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Lecturer : Phan Le

Class : K61MF2

Student : Nguyen Ngoc Lam - 2215027032

Nguyen Nu Nguyet Ninh - 2215027064

Lu Thi Hong Lien - 2215027034

Truong Gia Bao - 2215027081

Nguyen Quoc Nam - 2215027061

Ho Chi Minh City, January 2024


1) Choose a topic you like; for example, purchase behavior of consumers.

2) Build a survey /questionnaires and sampling a group of at least 30
3) Explain about the phase (or frame) of your sampling, method(s).
4) Enter your new data into Excel worksheet and then organize them into
contingency tables.
5) Visualize data using all charts that you have studied (If not use any chart,
explain your reason).
6) Summarize your data (measure of central tendency, variation and shape)
7) Based on the summary and data organization, what conclusion you can read
about your data?


I. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 3
1.1 Topic............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Research Methods.........................................................................................4
2.1. Survey application....................................................................................... 4
2.2. Survey results...............................................................................................5
2.2.1 General information of researched customers..................................... 5 Gender.......................................................................................... 5 Age............................................................................................... 6 Academic level............................................................................. 6 Income......................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Visualizing data using charts & Analyzing data...................................7
Table 1: Frequency of online shopping in 1 month.................................. 7
Table 1.1: Gender correlation & Frequency of online shopping within
1 month................................................................................................8
Table 2: Online shopping channels...........................................................9
Table 3: Expenditure level on online shopping in 1 month....................10
Table 3.1. Gender correlation & The expenditure on online shopping
in one month...................................................................................... 11
Table 4: Types of products commonly purchased online....................... 12
Table 5: Time spent using the internet for online shopping every day...12
Table 6: Consumer satisfaction level with purchasing experience online
Table 6.1: Gender correlation & The level of consumer satisfaction
when experiencing online shopping.................................................. 15
III. CONCLUSION..............................................................................................15

1.1 Topic
Topic we chose for this final-term report is “Shopping Online”, from there we are
going to analyze the purchase behavior of young people and factors affecting their
shopping online needs on e-commerce platforms in Ho Chi Minh city.

1.2 Research Methods

Data Collection Methods:
● Random sampling for statistical representation.
● Survey method: Creating a questionnaire through a set of questions.
● Conducting an online survey using Google Forms, sending the link for
participants to receive survey results via email.
● Collecting responses from 60 survey participants.
Analysis Methods:
● Descriptive statistics.
● Inferential statistics.


2.1. Survey application:
_Factors affecting young people’s shopping online needs on e-commerce
platforms in Ho Chi Minh city- Made in December, 2023.
_Survey subjects: is the Ho Chi Minh’s students over 18 years old, especially in
the 18-22 age group.
_Number of participants: 60 participants (43 women and 17 men)

<Link of Survey Application>

2.2. Survey results:

<Link of Survey Results>

2.2.1 General information of researched customers: Gender

5 Age Academic level Income

2.2.2 Visualizing data using charts & Analyzing data

Table 1: Frequency of online shopping in 1 month

Frequency of online Cumulative

Frequency Percentage
shopping in 1 month Percentage
Very frequently 3 5% 5%
Frequently 20 33,33% 38,33%
Occasionally 29 48,33% 86,66%
Rarely 7 11,67% 98,33%
Never 1 1,67% 100,00%
Total 60 100%

Purchase frequency represents the frequency of consumers' online shopping
behavior. Most people shop online occasionally with 29 people, accounting for
48.33% and purchasing at least once a month shows that students prefer this
method of shopping compared to online shopping traditional. Most survey
participants shop online every month with a frequency of purchases above 30%.
The number of people who regularly shop is 20 times higher than the number of
people who never shop online at only 1.67%. The number of people who shop
rarely and never buy is extremely low, accounting for 11.67% and 1.67%. This
shows that online shopping has become an extremely popular trend among young

