How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife

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Lesson Plan in English 7 (Philippine Literature) Grade 7 - Junior High School

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Differentiate the life in a Barrio and the life in a City by knowing the
b. Understand the sequence of the story by connecting it in real life
c. Appreciate the importance of love and respect of one’s life through the
characters of the story.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife” by Manuel
Estabillo Arguillo

Melcs: Discover through Philippine literature the need to work cooperatively and
responsibly in today’s global village CG code: EN7LT-IV-a-6

Instructional Materials:---------------------------------------------------------------

brought-home-a-wife.html HOW MY BROTHER LEON BROUGHT HOME A
WIFE › filesPDF


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Introduction:

Routine Activity
a. Greetings
b. Opening Prayer
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Motivational Activity

Good morning, class!

Good morning, Ma’am!

All right, before we proceed to our lesson for
Father God, thank you for the opportunity that you
today, Let’s acknowledge first our creator
have given to us. May you give us knowledge,
from above. Gayle, could you please lead the
wisdom and understanding to our lesson for
today. Bless our classmates’ parents and teachers
in Jesus name Amen.

Do we have absentees for today? None, ma’am.

Great I am happy that you’re all present and Yes, ma’am!

excited to learn.


At this point, class you’re going to have a

group activity. Now, let us count first from one
to six.

Is that clear class?

Now, this is what you’re going to do.

Differentiate the life in the City and the life in
the barrio in one or two sentences on one half
sheet of paper. By looking on the two pictures Yes, ma’am.
posted on the screen. I will give you five
minutes to collaborate with your group
through the given rooms on the link.

Any questions? None, ma’am

Afterwards, you’re going to have a one

representative per group to raise his/her and
share what you have done. Yes, ma’am!

Okay, let us now start.

Are you all done class? Yes, ma’am.

I’m now going to call the representative of

every group, to raise hands on the screen and Yes, ma’am!
share their observation in the two given
pictures on the screen.

The cost of living in the city is so expensive.

Let’s start first with the group 1. The life in a barrio is peaceful.

Very good, you have great ideas because the

life in the city in buying some can good or any
products has a high price unlike in the barrio.
Let’s now proceed to group 2. In the City you can see the heavy traffic.
Group 2. The Barrio has a warm environment.

Great idea, definitely yes you can feel the

fresh air in the barrio unlike in the city there’s
a pullution in the air.

Let’s move on to group There is no traffic in the Barrio.

3 Group 3... The environment is polluted in a City.

Very good! The life indeed, in the barrio is so

relaxing because you can’t see the heavy
traffic unlike in the city it has a pollution by the
different gasses of vehicles. The barrio has a fresh air but no restaurants.

And lastly, let’s now call on the representative The City has more job opportunities.
of group 4

Awesome, definitely the life in the barrio is so

calm unlike in the city the people are very
busy with their jobs.

All of you have very good answers in

distinguishing the life in a Barrio and the life in
a City, class but before we go on to our Ma’am is all about the different lifestyles of a

discussion, what do you think is our lesson for Barrio or Province comparing it to a City.

Very good class! All of you gave me great


B. Interaction

Today, we will be discussing about a story of

a husband named Leon and his wife named
Maria. The man came from a Barrio or
Province and the woman came from a City.
Let’s going to have first some background
information about the author of the story
before we go on to our discussion

Yes, ma’am.

Are you ready?

The name of the author of the story is Manuel o He was born in 1911 at Barrio Nagrebcan,
Estabillo Arguilla Bauang, La Union.
o He is an Ilokano writer in English, Patriot
Kindly read in unison the background of the and martyr.
author presented on the screen. o He studied in University Of the Philippines
and became a president in the UP Writer’s
Club and well known writer of the story
entitled, “How My Brother Leon Brought
Home a Wife”.

That is the short background information to

the author of our story for today. None, ma’am.

Do you have any questions?


To start with our lesson, kindly get your “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife”
handouts summary of our lesson entitled,
By Manuel Estabillo Arguilla
“How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife”.

You will study the story every paragraph.

