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Unit 1

Market Leader Elementary

1. accountant 40. create 81. headquarter (n)

2. advertising 41. current job 82. hope
3. aim 42. deadline 83. househusband
4. airport 43. deal with 84. how are things
5. air-traffic controller 44. department going?
6. American 45. develop 85. human resources
7. analyst 46. director 86. improve
8. architect 47. doctor 87. increase
9. Argentina 48. education 88. India
10. arrange 49. elegant 89. Indian
11. arrive half an hour 50. encourage 90. interests outside
early for 51. engineer work
12. artist 52. enjoy… 91. international
13. at all times 53. executive 92. internship
14. back-to-back 54. expansion 93. interview
meetings 55. expensive 94. Italian
15. banker 56. experience 95. Italy
16. be away on 57. export 96. Japan
business 58. farmer 97. Japanese
17. be completely 59. fashion 98. job seeker
honest 60. fashion model 99. journalist
18. be confident 61. finance 100. Korea
19. be good at… 62. firefighter 101. Korean
20. be in charge of 63. flexible hours 102. Kuwait
21. be interested in 64. fluent 103. Kuwaiti
22. Brazil 65. France 104. language skills
23. Brazilian 66. free time 105. lawyer
24. British 67. French 106. lead
25. business card 68. future plan 107. leadership
26. by the way 69. German 108. make decision
27. candidate 70. Germany 109. make notes
28. career 71. get experience of 110. manage
29. carefully sales 111. management
30. cashier 72. global 112. Mexican
31. casual dress 73. global fashion 113. Mexico
32. China company 114. motivate
33. Chinese 74. good standard of 115. negotiating
34. closely 75. graduate 116. nice/pleased to
35. conference 76. Greece meet you
36. confident 77. Greek 117. nurse
37. consultant 78. haircut 118. office worker
38. control 79. hard-working 119. Oman
39. cope with 80. have time for 120. Omani
121. optician 166. Sweden
122. organize 167. Swedish
123. overseas 168. sweetheart
124. own business 169. Switzerland
125. pay attention (to) 170. take action
126. personal assistant 171. takeaway (pizza)
127. pilot 172. talk about life
128. plan(v) experiences
129. PO box 173. targets
130. Poland 174. teach
131. Polish 175. technician
132. postal worker 176. the UK
133. pretty good 177. the USA
134. professional 178. think about the
footballer future
135. professional 179. train (v)
summary 180. trainee
136. prompt 181. travel on business
137. Prorsum range 182. Turkey
138. public relations 183. Turkish
139. quiet 184. uniform
140. quite 185. work across
141. receptionist 186. work for
142. recommendation 187. work on your own
143. recruit 188. work with
144. recruitment 189. Would you like a
145. relative drink?
146. research analyst
147. responsibility
148. Russia
149. Russian
150. salary
151. sales assistant
152. see you later
153. senior manager
154. set up
155. share an offices
156. Singapore
157. skill
158. software programs
159. Spain
160. Spanish
161. specialty
162. start
163. stay in contact with
164. store (n)
165. strength

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