Question DMLT1stYr 2009-18

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————— DMLT /DMRT EXAMINATION BOARD, ODISHA | First D.M.L.T. (Annual Examénation) 2017 ee Examonation of March - 2017 aa A gael | QUESTIONS (Paper-l) 1 Answer all Questions Time :3 hours (Give diagrams wherever necessary) Part-A Full Mark - 35 (ANATOMY) 4. Describe the respiratory system under the following headings. (5x3=15) (a) External features of lungs (b) Name the bronchial divisions involved (c)Arteria! supply of the organs involved in respiration. - 2. Draw a labeled diagram of the heart and enumerate the ar supplying it. OR Draw a labeled diagram of the right kidney and enumerate related to its anterior surface. 3. Answer all the questions. 3 (a) Structures forming porta hepatis (b) Lobes of the cerebral hemisphere (c) Structures passing through the hilum of kidney, (d) Bones of the upper limb ‘ Ae) Paris of large intestine. PART -B (PHYSIOLOGY) Answer all the question. Full Mark ~ 55 | 4. Write short notes on any 4. (b) Gastric juice i (@) Haemoglobin (c) SG aptparatus (@ haemophilia (e) Hypoxia (f) Surfactant (g)Windkessel vessels. Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 2. ABC is in shape. cylinder «a, tsiconcave disk ey (d) Cone Choudhury, p9-30, 6" Edition. Pg-557, 24" Edition vy Sphere ,f |. Concise medical physiology — 11. Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 3. Allare clotting factors except- / \erfrothrombin © Hepa Fibrin (@)Ca" fe candae 71, 6 Edition. ‘tol. . Concise Medical Physiology ~ Choudhury, Po 4 fiWajority of Adult Hb is ;___ (a) 0,8, (c) a6, Ain (d) ae, <1 Concise Medical physiology - Choudhury, pg-43, 6" Edition 5. es eivaker of Human Heart is: wij SANNe (b) Purkinje Fibres AVN (@)Atrial muscle cf. : Concise Medical Physiology — Choudhury, pg-178, 6” Edition 6. oviive contains — alin (c) Lipase | Viel (a) Colipase :ef: Concise Medical Physiology — Choudhury, pg-92, 6° Edition jan hormones are : estrogen & Progesterone - (T&T, trogen & Testosterone (d) Renin angiotension |. :tef. Concise Medical Physiology — Choudhury, pg-334, 6" Edition 8. Ali are WBC except. Tb (c) Neutrophil we) BeL <(G\Normoblast ce, Concise Medical Physiology — Choudhury, pg-49 4" Edition ¥. Haemoglobin contains : yon (c)Cobalt i.) Nickel (Gold 1. Concise Medical Physiology — Choudhury, pg-43, 6 Edition 1: «wulsification is an essential step in the digertion and absorption of, (a) Carbohydrate (c) Protein (4) Water ‘ef. Concise Medical Physiology — Choudhury, / P9-117, 6 Edi Dei. /A/P-V2017 tion Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 41. All are salivary glands except — (a) Lacrimal gland = (c) Sublingual (b) Submandibular (a) Parotid Ref. Concise Medical Physiology — Choudhury, pg-91, 6” Edition 12. HCl is secreted from : (a) Putkinje cell . (c) Nk cell (b) Parietal cell \\-~* (d) Mart cell Ref. Concise Medical Physiology — Choudhury, pg-97, 6" Edition 13. Hypoxic hypdia is seen in (a) Mountains (c) Plains (b) Deep Sea (d) Tree top Ref. Concise Medical Pray Choudhury, pg-162, 6" Edition 14. All are-secreted from/gst pituitary except. (3) Oxytocin (c) Follicle stimulating hormones (b) Growth Hormone () Luteinising hormone Ref. Essentials of physiology —ABC Mohapatra, pg - 325 15, Leucocytosis is in TWBC count more than. (a)2000 omm 1,000 omm (b) 1000 omm (4) 1,00,000 omm Ref.Essentials of physiology ABS Mohapatra, Pg-43. Oe DMLT/A/P-1/2017 pS Scanned with CamScanner DMLT/DMRT EXAMINATION BOARD, ODISHA FIRST D.M.L.T. ANNUAL EXAMINATION OF MAY, 2016 QUESTIONS (PAPER-I) [ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, PHARMACOLOGY] ‘Answer all Questions Time: 3 hours//Full Marks — 70 (Use separate Answer Books for Part-A and B) PART ~ A [ANATOMY] (35 MARKS) . [Give Diagrams wherever necessary] al wi Qeassiy the tissue and describe and macroseopic and mjeroscopie features of bone. (15x 1 = 18) OR Name the major endocrine glands of the body and describe the pi 2. Answer any Two of the following: itary gland in detail. 