ]
A II a)
341. Or venit juni ~i l~-or lyat.
Fica din gura graie:
1. I IFica din gura graie:
I: Pin grad'ina cea domineasca, 'Y. : 1 -Dati tmi, juni buni, ce mi-ati lyat,
I II. I Ca voi, daca nu mi-ti da,
domineasdi 15 Am tri frati ca tri biirbati

I: D-umbla-sii, pre d-umbla-sii~ : 1
'Y. Domnuluj Doamne!
(65. Ciarbal 9)
r r l fll.l
I: Ta' Maria fata dalba : 1dalb'.
Supt cer ro~ d'e rasiiritu,
Mandru pomu-i d-tnfluritu,
Dar de lucru ce lucreazii ?
5 Ea mni-~i coasa ~i-mi tes~te
Guler~ tatanel' say
I: Mandru pomu-i d-influritu : I.
!iii unu £ratane!' say.
Supt poalele pomuluiu
'Y. Flo'Yil'e-s Ilo'Yi dalbe d'e ma'Y!
5 !iied'e-mi, Doamne, cine-mi ~ed'e?

(79b. Idicel 9)
~ede-mi fica d'ochiti negri.
Tot troi ~ede ~i suspinii,
34~. Ca ~i-o pierdut baieru,
Baieru ~i salba-i dalbii,
Colo 'n josul, mai d'in josu, 10 Salba-i dalba din bani vechi
'Y., ~i cercei dela urechi.

Su' cel dalb d'e rasaritu Maicii sa la iil vene:

[Est~-un camp mandru 'nfloritu].
-Taci tu, d-Ano, nu mai pl8.nge,
Da 'n eel camp mandru 'nfloritu Ca io tie cii ti-oi da
15 Miiturice de d-anglice,
5 Salta-mi, salta boul sury
Sii miituri ceriu ~i raiu.
'Y. JuniZ'e, iuneZuj bony!
cat gunoi ii d-aduna,
Tot in iad Ii liipiida,
(BBc. Petro~an 9)
ladu tar' s'o 'ntuneca.
'Y. Doamne, Doamne, Domnuluj
35a. Doamne!
[Colo 'n josu, mai d'in JOSY (B7a. Rau de mori p)
Este'~-un pat bine 'ncheiatu]
Cu scanduri dalbe d'e bradu,
'Y., Colo sus, Doamne, mai susu,
Dar in pat cine-i culcatu? Sus in dalbii-i (sic/) rasaritu
5 Est' ~-o mica ficiorica. Est~-un porn mandru 'nfloritu
ca e ~ed'e ~i suspina, Pan' la poala 'mpoliiritu.
------ ------
ca mi-o pierdut baieru, 5 Pan' la miljoc leaga mere,
Baieru ~i salba dalbii, Pan' la varf Ie culegiore (sic/)
Salba dalbii cu bani vechi ------
10 !iii cerceii din urechi: Da 'n umbruta pomului
[ 292 ]
A II a)
34f. Lads have come and taken them.
Spoke the maiden (unto them) :
Through the (beauteous) lordly garden
Give me, good lads, what you took,
Retrain For, if you don't give it (back),
Goes a-walking, goes a-strolling
15 I've three brothers like three men
Saint (?) Maria, the fair maiden.
But what work is (that she's) working?
Refrain: To the Almighty!
5 She is sewing, she is weaving
At her father's collarband,
One for her small brother too. 35b.
Under the red sky of sunrise
Retrain: Blossoms are white apple Retrain
blossoms! There is a fine tree a-blooming,
There is a fine tree a-blooming.
34~. Underneath that tree (so beauteous),
5 There is sitting, Lord, who's sitting?
Down below, there, lower down yet,
('Tis) the black-eyed maiden sitting.
Retrain She is sitting (there) and sobbing,
Underneath that white-hued sunrise,
For her drawstring she has lost,
There's beauteous meadow blooming.
(Lost) her drawstring and white
In that handsome meadow blooming, necklace,
5 The grey ox is leaping, leaping. 10 Her white necklace of old coins,
And the earrings from her ears.
Retrain: The young lad, for the good Came her mother unto her:
youth! Quiet, Ana, weep no longer,
Because I shall give to you
35a. 15 A small broom of primrose
(fashioned) ,47
Down below there, lower down yet,
To sweep out the sky and heaven.
There's a bed well put together
All the sweepings you shall gather
Of white pine boards nicely joined.
You shall throw (down) into hell,
Retrain Hell will greatly darkened be.
But who's lying in the bed?
Refrain: Lord Almighty, to the
5 'Tis a youthful little maiden,
She is sitting there and sobbing,
For (her) drawstring she has lost,
Both (her) drawstring and white 36a.
There, above, Lord, higher up yet,
(Her) white necklace of old coins,
Up above, in the fair sunris~,
10 And the earrings from (her) ears: There is a fine tree a-bloommg,
To its stem decked out in leafage.
5 Halfway (up) it's growing apples,
At the top they're being gathered.
In the shadow of the tree

47 The plant named in this text is either Primula ojjicinalis or Spiraea jilipendula.

[ 293 ]
A II a)
ScriSU! patul Domnului. 15 Nici nu-mi veniti jos la munti:
------ Caq-s buni !1i-s haine lungi,
Da 'n patu cine-i culcat? Caii or da a salta,
10 Fica midi de 'mparat. Hainile s'or ral,l.ora.
Fica de cand al) durmit, 'Y. L'e'Yuj Doamne!
FIorile al) napadit. (52d. Savarfiin t/»
(45h. Albac if)
\ 1. I fIT.l
La rofiu da rasarity, I: qobrii negri codri-fii baty, 'Y. : 1bat
last'l un pom mandru 'nflorit.
rrl /TIl
I: leili, Ial,l.oane, pan' afara : 1-far',
De la poala pomului
Scrisu-i patu Domnului.
5 Da in pat cine-i culcat? fTl fll.l
I: Sa vezi grau cum rasarie : 1-sari,
Ca-i culcat un fil,l. curat,
Da Maica Sfanta-i lasat.
-Scoala, fil) mic, nu dormi! ITl fTIl
I: Grau-i mandru rasarity : 1-rit.
Ca de cand t~-ai adormit,
10 FIorile ti-al,l. nap1irlit
~i iarba ti-o romonit. 2 5 La mijlocu graului
'Y. FIO'Yile-s dalbe! Est~-un pom a raiului,
(61b. Corbefid) Cine fiede 'n varvu lui?
~edu-1ii dOl)a turturele,
Da-s dOl,l.a sorit~-a mele.
37. 10 Una plange, una rade.
fT"I\II.\ Ceace rade, flori implanta,
I: Poruncit-o, poruncit-o, 'Y. : 1 -0 Ceace plange, t'elea 3 frange.
-Nu frange, sor', florile,
I: Fata dalb1i la mirely : 1: C1i pe noi mama n~-a da
15 Pe una la rasarit,
I: -Faca-fii mir~-atata bine : 1 Pe una la scapatat.
Fa-ti un, strut de busuioc,
I: Sa mi-fii vina pan' la mine: I. Stropt in sus 1ii stript in jos,
Stropt in poarta cerului.
5 I: Sa nu-mi vina prea cu multiy : 1: 20 Daca cerul s'a deschide,
~i noi. sora, n~-om cuprinde.
Cu cincizeci de cal1ir~i 'Y. Domnuluj Doamne!
Mai p~-atatia pedestrafii; (6li. Comlaufia t/»
~i nu-mi suie sus la munti.
Ca munN is spulberofii, 38b.
10 Caii-s buni fii-s haine lungi,
~i caii-or da a salta, I: ICfii, Iuoane, pan' afara : I,
Hainile s'or spulbera, 'Y.,
Mirea-i mica fii neata (sic!)
Nu l~-o putea scutura. I: Sa vezi grau cum rasare : I.
1 = este.
S = rumenit.
S = pieiea.

[ 294 ]
A II a)
Is appointed the Lord's bed. 15 Nor below the mountains come;
But who's lying in the bed? Coats are long, the horses good,
10 (Tis )the emperor's daughter young. Horses might begin to prance,
Since the lass has gone to sleep, (And) the coats might get bedewed.
Flowers have grown over (her). Refrain: Lord, I carol!

36b. 38a.
In the ruddy (light) of sunrise The black ravens (?) ply the forest,
Refrain Refrain
There's a beauteous tree abloom. Come along, John, out of doors,
At the foot of the (fair) tree To see how the wheat is sprouting.
Is appointed the Lord's bed. Handsomely the wheat is sprouted;
5 But who's lying in the bed? 5 In the middle of the wheat,
Lying there is a true48 Son, (Lo,) the tree of heaven stands.
By the Holy Mother left. Who is perching on its top?
Wake up, little Son, don't sleep! (See,) two turtledoves are perching,
For since You have gone to sleep But they are my own two sisters.
10 Flowers have grown over You 10 One is laughing, one is weeping.
And the grass has gone to seed. She who's laughing sets out flowers,
Refrain: White are the flowers! She who's weeping breaks them off.
Sister, do not break the flowers,
Because mother means to wed us,
37. 15 Toward sunrise one (of us),
She has bidden, she has bidden, Toward sunset one (of us).
Refrain Make yourself a bunch of basil,
The fair lass the bridegroom's (bidden) ; Bloomed atop and slim below (?),
Let the bridegroom be so kindly At the gate of heaven bloomed (?).
As to come along to (see) me. 20 If the heavens open up,
5 Let him not come with too many; We, too, sister, shall find comfort (?)
Fifty horsemen (let him take) Refrain: To the Almighty!
(And) about as many foot;
Let him not climb in the hills,
For the hills are full of dust; 38b.
10 Coats are long, the horses good, Come along, John, out of doors, (do,)
Horses might begin to prance, Refrain
Dusty might become the coats; To see how the wheat is sprouting.
Bridegroom's young and
unaccustomed (?),
(And) he couldn't shake them (clean);

48 Curat means both true and immaculate or clean.

[ 295 ]
A II b)
I: Grau-i mandru rasaritu : 1 Tat ficiori nensuratori
4-20 = 38a. 5-21 20 !iii fet'e maritatoare.
1'. C01'ind'e ma Doamn'! Ce mai roica-i nasalnica,
(73g. Tarna mare if) Ce mai mare-i vestitoare,
La brau cu spic de gral},
La brata cu iarba creata,
39. 25 La cosita-i romanita,
Crescut-o, rasarit-o La t'ica tat infiorita.
D'un pom nalt ~i romanatu, 1'. C01'ind'eZ'e cef: Domno Sianta Ma1'i'!
1'., (105. Coticlet if)

Cu d'albil'e (sic!) jos pre mare,

Cu ramil' e sus pre soare. 40.
Foaie verd'e turbure;r!l,
5 !iii mare d'in grai graie- l'e: 1'.,
-Ard'ica,l pom, ramurile, Ave L'ena mci ca ie~,
C'oi vini io manil}oasa,
Manil}oasa, tulburoasa, Tri ficiuri ~i-o fata mare.
T'~-oi mana pre mare jOSY. 5 L'ena cea vesela are
10 -Mare, nu t'e laudare,
C'a~a tare t'e-oi saca~. Tri ficiuri ca ni~te zmei,
Mare, nu t'e laudar~, D~-a draguij sa cayti la ei.
Pe unde-ij is vadurile, Dar copila razatoare,
Trece mi-oi plugurile; Subtire ~i cantatoare,
15 Pe unde-ti is vadurile, 10 Rupta dintr'on raz de soare
Face mi-oi io gradinile
!iii mi-oi samana fiorile. Doamne f:oj DomnuZuj Doamne!
!iii la fiori oi strange sori: 84b. Rau de mori if)



41a. 1'.,
I: Sus, sus, sus pi langa luna: I, Cy-o mana ma tin de luna,

Cy-o mana ma til} d'e luna, 5 = Da i-om da yo la nana~,

------ (104e.) Lili1Jtin lij-a nos' Doamn'!
Cu una 'mpletesc cununa. (73ss. Idicel if)
!iii cununa cui i-om da? (104e. Libane~d if)
5 I-om da la nana~ului.
Ca de miiici n~-o botezat 41b. [Cf. 53.]
!iii de mati n~-o cununat.
Colo sus la rasarity,
Val'. (Mel. 104e.): I: 1'. :1,
1-2 = Sus, sus, sus pe langa luna,

1 = ridica

[ 296 ]
A II b)
Handsomely the wheat is sprouted. Only lads (that are) unwed,
4-20 = 5-21 of 38a. 20 And (but) marriageable lasses.
Refrain: I'm caroling, Lord! (And) the youngest (lass) is fearsome,
(And) the eldest's a foreteller,
Ear of wheat (wears) in (her) belt,
39. In (her) arms (bears) grass (that's)
There has sprouted, there has grown curly,
A (fair) tree (both) tall and spreading, 25 Camomile (wears) in (her) tresses,
Refrain All beflowered (are her) tresses.
With its foot down by the seaside, Refrain: The carols of Saint Mary, Our
With its boughs up on the sun's face. Lady!
5 And the sea spoke up a-saying:
Tree, be lifting up (your) branches,
Because wrathfully I'm coming, 40.
Wrathfully (and sorely) troubled, Oh, green leaf (of the) beaked
Down upon the sea I'll drive you. parsley,49
10 Sea, do not speak boastfully, Refrain
For so badly shall I drain you; Lena had no hanks (of sheep's wool),50
Sea, do not speak boastfully, Lena had no hanks (of sheep's wool),
Wheresoever are your waters (But) three sons and maiden daughter.
With my plows I shall be passing, S Has the gay (and sprightly) Lena
15 Wheresoever are your waters Three sons (stalwart) like (three)
(That's where) I shall make my giants,
gardens, Comely (but) to look upon.
And (that's where) I'll sow my But (her beauteous) laughing daughter,
flowers. (Is so) slim and (so) entrancing,
Pairs (?) I'll gather at my flowers: 10 (Seems a piece) tom off a sunbeam.

Refrain: To the Lord, to the Almighty!


41a. Refrain
With one hand the moon I'm
High, high, high, the moon enfolding, holding,
With one hand the moon I'm holding, 5 = But we'll give it godfather.
(And) with one a wreath I'm braiding. Refrain (104e.): Lily flower and Our
And whom shall we give the wreath?
5 We'll give it (our) godfather,
For as children he baptized us
And as grown-ups married us. 41b.
There, on high, toward the sunrise
Variant (Mel. 104e.) : Refrain
1-2 = High, high, high, the moon

49 That is, chervil (A nthriscus cerejolium).

&0 Alternative readings for this obscurely worded verse: Lena had small hanks (of sheep's
wool), Lena even had no horses, and Lena had some little falcons.

[ 297 ]
A II c)
Est'~-un mar mare 'nflority, 10 Sus pa sus langa luna.
Cin~-ai manat dupa ei?
Face mere d'e arginty. Fica gazdei cea mai mare:
Dar supt umbra marului Cl}-O mana tinea de luna,
5 Est~-un pat mare 'ncheiat. Cu una 'mpletea cununa,
Da in pat cine ~edea? 15 Ei 0 fi de cununie
$ade Petru cu Sanpietru. $i la 'ltor de veselie.
-Scoala, Petre, nu durmi. 1'. I: laj Domnuluj Doamne I: I
Ca ti-is zburat golumbi (68. Igri~ 1)



42a. Calu-~i alege

Ro~u ca focuk,
Hoi 'ntorcu, sa 'ntorcm, 25 Sur ca porumbuk.
I.1'., $i sa slobozi
DOl}a d-oaste grel'e, Ca-l}n vant pe pamanty,
2.1'., Ca-l}n fulger pe ceq.
Pe sus pe la cer.
Da tatal graie:
D-una ti-e cl}-un domny, 30 -Ie stai, fill, mai stai!
5 Una-i fara domny. $i daca d-imi vezi
Da cea fara domn La-l}n loc de nevoi,
T'e tragi cam napoi;
D-atata umbla~ La-l}n loc de dobanda
Pana-jp negutak 35 T'e fa cam nainte,
Sus la maica-sa. Ca vrei dobandi
D-asta lume tata.
10 De pranz l'e punere, I.1'. : Doamnel
D-oscuja2-~i graie~: 2.1'. : Doj co1'ind'el
-Pe pranz n'am vinit, (21g. Coticlet 1)

Ci noi am vinity
C'a~' am d-auzity,
15 $i-o nascut d-un fill, Hoi 'ntorcu, sa 'ntorcy,
D-un fill de domnii. Doi-tri d'oaste grele,
Fil} injelege-o Pe sus sa 'ntorcu,
$i din talpi sare DOl}a mi-s cu domny,
Ta'3 cu d'arme 'n palme 5 Una-i far' da domn.
20 $i sa sclobozi. Domnuju-~i cerca,
Fugar', mai fugara Ca ~i-o d-auzit,
'N grajdu cailory, Ca ~i-ar pute fi

1 = ~i.
2 = dimin. de la oaste.
3 = tot.

[ 298 ]
A large apple tree is blooming 10 Up about the moon (they're flying).
(And) it's bearing silver apples. Whom have you sent after them?
But beneath the apple's shade (Why,) the host's (own) eldest
5 There is a large bed set up. daughter:
But who's lying in the bed? She held fast the moon with one hand,
Peter's lying with Saint Peter. 51 With one (hand) a wreath she braided,
Wake up, Peter, do not sleep, 15 'Twill be hers for (her own) wedding
For your pigeons have flown off, And for others' merrymaking.
Refrain: Hoy, to the Almighty!


41a. Swiftly made his way,

Like a wind on earth,
There are coming back, ho, In the sky like lightning.
ISt Refrain But the father spoke:
Two (large) mighty armies,
30 Stay, son, stay awhile!
2nd Refrain And if you should see
Up about the sky. Hardships in some place,
One is with a master, You are to withdraw;
5 One's without a master. (If) some place (be) gainful,
That without a lord 35 You are to go onward,
Doughtily marched onward For you are to win
Till it made the journey This world altogether.
To his mother high. ISt Retrain: LOYd God!
10 Midday meal she readied,
2nd Retrain: Sing the carols!
But the host spoke saying:
We've not come to eat,
But we have come (hither) 41b.
For we have learnt thusly: Hoy, there are returning
15 That a son was born, Two (or) three large armies,
The son of a lord. They're returning upward:
Son had understanding, Two (of them) have leaders,
He leaped to his feet, 5 One's without a lord.
In his hands with weapons, It sought out a lord
20 Swiftly made his way, Because it had learnt
Running (ever) swifter That there might be (one),
To the horses' stable,
Chose himself a horse
Ruddy as the fire,
25 Ashen as a pigeon,

51 Identically worded, the original verse sounds just as odd in Rumanian as it does in the
above translation.

[ 299 ]
A II c)
Un fie~ 1 de domn Mare mai mare,
10 Sus la Maica Sfa.nta.. Mare-~ipiicurar,
-Sclabu-i da o~tire, Sii-l la oi,
Micu-i dii domnire, 15 La oiti la munte,
Cai nu ~ti' 'n~ela, Sii Ie facii multe:
!;ii nu-i ~ti' 'nfrba. CMe stelu~el~-A-
15 Fiu 'ntelege, -ta.tea mielu~~;
Susu siirie Ca.ti luceaferij, -A-
Cu fra.ul pe ma.nii, 20 -ta.tia berbecei!
'N grajdu cailor
Bun cal d-alege,
20 Bun cum nu-i ga.ndu, !;ii te vesele~te
lute ca focu, Gazd', acest domn bun,
'N p~ ca fulgeru. Cii v' om inchina
Mbdru-l d-in!1ela, Dalbii siiniitatea!
Sus pre el zbura, r.loj Domnuluj Doamne!
25 Ma.ndru riiduie,2 (12s. Petri~ if)
Tiit sAlta.nd, juca.nd.
Maica-~i griiie:
-Linu-i chitilin! 44.
Maica-~i griiie: Crie~t'e-mi, Doamne, crie~tiy
30 !;ii te 'ntoarce, fil}, intoarce!* Toti fiii d'in lume;
'N locuri de nevoi 1'.,
Stiii tmi cam napoi; Crie!1t'e-mi, Doamne, cri~tiy
'N locuri de dobbdii !;ii-a miel} fiul micy,
Stiii imi cam niiinte,
35 Cii ti-i nirui 3 -A- 5 De eu sii mi-l viidy
Ceasta lume tiitii. Marie-I, miiri~ory,
I.r.: Doamne! Marie-I, miiri~ory
2.1'.: Daj carinde! mndru de ficiory;
(21b. Urvi~ if)
D'e el} sii mi-l viidy
10 Niidriiguti triiga.n'y,
43. Niidriiguti triiga.n'y,
I I. I fTIl
I: Sara ceasta-i sara, r. : I sara,
Plipuci inclilta.n'y,
Plipuci inclilta.n'y,
Sabie 'ncinga.n'y,
Sara lui Ajuny 15 Sabie 'ncinga.n'y,
!;ii-a lui Domn Criiciuny. La l}oastra (sic!) pleca.n'y,
Domnul s'al} niiscuty,
5 Tri legi al} liisaty, lJoastre cufranga.n',
Tri legi pe piima.nt: Cum fra.ngi fiorile,
Ciubere cu bere, A~a-!1i legile.
ledere de varii, 20 Crie~te-mi, Doamne, cri~ti
La mari boierese !;ii-a me fica micii,
10 Fil} mic sii-mi biiieze, De el} s'o mi-o vlid
Sii mi-l creascii mare, Mare, miiri~oarii,
Rochie 'ncinga.n',

1 = fiut.
S = pomea « ered, ung.).
8 = dobAndi « nyer, ung.).

[ 300 ]
A II c)
The son of a lord, Bigger and yet bigger,
10 Up at Our Lady's. A large shepherd (grown),
He's weak for an army, Send him with the sheep,
Young to be a ruler; 15 With sheep in the mountains,
He can't saddle steeds, To increase them greatly:
He can't rein them in. Many as the stars (may)
15 The son understood, The ewe lambs be (also);
(And) he leaped aloft, Many as the lodestars
On his arm a bridle; 20 (May) the rams (be too)!
In the horses' stall,
A good horse he chose,
20 Good as thought is not,
May you be rejoicing,
Mettlesome as fire, Goodly master, host,
(And) like lightning paced. For we'll pledge to you
He saddled it well, Fair health (and good fortune)!
Upon it he flew, Refrain: Hoy, for the Almighty!
25 Handsomely set out,
Leaping, capering.
But the Mother said: 44.
Softly, softly there! Make them grow, Lord, rear them,
(And) the Mother said: All sons the world over;
30 Turn about, son, and come back Refrain
(here)! 52 Make him grow, Lord, rear me
In places of plight, My own son as well,
Stand somewhat aback; 5 So that I may see him
(But) in gainful places Grown up, fairly grown-up,
Stand you somewhat forward, Grown up, fairly grown-up,
35 For you shall prevail up- (And) a handsome lad (too);
On this world entire. 53 So that I may see him
Ist Refrain: Lord God! 10 Drawing on his breeches,
2nd Refrain: Sing the carols! Drawing on his breeches,
Putting on his slippers,
Putting on his slippers,
43. Buckling on a sabre,
This evening's the evening, 15 Buckling on a sabre,
Refrain Leaving for the army,
(It is) Christmas Eve, Army breaking up
And of the Lord Christmas. As you (might) break blooms:
Born was the Lord (Jesus), (For) such are the rules. 54
5 Three rules He appointed, 20 Make her grow, Lord, rear me
Three rules upon earth: Also my young daughter,
Firkins (full) with wassail, So that I may see her
Ivy of a summer, Grown up, fairly grown-up,
(And) to noble ladies Girding on a dress,
10 A young son, to bathe (him),
Nurture him and rear him,
63 This unexpected octosyllabic verse is found in the original too.
53 This amusing division of a word between two consequent verses is deliberately reproduced
from the original, though the word selected is not the same as that of the Rumanian text. The
scansion is identical in the two versions.
54 It is not quite clear whether this is the intended meaning of the verse, which might also
be read: Also (break) the rules.

[ 301 ]
A II c)
25 Cizmute 'nc1iltin', Pacuraq de munte;
Becita cicin' (sic!), 10 D-altu 1-0 manat
Salba stralucin', Cel faor de d-aur.
La ned'ep plecan', Pluga~el de camp
Ned'ei cufrangan' (?), tne' 0 poruncit
30 Cum frangi florile, C1)-on cuvant pa vant,
A!la-!li legile. 15 La el sa mi-ji3 mearga
r. Daj DomnuZuj Doamne! ~i el sa-mi aret'e
(lOa. Ciarbal if) Toti stoguri in comuq.
Pacurari de munte
lara poruncit-o
45. 20 Cl}-on cuvant pe vant,
I: laon voinicului : I, D-altu pe pamant
r., ~i la el sa-ji mearga
I: La bun crai sluj~te : I, ~i el sa-mi aret'e

I: Masa !li-o cinste!lte

==== Cat'e floq pa munt!:ld-
25 -tat'e oi de mult'e;
rca !li el i!li d-are Cllt'e brebenei,
5 Doi parinti batrani] Atlltia berbeciy
~i el s'o rugaty : 1 Cu coamele 'n vllnt,
La Maria Sa, Cu bite d'argint,
Sa illas' acasa, 30 Razam in pamant.
Decand nu io 2 fost, Cel faor de d-aur
10 Pranzu nu-l pranze!lte, D'tnc'~ 0 poruncit
Pana nu-l gande!lte; Cl}-on cuvllnt pe vllnt,
Cina n'o cina, D-altu pa pamant,
Pan' nu s'o 'nchina. 35 La el sa mi-ji mearga
~i daca io 2 fost,
~i el sa-mi aret'e
15 Pranzul 0 pranzit, Buti cu bani marunti
Nu 1-0 mai gandit; Care cu comoare.
Cina yo cinat, 1'. Daj Domnuluj Doamne!
Nu mai s'o 'nchinat. (12t. Ciarbal if)
r. Hoj da leruj Doamn~o!
(12e. Niere~teu if)
46. r.,
Juni pre junel colindan:;
Fericean d'e ely!
Bin' l-ai fericiaty. ====
Dar' om, dar' om, ce l!:l-om da~:
L~-om da, dar' om junelui,
Bin l'ai fericiaty
Lui mie l-ai daty
J uni Ie par~-un dar cam mare
5 Tri feti inteleptiy. ------
Unu 1-0 manaty 5 ---------l'or lasa~

Plugarel de camp; r. J un(f-a Zunj juneZ bun!

D-altu 1-0 manat (37b. Petro!lan if)

1 = serblitoarea hramlui bisericii.

2 = acolo.
3 = ~i.

[ 302 ]
A II c)
25 Stepping into boots, Shepherd of the mountain,
Fastening her girdle (?), 10 Another he set
Necklace shining (bright), Goldsmith (for to be).
Going to the feast, Plowman of the field
Breaking up the feast He commanded (then),
30 As you (might) break blooms: By word of the wind,
(For) such are the rules. 54 15 Unto him to hasten
Refrain: Grant the Lord Almighty! And to him discover
Stacks in every corner.
Shepherd of the mountain
45. He commanded also,
John, the stalwart youngster, 20 By word of the wind,
Refrain Overland as well,
A good king is serving, Unto him to hasten
His own board he honors,55 And to him discover
Because he has also For all mountain flowers
5 Aged parents two. 25 Just as many ewe lambs,
And he has begged leave For all periwinkles56
Of His Majesty Just as many rams,
Home for to allow him, With horns in the wind
For, since he's not been, (And) with silver fleece
10 Midday he's not eating 30 Trailing to the ground.
Till he thinks it (over); To the goldsmith (too)
Supper he'll not sup He sent a command,
Until he has prayed. By word of the wind,
And, once he's been (there), Overland as well,
15 Midday meal he ate, 35 Unto him to hasten
No more thought it (o'er); And to him discover
Supper he has supped, Kegs with little coins,
No more has he prayed. Carts with treasures (laden).
Refrain: Carol for the Lord, hoI Refrain: Grant the Lord Almighty!

46. 47.
Fortunate is he, (Lord!) Refrain
Well have You endowed him, Youths are caroling the youngster,
Refrain Give them, give, what shall we give
Well have You endowed him, them?
You've bestowed upon him We'll make yougster gift to them.
5 Three sons full of wisdom. Youths think he's a somewhat large
One he has appointed gift,
Plowman of the field, 5 - - - - - they will leave him
Another he set
Refrain: To the youngster, goodly

a& Other possible readings for this verse: To his board he's treated, and (if masa is meant to
read mil-sa) His mother he honors.
as The plant indicated in the original could also be the fumewort (Corydalis).

[ 303 ]
A II d)



48a. 40 Cum I-or fereeat,

Loeul bun l~-a1) dat,
I: Ferieem d' e ely : I Locul bun din rai,
I: D'e eest domnul buny : I D-in mijloe de rai.
------ -Ce dar ea ti-ai dat,
I: Boierul batrany : I! 45 De ti-ai apueat?
I: Cum I-or fereeatu : I
------ o dat, iti ai dat
------ Buti eu bani mamnti;
5 Loeul bun l~-al} datu, o dat, tti ai dat
Loeul bun din raiY. Carii eu eomoara;
D-in mijloe de raiy 50 0 dat, tti ai dat
Santu mi-~i, mai sant qurda mohoritii;
Doi meri d-influriti, o dat, iti ai dat
10 Mese d~-a d-argint; Pluguna de boi;
'N jur-prejur de mese o dat, tti ai dat
~ezetori direse. 55 Mij dalbe de oj.
~ezetori direse. ~i d~-aeel~-am dat
La d-un com de masii Domnul mi 1~-a1) dat
~ede mni-~i mai ~ede Ce s'a indurat,
15 Domnu-i Dumneze1); Dar n~-ai maneeat
Da l' a doilea com 60 Noaptea 'ntunerie
~ede mni-~i mai ~ede La dalb' biseriee
Petru eu Sant' etru ; 1 Tot eu lumninele
Da a trilea com $i eu preseurele.
20 !;iede mm-~i mai ~ede (12dd. Fene~ 1)
laon Sant laon;
A patrilea com
Santu mni-~i mai sant 48b.
Doi meri d-influriij Cel boier batrany,
25 Cu flori de d-argint. Bun loeu-~i ave!1l
Prin flori d-argint r.,
Multe mere santo
Boarea ~i-mi borea, La mijloe da raiu
Boarea raiului La masa-i galbanii.
30 Despre rai din jos.
Merii eliitina, 5 Pii masii ee-i serisy
Mere-mi t'iea 2 'n masii, Pomu-i raiului
'N jur-prejur de masa.
La masa-mi ~edea C1)-un randut de flori,
35 Domnu-i Domnezel}, Cu d-altu de mere.
In mere-mi juea Soarile luee~,
~i mni-~i euviinta 10 Merile-~i eoee~,
Ciitr' aeest domn bun, Vantul aburale,
Boierul biitran, Merile-~i pieaji,

1 = Sf. Petru.
S = pica.

[ 304 ]
A II d)


48a. 40 (Said) how He'd bestowed,

Granted the good place,
Fortunate is he, (Lord,) Heaven's goodly place,
(Is) this goodly master, In the midst of heaven:
The elderly noble!
What gift have you made
How he was made happy,
45 That you (once) enjoyed?
5 The good place was granted, Once you gave away
The good place in heaven. Barrels of small coins,
In the midst of heaven Once you gave away
(Lo,) there are as well Carts with treasures (laden),
Two apples abloom, 50 Once you gave away
10 Silver tables (too); Herd of darkling color,
Round about the tables Once you gave away
Gatherings appointed. Oxen with a plow,
At one table corner Once you gave away
There is also sitting 55 Thousands of white sheep.
15 The Almighty Lord; Of these (all) I gave,
At the second corner
God gave them to me,
There is also sitting For He mercy had;
Peter with Saint Peter; But You woke us up
But at the third corner 60 In the dark of night
20 There is also sitting At the whited churches,
John (who is) Saint John; All (about) with candles
(And) at the fourth corner And communion wafers.
There are too, there are
Two apples abloom
25 (All) with silver blooms.
Mid the silver blooms (Lo,) the aged lord
Many apples hang. Had a goodly place
Wafted was the breeze, Refrain
Heaven's scented breath, In the midst of heaven,
30 Down through heaven (blew); At the yellow table.
Shook the apple trees, 5 On the board's appointed
On the board fell apples, The heavenly tree,
Round about the table. With one set of blooms
At the table sat (And) with one of apples.
35 The Almighty Lord, (Lo,) the sun was shining,
With the apples played 10 Ripening the apples;
And addressed Himself (And) the wind was blowing,
To this goodly lord, Blowing down the apples
The old nobleman,

[ 305 ]
A II d)
La boier pe masa, La mere strange~
Boier Ie lege. Pin manuri, pin sanuri.
15 Cile 1 ce-s mal marl
Cinsta-s pa domni mari; r. Daj Domnuluj Doamne!
Cile ce's mai mici, (120. Fere~d </»
Cinsta-s pa domni mici.
Boier capatare
20 $i 'n mani ~iTn sani, 48d.
Lua, sa ducenl I 1. I fIIl
Sus la maica sal!;], I: Masa rotilata, r. : 1 -lata
Maica-l d-intreba~:
-Cine ti l~-o dat? Galbana de t'atra. 4
25 -Ca m'am io rugat Da in cornu mesei
Cl}-ot'ii ~i 'n genunchi Pomut ramurat
Sfinti Dumineci 5 De poame 'ncarcat.
Dalbe-s biserici Drumari pe drum trece
Cu caqile 'n branci. $i poame culege
r. 10j Domnul joj Doamn'/ Pe manuri, pan' sanuri.
(12y. Coticlet if) Luna 'n drum l~-o stat,
10 Mandru i-o 'ntrebat:
-Cine vi l~-o dat?
48c. -Noi l~-am dipatat
I: Fericean d'e ely: I, Dela sfantul soare
r., Cu mare rugare.
r. Daj Domnuluj Doamne!
I: D'e boieri batraniy : I! (8. Pom if)

I: Cum i-o fericiaty : 1

I: Drag Domnul d'in ceriy : 1 48e.
5 I: D'e lui, d'e i-o daty : 1 I: Fericat, ferice : I,
D-on locut mai buny r.,
'Nt'o mirjoc 2 de raiy De cine-i ferice?
Une 3 -s mese 'ntinse.
Jur-prejur de mese De boier batrany.
10 Sant sca1}ne diriese, Gandu ~i-o gandity
Pe sca1}ne ~ede~ 5 Masa ~i-o gatity.
Dragi boieri batraniy. Masa ii galbana,
D-asupra pa masa-i Galbana de peatra.
Maru madgaliny 'N mijloc eel de masa-i
15 Mandru d-influrity. Mar dulce 'nflority
Pintre flori d~-arginty 10 Cu flori de d-arginty
Boarea d-abura, Pan flori de d-arginty
Merii legana, Mere sant d~-aur.
Merele pica, Cest boier batrany
20 Masa sa 'ncarca. La masa-i ~ezandy
Dragi boieri batraniy 15 Cu mere jucandy,
La masa ~ezan'y Jucand ~i razandy.

1 = cele.
2 = mijloc.
3 = unde.
4 = peatriL

[ 306 ]
A II d)
On the (old) lord's table. Gathered up the apples
The lord sorted them; In their hands (and) bosoms.
15 The larger ones are
Gifts for mighty lords; Refrain: Grant the Lord Almighty!
The smaller ones are
Gifts for lesser lords.
The lord filled his hands 48d.
20 And (he filled) his bosom, (Lo, there's) a round table
Took them, carried them Refrain
Upward to his mother. Yellow-hued, of stone (made).
Asked of him his mother; At the table's corner
Who gave them to you? (Stands a) boughy tree
25 ('Tis )because I prayed 5 Loaded down with fruit.
On elbows and knees,57 Wayfarers are passing
(Every) Sunday blest And the fruit they gather
(At) the churches white In (their) hands (and) bosoms.
With books in my hands. The moon held their way,
Refrain: Hoy, to the Almighty! 10 Nicely asked of them;
Who gave them to you?
We were given them
48c. By the sun (so) blessed,
Now happy he is With a goodly prayer.
Refrain Refrain: Give to the Almighty!
The elderly lord!
How he has been blessed by
The dear Lord of Heaven, 48e.
5 Who bestowed upon him (He is) blest, (he's) blissful.
A more favored place Refrain
In the midst of heaven, Who is blest (and) blissful?
Where are spread the tables. (It is) the old lord;
Round about the tables He has thought a thought,
10 There are chairs appointed; 5 He's set up a table.
On the chairs are sitting Yellow is the table,
Old beloved lords. Yellow, of stone (fashioned).
There o'erhangs the table In the table's middle
The peach-apple tree, A sweet apple's blooming
15 Handsomely it's blooming. 10 With blossoms of silver;
Through the silver blossoms Mid the silver blossoms
Blew the (gentle) breeze, There are golden apples.
Apples set asway, This old noble lord
Apples tumbled down, At the table's sitting,
20 Laden was the board. 15 With the apples playing,
Old beloved lords Playing (with them), laughing.
Sitting at the table

57 There seems to be an error of transcription in this verse: Gu otii being substituted for' N
coate. If, however, the verse is correctly transcribed, the translation should read: With my eyes
and knees.

[ 307 ]
A II d)
Domn mare din eeri 49.
Ciarup(sic!) grai iar.
-Cest boier batranu,
Pe su' raza soareIui,
20 Cine ti~-o datJt-A-
Cand de rai s'apropt'ia,
-tata bueuri~,-A- Mandru Iueru ee-ji 2 vede:
-tata veselie? Tat un pomut rasadit,
Cest boier batranu 5 Primavara inflorit,
Ciarui grai iara : Toamna pt'iea de rod'it,
25 -Domn mare din eeri De rod'it, de 'ngramadit
Mnie ea mi-o datu Cu erangile Ia pamant.
Cui m'am rugatu; Ati pleeat ~i voi strutari,
$i-am de 'ntuneeatu 10 Sa-ji ieie I?i domnu flori,
Negre 'ntunerice Sa-I?i puie pe serbatoare?
30 Dalbe-s beserice,
Sfinte-~i Duminice. (121e. Gherla 1)
1'. Hoj ley Domnij ley!
(12g. Toe 1)
Fericean d'e elu
48f. D'e eest domnul bunu!
Fericean d'e elu Y.,

I 1. I fill
I: D'i eest domnul buny, 1'. : I bunu,
I: Bin' I-ai ferieiatu : I,
Boierul batranu, I: Bin' l-ai fericiatu : 1
5 Bin' l-ai fericiatu : I,
I: D'i eest domnul bunu,
5 Boieriul batranu : I, I: La "9oi ai manatu : I
I: lJoil'e sa-mi pasea : 1
Boieriul batrany
I: Pin eurtea primblindu : I, Lin pin t'iar 3 senin,
Bani imi paturindu, Pin verde pelino
10 Strunga Ie era
I: Pin eurtea primblindu, Cel eereut de luna;
10 Bani imi paturindu : I, Foeu Ie era
Cea raza de soara;
Ioj Domnuluj Doamne!
1'. Apa Ie era
(13. Paucinel?d 1) 15 Cel roor de ploaie.
Cel frate mai mare
La foe imi ~ede,
48g. Culca ~i-adorme.
Pe cum Domnul ~i-o rugatu, Cel frate mai mie
Dumneze"9 de tot i-a datu, 20 La foe imi ~ede,
Y., Din gura graie:
-Seoala, frate, seoaill,
1-0 dat easa, i-a dat masa Ca ie I?i-o fatat
$i-on Ioeut mai bin in raiy Cea miala mioara
1'. Domnuluj Doamn'! 25 Cu lanita ereata;
(51. Chinci~ 1) $i ie I?i-o fatat

1 = graiu?
a= ~i.
S = chiaro

[ 308 ]
A II d)
The great Lord of Heaven 49.
Spoke to him from heaven:
(You) old noble lord,
Underneath the sunbeam (fair),
20 Who gave unto you so
As to heaven he drew near,
Much joyfulness (and) so
Much gladsomeness (also)? 58 What a beauteous thing he saw:
(,Twas) a handsome tree set out,
This old noble lord
5 In the springtime (all) abloom,
Unto heaven answered:
In the fall adroop with fruit,
25 The great Lord of Heaven,
Bearing fruit all of a heap,
Gave them unto me,
With (its) boughs down to the ground.
Whom I have besought;
Have you bowed the posies too,
And I have to darken
10 That the master might get blooms,
Darksome darkfulnesses
To adorn himself for feasting?
30 (In) the whited churches
(On all) holy Sundays.
Refrain: Hoy, for the Lord carol!
48f. He is (truly) blessed,
(Is) this kindly master!
Blessedness is his,
This good gentleman,
Well have You endowed him,
Well have You endowed him,
The old (noble) lord (ho!)
5 Well have You endowed him:
This good gentleman,
With the sheep You sent him,
5 The old (noble) lord.
The sheep to be grazing,
The old (noble) lord,
Softly through clear sky,
Through the yard a-strolling,
Through the wormwood green.
Folding up (his) money,
10 Their milking pen was
Through the yard a-strolling,
The wreath of the moon,
10 Folding up (his) money.
Their (hearth) fire was
The beam of the sun,
Refrain: Hoy, for the Almighty!
(And) their water was
15 Dewiness of rain.
48~. (Lo,) the elder brother
Satsi bede the fire,
As the Lord he had beseeched,
Lay down, fell asleep.
(Thus) the Lord all gave to him:
(But) the younger one
House He gave him, board He gave 20 Sat beside the fire,
him, (And) he said (to him) :
And a better place in heaven. Wake up, brother, waken,
For she has brought forth,
Refrain: Hoy, for the Almighty!
That (young) ewe lamb (fair)
25 With the fleece (that's) curly,
And she's lambed herself

58 In verses 20-22 the translator has attempted to render the fanciful splitting of words
found in the original, as well as in text Nos. 42b. and 46 (verse 24).

[ 309 ]
A II e)
Doi berbeeuti biUi Cea miala mioara
Cu laniFi ereata Cu IA.niFi creata
Prin argint in ghiata(?), D-in d-argint, in ghiaFi (?).
30 Cu eomite volte, $i ea nl(-o faeut
Voltele-s dl(-argint. 20 Doi berbeei de-i bali
1'. 10j Domnuluj Doamne! Cu eoamele-z voalte,
(11. Nue~oara if) Voalte sant dl(-argint,
Razama 'n pamant
Din eoamele lor.
50b. 25 Strunga Ie era
Feri~anl d'e ely Cel eiarean de luna,
I 1. I Foeu Ie era
Cea raza de soare.
! : D'i (sid) eez domnul buny, r. : I
D-in eoamile lor
30 Lantullantuie,
Oile-mi porne
Boieriul batrany I
La var~or de munti,
Bin' I-a feri~aty, La bradui marunti,
5 I: Drag Domnul i-a daty : I La stana batrana,
Doi fii mieueeiy, 35 La rugutul verde,
Unde iarba-mi ere~te,
Plini de noroeei. 'N patru sa 'mplete~te.
Frate eel mai mare *Nime n'o plive~te;
La foe imi ~ede, Ba ei mi-o plivese
10 'N fluier imi trage, 40 Noya eerbi de suri
Pe spatl(-adurme. Din noya eosturi;
Frate eel mai mic Noya eiuticele
Din gura-mi graia: Din nOl}a luneele.
- Seoala, frate, seoala: 1'. Domnuluj ~i Doamne!
15 Noya nl(-O fatat (lOe. Paucine~d if)


51. Cu seanduri albe de brady.

Dar in pat ee-i a~t'ernaty?
Colo sus la rasarity, 10 Iarba verde dupa raty.
Dar in pat eine-i eulcaty?
Estl(-un mar mare 'nflority Tot eulca Ion Dumnialui
$i dragina Dumniaei.
Cu merel'e de arginty, Vant de var' 0 aburatu,
------ 15 Flori de mar s'o seuturaty,
Cu erengile la pamanty ! Pe ei doi i-o astupaty.
5 Dar su' poala marului Dragina din somn sareal.f1
Estl(-un pat mare 'neheiaty $i din grai a~a graia~:
Cu picioarile de fagy,

1 [Ed.: = Fericean.]

[ 310 ]
A II e)
Two little white rams That ewe lamb (of ours)
With a fleece (all) curly With the fleece (so) curly),
Icy-hued as silver (?), Silvery and icy (?),
30 (And) with close-set homlets, She has lambed for us
Refrain: Hoy, to the Almighty! 20 Two tup lambkins white,
With horns small (and) close-set,
Close-set (made) of silver,
50b. Resting on the ground 59
Blissfulness is his, With their (little) horns.
This kind gentleman, 25 (Lo,) their sheepfold was
Refrain The ring of the moon,
The old noble lord! (And) their fire was
You have blessed him rightly: The beam of the sun.
5 Him the dear Lord's given (Round) about their horns
Two small (handsome) sons, 30 They enchained the chain,
(Both) filled with (good) luck. Onward set the sheep
(Lo,) the elder brother To the mountaintops,
Sat beside the fire, To the seedling pines,
10 Played upon (his) pipe, To the ancient sheepfold,
(Then) drowsed on his back. 35 To the green-hued bramble,
(But) the younger one Where the grass is growing,
Spoke and said (to him) : Braiding itself fourfold.
Wake up, brother, waken, There is none to pluck it;
15 To us has brought forth Yet they're plucking it,
40 (Are) the nine grey stags
From nine craggy slopes,
(And) nine little does (too)
From nine mountain meadows.
Refrain: To the Lord and Lord God!


51. With white boards of pine wood

Yonder high, toward the sunrise, But what's spread upon the bed?
Refrain 10 (Tis) green grass out of the meadow.
There's a large apple tree blooming But who's lying in the bed?
(And it's bearing) silver apples, Lying (there are) John, his lordship,
To the ground its boughs are And her ladyship, Dragina ( ?).
(hanging) ! (Lo,) the summer wind did blow,
5 But beneath the apple tree 15 Apple blossoms it shook down,
There's a large bed joined together, (And) the two were covered over.
With the legs (all made) of beech wood, From her sleep sprang up Dragina
And she spoke and thusly said:

59 Alternative reading for this verse: Holding up the earth.

[ 311 ]
B I a)
- Scoala-te, nu durmi, Ioane, Pe noi doi nll-O astupaty.
20 Ca ne ninge !?i ne ploaie! r. (Mel. 99a.) I ani-j dunca negru-j
Iaon din somn imi saria~ voda,
$i din grai a!?a graiar~: I ara-i dunca carul
- Or e!?ti proasta ori ce faci, voda!
Or e!?ti cleana fara sama! r. (Mel. 99b.) I: Darul Doamne
25 Nu ne ploaie, nu ne ninge: carel voda! : I
Vant de var' 0 aburaty, (99a. J adani ¢)
Flori de mar s'o scuturaty, (99b. Murani ¢)







52. [Cf. 58.] 53a. [Cf. 41.]

I: Fa-t'e vesel, gazda buna,
r. : I bun',
Noi umblam sa colindamy,
Dar pe gazda nu-l aflamy,
TTl rrr.l
I: Ca vin !?i junii buni : I buni, Nu-l aflam, ca nu-i acasa,

I: Junij buni col'indatori : I -tori.
Ca-i in codru dll-a vana.
S Dupa el cinll-om mana?
Om mana pe fica gazdii,
Pintre cine-!?i vine?
dan~ii Sa-l aduca tot mai sus,
5 Vine-~iDomnul Dumnezel}. Tot mai sus pe langa luna,
Dara darul ce-~i d-aduce? Cl}-O mana tinand de luna,
'N mana dreapta carte dalba 10 Cu alta 'mpletind cununa.
$i 'n cea stanga crucll-aduce. Dar cununa cui om da?
Crucea-Q da batranilor $i-om da-o la fica gazdij,
10 $i cartea preotilor. Sa-i fie de cununie,
Tatei-sal} de veselie,
Sanatatll-a tuturor,
* 15 La maica de bucurie.
r. Flori dalbe de mar!
Sana tate 'n asta casa, (37a. Sanmiclau!?ul mare ¢)
Asta-i casa veseloasa,
'Mprejur casa bogatoasa.
r. Domnului Doamne!
(61k. Idicel ¢)

[ 312 ]
B I a}
Wake up, John, (and) sleep no longer, (And) the two of us have covered.
20 For we're being snowed and rained on! Refrain (Mel. 99a.): Once again it is
From his sleep John sprang (awakened) black water;
And he thus said (to Dragina): Once again there's much black water/ 60
You are silly or you're shamming, Retrain (Mel. 99b.): Gitt ot God that
Else you're artful like none other! is the water/ 60
25 We're not snowed on, we're not rained
Summer breezes have been blowing,
Shaking down the apple blossoms,




52. 53a.
Good host, let you be rejoiceful, Retrain
Refrain We are going caroling,
For the good youths, too, are coming, But we do not find the host,
The good youths, the carolers. Find him not, for he's not home (now),
Among them, who's (also) coming? Since he's hunting in the woods.
5 Coming's the Almighty Lord. 5 Whom shall we send after him?
But what is the gift He's bringing? We shall send the host's (own)
In His right hand a white letter, 61 daughter,
In His left the cross He's bringing. For to bring him higher yet,
To the old he gives the cross, Ever higher, the moon skirting,
10 And the letter to the priests. To the moon with one hand clinging,
10 A wreath braiding with the other.
A good health to everyone,
But whom shall we give the wreath?
To the host's daughter we'll give it,
A good health unto this house (too), That it might be for her wedding,
(For) this is a house (that's) gladsome, To her father's (great) rejoicing,
Round about a wealthy household. 15 To her mother's happy pleasure.
Refrain: To the Almighty! Retrain: Apple blossoms white!

eo The original refrain is a jingle with only occasional words that have meaning in Rumanian.
It might be noted however that "oda, aside from meaning "water" in many Slavic languages,
is also the title given to the ancient Rumanian princes. Negru Voda (Radu Negru Basarab)
supposedly founded Wallachia in the Fourteenth Century.
81 Carle means both letter and book in Rumanian, the former being archaic (and probably
intended here).

[ 313 ]
B I a)
53b. r.,
D'intr' 0 curte 'ntr' alta curte,
, - d { corindarie
I.. N'
01d umblam
· Il-a corindare
Nimerim Ia domnul Turt'ii
{pormm colindare: I,
r., Domnul Turt'ii nu-i acasa,
I: Pe la porti de marl boieri : I. 5 Ca-i in codru la vanare.
I: Dar boierii nu-s d-acasa : I,
------ Dupa el cinll-om mana?
Nil-om alege doi din noi,
I: Ci-s d-in codrii dll-a vana~ : I.
Cari om fi cu cioarici noi,
L-om aduce sus pe sus,
5 Dupa ei cinll-om mana? 10 Cu-o mana tinand de luna,
Mana-om ficuta gazdii, C~ una 'mpietind cununa.
Sa-i aduca sus pe sus,
$i cununa cui om da?
Sus pe sus, pe langa luna.
Ca om da la fica gazdii,
9-15 = 53a. 9-15 Ca bine nll-a d-ominit,
r. (Mel. 111d.): Florj dalbe de mar!
15 Cu daruri ne a cinstit.
r. (Mel. 100e.): ~i-a nos' Doamne r. Careaj eareaj!
Dumneze1;.t! . (35. Albae if)
r. (Mel. 100i.): ~i-a nos' Domnu-J:
(111 d. Igris cf» 53e.
(lOOe. Cianad cf» r.,
(100i. Sarafoia if) I: Colinda-om, colindare : I,
53c. Nou ~til} gazda lasa-nll-o
Mai cu sarna gazdoaia,
r., Ca ii dusa sotia.
Sa mergem a corindaJ& 5 Nu-i dus in codri-a vana
Dintr'o casa 'ntr' astalalta.
*Ca-i dus la Galitia,
Manc~-o focu ~i para !
Nimerim Ia ist domn buny. r. Florile dalbe!
1st domn bunu nu-i d-acasa, (62d. Toplita if)
5 Ca ii dusu Ia vanaty.
Dupa el cine 0 mere?
Mere-om noi d-amandoi 53f.
$i I-om duce sus pa susy,
Sus pa sus, pa langa luna, 1I.j~1
10 Cu-o branca 'mpletim cununa.
I: Noi umblam sa colindam : I -damy,
D~ cununa cui om da?
Fetei gazdii ce mai micii,
Sa-i fie de cununie, fLl fll.l
I: $i pa Dumnezel} cal}tam : I -tamy,
Mumei-sa de veselie.
r. Florile dalbe!
(62y. Socodor if) $i-I cal}taram ~i-I d-aflaram:
- Buna sara domni ai mari!
5 - Multam voi ceia mai mario
1'. Maruluj, ma1'uluj Doamn'!
Tat amblam l?i col'indamy, (98. Sarafola if)
[ 314 ]
B I a)
53b. Refrain
From one courtyard to another, 62
{ We are going caroling, (And) come to the pancake master's 63
We set out a-caroling, He's not home, the pancake master,
Refrain 5 For he's hunting in the forest.
At the gates of the great lords,
Whom shall we send aftre him?
But the lords are not at home (now), We'll choose two among ourselves,
Since they're hunting in the forest.
Who'll have breeches (that are) new;
5 Whom shall we send after them? We shall carry him on high,
We shall send the host's own daughter
10 To the moon with one hand clinging
To bring them up (there) on high,
(And) with one a garland twining.
Ever higher, the moon skirting.
And whom shall we give the wreath?
9-15 = 9-15 of 53a. We shall give it the host's daughter,
Refrain (Mel. 111 d.): Apple blossoms For she's feasted us (full) well
white! 15 And with gifts begifted us.
Refrain (Mel. 100 e.): And to Our Lord Refrain: Scrape the fiddle! 64
Refrain (Mel. 100 i.): A nd Our Lord is
the Almighty! 53e.
53c. We shall carol, we shall carol;
I doubt if the host will let us,
Still more so the host's (good) wife,
Let us go a-caroling For her husband is away.
From one house unto another. 5 He's not hunting in the woods,
We arrive at this good master's:
But gone to Galicia, .
This good master's not at home (now), May the fire and flame consume It!
5 But he has gone off a-hunting.
Refrain: Lo, the white blossoms!
After him who shall be going?
We shall go the two of us,
And we'll carry him aloft, 53f.
Up aloft, the moon encircling,
We are going caroling
10 With one hand a garland wreathing. Refrain
But whom shall we give the wreath?
And the Lord Almighty seek;
To the master's youngest daughter,
And we sought Him and we found
So she'll have it for her wedding, Him:
To the comfort of her mother. A good evening, you great lords!
Refrain: Lo, the white flowers! 5 Thank you, you (who're) greater still.

53d. Refrain: To the apple tree, oh Lord!

We keep caroling (around)

62 Curte means both courtyard and mansion in Rumanian. .

63 In the transcription Turtii is capitalized as though it were a name, whlCh would make
this verse read; We arrive' at Mr. Turtii's. Such a name, however, is highly imp~~bable; wher~as
turtii (recte; turtei) is the genitive of turta, which is a flat baked pastry, tradltlonal at Chnst-
mastide in Rumania. . . .
64 This refrain seems meant to imitate the sound of a bow scrapmg on a flddlestnng.

[ 315 ]
B I a)
53~. Le1'ui Doamne!
(54. Tr·"aia!1 if)
I I. I lill
I: Noi umbUim!1i colindamy, 1'. :1 -dam
I: Dintr'o curt'e 'ntr' alta curt'e : 1
Hoi scoala-t'e, hoi l}om buny,
$i vezi sfinti a lui Craciuny,

Tat cantand !1i corindandy,

Pa Dumiiezel} laudandy.
Nimerim acest domn buny : 1 bun.
5 Daca, gazda, nu iii crezi,
'Cest domn bun ca nu-i acasa, Pleac' afara 1}i iie vezi,
5 Ca-i la munte la vaniL
Ca santem cu haine verzi,
$i ne ploaie !1i ne ninge
I I. I f1T.I $i ne bate vreme re
I: Dupa el cin~-om mana~ : I mana? 10 Su' stre!1ina d-altuie.
Fir~-ai, Doamne iertator:
7-15 = 53d. 7-15
1'.FloriI' e-s dalbe! Niji 1 ne ploaie, niji 1 ne ninge,
(62b. Albac if) Numa ce s'o pogorit
Un palca!1 de porumba!}
15 Cu gUisut de feciora!1.
53h. Jos la mare s'o lasat,

I: Noi umblam d-a corindarie,

I.1'. : 1
Cu t'etrile 2 0 d-arat,
Cu mare 0 'ngardinat.
r. 0 H1'istos £j Domn!
2.1'., (73n. Cabe!1ti if)

I: Pe la porti de mart boieri : 1

------ 55b.
Ia fie-ti aminte, gazda,
Domnuluj, Domnuluj Doamfle!
I.1'. =====
Domnuluj Doamne!
2.1'. D~-aprinde lumina 'n masa,
(62jj. Var. Igri!1 4» ------
Ca-ti vin junii lui Craciuny,
54. ------
Tot cantand !?i colindandy
I: Dimineata di Craciuny, 1'. : I, ------
5 $i pe Domnu laudandy.
PreumbUi-sa domnul bun, Ia ie1}i, maica, de ma vezi,
Cand in josu, cand in sus, Ca-s mai toti in haine verzi.
Cand in sus pa rasarit, (102m. Bistra if)
5 Cand in jos pa scapatat
Ved~-o ceata negureata.
Ba nu-i ceata negureata: 56.
Domnul Sfant vine la noi, I: Dormi tu, domn bun, sal} nu
Intra 'n casa, pusa masa. dormi : I?

1 = nici.
2 = pietrile.

[ 316 ]
B I a)
53~. 55a.
Caroling we go about, Hoy, awakenl Hoy, good man,
RelYain And the saints of Christmas see
From one mansion to another, RelYain
To this good master's we come: Singing and a-caroling,
This good master's not at home (now), (And) the Lord Almighty praising.
5 For he's hunting in the hills. 5 If you don't believe us, host,
Whom shall we send after him? Come outside and look at us,
7-15 = 7-15 of S3d. For we're wearing garments green,
Relyain: White aye the blossoms! And we're rained upon and snowed on,
And bad weather buffets us
10 Underneath another's eaves.
53h. Lord, be merciful (to us),
Caroling we go about We're not rained upon nor snowed on,
ISt RelYain It is but that there came down
2nd RelYain A small white-hued pigeon squab (?)
To the gates of the great lords. 15 With the voice of a young lad.
By the sea it's settled down,
ISt RelYain: To the Loyd, to the It went plowing (?) with the stones,
Almighty! (And) the sea it walled about (?).
2nd RelYain: To the Almighty! RelYain: Oh ChYist is the LOYd!

54. 55b.
On the mom of Christmas (Day) Host (of ours), let you be heedful,
RelYain Light the candle on the table,
The good master strolls about, For the lads of Christmas come
Sometimes down (and) sometimes up, Singing and a-caroling,
Sometimes toward sunrise, up, 5 Giving praise unto the Lord.
5 Sometimes toward sunset, down: Come out, mother, look at me,
(Lo,) he sees a misty dimness. Most of us are in green clothes.
Nay, it's not a misty dimness:
To us comes the Holy Lord,
Comes indoors, set is the table. 65 56.
Do you sleep, good sir, or not?
Relyain: LOYd, cayoll

Ii Alternative reading for this verse: Came indoors (and) set the table.

[ 317 ]
B I a)
"., Sa mature curtile,
I: Da de dormi, domn bun, te 5 Sa umpla paharile
scoala : I, Ca va vin colindatori
Noaptea pi la e~tatori.
De, domn bun, te vesel~ti,
C'un domn bun s'a veselit, $i printr' in~i eine-~i vine?
Vine-~i bunul Dumnezel}
5 Dela lad n~-a m~ntuit. 10 Cl}-on vazm~tu mohorlt,
Maica Sf~ntii pentru fi\l- Lungu-i, lung p~na 'n pam~nt.
M~ndru 'n lum~-a luminat
Dar in spate !Ii in piept
$i ton muntii i-a jucat. . Serisa-i luna ~i lumina,
La munn verzi is ierbi intregI,
Soarile ~i razile;
10 La izvoare-s ape reei.
15 lar' in eei doi umerei
Da ne slobozi, gazda, 'n casa,
Seri~i is doi lueeferei;
Sa 1:1-0 zicem dela masa La 'mprejurul poalilor
Mal m~ndra !Ii mal frumoasa, Serise-s stele maruntele,
Cum 0 lasat Dumneze\l-
Mai in sus mal marieele.
15 Colindele junilor,
". L'e" Domftjale!
(55. Urisiu de sus if)
". ~j-a nost' Domnu-j Dumneze'lf!
(73x. Bistra if)
57. Seoala, gazda, nu durmire,
Ca nu-i vreme d-adurmity
la-mi scoala-t'e, domnul bunu, ------
"., [Ca-i vreme d'~-a podobity
ca tie ti-o rasarity Cu podoabile d'~-arginty,
M~ndrut galbin luceafaru. 5 Ca vin junii lui Craeiuny,
------ Yin eu Domnu Dumnezel}a.]
D'e nu crezi, ia mi d'e-l vezi: ------
------ Fa~a ~i-a lui mit'it'el~,
5 Susu-i, sus a mIijaza zi-l'e, Fa!/a-i dalba d'e matasli,
Ca sa 'nsuci de merel}
Cl}-O m~neea de bumbae,
In chipu lui Dumnezel}; 10 Tat eu pene l~-a gatat:
Ca sa 'ntoarse de frumos Una-i luna soarelui,
In chipu lui Hiristos. Una-i boarea v~ntului,
10 Toatii lumea-Q luminat Una-i spica gr~ului,
$i toti muntii i-a jucat, Una-i floarea e~mpului.
Ca mIijeii mioarilor,
Ca berbecii oil~r.
". Domnuluj Doamnel
15 Ciucuri verde de matasa;-
(58b. Fene!l if) Sa si 1, gazda, sanatoasa
La '~ara ea primavara
58a. [Cf. 52.] Ca ~i toamna d:-i bogatii,
Ca ~i gita ginului 2
Sculan, sculati, boieri mari, 20 $i ea spieu grnului.
".,D'e va seulan fetile!}l, Darii gazda sa traiasca

Sa a~tearna mesile, ==== $i eu dalbii jup~neasa!

(45i. Moi~a if)

1 = fi.
I = vita vinului.

[ 318 ]
B I a)
Refrain That the mansion they might sweep,
If you sleep, good sir, awaken, 5 That the glasses they might fill,
That, good sir, you might be cheered, For the carolers arrive
For one good Lord was rejoiced: About cockcrow in the night.
5 He delivered us from hell. And among them, who is coming?
For her Son, the Holy Mother The good Lord is coming (too),
Beauteously the world has lit, 10 In a darkling vestment garbed,
All the mountains danced for her. That is long down to the ground.
On green hills there are whole fields, On its back and on its breast
10 There's cold water at the springs. Pictured are the moon and moonlight
Host, into the house allow us, (And) the sun with (all its) beams;
We'll sing for you at the table 15 And upon its shoulders two
Better yet, more beautifully, There are pictured two bright stars;
As the Lord Almighty ruled: Round about the skirts (thereof)
15 For the young the caroling, There are pictured little starlets,
Absolution for the old. Higher up (some) rather larger.
Refrain: Our Lord is also God! Refrain: Lord, let's carol!

57. 58b.
Come along, good sir, awaken, Waken, host, do not be sleeping,
Refrain For it is no time for sleeping,
For there's risen unto you For 'tis time to be adorning
A fine yellow evening star. With adornments (made) of silver,
If you don't believe, come see: 5 For the Christmas lads are coming,
5 It's up (yonder) high, at midday, 66 With the good Lord they are coming.
Turning all the while about, 67 Little are His swaddling clothes,
In the likeness of the Lord; Of white silk is (made) His swaddle,
Handsomely turning about, With a sleeve of cotton (made),
In the (painted) form of Christ. 10 (And) with posies 'tis bedecked:
10 The whole world it has lit up One (of them) is the sun's moon,
It set dancing all the hills, One's the wafting of the wind;
Like the lambkins of the ewes, One (of them) is ear of wheat,
Like the tup lambs of the sheep. One's the flower of the field.
Refrain: To the Almighty!
15 (See,) a tassel of green silk (made):
58a. Host, may you in good health flourish,
Wake up, wake up, you great lords, In the summer as in springtime,
Refrain And as wealthy as the autumn;
That you might wake up your Like unto the grapevine (too),
daughters, 20 Like the ear of wheat as well.
That the tables they might set, May the host in good health flourish,
With his lady fair together!

88 That is, Toward the south.

8? Carolers in Rumania carry a large decorated paper star, lit from within and set on a staff.

[ 319 ]
B I a)
5Se. r. Fiorile 'n dalba!
(611. Lechincioara r/l)
I: Sculati, sculati, boieri maqy, r. : I,

I: Sculati vol, Romani plugariY : I, 59a.

Ca va Yin colindatori
Sculati, boieq, nu duriliti,
Noptea pi la cantatoq
5 $i v'aduc pe Dumnezev,
D'e durniti, inca sculati,
Dumnezey cu fiu sav;
Cant' pe lunca turturele, Ca nici junii n'or durility
La fereasta randunele ------
Si-on porumb frumos cu ele. D~-asara, d~-alaltll. sara,
10 Florea dalM v'o adus
$i la capat ii s'a pus. 5 Mai vartos d'~-aceastll. sara.
r. Floril'e dalbe! D-in sara d'Ajunului
(62bb. Curtecap r/l) Spre ziva Craciunului
Or umblat d'~-or colindat
$i pre Domnu I-or cotat,l
5Sd. 10 L-or cotat !1i I-or a£lat
I 1. I Sus in curtea lui Craciun
I: Sculati. sculati, boieq maqy, r. : 1 Pa on cal ii dalb d'e £lori
Nu !1tiV calu-i dalb de £lori
O-i alb, domnu, d'e-a sudoq.
15 Calu meie, maestrand,
I: Sculati vol, Ramani plugaqy : 1
Domnu meie royorand
Cu roya d'e primavara.
Cati cu rova ajungea,
-gari, Pa cei mici maq i-facea,
20 $i tanari sa veseleav.
Ca va vin colindatoriy r. Florile-s dalbe!
Noaptea pi la cantatoqy (62z. Fene!1 if)
5 $i v'aduc un Dumnezau,
Sa va mantue d'e rau:
Un Dumnezey n\:-a nascut-y, 59b.
'N £lori de crina n~-o 'nvascutu. Sculati, sculati, mari boieqy!
9-10 = 1-2 r.,
ca spre ceq s'au arataty Jar sculati d'e nu durmitiy
Un luceafar d'imparaty.
Cantil. 'n lunca turturele, Ca nice noi nu durmimy,
La fereastll. randunele. Tat umblam !1i colindamy,
15 $i-on porumb frumos leity
5 Dupa Domnu nost'
D'ispre apa s'av vinitu,
$i-l.cotaram !1i-l d-a£laram
Floare dalM !1i-aV adusu ------
$i la capatai v'ay pusy D-in iesclel'e boilory
$i va zice sa traitiy D-in £loril'e fanuluiy.
20 Intru multi ani fericitiu,
$i ca pomi sa infloritiY, Var. (Mel. 83b.):
lar' ca ie sa 'mMtrinitiY. 1-4 = Sculati, sculati, maq boieriy!
1 = cautat.
2 = merge.
3 = cautam.

[ 320 ]
B I a)
58e. Refrain: White are the flowers!
Rise up, rise up, you great lords,
Refrain 59a.
Rise up, you Rumanian plowmen, Refrain
Carolers come unto you, Wake up, lords, (and) do not sleep,
About cockcrow in the night, If you sleep, let you get up,
S And they bring the Lord to you, For the lads have not slept either
The Almighty with His Son. Since last night, since yesterevening,
Turtledoves sing in the meadow, 5 Even less this very evening.
Swallows (sing) about the window, Since the evening of the Eve,
And a handsome pigeon with them; Until Chirstmas Day arrived,
10 They have brought you the white They've been going caroling
flower And a-looking for the Lord.
And have set it by (your) head. 10 They have sought Him, found Him too
Refrain: Lo, the white blossoms! At the court of Christmas, high,
On a horse that's white with blooms.
Is't the horse that's white with blooms
58d. Or the Lord Who's white with sweat?
Wake up, wake up, you great lords, 15 The steed's going masterly,
Refrain The Lord's going dewily,
Wake up, you Rumanian plowmen, (He is shedding) dew of springtime.
For to you come carolers, All whom with the dew He touched:
About cockcrow in the night, He made great those who were small,68
S And they bring the Lord to you, 20 And the youngsters were rejoiced.
To deliver you from ill. Refrain: White are the blossoms!
(Lo,) a God is born to us,
He is clad in lily flowers.
9-10 = 1-2 59b.
For upon the sky there's dawned Waken, waken, you great lords I
Evening star of emperor. Refrain
Turtledoves sing in the meadow, Get up so as not to sleep,
Swallows (sing) about the window; Because we're not sleeping either,
15 And a finely feathered pigeon Caroling we go about;
From the water has arrived, 5 We are seeking Our Lord.
A white flower it has brought We have sought Him and we've found
And has set it by your head, Him
A long life it wishes you, In the manger of the oxen,
20 Many happy years (to you); Mid the flowers of the hay.
May you blossom like the trees,
And like them may you grow old. Variant (Mel. 83 b.):
1-4 = Waken, waken, you great lords

88 Alternative reading for this verse: He made grow those who were young.

[ 321 ]
B I a)
'Y., mar mandru 'nflority.
at nijp noi n'am adurmity Di su' poala marului
Est~-un pat mandru 'ncheiat;
D-in sara Ajunuluiy 5 Da d-in pat cine-i culcat?
Pana 'nt' a Craciunuluiy. Ii culcat boier batran.
-Scoala, boier, nu dormi,
Va'Yiant (Mel. 102a.): Ca nu-i vreme de dormit,
Sculati. sculati. mari boieriy! Ci-i vreme de pomenit.
Iar sculati d'e nu durmitiy, 'Y. Ai Domnuluj iaj Domno!
(118b. Sarafola ¢)
Iar sculati d'e nu durmitiy,
Ca nice noi nu durmimy,
5 Tat umblam 1?i colindamy, I: Scoala, gazda, nu durmire : I,
Dupa Domnu nost' commy Ca nu-i vrieme de durmit, -

I: Dupa Domnu nost' cotamy : I. Ci vriemea-i de veselit~,

'Y. (62h.) Domnuluj Doamne! Ca Craciunu 0 vinit,
'Y. (83b.) Rajuluj celluminosy! 5 Cu bine, cu sanatat'e
'Y. (102a.) Doamne ioj Domnului Dumnezel} va faca part' e
Doamne! ~i nOl}a de sanatat'e.
(62h., 102a. Gradi1?te ¢) Sa fi, gazda, sanatoasa
(83b. Paucine~d ¢) ~i t' e scoala bucuros
10 Cl}-un colac de gral} frumos~
~i de ~tire lui Hristos.
59c. (94a. Denta ¢)
Scoala, gazda, nu durmi, (94b. Denta </»

Cil. il.ici nOl n'am durmit 60c.

Ler Doamne, Sfanta Marie;
D'-in sara Ajunului 'Y.,

Pana 'ntr' a Craciunului. Scoala, gazda, nu durmi~,

Ca nu-i vreme de durmity,
5 ~i scoala ~i fet'ile, Da-i vreme de veselity,
5 Veselitu lui Craciuny.
Sa mature curtile. Sa sa scoale slujnicile,
Sa mature batcutele (sic!)
'Y. Hoi le'Yu Ze'Yu- mi Doamn'! Cu matura de matasa.
(53. Traia~ ¢)
Ramai, gazda, sanatoasa
60a. 10 Cu dalba corinda noasta!
rrl [TIl 'Y. Domni Doamn'!
I: Colo sus la rasarit, 'Y. : 1-rity (81j. Lele9d ¢)

1 = nici.

[ 322 ]
B I a)
Refrain A fair apple tree is blooming.
Because we, too, haven't slept But beneath the apple tree
From the evening of the Eve There's a bed handsomely joined.
Until that of Christmas Day. 5 But who's lying in the bed?
An old lord is lying (there).
Variant (Mel. 102a.) : Come awake, lord, do not sleep,
Waken, waken, you great lords! For this is no time for sleep,
Refrain But a time to be awake. 69
And get up, don't stay asleep,
And get up, don't stay asleep, Refrain: Hoy, for the Almighty Lord!
For we aren't sleeping either,
5 We keep going, caroling,
We seek after Our Lord, 60b.
We seek after Our Lord. Wake up, host (and) do not sleep,
Refrain (62h.): To the Almighty! For it is no time for sleep,
Refrain (83b.): To the lightsome heaven But the time is for rejoicing
fair! Because Christmas has arrived.
Refrain (102a.): To the Lord, to the 5 With (good) health (and) with well-
Almighty! being
May the Lord Almighty bless you,
Upon us (good) health (bestowing).
59c. Host, a goodly health we wish you,
Host, awaken, do not sleep, And may you get up rejoiced
Refrain 10 With a handsome wheaten cake
Because we too have not slept And beknown to (Jesus) Christ.
From the evening of the Eve
Until that of Christmas Day.
And wake up the lasses too, 60c.
That the mansion they might sweep. Lord, (we're) caroling Saint Mary:
Refrain: Hoy, we carol, Lord Almighty! Wake up, host, do not be sleeping,
For it's not the time for sleeping,
But the time for merrymaking,
60a. 5 (Time) for Christmas merrymaking.
Yonder high, toward the sunrise, Let the servant maids awaken,
Refrain Let them sweep away the hillocks,
(Sweep them) with a silken besom.

Farewell, host, good health we wish
10 With this white carol of ours!
Refrain: Oh Lord God!

69 It should be noted that the verb a pomeni, which, in the reflexive form a 5e pomeni,
commonly connotes "to be awakened" in Transylvania, likewise means "to recall to mind."
In the latter sense it is used to connote religious services in remembrance of the dead. Hence,
too, pomanii: a common noun meaning alms in general (from the alms given in memory of one
dead). This verse, therefore, may read alternatively: But time for remembering, and even:
But a time for giving alms.

[ 323 ]
B I a)
60d. 62.
I: Scoala, gazda. nu durmire, Y. : I fTl fIT.1
I: SUS in poarta raiuluiy : I -lui,
I: Ca nu-i vreme d'i durmitlJ : I
fTl fll.1
I: La fantana soareluiy : I -lui
Ci-i vreme d'i 'mpodobity.
Scoala, gazda, fetile, [Multe hori sa befeche, 2
5 Sa-ti mature cuqile Multe sfaturi trebue],3
Cu coltu catrintelor
5 Ca sfaturi injghebure~ti.
Y.Domnuluj Doamne! Sculati. suflete, din pat,
(62gg. Manarau r/» Ca faceti mare pacat,
C'azi-i zi de Duminedi
~i de miers la biserica,
10 S'auzim dieci cantand
I: Scoala, scoala, gazda buna : I, !;ii popazuri befechand.
!;ii scoala ~i slujnitile, (121b. var. Bala r/»
Sa-ti mature cuqile
Cu potcoava cizmilor,
5 Cu varvu cositilor; 63a.
Da gunoiu sus it ieie I: !;ii ne lasa, gazda, 'n casa : I ,
tn pola de sugna vierde. r.,
Da gunoi unde sa-l tape?
Unde joaca tanarii I: Ca d'e-asara-s tat afara : I
10 !;ii-ti dal} sfatu blitranii.
Y. Leruj Doamn'! [~i n~-o blitut vanturil'e]
(107d. Mice~ti if) I: ~i n~-opicat picuril'e : I

5 D'e pe tat'e damburile.

61. Scoala-~i, gazda, slujnicile,
I: Sculati. sculati, boieTi maqy : I ~i 4 ~i-aprinde luminile
'N tate patru comurile.
I: Sculati voi, Romani plugaTiy : I De nu crezi tu, ie~i ~i vezi:
10 Fiu sfantu s'o nascut
Ca pe cer s'o aratat tn ieslile boilor
On luceafar de 'mparat, ~i 'n florile fanului.
5 !;ii va zice sa traiti, Fiu sfantu s'o-aratat
La multi ai 1 sa fericiti, Cum ii prun;u sobola~ (sic!)
!;ii ca pomni sa infloriti 15 De-i mai drag la parinta~.
!;ii ca ei sa 'mblitraniti. Fiu sfantu s'Q-aratat,
r. Floril'e dalbel Cum Ii fecior holtie~
(62bb. Curtecap r/» De strabate mustacioare

1 = ani.
a = flecaresc.
3 = La fon.:

I: Multe sfaturi sa
face~ : I -face,
. fLl]IL1
I: Multe horbe trebuiere : I -ie
4 = sa. .. - ..
[ 324 ]
B I a)
60d. 62.
Waken, host, do not be sleeping, Up above, at heaven's gate,
Refrain At the wellspring of the sun,
For this is no time for sleeping, Many words were being said,
But it's time to be adorning. There's need of much counseling, 70
Waken up the lasses, host, 5 Because counsels you set up (?).
5 Let them sweep your mansion out Souls, rise up out of (your) bed,
With the comer of their skirts. For you act most sinfully;
For today it is a Sunday,
Refrain: For the Almighty! And to church one should be going
10 For to hear the deacons chant
And the priest a-clamoring. 71
Wake up, goodly host, awaken,
And arouse the servant lasses, 63a.
Let them sweep your mansion out Host, inside the house allow us,
With their top boots' iron tips, Refrain
5 With the tail ends of their braids; We've been out since yesterevening,
But let them take up the sweepings And the winds have blown upon us
In the lap of their green dresses. And the drops have dropped upon us,
But where shall they throw the 5 Upon every little hillock.
sweepings? Host, arouse your servant lasses,
Where the youngsters (go to) dance, So that they might light the candles
10 And the oldsters counsel you. In each one of the four corners.
Refrain: Carol, Lord! If you don't believe, come see:
10 (Lo,) the Holy Son was born
In the manger of the beeves
61. And the blossoms of the hay.
Get up, get up, you great lords, Holy Son has shown Himself
Get up, you Rumanian plowmen, Like the small babe of a rat, 72
For upon the sky there's dawned 15 As a father loves it most;
An emperor's evening star, Holy Son has shown Himself
5 And it bids you for to live Like unto a youth unwed,
Many years in happiness; When the whiskers start a-sprouting,
May you flower like the trees,
And may you grow old like them.
Refrain: Lo, the white blossoms!

70 Concerning this and the immediately preceding verse, the author's manuscript footnote
states that the recording gives another version: Many councils were convened, I There was
need for many words.
71 As transcribed in the original, this verse is meaningless and obviously garbled. To make
any sense at all, it should read: ~j popa lIul'be fitcdnd.
71 This odd simile is reproduced literally from the original text. It will be found in other
pieces of this collection of carols, likewise describing the infant Jesus.

[ 325 ]
B I b)
De-i mai dragost la fecioare. Un Dumnezel} nOl} nascut.
20 Hal maica. maicuta me! In scutice 'nfa~iat.
1'. C01'ind'e-mi Doamn'/
(73k. Bulz if) Variant (Mel. 73j.):
1 = I :Ciucuri verd'e d'e matasa : I.
Variant (Mel. 119.):
~i ne lasa. gazda. 'n casa, 1-2 = Ciucuri verde de matasa. 1'••
Slobozi-ne. gazda. 'n casa, 1'.,
ca d·~-asara-s tot p~-afara
1'. (62dd.) Domnuluj Doamne/
1'. (62dd. var.) 10j Domnuluj Doamftel
~i ne pica picurile 1'. (73j.) Carinde mi-~j Doamnel
1'. (119.) Sj-a nost1'u-j Domnuluj
Dupa tat'e stre~inile.
(62dd. Seceani t/»
5 Da nu crezi. vino ~i 1 veziii. (62dd. var. Denta if)
----- (73j. Igri~ t/»
Ca sant'em cu haiDe verzi. (119. Sarafola t/»
1'. Daj c01'ind'e/
(59d. Gro~i if)
64a. I: Ciucuri vierd'e de (sic I) matasa : 1;-
I: Ciucuri verd'e d'e matasa. 1'. : I
[Slobozi-ne. gazda. 'n casa).
I: Slobozi-ne. gazd·. in casa : I. I: ca d-asara tat p'afara : I,
C'afara ploaie ~i varsa. 4-8 = 64a. 3-7
~i nu va Yin nici cl}-un ral}. 1'. Carind·e-mi-~j. Doamne, carind's!
5 Ci v'aduc pe Dumnezel/-, (73r. Cianad t/»


65a. Cu Hristos. cu fiul say;

A doilea com de masa
I: SUS in poarta raiuluiy : I, 10 ~ede Iaon. Sanijaon;
A triilea com de masa
La grad'ina Domnului ~ede Patru Sfant, San Patru
A patrulea com de masa
I: Est~-o masa dalbii 'ntinsa : I. ~ede ~i jupanu gazda
Panga masa-s giulgiuri dese. 15 Cu dalba de jupaneasa
Cl}-on pahar galbiin de dar.
5 Dar la masa cine ~ede ? Tat inchina ~i deschina
A d-intaia com de masa ~i din mana nu-l imi schimba.
~ede bunul Dumnezey C'asta-i dar dela nana~:

1 = sa.
I = sa.
[ 326 ]
B I b)
As is most beloved by maidens: (Bringing you) a new-born Lord,
20 Come on, mother, mother mine I Swaddled up in swaddling clothes.
Refrain: My carol. Lord!
Variant (Mel. 73j.):
1 = Silken tassels (that are) green-
63b. hued:
Host, inside the house allow us, Refrain
Refrain Variant (Mel. 119.):
(We've been) out since yesterevening, 1-2 = Silken tassels (that are) green-
And the drops are dropping on us hued:
From the eaves of every house roof. In (your) house, host, let us
5 If you don't believe, come see (us), enter,
For we're (dressed) in garments green. Refrain
Refratn: Sing the carols/
Refrain (Mel. 62 dd.): To the Almighty!
Refrain (Mel. 62 dd. var.): Hoy, to the
64a. Almighty!
Silken tassels (that are) green-hued: Refrain (Mel. 73 j.): I am caroling,
Refrain Lord!
In (your) house, host, let us enter, Refrain (Mel. 119.): Ours too is the
For outside the rain is pouring; Almighty's!
For I bring no evil in,
5 But I'm bringing you the Lord,
Green-hued tassels (that are) silken:
In the house, host, let us enter,
We've been out since yesterevening,
4-8 = 3-7 of 64a.
Refrain: I would carol, Lord, I would


65a. With His Son, with (Jesus) Christ.

At the second table corner
Up on high, at heaven's gate, 10 John, Saint John is sitting (down);
Refrain At the third of the board's corners
In the garden of the Lord, Sits Peter the saint, Saint Peter;
There is spread a (fair) white table, At the fourth of the board's corners
Close-set sheets are round the table. Master host is sitting also
5 But who's sitting at the table? 15 With his lady fair together,
At the foremost table corner With a yellow glass as gift.
Sits the good Almighty Lord He keeps pledging and unpledging,
And the while hands never changing.
For this is godfather's gift:

[ 327 ]
B I b)
20 De nicun ne-o botezat, Tot inchina cl}-on pahar,
De mare ne-o cununat. Cl}-on pahar galhiin de-aur.
10 In fundu paharului

Raza-m soare, d-unde raza?

* Scrisa-i floarea ginului; 4
Scrisa-i st'ica 5 grA.ului;
Raza 'n cruce de fereastii In doaga paharului
La gazda 'n casa! 15 Scrisa-i floarea raiului.
25 Sa-mi §i,l gazda, sanatos 1'. Hoi dai le1'ui Doamn~o!
Ca ~i-on rujmalin frumos, (70 Niere~teu if)
~i gazdoie sanatoasa
Ca ~i-o vioala frumoasa!
1'. Domnuluj, Domnuluj Doamn'! 65d.
(73 11. Moi~a </» IT.I I11.1
I: Coborlt-o Dumnezeu, 1'. : I ~zel}
I: SUS in poarta raiuluiy : I, ILl rrr.l
I: Togma 'n poarta gazdilot! : I -lor.
Este-o masa dalba 'n. 2

3-6 = 65a. 6,7,9,10

I: Da 'n triilea coru de masa : I,
Da 'n triilea corn de mas' Pe Dumnezel} 1-0 vazut.
9-18 = 65a. 12-21 5 Ie-l in brata, du-l in casa,
~i mm-l pune dupa masa.

In gradinii m'am hiigat,

* Dar' pe masa ce era?
Pahiirel d'e d-aurel.
20 Poamile vi Ie-am mA.ncat. Da 'n fundu paharului
Da daca va pare ral}, 10 Scrisa-i raza soarelui;
Prince-ma-ti ~i ma legan, In toarta paharului;
Cl}-o funie de cA.rnati. Scrisli-i luna ~i lumnina.
1'. Domnuluj, Domnului, Doamn'J 1'. Floril'e-s dalbe!
(73kk. Voiniceni if) (62e. Idicel if)

65c. 66.
Cin' i-acasa dupa masa, Sus la 'naltu ceriuluiy,
1'., 1'.,
Dupa masa cine ~ad' ? La luncil'e soarieluiY,
~ade bunul Dumnezeu; I: La luncile soarieluiy : I
D-al doilea cor' de mas'
MA.ndrli-i masa de matasa.
5 ~ade lsi SfA.ntu SA.nt'etru;3 5 Da la masa cine ~ed'e?
Al triilea cor' de mas' ------
~ade lsi gazda, ~ede-mi dragul Dumnezel}

1 = £ii.
Z = 'nt'insa.
8 = SfAnt Petru.
4 = vinului.
I = spica.

[ 328 ]
B I b)
20 He baptized us as small babes, He keeps pledging with a glass,
As grown.-ups he married us. With a golden yellow glass.
10 On the bottom of the glass
(There's) a sunbeam: where's the
Flower of the wine is writ;
On the handle of the glass
sunbeam? Written is the ear of wheat;
Through the middle of the window, On the border of the glass
In the host's house (shines) the 15 Written is the flower of heaven.
sunbeam! Refrain Hoy, Lord, let us carol!
25 Host, a goodly health I wish you,
Handsome as the rosemary;
Good health to the hostess also, 65d.
Beauteous as a violet (blossom) ! The Almighty has come down
Refrain: For the Lord, for the Lord God! Refrain
Right at (our) hosts' own gate.
(Lo,) the host has gone outside,
65b. The Almighty he has seen.
Up above at heaven's gate 5 Take Him up, (and) indoors bring Him,
Refrain And behind the table set Him.
There is a white table. 73 But what stood upon the board?
3--6 = 6, 7, 9, 10 of 65a. A small beaker made of gold.
But at the third table comer, On the bottom of the beaker
But at table comer third 10 Pictured is a beam of sunshine;
9-18 = 12-21 of 65a. On the handle of the beaker
Pictured is the moon and moonlight.
In (your) garden I have been,
20 I have eaten up your fruit. 66.
But, if you should mind (perchance), In the welkin's highest reaches,
Catch me (now) and tie me up Refrain
With a string of sausages. At the meadows of the sunshine,
Refrain: To the Lord Almighty, Lord! At the meadows of the sunshine,
There is a fine silken table.
5 But who's sitting at the table?
65c. The dear Lord is sitting (there)
Who's at home behind the table?
Who is sitting at the table?
The good Lord is sitting (there).
At the second table comer
5 'Tis Saint Peter who is sitting;
At the table comer third
It is Master Host who's sitting.

78 The author indicates in a handwritten footnote that this six-syllable verse is intended to
convey that the table is set - 'n standing for 'ntinsa (spread or set).

[ 329 ]
B I b)
Cy-on pahar galban in masa.
Tat inchina !?i suspina; rrI rITl
I; Ca s'o pusy d-a cina~ ; I cina,
-Cum, Doamne, n'oi suspina!
10 Azi ii zi na~terea mea;
Est~-on om pagan, sa scoala, I; D-a cina~, d-a
II. I fiLl
ruga~ ; I ruga.
Pe obraz ca nu sa spala,
Mere la birt ~i sa 'mbata, Ruga 'n cier s'o radicat.
~i biserica-i zayitata. 5 Prand 0 ruga !?i-o lumina
15 Am put'erea-l potopi, Lunga, groasa, vederoasa.
Dar mi-i mila de prunci mici,
Ca raman far' de parinti.
Ma rog, Doamne, cy-o rugare, *
Omul beat are iertare. Un colac de gray curat,
'Y. Domnuluj Doamne! Cum Dumnezey 1-0 lasat.
(62i. Paucine~d if) ~i fii, gazda, sanatoas'!
(122b. Cianad ¢)
67a. 68a.
~ed~-un domn bun ~i ciiieaza,
I; Yin i~i doya randuiiel'e : I,
Totu~i Yin la noi pre cina,
~i-~i roaga lui Dumiiezeu.
------ =====
Totu~i Yin la noi pre cina.
Roaga-~i astazi, roaga-!?i mane,
I; -Da noi n'am vin':I sa cinama ; I
Roaga-~i patruzeci de zil'e,
------ fll.l
5 Ruga 'n cer s'o rad'icat, cinam,
'Prind'l un rug ~i-o lumanare
5 Am vinit sa-~i povestim
tn curt' e la cest domn mare.
Povestea lui Dumnezey:
Dumnezev din grai graia~; Est~-o masa de matasa
-Pietre, Pietre, oi Sant Pietre! ~i 'n patru cornuri de masa
10 Cobori jos pe lumanare Sant patru colaci de gral}
tn curte la cest domn mare.
10 ~i patru cupe de gin.3
Intra 'n casa net'ematy
Da pe cin' a~tepti cu ele?
~ezi pa scaun ne 'mbiaty,
Da pe bunul Dumnezel),
Bea-ti paharul ne 'nchinat. Sa-ll}aspat4 ~i sa-l petrec
15 Cand afara vei ie!?i~ Pan' la poarta raiului.
Lasa 'n casa sanatat'e
'Y Domnilor si-a nos' Doamn'!
~i in curt'e bog1i.tat'e,
(73jj. Or~ov~' ¢)
La hold'e spice de gray.
'Y. Doamne daj Domnuluj Doamne!
(46a. Murani if) 68b.
I; Cel domn bun s'o veselit ; I,
I; Mandra masa ~i-o gatit ; I,
67b. ====
I; Asta-i casa d'omul buny : I, Mandra masa de matasa,
==== Pe margini cu aur trasa.
1 =
2 =
a = vin.
4 = ospiH.

