REPR7312 Artefact 3 Research Proposal Checklist

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Research Proposal Checklist

Before submitting your POE or any section by the due deadline, please ensure you have consulted
the checklist as follows:

• Title page.
• Signed declaration.
• Contents page.
• Contents of your POE including:
• Introduction - contextualising the research issue;
o Research title,
o Background,
o Research problem/ issue,
o Motivation of the relevance of the study,
o Research question,
o Objectives/ hypotheses of the research study.
• Literature review;
o Theoretical approach,
o Previous literature, SUBMISSION 2
o Conceptualisation.
• Research methodology;
o Research paradigm,
o Research design,
o Population and sampling methods;
 Population, SUBMISSION 4
 Units of analysis,
 Target and accessible population,
 Population parameters (characteristics). SUBMISSION 3
o Sampling;
 Probability or non-probability sampling,
 Sampling method,
 Sample size,
o Data-collection method,
o Data analysis method.
• Conclusions;
o Validity, reliability, and/ or trustworthiness,
o Ethical considerations,
o Limitations of the study,
o Anticipated contribution of the study.
• Addendum;
o Copy of your questionnaire. SUBMISSION 3
• Sources consulted.

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