4 4 (5x2=10) a) Draw a labeled diagram of an anima! cell, co 2S 'b) Permanent Teeth. 4 3 c) Name the bones of the Foot. » 3. Fill in the blanks: (2x5=10) a) Branches of ascending aorta are et ang NOE caters b) Cervical vertebrae are __4_ in Nos. and lumbar vertebrae are _5_ in number, ) The upper and lower end of the stomach is known as_(Wiatand Pylori TNO Eat 4) Sterno-mastoid muscles extends from _H}ithamMto _JeMACUMy) e) and t are examples of Ball and Socket joint respectively respectively. ~ PART—B [PHYSIOLOGY] (35 MARKS) 1. Write short notes on any Five of the following: @x5=15) fe name of the blood cells and their structures with diagram. \ 6) Name the volume and capacities of pulmonary function test withthe normal values. \€) Draw the stricture of nephron and write down the function of glomerulus 3@) Funetions of stomach: ‘c) Name the endoetine glands and the hormones produced by them. ) Functions of ovary and actions of ovarian hormones. 2. Fill in the blanks: Vitamin 2 [deficiency causes macrocytic anaemia. Normal value of Tidal Volumeis___ Soe _ml, { Normal serum bilinbinis__- tv a weal nw, Daily output of urine in normal person i Lis. * iS Tetany is duc to low level of _Ca_inblood. —/ / (Qaxs=10) aoe LEDMLTVA 2016 Ui Scanned with CamScanner —- cy 3. Write down ‘True’ or ‘False’: a. Acetylcholine is secreted from adrenal medulla. (>) b. Testosterone is secreted from Leydig’s cells of testis. ip) c. Erythropoiesis is regulated by erythropoietin. (T) d. Autocrine glands secrete their secretions into the blood. (©) ¢. Ovulation in menstrual cycle occurs due to peak level of estrogen. (F) aK Scanned with CamScanner N MINATION BOARD. ODISHA RY, 2015 1.0. (SUPPL) EXAMINATION OF JANL QUESTIONS (PAPER STOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY , PHARMACOLOG > Answer all Questions ‘Time: ¥ hoursi/Full Marks 100 (Use separate answer Books far Pare BC and D) PART A [ANATOMY] (25 MARKS) + Wein notes on (any Three): (ed 15) abdtomiinial wall 2% ng Cer yest ok 2 “vide till in the blanks with appropriate answer from the brackets: 25=10) tory CNS) poy a) Laryns is a part of Respireadoniy’ system (Gl. / Respir bi ip joint isa Gotham scexe typeof joint Ball an wet / Hinge / Pivot c) Lacrimal gland isa Setiveuy gland (SulivSty / En@ierine) — extme me. Sup. cna ACNT present an ree ‘Sub-dural / Subsaractinoid | bpflusaly Ceevtey wer i pulsation wis Radic ir (Kuli Gina tt weak It [PHYSIOL OGY] 25 MARKS) about (x 5= 18) ferent parts of Central Nervous System. em a rami of Nephron. &xt ‘ Ove + it andl enzvaves reauited far their digestion BV fo avcignury and secondary sexual organs uf mate and female. ae odaetoe S))sveca. ransport in blood. bse oe © se BO blood groups and mention the basis of their classification? pues (aust Ay s S'S ge a) Lot! REC count in normal adult blood is BIN AL gaqanation: espiration in normal human being is _ i. the enzyme present in saliva Ph ralin2 sere __ tubule of kidney. gaat! b) The rate of Scanned with CamScanner rg pART=C [BIOCHEMISTRY] (25 MARKS) file any tive 31 Functions of Prot by Essential amino acids soenzymes div Polysaccharides } Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) 3) Thiamine deficiency ¢) Biochemical role of Vitamin-A. Pili in the blanks (any five): (3: a) faders andB.cedeta dayne Mt \etone bodies present in urine + by Two disaccharides are _¢ ius ©) Name of the cholesterol fing is __C. D d) Hay’ test is positive for _ ¢) Pellegra occurs in detici Nee £) Conjugated bilirubin increases in cu So gw Cli igundice. PART — D [PHARMACOLOGY] (25 MARKS) i 1. Answer any One of the followi axl b) Mention the drugs used in the treatment of Bronchial ~~ Salbutamol. 