[ 330 ]
B I b)
With a yellow glass at table. For he has sat down to supper,
He keeps pledging and keeps sighing: (Sat) at supper, (set) to praying.
How should I not sigh, oh Lord I Into heaven rose the prayer,
10 Of My birth this is the day. 5 Lit a prayer74 and a candle,
There's a godless man, he rises, Long (and) thick (and) handsome
Doesn't (even) wash his visage, looking.
Goes and gets drunk at the tavern,
And the church is (all) forgotten.
15 I've the might to do him in,
But I've mercy on small babes
Of clean wheat a pastry roll,
That are without parents left. As the Lord appointed it,
I beseech, Lord, with a prayer, (And) a good health to you, host I
(Lo,) the drunkard has forgiveness.
Refrain: To the Almighty!
(Lo,) there are two swallows coming,
67a. Refrain
A good lord sits down to supper They come while we are at supper,75
Refrain They come while we are at supper:
And to God he makes a prayer. But we haven't come to supper,
Prays today (and) prays tomorrow, 5 We have come to tell a tale,
Forty days he makes his prayer. (Tell) the tale of Our Lord:
5 (Lo,) the prayer rose to heaven, (Lo,) there is a silken table,
Lit a pyre and a candle And on the four table comers
In the court of this great ruler. Are four pastry rolls of wheat
Spoke the Lord Almighty (then): 10 And four beakers (full) of wine.
Peter, Peter, hoy, Saint Peter! Whom are you awaiting with them?
10 Get you down upon the candle (I'm awaiting) the good Lord,
In the court of this great ruler. To feast Him and go with Him
Walk unasked into the mansion, All the way to heaven's gate.
Sit down on a chair unbidden, Refrain: Gentlemen and Our Loydl
Drink your beaker down unpledged.
15 When you shall come out (again),
Leave (good) health inside the 68b.
mansion That good gentleman rejoiced,
And (leave) wealth inside the Beauteous table set himself,
courtyard, (Set) a beauteous silken table,
In the wheat fields ears of wheat. Edged with gold about the borders.
Refrain: Lord, give to the LOYd

This (here) is a good man's cottage,

74 In this variant we find the word ruga (prayer), where the word rug (which means both
bramble and a pyre) occurs in the preceding one.
75 In this verse and the immediately following one, TotUfi is erroneously transcribed instead
of Tot t§i.

[ 331 ]
B I c)
5 Da pe masa ce mm sAnt? 10 C'acele pe cin' ~teaptii?
SA.nt t~i, sant faclij arzA.nd, Tat pe Domnul Dumnezey.
SA.nt lsi, sA.nt colaci de gra.y.. Sa-lospite, sa-I petreaca.
Da pA.ntre colaci de gxi.y. (121e. Gherla)
SA.nt t~i, sa.nt cupe de vin.



69a. 5 ~i-a lui Hristos vistuieri,]

1'., rrllll.l
I: D'e inima ciilduroasa : I -roas' ,
Noi umbliim sa colindamu,

De departe c'am vinity I: Ne baga 'curt'e frumoasa : I

~i mi-i calu ciumpovitu I: 'Mpodobitii cu obroase 1 : I,
~i-ar trebui potcovitu
5 Cu potcoave de colac I: Cu icoan' mai luminoase : I.
~i cu cuie de ca.mati: 10 lar ~i iara sa ca.ntiim
~i pa Domnu sa liiydam
Faceij bine ~i ne dati.
r. Domnuluj Doamne! ------
(62x. Sa.nmiclau~ul mare t/) frumos sa ne rugam
Acestora mari ooieri,
Cii frumos cii n~-o cinstit
69b. 15 C1)-on florinij 2 doi d'e d-argint.
I: Ciucuri verd'e de (sic!) matasa, (120. Ciarbal t/)
rnr. :12.fILlr.
I. 71a.
I: Slobozi-ne, gazda, 'n casa : I, I: Colo sus, mai susy : I
La lina fa.n
I: C' afara ploaie de varsa : I,
------ I: Est' un sca1)n d'od'ina : I.
Cine d-od'inerie?
~i ni-s caii ciompoviti
5 ~i-ar trebui potcoviti
Cu potcoave de colac 5 I: Zey ~i Dumnezeu : I,
~i cu cune de ca.mati: Maica Precestarie
Scoala, gazda, sa ni-i dati! Cy-un fiut in brate
I.r. Domnuluj, Domuluj Doamne! Da fiutul mic
2.1'. Domnuluj. Doamne! De~-a descA.nti:
(62ii. Mana~tiur </» 10 D-looane, d-Ia.oane
Nenea Sa.nt la.oane!
Ce-i colac de gra.y
70. ~i legat de bra.y?
lar ~i iara sa ca.ntiimy Noi sa-l deslegam
~i pa Domnu sa lii1)damu, 15 ~i noi sa-I cinam;
[~i frumos sa ne rugamu Un pahar de vin
Acestora mali boieri La gazda sa 'nchin:

1 = maslirite « abrosz, ung.).

8 = fiorini« forint, ung.).

[ 332 ]
B I c)
5 But what's standing on the table? 10 Whom are (all) those (things) awaiting.
There are, there are burning candles, (They await) Almighty God,
There are, there are wheaten cakes; For to feast Him, to attend Him.
But among the wheaten cakes
There are, there are cups of wine.


69a. 5 Treasurers 76 of (Jesus) Christ,

For (their) warmful heart (to show),
In (their) mansion fair to let us, .
We are going caroling, (That) with tablecloths adorned (IS)
We have come from far away, (And) with better lighted icons.
And our horses have gone lame,
10 Once more, let us sing again,
And they should be shod (anew) And unto the Lord give praise,
5 With horseshoes of pastry roll And make prayer handsomely
And with nails of sausage (made): Unto these fine gentlefolk,
Do a kindness, give us (them). For they've nicely treated us
Refrain: For the Almighty! 15 To a couple of silver florins.

69b. 71a.
(See,) the green-hued silken tassel: Yonder, higher upward,
Refrain (1st/2nd) At the quiet wellspring,
Give us leave to come inside, host, There's a seat for resting.
For outside the rain is pouring,
Who was resting (there)?
And our horses have gone lame,
5 God and the Lord God,
5 And they should be shod (anew) (And) the Virgin Mother,
With horseshoes of pastry roll A small Son embracing.
And with nails of sausage (made): But the little Son
Get up, host, give them to us! Started for to plead: 77
ISt Refrain: Unto the Lord God 10 John, oh John (the Baptist),
Almighty! Saint John, elder brother! 78
2nd Refrain: To the Almighty! What's a wheaten roll,
And tied to the belt?
70. Let's unfasten it
15 And let's sup of it.
Once more, let us sing again,
With a glass of wine
And unto the Lord give praise,
I would pledge the host:
And make prayer handsomely
Unto these fine gentlefolk,

76 The fanciful vistuieri (vistiernici?) could be meant to be vestitori: heralds or forerunners.

77 The primary meaning of a descdnti (recte a descdnta) is "to cast a spell". Here, however,
the secondary meaning - to plead or to seek to persuade - seems to be intended.
78 The title nenea (vocative: nene) is customarily given to elder brothers or to older men, as
a respectful form of address.

[ 333 ]
B I d)
Gazda sa traiasca, 5 !;ii-am vinit, c'am d-auzitu
Marva sa-i sporeasca! Ca e~ti bira\). d'e d'emulty,

Variant (Mel. 12p., la fon.): E~ti bira\). incamarat (sic!)

1-6 = I: La lina fantana : I !;ii-ti dai bani pe colindat.
Est' un sca\).n d'od'ina. Bira\). det!:-a sa primbla,
10 PrimbHi. 'n sus ~i primbla 'n jos,
Cine d-od'inere?
_________ 1
Primbla mana 'n pozonar,
Scoate-mi libre ~i critari,
(12p. Mana~tiur ~) Sa-mi dea daru junilor.
(12r. Mana~tiur ¢) Junii daru nu-~i luara,
15 Le parea un dar mai mare.
71b. Juni d'acia-mi colinda,
Bira\). det!:-a sa primbla,
I: La lina fantana : I, Primbla 'n sus ~i primbla 'n jos,
r., Primbla 'n varfu muntilor,
*1: {Unde-i apa buna : I 20 La crucile brazilor,
D-ind'e-i d-apa buna, La turmele oilor,
------ La cincizeci de mioarele.
I: Buna-i ~i sant'ina (sic!) : I Scoate-mi, scoate dOl)a oaie
Coarne mandre ce-z la ele.
r. Jaj Domnuluj Doamne! 25 Junii daru mi-~i luara,
(12z. Igri~ ~) Le parea un dar mai mare.
(12z. vars. Sarafola, Denta ¢) Juni d'acia-mi colinda,
(12aa. Cianad ~) Bira\). dete-a sa primbla,
Primbla 'n sus ~i primbla 'n jos,
72. 30 Primbla 'n grajdu boilor,
Scoata-mi doi boi bourei.
[!;ii-am vinit, bira\)., vinity,J
Coarne mandre ce-z la ei.
!;ii-am vinit, bira\)., la t'ine,
r., Refrain: Get'ina, cet'inioara!
!;ii-am vinit, c'am d-auzitu,
(85a. Nuc~oara if)
I: !;ii-am vinit, c'am d-auzity : I,


73. 5 I: !;ii t'e vataje~t'e : I
!;ii t'e vataje~t'e
I: Vataje, vataje : I,
Vataje, vataje, fT.I
I: !;ii la gazdai ii multame~te : I
I: Scoala-t'e 'n picioare : I JILl
Scoala-t'e 'n picioare -me~t',
!;ii la gazdai multame~t'e

1 = nn se tnteiege (4-6).

[ 334 ]
B I d)
Host, long life (we wish you), 5 And we've come because we've heard
May your livestock flourish! That you've long been village mayor;
You're a wealthy (?) village mayor,
Variant (Mel. 12p., recording): And you pay for caroling.
1-6 = At the quiet wellspring, Village mayor started strolling,
There's a seat for resting. 10 Strolling up and strolling down;
Who was resting on it?
_________ 79
In (his) pocket strolls (his) hand,
Brings out pounds and pennies too,
To make gifts unto the lads.
(But) the lads would not accept it,
7tb. 15 They'd a larger gift expected;
At the quiet wellspring, That's why they were caroling.
Refrain Village mayor started strolling,
{ Where there is good water, Strolling up and strolling down,
Whence comes the good water, Strolling to the mountaintops,
Goodly and untroubled,so 20 In the middle of the pines,
(Strolling) to the flocks of sheep.
Refrain: Hoy for the Almighty! Out of (every) fifty ewe lambs
He brings out, brings out two ewe
72. Such fine horns they have upon them!
We have come, oh village mayor, 25 (But) the lads would not accept
We've come, village mayor, to you, (them),Sl
Refrain They'd a larger gift expected;
And we've come because we've heard That's why they were caroling.
And we've come because we've heard Village mayor started strolling,
Strolling up and strolling down,
30 Strolling to the oxen's stall.
He brings out two oxen beeves:
Such fine horns they have on them!

Refrain: Pine boughs, little boughs of

pine tree!


73. 5 And play carol-leader

Master carol-leader, And play carol-leader,
Refrain And to our host say, Thank you
Master carol-leader, And to our host say, Thank you
Get up on your feet (now),
Get up on your feet (now),
78 The author's footnote here indicates that three text lines are unintelligible in the re-
80 It is uncertain whether the word santina is meant to be senintl (clear or untroubled) or
sanune (salty).
81 The corresponding verse in the original states that the lads did accept this gift. In view of
the subsequent developments described in this witty piece, however, the acceptance "is ob-
viously an error of transcription.

[ 335 ]
B I e)
De scaunu c~-ai ~ezut, 75.
10 De paharu ~-ai bliut,
De scaunu ce-i ~ede, I: Sa-mi trliie~ti, domnul, eu biiie, r. : I
De paharu ce ii be.
r. Domnule! I: Pre multi ani eu sanatat'e : I,
(19. Idicel 1) I: Ca Craciuni ni-o viiiit!! : I!

74. r. Domnuluj Doamne!

(62ee. Tolvadia 4»
Cruce 'n casa, cruce 'n masli,
Rlimani, gazda, sanatoasa I
Noi acuma ne yom duce,
Veste buna v'on aduce,
5 V'om !lisa pe Dumniavoastrli
r., -- -aldie 1 oameni buni,

Ca bine fte d-omeru!!l!

Incarcati de bunlitate.
r. Hoi da leruj Doamnel D-omefteasca-i Dumnezeu,
(3Ba. Petri~ 1) Ca bifte iie d-omerure!
. {dalbel -
r. Flar.le-s dal'!
(lOB. Gro!1i 1)


77a. Dar d~-acolo ce-mi luara ?
[Seoala, scoala, cest domn buny, 20 Gonti~oara 'n gheri~oara,
!;ii scoa!li ~i fiii tai, Tot ap~oara 'n guri~oara.
Fiij tai ~i feteJe, Gonti~oarli slobozira,
Sa mature cuqile Frumos curtea-mi zdrancanira,
5 Cu cornu catrlntelor, Tot ap!1oara mi-o lasara,
Cu varvu cositelor. 25 Frumos curtea mi-o spalara.
Coco~i negri ~i-or cantat, Mereti voi in cea gradina
Porumbeii mi-or zburat, !;ii va h)ati voi flori pa mana.
Sus, mai sus mi s'o 'nvolbat (?), !;ii veniti vOl raurand,3
10 Jos, mai jos s'o d-alinat, Ca vara-i ca primavara,
J os pe valea lui Iordan. 30 Sa ie~im la camp afara.
Dar d~-acolo ee-mi luarli ? La livezi, la fantani reei
Tot ap~oara 'n guri~oara, Tot tmi Yin fete de Greci.
Gonti~oara (sic!) 'n gheri~oara.
Vinind una, vinind d01}a,
15 Sus, mai sus mi sa 'nvolba. Vinind fata cea frumoasa,
J os, mai jos sa d-alina,] 35 Care-i cu eosita groasli.
Pin cosita-i romunita
Sus, mai sus s-o d-alinaty, !;ii pin pliru-i eli!lipliru
r., !;ii la frunte-s flori marunte.
Jos la curtea eest' 2 domn buny. r. Lina liar lina liar draga!
(1021. Nucsoara 1)
1 = binecuvanteazii « aid, ung.).
I = acestui.
3 Cf. 19.

[ 336 ]
B I e)
For the chair you've sat upon, 75.
10 For the glass that you have drunk;
For the chair you'll sit upon, May you live, master, in comfort,
For the glass that you will drink. Refrain
Refrain: Mighty Lord! Many years in (goodly) health (yet),
For to us Christmas has come!

74. Refrain: To the Almighty!

Cross indoors, cross on the table,
Refrain 76.
Farewell, host, good health (we bid
you)! Bless the goodly people, Lord,
We shall go upon our way now, For well they've befriended us!
We shall bring the goodly tidings, Refrain
5 (And) yourself we shall be leaving, May the Lord befriend them (too)
Loaded down with (gifts of)) goodness. For befriending us (so) well!
Refrain: Hoy, Lord, let us carol! Refrain: White are the flowers!


77a. But from there what have they taken?

20 In their claws some water striders,
Waken, waken, goodly sir,
In their mouth a little water.
And your sons awaken too,
They let fall the water striders,
(Both) your sons and daughters (too), Finely set the mansion ringing;
Let them sweep the mansion out
They let fall the water also, .
5 With the corner of their skirts,
Wondrously they washed the manSIOn.
With the tip end of their braids.
Let you go into that garden
(Lo,) the roosters black have crowed,
And into your hands take flowers,
(And) the pigeons have flown off:
And come back good wishes pledging:
High (and) higher yet they wheeled,
That the summer be like springtime,
10 Low (and) lower came to rest,
30 That we go out in the meadow.
(Settled down) in Jordan's vale.
To the orchards, to cold wells,
But from there what have they taken? Come the maidens of the Greeks.
In their mouth a little water,
One (is) coming, two (are) .comin~,
In their claws some water striders.82
(And) the beauteous lass (IS) commg:
15 High (and) higher yet they wheeled,
35 That's the one with the thick tresses.
Low (and) lower came to rest; Camomile's among her tresses,
High (and) higher yet they settled
In her hair there's scented tansy,
Refrain ,. And about her brow small blossoms.
Down at this good master s manSIOn.
Refrain: Softly spin the thread, my

82These insects (Hydrometra palttdittm) are believed to fos~er fertility .in heifers. The fancif~l
gonli~oara,however, may be meant to signify another water msect,. Gynnu~ natator. Indeed, It
may possibly designate a ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus) or even a heIfer (gomtoare).

[ 337 ]
B I e)
77b. I: Dumneze~ s'o scoboritu : I,
Scula~, scula~, boieri mariu,
I: Apa 'n buze ~i-o luatu: I,
5 Tarina c'o rauratu.
Scula~ voi, plugariU! Roade 'n 0 lasat,
I: Sculati voi, plugariu : I,
Roade 'n grA,ie 'n
!?i sacari pA.n' subsuoare
[Sa sa scoale fetele, !?i alac pAn' dupa cap
5 Sa mature cuqile 10 !?i ovese 'n mese.
Cu cornu catrintelor, 1'. Haft l'eruj Doamfte!
Cu vA.rvu cositelor,] (57. Curtecap t/»
Ca coco~ij nll-or cA.ntatu,
Porumbeij nil-or zburatu
10 I: Porumbeii nil-or zburatu : I,
Sus, mai sus ca sa 'nvolbara (?), 7Sb.
Jos, mai jos sa alinara, La capu pamA.ntului
Jos in vadu lui Iordan Estll-o rece fA.ntA.nita.
L~ar' ap~oara 'n guri~oara, Dumneze~ 8-0 coborit,
15 Gont~oara (sic!) 'n gheri~oara. Mar de d-aur ~i-o 'mbucat,
Sus, mai sus ca sa 'nvolbara, 5 Roade 'n ~i-o lasat,
!?i sa deter' a zburare Roade 'n 'n
Sus, pa curtea cest'l domn bun: !?i sacari pA.n' subsuoare
Tot ap~ara mi-o, !?i ovese cA.t de dese
20 Frumos curtea mi-o spala~; !?i alace cum s'or face.
Gonti~oara-mi sloboze, 1'. Leruj Doamn'!
Frumos curtea zdrA.ncane. (107d. Mice~ti if)
Domn din casa-mi d-auze:
-Mitutei colindatori,
25 Nu grabireti dll-a tuna, 79a.
Cam fii mici nepomeniti,
Fete mari nesculate, Colo 'n josu, mai din josu
Cuftile-s nematurate, Estll-o masa d'e mlitasa.
Ci treceti in cea-i gradina
30 !?i luati voi flori pa Dupa masa cine ~ade ?
!?i moiati in cea-i !?ade Domnul Hiristosu.
!?i veniti inra urAn' , ------
RliurA.n' ~i 'mpreurA.n'.2 5 -Haida, Petre, sa prA.nze~ti,
1'. Doamne joj Domnuluj Doamne! Cli io n'am vint3 sa prA.nzescu
(81a. RA.u de mori if) Ca mi-am vint sa povest'escu
Ie tu, Petre, zd'iciu 4 'n
!?i pogne~te ~i trazne~te,
1'., 10 Tragll-o brazda, trage do~a;
I: La capu pamA.ntuluiu : I De Pll-O brazda ce rasare?
==== Da rasare gm~ curat,
I: Est'Il-O fA.ntA.nita rece : I. Dela Dumnezel} lasat.
(73rr. Niere~teu if)

1 = acestui.
a Cf. 19.
B = venit.
4 = sbiciu.

[ 338 ]
B I e)
77b. The Almighty (there) descended,
In His lips He took some water
Wake up, wake up, you great lords,
5 (And) bedewed the plowlan~ (with it),
Retrain Fruit He gave unto the grams:
Wake up, you Rumanian plowmen!
Fruitful wheat up to the girdle,
Wake up, you Rumanian plowmen,
And the rye up to the armpits,
Let the lasses waken (too), Bearded wheat above the head,83
5 Let them sweep the mansion out 10 And the oats as high as tables.
With the corner of their aprons,
Retrain: Hoy, Lord, come carol!
With the tip end of their braids,
For the cocks have crowed for us
Our pigeons have flown off 78b.
10 Our pigeons have flown off,
At the confines of the earth
High they wheeled and higher up yet,
There's a small cold-water wellspring.
Low and lower down they settled
The Almighty Lord alit
At the Jordan's ford below;
(And) a golden apple ate, .
In their mouth they took up water,
5 Fruit He gave unto the grams:
15 In their claws some water striders;
Fruitful wheat up to the girdle
High they wheeled and higher up yet,
And the rye up to the armpit,
And they made their way in flight
And as close-set oats as might be,
Up on this good master's house;
Bearded wheat as it might mantle.
They cast (down) the water (there),
Retrain: Carol, Lord!
20 Handsomely they washed the house;
Dropped the water striders (too),
Made the house ring handsomely. 79a.
From the house the master heard,
Down below there, lower down yet,
(Called out:) carol singers small,
(Lo,) there is a silken table.
25 Do not hasten to come down,
Who is sitting at the table?
For I've small sons unawake,
The Lord Christ is sitting (there).
Maiden (daughters) unarisen,
5 Come along, Peter, and eat.
(And) the mansion is unswept (yet).
But I haven't come for eating,
Let you go into that garden,
For I've come to tell a story.
30 And into your hands take flowers,
Take the whip in your hand, Peter,
And into that wellspring dip them,
Snap it, crack with it like lightning,
And good wishes come to pledge,
10 Draw a furrow, draw another.
Pledging and bepledging them.
But what's sprouting on a furrow?
Retrain: Lord, hoy, tor the Lord (Lo,) clean wheat is sprouting (there),
As the Lord appointed it.

At the confines of the earth
There's a small well (with) cold

83 Alternative reading for this verse: Bearded wheat up to the nape.

[ 339 ]
C I a)
79b. SI.
I: Colo sus ~i mai in susy : I, Plugu ~i ro~t'eei,
'Y., Plugu-mi ~i ro~t'eei.
I: Est~-o masa d'e matasa : I
------ [Vremea ca-i vinea],
~i la masa cine ~ede ?
I: La plug sa mierea~,
'Y. D'imineaJa luj Ct'{'J,cjuny!
5 [Frumos samana].
(73v. Ghelar t/»
I: Vriemea ca viiiea~ : I,
SO. Frumos il taia,
Poloane-l facea,
I: Zur zur zur cu zuarile 1 : I,
~i stvog 11 facea.
10 Vremea ca vinea,
I: N u grabd'iti 2 cu zuarile : I Frumos triiera,
------ In pod mi-l suia,
I: Ca ca m' 'puc cu floricele: I. In pod ca-l suia.
------ ~i jos mi-l ducea
Scoala, scoalii, gazda buna. 15 Fain' Ie facea,
5 ~i scoala ~i slujile, 'N troaca framanta
Sa 'ntindem cu plugurile, ~i colaci facea
Sa prindem boii 'n tanjalii, Sa-i dam la saraci;
Sa ie~im la camp afara, ~i pogacele
Breazda neagra sa 'ntumam, 20 Dam la feticele.
10 Grau ro~ sa ravarsam. 'Y. OJ Domnuluj Doamne!
'Y. Le'Yuj Doamn'! (Sa. Cianad t/»
(107d. Mice~ti t/»




Sla. 'Y.,
Colo-i sus, colo-i mai susy, Cure-~i apa limpejoara
'Y., ~i 3 sa faca fered'eu,
Sus in varfu munt'elui, 5 ~i3 sa scald'e Dumnezeu
1= zorile.
1 = grabiti.
a = sa.

[ 340 ]
C I a)
79b. 81.
Yonder high, and higher up yet, The plow and the harrow,86
Refrain My plow and (my) harrow,
(See,) there is a silken table. Refrain
And who's sitting at the table? The time was at hand
To go out a-sowing,
Refrain: Lo, it is the Christmas morning! 5 Handsomely he sowed.
The time was at hand,
Handsomely he mowed,
80. Windrows he set up,
Whir, whir, whir with break of day,84 And the stack he made.
Refrain 10 The time was at hand,
Do not hasten with the dawn, Handsomely he threshed,
For I've yet to set the flowers. 80 Put it in the loft,
Wake up, goodly host, awaken, Set in the loft.
5 And wake up the servants too, Brought it down (again),
That the plows we might get ready, 15 Made it into flour,
In the yoke the oxen fasten, Kneaded in the trough,
To go out into the plowland, And made pastry rolls
A black furrow to o'erturn, To give to the poor,
10 To spill forth the russet wheat. And baked cakes of corn
Refrain: Carol, Lord! 20 To give to the lasses.
Refrain: Hoy, for the Almighty!




82a. Refrain
There's a flow of pure clear water,
There on high, there higher up yet, And a bathing place is shaped,
Refrain 5 And the Lord Almighty bathes.
High upon the mountaintop,

84 Alternate reading for this verse: Haste, haste, haste with break of day (depending upon
whether zur is meant to be zor).
85 The verse is badly garbled in the original, and this rendering is sheer guesswork.
86 Ro~teiu means a grating or covering for a doorway. It may be that the word was meant
to be resteiu, which is the rod that fastens the neck of the ox laterally in the yoke.

[ 341 ]
C I a)
Ta'l sa scalda !Ii sa 'ntreaba: Nu~i mal bun ca calul bun,
eli t'e duce !Ii t'~-aduce
Ce-i mai bun pa ist pamant? 20 'ntr'o zi e !Ii 'n betie
Nu-i de bun ca bou-i buni, 'n pogane de manie.
Ca brazdeaza brazda neagra lar sa scald' !Ii iar sa 'ntreaba:
10 ~i ravarsa grau rO!liu. Ce-i mai bun pa ast pamant?
Ta' sa scalda !Ii sa 'ntreaba: Nu-i mal bun ca oale buna,
Ce-i mal bun pa ist pamant? 25 Colea vara t'e 'ndulc~te,
Nu-i de bun ca oale-i buna, Vine iama, t'e 'ncalze!lte
Cole iama, t'e 'ncalze!lte, ~i t'e 'ntoarce dela moart'e.
15 Primavara t'e 'ndulce!lte. r. Leruj Doamne!
Ta' sa scalda !Ii sa 'ntreaba: • (56b. Gro!li 4)
Ce-i mal bun pa ist pamant?
Nu-i de bun ca calu-i bun!,
Ca t'e duce !Ii t'~-aduce, 81c.
20 ~i t'~-aduce 'n direptat'e Crescut-o, rasarit-o,
~i t'e scoat'e dela moart'e. r.,
Ta' sa scalda !Ii sa 'ntreaba: ~i d-un maru !Ii d-un paru;
Ce-i mai bun pa ist pamant? r.,
Nu-i de bun ca omu bun,
25 Face casa langa drumy, Paru cre!lt'e, d'aure!lt'e,
Vin drumari!li saluesc, Maru cre!lt'e, d-arginte!lt'e.
Pa Dumnezel) pominesc.
r. L'eruj Doamne! 5 Dar in varvu celor pomi
(56c. Drage!lti 4) ~ed i!li dOl)a turturel'e,

Pica-!li dOl)a picurele,

81b. ~i sa iac~-un iered'eu
Graie-!li Taml Dumnezeu: ~i sa scalda Dumnezel),
r., 10 Dumnezel) cu sotu sal).
$i 2 facem un feredau, 11-13 = 82a. 6-8
r., Ca sa duce 'n campu lungu
15 ~i brazdeaza brazda neagra.
~i 2 sa scald'e Dumnezeu, 16-21 = 82a. 10, 16-19,21
Dumnezel) cu sotul sau. r. Fiorile dalbe!
(110. Coticlet 4)
5 Da sa scalda !Ii sa 'ntreaba:
Ce-i mai bun pa ast pamant?
Nu-i mai bun ca omul bun, 81d.
Face-!li casa l3.nga drum; Colo 'n sus !Ii mal din susy
Vin saliii !Ii saluiesc, r.,
10 Pa Dumnezel) pomenesc. A cui sant ahe!ltea curti ma
lar sa scald' !Ii iar sa 'ntreaba:
Ce-i mal bun pa ast pamant? A!le nalt'e!li 'mpulat'e,
Nu-i mal bun ca boul bun, Tat din luntru jugravit'e,
Ca rastoama brazda neagra
15 ~i rasare gra,l) de toamna. 5 ~i aim stoborite?
lar sa scald' !Ii iar sa 'ntreaba: Pe stobor cine !led'e ma?
Ce-i mai bun pa ast pamant?

1 = tot.
S = sa.
[ 342 ]
C I a)
As He bathes, Himself He's asking: Nought is best but a good horse,
What is best upon this earth? For it carries you and brings you,
Nothing's good as a good ox, 20 Both in soberness and drunkness,88
For he furrows the black furrow And in fearsome anger also
10 And spills forth the russet wheat. Once again He bathes and wonders:
He keeps bathing, Himself asking: What is best upon this earth?
What is best upon this earth? Nought is best but a good sheep,
Nothing's good as a good sheep, 25 There it sweetens you in summer,
There it warms you in the winter Comes the winter (and) it warms you,
15 (And) it sweetens you in springtime. And it turns you back from dying.
He keeps bathing, Himself asking: Refrain: Lord, I carol!
What is best upon this earth?
Nothing's good as a good horse,
Because back and forth it takes you 82c.
20 And in righteousness it brings you There have grown, there have come up
And from deadly peril saves you. Refrain
He keeps bathing, Himself asking: Both an apple and a pear tree.
What is best upon this earth? Refrain
Nothing's good as a good man, Grows the pear tree, becomes golden,
25 Builds a house beside the roadway, Grows the apple tree besilvered.
Wayfarers take shelter (there) 5 But atop these (beauteous) trees
And) bethink them of the Lord. (Lo,) two turtledoves are perching;
Refrain: Lord, I carol! Two small water drops come dropping,
And a bathing pool is made,
And the Lord Almighty bathes,
82b. 10 Lord Almighty with His mate.
God the Father spoke to say: 11-13 = 6-8 of 82a.
Refrain For it goes into the long field
Let us make a bathing pool, 15 And it furrows a black furrow.
Refrain 16-21 = 10, 16-19,21 of 82a.
That the Lord might bathe Himself, Refrain: La, the white flowers!
The Almighty with His mate. 87
5 But He asks Himself while bathing:
What is best upon this earth? 82d.
Nought is best but a good man, There on high, and higher up yet,
By the wayside makes his house, Refrain
Guests come in and shelter (there) Ho, whose mansion might that be
10 And bethink them of the Lord. (now),
.Once again He bathes and wonders: (Both) so lofty and so close-set (?),
What is best upon this earth? Inner side all painted over,
Nought is best but a good ox, 5 Outer side with fence surrounded?
For he turns the swarthy furrow, On the fence who is that sitting?
15 And the autumn wheat sprouts
Once again He bathes and wonders:
What is best upon this earth?

87 So/w, the word found in this text and following ones, means both husband and companion.
88 An error of transcription in this verse gives $i 'nt,'o Ii e instead of $i'n t,ellie.

[ 343 ]
C I a)
~ed' imi doya turturiele, Iar sa scalda ~i sa 'ntreaba:
Pica noya pucicuriele, Ce-i mai bun pa iost (sic!) pam~t?
Pica azi ~i pica m~ne, Ce-i mai bun ca vaca-i buna,
10 Pica-mi patruzeci de zile Las' on pranz ~i-aduct:-o cina.
Sa sa fac' un feredey, 20 Iar sa scalda ~i sa 'ntreaba:
Sa sa scalde Dumnezey, 21-23 = 82d. 21-23
Dumnezey cu sotu say. ~i te, domn bun, vesele~te!
Tat sa scalda ~i sa 'ntreaba: r. (Mel. 62r.)Domnuluj, Domnuluj
15 Ce-i mai bun pe iost (sic!) pam~nt? Doamfte!
Ce-i mai bun ca boul bun, r. (Mel. 83c.) Domnuluiy, dai Domnuluj
Ca ra varsa brazda neagra Doamfte!
~i rasare gr~y rujat, (62r., 83c. Ciarbal 1)
Ca de Domnul samanat.
20 Tat sa scalda !1i sa 'ntreaba: 82f.
Ce-i mai bun pe iost pam~t?
Ce-i mai bun ca oaie buna, Dinaint'ea cestor curtiy,
Ca 'ncalze~te !1i 'ndulce!1te.
Doi mieri naIR ~i minunati .
Variant (Mel. 102h.): ======
I: Doi mieri naIR ~i minunatiy : I
1. I I I: D'e tulpini intulpinatiy : I
1-3 = I: Colo 'n sus ~i mai in susy, r. : I
5 De v~uri ajung in cer.
111.1 Da la v~rvul la doi meri
anta-mi doya turturele.
I: A cui s~t ahe~tea curtly : I Da la val' de turturele
Face mi-s' on feredey
I: A~a nalt'e ~i 'mpuiat'e : I 10 Mi-sa scalda Dumnezey,
r. (92c.) Lino lino lero lino! 11-18 = 82d. 13-18, 20, 21
r. (102h.) Doamfte ler Domnuluj Ce-i mai bun ca calu-i bun,
Doamfte! 20 ca 'ncunjura terile,
(92c. Ghelar ¢) Vine sara iar acasa,
(102h. Ghelar rf.) Voea buna nu ~i-o lasa.
r. Lina lior lina lior draga!
(102k. Gradi~te 1)
D-a cui is d-ac~t'ea curtlY, 82g.
[D-]A~e nalt'e ~i 'nfolat'e Tat ~mblam ~i col'indamy,
Pe d'e luntru zugravit'e,

P~' afara stoborit'e? Dintr'o casa 'intr' alta casa

5 Mai d't:-asupra past' oboara ~i gazd'il'e nu-s acasa.
~ed'e doya turturiel'e. ------
------ ~i ma pt'ica 1 pt'icuriel'e
Pica una dintre ele ------
~i sa fact:-on feredey 5 De supt tate stre~inele,
~i sa scalda Dumnezey Sa sa fac' on fedeley,2
10-14= 82d. 13-17 Sa sa scalde Dumnezey,
15 ~i rasare gr~y ro~tior. Dumnezey ~i cu S~nt'etru.3

1 = pica.
a = feredeu.
3 = Sf. Petru.

[ 344 ]
C I a)
(Lo,) two turtledoves are sitting Once again He bathes and wonders:
(And) they're dropping down nine What is best upon this earth?
droplets. Than a good cow, what is better?
Drop today and drop tomorrow, Yields a midday meal, brings supper.
10 Forty days they keep on dropping, 20 Once again He bathes and wonders:
For to make a bathing pool, 21-23 = 21-23 of 82d.
That the Lord might bathe Himself, And, good master, be rejoicing!
The Almighty with His mate. Refrain (Mel. 62r.): To the Lord, to the
As He bathes, Himself He's asking: Almighty!
15 What is best upon this earth? Refrain (Mel. 83c.): Give to the Lord, to
What is better than good ox? the Almighty!
For he turns the swarthy furrow
And the russet wheat springs up,
As 'twere sown by the Almighty. 82f.
20 He keeps bathing, Himself asking: (See,) before this mansion (standing),
What is best upon this earth? Refrain
What is better than a good sheep? Two tall apple trees and wondrous,
For it warms and also sweetens, Two tall apple trees and wondrous;
Upon (sturdy) boles (they're) rooted
Variant (Mel. 102h.): 5 And their tops reach to the sky.
1-3 = Yonder high, and higher up yet, But atop the apple trees
\Vhose might be these (Lo,) two turtledoves are singing.
(handsome) mansions, Neath the turtledoves, down lower,
(Both) so lofty and so close-set, (Lo,) a bathing place takes shape,
Refrain (29c.) Softly, softly, carol 10 The Almighty bathes (in it),
softly! 11-18 = 13-18, 20, 21 of 82d.
Refrain (102h.) For thr Lord, for the Than a good horse, what is best?
Almighty! 20 For it travels round the lands,
Comes back home again at evening,
Its good cheer never forsaking.
82e. Refrain: Softly spin, softly spin, darling!
But to whom belong these mansions,
(Both) so towering and close-set, 82g.
Inside (beautifully) painted vVe keep caroling about
(And) outside with fence surrounded? Refrain
5 Higher up, above the fencings, From one household to another,
(Lo,) two turtledoves are perching. And the householders are elsewhere.
One of them drops (down a droplet) And the drops on me are dripping
And a bathing pool is made, 5 Under (each and) every gutter,
And God bathes Himself (in it). Till a bathing pool is made
10-14 = 13-17 of 82d. That the Lord might bathe Himself,
15 And there sprouts up russet wheat. The Almighty and Saint Peter.

[ 345 ]
C I a)
Ei sa sealda, ei sa 'ntreaba: 5 Da ee nume i-o d-aflatii.?
10 Ce-i mai bun ea ealul bun, Tot San Plitru, iar San Plitr'
ca te duee ostenit
~i te lasa hodinit.
Ei sa sealda, ei sa 'ntreabii:
fT.l jIT.j
I: lui Dumnezeu : I -zey.
Ce-i mai bun ea boul bun, Dar sli sealda ~i sa 'ntreabii,
15 Ca rastoama brazda neagra Dar sa 'ntreaba Dumnezeu:
~i ravarsa grau ro~u. 10 Ce-i mai bun pe list pamant?
Ei sa sealda ei sa 'ntreaba: Nu-i mai bun ea boul bun,
Ce-i mai bun ea oaie buna, ca rastoamli brazda neagra
Ca te 'mbraea ~i t~-adapa. ~i rlivarsli gray frumos.
1'. Daj col'indd! lar sa sealda Dumnezey,
(59b. Albae if) 15 ~i sli sealda ~i sa 'ntreabii:
Ce-i mai bun pe ast pamant?
82h. Pamantu-i eu umbllitori
~i eerul eu stanjinu.
1. I fIll lar sli sealda Dumnezey
I: Su' eer ro~u, rasaritu, 1'. : I -ritu, 20 ~i sa sealda ~i sa 'ntreaba:
Ce-i mat bun pe ast pamant?
Serisu-i tari~-un lueru marie Nu-i mai bun ea ealul bun,
Serisa-i dalba-i manastirie.
------ ca te duee ea vantu
~i t~-aduee ea gandu.
'N manastire cine ~ede?
1'. Domnuluj 51-a nos' Doamn'!
5 Dumnezey eu sotul say
(l04g. Moi~a if)
~i sa sealda ~i sa 'ntreabii:
Ce-i mai bun pa ast pamant?
Da nimiea nu-i mai bun,
Nu-i mai bun ea boul bun. 83a.
10 lar sa sealda ~i sa 'ntreaba:
Ce-i mai bun pa ast pamant?
I 1. I [IT]
I: Pogorit-o, pogoritu, 1'. : I -rit
Da nimiea nu-i mai bun
Nu-i mai bun ea oaie buna, -I -1.-1 rn.l
Ca 'nealze~te ~i 'ndu1ce~te I: Dumnezeu p'aist pamanty : I -mant,
15 ~i te, domn bun, vesel~te.
1'.{Domnulu j Doamfte! Dumnezeu si eu Sant'etru 3 •
] ufteluj buny! 1 Luara-sa, "d~sarli-sa
(621. Fere~d tf» 5 Pe d-ulita, Doamne, stramtli
La easa bogatului
82i. ~i din grai ~a graie:
• Ay eresetu ~i ni-ay nascuti, -Buna ziya, d-yoamini maril
-Sanatosi, euldu~4 ea voil
On lliy 2 sfant pr~-aeest pamant. 10 -D-ayeti pranzu ~i 5 ni-l dati ?
-D-avem pranzu pe domnie,
Mila maiea ~i-o faeuti, De pranzu nost' nu-i de voi,
Pe lliy 2 sfant I-a bot'ezat. De ni~te euldu~i4 ea voi,
------ Ci de yoamini mart ea noi.

1 La fonograf.
2 = fiu.
S = Sf. Petru.
4 = cer~etor (koldus, ling.).
~ = sa.
[ 346 ]
C I a)
They are bathing, ask each other: 5 But what name found she for him ?
10 What can better a good horse? But Saint Peter and Saint Peter,
When you're tired, it carries you Godfather unto the Lord. 91
And it leaves you rested (well). But He bathes Himself and wonders,
They are bathing, ask each other: The Almighty asks Himself:
What can better a good ox? 10 What is best upon this earth?
15 It turns over the black furrow Nothing bests the goodly ox,
And the russet wheat spills over. For it turns the darkling furrow
They are bathing, ask each other: And spills forth beautiful wheat.
What a goodly sheep can better? The Almighty bathes again,
It (both) quenches you and clothes 15 And He bathes Himself and wonders:
you. What is best upon this earth?
Refrain: Sing the carol! Wayfarers are on the earth,92
And the sky is fathomwise.
The Almighty bathes again,
Slh. 20 And He bathes Himself and wonders:
Under the red sky (of) sunrise, What is best upon this earth?
Refrain Nothing bests the goodly horse,
There's a mighty thing appointed, For it bears you like the wind
A white convent is appointed. And like thought it brings you (back).
Who is staying in the convent? Refrain: To the Lord and Our Lady!
5 The Almighty with His mate,
And they bathe and ask each other:
What is best upon this earth? 83a.
Why, there's nought that better is, He's descended, He's come down,
Nothing bests the goodly ox. Refrain
10 Once again they bathe and ponder: The Almighty on this earth,
What is best upon this earth? The Almighty with Saint Peter.
Why, there's nought that better is, They set out, betook themselves
Than a goodly sheep, nought's better, 5 On a lane, Lord, (that was) narrow,
For it warms (you) and it sweetens, To the house of the rich man,
15 And it gladdens you, good master! And they spoke and thusly said:
Refrain: {TO the Almighty! A good day (to you), great folks I
To the good youngster! 89 A good day, you beggars, you!
10 Have you midday meal to give us?
We've a lordly meal for midday,
Sli. But our meal is not for you,
There has grown and there was born Fit for beggarmen like you,
us 90 But for great folks like ourselves.
On this earth a holy son.
Merciful (his) mother was,
She baptized the holy son.

89 Author's footnote: In the recording.

90 In that order in the original, too.
91 This is possibly an error of transcription, the verse being meant to read: (And) his god-
father was God.
98 There is a possible alternative reading for this verse: There are ferries on the earth.

[ 347 ]
C I a)
15 Luara-sa, dusara-sa r. Florilor dalbe!
Pe d-uli~a, Doamne, stramta (61a. $oimi if)
Cu d-inimu~a d-infrantii
La easa saraeului
$i din grai a~a graie: 83b.
20 -Buna ziy.a, d-y.oamini mari! Pogorlt-o, pogorlty,
Sanato~i ~i voi, mai mari! r.,
-D-aveti pranzu ~il ni-I dati? Dumnezey. ~i eu Sant'etr'; 2
-D-avem pranzu pre putin;
Da d-inde nu de d-ajunge, Luara-sa, dusara-sa
25 D-avem vecini foarte buni Tat alungu drumului
$i noi n~-om d'imprumuta -------
D'inde Dumnezey. Iua, 5 Pa podu pamantului
Dumnezey. mai multe rele. La easa bogatului.
Luara-sa, dusara-sa -Buna ziy.a, bogaty!
30 Pe d-ulita, Doamne, larga -Sanato~i ~i voi eoldu~i!3
Cu d-inimuta d-intreaga. -D-aveti pranzu ~i n~-al dati?
Cand i~i era la d-un loe, 10 -D-avem pranzu pre bogaty:
La un loe, la un mijloe, Pranzu nostu nu-i da voi,
Dumnezey. ~a-~i graie: Ci da ni~te d-omi ea noi.
35 -Apuea-te Petr~, -apuea Luara-sa, dusara-sa
Pa d-umar pa dre~l miey. Tat alungu drumului
$i 1 vezi, Petre, ee-i vede. 15 Pa podu pamantului
$i Patru sa d-apuea La easa mi~elului.
$i din grai d-a~a-~i graie: -Buna ziy.a, mi~ely!
40 -Nu ma tine, Doamne, mult, D-aveti pranzu si ne-a-l dati?
Ca ee-mi vad, ma 'mbatranese; -Davem pranzu pre putiny,
Vad easa bogatului 20 Treee 'n luntru ~i LI pranzim.
D-in mijloeu iadului. D-ind'i pranzu nu ajunge,
D-in hopaia foeului. Avem vecini foarte buni.
45 Luadi-sa, dusara-sa Cumva n~-om imprumuta.
Pe d-ulita, Doamne, larga Luara-sa, dusarii-sa
Cu d-inimuta d-intreaga. 25 Tat alungu drumului
Cand i~i era Ia d-un loe, Pa podu pamantului.
La un loe, la un mijloe, Cand i~i fura la un loe,
50 Dumnezeu a~a-~i graie: Dumnezey. din grai graie:
-Apuea-te, Petr~, -apuea -Ia 'puea 4 t'e, Petr~,-apucii,
Pa d-umar pa sta'D:g' al mieu 30 Pa umar d~-a stanga ~
$i 1 vezi. Petre, ee-i vede. $i 3 vezi, Petre, ee-i vede.
$i Patru sa d-apuea -Nu ma ~ine, Doamn~-a~a,
55 $i din grai a~a-~i graie: Ca ee vad, ma 'mb1itra~e
-Ia tine-ma ,Doamne, mult, $i Ia fata ve~tejese:
Ca ee-mi vad, ma 'ntanarese; 35 Vad easa bogatului
Vad easa saraeului, tn mijloeu iadului
D-in mijIoeu raiului, Bat~-o para foeului.
60 Bat~-o raza soarelui. Luarii-sa, dusara-sa

1 = sa.
2 = Sf. Petru.
3 = cer~etori (koldus, ung.).
4 = !a apuea.

[ 348 ]
C I a)
15 They set off, betook themselves Refrain: To the white flowers!
On a lane, Lord, (that was) narrow,
Brokenheartedly (betook them)
To the house of the poor man, 83b.
And they spoke and thusly said: They descended, they descended,
20 A good day (to you), great folks! Retrain
Health to you, too, greater ones! The Almighty and Saint Peter.
Have you midday meal to give us? They set off, they made their way,
We have midday meal too little, Onward (went) along the road,
But whatever won't avail us, 5 Over the earth's face (they went)
25 We have very kindly neighbors, To the house of the rich man.
And we'll borrow (it from them) ; A good day (to you), rich man!
(For) from where the Lord has taken, Health to you, beggars, as well!
God more evils (thence) has taken. 93 Will you give us midday meal?
They set off, betook themselves 10 Our midday meal's for rich folks,
30 On a lane, Lord, (that was) broader, 'Tis not for the likes of you,
(They) wholeheartedly (betook them). But for gentry like ourselves.
When they came upon a place, They set off, they made their way,
At a place that midway lay. Onward (went) along the road,
The Almighty thusly spoke: 15 Over the earth's face (they went)
35 Catch hold, Peter, take a hold on, To the house of the poor man.
(Hold fast) onto my right shoulder, A good day (to you) poor man!
To see, Peter, what you'll see. Will you give us midday meal?
Thereupon Peter seized hold We've (but) little midday meal,
And spoke out and thusly said: 20 Come inside, let's eat it up.
40 Do not keep me long, oh Lord, If the fare be unavailing,
What I see makes me grow old, We have very kindly neighbors,
(For) I see the rich man's house Mayhap we shall borrow (more).
In the (very) midst of hell, They set off, they made their way,
In the blazing of the fire. 25 Onward (went) along the road,
45 They set off, betook themselves Over the earth's face (they went).
On a lane, Lord, (that was) broader, When they reached a (certain) place,
(Going on their way) wholehearted. The Almighty Lord spoke out:
When they came upon a place, Come along (and) catch hold, Peter,
At a place that midway lay, 30 Onto my left shoulder (hold),
50 The Almighty thusly spoke: To see, Peter, what you'll see.
Catch hold, Peter, take a hold on, Do not keep me thus, oh Lord,
(Hold fast) onto my left shoulder, What I see makes me grow old
To see, Peter, what you'll see. And my face is withering.
Thereupon Peter seized hold 35 (Lo,) I see the rich man's house
55 And spoke out and thusly said: In the (very) midst of hell,
Let You keep me long, oh Lord, Flame of fire plays on it.
What I see makes me grow young, They set off, they made their way,
(For) I see the poor man's house
In the (very) midst of heaven,
60 (And) a sunbeam shines on it. 94

93 The intended meaning of this and the immediately preceding verse is far from clear, and
both appear to have been transcribed here in a garbled version.
94 Alternative reading for this verse: Maya sunbeam shine on it.

[ 349 ]
C I a)
Tat alungu drumului Dumnezev ~i graie,
40 Pa podu pamantului cata Sant'etru ziee:
Cand i~i fura la un loe, 30 -Ia sui, Petre, sus mai sus
Dumnezey. din grai graie: Pa umar d~-a stang' a miey.,
Ia 'puca t'e, Petr~,-apuea Sa vezi, Petre, ee-i vide.
Pa umar d~-a dre~a me -Nu ma jine, Doamn~,-~a,
45 !;)i vezi, Petre, ee-j vede. Ca ee vad, ma 'mbatra~e:
-Mai jine-ma, Doam~,- a~a, 35 Vad easa bogatului
Ca ee vad, ma 'ntanar~ In mijloeu iadului,
!;)i la faja d-inverzese: Pa din afara eu var,
Vad easa mi!?elului, Pa din lontru eu amar;
Bat~-o raza soarelui. In loeu obloeului 2
'Neonjurata de albine. 40 Joaea para foeului·
r. LeI' /lori dalbi lerda mary! Dumnezey. i~i graie:
(95i. Coticlet if) -Ia sui, Petre, sus mai sus,
Pa umar dirept a miey.,
83c. Sa vezi, Petre, ee-i vide.
45 Mai jine-ma, Doamne,-~a,
Pogortt-o, pogortty, Ca ee vad, ma 'ntana're'se:
Viid easa mi~elului
Dumnezey. ~i eu Sant'etr'; 1 In mijloeu raiului,
I: Pa pogoru eerelui : ,. Pa din afara eu tina,
50 Pa din lontru eu hodina
Luara-sa, dusara-sa 'Neonjurata de albine.
5 Pa ulijii., pa d-ulija. r. Florile-s dalbe!
(61e. Beiu~ if)
Cand i~i eray. la un loe,
La un loe, la un mijloe,
La easa bogatului: 83d.
-Buna zil}a, oameni buni! Pogortt-o, pogority,
10 Aveji pranzu pre bogat? I.r.,
-Dar pranzu nost' nu-i de dat, Dumnezey pa ast pamanty,
Ca pranzu nost' nu-i de voi, 2.1'.
Ci de oameni mari ea noi.
Luara-sa dusara-sa Dumnezey eu sojul sau,
15 Tat in sus pe rasarit Cu sojul say., eu Sant'etru. 1
Pa ulijii., pa d-ulija.
Cand i~i erav la un loe 5 Luarii.-sa, dusara-sa
La un loe, la un mijloe, Pan' ora~, pan' Fagar~.
La easa mi~elului: ------
20 -Buna ziya, oameni bunil
Aveji pranzu sa ni-l daji? Cand i~i fura la un loey,
-Avem pranzu pre pujin, La un loe, la un mijloeu,
Pleeaji lontru sa-l pranzim.
D'indi Dumnezey. rupea Dumnezey din grai graie:
25 De tri ori mai multe rele. 10 -Prinde-te, Petre, prinde-te
Luara-sa, dusara-sa Pe umar d~-a stangul mieu,
Tat in sus pa rasarit, CaVta 'n sus ~i eay.ta 'n jos,

1 = Sf. Petru.
2 = ferestrii « ablak, ung.).

[ 350 ]
C I a)
Onward (went) along the road, The Almighty Lord spoke up
40 Over the earth's face (they went). (And) He said unto Saint Peter:
When they reached a (certain) place, 30 Come, climb, Peter, higher up,
The Almighty Lord spoke out: (Climb) upon my left-hand shoulder,
Come along (and) catch hold, Peter, To see, Peter, what you'll see.
Onto my right shoulder (hold), Do not keep me, Lord, like this,
45 To see, Peter, what you'll see. What I see makes me grow old.
Keep me longer thus, oh Lord, 35 (Lo,) I see the rich man's house
What I see makes me grow young In the (very) midst of hell;
And my face is flourishing. Outside it is (daubed) with lime,
(Lo), I see the poor man's house Inside (it is filled) with woe;
50 In the (very) midst of heaven, Where the window ought to be,
(And a) sunbeam shines on it. 40 (Only) flames of fire dance.
Refrain: Sing white blossoms of the The Almighty said (to him) :
apple! Come, climb, Peter, higher up,
(Climb) upon my right-hand shoulder,
To see, Peter, what you'll see.
83c. 45 Keep me longer, Lord, like this,
They descended, they descended, What I see makes me grow young,
Refrain (For) I see the poor man's house
The Almighty and Saint Peter, In the (very) midst of heaven;
On the downward slope of heaven. Outside (it is daubed) with mud,
They set off, they made their way 50 Inside (it is filled) with comfort,
5 Down the lane, along the alley. (And) with bees (it is) surrounded.
When they came upon a spot, Refrain: White are the blossoms!
At a spot (and) at a hub,
At the house of the rich man:
Worthy people, a good day! 83d.
10 Have you a rich midday meal? He's descended, He's descended,
But our meal is not for giving, Ht Refrain
It's not for the likes of you, The Almighty on this earth,
But for great folks like ourselves. 2nd Refrain
They set off, they made their way The Almighty with His mate,
15 Ever upwards, toward the east, With His mate (who is) Saint Peter.
Down the lane, along the alley. S They set out, they made their way
When they came upon a spot, Through the town, through Fagarash. 95
At a spot (and) at a hub,
At the house of the poor man: When they were upon a spot,
20 Worthy people, a good day! At a spot, upon a hub,
Have you midday meal to give? The Almighty Lord spoke out:
We've a scanty midday meal, 10 Catch hold, Peter, catch a hold on
Go inside, let's eat it up. (Hold on to) my left-hand shoulder;
Whence the Lord Almighty broke Look you up and look you down,
25 Evil things three times as many.94
They set off, they made their way
Ever upwards, toward the east.

94 This verse and the immediately preceding one, which correspond to verses 27 and 28 of
text No. 83a., are similarly obscure.
96 Fagara~ (the accent is on the last syllable) is an ancient city of Transylvania, capital of
the district with the same name.

[ 351 ]
C I a)
Sa vezi, Petre, ee-i vede. Dumnezel).!li eu Sant'e=tr='=l=====
-Nu rna tine, Doamn\:,-a!?a,
Pa pogori mari da ceara.
15 Ca ee vad, imbiitranes~
LUl).ara-sa, dusara-s'
Ca vad poarta iadului
$i 'nea iadul eu tatul, 5 Dela-l).n loe pana 'n mijloe
Tat vinind, ineaputand
Cl).-O viermuta n\:-adurmit. r. Corind'e Doamne!
20 -Lasa-l, Petre, lasa-l draga, (6Ij. Lune!?oara if)
Ca aeelloe e gatit
La eel mare de bogat, 83f.
Care pranzu nu n\:-o dat.
Coborit-o, ilimerit-o,
Dumnezel). din grai graie:
25 -Ei, muta-te, Petre, muta
Pa seara sfanta d'e seara
Pe umar d\:-a dreptul miel)., =====
Cal).ta 'n jos !?i eal).ta 'n sus, I: Pa seara sfanta d'e seara : I
Cauta 'n sus la rasarit,
Dumnezel).!?i eu Sfant patru.
Sa "vezi, Petre, ee-i vede.
5 Ei eand jos sa seoboral).
30 -Mai tine-rna, Doamn\:,-a~a, Seara lor li sa topea.
Ca ee vad, intanarese, '-"
$i sa ll).ara !?i-mi pleeara
Ca vad poarta raiului La miljoeu satului,
$i 'nea raiul eu tatul: La easa bogatului.
Nu te poti apropie 10 Cand in easa mi-l intrara,
35 De tri mile de pamant
Voie buna ea mi-!?i ll).ara
De para faeliilor,
$i din gura mi-~i graial).:
De mirosul florilor
-Gata-i pranzu, sa-l pranzim?
$i de zvonul sfantelor,
-Pranzu-i gata, nu-i de vol
De fumul tamailor,
15 Ci de domni mai mari ea voi.
40 De zvonul albinelor.
$i sa ll).ara ~i-mi pleeara
Dumnezel). din grai graie:
La eapatu satului
-Lasa-l, Petre, lasa-l draga, La easa saraeului.
Ca aeelloe e gatit Cand in easa mi-l intrara.
La eel mi~el ~i sarman,
20 Voie buna ea mi-!li ll).ara
45 Care pranzul mi I-a dat
$i din gura mi-~i graial).:
Pentru Sfanta Dumineea -Gata-i pranzu, sa-l pranzim?
Pana -s popi in biseriea. -Pranzu-i gata sa-l pranzim,
Cat 0 fi, hai sa-l pranzim!
Faro' melodie:
* 25 $i pranzira, nu gatira,
Ospatara, nu gatara.
$i-o 'nehinam eu sana tate $i sa-mi ll}ara ~i-mi pleeara
Casei !?i gazdei; Tot pe vii !?i pe eampii.
Lontru 'n easa sana tate, Graia-mi dragu Dumnezel).:
Pe d\:-afara bogatate! 30 -Vita, Pietre, 'n stanga mea,
I.r. Corinde ~i corinde! Spune, Pietre, ee-i vedea? .
2.1'. Corinde!
-10 ee vad, rna 'nspaimantlez
(71b. Camp if) $i mai tar' rna 'nfiorez:
Vad easa bogatului
35 D-in miljoeu satului;
83e. Balaorii sufla 'n foe,
Pogorit-o, pogoritYi, Sufla 'n foe, sa-!?i afle loe.
r. $i sa ll).ara ~i-mi pleeara
1 = Sf. Petru.

[ 352 ]
C I a)
And see, Peter, what you'll see. The Almighty and Saint Peter,
Do not keep me thus, oh Lord; On long waxen slopes (descended).
15 What I see makes me grow old, They set out, they made their way
For I see the gate of hell 5 From one place up to the middle
And withal the whole of hell,
Ever coming on and filling Refrain: Lord, sing the carols!
With a worm (that) sleepless (is).
20 Leave it, Peter, leave it be, dear,
Because readied is that place 83f.
For that rich (and) mighty man They came down, they came on
Who did not give us a meal. downward
The Almighty Lord spoke (on): Refrain
25 Well, shift over, Peter, shift you, On the stairs of holy stairway,
(Hold) onto my right-hand shoulder; On the stairs of holy stairway,
Look you up and look you down, The Almighty and Saint Peter.
Toward sunrise look you up, 5 As they downward made their way,
And see, Peter, what you'll see. (Lo,) their stairs melted away.
30 Keep me longer thus, oh Lord; And they left, their way they wended
What I see makes me grow young, To the middle of the village,
For I see the gate of heaven To the house of the rich man.
And withal the whole of heaven; 10 When inside the house they entered,
Closer you can't get to it Goodly cheer they took (in) with them,
35 Than three miles above the earth, And they uttered speech to say:
For the flame of candles (bright), Is the meal set for our eating?
For the scent of (blooming) flowers, It is set, (but) not for you,
For the sound of holy things, 15 ('Tis) for greater ones than you.
For the smoke of (burning) incense, And they left, their way they wended
40 For the rumor of the bees. To the outskirts of the village,
The Almighty said (to him) : To the house of the poor man.
Leave it, Peter, leave it be, dear, When inside the house they entered,
Because readied is that place 20 Goodly cheer they took (in) with them,
For that poor and needy man And they uttered speech to say:
45 Who gave us the midday meal, Is the meal set for our eating?
For the sake of holy Sunday, It is set for our eating;
While there shall be priests in churches. What there be, let's eat it up!
25 And they feasted, didn't finish;

Without a tune:
* Ate their fill (and) could not finish;
And they left, their way they wended
And with (goodly) health we pledge it Through the vineyards and through
To the house and to the host; fields.
(May there be good) health within The beloved Lord spoke up:
And without (may there be) wealth! 30 Look you, Peter, to my left;
Ist Refrain: Caroling and carols! What do you see, Peter? Say.
and Refrain: The carols! What I see fills me with fear
And more strongly makes me quail.
(Lo,) I see the rich man's house
83e. 35 In the middle of the village; 96
They've descended, they've descended, Dragons blow upon the fire,
Refrain Blow on it to get more room.
And they left, their way they wended

88 In this text, satului (of the village) is found (erroneously?) substituted for iadului (of hell).

[ 353 ]
C I a)
Tot pe vii ~i pe e~mpii. -Cayta-mi, Petre, 'n dreapta mear~,
40 Griiia-mi dragu Dumnezey: Spune-mi, Petre, ee-i vedear-.Q?
-Uita, Pietre, 'n dreapta mea, -10 ee vad, ma 'nspaimantez:
Spune, Pietre, ce-i vedea? 35 Vad easa bogatului
-10 ee vad, ma 'mbueurez In mijloeu iadului
!;)i mai tare ma 'nvoiese: Cum s'aprinde ~i cum arde
45 Vad easa saraeului !;)i avutul sa prepade!
D-in miljoeu raiului Dumnezel} din grai graiar~:
Tot eu flori-i influrita 40 -Ca"Q,ta-mi, Petre, 'n smnga meare,
!;)i eu ierburi inverzita. Spune-mi, Petre, ee-mi vedea~?
r. Doamne jaj Domnuluj. Doamnel -10 ee vad, ma 'nsufletese:
(102d. Paueine~d if) Vad easa saraeului
In mijIoeu raiului
45 Pe din Iuntru aurita,
83~. Din afara argintita.
Coborit-ay Domnul Sf~nt, r. Haj leru-mi Doamne haj.1
r., (62hh. Igri~ if)
Domnul Sf~nt p'aeest pam~nt,
I: Coborit-ay tot pre seara : I, I: Coborit-a, eoborit : I
I: Dumnezey eu Petru Sf~nt : I.
Seara sf~nta ~i de ceara
5 Intr' 0 zi de serbatoare I: Coborit-ay tot pe seara : I,
Cu Sf~nt Petru, sotu lui, I: Searii-i sf~nta ~i de ceara : I,
Pentru soartea omului.
Luara-sa ~i duse-se 5 I: Coborit-al} ea sa-~i vada : I
In mijloeu satului Ce fae domnii eu iobagip
lOLa easa bogatului !;)i avutii eu saracii.
- Buna sara, domnilor!
-Sa traiti. voi caiatoql Coborlt-ay tot pe seara,
-Gata-i pr~nzu de pr~nzit? Scara-i sf~ta ~i de ceara,
Ne 'mbiem la omenit. 10 Intro zi de serbatoare,
15 -Pr~nzu-i gata: nu-i de voi, C~nd rasarea sf~ntul soare.
Ci de domni marl ea ~i nolo Ei sa ial} ~i dueu-sa
Luara-sa ~i duse-se !;)i ajung ~i vadu-sa
La marginea satului, Pintre vii, pintre c~mpii
La easa saraeulul. 15 Pe 0 eale eu fac1ij.
20 -Buna sara, domnilor! Ei sa ial} ~i dueu-sa
-Sa triiiti, voi ealatori! !;)i ajung ~i vadu-sa
-Gata-i p~nzu de p~nzit? In mijIoeuI satului
Ne 'mbiem Ia omenit. La easa bogatului.
-Pr~nzu-i gata, cam putin,
25 Dar veniti ea sa-l pr~nzim; 20 Ei sa iay ~i dueu-sa
Ca de eumva nu s'ajunge, !;)i ajung ~i vadu-sa
Merg~-om in sat ~i-om aduee. In eapatul satului
Ei in easa sa bagara La easa saraeului.
!;)i bine sa ospatare. -Buna zil}a, muncitori!
30 Luara-sa ~i duse-se, 25-31 = S3g. 21-27
Dumnezel} din grai graiare: Sal} imprumut Iua I-om,

1 = oamenii iegati de glie « jobbagy, ling.).

[ 354 ]
C I a)
Through the vineyards and through Look you, Peter, to my right side;
fields. Tell me what you shall see, Peter.
40 The beloved Lord spoke up: What I see affrightens me,
Look you, Peter, to my right; 35 (For) I see the rich man's house,
What do you see, Peter? Say. (Standing) in the midst of hell,
What I see fills me with joy, As it's catching fire and burning,
And more strongly makes me glad. And the substance is demolished!
45 (Lo,) I see the poor man's house (And) the Lord Almighty said:
(Standing) in the midst of heaven, 40 Look you, Peter, to my left side;
All with flowering blooms it's (covered) Tell me what you shall see, Peter.
And with grasses green (surrounded). What I see enlivens me,
Refrain: Lord, hoy, unto the Almighty! (For) I see the poor man's house
(Standing) in the midst of heaven;
45 Inside it is (all) begilded,
83g. Outside it is (all) besilvered.
(Lo,) the Holy Lord came down Refrain: Come and sing of heaven,
Refrain Lord!
On this earth, the Holy Lord;
He came down upon a ladder, 83h.
(On) a holy waxen ladder, They descended, they came down,
5 (All) upon a (holy) feast day, The Almighty and Saint Peter.
With Saint Peter, with His mate, They came down upon a stairway,
For (to see) the fate of man. Holy is the stair and waxen.
They set out and made their way 5 They came down that they might see
To the middle of the village, What the lords do with the bondsmen
10 To the house of the rich man: And the wealthy with the poor ones.
A good evening, gentlemen! They came down upon a stairway,
May you thrive, you travelers! Holy is the stair and waxen,
Is the meal ready to eat? 10 (All) upon a holy feast day,
We make bid to be your guests. As the blessed sun was rising.
15 It is ready, not for you They set off and make their way,
But for gentlefolk like us. And they reach and see themselves
They set out and made their way Among vineyards, among fields,
To the village edge (they went) 15 On a road with candles (lit).
To the house of the poor man: They set off and make their way,
20 A good evening, gentlemen! And they reach and find themselves
May you thrive, you travelers! In the middle of the village,
Is the meal ready to eat At the house of the rich man,
We make bid to be your guests.
It is ready, somewhat scant, 20 They set off and make their way,
25 But come on (and) let us eat, And they reach and find themselves
For, should it be unavailing, On the outskirts of the village,
We'll fetch (more) in from the village. At the house of the poor man.
(Thereupon) the house they entered, A good day, you workingmen!
And were bountifully feasted. 25-31 = 21-27 of 83g.
30 They set out and made their way, Either we shall borrow (more)
(And) the Lord Almighty said:

[ 355 ]
C I b}
Sav pe bani cumpara I-om. Vezi casa bogatului
Din mijlocul satului
Dumnezev din grai graia: In mijlocul iadului.
35 -Cauta, Petre, 'n dreapta mea, (126. Bistra ¢)
De vezi, Petre, ce-i vedea.



84a. Est~-o piatra rastand'iata (sic!),

La ce piatra razamata,
5 Da supt umbra pietrii
$ede-mi, Doamne, cine-mi ~ede?
Maica Sfa,nta-i razamat'
$ede-mi Maica Domnului
===== CV-on fiut, micut d-in brata.
Cv-on fiut, micut in brata. Fiul plange, n'are stare
Fiutu tot imi salta,
10 D-in bratele maichii sale.
5 Maica Sfanta 'n grai graia:
Maica din gura-mi graie:
-Taci, fiut, nu imi salta,
- Taci, fiule, taci, dragule,
Caci maica tie ti-o da
Ca maica tie ti-o da
Dova mere, dova pere. DoVa mere, doVa pere,
Fiutu tot imi salta,
15 Dova tate dalb~-a mele.
10 Maica Sfanta 'n grai graia:
-Ba, maico, nu mi-i de ele.
-Taci, fiut, nu imi salta,
Mi-i de naltu cerului
Ciici maica tie ti-o da $i de punt'e raiului:
DoVa pere, doVa mere,
Care vom ii pacatos
DOl)a tate dalb~-a mele. 20 Cade de pa punt'e jos,
15 Fiutu tot nu tacea, Cade 'n lad intunecos;
Ci mai tare ca salta,
Care uom nu-i pacatos,
Maica Sfanta 'n grai graia: Mere pa punt'e frumos,
-Taci, fiut, nu imi salta, Mere 'n raiu luminos.
Caci maica tie ti-o da 25 $i cu mai doi tanarei
20 DoVa pere, doVa mere,
Sa ne fie drag cu ei;
Dova tate dalb~-a mele $i cu dOl)a tanariele
$i cheile raiului Sa ne fie drag cu ele;
Sa fi tu mai mare 'n rai.
$i cv-on fir de busioc
$i-atunci fiutu tacea 30 Sa aiba 'n lume naroc;
25 $i bine sa lini~tea.
$i cV-on fir de iarba creaja
r. Domnuluj Doamne!
Sa aiba 'n lume viata!
(66a. Micllaca ¢)
r. Ddrmjand, ddrmjand mi Doamne!
(92e. Paucine~d ¢)
Colo sus la Rusaliny,
r., 84c.
Est~-otufa d'e maslin~. Colo sus ~i mai din SUS\!,
Da supt umbra tufiieiy r.,

[ 356 ]
C I b)
Or for money we shall buy. (Lo,) you see the rich man's house,
From the middle of the village,
The Almighty Lord made speech: (Standing) in the midst of hell.
35 Look you, Peter, to my right,
And see, Peter, what you'll see.


84a. There's a stone (that's) overturned;

5 In the shadow of the stone
(Lo,) upon that stone (that's) leaning There is sitting, Lord, who's sitting?
Refrain ('Tis) the mother of the Lord
Is the Holy Mother propped,
With a small Son in her arms (held).
In her arms a small Son clasping.
The Son weeps (and) finds no comfort
The small Son kept leaping up, lOIn the arms of His own mother
5 (And) the Holy Mother spoke:
Spoke the mother (unto Him) :
Quiet, Son, (and) leap no more,
Hush, (my) son, be quiet, darling,
Because mother'll give to you
Because mother'll give to you
Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine) Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine)
apples. apples,
The small Son kept leaping up,
15 (And) my own two fair white breasts
10 (And) the Holy Mother spoke:
Quiet, Son, (and) leap no more,
Nay, mother, for them I care not;
Because mother'll give to you
I care (but) for heaven's height
Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine)
And withal for heaven's bridge:
apples, . Everyone who sinful is
(And) two fair white breasts of mme
20 From the footbridge hurtles down,
(too). Falls down into darkling hell;
15 Still the small Son wasn't quiet,
Those who aren't sinners, (all)
But yet harder He leapt up, Nicely walk upon the bridge,
(And) the Holy Mother spoke:
Into lightsome heaven go.
Quiet, Son, (and) leap no more,
25 And along with two more youths,
Because mother'll give to you
That we might be fond of them,
20 Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine) And along with two more lasses,
apples, . That we might endear them (also),
(And) two fair white breasts of mme With a sprig of basil, too, 97
30 That they might have luck on earth,
And (besides) the keys of heaven,
With a sprig of curly grass, too,
So that you'll be lord of heaven.
In the world that they might flourish!
Then the little Son was still
Refrain: Hushaby, hushaby, sleep, 0
25 And was nicely quieted.
Refrain: To the Almighty!

84b. 84c.
Yonder high, and higher yet,
Up there, in Jerusalem, Refrain
(Lo,) there is an olive bush;
But beneath the bush's shade
97 Basil (Ocimum basilicum), a symbol of love, is.though~ t.o brin~ good luc~. It is often
referred to in Rumanian folk songs, and, indeed, a spng of basillS used ill Rumaruan Orthodox
church services as an aspergillum.

[ 357 ]
C I b)
Est~-o masa de matasa Trece 'n raiu luminos;
Care om ii pacatos,
Pi cu fir trasa.
d~-alaturi De pe punte pica jos
~ede maica razamata 25 Pica 'n iadu 'ntunecos.
5 Cy-on §iup micut in brata. ~i, maico, mie mi-i jele
~iul pl~nge ~i nu tace, De om cu pacate grele,
Maica-sa din grai graie: Ca lumina nu mai vede,
-Taci, §iule, nu mai p~nge! Ci tot la 'ntunerec ~ede.
Ca io tie ca ti-oi da 1'. Doamne jof: Domnuluj Doamnel
10 DOl}.a mere, doya pere, (102b. Hau de mori if)
Doya t~te galbinele.
-Nu mni-s de ~tile tele: 84e.
Mm-i de punte' raiului,
Ca-i ca §iru 2 parului I: Colo 'n sus la rasarity, 1'. : I
15 lncarcata de pacate ====
I: Est~-o dalba miiniistire :
~i de suflet~-adunate. ------
1'. L'il'i1joa1'o, ~i-a nos' Doamn'l Cu piiretii de marmura,
(104a. 2. var. Chinci~) Cu u~ile de tamaie.
5 'N maniistire cine ~ede?
84d. ~ede, !?ed~-on pop' batran

Colo susu, mai d'in susy, Cu v'o noya deiecei,

Ii a canta slujba sfanta.
D'~-asupra la rasaritu Slujba sfanta cin~-asculta?
==== 10 D-o asculta Maica Sf~nta
Cy-on §iup micut in brata.
I: D'~-asupra la rasarity : I
~iu 'ncep~-a scrintena (sicl),a
Est~-o cruce rastumata, Maica Sfantii cuvanta:
5 Jos pa piatra razimata. -Taci, §iule, taci, dragule!
15 Cii maica tie ti-o da
I: Jos pa piatra razimata : I. Doyii mere, doya pere,
DOl}.a tate dalb~-a mele
Langa cruce cine-mi ~ede ? ~i tu te-i juca cu ele.
~ede Maica Domnului 1'. Zuo,1'el de zu1'1
Cy-on fiut micut in brata. (121p. Mice~ti if)
10 Fiul plang~,-astampar n'are,
Maica-sa dingrai graia: 84f.
-Taci, fiule, taci, dragul'el I: Aista-i gazda cel mai buny,
Ca maica tie ti-o da
Doya mere, doya pere, fTllTIl
I.1'. :12.1'.,
15 Sa te joci, maichii, cu ele.
Fiul din grai imi graia: I : El bun gand cii ~i-o gandity : I
-Da, maico, nu mi-i de ele:
Mi-i de puntea raiului, I: Sa mi-~i fac' 0 miiniistirie : I,
Cii-i ca parul capului.
20 Care om nu-i pacatos, Sa s'adune diecei,
Trece pe punte frumos, 5 Sa ne lege clopetele,
Sa slujeasca sfanta slujbii.

1 = fiut.
S = firu.
S = scheuna (?).

[ 358 ]
C I b)
There is (spread) a silken table, Into lightsome heaven goes;
Round about with gold (it's) threaded. (But) the man who sinful is
(There) the mother sits a-leaning Off the bridge comes tumbling down,
5 With a small Son in her arms (held). 25 Falls down into darkling hell.
The Son weeps and won't be quiet, And I'm sorrowing, oh mother,
(And) His mother said (to Him): For the man whose sins are heavy,
Quiet, Son, (and) weep no longer I For he no more sees the light (shine),
For I shall give unto you But in darkness stays forever.
10 Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine) Refrain: Lord, hoy, for the Lord
apples, Almighty!
(And) two yellow breasts (I'll give
you).98 84e.
For your breasts I've no desire,
I'm concerned with heaven's bridge, Yonder, high, toward the sunrise,
For it's like unto a hair, Retrain
15 (Yet) with sins (it's) overloaded There is a white monastery,
And with souls gathered (upon it). With the walls (all made) of marble,
Retrain: Lily flower and Our Lord! With the doors (all made) of incense.
5 Who lives in the monastery?
('Tis) and old priest (who) lives
84d. (there),
Yonder high, still higher up yet, With some nine deacons together,
(And) they sing the holy service.
Up above, toward the sunrise, Who is hearing holy service?
Up above, toward the sunrise, 10 ('Tis) the Holy Mother hears it,
There's a cross (that's) tumbled over, In her arms a small Son bearing.
5 Down against a stone (it's) leaning, (Lo,) the Son begins to whimper (?),
Down against a stone (it's) leaning. (And) the Holy Mother said:
By the cross, who is it sitting? Quiet, Son, be still, beloved,
'Tis the Mother of the Lord 15 Because mother'll give to you
In her arms a small Son holding. Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine)
10 The Son weeps (and) is unquiet, apples,
(And) His mother spoke to say: (And) my two fair white breasts (also),
Quiet, son; be still, beloved! And with them you shall be playing.
Because mother '11 give to you Retrain: Little whirring whir!
Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine)
apples, 84f.
15 To play with them, mother's (darling). This is the most goodly host:
(But) the Son said (unto her): ISt Refrain 2nd Refrain
But I don't care for them, mother; He has thought a goodly thought,
I'm concerned with heaven's bridge, To build him a monastery,
For it's (narrow) as a hair. That the deacons might convene,
20 (Lo,) the man who sinless is 5 (And) the bells to set a-swinging,99
Nicely goes across the bridge, And to serve the holy service.

98 Interestingly enough, the word gdlbinele (recte gdlbenele), used as an adjective in this text
(meaning "yellow" in the diminutive feminine plural form), also designates a number of plants,
to wit: Nasturtium amphibium, Ranunculus pedatus, Ranunculus polyanthernus, Calendula
oflieinalis, Zostera merina, and Lactarius aUl'antiacus. The use of this word to describe a wo-
man's breasts is highly unusual, and may be due here to a primary concern with the rhyme.
99 The oddly metathetical phrase sit ne lege (that they might tie up for us) appears to be an
error, the original intent being, in the translator's opinion, sa legene (to swing or rock). If this
hypothesis is wrong, however, the verse should read: To fasten the bells for us (there).

[ 359 ]
C I b)
Sfft-nta slujba cinl':-asculta? 84h.
D-o asculta Maica Sfft-nta
Pi un dealu cel ai marie,
C~-un fiut micut in brata.
10 Tft-t n scalda ~i-l dezmierda: 1'.,

-Taci, fiule, nu-mi cri~carie, Rasaritu sfft.ntu soarie

Ca maica tie ti-o darie -
Carie 'n lumea lumineazli
Do~a mere, do~a pere,
!;Ii iar vara-i ravareaza.
Do~a tft.te dalbl':-a mele.
I.1'. Domnuluj Domnuluj Doamne!
2.1'. Domnuluj Doamne! 5 Colea sus int' 0 gft.rbie!
Est~-o mare manastire
(62jj. Igri~ t/»
Cu fere~tele spre mare
Cu u~ile jos spre soare,
84g. Dar intr' insa cine ~ede?
Colo 'n susu, mai din susy, 10 N o1,1a popi, no~a dieci,
1'., Mai p'atatia patrierci.
Luce, luce, ce straluci? 1 Sfft-nta slujba cin' Q-asculta?
Maicuta lui Dumneze1,1,
Dar nu-i luce ce straluce, D-in brate cu fiul sa~.
Ca-i 0 sfft-nta manastire 15 Fiul plft-nge, stare n'are
D-in bratele maichii sale.
5 Cu paretii de Maica din gura-mi graie:
!;Ii cu stft-Ipii de faclie, -Taci, fiule, taci, dragule!
------ Cli maica tie ti-o da
Cu podu de sfft-nta ceara. 20 Leganior de palt'inior
Dar intr' insa ~ede ? !;Ii cheile raiului,
!;Iede-~i popt'i de tara, Lumina botezului,
10 !;Iede-~i no~a diecei, Sa fi domn al cerului,
!;Iede-~i no~a iegumei. 2 Cerului, pamft-ntului.
Dar de lucru ce lucreaza ? 1'. Doamne joj Domnuluj Doamne!
De cu sara vecemeaza, (1 02i. Paucine~d if)
Miez de noapta itrosnie, 3
15 Zori de zi1,1a slujba sfft-nta.
Dar slujbile cin~-asculta ?
Le asculta Maica Sfft-nta 84i.
Cu fi~ mic dl':-a brata sa. Colo 'n josul, mai d'in josy,
Fiul plft-nge, stare n'are, 1'.,
20 Maica Sfft-nt' a~a-i grai:
-Taci, fiule, nu mai plft-nge! Scris ii tare lucru-i mare,
ea maica tie ti-o da
Tot cft-rjuta Tatalui Scris ii dalba-i manastire
!;Ii cheile raiului
25 !;Ii ~u~taru de botez Cu zlibrel'e sus la st'el'e,
!;Ii scaunul de judet.
J udeca-i sufletile: 5 Cu u~il'e 'n jos pre mare,
Cel' mai bune 'n rai ll':-om pune,
Cel' mai rele 'n iad l~-om pierde. Cu altari ii catra soare,
1'. Hoi le1'uj doj le1'uj, Doamne! Cu fere~ti de,
(Slc. Chincis if) Cu praguri de sfft-nt' aguri (sic!).

1 = straluce.
2 = igumeni.
3 = iutrenie.

[ 360 ]
C I b)
Who is hearing holy service? 84h.
(,Tis) the Holy Virgin hears it,
In her arms a small Son bearing. On a hill (that is) the highest
10 She keeps bathing Him and Refrain
fondling: 100 Is the holy sun arisen,
Quiet, son, do not be gnashing,101 Which upon the world (its) light sheds
Because mother'll give to you And brings back again the summer (?).
Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine) apples 5 There on high, upon a summit,
(And) my two fair white breasts (also). There is a great monastery;
ISt Refrain: To the Lord, to the Toward the sea are (set its) windows,
Almighty! Down toward the sun (its) doorways.
2nd Refrain: To the Almighty! But inside it, who is living?
10 Nine priests (and) nine deacons (are),
Most as many patriarchs.
84g. Who attends the holy service?
There on high, still higher up yet, ('Tis) the mother of the Lord,
Refrain With her Son (clasped) in her arms.
Sparkles, sparkles, what is sparkling? 15 Weeps the Son (and) has no comfort
But it is no light that's sparkling, In the arms of His (dear) mother.
'Tis a holy monastery, Spoke the mother (unto Him) :
5 With the walls (made all) of incense Quiet, Son, be still, beloved!
And with pillars (made) of candles, Because mother'll give to you
With a roof of blessed beeswax. 20 A small cradle (made) of maple,
But inside it who is staying? And the keys of heaven (too),
(Lo,) nine country priests are staying, (And withal) the christening candle,
10 (And) nine deacons (too) are staying, Lord of heaven for to be
(And) nine abbots stay (as well). (Lord) of heaven, of the ~arth.
But what work are they (all) working? Refrain: For the Lord, for the
In the evening they serve vespers, Almighty!
Matins (too, they serve) at midnight,
15 (And at) daybreak holy service. 84i.
To the services, who listens?
Holy Mother listens to them, Down there, yonder, lower down yet,
In her arms a small Son bearing. Refrain
The Son weeps (and) has no comfort, A most mighty thing's appointed:
20 Thusly spoke the Holy Mother: A white monastery's pictured;
Quiet, son, (and) weep no longer! To the stars (rise up its) railings,
For to you mother will give 5 Down upon the sea (its) doors (are),
Both the crozier of the Father To the sun is (turned) the altar;
And the keys to heaven's gate, Windows (are) of incense (made),
25 Both the font of baptism Thresholds (are) of holy vine.
And the chair of judgment (too).
You'll pass judgment on the souls:
We shall put the best in heaven,
(And) in hell the worst put under.
Refrain: Hoy, sing carols, Lord

100 It is possible. that £1 scald~ (she bathes him) is meant to be tl sdlta (she dandles him) -
a somewhat more lIkely occupatlOn under the circumstances described in the ballad.
101 .Perhaps nu crkni (make no sound) was intended, since a babe in arms would hardly be
gnashmg non-existent teeth. Anyway, nu cri~ca means "do not gnash" and nothing else_

[ 361 ]
C I b)
Slujba sfanta cin~-o canta? ca-i pUut, pat d-aurel.
10 cant' 0 nova popi batrani. 5 Da 'n patut cine-i culcat?
Ii culcata Maica Sfanta
1'. Domnuluj Doamne Domn d'lI-a Cu on fiy. nicut in brata
nost'! Fiu 'ncep~-a scrintena (sic!},5
(88a. Petro!1an tI) Maica.-sa din grai graia:
10 -Taci, fiule, taci dragulel
84j. ca tie maica ti-o da
Doy.a mere rO!1ioare,
Sa te joci in rai cu ele.
Slujba sfanta cin~-o canta ?
-Nu-mi trebue, maicl'i, ele,
15 Far' maturl'i de-argint
cant' 0 noy.a popi batraniY, Sa matur p'acest pamant:
Cate gozuri 6 !1i-or afia,
$i cu noy.a dieciiu. Tot in iad l~-om arunca.
Slujba sfanta cin' Q-ascult'? l_A_
(107c. Bala </>)
5 -scuIt'l 0 Maica Domnului.
1'. Lino-mi lino l'e1'o-mi lino!
(80. Ciarbal tI)
I: Colo 'n josu, mai d'in josu, 1'. : I,
I: Pe ratutu cel frumosu I
I: Audzi, gazda, y.or n'audzi : I I: Est~-o masa de matasa : I.
fT.l fll.i
I: Toaca. 'n cer !1i slujba 'n rai : I rai? I: Dupa masa cine !1ade : I ?

I: Cloptil'e l'e trage~2 : I, 5 $ade, !1ade Maica Sfanta

Cy.-on §iut 4 mcut in brata.
I I. I fTIl
I: tngerii slujba faeere 3 : I face. §iu pIange, n'are stare,
Maiea sa hodina n'are.
5 Da slujba cin~-o ascuIta? -Taci, §iule, taei, dragule!
Totu!1 Maica. Precista 10 Ca tie maica ti-o da~
Cu-on §iut4 micut in brata Doy.a mere, doy.a pere,
Doy.a tate dalb~-a mele
(73t. Or!1ova </>) $i cheile raiului.
Raiul n 11 descuiere,
841. 15 Pe Dumnezey l-ii vede~,
$i pe oameni pe pamant.
I: Colo 'n sus in palt'ioriu : I, 1'. Zuoril' de 801'!
1'., (1210. Niere!1teu </>)
Est'~-un puiu granganelu.
------ 84n.
Da nu-i puiu granganel, Maica Sfanta ca ie!1ia

1 = asculta.
2 = trageau.
3 = faceau.
4 = fiut.
S = scheuna (?).
6 = gunoiu « gaz, ung.).

[ 362 ]
C I b)
Who is chanting holy service? For it's a small bed of gold.
10 Nine old priests are chanting it. 5 But who's lying in the bed?
'Tis the Holy Mother lying,
Refrain: For the Almighty, for Our In her arms a small Son (clasping).
Lord! (Lo,) the Son begins to cry,
(And) His mother said (to Him) :
10 Quiet, Son, be still, beloved,
84j. For to you mother will give
Two (fine) russet-colored apples,
Who is chanting holy service? For to play with them in heaven.
Refrain Those I have no need of, mother;
Nine old priests are chanting it, 15 (I need) but a silver broom,
And nine deacons (chant it) with For to sweep this earth (with it) ;
(them). All the sweepings that are found
Who is hearing holy service? We shall throw (down) into hell.
5 The Lord's mother's hearing it. Refrain: Carol, Lord!

Refrain: Softly, softly, carol softly! 84m.

Down below there, lower down yet,
84k. Refrain
On that beauteous little meadow,
Do you hear or don't you, host, There is (spread) a silken table.
Bells and clappers in the sky? Who is sitting at the table?
(There's a) service (up) in heaven, 5 Sitting sits the Holy Mother
(And) by angels it is served,lo2 In her arms a small Son holding.
5 But who's listening to the service? Weeps the Son (and) finds no comfort,
Blessed Virgin Mother yet, And His mother gets no respite.
With a small Son in her arms (clasped). Quiet, Son, be still, (my) darling,
10 Because mother'll give to you
Two (fair) pears (and) two (fair) apples
841. (And) two fair white breasts of mine
Yonder, high among the maples, And the keys of heaven (as well).
Refrain 15 Heaven you shall (then) unlock,
There is a (small) oriole chick. You shall see the Lord Almighty
Nay, it's not an oriole chick, And the people on the earth.
Refrain: Swiftly with the dawn!

Holy Mother came outside

loa The tenor of this and the immediately preceding two verses has been reshuffled in the

[ 363 ]
C I b)
Cy-un fiut micut pe brata. 84p.
Dar fiutul tot pl!ngea,
Maidi-sa din grai graia:
I: Colo sus pa dupa luna: I,
5 -Taci tu, fiul, d~-a plangear~,
Ca maica tie ti-o da
Doya mere jucatoare Ba zQ 3-aceia nu-i lumina,
Ca lumina dela soare.
Da-i un scaun de hodina.
Dar fiutul n'al} tacut, Da pe scaun cine ~ede?
10 Pana ce al} petrecut 5 $ede, Doamne, Maica Sfanta
Peste crucea soarelui Cy-un fiut micut in brate.
In mijlocul raiului $i fiutu-~i det~-a plange.
-Taci tu, fiu, nu mai pl!nge.
De a dreapta Tatalui.
( 102m. Bistra if) Ca maica tie ti-oi da
10 Doya mere, doya pere,
Doya tate de muiere.
1'. C01'inde-mi Doamne!
840. (73f. Delan </»
I: Colo sus la Rusaline : I, (73m. Var. Beiu~ if)

Est~-un scaun de hodina. 84r.

Da pe scaun cine-mi ~ede ? [Colo sus, mai din sus,
$ede Maica Precesta
5 Cy-un fiut micut in brata. Colo sus la drumul mare
Fiut zbiarii., stare n'are, $ede-mi, cine-mi ~ede ?
Maica sa din grai graia: D-o dalba nevasta]
-Taci, fiule, nu zbiera! 5 Cy-un fiut micut in brata.
Ca maica tie ti-o da 1'.,
10 Doya mere, doya pere,
Sa te joci in rai cu ele, Fiul plange ~i-mi jupe,
$i cheile raiului Mica lui imi mangaie:
Sa-l incui ~i sa-l descui. -Taci, fiule, taci dragule!
ca maica tie ti-o da
* 10 Doya mere, doyll. pere.
Fa1'a melodie:
1'. L'er doj l'e1' nevasta!
$i-o 'nchinam cu sana tate ;
15 Zil)a de mane (38b. Ciarbal if)
S'o ajungi, gazda, cu voia buna!
Fa-ti, gazda, mana ciot-bot 84s.
$i-o baga 'n jipl pana 'n cot
$i ne scoate nov' un zlot, I 1. I [IT.l
20 Sa ne cumparam nadragi noi, I: Colo 'n jos ~i mal din jOSY, 1'. : 1jos
Sa fugim dupa vulpe.
Vulpea sora ii vicleana, I I. I ~
Noi nis 2 ficioq de catana. I: rat tare frumosy : 1frumos.
1'. Corindam, Doamne, c01'indam! In mijlocul ratalui
(73u. Sanmiclau~ul mare if) Est~-o cruce de mar dulce.

1 = buzunar « zseb, ling.).

D = suntem.
3 = zau.