Table 1.1: Gender correlation & Frequency of online shopping within 1 month

Frequency of online shopping within 1 month

frequently Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never Total
Male 1 1 11 3 1 17
Female 2 19 18 4 0 43
Total 3 20 29 7 1 60

_Frequency Distribution: The majority of males fall into the "Occasionally"

category, with 11 out of 17 individuals shopping in this manner. For females, the
highest frequency is in the "Frequently" category, with 19 out of 43 individuals
shopping at this level.
_Comparative Analysis: Females generally exhibit a higher frequency of online
shopping across all categories compared to males.The majority of both genders
shop either "Frequently" or "Occasionally," indicating a common engagement
with online shopping.
_Less Common Behaviors: Both males and females show a relatively low

incidence of "Very frequently" and "Never" categories, suggesting that extreme
frequencies are less common.
_Gender Differences: There's a notable difference in the "Frequently" category,
where females significantly outnumber males.
In summary, the data indicates that online shopping is a prevalent activity for both
genders. Females, in particular, tend to shop more frequently than males. The
majority of individuals shop with a moderate frequency, either occasionally or
frequently, highlighting the widespread adoption of online shopping practices.
The relatively low occurrences in the extreme categories ("Very frequently" and
"Never") suggest that most people fall within a middle range of online shopping

Table 2: Online shopping channels

From the survey above, it is easy to see that the most popular website among
students is Shopee with 57 votes, accounting for 95%. This shows that Shopee
has been very successful in attracting customers to shop on this platform. Other
popular e-commerce sites include Tiktok shop (58.3%), Lazada (25%). However,
other websites like Tiki only have 8.3% of people interested because this
application is only attracting customers for household items. Therefore,
e-commerce sites need to expand their product offerings. from food to clothing,
household appliances, and cosmetics to attract many customers.

Table 3: Expenditure level on online shopping in 1 month

Expenditure level on
online shopping in 1 Frequency Percentage
< 500.000 26 43,34% 43,34%
500.000 – 1.000.000 27 45% 88,34%
1.000.000 - 1.500.000 3 5% 93,34%
1.500.000 - 2.000.000 2 3,33% 96,67%
> 2.000.0000 2 3,33% 100,00%
Total 60 100%

From the statistical table, we can easily see that most students spend an average
of more than 500,000 VND per month on online shopping, accounting for more
than 45% and spending less than 500,000 VND accounting for 43.3%. Because
the survey age range is from 18-22, the income of this group of people is not
high, so their monthly spending is still low. Only 7 respondents accounting for
11.66% spent 1,000,000 or more in 1 month on online purchases. Therefore,
retailers should offer competitive pricing strategies, suitable for income with this
customer group to promote their shopping needs.

Table 3.1. Gender correlation & The expenditure on online shopping in one

The expenditure on online shopping in one month

500.000 – 1.000.000 - 1.500.000 -
< 500.000 1.000.000 1.500.000 2.000.000 > 2.000.0000 Total
Male 10 6 0 1 0 17
Female 16 21 3 1 2 43
Total 26 27 3 2 2 60

The majority of males (10 out of 17) and females (16 out of 43) fall into the lowest
expenditure range, spending less than 500,000 on online shopping in the given
As expenditure increases, the number of individuals decreases for both genders,
with fewer people spending between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000, and almost no one
exceeding 2,000,000 in spending.
The female category shows higher numbers in each expenditure range compared to
males, indicating that females are generally more active in online shopping across
different spending levels.
Notably, there are no males in the 1,000,000 - 1,500,000 expenditure range, while

three females fall into this category.
In summary, the data suggests that online shopping is a common activity for both
genders, with females showing a higher overall engagement. Additionally, the
majority of individuals tend to spend less than 500,000 in the given month,
highlighting a general trend towards moderate online shopping expenditures.