At this point, let us now start reading and First paragraph

analyzing the first paragraph.
The story started when Leon and his younger
brother were both waiting for the arrival of Leon's
wife, Maria, riding in a carretela. As Baldo saw his
older brother's wife, he described her as lovely,
tall, and beautiful. The younger brother of Leon
met the wife for the first time.
Let’s now analyze the sequence of the story
on every paragraph. What do you think is the
messaage of the first paragraph? Yes, John? Ma’am, I think it’s a journey to a Barrio of a

Great idea John, indeed you are correct. husband and a wife.

Another answer please, yes Anne?

Good job Anne, So the first paragraph tells us

on how Leon introduces his wife to his brother
Baldo for the first time; while they are riding in
a carretela; to be back on the home place of
Leon known as the Barrio; in the province of
Nagrebcan. If you are Leon on the story, how Ma’am, I think it’s about introducing your lifetime
will you introduce your wife to your brother? partner to your family in the Province.
Yes, Erica?

Fantastic, respect is what makes love

stronger especially when you introduce the
one you love to your family; there’s a Ma’am, I will introduce my wife to my brother with
blessing. the highest respect and love.

Another answer? Ma’am, I will introduce my wife to my brother by

accepting her personality even her mistakes;
Yes, good job! definitely right, if you love a because if you love a person, you will accept
person you will accept him or her whole whatever characteristics she has.
heartedly even his/her mistakes.
Second paragraph
Let’s proceed on the second paragraph
Leon wondered why Baldo drove them to the
Waig instead on the Camino Real. Baldo
answered that he drove them to the Waig because
their father told him to follow the Waig. The Waig
route served as a test for the wife to see if she
could really live in a province which was very
different in a life in a city where she lived. While
travelling, Maria described the place of Leon as
clean, and free of dust and smoke.

What does the second paragraph is all about?
Yes, Carlo? Ma’am it’s all about the journey of Leon and his
wife in the province where Leon brought his wife
Very good! Indeed, it’s the journey between and all about the testing of Leon to his wife in the

Leon and Maria-they are husband and wife province; if she deserves to be wife of Leon or not.
and his wife is being tested if she’s going to
accept the province of Leon and they passed
by through the waig which is a creek. .
The second paragraph tells us on how the
wife of Leon is being tested while they are
riding home on the province of Leon. Maria is Yes, ma’am!
being tested if she will accept the ambiance of
the province of Leon; since she is from the
City. However, Maria has a positive comment
on the province while they’re on their way.
Instead of passing by in the Camino Real or
the list of homes and buildings. They passed
by on the route called as waig in Ilokano-this
is a stream, a natural flow of water that is
smaller than a river.
Yes, Ma’am, I will accept the ambiance in the
Now, I have a question. If you were Maria, province or a barrio because this is the place of
would you accept the ambiance in a province my lifetime partner or husband.
or a barrio? Why?

What a great answer it’s the love that keep

you going and respect as well.
Yes, Ma’am, I will accept it because as a wife I
love my husband that’s why I will accept the place
Okay, Another answer please? Yes, Vilma? where he lives.

Very good! All your answers have a great

essence for your future lifetime partner
someday class. Now let’s move on the next Yes, ma’am!
sequence of the story which is the third Third paragraph

The husband named as Leon asked the wife, if
she is afraid as they near home, bringing about
Look at your handouts and analyze the third how the family will welcome home his lifetime
paragraph. partner as his new wife. Maria admitted of having
some fears if the father of Leon would not accept
her as to be his daughter-in-law because she may
not able to survive the life in the province.

What do you think is the third paragraph is all

about? Yes, Matthew?
Ma’am, it’s all about the feelings of the wife
towards the family of his husband and tells on
what does the wife think, as she meets her father
in law in the province.
Very good! Okay, all your answers are
definitely right. Class, this is about the
conversation of Leon to his wife, he asked
Maria if she is afraid to meet her father in law
in the province. Maria responded that she felt
afraid to meet his father in law as they nearer
home in the province because of the reason
that she is from the City.

Do you understand class? Yes, ma’am.

Any questions? None, ma’am.

Let’s now have the last sequence of the story Last paragraph
which is the last paragraph.
When they got home, Leon's family talked to
Maria. Baldo and his father had a conversation
about what had happened while they were
travelling. The father asked Baldo if Maria was
afraid in their place. Baldo answered that Maria
was not afraid and instead she enjoyed the
journey. Consequently, Maria was successfully
passed on the test that she had encountered; and
proven to be worthy as Leon’s wife.