[ 364 ]
C I b)
In her arms a small Son holding. 84p.
But the Son ceased not to try,
(A~d) His mother said (to Him) :
High, behind the moon, up yonder,
5 QUlet, Son, (and cease your) weeping, Refrain
Because mother will give you Nay, that is no light, I swear it,
Two (fair) apples (that are) dancing But a settle 'tis for resting.
As the light (is) of a sunbeam. But who's sitting on the settle?
But the Son would not be still 5 Lord, the Holy Mother's sitting,
10 Until they had made their way In her arms a small Son holding,
The sun's highest mark above, And the small Son started weeping.
To the Father's right-hand side. Quiet, Son, (and) weep no longer,
B~cause mother will begift you
10 Wlth two pears (and) with two apples
840. (And) with two breasts of a woman. '
In Jerusalem, up yonder, Refrain: I carol, Lord!
(Lo,) there is a seat for resting. 84r.
But who's sitting on the seat?
('Tis) the Holy Mother sitting, There, above, higher up,
T~e~e, above, upon the highway,
5 In her arms a small Son holding.
Cries the Son (and) has no comfort, Slttmg, who is sitting?
(And) His mother said (to Him) : A fair married woman,
Quiet, Son, (and) do not cry, 5 In her arms a small son holding.
Because mother'll give to you Refrain
10 Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine) Wept the son and leapt about,
apples, (And) his mother soothed him (thus) :
For to play with them in heaven, Quiet, son, be still, beloved,
And the keys of heaven too, Because mother'll give to you
To lock and unlock it (with). 10 Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine)
* Refrain: Wife, I'm singing carols!
Without a tune: l03
And we pledge you in good health:
15 The day of tomorrow, 848.
May you reach it, host, cheerfully! Below there and lower down
Make your hand, host, into a knot 104 Refrain '
And put it up to the elbow in your There's a very beauteous field.
poke, In the middle of the field
And bring out a zlot for us, There's a cross (made) of sweet apple.
20 That we might buy ourselves new
To run after the fox.
The fox, sister, is a sly one: 105
We are a soldier's sons.
Refrain: We sing carols, Lord, we carol!

108 This part, which seems to be an improvisation, has no meter and only occasional rudi-
mentary rhymes.
104 That is, Into a fist.
105 Alternative reading for this verse: The fox is a sly sister.

[ 365 ]
C I b)
5 L&nga cruce cine !jede? Este-un mar mare 'nfluritu;
!?ade maica razamatli Dar su' poala maruluiu
Cy-on fiuj micuj tn brajii.
rr.l fIT.l
I: Este-un reagan de matasli : I -tas'.
r. Domnilor ~j -a nos' Doamn'[
(Me. Chinci!j if)
5 Dar tn reagan cine !jade?
!?ade Maica Precistal~
rrl fll.l
I: Cy-un fiuj micuj tn brajii : I brat'.
Dara sclujba cine-asculta ?
C'o d-asculta Maica Sf&nta
Cu costijii d-asplet'itli,
Pasta fiy mic sloboztta. (124. Cianad if»
5 !?i fiy micuj dede-a plange
Cu grele lacrami de sange.
Maica Sf&nta-!ji graira: 85.
-Ie taci, fiy mic, nu te pIangi,
Ca io tie ca ji-oi da Sfintiji nova novoade~,
10 Doya mere, doya pere: r.,
Doya jije dalbe-a mele.
-Da cum, mai'Ci, nu mi-i pl&nge, !?i 'mpletiji la novod verde.
ca vad punte raiului
Cum ti paru capului. Peste mare-l aruncara
15 -Lezne, fiy mic, !ji d-ace: !?i nimica nu vanara;
Cine bine scluji-ya, 5 !?i-arunca !ji-a doya oara
Lezne punte trece-ya, !?i nimica nu vanara:
Cine rau scluji-ya !?i-arunca !ji-a tria oara
Da pa punte pica-l}a, !?i vanar' un pui de Iudii.
20 Groznac iad tn fund ala. Tri mi-l bat !ji tri mi-lleaga,
r. Corinde-mi Doamn'! 10 Tri stay la cap ~i-l tntreaba:
(73m. Dumbravija de codru if) --Cand ij coada veacului,
Sf~itu piimantului?
cand maica-sa auzi,
84u. catra fiul say pomi
La cea d'e pceatra 15 Din calcaie scaparand
!?i din gura foc japand:
!?ede maica razamata -Ce-mi bateji voi puiu miey,
Cy-on fiuj micuj tn braja. Ca el ij mic !ji mi-i prost
Fiu plange d'e sa stange, !?i el nu va !jtie spune,
20 ca.nd ij coada veacului,
5 Maica sa d'in grai graie~: Sf~itu pamantului:
-Taci, fiure, nu mai pIange, Cand n'ascultli sora mic,
Ca jie maica ji-a da~ Sora mic de sora mare,
Frate mic de frate mare.
25 !?i ficujii de maicujii
r. Zurel d'e zur! !?i ficior de tatal sal}, -A-
(121r. var. Libanie!jd if) -tunci ij coada veacului
Sf~itu pamantului
C'a!j' 0 lasat Dumnezey.
Mv. r. Domnul daj Domnuluj Doamne!
[Colo 'n jos !ji mai din josu] (82b. S&nmiclau!jul mare if)
[ 366 ]
C I b)
5 By the cross, who is that sitting? A large apple tree is blooming;
'Tis the mother, sitting, leaning, But beneath the apple tree
In her arms a small son holding. (Lo,) there is a silken cradle. I06
5 But who's sitting in the cradle?
Refrain: Gentlemen and Our Lord! 'Tis the Holy Mother sitting
With a small Son in her arms.

But who's listening to the service? 85.

'Tis the Holy Mother listening, Set a blessing on our fish net,
With her unbound tresses hanging, Refrain
O'er (her) small Son hanging loosely And keep knotting the green fish net.
5 And the small Son started weeping, Out upon the sea they cast it
Heavy tears of blood (a-shedding). And they didn't haul a thing in;
Said the Holy Mother (then): 5 And a second time they cast it
Quiet, small Son, don't complain, And they didn't haul a thing in;
Because I shall give to you And they cast it out a third time
10 Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine) And they hauled in a young Judas.
apples, Three belabor him, three tie him,
(And) my own two white breasts (also). 10 Three stand by his head and ask him:
But how should I not weep, mother? When's the tail end of the age,I06
(Lo,) the bridge of heaven I see, (When) the world (comes to an) end?
(And) 'tis like unto a hair. When his mother heard (of this),
15 Small Son, that is easy too: She set out toward her son,
Whosoever shall serve well, 15 Striking sparks off with her heels,
Easily the bridge shall cross; Throwing fire from her mouth:
Whosoever shall serve ill, Why are you beating my cub?
Off the bridge shall tumble down He is simple and he's young,
20 Into the dread depth of hell. And to tell you he's not able
Refrain: I carol, Lord! 20 When's the tail end of the age,
(When) the earth comes to an end:
(It is) when a younger sister
84u. (Won't obey) an older sister,
At that well with the stone coping, (Nor) young brother (heed) the elder,
Sits the (Holy) Mother leaning, 25 Nor a daughter (heed her) mother,
In her arms a small Son holding. Nor a son (obey his) father,
The small Son weeps (fit) to perish, Then 'twill be of age the tail end,
5 (And) His mother (unto Him) said: (When) the world (comes to an) end,
Quiet, Son, (and) weep no longer, For thus has the Lord ordained.
Because mother will begift you Refrain: Give the Lord, to the Almighty!

Refrain: Small whirring whir!

Down below there, lower down yet,

108The word leagan means both cradle and swing.

108In the original, this verse reads literally: When is the tail of the century. The word veac,
however, has the additional connotation of time and even of eternity.

[ 367 ]
C I b)
86. Cartea 0 'ncingene
La carlicica
'N umbra ceriului, lJochi-~i d-arunca.
I.Y., Da sus pe marea
'N poarla raiului, 15 ~i ie d-imi vede
2.Y., Ceata neguriata,
'N poarla cine !?ed'? Ceata de ficiori,
Juni colindatori·
~ede-!?i Maica Sfantiii. Deparl'e-mi era,
5 Lucru ce-ji 1 lucreaza ? 20 Bin' apropia.
Gul'er gat'ie, 10 Santii Marie,
Maica Domnului,
Gul'er fiului. 'N cale Ie ie~ie
Daca-l gat'ie, Cl)-O vadra de yin,
Pe fil) investie 25 Cl)-on tipal) 2 de gral).
10 ~i 'n brata-l prinde Din tipal) Ie da,
~i mi-l saruta
Cu vadra 'nchina,
tn sfantul obraz Cu gura 'ntreba:
~i mi-l straina
- J uni colinda tori,
Tat pan' tari straini. 30 Ceata de ficiori,
15 rnde cina-i da, P'une 3 mi-ati d-umblat,
Sala!? nu-i mai da, ~i mi-ati colindat,
Pana-!?i nimere Drag fiut d-a miel),
'N sara de Ajun Drag fil) n'ati vazut?
'N curle lui Craciun 35 Ceata de ficion,
20 ~i sala!? ii da. Juni colindatori.
La cap ce punea? Ei a~a-mi graie:
led'ere mununa, -De I-om fi vazut,
'Nt'insa, d-inflorita. Nu I-am cunoscut.
I.Y. Daamne! 40 -Lezne-i d\':-a-l cunoa~te,
2.Y. Daj caYind' e! Cii murgutu lui-i
(21p. Ginta-Rohani if) Negro pintenogu
De picioru stangu;
87a. ~aulita lui-i
45 Gura leului;
Colo sus, mai susy, PU!?culita lui-i
Sus la drumul marie, Tunetul de vara
~i de primavara,
D\':-o parte d'e cal'e Fulgerul de sara;
50 Franutele lui-i
Mai este, mai est\':-o Radza soarelui;
5 T'iatra-i rastumata, Cingulita lui-i
D'e Domnu-i lasata. Naparca platita:
Corbacelu lui-i
La t'iatra-l) ~ederie 55 ~erpe 'nsparlitat.
10(?) Sfanta Marie, Ceata de ficiori
Maica Domnuluiy. J uni colinda tori
10 La t'iatra-l) ~ederie

1 = ce-si.
2 = pa';'i~oara « cip6, ung.).
3 = pe unde.

[ 368 ]
C I b)
86. O'er the little letter,
(Lo,) she cast her eye.
Shadowed by the sky,
But upon the sea
ISt Refrain
15 (She looked) and she saw
(Up) at heaven's gate,
Lowering of mist haze,
2nd Refrain
A throng of young lads,
Who sits at the gate?
(Of) young carolers.
Sits the Holy Mother.
They were far away,
5 What work is she working?
20 Nicely they drew close.
She's making a bib,
(And, behold,) Saint Mary,
A bib for (her) Son.
Mother of Our Lord,
Once she readied it,
Met them on their way
She dressed up (her) Son,
With a pail of wine,
10 Took Him in her arms,
25 With a wheaten loaf.
And she set a kiss
Of the loaf she gave,
On (His) holy face,
Pledged them with the pail,
And estranged Him (then)
With her mouth she asked:
Into foreign lands.
Youthful carolers,
15 Those who gave Him board
30 Throng of youthful lads,
Shelter gave Him not,
There where you have been,
Till He found His way
Caroling the while,
On the Christmas eve
On my own dear Son
To the house of Yule,
Have you not set eyes?
20 And they sheltered Him.
35 The throng of young lads,
What did He (then) don?
Youthful carolers,
(Twas) a wreath of ivy,
Thus said (unto her) :
(All) abloom (and) spreading.
Him if we did see,
ISt Refrain: Lord God!
(Lo,) we knew Him not.
2nd Refrain: Sing the carol!
40 Easy 'tis to know Him,
For His sorrel horse
87a. Banded is with white
Upon its left foot;
Up there, higher upward,
(And) His saddle is
Up beside the highway,
45 (Of) snapdragon (made); 108
Part way of the journey,
There is yet, there is a (And) His little gun is
(Like) the summer thunder,
5 Stone (that's) toppled over,
And (it is like) springtime's
By the Lord it's left (there).
By the stone a-sitting Lightning of the evening;
(Is, behold,) Saint Mary,107 50 His bridle reins are
Mother of Our Lord. The beam of the sun,
10 By the stone she's sitting, (And) His saddle girth is
(Made of) braided adder, 109
Spreading out a letter.
(While) His whiplash is
55 (Made of a) coiled snake.
(Then) the throng of lads,
Youthful carolers,
107 The initial loin this verse of the original is the traditi?nal ~e:emonial self-d~~~nation
of the ancient voivodes of :he Rumanian ~rincifP~~ties, ~ou~~~: ~!~~Ia~~::~:en:~;s n:~~~~:~
should read: (It is) I, Samt Mary. In vIew 0 e res 0 , ,
rendering seems preferable. • ., h"
108 Gura leului (Antirrhinum maius) means literally' the ho,? ~ m_o~t ietitii
109 This verse is erroneously transcribed. It should read: Naparca mp .

[ 369 ]
C I b)
Ei d-~a-mi graie: Din gura-mi graie:
-10 santa Marje, - J uni colindatorj,
60 Maica DomnuIui, Leznea-i d~-a-I cunoa~te:
Daca-mi IucIV-~a, 30 Calu~elu lui-i
Noi atunci I-am vazt 1 Raza soarelui;
'N tfu-g Ia Rusa.lin $aulita Iui-i
Int'on 2 joc juc~n'. Gura Ieului;
65 Dupa el era Corbacelu Iui-i
Sora soareIui; 35 $erpe 'nturlitat,
A~a 0 'ntorce, Pa c~ca Iasat.
Sulita-i cad'e, Juni colindatorj
C3.ti-i ajunge, Din gura-mi graie:
70 Toti-i colnice. -Maica Domnului,
Y. loj Domnuluj Doamne! 40 Daca-i treab' a~a,
(28. Fere~d tfo) Noi I-om fi vazut
'N t~g Ia Rusalin,
D-intr' on joc juc~nd.
87b. Cu cine-mi jucand?
Cam pe I~nga marje, 45 Cu Dumnineca.
Cam pe drum al marje, Chivara-i cade,
Y., $i Dumineca
Pl'ecat-o, pl'ecaty M~na ~i-o 'nt'inde
Cet'e d'e ficiorjy, $i 'n cap i-o pune.
Y. Daj. Domnuluj Doamne!
5 I: Pl'ecat-o, pl'ecaty (12b. Paucine~d 1)
Cet'e d'e ficiorjy : I,

Cet'e d'e ficiorjy, 87c.

Juni colindatorjy.
D'in cale ie~ierje
I I. I hIl. I
I: Margu mi-~i, mai margy, Y. : I marg
10 [Maica Domnului;]
D'e bin Ie ie~ierje, I: Stolurj d'e voinici : I
I: D'in cale ie~ierie,
D'e bin' Ie ie~erie : I, [Cu cai povodnici.]
D'e bin' intreba: I: 'N cal'e l'e ie~ia : I
15 -Cet'e d'e ficiori,
Juni colindatorj,
D-unde mi-ati umblat,
I 1. I fTIl
5 I: Muma lui I~yonu : I -yon.
D'e mi-ati colindat,
Drag fiutul miey $i cl}-a lui T~odor,
20 Nu mi-I ati vazut? $i chiar intreba:
JuDi colindatorj -N'ati vazut, vazut
Din gura-mi graie: Doi fiuti ai no~trj?
-Maica Domnului, 10 -Nu, noi n'am vazut,
D'e I-om fi vazut, Ca sa fim vazut,
25 Nu I-am cunoscut. N'am fi cunoscut.
Maica Domnului -Ba ca-s cunoscuti:
Chivarea a lor
15 Tiiiata 'n sageata;
1 = vezut.
2 = intr'un.

[ 370 ]
C I b)
Thus said (unto her) : (Thus) spoke (unto them) :
Blessed (Virgin) Mary, Youthful carolers,
60 Mother of Our Lord, Easy 'tis to know Him,
If it be like that, 30 (For) His little horse is
Then Him we have seen The sun's (very) beam,
In Jerusalem, (And) His saddle is
Dancing in a dance. (Of) snapdragon (made),
65 Behind Him there was (And) His whiplash is a
The sun's sister (fair); 35 Snake (that's) curled about,
He whirled her about Lying in (His) hand.
So that His spear fell; The young carolers
Everyone it reached (Thus) spoke (unto her) :
70 It sent roaming Off.ll0 Mother of Our Lord,
Retrain: Hoy, t01' the Almighty! 40 If the matter's so,
Him we may have seen
In Jerusalem,
87b. Dancing in a dance.
Somewhat near the seashore, With whom did He dance?
Somewhat on the highway, 45 With Sunday (He danced).l11
Retrain His helmet fell off,
There set off, there went Sunday (thereupon)
Bands of youthful lads, Did stretch out her hand,
5 There set out, there went Set it on His head. 112
Bands of youthful lads, Retrain: Give to the Almighty!
Bands of youthful lads,
Youthful carolers.
(Lo,) their way was held by 87c.
10 Mother of Our Lord. They keep going, going,
Nicely did she meet them, Retrain
Meet them on their way, Flocks of stalwart lads,
Nicely did she meet them, With bridle-led steeds.
Nicely asked of them: On their way they met
15 Bands of youthful lads, 5 The mothers of John
Youthful carolers, And of Theodore,
There where you have been, And they even asked:
Caroling the while, Have you not espied
My beloved Son Two (young) sons of ours?
20 Have you not espied? 10 We've espied them not,
The young carolers For, had we espied,
(Thus) spoke (unto her) : Them we'd not have known.
Mother or Our Lord, Yet they are (well) known:
If we Him espied, The helmet they wear
25 (Then) we knew Him not. 15 Is cut by an arrow;
Mother of Our Lord
110 It is impossible to be certain, from the text, whose spear fell. It could just as well have
been the spear of the "sister of the sun." Nor, in the next verse, is it possible to be quite sure
whether or not "it" ought to be "he" or even "she".
111 In Rumanian fairy tales, Sunday is personified as an old woman, Sfa.nta Dummecii
(Saint Sunday), who invariably turns out to be a good fairy in disguise, and who intervenes at
critical moments to help the hero achieve the tasks he sets out to accomplish.
11S The Rumanian original, just like the English rendition, does not allow us to be quite
certain as to what "Sunday" put on the head of the "Son" - her hand or his helmet.

[ 371 ]
C I b)
Degetul eel mie De ale mai mari
Cu inel d'argint; Dedea la husari,l
Degetul eel mare De ale mai mici
Cu inel de soare. Dedea la voiniei.
20 -A~a-i, am vazut r. loj Domnuluj Doamne!
'N eurtea lui Craeiun, (6. Murani if)
Prune! mici botezand,
Mai mari eununand,
Manastiri sfintind, 87e.
25 Batrani ingropand. Ceata de fieiori,
r. Domnuluj nostru! Niei 2 eolindatori
(3a. Cherpeni~ if) Ei ea s'o luat
Pe eea-i eale lunga.
5 Maiea Precista
87d. $i ea sa lua
D~-asara, d~-asara, Pe eea-i eale lunga,
Cam d~-alalta sara, Ceata sa ajunga.
r., $i i-al} ~i ajuns
10 $i i-al} ~i 'ntrebat:
Deeand sfinti pleeara, -Ceata de ficiori,
Sfinti eolinda tori, Niei eolindatori,
5 Dragi eugetatori: Voi nu mi-ati vazut
-P'unde ati umblat Pe lliutul3 sfant?
$i mi-ati eugetat, 15 Ei din grai graie:
D~-a miel} fil} n'ati dat? -Noi nu I-am vazut,
-Maear sa fim dat, $i de I-am vazut,
10 Nu I-am eunoseut. Nu I-am eunoseut.
Leznea-i d~-a-l eunoa~te Maiea Precista
Pe murgutu lui: 20 Din grai iar graie:
Negru-i pintenog; -Leznea-i d~-a-l eunoa~te:
Pe ~euta lui: Fatii?oara lui-i
15 Spuma laptelui; Spuma laptelui;
Pe frautu lui: Oehi~orii lui-i.
Gura leului; 25 Mura eodrului;
Fati~oara lui Chepeneagu 4 lui-i
Cri~ea (sic!) ea~ului; Poala eerului.
20 Mustatile lui (12j. var. Urisiu de sus if)
Peana eorbului;
Sabioara lui
Sageata taiata; 87f.
Pu~eulita lui
25 Sunetul de vara I: Niep eolindatori : I,
$i-al de primavara. I: Voi d'eeand umblati : I,
-Daea-i luerl}-a~a,
Noi ea I-am vazut I: Tot d'in easa 'n easa : 1
Sus la Rusalin I: $i d'in masa 'n masa : I,
30 Steaguri impartind.

1 = soidati, ciiiii.reti « huszar, ung.).

~ = mici.
3 = fiutui.
4 = mantaua « kopenyeg, ung.).

[ 372 ]
C I b)
(On their) little finger Of the larger ones
There's a silver ring, He gave to hussars,
(And) upon their thumb (they) Of the smaller ones
Wear a ring of sunshine. To the stalwarts gave.
20 Thus we've them espied l13 Refrain: Hoy, for the Almighty!
At the court of Yule,
Young babes christening,
Wedding older ones, 87e.
Cloisters hallowing, (Lo, a) band of lads,
25 Burying the old. Youthful carolers,
Refrain: For Our Almighty! Set off on the way,
On that longsome journey.
5 Virgin Mother (too)
87d. Set off on the way,
Since last night, last evening, On that longsome journey,
Since the night before that, The band to catch up with.
Refrain And she caught them up
Have the saints departed, 10 And she asked of them:
Saintly carolers, Band of youthful lads,
5 Thinkers (dearly) loved. Little carolers,
There where you have been, Have you not caught sight
And where you have thought, Of the Holy Son?
Met you not my son? 15 They said (unto her):
Even had we met, (Nay,) we've seen Him not,
10 Him we did not know. And if have seen,
Easy 'tis to know him, Him we didn't know.
For the horse he rides Virgin Mother (then)
Is black with white feet, 20 Spoke again (to them):
(And) his saddle (is) Easy 'tis to know Him,
15 (Made of) froth of milk, (For) His face is (fair)
(And) his bridle (is) (As) the froth of milk,
(Of) snapdragon (made), (And) His eyes (are like)
(And) his face (is fair) 25 Forest blackberries,
(As) a piece of cheese; (And) His mantle is
20 His mustache (is black) (Like) the welkin's skirt.
(As) the raven's wing,
(And) his little sword
Cuts (as does an) arrow, 87f.
(While) his little gun
25 (Is) the sound of summer l14 Little carolers,
And that of the springtime. Since you're on your way
If the matter's thus, From cottage to cottage,
Then him we have seen From table to table,
In Jerusalem,
30 Banners sharing out:

113 An error of transcription gives A~a-i, am vazut instead of A~a i-am valut in this verse.
114 In the corresponding verse (47) of 87a. the word was tunetul (the thunder) j here we find
sunetul (the sound).

[ 373 ]
C I b)
5 Voi nu mi-ati vazut N'ati vazut, vazut pe
On §iut rucut? 1 Drag fiul Hristos?
-Poate I-am vazut, -Maica Precesta~,
Nu I-am cunoscut. Poate 1/i-am vazut,
-Draga fata lui 10 Nu I-am cunoscut.
10 Spuma laptelui. -Lieznea-i, d~-a-l cunoa1/te
-Poate I-am vazut Pe fiul Hristos:
La Pilat in poarta Mustetij a lui
Pe cruce de brad; Spicu graului;
Cuile bate, 15 D-ochi1/orii lui
15 Sangile curge, Mura campului;
Maica sa plange; Sprincenile lui
Jidovii rade, Pana corbului.
Cum ni-l chinuie. -Maica Precesta~
(12n. Niere1/teu if) 20 Noi 1/i I-am vazut
'N poarta luzilui (sic!)
Trazne1/te-mi, plezne1/te.
87~. $i tu mi-~i ferie!ite
\: Sus la rasarity : \, Fiul de Hristos.
r., r. Domnili!
(23a. Sarafola if)
Maru-i inflority,
Frunza nu-i prea latii,
Umbra-i minunatii, 87i.
5 Umbra cin' umbra?
Maica pqecista.
$i mi-!ii umbla, umbla,
Ea din grai graia: r.,
-Mici colindatoq,
N'ati vazt 2 fiul miel)? Tot din casa 'n casa
10 -Cum sa-l fim vazut, Pan' a tria casa.
Nu I-am cunoscut. Nainte Ie iasa
-Ca calutu lui 5 0 baba batrana
Negru pintenu-i, Cu colac in mana.
14-17 = 87e. 22-25
Sprincenile lui r. Daj Domnuluj Doamne,
Pana leului. Domnuluj daj Doamne!
r. Domniej Domnuluj Doamne! (7a. Sanmiclau!iul mare if)
(17. Va1cani)

87h. 87j.
\: N~-am pomit, n~-am pomit : \, D-umbla-!ii. Doamne, cine d-umbla?
r., r.,
J uni colindatori. D-umbla-!ii, Doamne, Maica Sfant'

Pan' tari straini jidove!iti

Maica Precesta~ Cu haine calugare~ti.
Din grai i1/i graia~:
5 - Juni colindatoq, 5 Maica Sfanta sa 'ntalne-I'e

a = un fiut mieut.
a = vezut.

[ 374 ]
C I b)
5 Have you not caught sight Have you not laid eyes on
Of my youthful Son? Christ. (my) darling Son?
Him maybe we've seen, Mother of Our Lord, we
(But) we knew Him not. Peradventure did,
His beloved face 10 (But) we knew Him not.
10 (Is like) froth of milk. Easy 'tis to know Him,
Him maybe we've seen Christ, (my) darling Son:
At the gate of Pilate, His mustache (is fair)
On a cross of pine; (As) the ear of wheat;
Nails they hammered in, 15 (And) His eyes (are like)
15 Blood was flowing down, Meadow blackberries;
(And) His mother wept; (Dark) His eyebrows (are)
The Jews laughed (to see) (As) the raven's wing.
How they harrowed Him. Mother of Our Lord,
20 We have seen Him too
At the Jewish gate.
87~. Thunder, smite with lightning,
Up toward the sunrise, And (thus) let you shield Him,
Refrain Christ the (darling) Son.
Apple tree's in blossom, Refrain: For the Lord!
Not too broad's the leafage.
Wondrous is the shadow.
5 Whom shaded the shade? 87i.
('Twas) the Virgin Blest.
She said (unto them) : And keep walking, walking,
Little carolers, Refrain
Saw you not my Son? From cottage to cottage,
10 How should we have seen? Up to the third cottage.
Him we did not know. There came out to greet them
Since His little horse 5 An aged old woman,
Is black with white feet. Holding a baked wheat cake.
14-17 = 22-25 of 87e.
(And) His eyebrows are Refrain: Give to the Almighty,
(Like) the lion's plume. For the Lord Almighty!
Refrain: Unto the Lord God Almighty!
87h. Walking, Lord, who is it walking?
Refrain Refrain
We set out. we started, Lord, the Holy Mother walks,
Refrain Through the alien Jewish lands,
Youthful carolers. Garmented in nunnish garb.
5 (And) the Holy Mother met
(Lo.) the Blessed Mother,
Spoke to say (to them) :
5 Youthful carolers,

[ 375 ]
C I b)
Cu tri fet'e da Jidovi. -Hoi voi, fete jidovel1tei
-Hoi fetele de Jidovi, 7-11 = 87J. 8-12
N'an vazut un fiy dl:-a mneu? De vastmwtu mohortt,
-Nu noi, maica, n'am vazut, DI:-alungu p~na 'n pam~nt,
10 Ca l1i de I-am fi vazut, DI: alargu 'mprejur pamwt;
Noi nu I-am fi cunoscut. 15 !iii 'n fatuta fiului
-Fiul mney ii cunoscut: Scrisa-i raza soarelui;
D-in fata obrazului In dosutu fiului
Scrisa-i raza soarelui Scrisa-i luna, lumina
15 ~i d'in d-umar luceafar. P~ntre ele manuntele
-Numai ca daca-i d-~e, 20 Scril1i is dalbi luceaferi.
Noi, maieli, ca I-am vazut -Ba, Zey, maica, de-i al1a:
Colo jos, colo mai jos, Pa fiul il petrece
Colo jos spre scapatat, Doisprezece apostoli.
20 J os in curtea lui Pilat,
T'inzuindu-ll Jidovii, r. Corind' e-mi Doamn~-aj corind'l
T'inzai mare ce-i face, (73p. LunCl10ara if)
Tat cu piHmile-1 palme.
-Da tu, fiy, p~n' ce-i 2 t'l:-ai dat
25 Limbilor Jidovilor, 871.
Tarilor strainilor? Pre-d-umblii-sa-i, Doamne, d-umbla,
-10, maica, io nu m'am dat r.,
Pentru tine, pentru mine, Ca d-o maica-i dup' un fiy
Ci io, maica, eli m'am dat
30 Pentru lume, pentru tiite, Pa d-ulitii-i jidoveaseli 4
~i 3 descumpar io lume,
{ Maica Sf~ntii, _, ... ,,'_
. d'1, matC1l,
D -In . .. sa nL.<Ulleay
10 lume cu mint'e me.
5 Cu tri fet'e da Jidovi.

$i t'e face vesel bun,

* -Dar voi fet'e da Jidovi,
N'an viizut voi fiul mney?
Ca-i ajuns sf~ntu Craciun! -Ca l1i de I-am fi vazut,
35 ~i t'e 'ntoarce cruce 'n masii,- Noi nu I-am fi cunoscut.
Sfinti din cer !1i 3 v'alduiasca I 10 Ce griiiti, fet'e, grel1it?
r. Corind' e corind' eli! Fiul mneu ii cunoscut
(71d. Grol1i if) Da mine, da Dumnezey:
Dar in fata fiului
Scrisa-i raza soarelui.
87k. 15 -Daca-i r~ndu, maie', ~e~
Lua-sa maica, duce-sa, Noi pa fiull-am vazut
Ca d-o maieli,-m! dupa fiu. Pa ulita jidoveasea,
r., Pu~ndu n Jidovii
Ta'li legat l1i 'mbiiierat.
Maica Sf~ntii-ma sa 'ntMnere: 20 !iii re lege-i euruie,
Cu tri fete jidOVel1tei. - ca pa fiu sa-I rastiineasea
Colo sus, colo mai sus,
5 Maica Sfwtii-m! Ie 'ntreb~: Sus in dealu Gorgotiii
1 = chinzuindu.
I = pentru ceo
8 = sa.
4 la fon. = Jidove~te.
I = tot.

[ 376 ]
C I b)
With three maidens of the Jews. Ho, you, lasses of the Jews,
Ho, you maidens of the Jews, 7-11 = 8-12 of 87j.
Saw you not a Son of mine? By His garment (which is) dark,
Nay, mother, we saw Him not, Reaching down unto the ground,
10 For Him even had we seen, So that it runs round the earth;
We would not have known 'twas He. 15 And on the Son's countenance,
(Thus) my Son is (to be) known: (Lo,) the sunbeam pictured is;
In front of His countenance, (Also) upon the Son's back
(Lo,) the sunbeam pictured is, Pictured is the moon, the light;
15 On His shoulder (there's) a star. In between, among them, small,
Only if it be like that, 20 Pictured are the lodestars white.
Mother, we have seen Him (then), By God, mother, if it's so,
There, below, there, lower down, The Son went in company:
Toward sunset, there, below, Twelve apostles went with Him.
20 Down below, in Pilate's court;
Harrowed was He by the Jews, Retrain: Carol my carols, ok Lord!
(And) they vexed Him grievously,
Buffeting Him with their hands.
Son, why did You give Yourself 871.
25 To the nations of the Jews, She is walking, Lord, she's going:
(And) unto the strangers' lands? Retrain
Mother, I gave not myself For a mother seeks a son
For your sake (or) for my own sake; (Behold,) in a Jewish alley,
But I, mother, gave myself { Did the Holy Mother meet
30 For the world, for everybody, There (it was) the mother met
That the world I might redeem, 5 With three daughters of the Jews.
I, the world, with my own mind. But, you daughters of the Jews,
Have you not espied my Son?
* Even had we Him espied,
Let you also be rejoiced, We would not have known 'twas He.
Holy Christmas has arrived! 10 Daughters, why speak wrongfully?
35 Turn about, cross, on the table, (Lo,) my Son is (well) beknown
May the saints of heaven bless you! To myself (and) to the Lord;
Retrain: Ho, tke carols caroling! But on the Son's countenance
Is the beam of sunlight writ.
15 Mother, if the matter's thusly,
87k. (Then) the Son we have espied:
She set out, the mother went, (He) along the Jewish alley
For a mother seeks her son. By the Jews was being led,
Retrain All trussed up and bound about;
(Lo,) the Holy Mother met 20 And they harshly sentenced Him:
With three lasses of the Jews. That the Son might crucified be,
5 Asked the Holy Mother of them: Yonder high, there, higher up,
On the hill of Golgotha,

[ 377 ]
C I b)
Pa cruce mandra da brad. I I. I fILl
25 Maica Sfant' a!?e graie: 5 I: N'ati vazut, vazut, vazuty : I vazut?
-Vrut' 0 da!?i Dumnezey
!;iii nu nasca Jidovii,
Fiul mneu n'o vrut pieri!
r. Corind'e-mi corind'e! I I.
I: -Banoipoatec'am vazuty: I vazut,
I fill
(71e. Coticlet tI)
Nu I-am, nu I-am cunoscut.
I: Pe podutu de d-argintu, r. : I r. Doamn', Doamn', /ij-a nos' Doamn'!
(63. Micola tI)
I: Trec tat stoluri de voiniciy : I
Cu cai mandru 'mpoivanitiy.
Pa tarmuri d'e marea
le!?~-o maica cam blitrana 10(?) plimba-mi, sa-mi plimhli.
5 Cy-o cupa de Yin in mana 10 Santa Marie.
!;ii cu cupa d-inchinand Sa plimba-mi, sa-mi plimba
!;ii cu gura d-intreband: 5 !;ii-yochi-!?i d-arunca~
-N'ati vazut pe fiul sfantu? Inca sus pa marea
-Noi, maica, nu I-am vazut, !;ii ie d-imi vede~
10 Ca noi tat sa-l fim vazut, Corabii venin'y.
Noi nu I-am fi cunoscut. Departe erare,
-Da cum voi sa nu-l cunoa!?teti? 10 Tar~-apropiar.Jl
Fiul sfantu-i cunoscut. J os, mai jos pa marea.
Din camputa lui rotunda 10 Santa Marie
15 Cy-un calut mandru jucand, Din gura-mi graie~:
Din potcoave zuruand -la vlansatV vlansati,
!;ii din gura foc tapand. 15 Bine 'n sama lyati:
Vopuri sa nu-mi bata,
r. DomnuZe Doamne! Stropii sa nu-mi sara.
(111e. Igri!? </» Stropii d~-or slirir.Jl,
Pa domnul sa ude.
87n. 20 El s'o maniar.Jl,
Pa tati v'o taia~.
Asta-i sara lui Craciuny, r. Daj DomnuZuj Doamne!
r., (120. Fere!?d </»
A lui Craciun cel blitran.

I I. I 89a.
I: Pa noi Craciun n~-o manaty : I ce Santa Marie,
rn.l r.,
Num' un fiy d-averie
rr.-I fTIl
I: La strigat, la colindaty : I -dat. !;ii-acela-l t'ierderie. 3

N u !?ti ce sa faci

1 = sa.
D = vasiati.
3 = pierdea.

[ 378 ]
C I b)
On a handsome cross of pine. 5 (Him) have you not seen, seen, seen?
25 Thus the Holy Mother spoke:
Would the Lord had granted it Peradventure we have seen (Him),
That the Jews should not be born, (But) we knew (Him), knew (Him) not.
(For) my Son wished not to die! ll5
Retrain: Carol me the carols! Retrain: Lord, Lord, and Our Lord!

87m. 88.
(Lo,) upon the silver footbridge (Lo,) upon the seashores,
Retrain She is walking, walking,
Flocks of stalwarts cross amain, Saint Mary (is walking).
Leading finely harnessed horses. She is walking, walking,
Came outside an oldish mother, 5 And her eyes she's casting
5 In her hand a wineglass holding, High across the waters;
With the wineglass pledging (them), And she is perceiving
With her mouth asking (of them:) Ships (that are) approaching.
Saw you not the Holy Son? They were far away (yet),
Mother, we have seen Him not; 10 They were nearing swiftly,
10 Even had we seen Him, yet Low upon the waters.
We would not have known 'twas He. (Thereupon) Saint Mary
How is it you do not know Him? (Thusly) called out (to them):
(Well) known is the Holy Son, Come, row on, row on,
By His little rounded fur cap (?), 15 Carefully give heed
15 Prancing on a handsome horse, Do not let the waves beat,
Jingling (loudly) with its shoes, Do not let the drops fly;
Belching fire from its mouth. For if they should fly
To bewet the Master,
Retrain: Oh Lord Almighty! 20 He will angered be,
He will slash you all.
Retrain: Give the Lord Almighty!
'Tis the evening before Christmas,
Retrain 89a.
Of old Christmas ('tis the eve). (Lo,) the Virgin Mary
We have been sent forth by Christmas, Retrain
For to go a-caroling. Had only one Son,
And Him she did lose;
Knew not what to do

115 The original text permits a possible alternative reading for this verse: Nor my Son had
willed to die.

[ 379 ]
C I b)
5 Da dorut da fiy. 90a.
Ce ea sa face
Ceata negureata; Hoi 'ntorcu, sa 'ntorcui
Nici a.!la nu-i trece Doi vulturi frumo~i;
Da dorut, da fiu. A~a-s de frumo~i:
10 Ce ea sa face De penile lory
Golumba.!l galban 5 Cele mai marele
Pa paltin galban Mandre-s d-argintele,
qucur da iedern Cele manantele
D'alaturi da drum. Mandre-s d-auriele.
15 Cati pa drum trece, Pa susu sa 'ntorcu
Tati pana-i rupe; 10 Pa din sus da pomui.
Numa nu-jp rupe Su' pom cine !lede?
Fiy da Maicii Sfante. !;'ede Maica Sfanm.
Nici a~a nu-i trece Darn ce lucreaza ?
20 Da dorut da fiy. Firul firuie!lte,
Ce ea sa face 15 Fa!lel d-tmpliite!lte,
Fa~ea fiului.
Golumba.!l galban
Pa bo~ca lui crai (sic!), Daca mi-o gat'e,
!;'i-atunci n vede Susu mi-o pune
25 Cinand cu domnii, Pa creanga da pom.
Pranzand cu craij. 20 Vultur sa lasa,
f'. COf'ind'e, corind'l Fa!lel d-apuca,
(lb. Dumbravita de codru ¢) Sus cu el zbura,
Sus pan' la Tam!.
Taml graie:
89b. 25 -D~-ind~-o ati adus?
Cil Sanm Marie, -Noi 0 am aflat
Colo jos, mai jos
Pa creanga da pom.
Nu ~ti ce sa face -Duceti-o napoi
30 D~-ind~-o ati adus,
Da dorut da fiu Ca v'or blasmma
Rari-s pacurari,
4-5 = 89a. 6-7 Scarnavi-s caprari,
Ztya la dealuri, Dalbi plugarei,
Noapte la vaduri. 35 Negri purcarei.
I.f'. S/inlil
8 = 89a. 10 2.f'. Dol corind' e!

lederita verde (21c. Urvi!l ¢)

10-14 = 89a. 14, 12, 15-17
15 Drag fie~ d~-a ei 90b.
16-19 = 89a. 1,4,5,21
20 Bar~ina~ (sic!) galban
Hoi 'ntorcu, sa 'ntorcy,
Pa b~u lui crai (sic!).
D-acolo I-afla Doi !loimuti galbini
23, 24 = 89a. 25, 26
f'. Corind'e, cOf'ind'e! ILl fII.l
I: Pa sus pa la cel"!!! : I cer
(la. !;'oimi ¢)

[ 380 ]
C I b)
5 For yearn of her Son. 90a.
(So) she changed herself
To a misty dimness. Ho, they're wheeling, wheeling,
Even so, unquelled was Two beautiful eagles.
The yearn for her Son. So handsome are they
10 (So) she changed herself That among their feathers
To a yellow dove 5 The larger ones are (as)
On a yellow maple, (Of) fine silver (fashioned),
Betasseled with ivy, And the smaller ones (are as)
By the roadway close. Beautifully golden.
15 All who passed forby Up aloft they're wheeling,
Plucked a posy off; 10 Up above the treetops.
Only no one plucked Neath the tree who's sitting?
Holy Mother's Son off. Holy Mother's sitting.
Even so, unquelled was But what is she working?
20 The yearn for her Son. The thread she is threading
(So,) she changed herself 15 A swaddle she's knitting,
To a yellow dove Swaddle for the Son.
On the king's own keg, When she finished it,
And then Him she saw She set it on high
25 Supping with the lords, Upon the tree's bough.
Breaking fast with kings. 20 The eagles swooped down
Refrain: Caroling we go! Seized the swaddling cloth,
Flew aloft with it,
To the Father high.
89b. (But) the Father said:
(Lo,) the Virgin Mary 25 Whence have you brought (this)?
Refrain We have come on it
Knows what to do Down there, lower down,
For yearn of (her) Son. Upon a tree's bough.
4-5 = 6-7 of 89a. Take it back (again)
By day in the hills, 30 Whence you brought it (here),
By night at the fords. Else you shall be cursed
By the shepherds lone,
8 = 10 of 89a. By the goatherds grimed,
Ivy (with) green (leafage) By the plowmen fair,
10-14 = 14, 12, 15-17 of 89a. 35 By the swineherds black.
15 Her beloved Son ISt Refrain: Saints!
16-19 = 1,4,5,21 of 89a. and Refrain: Sing the carol!
20 Velvet yellow-hued
Upon the king's robe (?).
(And) she found Him there 90b.
23, 24 = 25, 26 of 89a. Ho, they're wheeling, wheeling,
Refrain: Caroling the carol! Refrain
Two small yellow hawks
High up in the sky,

[ 381 ]
C I c)

[IlfTIl Fa~e d-implat'e~t'e.

10 *$oimii s'alinara
I: 'N umbra cerului : I -lui
Sus cu ie sburara.
Sant Iaon graie:
5 I: 'N poarta raiului : I -lui·
-Duceti-o napoi~
Ca v'or blastama
15 Rari de pacurari,

I: 'N poarta cine

rrl Ill.l
~ede : I ~ed'?
Negri-s de porcari,
Dalbi-s de vacari.
r.{ Soare!
Lucru ce lucreaza ? ~ojmi!
'Ntoarce, firuie~t'e, (21x. Coticlet if)



91a. Merele-mi pica

Masa sa 'ncarca.
Rugat-o, rugaty, 25 Dragul Dumnezel}
I. r., P'on ~ezal) ~ede,
Pa cum s'o rugaty, Mana ~i-o 'ntinde
2. r., DOl}a mere-mi ll}a,
Dumiiezel} i-o daty, Pin mani Ie purta
30 $i l~-amirosa
[I: Dumiiezel) i-o daty : I, $i din grai graie:
5 Dumiiezel) i-o daty,] -Iaoane, Iaoane,
Nana~, Sant Iaoane!
1-0 dat loc in rail!, Din rand de demult
I. Y.,
35 Cine-i mai demult?
Und'e-i biiie traiy, Iaon, Sant Iaony
2. r., Din gura-mi gr1iit~:
Und'e-s mese 'nt'inse, -Din rand de domnie
Tu e~ti domn mai mare;
I: Und'e-s mese 'nt'inse : I 40 Din rand de demult
10 Und'e-s mese 'nt'inse, 10 mi-s mai demult.
$tii, Doamne, nu ~tii:
Faclii dalb~-aprinse, Cand tu ti-ai nascut
'N jur-prejur de mese La vatr' ai cazut?
Sant scamne 1 direse.
45 10 sus t~-am luat
De mijloc de mese $i t~-am botezat;
15 Crescut-o, nascut-o Numele ti-am pus:
Maru-i margarinty Domnul cel de sus,
Mandru-i d-influrity. Domnu cerelui
Florile-s d~-argint, 50 $i pamantului.
Merele-s d~-aur. I.r. Doamne!
20 Din bura din sus 2.r. loj Domnuluj Doamne!
Bura-mi d-abura, (34a. Paucine~d if)
Maru-mi clatina,
1 = scaune.

[ 382 ]
C I c)
In the heaven's shade, She's knitting a swaddle.
5 (Up) by heaven's gate. 10 (Lo,) the (two) hawks settled,
Who sits by the gate? Off on high flew with it.
What work is she working? 116 Said Saint John (to them):
She is spinning, threading, Take it back again.
For you shall be cursed
15 By the shepherds lone,
By the swineherds black,
By the cowherds white.
Refrain: { Sunshine!


91a. The apples dropped down,

The table was fraught.
He made prayer, prayed,
25 The beloved Lord
ISt Refrain
Sat upon a seat;
(And) as he had prayed,
He stretched forth His hand,
2nd Refrain
Picked two apples up,
God gave unto him,
Held them in His hands,
God gave unto him,
30 Smelt their fragrance too,
5 God gave unto him
And He spoke aloud:
In heaven a place,
John, (hear me,) John, (hear me,)
ISt Refrain
Oh Saint John, my sponsor!117
Where there's goodly life,
As ruled long ago,
2nd Refrain
35 Who's the more long-standing?
Where there are spread tables,
(Thereat) John, Saint John
Where there are spread tables,
Spoke (unto the Lord) :
10 Where there are spread tables,
In standing of lordship,
(And) white candles burning.
You the greater lord are;
Round about the tables
There are chairs appointed. 40 As ruled long ago,
I am more long-standing.
In the midst of tables
Know You, Lord, or not,
15 There grew up, there flourished
(That) when You were born,
The pearl apple tree,
You fell in the hearth?
Handsomely it's blooming.
Silver are the blossoms, 45 I lifted You up
And baptized You (too);
Golden are the apples.
I gave You Your name:
20 By a storm above,
Wafted was a breeze, (Named You) Highest Lord,
Shook the apple tree; Of heaven the Lord
50 And of earth withal.
ISt Refrain: Lord God!
2nd Refrain: Hoy, to the Almighty!
116 Though this is not indicated in the transcription, a verse is ohviously missing. The iden-
tity of the swaddle maker is thus established solely by analogy.
117 That is, Godfather of mine-a respectful form of address called for by the fact that,
according to the Bible, St. John the Baptist baptized the Lord, and, by the same token, had
"priority of lordship" as the ballad shows.

[ 383 ]
C I c)
91h. De a trilea corn
1-9 =
91a. 1-9 101.
~ede-~i, mai ~ede
Sfantu Nicolaie;
10 D~-asupra-i pa masa
D~-a patrilea corn
Covor de matasa.
Crescut-o, nascut-o 20 loi, ~ede-~i, mai ~ede
Gazda cel domn bun,
Dintr' on corn de masa
Boierul biitran;
On mar margarint
~ede-mi ~i plive~te
15 Vanat d-influrit.
~i din grai graie~te:
16-21 = 91a. 14-19
25 -Iaoane, laoane!
Sfintii l~-adunal},
Stat-am sa te 'ntreb
Pi mani Ie purtal}
D~-o 'ntrebare mare:
~i 'n san Ie biigal}
De noi d~-amandoi
25 ~i Ie sfintial}.
Cari santem mai mare
Cele de pe manuri
30 Sal} din biitranete,
Frumos mirosinuri ;
Sau din caruntete?
Cele de pe san uri
Frumos d-impupinuri.
la~n, Sant laon
Din grai imi graie~te:
30 -laoane, laoane,
-Da cand ti-ai nascut,
Nana~, Sant laoane!
35 'N brata t~-am tinut,
~tii tu, da nu ~tii
Sus t~-am radicat,
Din rand de demult
De t~-am botezat.
Cine-i mai demult?
Nume ce ti-am pus?
35 10 sant domn mai mare: Domnul cerului
Domnu cerului
~i-al pamantului.
40 ~i-a pamantului.
'Y. Daj Donmuluj Doamne!
(12u. Ghelar if)
'Y.Domnuluj !ii Doamne!
(lOc. Paucine~d if)
91c. I: ~i-o luat, luatii : I
Fericean de' elu, I : D-in zi de Graciuna, : I
D'i cest domnul bunul =====
'Y., Doi boieri biitrani
Pe cum s-o rugata"
Cum l-ai fericiatu 5 Dumnezel} li-o dat
Mai bun loc i-ai datu Casa langa drum.
------ Unga casa-i masa,
5 D-in miljoc de rai. Masa galbioara
Mandre-s mese 'ntinse, Lumina de ceara
Faclii dalb~-aprinse, 10 ~i-on pom rasadit
'N jur-prejur de mese Cu mere d~-argint.
Stal} scal}ne direse. Vantu tragiina,
10 La un corn de masa Merele pt'ica. 1
101. ~ede-~i, mai ~ede Fete l~-apuca
Zel} cu Dumnezel}, 15 ~i Ie trimitea
De a doilea corn Pe u~a de rai
loi, ~ede-~i, mai ~ede La fete de crai.
15 laon, Sant laon; (12j. Libiine~d if)

1 = pica.

[ 384 ]
C I c)
91h. (And) at the third corner,
Ho, there's also seated
1-9 = 1-9 of 91a.
Saint Nicholas (sitting);
10 There is o'er the table
(And) at the fourth corner,
A (fine) silken carpet.
20 Ho, there's also seated
There was born, there flourished,
(Our) goodly host,
From a table corner,
The old nobleman.
A pearl apple tree,
He sits and he watches 117
15 Purple flowering.
And he breaks the silence:
16-21 = 14-19 of 91a.
25 John, (listen,) John, (listen,)
The saints gathered them,
I have meant to ask
Held them in their hands,
A great question of you:
Put them in their bosom,
Of the two of us,
25 And they hallowed them. Which one is the older,
Those (held) in their hands
30 Either as to oldness
Smelt most fragrantly,
Or else as to greyness?
Those (put) in their bosom
(Thereupon) Saint John
Budded beauteously.
(Unto him) spoke (thusly):
30 John, (listen,) John, (listen,) But when you were born,
Oh Saint John, my sponsor!
35 In my arms I held you,
Do you know or not,
Raised you up aloft
As ruled long ago,
For to christen you.
Who has longer standing?
What name gave I you?
35 I'm the greater ruler:
Lord of Paradise
I am heaven's Lord 40 And of the earth too,11S
And of earth (as well).
Refrain: Give to the Almighty!
Refrain: To the Lord and Lady!
91c. They set out, went off
Blissfulness is his, On a Christmas Day,
This kind gentleman! Two old noble lords;
Refrain (And) as they had prayed,
How You've gladdened him, 5 God bestowed on them
Gave him the best place, A house by the road.
5 In the midst of heaven. By the house a table
Spread are the fine tables, Stands, a yellow table,
Lit are the white candles. (On it) a wax candle
Round about the tables 10 And a planted tree
Stand the chairs in order. With apples of silver.
10 At one table corner, (Lo,) the wind did blow,
Ho, there's also seated (And) the apples dropped.
God with the Almighty; Lasses picked them up
At the second corner, 15 And they sent them off,
Ho, there's also seated Through the gate of heaven,
15 John, (even) Saint John; To daughters of kings.

117The word plive~te (he weeds) is obviously meant to read prive$te (he watches).
118A manifestly corrupt version, since the dialogue is between St. John and the old noble-
man, with "God and the Almighty" seated across the table.

[ 385 ]
C I d)
91e. D-undi-un mar love,
Masa-mi trantuia,
I: DOl boieri biitraniu : I. In cer s'auze.
I: Pe cum s-o rugaty : I, Maica Ie strange
20 $i Ie trimete
I: Dumnezel) l~-o daty : I Pi-un §iup di-a ie (sic!)
I: Casa langa drumy : I. La u~a di rai,
La fete di crai,
5-10 = 91d. 8-13
Drag Domnul din cer.
Ingeri Ie strange,
r. Daj Domnuluj buncH
12-14 = 91d. 15-17
(12cc. Voiniceni if)
(12m. Curtecap 4»

91f. 91g.
I: Ferice, ferice : I, I: Gazd' acest domn buny : I,
r., r.,

I: D'i omu bogaty : I ! I: Masa-i langa drumy : I

I: Ca el ca ~i-o daty : I I: Cati drumari trece~ :I

I: Vaci pi la saraciy : I La masa-i pune.

5 La nijloc de masa
5 Boi pi la gazdaci,1 Pomut rasarit
Casa-i langa drum, Cl)-on crengut d~ -argint.
Masa-i piste drum; Jelita-mi trage,
Caij drumari trece, Tomna 'n porn love,
La mese-i pune. 10 Merile-mi cade.
10 D-in nijloc di masa Gazda Ie strange
Pomu-i ramurat $i Ie trimete
Di poame 'ncarcat, La u~a de rai,
J elita trage, P~-on ficior de crai
MaruI c1atina, 15 La fata de crai.
15 Merile pt'ica. 2 r. Hoj da leruj Doamn'!
(7b. Niere~teu if)



92a. De tulpini s-intulpinati,

5 De var~ori is ratundori.
D'inaint'ea ce~t'ia curtiy, Da d-in peri cine ~ede?
r., $ed~-on gai 4 ro~u, on galbiin.
Nascuti-mi 0, nascuti-mi 0
Can' fu miez de miez de noapte,
Dade gaiu d~-a tapa
I: Doi peri inaltiu, minunatiY : I, 10 $i 'nca jos ~i-a~e frumos,

1 = bogati « gazdag, ung.).

2 = pica.
S = fiut.
4 Cf. gaie.

[ 386 ]
C I d)
91e. Where an apple struck,
The table was slammed,
Two old noble lords, In heaven 'twas heard.
As they had beseeched,
Mother gathered them
God gave unto them 20 And she sent them off,
A house by the road. Through the door of heaven.
5--10 = 8-13 of 91d. To daughters of kings,
Angels gathered them (From) heaven's dear Lord.
12-14 = 15-17 of 91d. Refrain: Grant the goodly Lord!

9lf. 91g.
Oh blessings, oh blessings This host, goodly master,
Upon the rich man! Refrain
Because he has given By the road his board has;
Cows unto the poor, All who went that way,
5 Oxen to the rich. At the board he'd seat.
By the road's his house, 5 In the table's middle
'Cross the road's his board; Sprouted (was a) tree
All who passed forby With a silver limb.
He'd seat at the board. (Lo,) there blew a squall (?),
10 In the table's middle Struck right at the tree,
There's a boughy tree 10 Down the apples fell.
Loaded down with fruit. The host gathered them
(Lo,) there blew a squall (?), And sent them away
Shook the apple tree, (Straight) to heaven's gate,
15 Down the apples fell. By a kingly son
15 To a kingly lass.
Refrain: Hoy, the carol, Lord!


92a. (They are) rooted on stout boles

5 (And) their tops are rounded off.
In front of this mansion (fair)
But who perched upon the pear trees?
'Tis a red and yellow hawk perched.
There came up, there sprouted
When it was at crack of midnight,
(Lo,) the hawk began to screech,
Two (fine) pear trees wondrous tall;
10 Both so low and tunefully,

[ 387 ]
C I d)
$i 'nca sus fli-afle raspuns. 10 ate pene manuntele,
Cest domn bun de l-auze, Tate-mi eral}. d-aurele.
$i din somn sa pomene Puiu rupse ~i-mi raspunse:
$i afara imi ie~ie -Vanatoq d~-a lui Pilat,
15 $i din gur' afla-mi graie: Nu grabireti spre vanat,
-Ce-mi tapi. gai ro~u, gai galban, 15 Ca nu-s fiara de vanat,
Afle jos ~i-afle frumos De sant Iaon, Sant Iaon
$i 'nca sus fli-afle raspuns? De-s trimis de Tatiil Sfant,
Am io doi feti intelepti, Sii botez pe fiul sfant.
20 Sant din oast~-acu sositi C'am auzit c'a niiscut
$i ei tare-s adurmiti 20 Colo sus la Feldioar'
Cl}.-on harcu 1 la capataiu. Supt-o tufii de bujor,
$i afara d~-or iefli, La un capat de izvor.
Cl}.-on harcu pin cqengi mi-or da Sa lua ~i sa ducea,
25 $i pa gail}.-or vatiima. Pan' acol' s'apropia,
Gaiu-mi prinse d~-atapa 25 Pe fil}. sfant il boteza,
$i 'nca jos ~i-a~e frumos. $i niipoi de sii 'nturna,
$i 'nca sus a~e raspuns: Piatra 'n dos 0 riisturna.
-10 nu-s, Doamn', ce-mi tu gande~ti, Dar su' piatrii ce giisea?
30 10 nu-s gai ro~u, gai galban, Ni~te ciirti ca biiriilace (sic!)
10 sant Ionu, Sant Iaonu; 30 Tot de Iuda 'boscriete (sic!)
Cl}.-O galeata de botez -Taci tu, Iuda, nu cra~ca,
Umblu zil}.a cununand, Ca pe tin' t~-oi siitura
Noaptea umblu botezand. Tot de fini, cu de niinafli,
35 Sa -ti botez fii ai tai, De fatii sa niinii~esc
Sa-i botez io d-ingereflte 35 $i de dos sii osandesc.
$i dal}. limba crefltine~te. r. Florile-s dalbe!
r. Doamne l'er Domnuluj Doamne! (61d. Leheceni)
(102g. Fere~d 4»
92b. I: Manca cierbu meqe ro~ii : I,
De sara sa vorovea:@, r.,
Dimineata purcedea 1:Cu gura meqe mancaqe : I,
Dela lunci ~i sus la munti. Cu cornu frunza stricaqe.
Tot vanara, cat vanara, Nime 'n lume nu-l videarie
5 Pana cand fu langa sara. 5 Num' 0 dalbii 'mpiiriiteasii,
Sara mandra c~-adunara ? Ea mi-o spuse la 'mparatu.
Un puiut de vultur sur tmpiiratu pUflc-o ll}.at,
Cu c10ntutul de aur, Ca pii cierbu sa mi-l pUflt'e
Cu ghiarele de argint; Da cierbu din grai graiaqe :
10 -Ho ho ho, dalbe 'mpiirat'e!
Cii nu-s io ce-ti pare tie:
10 sant Ionu, Sant Iaonu,

1 = cu un arc.

[ 388 ]
C I d)
And so high and harpingly. 10 Of its little feathers (also)
This good master, when he heard, (Each and) every one was golden.
And awoke out of his sleep, (Then) the eaglet started speaking:
He (got up and) went outside Oh you hunting men of Pilate's,
15 And spoke thusly (unto him): Do not hasten with the hunt,
Red and yellow hawk, why screech 15 For I'm no wild beast to hunt,
you, But I'm John, (I am) Saint John.
Both so low and tunefully, By the Holy Father sent
And so high and harpingly? To baptize the Holy Son.
I have two wise-headed sons, For I've heard that He was born
20 From the army they're just back 20 Yonder, up in Feldioara. 12o
And they're (lying) fast asleep, Underneath a peony bush,
With a bow beside their head, Near the founthead of a spring.
And, if they should come outside, He took off and made his way
Through the boughs they'll shoot the Until he drew nigh to there.
bow, 25 He baptized the Holy Son
25 And the hawk they will do harm. And, as he turned back again,
(Then) the hawk began to screech The stone slab he overturned.
Both so low and tunefully, But what found he neath the stone?
And so high and harpingly: (Lo,) some letters broad as
I'm not, master, what you think, puddles (?),121
30 I'm no red and yellow hawk, (but) 30 All of them bewitched by Judas.
I am John, (1 am) Saint John; Quiet, Judas, do not gnash,
With a pail for christening, Because 1 shall surfeit you:
I go marrying by day Godfathers with godsons match,
(And) go christening by night. Christening (them) openly,
35 Let me christen you your sons, 35 Sentencing (them) secretly.122
Christen them as do the angels, Refrain: White are the blossoms!
And bring forth a Christian nation. 119
Refrain: Sing unto the Lord Almighty!
(Lo,) the stag ate russet apples,
92b. Refrain
On the eve they talked it over, With his mouth he ate the apples.
Refrain With his antlers spoilt the leafage.
In the morning they set off, No one in the world could see him,
From the plains up to the hills. 5 Only a fair empress (saw him),
For a while they kept on hunting, (And) she told it to the emperor.
5 Until it was nigh to evening. (So) his gun the emperor took,
What caught they (that) beauteous So that he might shoot the stag down.
evening? But the stag spoke (to him thusly):
(Lo,) an ashen eaglet ('twas). 10 Hold, hold, hold, fair emperor!
With a little golden beak, I'm not what to you 1 look like;
(And) with silver talons (too); I am John, (I am) Saint John,

118 Possible alternative reading for this last verse: To give tongue in Christian fashion.
120 The name of a village in the district of Bra~ov, in Transylvania.
111 The meaningless phrase ca biil'iUace is possibly meant to be ca bal'a late (wide as a puddle),
or even ca bUl'tllate (like drizzle, wide spread), though neither simile seems very likely.
us The sense of the three concluding verses is far from clear to the translator.

[ 389 ]
C I d)
Cumatru lui DumnezelJ; -Hoi, Iaoane, Sant Iaoanel
Noaptea d-umblu bot'ezand, N u grii bi pa moarte' me,
15 Zil}a d-umblu cununand. a nu-s io ce-ti pare tie,
r. Hal: leno, leno, marmalenol 15 Ci m'o maica blastiimat,
(5c. Igrifi 4» ~i 3 fil} fiara codrilor
NOl}a d-ani fii nOl}a zile.
~i d-acele 'mplini-oi,
92d. Jos la tara d-urla-oi,
Noi d-umbliim d'e corindiiml.), 20 Chei in bmnci d-apuca-oi,
r., Beserici descuia-oi,
Clopot mic legana-oi.
Gazda 'n casa nu-i d-afliim~, Clopot micu-i nestolnicu (sicl)
------ In chiotoar' 4 cu cantatori
Ca gazd'il'e nu-s acasa, 25 ~i in praguri cu glasuri
~i 'nca dieci 'n chiefior (sic!)
Da-s pin codrul'\:-a vanare, Sclujba nOl}a canta-n\:-or.
Da cu sarii-i vecernie,
5 D\:-a (sicl) vanare dzi d'e vara, Miez da noapte-i litrosate,
30 Zor da zil}' ivanghelie,
~i nemiiicii nU-fii pUficara, Pa la pranzu-i letrud'ie.
Far' un cerbut patriiriel (sic!) :
-Ntindeti pUfica sa-l pUfit'em!
-Ho ho ho, nu ma pUficati,
Cruce sfantii 'ntoarsa 'n masa;-
10 Ca nu-s Xara 1 cea ce-ti pare, ~i 3 fi, gazda, sanatoasa I
Da-s laon lui Sant laon, r. Corinde-mi Doamn'l
Ca m'o lasat Dumnezel} (73d. Urvifi ¢)
D-in vatavu l}oilor
La cuqile domnilor.
r. Domnuluj ~j-a nos' Domnul 92f.
(Md. Tarna mare p) lola nenea duce m'oi,
I: Plug fii boi aduce-voi, r. : I
92e. Langa plug fii pogarucii
lefiit-o, Doamne, iefiity I: ~i poganiciu cu zbicii : I
Vanatori d'a lui Pilaty,
r., 5_
___ boii
_ _ cu
_ _zbicii

Ta' 2 vanara cat vanara. Vanatori a lui Criiciun

~i can' fu zil}a da vara, Tras-al} harcu, sa-i sagete.
5 cand ifii era langa sara, Ei din grai afi' ay stragat:
Mandra fiara-fii d-adunara: -Trageti voi har<:u napoi,
Un cierbut can stretinior, 10 Ca io nu-s ce gandin voi,
Mandru joara netejoarii (sicl) Ca io-s Petru lui Sanpetru,
~i la port da spicatel (sicl)
10 ~i la coame galbanior.
Cierbu-o rupse fii-o raspunse:

1 = fiara.
S = tot.
3 = sa.
4 = cheetoare.
5 La fon. un !1ir care nu se tutelege.

[ 390 ]
C II d)
Christening kin (I am) to God: 123 Ho, John, (hear me,) Saint John, (hear
I go christening by night me,)
15 And by day go marrying. Do not hasten with my death,
Refrain: Come, softly, softly, carol softly! For I'm not what you suspect me,
15 But I'm by the Mother cursed 124
To be wild beast of the woods
92d. For nine years and for nine days
We are going caroling, (more).
Refrain And, when I shall have fulfilled them,
We don't find the host at home, I'll rush down upon the land;
For the hosts are not at home (now), 20 In my hands I'll seize the keys
But they're hunting in the forest. (And) the churches I'll unlock,
5 A (whole) summer's day they hunted (And) I'll swing the little bell,125
And at nothing did they fire, Little bell is overbearing:
Only at a four-year stag. There'll be singers at the loops,
Aim the gun, let's shoot him down! 25 Also voices at the sills,
Stay, stay, stay, don't shoot at me, Deacons, too, about the loops;
10 For I'm not the beast I look like, They shall chant the service for us:
But I'm John, (I am) Saint John, In the evening 'twill be vespers,
For the Lord appointed me Liturgy 'twill be at midnight,
(To be) shepherd of the sheep 30 Gospel it will be at daybreak,
At the mansions of the lords. About noon there shall be service.
Refrain: To the Lord, to Our Lord!
Holy cross turned round the table,
92e. Host, a goodly health we wish you!
They went forth, Lord, they went Refrain: My carol, Lord!
Some of Pilate's hunting men,
Refrain 92f.
And a while they kept on hunting. To (my) uncle I shall go,
And as the (long) day of summer Plow and oxen I shall bring,
5 Came to draw nigh unto evening, Refrain
(Lo,) a fine beast they surrounded, With the plow a plowman too,
A stag about three years old, And the plowman with a whip,
Handsome (was his) pelt (and) glossy, 5 With the whip to
_________ 126 drive the oxen.
Like an ear of wheat in hue,
10 And (his) antlers yellowish. Of Christmas the hunting men
(But) the stag (then) started speaking: Drew the bow that they might pierce
(But) he thusly shouted out:
(Stay) the bow (and) pull (it) back,
10 For I'm not what you believe,
For I'm Peter of Saint Peter,

123 The expression Cumiitru lui Dumnezeu is a particularly apt one. The term cumiitru desig-
nates the degree of kinship resulting from baptism, and is given reciprocally by the godfather
of a child and that child's father. The feminine form is cumiitrii. Since St. John baptized God
the Son, he was manifestly the Cumiitru of God the Father.
124 Perhaps this verse should read: But I'm by my mother cursed.
125 The verses that follow hereafter are so obscurely worded that they suggest a garbled
version. The translation is therefore largely guesswork, from here to the end of this text.
126 Author's manuscript footnote: "An unintelligible verse in the recording."

[ 391 ]
C I e)
Nana!J bun mi-i Dumnezel}, -Nu pazi pa moarte me,
Car de milic m'o botezat, ca nu-s el} ee-ti pare tie,
De mare m'o eununat, Ci-s Iuonu, S~nt Iuonu,
15 'N ealea Domnului m'o dat. 15 Nan~u lui Dumnezel}.
1'. L'e1'uj Doamnel Ca e~nd maiea m'o fa cut,
(107b. Uri~iu de sus t/) Grele munci ~i-o d-avut.
Cl}-un picior m'o leganat,
Cu gura m'o bIasmmat:
91~. 20 -$i 1 fii fiara eodrului
Ie~it-o, Doamne, ie!Jity NOl}a d-ani !Ji nOl}a zile
Vanatori, d'a lui Pilaty. $i p'atMe sapmm~ne.
Tat v~nara eM vmara Dae' aeelea 'mplini 1\::-01.
Zi de varn p~na 'n sara, Jos la tara d-urla-oi.
5 C~nd isi era l~nga sara, 25 Chei in brnnci prinde mi-oi.
M~ndra fiara ea -!Ji v~nara : Beseriei daseuie-oi,
D-un eierbut cam stretinor C~ in brnnci lua mi-oi,
$i la eoame galbiinior. Slujba m~ndra sluji-oi.
V~natoare eel mai mare 1'. C01'inde mi Doamn'!
10 Trase d-areu, !Ji-l sagete. (73m. Dumbravita de eodru t/»
$i eierbut din grai griii:


93a. [Cf. 98.] D-aeolo d-afla

Iuda hicleana
Oi !Jedu-i, mai ~edu-i (sic!), Bat~nd, eeluind
I.1'., Suflete direpte,
Doi domni da eei mari, 25 'N iadu le-i trimete.
Fiu-~i graira:
D-unul ii Taml, -Ce domnu t\::-o pus
D-altul ii fiul. P'a no~te suflete,
5 Taml graira Suflete direpte
Cam fil} d'a lui: 30 'N iadu Ie trimeti ?
-Oi du-te, mai du-te Iuda-!Ji griiira:
Colo jos, mai jos, -Ce te d-ispite!Jti,
Josu-i pre pam~nt Domn mare ea tine,
10 $i vezi ee-i vede: Cu d-om ral} ea mine?
Ce domnu s'o pus 35 Fiu mi-~i prinde
P'a noaste suflete? Grel} toiag da fer,
Iuda hicleana $i 'nea mi-l pune
Suflete direpte Pa d-umar da Iuda.
15 'N iadu Ie trimete. Iuda grel} geme,
Fiu-~i eugeta 40 Fiul mi 'ntreba:
Ca vmt pre pammt, *-Grel} iti pare Iud' 0 ba?
Cafulger pre eeri,; -Cum nu-mi pare grel},
Susu sa nalta, Numa cum e\::-ar fi
20 J osu sa Iasa. Ceri,u eu pam~ntu

[ 392 ]
C I e)
My true godfather is God, Do not set about my death,
Who baptized me as a babe, For I'm not what you believe me,
As a grown man wedded me, But I'm John, (I am) Saint John,
15 On the Lord's way sent me out. 15 Godfather unto the Lord.
Refrain: Lord, I carol! When my mother me did bear
She had mighty labor pains;
With one foot she rocked me (then)
92~. (And) she cursed me with her mouth:
They set out, Lord, they set out, 20 May you be a forest beast
Pilate's huntsmen (sallied forth). For nine years and for nine days
They kept hunting and they hunted (more),
On a summer day till evening. And for just as many weeks too.
5 When the time was close to evening, If that (time) I shall accomplish,
(Lo,) a fine wild beast they hunted: I'll come down into the land,
('Twas) a stag in his third year 25 Keys I'll take into my hands,
And with antlers yellow-hued. (And) the churches I'll unlock;
(Then) the oldest of the hunters Books I'll take into my hands,
10 Drew the bow that he might pierce A fine service I shall serve.
him. Refrain: I carol, Lord!
And the stag said (unto him) :


93a. He discovered there

Judas the contriver
Ho, they sit, they sit,
Beating, playing false
ISt Refrain
Souls (that were) unblemished,
Two of the great lords; 25 Sending them to hell (then).
2nd Refrain Spoke the Son (to him) :
One the Father is,
What lord set you up
The other the Son. O'er our souls (to lord it),
5 (Lo,) the Father spoke
Souls (that are) unblemished
Unto His own Son:
30 Into hell to send?
Let you go, once more go
Judas said (to Him):
Down there, lower down,
Why d'You match Yourself,
On the earth below,
A great lord as You are,
10 And see what you'll see:
With a wretch as I am?
What ruler's set up
35 The Son (then) took up
O'er our souls (to lord it) ? A great iron stave
Judas the contriver
And He laid it down
Souls (that are) unblemished
On Judas his shoulder.
15 Into hell is sending.
Judas groaned aloud,
The Son set His mind
40 The Son asked (him then):
Like wind on the earth, Does it feel heavy or not? 127
Lightning in the sky;
Than heavy, how else?
He arose on high,
'Tis but as it were
20 He came swooping down.
Sky and earth (together)

127 In the original, this unexpected seven-syllable verse reads: Does it seem heavy to you,
Judas, or not?

[ 393 ]
C I e)
45 Pa d-umar da 1uda. Pan' la moartea sa.
Fiu-~i graira: I.r. Doamne!
-D-~e-mi pare mie, 2.r. Doj corindej!
Cand imi ma vandu~i in (21n. $oimi if)
Sara da J oi mare
50 La cani da J idovi
Cu trizeei d'arginti 93b.
Pa bani jidov~ti.
$i 'nea va pare Da ~edu-~i, I.r., mai ~edu
Ca ni jutra-i (sic!) mare, Doi domi de eei mari,
55 Ci mie-mi faeeti 2.r.
Cununa da spini, Di mijloe di rai
'N eapu miey tapati
Parutu-mi eiuntati, I: La masa galbina : I,
Tatal nu-ji Hisa 5 Galbina di eear'.
60 Parut peritori,
Ci mi-l velira Tat ~ede ~i 'ntreabli:
Busuioe ehitat, -Care mi-z mai mare?
Miros pa pamant. Tatal graie:
$i 'nea va pare,
65 Ca ni jutra-i mare, -Di zile di mult,
Ci mie-mi faeeti 10 10 sant mai di mult,
Bray da rugut verde Di domnie mare
~i 'nea ma 'ncingeti, Ca tu e~ti mai mare,
Pelita-mi eiuntati. Da earja-i mai mare.
70 Tatal nu-ji lasa 1e-te ~i te du
Pelit' peritori, 15 Jos pantre suflete,
Ci mi-o velirli Sa vezi ee-i vide:
Vita graului. I uda vielean ra 1).
$i 'nea va pare, Batand ~i eel1).ind
75 Cli ni jutra-i mare, Suflete direpte
Ci 'nea ma 'mpungeti 20 $i Ie d-ispite~te
Cu sulita-i sa, $i Ie dobande~te.
In tata direapta, Fiu d-atuneie
Sange strapunge. Inca mi-~i lua
80 Tatal nu-ji lasa Cel eorba~ di foe;
Sange peri tori, 25 Tare mni-o mana
Ci mi 'nvelira 'N fundu iadului;
Vita vinului· ~i 'nea mni-o lega
Fiul mi-o prinde Cu tasti (sic!) di fer,
85 $i 'nea mi-l duee Cu lant di otel;
'N fundu iadului. 30 $i 'nea d-atuneie
D-aeol' 0 lega Mi pune di-a d-umar,
Cu lant da otel Di-a d-umar di 1uda
Cata stalp da fer, Cel toiag di fer.
90 $i va fi legat Tare mili-apasa,
Pan' la judecat, 35 La pamant pica.
Ce s'or judeea 1uda-mi ded~-a plange
Tate sufletele Cu laerimi di sange.
Din tate paqile, Fiul d-atuneie
95 Care e~-o flieut Inca mni graie:
Da n~terea sa 40 -Grey iti pare, I uda ?
[ 394 ]
C I e)
45 On Judas's shoulder. Till the time it died.
Said the Son (to him): Ist Retrain: Lord God!
That is what I felt like 2nd Retrain: Sing the carols!
At the time you sold me,
Maundy Thursday evening,
50 To the curs of Jews for 93b.
Thirty silver pieces, (Lo,) they sit, ISt Refrain,
For some Jewish pelf. they're seated,
Even so you deemed Two of the great lords
'Twas no heavy burden (?), 2nd Refrain
55 But you made for me In the midst of heaven,
A garland of thorns, At a yellow table,
Thrust it on my head, 5 Yellow, (made) of beeswax,
(And) lopped off my hair. Sit and ask each other
Father left it not Which (of them) is greater.
60 Perishable hair, Spoke the Father (then):
But covered it up In number of days
With the basil trim, 10 I'm of greater age,
Fragrance on the earth. In greatness of lordship
Even so you deemed It is you the greater,
65 'Twas no heavy burden (?), But the crozier's greatest.
But you made for me Let you rise and go
A belt of green bramble, 15 Down among the souls, and
Girdled me with it, See what you shall see (there):
(And) you cut my skin. Judas, the sly wretch,
70 Father left it not Beating and deceiving
Perishable skin, Souls (that are) uprighteous,
But covered it up 20 Leads them to temptation
With the stalk of wheat. And he overcomes them.
Even so you deemed Thereupon the Son
75 'Twas no heavy burden, Likewise took along
But you pierced me through That whip (made) of fire;
With your (cruel) spear; 25 He drove off apace
Out of my right breast To the depths of hell;
Blood came gushing forth. He bound (Judas) fast
80 Father left it not With an iron band (?),
Perishable blood, With a chain of steel;
But covered it up 30 And, when this was done,
With the vine of grape. He set on his shoulder,
The Son caught him up On Judas his shoulder,
85 And He bore him off That crozier of iron.
To the depths of hell. Heavily it pressed,
There He bound him fast 35 To the ground he fell.
With a chain of steel Judas started weeping,
To an iron stake, Tears of blood (a-shedding).
90 And he shall stay bound Thereupon the Son
Until Judgment Day, Spoke again (to him) :
When there shall be judged 40 Is it heavy, Judas?
(Each and) every soul, from
(Each and) every quarter,
95 Each for what it's done
From the time 'twas born

[ 395 ]
C I e)
-Hoi, ZO,l grey imi pare, Pa luda-l gase
Ca eer !ji pam~t, 20 La mijloc de rai
ca eel~-am p.nut. ~i mi-l euprinde~
o ie mm-l' mie, ~i mi-!ji ea pune
45 Ca nu pot tine. Grey toiag de fer.
*-A!ja-mi pare mme, luda, luda-i !juiera,
Sara di Joi mare, 25 Fiul d-intreba:
Cand tu ma vandu!ji -Grey iti pare, luda?
La cani, la Jidovi -Ba mai grey imi pare,
50 Pa cinzeci di lei, De cat cum !ji-ar fi
Pa bani di eei rei. Cer ~i eu pamant
*Di fire legata, luda, 30 Pa umar d-a mney.
Pana la jude!, -~i 'nea t'~-oi mai duee
Ce t~-oi judeea tn fundut de iad
55 10 !ji Dumnezey ~i t~-oi ea lega
~i dragi fij di-a mnei, D~-un stalput de fer
ca tu ma vandu!ji 35 Cy-un lant de otel
Pa dinauori, ~i !ji 3 fi legat
Pana 'n eantatori. Pan' la judeeat,
I.Y. Doamne!2 Ce s'a judeea
2.Y. Daj corinde! Cer ~i eu pamant,
(21k. Va!jeau if) 40 Trup ~i eu suflet.
I.r. Doamnea!4
2.Y. L'eyuja l'eyuj Doamn'!
93c. (20. Coticlet if)
Hoi ee Doamnea !jed~ (sic!),
Doi domni da eei mari 93d.
D'inaint'ea ee~tor eurtiy,
D-asupra da eeriui. Y.,
CiIl~-ar put'e fi?- Est'~-on maru !li ey-on pary

5 Unul ij Tatalui I: Est'~-on maru !ji ey-on paru : I,

D-altul ii fiue
D'e tulpini atulpinatiY,
Tatal griiiere 5 D'e varvari asemenatiY,
Catra fiul say:
*-Hoi, ie-t'e, mai du-t'e, I: D'e varvari asemenatiY : I.
10 C'a!j' am d-auzit,
*Ca s'o pogorit Vin~-ongaiu 5 galbinior;
luda vicleana nu-mi vine cum sa vine,
*La mijloe de rai Ci mi-!ji vine tot tapind.
~i mi-!ji eelue~t'e 10 lese Doamn' aeestor curti:
15 *Suflet'e d'irept'e. -Mai lin, gai, mai cieilin,
Fiu-!ji eugeta Ca mi-s sfintii d-adormiti,
Ca-yn vant pa pamant, Ca-s dela yoaste sositi.
Ca-yn fulger pa eer. -N'am vinit ea sa va tap,
1 = zeu.
s Var.: Iuda!*
3 = sa.
4 Var.: Fii!*
& Cf. gaie.

[ 396 ]
C I e)
Hoy, I swear it's heavy Judas He did find
As though heaven and earth 20 In the midst of heaven;
I've had to bear up. He laid hands upon him
Oh, lift it away, And upon him lay
45 For I can't hold out. A great iron staff.
That is how I (too) felt, Judas,128 Judas loudly hissed;
Maundy Thursday evening, 25 Asked the Son (of him):
A the time you sold me Heavy seems it, Judas?
To the curs, the Jews, It seems heavier even
50 For (but) fifty lei,126 Than as though it were
For some evil pelf. The sky and the earth
May you (thus) stay bound, oh 30 On my shoulder (held).
Judas,128 And I'll take you also
Until Judgment Day, To the depths of hell,
When you shall be judged And I'll bind you (fast)
55 By myself and God To an iron stake
And my by dear sons, 35 With a chain of steel,
Since myself you sold And you shall stay bound
For some pennies (vile) 130 Until Judgment Day,
Ere the cock did crow. When there shall be judged
Ist Refrain: Lord God! (var.: Judas!) The sky and the earth,
2nd Refrain: Sing the carols! 40 Both body and soul.
ISt Refrain: Lord God! (var.: The Sons!)
2nd Refrain: Sing the carols, sing, Lord!
Hoy, what lords are sitting,
ISt Refrain, 2nd Refrain 93d.
Two of the great lords, In front of this mansion (fair)
Up above the sky, Refrain
Who might they well be? Stand an apple and a pear tree,
5 One (of them)'s the Father, Stand an apple and a pear tree,
The other's the Son. Stoutly rooted are their boles,
(Lo,) the Father spoke 5 Of a likeness are their tops,
Unto His own Son: Of a likeness are their tops.
Hoy, arise, once more go, Comes along a yellow hawk,
10 For thus I have heard And it comes not as one ought to,
That there has come down But it's screaming as it comes.
Judas the contriver 10 Out this mansion's lady steps:
Into heaven's midst, Softly, hawk, more softly yet,
And he is deceiving For my saints are (fast) asleep,
15 Righteous souls (of ours). From the army they've just come.
The Son set His mind I've not come to scream for you,
Like a wind on earth,
Like lightning above.

128In the original, as in the translation, these verses have eight syllables.
189The leu (plural: lei) is the currency of Rumania.
180 The original verse gives a somewhat weird rendition of denarii. The denarius is, of course,
the biblical "penny".

[ 397 ]
C I e)
15 Ci-am vinit sa da\1 de ~tire: 20 Soarele l?i razele
S'o tunat Iuda in raj, $i earjuta Tatalui.
L\1at-o luna eu lumina, Dar Arhangel Mihaila
Soarile eu razile Lua luna ~i lumnina,
$i sea\1nu eu legile Soarele eu razele
20 $i galeata de botez. 25 $i earjuta Tatalui
Toate 'n iad ea l~-o bagat: $i eheil~-a raiului.
Frumos iadu-i luminat, Jos la 1udii s'o lasat:
Udt raiu-i 'ntuneeat. -Buna zi\1a, domn de 1uda!
-Nu te teme, Ioane, nul -Sa trae~ti, unehiu al mne\1.
25 L\1a-vom traznitul de vara 30 --Ca io sant un zadar mare,
$i eu tunetul de sara; Zadese curti ea ~i a tale.
Mai depart~-om fulgera, -Zade~te ~i a mnea eurte!
Mai d~-aproape e'om trazni, -10 tie nu ti-oi zadi,
Iadu 'n patru ~i-o plezni, Pana mnie nu mni-i-aduee
30 Draeii toti 0 'neremeni. 35 Prund din fundu marii.
L\1a-vom luna eu lumina, 1uda 'n mare s'o lasat,
Soarile eu razile Iar Arhangel Mihiiila
$i sea\1nu eu legile Peste mare 0 suflat,
$i galeata de botez; Mare tare 0 'nghetat;
35 Toate 'n rai ea l~-om baga, 400 suflat a dO\1a oara,
Frumos rai],l-o lumina. Noua stanje inghetarn.
r. Domnuluj Doamne! Dar Arhangel Mihiiila
(59a. Nue~oara ¢) Lua luna l?i lumnina,
Soarele ~i razele
93e. 45 $i earjuta Tatalui.
r. Domnij leI' Domnuluj bun!
11.1 fIT.l
I: La fantha raiului, r. : I -lui
(91. Chinci~ ¢)

Mandre vorbe l?i-a1duire 93£.

Tot de sfinti, de d-ueeniei. D-intr-o dare, d-intre mare,
Nimere ~i Domnul Sfant: 1'.,
5 -Ce vorbiti, ee sfatuiti? D-intre rasarit da soare
-Tot de randu raiului:
Iuda 'n rai ea ~i-o intrat, Seris-o DomnuI, el:-O mai seris?
Raiu tare 1-0 pradat. Seris ni-o masa galbana,
Grai-~i Domnul Dumnezel} 5 'Mprejur ma~i 2 l?i seaune.
10 Catr' Arhangel Mihiiila: Da Ia masa cine ~ede?
-Arhangele Mihaila, $edu-~i sfinti de eei mai sfinti
Slobozi din jos la Iuda! C],l apo~toli 'nvaluiti.
-Ba io nu m-oi slobozi, Tatu~ bel) ~i diluese 3
Pana tu mni nu mni-i da 10 Zi da vara pana 'n sara,
15 Tat tunu ~i fulgeru. and i~i era langa sara.
-Da io hiiIa nu ti -oi da, $i re hire 4 Ie vine
Ca eu el te-i vatama. D-int'o dalba de fetita,
Ba, ZO,l tie ea ti-oi da Ca s'o 'ntrat 1uda in rai
Tatu~ luna ~i lumnina, 15 $i raiu ral) 1-0 priidat.
1 = zeu.
2 = mese.
3 = cAntil « dalol, ung.).
4 = veste « hir, ung.).

[ 398 ]
C I e)
15 But I've come to bring you tidings: 20 (And) the sun with (all its) beams,
Judas into heaven's come, And the Father's crozier too.
Moon and moonlight he has taken Thereat Michael the Archangel
(And) the sun with (all its) beams, Moon and moonlight took along,
And the throne with (all) the laws, (And) the sun with (all its) beams,
20 And the pail for christening; 25 And the Father's crozier too,
He has put them all in hell. And the keys of heaven withal.
Hell is beauteously alight, Unto Judas he went down:
Horridly is heaven dark. Greetings to you, Master Judas!
Do not be afraid, John, no! A long life, oh uncle mine!
25 We'll take thunderbolt of summer 30 (Lo,) I am a skilful mason,
And the thunder of the evening, I wall mansions such as yours are.
We shall lighten from afar, Let you wall my mansion also!
From nearby hurl thunderbolts, I shall build no wall for you
Into four shall hell be split, Until first you shall have fetched me
30 All the devils turned to stone. 35 Gravel from the sea's own floor.
We shall take the moon with Judas plunged into the sea,
moonlight Whereat Michael the Archangel
(And) the sun with (all its) beams, Blew (his breath) upon the sea,
And the throne with (all its) laws, Mightily the sea froze over;
And the pail for christening; 40 He a second time blew (on it),
35 All in heaven we shall set, Froze it (hard) nine fathoms (deep).
Beauteously shall heaven light. Thereat Michael the Archangel
Refrain: To the Almighty! Took the moon and moonlight up,
(And) the sun with (all its) beams,
45 And the Father's crozier too.
93e. Refrain: Carol for the goodly Lord!
By the side of heaven's well,
(With) fine words and (goodly) 93f.
blessings, From a bounty (?) by the seaside,
The saints and disciples (stand). Refrain
Came the Holy Lord as well: From the middle of a sunrise,
5 What say you, what counsel you? Ruled the Lord, what ruled He else ?
All about the rules of heaven: He has ruled a yellow table,
Judas into heaven's come, S Round about it chairs and tables.
Sorely has he looted it. But who's sitting at the table?
Spoke the Lord Almighty (then) The most holy of the saints,
10 Unto Michael the Archangel: With disciples round about.
Oh, you Michael the Archangel, They are drinking and they sing
Let you (now) descend on Judas! 10 (On) a summer day till evening.
Not so, I shall not descend When the time drew nigh to evening,
Until You shall give to me (Lo,) to them came woeful tidings,
15 Both lightning and thunderbolt. (Brought to them) by a fair maiden,
Those I shall not give to you, That in heaven Judas went
For you'd harm yourself with them. 15 And he sorely looted it.
Yet, I swear, I'll give to you
Ne'ertheless the moon and moonlight,

[ 399 ]
C I e)
Dar intaia c~-o luat? 60 Can ca tine na1/te-or,
Ciubara botezului Tati ca tine poti-or.
!;li scaunu Tatalui, r. fii-a nos' Domnu Dumnezeu!
Soarele cu razele (95f. !;loimi if)
20 !;li luna cu lumina,
Tate 'n iadu Ie muta.
Mandru raiu-i 'ntunecos, 93g.
Scarnav iadu-i luminos. S'o crescut, s'o rasarity,
Dumnezel) i1/i graira: r.,
25 -Sfintii mnei ~i dragii mnei! Un porn naltu ramuratu.
D-intre voi ~i d-intre noi
Care s'ar pute d-afla Da cu toamna-i mugurat,
Sa sa duca ~i l~-aduca ? Primavara-i cu flori albe.
Sant'ilie L~i graira: 5 Naltu-i pomu pana 'n cer
30 -Gata-s, Doamne, 1/i-oi me' 2 io. !;li da larg prejur pamant.
Numa-mi da c~-oi cere io: La turpina pomului
Da-mi tunu ~i fulgeru. Scris-o Domnul, c~-o mai scris?
-10, d-!lie, ti l-a~ da, Scris-o ma~i 5 1/i scaune.
Da e~ti mic ~i tanarel 10 Da la ma1/i cine 1/ede?
35 !;li te-i vatama cu el. !;ledu-~i sfinti da cei mai sfinti,
-Cum tu, Doamne, ma-i 'nvata, Dumnezel) d-inca-i cu ei;
D-a~a, Doamne, l-oi purta. Tatu1/ bel) ~i diluesc, 6
-Tuna rar, fulgera des! Da da rai nu-~i pomenesc.
Sant'ilie raduia 3 15 Cand i~i fu da catra sara,
40 Tat tunand 1/i fulgerand. Re hire 7 ca Ie vinira
Cand i~i tun'a 'ntaia oara, D-int'o fata feciorita:
Tat iadu cutremura; C'o intrat luda in rai
Cand i~i tun'a doua oara, !;li raiu ral) 1-0 pradat,
Tuna 'n talpa iadului; 20 Tate mandril~-o carat,
45 Cand i~i tun'a tria oara, ~i steagul botezului
Pica Iuda jos i?i moare. $i scaunul Domnului
Sant'ilie sa tapa, $i luna cu lumina,
Tate 'n raiu Ie muta: Soarele cu razele.
Mandru raiu-i luminos, 25 Dumnezel) din grai grale:
50 Scarnav iadu-i 'ntunecos. -Sfintii miiei ~i dragii mnei!
Curse luda ~i-l d-ajunse Care mi s'ar mai d-afla
!;li 'nca, Doamne, ral) n rupse Dintre voi ~i dintre noi
Tat da talpa 1/i da palma. $i 8-mi mearga dupa luda?
Sant'ilie dede-1/i plange 30 Sant'ilie isi graie:
55 Cu grele lacrami da sange. 31-33 = 93f.30-32
Dumnezel) i~i graira : -Hoi !lie, puiu mnel),
Taci, d-!lie, nu te plange! 35 Aceia-i 0 arma gre
Can ca tine nascut-o, !;li te-i vatama cu ie.
Tati ca tine potit-o; 4 -Cum mi-i, Doamne, d-invata,
1 = Sf. Ilie.
2 = merge.
3 = pornea « ered, ung.).
4 = patit.
5 = mese.
e = ci'mta « daioi,ung.).
7 = veste « hir, ung.).
8 = sa.
[ 400 ]
C I e)
But what stole he first of all? 60 All who shall be born like you,
('Twas )the pail for christening Like yourself shall be chastised.
And the Father's throne withal, Retrain: And Our Lord, Almighty God!
(And) the sun with (all its) beams
20 And the moon with (all its) light,
All of them he moved to hell. 93g.
Beauteous heaven is all dark, There grew up, there sprouted up
Unclean hell is all lit up. Retrain
The Almighty Lord spoke out: A tall tree with spreading boughs.
25 Saints of mine and my beloved! It is bearing buds by fall,
Among you and among us, In the spring it bears white blossoms.
Who is there that might be found 5 High as heaven stands the tree,
To go (after them) and fetch them? And it spreads the earth about.
Up spoke Saint Elijah (then): 131 At the foot of the (fair) tree,
30 I am ready, Lord, I'll go, God has set, what has He set?
Only grant me what I ask: Chairs and tables He has set.
Let me have thunder and lightning. 10 But who's sitting at the tables?
I would give them you, Elijah, Saintliest of saints sit (there),
But you are both small and young, And the Lord is with them too.
35 And you'd harm yourself with them. They are drinking and they sing,
Just as You shall teach me, Lord, But of heaven have no thought.
So, Lord, shall I wield them too. 15 As the time drew toward evening,
Thunder seldom, lighten oft! Unto them came evil tidings,
Saint Elijah started out, (Brought to them) by a young maiden:
40 Thundering and lightening. Into heaven Judas came,
When the first time he did thunder, And he sorely looted it,
He set trembling all of hell; 20 All fair things he carried off,
When a second time he thundered, Both of christening the banner
He struck hell's nethermost floor; And of the Lord God the throne,
45 When he thundered for the third time, Both the moon with (all its) light
Down dropped Judas and lay dying. (And) the sun with (all its) beams.
Saint Elijah (then) swooped down, 25 Spoke the Lord Almighty (then):
Back to heaven he moved all. Saints of mine and my beloved!
Beauteous heaven's all lit up, Who is there that shall be found,
50 Unclean hell is (now) all dark. Among you and among us,
Judas ran and caught him up (then) After Judas to set out?
And, oh Lord, he badly tore him, 30 Saint Elijah spoke to say:
(Such) a kicking and a slapping. 31-33 = 30-32 of 93f.
Saint Elijah started weeping, Hoy, Elijah, chick of mine,
55 Heavy tears of blood (a-shedding). 35 That's a weapon hard to wield,
The Almighty Lord spoke out: And you'd harm yourself with it.
Quiet, don't complain, Elijah! As You'll teach me, Lord, Yourself,
All who have been born like you,
Like yourself have been chastised;

131 The Prophet Elijah is one of the major saints of the Orthodox Church. His feast is kept on
the 20th of July.

[ 401 ]
C I e)
A~a io ca oi purta. Nici ~e nu-~i ajunge.
-CA.nd te-i baga pa luda, 10 CA.nd era mai da cu sara,
40 Tuna rar, fulgera des. Re veste Ie viDi lara
SA.nt'ilie rliduie 1 P'un puiut da rft.ndune:
Tat tunA.nd ~i fulgerA.nd, C'o intrat luda in rai
Gand sa baga pa luda, Ray pa rai ca 1-0 pradat,
cand t~i ded~-a d-una oara, 15 ~-o afiat, tat 0 luat,
45 Tat iadu sa trasari~; ~i cruce' cu sufiet'ile,
CA.nd ~i ded~-a doua oara, Soarile cu razile
Pica luda 'n cur ~i moare; ~i luna cu lumina,
CA.nd i~i ded~-a tria om, Tat'e 'n iad ca l'e baga;
luda sa 'ntinse ~i moare. 20 MA.ndru-i raiu 'ntunecos,
50 SA.nt'ilie sa tApa, Groznac 4 iadu-i luminos.
Tate mA.ndril~-apuca: Tatal Sfft.nt ~i graie:
~i steagul botezului -Sfintii mei ~i dragii mei!
~i scaunu Domnului Care voi vi ti 5 afia,
~i luna cu lumina ~i 25 ~i 6 mereti dupa luda?
55 Soarele cu razele. SA.nt'ilie7 sa afla:
56-60 = 93f. 51-55 -Gata, Doamne, ~i m'oi duce,
Dumnezey din grai graie: Numa-mi da ce-oi cere io:
-Ie taci, !lie, nu plA.nge I Da-mi tunul ~i fulgerul.
63-64 = 93f. 60-61 30 -Ba io, fij, nu Ii l-oi da,
1'. ~oimul Domnu DumnezefJ/ ca e~ti Iud ~i tft.narel
(95f. Var. Urvi~ if) ~i te-i spaimft.nta da el.
Stai, fii, ~i 6 t'e 'nvan io,
~i pa t'ine ca pa mine:
93h. 35 Cft.nd Ii sosi cata iad,
Crescut-o, rasarit-o:m, Tuna rar, fulgera d'es.
D-un porn naltu-i razmurat 2 Cft.nd Ii tun'a una oara,
==== Tat iadu s'a spaimft.nta.
~i d-inaltu-i 'n ceriui,
Umbra are, frunza n'ar'.- Sft.nt'ilie sa tApa
40 Cu a d'ireapta
5 De la umbra cine ~ed'e? Tat in fundu iadului
ca mi ~ed'e Tatal Sfft.nt ~i t'eile 8 apuca,
------ ~i cruce' cu sufiet'ile;
Cu tan sfintii Ift.nga, Tate 'n rai ca Ie baga.
[Tat I~i be ~i-~i lacaze 3] 45 Mft.ndru-i raiu luminos,
Groznac iadu-i 'ntunecos:
Las' ~i 6 fi' ca ~-o ~i fost!
1'.10; Domnu/u, 10j Doamne!!/
(9Sk. Corbe~d if)

1 = pornea « ered, ung.).

