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CHENNAI SAHODAYA SCHOoL scomPLEX % This question paper contains 7 printed PABes. + This question paper contains 39 questions 4 Write down the question number before **¥°mpting, 4 An additional reading time of 15 minutes will be given, General Instructions 4. This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections, i. All questions are compulsory. HOWeVeT; 2” internal choice is provided in some questions. A student is expected to at¥€mPt Oly ore of these questions ii, Section A consists of 20 objective tYP® Questions carrying 1 mark each, iv Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions Carrying 02 marks each. Answersto these questions should in the range of 30 to 50 words. v, Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. ‘Answers to these questions should in the range of 50 to 80 wards i Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each. Answer to these questions should he in the range of 80 to 120 words. Vit. Seetion E consists of 3 source-based/case-based units of assessment of 04 ‘markseach with sub-parts. + ee = COMMON EXAMINATION 2022-23 Class-10 (SET-3) Science (086) Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks:80 Roll No.: Date: 21/01/2023 ; SECTION -A Select and write one most appropriate option out of the four options given for each of the questions 120, 1 A boy records that 4000 joule of work is required to transfer 10 coulombs of charge &2 =~ between two points of a resistor of 50 2. The current passing through it is @2A (4A FSA ()16A a DSL Explanation: A cylindrical conductor of length ‘I’ and uniform area of cross-section at the ; time of short circuit, the electric current in the circuit. U= heow {a)vary continuously Ab)does not change “ 1 (reduces substantially «> F (pfincreases heavily oe come material and lorophyll 290,206) 6) ana Which plant hormone (@)Auxin (b) Gibbereitin Cytokinin Fiabe wie ©)@,diand(iv) 4) (i), Gi), (a) and Gv) Promotes ceil division? 8 Asexual reproduction t: (@Amoeba and yeast fbiVeast and hydra (Plasmodium and yeast (Leishmania and yeast akes place through budding in the missing terms- Aand B Spinal cord and motor neuron (®)Brain and sensory neuron (©)Cranial nerves and motor neuro n and relay neuron i. 13 14 sn Which among the following $37 Nae Qo bone neces wih aS Seca | Se ae ern aay ea Fe et tr 0 ern yg ton Mag (Git ceacts with steam to fo™ Me ihe eo Consider the following be! te OEE (Substance [pH Lemon | 2.3 Ipatery | lacie ‘Sea water oa [Aprie [341 Tho value of x in above table i a lah 0 (73 @L (eo ‘The reaction 2Na + C12 & 2NaCl is an example of (a) combination reaction (b) decomposition reaction (€) displacement reaction (@) double displacement reaction Which among the following is (are) double displacement teaction(s)? 1) Pb ~ Cuclo—> Peck +Cu 2) Ne2 S04 + BaCl2 —>BuSO4 + 2NaCl 3)C+02—> C02 4) CH4 + 202 —» C02 +2H20 aland 4 ayonly 2 Nl end? 3 ands ‘What is the balanced chemical equation? ent before and afler chemical reaction (a) The atom of each element is diff (©) The atoms and elements are equal in chemical reactions (c) The oo. of atoms of all elements are equal afier the chemical reaction. (4) The number of atoms of each element remains the same, before and after chemic: reaction The reaction that differs from the rest of the reaction given is (a) formation of calcium oxide from limestone formation of aluminium from aluminium oxide (©) formation of sodium carbonate from sodium hydrogen carbonate (@) formation of mercury from mercuric oxide ae e ite following Sitesens is true for acids? rand change red litmus to bla a i ie (b) Sour Sour and change blue imus to ren a Bitier and cha Jpange red litmus to blve blue litmus to red nge Q.n0.17 020 are Assertion ii Sater AssrI0N 4) ang fet Oang ggg guests Tse coms one appropriate Obt/0n given below. °° (R). Anewrer ese 4UCS (8) Both *A? and «pe gi (b) Both *A? and «Rare ere an “Bis correct expla 10 A? i fale, le false, PUR is mot correct cP! (@) ‘A’ is false bue sje 4, 8 ti ertion nation of the Assertion ' jlanation of the Assert true, mA): Brown fi 7. Assertion(A) I cee apes ( @) © Reason (RY: Nitogen di oxige we *dvced y hen jead nitrate is heated. lecomposition of lead nitrat, 'S produced as a by- product due to the i (A): Th 2 iin, ie fied to some extent by the ciliary 6) aces, {he eye tens ean be modified to some extent by fe Oe TAS IY rete re eta modify the curvature of lens | 19, Assertion(A)’ Molecular moveme (0) © Ressoningil): Body struct are ma, ede for er taiaad Sonlimuous repair and maintenance UP Of these molecules Assertion(A): Mutation is sy Reason (R): V: ‘cen change in the genetic material *ul for the survival of species over time. ~~ oF ‘ation is usefu| SECTION-B Question no. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions. 21, How is brain protected from injury and shock? 22. (i) State two ways by which the strength of an electron (ti) Identify the type of magnetic fields represented by the figure given below and name met can be incresed, the type of conductors which can provide them: 2) i @ ® OR Dizgram shows the lengthwise section of current carrying solenoid, & indicates Current entering into the page, © indicates current emerging out of the page. Decide Which end of the solenoid A orB, will behave as north pole, Give reason for your | answer. Also draw field lines inside Boot & © ® @ 8 @ ( A 8 TOGCGHOOS 23 24, 25. 26, in terri proces A ma 4, whic cused in therm fa and whichis amphotericin nature. 142041 ‘equation for the reaction betwee? In one method of rust prevent the method and define it. os ‘What happens at the synapse betveet 9 P=Utongy qur envitOTmenyy is it necessary to conserve OU qi "ea {ding stabil, 0 Point) lp in prov ityty jetion help in 9* "°PoPilaton op How does reprodu species? SECTION.¢ Question no. 27 to 33 are short ansWeF AMEStions, Give reasons forthe OMIM i oe (a) It is dangerous to touch the live Wire of the ni = “SUPE rather than the arallel combina (6) in the household ciruit, parallel combination cp, (6) Using fin in aleaseold elect rot pee An ove on irentment with di. HCL gives the sme often og z i lame the type of this ore Write the chemical equations involved to obtin ge gey ni fom its concentrated Name te thse prosesss in urine formation. Drew the sua of npn dake he parts where they take place. oR © With an example show how Gregor Mendel explained lay of independent iahertance (@)Praw a schematic diagram ofa common domestic creat sowing provision of (i) Earth wire, (i) Main fuse (ii) Electricity meter and (iy) Distribution box (b) Distinguish between short circuiting and overloading A copper wire has diameter 0.5 mm and resistivity 1.6 X 10® Om. Calculate the length of thiswire to make it resistance 100 Q. How much does the resistance change if the iamerer is doubled without changing its length? G) A non-metal Xexists in two different forms Vand 2 Yisthe hardest natura Substance whereas Z is a good conduct Identify X, ¥, Z. Conductor of eleotriity. Identify X, (©) An clement X on renetion with oxygen forms an oxide XO. The oxide when dissolved in water tums blue lin i 3 it X is a metal or non- is imus red. State element metal, Identity that element, cos (©) Name the metal whichis alloyed with cgpper to make OOM me ds? Write one ‘What could be the reasons for edontine contracentive sitO Contraceptive) method ct both gender nt

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