What do you think is the message of the last Ma’am, it’s about the conversation of the wife
paragraph? Maria with the family of her husband.

Ma’am, it’s about the successful test of the wife
Good job class! All of you have such great with her husband.
ideas. It is indeed, the successful test of the
wife with his husband. As a result, the entire
family of Leon accepted Maria as his wife
because she passed on the test that she had.
The father of Leon asked Baldo of what was
the reaction of the wife while she was
witnessing the surroundings of the Barrio and
Baldo responded that the wife felt happy on
the journey that she went through, together
with Leon and Baldo. The entire family of
Leon had a conversation with the wife happily.

Now, I have a question class, what is the Ma’am, it’s all about acceptance of one’s life.
entire message of the story?

Ma’am, it’s about respecting the culture of your

Very good! Another answer yes James? lifetime partner who lives in a Barrio.

Good job! You are correct. Yes, ma’am!

Alright class, you all did well. Give yourselves

a virtual clap.

The story taught everyone about respect and

acceptance of one's life. In order to have a
harmonious and long-lasting relationship you Yes, ma’am.
must show respect to each other and the
family. And if you really love a person you
should accept who he/she is, and what he/she
None, ma’am.
is. Do you have any questions?

C. Integration

Based on the activity that you have done.

Let’s separate first the girls from the boys.
Now, let’s have first the numbering for the
girls and after that for the boys. Just
Yes, Ma’am.
remember your number because you will
have an oral recitation later.

Is the instruction clear? Yes, ma’am!

Now, I will call on a number from the group of Yes,
the girls. Just try to imagine that you’re Maria
in the story.

Afterwards, I will call on the group of the boys’ Yes, Ma’am.

just try to imagine that you’re Leon in the

None, ma’am.
Do you have questions?

Now, let’s start once I call your number, just

turn on your microphone and answer the Yes, Ma’am.

Okay, Let’s start first with the girls; I will call

on student number 8, kindly unmute your


This is my question, if you will be Maria in the

future; would you prefer to live in a Barrio with Student:8
your husband? Why? Yes, Ma’am because as I become wife in the
future. I need to follow my husband because I love

Another number. May I call on student

number 16? Student:16

Yes, Ma’am because living in a City, just like

being Maria in the future will not be a hindrance
for me to love the person who lives in a Barrio just
like Leon.

Very good! You have great ideas for your

future husband. Indeed, if you really love
someone just like your future partner,
definitely you will accept him. Now, Am I Yes, ma’am.

Okay, Let’s now move on with the boys.

May I call on student number unmute your Student:1

Yes, Ma’am.
Here’s my question, if you will be supposed
Leon in the future under the story that we
have tackled. Would you prefer to love a wife
who lives in a City or in a Barrio? Why?
Ma’am I would rather prefer a wife from the City,
as long as we love each other; because the place
will not be a matter but what matters most is I love

Very good! What a great idea.

Student: 28
Now, I will call on another number. Kindly
unmute your microphone student number 28. Ma’am, I will choose to love a wife who lives in a
Barrio; because it’s definitely easy for me to court
the girl that I will love in the future since I live in a
Barrio and she lives in a Barrio too.

Wow! What a great answer!

All of you have very good ideas in your oral

recitation to our lesson for today.
Yes, ma’am.
Is everything clear to you class?

On a one half sheet of paper, let’s have a
quiz about the story entitled “How My
Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife”

1. Who is the author of the story?

2. Where did Baldo drive Leon and


3. What song did Maria and Leon sing

on their journey in the Barrio?

4. Where did the story takes place?

5. Did Maria feel worry on her journey

in the Barrio?

6. How did Baldo describe Maria?

7. What is the theme of the story?

8. What is the name of the younger

brother of Leon in the story?

9. What is a Waig in the story?

10. Did Maria pass the test on her

journey with Leon?


On a one whole sheet of paper let’s have a

short essay about your ideal future wife or
husband. Give at least five sentences. This
will be passed next meeting.


Content- 10%

Organization of thoughts- 10%


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