B = ramurat.
8 = veselea (= lakoz, ung.).
4 = groznav.
5 = veti.
I = sa.
7 = Sf. Ilie.
a = cheile.

[ 402 ]
C I e)
Thus, too, shall I handle it. Even so, 'twas not enough.
Upon Judas when you'll come, 10 As the time drew toward evening,
40 Thunder seldom, lighten oft. Again came to them bad tidings
Saint Elijah (then) set out, (Brought) by a small swallow chick:
Thundering and lightening, Into heaven Judas came,
Upon Judas as he came. Woefully he looted it,
When he struck down for the first time 15 Everything he found he took:
45 Startled was the whole of hell. Both the cross and (all) the souls (too),
When he struck down for the second, (And) the sun with (all its) beams
On his seat dropped Judas dying. 132 And the moon with (all its) light,
When he struck down for the third Into hell he put them all.
time, 20 Beauteous heaven is all dark,
Dying, stretched out flat, lay Judas. Horrid hell is all alight.
50 Saint Eijlah (then) rushed in, Said the Holy Father (then):
All the fair things gathered up: Saints of mine and my beloved!
Both of christening the banner Who among you shall be found
And of the Lord God the throne, 25 After Judas to set out?
Both the moon with (all its) light Saint Elijah was on hand:
55 (And) the sun with (all its) beams. Ready, Lord, and I'll be going,
56-60 = 51-55 of 93f. Only grant me what I'll ask:
Spoke the Lord Almighty (then): Let me have thunder and lightning.
Quiet, do not weep, Elijah! 30 Nay, son, I'll not give you them,
63, 64 = 60, 61 of 93f. For you're silly and you're young,
Refrain: A small hawk, Almighty Lord! And you will be scared by them.
Stay, son, let me teach you how,
So that you may do as I do:
93h. 35 When you shall draw close to hell,
There has sprouted, there's grown Thunder scantly, lighten oft.
Refrain When the first time you shall thunder,
A tall tree with spreading boughs, All of hell shall be dismayed.
And its height goes up to heaven,
It has shade, it has no leaves. Saint Elijah rushed away,
5 But who's sitting in the shadow? 40 With his right hand (he reached down)
(Lo,) the Holy Father sits, To the very bed of hell,
With the saints all round about Him, And he took hold of the keys,
They keep drinking, having fun. Of the cross with the souls also,
All of them in heaven put.
45 Beauteous heaven is alight,
Horrid hell is darkling (now) :
Be it thus, for thus it was!
Refrain: Hoy, the Lord, hoy, Lord

18B To make this verse correspond exactly with the uproariously funny original, the appro-
priate Anglo-Saxonism should be substituted for "seat."

[ 403 ]
C I e)
93i. 5 Ilie cu Dumnezel).
Scris-o Domnu, c\,:-o mai scrisu?
~i Ilie sa rugal):
Catu-i zil)a da vara~,
Da, Doamne, c\,:-oi cere io;
Tunetu 9i fulgeru.
Ta' ~ed'e i?i ta' scrie~, -10, Ilie, ti l\,:-ai? da,
Cand fu cruce la miaza~, 10 Da e9ti copil tanarel.

5 Ral) hiriutu l'e vine~ Dumnezel) i 1\,:-0 dat,

Dint-o fata feciorita, Ilie s'o luat
Tat tunan' 9i fulgeran'
Ca i?i-o d-intrat Iuda 'n raiu ~i tat dupa Iuda dand.
~i ral) raiu 1-0 pradatu, 15 ~i Iuda s'o 'nspaimantat
~i marea s'o tulburat.
Dar da l)aci c\,:-o luat? f. Flofile dalbe!
10 Tat'e cel\,:-a raiului: (61f. Curtecap rf»
~i vajmantea Tatalui
12-14 = 93g.23-24, 93h. 16
15 ~i l\':-aruncat jos spre iad 93k.
16-21 = 93h. 20-21, 93g. 25-28
~il mearga dupa Iuda?
Sant'iIi\': 2-ai?e-i?i graie: I: Colo 'n jos i?i mai d'in
fI.l fTIl
jos~ : I jos
24-27 = 93h. 27-29, 93g.26
-Ba io, fiut, nu ti-oi da,
Ca e~ti mic i?i matat'el I: Est\':-un porn mandru
fI.l: I
30 ~i t'e-i vatama cu el.
Ie stat, fill, de ~il t'e 'nvat: fll.l
Cand ii sosi catra iad,
Tuna rar a dOl)a oara,-
Iadurile tremurara;
fT.l fTIl
la umbra pomoluHi : I -lui
35 Tuna des a tria oara, - ~i
Iadurile sa sfarmara.
Ian cu Sant Iaan,]
f. Doamne Domnul Dumneze1,f! I~II'-.-0, rn.J
(lOOc. Cotic1et if) 5 I: Tat d-laan cu Sant d-Iaan~ : I laan,

93j. Nanai?u lui Dumnezel),

Tat imi scrie i?i-mi cete9te
I 1. I fTIl ~i pe Domnul pomine9te.
I: SUS in naltu ceriuluiu, f. : I -lui -Mai Iaoane, Sfant Iaoane,
10 Ce stai mnic 9i gramadit?
I: La pranzutu Domnuluiu : I -lui
-Da io, Doamne, cum n'oi sta:
Ca s'o bagat Iuda 'n rai;
C\,:-o fost bun, tot 0 luat:
IT.! fll.l
I: Est\,:-o manastire dalba : I dalb'.
Razile cu soarile,
Crucea cu sufletile.
Dar acolo cine i?ede?
(1211. Chincis cf»

1 = sa.
2 = Sf. Ilie.

[ 404 ]
C I e)
93i. 5 ('Tis) Elijah with the Lord
Ruled the Lord, what ruled He other?
And Elijah begged (of Him) :
All the livelong day of summer,
Grant, me, Lord, what I shall ask:
(Give me) lightening and thunder.
He stayed seated and made ~ulings.
Elijah, I'd give you them,
When it was the stroke of mldday,
10 But you are a youngish lad.
5 Unto Him came woeful tidings,
By a youthful maiden (brought Him) :
And the Lord gave them to him,
That in heaven Judas entered
And Elijah started out,
And he sorely looted heaven.
Thundering and lightening,
But what did he take from there?
And at Judas striking out.
10 All the things that heaven's are:
15 And Judas was sore afraid
(God) the Father's vestments (all),
And the sea was troubled (too).
12-14 = 23, 24 of 93g., 16 of 93h.
Refrain: La, the white blossoms!
15 And he threw them down to hell.
16-21 = 20-21 of 93h., 25-28 of 93g.
After Judas to set out? 93k.
Saint Elijah thusly spoke:
Down below there, lower down,
24-27 = 27-29 of 93h., 26 of 93g.
Stands a handsome fruit tree fair,
I'll not give them, son, to you,
Also in the fruit tree's shade
For you're youthful and you're small,
John is sitting with Saint John,
30 And you'll hurt yourself with them.
5 John together with Saint John,
Hold on, and I'll teach you, son:
Godfather of Our Lord;
When you shall get close to hell,
He keeps writing and keeps reading,
Twice you are to thunder slo,,:ly,
And of the Almighty thinking.
(All) the hells will set to qua~mg;
Hey, you, John, ho, Saint John,
35 Thrice you are to thunder qUlckly,
(All) the hells will burst asunder.
10 Why do you sit small and hunched?
Lord, how could I not sit (thus) ?
Refrain: Lord, the Lord Almighty God!
Judas into heaven's come,
Everything that's good he took:
93j. (All) the sunbeams with the sun,
(And) the cross with (all) the souls.
Up in heaven's highest parts,
At the midday of the Lord,
There is a white monastery.
But at that place who is staying?

[ 405 ]
C I e)
931. 94a.
Sus la vita vinului, ,: Su' ro~iu di rasarity :"
La umbra gutuiului r.,

I: Colo-i Dumnezel} pranze~te : I. Mandru-i pomu ~i 'nflority,

Da nu ~tiy. cum s'o 'cuit2,
Di merele Ie mananea
I: Nemerind ~i Sfantu Petru: I: 5 ~i frunza mai ray. 0 straca.
Nu ~til} lel} ii or ii zmal},
5 -Haida, Petru, sa pranzimy! Or ii cerbu stretinior,
Di sa 'ntoarce 'n vanatoare,
-Numai, Doamne, multanim, Pana 'n rasarit di soare.
Ca io sa ma jaluesc, 10 Nime 'n lume nu ~i-l vede,
Ca ni-o 'ntrat Iuda in rail N uma sora sorelui
-Nu te, Petru, spaimanta, Di su' raza soarelui.
10 Zd'iciu 'n mana I-Ii lua, Nu ~tiy. lel} ii or ii zmal},
~i-i trazni ~i fulgera Or ii cerbu stretinior
~i-acolo numa-i intra. 15 ~i vanand, d-incaputand
(45c. Niere~teu r/» ~i di p'oriee vanatoare
Pana 'n rasiirit din soare.
Nime 'n lume nu ~i-l vede
93m. Numa sora soarelui
20 Di su raza soarelui.
I: La grad'ina, raiului : I -lui
~i vanand, d-incaputand
~i di p'orice vanatoare
Din picioare seantei sare
Ifl fITl ~i din gura tare-i cure.
I: Est~-un pom mandru 'nflority : I-rit. 25 ~i di p'orice vanatoare
T'atra 3 'n dung' 0 rasturna,
Dar su' t'atra ce gase?
I: Mandru-i, Doamne, ~i 'ngriid'ity : I
Unu ~erpe galbioru.
Capu la ~erpe zdrobe,
30 Dar in gu~e ce gase:
Ta t 0 carte hiirhiilaie (sic!),
Care di Iuda-i scriata.
I: Cu 'ngriid'el'e pana 'n stele~ : I stele.
Maica Sfanta 0 prinde,
Slujba mandra ce-mi eete,
35 Di tati fiii in genunche
~i-apo~tolii lacramara.
5 I: La mijlocu pomnilory :, -lor
Tatal Sfant' Ii graie:
-Lasa, fii, slujba mai jos,
ca tati fiii-s in genunehe
Est~-un pranz di Domn din ceri; 40 ~i-apo~tolii laeramara;
Toti pranzese ~i liicuese,l Maica Sfant' ii graie:
~i Ilie ~i Palie -Lasa, fii, ~i lasa, draga,
Lasa, fii, slujba mai jos,
(114d. Albae if) Ca tati fiii-s in genunche

1 = veselesc « lakoz, ling.).

2 = s'o sucuit = obcinuit, Intamplat « szokik, ung.).
3 = piatra.

[ 406 ]
C I e)
931. 94a.
By the grapevine, up above, Underneath the red of sunrise,
In the shadow of the quince, Retrain
Where the Lord (His) midday meal (Lo,) a beauteous tree is blooming.
eats; But I don't know how is
Happens by Saint Peter also: That the apples get devoured
5 Come on, let us break fast, Peter! 5 And still worse is spoiled the leafage,
Lord, I thank You, (I) but (came) I don't know, by lion, ogre,
That I might complain (to You), Or else by a three-year stag
For in heaven Judas came! That is turned about in hunting.
Peter, do not be afraid, Till the time the sun arises,
10 You shall take the whip in hand, 10 No one in the world can see him
And you'll thunder and you'll lighten, But the sister of the sun,
And he'll enter there no more. From beneath the sun's own beam.
Is it lion, is it ogre?
Or is it a three-year stag,
93m. 15 (That is) coursing, running off,
(Lo,) in heaven's garden (fair) And from every hunt (escaping)?
There's a beauteous tree abloom. Till the time the sun arises,
Lord, it's beautiful and fenced No one in the world can see him
With a fence up to the stars. But the sister of the sun,
5 In the middle of the trees, 20 From beneath the sun's own beam.
There's a meal for heaven's Lord. And he's coursing, running off,
All are eating, having fun, And from every hunt (escaping);
Both Elijah and the Burner 133 From his feet the sparks are flying,
And his mouth is all a-slaver.
25 And from every hunt (escaping),
On its side he turned a stone.
But what found he neath the stone?
(Lo, he found) a yellow serpent.
(So) he crushed the serpent's head,
30 But what found he in its crop?
(Lo, he found) a jumbled letter
That by Judas had been written.
Holy Mother caught it up,
Such a beauteous service read,
35 All the sons fell on their knees (and)
The apostles started weeping.
Said the Holy Father (then):
Let be, sons, the service lower,
Because all the sons are kneeling,
40 The apostles (all) are weeping.
Spoke the Holy Mother (too):
Let be, sons, and let be, dear ones,
Let the holy service lower,
Because all the sons are kneeling,

133 Piilie (the Burner) is the personification of a feast day, kept in Rumania on the day
following the feast of St. Elijah, that is, on July 21. The name comes from the verb a pitli (to
burn or wither), and the feast is designed to propitiate the summer's drought and heat, and to
forestall the withering of the crops.

[ 407 ]
C I f)
45 ~i-apo1?tolii likramara; 5 Craciuneasa cea frumoasii.
Lasa, fii, 1?i lasa, draga,
Las' sa vada 1?i sa creada, Nana~ mare ce-~i d-aduce?
Co coborlt fiul sfant Pa d-Iaon, pa Sant Iaon.
Pa su' ceq pe ast pamant. Cinste mandra ce d-aduce?
50 Da nu ~til} inde-i nascut? Doya mere, dOl}a pere,
Poate fi di 0 nascut 10 Tat'e patru-s d-argintele.
Su' ce tufa di bujor T'atra 1 sus d\:-o aruncan;,
La ce gura di izvor. T'atra jos de mi-~i pican;,
r. !ii-a nos' Doamne-j Dumneze1J! 'N patru laturi sa crepare.
(100g. Va1?cau ¢) Dar de oace 2 ce-~i ie~le~?
15 D-un ~erputu cam lunguty
94b. Dara 'n capu ~erpului
Ca-~i iesie 0 cart'icen;.
Ce sara-i da iasta sara? Cart'ice cin\:-o cet'ire?
r., Maica Sfanta c'o ce?i~.
Ca-i sara nascutului. 20 Ta' pa sclove c\:-o cet'i~,
Tat lacrami ii picatura.
Cand pa Hristos a na~t'ele, r. Hristos, Domnul nost'!
(21aa. Coticlet ¢)
Moa~a mare ce-~i chiama~?



95a. Cetacea Irodului

15 Nu s'o dat botezului,
Sus pa slava cequluiy, Nici cre~tinatiitilor.
r., ~i pa mine prinsu-m'al},
Su' poal'el'e raiuluiu, Prinsu-m'al}, taiatu-m'al}
~i 'n gazan 5 bagatu-m'al}
I: Su' poal'el'e raiuluiu : I 20 ~i tri zile fertu-m'al}
~i la scamnul 3 DomnululY,
Cu ceara ~i cu ra~ina.
~i din gazan scosu m'al},
5 La scamnul d'e jud'ecatii,
La gard aruncatu-m'al}.
~i-am facut cum am putut
Vile 4 merea lumea toata,
Genunchia Sfanta Vinere, 25 ~i la tin', Doamn\:,-am vinit,
Genunchia ~i mi-~i plangea. Sa-mi dai Sfinti intr' ajutori,
~i de Domnul sa ruga: Pa Irod ca sa-l omor.
10 -~ti, Doamne, ca m'ai trimea Dumnezeu l-asculta
Pamantu ca sa-l botez. ~i lui ajutor ii da
Eu am mers 1?i-am botezat; 30 Pa !lie, Sfant !lie.
Numa una nu s'o dat: EI traznea ~i fulgera,

1 = piatra.
2 = aici.
3 = scaunul.
4 = unde.
5 = cazan.

[ 408 ]
C I f)
45 The apostles (all) are weeping. 5 (It was) Christmastide the
Let be, sons, and let be, dear ones, beauteous. 130
Let them see it and believe it: Who was brought as godfather?
That the Holy Son's come down, (It was) John, (it was) Saint John.
Neath the sky, upon this earth. What fair gifts were brought before
50 But I know not where He's born. Him?
It may be that He was born Two (fine) pears (and) two (fine)
Underneath that peony bush, apples,
By the wellspring of that brook. 10 And all four of them are silver.
Refrain: A nd our master is the Lord! When He cast the stone aloft,
As the stone fell down (again),
In four parts it broke asunder.
94b. But what issued forth therefrom?
(Ho,) what evening is this evening? 15 (Lo, it was) a longish serpent.
Refrain But out of the serpent's head
'Tis the evening of the Birth. Issued forth a little letter.
At the time when Christ was born, Who (then) read the little letter?
Who was called as godmother? 134 'Twas the Holy Mother read it:
20 For each letter that she read,
She a (bitter) tear would shed.
Refrain: Christ is our master!


95a. Herod's city (is the place);

15 'Twould not yield to baptism
Up in the sky's highest reaches, Nor (would yield) to Christendom;
Refrain And upon me they laid hands,
At the (very) foot of heaven, Held me fast, slashed me (about),
At the (very) foot of heaven, In a cauldron thrust me (then),
By the throne of the Almighty, 20 And they boiled me for three days
5 By the (very) seat of judgment, Both with beeswax and with resin;
Where the people all were going, From the cauldron took me out,
('Twas) Saint Friday (who) was By the fence they threw me (down);
And I did as best I could,
She was kneeling and she wept, 25 And to You I've come, oh Lord,
And the Lord Almighty begged: That You give me saints to help,
10 You know, Lord, You sent me out So that I might Herod slay.
That I might baptize the earth. The Almighty heard her out,
I have been and I've baptized, And a helper gave to her:
Only one (place) would not yield, 30 E'en Elijah, Saint Elijah.
He thunder and lightning made,

134 Actually, the word moa§tl means midwife or old woman, and in Transylvania it usually
designates a grandmother. Hence moa~a mare means the paternal grandmother. Here, how-
ever, the word na§a seems to have been intended, which means godmother.
135 Craciuneasa is an odd feminine form of Craciun (Christmas) - as it were, Mistress
Christmas. It is found only in carols.
136 Saint Friday (Stdnta Vineri), the feminine personification of the sixth day of the week,
is one of the stock supernatural characters of Rumanian fairy stories and legends.

[ 409 ]
C I g)
Dracii sa cutremura, \: Und'e mere Iumea toata : \,
lJoamenii sa bucura.
r. Doamne 101 Domnuluj Doamne! Genunchiat-o Sfantu Vineri,
(89. Gradi~te ¢) Genunchiat-o ~i-mi plange
$i cata Domnul zice:
10 -$ti, Doamne, cand m'ai trimes
95b. Pa pamant ca sa-mi botez,
Sus la slava cequluiy Toti s'or dat botezului
r., $i sa 'nchina Domnului;
La scamnirea Domnuluiy, Numa unu nu s'o dat:
15 Cetate' Irodului
\: La scamnirea Domnuluiy : \ Nu s'o dat botezului
$i sa 'nchine Domnului.
La scamnull d'e jud'ecata,
5 Und'e mere Iumea toata, r. Lerui Doamne!
(52c. Rau de mori ¢)



96a. Cu bangrije (sic!) da d-argint,

$i tu, maica,-i matura
Pa su' d-umbra cieriuIui,
$i poalele cerului
r., 25 $i fata pamantuIu1.
Sus in poarta raiului Ii da da tri 1)ori in t'atra,
Dar in poactii cine ~ed' e ? 10 d~-aici-oi zbur' odata.
$ed'e-~i Patru d'iiacu. Maica-~i ded~-a matura
------ $i poalele cerului
5 Da da lucru ce-ji 2 lucreaza ? 30 $i fata pamantului
Tat cet'e !1i-adivere, $i dede tri 1)ori in t'atra,
Fii d~-aici zbura odata
Numai nu-!?i d-adivere Sus in cer pintre ingeri
Pa fie!1u maicii. Pa scaunu Domnului
In ce t'atra 3 dastramata D~-a direapta Tatalui.
10 $ede-~i maica d-incotatii r. Carind'e, corind'el'e!
Suspinan' ~i lacraman'. (71g. Urvi!? ¢)
$i lacramile maicii
Mare-s, mare-s ca merele
$i da grele-s ca penele. 96b.
15 $i fii din t'atra graie: \: La ce t'atra 3 dastremata, r. : \
-Cat i1. maica, suspina,
10 d~-aice n'oi zbura \: Nu mi-i t'atra dastramatii : \.
Pana, maica, ce tu-i mere
La targu la Targoveci Ci-i maicuta d-incotata
20 $i d~-acolo-i targui Tat suspina si lacrama.
D-o matura da d-aur 5 Fi1) din t' a tra -~i graie:

1 = scannn!.
2 = ~i.
3 = piatra.

[ 410 ]
C I g)
(So that all) the devils quailed, (There,) where everybody's going,
(Whereupon) mankind rejoiced. (Lo,) Saint Friday knelt (in prayer);
Refrain: Lord, hoy, to the Lord She was kneeling and was weeping,
Almighty! And was saying to the Lord:
lOYou know when You sent me, Lord,
(Down) on earth, for to baptize,
95b. All yielded to christening,
Up in heaven's heights aloft, And the Lord they worship (all).
Refrain Only one (place) did not yield:
At the throne of the Almighty, 15 Herod's city (is that place),
At the throne of the Almighty, Would not yield to christening
At the (very) seat of judgment, And to worship of the Lord.
5 (There) where everybody's going,
Refrain: Lord, I carol!


96a. For some dimes of silver (made),13S

And you, Mother, shall have swept
Neath the shadow of the sky, Both the bottom of the sky
Refrain 25 And the surface of the earth;
Up on high, at heaven's gate, Knock thrice on the stone (thereafter),
But who's sitting in the gateway? Forthwith I'll fly outfromhere (then).
Deacon Peter's sitting (there). The Mother began to sweep
5 But at what work is he working? Both the bottom of the sky
He kept reading, witnessing, 30 And the surface of the earth,
But he didn't testify And three times upon the stone
Concerning the Mother's Son. knocked.
By that slab of stone unloosened, Out at once the Son came flying,
10 Leans the Mother on her elbows, Midst the angels in the sky,
Heaving sighs and shedding tears. (Upward) to the seat of God,
And (behold,) the Mother's tears 35 To the Father's right-hand side.
Are in size as large as apples, Refrain: Caroling, the carols sing!
And in weight they are as feathers.
15 And the Son spoke from the stone:
Howe'er much, Mother, you sigh, 96b.
I shall not fly forth from here, By that stone (that is) unloosened,
Until you shall have gone, Mother,
To the merchants at the fair,137 (Nay,) the stone is not unloosened,
20 And you shall have bought from there But the Mother leans upon it,
A (fine) besom (made) of gold, She keeps sighing and keeps weeping.
5 From the stone, the Son (then) spoke:

137 T4rg means both town and fair in Rumanian. T4rgove/, which is capitalized in the original
transcription, as though it were the name of a town (TArgovi~te ?), means townsman. By ex-
tension, it could be accepted as designating a dealer or merchant.
188 The word bangrije, which is utterly meaningless, may have been meant to be bitncu/e
(dimes) or, perhaps, bani grei (heavy or weighty coins, that is to say, a great deal of money).

[ 411 ]
C I h)
-D-acarcM ij suspina, cat gunoiu-i matura,
10 d'aicea n'oi zbura, Tat in iadu I-ii tapa,
Pana tu, maica, te-i duce T'atra 'n patru 0 crepa,
La targut la Targoveci 10 d'aicea oi zbura
10 $i tu, maica,-i targui 20 Sus in ceriu 'ntre ingeri:
D-o tri maji dii. tamB,ie, Domn am fost, domnu voi fi.
D-o tri mii.turi da d-argint 1'. Domnul Domnul4 { nost1'u!
$i alte tri da d-aur, nost'!
$i tu, maica,-i matura (ilic. $oimi if)
15 Tat ceriu !ji pamantu.



97a. Mandri codrij infrunze;

Pasta muntij ce-ji trece,
Pa fetele muntilory Mandri muntij cii.-mi salta,
Sus la celea (sic!) zorilory,
35 Ca mnei la primavara.
De la celea zorilor J os la poartii. sa lasa,
Cll.-i 0 dalba manastire. Maica 'n brata I-apuca:
5 De la dalba manastire -Ce tu, fii, ai zabiivit?
Cine, Doamne, cine-mi !jede? --Cii pa mine prinsu-m'o
$ede-mi, !jede Maica Sfanta
40 Cei caliii da Jidovi.
Cu laan cu Sant laan. -Ce tu, fie!j, ca t~-ai dat?
Da dii. lucru ce lucreaza ? -Pentru mine, pentru tine,
10 Mi sa gata !ji botez. 10 !ji 2 rascumpar lume,
Da maica din grai graie: 45 10, maicii., cu moartea me,
-Ho, ie!ji, fie!j mic, 'nafara, Ca din somn trezitu t~-am.
Ca~ta 'n sus !ji ca~ta 'n jos,
$i bratele ruptu ij-am
Ca~ta 'n sus pa rasarit,
~i t'eptu-tiB biitutu ti-am.
15 Ca1}ta 'n jos pii sciipiitat 1'. C01'ind' e-mi Doamn'!
$i vezi, fii, ce sa vede: (73c. Var. Urvi!j if)
Cum i!ji mer~-a!ja-!ji d-intoarna.
Maica-I prind~-a d-intreba:
-Ce tu, fie!j, c'ai viizut?
20 -Ca io, maica, c'am viizut 97b.
Sus, maica, pa rasarit Hai !ji 3 zicem d-o corinda!
Lumea, maicii., luminand, Da corinda-i c~-om zice:
Un galbiin da luceafar 1'.,
Vinind tare cM putand.
25 Pasta campi ce mi-jp trece, Pa fatel'e-i muntilory,
M1i.ndru campij inverze; 'N apntelea-i zorilOry,
Pasta vai ce mi-ji trece, ------
Mandru vai sa d-izvore; 5 Cii-i d-o dalba-i manastire,
Pastil. pomii ce-ji trece, Mare-i, mare-i d-in picioare
30 Mandri pomii inflore;
Pasta codrii ce-ji trece, Da no~a stoguri da ceara

1 = ~i.
2 = sa.
3 = pieptu.

[ 412 ]
C I h)
No matter how much you sigh, All the sweepings you shall sweep
I shall not fly out from here You're to throw down into hell,
Until you shall have gone, Mother, Then the stone shall split in four
To the market, to the merchants, And I shall fly out from here
10 And you, Mother, shall have bought 20 Up to heaven, mid the angels:
Hundredweights of incense three 139 Lord I was (and) Lord I'll be.
And three brooms of silver (made) Refrain: Our Lord Almighty!
And another three of gold,
And you, Mother, shall have swept
15 All the sky and all the earth.


97a. Beauteously the woods grew leaves;

As it passed over the hills,
On the mountains' sunward face,
Beauteously the hills leaped up
(Looking) toward the dawn (above), 35 As the lambs (do) in the springtime.
Aye, toward the dawn (above),
He sat down beside the gate;
There is a white monastery. Mother took Him in her arms:
5 But in the white monastery
Son, why did You (then) delay?
Who, oh Lord, who is (that) sitting?
Because they laid hands on me,
Sitting sits the Holy Mother 40 (Did) those Jewish slaughterers.
With John, (even) with Saint John.
Son, why did You yield to them?
But at what work are they working?
For my sake, for your sake also,
10 They prepare for christening.
For the sake of this whole world too,
But the Mother spoke to say:
That I might redeem the world;
Ho, small Son, outside be going,
45 Myself, Mother, by my death,
Look above and look below,
I've awoken you from sleep,
Upward to the sunrise look,
And your arms I've broken off,
15 Downward to the sunset look,
And I've struck you in the breast.
And see, Son, what's to be seen.
Refrain: I carol, Lord!
As He went so came He back too,
(And) the Mother asked of Him:
Little Son, what have You seen? 97b.
20 I beheld, oh Mother (mine),
Come along, let's sing a carol!
Toward the sunrise, Mother, high,
(Here's) the carol we shall sing (now) :
Lighting up, Mother, the world,
(Shining bright,) a yellow lodestar,
On the mountains' sunward side,
Coming swiftly as it could. Facing toward the dawn (above),
25 As it passed across the fields,
5 There is a white monastery.
Beauteously the fields grew green;
It is huge (and) tall it's standing
As it passed across the vales, . As it were nine stacks of beeswax,
Beauteously the vales gushed spnngs;
As it passed over the trees,
30 Beauteously the trees did bloom;
As it passed across the woods,

139 The quantity specified in the original is three maji. The maja (from mazsa, ung.) is an
obsolete measure of weight: 50 kilograms.

[ 413 ]
C I i)
~i-i d-tncinsa-i da tlim3,ie Nu-i galban, nu-i luceafaru,
~i bine d-acoperitli,
------ Ci-i fiutu maicieil'e,
10 Pa d-tn lontru-i jugravitli. 5 ~i merge la maica-sal'e
'N lontru 'ntr' insa cine ~ede? Tat jucand ~i sus niiltandu.
Maica Sfantli cu diyanu. ------
Maica Sfant' a~a-~i grail:l: Pest'e hold'e ce-~i trecel'e,
-Ie ie~i, loane, cam 'nafara, Mandre hold'e rascocel'e.
15 cata 'n sus ~i catli 'n jos,
~i1 vezi, laone, ce-i vid'e? Pest'e codrii ce-~i trece,
-C1i. io, maica, ca mi-ji2 v1i.d 10 Mandri codrii infrunze;
D-o stea mandra luminoasa, Pest'e campij ce-~i trece,
ca-mi luce~t'e, straluce~t'e. Mandri campii inverze;
20 -Nu ii steaya luminoasa, Pest'e yliii ce-~i trece,
Ci-acel e fiutu mney Apa rec~-ar1i.duie 4;
~i-~i vine la maica-sa; 15 Pest'e gradini ce-~i trece,
Pasta camput ce-~i trece Mandre gradini inflore.
Mandru camput inverze. Pan' la maica-sa sose.
25 Fiu la maica sose, Dede-~i maic' a d-intreba:
Bine maica l-intreba: -D-indi, fiy, ai zlibovit?
-loi 3 , fiut, ai zablivit? 20 -Ca io, maic', am zli bovit,
-Cli io, maic', am zab1i.vit, ca pa mine, maic', or prins
ca pa mine, maic', or prins Cei cani mari dli Jidovi.
30 Cei cani mari da Jidovi. -Da ce, fiu mney, t~-ai dat,
N'ai tunat, n'ai fulgerat?
1'. C01'ind'e mi Doamn'/ 25 -ca io, maica, nu m'am dat
(73b. Coticlet if) Pentru mine, pentru tine,
Ci io, maica, ca m'am dat,
97c. ~i 1 rascumpar io lume,
10 lume cu minte' me.
Crescut-o, rlisaritu-yo 1'. Corind'e ma Doamn'/
D-un galb1i.n da luceafary (73e. Drage~ti if)



98a. 5 [Dragul Dumnezeu,]

~i vinu ~i grau
Intreab1i. ~i 'ntreab1i.,
1'., I: ~i vinu !1i grau : I
Sfinti pe Dumnezeu:
~i al tril'ea miru?
I: Sfinti pe Dumnezeu : I Dragul Dumnezeu

-Din ce s'o facutu,

1 = sa.
a= ~i.
8 = unde (< ubi, lat. ?).
4 = pornea (< ered, ung.).

[ 414 ]
C I i)
And with incense it's surrounded 'Tis not yellow, 'tis no lodestar,
Also it is well roofed over, But it is the Mother's Son,
10 (And) inside it is bepainted. 5 And He's going to His Mother,
But inside it who is living? Dancing as He goes and rising.
(Saint) John and the Holy Mother. As He passed across the plowlands,
Spoke the Holy Mother thus: Beauteously the plowlands ripened;
Go out, John, go out a little, O'er the forests as He passed,
15 Look above and look below, 10 Beauteously the leafage grew;
And see, John, what you shall see. O'er the meadows as He passed,
(Behold,) Mother, I can see Nicely waxed the meadows green;
A star, beautifully lightsome, O'er the rivers as He passed,
That is glittering and sparkling. The cool waters flowed amain;
20 It is not the star that's shining, 15 O'er the gardens as He passed,
But it is my own young Son, Beauteously the gardens bloomed,
To His mother (10,) He comes. As He to His Mother came.
As he passes o'er the field, Asked the Mother (then) of Him:
Handsomely the field grows green. Where, Son, have You tarried (so)?
25 To the Mother came the Son, 20 Mother, I have been delayed
(And) the Mother asked of Him: Because, Mother, I was caught
Hoy, my Son, (why) tarried You? By those wretched curs of Jews.
Mother, I have been delayed Why, my Son, did You give in?
Because, Mother I was caught Did You not thunder and lighten?
30 By those wicked curs of Jews. 25 Mother, I did not give in
Either for my sake or your sake,
Refrain: My carol, Lord! But I, Mother, did give in
That I might redeem the world,
With my mind (to save) the world.
97c. Refrain: I'm caroling, Lord!
(Lo,) there waxed and there rose
(On the sky) A yellow lodestar.


98a. SOh, beloved Lord,

The wine and the wheat,
They are asking, asking The wine and the wheat,
Refrain Thirdly, holy oil?
Of the Lord the saints: The beloved Lord
Of the Lord the saints: 10 Sits and eats at midday,
Out of what were made,

[ 415 ]
C I i)
Din gurii-mi griiieflte: Vinu sa face.
-Da voi, Sfintilor, 60 Sus la trupul miel,!.
Marl prorocilor, Ca ei ma 'ncinge
Ce ma intrebati Brau de maciefl.
15 ~i ma ispitin? Pe unde-l pune
eli voi bine l/tin, Pelita-mi rupe,
CA.nd noi ca mergem 65 La pamA.nt cade.
Vara, primavara, Tatal alduie,
Vara la SA.npetru GrA.u sa face.
20 Cu crucea la, DI:-atunci s'o facut
Noi ca sa vedem ~i vinu l/i grA.u
Holdile de-s verzi, 70 ~i al tril'ea miru.
CA.mpij-s de rodin, Y. Domnuluj Doamfte, dyag Doamfte
Codrii-s de 'nfrnnziti, l~-oy!
25 ~i noi nl:-abatem (18. RA.u de mori 1)
DI:-allituri de cale,
La 'n vale,
Apa rece bem. 98b.
~i ei s'or venit Hoi 'ntreaba, sa 'ntreaba-i,
30 Cei de Hevrei I.Y.,
MA.niol/i ca lei, Sfinti la Dumnezeu:
La noi or venit 2.1'.,
Pe mine or ll,!.at -Din ce s'o facut
~i pe min' m'or dus
35 Cole sus, mal sus Miru lui bot'eziu,
'N curtea lui Pilat, 5 Da s'o bot'ezaty
De m'or judecat, Din crel/t'ini?
Sa fil,!. rastignit
Pe cruce de brad, -Ce ma d-ispit'irt voi,
40 C'~a vre Pilat. Ca voi bine l/titiai,
Sus la capul mie\!. Bine ca !Ii min'. -
Ca ei ca-mi pune
Cununa de spine, 10 ·Ca pa mine prinsu m'or
De mar mariicine. riii de Jidovi
45 P'unde 0 pune, ~i m'o riistanit
~i ma cam sWnge, Pa lemn nastramat,l
Sudorii ma trece, Numa ce-i fatat.
La pamA.nt clide. 15 ~i 'nca le-i parura,
Tatal d-alduie, Ca nu-i chinza mare,
50 Miru sa face. ~i mi 0 facura
Pin palmile mele Cununa da spini
Ca ei ca-mi bate ~i 'n cap mi-o puserii,
Piroane de fer, 20 Tarl:-o d-apasarii.,
CuIie de otel. Parutu-mi ciuntara.
55 P'unde Ie bate, Tatal nu msa
SA.nge striipunge, Parut peritor,
La pamA.nt clide. Ci mi-l valuie
Tatal alduie, 25 StA.lp de busuioc.
~i 'nca le-i parurii,

1 = nestemat.

[ 416 ]
C I i)
From His mouth He utters: It changed into wine.
But you, saints (of mine) 60 Round my body, high,
And great prophets (all), They girt me about
Why do you ask me? With a belt of haw.
15 Why d'you try me out? Where they made it fast,
You recall full well They tore off my skin.
How we used to go 65 Falling on the earth,
In spring and in summer, By the Father blessed,
Saint Peter's Day, summers, It changed into wheat.
20 With the cross afield, Then there came to be
So that we might see Wine as well as wheat,
If the fields be green, 70 Thirdly, holy oil too.
If the land bears fruit, Refrain: To the Almighty, to the dear
If the wood's in leaf, Lord!
25 And we'd wander off,
Out of our way (going),
Down unto the wellspring, 98b.
Cold water to drink; Hoy, they ask, they're asking,
And ('twas there) they came, ISt Refrain
30 Those wretches of Jews, The saints (ask) the Lord:
Like lions enraged, 2nd Refrain
Came (there) unto us, Out of what was made
And they took me up, Holy oil for christening,
And they led me off, 5 Wherewith were baptized
35 Yonder, higher up, Heathens into Christians?
Unto Pilate's court, Why (is it) you ask me,
(Where) they sentenced me Since you know as well
To be crucified As I do myself?
On a cross of pine, 10 (You know well) that I was caught 140
40 For thus Pilate wished; By the wretched Jews,
Up about my head And they stretched me out
(Thereupon) they set On the unhewn wood
A crown of thorns (fashioned) That was barely born.141
Out of brambleberry. 15 Even so they reckoned
45 Where they made it fast It was no great torment,
And it pressed on me, And for me they fashioned
r was seized with sweats: (Too) a crown of thorns,
Falling on the earth, On my head they set it,
By the Father blessed, 20 Hard they pressed upon it,
50 Changed to holy oil. (And) my hair they sundered.
Through my palms (thereafter) Father left it not
They did hammer in Perishable hair,
Spikes of iron (made), But 'twas covered up
Nails of steel (withal). 25 By a basil sprig.
55 Where they beat them in, Even so they reckoned
Blood came pouring out,
Fell upon the earth:
By the Father blessed,

140 In the original, too, this verse has seven syllables.

141 This odd description is reproduced textually from the original. The term j«tat (born) is
applied exclusively to mammals.

[ 417 ]
C I i)
ca nu-i chinza mare, -Ca voi bine !ititi,
~i mi 0 facura Ca VOl vine lItiti~,
BralJ de rugut verde. Bine ca lIi mine,
30 ~i 'nca rna 'ntinsera, De nu lIi mai bine.
Tare ma stransera,
Pellta-mi ciuntara. 10 ~i mine-lii prinsera
Tatal nu lasa Sara da 10i mare
Pelip perita, Cei cani da J idovi·
~i mine-lii dusera
35 Ci mi-o valuie
Spicul graului. Sara da 10i mare
15 Colo jos, mai josu,
~i 'nca le-i parura
Ca nu-i chinza mare, 105 pa scapatat
D-in curt'ea 1'3 Pilat,
~i sa slobozira .
~i 4 ma rastaneasca
40 Cei Jidovi lJorbl
Cu neagra sullp, Pa cruce da brad.
~i 'nca ma 'mpunsera
20 ~i mie-mi gat'e
Pa la ta.ta dreapta. Cuie da d-otel,
Sange strapunge, Ca lIi 4 mi-Ie bata
45 ~i 'nca-l sprijine
Pan 5 talpi lIi pan piele;
D-un pahar d~-amar. Cununa da spini
25 ~i 'n cap mi-o pune.
~i 'nca-lii d-inchinalJ
Jidovi de cei mari Parutu-lIi ciunta,
Tat pe sanatate. Parutu-lIi pica
50 Cati n ca vede, Pa negrul pamant.
Tatal n'o Iasa,
Tiitii illi vorbe;
30 Ci mi-l valuie
Cati 11 c'auze,
~i mie-mi gat'e
Tati 11 surzuie 1;
Cati din el ca be, Stalpu a carja.
55 Tiitii illi t'imnie. 2 $i mie-mi gat'e
Tatal nu liisa BralJ verd'e da rug;
Sange peritor, 35 $i mine 'ncinge,
Ci mi-l valuie Tare ma strange,
Vita vinului. Pelita-lii rumpe,
I.r. Stinli! Pelita-lii pica
z.r. Doj corind'e! Pa negru pamant.
40 Tatal n'o Iasa.
(21c. Urvill if)
Ci mi-I wIuie
~i mie-mi gat'e
98c. Stalp de busuioc.
D-intreaba, sa 'ntreaba-i, ~i mie-mi gat'e
I.r., 45 D-o salca sullta
Sfinti la Dumnezeuu: $i mine 'mpunge
2.r., 'N coasta d'ireapta,
-D'in ce s'o fa cut Sang~-o strapunge.
$i ma sprijine
Mirul bot'ezului, 50 D~-un pahar d~-amar.
5 Cerul pamantului? Tatal graie:
1 = cA~tigau « szerez, ung.).
2 = ticneau.
8 = lui.
4 = sa.
5 = prin.

[ 418 ]
C I i)
It was no great torment, Full well do you know,
And for me they fashioned Full well do you know,
A belt of green bramble, Just as well as I do,
30 And they bound it round me, H not even better.
Bore down hard upon me, 10 They laid hands upon me
(And) my skin they sundered. Maundy Thursday evening,
Father left it not (Did) those wretched Jews.
Perishable skin (be), And away they led me
35 But 'twas covered up Maundy Thursday evening,
By an ear of wheat. 15 Down there, lower down yet,
Even so they reckoned Toward the setting sun,
It was no great torment, Into Pilate's court,
And they rushed (upon me), For to crucify me
40 Those unseeing Jews, On a cross of pine.
With a spear (all) darkling, 20 They readied for me
And they also pierced me Nails fashioned of steel,
Through the right breast (thrusting). Into me to hammer,
The blood issued forth, Through the soles and skin (too).
45 And they gathered it Crown of thorns (they made),
In a bitter cup, 25 Set it on my head;
And (with it) bepledged Sundered was my hair,
Jews of lordly state, (And) the hair dropped down
That their health might flourish. Upon the black earth.
50 All who looked on it Father left it not,
Were blinded thereby; 30 But covered it up.
All who heard it (flow) They readied for me
Were deafened thereby; A stake for a prop,
All who drank of it And they made for me
55 Were (sore) racked thereby. A green briar belt,
Father left it not 35 And they girded me,
Perishable blood, Sorely pressed me tight,
But 'twas covered up (And) my skin was torn,
By the grape its vine. (And) the skin dropped down
ISt Refrain: Saints! Upon the black earth.
2nd Refrain: Sing the carols! 40 Father left it not,
But covered it up,
And readied for me
98c. Of basil a stake.
They are asking, asking, They readied for me
ISt Refrain 45 A spear (made) of willow,
Of the Lord the saints: Thrust it into me,
2nd Refrain Into my right side;
Out of what was made (And) the blood gushed forth,
Holy oil of christening, And they stayed me (then)
5 Of the earth the welkin? 50 With a bitter cup.
The Father spoke out:

[ 419 ]
C I i)
-Mi il ial) ~i-l bel), Bral) da rugut verde,
Cii.-i sangele miel). Pa mine 'ncinsera,
Cati da el ca be, 30 Tare rna stransera,
55 Tati el cemuie; Pelita-mi fransera,
Cati el auze, Hoi jos da-~i picara
Tati el surzuie. 1 Pa negrut pamant.
Cati el c'al) vide, 34-36 = 98b.33-35
Uti al) orbie. Tufa graului.
Si-apoi, mai napoi

Fdrd melodie:
* $i mH;i gat'ira
40-43 = 98b. 18-21
$i2 fi sanatos, Hoi jos da-~i picara
60 Gazda jupuna~! 45 Pa negrut pamant.
I.r. Doamne!3 46-48 = 98b. 22-24
2.r. Doj corind'e! Strut da busuioc.
(21h. Samba~ag ¢) I.r. Doamne! 6
2.r. Doj corind'e!
(21j. Drage~ti ¢)
D-intreaba, sa 'ntreaba,
I.r., 98e.
Sfinti la Dumnezeu: D-intreaba, sa 'ntreaba,
2.r., I.r.,
D'in ce s'al) facut Sfinti la-i Dumnezeu,
D'in ce s'al) facuty Din ce s'o facut
5 Mirul pa pamanty?
-Ca voi bine ~titi. Miru lui bot'ezy.
5 -$i-apoi mai 'napoi~
I: Ca voi bine ~titiei : I Mie-mi gat'ie
Mirul s'o facut, -
Cununa da spiny,
Cand pa min' or prins Mandru mi-o facele
10 Cei cani da J idovi. $i 'n cap mi-o pune,
$i-apoi ,mai napoi
$i mi-~i gat'ira 10 Sfant par mi-l ciuntal),
Crucita da brad, Josu da-~i pica.
Da brad nastramat. 4 12-16 = 98c. 27, 28, 98b.23-25
15 $i-apoi, mai napoi Cu ce sa boteaza
$i mi-~i gat'ira Din pagani cre~t'ini
Cuii da otel, 19,20 = 98c. 19, 98b.29
$i mi-~i batUr8. Cu el rna 'ncinge,
Pan 5 palmi ~i pan talpi. Tare rna strange,
20 Sangile-~i cure Pelita-mi frange,
21-25 = 98c. 27, 98b. 56-59 Josu da-~i pica
$i apoi, mai napoi 25, 26 = 98c. 27, 28
$i mi-~i gat'ira Pelif peritoar',
1 = ca~tiga « szerez, ung.).
2 = sa.
3 Var.: Sftmtei!
4 = nestemat.
6 = prin.
6 Var.: Sfinti!*
[ 420 ]
C I i)
Let them take and drink, A belt of green bramble,
For it is my blood. Girded it about me,
All who drank of it 30 Clasped me (with it) sorely,
55 He in mourning decked; Tore my skin asunder,
All who heard it (flow) Hoy, so that it dropped
Were deafened by Him; Upon the black earth.
All who looked on it 34-36 = 33-35 of 98b.
Were blinded by Him By a stand of wheat.
Thereat, afterwards,
* They readied for me, too,
Without a tune: 40-43 = 18-21 of 98b.
A good health to you, Hoy, so that it dropped
60 Master host of ours! 45 Upon the black earth.
ISt Refrain: Lord God! 142 46-48 = 22-24 of 98b.
2nd Refrain: Sing the carol! By a basil bunch.
Ist Refrain: Lord God! 143
2nd Refrain: Sing the carol!
They are asking, asking,
ISt Refrain 98e.
The saints (ask) the Lord: They are asking, asking,
2nd Refrain Ht Refrain
Out of what was made The saints of the Lord,
Out of what was fashioned 2nd Refrain
5 Holy oil on earth? Out of what was made
Full well do you know Holy oil for christening. 144
Full well do you know 5 And then, later on,
Holy oil was made They readied for me
Then when I was caught Out of thorns a garland,
10 By those wretched Jews. Handsomely they made it,
Thereat, afterwards, Set it on my head;
They readied for me, 10 Cut my holy hair
Of pine wood a cross, So that it fell down
(Made) of unhewn pine; 12-16 = 27, 28 of 98c., 23-25 of 98b.
15 Thereat, afterwards, Wherewith become christened
They readied for me, too, Heathens into Christians.
Nails (fashioned) of steel, 19, 20 = 19 of 98c., 29 of 98b.
And they hammered them Girded me with it,
Through my palms and soles. Sorely strapped me tight,
20 Blood gushed forth (therefrom), Tore apart my skin,
21-25 = 27 of 98c., 56-59 of 98b. (So that) it dropped down
Thereat, afterwards, 25, 26 = 27, 28 of 98c.
They readied for me, Perishable skin,

142 Author's manuscript footnote: Variant: Holies! (This invocation may also be a simple
vocative addressed to God: Holy!)
143 Author's manuscript footnote: Variant: Saints!
144 Though there is no note in the original text, it is clear that several verses are missing
between· this and the next verse.

[ 421 ]
C I j)
Ci mi-l valuie $i sa miruie.
Tufa graului, r. I: Doamne, draguJ Doamne!: 1
30 Florea vinului. (26b. Urisiu de sus if)
I.r. Doamne!l
2.r. Daj corind'e!
(21d. Coticlet if)
-Doamne, dragut Doamne,
2-5 = 98f. 1-44
98f. -Nu ma ispititi
I I. I IIT.l 7, 8 = 98f. 6, 7
I: -Stat-am sa t'e 'ntreby : I'ntreb, Pe cruce de brad
r., 10 'N poarta lui Pilat;
I: D'in ce s'o 'nceput : I, 'N mani l?i in pt'icioare
fI.l fIT.l
21: Mirul l?i vinulu : 1-nul,
Cuie l?i piroane.
Da cn ce 1-0 'nt'ins?

Ruminul grau? ==== Cu bral) de macie!j.

15 In cap ce i-o pus?
5 -Ce ma ispit'iti, Cununa de rug.
Ca voi bine l?titi,
Cand l-ay rastignit (26a. Libane!jd p)
Pe l'Iiutu13 sfant,
Cum l'al) chinuit 98h. [Cf. 93a.]
10 Pagani Jidovi.
Pe cruce-l pun.e [D'intreaba, sa 'ntreaba]
$i-l bajocure I: Sfinti la Dumnezeui, I.r. : I,
Cuie tantuie 2.r.,
Tat in palmi l?i 'n talpi.
I: D'in ce s'o facut~: I,
15 In cap ce-i al) pus?
Cununa de spini.
I: Niru lui bot'ez~ : I ?
$i cu ce l-ay 'ncins?
Cu braul de rugi.
5 I: Sange-s pt'iitoar~ :I
Cand 11 incinge,
20 Sangile-i curge; I.r. Sf£nJi! ------
Cre!jtini 11 stange, 2.r. Corind'e-mi Doamn'!
Tat mir sa face (73i. Bulz if)



99a. 5 $i 'ntru iasta casai,

Jur-prejur la mas'-!
*Ie rasari, soarere,
r., Hoi 'ntr' un com de masai
*Ie rasara (sicn, soar', Hoi, scrisu-i, mai scris -
'N toat'e laturel'e Floarea graului;
$i 'n toat'e portil' 10 'N doya com de mas'

1 Var: Sfinti!*
a In loc de refr.
3 = fintnl.
4 [Ed.-Mel. 26a., st. 4 = Jinn ~i miru,].

[ 422 ]
C I j)
But 'twas covered up For anointing with.
By a bunch of wheat, Refrain: Lord, beloved Master!
(And by) flower of wine.
Ht Refrain: Lord God!145
2nd Refrain: Sing the carol! 98~.
Lord, beloved Master,
2-5 = 1-4 of 98f.147
98f. Do not question me,
I have meant to ask You: 7, 8 = 6, 7 of 98f.
Refrain On a cross of pine,
Out of what began 10 Before Pilate's gate;
Holy oil and wine 146 Through (His) hands and feet (then)
(And) the ruddy wheat? Nails and spikes (they hammered).
5 Why d'you question me, With what girt they Him?
Since you know full well, With a briar belt.
When they crucified 15 With what crowned they Him?
(God) the Holy Son, With a bramble crown.
How they tortured Him,
10 (As) the heathen Jews
Set Him on the cross
And made mock of Him, 98h.
Fastened Him with nails They are asking, asking,
Through the palms and soles. Saints (are asking) God:
15 With what crowned they Him? Ht Refrain
With a crown of thorns. 2nd Refrain
With what girt they Him? Out of what was made
With a bramble belt. Holy oil for christening?
When they girded Him, 5 Blood is perishable.
20 His blood flowed (amain);
Christians gathered it: Ht Refrain: Saints!
Holy oil 'twas made, 2nd Refrain: My carol, Lord!


99a. 5 In this house (shine) also,

Round about the table!
Come on, sun, arise (now), At one table corner,
Come on, sun, arise, Hoy, there is appointed
(Shine down) upon all sides The bloom of the wheat.
And upon all gates; 10 At the second corner,

145 Author's manuscript footnote: Variant: Saints!

148 Author's manuscript footnote: "Instead of the refrain."
147 [Ed.-Mel. 26a., line 4: Wine and holy oil.]

[ 423 ]
C I j)
Hoi scrisu-i ,mai scrisui $i 'n casa !li 'n mas!
Floarea vinului; - :J.r.,
'N tria corn de masai Da 'n eel corn da mas'
Hoi scrisu-i, mai scris
15 Floarea mirului $ed'e mi-9i graului,
Hoi d-ast'e tri flori 5 $ed'e mi-~i grau;-
Sta\l !li sa parasc: Da 'n eel corn da mas'
Care mi-s mai bun'.
Floarea graului $ede mi-~i vinul~;
20 *Ea d-a~a-~i Da 'n eel corn da mas'
-10 mi-s mai buna!§ $ed'e mi-9i mirul,
Da voi d-amando\la,
Ca da min' sa fac 10 $i sa d' -ispit' esc,
Tat colaci, prin09i, Carele-i nai mare.
25 Tat la zile mario Grau-9i graie,
Floarea vinului Ca el ii mai mare.
Ea d-a~a-~i graie!lte: Ca din el i9i fac
-10 mi-s mai buna-!§ 15 Ta t domni da cei mari
Da voi d-amandoua, Colaci ~i tapoaie, 7
30 Ca da min' sa facp Tat la zile mario
Tar vinut rO!liu, Vinu-9i graie
$i pa mine-9i bag Ca el ii mai mare,
'N horda\l2 da al'a~,3 20 Ca pa el il bea\l
$i pa mine-~i bag Tat domni da cei mari
35 'N fundu pejnitei, 4 Tat la zile mario
$i pa mine-~i scot Miru-~i graie,
Tat la zile mari, Ca el ii mai mare,
$i pa mine-9i bag 25 Ca cu el sa face
'N pahar da al'a9, Din pagan cre9tin.
40 $i cu mine 'nt'in 5 I.r. Soare!
Tat pa sanatate. 3.r. Doj corind'e!
Floarea mirului (2Is. Cotic1et ¢)
Ea d-a~a-!li graie!lte:
-10 mi-s mai bunaL~
45 Da voi d'amando\la, 99c.
Ca de min' sa faci Susu-i, I.r., 'n casa mare-s
Mirul botezului, Scaune frumoase,
Hoi !li sa boteaza 2.Y.,
Din pagan cre~t'in. Panga cel~-a mo~.
r. Floril'e! 6
(2Iz. Drage~ti ¢) 'N doilea corn da masa-i
5 Cine, soare, ged'e?
Floarea graului.
Ie rasari, I.r., rasari, 'N tria corn da masa-i
1 = face.
2 = bute « hord6, ung.).
3 = prop tea (.mas[fa], ung.).
4 = pivnitei.
5 = Inchin.
G Var.: Soarile!*
7 = pani~oara « cip6, ung.).
[ 424 ]
C I j)
Hoy, there is appointed (Shine) upon the board!
The bloom of the wine. 2nd Refrain
At the board's third comer, At that table comer,
Hoy, there is appointed (Lo,) the wheat is sitting,
15 Bloom of holy oil. 5 Wheat is sitting down;
Hoy, but these three blooms At that table corner,
Sit and are at odds, (Lo,) the wine is sitting;
Which (of them) is best. At that table comer
The bloom of the wheat Sits the holy oil;
20 Thus says (to the others): 10 Each other they ask
It is I who best am, Which (of them) is greatest.
Than you two (I'm better), Spoke the wheat to say
For of me are made That it is the greatest,
Cakes and offerings For of it are made,
25 For (all) the great feasts. 15 By all the great lords,
The bloom of the wine Cakes and small rolls (also)
Thus says (to the others) : At all the great feasts.
It is I who best am, Spoke the wine to say
Than you two (I'm better), That it is the greatest,
30 For of me is made 20 Because it is drunk
Wine (of) ruddy (hue), By all the great lords
And they put me down At all the great feasts.
Sheltered in a vat, Said the holy oil
And they set me down That it is the greatest,
35 In the cellar's depth, 25 For by it is made
And they bring me out Heathen into Christian.
For (all) the great feasts, Ist Refrain: Sunshine!
And they set me down 2nd Refrain: Sing the carol!
Sheltered in a glass,
40 And with me they pledge,
Goodly health a-wishing. 99c.
Bloom of holy oil Up, Ist Retrain, in the great mansion
Thus says (to the others): Fine chairs are (appointed)
It is I who best am, 2nd Refrain
45 Than you two (I'm better), Near the old man's (chair).
For of me they make At the second comer,
Holy oil for christening; 5 Who might there be seated? 149
Hoy, and they're baptizing Flower of the wheat.
Heathens into Christians. At the board's third comer,
Refrain: The blossoms! 148

Come, arise, Ist Refrain, arise,

148 Author's manuscript footnote: Variant: The sunshine!

148 This verse has been erroneously transcribed. The correct reading is: Cine's oare ~ede?

[ 425 ]
Cine, soare, ~ed'e? -Hoi, io mi-s mal mare
Floarea vinului. 10 ca ---------
10 'N patra com da masa-i Ta t la zile maxi
Cine, soare, ~ed'e? $i la zile raxi.
Floarea mirului, 'N dOl)a com da masa
Ca sa d'-ispit'ese, 15 Hoi, serisu-i, mai scrisu-i
Carele-s mal mare. Floarea vinului:
15 $t'i-va foeul vostru, Hoi, io mi-s mal mare,
Tati voi smt'eti maxi. Ca da mine-~i fae
Floarea graului Nunturi ~i ospete
Ea din grai graie: 20 Tat la zile mari
-Eu mi-s mai mare, $i la zile rari.
20 Ca da min' sa fae 'N tria com de masa
Tat eolaei da gral) Hoi, serisu-i, mai serisu-i
Tat la zile mario Floarea mirului:
Floarea vinului 25 -Hoi, io mi-s mai mare
Ea din gral graie: Ca da mine-~i fae
25 -Eu mi-s mal mare, Din pag1ni ere~tini.
Ca da mine-~i bel) Sus sa d-ispiteal)
Tati domni da eei maxi Sus la Tatal Sfmt;
Tat la zile maxi. 30 Tatal graie:
Floarea mirului -Ce va d-ispititi,
30 Ea din grai graie: eli voi bine ~titi,
-Eu mi-s mal mare, Bine ea ~i mine:
Ca da min' sa fae Toate s1nt d~-a mele.
Din pagMi ere~t'iiti, r. FlarU'e!
Tat la zile maxi. (21v. Ta~ad ¢)

Faro' melodie:
* 9ge.
35 $i1 fi sanatos,
Gazda jupm~!
I 1. I Ill.l
I: Mustra-sa, mai mustra, r. : I mustra
I.r. Soare!
2.r. Do; carind' e! I: Tri eral d'i eei marl : I
(210. Rogoz ¢) ------
Unul ii vinuly,
Unul ti gri1ul,
Hoi, soare rasare,
rrl [IT.l
5 I: Unul Ii miruly : I -ru!.
r., ------
Hoi, soarll'e, soar', Graul t~i graia~:
-Oi, io s1nt mai mare;
'NtA-ia com da masa-i Din mine-~i fae iara
Doya com da masa-i Colaei ~i prinoase
10 $i prescuri frumoase
5 Tria com da masa. Vinul t~i graia~:
'Nti1ia com de masa -Oi, io si1nt mal mare;
Hoi, serisu-i, mai scrisu-i Pe mine ma beau
Floarea gri1ului: Toti eral ~i 'mparati

1 = silo

[ 426 ]
C I j)
Who might there be seated? 149 Hoy, I am the greatest,
Flower of the wine. 10 For---------
10 At the board's fourth comer,
Who might there be seated? 149 At great holidays
Flower of holy oil. And upon rare days.
Each other they ask On the second comer,
Which (of them) is greatest. 15 Hoy, there's also written
15 May your worry know it: Flower of the wine:
All of you are great. Hoy, I am the greatest,
Flower of the wine For of me are made
Spoke aloud to say: Festive meals and weddings
I'm the greatest (here), 20 At great holidays
20 For of me are made And upon rare days.
Pastry rolls of wheat On the board's third comer
On all holy days. Hoy, there's also written
Flower of the wine Flower of holy oil:
Spoke aloud to say: 25 Hoy, I am the greatest,
25 I'm the greatest (here), For by me are made
Because I am drunk Christians out of heathens.
By all the great lords Up above they asked,
On all holy days. Holy Father (asked).
Flower of holy oil 30 Said the Father (then):
30 Spoke aloud to say: Why do you inquire?
I'm the greatest (here). You know very well,
For by me are made Well as I myself (know):
Out of heathens Christians Of myself all (things) are.
On all holy days. Refrain: The blossoms!

Without a tune:
* 9ge.
35 A good health to you, They upbraid each other,
Master host (of ours) ! Refrain
Ist Refrain: Sunshine! Three of the great kings:
2nd Refrain: Sing the carol! One (of them) is wine,
One (of them) is wheat,
5 One is holy oil
99d. Spoke the wheat to say:
Hoy, the sun is rising, Ho, I am the greatest,
Refrain For of me they fashion
Hoy, the sun, the sun! Pastry rolls and alms cakes,
On the board's first comer, 10 Fair communion wafers.
On the second comer, Spoke the wine to say:
5 (And) on the third comer. Ho, I am the greatest,
On the board's first comer, (Because) I am drunk
Hoy, there's also written By emperors and kings
Flower of the wheat:

149 This verse, erroneously transcribed, should read Cine's oare seder

[ 427 ]
C I j)
15 $i yoamini bogan. GrA.u imi graie:
Mirul i~i graiar~: 10 -Ba io is mai mare,
-01. io s~nt mai mare; ca d'i mine fae
Din mine-~i fae iara Rar pe zile mari
Din pag~n ere~tin. Colaci l/i prinoase.
r. Domnulu; nostru! Botezu-mi graie:
(3b. Albae if) 15 -Ba io is mai mare,
Ca io fae, iroi fae
D'in pogA.n ere~tin
99f. $i-am inerel/tinat
I: La masa galbana : I, Pe bogati, saraei,
r., 20 Pe bogati. gazdaei.
La masa galbana r.r. Stinli!
2.r. Da; corind'e!
I: Stay tri domiii d'e pm : I, (33b. Moil/a if)
Care ij-e mai mare.
5 Sf~ntu g~y graie~te:
-Ba io mru-s mai mare, 99h.
Ca d' e mine-~i faeu I: La masa galbina : I,
La dzile frumoase r.,
Fae eolaei, prinoase. La masa galbin'
10 Sf~ntu d'inl griliel/te:
-Ba io mni-s mai mare, I: SA.nt tri domni mal mari : I
Ca d'e mine-l/i faey SA.nt tri domni mai mario
La dzile frumoase
Slujba ~i itroase. 2 5 Ei sa sfa tuie~
15 Sf~ntu mnir 3 graiel/te: Carl:-ar §i 5 mai mare.
-Ba io mni-s mai mare, SfA.ntul grA.y zicere:
ca d'e mine-l/i faey -Ey sA.nt domn mai mare,
La dzile frumoase Ca din mine-~i fae
Din pagan crel/t'in, 10 Prescuq l/i prinoase
20 Din Jidov Rom~n. La zile frumoase.
r. Hoj l'eru; Doamne! Teh1--al/a ziee:
(24. T~ma mare if) -Ey sA.nt domn mai mare,
Ca din mine-l/i fae
15 Ieoane frumoase
99g. De Ie pun pin case
Mult sa pilduel/te La zile frumoase
Gita ginului 4 Brady-alia zid::
*$i eu spieu gmului. -Ey sA.nt domn mal mare,
Cu sf&ntu botezu. 20 Pe min' ma eioplese,
5 Ginu imi grilie: $indili ma eroiese
-Ba io is mai mare, $i pe biseriei
Ca d'in mine beay Pe mine togmese.
Tat domni d'i eei mario r. Ha; daj l'eruj Doamne!
(30a. Urisiu de sus if)

1 = vin.
2 = utrenii.
3 = mir.
4 = vita vinului.
5 = fi.

[ 428 ]
C I j)
15 And by wealthy men. Quoth the wheat (in turn) :
Spoke the holy oil: 10 Nay, I am the greatest,
Ro, I am the greatest, For of me they make
For by me are fashioned Rarely on great days
Christians out of pagans. Offerings and wheat cakes.
Refrain: For the Almighty! Quoth the holy oil:
15 Nay, I am the greatest,
Because I turn out
99f. Christians out of heathens,
At a yellow table, And I've christened (too)
Refrain (Both) the rich (and) poor,
At a yellow table, 20 (Also) landlords rich.
Sit three lords and quarrel: Ist Refrain: Saints!
Which might be the greatest? 2nd Refrain: Sing the carol!
5 Blessed wheat speaks (thusly):
Nay, I am the greatest,
For of me they fashion 99h.
On beautiful (feast) days At a yellow table,
Pastry rolls and alms cakes. Refrain
10 Blessed wine speaks (thusly): At a yellow board,
Nay, I am the greatest, Are three greater lords,
For with me they fashion Are three greater lords;
On beautiful (feast) days 5 They were talking over
Services and matins. Who might be the greatest.
15 Blessed holy oil says: Said the blessM wheat:
Nay, I am the greatest, I'm the greatest ruler.
For with me they fashion For they make of me
On beautiful (feast) days 10 Offerings and pastries
Christians out of pagans, For the days of feasting.
20 Out of Jews, Rumanians. Said the basswood 151 thus:
Refrain: Hoy, I carol, Lord! I'm the greatest ruler,
For of me they fashion
15 The beautiful icons
99~. To set up in houses
Greatly are contending For the days of feasting.
The vine of the grape, Said the pine tree thus:
The ear of the wheat, as well150 I'm the greatest ruler,
As the holy oil. 20 (For) they carve me up,
5 Quoth the grapevine (first): Cut me into shingles,
Nay, I am the greatest. And churches atop
Because I am drunk They set me in place.
By all the great lords. Refrain: Lord, come, sing the carol!

160In the original text, too, this verse has seven syllables.
151That is, the lime tree (Tilia) of which, indeed, altar screens as well as icons are usually
made, in Rumanian churches.

[ 429 ]
991. -Io-s un domn mai mare,
ca di mine fac
I: La masa galbina, ~ :1, 10 Colaci ~ prinoase,
Laturghii fmmoase.
La masa galbin'
Sfbtu brad zice:
I: SfMuesc tri domDi-u : I, -10 sbt domn mai mare,
SfMuesc tri domni, ca di mine fac
15 lcoafle fmmoase
5 I: Carll-or §i 1 mai mariD : I, ~i Ie pun pin case.
Carll-or §i mai mario
1'. Haida l'e1'uj Doamne!
Sfftntu grftl} zice: (30b:Curtecap t/»



lOOa. Fetia nu p-ai fetit,

Nici on bine n'ai fa cut,
Joaca Patm colea 'n Plial:l
Colea 'n Plai, picior de raID. Loc d-in rai ca ti-ai pierdut.
Frate lui Patm venea,
------ 35 cata patiy.-alIa zicea:
Tatallui Patm venea,
cata patry.-~-mi zicea: -Ja fa-mi, Petre, loc in rail
5 -Ja fa-mi, Petre, loc tIl rail -Loc in rai, mai frate, ai.
-Loc in rai, taichitii, n'ai. Pb' ti-ai fost p'acea lume,
Pftn' ti-ai fost p'acea lume, Pacurariu fostu-ti-ai
Birau mare fostu-p-ai, 40 Colo lftnga dmmul mare;
Sara~i asupritu-ai, Cftti dmmari pa dmm treceal},
10 Bogati ocolitu-ai. Cu lapte i-ai indulcit,
~i cu call i-ai hiiranit ll,
~i saracii ti-or lucrat,
Sara plata ca ij-ai dat Loc in rai ca ti-ai gasit.
1'. I: Le1' lieu/a! : I
Tot neghina grA.ului,
Di pa fundu ciumlui. (86a. Var. 1 Paucinei?d t/)
15 Nici on bine n'ai fa cut,
Loc d-in rai cii ti-ai pierdut. lOOb.
Mama lui Patm venea, Primbla-mi-sa Patm prin raiD,
Cata Patrl}-alIa zicea: 1'.,
-Ja fa-mi, Petre, loc tIl rail Primblii 'n sus i?i primblii 'n jOSD,
20 -Loc in rai, maicutii, n'ai.
Pftn' ti-ai fost p'acea lume, Raiu lui ii luminosu.
Crijmaritii fostu-ti-ai, Nime 'n lume nu-l ved'erie
Apa cu vadr'ai vbdut, -----
Nici on bine n'ai fa cut, 5 Fara taica ce-i?i d-ave.
25 Loc d-in rai ca ti-ai pierdut. Taica say. din grai graie:
Sora lui Patm venea. -Petre, Petre, taiciii Petre,
Cata patiy.-alIa-mi zicea: Fa-mi i?i mie loc in rai,
-Ja fa-mi, Petre, loc tIl rail Loc tIl rai lftnga al ta y.,
-Loc in rai, sorita, n'ai. 10 Ung' al tal} ii ca i?i-a tay..
30 Pftn' ti-ai fost p'acea lume,
1 = fi.
8 = hranit.

[ 430 ]
99i. I'm the greatest ruler,
For of me they make
At a yellow table, 10 Pastry rolls and alms cakes,
Retrain (And) services beauteous.
At a yellow board, Said the blessed pine:
Three lords talk it over, I'm the greatest ruler,
Three lords talk it over,
For of me they make
5 Who might be the greatest,
Who might greatest be.
15 Icons (that are) handsome,
To set out in houses.
Said the blessed wheat:
Retrain: Lo-rd, come, sing the carol!


lOOa. As a maiden you've not lived,

You have done no good at all,
Peter's dancing on the mountain, You have lost your place in heaven.
Yonder, at the foot of heaven. Peter's brother came along,
Peter's father came along, 35 Unto Peter thus he said:
Unto Peter thus he said: Peter, make me room in heaven I
5 Peter, make me room in heaven! Brother, you have room in heaven.
Father, you've no room in heaven.
While in that world you were (living)
While in that world you were (living), You were (but) a shepherd lad,
You were a great village mayor;
40 Over there, beside the highway;
The poor people you oppressed, To all wayfarers that passed
10 (And) the rich you treated well;
You gave sustenance with milk
The poor people worked for you,
And you fed them (all) with cheese:
Evenings you did pay them off You have found a place in heaven.
Only with the tare of wheat,lo2
Retrain: I: Sing, small daughter! : I
From the bottom of the sieve.
15 You have done no good at all,
You have lost your place in heaven. lOOb.
Peter's mother came along,
Peter walks about in heaven,
Unto Peter thus she said: Ref"ain
Peter, make me room in heaven! He walks up and he walks down,
20 Mother you've no room in heaven. Unto him heaven is lightsome. lo3
While in that world you were (living) No one in the world could see him,
You were keeper of an inn, 5 Only his own father (did).
You sold water by the peck, Said his father (unto him) :
You have done no good at all, Peter, Peter, father's Peter,
25 You have lost your place in heaven. Make me room in heaven too,
Peter's sister came along,
Room in heaven near to yours,
Unto Peter thus she said:
10 Near to yours and like your own.
Peter, make me room in heaven!
Sister, you've no room in heave~..
30 While in that world you were (livmg)

153 Though neghina is the Rumanian version of the biblical tare, it is not the plant usually
accepted in the English-speaking world as being that weed (the darnel), but Ag1'ostemma
gilhago. ,. d (b . htl )
us Alternative reading for this verse: (Lo,) his heaven s lighte ng y.

[ 431 ]
Patru din gura-mi graie: 60 -Fa-mi ~i mie Ioe in rai,
-10 eu drag, taiea, ti-~ face: Loe in rai langa al tay.,
Cand n-ai fost p'aeeea lume, Lang' al tal) ii ea !ili-a tay..
Biral} mare fostu-ti-ai, Patru din gura-mi graie:
15 Pa saraei holitu i-ai, -10 eu drag, frat'e, ti-~ face:
Pa bogati primitu i-ai, 65 Cand ti-ai fost p'aeeea lume,
Bani eu stramburi ll}atu-ti-ai, Cioban mare fostu-ti-ai,
Loe d-in rai pierdutu-ti-ai. Ti-ai pus stana langa drum.
Primblii-mi-sa Patru prin rai, Can saraei pa drum trece,
20 Primblii 'n sus !iii primbla 'n jos Tot eu ea!il i-ai saturat,
Raiu lui ii luminos. 70 Cu lapte i-ai ada pat,
Nime 'n lume nu-l ved'e, Loe in rai n-ai eapatat.
Fara maica ee-!ili d-ave. r. Doamne joj Domnuluj Doamne!
Maiea-sa din grai graie: (86e. Paucine~d if)
25 -Petre, Petre, maicii Petre,
Fa-mi !iii mie loe in rai,
Loe in rai langa al tal}. lOOc.
Lang' al tal} ii ea !iii -a tal). Primblii-sa Patru d-in raiy,
Patru din gura-mi graie: r.,
30 -10 eu drag, maiea, ti-a!il face: Primblii 'n sus !iii primbla 'n joSY,
Cand ti-ai fost p'aeeea lume,
Birtiirita fostu-n-ai, I: Primblii 'n sus !iii primbla 'n jOSY : I,
Cupe miei tinutu-ti-ai,
Bani eu stramburi ly.atu-ti-ai, Nime 'n lume nu-l vederie.
35 Loe d-in rai pierdutu-n-ai, 5 Nu-l vedea (sic!), nu-I aUze~,
Primbla-mi-sa Patru prin rai,
Primbla 'n sus !iii primbla 'n jos, Fara draga taiea lui.
Raiu lui ii Iuminos. !;ii-I vede ~i-l d-auze,
Nime 'n Iume nu-I ved'e, Pin laerami d'abia zarie,
40 Fara sora ee-!ili d-ave. Pin suspini d'abia graie:
Sora-sa din grai graie: 10 Petre, Petre, taieai Petre,
-Petre, Petre, sorai' (sic!) Petre, Fa-mi !iii mie loe in rai!
Fa-mi !Ii mie Ioe in rai, -Loe in rai, taiea, nu-n d-ai.
Loe in rai Ianga al tay., and n-ai fost p'aeeea lume,
45 Lang' al tay. ii ea !ili-a tay.. Biray. mare fostu-ti-ai,
Patru din gura-mi graie: 15 Legi strambe-ti tinutu-n-ai,
-10 eu drag, sora, n-a!il face: Loe d-in rai pierdutu-ti-ai.
and n-ai fost p'aeeea lume,
Curva mare fostu-n-ai, r. Raju mdndru-j luminosy!
50 Garduri marl saritu-ti-ai. (73bb. Nue!loara if)
lara eand ti-ai fost nevasta,
Ai sarit !Ii pa fereasta:
Loe d-in rai pierdutu-ti-ai.
Primbla-mi-sa Patru prin rai, lOOd.
55 Primbla 'n sus !Ii primbla 'n jos Seris-o Domnul, e~-o mai scrisy?
Raiu lui ii luminos. Seris-o measa !Ii seaune.
Nime 'n lume nu-I vede, r.,
Fara frate ee-!ili d-ave.
Frate-sal) din grai graie: Prin jur measa cine !iled'e?
Dumnezo eu toti sfintijl'e,

5 Cu toti sfintii panga sam,

[ 432 ]
(To his father) Peter said: 60 Make me room in heaven too,
Dearly I would do it, father, Room in heaven next to yours,
(But) when in that world you Next to yours and like your own.
sojourned (To his brother) Peter said:
A great village mayor you were; Dearly would I do it, brother,
15 You spoke harshly to the poor, 65 (For) when in that world you
(But) the rich you entertained; sojourned
You took money wrongfully, You were (but) a shepherd great,
You have lost your place in heaven. Near the road you set your fold;
Peter walks about in heaven, All the poor who passed that way
20 He walks up and he walks down, With cream cheese you comforted,
Unto him heaven is lightsome. 70 (And) with milk you slaked (their
None could see him in the world, thirst) :
Only his own mother (did). Place in heaven you have gained.
Said his mother (unto him) : Refrain: Lord, hoy, for the Lord
25 Peter, Peter, mother's Peter, Almighty!
Make me room in heaven too,
Room in heaven near to yours,
Near to yours and like your own. 100c.
(To his mother) Peter said: Peter walks about in heaven,
30 Dearly would I do it, mother, Refrain
(But) when in that world you He walks up and he walks down,
sojourned He walks up and he walks down.
You were keeper of an inn, No one in the world could see him,
Little cups you kept on hand, 5 (None) could see him, (none) could
You took money crookedly, hear him,
35 You have lost your place in heaven. Only his dear father (did);
Peter walks about in heaven, He both saw and heard him too,
He walks up and he walks down, Barely saw him through (his) tears,
Unto him heaven is lightsome. Through (his) sobs he barely spoke:
No one saw him in the world, 10 Peter, Peter, father's Peter,
40 Only his own sister (did). Make me room in heaven too!
Said his sister (unto him): Father, you've no room in heaven,
Peter, Peter, sister's Peter, (For) while in that world you
Make me room in heaven too, sojourned
Room in heaven next to yours, You were a great village mayor;
45 Near to yours and like your own. 15 Crooked were the laws you kept,
(To his sister) Peter said: You have lost your place in heaven.
Dearly would I do it, sister,
(But) when in that world you Refrain: Beautiful is lightsome heaven!
You were a surpassing whore,
50 Over fences tall you leaped; 10Od.
When you were a married woman The Lord ruled, what ruled he else?
You jumped even through the window, He ordained a table and chairs.
You have lost your place in heaven. Refrain
Peter walks about in heaven, Who is sitting round the table?
55 He walks up and he walks down, (Tis )the Lord and all the saints;
Unto him heaven is lightsome. 5 With the saints about Him all,
No one saw him in the world,
Only his own brother (did).
Said his brother (unto him):

[ 433 ]
Tlit i~i bey. ~i d'iluescu. 1 50 Cati ai ai fost pa pamant,
Ca tu, maica, ca ti-ai fost
Dumnezey. i~i cuvanta: Crajmarita rava~itii.;
-Petre, Petre d'a lui Plitru I Pa ce locuri pa d'epart'e,
Vini-~i frat'e d'a lui Plitru Hoi, bine l~-ai masurat,
10 Pli d'aproape pangli raiu, 55 Masuri dalbe ti-ai cercat,
~ede 'n poartli ~i-~i grliie~te: Loc in rai ca ti-ai cal}tat.
-Petre, Petre, frat' d'al mnel}, Cli Sambiita dala-y.jun', 3
Fli-mi ~i mie loc in rail Tat lucru ti l-ai lasat,
-Cli io, frate, cli ti-a~ face, Ceara 'n branci ti -ai apucat,
15 Da raiu nu te voie~te, 60 ~i tu, maica, l~-ai facut
Dumnezey. nu te prime~te: Luminele pravu~ele; 4
Cati ai 2 ai fost pli pamanty, ~i tu, maica, ca l~-ai dus,
Ca tu crajmari ca ti-ai fost; D-indi popii l~-o cantat,
Pa ce locuri pa d'aproape, Cu ochii l~-ai lacramat;
20 Hoi, bine l~-ai masurat; 65 Ca tu, maica, ca l~-ai dus,
Pa ce locuri pa d'epart'e, D-indi popii l~-o sclujit,
Hoi, ral} ca l~-ai masurat, Cu d-irim' 5 ai suspinat.
Masuri dalbe ti-ai stracat, r. Corind'e-mi Doamn'!
Loc in rai nu ti-ai cercat. (73h. Ta~ad t/»
25 Vini-Q sora d'a lui Patru
Pa d'aproape panga raL lOOe.
~ede 'n poarta ~i-~i graie~te:
-Petre, Petre, frat' d'a mnel}, Colo sus, colo mai sus~,
Fa-mi ~i mie loc in rai: I.r.,
30 -Hoi, io, sora, ca ti-a~ face, Sus in poarta raiului,
Da raiu nu te voie~te, z.r.,
Dumnezey. nu te prime~te: Dar in poarta cine ~ed'e?
Cati ai ai fost pa pamant, ~ed'e-~i Patru lui Sant'etru. 6
Ca tu, sora, ca ti-ai fost ------
35 Crajrnarita ravar!jita (sic!); 5 Da da lucru ce-ji 7 lucreaza ?
Pa ce locuri pa d'aproape Purterea!/te sufi' et' e~t' e (sic!),
Hoi, bine l~-ai masurat, ------
Pa ce locuri pa d'epart'e Cu direapta 'n rai pline~te.
Hoi, ray. ca l~-ai ma·surat, lata vreme ce-ji 7 mai vine?
40 Masuri dalbe ti-ai stracat. Vine-~i frate d'a lui Patru
Loc in rai nu ti-ai cercat. 10 ~i 'nca-~i graie~te la poarta:
Vini-~i maica d'a lui Patru -Petre, Petre, frat' d'a mnel},
Pa d'aproape panga rai. Dibe~ti mine 'n rai cu tine!
~ede 'n poarta ~i-~i graie~te: -10 te dibesc bucuros,
45 -Petre, Petre, fii d'a mnel}, Da raiu nu te dibe~te,
Fa-mi ~i mie loc in rai! 15 Dumnezel} nu te popte~te,
-10, maica, ca io ti-oi face, Ca pan' ai fost pa pamant,
Ca raiul ca te voie~te, ~i tu, frate, fostu-ti-ai,
Dumnezel} ca te prime~te: Biray. mare fostu-ti-ai.
1 = canta « dalol, ung.).
2 = ani.
3 = del a ojina.
4 = drepte « pray, sl.).
5 = inima.
6 = Sf. Petru.
7 = ~i.

[ 434 ]
They keep drinking and keep singing. 50 All the years you were on earth,
The Almighty spoke to say: You have been, oh mother mine,
Peter, Peter, kin of Peter! A drink-pouring tavern keeper;
Comes along (now) Peter's brother, Unto those (who lived) far from you,
10 Near by, to heaven close; Hoy, how rightly you poured out;
At the gate he's standing, saying: 55 Your fair measures you tried out,
Peter, Peter, brother mine, Room in heaven you have sought.
Make me room in heaven too! After supper, Saturdays,
Willingly I'd do it, brother, All your work you set aside;
15 Only heaven doesn't want you, Beeswax in your hands you took,
The Almighty won't receive you. 60 And you, mother, made of it
All the years you were on earth, Waxen tapers fair and goodly (?),
You were keeper of an inn; And you, mother, carried them
Unto those (who lived) close to you, Where priests chanted over them,
20 Hoy, how rightly you poured out; With your tears you watered them;
Unto those (who lived) far from you, 65 And you, mother, carried them
Hoy, how wrongly you poured out; Where the priests did serve with them,
Your fair measures you debased, (And) you sighed with (all) your heart.
Room in heaven you've not earned. Refrain: My carol, Lord!
25 Comes along (then) Peter's sister,
Near by, to heaven close;
At the gate she's standing, saying: lOOe.
Peter, Peter, brother mine, There, on high, there, higher up yet,
Make me room in heaven too! Ist Refrain
30 Hoy, sister, I'd (gladly) do it, (Yonder,) up at heaven's gate,
Only heaven doesn't want you, 2nd Retrain
The Almighty won't receive you. But who's sitting in the gateway?
All the years you were on earth, Peter's sitting, ('tis) Saint Peter.
You have been, oh sister mine, 5 But what work is it he's doing?
35 A drink-pouring tavern keeper; To the souls the gate he's opening,
Unto those (who lived) close to you, Righteously he's filling heaven.
Hoy, how rightly you poured out; Comes the time (and) who is coming?
Unto those (who lived) far from you, (Lo, it's) Peter's brother coming,
Hoy, how wrongly you poured out; 10 And (to him) speaks from the gateway:
40 Your fair measures you debased, Peter, Peter, brother mine,
Room in heaven you've not earned. Take me into heaven with you!
Peter's mother comes along (then), Gladly would I take you in,
Near by, to heaven close; Only heaven won't receive you,
At the gate she's standing, saying: 15 The Almighty will not have you,
45 Peter, Peter, son of mine, Because while you were on earth
Make me room in heaven too! You have been, oh brother mine,
Mother mine, I'll make it for you, You've been a great village mayor,
Because heaven wants to have you,
The Almighty will receive you.