Table 4: Types of products commonly purchased online

The majority of survey participants were female, accounting for more than 70%,
so their main shopping needs were clothes and cosmetics (85%), school supplies
(55%), and food were the products chosen. choose the least when purchasing
through e-commerce sites (30%). The rate of shopping for cosmetics and clothes
is nearly 2.8 times higher than the need to buy food. This shows that users often
choose items that meet their care needs and satisfy personal preferences. Because
the survey age range is from 18 to 22, students are interested in care, beauty,
hobbies, personal pleasures and studies.

Table 5: Time spent using the internet for online shopping every day

Out of a total of 60 survey participants, the majority of them will spend 30
minutes - 1 hour/day browsing e-commerce sites (43.3%), 40% spend less than 30
minutes and 4 people spend more than 2 hours per day. hours/day of internet use.
This shows that most students only visit sales channels when needed because the
income of people in this age group is not high. Perhaps, the needs of these people
only increase during major promotions of the year.

Table 6: Consumer satisfaction level with purchasing experience online goods

Consumer satisfaction
level with purchasing Cumulative
experience online goods Frequency Percentage

Very satisfied 13 21,67% 21,67%

Satisfied 29 48,32% 69,99%
Normal 16 26,67% 96,66%
Somewhat disappointed 1 1,67% 98,33%
Disappointed 1 1,67% 100,00%
Total 60 100,00%

Most people feel satisfied with the online shopping experience, accounting for
48.3% (satisfied) and 21.7% (very satisfied). The number of users who feel
disappointed and somewhat disappointed is low with only 2 people, only 3.34%.
This shows that customers are increasingly favoring and placing more trust in
online shopping applications, especially young people of student age with low
incomes, so they increasingly prefer online shopping because of attractive
discount programs.

Table 6.1: Gender correlation & The level of consumer satisfaction when
experiencing online shopping

The level of consumer satisfaction when experiencing online

Very Slightly Disappoi
satisfied Satisfied Normal disappointed nted Total
Male 4 6 5 1 1 17
Female 9 23 11 0 0 43
Total 13 29 16 1 1 60

_Overall Satisfaction: The majority of both males and females express satisfaction
with their online shopping experiences, with a combined total of 29 satisfied
males and 23 satisfied females. The "Satisfied" category has the highest frequency
for both genders.
_Gender Differences: Females generally show higher levels of satisfaction across
all categories compared to males. The "Very satisfied" category has a notably
higher frequency for females, suggesting that women tend to be more extremely
satisfied with their online shopping experiences.
_Dissatisfaction Levels: The levels of dissatisfaction ("Slightly disappointed" and
"Disappointed") are relatively low for both genders, indicating that the majority of
individuals have positive online shopping experiences.
_Absence of Extreme Dissatisfaction: No females and only one male reported
being "Slightly disappointed," and only one male reported being "Disappointed."
This suggests that extreme dissatisfaction is infrequent among the surveyed
In summary, the data suggests that a significant proportion of both males and
females are satisfied with their online shopping experiences. Females, in
particular, demonstrate higher satisfaction levels across the board. Dissatisfaction
levels are generally low, with very few individuals expressing slight or significant
disappointment. Overall, the majority of respondents appear to have positive
perceptions of their online shopping encounters.

_E-commerce has become a major force in the Vietnamese retail market,
particularly among young people. In order to succeed in this market, retailers need
to understand the needs and preferences of young shoppers.
_Young people are often on a budget, so retailers should focus on offering
competitive prices and discounts. They should also provide a wide range of
products that meet the needs of young people, including clothing, cosmetics,

home goods, and food.
_In addition, retailers should focus on providing excellent customer service. This
includes offering clear return policies, quick shipping, and helpful customer
_By following these strategies, retailers can tap into the growing market of young
e-commerce shoppers in Vietnam.
_Here are some additional tips for retailers:
+Partner with influencers and social media stars to reach a wider audience.
+Invest in marketing and advertising to raise awareness of their e-commerce
+Make their website and mobile app user-friendly and easy to navigate.
+By taking these steps, retailers can create a successful e-commerce experience
for young people in Vietnam.


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