[ 435 ]
Rava~ stramt erestatu-ti-ai, 1001.
20 Pii siiraci ai d-asuprit,
Pii giizdaci ai 'ngiiduit, 1-5 = 10Od. 1-5
Loe in rai nu ti-ai giitit. Tiit eete, adivere
~i cy-o manii 'n rai pline.
latii vreme ce-ji mai vine,
Vin~-o vreme d1L la-o vreme
Vine sora d'a lui Piitru
25 ~i 'ncii-~i graie~te la poartii:
Vin~-un frate d;-a lui Piitru, '
-Petre, Petre, frat' d'a mney, 10 D-a~a stragii dii la poartii :
Dibe~ti mine 'n rai cu tine.
11-17 = 100d. 11-15,17,18
Riiva~ul crestatu-ai,
-10 te dibesc bucuros,
Da raiu nu te dibe~te, Bani asupra luat-ai,
30 Dumnezey nu te popte~te, 20 ~i-ai triiit dupii siiraci
~i-ai biiut cu eei giizdaei,
Cii pan'ai fost pii piimant,
~i tu, sorii, fostu-ti-ai
Loc in rai nu ti-ai cereat,
Crljmiiritii libriiritii, Niei in rai, niei pii piimant.
D-apii 'n yin biigatu-ti-ai, Vine-ji 2 vreme ee-ji mai vine:
35 D-itile 1 mici avut-ai, 25 Vin~-o sorii d'a lui Piitru,
Ravali stramt crestatu-ti-ai, D-al?a stragii dii la poartii :
Bani asupra luat-ai, 27-33 = 100d.26-30, 32, 33
Pii siiraci ai d-asuprit, Itie 1 mici avut-ai,
Pii giizdaci ai 'ngiiduit, 35 Viiitiil} 3 miiritu l-ai
40 Loe in rai nu ti-ai giitit. Bani asupra luat-ai,
latii vreme ce-ji mai vine, Loc in rai nu ti-ai eercat,
Vine maica d'a lui Piitru Nici in rai. nici pii piimant.
~i 'ncii-~i griiie~te la poartii:
Vine-ji vreme ce-ji mai vine:
-Petre, Petre, fii d'a mney, 40 Vin~-o maicii d'a lui Piitru,
45 Dibe~ti mine 'n rai cu tine! D-a~a straga dii la poartii :
-10 te dibesc bucuros, 42-45 = 100d.44-47
~i raiul cii te dibe~te,
Dumnezel} cii te popte~te.
Cii pan' ai fost pii piimant, Cii tu, maieii, liisat-ai
Sambiitii dii la ujinii Sambiita dii la ujinii
50 Dii tiit lucru ti-ai Iii sat, Tiite, maieii, luerurile,
Maneci dalb~-ai sufulcat, 50 ~i tu, maicii, fiieut-ai
Dii cearii t~-ai apucat. 51-59 = 100d. 54-62
~i tu, maicii, ti-ai fiieut
60 ~i d-in rai l?i pii piimant.
Luminele vriivurele 1'. Corind' e mi Doamn'!
55 ~i tu, maicii, ti l~-ai dus (73c. Var. Urvis if)
Pii la dalbe beserici
Dii sfintele Dumineci. 100~.
Panii sc1ujba l?i-o eantat,
Cu d-urechi ai d-ascultat, I I. I /TIl
60 Cu d-inim' ai suspinat, I: Tiit umbla Petre pe raii, 1'. : I rai,
Cu d-ochiti ai liicriimat,
Loe in rai eii ti-ai cereat. [Tat sulind (sic!) l?i trimbitand]
I.1'. Co1'ind'eZ'e co1'ind'eZ'e!
2.1'. Corind'eZ'e!
I: Sii-l?i afl'e v'on 4neamd~-aluii : I lui
(71f. ~oimi if)

1 = masura « ieee, ung.).

a= ~i.
3 = masura « vajit6, ung.).
4 = vre.un.

[ 436 ]
Wrongful tallies you have kept; IOOl.
20 The poor people you oppressed,
You showed favor to the rich 1-5 = 1-5 of 10Od.
You've not readied your plac~ here. He kept reading, he confirmed
Comes the time (and) who is coming? Filling heaven with one hand. '
(Lo, it's) Peter's sister coming, There arrives a time thereafter
25 And (to him) speaks from the gateway: Comes along a brother of Pete;'s
Peter, Peter, brother mine, 10 Thus he calls out from the gate;ay:
Take me into heaven with you! 11-17 = 11-15, 17, 18 of 100d.
Gladly would I take you in, Records (wrongfully) you made,
Only heaven won't receive you, Money overmuch you took,
30 The Almighty will not have you, 20 Made a living off the poor,
Because while you were on earth Wit~ the wealthy men you drank,
You have been, oh sister mine, You ve not earned a place in heaven
(You've been) keeper of a tavern, Not in heaven nor on earth. '
You put water in your wine, There arrives a time thereafter
35 Measures small you kept on hand, 25 Comes along a sister of Peter's:
Wrongful tallies you have kept, Thus she calls out from the gateway:
Overmuch money you took, 27-33, 26-30, 32, 33 of 10Od.
The poor people you oppressed, M~asures small you kept on hand,
You showed favor to the rich 35 WIth short weights you made (your
40 You've not readied your plac~ here. sales),
Comes the time (and) who is coming? Money overmuch you took,
(Lo, it's) Peter's mother coming, You've not earned your place in
And (to him) speaks from the gateway: heaven,
Peter, Peter, son of mine, Not in heaven nor on earth.
45 Take me into heaven with you! There arrives a time thereafter
Gladly will I take you in, 40 (And) along comes Peter's mother
Heaven also will receive you, Thus she calls out from the gatew~y:
Because while you were on earth, 42-45 = 44-47 of 10Od.
Saturdays, (soon) after supper, The Almighty will receive you,
50 All your work you set aside, Because, mother, you would leave
Your white sleeves you did roll up, Of a Saturday, at supper,
You got busy with the wax, Mother, every (other) business,
And you, mother, made yourself 50 And you, mother, (then) would make
Waxen candles by the bundle, 51-59 = 54-62 of 10Od.
55 And you, mother, carried them 60 Both in heaven and on earth.
Unto (each of) the white churches, Refrain: I carol, Lord!
For (to have) on holy Sundays;
While they chanted services, IOOg.
You did listen with your ears,
60 With your heart you heaved a sigh, Peter walked about in heaven
With you eyes you did shed tears, Refrain '
Room in heaven you have earned. hard (?) and trumpeting,
Ist Refrain: The carolings, the carolings! Seekmg out some kin of his.
2nd Refrain: The carolings!

[ 437 ]
I 1. I IOOh.
I: Neam d'~-a lui nu ~i-o l}aflat~ :I
Ill.l ILl fIT."1
I: Tot umbla Petru pin rai : I rai
Pan' la poarta raiului,
5 Pan' la poarta raiului,
Nu gasea neamu d~-a lui.
Acol' era tatal sal}.
Tatal sal} din grai graie: ====
Neam d~-a lui nu ~j-o gasitu;
-Petre, Petre, fatu miiel},
5 Pan' la poarta raiului
Fa-mi ~i miiie loc in rail
10 -Loc in rai Dumniata n'ai. Sa 'ntalnea cu muma-sa.
Cat ai trait pe pamant,
Muma-sa din graj graia:
Tat bd'iral} domnesc ai fost,
-Cata-mi, Petre, loc in raj!
Pe saraci tare i-ai tras, -Loc in rai, mama, ca n'aj,
Pe gazdaci afar' i-ai ras. 10 Ca cat ai fost pe pamant
15 Tat umbla Patru pe rai,
11-13 = IOOf. 26-28
Tat sulind ~i trimbitand, Loc in rai n'aj capatat.
Sa-~i afla v'on neam d~-a lui.
15 Tot umbla Petru pin rai,
Neam d~-a lui nu ~i-o aflat Pan' la poarta raiului
Pan' la poarta raiului, Nu gasea neamu d~-a luj;
20 Acol' era maica lui. Pan' la poarta rajului
Maica-sa din grai graje: Sa 'ntaInea cu sora-sa.
-Petre, Petre, fatu miiel},
20 Sora-sa din grai graia:
Fa-mi ~i miiie loc in rail -Cata-mi, Petre, loc in rai!
-Loc in raj Dumnjata n'aj.
-Loc in raj, sora, ca ai,
25 Cat ai trait pe pamant,
Ca cat ai fost pe pamant,
Tat fagadarif ai fost,
Ti-o fost casa langa drum,
Glajile 1 goale l~-aj dat.
25 Hai 3 flamanzi ai saturat,
Plata de plin~-aj luat.
Pe hai golj i-ai imbracat,
Tat umbIa Patru pe raj
Raiu ti l-ai dipatat.
30 Tat sulind ~i trimbitand,
(123. Chinci~ r/»
Sa-sj afle v'on neam d~-a lui.
N e~m d~-a lui nu ~j-o aflat
Pan' la poarta raiului, IOOi.
Acol' era sora lui.
35 Sora-sa din grai graje: I 1. IIILI
-Fa-mj si miiie loc in rai! I: Parced'ea Petru d'e raiy, r. : I raiy;
-Tu, sor~, loc in raj ai.
Cat ai trait pe pamant, I: Taica sal} din grai graj~ :I
Ti-o fo' 2 casa langa drum, 4 ________ _
40 Pe seto~j j-aj ada pat,
Pe flamanzi i-ai siiturat,
Raiu ti l-aj capatat. -Da-mj ~i mie loc in raiY!
r. Floril'e-on zdalbe! -Ba tu, taica, nu mi-~i d-ai\l,
(61g. Or~ova r/» ------
5 I: Ca tu biral} cat ai fostu : I,
Pa saraci j-ai asuprit,

1 = paharile « Glas, neml.).

2 = fost.
S = ai.
4 La fon. un ~ir (bis) care nu sa 'ntelege.

[ 438 ]
He could find no kin of his lOOh.
5 Till (he got to) heaven's gate,
(It was) there his father stood. (All) through heaven Peter walked·
Till (he got to) heaven's gate, '
Said his father (unto him) :
Peter, Peter, son of mine, He could find no kin of his;
Make me room in heaven too! He did find no kin of his
10 Room in heaven you have none; 5 All the way to heaven's gate,
All the time you lived on earth, (Where) his mother he did meet.
You were but a lordly mayor; Said his mother (unto him) :
On the poor you bore down hard, Peter, seek me room in heaven!
(From your books) rubbed out the rich. Mother, you've no room in heaven
10 Because, while you were on earth, '
15 Peter walked about in heaven
Striving hard (and) trumpeting, 11-13 = 26-28 of 100f.
Seeking out some kin of his. Room in heaven you've not gained.
15 (All) through heaven Peter walked·
He could find no kin of his
Till (he got to) heaven's gate, '
Till (he got to) heaven's gate,
He could find no kin of his
20 (It was) there his mother stood.
Said his mother (unto him) : All the way to heaven's gate,
Peter, Peter, son of mine, (Where) his sister he did meet.
Make me room in heaven too! 20 Said his sister (unto him) :
Peter, seek me room in heaven!
Room in heaven you have none;
25 All the time you lived on earth, Sister, you have room in heaven,
You a tavern keeper were; Because, while you were on earth,
By the wayside stood your house;
Empty glasses you gave out,
25 Hungry people you have fed,
(But) for full ones you took pay.
Peter walked about in heaven, Naked people you have clothed,
30 Striving hard (?) and trumpeting, (Thereby) heaven you have gained.
Seeking out some kin of his.
He could find no kin of his
Till (he got to) heaven's gate, lOOi.
(It was) there his sister stood. Out of heaven Peter came
35 Said his sister (unto him): Refrain '
Make me room in heaven too! Said his father (unto
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 154
him) :
Sister, you have room in heaven;
While you lived upon the earth, Give me too a place in heaven!
By the wayside was your house; Not so, father, you have none,
40 (All) the thirsty you have quenched, 5 Because, while you were a mayor,
(And) the hungry you have fed: You weighed down upon the poor,
Room in heaven you have gained.
Refrain: White are the blossoms!

154 Author's manuscript footnote: An unintelligible verse (repeated) in the recording.

[ 439 ]
C I 1)
Pa bogati i-at ascutit lOOj.
~i raj.u ca l-aj. pierdut.
Pru-ced'ea Patru de raj.;
10 Frate-sal) din graj. graia: I I. I
-Da-mi ~i mie loc in raj.! I: -Ia ma, Petre, 'n rai cu t'ine, r. : I
-Ba-tu, frate, ca nu aj.,
ca tu morar cat aj. fost, fill
~i cu pietrii l-aj. umplut
15 ~i raiu ca l-ai pierdut.
Pru-ced'ea Patru de rai; I: -Ba io 'n rai nu t'~-oi
r-r.-I iITl
luare : Ilua:
Sora-sa din grai graia:
-Da-mi ~i mie loc in rail cat ai trait pe pamant,
-Ba tu, sora, nu mi-~i d-ai, Tat bd'iral) domnesc ai fost;
20 ca tu birtii~it' ai fost, 5 Cine mana ti-o umplut,
~i diesu nu l-ai umplut
Dreapta lege i-ai facut;
~i raiu eli l-ai pierdut. Cine mana nu ti-o 'mplut,
r. Raju mO,ndru luminos! Stramba lege i-aj. facut.
(620. Traia~ <f»
r. Raj, raj luminos!
(104i. !dicel tI)



lOla. Cu cupe da vin,

Cu japoi 3 da gral):
I I. I IIT.l 20 Al~ii-l d-inchinal),
I: Cel domnu~u-i bunui, I.r. : I bunui. Aljii-l d-intrebal):
2.1'., Ce aj. zabavit, Nicoara, *
Bun gand ~i-o gandit, Da tu n'ai vinit
La ista lucru ?
~i L~i faca d-oaspe~i 25 Ce ma d-ispiti~i vol. Sfinti. *
Tat la zile mari Ca voi bine ~titi.
5 ~i la ztle rare. Bine ca ~i mine,
Chema-~i ce-~i chema; Ca mi-am intalnit
Taji ca mi-ji 2 vine, N ol)a -s cora bij
Numa nu-ji vine 30 Pline-s da suflete.
Sfantu~ul Nicoara. Nu l~-am dat perit:
10 ~i pusera zi, Cele maj. direpte
Zi d'a tria zi; Trece l~-om, petrece
cand i~i fu la zi, Pa su' mana dreapta,
Vazura-l vinind 35 Pa d-u~a-i da raj.:
Cu elilu~u-i dalb, Raj.u-i luminos,
15 Dalbu-i, d-inspumat, Bun loc da popos.
Da sudori ciuntat. Cele maj. gre~ite
Naintea lui i~ie Trece l~-om, petrece

1 = sit
D ~i.
a= pAni~oara « cip6, ung.).

[ 440 ]
(Lightly) you let off the rich, 100j.
And (thereby) heaven you've lost.
Out of heaven Peter came,
10 Said his brother (unto him): Take me into heaven, Peter!
Give me too a place in heaven! Refrain
Not so, brother, you have none, Nay, I'll not take you in heaven,
For, a miller while you wen:, (Because) while you lived on earth
You filled up (the sacks) WIth stones, You were only the king's mayor;
15 And (thereby) heaven you've lost. 5 Unto those who filled your hand,
Out of heaven Peter came, Rightfully you meted law;
Said his sister (unto him): Those who didn't fill your hand,
Give me too a place in heaven! Crooked rulings got from you.
Not so, sister, you have none,
20 For an innkeeper you've been Refrain: Light, light's paradise!
And the measure you've not filled,
And (thereby) heaven y:ou've ~ost.
Refrain: Heaven's beautzfully ht!


lOla. With beakers of wine

(And) with wheaten rolls;
That good gentleman, Ist Refrain
20 Some saluted him,
2nd Refrain Others questioned him:
Thought a goodly thought, Nicholas, why did you tarry,155
To call in some guests
That you didn't come
On great holidays
To this gathering?
5 And on days outstanding. 25 Saints, why do you question me? 156
Of all those he called, For you know full well.
Everybody came;
Well as I myself (know),
Only (one) came not: That I came upon
('Twas) Saint Nicholas; Nine ships (under way)
10 And they set a day, 30 That with souls were laden;
The third day from thence.
I let them not perish:
As the (third) day dawned,
Those that are more righteous
(Lo,) they saw him come,
We'll attend (and) lead them
His white horse withal;
Beneath our right hand,
15 Foam-flecked was the horse,
35 Into heaven's gate;
With (much) sweating lamed. Heaven's shining (bright),
Before him they went
A good place of rest.
Those that are more wrongful
We'll attend (and) lead them

16& In the original, too, this verse has eight sylla?les ..

1&8 The corresponding verse of the original text likeWlse has seven syllables.

[ 441 ]
40 Jos pa scapatat Da tu n'ai vinit,
Pa su' manat stanga, and ti-am poruncit?
Pa d-u~ da lad; 25-31 = lOla. 25-31
ladu-i 'ntunecos, Ci Ill-am d-inturnat
Rli l} loc da popos. ~i Ill-am judecat,
Care Cll-O facut

Faya melodie:
* 35 Da la na~tea (sic!) sa
Pan' la moartea sa.
45 Cruce sfantli 'ntoarsa,- Celea mai gre~ite
~il fi gazda sanatoasli! 10 Ill-am da trimes
I.Y. Doamne! Pa su'-i mana stanga
2.Y. Daj coyinde! 40 Jos pa scapatat
(21b. Urvi~ if) La poarta-i da iad.
Celea mat direpte
10 Ill-am petrecut
tOth. Pa su'-i mana dreapta
Cel domnutu-i bunui, 45 Sus pa raslirit
I.Y., La poartli-i da rai.
Bun gand ~i-o gand'ity,
~i l-~i faca d-oaspeti
Faya melodie:
~il fi slinatos
4-9 = lOla. 4-9
~i 'nca pusa zile
Cu corinda noast' !
I.Y. Doamne!
10-19 = lOla. 11, 13-21
2.Y. Doj corinde!
20 10 am zabavit
Sus pa rasarit (21m. Dumbrlivita de codru if)
22-33 = lOla. 28-30, 32-35,38-42
I.Y. Doamne!
2.Y. Doj coyind'e!
(21a. Urvi~ 1) eel Domnutu-i bunui,
Bun gand ~i-o gand'itu:
tOte. 2.Y.,
1-5 = lOla. 1-5 Sfantli-i Duminec'
D-oaspeti ce-~i chema?
Tat d-oaspeti din cer. Margandu-jp la sclujba,
Catt tlii 0 chemat, 5 D-oaspeti marl chemandu,
Tati i~i al} vinit, Cati imi ca-~i chema,
10 Numa n'o vinit
Sfantutul Nicoarli. Tati iroi ca-ji 2 vine
Pusa-i zi tri zile; Numa nu-ji vine
Cand fu tria zi, Sfantul Sfant Nicoara.
Nicoara sosi. 10-38 = IOle. 12-37, 43, 39, 41
15-18 = lOla. 14-17 39-46 = lOla. 43-44, IOle. 42-44, 46,
Cu cofiti cu Yin lOla. 36-37
20-21 = lOla. 20-21 I.Y. Doamfte!
-Ce ti-at zliblivit, 2.Y. Doj corind'e!
(21£. ~oimi if)

[ 442 ]
C I 1)
40 Toward sunset, down, That you did not come
Beneath our left hand, When I ordered you?
Through the gate of hell; 25-31 = 25-31 of lOla.
Hell is in the dark, But I turned them back
An ill place of rest. And I judged them (all):
Each what he had done

Without a tune:
* 35 Since he had been born
Until he had died.
45 Holy cross (that's) turning, Those (who were) more wrongful
Host, good health to you we're I sent (on their way),
wishing! Underneath my left hand,
Ist Refrain: Lord God! 40 Toward sunset, down
2nd Refrain: Sing the carols! To the gate of hell;
Those (that were) more righteous
I accompanied
tOtb. Underneath my right hand,
(Lo,) the kindly lord 45 Toward sunrise, up
Ist Refrain Unto heaven's gate.
A good thought has thought:
2nd Refrain
To ask in some guests *
4-9 = 4-9 of lOla.
Without a tune:
A good health to you
And (some) days it took him,
11-19 = 11, 13-21 of lOla. With our caroling!
20 I have been delayed,
Ist Refrain: Lord God!
Up, toward the east,
2nd Refrain: Sing the carols!
22-33 = 28-30, 32-35, 38-42 of lOla.
Ist Refrain: Lord God! tOld.
2nd Refrain: Sing the carols!
(Lo,) the kindly Lord
Ist Refrain
tOle. Thought a goodly thought:
1-5 = 1-5 of lOla.
2nd Refrain
What guests did he ask? On a Sunday blest,
Guests from heaven all. As He went to service,
Of all those he asked, 5 Great guests He invited.
Everybody came. Of those that He called,
Everybody came;
5 Only (one) came not:
(,Twas) Saint Nicholas. (One) alone came not,
Three days off 'twas set; Nicholas the Blessed.
When the third day came, 10-38 = 12-37, 43, 39, 41 of 10le.
39-46 = 43, 44 of lOla., 42-44, 46 of
Nicholas arrived.
15-18 = 14-17 of lOla. 10le., 36, 37 of lOla.
With pitchers of wine,
Ist Refrain: Lord God!
20, 21 = 20, 21 of lOla.
2nd Refrain: Sing the carols!
Why did you delay,

[ 443 ]
IOle. 20 Bun loc da popos.
*Cele mai gre~ite, Petre,
- - - - - - a-!?t'eapta, Trece Ill-om, petrece
I.r., Colo jos, mai jos
Pan' - - - - - - corab,l Pa poarta da iad;
z.r., 25 1adu-i 'ntunecos,
Mult ai zabogit, Nicoara. Ral} loc da popos.
*Nici-i nu lasa-Ie, Petre,
-Cum sa nu zabogesc,
Suflet'e pierdut'e,
5 ca iQ-al1a-mi d-aflatii. Ci Ill-om jud'eca
N01J.a porumba!?iii. (sic!) 30 Da na~terea sa
Pan' la moartea sa.
I: Pline d'e suflet'e : I. I.r. Doamne!
Cari a1J. fost gre!?ite, z.r. Doj corind'e!
(21r. Cociuba de jos if)
~-am indireptat
10 Pe u~a direaptii,
$i Ill-am incaljat IOI~.
$i Ill-am imbriicat. Sfantii-i Dumineca-i
Bun gand ~i-o gandi'tu,
I.r. Sfinli! r.,
z.r. Daj corind'e!
(33b. Moi~a if) - - - - - - gand'ity2
D-ospeji l1i-o t'ematy.
IOU. 5 Cati-o ca-i t'ematy.
D-umbra ceriuluiu, Tajii c'al} vinity.
I I. I 111.1 Numai n'o vinit,
I: 'N poarta raiului, z.r. : 1-lui. Sfantu-i Sfant Nicoarii,
Tiit il d'al1tepta~.
*Dar in poarta cine ~ede, 10 Cand i~i fu la zile,
'N poartii cine !?ed'? Numa ce-l vazura,
5 Doi domni da cei mari. Vinind ce-~i putand
C1J.-un caluj dalbuj,
Dumnezeu graie: Dalbu-i da 'nspumat
*-10 jie, Petre, ti-oi da 15 Da sudori ciuntat.
Tul'incal1ul miel}, Daca !?i sosi,
Da ii tul'inca, Da mana-l prande.
10 Da ~i-i rastuma 'N casa mi-l trece,
Pa tata lume. 'N casa dupa masa,
Da s'or aduna 20 Cu vinu 'nt'ina,
Tat'e suflet'ele Bine-l d-intreba:
Din tiit'e partile. -Sfantu-i Sfant Nicoara,
15 *Cele mai d'irept'e, Petre, Inde-i zebiivit? (sic!)
Trece Ill-om, petrece -Sus pa rasarit
Colo sus, mai sus 25 Ca ~i-am d-intalnit
Pa poartii da rai;
Raiu-i luminos,

1 La fon. 2 ~ir, cari nu sa 'nteleg.

2 La fon. cuvinte, cari nu sa 'nteleg.

[ 444 ]
IOle. 20 A good resting place.
Those (that are) most wrongful,
- - - - - - - - - (is) awaiting, Peter,161
ISt Refrain We shall pass (and) shepherd
Through--------- (?),157
Yonder, lower down,
2nd Refrain Through the gate of hell;
Nicholas, long have you tarried. ISS
25 Hell is full of gloom,
How should I not tarry,
An ill resting place.
5 When I came upon Nor shall we abandon, Peter,161
Nine (small) pigeon chicks
Souls (that may be) straying,
(That) with souls (were) burdened?
But we'll judge them (all),
Those that had been wrongful
30 From their (very) birth
I set right (once more)
Up until their death.
10 Through the door (that's) rightful,
Ist Refrain: Lord God!
And I shod them (all)
2nd Refrain: Sing the carols!
And I clothed them (too).

Ist Refrain: Saints! IOlg.

2nd Refrain: Sing the carols! (Lo,) the Blessed Sunday
Thought a kindly thought,
IOlf. - - - - - - - - - thought,162
In the welkin's shade, She called in some guests.
Ist Refrain 5 Of all those she called
(Up) at heaven's gate, Everybody came;
2nd Refrain Only (one) came not:
But who's sitting in the gateway? ISS Nicholas the Blessed,
Who sits at the gate? They kept waiting for him.
5 Two of the great lords. 10 As the day was breaking,
The Almighty spoke: They (at last) descried him,
Peter, I shall give to you 159 Coming up apace,
My own mountain horn,160 Riding a white horse;
So that you may blow, It was lathered white,
10 That you might upset 15 (And) with sweating lamed.
The entire world, When he had arrived,
(Thus) to gather in (Sunday) took his hand,
All the souls (abiding) Led him in the house,
From whatever quarter. (Set him) at the table,
15 Those (that are) most righteous, 20 Pledged him with the wine,
Peter,161 Questioned him amain:
We shall pass (and) shepherd Nicholas the Blessed,
Yonder, higher up, Where did you delay?
Through the gate of heaven; Toward sunrise, high,
Heaven's full of light, 25 Because (there) I met

157 Author's manuscript footnote: Two unintelligible verses in the recording.

158 An eight-syllable verse in the original too.
159 A seven -syllable verse in the original as well.
160 The word tulinca~ul (recte: tulnica~ul )designates a large horn, usually made of bark,
used by Rumanian shepherds for signaling to each other in the mountains. A tulnic may be
all of six feet in length.
161 An eight-syllable verse in the original text too.
162 Author's manuscript footnote: Several unintelligible words in the recording.

[ 445 ]
Nine (seagoing) ships; They are so dried up with drought,
Gone astray (and) burdened, There is neither grass nor water,
(All) with souls were laden. 10 (There is) but one quiet wellspring.
The souls (that were) righteous Saint Elijah spoke to say:
30 I straightway directed, I am ready, Lord, I'll go;
To the right-hand side (sent) Only let me have Your staff (?).
To the gate of heaven; See, the staff He let him have,
Those (that were) more wrongful 15 Saint Elijah started out.
I straightway directed, (Where) he leant upon the staff (?),
35 To the left-hand side (sent) (Lo,) a beauteous spring welled up.
To the gate of hell. But he floored it handsomely
Retrain: Hoy, the Lord is good! With a floor of pine tree greenery,
20 (Then) he fenced it prettily,
Ringing it about with switches,
lOlh. And he wreathed it beauteously
(Lo,) that kindly Lord, ISt Retrain With the sun's own wreath (atop).
2nd Retrain But what shade set he on it?
(Lo,) that kindly Lord 25 ('Twas) a 'tall and boughy tree,
Thought a kindly thought, That by autumn is in bud
Thought a kindly thought. (And) in springtime blossoms forth;
Everybody came, It bears fruit but doesn't ripen.
5 Everybody came; (But) why doesn't the fruit ripen?
But Saint Nicholas the Blessed 163 30 At the foot of the (fair) tree,
There's accustomed, there is wont
ISt Refrain: Lord God! A wretch of a Judas cur
2nd Retrain: Sing the carol! Gainst the tree to scratch himself,
(And) he's shriveled up the roots.
35 At the foot of the (fair) tree,
l02a. Ruled the Lord, what ruled He else?
Said the Father to the saints: He set down a judgment seat.
Ist Refrain Who, oh Lord, is to be judged?
Saints of mine and my beloved! All the souls, oh Lord Almighty,
2nd Refrain 40 From each one of the world's quarters.
Who is there that might be found, (To the body) said the soul:
Among you and among us, Body, might you no more be I
5 To go yonder, down below, Place in heaven seek no more,
Down below, there, lower down, Not in heaven nor on earth I
Down into the droughty fields? 45 But the body answered (back):
Yes, my own beloved soul!
Since we (two) have been apart,
Neither have I sinned (at all).
ISt Refrain: The carols, the carols!
2nd Retrain: The carols!

183 To this verse, which has eight syllables in the original too, the author's manuscript foot·
note reads: Without the 1st refrain.

[ 446 ]
No~a corabii, mi-s da sacato~i,
Grele-s, ratacite, Nici ii iarbi'i, nici ii apa,
Pline-s da suflete. 10 Num' 0 lina da fantana.
Suflete d'irept'e. Sant'ilie 3 imi graie:
30 Le man d'ireptat'e -Gata-s, Doamne, oi me 4 e~,
Pa mana d~-a dreapta. Numa-mi da tovutul ta~.
Pa poarta da rai. Iaca tovu ca el da,
Cele mai gre~ele IS Sant'ilie raduie,5
Le man d'ireptat'e D-in tovu sa 'mproptie,
35 Pa mana d~-a stanga, Mandru izvor izvore.
Pa poarta da iadg,. Da mandru mi-l prunduie
Y. Jaj Domnufu-j bun! Cu prundu-i da molit verde;
(12x. Ginta Rohani 1) 20 Da mandru mi-l ingri'ide
Cu nuiele da inele;
~i mandru mi-l cunune
Cu cununa soarelui.
I 1. I rrr.l Dara umbra ce-i pune?
I; Cel domnutu-i bun~, I.Y. ; I bunui, 25 Un pom nalt ~i ramurat
2.Y. Da cu toamna-i mugurat,
Cel domnutu-i bun Primavara i cu floare,
Face poame, nu Ie coace.
I; Bun gand ~i-o gand'itui ; I Dart ce 6 poamele nu coace?
Bun gand ~i-o gand'it. -
La turpina pomului
- - - - - - - 30 Sucuiti-i, 7 sucuit
5 I; Tati-o ca viiiitui : I
Tati-o ca viiiit. - Un cana~u-i da Iuda~,
Numa Sfantu Sant Nicoare 1 ~i da pom s'o scarpanat,
Radacine l~-o sacat.
I.Y. Doamne! 35 La turpina pomului
2.Y. Daj coyind'e! Scris-o Domnul c~-o mai scris?
(21i. Bulz 1) Scris-o scaun da judet.
Ce s'or, Doamne, judeca?
Tate, Doamne, sufletele
l02a. 40 Din tate partile lumii.
Graie-~i Tatal sfintiloruli: Sufletu din grai graie:
I.Y., -Fir~-ai, trupe, n'ai mai fit
-Sfintii miiei ~i dragii miieig! Loc in rai nu mai cerca,
2.1'., Nici in rai, nici pa pamant!
45 Da trupu din grai graie:
Care mi s'ar mai d-aflalele -Da, suflete, dragu miie~!
Dintra voi ~i dintra noig, Noi da cand n~-am despartit,
Nici pacate n'am facut.
5 ~i 2 mi-l meargai colo josuli, I.Y. Coyind'e, coyind'e!
Colo jos, colo mai josuli, 2.Y. Corind'e!
Jos in campii sacato~i? (7Ia. Urvi~ 1)

1 Para refr. I.
2 = sa.
3 = Sf. IIie.
4 = merge.
5 = Pornea « ered, ung.).
6 = de ceo
7 = sa obicinuit « szokott, ung.).

[ 447 ]
102b. Mar~-izvoama sa d-adunii.
Da c~-izvoama sa d-adunii?
Colo 'n sus, Doamne, mai susy, ------
1'., 5 Tat da Sfinti da cei mai Sfinti.
Dumnezey din grai graie~:
Sus in dalbul rasarity _ _ _ _ __ -Sfintii mnei !ii dragii mnei!
Mandry-izvor n~-o raduity 1 Ie haidati voi dupa mine
Colo jos, colo mai jos
------ 10 La cel camput, sacacios.
Tat de sfinti de cei mai sfinti. Nici ij frunza, nici ij iarba,
5 Dumnezey d-inca-i cu ei
Num' 0 tina !ii-o fclntclna.
~i din grai a!ia graie:
~i, zey, ij sa vorove, ca
-Sfintii mnei !ii dragii mnei! S'or face doya fantane
Care s'ar put'e d-afla, 15 Stogolite cy-on stogol,
~i 2 pogoara colo jos
Cy-on stogol da moala verde.
10 La cei campeni sacato!ii? Dar in jur a fantanei
Nici ii frunza, nici ij iarba, Scris-o Domnul c~-o mai scris?
Nici ij lina de fclntana.
Scris-o d-izvor curator.
Sant'ilie 3 imi graie: 20 Da la mijloc da d-izvor
-Da-mi, Doamne, paltau 4 my, Scris-o Domnul c~-o mai scris ?
15 C' acol' oi pogori ey.
Scris-o pomu raiului.
D'intru paltay sa 'mpropt'ie.
Da supt umbra celui pom
Mandru fantana zad'e.
Scris-o Domnul c~-o mai scris ?
Ba mai mandry-o d-ingrade 25 Scris-o measa !ii scaune,
Cu nuiele de iedera, Ta' 5 scaune da jud'et.
20 Cu stobori de malin verde. Ca, zey, ii s'or jud'eca
La mijloca!i de fantana Ta' trupu cu sifletu,
Est'un pomut de aur. ·Care c~-o facut(ulere)
La trupina pomului 30 Da n~terea sa(lerema)
Est'un scaun de judet, Pan 'la moartea sa(lerema).
25 De s'or, Doamne, judeca. 1'. Coyind'e mi Doamn'/
Tat trupu cu sufletu.
(731. Coticlet t/)
-Fir~-ai, trupe, blasmmat!
Ca pana fusei in tine,
Multa greata-mi fu de tine. 102d.
30 -Ba de mine nu ti-o fost: Colo 'n jos !ii mai din jos,
Ce ai poftit, ti-am gatit, Inde-s campii mai frumo!ii,
Ce ai cercat, ti-am caytat. Mai frumo!ii, mai lumino!ii,
1'. Doamnt!-o Domnuluj/ Acolo s'zad'~-o fantana
(21y. Cociuba de jos t/) 5 Cu zadut de zmolin verde
De de verd~-abd'e 6 sa ved'e.
102e. Dara d-umbra ce-i pune?
Un pom naltu, rumunat,
Colo sus, colo mai susy,
Face-!ii poame, nu le-a coace.
Sus in dalbu rasarity, lODe ce, Doamne, nu l~-a coace?
N u l~-a coc, ca nu l~-a poci,

= izvorlt « ered, ung.).

= sa.
S = Sf. Ilie.
4 = bfltll, baston « paica, ung.).
e = tot.
e = abia.

[ 448 ]
t02b. A great surging's being gathered.
But what surging's being gathered?
Lord, up yonder, higher up, 5 All the saintliest of saints.
Retrain The Almighty spoke (to them) :
Up in the white dawn of day, Saints of mine and my beloved!
(Lo,) a beauteous spring has welled, After me come on (and) follow,
Of the holiest of saints. Down below there, lower down,
5 The Lord also is with them, 10 To that withered little field.
And (to them) He thusly spoke: There is neither grass nor leafage,
Oh my saints and my beloved! (There is) but one quiet wellspring.
Who is there that might be found And, I swear, He so ordained it
To descend yonder, below, That two wells came into being,
10 To those plainsmen seared by drought. 15 With a hedgerow hedged about,
There's no grass nor is there leafage, With a hedgerow of soft greenery.
Nor a well (that is) untroubled. But around the (two) wells (going),
Saint Elijah spoke to say: The Lord set, what else set He?
Let me have Your staff (?), oh Lord, He set down a flowing spring.
15 Because I shall go down there. 20 In the middle of the spring,
(Where) he leant upon the staff, The Lord set, what else set He?
Beauteously a well he made. He set down the tree of heaven.
Still more beautifully he But beneath that (fair) tree's shade,
Fenced it in with ivy switches, The Lord set, what else set He?
20 With a hedgerow of green lilac. 25 He a table and some seats set,
In the middle of the wellspring All (of them are) judgment seats,
There is a small golden tree. For, I swear, there shall be judged
At the foot of the (small) tree Every body with (its) soul,
(Lo,) there is a judgment seat, Each (of them for) what it did
25 (Where) there shall be judged, oh 30 From the time when it was bom
Lord, Up until the time it died.
Every body and (its) soul. Retrain: I'm caroling, Loyd!
Body, may you be accursed!
For, so long as I was in you,
Great has been my loathing for you. t02d.
30 Not so, you had none for me: (Lo,) down there, yet lower down,
What you wished, I got for you, Where the fields are handsomest,
What you sought, I tried for you. Handsomest, more lightsome (too),
Retrain: LOYd, unto the LOYd! There a well was in the making,
5 With a coping of green lilac (?),
t02e. Yet it's hardly seen for leafage.
But what shade was set on it?
There, above there, higher up yet, A tall boughy tree (was set) :
High aloft in the white sunrise, It bears fruit (that) doesn't ripen.
Retrain 10 Why, oh Lord, does it not ripen?
It won't ripen for it can't,

[ 449 ]
C II a)
ca la pom 0 sucuitl 20 Tat scaune de jud'et
D-on di.n3.!lu de Iud3.!l. liii s'or, Doamne, jud'eca
liii de pom 5'0 scarpanat. Tat trupu ~i sufletu.
15 liii pomu 5'0 clatinat, -Fir~-ai, trupe, n'ai mai fi,
Rii.dacina i-o sacat Ce locut ca mi-ai gat'it!
liii vA.rvutu 5'0 uscat 25 -Ti-am gat'it ce ai poft'it.
liii poamele i-o picat. r. Corind' e-mi Doamfl4-a; corind'!
Dar din pom ce ~i or face? (73p. Lunc~oara if)





l03a. 25 Unu stalput indi-i pus?

Colo 'n sus spre rii.sarit;
Cel cerescu me~terescu-!,
Unu st~lput indi-i pus?
r., Colo 'n jos spre scapatat;
Tri me~teri ca tri ingeri Unu staIput indi-i pus?
30 La mijloc a i~tea lumii.
Fac cieriul ~i pam~ntului. r. Doamfl4-aj DomnuZ nost'!
Facura-l, imi gat'irii.-l -
(21t. Corbe~d if)
5 Pa pam~nt sclobozirii.-lui,
Bine 'n cier nu sa love.- l03b.
Cel cerescu-i me~t'erescu,
Tlip' ingerii tmi cre~tierii.-i r.,
Numai Tatlil nu-mi cre~tea: Tri me~t'eri in tri t'ipuri

Bagli br~nca 'n bonjinar 2 3-5 = I03a. 3-5

10 liii d~-acolo ce scot'e ? Ind'i ceriu nu-ji3 love~t'.
Tri inele 'n tri degete
~i tri biciuri mari de foe; Lovi ceriul doya oara
Pa pam~nt ded~-a zbici 8-13 = I03a. 7-12
Tat costi~ ~i culmezi~. Sa dedera d'a zbici
15 P'indi zbiciuri c'ajunge, 15 Tat cruci~ ~i culmezi!1.
Pa acole sa face Ingerii de bucurie
liiesuri m~ndre a~ezat'e, Sa dedera d'a prista
Dealuri mari d-alungat'e. Tat cu stele man~ntele
Ingerii de bucurie Cu luceafar p'intre ele
20 Tati i~i dedera a scrie 20 ~i soarele cu razele
Tat in stele man~ntele ~i luna cu lumina
~i luceaflir p'intre ele. ~i crucea cu suflet'ele.
Sus ceriu aradicarii.-l r.lo; DomnuZuj, j.o; DoamneZ'e!
Pa tri staIpuri argint'e!1te. (95j. if)
1 = s'a obicinuit « szokott, ung.).
2 = buzunar.
8 = ~i.

[ 450 ]
C II a)
Since the tree's become the haunt 20 Judgment seats (are to be made),
Of a wretched Judas cur: And, oh Lord, there shall be judged
Gainst the tree he's scratched himself, Every body and (its) soul.
15 And the tree was shaken up; Body, would you were no more:
It has dried up at the root, What a place you've readied me!
And it's withered at the top, 25 What you wished, I readied you.
And the fruit has fallen down. Refrain: My carols, oh Lord, I sing!
Of the tree what's to be made (then) ?



l03a. 25 Where is (now) one pillar set?

There, toward the sunrise high.
(Lo,) the craftsmanship of heaven:
Where's another pillar set?
There, toward the sunset low.
Craftsmen three like angels three
Where is a (third) pillar set?
Make the sky and (make) the earth.
They have made it, readied it,
30 In the middle of this world.
5 They have cast the earth below,
Refrain: The Lord is our God!
(But) it didn't fit the sky.
All the angels grew (amain),
But the Father didn't grow; l03b.
In His poke He put His hand, (Lo,) the craftsmanship of heaven:
10 And what brought He forth from In three ways three craftsmen (work),
there? 3-5 = 3-5 of l03a.
(Lo,) three rings upon three fingers, Where the sky did not fit (nicely).
And three mighty whips of fire. Once again the sky they fitted,
He began to scourge the earth 8-13 = 7-12 of l03a.
All athwart and crosswise (too); He began to whip it (then)
15 Wheresoever fell the whips, 15 All athwart and crosswise (too).
There there (also) came to be (Thereupon) for joy the angels
Beauteous level plains set out, Started to besprinkle (?) it
Towering mountains stretching forth. With the little stars all over,
(Thereupon,) for joy, the angels With the evening star among them,
20 All began a-setting out 20 And the sun with (all its) sunbeams,
All the little stars (in order) And the moon with (all) the moonlight,
And the evening star among them. And the cross with (all) the souls (too).
(Then) the sky aloft they hoisted, Refrain: Hoy, to the Lord, hoy, the
(Set it) on three silver pillars. Almighty!

[ 451 ]
C II a)
l03c. La Sfanta Duminecarie 2
5 Sa mi-ji 3 vina pan' la-mine,
D-asta-i sara, sara-i marie, ------
I: Sa mi-ji vinii pan' la mine: I,
Sara-i mari~-a lui d-Ajuny,
==== Sa-mi botezu fiul sfant,
Sara-i mari~-a lui d-Ajuny, Fiul sfant p'acest pamant.
Cam pa noaptea lui Craciuny, S'o nascut la rasarit
------ 10 Supt on pom mandru 'n£lorit,
5 S'a nascut ~i-acest Domn bun FIorile I-or cutrupit,
Micucel ~i 'nfa~arel. Vantul bate-mi, leganea
F~a-i dalba de matasa,
~i fiu tare imi cr~tea.
Scutecel de bumbacel, Da de lucru ce-mi croia?
Carpe moi de £lori de mar. 15 Croi ceriul ~i pamantu.
10 Daca mare ca-mi cre~te, Croi ceriul d-in tri zile,
Lucru mandru ce-mi face? Pamantul intr'alte tri;
Face-mi ceriu ~i pamantu. 'Ntinse ceriu pe pamant,
Ceriu-mi face in tri zile Cum l-intinse, nu l-ajunse.
~i pamantu 'n alte tri;
20 Fiul tare sa 'ntrista,
15 'Ntinse ceriu pa pamant, Mana stanga scutura,
Cum l-intinse, nu s'ajunse.
Vai adance-mi aduna,
Tare Domnul sa 'ntrista,
Dealuri nalte inalta,
Mana stanga scutura, Tri inele jos pica,
Tri inele jos pica, 25 Tri la cer sa ridica.
20 Tri la cer sa ridica, 'Ntinse ceril)-a dOl)a oara
Tri ingeri cu tri zmantele. Cum l-intinse, bin' s'ajunse.
Din zmantele cand trazne, Dumnului bine-i paruse
Dealuri mari ca sa face,
~i pa cer mi-l daruia
Vai d-adance ramane.
30 Cu luna ~i cu stelele
25 'Ntinse ceril)-a dOl)a oara,
~i cu doi lucefarei,
Cum l-intinse, bin' l-ajunse. eu lunita langa ei.
Bine Domnului pare Y. ]unelui bun,!:!/
~i pa cer mi-l daruie
(62j. Nuc~oara 1)
Tot cu stele maruntele
30 ~i cu luna cu vedere,
Soarile cu razile, l03e.
Sa lumine vaile I: De cand Domnu s'o nascuty : I,
Pa un 1 umbla oile.
Y. L'ey lieu/a d'ot'i#a negril
(81 d. Paucine~d if)
I: ~i pamantu ~i-o facuty : 1
l03d. I: ~i ceriul sus ~i-o naltat y : 1
*Poruncit-o, poruncit-o,
Pe tri stalpuri de argint
5 Mandru mai 1-0 'mpodobit
Jo(?) Sfanta Marie marie Tat cu stele maruntele
I: Jo Sfanta Marie marie : 1
==== ~i cu luna p'intre ele
~i soare cu razele.
1 = unde.
8 La fon. un alt ~ care nu sa 'nteiege.
8 = ~i.

[ 452 ]
C II a)
l03c. (Make known) unto Blessed Sunday 164
5 That she is to come to (see) me,
'Tis the evening, the great evening,
That she is to come to (see) me,
Refrain To baptize my Holy Son,
'Tis the great eve before Christmas, Holy Son upon this earth.
'Tis the great eve before Christmas. Toward sunrise He was born,
Some time on this night of Christmas
10 Neath a finely blooming tree,
5 Also was this good Lord born,
(And) the blossoms covered Him,
Tiny and all swaddled up. He was rocked by blowing winds,
White (and) silken is the swad~le, And my Son grew up amain.
(And) of cotton are the wrappmgs, But what work did He perform?
Cloths (made) of soft apple blooms.
15 (Both) the sky and earth He fashioned.
10 But as soon as He grew up,
In three days the sky He moulded,
What was the fine work He did? In another three the earth.
(Lo,) the sky and earth He fa~hioned. O'er the earth He stretched the sky,
In three days the sky He fashIOned, As 'twas stretched, 'twas not well
In another three the earth;
15 O'er the earth He stretched the sky; 20 Greatly saddened was the Son,
It would not fit as He stretched it.
His left hand He shook about,
Very sad became the Lord,
Deep-set vales He hollowed ?ut,
His left hand He waved about,
Towering hills He made to nse;
(And) three finger rings dropped (Thereupon) three rings dropped down,
25 Three rose up into the sky.
20 Three rose up into the sky: Sky He stretched a second time (then),
Three (fair) angels with three switches.
As He stretched, it fitted nicely.
With the switches when they struck,
(So) the Lord was very happy,
Towering mountains came to be,
He bestowed upon the sky
(And) deep vales were left behind.
30 (Both) the moon and stars (as
25 He stretched out the sky once more presents)
And withal a couple of lodestars,
As He stretched it, well it fitted.
With a small moon near them.
(Thereupon) the Lord rejoiced,
Refrain: To the good youth!
To the sky He made a gift,
All with little stars (He strewed it),
30 Also with the moon to see by, l03e.
(And) the sun with (all its) beams,
Ever since the Lord was born,
That the valleys might be lit, Refrain
Where the sheep are wont to go.
He has also made the earth,
Refrain: Sing about the black-eyed
And He raised the sky aloft,
(Set it) on three silver posts,
5 (And) adorned it beauteously,
l03d. All with little stars (besprinkled),
With the moon also among them,
She commanded, she commanded: And the sun with sunbeams (too).
I, the Holy Virgin Mary,
I, the Holy Virgin Mary,

164 Author's manuscript footnote: On the recording (there is) another verse (that is) un-

[ 453 ]
C II a)
Raza soare d'ind'e raza? Da cum cer 1-0 'mpodobd'it?

10 D-'ln grad'ina galbanioara Var. (Mel. 62u.) :

Est~-o scara tat de ciara, 1-6 = [Asta-i sara lui Craciuny]
D-ind'e Domnu sa scoboara D'e cand Domnu s'o nascuty,
Tat la rari la zile marl. r.,
La sfintele Dumineci,
15 La dalbile beserici. D'e cand Domnu s'o nascuty
r. !jj-a nos' Domnu-j Dumneze1j!
(100a. Igri!l ¢) $i pamantu 1-0 facuty
(100a. Sarafola </»
(100b. Cianad ¢) $i cerull-o radicaty
$i 'n tri stalpi 1-0 razimaty.
Mai frumos 1-0 'mpodobd'it
103f. Tat cu luna ~i cu soare
De cand Domnu s'a nascuty, $i cu stele maruntele.
$i pamantu 1-0 facuty. *
Rasari graie pana 'n braje
[$i ceriul 0 radicat 10 $i sacari pan' susuy.aril
$i frumos 1-0 zugravit] Sa §ii, 2 gazda, sanatoasa,
5 $i pamant 1-0 boltojity 1
Sa plate!iti colinda noasta
Tat cu st'ele maruntele, Cl}-on colac da gral} frumos,
Pe d~-alaturi mai marele Ca fata ll}'-Isus Hristosl
r. (107a.) L'eruj Doamn'!
Day.a raze unde raza ? r. (62u.) Floril'e-s dalbe!
Raza 'n deal cu cucuruz.
(107a. Idicel </»
10 Doy.a raze unde raza ?
(62u. Rapa de sus </»
Raza 'n !les cu holde verzj.
DOl}a raze unde raza ?
Raza 'n cruce de fereasta,
Di pe masa gray. ra varsa. 103h.
r. Lili1joara 9j-a nost' Doamne! De cand Domnu s'o nascuta,
(104b. Niere!lteu ¢) r.,

$i pamantu !li-o facuty,

Asta-i sara lui Craciun~, Mandru mai 1-0 podobity
D'e cand Domnul s'o nascut~,-
r., Tot 'in podoabelenol}a
$i pamantu 1-0 facut 5 $i cu stele maruntele
$i cu luna cu lumina.
$i cerul I-a radicat~ r. !jj-a nos' Doamne Dumnezeu!
5 $i 'n tri stalpi 1-0 razimat~. (41. Cianad </»

1 = ?« boltoz, ung.).
2 = iii.

[ 454 ]
C II a)
Shines the sun, what does it shine on? But how did He grace the sky?
Variant (Mel. 62 u.) :
10 (Rising) in the yellow garden 1-6 = (Lo,) this is the Christmas
There's a stairway all of beeswax. night,
There descends the Lord Almighty Since the Lord was born (to us),
On all rare (and) holy feast days, Refrain
On (all) holy Sundays (too), Since the Lord was born (to us),
15 (And) to the white churches (goes). And He made the earth (as well),
Refrain: The Almighty is our Lewd! And He raised the sky (above),
And He set it on three pillars,
Decked it out more beauteously,
103f. With the moon and sun (upon it)
Ever since the Lord was born, And with little stars (besprinkled).
He has also made the earth,
And He raised the sky (as well),
May the wheat grow to the girdle
Beautifully painted it, 10 And the rye up to the armpits I
5 And the earth He covered over Host, a goodly health we wish you,
All with little stars (besprinkled), So that you might pay our carol
With some larger ones around them. With a wheaten cake as fine
As the face of Jesus Christ I
(Lo,) where are two sunbeams Refrain (107a.) Lord, we sing!
beaming? Refrain (62u.); White are the flow8f's!
On a hill with com they beam.
10 (Lo,) where are two sunbeams
beaming? 103h.
On green lowland fields they beam. Ever since the Lord was born,
(Lo,) where are two sunbeams Refrain
beaming? The earth, too, He made Himself,
Through the middle of the window, He adorned it beauteously,
Spilling wheat upon the table. 5 All (decked out) with new adornments
Refrain: Our Lord and little lily! And with little stars (besprinkled),
Also with the moon and moonlight.
Refrain: And Our Lewd, Almighty God!
(1.0,) this is the Christmas evening,
Ever since the Lord was born,
And He (also) made the earth,
And He raised the sky (on high),
5 And He propped it on three pillars.

[ 455 ]
C II b)

l04a. l04b.
Sus la naltu-i cieriuluiy Sus la naltu eieruluiu,
r., r.,
La luncil'e soarieluiy Su' poal'el'e raiuluiu,
Mandra-i masa d'e matasa.
I: SU' poal'el'e raiuluiy : I
La un corn, Doamne, d'e masa Mandra-i masa d'e matasa.
5 Dar la masa d'e matasa,
5 $ed'e-mi, Doamne, cine-mi !led'e?
$ed'e 10nu, Sant laonu; I: Dar la masa d'e matasa : I
------ ------
$i a doilea corn de masa
$ede-mi Adam si suspina . $ede-mi dragul Dumnezey
$i a trilea corn de masa ' $i din grai a~a-mi graie:
10 $ed~-o dalba jupuneasa;
-Mat, Adame, prost Adame,
$i-a patrilea corn de masa 10 Slobozire 'n rai ti-am dat;
$ede dragul Dumnezey. Din toti pomii sa mananei,
Dar de lucru ce-mi lucra? Numai din hal eoncinit 2
J udeea la sufletele, Sa nu manei, ea-mi est~-oprit.
15 Judeea ~i la Adam. Dar Adam din grai graie:
-$tii tYd-dame, ee ti-am spus, 15 Doamne, io nu-s vinovat,
Ev' 0 rupt !Ii ie mi-o dat.
Can' in rai ea t~-am adus:
Eva rupse ~i-mi raspunse:
Din toti pomii sa mananei, -Doamne, io nu-s vinovat,
Da din pomul eoncinit 1
lud'-o rupt ~i el mi-o dat
20 Sa nu manei, ea est~-oprit. 20 $i pa pom s'o 'nearlobat. 3
Adam rupse ~i-mi raspunse:
Domnul din grai imi graie!?te:
-10, Doamne, nu-s vinovat -leoti ,Adame, tot ee ai
Poate Ev'a fi gre~it. '
$i din rai afara hai!
Eva rupse !Ii raspunse:
$i din ral !Ii din viata
25 -10, Doamne, nu-s vinovata,
25 $i din raiului dulceata.
Frunza 'n pom s'o 'mprejurat
r. Junealuj bun, iunea mirelui!
$i pe mine m'o 'ndemnat,
(87b. Gradi~te if)
D~-o poama din pomi am luat
$i lui Adam ea i-am dat:
30 -Na, Adame, poame buna, l04c.
Sa-mi traie~ti mai mult pe lumel
Rupse Domnu !Ii raspunse: ITl \TIl
I: Dumnezo d-intru 'neeput§, : I -put
-la-ti, Adame, ee mai ai
$i din rai afarii. hai!
r. Doamne jaj Domnuluj Doamne! I 1. IIIll
(102£. Nue!loara if) I: Lumea!li toat'~-a fa cut§, : I faeut.

ILl fill
I: $i-a zad'it pe Hiristos§, : I -stos,
1 = oprit.
2 = 111 oprit.
8 = incArliontat.

[ 456 ]
C II b)


l04a. l04b.
Up aloft, high in the sky, High in the sky's upper reaches,
Refrain Refrain
In the meadows of the sun, Underneath the skirts of heaven,
There's a beauteous silken table. Underneath the skirts of heaven,
Oh Lord, at one table corner, There's a beauteous silken table;
5 Sits, oh Lord, who is that sitting? 5 But beside the silken table,
It is John, Saint John who's sitting. But beside the silken table
At the second table corner The dear Lord is sitting down,
Adam's sitting and he's sighing. And He thusly spoke to say:
And at the third table corner Ho, you Adam, silly Adam,l65
10 (Lo,) there's sitting a fair lady. 10 I of heaven made you free,
And at the fourth table corner That you eat of every tree,
The dear Lord is sitting down. But of the forbidden one
But what was He working at? Not to eat, for it is banned.
He on souls was passing judgment, Howsoever Adam said:
15 He was judging Adam too: 15 I am not to blame, oh Lord,
You know, Adam, what I said It was Eve who plucked and gave me.
When I brought you into heaven: Eve began and (thus) made answer:
You shall eat of every tree, I am not to blame, oh Lord,
But of the forbidden tree Judas plucked and gave it me,
20 You'll not eat, for it is banned. 20 And he coiled about the tree.
Adam started and made answer: The Almighty Lord spoke (thusly):
Lord, I'm not the guilty one. Take up, Adam all you own,
It may be that Eve has erred. And get out of heaven, come!
Eve (then) started and made answer: Out of life and out of heaven,
25 Lord, it is not I who's guilty, 25 Out of heaven's sweetness also.
The tree's leafage gathered close Refrain: To the good youth, to the young
And upon me it prevailed bridegroom!
From the tree to take a fruit
And to Adam hand it o'er:
30 Take hold of the good fruit, Adam, l04c.
In the world may you live longer I The Almighty first of all
The Lord started and made answer: Made the world and everything,
Adam, take what's left to you, And He fashioned (Jesus) Christ,
And get out of heaven, come!
Refrain: Hoy, Lord, to the Lord

165 Alternative reading for this verse: Ho, you Adam, worthless Adam.

[ 457 ]
C II b)
ILl fTIl
I: Pe Adam foart'e frumosa, : I -mos

rrlfITl I
I: Dumnezey p'intru 'nceputy, '1'. : I
1. I
5 I: ~i cu Eva i-a 'nsojita, : I -jit
I: ~i in
rr.l fIT.l
rai ca i-a bagata, : I -gat
I 1. I fILl
~iun pom oprit 11':-0 dat I: Tata lume 0 facuty : I facut,
~iII':-a zis sa nu mai mance,
ca din rai afar' s'or duce. fI.I fIT.l
I: Hi Adam foart'e frumosy : I -mos
10 -Bucoro~i n'ar llil mancat,
Da ~erpile 'nverinat 2 ~i de branca 1-0 luat,
Sus pe creanga s'o japat 5 Pana 'n rai ce 1-0 biigat,
~i on mar ca 0 luat, Mare poruncii. i-a dat:
Evii 'n mana iI-o dat. -Din tat pomul ~i 4 mananci,
15 ~i Adam inc' 0 gustat. N uma din pom inflorit
Dumnezey s'o suparat ~i 4 nu manci, ca ii oprit.
~i din rai afar' i-a dat 10 Da ~erpile veninos
~i 'n poarta raiului puse A plecat 0 creanga 'n jos
o para de foc aprinsa. ~i-o luat un mar frumos
20 Dumnezey li-ay cuvantat: ~i 1-0 dat la Eva jos.
-Meri, Adame, dela mine, Eva de mar 0 mu~cat
Lapadat de mare bine! 15 ~i la Adam inc' 0 dat.
Merl':-Adam pan' la on loc Dumnezey 0 cuvantat:
Plangan' cu lacrami de foc. -Da tu, Eva, tu muiere,
25 Dumnezey li-ay cuvantat: Tu dl':-aiei josu ii mere;
-Taci, Adame, nu mai plange, Tu, Adame, t'icalos,
Nu varsa lacrami cu sange, 20 Tu dc;:-aiei ii mere jos;
Ca dl':-amu ji-i ca~tiga Dar tu, ~erpe vemnos,
Panea cu sudoarea tao Cand te a dure capu
30 Pe Eva 0 bl1i sta mat : Ie~i in drum ~i-ti afla leacu.
-Eva, can' vei na~te prunci,
S'ai dureri ~i grele munci,
~i-sa llii 3 biirbatului Pa'l'a melodie:
Tat supt ascultarea lui. Frunza verde de matasa,-
35 Pe ~erpe 1-0 blastamat: 25 Firc;:-ai, gazda, sanatoasa!
-Sa llii ~erpl':-afurisit, '1'. Doamn', Doamn' ~j-a nos' Doamn'/
Sa te tari pe pamantu; (104j. T1i~ad ¢)
Unde tl':-or gasi-adurmit,
~a llii cu capu ;rrobit;
40 Unde tl':-or gasi culcat, l04e.
Capu sa-ji fie crepat!
(121a. Or~ova 4» I: Dumnezey d'ela 'nceputy,
I 1. II fILl
'1'. : -put

1 = fi.
2 = inveninat.
8 = tii.
1 = sa.
[ 458 ]
C II b)
Adam (too) most handsomely, l04d.
5 And He wedded him to Eve
And He put them (both) in heaven, The Almighty, as a start,
And He gave them a banned tree, Ref,ain
Not to eat of it, He told them Put together the whole world,
Lest they be sent out of heav~n. Adam very handsome (made),
And He took him by the hand;
10 Fain would they have eaten not, 5 Before putting him in heaven,
But (behold) the poisoned snake He gave him a great command:
Crawled upon a limb aloft You shall eat from every tree,
And it plucked an apple off, Only from the flowering tree
Gave it in the hand of Eve; Do not eat, for it is banned.
15 Adam tasted it as well. 10 Ne'ertheless the poisoned snake
Angered was Almighty God, Bent a bough toward the ground,
And from heaven banished them, And a handsome apple took,
And He set in heaven's gateway And to Eve let it drop down.
A (great) flame of burning fire. From the apple Eve (then) bit,
20 The Almighty said to them: 15 And to Adam gave some too.
Begone, Adam, from beside me, The Almighty Lord spoke out:
(Go,) bereft of great well-being I Oh, youEve, you (wretched) woman,
Adam went up to a place, You 11 go hence, from here descending;
Weeping tears of fire (the while). You, Adam, mischievous one,
25 The Almighty said to them: 20 You'll go hence from here, below;
Quiet, Adam, weep no longer, As for you, poisonous snake,
Tears of blood do not be shedding, Whensoe'er your head shall ache,
For henceforth you are to earn Go seek solace on the highway.16G
(Your own) bread with your own
Without a tune:
30 Upon Eve He set a curse:
When you shall bear children, Eve, (Ho, a) green leaf (that is) silken,
May you labor hard in pain; 25 Host, may you be (always) healthy I
May you also always be Ref,ain: Lo,d, Lord, and Ou, Lo,dl
Under (your own) husband's rule.
35 On the snake He set a curse: l04e.
Serpent, may you be accursed
On the earth to drag yourself; The Almighty from the start
Wheresoe'er you're found asleep, Ref,ain
May your head (also) be crushed;
40 Where you shall be found to lie,
There (too) may your head be splitl

106 In the ~~ginal, this verse reads: Get out on the highway to seek your remedy. The head-
ache cure Wlttily suggested to the snake is, of course, to get its head crushed by the first

[ 459 ]
C II b)
Sa nu manci, ca ii oprit!
fI.I In·1 Da ~erpe1e verinos
I: Tata lume ay. facutui : I -cut
S'al} suit pe mar frumos
$i-a p1ecat 0 creanga 'n jos
I 1.I fTIl 10 $i-a 1uat un mar frumos
I: $i 'nca cu Isus Hristos~ : I -stos
$i lui Adam 11 0 dat.
Adam in mana 1-0 ll}at
{Cu -I1-.-IJll.l $i din e1 al} imbucat
I: $i cy. Adam foart'e frumos~ : I-mos $i 1a Eva inc' al} dat.
15 Eva 'n mana 1-0 1uat
5 $i pe Eva Q-al} zidit, $i din e1 al} imbucat.
La 01a1t i-al} inta1nit $i maru 'n grumaz i-al} stat,
$i d-in rai ii al} bagat Dumnezo al} cuvantat:
$i de mancat Ie al} dat. -Mal. Adame, c~-ai 1ucrat,
-Din tati pomDii sa-ji 1 mananci, 20 De porunc' 0 ai ca1cat?
IONumai din ce1 inflorit -10, Doamne, n'o am ca1cat,
N u manca, ca est~-oprit I Ca ~erpe1e m'o 'ndemnat.
Vin~-un !ierpe verinos 2 $i Eva l'al} b1astamat!
$i-atarna cranguta 'n jos. -Fil}-ai, ~erpe, b1astamatl
Eva roaru 1-al} 1uat 25 Unde t~-or afla cu1cat,
15 $i lui Adam il al} dat. Sa-ti fie capu1 sfarmat;
Adam odat' al} mU!icat, Unde t~-or afl'adurmit
Dumnezel} al} cuvantat: Sa-ti fie capu1 zdrobd'it!
-Tu, Adame, c~-ai 1ucrat? r. Doamn', Doamn' ~i-a nos' Doamn'!
Porunca ti-o ai ca1cat! (104k. Gherla if)
20 Tu, Adame,-i mere jos
$i-i 1ucra ca-l}n pacatos;
$i tu, Eva, jos ii mere
$i-i 1ucra ca !ii -0 muiere 104~.
$i-i na~te fii cu durere; I: Dumnezeu d-intru 'nceput : I
25 ~i tu, !ilerpe verinos, I: Tata lumea 0 fa cut : I.
Numai sa te tragi pe jos;
$erpe, cand t~-a dure capu,
le!ii 1a drum !ii-ti cal}ta leacu! Da-o fa cut Domnu Hristos
r. Domnului si-a nos' Domnu! Pe Adam foarte frumos,
(64c. Tam; ~are if) 5 $i cu Eva 1-0 'nsotit
$i 1a rai 1-0 slobozit
$i i-a spus sa nu manance,
104f. Ca apoi e1 sa va duce.
Din care pomni 0 mancat, .
Dumnezo ~' 0 1asaty, 10 Bucuros n'ar fi mancat,
r., Da !ierpile 1-0 'ndemnat.
Pre Adam ~i pre Eva -§il}-ai, 3 ~erp~-afurisit,
==== Sa-ti §ie 4 capu zdrobit
De mancare ce 1(l-0 daty: La parau Ceanu1ui,
-Din tat pomu1 sa mananci, 15 La apa lordanu1ui!
5 Numai din pomu 'nflorit (114a. Curtecap 4»

1 = ~i.
S = veninos.
3 = fire-ai.
4 = fie.
[ 460 ]
C II b)
Brought to being the whole world, Do not cat, for it's forbid!
Together with Jesus Christ, But the serpent venomous
{ With Nicely climbed the apple tree,
And with Adam, too, most fair, Dipped a bough toward the ground,
5 (Lo,) They fashioned Eve as well; 10 And a handsome apple took,
Brought the two together (then), And to Adam gave it (then).
And in heaven put them (both), Adam took it in his hand
And provided them with food: And a mouthful bit of it,
You shall eat of every tree, And he handed it to Eve.
10 Only of the blooming one 15 In her hand Eve took it (too)
Do not eat, for 'tis forbid I And a mouthful bit of it;
Comes along a poisoned snake, In her throat the apple stuck,
And bends down a little bough; (And) the Lord Almighty spoke:
Eve plucked off the apple (then) Adam, ho, what have you done
15 And to Adam handed it, 20 (My) command to overstep?
Adam took one bite (of it), I've not overstepped it, Lord,
(And) the Lord Almighty spoke: For the serpent egged me on.
You, Adam, what have you done? And Eve set a curse on it:
Your command you've set at noughtl Serpent, may you be accursed!
20 Adam, you shall go below, 25 Wheresoe'er you're found to lie,
Like a sinner you shall toil; There (too) may your head be crushed;
And you, Eve, shall go down (also), Wheresoe'er you're found asleep,
And you'll work just like a woman, There (too) may your head be smashed.
And you'll bring forth sons in anguish; Retrain: Lord, Lord, and Our Lord!
25 As for you, poisonous snake,
You shall crawl but on the ground;
Serpent, when you have a headache, 104g.
Seek your ease out on the highway. The Almighty from the start
Retrain: To the Lord and to Our Lord! Fashioned the entire world.
The Lord Christ however made
Adam very handsomely,
104f. 5 And He mated him with Eve,
Thus did the Almighty rule And in heaven set them loose,
Retrain They were not to eat, He told them,
(Both) for Adam and for Eve, Because then they would be leaving.
Unto them providing food: Of the tree from which they ate,
You shall eat of every tree, 10 Gladly would they not have eaten,
5 Only of the flowering tree But the serpent egged them on.
Serpent, may you be accursed
That your head might shattered be
At the rivulet of Cana,167
15 At the water of the Jordan!

187 The obviously garbled place name given in the original text may be Canaan, not Cana.

[ 461 ]
C II b)
104h. 5 -Raiule. gradina dulce,
10 din tine nu m'~ duce
In grad'ina raiului :, -lui
DQ-amirosu floriloru,
De /ifara facliiloru,

~ed'Q-Adam cu Eva lui: ,lui
De zuru alginiloru.1
10 ~i Adam 0 fost on 2 om.
De trizeci de coIn de nalt,

11.1 [ll.l
Dumnezey. d'in grai graire :, grai:
Ella moarte nu s'o dat;
De trizeci de coIn in sus,
Vint-o B mortea l1i 1-0 dus
l----r.--j fTIl 15 La parau Geanului
,: -Du-t'Q~dame, d'ila mille : , min' I
Apa Ii 4 lordanului
5 lar Adam din grai graia:
-Nu rna 'ndur, DoamnQ-,a rna duce -§iv-ai Ii, /ierpQ,-afurusutl Un-
Dela gradina ta-i dulce, .......... -de tQ-oi gasi adU'rrut,
DQ-amirosu florilor, Capu sa-ti §ie 8 zdrobitl
De glasul pasarilor,
10 De apa izvoarelor,
DQ-aprinsu facliilor.
Fa1'a melodie:
Dumnezey. din grai graia: 20 sa §ii,? gazda, sanatoasa,
-Du tQ,-Adame, dela mine, Sa plat~ti colinda noasta
ca ey. ~ tQ-oi chema, Cv-on husol1,8 cu doi,
15 Cu trimbiV oi trimbita, sa ne luam nadragi noi I
MorN ton sa vor scula; (117b. Lechincioara t/»
~i cat rod a fi din tine,
Toti ay. sa vie la mine
La ziy.a judetului 104j.
20 La scaunu Domnului. Colo josu, mai din jOSIJ
Amin, Doamne, slava tie, Mandra-i masa de rnatasa.
Slava, Doamne, ce-a,i l1i tale, Da la masa cine-mi /iede?
Car' nQ-ai fa cut la rai cale I ~ede-mi dragul Dumnezey.
(121k. Urisiu de sus ¢)
5 ~i judeca la Adam:
-Mai, Adame, prost Adame,
104i. Tu de rai tQ-ai izbiivit
~i de rai l1i de viata
rr.l IIT.l
,: Dinaintea raiuluiy :, -lui
~i dQ-a pomilor dulceata.
10 -Raiule, gradina dulce,
I. I. 1 rIT.l 10, dQ-aici nu m'~ mai duce
,: ~i-Adam cu Eva /iede~ :, /iede De mirosu florilor,
De dulceata pomilor I
~i-l1i pIange cu banuire 1'. Domnuluj Doamnel
DQ-a raiului despa$e: (62i. Paucine/id ¢)

1 = albinelor.
a = un.
a = venit-o.
4 = lui.
6 = fire-ai.
e = fie.
7 = fii.
e = vechiu ban de argint « huszas, flng.).

[ 462 ]
C II b)
104h. 5 Paradise, you lovely garden,
I am loath to go and leave you,
In the garden of paradise,
(Leave) the fragrance of the flowers,
Adam's sitting with his Eve. 16S
(And) the flames of (lighted) candles,
The Almighty said (to him) :
(And) the humming of the bees.
Adam, go away from me I
10 And (this) Adam was a man:
5 And said Adam (to the Lord) :
(Standing) thirty cubits tall,
Lord, I've not the heart to go
He did not give in to death;
From Your garden (that is) sweetened
Over thirty cubits tall,
By the fragrance of the flowers,
Death arrived and took him off
By the voices of the birds, 15 To the rivulet of Cana,170
10 By the waters of the springs,
To the waters of the Jordan.
By the burning of the tayers.
The Almighty said (to him) :
Serpent, may you be accursed!
Adam, go out of my presence,
Where- 171
For I'll call you back again;
Ever I shall find you sleeping,
15 I shall trumpet with the trump,
Shall your head be split apart.
All the dead will rise (again);
And what fruit of you there might
be 169
Without a tune:
(One and) all to me'll be coming
20 Host, a goodly health we wish you,
On the Day of Reckoning,
That you may reward our carol
20 To the seat of the Lord God. With a silver piece or two,
Amen, Lord, Yours be the glory,
That we might new breeches buy I
Praise unto Your works, Almighty,
Who made us a way to heaven!
104i. Down there, lower down, below,
(Lo) before (the gate of) heaven, There's a beauteous silken table.
Both Adam and Eve were sitting But who's sitting at the table?
And despondently lamented The beloved Lord sits (there),
O'er their sundering from heaven: 5 And to Adam judgment gives:
Oh you Adam, worthless Adam,
You have rid yourself of heaven,
Both of heaven and of living,
Of the fruit trees' sweetness also.
10 Paradise, sweet (beauteous) garden,
I am loath to (go and) leave you,
For the fragrance of your flowers
And the sweetness of your trees.
Refrain: To the Almighty!

Alternative reading for this verse: Adam's living with his Eve. (In Rumanian, the verb
a means both to sit and to live or dwell.)
~edea .. .
188 That is what offspring there will be of yours (at that time hvmg or dead).
170 Or pe:haps Canaan-the place name is garbled in the text.
171 Th~ curious'technique of the original text is identically rendered here, the same word
being divided between the two verses.

[ 463 ]
C II c)
104k. 1041.
I: La grad'ina Zanului : I, I I. I fTIl
'Y., I : Rai, rai, rai grad'ina dulce, 'Y. : I dulci
I: La apa lordanului : I
------ I: Din t'ine nu m'~
rrl rn.l
mai duce : I duci
I: ~ed~-Adam !ii cu Eva-lui: I
------ De dulceata pomilor,
I: I!ii cantay pacat'il'e~ : I D~-amD.inosu 1florilor,
------ 5 De para facliilor,
5 I!ii cantay. cu banuire De zbamet alginilor. 2
D~-a raiului desparjire:
'Y. Domnuluj Domn Dumneze'/f!
-Raiule, gradina dulce,
(101. !dicel rP)
10 din tine nu m'oi duce.

'Y. Romin'/foa'Ya, Romin'/foa'Ya!

(97. Albae 1)



Noaptea d-int' 0 vreme

105a. (Cf. 109.) Ba maic' 0 love
Trecu mi-ji3 margui 25 Ni!ite munci cam grele
D-oi doi drumareC Fii d'a na~te~.
Drumari ciile-ar fi ? ~i nu-l pute na!ite
Sfantutullosaf Da tropoi da cai,
5 ~i cu Maica Sfanta. Da sunet da frane.
Lua, sa duce 30 Maica-!7i graie:
Tat, pa tari straini, -Blem, losafe, blem,
Pana-ji nimeri Caii ~i lasam
Sara da d -Arjun ~i ~i 5 blastiimam:
10 'N curtea lui Craciun *-Voi, cai, ~i 5 £itt blastiimati
Sala~ i~i cere 35 ~i da Dumnezey
D-ln cum ~i-l !itie. ~i da fiul miley!
Craciun graie: ~i ~i 5 va purtati
*-0 ~ti, (v)oi, mai, !iti, salai, Oase pacatoase
15 Domnul Dumnezey, Pa coastele voastre.
Ce sala~ v'oi da: 40 Maica d-ajunge
Grajdul cailor. 'N iesle boilor,
Maica-!ii graie: Sala~ i~i face
-Blem,410safe, blem, D-tn cum ~i-l ~tie.
20 'N grajdul cailor! Pa maie' ajunge
Sala~ l!ii face 45 Ni!ite munei earn grele
D-in cum !ii !itie. Fii d'a na~tere.
1 = mirosuI.
2 = albinelor.
3 = i?i.
4 = sa mergem (sa umblam).
5 = sa.

[ 464 ]
C II c)
104k. 1041.
In the garden of the Zan,172 Heaven, heaven, pleasant garden,
By the river Jordan close, Retrain
Sojourned Adam with his Eve. Nevermore would I forsake you:
(Lo,) their sins they were bewailing, For the sweetness of the trees,
5 Dismally they were bemoaning For the fragrance of the flowers,
(Their own) sundering from heaven: 5 For the flame of tapers (lit),
Paradise, delightful garden, For the buzzing of the bees.
Out of you I'll not be going. Retrain: To the LOYd Almighty God!

Retrain: Ruddy pokeweed, ruddy

pokeweed! 173


Once during the nighttime

105a. (Cf. 109.) The Mother was seized
They pass by, they go 25 With hard pains of labor,
The two travelers. For to bear her Son;
But who might they be? And she could not bear him
Saint Joseph (it is) For the horses' stamp,
5 With the Holy Mother. For the sound of bridles.
They set off, they went 30 (Holy) Mother said:
All through foreign lands, Let's go, Joseph, go,
Until they arrived The horses let's leave,
On the Christmas Eve Let us curse them too:
10 At Christmas's house, May you, horses, be accursed 174
Asked for shelter (there), 35 Both by the Lord God
As well as could be. And by my own Son!
Christmas said (to them): May you also bear
How I'll lodge you, knows perhaps174 Bones (of) sinful (people)
15 The Almighty Lord; On those ribs of yours.
I shall shelter you 40 When the Mother got
In the horses' stall! To the oxen's byre,
(Holy) Mother said: A shelter she made
Let's go, Joseph, go As well as she could.
20 In the horses' stall! The Mother was seized
A shelter she made 45 With hard pains of labor,
As well as she could. For to bear her Son.

172 By analogy with other variants of this series, this may be either Cana or Canaan. The
translator is unable to identify, otherwise, gl'adina Zanului.
178 The plant named in this text is Phytolacca decandl'a.
174 In the original, too, this verse has seven syllables.

[ 465 ]
C II c)
Boii d-abura: Mo~a fiului.
Fiul Sfant na!1te Dumnezev valuie:
Ca !1i-o florice. Uochii-s vazatoq
50 Maica-!1i graie: 95 Branci cuprinsatori,
·-Fir\':-aji d-alduiti voi, boi, Picioar\,:-umbia toare.
~i da Dumnezev I:Y. Doamne!
~i da fiul mi\.el}! 2.r. Daj corinde!
Pa brazda margand (21b. Urvi!1 if)
55 ~i va rugumaji! 1
Cracium graie:
-1e!1iti, sclujni,2 afara, l05b.
Cei salai d'asara D-oi trecu-i. mai margui,
Morti is 0 vii is ? I.r.,
60 Noi am fost in soM,s D-oi doi drumarei.
'N soba calduroasa. 2.r.,
Sclujile-!1i ie!1e, Dar drumari cii\.e-s ?
Lucru ce-ji vede,
La pamant cade, D-una-i Maica Sfanta-i
65 Napoi intorce: 5 Cu Sfantul 1osaf.
-Stapane Craciune, Tare d-insara,
·Ce Iucru !1i-ar pute fi,
Ca d'afara-i vara Maica-!1i cuvanta:
~i d-in casa-i iama. -Stapane Craciune,
70 Craciun naduie, SaIa!1 n\,:-om cerca!
Susu sarie, 10 Craciun cuvanta:
Chei in branci prinde, -O(i) !1ti, (v)oi mai !1ti
Ca mi-or descuie Mandru Dumnezel),
~i 'n braja-!1i prinde Toate ca v'a!1 da:
75 Va Iuri, postavuri. Grajdu cu caii.
~i mandru Ie 'ntinde, 15 Maica-!1i cuvanta:
La maidi d-ajunge. -BIem, 4 Iosafe, blem
Craciun graie: La grajdul cu cai.
·-0, iam-ma, maica, iarta, SaIa!1 i~i face,
80 Ca n'am naduit De cum ~i-I put'e.
10 d'aista lucru. 20 Noapt'e' d-int' 0 vreme
Maica-~i graie: Pa maica ajunge
·-10, ji iert, Craciune, iert, Ni~te munci cam grele
Numai tu-mi adu ~i 5-~i nasc' fiul sfant.
85 La lipsa fapta ~i nu-I put'e na~te
Mo~a fiului. 25 De rosul de cal.
Craciun graie: De sunet de fraie:
-Ciunta-i bolovana Caii roscot'e,
~i da l}ochi-i l}oarM. Munci ingreuie,
90 -Numai tu te du, Maica-~i cuvanta:
Oare va vini 30 BIem, 1osaie, bIem,

1 = sa va rumegati.
a = slugi.
8 = camera « szoba, ung.).
4 = sa mer gem.
~ = sa.

[ 466 ]
C II c)
The beeves breathed (on her), The Son's godmother.
Holy Son was born God provides a cover:
Like a little bloom. Seeing are the eyes,
50 (Holy) Mother said: 95 Catching are the hands,
Blessings, oxen, be on you,175 Feet are (fit for) walking.
Both from the Lord God Ist Refrain: Lord God!
And from my own Son! 2nd Refrain: Sing the carol!
Going on the furrow,
55 May you chew your cud!
Christmas spoke to say: l05b.
Go outside, you servants, Two went by, walked onward,
(See if) last night's lodgers Refrain
Be dead or alive. The two wayfarers.
60 We were in the chamber, But who are the two?
In the warmful chamber. One's the Holy Mother,
The servants went out, 5 Saint Joseph's with her.
(At) the thing they saw Night was falling fast,
They fell to the ground. Said the Mother (then):
65 They came back (and said): (Look you,) Master Christmas,
(Behold,) Master Christmas, Shelter we would seek!
What might well the matter be? 175 10 Christmas said (to her):
For outside it's summer Maybe it is known
And indoors it's winter. To Almighty God
70 Christmas had a doubt, All I'd give to you:
He leaped to his feet, (There's )the horses' stall.
Keys took in his hand, 15 (Holy) Mother said:
Storerooms he unlocked,176 Come, Joseph, let's go
And took in his arms To the horses' stall.
75 Veilings (and fine) cloths; She bedded herself
He laid them out nicely As well as she could.
As he reached the Mother. 20 At one time of nighttide
Christmas spoke to say: The Mother was taken
Oh, forgive me, Mother, pardon,177 With sore pangs of labor,
80 For I inkled not Holy Son to bear.
This thing (was afoot). But she could not bear Him
(Holy) Mother said: 25 For the horses' champ,
Christmas, I've forgiven you,175 For the sound of bridles;
Only bring to me (Lo,) the horses stamped,
85 What is missing yet: 178 Made the labor worse,
The Son's godmother. (And) the Mother said:
Christmas said (to her): 30 Come, Joseph, let's go,
She's lame as a pebble
And her eyes are sightless.
90 Only let you go,
Maybe she will come,

175 In the original text, as here, this is a seven-syllable verse.

178 An error of transcription gives a garbled and meaningless verse here. The verse should
read: Cama,i descuie.
177 In the original, as here, this verse has eight syllables.
178 This verse, as it stands, is supplied by the translator. The odd wording of the original
allows a suspicion of garbling, either in the version recorded here or in the transcription thereof.

[ 467 ]
C II c)
Caii ~i1 Hisam Ie ie~i cam 'nfara,
~i ~i 1 bliistamam: Cil. d~-afara-i vara
*Fir~-ati blastamatL voi, cai, ~i d-in casa-i iama.
~i de Dumnezel} Craciun pricepand
35 ~i de fiul mnel}! 80 ~i el sa tapa
Satiu ~i1 n'aveti. Pan' camari d~-al' sa' 2
Num' odata 'ntr' an, ~i mi-~i d-apuca
Zil}a lui Ispas, Valuri postavuri
~i atunci num' un cias. ~i Ie a~teme
40 Maica sa duci~ 85 D~-ale curtea sa
La grajdul cu boi, Pana la maica
Sala~ i~i face, ~i 'n genunchii sta,
De cum ~i-l put'e. Mandru sa ruga:
Noapt'e' d-intr' 0 vreme -0 iarta -rna, maica,
45 Pa maica ajunge 90 Ca io n'am ~tiut,
Ni~te munci cum grele Ca-i maica taroasa. 3
~i-~i 1 nasc' fiul sfant. Ca a~ fi ~tiut,
Boi 0 d-abura, 10 ti-a~ fi cotat 4
Munci i-o d-u~ura. Casa calduroasa
50 Zuori sa face, 95 ~i perini frumoase.
Fiul sfant na~t'e Maica-~i cuvanta:
Dalb ca £lorice. -10 te iert, Craciune,
Maica-i d-alduie: Numai tu mi-~i ada
*-Fir~-ati alduiti, vol. boi, Moa~a fiului,
55 ~i de Dumnezel} 100 Moa~a ~i nana~i,
~i de fiul mnel}, Stani de bolovani.
Pa brazda margand
Cu gura rumpand, *
Gazda, esti in casa ?
Pana-~i or pranzi
60 Dalbeti plugarei, Fir~-ai sanatoase!
Ril.reti vil.cil.rei, I.Y. Doamne me!
N egreti porcarei, 2.Y. Mey doj coyind'em!
~i vor ~uiera (21 u. Lunqoara ¢)
D'intr' un munte 'nt'altu.
65 La curtea Craciun, lOSe.
Craciun cuvanta
Cata sluga sa: Lua-i sa ducere
Maica-i purce-;--S; gre~
-Ie ie~i, sluga, ie~i,
Ie ie~i cam 'nafara,
D'-ind'i-~i rlimere
70 ~i1 vezi, nu-i ved'e,
Cei salai d~-asara, Sara lui d-Ajuny
Poate c'or fi morti 5 La curt'ea-l' 6 Craciuny.
De frig, de pripoq ? D-acolo-~i merge,
Sluga-~i cuvanta:
75 -Stapane Craciune, Salu~u-~i cerelima
Craciun graiek:
1 = sa.
2 = de-ale sale.
3 = insarcinata « terhes, ung.).
4 = cautat.
5 = purcede.
6 = lui.

[ 468 ]
C II c)
Let's the horses leave Go outside a little,
And let's curse them too: For outdoors it's summer
Horses, may you be accursed! 179 And indoors it's winter.
Both by God (above) Christmas understood,
35 And by my own Son! 80 And went running off
May you eat your fill Through his storerooms (all),
Only once a year, And he gathered up
On Ascension Day, Linens (and fine) cloths,
And then but an hour. And he spread them out
40 (Holy) Mother went 85 From his house (along)
To the oxen's byre, To the Mother's place.
She bedded herself On his knees he went,
As well as she could. Handsomely he prayed:
At one time of nighttide Oh, forgive me, Mother,
45 The Mother was taken 90 For I didn't know
With sore pangs of labor, Mother was expectant;
Holy Son to bear. For if I had known
The beeves breathed on her, I'd have sought for you
Eased her labor pains. Housing (that was) warmful
50 Dawn of day arrived, 95 And some handsome pillows.
Holy Son was born (Holy) Mother said:
Like a blossom fair. I forgive you, Christmas,
Mother blessed (the beeves): But you are to fetch me
Blessings, oxen, be on you,lSO A nurse lS2 for the Son,
55 Both from God (above) 100 Nurse and godparents,
And from my own Son, Slabs of rockery.
As you walk the furrow,
Plucking with your mouth,
While the plowmen fair
Are you in the house, host?
60 (And) the cowherds lone May good health attend you!
(And) the swineherds black ISt Retrain: Lord ot mine!
Have their midday meal,lSl 2nd Retrain: I go caroling!
And they'll whistle (then)
From mountain to mountain.
65 At Christmas's house, I05e.
Christmas spoke to say She set out, she walked,
To his hired man: Heavy was the Mother,
Go out, hired man, Retrain
Go outside a little, She arrived (at last)
70 See if you can't get On the eve (of Christmas)
Sight of last night's lodgers; 5 At Christmas's house.
Maybe they are dead There she went (inside),
Of cold (and) of want. (And) for shelter asked.
Said the hired man: Christmas said (to her):
75 (Behold,) Master Christmas,

179 This is a seven-syllable verse in the original text too.

180 This is a seven-syllable verse in the original too.
181 In the translation, this verse has been transposed. In the original it precedes verse 60.
182 As previously noted, moa~a means both midwife and old woman (hence, by extension,
possibly godmother).

[ 469 ]
C II c)
-~t'i-ma Dumnezel} Casa calduroasa
10 Sala!iu-!ii ij-al1 da~, Si-o perina groasa.
Salai is cam mul~i; -10 nu ij-oi ierta,
Poate da v'iti duce 'n 60 Pana mi-i d-aduce
Grajdul cu caii. Moalla fiului.
Acolo-!ii merge, -Cum ~i-o oi d-aduce:
15 Bine-!ii d-a!it'erne. Ciunta-i bolovana
La cap ce-!ii pune ? ~i da \,lochi ii \,loarbii.
T'ita l d-inflorita. 65 Tatal nu Iasa,
Bin' al} hod'init Ci mi-I valuie
Pana Ia d-o vreme. Picioar' umblatoare
20 Da daia d'o vreme ~i branci pranzatoare, 2
Pa maica prind'e Vochii vazatori,
Ni!it'e munci cam grele. 70 Nevasta faleap,
Cai 0 froznoie, MOal1a fiului.
Muncile 'ngral}ie. r./oj Domno joj Domina!
25 Lua-i. sa duce (25. Dragellti if)
In grajdul cu boi.
Bine-!ii d-a~t'erne.
La cap ce pune ? l05d.
T'ita l d-inflorita. Mai, mergu-~i. mai merg!!1!
30 Bin' al} hod'init D-oi, doi drumarei
Pana Ia d-o vreme Pa varf d-alburei.
Da daia d-o vreme
Pa maica prind'e Drumari cine smt?
Ni!ite munci cam grele. 5 D-unu-i Sfant IosM,
35 Boi 0 d-abura\,l, D-una-i Maica Sfanta.
Munci 0 d-u!iura\,l,
Pa fiul na!it'e Sara ce-i prinde~,
Craciun graie Sara de J oi mare,
Ciitii scluga sa: Maica-mi griiie:
40 -Ie ie!ii cam 'nafarii,
Cei salai dl'l-asara 10 -Du-te, du, Iosafe,
Moqi is 0 vii is? ~i saIal1 ne cere!
Scluga Ili iellie, Iosaf sa duce,
Napoi sa 'ntorce Salall ne cere.
45 In cot Ili 'n genunchi Craciun graie:
~i mi-!ii cuvanta: 15 - 0 !iti-va, mai Ilti
-Hoi. june Craciune, Dragu Domn din cer,
Ce mi-ar put'e fi, Ce saiall v'oi da,
Ca dl'l-afara-i vara ca sobeIe 3 -s pline
50 ~i d-in casa-i iama ? De salai dl'l-asara
Craciun i~ie 20 ~i dl'l-alalta sara.
~i mi-~i cuvanta? Toate e\,l v'oi da:
-Hoi, iam-mi, maica, Grajdu cailor,
Ca nu tl'l-am !itiut. Iesiea boilor,
55 ca de tl'l-am vrut !iti, Tarcu oilor.
T'ei i~i am vrut da, 25 Noaptea d-intre' 0 vreme

1 = chita.
2 = prinzatoare.
3 = camerele « szoba, ung.).

[ 470 ]
C II c)
The Almighty knows (Also) a warm chamber,
10 I would give you shelter, A thick pillow likewise.
(But) I've many guests; I'll forgive you not
You'll go, peradventure, 60 Till you shall have brought me
In the horses' stall. Midwife for the Son.
Thither she did go, How am I to fetch her?
15 Bedded herself well. She's lame as a boulder
What set by her head? And her eyes are sightless.
A flowering posy. 65 Father left it not,
Nicely rested she But he covered it:
For a while (of respite). Walking feet (He gave her),
20 But after a respite Also hands (for) holding,
The Mother was seized Seeing eyes (withal),
With hard pains of labor. 70 Showy married woman,
Restless were the horses, Midwife for the Son. lS3
Labor pains they worsened. Retrain: Hoy, oh Lord, hoy, God above!
25 She set out, went off
To the oxen's byre,
Bedded herself well. l05d.
What set by her head? Ho, they walk, they're going,
A flowering posy. The two travelers,
30 Nicely rested she On a hilltop white.
For a while (of respite). Who're the travelers?
But after a respite 5 Saint Joseph is one,
The Mother was seized One's the Holy Mother.
With hard pains of labor. Evening caught them up,
35 The beeves breathed on her, Maundy Thursday evening,
Eased the labor pains, (And) the Mother spoke:
(And) she bore the Son. 10 You go ahead, Joseph,
Christmas spoke to say And for us ask shelter!
To his hireling: Joseph went ahead
40 Go outside a little, (And) for shelter asked.
(See if) last night's lodgers Christmas said (to him) :
Be dead or alive. 15 Peradventure knows
Hireling went out, The dear Lord above
Back he came again How I'll shelter you.
45 On elbows and knees Full are (all) the chambers
And said (unto him) : Since last night with lodgers,
Hoy, you youthful Christmas, 20 Since the night before, too.
What might it (well) be, All I'll give to you
For outside it's summer, (Is) the horses' stall
50 In the house it's winter? (Or) the oxen's byre,
Christmas went outside (Or) the sheepfold (else).
And he spoke to say: 25 At one time of nighttide
Hoy, forgive me, Mother,
For I knew you not.
55 Had I wished to know,
I'd have got you keys,

183 The exact sense of the final seven verses is not at all clear to the translator, and the
above rendition is at best a tentative one.

[ 471 ]
C II c)
Hi maic' 0 love Drumari cine s;lnt?
Ni~te munci cam grele,
Ca fil) mic sa nasca. 4-6 = l05b. 4-6
Caii roscoie~te,
30 Pa maic' 0 'ngral)e~te. In sara lui d-Ajunui
Maica-mi graie: Pa ce fel margand-
-0, ie-te, 10sil.fe, 'N curtea lui Craciun.
$i te du, Iosil.fe,
'N tarcu oilor, 10 Maica-mi graie-~
35 De sala~ ne fa. Pa sm.ntul 10sil.f:
Maica sa duce, *-Ei du-te, mai du,
In sala~ durme. La Craciun batrany,
Noaptea d-intr' 0 vreme Sala~ di mi ceq.
Pa maica love 15 10sil.f sa duce
40 Ni~te munci cam grele La Craciun batrany,
Ca fiu mic sa nasca. Sala~ di cere.
Miei ~beruie, Craciun graie:
Pa maic' 0 'ngral)ie. -$ti-va Dumnezel)
Maica-mi graie: 20-23 = l05d. 17-19,21
45 -0, ie-te, 10sil.fe, $i cl)-a boilor
$i te du, 10sil.fe, 25 Sala~ sa-l faceti.
'N ieslea boilor Di cum it spune,
$i sala~ ne fa. 10saf sa duce,
*$i pa oi sa Ie lasam La maica spune.
50 $i pa cai sa-i blastamam Maica graie:
-Mai cal. fir~-ati blastamati 30 *-Ei, du-te, mai, du, 10safe,
$i de Dumnezel), 'N grajdul cailor,
$i d~-un fil) d~-a mnel)! Sala~ di ne fa.
*Pa spatele voastre, cal. 10sil.f sa duce,
55 S'umble l)oase pacatoase, Salas di-l face,
$i voL cai, sa n'aveti sat, 35 Di c~m fii-l pute.
Num' odata 'n an, Maica sa duce
'N zil)a de Ispas Sa sa hodineasca,
$i atunci un cias. Ca fiu sfant sa nasca.
60 *Voi, oi, sa fiti sparioase! 39-42 = l05d. 25-28
43-45 = l05b. 24-26
I.r. Doamne! De tropot d~-a lor.
2.r. Doi corinde! Maica-mi graie
(21k. Var. 1 Beiu~ ¢) Pa Sfantul 10sil.f:
*-Ei, du-te, mai du, Iosafe,
lOSe. 50 Salas di ne fa

trecu-~i, mai margy,
'N i~slea boilor.
Maica sa duce
Sa sa hodinesca,
D-oi doi drumareiy. Ca fil) sfant sa nasca.
2.r., 55, 56 = l05b. 48, 49
$i fil) sfant na~te

[ 472 ]
C II c)
The Mother was struck Who're the wayfarers?
With sore pangs of labor, 4-6 = 4-6 of 105b.
Her small Son a-bearing. (It was) Christmas Eve;
Restless were the horses, In that way they came
30 They distressed the Mother. To Christmas's house.
Said the Mother (then) : 10 Said the (Holy) Mother
Oh, bestir you, Joseph, To Saint Joseph (then):
And go (over), Joseph, Go along, go on,
To the sheepfold (go), To Old Christmas (go),
35 Shelter make for us. Shelter ask for me.
Off the Mother went, 15 Joseph went (ahead),
In the shelter slept. To Old Christmas (spoke),
At one time of nighttide Shelter asked of him.
The Mother was struck Christmas said (to him):
40 With sore pangs of labor, The Lord God will know
Her small Son a-bearing. 20--23 = 17-19,21 of 10Sd.
Bleating were the lambs, And that of the beeves,186
They distressed the Mother. 25 To take shelter there.
Said the Mother (then) : Of what he had said,
45 Oh, bestir you, Joseph, Joseph went away
And go (over), Joseph, (And) the Mother told.
To the oxen's byre, Said the Mother (then):
Shelter make for us, 30 Well, you go on, go on, Joseph,187
And let us forsake the sheep,184 To the horses' stall,
50 And the horses let us curse: Make us shelter (there).
Horses, may you be accursed Joseph went along,
By Almighty God Made a shelter up
And by my own Son! 35 As well as he could.
On your withers, horses, may (There) the Mother went
55 (Only) sinful bones go (riding); So as to get rested
May you never eat your fill For the Holy Son's birth.
More than once a year, 39-42 = 25-28 of 105d.
On Ascension Day, 43-45 = 24-26 of 105h.
And then but an hour. For their stamping (noise).
60 You, sheep, may you be (Holy) Mother said
fainthearted! 185 To Saint Joseph (then):
Well, you go on, go on, Joseph,187
Ist Refrain: Lord God! 50 Shelter make for us
2nd Refrain: Sing the carol! In the oxen's byre.
(There) the Mother went
So as to get rested
I05e. For the Holy Son's birth.
They went by, kept going, 55, 56 = 48, 49 of 105h.
ISt Refrain Holy Son was born
The two wayfarers.
2nd Retrain
184 Verses 49-51,54-56 have the same number of syllables as their Rumanian-text counter-
185 The corresponding verse of the originalllkewise has eight syllables.
186 Although the text line is not noted in the original transcription, it is clear that verse 22
of l05d. should be included here, immediately preceding this verse.
187 This eight-syllable verse, with the same petulant content, is found in the original too.

[ 473 ]
C II c)
Ca ~i-o florid!. 15 -LasatL cai d\:-a crumpani,
$i 'n petcoav\:-a troseoti,
I.r. Doamne! Aburiti, de rna 'ncalziti,
2.r. Daj corinde! $i suflati, de-mi ajutati.
(211. Camp if) Ca ii daea auzira,
(21k. Var. 2t Camp </>l 20 $i mai tare crumpanira
$i 'n petcoave troscotira.
Maica Sfanta sa lua
I05f. $i 'n cea iescle sa biiga,
*Mandra steal}a ee rasare, $i din gura cuvanta:
Hoi hoL drumari, hoi! 25 -LasatL boi, d\:-a rumega
Drumari cin~-or fi ? Si 'n coame d~-a hurduca,
AburitL de rna 'ncalzitL
Domnul Sfant Iosafe $i suflatL de-mi ajutati.
5 $i eu Maiea Sfanta. Boii daca auzira,
Sus pe drumul mare 30 Aburira ~i-o 'ncalzira
Maica sa duce $i suflara 9i-ajutara.
Pana la Craciun. Maica Sfanta sa lua,
Maica-~i graie: Boii binecuvanta:
10 -Du-te, mai, Iosafe, -Fir\:-asi, voi boi, alduiti
Pana la Craciun 35 De mine, de Dumnezel},
$i sala~ ne cere. Mai tare de fiul miel}!
Iosaf sa duce 'N urma voastra ereasca dara:
$i sala~ cere, Creasea graul 9i sacara
15 Craciun ii dade. Cu iama, cu primavara.
40 Maica Sfanta sa Iua
I.r. Doamne! $i pre eail blastama:
2.r. Daj corinde! -Fir\:-atL voi cal, blastamati
(21k. Var. 3 Lele~d if) De mine, de Dumnezel},
Mai tare de fiul miel}!
45 Ca voL cal, sa n'aveti sas
I05g. Numa 'n zil}a de Ispas,
-Buna sara lui Craciuny! $i-atuneia numai un eias.
Lasa-ma lontru sa tuny, (45a. Cherpeni9 <p)

Lasa-ma lontru sa tun,

Da-mi sala~ dupa cuptor. I05h.
Sara mare d'e Craeiuny,
5 Da-mi sala~ dupa cuptor, r.,
Ca sa nasc' un domnitor, Buni d-ospeti ea nimerear~,

Ca sa nasc' un domnitor, La Craciun saIa~ cerea~.

Oamenilor d'~-ajutory Craciun saIa9 nu Ie da~.

-El} sala~, nu pot sa-ti dal}, 5 I: $i cerea la Craciuneasa : I

10 Du-te 'n stava eailor
Sal} in iesclea boilor. Craciuneasa Ie dedea
Maica Sfanta sa lua In ni j Iocul curtii.
$i 'n cea stava sa biiga Da de focul ce l~-o da ?
$i din gura cuvanta: L~-al} dat mar ~i l~-al} dat par,

t Numai randuri 1.-3 (I. str.) ;;i 4.5.

[ 474 ]
C II c)
Like a little bloom. 15 Horses, leave your crunching be,
With your hooves no longer stamp;
Ist Retrain: Lord God! Blow (on me) to warm me up,
2nd Retrain: Sing the carol! 188 Breathe (on me) to comfort me.
(But) the horses, when they heard
105f. 20 Went on crunching all the louder,
Beauteous (is) the star that's rising: With their hooves (the harder)
Hoy, hoy, waymates, hoy! stamping.
Who're the wanderers? (Then) the Holy Mother rose,
(They're) the lord Saint Joseph To that byre made her way,
5 And the Holy Mother. And she (thusly) spoke to say:
Up upon the highway 25 Oxen, chew your cud no more,
Did the Mother go And no longer clash your horns;
To Christmas's house. Blow (on me) to warm me up,
(Holy) Mother said: Breathe (on me) to comfort me.
10 Go along, you, Joseph, When they heard (her say), the oxen
Up to Christmas (go), 30 (Straightway) with their blowing
Shelter ask for us. warmed her,
Joseph went along And they breathed and comforted her.
And for shelter asked; (Then) the Holy Mother rose
15 Christmas gave (it) him. (And) the oxen she did bless:
Oxen, blessings be on you
Ist Retrain: Lord God! 35 From myself (and) from the Lord,
2nd Retrain: Sing the carol! Even more so from my Son!
In your wake may there grow bounty,
May the wheat and rye be growing,
105~. (Both) in winter (and) in springtime.
A good evening unto Christmas! 40 (Then) the Holy Mother rose
Let me get inside (your mansion), And the horses she accursed:
Let me get inside (your house), Horses, may you be accursed
Shelter me behind the stove, By myself (and) by the Lord,
5 Shelter me behind the stove, Even more so by my Son!
That I might a ruler bear, 45 May you never eat your fill
That I might a ruler bear, But upon Ascension Day,
To mankind to be of comfort. And then only for an hour.
Shelter I can't give to you,
10 To the horses' stable go,
Or else to the oxen's byre. 105h.
(So) the Holy Mother went, (It was) the great Christmas evening,
To that stable made her way, Retrain
And she (thusly) spoke to say: There arrived some goodly guests
(And) of Christmas asked for shelter,
Christmas wouldn't give them shelter;
5 And they asked of Lady Christmas,
Lady Christmas gave (it) them
In the middle of the yard.
But what (wood) gave she for fire?
Pear and apple wood she gave,

188 Author's manuscript footnote: Only verses 1-3 (the first stanza) and verses 4 and 5 in
Mel. No. 21k. Var. 2.

[ 475 ]
C II c)
10 A trile-ay dat de sanger. Durerile Ii miireay.
Da cand fu miezu de noapte 35 Maica Sfanta grey ofta
In eantatoq de coeo~, ~i din grai a~a griiia:
Grey pe maiea d-ajungea -Boilor, ma ascultati
Griele munci ~i griele griji. ~i mai mult nu rumegaij I
15 ~i maica ca sa lua Dar boii c'o ascultay
La griijdutul cailor 40 ~i mai mult nu rumegay.
~i 'n iesclele sa liisa. Ciasul cel dorit sosea,
Maica Sfanta cii na~tea
Y.Domnuluj Doamne! Pe fiul Isus Hristos,
(62e. Petro~an if) Sa ne fie de folos!
(125. Bistra if)
Asta-i sara, sara mare, 105j.
Sa cantam, sa colind'em (sic!), Buna ziy.a lui Craciuny,
Asta-i sara lui Ajun, Y.,
Mane ziya lui Craeiun. Lui Criieiun celui biitranl
5 Maica Sfanta sa primbla,
Loe de na~tire cayta, Maica Sfant' cu { ~;~~ marsii,
Umblii 'n sus ~i umblii 'n jos, Ca fiul sfant sa sa nasca,
Cand e tIlmpul racuros.
------ 5 La ostrovul cailor.
La Craciun sa ducea
mo~ Dar caii cat Ii zaririi,
10 ~i din grai a~a griiia: Din picioare tropotira
-Buna sara, mo~ Craciunl ~i pe gura sfornaira
C'am nimerit la om bun.
Maica Sfant' cu { ~;~~ marsii,
N'ai sa-mi dai sala~luire, 10 Ca fiul sfant sa sa nasca,
Sa va nasc' 0 mantuire? La ostrovul boilor.
15 Mo~ Criiciun din grai graia: ~i boii cat ii zarira,
-Ey sal~ nu iti poci da; Ei cu gura aburira
Du-te 'n grajdul cailor ~i in coarne spriginirii.
Or in iesclea boilor, 15 Maica Sfant' din grai graia:
Acolo vei putea na~te, -Fire-ati, boi, blagosloviti,
20 S'ai noroc sa n~ti in pace! De mine, de Dumnezey.,
Maica Sfanta grey ofta, Mai tare de fiul miey!
'N grajdul cailor intra. Y. Domnuluj Doamne!
Dar eaii ca tropoteay, (67a.b. Bistra if)
Durerile ti mareay..
25 Maica Sfanta grey ofta
~i din grai a~a graia:
-Fir~-aij, vio eai, blastamati, I: Maica Sfanta s'o luat : I,
Sa 'naveij voi nici cand sat, S'O luat ~i-o preumblat
Numa 'n ziya d'tnaltarii ====
30 Nici atunci indestulaq I I: Pan' la iesle boilor : 1
Maica Sfanta grey. ofta, ~i d'in grai a~' -0 griiit:
'N iesclea boilor intra. ------
Dar boii ca rumegay., 5 -Maneati, boi, pricepeij voi,
Sa sa nasca un §iy 1 sfant.
1 = fiu.

[ 476 ]
C II c)
10 For a third, she gave them (And )her labor pains increased.
dogwood. 1SD 35 Deep the Holy Mother sighed,
When it was the crack of midnight, And she thusly spoke (to them) :
At the crowing of the cock, Oxen, heedful be of me
Sorely was the Mother seized And no longer chew your cud!
By hard pangs and woeful cares; But the oxen heeded her
15 And the Mother made her way 40 And no longer chewed their cud.
To the horses' stable (then) The awaited hour came,
In the manger she lay down. (And) the Holy Mother gave
Birth to her Son, Jesus Christ,
Refrain: To the Almighty! To be solace unto us!

I05i. l05j.
'Tis the evening, the great evening Unto Christmas a good day,
To go singing, caroling; 190 Refrain
This is the (great) Christmas Eve, Unto Christmas a good day,
Tomorrow (is) Christmas Day.
5 (Lo,) the Holy Mother walked, Holy Mother went With{ j~:;'h,
Sought a place for giving birth; That she might the Holy Son bear,
She walked up and she walked down, 5 To the stable of the horses. 19B
When the weather chilly is. But the horses, as they saw them,
To Old Christmas 191 she went (then), With their feet began a-stamping,
10 And (to him) she thusly spoke: With their mouth began a-snorting.
Old Man Christmas, a good eve,
Since I've found a kindly man. Holy Mother went withl ~~ih, J
Have you not shelter to give me, 10 That she might the Holy Son bear,
That I might redemption bear you? To the byre of the oxen. 1UB
15 Old Man Christmas said (to her) : And the oxen, as they saw them,
Shelter I can't give to you; From their mouth they set to
Go into the horses' stall breathing,
Or the oxen's manger else, With their horns provided shoring.
You'll be able to give birth there: 15 Said the Holy Mother (then):
20 Luck to you for peaceful bearing! Oxen, may you blessed be
Deep the Holy Mother sighed, By myself (and) by the Lord,
Went into the horses' stall. Even more 50 by my Son!
But the horses stamped (their feet), Refrain: To the Almighty!
(And) her labor pains increased.
25 Deep the Holy Mother sighed, I05k.
And she thusly spoke (to them) :
Horses, may you be accursed Holy Mother rose to go,
That you never sated be Rose to go (and) walked (her way),
Except on Ascension Thursday, To the oxen's manger (went),
30 Even then not surfeited! And she thusly spoke her say:
Deep the Holy Mother sighed, 5 Oxen, eat (and) understand:
Went into the oxen's byre. Holy Son is to be born.
But the oxen chewed their cud,
189 The wood specified in the text is indeed Comus sanguinea.
190 Alternative reading for this verse (with the insertion of a colon at the end of the preceding
one): Let's go singing, caroling.
191 MOl Criiciun is the Rumanian counterpart of Santa Claus or Father Christmas.
19B In this text, instead of the usual word for stable and that for byre, we find in each of
these verses the word ostrovul, which means island.

[ 477 ]
C II c)
Boii nu s'o priceput, De mine, de fiul mieT),
~iul sfant nu s'o nascut. Mai tare de Dumnezey
Maica Sfanta s'o luat In tot anul cat~-odata
10 Pan' la ieslea oilor 25 Sa va ieie lana toata.
$i din grai a~'-o grait: Luara-sa, dusara-sa,
-MancatL oi, pricepeti VOl, Tot margand ~i hodinind,
Sa sa nasca un §iy sfant. Cu soarele vorovind
Ele nu s'o priceput, La grajdutul boilor.
15 ~iul sfant nu s'o nascut. 30 Cand pre Hristos il na~tea,
Maica Sfanta s'o luat Boii mandru l-aburea,
Pan' la ieslea cailor Maica Sfant' a~a zicea:
$i din grai a~'-o grait: -Fir~-ati, boi, blagoslaviti
-Mancati, cal, ce Yeti manca De mine, de fiul miey,
20 $i va puneti a culca. 35 Mai tare de Dumnezey!
$i caii s'o priceput, $i vol, boi, s'aveti hodina
~iul sfant ca s'o nascut. $i la pranz ~i la u jina .
*~iul stant p'acest pamant. (45t. Albac ¢)
$i ceriul 0 radicat
25 In tri stalpuri de argint
$i frumos 1-0 'mpodobit 105m.
Cu luna ~i cu lumnina In grad'ina Grecilory,
$i cu stele maruntele. r.,
(75a. Urisiu de sus q" ¢)
Pe supt umbra nucilory,
1051. Primbla mi sa Maica Sfanm

Luara-sa, dusara-sa, CT)-O sugna 2 verde d'easchisa,

Tot margand ~i hodinind,
Cu soarele vorovind, 5 Ca-i sa nasca ziul 3 sfanty,
La grajdutu cailOL
5 Cand pre Hristos il na~tea, Ziul sfant p'aiest pamanty.
Caii in ziereL~i batea,
Maica Sfant' ai?a zicea: !;ii d~-acia-mi purcedea
-Fir~-ati, cal, voi blastamati La grajdutul cailor.
De mine, de fiul miey,
10 Mai tare de Dumnezey! r. Doamne daj Domnuluj Doamne!
$i voi, cai, sa n'aveti sat (87d. Petro~an ¢)
Pana 'n ziT)a de Ispas,
$i-atuncia numai un cias.
Luara-sa, dusara-sa, 105n.
15 Tot margand ~i hodinind, I: PreumbHi-sa Maica Sfanta : I,
Cu soarele vorovind, r.,
La strunguta oilor.
Cand pre Hristos il na~tea, Cu rot'ie verd'e 'ntins'
Oile sa sparia, I: Pan' la umbruta d'e t'ei : 1
20 Maica Sfant' a~a zicea:
-Fir~-ati voi, ai, blastamati $i d'in grai a~'o grait:

1 = fiere.
S = rochie « szoknya, ung.).
3 = fiul.

[ 478 ]
C II c)
(But) they didn't understand, By myself (and) by my Son,
Holy Son was not brought forth. (And) more strongly yet by God!
Holy Mother rose to go, Once a year (without a surcease)
10 To the sheepfold (made her way), 25 May they all your wool take from you.
And she thusly spoke her say: She arose, she went her way,
Eat, you sheep (and) understand: Walking on and taking rest,
Holy Son is to be born. (And) communing with the sun,
(But) they didn't understand, To the oxens' byre (went).
15 Holy Son was not brought forth. 30 As she was a-bearing Christ,
Holy Mother rose to go, Nicely breathed the beeves on Him.
To the horses' manger (went), Thus the Holy Mother said:
And she thusly spoke her say: May you oxen blessed be
Horses, eat what you must eat, By myself (and) by my Son,
20 And to sleeping set yourselves. 35 (And) more strongly yet by God!
And the horses understood, And may you be rested, oxen,
(So) the Holy Son was born, Both at midday and at supper.
On this earth the Holy Son;
And the sky He raised aloft,
25 (Set it) on threee silver shafts, 105m.
And adorned it beauteously In the garden of the Greeks,
With the moon and with the sunlight Refrain
And with little stars (besprinkled). Neath the shade of walnut trees,
Walks about the Holy Mother
In a green gown (that is) opened,
1051. 5 To bring forth the Holy Son,
Holy Son upon this earth.
She arose, she went her way, And from here she made her way193
Walking on and taking rest, (Going) to the horses' stall.
(And) communing with the sun,
To the horses' stable (went). Refrain: To the Lord, to the Almighty!
5 As she was a-bearing Christ,
(Lo,) the horses stamped their shoes.
Thus the Holy Mother said: 105n.
May you horses be accursed (Lo,) the Holy Mother's strolling
By myself (and) by my Son, Refrain
10 (And) more strongly yet by God! In a green gown (that is) outspread,
May you never eat your fill To the shadow of the lime tree,194
Till Ascension Day (comes by), And she thusly spoke to say:
And then only for an hour.
She arose, she went her way,
15 Walking on and taking rest,
(And) communing with the sun,
To the sheepfold (going in).
As she was a-bearing Christ,
(Lo,) the sheep took (sudden) fright.
20 Thus the Holy Mother said:
May you be accursed, sheep,

193 Possible alternative reading for this verse: And therefore she made her way.
194 This is, of course, the linden(Tilia plat yphyllos) , not the Citrus aurantifolia.

[ 479 ]
C II c)
5 -Stai, tu tei~or, in loe, Plimba 'n sus ~i plimba In josui,
Sa ai bine !?i noroe, D'escinsa ~i d'esplet'itii -
Sa nasea fiutul sfimt.
Tei~or in loe n'o stat. 5 !;Ii far d'e tot naciijitii.
Maiea ray s'o alinat !;Ii mi-o lotI d~-a purcedea-rie
10 !;Ii pe tei 1-0 bliistiimat,
Sa nu stea frunza pe el Sus pe plai, Doamne, de rai.
Vara de ealdura mare Can' fu la mijloc de plai,
Nici iama de raeoare; Puse jos sa hodineasca
Ciildura sa-l galbineasea, 10 Sy-o tufa de plop!?Or verde.
15 De raeoare sa topeasea. Maica Sfant' ~a-mi graia: -A-
!;Ii d~-aeolo s'a luat -pleaca, ploape, c10mbile
Pan' la umbruta de plop !;li mi 'ngroa!?a umbrile!
;;i din grat a~'o grait: Plop!?Or sama nu-~i baga,
-Stiii, tu plopu~or, d-in loe, 15 Clombile-~i Ie ajuta,
20 Sa ai bine ~i noroe, Maica Sfanta bliistiima:
Sa nasea fiutul sfant. Fir~-ai, ploape, blastiimat
Plopu~or in loe n'o stat De mine, de fiul sfimt,
Maiea nu s'o a!?ezat Car~-ar na~te pe pamant I
!;Ii pe ell-o blastiimat 20 !;Ii mi-o lot d~-a purcedea
25 Togmai ea pe eelalat. Sus de plai, Doamne, de rai.
!;Ii d~-aeolo s'o luat Can' fu la var~or de plai,
Pana la umbra de brad Puse jos sa hodineasca
!;Ii din grai a!?'o grait: Sy-o tufa de tisa verde.
-Stai, tu bradu~or, in loe, 25 Maica Sfant' ~a-mi graia: -A-
30 Sa ai bine !?i noroe, -pleadi, tisa, c10mbile
Sa nasea fiutul sfant. !;Ii mi 'n gro~a umbrile!
Bradu!?or in loe 0 stat, Tisa sama mi-~i baga,
Maiea bin' s'o alinat Clombile-!?i Ie apleca,
!;Ii fiy sfant mi s'o nascut. 30 Umbrile mi Ie 'ngro~a,
35 !;li pe brad 1-0 alduit: Fiul Sfant ca mi-zi 2 na!?tea.
-Sa fi, brade, alduit, Maica Sfant' 0 alduia:
D'intre lemne mai cinstit, -Fir~-ai, tisa, alduitii
Sa steie frunza pe tine De mine, de fiul sfant,
Vara de caldura mare, 35 Car~-o nascut pe pamant!
40 Ba !?i iama de racoare, Fie iama, fie vara,
De caldura sa tot creasca, Frunza tiit verde sa steie
De racoare sa 'nverzeasca, Pana 'n zi de judecare!
Lumea toatii te cunoascii! r. Doamne l'er Domnuluj Doamne!
r. Domiiilor #-a nos' Doamn'! ( 102c. Ciarbal if)
(73ii. Urisiu de sus if)
1050. Sus la naltu cieriuluiu,
Pe su' poala ceriuluiu,
La luncil'e soarieluiy,
Plimba-~i Maica Domnuluiu,

[ 480 ]
C II c)
5 Little lime tree, quiet stay, She walks up and she walks down,
That you might have ease and luck, With her hair down, and ungirdled,
That the Holy Son be born. 5 And exceedingly unhappy.
(But) the lime tree stayed not still, And she set out on her way
(So) the Mother rested ill, Up the heights of heaven, Lord.
10 And the lime tree she accursed: When she reached the midway mark,
That (its) leaf stay not on it She lay down for to get rested,
(Either) for great heat in summer 10 Underneath a green-leaved poplar.
Or yet for the chill in winter, Thusly spoke the Holy Mother:
That the heat might tum it yellow, Bend (your) limbs down, poplar tree,
15 That from chillness it might wither. And make thicker shade for me!
And she went away from there (But) the poplar heeded not,
Till (she reached) the poplar's shade, 15 It raised up its limbs (instead).
And she thusly spoke to say: Cursed the Holy Mother (then):
Little poplar, quiet stay, Poplar, may you be accursed
20 That you might have ease and luck, By me, by the Holy Son
That the Holy Son be born. Who'll be born upon the earth!
(But) the poplar stayed not still, 20 And she set out on her way
(So) the Mother rested not,196 Up the heights of heaven, Lord.
And she set a curse on it At the summit when she came,
25 Just as on the other one. She lay down for to get rested,
And she went away from there Underneath a green-leaved yew tree.
Till (she reached) the pine tree's shade, 25 Thusly spoke the Holy Mother;
And she thusly spoke to say: Yew tree, downward bend (your) limbs,
Little pine tree, quiet stay, And make thicker shade for me!
30 That you might have ease and luck, (Lo,) the yew tree heeded her,
That the Holy Son be born. Downward it did bend its limbs,
(Lo,) the pine tree quiet stayed, 30 (And) made thicker shade (for her).
(So) the Mother rested well, (Thus) the Holy Son was born.
And the Holy Son was born. Holy Mother blessed the yew:
35 And she blessed the pine tree (then) : Yew tree, blessings be upon you,
Pine tree, blessings be on you, From me (and) the Holy Son,
The most honored among woods, 35 Who was born upon the earth!
May (your) leaf upon you stay Be it winter, be it summer,
(Both) for the great heat in summer Ever green shall stay your leafage,
40 And for chilliness in winter. Up until the Day of Judgment!
May the heat make it grow larger, Refrain: Sing the Lord, the Lord
May the cold make it wax greener, Almighty!
So that the whole world might know
Refrain: Gentlemen and Our Lord! 105p.
In the soaring sky on high,
1050. By the meadows of the sun,
Neath the edging of the sky
Walks the Mother of the Lord;

116 Alternative reading for this verse: (So) the Mother sat not down.

[ 481 ]
C II c)
I: La luncil'e soarieluiuu : I, 10 la suce~te-ti c10ambele
Pan' a na~te fiul sfant.
D-und'e-i joadi soariel'erie, Ploput daca-mi d-auze,
5 Soariel'e cu razel'e-rie, - Sus, mai sus Ie radica,
Maica Sfantii blastiima:
~i cu Maica Domnului. 15 -Fir~-ai. ploape, bIastiimat
Mai mergea cat mat mergea, De min' ~i de fiul mie~,
Pan' la plop imi d-ajungea, Mai vartos de Dumnezel}!
~i din grai a~a-mi graia: Bate vantul, nu mai bate,
10 -Ploape, ploape, verde ploape, Frunza ta 'n loc sa nu steie!
la radicii poalele, 20 ~i-mi rope din po~chine,
~i a~eaza-ti varvurile Pana ea cand ajunge
~i pe min' m' acopere, Su' poala de t'isa verde
Ca sa nasca fiul sfant ~i din gur' a11a-mi graie:
15 Oamenilor pe pamant. -Tisa, tisa, verde tisa,
Plopu daca-mi d-auzea, 25 la suce11te-ti c10ambele
Nici in sama n'o punea, Pan' a na11te fiul sfant,
Maica sta ~i-mi blastama. Fiul sfant p'acest pamant.
~i d~-acia, d'incolea, Tisa daca-l d-auze,
20 Mai mergea, cat mat mergea, jos, mai jos Ie aciuia,
Pan' la tisa d-ajungea 30 Maica Sfant' 0 alduie
~i din grai a~a-mi graia: -Fir~-ai, t'isa, alduitii
-Tisa, tisa, verde tisa, De min' ~i de fiul mie~,
la radica poalele Mai vartos de Dumneze~!
25 ~i a~eaza-ti varvurile Fie iama, fie vara,
~i pe min' m' acopere, 35 Fronza ta verde sa steie,
Ca sa nasca fiul sfant lama sa nu ve~tejeasca,
Oamenilor pe pamant. Primavara sa 'mpupeasca!
Tisa deca-mi d-auzea, r., Doamne daj Domnuluj Doamnel
30 Bine 'n sama mi-o punea, (81a. Var. Paucine~d 1)
Maica SfAnt' 0 alduia.
r. Doamne jaj Domnuluj Doamnel
(81 b. Paucine~d 1) 105s.
Primbla mi-sa, Doamne, primbIa,
D-al'~o, Maica Domnuluiu
Pa ce verd'e dumbravitii Pi su' d-umbra pomuluiu.
Primbla mi-sa, cili' sa primbla? Pana maica sa-mi primbla-rie.
5 Fil} d'in maica ca-mt n~t'e-~.
Primbla mi-sa Maica Sfantii D-al'~o, cMii ~i pagMii
Pan' rat'iti verzuti d'eschise.
Dupa Maica sa-mi primbla,
5 ~i-miropie d'in po~chine-rie,l Doar' pa fiy. I-or d-apuca,
Pana e ajunge-rie - Sa-l boteaza 'n Iegea lor,
10 Legea lor ~i limba lor.
Su' poala de ploput verde Fiul dete d-a scanci,
~i din gur' a11a-mi graie: Maica-mi det~-a pusteni
-Ploape, ploape, nalte ploape, Cam pa plagea 2 (sic!) raiului,

1 = pojghite.
Z = pJaiu?

[ 482 ]
C II c)
By the meadows of the sun, 10 Twist your limbs (toward the ground)
Where the sun is wont to dance, Till the Holy Son is born.
5 (E'en )the sun with (all its) beams, (But) the poplar, when it heard,
(Walked) the Mother of the Lord. High (and) higher lifted them.
She walked onward for a while, Cursed the Holy Mother (then) :
Till she reached the poplar tree, 15 Poplar, may you be accursed
And she thusly spoke (to it) : By myself and by my Son,
10 Poplar, poplar, green-leaved poplar, Even harder yet by God!
Come, lift up your nether limbs, Blows the wind (or) blows no longer,
And your topmost tips set (downward) May your leafage ne'er be quiet!
And (a) shelter (make for) me, 20 And she rips apart her kerchief (?)
That the Holy Son be born Until she could make her way
15 To mankind upon the earth. To the foot of a green yew tree,
When the poplar heard (her say), And she thusly spoke her say:
Unto her it paid no heed, Yew tree, yew tree, green-leaved yew
(And) the Mother stood and cursed. tree,
And from here, from over there, 25 Twist your limbs (toward the ground)
20 She walked onward for a while, Till the Holy Son is born,
Till she came upon the yew, On this earth, the Holy Son.
And she thusly spoke (to it) : (And) the yew tree, when it heard,
Yew tree, yew tree, green-leaved yew Low (and) lower settled them.
tree, 30 Blessed the Holy Mother (then):
Come, lift up your nether limbs, Yew tree, blessed may you be
25 And your topmost tips set (downward) By myself and by my Son,
And (a) shelter (make for) me, Even stronger yet by God!
That the Holy Son be born Be it winter, be it summer,
To mankind upon the earth. 35 Always may your leafage green stay;
When the yew tree heard (her say), May it not grow sere in winter,
30 It paid goodly heed to her; May it bring forth buds in springtime!
Holy Mother blessed it (then). Retrain: Lord, give to the Lord
Retrain: Lord, hoy, to the Lord Almighty!
105r. She is walking, Lord, she's walking,
Through that little green-leaved Woe is me, the Holy Mother,
thicket, In the shadow of the tree.
She is walking, who is walking? While the Mother walked about,
'Tis the Holy Mother walking, 5 She gave birth unto the Son.
Through some spreading green-leaved Woe is me, the curs and heathens
willows, Were a-walking after her,
5 And she rips apart her kerchief (?), Seeking for to seize the Son,
Until she could make her way To baptize Him in their faith,
To the foot of a green poplar, 10 (In) their faith and (in) their tongue.
And she thusly spoke her say: (Lo,) the Son began to cry,
Poplar, poplar, towering poplar, (And) the Mother to make haste,
(Upward) toward heaven's heights;

[ 483 ]
C II c)
Nicliiri nu hodine. ~i fiul sa d-obosise,
15 Pana ie cand ajunge Maica Sfanta jos il puse,
La mijlocu plaiului, Plop verde d-umbra nu-i dede
Puse 'n jos sa-mi hodineasca Maica Sfanta 'n poala-l puse,
Sub d-umbra de plopuj verde. 15 Tat il duse, cat il duse
Plopuj verde dac' 0 vede, La d-umbra da loaza verde.
20 Cu c10ambele mi-o zbice, ~i fiul sa d-obosise,
Rea d-umbrija imi face, Maica Sfanta jos il puse,
Maica din gura-mi graie: Loaza verde d-umbra-i dede.
-Fir~-ai, plopuj, blastamat 20 Maica Sfanta-~i graira:
De mine, de fiuj sfant, -Fir~-ai, loaza, d-alduita,
25 Car~-o nascut pe pamant. ~i1 fii iama ca vara!
Dete Maic' a pusteni Plopuj, ~i 1 fii blastamat,
Cam pa plagea raiului, ~i 1 fii vara ca iama!
Nicairi nu-mi hodine. r. Ca-~j /loril'lJ.-a marului!
Pana ie cand ajunge (44c. ~oimi if)
30 La capatu plaiului,
Puse 'n jos sa hodineasca
Sub d-umbrii de tisa verde. l05u.
Tisa verde dac' 0 vede, Si-o nascutu, mni-o nascuty,
Cu c1oambel~-o acopere, 1'.,
35 Buna d-umbra mi-~i face.
Dete Maic' d-aldui: Ca ~i-o nascut d-on fiu sfanty.
-Fir~-ai. tisa, alduita
De mine, de fiul sfant, ~i nu ~tim indi-o nascuty ?
Car~-o nascut pa pamant! tn brajii la Tatal Sfant.
40 Fie vara, fie iama, 5 Maica Sfanta 'n braja-l prinse,
Frunza ta verde sa steie! Tat il duse, cat il duse,
1'., [oj /lorj dalbe 'n doj d'e mary! Fiul mic sa obosise.
(82a. Var. Paucine~d) 8-10 = lOSt. 12, 10. 13
Maica Sfanta 'n braja-l prinse,
Tat il duse, cat il duse,
I05t. Fiul mic sa d-obosise.
C'o nascut, Doamn~,-o nascuty, 14-21 = lOSt. 18, 16, 19-24
r. Ca-~j floril'lJ.-a maruluj!
C'o nascut un fiul sfanty, (44b. Ginta-Rohani if)

D'un fiu sfant pa ist pamanty,

~i n'o ~t'im d'-ind'~-o nascuty. Nascut-o, Doamne, nascuty,
5 Colo jos, colo mai jOSY
[Fiul sfantu s-o nascutyJ2
D-inde-i locu sacatos.
~i fiul sa d-obosise, Supt un cier pe ast pamanty,
Maica Sfanta 'n poala-l puse, Suptu-i soare ce rasare.
Tat il duse, cat il duse 5 Maica Sfanta 'n braja-l duse
lOLa d-umbra da plopuj verde. 6,7= lOSt. 16, 19

1 = sa.
2 La fon.: Supt un cier ... nascuty.

[ 484 ]
C II c)
Nowhere took she any rest And the (Holy) Son grew weary,
15 Until she had made her way Down the Holy Mother set Him,
To the middle of the heights; The green poplar no shade gave Him.
(There) she sat down to get rested In her lap the Mother put Him,
In the shade of a green poplar. 15 Carried Him until she got Him
The green poplar, when it saw her, To the shade of a green ivy.197
20 With (its) limbs it whipped (at) her,196 And the (Holy) Son grew weary,
Wretched shade it made (for her). Down the Holy Mother set Him,
Said the (Holy) Mother (then): (Goodly) shade the green vine gave
Poplar, may you be accursed Him.
By me (and) the Holy Son, 20 (Thereat) said the Holy Mother:
25 Who was born upon the earth. Blessings be upon you, ivy;
(Holy) Mother hastened off, Be in winter as in summer!
(Upward) toward heaven's heights; Poplar, may you be accursed:
Nowhere took she any rest Be in summer as in winter!
Until she had made her way Retrain: Like the blooms ot apple tree!
30 To the summit of the heights;
(There) she sat down to get rested
In the shade of a green yew tree. I05u.
The green yew tree, when it saw her, He was born, He has been born,
With its limbs it covered her, Retrain
35 Goodly shade it made (for her). For the Holy Son's been born;
Blessed the (Holy) Mother (then): We know not: where was He born?
Yew tree, blessings be upon you In the Holy Father's arms.
From me (and) the Holy Son, 5 In her arms the Holy Mother
Who was born upon the earth! Took Him and a while she carried,
40 Be it summer, be it winter, (For) the little Son was wearied.
Ever green shall be your leafage! 8-10 = 12, 10, 13 of I05t.
Retrain: Hoy, white blossoms ot the In her arms the Holy Mother
apple/ Took Him and a while she carried,
(For) the little Son was wearied.
14-21 = 18, 16, 19-24 of I05t.
There was born, Lord, there was born, Retrain: Like the blooms ot apple tree!
There was born a Holy Son,
On this earth a Holy Son; I05v.
We don't know where lie was born. He was born, Lord, He was born,
5 Down below there, lower down, Retrain
Where it is a droughty place. He was born, the Holy Son,
And the (Holy) Son gr~w weary, Neath an oak 198 upon this earth,199
In her lap the Mother put Him, (And) beneath the sun that's rising.
Carried Him until she got Him 5 In her arms the Mother bore Him
10 To the shade of a green poplar. 6,7= 16, 19 of I05t.

198 Alternative reading for this verse: With (its) limbs it dried her up.
197 Specifically, wasa designates the grapevine; but generically it may refer to any variety of
vines. Here it obviously designates ivy.
198 The word cier (recte: cer) means both sky and a variety of oak (Quercus cerns). Articu-
lated, as it is in this text, the latter meaning seems to be intended.
199 Author's manuscript footnote: In the recording: Neath an oak ••• born.

[ 485 ]
C II c)
Maiea Sfa,nta 'n brata-l duse Mandra floare mi-jp vede.
9, 10 = 105t. 16, 19 50 Puse mana l?i 0 franse,
Maiea Sfanta-l?i d-alduie: Peste daruri ea mi-o puse.
12-15 = 105t. 21-24 Iar sa dara d'a pleea~
r. Ca-~j jloril'e miiruluj! Pa eararea raiului.
(44a. Dumbravita de Codru if) Cand ie ea s'apropia
55 De eurti alb~-a lui Craeiun,
Vede fiul botezat,
l05x.* Botezat 'Ii 'nere'itinat.
Poruncit-o, poruncit-o, Ie de eiuda 'Ii d~-obida,
r" Dete 'n Iordan sa s'arunee,
Io(?) Sfanta Marie Marie 60 Sa s'arunee sa sa 'neee.
GraiIonu, Sant!aonu:
I: 10 Sfa,nta Marie Marie: I -Sariti, Sfinti. l?i n'o lasareti.
C'o fi zi mare ea noi,
La Sfanta Dumineearie, ~i-o fi zi\la Pa'itilor
5 Ie d'e bine sa sa gat'e- 65 ~i zi\la Rusalelor.
r. Doamne joj Domnuluj Doamne!
Sa-mi boteze un fiu sfant, (102e. Rau de mori if)
Car' l?i-o naseut pe pamant.
Ie de bine sa gata, l06a.
Frumos dar imi radica
10 ~i sa dara d'a pleea~
I I. I
Pa eel plai picior de rai.
I: Colo 'n jos 'Ii mai d-in jOSlJ, r. : I
Cand ie d-imi ea d-ajunge I II. I
13-14 = 105s. 16-17 in (sic!) jos
15 S\I-O tufa de ploput verde.
16-18 = 105s. 19-21 ILl rrr.l
I : Est' ~-o dalM manast'ire : I -stir'.
Maiea-mi det~-a blastama:
20-22= 105s.23-25 'N manastire cine 'iede?
Fie vara, fie iarna, Maica Sfanta, de cete~te,
Bata vantu, fie 'neet, 5 Pe Dumneze\l pomine'ite.
25 Frunza te sa nu mai ste. Vin~-o dalba randune.
Iar sa dara d'a pleeam -Randune, suflet~-a me,
Pa eel plai picior de rai. Ce veste n~-aduei din tara?
Cand F~ d-imi ea d-ajunge -Veste buna, nu prea buna:
La un alt mijloe de pIal. 10 Umbla Marie Ficioara,
30 Puse 'n jos sa hodineasea Umbla sa sa betegeasea,
S\I-O tufa de tisa verde. Umbla, ca pruncu sa nasea,
32-39 = 105s.33-40 Nime 'n lume nu 0 lasa.
40 Iar sa dara d'a pleeam Sa luara 'ntr' 0 poiata,
Pa eel plai picior de rai. 15 S'o naseut un §i\l2 frumos,
Candu ie ea-mi d-ajunge Numile i-a fost Hristos.
La eapatu plaiului D-unde §iu sa na'ite,
La fantana raiului, Din taeiuni flaeari arde,
45 Puse jos sa hodineasea D-in gradele luminele,
~i sa dara d'a spalara 20 Din paita luminita.
~i pa fata l?i pa brata r. Floril'e dalbe!
~i 'n fantana sa uita, (61h. Voinieeni ¢)

1 = ~i.
2 = fiu.

[ 486 ]
C II c)
In her arms the Mother bore Him Saw a beauteous flower (there).
9,10= 190fl05t. 50 She put out her hand and plucked it,
Blessed the Holy Mother (then): O'er the (other) gifts she laid it.
12-15 = 21-24 of lOSt. Once more on her way she started,
(Walking) upon heaven's path.
Refrain: Like the blooms of apple tree! As she started drawing near
55 Unto Christmas's white house,
(Lo,) she saw the Son baptized,
l05x. All baptized, a Christian made.
She commanded, she commanded: She, for anger and vexation,
Refrain Made to leap into the Jordan,
I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, 60 To jnmp in, herself a-drowning.
I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, John, Saint John, spoke out (however)
Unto Holy Sunday (saying): Leap up, saints, and do not let her;
5 Let her for good (deeds) get readied, She might be, like us, a feast,
To baptize my Holy Son, And she could be Easter Day
Who was born upon (this) earth. 65 And the day of Pentecost.
For good (deeds) she readied her, Refrain: Lord, hoy, for the Lord
She took up a handsome gift, Almighty!
10 And upon her way she started
O'er that height (at) heaven's foot.
When (however) she arrived l06a.
13-14 = 16-17 of lOSs. There below, and lower down,
15 At the foot of a green poplar. Refrain
16-18 = 19-21 of lOSs. There is a white monastery.
Mother (Sunday) cursed (it then) : Who sits in the monastery?
20--22 = 23-25 of lOSs. (Tis) the Holy Mother, reading
Be it summer, be it winter, 5 (And) of the Almighty thinking.
Be there wind or be it still, A white swallow comes along:
25 May your leafage ne'er be quiet. (Little) swallow, soul of mine,
Once more on her way she started From the land what tidings bring you?
O'er the heights (at) heaven's foot. Goodly tidings, not too goodly:
When (however) she arrived 10 Wandering's the Virgin Mary,
At another middling height, (Fit) to lame herself she's walking,
30 She lay down for to get rested For to bear her babe she's wand'ring;
At the foot of a green yew tree. No one in the world will have her.
32-39 = 33--40 of lOSs. In a cattle shed she went,
40 Once more on her way she started 15 And gave birth to a fair Son,
O'er the heights (at) heaven's foot. (And) His name was (Jesus) Christ.
When (however) she arrived As the Son was being born,
At the summit of the heights, From (dead) embers flames burned up,
By the side of heaven's well, From the hurdles, little candles,
45 She lay down for to get rested; 20 From the straw, a little taper.
Thereupon she started washing Refrain: La, the white blossoms!
Both her arms and visage (bathing),
And looked (down) into the well;

[ 487 ]
C II c)
l06b. 15 tntr' un grajd sa a~ezara.

I: Coborit-o, coborit!,
Y. : -rit!
Y.Doamn', Doamn' ~:i-a nos' Doamn'!
(l04h. Hodac </»

I: tngeru Domnului Sfan~ : I

I: Pe turnu besericii-~ :I I: Sulcina verde 'nvrajity : I,
La icoana Precistii.
5 Icoana mni-l intrebara :
Ce vest~-ai adus in tara? I: Sa ridic' 0
I----r.-J fILl
slujbii-i sfanta : I sfant'.
-Veste bun' 0 fost ~i iara:
Maria Ficioara fata
1-0 sosit vremea sa nasca,
I: Slujba-i sfanta, cin~-o
cant! : I
10 $i umblii din casa 'n casa,
Nime 'n lume nu 0 lasa.
Cand 0 fo' de catra sara, cant'? 0
tntr' un grajd sa a~ezara;
$i-o nascut pe fan uscat Canta noya popt'i biitrani
15 Pe Hristos mare 'mparat. 5 $i ~epte calugarei
Frumos nume ~i i-a pus: $i ~ase dieciii
Isus Hristos eel de sus: Gral-mi eel preot mai mare:
Frumos nume ~i i-a dat: -Ia-mi ie~iti 0 tar' afarii,
Isus Hristos imparat. De vedeti ce n'ati vazut:
Y. Floril'e dalbe! 10 Clopot galbin tinganind,
(62f. Or~ova </» C'o nascut ~i fiul sfant,
Fiul sfant pr~-acest pamant.
Leaganel de d-argintel,
Bate vantulleaganul,
l06c. 15 Ploaie ploy.a de ni-l scalde,
Coborit-o coborltl!, Ninge, ninge de ni-l unga.
Y., Y. ~i-a nos' Domnul Dumneze1J!
t ngeru IUl. D omnu { Sfant- (75b. Niere~teu ¢)

tngeru lui Domnu Sfantl! l07a.

Pe turnu bisericei (sic!), Asta-i sara mare,
Mare d'e Craciuny:
5 Pe turnu bisericii-~ (sic!) S'o nascut un §iyt,1
La icoane Precistii
I: ?,iy far d'e pacat'e
Icoan' a prins a 'ntrebare: 5 D'in Maica Curat'.
-Ce vest~ai adus in tara? Tri lngeri din ceri
-Veste bun' 0 fost ~i iara : De vest~-o ay prins,
10 Maria fata Ficioara Lor ca l-ay cerut:
1-0 vinit vremea sa nasca, -Da ni-l noya, maica,
$i umbla din casa 'n casa 10 Sa ti-l botezam,
$i nime 'n lume n'o lasa. Sa ti-l cre~tinam.
Cand i col' de catra sara, Lor ca Ii l-ay dat,

1 = fiut.

[ 488 ]
C II c)
l06b. 15 She took shelter in a stable.
He descended, he came down, Refrain: Lord, Lord, and Our Lord!
Of the Holy Lord the angel,
On the steeple of the church, l06d.
To the Virgin's icon (came).
5 Asked of him the (holy) icon: Green sweet clover, fraught with
In the land, what tidings brought you? witchcraft, 200
Once again 'twas goodly tidings: Refrain
(La,) the (Holy) Virgin Mary's They are singing holy service.
Time to bear her Babe's upon her, Who is singing holy service?
10 And from house to house she's going; Nine old priests are singing it,
No one in the world will have her. 5 Also seven little monks,
When the time drew toward evening, And six deacons (chant with them).
In a stable she did settle, Said the oldest of the priests:
And on dry hay she gave birth Let you go outside a little,
15 To Christ, the great emperor. To see what you've not (yet) seen:
Handsome name bestowed on Him: 10 ('Tis) a yellow bell that rings,
Jesus Christ from up above; For the Holy Son was born,
Beauteous name she gave to Him: On this earth the Holy Son;
Jesus Christ, the Emperor. (In) a silver cradle (lies),
Refrain: La, the white blossoms! On the cradle blows the wind,
15 Rain is raining for to bathe Him,
Snow is snowing to anoint Him.
l06c. Refrain: And Our Lord Almighty too!
He descended, he descended,
Of the Holy Lord the angel, l07a.
Of the Holy Lord the angel, This is a great evening,
On the tower of the church, Great (evening) of Christmas:
5 On the steeple of the church, A small Son was born,
To the Virgin's icon (down). Free of sins (the) Son (is),
(La,) the icon started asking: 5 Of the Mother pure.
In the land, what tidings brought you? Three angels of heaven
Once more it has been good tidings: Tidings got of it,
10 (Lo,) the (Holy) Virgin Mary's Asked for Him of her:
Time to bear her child's upon her, Give Him to us, Mother,
And from house to house she wanders, 10 That we may baptize,
And none in the world will have her. Christen Him for you.
As the evening started falling, She gave Him to them,

200 Alternate reading for this verse: Green sweet clover, stemmed a-growing.

[ 489 ]
C II d)
'N poala l-al} luat, 'N ginl 1-0 bot'ezat,
La ral} di l-al} dus,
15 La ral} la lordan. 'N gin 1-0 bot'ezat!,
'N lapte l-al} sdildat, I: Cequl sa-l domneasc' : I,
'N gin 1 l-al} botezat,
Scump nume i-al} dat: 5 Ceriu ~i pamantu.
Isusu-i Hristos, Fain 2 nume i-a pus:
20 Isus fil} de sus, Isus Hiristos;
Cequ sa-I domneasca, Fain nume i-a dat:
Ceriu l/i pamantu Isus imparat.
;ii pe noi pe toU. I.Y. L'eyul'e!
(4. Urisiu de sus if) 2.Y. L'e l'eyul'e!
(23b. Orl/ova 4»


JIl Jll.l
I: 'N lapt'e 1-0 scaldat~ : 1-dat,



t08a. De fumu tiimailor,

De zgomonul 3 sfintilor,
Ce sara-i da asta sara? De zvonu ald'inil'or,4
D~-amirosu florilor.
Ca-i sara nascutului, 20 Sus napoi sa Intorceal)
;ii spuneal}, precum vedeal}:
Cand s'al} nascut fiul sfanty, -Noi pre Domnu I-am vazut:
Fiut mic infa~atel,
Fiul sfantu-i pa pamantu-i Fal/atel de bumbacel,
------ 25 Falla alba de matasa.
5 In iesclile boilor, Tot Irod nu sa 'ncredea,
In florile fanului. Sus la curti i~i trimitea,
Cati pari in iescle eral}, Sus de curti n' appropt'ial}
Toti faclii aprin~i ardeal}; De doi miluri de pamant
Cate nuiele 'ngradite, 30 De para faciiilor,
10 Toate-s mandre l/i 'nfrunzite. De fumu tamailor,
Tot Irod nu sa 'ncredea, De sgomonul sfintilor,
Sus la curti il/i trimitea. De zvonu ald'inilor,
Sus de curti n' apropt'ial) D~-amirosu florilor.
De un milu de pamant 35 Sus napoi sa intorceal}
15 De para facliilor,

1 = vin.
2 = ales « fajn, ung. < fein, nem/.).
3 = sgomotul.
4 = albinelor.

[ 490 ]
C II d)
In their lap they took Him, Christened Him in wine,
To the river bore Him, Christened Him in wine,
15 To the river Jordan; To rule over heaven,
They bathed Him in milk, 5 O'er the earth and heaven;
Christened Him in wine, Gave Him a fine name:
Gave Him precious name: (Called Him) Jesus Christ;
He is Jesus Christ, Named Him a fine name:
20 Jesus, lofty Son. Jesus Emperor.
He shall rule o'er heaven, Ist Refrain: Carol we!
(Over) heaven and earth (too), 2nd Refrain: Sing, carol we!
(Rule) both earth and heaven.


Ist Refrain
They bathed Him in milk,
2nd Refrain


l08a. For the smoking of the incense,

For the rumor of the saints,
(Say,) what evening is this evening? For the buzzing of the bees,
Refrain For the fragrance of the flowers.
'Tis the evening of the Birth,
20 Back they turned (from up) above,
When the Holy Son was born;
And they told what they had seen:
On (this) earth the Holy Son is
We have seen the (Holy) Lord,
5 In the manger of the beeves,
The small Son in swaddling clothes,
Mid the flowers of the hay. (All in) cotton swaddling clothes,
Of the manger, all the stakes
25 (Wrapped about in) white silk
Were so many candles lit;
(And) the switches of the fencing Herod still would not believe,
10 All were beauteous and in leafage.
He sent (others) to the court.
Herod still would not believe;
Closer up they couldn't get
(Men) he sent up to the court.
Than two miles above the earth,
Closer up they couldn't get
30 For the blazing of the candles,
Than a mile above the earth,
For the smoking of the incense,
15 For the blazing of the candles,
For the rumor of the saints,
For the buzzing of the bees,
For the fragrance of the flowers.
35 Back they turned (from up) above,

[ 491 ]
C II d)
$i spunealJ, precum vedealJ: La cel Hirod imparatu.
-Noi pre Domnu I-am vazut: 15 Liverzi verzi mi-or inverzit,
Holtera~u-i prin ora~ Codri-z negrii mi-o 'nfrunzit,
Cu iedira 'n chivarea, Campii-z dalbi mi-o d-influrit,
40 Cum ii randul junilor, Vestea 'n tara mio sosit,
Junilor pe la Craciun. Vestea 'n tara pasta tara
Tot Irod nu sa 'ncredea, 20 La cel Hirod imparatu.
Sus la curti i~i trimetea. Nici a~e nu sa 'ncrede, A
Sus de curti n'apropt'ialJ Doilea sulurF d-imi gate,
45 De tri miluri de pamant Le gat'e, Ie trimite
De para facIiilor, La cel Hirod imparatu.
De fumul tamailor, 25 Sa gat'e ~i sa duce-re
De sgomonul sfintilor, $i nu-mi poci apropia-!:§
De zvonu ald'inilor, De tri miluri de pamant
50 D~-amirosu florilor. De zvonu albinilor
Sus napoi sa intorcealJ De grohotu broa~telor,
$i spunealJ, precum vedealJ: 30 De vopaie focului.
-Noi pre Domnu I-am vazut,
Cum ii omlJ-amniaza om, r. L'eruj Doamne!
55 Cand i~i da pe batrineatii (52a. Ciarbal if)
$i mestidi 'ncarunte~te.
Atunci Irod sa 'ncredea,
Foarte bine-i daruia l08e.
Cu tri margini de tamaie Da ce sara-i d-asta sara?
60 $i cu tri iar de facIie. r.,
r. Domn d'in cerj! Sara-i mare lui d-Ajunn
(36. Fene~ if)
D'espre zilJa lu' Craciunn.
D'e can' DomnullJo nascutn,
Sus la curt'ea lui Craciun~, 5 St'ea~a mar~-o riisarit~,
r., Rasaritn, luminatn
Lui Craciun celui batrann,
$i n~-o binecuvantat.
Frumos lumina sa ved~ui, Iar ~i Domnul ca ~i-un domn
Ca mi-o nascut fiul sfantn Gat'e sol ~i-l trimite
10 La curti dalb~-a lui Craciun.
5 Fiul sfant pre iast pamantui. N u pute apropia
*- - - - - - - - - - De tri miluri de pamant
De grohotu broa~telor.
NealJa ninge d'e mi-l unge, Iar' ~i Domnul ca ~i-un domn
Ploaie plolJa d'e mi-l scalda, 15 Iar napoi de sa 'ntorcea,
Tri zi norii mi-l apleaca, Gate sol ~i-l trimite
10 Vantu-mi bat'e ~i-Ileagana. La curti dalb~-a lui Craciun.
StealJa 'n cer mi s'o ivit, Nu pute apropia
Vestea 'n tara mi-o sosit, De tri miluri pamant
Vestea 'n tara, pasta tara 20 De ~uieru ~erpilor.
Iar ~i Domnul ca ~i-un domn
Iar napoi de sa 'ntorcea

1 = soli.

[ 492 ]
C II d)
And they told what they had seen: To the emperor, that Herod.
We have seen the (Holy) Lord, 15 (Lo,) the orchards have waxed green,
He's a young man about town, 201 The black forests have grown leaves,
Ivy on His helmet (wears), The white fields have blossomed out,
40 As young lads are wont to do, Tidings in the land have come,
Around Christmas, the young lads. Tidings in the land (and) o'er it
Herod still would not believe, 20 To the emperor, that Herod.
He sent (others) to the court. Even so, he trusted not,
Closer up they couldn't get Once more readied messengers,
45 Than three miles above the earth, Readied them (and) sent them off
For the blazing of the candles, To the emperor, that Herod.
For the smoking of the incense, 25 They got ready, off they started,
For the rumor of the saints, They could not get any closer
For the buzzing of the bees, Than three miles above the earth,
50 For the fragrance of the flowers. For the croaking of the frogs,
Back they turned (from up) above, For the blazing of the fire.
And they told what they had seen:
We have seen the (Holy) Lord Refrain: Lord, I carol!
As a man of middle age,
55 When old age he is approaching,
And (his hair) starts to get hoary.202 lOSe.
Thereupon Herod believed, But what evening is this evening?
Very well rewarded them Refrain
With three hundredweights of It is the great eve of Christmas,
incense 203 (Drawing) toward Christmas Day.
60 And another three of candles. Ever since the Lord was born,
Refrain: Lord of heaven! 5 The great star is risen up;
It is risen (and) it's shining,
Bringing blessings unto us.
lOSb. And the Lord, too, like a king,
High up, at the house of Christmas, Readied, sent a herald off
Refrain 10 To Christmas's mansion white.
(At the house) of Old Man Christmas, He could not get nearer
Beauteous lighting could be seen, Than three miles above the earth,
For the Holy Son was born, For the croaking of the frogs.
5 Holy Son upon this earth. And the Lord, too, like a king,
15 When (the herald) had returned,
Snow is snowing to anoint Him, Readied, sent a herald off
Rain is raining for to bathe Him, To Christmas's mansion white.
Three days by the clouds He's suckled, He could get no nearer
10 Wind is blowing and it rocks Him. Than three miles above the earth,
The star's risen in the sky, 20 For the hissing of the snakes.
Tidings in the land have come, And the Lord, too, like a king,
Tidings in the land (and) o'er it, When (the herald) had returned,

201 This is a quite literal translation of the original verse. Oddly familiar and modern though
it sounds, it is a sheer coincidence of sense, since there is no exact equivalent in Rumanian of
"a man about town." In other words, coining an unusual phrase, the anonymous composer of
this ballad has hit on the notion of "young man about town."
202 This verse is erroneously transcribed; it should read: !ji mi-este cd 'ncdrunte§te.
203 The word 1nargini (edges, by extension: snippets or tag-ends) is apparently meant to
stand for mdfi (the plural of maid), obsolete measures of weight of approximately 50 kilograms,
formerly used in Hungary.

[ 493 ]
C II d)
Gat'e sol l/i-l trimite $i d'acolo sa 'ntumara,
La curti dalb~-a lui Craciun. Luara-sa, dusara-sa
25 Nu pute d-apropia Colo sus, colo mai jos,
De tri miluq de pamant 30 D-inde-s cA.mpii mai frumol/i,
De boarea facliilor Mai frumol/i mai sacatol/i.
De duhu tamA.ilor. Dac' acolo sosie,
Tati-a tri Ie aprinde,
r. Leruj Doamne! Fumu 'n sus sa inalta,
(52b. Ferel/d 4» 35 Cequ 'n josu sa liisa,
Fiul sfA.ntu s'arata,
Cum ii pruncu mai sobol.
IOSd. D-a doile i!/i s'arata,
I I. I Ill.l
I: Colo jos, colo mai susy, 1'. : I susy 40
Cum ij fecior mai fecior,
Da-i mai drag boierilor.
D-a trile i!/i s'arata,
I: Mult zgomotu-i, Doamne, stra.nsy : I Cum ii yomu mniez da yom,
CA.nd strabate, 'ncaruntel/te,
I: Tat d'ai Sfinti da cei mai sfinna : I, $i mi-l/i calcii legi direpte.
45 Luara-sa, dusara-sa
Cy-aposotoij invaluiti. Sfadindu-sa, pildindu-sa,
5 $i d-Irodu Ie gat'e ca ij veste ce !ii-or duce
Tri catane scaliireti La d-Irodu d-imparatu,
Cu tri caii-s buni domnel/ij, Ca credere n'or d-ave
Cu d-armele 'mparatel/ti. 50 $i lor capu l~-or taie.
Luara-sa, dusara-sa. 1'. Domnuluj Doamne!
10 Cu tri banii jidovel/ti (58a. Dumbravita de codru if)
La tA.rgu da TA.rgovel/ti.
Dac' acolo sosie,
Tati-a-tri il/i tA.rguie. lOSe.
Da unul il/i tA.rguie Crescut-o, rasarit-o-qe
15 Tat d-aurii strecurati; Doya stele luminoa8e."
D-a doile i!/i ta.rguie 1'.,
Tat tamA,ie d' -acea dalba ;
D-a trile i!/i ta.rguie Steaya mA.ndr' araduie-~,l
Tat zmimuta da cea scumpa. Filozofii dupa e-qe
20 Luara-sa, dusara-sa
Colo sus, colo mai jos, 5 PA.n' la curtea lui Pilat.
D-inde-s campi! mai frumo!/i Steaya sta !ii sa salta,
Mai frumol1i, mai florico!/i. Filozofij 'n luntru 'ntrara,
D-acolo nu poci strabate Buna ziya buna -!ii dara.
25 Da mnirosu florilor, $i Pilatu-i d-intreba:
Da zMngu d-albinilor.

1 margeJe?

[ 494 ]
C II d)
Readied, sent a herald off And they turned about from thither,
To Christmas's mansion white. They set out, they made their way
25 He could get no nearer (Both) up there (and) down there (too),
Than three miles above the earth, 30 Where the fairest meadows are,
For the reek of candles (lit), Handsomest (and) droughtiest.
For the smell of incenses. Just as soon as they got there,
All three lit (the things they'd
Refrain: Lord, I carol! bought);
(Lo,) the smoke rose up on high,
35 (While) the sky sank lower down,
lOSd. (And) the Holy Son appeared
(Lo,) down there, there, higher up, As most ratlike is a babe. 205
Refrain He appeared a second time
There's much noise, Lord, there are As most youthlike is a youth,
gathered 40 As he's best loved by the lords. 206
But the holiest of saints, A third time He showed Himself
With apostles ringed about. As a man of middling years,
5 (Behold,) Herod fitted out When he gets on (and) grows hoary,
Three (fine) mounted fighting men And within straight rules walks (fitly).
With three lordly horses fine, 45 They set out, they made their way,
With the emperor's own arms. Quarreling (and) taking counsel
They set out, they made their way, What report to bring back with them
10 Took along three Jewish pence, To (their master,) Emperor Herod,
To the fair of Targoveshti. 204 For they wouldn't be believed,
Just as soon as they got there, 50 And beheaded they would be.
All three made their purchases. Refrain: To the Almighty!
One (of them) bought for himself
15 Only (finest) sifted gold;
For himself the second bought lOSe.
Only incense of the whitest; There have waxed (and) there have
(And) the third bought for himself risen
Only the most precious myrrh. Two stars (very) brightly shining.
20 They set out, they made their way Refrain
(Both) up there (and) down there (too), Onward the fine star proceeded,
Where the fairest meadows are, The philosophers behind it,
Fairest (and) most flowery. 5 All the way to Pilate's court.
Thence they could go through no The star stopped and leaped (about),
longer, In went the philosophers.
25 For the fragrance of the flowers, A good day they gave in greeting,
For the buzzing of the bees. Whereat Pilate asked of them:

204 Targove$ti (three syllables, with the accent on the last one) is apparently meant to
designate Tirgovi~te (four syllables, with the accent on the second one), the ancient capital of
Wallachia, now but a second-rate city. The name, however, is obviously chosen merely for
alliterative purposes: tdrg (fair, market, or town, a targui (to shop or buy).
205 This odd way of describing a babe in arms, which will be encountered again in several of
the texts that follow, has, of course, no pejorative implications. It should be noted that the
word sobol is commonly accepted in Rumanian to signify a mole (Talpa europaea), and obvious-
ly "molelike" most aptly describes a newborn baby. However, just as in Moldavia sobol de-
signates the sable, in Oltenia and in the Banat (these texts originate in the latter province) it
denotes the common rat.
206 It is hardly necessary to stress that there is nothing "abnormal" implied in this verse.
What it is meant to convey is simply "as a lord would wish his son to be."

[ 495 ]
C II d)
10 -Ce cercati vol, filozofi? Mandru targu -9i targuie:
-Ca nol, Pilate, cercam, D-o tri majii de tamaie
C'am auzit c'o nascut $i alte tri de faclii
D'un fil} sfant pa ist pamant, 60 $i pa fiul sfant cinste,
$i nu-l ~tim d-ind~-o nascut. Maica Sfanta-i?i graira :
15 -Nu-i d-aici d-in curte' me, -Cinsteasca -va Dumnezel},
Poate 'n curte' lui Irod. Cum cinstiti voi fiu miel}!
Steal}a mandr' araduie, r. Corind' e mi Doamn'!
Filozofii dupa ie, (73c. $oimi if)
Pan' la curtea lui Irod.
20 Steal}a sta ~i sa salta,
Filozofii luntru 'ntrara, 108f.
Buna zil}a buna-~i dara. Iei?it-o, Doamne, iei?it-o
$i d-Irodu-i d-intrebara: o stea mandra luminoasa
-Ce cercati vol, filozofi?
25 -Ca noi, d-Iroade, cercam, Cu dou' raze sus pa cer
C'am auzit c'o nascut $i cu d-una-i pa pamant.
D'un fil} sfant pa ist pamant, 5 $i steal}a indaluie,2
$i nu-l i?tim d-ind~-o nascut. Filozofii dupa ie,
-Nu-i d-aici d-in curte' me, Colo jos, colo mai jos,
30 Poate 'n curtea lui Craciun. Jos in curtea lui d-Irod.
Stel}a mandr' araduie, -Buna zil}a, sfant d-Iroade!
Filozofii dupa ie 10 -Sana t0 9i vol, filosofi!
Pan' la curtea lui Craciun. Ce cercati vol, filosofi?
Steal}a sta i?i sa salta, -Noi, d-Iroade, ca cercam,
35 Filozofii 'n luntru 'ntrara. Ca ni s'o d-ascuns steal}a,
Buna zil}a buna -~i dara. Ba nu i?tim d-indi-o cerca.
$i Craciunu-i d-intrebara: 15 Pasati vol, tri filozofi,
-Ce cercati vol, filozofi? Colo sus, colo mai sus,
-Ca noL Craciune, cercam, Sus in curtea lui Craciun.
40 C'am auzit e'o naseut Dae' aeolo SOSle:
D-un fil} sfant pa ist pamant -Buna zil}a, stant Craeiune!
$i nu-l ~tim d-ind~-o nascut. 20 -Sanatoi?i vol, filozofi!
-Treee 'n luntru ~i 'ndarat: -Ct' cercati vol, filozofi?
Matatel d-infa~atel, Nol, Craciune, ca eeream,
45 Fa~e dalbe de matasa, Ca ni s'o d-aseuns steal}a
Scuteea~ de bumbiiea~, Ba nu i?tim d-indi-o cerca.
Leganai? de miergana~.l 25 Da steal}a Ii sa ive-@
Neal}a ninge, mandru-l unge, In tri randurl, in tri chipuri:
Ploaie calda bine-l scalda, Cand s'arat' ad-una oara,
50 Sufla vantu dupa mare Cum ii omu jumatate
$i leagana ~i mai tare; De strabate 'ncaruntat,
Sufla vantu din sanin 30 Da-i mai bun de l'egi direpte;
$i leagana cat'ilin. Cand s'arat' a dOl}a oara,
Steal}a mandr' ariiduie, Cum ii pruncu mai sobolu
55 Filozofii dupa ie De li-i drag oaminilor.
La targu la Targoveci; Cand s'arat' a tria oara,
35 Scutecai? de bumbiicai?
Legana~ de iergana~,

1 = margele?
2 = pornea « indul, ung.).

[ 496 ]
C II d)
10 What seek you, philosophers? Beauteous purchases they made
Pilate, (this is) what we seek: Of three hundredweights of incense
We have heard that there was born And another three of candles,
On this earth a Holy Son, 60 To the Holy Son made gift.
And we know not where He's born. Said the Holy Mother (then):
15 He is not here, in my court; May the Lord begift you (too),
Maybe (He's) at Herod's court. Just as you begift my Son!
The fine star got under way, Refrain: I carol, Lord!
The philosophers behind,
All the way to Herod's court.
20 The star stopped and leaped (about), IOSf.
In went the philosophers. There's come up, Lord, there's arisen
A good day they gave in greeting, A fine star (that's) lighting brightly,
Whereat Herod asked of them: With two beams up in the sky,
What seek you, philosophers? And with one upon the earth.
25 Herod, (this is) what we seek: 5 And the star got under way,
We have heard that there was born The philosophers pursued,
On this earth a Holy Son, There below, there, lower down,
And we know not where He's born. Into Herod's court, below.
He is not here, in my court; A good day to you, Saint Herod!
30 Maybe (He's) at Christmas' court. 10 Health to you, philosophers!
The fine star got under way, What seek you, philosophers?
The philosophers behind, We, Herod, are seeking (now),
All the way to Christmas' court. For the star is hid from us;
The star stopped and leaped (about), Yet we know not where to seek.
35 In went the philosophers. 15 Seek on, three philosophers,
A good day they gave in greeting, There, above, there, higher up,
Whereat Christmas asked of them: At the court of Christmas, high.
What seek you, philosophers? When they got unto that place,
Christmas, (this is) what we seek: A good day to you, Saint Christmas!
40 We have heard that there was born 20 Health to you, philosophers!
On this earth a Holy Son, What seek you, philosophers?
And we know not where He's born. We, Christmas, are seeking (now),
Go inside and (come) back (here). For the star is hid from us;
(Lo, the) tiny (babe) wrapped up, Yet we know not where to seek.
45 (Wrapped about in)white silks waddles, 25 But the star appeared to them:
(In) a cotton longcloth (too), Thrice (they saw it) in three guises:
(Lying in) a crib of pearl.2 07 It appeared to them the first time
Snows the snow, nicely anoints Him, As a man (of) middling (years) is,
(And the) warm rain nicely bathes When (his hair) starts going grey,
Him; 30 When he's best at righteous rulings.
50 From the sea, the wind is blowing, It appeared a second time (then)
And it rocks (Him) still more strongly; As a babe (that) is most ratlike
Blows the wind out of the blue, (And) by people most beloved.
And it rocks (Him) evenly. It appeared to them a third time
The fine star got under way, 35 (Wrapped in) cotton swaddling clothes,
55 The philosophers behind, (In a) crib of linen sheet,
To the fair at Targovetch; 208

207 The material specified in the original text may be coral (margean), though pearl (miir-
garitar) seems somewhat more likely.
208 See footnote 202 concerning Targove~ti.

[ 497 ]
C II d)
Cu d-o margea de tamaie Ca ne 'nchinam fiului cu
~i cu-d-una de faclie. Doi colaci de gralJ mandru
r. Corinde mi Doamn'l ~i cu d-alti doi de d-argintu.
(73d. Urvi~ if) r. Corinde mi Doamn'l
(73m. Dumbravita de codru if)
,: Crescut-o ~i-mi rasarit-o : ,.
r., Rasarit-o, rasarit-o,
D-o ste mandra luminoasa.
Pana stealJa rasare, D-o stea mandra luminoasa.
Filosclovi pa caIii cete. Nime 'n lume n'o mai vede,
5 Mandra stealJ' araduie 1 Numai doi-tri filozofi.
Tat saItand ~i luminand,
Filosclovi isteti marge. r. Hoi lele ler flori de marl
Cand i~i era la d-un loc, (42b. Delan </»
La d-un loc, ca la mijloc,
10 Pa la curtea lui Irod, l08i.
Stea1)a sta, mandru-mi salta,
Filosclovi in curte 'ntra, Mare-i sara d-in asara,
Zi1)a buna, Doamne,-~i da. r.,
~i d-Irod a~e graie:
C'o nascut ~i Domnul Sfant,
15 --Ce cercati VOl, filosclovi?
-Noi, d-Iroade, ne cercam Domnul Sfant pa ast pamant
Dup' un filJ sfant c~-o nascut, In ieslele boilor,
Ca nu ~tim d-ind~-o nascut, 5 In turii?tea oilor,
Suptu-i ceri pa ist pamant, In jocutu mneilor.
20 Suptu-i soare ce rasare. Jidovgii 0 d-oblicit,
~i d-Irod a~e graie
Man' un sol nebotezat
-Ia cercati. doara-l d-aflati Cn cizme negre 'nca1tat,
~i la mine-mi veste dati. 10 Cu par galbin retezat.
Mandra stealJ' a raduie Nu putur' apropt'ie
25 Tat saltand ~i luminand, De fumu tamailor,
Filosclovi isteti marge. De para facliilor,
Cand ii?i era la d-un loc, De zbarnet albinilor,
La d-un loc ca la mijloc 15 D~-amninosu florilor.
Pa la curtea lui Craciun,
30 StealJa sta, mandru-mi salta, r. Ler Doamnelel
Filosclovi in curte 'ntra, (53b. Idicel </»
ZilJa buna, Doamne,-i?i da,
~i Craciun-i d-intreba: l08j.
-Ce cercati voi, filosclovi?
35 -Noi, Craciune, ne cercam 'N Vifleimul jidovescy,
Dup' un filJ sfant c~-o nascut, r.,
Ca nu ~tim d-ind~-o nascut. S'o nascut Domnul cieriescy,
~i Craciun a~a graia:
-Poate 'n iesclea boilor, I: S'o nascut Domnul cieriescy : ,.
40 D-in £lorile finului
In paile graului. ., Cand atunci imparatea-rie

1 = pornea « ered, ung.).

[ 498 ]
C II d)
With a hundredweight of incense We the Holy Son do worship
And another one of candles. With two handsome wheaten cakes,
Refrain: I'm caroling, Lord! With two or more of silver (made).
Refrain: I'm caroling, Lord!
There has waxed and there is risen 108b.
A star beautiful (and) lightsome. There is risen, there is risen
Refrain Refrain
E'en before the star arose, A star beautiful (and) lightsome.
Wise men read (of it) in books. 209 Nobody on earth can see it
5 The fine star got under way, But two-three philosophers.
Leaping up and giving light,
The wise men went (after it). Refrain: Hoy, lass, apple blossoms sing!
When it came unto a place,
To a place as though midway,
10 To the court of Herod nigh, 1081.
The star stopped, leaped wondrously, A great evening is this evening,
(And) the wise men went inside; Refrain
A good day they gave, oh Lord, For the Holy Lord was born,
And thus Herod spoke (to them) : On this earth the Holy Lord,
15 Wise men, what is it you seek? In the manger of the beeves,
We, Herod, are seeking (hard) 5 In the chaff (left) for the sheep,
For a Holy Son that's born, Mid the gamboling of lambs,
For we know not where He's born, (But) the Jews got wind of it,
Neath the sky, upon this earth, An unchristened herald sent,
20 (And) beneath the sun that rises. With black top boots on his feet,
And thus Herod spoke (to them) : 10 With (his) yellow hair cut (short).
Go on seeking, find Him out, He could not get close (enough),
And send tidings unto me. For the smoke of incenses,
The fine star got under way, For the flaming of the candles,
25 Leaping up and giving light, For the buzzing of the bees,
The wise men went (after it). 15 For the fragrance of the flowers.
When it came unto a place,
To a place as though midway, Refrain: To the Lord sing!
To the court of Christmas nigh,
30 The star stopped, leaped wondrously,
(And) the wise men went inside; 108j.
A good day they gave, oh Lord, (Lo,) in Jewish Bethlehem
Thereat Christmas asked of them; There was born the Lord of Heaven,
Wise men, what is it you seek? There was born the Lord of Heaven,
35 We, Christmas, are seeking (hard) At the time when 'twas the reign
For a Holy Son that's born,
For we know not where He's born.
Whereat Christmas thusly spoke:
Maybe in the oxen's stall,
40 Mid the blossoms of the hay,
(And) amidst the straw of wheat.

BOD The word carle (plural: carli) means both book and letter (missive) in Rumanian. Hence
an alternative reading for this verse is: Letters (of it) wise men read.

[ 499 ]
C II d)
5 Iirod crai ~i poruncia-rie, Ca sa taie pe Hristos.
------ Pe Hristos nu l-alJ. tiiiat,
I: Iirod crai !?i poruncia-rie : 1: Tatal Sfant 1-0 aparat.
- Veste mar\::-am auzit (114b. Vidra de mijloc ¢)
Cam de catii rasarit:
Oastea mare s'o izvit 108m.
10 !;ii spre e~l) caliitorit
Magii dela rasarit. Tri era! dela rasarity
A lor cale para sind Cu steal,1' al,1 calatority.
Pe alte cale s'al) dus,
Lui Irod nimic n'al) spus. and stalJ. craii de hodina
4--6 = l08k.4--6
1'. D-oj iunelui t'ine1'jely (sic!) De na~terea d\::-un crai mare.
(81e. Nuc~oara ¢)
(45b. Tritul de jos ¢)

108k. 108n.
I: Tri crai dela rasarit : 1 Tri crai d'ela rasarity
I: Cu steal) 'al,1 calatorit : I· Cu st'eal,1 alJ. caliitorit.
==== ====
La Rusale d-o ajuns, Cand in cal'e-~i purcedea-~,
Steal)' acolo s'o ascuns. St'eal,1a 'n cal'e 'ngaduia.
5 -Noi nu 'ntrebiim de 'mparat, 5 La Ierusalion s'o dusy,
Ci 'ntrebam de craiu nost', St'ealJ.a 'n cal'e s'o ascuns.
C' astazi Domnu s'o nascut
D-in ieslili boilor !;ii Ii-or fost lor d-intrebare
Infa~at cu fan uscat. D'\::-o n~tiri d\::-un crai mare.

(121h. Denta ¢) (l14c. Petro~an ¢)

1081. 1080.
Tri crai d'ela rasarity I I. I [If.l
Cu steal,1' al,1 calatorit. I: Tri crai dela riisarity, 1'. : 1-rit,
Cand in cale-~i purcedea,
StealJ.a 'n cale 'ngaduia.
If.l fII.l
I: NOl,1a stele s'or ivity : 1ivit
5 In Ierusalion s'o dusy,
Steal)a 'n cale s'o ascuns.
!;ii li-o fost lor d-intrebaty I 1. I rn.l
D\::-o na!?tir' d\::-un imparat: I: Din curjel\::-a lui Davidy : 1David.
-Unde stiti ca s'al,1 nascut
10 Un crai tanar de curand? I 1.
I: Fiul plange ~i-mi canta, ~i :1 canta,
I fTIl
Ina poi ~i-o intumat.
Oastea lui 0 riidicat,
Multi coconi mici al) taiat: I 1. I rrr.l
Doisprezece mii de prunci 5 I: Cum plange, slova stricar~ : I strica.
15 De doi ani mai mici in jos,
1'. Domnu 'n ce1'jy!
(53a. Mana~tiur r{»

[ 500 ]
C II d)
5 Of King Herod, (who) commanded, So that Christ might be cut (down).
Of King Herod, (who) commanded. (Behold,) Christ was not cut (down),
We have goodly tidings heard: God the Father shielded Him.
That toward the rising sun,
A great star has shown itself,210
10 And toward it there set out 108m.
The (three) Wise Men of the east. Three kings (coming) from the east
(But), forsaking their own way, With the star went traveling.
By another way they went, As the kings for rest were stopping,
(And) to Herod they said nought. 4-6 = 4-6 of 108k.
Of the birth of a great ruler.
Refrain: Sing unto the youthful
108k. Three kings (coming) from the east
(Lo,) three kings out of the east With the star went traveling.
With the star went traveling. As they were upon the way,
When they reached Jerusalem, (Lo,) the star eased off (its pace).
There the star concealed itself. 5 To Jerusalem they went,
(Lo,) the star hid on its way.
5 We seek not the emperor, And they had to go round asking
But we ask about our King, Of the birth of a great ruler.
For today the Lord was born
In the manger of the beeves,
(And was) swaddled in dry hay.
Three kings (coming) from the east
Three kings from the rising sun Stars have shown themselves to us 211
With the star went traveling. (Coming) out of David's mansion.
As they went upon their way,
The star lingered on its way. Weeping, singing was the Son,
5 They entered Jerusalem,
(Lo,) the star hid on the way. 5 When He wept, He marred the writing.
And they had to ask (around)
Concerning an emperor's birth: Refrain: Lord in heaven!
Where know you that there was born
10 A young king not long ago?
Back he made his way again,
(And) his army he aroused;
Many infants he cut (down):
(There were slain) twelve thousand
15 (Infants,) less than two years old,

210 There is an error of transcription in this verse: Oastea mare (the great army) should read
o stea mare (A great star).
211 The initial Noua stele allows an alternative reading for this verse, albeit a somewhat
improbable one: Nine stars into sight have come. The word noua means both "to us" and
"nine" (9).

[ 501 ]
C II e)



109. [Cf. 105x.] De mare I-am cununat,

$i-om fi nana~i d-impreuna,
Poran~it-o,l poran~it-o,
40 Nana~u lui Dumnezel}.
Y. Domnuluj daj Domnuluj Doamne!
lo(?) Santa Marie Marea
(85b. Paucinei?d ¢)
La Santa DumiIleca-rie
D'e bii\.e sa sa gat'easca,
5 Sa-mi bot'eza fiul sfanty, Colo-i jos, colo-i mai josy,
Fiul sfant p'acest pamantu. Jos in d-umbra-i ceriului,
Dumineca sa gat'e,
Frumos dar ca mi-~i gat'e D-oaspeti mari ce sa gata ?
$i sa ll}ara ~i pleca Gata -~i Maica ~i 3-~i bot' eaza
10 Cam pa plagea (sic!) 2 raiului.
Can' Duminec' ajunge 5 $i-~i bot'eaza-i fiul sau,
La miljocu plaiului, Moai?ii mari ce-i?i aduce?
La fantana raiului,
Puse 'n jos sa hodineasca Craciuneasa cea frumoasa.
15 Pa piatra fantanii N ana~ mare ea ce-i?i chiama ?
$i sa da ~i sa spala Pa d-Iaon, pa Sfant laon.
$i pe fata ~i pe brata 10 Cinste mandra ce-~i pui\.e ?
$i pa dalba de pelita. Doi colaci is d-arginte~ti.
Cand imi fu ~i p'a plecare, $i 'nca doi is d-aurei?ti,
20 Ea 'n fantana sa d-uita, Ta' 4 din ~apte-s d-impletiti
Lucru mandru ce-mi vede: $i din opt is cununiti.
Vede-mi dOl}a-tri flori sfante, 15 Hoi, bine s'or d-ospata,
Tot din rai is rasarite. De fil} micut s'or uita.
'Ntinse mana ~i Ie franse, Fiu 'n ceruri sa 'nalta
25 Pa cest dar frumos Ie puse. Peste dari 1/i peste mari,
$i sa ll}ara ~i-mi pleca Peste cele case mari;
Cam pe plagea raiului. 20 OJ, bine-s acuperitei
Can' Duminec' ajunge Tat cu tegle mohorlte,
La capatu plaiului, Pa din lontru-s jugravite.
30 Puse 'n jos sa-mi hodineasca, Pa fil} micut nu-l ~tie,
Gasi fil} mic botezat Fara, Doamne, ce-l ~tie?
Tot de lonul, Sant laonu. 25 DOl}a zile albe sfint'e.
Ea de ciuda ~i d~-obida Una-i Sfanta Dumineca,
Dete 'n mare sa sa nece. Una-i zil}a lui Craciuny.
35 Grai lonu, Sant laonu: Catra fil} ca sa duce
-Sariti, sfinti. sa n'o lasati! Tat in coate 1/i 'n genunche,
10 de mic I-am botezat,

1 [Ed.: = poruncit-o.]
2 = plaiu?
3 = sa.
4 = tot.

[ 502 ]
C II e)


109. As (a) grown (man) married Him:

We'll be godparents together,
She commanded, she commanded: 40 Godparents of (the Lord) God.
Refrain Refrain: Give to the Lord, to the
I, the Holy Virgin Mary,212
(Send word) unto Holy Sunday
For good (things) herself to ready:
5 To baptize my Holy Son,
On this earth the Holy Son. 1l0a.
(Holy) Sunday trimmed herself, There below, there, lower down,
Readied (too) a handsome gift, Neath the shadow of the sky,
And set out upon her way, Refrain
10 Along heaven's uplands (went). For great guests, what's readying?
(Then,) when Holy Sunday came (Holy) Mother's getting ready
To the middle of the heights, 5 For to have her Son baptized.
By the side of heaven's well, What godmother is she getting?
She sat down for to get rested ('Tis) the beauteous Lady Christmas.
15 On the coping of the well; What godfather is she getting?
And she sat and washed herself, (It is) John, (it is) Saint John.
(Bathed) her face and (bathed) her 10 What fine gifts has she set out?
arms too, There are silver pastries two
And her fair white skin (washed also). And another two of gold;
When the time came to go onward,213 They are braided sevenfold,
20 She looked down into the well, And are eightfold wreathed about.
(Lo,) a beauteous thing she saw: 15 Hoy, they will be faring well,
Saw two (or) three holy flowers The small Son they will forget.
All (of them) in heaven growing. Unto heaven rose the Son,
She stretched out her hand and Over lands (?) and over seas,
plucked them, (And) above those houses tall:
25 On that handsome gift she set them,214 20 Hoy, how nicely they are roofed,
And set out upon her way, All with darkling tiles (are covered),
Along heaven's uplands (went). (And) inside they're painted over.
(Then,) when Holy Sunday came The small Son they didn't know.
To the summit of the heights, Who alone knows Him, oh Lord?
30 She sat down for to get rested, 25 Two white holy days (alone do) :
Found the little Son baptized One (of them) is Holy Sunday,
By Saint John (had been,) by John. One (of them) is Christmas Day.
In her anger and vexation, Toward the Son they made their way
In the sea she set to drowning. On their knees and on their elbows,
35 John, Saint John spoke out a -saying:
Leap up, saints, don't let her (drown)!
As a babe I have baptized Him,

212 The phrase Santa (recte: Stanta) Maria Mare, found in this text and in others, should be
correctly translated as Saint Mary the Greater, since it corresponds exactly to this way of
designating saints in the Christian hagiology, to distinguish them from the "lesser" ones with
the same name.
213 A possible alternative reading for this verse would be: When it came to bending over.
214 Alternative reading for this verse: O'er that gift she set them nicely.

[ 503 ]
C II £)
30 Ca lume !1i 1 nu-l jud'ece. 111.
ca 'n lume s'a jud'eca Pe marginea raului
Tat trupul cu sufletul
~i ceriul cu pamwtul.
La apa lordanului
r. Corind'e mi Doamn'/ Vedeti lucruri minunate
(73b. Coticlet ¢) De toti sfintii la udat'.

5 Astazi !1i domnul laon

110b. Vine el citra lordan;
Rasaritl,!.-Oi soarelui lar daca s'apropia,
Razamul pamantului, Domnul Hristos ii graia:
-0 mielu lui Dumnezel,!.,
10 Care mi t~-am dorit el,!.,
Mwdru d-izvor d-izvore-l'e Mie-mi trebue botez
Tat a sfinti d-apostoli~. - Cu tin' sa ma luminez.
-Doamne, niei cum nu cutez
5 Maiea Sfanta-i sa riid'ica Sa 'ndraznesc sa te botez,
Pe mijlocu lumii-l'e: 15 Ca m'oi arde pe pamant,
Ca iarba uscata 'n vant.
-D-intre voi, sfinti, d-intre noi -Vino, !1i nu te mira,
C'~a este voia mea.
Care s'ar put'e afla,
~il boteze fiu miel,!.,
laon s'a apropriat,
10 Fiu miel,!. ~i finu sal,!.? 20 Mwa !1i-o ariidicat,
-Boteza-ti-l-oi el,!., maiea, Pe Hristos 1-0 botezat
Ca-s laonu, Sant laon. Din lordanul cel curat.
(117a. Cooc ¢)
r. Corind'e mi Doamn'/
(73a. Sambii!1ag ¢)



112a. Dar Jidovii un' 1-0 dus?

10 Catra curtea lui Pilat
Tri cocosi negri cantara, ~i din grai a!1' 0 grait:
r., -Rastand'e!1te 2 mi-l, Pilate!
Zori de zil,!.a ravarsara. Dar Pilat ~a zicea:
-Ba io uu l-oi rastand'i,
Zori de zil,!.a ravarsara 15 Ca-i sWge neginovat,3
~i-atunci luda s'o sculara, ~i-i pacat pe jos varsat.
~i stragar' a dOl,!.a oarn:
5 ~i-atunci luda s'o seulara, -Rastand'e!1te mi-l, Pilate!
Pe Hristos 11 sarutara Dar Pilat a!1a zice:
20 -Ba io nu l-oi rastand'i,
Sarutara !1i-l vandura C'acarcat I-am judecat,
La paganii de J idovi. Gina 4 'ntr' insu n'am aflat.

1 = sa.
2 = rastigne~te.
3 = nevinovat.
4 = vina.

[ 504 ]
C II £)
30 That He might not judge them also;Z16 111.
For on earth there shall be judged
Every body with (its) soul, (Lo,) upon the river's bank,
And the sky and earth (as well). By the side of Jordan's stream,
Refrain: I'm caroling, Lord! Wondrous things your eyes encounter,
Praised by all the saints (of heaven).
5 On this day, Lord John as well
To the Jordan makes his way;
110b. And, as nearer he drew,
(At) the rising of the sun, The Lord Christ said unto him:
(That's) the mainstay of the earth, Oh, (you) lamb of (the Lord) God,
Refrain 10 Whom I have been yearning for,
A fine stream was welling forth, (Lo,) I need to be baptized
All of saints and of apostles. (And) by you enlightened be.
5 (Lo,) the Holy Mother rises Lord, I nohow have the daring
In the midst of (all these) people: To make bold to christen You,
Among you, saints, among us, 15 For I'd burn upon the earth
Who (is there that) might be found Like the dry grass in the wind.
To baptize my Son (for me), Come along and marvel not,
10 Son of mine and godson his ? Because thus is (set) my will.
I'll baptize Him for you, Mother, (Thereupon, too) John drew near,
Because I am John, Saint John. 20 (And) he lifted up his hand,
(Jesus) Christ he did baptize
Refrain: I'm caroling, Lord! In the Jordan's cleanly stream.


112a. But where led Him off the Jews?

10 (They led Him) to Pilate's court,
Three black cocks set up a crowing,
And (to Pilate) thus they said:
Refrain Crucify Him for us, Pilate!
Ushered in the dawn of morning, Pilate spoke however thus:
They set off the dawn of morning, I'll not crucify Him, nay,
Thereupon (also) rose Judas, 15 Because it is guiltless blood,
5 Thereupon (also) rose Judas, And to shed it is a sin.Zl6
(And) a kiss he gave to Jesus, And a second time they shouted:
Gave a kiss to Him and sold Him, Crucify Him for us, Pilate!
(Sold Him) to the heathen Jews. Pilate spoke however thus:
20 I'll not crucify Him, nay;
Though I've tried Him thoroughly,
I have found no guilt in Him.

215 As transcribed, this verse reads textually: So that the world might not judge Him. At
a pinch, this might be taken to have been intended to mean: So that He might not the world
judge. However, the sense given in the translation seems to be a more acceptable one than
either of the others.
218 In Rumanian, the phrase e pacat means both "it is a sin" and "it is a pity." Hence this
verse may read: 'Twere a pity it to shed.

[ 505 ]
C II f)
Mai str~gar' a tria oara, S~ngile pa stalp curge,
Mai cu foc !1i mai cu para : Maica Sf~nta sprijone.
25 -Rastand'e!1te mi-l, Pilate, Nu trabii s~nge varsat,
C'acesta Ie face toatel 20 Ca nu-i s~nge vinovat,
Ca de nu ni-l rastand'i, Ci dela Dumnezey. dat.
Noua 'mparat nu ni-i §i.I Soarile s'o 'ntunecat,
Dar Pilat s'o tulburat, Pam~ntu s'o tremurat,
30 Pe Hristos 1-0 riidicat T'etrile 4 s'o despicat,
P~ 0 cruce dalbii de brad; 25 Luna-i invascuta 'n s~nge,
Cununa de spcini i-o pus, Stelile 'ncepur' a pl~nge.
Cu sulita 1-0 strapuns, -Plangeij, stele manuntele,
S~ngele pe stalp 0 curs. Ca vedeti chinzaie grele.
35 ~i Hristos a!/' 0 str~gat, Pentr' a voastre mari pacate
Tat pam~nt' 0 tramurat, 30 Multe chinuri am rabdat;
Pcetrile s'o despcicat, Pentr' a voastra mantuire
Luna s'o 'mbracat in s~nge, Am rabdat !1i-o rastagnire.
tngeri 0 'nceput a pl~nge. (121d. Lunc!1oara if)
40 Cele stele maruntele
Ele-!1i pl~ngea mai cu jele,
Ca vide canoane grele 112c.
Pentru lui Adam gre!/ele.
y. Domniloy si-a nos' Doamn'! I: Tri crai d~-a pamantului : I
(64f. Or!/ova tfo) I: Vinu-ji 5 la 'nchinarea lui: I.

I: Hristos capu !/i-o plecat : I,

112b. I: CU d-amar glas !/i-o strtgat : I.
C~nd cocosij !1i-o c~taty,
5 [Strtgat-ay. a 'ntaia oara:]
Iuda 'n sus ca s'o sculaty. -I: Rastigneste 11, Pilat: I !-
Iuda-!1i be, Iuda-!/i da bani, -I: Ba io nu l-oi rastigni : I.
Graie cat' 2 a lui dujmani: Ii sange ned'inovat, 6
Nu trabii pe gios varsat.
5 -Da mi-ti da trizeci d'arginti, 10 Strtgat-ay. a doy.a oara:
Va voi da !1i 3-1 rastag-niti. -Rastigne!/te 11, Pilat!
Rast~gnea-l amu Pilaty Ca de nu l-ei rastigni,
Pa cruce dalbii da brady Noy.a 'mparat nu ni-i Xi. I
-De mni-ti da trizeci d~-arginti,
~i la groapa 11 duce 15 Vi l-oi da sa-l rastigniti.
10 Cu Jidovi alature. La mana s'o suflucat,
Jidovi in fata-l scuipe Apa 'n blid !1i 0 tumat,
Lui. Doamne, 'nca-i mai face Cu sulita 1-0 strapuns,
Cuie d-arse de otel, Sangele 'n vale !/i-o curs.
~i lui, Doamne, ii biit'e 20 Tri picuri 0 picurat,
15 ~i pin talpe !1i pin palme, Pamantu s'o tremurat,
Cu sulita-l strapunge. Soarele s'o 'ntunecat,

1 = fi.
S = catra.
S = sa.
4 = pietrele.
5 = ~i.
8 = nevinovat.

[ 506 ]
C II f)
Yet a third time (more) they shouted, Down the pillar ran the blood,
Harder blazing, with more fire: Holy Mother stemmed (the flow) :
25 Crucify Him for us, Pilate, Blood ought not to have been spilt,
Because He does all (the evils)! 20 For it isn't guilty blood,
Either set Him on the cross But it's given by the Lord.
Or our emperor be no more! (Thereupon) the sun grew dark,
Thereat Pilate was distressed, (And) the earth to quaking set,
30 (Jesus) Christ he set aloft Stones were split asunder (too);
Upon a white cross of pine; 25 The moon cloaked itself in blood (then)
Crown of thorns on Him he set, (And) the stars (all) started weeping.
With a spear he pierced Him through Little stars, let you be weeping,
(So that) blood ran down the stake. For hard torments you are seeing.
35 Thereat Christ so (loudly) cried, (It is) for your grievous sinning
The entire earth did quake, 30 (That) I've suffered many pangs;
Stones were split asunder (too); For (the sake of) your redemption
The moon draped itself in blood (then), I have borne a crucifixion.
(And) the angels started weeping,
40 (And among) the stars (the) smallest
Still more sadly set to weeping, 112c.
At the sight of such hard torments (Lo,) three rulers of the earth
(Suffered) for the sins of Adam. Are coming to worship Him.
Refrain: Gentlemen and Our Lord! (Jesus) Christ bowed down His head,
In a bitter voice they cried.
5 The first time they shouted (loudly):
112b. Pilate, set Him on the cross!
Even as the roosters crowed, I'll not set Him on the cross,
Judas rose upon his feet. (For His blood) is blameless blood,
Judas drank, Judas spent money, (And) it ought not to be spilled.
To his enemies he spoke: 10 (Loud) a second time they shouted:
5 I'll for thirty silver pieces Pilate, set Him on the cross!
Give Him you to crucify. If you crucify Him not,
Pilate crucified Him now You'll not be our emperor.
Upon a white cross of pine. I'll for thirty silver pieces
To the grave they carried Him, 15 Give Him you to crucify.
10 With the Jews (going) along. (Thereat) he rolled up his sleeves,
In His face the Jews did spit; Water in a dish he poured,
Lord, they also made for Him With a spear he pierced Him through,
Tempered nails (fashioned) of steel, (And) the blood came pouring down.
And they hammered them, oh Lord, 20 Three drops dripped (upon the ground),
15 Through His soles and through His (And) the earth to quaking set;
palms (too), Darkened was the sun (as well),
With a spear they pierced Him

[ 507 ]
C II f)
Luna 'n sange s'o 'mbracat. Pantre ele minta creata,-
Stelele s'o prins a plange Doamne, da gazdei viata !
25 Vadzand pe Hristos in sange. Pantre ele caragele,-
Doamne, da gazdei put'ere!
Ramaai, gazda, vesel bun,
35 Pantre ele busuioc,-
Doamne, da gazdei noroc!
Ca-i ajuns Sfantu Craciun; ~i te 'ntoarce cruce 'n masa, -
~i, gazdoaie, sanatoasa ~i 2 fi, gazda sanatoasa,
In asta dzil)a frumoasa! Ca ~i-asculti corinda noasta
(12Ig. Comlau~a <p) 40 Si 'cu noi, 'cu amandoi
~i cu cati is panga noi!

112d. (121c. Gro~i if)

Ce-i sara da asta sara,?
Ca-i sara nascutului, 112e.
Ca s'o nascut fiul sfanty I: La 0pciatra 3 roslovata : I
Oare d'-ind'i pa pamant, ~ed'e maica suparat'.
I: ~i yin sfintii ~i 0 'ntreaba : I
5 D-in ieslel'e boilor,
-Ce ~ezi, maica, suparat'?
D-in floril'e fanului.
Coco~i negri ~i-or cantat
5 -Cum n'oi §i 4 io suparata!
luda d'in pat s'o sculat,
Tri coco~i negri-o cantat,
S'o sculat, s'o t'eptanat 1
luda 'n talpa s'o sculat:
10 Si pe Hristos 1-0 d-aflat
"Rastigne~te ni-l, Pilat!
Dupa masa d-a~ezat.
Ca de nu ni-l rastigne~ti,
luda-~i iubitor de bani
10 NOl)a 'mparat nu ne e~ti!"
Graie catra lui dujmani:
-Dati-mi trizeci de arginti,
(73cc. Idicel if)
15 Ca vi-l dal) sa-l rastagniti-
Jidovii-~i facura sfat,
Trizeci d'e arginti i-a dat. 112f.
Jidovii d-a~' 0 strlgat:
-Rastagne~te ni-l, Pilat! III f1I.l
[I : Tri coponi 5 mandru cantara : I -tar',
20 Ca d'e nu li-i rastagni,
NOl)a Pilat nu ni-i fi.
~i Pilat s'o suparat,
Maneci dalb~-o sufulcat,
ILl f1I.l
I: Zori de zil)a ravarsara : I -sar',]
Palmi peste d-obraz i-a dat.
25 Hristos capu ~i-o plecat,
Ca nu-i sange vinovat.
I 1. I[IT.l
I: Pe luda din somn sculara, r. : I-Iar',
Stelele 'ncepur' a plange,
Luna 'n sange s'o 'mbracat,
Soarile s'o 'ntunecat, Luara-sa, dusara-sa,
30 Pamant s'o cutremurat. 5 Pe Hristos ajunsara-sa.
Pe cruce de brad I-or pus,
1 = pieptenat
2 = sa.
a = piatra.
4 = fi.
S = caponi.

[ 508 ]
C II f)
The moon cloaked itself in blood. In the midst of curly spearmint,
(All) the stars (then) started weeping, Grant the host (long) life, Almighty!
25 Seeing (Jesus) Christ all bloodstained. In the midst of marigolds,
Grant the host strength, Lord
* Almighty!
Remain, host, of goodly cheer, 35 In the midst of basil (sprigs),
Because Christmas Day is here; Lord, (good) luck grant to the host!
To the hostess a good health, too, Cross, turn round about the table;
Upon this fine day (of feasting)! Host, may you (good) health be
For you listen to our carol;
IUd. 40 And (the same) to both of us
(Say), what evening is this evening? And to all who are with us!
'Tis the evening of the Birth,
For the Holy Son was born.
Whereabouts upon the earth? 112e.
5 In the manger of the beeves, By a boulder (that's) upended,
Mid the flowers of the hay. Sits the Mother sorrowing.
(Lo,) the black roosters have crowed, And the saints (all) come and ask her:
Judas out of bed arose, Mother, why d'you sit so sad?
He arose, he combed himself, 5 How am I not to be woeful?
10 And discovered (Jesus) Christ (Behold,) three black cocks have
At the table sitting down. crowed,
Judas, (who was) fond of money, Judas to his feet arose:
Said unto His enemies: Pilate, set Him on the cross!
I'll for thirty silver pieces Either set Him on the cross,
15 Give Him you to crucify. 10 Or no more our emperor be!
'Mong themselves the Jews conferred,
Thirty silver pieces gave.
(Thereupon) the Jews cried thus:
Pilate, set Him on the cross! 112f.
20 Either set Him on the cross, Beautifully crowed three capons,
Or our Pilate no more be. (And) the dawn of day spilled over.
And (most) angry Pilate got, From (his) sleep they woke up Judas.
(His) white sleeves he (then) rolled up, Refrain
(And) he slapped Him in the face.
25 (Jesus) Christ bowed down His head, He set out, he made his way,
For (His) blood was innocent. 5 (And) with (Jesus) Christ caught up,
(All) the stars began a-weeping, Set Him on a cross of pine,
The moon cloaked itself in blood,
(And) the sun grew dark (as well),
30 (While) the earth to quaking set.

[ 509 ]
C II f)
S~ngile pe cruc~-o curs. 112h.
S~ngile-i nevinovat,
Pe jos nu traM pradat. and Hristos dna Ia masa,
10 Luna 'n s~nge s'o scaldat,
Soarile s'o 'ntunecat,
T'etrile 1 s'or despicat, Sta~ Jidovii dapa (sic!) casa.
Ceq in patru s'o crepat,
Fiul sf~nt sus 0 zburat. C~nd Hristos gatea cu dna,
Y. DomnuZ Doamne!
lesia 'fara 2 la odina.
(52e. Jgri!1 t/»
5 Jidovii de loc il prind,
Pe cruce de brad I-or pus,
lUg. Cununa de spini i-or pus,
Sus la curt'ea cea domneasca, Cuie 'n piept ca i-or Mtut.
S~ngile tare curgea,
Cina Hiristos la masa, 10 Lumea din grai imi graia:
-S~ngile nevinovat

I: Cina Hiristos la masa : I. Nu-i iertat in jos versat.

Iar Hristos a!1' a grait:
Hiristos gat'! cu dna -Voi n'an fi mai botezati,
5 !;'i sa d'et'e la hod'ina, 15 Jidovi cu noi mestecan,
Lumea fi sa sa fereasca,
I: !;'i sa d'et'e la hod'ina : I De Jidovi sa sa pazeasca,
ca Jidov dujmanu nostu.
Y. Daj DomnuZuj Doamne!
Supt un porn m~dru 'nflurit,
FIorile I-or cutrupt'it (40. Jadani ¢)
!;'i luda 1-0 'n!1eluit.
10 luda-i primitor de bani
!;'i ceru la cei dujmani: lUi.
-Dati inli voi trizeci de-arginn, Sus la curtea, ha 3 domneasca
Ca pe Hiristos vi-l vand. Hiristos cina la masa,
Jidovii banii pune-~,
15 Pe Hiristos rastind'e~, I: Hiristos dna Ia masa : I,
Sus pe cruce mi-l punenl,
Cu sulita-l impungenl, [Jidovii-s pi dupa casa.]
S~ngele din el pornere. 5 Hiristos gat'! cu dna,
Ingerii 'ncepur' a-mi p~nge, Trecu sub porn in grad'ina,
20 De ce cur~-at~ta s~nge,
Ca nu-i s~nge vinovat, I: Trecu sub porn in grad'ina : I.
Ci de Jivovi rastind'eat. Toma, iubitor de bani,
Luna 'n sange sa scaldara, Graie cat' 4 a lui dujmani:
Pjetrile sa raspicara. 10 -Dati-mi voi trizeci d~-arginti
Y. Doamne joj Domnuluj Doamnel Sa vi-l da~ sa-l rast~gnin?
(86b. Nuc!1oara ¢) Jidovii banii pune,
Pa Hiristosu-l ras~gne.
Pa cruce de brad 1-0 pus,
15 Cu sulita 1-0 strapuns,

1 = pietrele.
1= afara.
3 = cea.
4 = catra.

[ 510 ]
C II f)
(And) the blood ran down the cross. 112h.
(But) the blood is innocent,
It ought not to be spilled forth. While at table Christ had supper,
10 (Lo,) the moon was bathed in blood, Refrain
Darkened was the sun (as well), (Lo,) behind the house the Jews stood.
(And) the stones were split apart; When Christ finished having supper,
Into four the sky was rent, He went out for to get rested.
Upward flew the Holy Son. 5 The Jews caught Him 0!l the spot,
Refrain: Lord Almighty! Set Him on a cross of pme,
Crowned Him with a crown of thorns,
Hammered nails into His breast.
112g. Blood was flowing forth amain,
Up (there) at the lordly mansion, 10 (Thereat all) the people said:
Refrain Blood (that's) free of (any) guilt
Christ has supper at the table, 'Tis forbidden for to shed.
Christ has supper at the table. Christ spoke thusly (thereupon):
(Behold,) Christ wound up (His) May you no more be baptized,
15 Jews, (nor yet) mixed up with us;
supper .
5 And betook Himself to restmg, Let the people heed (hereafter),
And betook Himself to resting Of the Jews let them be wary,
Neath a fine blossoming tree; For the Jew (is) our foema~.
(But) the blossoms covered Him, Refrain: Give the Lord Almzghty!
And Judas betrayed Him (then).
10 Judas fond of money is, . 112i.
And he asked those enemIes:
Give me thirty silver pieces, Up (there) at the lordly mansion,
That I might sell Christ to you. Christ had supper at the table,
(So,) the Jews paid out the money, Christ had supper at the table, .
15 Christ upon the cross they set, The Jews were behind the manSlOn.
Set Him high upon the cross, 5 Christ (when He had) finished supper,
With a spear they pierced Him Neath the tree went in the garden,
through Neath the tree went in the garden;
(So that) blood flowed forth ~om Him. Thomas fond of money (was),
(All) the angels started weepmg, Said unto His enemies:
20 (Awed) that so much blood was 10 I'll for thirty silver pieces
flowing, Give Him you to crucify.
For it isn't guilty blood, The Jews paid the money out,
But by Jews set on the cross. They set Christ upon the cross,
(Lo,) the moon was bathed in blood Set Him on a cross of pine,
(too), 15 With a spear they pierced Him
(And) the stones were split asunder. through,
Refrain: Lord, hoy, to the Lord

[ 511 ]
C II f)
Sangile pa cruc!:(-o curs, Sangele nevinovat
Ingerii pornir!<-a plange, N'ar trebui jos varsat.
De ce cur!<-atata sange, r. Sj-a nos' Doamne Dumneze1J!
Ca nu-i sange vinovat, (100d. Seceani 4»
20 Ci de Jidovi rastangeat.
r. Doamne '1oj Domnuluj Doamne!
(102b. Var. 1 Rau de mori tI) 1121.
Col'ea sus ~i mai d'in susy,
112j. r.,
Su' pomu d-Argimuluiy
I I. I \Til
I: Cand cina Hristos la masa, Y. : 1mas', I: Su' pomu d-Argimuluiy : 1

I I. II II. I Ce veste, ce minunaty,

I: Ingerii-s pa la fereasta : 1fereast': 5 P'o cruciulita d'e brady,

Cind 5'0 lasat de cinaty I: P'o cruciulita d'e brady: I

Ingerii 'n rai a~ intrat.
Pa Hristos sa-1 rastigneasca.
5 $i de mana 1-0 luat Strag' un J idov de cu totii:
$i 1-0 dus din sat in sat -Rastind'e~te mi-l, Pilate,
Pana la casa de sfat 10 Ca hasta 1!:(-a facut toat'e!
$i-aco10 jos 1-0 lasat. Pilat din gura-mi graie:
Cunune de st'inp i-a pus, -Dati-mi voi trizeci d!<-arginti!
10 Cu suliFi 1-0 strapuns, J idovii banii-i pune,
Cu braut de st'ini 1-0 'ncins, Pilat tar' sa mania,
Sange ~i apa i-a curs; 15 Manici dalbe-mi sufu1ca,
$i 'n pahar il sprijone De Hristos sa-~i apuca,
$i iara-i da lui de be. Sus pa cruce mi-1 0 pus
15 $i de mnil'2 ~i de biinat Cu sulita I-or impuns,
Soarile 5'0 'ntunecat, Sangele pa cruc!:(-o curs.
Luna 'n sange s'o 'mbracat. 20-25 = 112g. 17-20, 112d. 28-29
r. FloYile-s dalbe! r. Domnuluj Doamne!
(62a. Gherla tI) (62g. Paucinei?d tI)

112k. 112m.
1: Cind Hristos cina la masa : I, Din Ficioara s'al). nascuty,
Y., Y.,
Domnu Hristos pa pamanty.
I: Jidovii stal). dupa casa : I.
Lui Irod i-a fost urit,
I: Cand Hristos gata cu cina : I, Cu Iuda sa sfatuia:
5 -Dati-mi mie pe Hristos,
Merge sub porn in griidina. Ca va da~ trizeci de zloti.
SIuda dupa el s'o dus, Cand arginti-i numara,
Cu sulita l-a~ impuns, Pe Hristosu-1 desbraca;
Sangele pe cruc!:(-a~ curs. $i d'acol0 I-a luat,

1 = spini.
2 = mila.

[ 512 ]
C II f)
(And) the blood flowed down the cross. (His) blood, (which is) free from guilt,
(All) the angels started weeping, On the ground should not be shed.
Because so much blood was flowing, Refrain: And Our Lord, Almighty God!
For it wasn't guilty blood,
20 But by Jews 'twas crucified.
Refrain: Lord God, hoy, to the 1121.
Almighty! High up yonder, higher up,
Underneath the alder tree,217
112j. Underneath the alder tree,
While at table Christ had supper, (Lo,) what tidings, what a wonder:
Angels hovered round the window; 5 On a little cross of pine,
When with supper He had done, On a little cross of pine,
Into heaven the angels went. Christ they would be crucifying.
Among all, one Jew cries out:
5 And they took Him by the hand, Pilate, crucify Him for me,
Led Him through the villages; 10 For this one has done all (evils)!
(They came) to the council house, (Thereupon) Pilate spoke out:
And there set Him down (again). Thirty silver pieces give!
Crown of thorns they set on Him, (Lo,) the Jew the money paid,
10 With a spear they pierced Him Very angry Pilate grew,
through, 15 (And) he rolled up (his) white sleeves,
Girt Him with a belt of thorns, Upon Christ he laid his hands,
Blood and water flowed from Him; On the cross set Him aloft;
In a glass they gathered it, With a spear he pierced Him through,
Gave it Him to drink again. Down the cross the blood flowed forth.
15 And for pity and for woe, 20-25 = 17-20 of lUg., 28-29 of
(Lo,) the (very) sun went dark, IUd.
(And) the moon was cloaked in blood. Refrain: To the Almighty!
Refrain: Lo, the white blossoms!
112k. Of the Virgin there was born
While at table Christ had supper, Refrain
Refrain The Lord Christ upon the earth.
(La,) the Jews behind the house stood; Hateful (this) to Herod was,
When with supper Christ had finished, With Judas he talked it o'er:
He went out into the garden, 5 Christ deliver unto me,
5 Judas followed neath the tree. For I'll give you thirty zlots.
With a spear they pierced Him When the silver was paid out,
through, Of His garments Christ he stripped,
(And) the blood ran down the cross. And from there he led Him off,

217 In the transcription, the tree is identified as "d'Argimului", as though to indicate the
proper name of a place or person qualifying the tree. No such identification was found possible
by the translator, who is inclined to see here a corrupt form of aninului or arinului. Both anin
and arin designate the alder or birch tree (Alnus) in Rumanian.

[ 513 ]
C II f)
10 $i 1-0 dus la lui Pilat, 1120.
$i d'acolo I-a luat
Si 1-0 dus la GoIgovta, I: CA.nd Hristos cina la masa : I,
Dila GoIgovta la Ana,
Dila Ana la Pilat,
15 $i-acolo l-al) judecat, I: Stal) Evrei dupa casa : I.
Pe cruce di brad l-ay pus,
Cununa di spini i-ay pus,
I: Domnul Hristos dupa cina : I
Cu sulita I-ay impuns,
S'a dus supt pom in gradina.
Tot l-ay 'mpuns !?i l-al) strapuns,
SIuda !?i-acolo a 'ntrat
20 SA.nge !?i apa i-ay curs.
$i I-a prins !?i I-a legat,
r. Lilioara fi-a nos' Doamn'!
L-a legat !?i I-a purtat
(104c. Mice!?ti 1)
Pe Ia curtea lui Pilat,
Pe Ia casa ai de sfat.
10 $i sfatul a hotarlt,
tUn. Pe Hristos I-a rastignit.
I I. I rn.l
I: Din Ficioara s'o nascut!, r. : 1nascut
Pe cruce de brad l-ay pus,
Cu sulita I-al) strapuns.
SA.ngile pe stA.lp a curs,
15 Luna 'n sA.nge sa 'mbracat,
II. I Soarile s'a 'ntunecat,
I: Domnul SfA.nt fara 'nceput! : 1 Petrile s'al) despicat,
Muntii s'al) cutremurat.
r. Sara-j marea lui: CraC'jun!
(73dd. Petro!?an)
Lui Irod i-o fost urit,
Cu Iuda s'o sfatuit.
SIuda iubitor de bani
L-o vA.ndut la doi dujmani Sara marea lui Craciuny!
L-o dat pe trizeci d~-arginti. CAnd dna Hristos Ia masa,
CA.n' argintu jos 1-0 pus, 1'.,
Pe Hristos din pom 1-0 prins
10 $i la Gurgusta 1-0 dus, $i Evre! in jur d'e casa
_________ 1
Dela Gurgusta Ia Ana,
Deia Ana la Caiafa.
I : lara Hristos dupa cina : I
Val'. (Mel. 104d.)
5 I: S'a pus un pom in grad'ina : I.
I I. I
1-3 = 1:D'in Ficioara s'o nascutai, r. : 1 I: I uda 'n - - 2 !?i-o intraty : I
rn.l -
r. Sara marea luj Cracjun!
Domnul SfA.nt iaiast pamA.ntai, (73ee. Petro!?an 1)
D'in Ficioara s'o nascut. -

r. (95g.) Vila verde de mar verde! 112r.

(104d.) L'il'i1joara ~i-a nos' Doamne! Tri coco!?i negri 0 cA.ntat,
(95g., 104e. Idicel </» Zori d'e ziy' 0 ravarsat.

1 La fon. un ~ir, care nu se inteiege.

2 La fon. 2 sil., carl nu se inteleg.

[ 514 ]
C II f)
10 And to Pilate carried Him· 1120.
And from there he led Him 'off
And took Him to Golgotha, ' While. at table Christ was supping,
From Golgotha unto Annas,
From Annas to Pilate (back); Jews behind the house were standing.
15 They passed judgment on Him there The Lord Christ, after (His) supper,
Set Him on a cross of pine, ' Neath the tree went, in the garden.
5 Judas entered there as well
Set a crown of thorns on Him
And he caught and tied Hi~ up,
With a spear they pierced Hi~
Bound Him fast and led Him forth
(Took Him) unto Pilate's court, '
Through and through they pierced
(Took Him) to the council house;
Him (then),
10 And the council judgment passed,
20 Blood and water flowed from Him.
It set Christ upon the cross,
Refrain: Little lily and Our Lord!
Set Him on a cross of pine,
With a spear they pierced Him
11ln. through.
Down the stake the blood flowed forth
Of the Virgin there was born
15 (And) in blood the moon was cloaked;
Darkened was the sun (as well),
The eternal Holy Lord. 218
(And) the stones were split apart,
Hateful unto Herod 'twas
Mountains set to shuddering.
He with Judas counsel to~k.
5 Judas (who) for money cared Refrain: It is the great Christmas night!
Sold Him to two enemies
Him for thirty pence he gave. 11lp.
When the silver was set down,
He caught Christ beneath a tree,219 (Lo, 'tis) the great Christmas Eve!
While at table Christ had supper,
10 And took Him to Golgotha,
(Then) from Golgotha to Annas, Retrain
(And) from Annas to Caiaphas. The Jews too about
_________ 220 the house (stood),
And Christ, after (He had) supper,
Variant (Mel. 104d.) :
5 Neath a tree lay in the garden.
1-3 = Of the Virgin there was born
Judas - - - - _221 entered (also),
On this earth the Holy Lord,
Refrain: Lo, 'tis the great Christmas
Of the Virgin He was born.
Retrain: (95g) A green shoot ot the green Eve!
(104d.) Little lily and Our Lord! 112r.
(Behold,) three black cocks have
Dawn has overspread (the sky).

218 In the original, textually: The Holy Lord without a beginning

219 In the original, textually: "He caught Christ out of the tree." .
220 Author's manuscript footnote: An unintelligible verse in the recording
221 Author's manuscript footnote: Two unintelligible syllables (are missin~ here).

[ 515 ]
C II f)
Dorni, Pilat'e, 0 nu dorni? - 0 fiule prea mnelJ dulce,
Da d'e dorni, inca t'e scoala, lOCum tl;(-O rastanit pe cruce!
Ie-mi desehide oehii tal,
5 Ca 1 Dumnezeu cu uoile De vezi lumea eu dan~ii;
Pan' fanate jidod'e~ti. Ie-mt desehide-ti gurita,
~i tati jidod'i sa sculara, De graie~te eu dansa.
Tati cu lanci ~i cu topoare. 15 De jele ~i de banat
Luna 'n sange s'o 'mbraeat,
Soarile s'o 'ntuneeat,
(121f. Mana~tiurul unguresc 4» Stelile de jumatate
~i ele-s intuneeate.
(121b. Bala 4»
[- - - - - - - -- 114a.
rr.l iTIl
I: Ce rna ispit'iti : I -t'iti,J I I. I
I: Pe prundu maririi 2 (sic!) sale, r. : I
I: Ca voi bine ~t'iti : I,
ILlIII./ sale
I: Ca 1-0 rastanghi~ : I -ghit.
Estl;(-o manastire mare;
I: Pe cruce d'e brad!! : I. Niei d'e mare nu-i pre mare,
I 1. I fill I I
5 I: Pin talpi ~i pin palmi© : I palmi 1.
I: Far' din cieri pana 'n pamanty : I
I: Cuie d'e piroane : I I II. I
(12i. !dicel 4»
5 Niei de lata nu-i pre lata,
Far' cuprinde lumea toata.
113b. Iar in dinsa cine ~ede?
I: La grad'ina raiuluiy : I -lui
~epte popt'i, ~epte dieci
~i pl;(-atatia petrieci. 3
10 Diecelu cel mai mic
/T.I tIT.l
I: Mandra cruce sa rid'ica : I rid'ic'. Mandre clopote trage,
Mare oaste radica.
~i naintea oasteii
jIT.j Yin tri me~teri me~terand,
I: Da, ZO, aia cui 0 facy : I fac? 15 Cruce de brad i~i fiicand,
I. I I JIf.l Sa-l puie pe §iul 4 sfant.
I: Lui Hristos, sa rastigneasdi : I -nease' ~i napoi al oasteii
Yin tri me~teri me~terand,
5 Cu piron sa-l pironeasea. Cuie de otel facand,
Maiea Sfanta ~i eurata 20 Sa bata pe §iul sfant
Langa eruee-i razamata Cam pin palme, cam pin talpe,
~i din grai a~a graiE~: Cam pin tate buharele.

1 [Ed.: Pseudo-upbeat particle.]

2 = marii.
3 = patriarci.
4 = fiu!.

[ 516 ]
C II f)
Pilate, do you sleep or not? Oh, sweet Son of mine (beloved),
Even if you sleep, get up, 10 How upon the cross they've set You!
5 Because God (walks) with the sheep Come on, open up Your eyes,
Through the Jewish grazing lands. For to see the world with them;
Thereat all the Jews arose, Come on, open up Your mouth,
All with lances and with axes. For to speak (to me) with it.
15 (Lo,) for sorrowing and grief,
The moon's cloaked itself in blood,
(And) the sun is darkened o'er,
113a. (And) of (all) the stars one half
Also are in darkness shrouded.
Why d'you question me,
Since you know full well
He was crucified 114a.
On a cross of pine? On the gravel of the seashore
5 Through the soles and palms Refrain
Nails of spikes (were driven), There is a great monastery.
As to height, it's not too lofty,
Only from the sky to earth;
5 Its breadth isn't too great either,
113b. It begirds the whole world only.
In the garden of paradise, Who lives in it, howsoever?
A fine cross is being raised. Seven deacons, seven priests,
But, I swear, for whom's it made? And as many patriarchs.
('Tis) for Christ, to crucify Him, 10 (Lo,) the youngest deacon (then)
5 (And) with spikes to spike Him (on it). Set to ringing beauteous bells,
(Lo,) the Mother pure and holy, (And) aroused a mighty host.
She beside the cross is leaning Also, in the army's van,
And she thusly ~peaks her say: Come three craftsmen plying crafts,
15 Fashioning a cross of pine,
Holy Son to set on it.
Also, in the army's rear,
Come three craftsmen plying crafts,
Fashioning some nails of steel,
20 To make fast the Holy Son,
Through the palms and soles (to
Through the swelling breasts (to drive

[ 517 ]
C II g)
Care cui cum il bate, ~i p~-atatia patriarci.
Sangele tare ie~ie.
r. Liliuoara si-a nos' Doamn'! r. Zurel d'e zur!
(104£. ChibuEutul de campie if) (121r. !dicel if)

114b. 114c.
I: Colo 'n jos ~i mal d'in jOSY, r. : I, [---------
Jos pe prundu marii-!3<,]
1 : Est~-o dalba manastire : 1
Jos pe prundu marii-~,
Cu paretii de hiirtie, r.,
Cu oltaru de tamaie, Iest~-o dalba manastire,
5 Cu u~a de sfanta ruga. --====
Slujba sfanta cin~-o cantil ? Est~-o dalba manastire
Dar 0 canta Maica S£anta,
Nova popci, nova dieci
5-11 = 114b.3-9
(104a. Orsova r/»


115a. Far' arapa la caput

~i-a ramuta 2 la cijmuta.
1: Coborit-o Dumnezeu : 1 (45s. Idicel r/»

I: Cv-o turmuta d'e oi d-albe : I,

Raturile l'e pa~te.
Nime 'n lume nu-l vide,
I I. I rn.l
I: Pin ruget'e, pin £aget'e, r. : 1£aget'e
5 Far' un cane de Jidov.
El de mana 1-0 luat D-umbla-sa, pre(d)umbla sa-re,
~i 'n t'emnita 1-0 bagat. D-umbla-~i Domnul Dumnezev
Pe t'emnit' 0 pus lacate,
Pe lacate stan de pt'atra. 1 D-umbla-~i Domnul Dumnezev
10 Dumnezev c'a~' olasat, 5 CV-o turmuta d'e voi dalbe
Ca cieriu s'o tulburat,
Tomna 'n t'emnit' 0 traznit, 6-12 = 115a. 3-9
Pt'atra 'n patru s'o zdrobd'it Sa nu iasa nici-odata.
~i Dumnezev c'o ie~it,
15 Sus la cieri ca s'o naltat r. Daj colinde-ijj ,Doamn'!
~i 'ngere~te 0 cantat. (69. !dicel if)
Catra lnger! s'o rugat
Sa mature cieri de stele
~i raiu de gozurele. 115c.
20 Tri vori pin mar~-o umblat, I: Zur zur zur dalbe surori : I,
Nimnica nu ~i-o udat
1 = piatr1i.
2 = tureac « rama, ung.).

[ 518 ]
C II g)
As each nail they hammered (in), And as many patriarchs.
Blood came gushing forth amain.
Refrain: Little lily and Our Lord! Refrain: Whir a small whir!

114b. 114c.
Low down yonder, lower down, On the pebbly seashore low,
Refrain On the pebbly seashore low,
There is a white monastery, Refrain
With the walls (made all) of paper, There is a white monastery,
With the altar (made) of incense, There is a white monastery.
5 With the door of saintly prayer. 222 5-11 = 3-9 of U4b.
Who is chanting holy service? Refrain: Little lily and Our Lord!
But the Holy Mother chants it,
(With) nine deacons (and) nine priests,


115a. Only just his jerkin sleeve 224

And the legging of His top boot.
Down the Lord Almighty came
With a little flock of white sheep,
Grazing in the meadowlands. 115b.
No one saw Him in the world
Through the brambles, through the
5 But a wretched Jewish cur.
By the hand he seized Him (then)
And he put Him in a jail;
Goes a-walking, goes a-strolling,
On the jail he set some padlocks,
Goes the Lord Almighty on,
O'er the padlocks a stone boulder.
Goes the Lord Almighty on,
10 Since he left the Lord like that,223
5 With a little flock of white sheep.
(Sorely) troubled was the sky,
6-12 = 3-9 of U5a.
Sent a bolt right on the jail;
So that He might ne'er come out
Into four the stone was split, (more).
And the Lord came out (again);
15 Up into the sky He rose,
Refrain: Sing the carol, Lord!
And He sang as angels do.
Of the angels He (then) asked
From the sky to sweep the stars, 115c.
And the chaff (to sweep) from heaven.
Whir, whir, whir, the sisters fair
20 He walked through the sea three times,
Nothing wetted of Himself

222 Whereas ruga means prayer, rug means both bramble and pyre. Hence this verse may
very well have been intended to read: With the door of holy bramble. The probably least likely
alternative is: With the door of holy pyre.
223 Alternative reading for this verse: Since the Lord allowed it thus.
224 Possible alternative reading for this verse: Only of His wing the tip.

[ 519 ]
I: Nu pasese eu zoril'e : 1 Ie la Jidovi Q-alergat,
10 !?i pe Jidovi i-a seulat
I: ca sa 'mpup eu floril'e : 1 Cu saeuri ~i eu topoara,
------ Pe Dumnezel} sa-l omoara.
[Coborit-o, eoborit] Dumnezel} ea s'o trezit,
5 I: Dumnezo eu l}ail'e : 1 Num' odat' -0 fluerat
15 !?i oile s'o 'nturnat,
Pe fanate jidove~ti. Sus la cieri ca s'o 'naltat.
Nime 'n lume nu-l vazura, (45d. Bala if»
Num' 0 fata de Jidovi.


116a. 10 Frumos in eer s'o naltat,

Mandru rai s'o luminat.
I: Tat am, Doamne, d-auzity : I, (73z. Turt if»
Ca ~i-al} naseut xiul1 sfant,

I: Noi nu ~t'im d'-und'\:-al} naseuty : I: 117.

La taullui Iordan.
I: Seulati, frati, nu mai durmiti : I,
5 I: D'-aeolo ea-l bot'ezarai : 1
Mandra (sic!) nume ee-i d:aflara? I: Ca-i de graba sa porniti : 1:

I: Tat Iuon lui Sfant Iuonui : 1 I: La ora~ul jidovese : 1

Nan~ullui Dumnezel}. -
I: S'a naseut Domnul eerese : I,
Fa~e, fa~e ee-i d-aflara ?
10 !?i leganut de eiareal}( ?) 5 Pruneut mit, infa~iat.
Sa sa legine pe lin, ~i tot plange ne 'neetat
Pe linut, eatiganut. Pentr' a lui Adam paeat.
(73y. Tarna mare if) (49. Bistra if)

116b. 118.
Tat am, Doamne, d'-auzity, Sus la eurt'ea lui Craeiuny,
Ca ~i-o naseut Xiul sfanty, 'Y.,
Noi nu ~t'im d'\:-und'\:-o naseut. Buna lumina sa ved'e.

Pe supt eer pe iast pamanty Nu-i lumina ea lumina,

5 Sluga domnu ~i-o manaty Ci-o naseut un t'inar sfanty.
La Irod mare 'mparat.
------ 5 I: Ci-o naseut un t'inar sfanty : 1
-Ce ti-ai, maiea, targuity?
Nova maja d'e tamale Noi nu ~t'im und'\:-a naseuty.
!?i tamaie s'o d'-aprins, Ba, zo, noi bine 0 ~t'imy:

1 = fiu!.

[ 520 ]
Are not holding up the dawn, She went running to the Jews,
For it's budding with the blooms. 10 And the Jews she did arouse,
He descended, He came down, With (their) axes and (their) hatchets,
5 The Almighty with the sheep, For to murder the Almighty.
On the hayfields of the Jews. The Almighty roused Himself,
Noone in the world did see Him, (And) He whistled only once,225
But a Jewish maiden (did). 15 And the sheep turned back (again),
(And) to heaven they rose up.


116a. 10 It rose nicely to the sky,

Beauteously was heaven lit.
We have come to hear, oh Lord,
That the Holy Son was born;
We don't know where He was born. 117.
(He was born) at Jordan's pool.
Wake up, brothers, sleep no more,
5 (It was) there (that) they baptized
For there's haste that you set off:
In the city of the Jews
What fine name did they find for
Him? 226 Is the Lord of Heaven born,
5 (As) a babe in swaddling clothes;
(It was) John, (it was) Saint John,
And He weeps unceasingly
Godfather of Our Lord.
On account of Adam's sin.
Swaddle, swaddle, found they for
10 And an oaken (?) cradle (too), 118.
That He softly might be rocked,
High up, at the court of Christmas,
Softly (rocked, and) evenly.
A fine light can be seen (shining).
116b. It is not a light as lights are,
But a holy youngster's born,
(Lo,) we have been hearing, Lord,
That the Holy Son was born; 5 But a holy youngster's born.
We don't know where He was born.
We know not where He was born.
Nay, I swear, we know full well:
Neath the sky, upon this earth,
5 Did the Lord His servant send
To Herod the emperor.
Mother, what is it you've bought?
(Lo,) nine hundredweights of incense,
And the incense has caught fire;

laiAlternative reading for this verse: All at once a whistle gave.

us This verse, literally translated here, was obviously intended to read: Who was it a fine
name found Him?

[ 521 ]
Fiu1 sfantu ne na~tea sa-I domneasca,
Ca l1i cieriu1
D-in iesc1e1ea boilor Pe noi sa ne stapa.neasca.
Pa paile grau1ui,
10 Pa £lori1e fanu1ui,
Mitute1, fa~iete1, 10 ~i
sa 'nvart~-o cruce 'n masa; -
Leganior de pa1t'inor. Sa l1ii,2 gazda, sanatoasa,
1'. Domnuluj Doamne! Pista an mai vese10asa,
(60. Rau de mori if) Ca vara, ca primavara,
Ca l1i toamna cea bogata!
Var. (Mel. 121m.):
119. 1-6 = Asta-i sara d'e Craciuni!"
Prin ora~u1 Vifleimy Ca s'o nascut Domnul Sfant,
Viniti, voi toti, sa-I ved'emy, ~i-o nascut pe fan uscatA
D'e ingeri incunjurat.
C'astazi noy.a s'o nascuty Haidati, boieri, sa-I vid'emA,
_________ 1
Cu lordan sa-1 bot'ezam,

Un crai tanar de curandy. (450., 121m. Libaniel1d if)

5 S'o suit d'in vita lui
Tri crai a pamantu1ui.
Cu1ca-te, crai ingeresc, 120b.
Cu1ca-t'e pe fan uscat Asta-i sara d'e Craciun~,
~i 'n scut'ece 'nfal1urat. 1'.,
10 F~e da1be d'e matasa,
Scut'ece1 d'e bumbace1, Ca s'o nascut Domnu1 Sfant!,
Aur, zmirda l1i tamaie
~i faclii d'e 1eturd'ie. ~i-o nascut pe fan usca14,
Fal'a melodie:
~i-o 'nchinam cu sana tate D'e ingeri incunjura14.
15 Gazdei l1i casei.
Var. (Mel. 118a.): 5-14 = 120a.5-14
1-3 = tn ora~u1, FI01'j dalbe d'e mar4!
tn oral1u1 Viflaimy (64g. Libaniel1d if)
VeniU voi toti sa-1 vedemy,
(451. Vidra de mij10c if)
(118a. Petrol1an if) 121.
Steay.a sus rasare
Ca 0 taina mare;
120a. Steay.a s'o ivity
I: Asta-i sara d'e CraciunA : I, De1a rasarit.

Ca s'o nascut Domnu1 Sfant!. 5 Atuncia tri crai

~i-o nascut pe fan usca14, Bin~-a1} socotit,
Dupa stea s'ay. dus
D'e ingeri incunjurat. Pana c~-ay. ajuns.
5 HaidaU, boieri, sa-I videmA, Daca ay. ajuns,
Cu lordan sa-I bot'ezam 10 Buna vest~-a1} spus
Sus 1a cier sa-11na1tam, Lui Adam, Avram

1 Un i?ir la fon., care nu se tntelege.

2 = fii.

[ 522 ]
Holy Son was born to us So that He'll rule heaven also,
In the manger of the beeves, Over us set up His lordship.
On the wheat straw (He was born),
10 Mid the flowers of the hay, *
Tiny, (wrapped) in swaddling clothes, 10 Let the cross turn round the table:
(In a) maple cradle (rocked). Host, a good health we are wishing;
Refrain: To the Almighty! O'er the year may you be merry
Like the summer, like the springtime,
(And) like autumn bountiful!
119. Variant (Mel. 121m.):
Through the town of Bethlehem, 1-6 = (Behold,) this is Christmas
Come on, all of you, let's see Him, evening,
For today was born to us For the Holy Lord was born.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 227
He was born upon dry hay,
A young king but latterly. (And) by angels ringed about.
5 There have risen of His stock Come along, lords, let us see
Three great rulers of the earth. Him,
King of angels, slumber on, Christen Him with jordan's
On the dry hay, slumber on, water.
Wrapped about in swaddling clothes.
10 Of white silk (is made His) swaddle,
(He'S in) cotton smallclothes (dressed); 120b.
(He has) gold (and) myrrh and incense, (Behold,) this is Christmas evening,
Tapers (fit) for holy service. Refrain
Without a tune: For the Holy Lord was born,
With good health, we pledge (our He was born upon dry hay,
carol) (And) by angels ringed about.
15 To the house and to the household. Refrain: White are apple blossoms!
Variant (Mel. 118a.):
1-3 = In the town of Bethlehem,
In the town of Bethlehem, 121.
Come on, let us see Him all. High the star arises
Like a mighty myst'ry;
The star showed itself
120a. (Coming) from the east.
(Behold,) this is Christmas evening, 5 Thereupon three kings
For the Holy Lord was born, Wisely reckoned; they
And on dry hay He was born, Went after the star
(And) with angels ringed about. Until they arrived.
5 Come along, my lords, let's see Him, Once they had arrived,
In the Jordan christen Him; 10 The good news they told
Let us raise Him to the sky, Adam, Abraham,

227 Author's manuscript footnote: An unintelligible verse in the recording.

[ 523 ]
$i lui David crai: 122c.
-Nascut-a Hristos
Lumii de folos! 1-2 = 122a. 1-2
(29. $ebi~ if)
Tu e~ti raza cea curata
$i lumin' adevarata.
Doamne Isuse Hristoase, (45k. Bistra if)
Tu e~ti nOl}a zoq frumoase.

$i raza prea luminoasa,

Ca din ceri t~-ai pogont, I: 0 Isuse Hiristoase : I,
5 Din fecioara t~-ai nascut,
Cu oameni ai petrecut. I: Rasarit-ai zoq frumoase : 1
Pentrl}-a noastra mantuire
Ra bda-~i, Doamne. rastignire; I: $i raza prea luminoasa : I.
Pentrl}-a lui Adam gre~ala
10 Toata lumea fu 'n pierzala. Tu din ceri ai pogont
Adam pentru c~-a gre~it, 5 La noi, Doamne, pe pamant.
Domnul din rai 1-0 gonit. T~-ai 'ratat 2 in chip de sluga
- 0 Isus, lumina dulce, $i n~-ai scos pe noi din munca.
Din rai nu rna 'ndur a duce, (45t. Albac if)
15 D~-a mirosu £lorilor,
De zbarnu albinilor,
De arsu luminilor. 122e.
o Isus, lumina nalta, 1-2 = 122a. 1-2
Ochii no~t' la tine cal}ta, [3-4 = 122b. 3-4]
20 Ca luminezi lumea toata I: Tu e~ti raza cea curata,
Cu lumina cea bogata $i lumin' adeverata. : 1
Tu, Isus, lumina sfanta
Nu lasa pe noi osandii.
(45f. $ebi~ if) (45v. Sanmic1au~ul mare if)

122b. 123.
1-2 = 122a. 1-2 Isus Hristos, zori d'irept'e,
Ce d'in ceri t'~-ai pogonty?
$i raza prea luminoasa
Tu din ceri t~-ai pogonty D'ela Tatal ai venity.
Tatal Sfant d'int' inaltime
5 $i pre pamant ai venity,
Cu oameni ti-ai petrecuty. 5 sfanta ~i-al} trimis
Pre Arhanghelul Gavril.
Rabda-~i, Doamne rastandirea,l La cia Sfanta Viergurita
Ca sa ne scoti din pierire. Deci sala~ bun ~i-al} gatit
(45g. Ciarbal if) $i cuvantul s'al} 'mplinit,
10 Care l-al} fost prorocit
Acei proroci de demult,
Ca va na~te din Viergura

1 = rastignirea.
2 = aratat.

[ 524 ]
And King David (too): 122c.
(Lo,) Christ has been born,
Solace to the world! 1-2 = 1-2 of 122a.
You're the beam (that is) untarnished
And the light of truthfulness.
Jesus Christ, oh Lord Almighty,
You are our beauteous daybreak 122d.
And our shining beam most lightsome,
For from heaven You carne down, Jesus Christ, (beloved Savior,)
5 Of the Virgin You were born, You have brought a beauteous
Among men You did sojourn. dawning
For the sake of our redemption, And a beam most brightly shining.
Lord, You suffered crucifixion; Out of heaven You carne down
For the wrongdoing of Adam, 5 To us, Lord, upon the earth,
10 All the world was in perdition. Showed Yourself as 'twere a servant,
Because Adam had transgressed, And from tribulation saved us.
God drove him from paradise.
Jesus, (shining) light of sweetness, 122e.
I can't bear for to leave heaven,
15 For the fragrance of the flowers, 1-2 = 1-2 of 122a.
For the humming of the bees, 3-4 = 3-4 of 122b.
For the tapers' burning (light).
5 You're the beam (that is) untarnished
Light (shining) above, oh Jesus, And the light of truthfulness.
Toward You our eyes are seeking,
20 Because the whole world You lighten
With a light (so) richly (shining). 123.
You (most) holy light, oh Jesus.
Let not judgment (fall) upon us. Jesus Christ, dawn of perfection,
Who carne down (to us) from
122b. From the Father You proceeded.
1-2 = 1-2 of 122a. From the heights, the Holy Father
And most brightly shining sunbeam, 5 Sent forth (with) the blessed news 229
You descended out of heaven, The Archangel Gabriel,
5 And, upon the earth arriving, (Sent him) to the Holy Virgin;
With mankind You have sojourned. So, good shelter she prepared,
Lord, You suffered crucifixion And the word was (thus) fulfilled,
To redeem us from perdition. 10 That had been the prophecy
Of the prophets long ago:
That there'd be born of a virgin

228 In the transcription, this verse appears in the form of a query: Why did You descend
from heaven? Somehow, this doesn't ring true; indeed, throughout the rest of this item the
punctuation of the transcription alters what -to the translator-seems to have been the
purport of the original text. Suitable changes have therefore been made in the translated
229 This verse in the original reads textually: Did send off the holy mail. This oddly tech-
nical note is amusingly effective, coming as it does in the middle of a no less technical theological

[ 525 ]
Bun slobozitorul nostru, 10 Sa ne fie de folos!
Ca mai nainte toij eram Va1'. (Mel. 127b.):
5 In gre~ala lui Adam 1-2 = /: Patru pastori sa 'ntalnira : I,
In vr' 0 ~ase mii de ani. 1'.,
Deei noi totL ere~tinilor,
Sa lal"ldam pre Dumnezel"l. I: ~i a~a sa sfatuira : I:
(45j. Vidra de sus if)
1'. (127a.) Raza soa1'eluj, Iloa1'ea soa1'e-
124. (127b.) Raza soa1'eluj, SMa soa1'eluj!
[Cotl in sus ~i cot in jOSY], (127a. Bistra if)
I I. I r-rr.-l (127b. Albae if)
/: Cot aeolo, ee-i ved'e-~ : / ved'e:
fT.l [ll.l Patru pastori sa horbira 2
/ : Vad 0 masa rot'ilana : / -lan'
Cu sora sa trandafire:
-Haidaij fratilor, sa mergem,
rrl fll.l
/: D'e ingeri imprejurata : / -rat.
Flori frumoase sa eulegem,
5 Sa faeem 0 eununiti'i,
5 [D-asupra ingerilor,] Cununita tat eu vita,
S'o trimetem la Hristos
[TIl In ora~u eel frumos.
/: Zor zor zor, eamput eu £loriY : / £lori 10 Hiristos n'a vrut sa nasea
In paluta 'mparateasea.
Ba ala nu-i camp eu flori, 1'. Raj, 1'aj luminos!
Da-i eununa lui Hristos, (104i. Idieel if)
Tat sa 'ntoaree 'n sus ~i 'n gios
10 Dupa luna cum razbuna,
Dupa soare cum rasare, 126.
Dnpa stele en vedere.
(73aa. Comlau~a 4» I 1. I
/: Hai eu tojii sa suimy, 1'. : / suim
/: Patru pastori sa 'ntal:iiira : /, /: In ora~ul Viflaimy : / -im,
rn [TIl
Patru pastori sa 'ntalnira, If.IIll.l
I: Pa Marie s'o cinstimy : / -stirn.
/: ~i a~a sa sfatuira :/
~i a~a sa sfatuira: NoL Marie, til-om cinstl,
5 Da ne temem e'om gre~i,
5 -Haidati, fratilor, sa mergem, Ca e~ti imbracata 'n soare
Floricele sa eulegem ~i tH luna la picioare.
~i sa faeem 0 eununa Sfanta e~ti si sfant' ai fost,
~i-o 'mpletim eu voie buna, C'ai dat tata lui Hristos,
S'o trimetem la Hristos,

1 = caut.
S = vorbira.

[ 526 ]
Our own goodly Redeemer; 10 So that it might profit us 1230
For we all had been before Variant (Mel. 127b.):
5 Neath (the curse of) Adam's sin 1-2 = (Lo,) four shepherds met
For about six thousand years. together,
Therefore, Christians, all of us Refrain
Unto God let us give praise. And thus counseled they
Refrain (127a.): Sunbeam (shining
124. bright), flower of the sun!
I look up and I look down, Refrain (127b.): Sunbeam (shining
I seek yonder what's to see. bright), sister of the sun!
(Lo,) I see a wheel-shaped table
That surrounded is by angels.
5 (And) above the angels, (see,) 12Sb.
Quick, quick, quick, a field of flowers. (Lo,) four shepherds made agreement
Nay, that is no field of flowers, With the rose, (who was) their sister:
But it is the crown of Christ: Come on, brothers, let's be going,
It keeps turning, up and down, Let us gather beauteous flowers,
10 Toward the moon, as it is setting (?), 5 Let us fashion a small garland,
Toward the sun, as it is rising, With some vine (leaves), a small
Toward the stars, as they are garland,
showing (?). Let us send it unto Christ,
In the city beautiful.
Christ did not wish to be bom
12Sa. 10 In the palace of an emperor.
(Lo,) four shepherds met together, Refrain: Light, light paradise!
(Lo,) four shepherds met together,
And they counseled thus together, 126.
And they counseled thus together: Come on, let us all climb up
5 Come on, brothers, let's be going Refrain
Little flowers for to gather, To the town of Bethlehem,
And a wreath let us be making; Unto Mary let's bring giftS. 281
With rejoicing let us braid it, Mary, we shall bring you gifts,
Let us send it unto Christ, 5 But we fear we might do wrong,
For the sun provides your raiment,
And the moon provides your footstool.
You are holy, you were blessed,
For you've given breast to Christ,

ISOAlternative reading for this verse: So that He might comfort us.

lSISince a cinsti means both "to honor" and "to treat (or to begift)", this verse has the
following alternative reading: Let us honor Mary (there). In that hypothesis, the next verse
should read: Mary, we shall honor you. The translator is unable to decide with any certainty
which sense of the verb is intended in the original text.

[ 527 ]
10 Lui Mantuitoru nost'. Aeol' nu traM nimrue
r. Hoj l'er 110rj d'e mar! 10 Far' sufletu drept ~i sfant.
(64b. Ghelar 4» I.r. Doru m'o da ios!
3.r. Lumea me, lumea met
(113. Or!10va 4»
I 1. I fII.l 12Sb.
[I : Astazi am vazut minuoa : / minuo',
/: La sfar!1itu lumiii-re :I
/: Care inger 0 spunea : I r.,

I: Despre mese a Hristos : IJ I : Trimbita-vor ingerii-~ : I,

/: Foart'e s'a~ 'mplirut frumos : /. Trimbita-vor toti odatii :
Sa sa stranga la olaltii.
5 /: Und'e est~-aeuma i-om: / 5 Domnii ~i bogart vor plange,
Cum s'or judeeat pin sange.
I: Tat cum 0 fost Solomon: I, ~i-aeol' nu traM nimie,
Nice aur, nic!:l-argint,
Ca sa-mi eante aleluia N umai suflet drept !1i sfant.
Din eantaril!:l-aeestuia.
Aeum yom eanta !1i no! 10 0 Marie, sfantii e!1ti,
10 In timpine !1i 'n cimpoi. Sfantii e~ti ~i sfant' ai fost,
Vine fratiorul mie~, C'ai dat tata la Hristos,
Vine la gradina ta; Car' pe noi din iad n~-o seos.
Ca-i inflorit roada tao r. Corind'e ma Doamn'!
Din eel drept s'a~ rasarit, (730. Bala 4»
15 Ca sa s'arat' ~i taina,
Taina eea din veehi aseunsa
~i de inger ne~tiuta,
eel ce dii 'n lume viap, I: ;;i 'nveseli,1 iubit cre~t'ine : I,
EI poarta fieior in brap. r.,
(122a. Albae if)
[Iaeatii Craeiun i~i vine!]
/: ~i 'nveseli, iu' 2 vinovaty (sic!) : I
I: In patru eomuti d'e lume, I.r. : 13.r.,
/: ~i la bunul imparaty : II

5 Est~-un tum in Vifleim

[La tat ~omu d-a lui nume] Aproape de Rusalin;
/: Sa mearga la jud'eeatii : I, In varvutu tumului
Seris-ti fata Domnului.
/: Cei vii eu eei morn d'odatii : / Tot intreaM d'i~ti tri erai:
Care ealea ea tra rai?
5 Sa mearga la judeeata.
Judeeata-i mare price, r. Leruj Doamn'!
Domnii ~i 'mparati or plange. (107e. Niere!1teu if)
Judeeata-i Vifleim,

1 = tnvesele;;te.
2 = iubit.

[ 528 ]
10 Unto our Redeemer (blest). Nothing (else) is needed there
Refrain: Hoy, sing apple blooms! 10 But a fair and saintly soul.
Ist Refrain: Yearn may fell me down!
2nd Refrain: World of mine, world of
127. mine!
On this day we've seen a wonder:
What the angel had foretold
Of Messiah (and of) Christ,232 12Sb.
Beauteously has been fulfilled. When the world comes to an end,
5 Where is there a man this day Retrain
Such as Solomon has been, Angels will be trumpeting;
For to sing me halleluia They will trumpet all together,
From the latter's Song of Songs? That (the people all) may gather.
Now we shall play (music) too, 5 Lords and rich men will be weeping
10 With the bagpipes and the drums. At the bloody judgment meted.
Come on, little brother mine, And there nothing shall avail,
To your garden come along, Neither silver nor yet gold,
For your fruit is (all) in bloom. But a just and saintly soul.
It's grown out of righteousness,
15 To display the mystery, 10 Oh Maria, you are blest;
Myst'ry that of old is hidden You are blest and you were blest,
And unknown unto the angel: For you've given breast to Christ,
He who life unto the world gives Who has brought us out of hell.
In His arms a Son is bearing. Retrain: I'm caroling, Lord!

12Sa. 129.
In (all of) the world's four corners, Be rejoiced, beloved Christian,
Ht Refrain, 2nd Refrain (For,) behold, Christmas is coming!
All who bear the name of mankind (?) And rejoice, beloved sinner,233
(Shall be called) to go to judgment; And (you) goodly emperor!
Both the quick and dead together 5 There's a tower in Bethlehem,
5 (Shall be called) to go to judgment. Near unto Jerusalem;
Trials are a mighty issue; On the steeple of the tower,
Lords and emp'rors will be weeping. Pictured is the face of God.
Bethlehem's the judgment (seat) : It keeps asking these three kings: 234
10 Which to heaven is the way?

Retrain: Lord, I sing!

232 An error of transcription gives mese a, which is meaningless in the context of this verse,
for Mesia (Messiah). Translated, mese a means "tables of".
238 This verse is translated in accordance with the author's footnote, which interprets iu'
vinovat as standing for iubit (e) vinovat. If, however, this odd phrase is meant to be nevinovat,
the verse would read: And rejoice, you who are blameless.
234 Alternative reading for this verse: They keep asking, these three kings.

[ 529 ]
130. Cu steau' ay eaUltorit,
Ca sa-I vada, sa-l eunoascA
1. Marire 'ntru eei de sus, $i pe Domnu sa-I cinsteasc'.
lngerii eantare ay adus,
ca Hristos cat' s'ay naseut,
Lumea eu dari ay umplut. 2. Vifleimulludei
I: ca e filJ. de DumnezelJ., Unde eanta tngerii;
Sfant e ea !1i Tatal sa y :1· lngerii frumos cantlJ.u,
Heruvimii laudalJ..

2. Mama pruneull-alJ. 'nfa!1at 3. Detera toti a eanta,

l;)i in iesle l-ay eu1cat; ca gazda eolae nll-o da;
El eu raza de paeat Gazda eolaeu nll-aduee,
In ~I~ alJ. Iuminat. Fara earnat nu nil-om duee.
I: ca e filJ. de DumnezelJ.,
Sfant e ea !1i Tatal salJ. : I. 4. Mare hire,l mai parinte,
De huso!1i 2 ne vinll-aminte,
3. Voi pastori, aeum pIeeaij De huso~i !1i de baneute,
I: l;)i in fluier fluierati : I, Aeareatll-o fi de muite.
$i eu ingeri il c3ytati,
I: C'astazi fiul Domnu1 Sfant 5. Dar aeele Ie-om primi,
S'alJ. eoborit pre pamant : I. De eolaei om pomeni,
P'inga eolae sa euvine
4. $i voi turmea cum eaytaij, Vr'o cintite de Yin pline.
I: $i Ia eeriu1 sa sa1tati : I
l;)i pe Hristos sa-l ealJ.tati, 6. ~i vr'o doya de vinars,
I: C'astazi fiul Domnul Sfant Ca sa-I zmucim pe sub nas,
S'alJ. eoborit pre pamant : I. Sa nu bem sa ne 'mbatam
(132b. Moneasa 1) l;)i de eoasta sa uitam.

131. 7. P'inga eoaste !1i un !10~

$i 0 barba de fuior,
1. Rafila, nu tangui, nu pIange Sa ne faeem ni!1te ate,
Vazandu fiii tai in sange, Sa ne carpim ni!1te zdreante.
Caei ei nu vor pieri (l1Sb. Sebi~ 1)
Mai vartos vor inflorl
I: Tatalui eerese : I.
2. Astazi Hristos in Vifleim s'ay naseut, 1. Tri erai dala rasaritu
lar Irod suparat s'alJ. faeut. Cu stealJ.' alJ. ealatority,
Naseut-o e1 saraeu, Ca sa-1 vad' !1i sa-I eunoasc3
Suparat s'o bugatu. $i pre Hristos sa-1 cinsteasea.
Ei Irodu, ei Irod.
(130. Rogoz 1)
2. Maio!1 3 mire, mai parint'e,
Cu huso!1i 2 !1i vill-amint'e.
132a. Cu huso!1i nll-ar einst!,
1. Tri erai de1a rasarit Cu zloti nll-ar vesell-~.

1 = renume « hir, ung.).

2 = ban de 20 crei~ari « huszas, ung.).
3 = maietec « majas, ung.).
[ 530 ]
130. With the star went journeying,
So that they might see Him, know
1. Glory unto those on high:
(La,) the angels have brought song (to
us) 235 And the Lord that they might worship.
That Christ has, by being born,
2. (In) Judea's Bethlehem,
Overwhelmed the world with gifts;
Where angels are wont to sing,
For He is (the) Son of God,
Angels beautifully sang,
Holy as His Father is.
(And) the cherubim gave praise.
2. (La,) the Mother swathed the Babe,
3. Everyone began to sing,
In the manger laid Him down;
In the shelter shone His beam,236 That the host might give us cake.
Cake to us the host is bringing,
(Cleansing it) with light of sin;
We'll not go without some sausage.
For He is (the) Son of God,
Holy as His Father is.
4. Goodly tidings, oh my father,
Come to mind, of silver pieces,
3. Shepherds, go now on your way,
About dimes and silver pieces;
Let you pipe upon your pipes,
Be they howsoever many.
And with angels seek Him out,
For today Lord Holy Son
5. As a present we'll accept them;
Has come down upon the earth.
(But) our thoughts will be on cakes.
With the pastry would be fitting,
4. And, as you seek out your flock,237
And leap upward to the sky, Say, a pint with (good) wine brimming,
Let you likewise Christ seek out;
For today Lord Holy Son
6. And of brandy a couple more,
Has come down upon the earth. To be snatched up neath the nose.
Let us not drink to get drunk,
And forget about the chop.
1. Rachel, weep not (and) be not 7. With the chops, a whisper (?) more:
complaining 238 (Goes) a hank of hemp or flax,
Upon your sons in blood beholding, That into some thread we'd fashion,
For they shall perish not, On our rags to sew some patches.
(But) flourish more mightily
For the Lord above.
2. On this day Christ has been born in
Bethlehem, l. Three kings from the rising (sun)
Whereat Herod (sorely) angered was. With the star went journeying,
(Because) He was born poorly, For to see Him and to know Him,
The wealthy were offended: And to Christ bring their devotion.
Hey, you Herod! Herod, hey!
2. With some liver sausage, father,
With some dimes (of us) be thinking.
132a. He'd begift us with some dimes,
l. Three kings (coming) from the east With some zlots he'd gladden us.
235 In the original, too, this verse has nine syllables.
236 In the translation, the content of this verse and the following one has been redistributed.
237 Alternative reading for this verse: And you, as you tend your flock.
238 The highly unusual scansion of the original text is faithfully reproduced, verse by verse,
in the translation.

[ 531 ]
3. De aeum pana 'n vecie Ciledu1 4 eu slugile,
Mila Domnului sa fie,
Ca n~-am seos dela robie 4. Aeum sa sa bueure,
$i n~-am dus la 'mparatie. C'o ajuns 0 na~tere,
(115a. Rogoz ¢) Na~terea lui Hiristos,
Sa ne fie do f010s!
(115d. Bistra ¢)
1. Noi aeum ortaci10r,
$i voi, buni dieci10r, 133.
Laudati ~i eantati 1. Noi pastori, oamini saraci,
$i va bueurati! Da ger ~i da frig maneati,

2. Dati dara toti a eanta, 2. Vazand eeriu luminandy,

Ca gazda eolae n~-o da; St'eal}a naiinte margandy,

Gazda eolae n~-o d-aduee, 3. tngerii frumos eantandy.

Far' un earnat nu n~-om duee. [tngerii frumos eanta-~J :
Irod fi mi-~i lal}daty.
3. Maio~,l vere~,2 hop parint'e
Huso~u 3 ne vin~-amint'e. 4. De aeum pana 'n vecie,
Mila Domnului ~i 5 fie!
Gazda eu j upaneasa, (45n. Rogoz ¢)


134. r. (Mel. 73nn.) Negura, negura,

dibra dobra jelimbra,
I: J os { in + { romaneasea
la tara rumaneasea: I Frunza verd' e jed' era!
r. (Mel. 7300.) Ielimbra, ielimbra,
r., tibra dobra ielimbra,
Frunza verd'e (sic!) ied'era!
I: Est'~-o grad'ina domneasea : I. (73mm. Urisiu de sus ¢)
(73nn. Curtecap <p)
Is Da domnu-so Iuoana~y :I (7300. Voiniceni ¢)
S'o faeut ealugara~
5 La colid'ie la Blaj;
$i doamna sa Iuonita
S'o fiicut ealugarita
La colid'e la Bistrita.
rrl fIT.l
I: Pa dampu malaiului, r. : I -lui
r. (Mel. 73mm.) Negura, negura,
dambra dobra jelibra,
Foaje verd'r;.a jed'era!
1 = maietec « majas, ung.).
a = si'mgerete « veres, ung.).
3 = ban de 20 creitari « huszas, ung.).
4 = familie « csaiad, ung.).
5 = sa.

[ 532 ]
3. Everlastingly hereafter Family (?) and servants too,
May God's mercy be prevailing,
For from bondage He has freed us, 4. Be rejoicing at this time,
And we've gone unto (His) kingdom. For a birth has come to pass,
(And it is) the birth of Christ:
May it comfort (all of) us!
1. (Let) us, fellows, at this time,239
And you, worthy deacons (too), 133.
Praises bring, and let's sing, 1. (Lo,) we shepherds, poorly men,
And rejoicing be! Eaten up by frost and cold,

2. Therefore, let's all start to sing, 2. See the sky all lighting up,
For the host will give us cake; (And) the star ahead proceeding,
(Lo,) the host will bring us pastry:
We'll not go without a sausage. 3. (Hear) the angels sweetly singing.
Beautifully sang the angels:
3. Liver sausage (and) black pudding, Let (some) praise be given Herod.
Hop, father, of dimes remind us.
(May) the host with (his good) wife, 4. Everlastingly hereafter
May God's mercy be prevailing!


134. Refrain (Mel. 73nn.): Mistiness,

Down in the Wallachian country240 _________ 243
Refrain Green leaf of the ivy, hoI
(Lo,) there is a lordly garden;
Refrain (Mel. 7300.): - - - - --
But its master, little Johnny, _________ 243
Has gone off to be a monk
Green leaf of the ivy, hoI
5 At the monast'ry in Blaj; 241
And its lady, little Janet,
Has entered a cloister, likewise, 135.
She's a nun in Bistritza. 242 O'er the hill of cornmeal mush,
Refrain (Mel. 73mm.): Mistiness, Refrain
_________ 243
Green leaf of the ivy, hoI

239 Verse for verse, the scansion of the translation corresponds to that of the original text.
240 Tara romtlneasca, literally "the Rumanian land," is the ancient name for the principality
of Wallachia.
241 Ancient city of Transylvania, capital of Tarnava Mare district.
242 Bistrita is the name of several towns and rivers of Rumania. There are two monasteries
of that name, one each in Neamt and Valcea districts.
243 The refrain is only partly in Rumanian, the missing words being apparently meaning-
less (see fn. 3).

[ 533 ]
I: Pa dosu 'ntorsurilory : I 136.
I: Pa fata scoverzilory : I r.,
------ Capu calului-
I: Fug~-on malai, ce mai fuge : I. Oala tiganului.
Ochii calului-
5 -Stai. malaiu, nu te duce, Feriestele, tiganului.
Ca te scald in lapte dulce. 5 Matile calului-
-Ba io, zelJ, ca io n'oi sta, Carnatii tiganului.
Ca ma turte!?ti pa lopata, Burta calului-
Faci cu mine hop in vatra, Pierina tiganului.
10 Cu taciuni m'acuparai, Pielea calului-
Di tigani ma 'ncunjurai. 10 Poneava tiganului.
Unu rade, altu plange, Pula calului-
Altu baga ghiara 'n foe Tragacea tiganului.
$i scoate malai necopt. Spinarea alului-
15 Vin\:-o dalM jupaneasa Scara tiganului.
$i puse pita pa masa 15 Curu calului-
Bocalu tiga;'ului.
$i malaiu su lavita
'Ncunjurat di !?apte mate. Coada calului-
Pest'iriu tiganului.

$i te, malai, vesele!?te,

* 20
Copicile calului-
Colacii tiganului.
20 C'o 'nchinam cu sana tate ! r .. Prea junaler, prea tu~pandel
r. Hoj l'er, hoi mi l'er! $z pre prumbarjel, haj haj revla-devla.
(106. Murani 1)
(Ma. Savar!?in 4»


137. 138.
Sfant soare rasare I: Rasarit-o, rasarity : I,
'N toate laturile, r.,
I: Un pom nalt, inramuraty : I
'N toate laturile,
'N toate vadurile. $i de nalt e pana 'n ceq
5 Mai ro~u rasare $i de larg prejur pamant
$i la asta casa
D-io crujp de fereasta r. Corind'e mi-~i, Doamn',
Jur-prejur de masa Bun corind'e!
(73s. Traia!? q,)
r. OJ Domnuluj Doamne!
(12v. Petro~an 1)

1 = cruci.

[ 534 ]
On the back of the turned furrows, 136.
O'er the face of cornmeal cakes,
Runs a corncake: how it's running! Refrain
5 Hold on, corncake, do not leave (me), The horse's skull: 244
For in sweet milk I shall bathe you. The gypsy's pot.
No, I swear, I will not stop, The horse's eyes:
For you'll squash me on the shovel, The gypsy's windows.
Make me go, hop, in the oven, 5 The horse's guts:
10 Cover me with embers (too), The gypsy's sausages.
(And) with gypsies ring me round. The horse's belly:
One is laughing, one is weeping, The gypsy's pillow.
One his claw puts in the fire, The horse's hide:
Pulls the corncake out unbaked. 10 The gypsy's sheet.
15 Comes along a beauteous lady, The horse's pizzle:
Sets the loaf upon the table, The gypsy's trigger.
And the corncake neath the settle, The horse's back:
Ringed about by seven kittens. The gypsy's ladder.
15 The horse's arse:
And you, corncake, of good cheer be,
The gypsy's jug.
The horse's tail:
20 For with (good) health we bepledge The gypsy's napkin (?).
Refrain: Hoy, sing! Carol, boy! The horse's hooves:
20 The gypsy's cakes.
Refrain: Too - - - - -, too - - - --
And too swarthy, hoy hoy - - - - _.245


137. 138.
Holy sun arises There has sprung up, there's grown
Over all the places, upward
Refrain Refrain
Over all the places, A tall tree with spreading branches;
Over all the crossings. And it's tall up to the sky,
5 More ruddy it rises And its width goes round the earth,
Also o'er this cottage,
Through the window's middle, Refrain: I would carol, Lord,
Round about the table. Goodly carols!

Refrain: Hoy, for the Almighty!

244 In this text, there is no attempt to achieve either meter or rhyme, beyond the crude pair-
ing of calului (of the horse) and tiganului (of the gypsy).
245 The dashes represent unintelligible words (see fns. 3, 243 above and the author's note
to mus. ex. No. 106 in Part 1).

[ 535 ]


139. 5 Thandre khangiri dilias

Sucar mni!1e vo cardeas
I: Socoi tele mai teler~ : I, La lyechichi stindias ponilei.
r., (45r. Niere!1teu if)
I: Socoi tele sobar~ola : 1?
------ 140b.
Daie khanhiri lemonesri U!1t'e nU!1t'e!!! Romal~,
Pale late con be!1ela? U!1t'e nust'e Romale~
5 Le be~l 0 sfant ondel.
Pe do duito con be!1ela? Thedikhen so hadikheny
Daii lede leseri Sar hu l'e 10 sfant okhamy
Voche pU!1ca ache la!1,
Andro rupuno ve!1ghiijas, 5 Peloi trate mome nate.
10 Rupune cierbos chunas,
Le delesche !1istinghias. (45u. Rapa de sus t/»
Ondel lache !1istindias
Le siilinta Ie milienta.
r., ? 141.
(78a. Niere!1teu if) I: !?uturoma !1Ovaldo, r. : 1

140a. I: Tai!1in barD conalo : 1

Dusten dusten de Romale ------
I: --------- :11
I: Thedhikhen so nadhikhean» : 1 Lituroma tai tun~
Eta vela vri oda!1.
r. FIOf'ile-s dalbe!
I: Sar phuiel 0 somnal del» : I.
(62ff. I~ t/»
Tre scarate mome leata.

1 La fon. un sir, care ou se totelege.

[ 536 ]


139. 246 5 And the (holy) church He's entered,

And the World He has begifted:
At the top and at the bottom: Beauteous service sang in summer.
What is growing at the bottom?
(Lo,) it is a church of beeswax. 140b. 249
Who is sitting there, beside it? Get up, get up, all you Gypsies I
5 The Almighty's sitting there. Get up, get up, all you Gypsies!
Who's the second one there sitting? See what you have never seen yet:
'Tis the Holy Virgin, (see,) How the holy sun's descending
She has taken up a gun, 5 On a taper, on a stairway.
She's been in the silver woods,
10 She has caught the silver stag,
To the Lord she's given it.
(Lo,) the Lord repaid the gift 141. 250
Hundredfold and thousandfold. Do it six times, Gypsy lad:
Refrain: ? 247 Refrain
A great mooner you will be.
_________ 251
140a. 248
Take it, Gypsy, and run off:
Get up, get up, all you Gypsies I She took me before the judge.
See what you've not seen before: Refrain: White are the blossoms!
How the goodly Lord's descending
On a taper and a stairway

a46 The translation of No. 139 was made from the unmetered and unrhymed German
version included in the original typescript, and must therefore be regarded as approximate.
The meter, however, corresponds as closely as possible to the Romany original.
247 According to the author's note to the corresponding melody (mus. ex. No. 78a.), the
refrain is unintelligible from the recording.
248 The translation of the Romany text was made from the unmetered and unrhymed ver-
sions, one in German and one in Rumanian (the latter initialed "C. Br.": Constantin BrAiloiu),
which are included in the original typescript draft of the texts. The meter follows the original
as closely as possible.
249 This rendering is largely conjectural. Various Romany experts consulted confessed their
inability to make complete sense of the original, which is apparently either badly garbled or
else in some unidentifiable local patois of the Romany. The second and fourth verses, which
thoroughly baffled the Romany experts consulted, show some similarity to the corresponding
verses of No. 140a. Hence the tentative translation given here.
250 This item, which has a refrain in Rumanian, baffled the Romany experts consulted. Thus,
six in the first verse might be sixty, according to one authority, who also surmised that moone,.
in the second verse could be "some sort of slang expression." This rendition is compiled from
patchy guesswork and divergent versions.
a51 Author's manuscript footnote: "An unintelligible verse in the recording."

[ 537 ]


142. r. Domnuluj Doamne Doamn'!

(39. Petro~an 1)
MMeciii, mMecai
Sfantai Dumi:il.ica
(2. Petro~an 1) 148.
Colo 'n sus la rasarity
Est~-un mar mare 'nflority
10 davui un fiy.,
(45m. Denta 1)
10 d-avui un fiy
r. Domnul Doamne! 149.
(3c. Sarafola 1) Izbavirea n~-ay. sosM
D'ela Domnul cel prea Sfant.
I: 'Ntreabii mi sa 'ntreaba : I, (45p. Mice~ti .p?)
r. lair Domnuluj Doamne! 150.
(5b. Igri~ .p) 1'.,
Colo 'n josul, mai d'in jOSY
r. Floril'e-s dalbe!
Hoi ~edu-i ~i-mi ~edui, (62v. Petro~an 1)
Tot doi Domni di cery,
La poarta di rai.
Nascut-o d-un domn tanary,
I.r. Doamne! r.,
2.1'.Dai corinde! Din curti bune-a domnii buni
(2Ie. Budureasa 1)
r. Corinde, corindele!
146. (7Ic. Budureasa 1)
I: La lina fantana, r. : 1
==== 152.
r. Dair Domnuluj Doamne!
(27. Sarafola 1) Colo 'n jos pe mare 'n joSY.
~apt'e sat'e jidove~ti
Colo 'n josul, mai d'in joSY,
r. HajUno Uno l'erujlin'!
r., (8Ih. !dicel .p)

[ 538 ]


142. Refrain: To the Almighty Lord!

Early morn, early morn,
Sunday's a holy day 148.
Over there, toward the sunrise,
143. A large apple tree is blooming.
I (too) once had a son,
Refrain 149.
I once had a son
Refrain: Lord Almighty! Unto us redemption came
From the very holy Lord.
Questioning (and) asking:
Refrain Refrain
Refrain: To the Lord Almighty! Down below there, lower down yet,
Refrain: White are the flowers!
Ho, they're sitting, sitting, 151.
ISt Refrain Of a young lord was delivered,
Two lords out of heaven, Refrain
2nd Refrain From good courts of goodly lords
(Up) at heaven's gate. Refrain: Singing carols, caroling!
ISt Refrain: Lord God!
2nd Refrain: Sing the carols!
146. Down below there, by the seashore,
At a quiet well-spring, Refrain
Refrain Seven Jewish villages
Refrain: To the Lord Almighty! Refrain: Come, softly, softly, caroling!

Down below there, lower down yet,

[ 539 ]
153. Da su' poala marului
~ed'e Petru l/i SAnt'ietru.
Tomnai sara d'e Ajunu, 1'. Cununa da vdnaJel'e!
(116. Valcani </»
PrimbIa-mi s'acest domn bunu
Dintr' 0 curt'e 'ntr' alta curt'e. 159.
1'. Doamne joj Domnuluj Doamn'l
Acum am vazut minunea,
(86h. Petrol/an () Care Inger 0 spunea,
Acum toat'e s'ay. 'mplinitu,
154. Precum 'say. fost prorocitu.
Cam supt vita vinului,
(121i. Petrol/an t/)
Supt umbra gut'iului
(87c. Petrol/an if) 160.
1: Tri crai dela rasaritu : 1
155. fTl fIT.l
I: CU steay.' ay. caIatoritu : 1-rit.
Dimineata lui Craciunu,
Dimineata lui Craciunu (121j. Ciarbal t/)
Si-a lui domnului cel bunu 161.
1'. Flo1'ile-s dalbe, leI' de mary! Secina ghecina l/oi dobrana,
(93. Petril/ t/) Tomnan durma durmina,
Lemn verd'e d'e ied'era.
156. (128b. Ra.u de mori t/)
Pe dealu Colnuoari,
1'., 162.
Pe dealu Colnuoar' 1. Na!jtirea ta Hristoasa (sic!)
Dumnezeu nostru,
rrr.l Rlisarita lumii
I: Und'~-a nascut Fiul SfAntu : 1SfAnt. Lumina cuno!jt'inta,
1'. Le1'uluj ~j-a ma1'ului!
(9Sh. Moi!ja </» 2. Ca 'n-tru dAnsa c~i ce
~erbea stelelor

157. Da la steay.a s'ay. 'nvatat.

~i sa 'nchina tie
Noi acum ortacilor, Soarelui dreptatii,
Voi diecij bunilor
Laudati l/i cAntati 3. ~i sa t'e cunoasca pre t'ine
~i va-mi bucuratil Rlisaritul cel da sus,
Doamne, marire tie I
(llSc. Ciarbal t/)
(131. Rogoz t/)
I: Colo sus la rasaritu, 1'. : 1
I: Est' un mar mAndru 'nfloritu : I.
[ 540 ]
153. But beneath the apple's branches
There sits Peter and Saint Peter.
Right upon the Eve of Christmas,
Retrain: (Ho,) a wreath ot woodland
Retrain tlags (made)!253
This good lord about is walking
From one yard into the other.
Retrain: Ho, to the Almighty Lord! 159.
Now we have beheld the wonder
154. Which the angel had foretold;
All those things have come to pass
Somewhat underneath the grapevine,
In the shadow of the quince tree. Just as prophets have foretold them.

155. 160.
Christmas Day (it is this) morning, Three wise men out of the East (came),
Retrain Following the star, they travelled.
Christmas Day (it is this) morning
And to the good lord belonging
Retrain: White are the blossoms ot the 161.
apple! _________ 254

156. Green wood of the ivy vine.

On the hill of - - - - _252
Retrain 162.
On the hill of - - - - -
1. Thy (wondrous) birth, Christ Jesus,
Where the Holy Son was born.
Retrain: Caroling about the apple! Our Lord Almighty,
To the world (brought) dawning
The light (that is of) knowledge,
(Come on,) fellows, (all of) us, 2. Because, through it, those who
(And) you, singers, (who are) good. Served the stars (above)
Let us praise, and let's sing, From the star have knowledge gained,
And let's joyful be! And bowed down before Thee,
(Thou,) the sun of justice,
158. 3. That they might acknowledge Thee
Up above there, toward sunrise, also
Retrain (As) the dawning from above:
A fine apple tree is blooming, Glory to Thee, Lord God!

252 In both forms (Colnuoari and Colnuoar'), the final word of this verse is utterly meaning-
less to the translator.
253 The flower referred to is Iris variegata, which commonly grows wild in woods through-
out Rumania.
254 The first two verses of this refrain are meaningless, and have respectively ten and seven
syllables of jingle. The reader is referred to fn. 3 (Text No. If.) in which the same refrain occurs
with a slight change in the last verse.

[ 541 ]
163. 164.
1. Marire 'ntru cei de sus, 1. Tri crai da Persida-i
Lui Dumneze])., Irod cum i-a]). vazut,
!;Ii pre pamant fii in pace I Margand Ie dansa
Astaz ingerul vine 'Mparati-a de muIt:
Cu prea buna vestire; -Pentru ce voi umblati,
Taina mare va spune, Pre care Ie cercati?
Fecioara prune va nast'e. Straina 'mparatie!

2. Cum poate-aceasta sa fie, (133. Rogoz ¢)

Ca de blirblit nu !itie;
Dumneze]). adevarat,
MeIu!iiel nevinovat.

3. PastoriIor, fluerati,
Cantare n~-a 0 cantati
Cu ingeri !ii cu harhangeli!

(132a. Rogoz ¢)

[ 542 ]
163. 164.
1. Glory among those above, 1. Three lords from Persia (came),
Unto the Lord, (But) Herod, seeing them,
And upon earth peace prevailing! On their way going,255
This day the angel cometh Had long been reigning:
With the most gladsome tidings, Why are you traveling?
The great myst'ry disclosing: What things try ye (to find)
The Virgin shall have offspring. (What) alien empire (seek ye) ?

2. How can this thing be, (however,)

For of man she lacks knowledge?
(It is the) true God, indeed,
('Tis) the Lamb of Innocence.

3. You shepherds (all), play your pipes,

(And) strike up this song of mine
With angels and with archangels!

255 The concluding five verses of this fragment are oddly disjointed in the original version,
hence the above translation is somewhat conjectural. The unusual meter of the original is,
however, rendered as closely as possible.

[ 543 ]
[Text Numbers in Parenthesis are Listed in H. Appendix]

No. of Melodies
Group No. Refrain Text No. Mus. Ex. No. withoutl with

1. 1 Doamne 6 32 1 1
2 Domnule 73 19 1 1
3 Domnili - Domnili 87h. 23a. 1 1
4 Domnul Doamne
(Domni Doamn') 6Oc., 87m., 112£., (143) 3c., 52e., 81j., 111e. 4 4
(Domnule Doamne)
5 101 Doamnul, loi Doamn' ~

(101 Domno, 101 Domina) 48b., lOSe. 12y.,25 2 2

,...., 6 Doamn~-a Domnului 102b. 21y. 1 1 ~
7 . {Doamne 35a., 38a., 48g., 52, 51, 58a.b., 59a., 60, o
:f Domnulul (Doamn') 57, 59b., 69a., 82h., 6li.k., 62c.g.-i.1.x.,
~ 84c.,93d., l04j., 66, 65, 66a., 67a.b.,
105h.j., 108d., 118, Mar.6a.c.
1211. 10 19 ~.
8 Domnului Doamne - Domnului 51
Doamne 6Od., 64a., 75 62dd., 1 3
9 Domnului ~i Doamne 1Oa., SOb., 91b. lOc. 1 1
10 Sa., 1Ob., 14a.b., 5a.b., 6, 8-9, 10a.b.,
(Oi) }
I~ . 31a.-c., 43-44, 46, 11, 12a.-d.o.s.-v.y.
(Dol) Domnulul Doamne 48b.-d.f.,50a.,71b., z.aa., 13-15, 27-28,
(Dail 81, 87a.b.d., 88, 91c., 40
(loi Domnul ioi Doamn') 112h., 137, (144),
(146) 13 26
I :~:]} Domnului Doamne: I 12, 34d., 41b. 12£., 68, 111a. 3 3
• [The signsrr.lfIl.1 indicate an immediate repetition of the refrain; I: :1 indicates that the repetition occurs after the performance of one or
more proper text lines].

No. of Melodies
Group No. Refrain Text No. Mus. Ex. No. without I with
(1.) 12 Dai Domnului Doamne
Domnului dai Doamne 87i. 7a.
13 1. Doamne
2. Ioi Domnului Doamne 10j., 16, 91a. 33a., 34a.b. 2 3
14 I : Oi Domnului Doamne : I 64a. 62dd. var. 1 1
15 Ai Domnului, iai Domno 60a. 118b. 1 1
16 loi Domnului, ioi Doamnel'e
(Ioi Domnutu, ioi Doamner!<) 93h., 103b. 95j.k. 2 1-1
17 Id., 7£., 8, llb., 19, 46a., 81a.b., 82a. ::;!
(Domnul dai
dai) 40, 59b., 67a., 77b., var., 82b., 83c., 84
Domnuluiu . v
{iOi) Domnulul Doamn[e]
(Doamne iai)
82d.e., 83f., 84d.h.,
85, 92a., 95a., 100b.,
104a. , 105m.o.p.r.s.
a.b., 85b., 86b.-e.h.,
87d., 89. 102a.-j.
rer) x., 109, 112g.i., (153) 10 25
18 Domnului Domnului Doamne la.g., 14c., 65a.b., 62p.r.s., 73hh.ll., e.
82e. Mar. 1 3 6 5l
19 1. Domnului Domnului Doamne
2. Domnului Doamne 53h., 69b., 84£. 62ii.jj. 2
20 Doamne, Doamne, Domnului Doamne 35b. 87a. 1
21 Domniei Domnului Doamne 87g. 17 1
22 Domnului Doamne Doamn' (147) 39 1
23 Domnului Domn Dumnezey. 1041. 101 1
24 Doamne Domnul Dumnezey. 93i. 1OOc. 1
25 Dai Domnului buna
(Iai Domnutui bun) 91£., 101g. 2
-=I~.-'I l-rLl
26 I: Doamne dragut Doamne: I Doamn' 98f. 26b. 1
27 Domnului Doamne drag Doamne l\:-or 98a. 18 1
28 Domnului nostru 87c., 9ge. 3a.b. 2

No. of Melodies
Group No. Refrain Text No. Mus. Ex. No. without I with

(I.) 29 D I .. '{ Doamn[eJ 68a., 83i., 84s., 92d., 64c.-f., 73ii.jj., 104g.,
omnu Ul ~l-a nos Domnu 104e., 105n., 112a. Mar. lOa., 14 3 9
(Domnilor ~i-a nos' Doamn')
30 I: $i-a nostrui Domnului Doamne: I 64a. 119 1 1
: : : : : r'~"' 53b., 56, 93f.g., 41, 73x., 75b., 95f.,
94a., 103e.h., 106d., 1OOa. b.d.e.g.i.
oi~ no,' {Doamne-i
($i-a nus' Domnu. Dumnezel}) 112k. 5 9 ~

Domnu-l ::l
Domnul ~
CJ1 I I. I rrrl o
,.j:>. 96b. lllc. 1 1
32 I : Domnul Domnulij. nostry : I nost'
33 Doamn~-ai Domnul nost' 103 21t. 1 1 (1)

34 Domnului Doamne Domn d'~-a nost' 84i. 88a. 1 1 §'

35 Doamn' Doamn' 1ii-a nos' Doamn' 87n., 104d.f., 106c. 63, 104h.j.k. 2 4 S·
36 Hristos Domnul nost' 94b. 21aa., Mar. 11 2 2
37 o Hristos ii. Domn 55a. 73n. 1 1
Domn d'in{ ~:~ 108a.o. 36, 53a., 59c. 3 3
(Domnu 'n ceriy)
39 L'il'il)oara ~i-a nos[tJ Doamn[eJ 41a., 84c., 103f., 112 104a.-d.f.
(Lilil}an ~i-a nos' Doamn[uJ) m.n., 114a.c. 1 5

II. 40 Lerul'ui
[Lerului ~i-a maruluiJ 5b., [(156)J 22, [95h.J 1 1
41 1. L'erul'e
2. Le l' eru!' e 107b. 23b. 1 1
42 Hoi !'er hoi mi I'er 135 64a. 1 1
43 Ler Doamnele 180i· 53b. 1 1

No. of Melodies
Group No. Refrain Text No. Mus. Ex. No. without I with

(II.) 44 L'er Domniale- L'er Domniale 58a. 55 1 1

45 L'erui Doamne 37, 60e., 78b., 80, 52a.-d., 107a.-e.
841., 92f., 95b., 103
g., 108b.c., 129 2 9
46 L'erui Doamne - L'erui Doamn[e)
(Leru-mi Doamne - Leru-mi Doamn') lla., 32g., 54, 82a.b. 54, 56a.-c., 109 3 5
47 9, 109., 78a., 99£. 12h., 24, 57, 66b.,
Oi } l'erui Doamne Mar. 13a. 5 5 1-1
48 , : Hai lerui Doamn[e) : , 18 73hh. 1 1 ~
CI1 49 1. Da leru-mi Doamne o
~ 2. Hoi lerui Ie. 90 1 1
50 Hoi da l'erui Doamne[o)
(Hoi da l'erui Doamn[e))
(Hai dai l'erui Doamn[e)) 45, 65c., 74, 91g.-i. 7b., 12e., 30a.b., 38 ~.
a., 70 5 6 51
51 ':Hai leru-mi Doamne hai:' 83g. 62hh. 1 1
52 Hai lerui lerui Doamn[e)
(Hoi leru leru-mi Doamn[e)) 23a., 59c. 16a.,43 2 2
53 Hoi l'eru-mi dai l'erui Doamn[e)
(Hoi lerui doi l'erui Doamn[e)) 7g., 84g. 74b., 81c. 2 2
54 Haida ler l1i lerui Doamn[e) Mar. 8, 13d. 2 2
55 1. Doamnea
2. L'eruia l'erui Doamn' 93c. 20 1 1
56 Hoi ler Domnij ler 48e. 12g. 1 1
57 Haia ler iara ler Mar. 4 1 1
58 Domnii ler Domnului bun 93e. 91 1 1
59 Hai ler hop dai lerui Doamn' 7a. 74a. 1 1
60 Hai lino l'erui Doamn[e) 23b. 16b. 1 1

No. of Melodies
Group No. Refrain Text No. Mus. Ex. No. withoutJ with

(II.) 61 Haida ler boieTi

(Hoida l'er boieTi) 10e.d. 112a.b. 1 2

III. 62 D'imiiieata lui Craciunl} 79b. 73v., Mar. 13b. 1 2

63 Lumiiiioara 32d. 50 1 1
64 $i raiu s'o luminat Mar. 13c. 1 1
65 Rai rai luminos 100j., 125b. 104i. 1 I
66 Railui celluminosy
[Raiul'e gradina dulce 59b 83b., Mar. 14 var. 2 2 2 5.
.--. Noi d'in t'iiie nu n~-om duci'] ~
Cll 67 Raiu mandru luminos
<t (Raiu mandru-i Luminosy 100e.i. 610., 73bb. 2 2
68 Zuorile zor - Zuorile zor ::0
(Zuarel de zur - Zuarel de zur) 84c.m.u., 114b. 1210.p.r. 1 3
(Zurel de zur - Zurel de zur) ~

69 Raza soarelui, florea soarelui Vl

(Raza soarelui, sora soarelui) I 25a. 127a.b. I 2

IV. 70 D-oi junelui t'ineriely Ig., 7b.c., 108j. 81e., 81e. var., 86f.,
{Sal} junelui tinerelui) 86f. var. 2 4
(D-oi junel, d-oi t'inerely)
71 Junelui junela~y 7d. 88b. I 1
72 Juiielui buny lb., 7e., 24, 82h., 62j.-n.
103d. 1 5
73 Jun~-a luni junel bun 47 37b. I 1
74 Junil'e juiielui buny
(Junel'e junel'e buny) 34g., (154) 87c., 88c. 2 2
75 Junealui bun junea mirelui l04b. 87b. I I

No. of Melodies
Group No. Refrain Text No. Mus. Ex. No. withoutl with

V. 76 (Ler ficuta) toOa. 86a. var. 1 1

77 Ficiorita d'ot'icita 30 92a. 1 1
(ficuta) d'ot'iti negri
L'er (ficol'eo)
r~ I 28a.f., 32c.f., to3c. 73gg., 8Id.f., 92b.,
(ficuta d'ot'itia negri) 95c. 4 5
(fet'ita d'ot'itii!-s negri)
79 Luminioara d'ot'ijs negri
g-uminioarai ot'izi neg') 29,32a. 95a.1. 1 2
80 ieriyoara d'ot'iti negri 28b.c. 95d.e. 1 2
81 Leana lleanA d'ochi~i-s negri 25 92d. 1 1
82 Da ll'eana fata dalbii
(Da-Il'iana fata draga) 27,28h. 62t.,84c. 2 2
83 Draga lleana - Draga TIe ana Mar. 19 1 1 ~
84 Oi I'eno I'eno Mar. 7 1 1 S·
85 . . {lero !ino
Lmo Lmo rujmalino lId., 82d., 84j. 76,80,92c. 3 3
(Lino-mi lino I'ero-mi lino)
86 Linu-i lin ~i iara linu Mar.9b. 1 1
[Frunzii verde rozmalin]
87 Linu linu numai lin' Mar. lOb. 1 1
[Frunza verde rojmalin]
88 Hai lino lino I'erui lin' (152) 8Ih. 1 1
{Lina lina rujulina
89 Mai lin~-or mai lin~-or verziii 2I,28g. 83a. 1 1
90 Lina lior lina lior draga 77a., 82£. I02k.1. 2 2
91 Lino Lino l~-armo Lino 33 103 1 1
92 Hai lena lena marmaleno 92c. Sc. 1 1
93 L'er doi l' er nevasta 84r. 38b. 1 1

No. of Melodies
Group No. Refrain Text No. Mus. Ex. No. without I with

VI. 94 { FIorile!
Soarilel 99a.d. 21v.z. 1 2
95 Ie., 11£., 36b., 53e. 61a.-h.1., 62a.b.d.-
(Floril'e-s) } e.g., 58d., 59a., 65 f., 62f. var., 62k.u.
(Florilor) dalbe d., 83a.e., 92b., 93 v.y.z., Mar. 6b., 9a. 4 22
(Floril~-on) j., 100g., 103g., 106
(Floril'e'n) a.b., 112j., (150)
96 FIorile dalbe - FIorile dalbe Ih., 34e., 58e., 61, 62aa.-cc.ff., 108, 110 1-4

(Florile-s dalbe - Floril'e-s dalb') 76, 82e., 141 3 6

,.--, 97 Florieele dalbe - Florieele dabel 20 121n. 1 1 ~
(J1 98 Flori dalbe d'e mar 17, 53a., 120 37a.e., Mg. 2 3 s..
(J1 53b. Illd. 1 1
o 99 I : Flori dalbe de mar: I
100 FIorile dabel de mar Mar. 12 1 1
101 Florile-[s] flori dalbe d'e mar 1Of.,34f. 79b., 8li. 2 2 ~
102 Hoi len flori dalbe d'e mar He. 42a. 1 1 ~.
103 I : Flori dalbe ler di mar: I 26 Illb. 1 1 til
104 Florile-s dalbe de ler mary (155) 93 1 1
105 Hoi ler flori de mar 126 64b. 1 1
106 Hoi lele ler flori de mar 108h. 42b. 1 1
107 L'er flori dalbe l'er da mary
(H . fl . d lb {l'er da mar) 3a.b., 83b. 95i., 10Of.h. 2 3
01 OIl a e lor de mar)
108 Ca-l?i floril'e marului 105a.t.v. 44a.-c. 1 3
(Ca-l?i floril'~-a marulu!)
109 ~i-is floril'e d'~-a doi mier!y lIe. 82a. 1 1
110 loi flori dalbe 'n doi de mary 105s. 82a. var. 1 1

VII. 111 Maru-i rOl?u padurietu 14d., 100a., 112g. 86a. 1 1

112 Marului, marului Doamn' 53f. 98 1 1

No. of Melodies
Group No. Refrain Text No. Mus. Ex. No. withoutl with

(VII.) 113 Lerului !li-a marului 22b. 79a., 95h. 2 2

114 Vita verde de mar verde 112n. 97e. 1 1
115 Cet'ina cet'imoara 34a.,72 85a. 1 1
116 Cununa d'e flori vinete 32e. 81g. 1 1
117 Cununa de vinetele 28d. 86g. 1 1
118 Cununa da vanatel'e (158) 116 1 1
119 Cununa d~-aur 34c. 72 1 1

VIII. 120 5.
.---. C . d' (corind'el'e) 87j.1., 89a.b., 96a., 1a.b., 71c.-e.g. 2 6 ~
onn e (corind'eli)
(-mi corind'e)
121 1. Corind'e corind'e
2. Corind'e 83d., toOc., 102a. 71a., b.f. 1 3 ~
(1. Corind'e!li corind'e 2. Corind'e) E.
(1. Corinde'l'e corind'el'e 2. Corind'el'e) Vl

122 Dai col'inda 63b., 82g. 59b.d. 2 2

(Dai corind'e)
123 1. Doamne[i] (Soare) 42a., 86, 90a.b., 93 21a.-k., 21k. 1. var.,
2. Doi corind'e[iJ (Dai corind'ei) a.b., 98b.-e., 99b.c. 21k. 2. var., 21k. 3.
(1. Sfintiei 2. Hai corind'e) g., 101a.-f.h., 105a. var., 21 l.-p.r.s.x.,
d.-f., (145) 33b., Mar. 5, 16 2 25
124 Corind'e Doamiie 83c. 61j. 1 1
125 {mi Doamn[e] 38b., 63a., 64a., 84 73a.-h., j.-m., o. 1 13
Corind'e (-mi-!li Doamne) p.t., 92e.g., 97a.-c.,
(rna Doamn') lOOd.f., 102c., 108e.
f.g., 11Oa.b., 128b.
126 1. Sfinti
2. Corind'e-mi Doamn' 98h. 73i. 1 1

No. of Melodies
Group No. Refrain Text No. Mus. Ex. No. withoutl with

(VII!.) 127 Dai Colinde-~i Doamn'

(Hal corinde-l' Doamn') 115b. 69, Mar. 15 2 2
128 Corindam Doamne corindam 840. 73u. 1 1
129 { -mi D","",,<-"; 'orind' [, J Mb., 87k., 102d., 73p.r.s.ff. 1 4
C . d' (mi-~i Doamne, corind'[e]) 138
onn e (mi-~i Doamn', bun
corind' [e])
(Corinde-l Doamne corind'[eJ) H
130 Dai Corinde lerui Doamne 2 96 1 1 ::l
131 1. Doamne me (Floarile ) (Soarile) 99a.d., 105b. 21u.v.z. 1 3 ~
2. Mer doi corind'eme o
CJ1 132 Corind'el'e cei Domno Sfanta Mari' 39 105 1 1
90b. 21x. 1 1
133 { Soare
134 Sara-i marea lui Cracium 1120.p. 1 2 .....
135 Carcai carcai 53d. 34 1 1
136 Rominyoara Rominyoara 104k. 97 1 1
{Radui radui radui boi
137 Domnui 28e. 77 1 J
138 Dermiana dermiana mi Doamne 84b. 92e. 1 1
139 1. Doru m'o da jos
2. Lumea me, lumea me 128a. 113 1 1
140 Iara-i dunca negru-i voda,
Iara-i dunca carul voda 51 99a. 1 1

1I:l rrr.l
I : Darul Doamne carel voda: I voda 51 99b. 1 1
142 Prea junaler prea fu~pandel
$i pre prumbariel hai hai revla devla 136 106 1 1

No. of Melodies
Group No. Refrain Text No. Mus. Ex. No. withoutl with

(VII!.) 143 { d~mbra d b {ielibra

Negura, negura, dibra o ra ielimbra 134 73mm.nn. 1 2
{Foaie verd~-a ied'era
(Frunza verd'e ied'era)
144 lelimbra ielimbra tibra dobra ielimbra
Frunza verde ied'era 134 7300. 1 1
145 ~ecina brecina ~oidobrana ~oidobrana
Durmina curmina lemn verd'e ca ied'era If. 128a. 1 1 I-!

~ecina ghecina ~oidobrana 5.

,..-, 146 Tomnan durma durmina (161) 128b. 1 1 ~
01 Lemn verd'e d'e ied'era s.
~ Doamneyt,
147 Zdr~nc m~druto, zdr~c dulcuto, 15 129 1 1
zdr~c zdranc zdr~cu ~
D rD v d .{Domnul' S·
raga 1 oamne al Domnului rJl

Mus. Ex. No. TEXT No.

2, 4,, 16c., 22, 26 4a.b., 5b., lOe.h.i., 13, 22a., 23c., 31d.
a.c.d., 29, 31, 45a.-v., 48-49, 66c., 68c., e., 32b.c., 34b., 36a., 41a., 48a., 49, 55, 75a., 94a.b., b., 58b., 60b., 62, 67b., 68b., 70, 71a.,
95a.-c., 102m., 114a.--d., 115a.--d., 79a., 83h., 84k.n.v., 87e.f., 91d.e., 93
117a.b., 118a., 120, 121a.-m., 122a.b., k.-m., 98g., 100h., 104c.g.-i., 105g.i.
123-126, 130-131, 132a.b., 133 k.l., 107a., 108k.-n., 111, 112b.-e.r.,
113a.b., 115a.c., 116a.b., 117, 119,
120a., 121, 122a.--d.e., 123, 124, 127,
130-131, 132a.-c., 133, 140a.b., (142),
(148-149), (154), (157), (159-164)

[ 554 ]
Notes to the Texts

lc.· The performer did not know the remainder of the text.
4a.. The first syllables of lines 9 and 12 are sung on an upbeat (see note to
mus. ex. No. 12bb.).
7b.c.· The first syllable is sung on an upbeat.
lIe.· Lines 15-23 do not belong here (cf. text No. 87j.k.).
42b.· At line 30 (goes with the first melody line) the first refrain is omitted.
SOb.· Lines 38-43 seem to stem from a deer Colinda and were apparently
transferred erroneously to this poem.
53e.· Lines 6 and 7 seem to be a contemporary allusion to the war (especially
in view of the time these texts were collected).
7tb." [The note is missing.]
82i.· Lines 1-7 were apparently taken over erroneously from another Colinda
90b.· Beginning with line 10 ~oimi! is used as the refrain.
93a. • At line 41 the first refrain is omitted.
93b.· At lines 46 and 52 the first refrain is omitted.
93c.· At lines 9, 11, 13, and 15 Doamneal (first refrain) is replaced by Fii.
98b.· At line 10 the first refrain is omitted.
98d.e.· Doamnel as first refrain only in the first melody stanza; elsewhere,
99a.· Lines 1, 2, and 20 have Soarilel as the refrain.
99g.· At line 3 the first refrain is omitted.
lOla.· At lines 22 and 25 the first refrain is omitted.
10lf.· At lines 3, 7, 15, 21, and 27 the first refrain is omitted.
102c.· Lines 29-31 must originally have come from a text with lines consisting
of six syllables (cf. text No. 101£., lines 29-31), hence the unusual addi-
tion of three syllables to each line.
103d. Lines 1-8 come from text No. 109; their inclusion here seems to be
105a.· At lines 14, 34, 51, 67, 79, and 83 the first refrain is omitted.
lOSe.· At lines 12, 30, and 49 the first refrain is omitted.
105f.· At line 1 the first refrain is omitted.
105k.· Lines 23-28 come from a different text; their inclusion here seems to be
erroneous (cf. note to text No. 103).
105x.· Properly speaking, this text is a combination of text Nos. 105 and 109.
108b.· Recording: unintelligible text line.

[ 555 ]
Appendix I
by Benjamin Suchoff


The recent reprint of Melodien der rumiinischen Colinde (Weihnachts-

lieder) as the fourth volume in the series Bela Bartok Ethnomusikologische
Schriften F aksmile-Nachdrucke,l edited by Denijs Dille,2 contains
supplementary material that is pertinent to the present publication. 3
Although the editor's description of his source materials is rather
superficial, they can be chronologically categorized in terms of our own
discussion of the Colinde manuscripts 4 as follows:
1. The holographic "London" copy of the Preface, Introduction to
Part One and the Notes to the Melodies, in German, and the Music
Examples. 5 This copy-the second draft-was prepared by Bartok
between 1925 and 1926 for his intended publisher, Oxford University
Press, and is ostensibly a duplicate of the one he sent to the Rumanian
Academy of Fine Arts (Bucharest) about that time 6
2. Holographic drafts in Hungarian and in German of the Notes to
the Melodies, written after Bartok had revised the Colinde melodies in

1 Published by Editio Musica, Budapest, in 1968.

S Director, the Budapest Bart6k-Archivs.
3 This volume apparently arrived at American bookshops in 1970, during the last proof.
reading stage of the present publication, but in time for a thorough survey and utilization of
its contents.
4 See pp. ix-xiii above.
5 Bart6k brought Part Two (Texts) with him when he emigrated to America in October,
6 The Budapest source materials were not made available for our comparative survey of
manuscripts. The Bucharest materials, on the other hand, were microfilmed for our use but
apparently were not made available for the Budapest reprint publication.

[ 557 ]
Appendix I

3. Typescript drafts (original and carbon copy) of the Preface and

Introduction to Part One, prepared in 1934 as printer's copy, with
holographic corrections.
4. The author's own corrected, published copy of the Colinde. 7
5. The complete texts in the form of a typescript draft, in which the
diacritical marks are placed below semi-vowels. This draft, then, is the
original version of the carbon copy (our Draft 5: see p. xii above)
Bartok brought with him to America. According to Dr. Dille, the
original version was typed after 1935, is corrected on some pages in
Bartok's hand, and was in the possession of Zoltan Kodaly.
In addition to acquiring the previously missing Notes to melody
Nos. 21h.*, 73bb.**, 81b.*, and 99b.*, the following emendations to the
Music Examples were obtained after the studied examination of Dr.
Dille's editorial notes:
No.4: (31) added to performer's data.
No. Sa.: str. to read 2. str. above the first measure of the second staff.
No.6: 1913 to read 1912.
No. 12k.: M.F. 956c to read M.F. 856c.
No. 19: 1913 to read 1914.
No. 20: 1911 to read 1912.
No. 61i.: .I. to read .I on beat :3 of the second measure.
No. 62ff.: XII. to read XI.
No. 71e.: 3. str. to read 2. str. above the first measure of the second
No. 73s.: F. 1654c to read F. 1564c.
No. 73gg.: 1914 to read 1913.
516 to read 156 as metronome mark. 8
No. 85b.: 1914 to read 1913.
No. 106: 9 Pitch designation and record number added,
110 to read 116 as metronome mark.
7 A second such copy (cf. pp. ix-x above).
8 Dr. Dille suggests replacing the eighth-note by a sixteenth-note in the original M.M. =
516 marking, since the preliminary draft version of this melody shows M.M. tJ = 129 in 2/4
meter. But the revised 3/8 time sign and the other melodies sung by this performer (average
tempo for the five other pieces is 156) indicate that we are dealing with a slip of the author's
pen here-516 should be transposed to read 156.
9 This melody contains a number of grace notes, and a profusion of marginal notations for
the following six stanzas that were recorded appear as holographic additions also. The skeleton
form of the melody, however, remains unchanged. Since this source material came to hand
after our revised version of the Colinde melodies had been engraved, the reader should consult
the reproduction of melody No. 106 on p. 432 of Dr. Dille's edition.

[ 558 ]
Appendix I

No. 109: hyphen instead of extensor between the second and third text
syllables in the third measure.
No. 114c.: Hyphen instead of extensor in the text portion underlying
the first measure.
No. 117a.: Extensor instead of dashes between the first two words of the
third measure in the second staff.

[ 559 ]
Appendix II
by Benjamin Suchoff


The purpose of this computer-derived tabulation (below) is to provide

the reader with a simple and rapid method of locating Colinda melody
lines or of comparing this material with others for possible borrowings.
In order to make comparisons with other tunes it is only necessary to
calculate the first seven intervals of a melody section or incipit. The
calculations should ignore or omit from consideration the chromatic
quality of the obtained intervals, repeated notes, and rests. Ascending
intervals should be indicated by a plus sign, descending ones by a minus
sign (for example, an ascending diatonic scale would yield an interval
sequence of +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2; half-steps and whole steps are
designated alike as seconds).
Compare the derived calculation with the interval sequences published
here. If a complete match is found (or a significant subset of an interval
sequence) or a similar contour, refer to the respective melody in the
Colinda music examples for further analysis. 1
To facilitate use of the Index the following explanation of column
headings is offered: 2

1 For example, the incipit of (Gruber's) Silent Night is comprised of an ascending second
(+2), a descending second (-2), and a descending third (-3). This sequence (+2 -2 -3),
according to our Index, can be found in melody Nos. 12e., 21b., 61i., and 102d. The latter two
melodies have Doamne refrains with the same intervallic size and quality as the Silent Night
incipit. In fact, the rhythmic similarity (syllabic structure, too) of the refrain in melody
No. 21b. seems to indicate a strong variant relationship.
S The reader interested in further details concerning data processing techniques in folk song
research should refer to my articles "Computer Applications to Bart6k's Serbo·Croatian
Material," Tempo (London) No. 80, Spring 1967; "Computerized Folk Song Research and the
Problem of Variants," Computers and the Humanities (New York), March, 1968; "Some

[ 560 ]
Appendix II
I ndex No. - The lexicographical order of the 1,150 interval sequences,
in which plus precedes minus and lesser precedes greater intervallic
Class. - The system devised by Bartok for the classification of the
melodies. Capital letters indicate the type (or absence) of syllabic
structure, Roman numerals specify the number of melody lines:
Class A (six-syllable lines) Class B (eight-syllable lines)
I - two melody-lines I - one melody-line
II - three melody-lines II - two melody-lines
III - four melody-lines III - three melody-lines
IV - four melody lines
Class C: Indeterminate form, mostly with text stanza structure
With regard to content-structure (that is, position and type of a
melody section or line) see Table 3 in the author's Introduction to Part
One (p. 23) or refer to the desired music example.
Melody No. - The Colinda melodies as numbered by Bartok in this
volume and in Vol. V (Maramure~ County). The latter are prefixed here
with the capital letter M.
Interval Sequence.- The melodic contour of a melody section (carried
out to a maximum of seven positions) expressed in plus or minus
numerical figures. Index No. 11, for instance, shows a melody section
(string No. 1,041, from melody No. 124) containing four successive
seconds in ascending order, followed by two descending seconds
(+2 +2 +2 +2 -2 -2).
StringNo.- The individual melody sections considered to be of differ-
ent content-structure (for the most part determined by Bartok himself;
see Table 3, p. 23). String Nos. 1-1,080 represent the single content-
structures derived from Colinda melodies Nos. 1-133, string Nos.
1,081-1,150 have been derived from the Maramure~ (Vol. V) Colinda
melodies Nos. 1-19.

Problems in Computer-Oriented Bart6kian Ethnomusicology," Ethnomusicology, September,

1969; "Computer-Oriented Comparative Musicology," The Computer aud Music (ed. H. B.
Lincoln), Cornell University Press, 1970.

[ 561 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

BIV 118a. +2 953

2 BIll 57 +2+2 345

3 BIll 58a. +2+2 348
4 BIll 59c. +2+2 356
5 BIll 64b. +2+2 462

6 BIll 104g. +2+2+2 863

7 BIll 104h. +2+2+2 866
8 BIll 104i. +2+2+2 869
9 BIV llle. +2+2+2 909
10 BIV 114a. +2+2+2 922

11 BIV 124 +2+2+2+2-2-2 1041

12 BIl 45t. +2+2+2+2-4 312

13 All 3a. +2+2+2-2 8

14 All 16c. +2+2+2-2 124
15 BIll 99b. +2+2+2-2 786
16 AlII M15 +2+2+2-2 1133

17 BIll 7300. +2+2+2-2+2-2 626

18 All 21b. +2+2+2-2+2-2-3 137

19 All 5b. +2+2+2-2-2 20

20 All 21f. +2+2+2-2-2 145
21 BIl 45u. +2+2+2-2-2 314
22 BIV 125 +2+2+2-2-2 1045

23 BIll 73b. +2+2+2-2-2+2 513

24 BIll 73c. +2+2+2-2-2+2 516
25 BIV 126 +2+2+2-2-2+2 1049

26 BIll 61k. +2+2+2-2-2+2+2 384

27 BIll 102a. +2+2+2-2-2+2-3 817

28 BIll 73y. +2+2+2-2-2-2 574

29 BIV 1210. +2+2+2-2-2-2 1021

30 All 23b. +2+2+2-2-2-2+2 192

31 BIll 95h. +2+2+2-2-2-2+2 767

32 BIll 95£. +2+2+2-2-2-2-2 763

33 BIll 95g. +2+2+2-2-2-2-4 765

[ 562 ]
LexiCographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

34 BIll 73kk. +2+2+2-2-2-4 609

35 BIIl 73ll. +2+2+2-2-2-4 613

36 AI 2 +2+2+2-2-3 5
37 BIV 121h. +2+2+2-2-3 995
38 BIV 127a. +2+2+2-2-3 1055
39 BIV M12 +2+2+2-2-3 1112

40 BIV 121c. +2+2+2-2-3+2-2 975

41 BIll 73cc. +2+2+2-3 586

42 BIll 93 +2+2+2-3 745

43 BIV 122b. +2+2+2-3+2+2 1035

44 BII 41 +2+2+2-3+2-2 264

45 BIll 95c. +2+2+2-3+2-2-2 757

46 BIV 12lf. +2+2+2-3-2+2 989

47 BIll 95k. +2+2+2-3-2+2+2 773

48 BIll l04g. +2+2+2-3-2-2 864

49 BIll 95a. +2+2+2-3-2-3 753

50 BIll 95d. +2+2+2-3-2-3 759
51 BIll 95e. +2+2+2-3-2-3 760

52 BIll 73a. +2+2+2-3+3-2 510

53 BlV 12lf. +2+2+2-3-3 988

54 BlV 127b. +2+2+2-3-3 1056

55 BIV 121£. +2+2+2-3-3+3 987

55bis C 132b. +2+2+2-4+4 1075

56 BIll 73z. +2+2+2-5+3+2 577

57 All 3b. +2+2-2 11

58 AIl 3c. +2+2-2 14
59 AIl 7b. +2+2-2 30
60 AIl 12j. +2+2-2 66
61 AlII 26c. +2+2-2 211
62 AlII 27 +2+2-2 218
63 BIII 59b. +2+2-2 354

[ 563 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

64 BIV 118b. +2+2-2+2 956

65 BIV 127a. +2+2-2+2+2-2-2 1053

66 BII 56c. +2+2-2+2-2+2-2 344

67 BIll 73jj. +2+2-2+2-2-3-3 606

68 BIll 73ii. +2+2-2+2-2-4-2 602

69 AlII 29 +2+2-2+2+3 224

70 BIll 100d. +2+2-2+2-3+3 797

71 AIr 12£. +2+2-2-2 56
72 AIr 12n. +2+2-2-2 77
73 All 18 +2+2-2-2 128
74 AIlI 29 +2+2-2-2 222
75 AlII 30a. +2+2-2-2 228
76 AlII 32 +2+2-2-2 236
77 BIll 62c. +2+2-2-2 394
78 BIll 62d. +2+2-2-2 395
79 BIrI 62h. +2+2-2-2 403
80 BIIr 62j. +2+2-2-2 407
81 BIll 62r. +2+2-2-2 421
82 BIIr 62v. +2+2-2-2 429
83 BIll 62x. +2+2-2-2 431
84 BIrI 62dd. +2+2-2-2 444
85 BIll 62£f. +2+2-2-2 448
86 BIV 121a. +2+2-2-2 970
87 BIV 121e. +2+2-2-2 986
88 BIV M3 +2+2-2-2 1086
89 BIV M18 +2+2-2-2 1144

90 BIV 122a. +2+2-2-2+2+2 1033

91 BIV 125 +2+2-2-2+2+2+2 1046

92 BIll 104a. +2+2-2-2+2+2-2 844

93 BIll 104b. +2+2-2-2+2+2-2 847
94 BIll 104d. +2+2-2-2+2+2-2 853
95 BIIl 104e. +2+2-2-2+2+2-2 856
96 BlIr 104f. +2+2-2-2+2+2-2 859
97 BIll 104h. +2+2-2-2+2+2-2 865
98 BIll 104j. +2+2-2-2+2+2-2 871
99 BIll 104k. +2+2-2-2+2+2-2 874
100 BIV 121r. +2+2-2-2+2+2-2 1031

[ 564 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class No. Interval Sequence No.

101 BIll 62v. +2+2-2-2+2-3 430

102 BIll 73r. +2+2-2-2+2-3+2 560

103 BIll 62c. +2+2-2-2+2-4 393

104 Bll 44b. +2+2-2-2-2 273

105 Bll 44c. +2+2-2-2-2 275
106 C 130 +2+2-2-2-2 1067

107 BIV 115b. +2+2-2-2-2+2 935

108 BIll 92a. +2+2-2-2-2+3 735

109 BIV 110 +2+2-2-2-2-3 898

110 BIV 127a. +2+2-2-2+3+3+2 1054

III BIll 84c. +2+2-2-2-3 693

112 BIll 62g. +2+2-2-2-4+2 401

113 BIV 121b. +2+2-2+3-2-2 974

114 BIV 121i. +2+2-2+3-2-2-2 1001

115 BIV 121r. +2+2-2+3-2-2-2 1029

116 BIV 1210. +2+2-2+3-2-2-3 1023

117 BIll 73cc. +2+2-2+3-3-4 584

118 BII! 62a. +2+2-2-3 390

119 BIll 62b. +2+2-2-3 392
120 BIll 62£. +2+2-2-3 400
121 BIll 62g. +2+2-2-3 402
122 BIII 62u. +2+2-2-3 428
123 BIll 62y. +2+2-2-3 433
124 BIll 62bb. +2+2-2-3 440
125 BIll 62cc. +2+2-2-3 442

126 All 5c. +2+2-2-3+2 22

127 BIll 62t. +2+2-2-3+2 426

128 BIII 102d. +2+2-2-3+2-4-2 823

129 AIl 8 +2+2-2-4 32

130 BII 45v. +2+2+3+2 316

[ 565 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

No. Class
No. Interval Sequence No.

131 BII 45f. +2+2+3+2-3+2-4 286

132 BII 451. +2+2+3+2-3+2-4 298

133 BII 45n. +2+2+3+2-3-2-2 302

134 All 211. +2+2+3-2-2-2 157

135 BIll 67a. +2+2+3-2-2-2 483
136 BIll M14 +2+2+3-2-2-2 1128

137 BIll 90 +2+2+3-2-2-2-2 730

138 BIll 61f. +2+2+3-2-2-3 373

139 BIV 114b. +2+2+3-2-4 923

140 BIll 95j. +2+2+3-3-2 770

141 BIIl 73h. +2+2+3-3-2-3 531

142 BII 37b. +2+2-3 252

143 BIll 951. +2+2-3 775

144 All 12c. +2+2-3+2 49

145 All 12d. +2+2-3+2 52
146 All 21a. +2+2-3+2 135
147 BIll 621. +2+2-3+2 412

148 BIll 100e. +2+2-3+2+2-3 794

149 BIll 100g. +2+2-3+2+2-3 806

150 BIIl 86g. +2+2-3+2-2 711

151 BIll 94b. +2+2-3+2-2 751

152 BIll 104f. +2+2-3+2-2-2 861

153 BIll 104h. +2+2-3+2-2-2-2 867

154 BIIl 95b. +2+2-3+2-3 755

155 BIV 108 +2+2-3+2-3-2 893

156 BII 42b. +2+2-3-2 268

157 BIIl 62aa. +2+2-3-2 438

158 BIll 81h. +2+2-3-2+2 673

159 BIll 92d. +2+2-3-2+2 741

[ 566 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
Class Interval Sequence No.
No. No.

160 AlI 12bb. +2+2-3-2-2 103

161 AlII 30b. +2+2-3-2-2 229
162 BIll 73mm. +2+2-3-2-2 620

163 BIll 102c. +2+2-3-2-2-2 821

164 BUI 62n. +2+2-3+3 416

165 BIII 94a. +2+2-3+3-2-2 748

166 BIV 116 +2+2-3+3+3 944

167 BIII 73t. +2+2-3+3-3 564

168 AII 12k. +2+2-3-3 68

169 AIII 30a. +2+2-3-3 226
170 AlII MIS +2+2-3-3 1132

171 BII 38b. +2+2-3-3-2 257

172 BIll 70 +2+2-3-4+2-3 491

173 AlI 14 +2+2-4 113

174 AUI 26d. +2+2-4 214

175 AU Sa. +2+2-4+2 18

176 BIU 85b. +2+2-4-2 696

177 BIll 72 +2+2-4+3-2-4 508

178 AlI 23a. +2+2-4+3-4 190

179 BUI 73ii. +2+2-5-2+2 604

180 BIV 123 +2+2-6+4+2+2-6 1037

181 AU 12s. +2-2 86

182 AlI 16c. +2-2 122
183 AlII 30b. +2-2 231
184 BIII 60 +2-2 360
185 BUI 62j. +2-2 408
186 BIU 73b. +2-2 515
187 BIU 73c. +2-2 518
188 BUI 73e. +2-2 524
189 BIU 73hh. +2-2 598
190 BUI 96 +2-2 776
191 BIV 121h. +2-2 998

[ 567 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class No. Interval Sequence No.

192 BIll 62m. +2-2+2 414

193 BIV 121 1. +2-2+2 1011

194 All 12p. +2-2+2-2 82

195 All 14 +2-2+2-2 111
196 All 18 +2-2+2-2 129
197 BIll 71a. +2-2+2-2 493
198 BIll 73i. +2-2+2-2 535

199 BIl 56a. +2-2+2-2+2-3-4 342

200 BIl 56b. +2-2+2-2+2-3-4 343

201 BIll 86h. +2-2+2-2-2+2 712

202 BIll 102a. +2-2+2-2-2-2 818

203 BIll 71c. +2-2+2+3 498

204 BIll 71g. +2-2+2+3-4 507

205 BIll 62e. +2-2+2-3 398

206 BIll M9a. +2-2+2-3 1104

207 BIll 102j. +2-2+2-3-2-2-2 835

208 BIll 62s. +2-2+2+4-4-2 424

209 All 20 +2-2+2-4 133

210 BIll 66c. +2-2+2-4-2 480

211 All 6 +2-2-2 24

212 All 12j. +2-2-2 65
213 All 16a. +2-2-2 116
214 All 22 +2-2-2 186
215 BIV 114b. +2-2-2 925
216 All 12c. +2-2-2 1150

217 BIll 61g. +2-2-2+2 375

218 BIV 124 +2-2-2+2 1043

219 BIV 109 +2-2-2+2+2-2-2 895

220 BIll 98 +2-2-2+2-2-2 783

221 BIll 73a. +2-2-2+2+3-2 511

[ 568 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class No. Interval Sequence No.

222 BIll 73y. +2-2-2+2-3+2 576

223 BIll M14 +2-2-2+2-3+2 1130

224 All 21£. +2-2-2-2 146

225 AlII 30a. +2-2-2-2 227
226 BIll 61h. +2-2-2-2 378
227 BIll 611. +2-2-2-2 387
228 BIll 64c. +2-2-2-2 464
229 BIll 91 +2-2-2-2 732
230 BIll Mtoa. +2-2-2-2 1108

231 Bll 51 +2-2-2-2+2 332

232 BIll M8 +2-2-2-2+2 1101

233 C 130 +2-2-2-2+2+2 1066

234 All 21y. +2-2-2-2+2-2 180

235 Bll 37c. +2-2-2-2+2-2 255

236 BIll 82b. +2-2-2-2+2-2-2 680

237 BIV 121j. +2-2-2-2+2-2+3 1004

238 BIll 62a. +2-2-2-2-2 389

239 BIll 62e. +2-2-2-2-2 397
240 BIll 62cc. +2-2-2-2-2 441
241 BIll 64d. +2-2-2-2-2 466
242 BIll M9b. +2-2-2-2-2 1105

243 BIll 97 +2-2-2-2-2-2 779

244 BlV 125 +2-2-2-2-2-2+3 1044

245 BIll 62b. +2-2-2-2-3 391

246 BIll 611. +2-2-2-2-3+4+2 386
247 BIll 61g. +2-2-2-2-3+4-3 374
248 All 211. +2-2-2-2-4 158

249 BIll 8li. +2-2-2-2+5 675

250 BIV 121i. +2-2-2+3-2 999

251 BIll 73nn. +2-2-2+3-4 624

252 BIll 64f. +2-2-2-3+2 470

[ 569 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class Interval Sequence No.
No. No.

253 All 16a. +2-2-2-3-2 117

254 BIll 107a. +2-2+3-2-2-2 883

255 BIll 107b. +2-2+3-2-2-2 886

256 BIll 88a. +2-2+3-2-4 723

257 Bll 39 +2-2+3-3 260

258 All 12e. +2-2-3 53

259 All 21b. +2-2-3 138
260 BIll 61i. +2-2-3 380
261 BIll 102d. +2-2-3 824

262 BIll 102g. +2-2-3+2 830

263 BIll M6c. +2-2-3+2 1096

264 BIll 71b. +2-2-3+2+2-2-2 495

265 BIll 64g. +2-2-3+2-2 472

266 BIll 1021. +2-2-3+2-2 840

267 BIll 88b. +2-2-3+2-2-2 725

268 BIV 117a. +2-2-3+2-2+4-2 947

269 BIV 117a. +2-2-3+2-3 948

270 BIV 114c. +2-2-3-2 927

271 BIrr 84a. +2-2-3-2-2 688

272 BIll 620. +2-2-3+3 418

273 BIll 73pp. +2-2-3+3+2+2-3 629

274 All 21r. +2-2-3+3+2-2-3 167

275 BIll M4 +2-2-3+3+2-4 1088

276 BIll 102k. +2-2-3+3-2-2 838

277 BIl 38a. +2-2-3-3 256

278 BIll 81e. +2-2-3+5-5 667

279 BIll 81g. +2-2-3+5-5 671

280 Bll Ml +2-2+4-2-2-2 1082

[ 570 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class Interval Sequence No.
No. No.

281 BII 55 +2-2+4-3-3+2-2 341

282 BIll 61£. +2-2-4 372

283 BIll 70 +2-2-4 492

284 BIll 61d. +2-2+5-4+3+3 367

285 BIll 104k. +2+3 875

286 BII 45m. +2+3+2+2-3-2-2 300

287 BIl 45d. +2+3+2+2-3-3 282

288 Bll 45e. +2+3+2+2-3-3 284
289 Bll 45i. +2+3+2+2-3-3 292

290 BII 45c. +2+3+2-2+2-4 280

291 BII 50 +2+3+2-3 329

292 BII 45j. +2+3+2-3+3-4 294

293 BII 44a. +2+3+2-4+2-3 271

294 BIll 95j. +2+3+2-4-2+3+2 771

295 BII 450 +2+3+2-4+3-3 304

296 All 12cc. +2+3-2 105

297 BIll 62aa. +2+3-2+2-4 437

298 BIll 67e. +2+3-2+2-4+4-2 369

299 AlII 25 +2+3-2-2 198

300 BIV 121h. +2+3-2-2+2 997

301 BIll 67b. +2+3-2-2-2 486

302 BII 46b. +2+3-2+3-2-3 323

303 BII 46a. +2+3-2+3-3-2 321

304 BIll 61a. +2+3-2+3-5+4-2 361

305 BII 52c. +2+3-2-3+2+3+2 337

306 BIV 120 +2+3-2-3+2+3-2 963

[ 571 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

307 BlI 45g. +2+3+3-3+2-4 288

308 BlI 45k. +2+3+3-3+2-4 296

309 BIV 112a. +2+3-3+3+2-4-2 910

310 BlI 37a. +2+3-4+2-2-2-3 251

311 BIll 73z. +2+3-5+2-3+2 579

312 AI lb. +2-3 4

313 All 12r. +2-3 84
314 All 21aa. +2-3 185
315 BIll 61i. +2-3 381

316 All 21z. +2-3+2+2-2-4 182

317 BIll 71£. +2-3+2+2-3 505

318 BIll 86a. +2-3+2+2-3 699
319 BIll 86d. +2-3+2+2-3 704

320 BIll 87b. +2-3+2+2-3-3 717

321 All 21t. +2-3+2-2 172

322 All 21y. +2-3+2-2 181
323 BIll 81f. +2-3+2-2 668

324 BlI 52c. +2-3+2-3+2-2+2 335

325 BIll 62hh. +2-3+2-3+3 452

326 BlI 46a. +2-3+2-4+2 320

327 BIV 117b. +2-3-2+2+2+2-2 951

328 All 17 +2-3-2+2-3 125

329 BII 44a. +2-3-2-2+2-3 270

330 BIll 80 +2-3-2+3-2-2 657

331 BIll 59a. +2-3-2+3-3+2-2 351

332 All 121. +2-3-2-3 72

333 BIV 120 +2-3-2-3+2 966

334 BIll 89 +2-3+3+2-2-2 729

[ 572 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

335 BIll 92b. +2-3+3-2-2+2 737

336 BIll 80 +2-3+3-2-2+3 656
337 BIll 73jj. +2-3+4+2-2 607
338 BIll M6c. +2+4+2 1095
339 BII 45b. +2+4+2-3+2-4 278
340 AliI 34a. +2+4+2-3-2 244
341 All 12b. +2+4-2 46
342 BIV 114c. +2+4-4-3+5-4 926
343 All 21u. +2-4 175
344 BIll 77 +2-4+2-3-2 644
345 BIll 71e. +2-4+3+2-2 501
346 BIll 87c. +2+5+2-2-2-2 718
347 BII 45h. +2+5-2+2-3+2-4 290
348 BIV 114d. +2-5+3-2 928
349 BIll 92b. +2-5+4+2-6 736
350 BIll 71d. +2-5+4+3-2-5 499
351 All 12v. -2 92
352 AlII 26a. -2 203
353 BIll 62z. -2 435
354 BIV 110 -2 899
355 BIV 114a. -2 920
356 BIll M6b. -2 1094
357 AlII 26b. -2+2 207
358 All 12b. -2+2 1151

359 BIll 58b. -2+2+2 350

360 BIll M13a. -2+2+2 1120
361 All 5b. -2+2+2+2 21
362 BIll 104c. -2+2+2+2 851

[ 573 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

363 BIll 104e. -2+2+2+2 857

364 BIV lila. -2+2+2+2 901

365 BIV 121m. -2+2+2+2-2-2 1013

366 BIll 62i. -2+2+2+2-3 405

367 BIV 121k. -2+2+2+2-3 1006

368 BIll 730. -2+2+2+2-3-3+3 552

369 BIll 104d. -2+2+2+2-4 854

370 BIll 102i. -2+2+2-2 834

371 BIll MlOb. -2+2+2-2+2 1110

372 All 12x. -2+2+2-2-2 94

373 C 132b. -2+2+2-2-2 1076

374 BIll M9a. -2+2+2-2-2-2 1103

375 BIV 1211. -2+2+2-2-2-2+2 1009

376 BII 49 -2+2+2-2-3+2 327

377 BIll 82a. -2+2+2+3-2 679

378 BIll 86e. -2+2+2+3-3-2 707

379 All 12cc. -2+2+2-3 104

380 BIll 102£. -2+2+2-3+2 828

381 BIV 127b. -2+2+2-3+2-2-2 1057

382 All 21t. -2+2+2-3-3+2+2 171

383 BIll 62ii. -2+2+2-4+2 453

384 AI la. -2+2-2 2

385 All 16b. -2+2-2 119
386 BIll 73a. -2+2-2 512
387 BIll 73i. -2+2-2 534
388 BIll 106 -2+2-2 879
389 BIV liSa. -2+2-2 932
390 BIV 115d. -2+2-2 940

391 BIll 86d. -2+2-2+2 705

[ 574 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class Interval Sequence No.
No. No.

392 BIll 73kk. -2+2-2+2+2 610

393 BIll 7311. -2+2-2+2+2 614

394 BIll 78d. -2+2-2+2-2 649

395 BIll 100e. -2+2-2+2-2+2+2 800

396 BIll 104g. -2+2-2+2-2+2+2 862

397 AlII 33b. -2+2-2+2-2-2-2 241

398 BIll 76 -2+2-2+2-2-2-4 643

399 BIll 73mm. -2+2-2+2-3 618

400 BIll 61h. -2+2-2+2-3-3 377

401 BIll 74b. -2+2-2-2 635

402 BIll 100a. -2+2-2-2 790
403 BIll 100b. -2+2-2-2 793
404 BIll 101 -2+2-2-2 814
405 BIV 115c. -2+2-2-2 938
406 BIV M12 -2+2-2-2 1114

407 All lOc. -2+2-2-2+2 40

408 All 8 -2+2-2-2-2 31

409 AlII 33b. -2+2-2-2-2 242
410 BIll 62jj. -2+2-2-2-2 456
411 BIll 69 -2+2-2-2-2 489

412 BIll 102h. -2+2-2-2-2-2+3 831

413 BIll 73nn. -2+2-2+3-4 622

414 BIV 119 -2+2-2-3 962

415 BIV 126 -2+2-2-3+3 1050

416 All 10c. -2+2-2-3+4 41

417 BIll 73n. -2+2+3-2 550

418 BIll 104£. -2+2+3-2 860

419 All 12cc. -2+2+3-2-2 106

420 BIll 73gg. -2+2+3-2-2-2 597

[ 575 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class No.
Interval Sequence No.

421 BIll 61k. -2+2-3 385

422 BIll 67a. -2+2-3 482
423 BIll 67b. -2+2-3 485
424 BIll 95e. -2+2-3 761
425 BIll 100c. -2+2-3 796

426 AlII 33a. -2+2-3+2 238

427 BIll 86f. -2+2-3+2-2 709

428 BIll 81£. -2+2-3+2+4-4 669

429 All 12c. -2+2-3-2-2 1152

430 All 21v. -2+2-3+3-2+2-3 176

431 BI 36 -2+2-3+3-2+2-3 249

432 BIll 7311. -2+2-3+3-3 616

433 BIl M2 -2+2-3-3 1083

434 BIll 81j. -2+2-3-3+2+2 676

435 All 21d. -2+2-4 142

436 BIll 62m. -2+2-4 413

437 BIll 951. -2+2-4+2 774

438 BIV 118b. -2+2-4+2+3 957

439 BIll 59d. -2+2-4-2 357

440 BIll 62ii. -2+2-4-2 454

441 BIl 45t. -2+2-5+2-2 313

442 BIV 122a. -2+2-5+2-2 1034

443 All 21a. -2-2 136

444 All 21n. -2-2 612
445 All 210. -2-2 164
446 All 21p. -2-2 166
447 All 21r. -2-2 168
448 All 21s. -2-2 170
449 All 21z. -2-2 183
450 AlII 26b. -2-2 205
451 AlII 26d. -2-2 215
452 BIll 69 -2-2 490
453 BIll 73p. -2-2 557
454 BIll 78b. -2-2 650

[ 576 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
Class No. Interval Sequence No.

455 BIV 112a. -2-2 912

456 BIV 121n. -2-2 1020
457 BIV 1210. -2-2 1024
458 BIV 121r. -2-2 1030
459 Alii M17 -2-2 1136

460 All 12e. -2-2+2 55

461 All 12i. -2-2+2 64
462 BIV M19 -2-2+2 1146

463 All 6 -2-2+2+2 25

464 AlI 17 -2-2+2+2 126
465 Bill MlOb. -2-2+2+2 1109

466 Bill 73m. -2-2+2+2+2-2 547

467 Bill 73r. -2-2+2+2+2-2 559

468 Bill 73h. -2-2+2+2+2-3 532

469 BII 45v. -2-2+2+2-2 319

470 BIV 121d. -2-2+2+2-2-2 982

471 BIV 121m. -2-2+2+2-2-2 1014

472 C 133 -2-2+2+2-2-2-2 1079

473 BIll 75a. -2-2+2+2-2-5 636

474 BIV 1211. -2-2+2+2-3-2 1010

475 BIll 73cc. -2-2+2+2-4+2-3 585

476 BIll 96 -2-2+2-2 778

477 BIV 123 -2-2+2-2 1040

478 AlI 16a. -2-2+2-2-2 118

479 All 16b. -2-2+2-2-2 121
480 BIll 62hh. -2-2+2-2-2 451
481 BIll 73dd. -2-2+2-2-2 589
482 BIV 111b. -2-2+2-2-2 902
483 BIV 121a. -2-2+2-2-2 968
484 BIV 121b. -2-2+2-2-2 972

485 BIll 102b. -2-2+2-2-2+2 820

486 BIV 121h. -2-2+2-2-2+2 996

487 BII 45e. -2-2+2-2-2-2 285

488 Bill 62ff. -2-2+2-2-2-2 447

[ 577 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

489 BIll 58b. -2-2+2-2-2-2-2 349

490 BIll 107d. -2-2+2-2-2-3+5 890
491 BIII 73u. -2-2+2+3 568
492 BIII 73b. -2-2+2+3-2 514
493 BIl 44b. -2-2+2-3 272
494 BIll 73g. -2-2+2-3 530
495 BIll 81g. -2-2+2-3 670
496 BIV 116 -2-2+2-3 943
497 BIV 121d. -2-2+2-3 980
498 BIV 1210. -2-2+2-3 1022
499 BIV 128b. -2-2+2-3 1060
500 BIll 73bb. -2-2+2-3+2 583
501 BIll 102b. -2-2+2-3+2 819
502 BIll 100e. -2-2+2-3+2-2 802

503 AII 12f. -2-2+2-3-2 57

504 BIll 64c. -2-2+2-3-2+3 463
505 BIIl 73t. -2-2+2-4 565
506 BlV 121m. -2-2+2-4 1016
507 BIll 92c. -2-2+2-4-2+4+2 739
508 AII 12n. -2-2-2 78
509 AIl 21j. -2-2-2 154
510 All 21k. -2-2-2 156
511 AII 21m. -2-2-2 160
512 AlII 29 -2-2-2 225
513 AlII 30b. -2-2-2 230
514 BII 45p. -2-2-2 307
515 BIl 45v. -2-2-2 317
516 BIll 62u. -2-2-2 427
517 BIll 95c. -2-2-2 756
518 BIll 95d. -2-2-2 758
519 BIll 104j. -2-2-2 873
520 BIll 105 -2-2-2 878
521 BIV 112b. -2-2-2 915
522 BIV 121n. -2-2-2 1018
523 BIV 121p. -2-2-2 1026
524 BlV 121p. -2-2-2 1028
525 BIV M12 -2-2-2 1113

[ 578 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class No. Interval Sequence No.

526 All 21g. -2-2-2+2 148

527 BIl 45a. -2-2-2+2 277

528 BIll 100f. -2-2-2+2+2 804

529 BIll 73ee. -2-2-2+2-2 592

530 BIll lOOe. -2-2-2+2-2+2+2 801

531 BIV 121g. -2-2-2+2-2-2 992

532 BIV 121l. -2-2-2+2-2-2 1012

533 BIll 73ff. -2-2-2+2+3-2 595

534 All 12d. -2-2-2+2-3 51

535 All 14 -2-2-2+2-3 112
536 BIll 59b. -2-2-2+2-3 353
537 BIV 114d. -2-2-2+2-3 929

538 BIll M7 -2-2-2+2+4-4 1099

539 BIll 73ff. -2-2-2+2+5-2-3 594

540 All 3c. -2-2-2-2 13

541 All 12h. -2-2-2-2 61
542 All 21e. -2-2-2-2 144
543 AlII 26d. -2-2-2-2 213
544 BIll 61a. -2-2-2-2 362
545 BIll 61d. -2-2-2-2 368
546 BIll 64a. -2-2-2-2 459
547 BIll 75b. -2-2-2-2 640
548 BIV 113 -2-2-2-2 917
549 All M16 -2-2-2-2 1139

550 AlII 33a. -2-2-2-2-2 239

551 BIll 73hh. -2-2-2-2-2 599

552 All 12z. -2-2-2-2+3 99

553 All 12aa. -2-2-2-2+3 101

554 BII M1 -2-2-2-2+3-2-2 1081

555 All 19 -2-2-2-2+3+3 131

556 BIll 92a. -2-2-2-2+4-4 734

557 All 7b. -2-2-2-2-4 29

[ 579 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Interval Sequence No.

558 BIV 120 -2-2-2-2+5-3 965

559 BIll 73j. -2-2-2+3-2 538

560 BIII 63 -2-2-2+3-2-2 457

561 BIll M8 -2-2-2+3-2-3 1102

562 BIll 73dd. -2-2-2+3+3-2-2 588

563 BII 53a. -2-2-2+3+3-2-4 338

564 BIll 62z. -2-2-2-3 436

565 BIII M13c. -2-2-2+4+2 1117

566 BIII 73x. -2-2-2+4-2 572

567 BIll M13b. -2-2-2+4-2+2+2 1115

568 BIII 81d. -2-2-2+4-2-2 664

569 BIll 73ee. -2-2-2+4-2-3 591

570 BIll 73g. -2-2-2+4-3+2+3 529

571 BIll 92e. -2-2-2+4-4 742

572 AIl 4 -2-2-2+5+2 16

573 C 133 -2-2-2+6-2-2 1080

574 BIll 73ee. -2-2-2+8-3-2-3 590

575 BIII l04a. -2-2+3+2+2 845

576 BIll l04b. -2-2+3+2+2-4 848

577 BIll 75b. -2-2+3+2-2-4 639

578 AIl 12t. -2-2+3-2 88

579 AIl 21n. -2-2+3-2-2 161

580 AIl 21x. -2-2+3-2-2 178
581 BII 47 -2-2+3-2-2 324
582 BIll 74a. -2-2+3-2-2 633
583 BIV 115c. -2-2+3-2-2 936
584 BIV 129 -2-2+3-2-2 1064

[ 580 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class No. Interval Sequence No.

585 All 17 -2-2+3-2-2-2 127

586 BIV 117b. -2-2+3-2-2-2 952

587 BIV 117b. -2-2+3-2-2-2+3 949

588 All 21p. -2-2+3-2-2+3 165

589 BIll 73nn. -2-2+3-2-2+3+2 623

590 BIll 7300. -2-2+3-2-2+3+2 627

591 BIl 52e. -2-2+3-2-2-3+2 336

592 BIll 73mm. -2-2+3-2-2+5-2 619

593 BIV 117a. -2-2+3-2-3+3 945

594 All 9 -2-2+3-2-5 33

595 All 12p. -2-2+3+3-2 83

596 All 12v. -2-2+3+3-2 93

597 BIll 73s. -2-2+3+3-2-2 562

598 BIll 73kk. -2-2+3-3 612

599 BIll 86e. -2-2+3-3-2-2 706

600 BIV 113 -2-2+3-3+3 918

601 C 132a. -2-2+3-3+3-3 1073

602 BIll 73dd. -2-2+3+4-3-2-3 587

603 BIll 73ee. -2-2+3+4-4-3 593

604 All 3b. -2-2+3-4 12

605 BIll 80 -2-2+3-4 657
606 BIll 92d. -2-2+3-4 740

607 ALII 27 -2-2-3 217

608 BIll 64g. -2-2-3+2 471

609 BIll 97 -2-2-3+2+2-3 780

610 BIll 95f. -2-2-3+2-2 762

611 BIV 121i. -2-2-3+2-2 1002

[ 581 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class No. Interval Sequence No.

612 BIll 100a. -2-2-3+2-2+2+3 789

613 AlII 32 -2-2-3+2+4-2-4 237

614 BII 45s. -2-2-3+3-2+2-3 311

615 BII 45u. -2-2-3+3-2+2-3 315

616 BII 45r. -2-2-3+3+3-5 309

617 BIll 100i. -2-2-3+4-2 812

618 BIV 121c. -2-2-3+4-2-2 976

619 AII M5 -2-2-3+4-2-3+3 1090

620 BIll 87d. -2-2-3+4-4 721

621 All lOb. -2-2-3+5-2 39

622 All 12x. -2-2+4-2+2 95

623 BIll 73d. -2-2+4-2+2 520

624 BIll 73c. -2-2+4-2-2+2-2 517

625 BIII 107e. -2-2-4+3+2-2-2 892

626 BII! lO7a. -2-2-4+3-3+4-2 882

627 BIll 107c. -2-2-4+3-3+4-2 888

628 BIll 73t. -2-2-4+4 566

629 All 12j. -2-2+5 67

630 BN 119 -2+3 960

631 BlI 45p. -2+3+2+2-2-2 306

632 BIII 73f. -2+3+2-2 526

633 BII 37b. -2+3+2-3-2-2-2 253

634 BIll 73n. -2+3-2-2 551

635 BIll 100g. -2+3-2-2 808

636 ElV 121e. -2+3-2-2-2 984

637 AlII M17 -2+3-2-3 1141

[ 582 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class Interval Sequence No.
No. No.

638 BIll M13c. -2+3-2-3+2 1118

639 BlV 118a. -2+3-2-3-3+4 954

640 BII 37c. -2+3+3 254

641 BIll 80 -2+3+3 656

642 BIV 111b. -2+3+3-2 903

643 BIV 114b. -2+3-3-3+2-2 924

644 BIll M6a. -2+3-4 1092

645 AlII M17 -2+3-4 1134

646 BII 42b. -2+3-4+2-3 267

647 BIll 84c. -2+3-4-2 692

648 BIll 64d. -2+3-4-2+3 465

649 All 11 -2-3 42

650 All 22 -2-3 188
651 BIV 126 -2-3 1051

652 BIV 121r. -2-3+2 1032

653 All 21t. -2-3+2+2-2+2-3 173

654 BIll 88a. -2-3+2+2-3 722

655 BIV 125 -2-3+2+2-3 1047

656 BIV llSb. -2-3+2+2-4 934

657 BIll 75a. -2-3+2-2 637

658 BIll 88c. -2-3+2-2 726
659 BlV 121i. -2-3+2-2 1000

660 BIll 100d. -2-3+2-2+2+2 798

661 BII 451. -2-3+2-2-2+2-3 299

662 BII 45m. -2-3+2-2-2+2-3 301

663 BIll 62d. -2-3+2-2-2-2 396

664 All 210. -2-3+2+3-2-3+2 163

665 AlII 26c. -2-3+2-3 209

[ 583 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
Class No. Interval Sequence No.

666 BIV 121m. -2-3+2-3-2+2+3 1015

667 All 16c. -2-3-2 123

668 BIl 52a. -2-3-2+2+3-3-2 333

669 BII 41 -2-3-2+4-2-4 263

670 BIII 73z. -2-3-2+5-2-2 578

671 BIV 126 -2-3+3 1048

672 BIll M13d. -2-3+3-2+2 1125

673 BIV 118b. -2-3+3-2-2 958

674 BIV M18 -2-3+3-2-2-2 1142

675 BIll 62k. -2-3+3-2-2-2+3 409

676 AI 2 -2-3+3-4 6
677 BIll 730. -2-3+3-4 554

678 BIV 121k. -2-3+3-4+2+3 1008

679 AII 21s. -2-3+4-2-3 169

680 BIll 99a. -2-3+4-2-3 785

681 BIll 87c. -2-3+4-4 719

682 BIll 57 -2-3+5-3 346

683 BIV 118a. -2-3+5-4-2 955

684 BIV 123 -2+4 1038

685 BIll 71b. -2+4+2+2 496

686 BIl 49 -2+4+2+2-2-2 328

687 BIll 82b. -2+4+2-2+2 681

688 BIll 731. -2+4-2+2 544

689 BIII 73p. -2+4-2+2 556
690 C 132a. -2+4-2+2 1071

691 BIV 123 -2+4-2-2 1039

[ 584 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class Interval Sequence No.
No. No.

692 C 132a. -2+4-2-2-3+3-2 1072

693 BIll 59d. -2+4-4 358

694 BIll 78b. -2+4-4+3-2-2 651

695 BIll M13e. -2+4-5+2-3+2 1127

696 All 16b. -2-4 120

697 BIV 108 -2-4 894

698 AlII 31 -2-4+2 235

699 BIll 62x. -2-4+2+2-2-2 432

700 BIll 87a. -2-4+2-2+2 715

701 BIll 79b. -2-4+2+3-2-2 655

702 BIl 45f. -2-4+3+2-4+2-3 287

703 BII 45n. -2-4+3-2+2-3 303

704 BIll 95g. -2-4+3-2-2 764

705 BIll 73u. -2-4+3-4+4+2 570

706 BIll 730. -2-4+4+2-4+3 553

707 BIl 45b. -2-4+4-2-2+2-3 279

708 BII 45c. -2-4+4-2-2+2-3 281
709 BII 45h. -2-4+4-2-2+2-3 291

710 BIl 45k. -2-4+4-2-2-2 297

711 BIl 48 -2-4+5-3 326

712 BIll 65 -2+5 474

713 BIll 81d. -2+5 665
714 BIV 128b. -2+5 1061

715 BIll 73ii. -2+5-2 603

716 BIll 73kk. -2+5-2 611
717 BIll 7311. -2+5-2 615

718 BIll M14 -2+5-2+2 1129

719 BUI 73e. -2+5-2-2-2 523

[ 585 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

720 All lOa. -2-5 36

721 BIll 102e. -2-5+2+3-3-2 827
722 BIll M13a. -2-5+3-2-3+2 1121
723 BIV 111e. -2-5+4+2-3-3 908
724 BII 45g. -2-5+4-2-2+2-3 289
725 BIII 95h. -2-5+4-2-2-2 766
726 BIV 111d. -2-5+4-2-3 906
727 BIll 71d. -2+6+3-4-5 500
728 All 12g. +3 58
729 BIV 112a. +3 911
730 BIV M19 +3+2 1145
731 All 21c. +3+2+2-3+2 139
732 BIll 620. +3+2+2-3-2 417
733 BIll M7 +3+2+2-3-3 1097
734 BIll 62k. +3+2-2 410
735 BIll 611. +3+2-2+2-2-2 388
736 BIV 121e. +3+2-2-2 983
737 BIV M18 +3+2-2-2 1137
738 BIll 62t. +3+2-2-2-2 425
739 BlII 95i. +3+2-2-2-4 769
740 BIV 121n. +3+2-2-3 1017
741 BIV 119 +3+2-2-3-3 961
742 BIV M3 +3+2-2-4 1085
743 BIV liSa. +3+2+3-2 930
744 All 12n. +3+2-3 79

[ 586 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

745 Brr 45a. +3+2-3+2-3 276

746 BIll 64a. +3+2-3-2 460
747 BIll 84a. +3+2-3-2 689
748 All 13 +3+2-3-3 109
749 AlII 24 +3-2 195
750 AlII 26a. +3-2 202
751 AlII 33b. +3-2 243
752 BIll 104j. +3-2 872
753 BIV 121p. +3-2 1027
754 Bll 45s. +3-2+2+2-2-2 310

755 BIll 94b. +3-2+2+2-3-3+2 749

756 All 12y. +3-2+2-2-2 96

757 Bll 51 +3-2+2-2-2 331
758 BIV 121g. +3-2+2-2-2 994
759 AlII M15 +3-2+2-2-2 1131

760 All 12e. +3-2+2-3 54

761 BIll 64£. +3-2+2-3 469
762 BIV 121f. +3-2+2-3 990
763 BIll 66a. +3-2+2-3+2-2 475
764 BIll 100d. +3-2+2-3+2-2 799
765 BIll 75b. +3-2+2-3-2 641
766 BIll 68 +3-2+2-3+3-2 487
767 BIll 62p. +3-2+2-4 419
768 BIll 95b. +3-2+2-4 754
769 AlII 24 +3-2-2 197
770 AlII 26b. +3-2-2 206
771 AlII 26d. +3-2-2 212
772 Bll 40 +3-2-2 262
773 BIll 62s. +3-2-2 423
774 BIll 66a. +3-2-2 476
775 BIll 73d. +3-2-2 521
776 BIrr 73i. +3-2-2 536
777 BIll 73j. +3-2-2 539
778 BIll 73k. +3-2-2 542
779 BIll 73m. +3-2-2 548
780 BIll 86b. +3-2-2 701

[ 587 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class Interval Sequence No.
No. No.

781 BIll 100i. +3-2-2 813

782 All M5 +3-2-2 1089

783 BIV 121d. +3-2-2+2 979

784 BIV 121e. +3-2-2+2 985

785 BIll 81h. +3-2-2+2-2 672

786 BIll 91 +3-2-2+2-2 733
787 BIll 100h. +3-2-2+2-2 811
788 BIV 121a. +3-2-2+2-2 969

789 BIll 104e. +3-2-2+2-2-2 858

790 BIll 58a. +3-2-2+2-2-3 347

791 BIll 67b. +3-2-2+2-2-3 484

792 BIV 121n. +3-2-2+2-3 1019

793 BIll 83a. +3-2-2+2-3+2 682

794 BIll 83b. +3-2-2+2-3+2 684

795 All lOb. +3-2-2-2 38

796 AlII 29 +3-2-2-2 223
797 BIll 62gg. +3-2-2-2 449
798 BIll 99a. +3-2-2-2 784

799 BIll 73s. +3-2-2-2+2 563

800 BIll 102h. +3-2-2-2+2 832

801 BIII 81i. +3-2-2-2+2-2 674

802 BIll 104a. +3-2-2-2+2-2-2 846

803 BIll 104d. +3-2-2-2+2-3 855

804 BIII 104c. +3-2-2-2+2-3-2 852

805 BIII 62bb. +3-2-2-2-2 439

806 BIll 102e. +3-2-2-2-2 825

807 BIll 100h. +3-2-2-2-3+2+2 810

808 BIll 81c. +3-2-2+3-2 659

809 All 21d. +3-2-2+3-2-2 141

810 All 21e. +3-2-2+3-2-2 143
811 All 21aa. +3-2-2+3-2-2 184
812 BIV 121c. +3-2-2+3-2-2 978

[ 588 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class Interval Sequence No.
No. No.

813 BIV 128a. +3-2-2+3-2-2-2 1059

814 All 21u. +3-2-2+3-2-2+3 174

815 All 23a. +3-2-2+3-2-2-3 189

816 All 23a. +3-2-2+3-2-3+2 191

817 Bill 85b. +3-2-2+3-2-4 697

818 Bill 73x. +3-2-2+3+3-5 573

819 All 9 +3-2-2+3-4 34

820 BIll 90 +3-2-2+3-4 731

821 BIll 101 +3-2-2+3-5 816

822 BII 42a. +3-2-2-3 266

823 BIll 102i. +3-2-2-3 833

824 BIll 73hh. +3-2-2-3+2+2-2 600

825 BIll 107b. +3-2-2+4-2-2-3 884

826 BIll 76 +3-2-2-4+4-3 642

827 BII 45r. +3-2+3-2-2 308

828 BIII 62r. +3-2+3-2-2-2 422

829 BIV 121a. +3-2+3-2-2-2 967
830 BIV 121b. +3-2+3-2-2-2 971
831 BlV 121b. +3-2+3-2-2-2 973
832 BIV 121p. +3-2+3-2-2-2 1025

833 AlII 27 +3-2+3-3 216

834 BIII 62h. +3-2-3+2 404

835 BIll 62i. +3-2-3+2 406
836 BIll 62gg. +3-2-3+2 450
837 BIll 73f. +3-2-3+2 527
838 BIll 73h. +3-2-3+2 533

839 BIll 86c. +3-2-3+2+2+2 702

840 BIll 100f. +3-2-3+2+2-2 805

841 BIll 82a. +3-2-3+2-2+2 678

[ 589 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

No. Class No. Interval Sequence

842 BIll 104i. +3-2-3+3-3 870

843 BIll 100h. +3-2-3+3-3+2+2 809

844 BIll 85a. +3-2-4 695

845 BIll 75a. +3-2-4+3-2 638

846 BIll M13a. +3-2-4+3-3-2 1119

847 BIll 107b. +3-2-4+3-3+4-2 885

848 BIll 101 +3-2-5+4+2-2 815

849 BIll 81j. +3+3 677

850 All 4 +3+3+2-2-2 15

851 BIll 73u. +3+3+2-3+3-2 567

852 All 12d. +3+3-2 50

853 All 15 +3+3-2 114
854 AlII 34b. +3+3-2 246

855 All 12a. +3+3-2+2-2 44

856 BIll 73gg. +3+3-2-2-2-2 596

857 BIll 88b. +3+3-2-2-2-2 724

858 BIll 84b. +3+3-2-3-2 691

859 BIV 112b. +3+3-3 914

860 All 12dd. +3+3-3-2 107

861 BIll 64e. +3+3-3-2+2-3 467

862 BIV 127a. +3+3-3+3+2-2-3 1052

863 BIll 73mm. +3+3-3+3-2-2 617

864 All 20 +3-3 134

865 BIV 121g. +3-3+2 991

866 BIll 61g. +3-3+2+2-2 376

867 BIll 64e. +3-3+2+2-3 468

[ 590 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence

868 All 7a. +3-3+2-2 26

869 BIll 102c. +3-3+2-2-2 822

870 BIll 104b. +3-3+2-2-2 849
871 BIll 104k. +3-3+2-2-2 876

872 BIll 74b. +3-3+2-2-2-2 634

873 BIV lila. +3-3+2-2-2-2 900

874 BIll 83a. +3-3+2-3 683

875 BIV 112b. +3-3+2-3-2 913

876 All 13 +3-3-2 110

877 BIll 62n. +3-3-2 415
878 BlV 128a. +3-3-2 1058

879 BIll 65 +3-3-2+2+2-2 473

880 BIll 81e. +3-3-2+2-2 666

881 BIll 102j. +3-3-2+2+3 836

882 BIll 106 +3-3-2-2 880

883 AlII 31 +3-3-2-2-4 233

884 BIll 86g. +3-3-2+3-2-2 710

885 BIll 86b. +3-3+3-2-2-2 700

886 BIll 79a. +3-3+3-2-2-2-2 652

887 BIll 86a. +3-3+3-2-2-3 698

888 BIll 103 +3-3+3-2-2-3-3 842

889 BIll 67a. +3-3+3-3-2-2 481

890 BIll 74a. +3-3+3-3-3 632

891 BII 54 +3-3+3-3-3+2 340

892 BIV 129 +3-3-3+3-2-2+2 1063

893 BlV 121j. +3-3+5+2-2-3 1003

894 BIll 71e. +3-3+5-2 502

[ 591 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

895 AlII 34b. +3-4 247

896 BIll 103 +3-4 843

897 ElV M19 +3-4+2+2-2-3 1147

898 BIll 85a. +3-4+2-2 694

899 ElV 121j. +3-4+2-2-2+2 1005

900 ElII 7300. +3-4+2-3 628

901 ElV M19 +3-4-2 1148

902 AlII 33a. +3-4+4+2 240

903 BIll 99b. +3-5+2+2+2-2 787

904 All 21x. -3 179

905 ElV 109 -3 896

906 ElII 59a. -3+2 352

907 BIll 62ee. -3+2 445
908 ElV 11Sd. -3+2 941
909 ElV 128b. -3+2 1062
910 C 131 -3+2 1068

911 All 4 -3+2+2 17

912 All 12m. -3+2+2-2 74

913 AlII 28 -3+2+2-2+2 220

914 BIll 102e. -3+2+2-2-2 826

915 BIll 102g. -3+2+2-2-4 829

916 All 12u. -3+2+2+3 91

917 All 12t. -3+2+2+3-2 89

918 BIll 86c. -3+2+2-3+2 703

919 ElV llSc. -3+2+2-3+2 937

920 BII 38b. -3+2+2-3-2 258

921 AlII 24 -3+2-2 196

922 AlII 25 -3+2-2 199

[ 592 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

923 BIll 78a. -3+2-2 647

924 BIV 124 -3+2-2 1042

925 BII 44c. -3+2-2+2-3 274

926 All 21c. -3+2-2-2 140

927 BIll 62dd. -3+2-2-2 443
928 BIll 62jj. -3+2-2-2 455

929 BII 45j. -3+2-2-2+2-3 295

930 Bill 100g. -3+2-2-2-2+2+2 807

931 BIV 120 -3+2-2-3+3-2-4 964

932 BIll 59c. -3+2-2-3+5-2-2 355

933 BIll 81c. -3+2-2+5-2 660

934 All 15 -3+2+3 115

935 C 131 -3+2+3-4+2 1069

936 All 3a. -3+2-3 9

937 BIll 73ss. -3+2-3+3+2+2-3 631

938 All 5c. -3+2-4+4 23

939 Bill 81b. -3+2+5-2 658

940 All lOa. -3-2 35

941 All 21h. -3-2 150
942 AlII 26a. -3-2 201

943 AIl 5a. -3-2+2+2+2 19

944 All 12s. -3-2+2+3 87

945 All 12bb. -3-2+2+3-2 102

946 BIll 96 -3-2+2+3-3+3-3 777

947 Bill 102k. -3-2+2-3+2+3-2 837

948 All 12m. -3-2-2+2 75

949 BIll 1021. -3-2-2+2+2+2-2 839

[ 593 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class No. Interval Sequence No.

950 BIll 100b. -3-2-2+2+3 792

951 BIll 94a. -3-2-2+2+4-2 747

952 BIll 94b. -3-2-2+2+4-2 750

953 All 23b. -3-2-2-2 193

954 BlI 43 -3-2-2-2+3+2+2 269

955 All 12u. -3-2-2+3-2 90

956 BIll 73y. -3-2-2+5-2-2 575

957 All 120. -3-2+3+2 81

958 All 12a. -3-2+3+3-2 45

959 All 12r. -3-2+3+3-2 85

960 All 11 -3-2+4 43

961 BIll 72 -3-2+4-2 509

962 BIll 73k. -3-2+4-2 541

963 All 12k. -3+3 70

964 BIll 66b. -3+3 478

965 BIll 73bb. -3+3+2-3+2-5 582

966 BIll 89 -3+3+2-3-3+2-3 728

967 BIll M7 -3+3-2 1098

968 All 7a. -3+3-2-2-2 27

969 BIll 62£. -3+3-2-2-2 399
970 BIll 73e. -3+3-2-2-2 522
971 BIll 83b. -3+3-2-2-2 685

972 BIll 62p. -3+3-2-2-2-2 420

973 BIll 105 -3+3-2-2-3 877

974 AI 1a. -3+3-2-3

975 BIV 117b. -3+3-2-3+2 950

976 BIll 95k. -3+3-3-2 772

977 BIll 621. -3+3-4 411

[ 594 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Interval Sequence No.

978 BIV 115a. -3+3-5 931

979 BIll 73aa. -3+3-5+2-3+2 581

980 All 12k. -3-3 69

981 All 12g. -3-3+2-3 59

982 BIl 37a. -3+4+2 250

983 BIV 117a. -3+4-2-3 946

984 BIl 42a. -3+4-2-3-2 265

985 BIV 114a. -3+4-2-3-2 921

986 BIll 86h. -3+4+3-2-3 713

987 BIl 45d. -3-4+4-2+2-4 283

988 Bll 45i. -3-4+4-2-2+2-3 293

989 BIll 73rr. -3+5-2-2 630

990 BIll 73g. -3+5-3+2+2 528

991 All 12y. -3+5-3-2 97

992 All 120. +4 80

993 BIV lllc. +4 905

994 BIV Illd. +4+2 907

995 C 133 +4+2+2-2+2-3 1078

996 BIV 119 +4+2+2-2-2-3 959

997 C 132a. +4+2+2-3-3 1070

998 AlII 31 +4+2-2 232

999 BIll 62ee. +4+2-2 446

1000 All 21m. +4+2-2+2-2-2+3 159

1001 BIll 73f. +4+2-2-2 525

1002 All 121. +4+2-3 71

1003 BIll 73d. +4-2+2 519

[ 595 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

1004 BIV 115d. +4-2+2+2+2-2 939

1005 BII 40 +4-2+2+2-2-2-2 261
1006 BIll 61h. +4-2+2+2-2-4 363
1007 BIll M6a. +4-2+2+2+4 1091
1008 All 12z. +4-2+2-3 98
1009 BIll 61c. +4-2+2-3+2 365
1010 BIll 95a. +4-2+2-3-2 752
1011 BIll 94a. +4-2+2-4-2-2 746
1012 BIll 73k. +4-2-2 540
1013 BIll 83c. +4-2-2 686
1014 BIll M13d. +4-2-2 1124
1015 All 12aa. +4-2-2+2 100
1016 C 130 +4-2-2+2+2-2-2 1065
1017 BIll 78a. +4-2-2+2-2-2-2 646
1018 BIV 121d. +4-2-2-2+2 981
1019 BIV 121g. +4-2-2-2+2 993
1020 BIV M18 +4-2-2-2+2 1143
1021 All lOa. +4-2-2-2+4 37
1022 BIll 104c. +4-2-2-2+4-2-2 850
1023 All 20 +4-2-2+3-2-2 132
1024 All 21g. +4-2-2+3-2-2 147

1025 BIV 121c. +4-2-2+3-2-2-3 977

1026 BII 47 +4-2-3 325
1027 BIll 78a. +4-2-3+2-2-2 648

1028 BIll M10a. +4-2-3+2-2+3 1107

1029 BIll 95i. +4-2-3-2 768

1030 BIll 104i. +4-2-3+3-3+2 868

[ 596 ]
Lexicographical Index

Index Melody String

Class No. Interval Sequence No.

1031 BIll 61j. +4-2-3+4+2 382

1032 BIV 115b. +4+3-2 933

1033 BIll 102m. +4+3-2+2-3 841

1034 BIll M6b. +4+3-3+3 1093

1035 C I 32b. +4+3-3-3-2 1074

1036 BIll 61i. +4+3-3+4+2 379

1037 BIll 100b. +4-3 791

1038 BIll 98 +4-3+2+2 782

1039 All 3a. +4-3+2-3 7

1040 All 3b. +4-3+2-3 10

1041 BIll 62y. +4-3-2+2-2 434

1042 BIll 71a. +4-3+3 494

1043 AlII 28 +4-3+3+2 221

1044 BIll 71£. +4-3+3-2 504

1045 BIll M8 +4-3+3-2-3-2 1100

1046 AlII MI7 +4-4-2+3-3 1135

1047 Bn 46b. +4-4+3+2-4-2 322

1048 AI lb. +4-4+3-2-3 3

1049 AlII 26c. +4-4+3-3 210

1050 BIll 61£. +4-4+4 371

1051 BIll 100£. +4-4+4-2+2+2 803

1052 BIl 52b. +4-5-3-2+2+3-3 334

1053 All 21v. -4+2 177

1054 BIll 100c. -4+2 795

1055 All 23b. -4+2+2 194

[ 597 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

1056 BIl 45v. -4+2+2+2 318

1057 BIll 79b. -4+2+2-2-2+2 654
1058 C 132b. -4+2+2-2-4+4 1077
1059 BII 39 -4+2+2-3 259
1060 BIll 68 -4+2+3-2 488
1061 BIll 61c. -4-2 366
1062 All 2li. -4-2+2 152
1063 AlII 34a. -4-2+2+2 245
1064 BIll 61b. -4-2+2-2 364
1065 BIll 67e. -4-2+2-2 370
1066 All 12b. -4-2+2+4-2 1149
1067 All M16 -4+3+2 1140
1068 BIll 61j. -4+3-2 383
1069 BIll 64b. -4+3-2-2-2-4 461
1070 All 12dd. -4+3+3-2 108
1071 BIl M2 -4+3-3+3-2-2 1084
1072 BIll 73n. -4+4+2-2-3 549
1073 BIll 71c. -4+4-4 497
1074 BIll 73jj. -4+4-4 608
1075 BIll 98 -4+4-4+2-2 781
1076 BIll 77 -4+4-4+4+2+2 645
1077 AlII 28 -4+4-5-2 219
1078 All 22 -4+5-2 187
1079 BIV MIl -4+5-2-2-2 1111
1080 BIll M9b. +5+2+2-2-2-2 1106

[ 598 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

1081 All 1211. +5+2-2-2 60

1082 All 19 +5+2-2-2 130

1083 BIll 73m. +5+2-2-2-2 546

1084 BIll 73p. +5+2-2-2-2 555
1085 BIll 73r. +5+2-2-2-2 558
1086 BIll 73u. +5+2-2-2-2 569
1087 BIll 73aa. +5+2-2-2-2 580

1088 BIll 107a. +5+2-2-2-3 881

1089 BIll 107c. +5+2-2-2-3 887
1090 BIll 107d. +5+2-2-2-3 889

1091 AlII 26a. +5+2-2-3 200

1092 AlII 26b. +5+2-2-3 204

1093 BIll 731. +5+2-3 543

1094 BIll M4 +5+2-3+2 1087

1095 BIll 73j. +5+2-3+2-2 537

1096 BIll 73x. +5+2-3-2 571

1097 BIll 73nn. +5+2-3-2-3 621

1098 All 12i. +5-2 63

1099 All 12m. +5-2 73

1100 All 120. +5-2+2 76

1101 AlII 26c. +5-2+2 208
1102 BIll 107e. +5-2+2+2-2-2-2 891

1103 All M16 +5-2+2-2-2+2 1138

1104 All 21k. +5-2+2-2-2-2 155

1105 BIll 60 +5-2+2-2-2-2 359

1106 BIV 113 +5-2+2-2-2+3 916

1107 All 21h. +5-2+2-2-3 149

1108 All 2li. +5-2+2-2-3 151

1109 BIll 7300. +5-2+2-3 625

1110 BIll 87d. +5-2+2-3+2 720

[ 599 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

1111 BIll 87b. +5-2+2-3-3 716

1112 BIll 92e. +5-2-2+2 743
1113 BIll 92c. +5-2-2+2+2 738
1114 All 7b. +5-2-2-2 28
1115 BII 53b. +5-2-2-2+4-2-2 339
1116 BIll 87a. +5-2-2+3 714
1117 All 21j. +5-2-2+3-2-3+2 153
1118 BIll 66b. +5-2-2-3 477
1119 BIII 71f. +5-2-3+3-2-3 503
1120 AlII 31 +5-2-4 234
1121 BIll 73jj. +5+3-2-2-3 605
1122 BIll 86f. +5+3-3-2+2+2+2 708
1123 BIll 73ii. +5+3-3-2-5 601
1124 BUI 84b. +5-3+2-3-2 690

1125 BIll 71g. +5-3-2+2-2 506

1126 BIll 93 +5-3-2-2 744
1127 BIII 79b. +5-3+3 655
1128 BIII 100a. +5-3+4-2-3 788
1129 BIll 63 +5-4+2 458
1130 BIll M13b. +5-4+2+2+2 1122
1131 BIll 66c. +5-4-2 479
1132 BIll M13e. +5-4+4-2-2-3 1126
1133 BIll 83c. +5-5+2+2+3-3+2 687
1134 BIll M13d. +5-5+4-2 1123

[ 600 ]
Lexicographical Index
Index Melody String
No. Class No. Interval Sequence No.

1135 BIV 122b. -5+2+2-2-2 1036

1136 BIV 121k. -5-2+2+2-2-2 1007
1137 BIV 111c. -5+4+2-5 904
1138 BI 35 -5+4-2-3+3+2-4 248
1139 BI! 50 -5+6-2-4+2 330
1140 BIll 73s. +6+2-2-2-2 561
1141 BIll 79a. +6-2 653
1142 BIV 116 +6-2-2-2+3 942
1143 BIll 88c. +6-3+2-2 727
1144 BI! 450. -6+4-3-2 305
1145 BIll M13c. +8-4+2+3 1116

1148 • BIV 109 897
1149 BIV 113 919

• These strings are comprised of repeated notes (gIl only.

[ 601 ]

Alexandru, Tiberiu, ix n., xxxii n., Gypsies, 25, 39

xxxv n., 38 n.
Alexici, Gheorghe, 204 Harmat and Sik, 31 n.
Amsterdam University Library, viii, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Bu-
xi, 3 n. dapest), viii, xi
Ani din Bihor (Bart6k), viii, xxxi, Hungarian Folk Music (Bart6k) 7, 29
xxxiii, xxxiv, 1 n., 32, 33 n., 36 n.
Hungarian influence, 32-33
Basel University Library, vii, xi, 3 n.
Bator, Victor, ix, xxxv Institute of Folklore (Bucharest), xxxi,
Beu, Octavian, xxxv n. xxxii
BriHloiu, Constantin, viii n., ix n., xi
n., xii n., xv n., xviii n., xxv n., Kisdi, 31 n.
xxvi n., xxix n., 1 n., 2 n., 15, 34 n. Kodaly, Z6ltan, xxxi n., 2, 36 n.
Budapest National Museum, 38 Kolatka, 2
"Bulgarian" rhythm, 2, 31, 32 Koleda, 2, 30 n.
Kuba, L., 192
Caesurae, 15-16 Kuckertz, Josef, xxxvii-xxxviii
Cantata Pro/ana (Bart6k), xxxv Kuhac, Fr. S., 36 n.
Cdntece, 201 Kunst, Jaap, xxxvi n.
Cantece de Stea, see Songs
Change song, 25, 28-29, 188 ff. Lenart, F., 31 n.
Ciorogariu, P., 34 n. Lorenz, Karl xxxviii
Colinda custom, xxxi-xxxiii
Comi~el, Emilia, xxxiin., xxxvi-xxxvii
M elodien der rumanischen Colinde
Content-structure, 22-24, 27-28, 29,
(Bart6k), vii n., viii, xxxv, xxxviii,
34 n., 557
Cucu, Gh., 2 n·
"Musikdialekt der Rumanen von
Demeny,Janos, xxxv n. Hunyad" (Bart6k), 30 n.
Dille, Denijs, 557, 558
Doine, 201 New York Bart6k Archive, vii n.,
Dor/szenen see Village Scenes xxxviii n.
Dragoi, Sabin, 1 n., 2 n., 34 n.
Parlando Cdntec melodies, 30
Erdelyi Magyarsag. NePdalok (B. Bar- Parry Collection, ix n.
t6k and Z., 33 Plugu~or, see Songs

[ 603 ]
Refrains, 10-11, 26-28, 202 "Tabulation of [Serbo-Croatian] Ma-
RegoMs, see Songs terial" (Bart6k), ix n., x, xvi D.,
Regos, see Songs xvii n., 30 n., 35 n., 36 n.
Rhythm Teodorescu, C. Dem., 1 D.
and Stanza Structure, 10-15 Teodorescu, Eugene C., xxiv n.
"Bulgarian", 2, 31, 32 Text types, 199-202
Parlando-rubato, 12, 29 n., 39 Transylvania, viii, xxxvi
Sapphic, 15 Turca dance, xxxi, 1, 2
Tempo giusto, 12, 29, 39
Riegler-Dinu, Emil, xxxvi Upbeat syllables, 9-10
Rosetti, AI., xxx-xxxi, 1 n., 200, 201-
202 Variant melodies, 34-36
Rumanian Academy of Fine Arts, ix Hungarian, 36 n.
Rumanian, 34 n.
Scale structure, 17-22, 29-31 Serbo-Croatian, 35 n., 36 n.
Serbo-Croatian Folk Songs (B. Bart6k Variant texts, 205-211
and A. B. Lord), xxxvii, 30 n., 36 n., Czech, 210 n.
188n., 192n. Hungarian, 209n., 211 n.
Societatea Compozitorilul Romani Rumanian, 209 n.
(Bucharest), 15 Slovak, 211 n.
Songs Village Scenes (Bart6k), 188
Cd-ntec de Stea, 1, 2, 190, 195, 196 Volksmusik der Rumanen von M ara-
Change, 25, 28-29, 188 ff. mure~ (Bart6k), viii, 1, 7, 32, 34, 561
Plugu~or, xxxiii, 200
RegoMs, 209 n. Western European influence, 30-31
Regos, 209 n.
StOll, Wassil, 31 n., 192 Ziegler, Mrs. M., 39
Suchoff, Benjamin, vii n., ix, 561 n.
Syllable extension, 8-10, 11

[ 604 ]

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