2. Fill in the bianks (Any Six): a) Quinine is obtain: p) Antacids in peptic ulcer are given in ¢) Study of mechaniem of drug action is a) Penicillin is obta €) Insulin is 1) Prednisolone is _ 1 Ciprofloxacin is h) Diazepam is __ A cahtielStn mulanty — ~ i) EDTA is (CoagulandAntisoagu Fe a Scanned with CamScanner / ae DMLT/DMRT EXA MIN ATION BOARD, ODISHA EXAMINATION OF JULY, 2014 ANNUAL] QUESTIONS (PAPER-D) ISTRY, PHARMACOLOG ¥ | Time: 3 houry/Full Marks [ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHE! 100 Answer all Questions (Use separate Ansiver Books for Part-A, B.C and Dh REA [ANATOMY] (25 MARKS) vy le ek a (Py to= 1) im pithelial tissue in detail, nt parts of mia ccribe the test wa f 2 any Tw0 of 5-1) Qo a sea dora otvng se, = & (pS rerveryes ob a renal tube My eel oso ar nt pint 1 _ as a ot Neryoue vet fetrehaiesd wounolaay ietHl” ty, SRAM. isa organ of wettest 5 Ereutt bo lagpaores tne bite that is secreted in Lines we) . nt notes on any Five: (3xS= 15) 1: of fiflereut blond ects Blee? 3 of coagulation and ‘rte dow. the wtrnepatias, a foluies and capacities Er% awwesle™ a Parts of stomach and its function, +S a9 'Structisre and function of nephron. (iy etre 7) Name the different endocrine glands and their hor all in the blanks psoerire Sent LH Betenraty) bes Hormone responsible for ovulation 1s_ Dotivieney of Daysect Fey one causes Diabetes Mellitus Enmener atone DYN event tnd pormone is responsible For concent penetay tamrernc tn ch Volume of saliva ig@0Be@ © ml/day (ir ang ey Nota Scanned with CamScanner PART —C [BIOCHEMISTRY [25 VIVRASY anoles on any Fi a+ Disaccharides bb) Primary structure of proteins | _») Fatty acids | ‘al) Factors influencing enzyme activity _8) Deficiencies of Vitamin-A £) Renal funetion tests, ~-@) Functions of calcium. | 2, Choose the correct one from the given options: oe 2) Which of the following cellular organelle ean cause autenliestian © a) Golgi bodies bb) Lysosomes ¢) Microsomes hy Persisamies (ii) All of the following are branched ehitin amine sets eavept | a) Valine Ib 1 cuca | c) Isoleucine dy Threonine | Enzymes which are synthesized in imactive Perm tree tlteat bb) Apo-enzymes d) Procnzymygs (ivy All are useti 8 PP J from cholesterol, except: a) Vitamin-D b) Bile shes :) Bile pigments d) Corusal. (v) General test for proteins: | a) Molisch’s test b) Biuret test | ¢) Benedict's test dy Heys test (vi) The normal fasting plasma slucose fevel 1 | a) 40-60 mgr oo Lita dg c) 120 ~ 150 mgial Mies as (vii) The intracellular cation preset is is ie a) Sodium hi | c) Potassium ws (vill) Megalabl tr detiensn a) Niacin by theming ; ¢) Riboftavin avn Bes (ix) Lron is deficient in: ° a) Cereals b) Maize and c ©) Pulses dj Milk (8) The active form of Vit.D is known as: Sete teel b) Cyelopentano phenanthrene alcitriol 4) Lanosterol Scanned with CamScanner o oe 6 PART —)) [PHARMACOLOGY | (25 MARKS: AR, . 1 Fuerte the first Hine Qmtictubercular drugs.) Mentions Susagrnn vas na reactions of Rifampicin. ° tev dy top Or Wate short notes of all the following: a {a) Cottizine (b) Omeprazole (c} Adrenaline ~~ (d) Ofloxacin ~ 2. Fill in the blanks with most appropriate answer (Answer all uestions): (stk sr a) A.C.T. is used in the treatment of (Malayia/Denawe) e : b) The study of drug excretion is included in (Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacokinctics) ¢).Sulbutamol is used in the treatment of. (Bropehial Asthme/Diabetes Meihitusy ‘ine is used i (Depression — = ‘ic/Antipyretic) —~ hy Insulin is administered by oute (ntradermai/Subeutangousy 7 yy nm Ny Cntradermai/Sugeutaneous) Avid mycin is the preferre tibiotie for __ int ions (Urinary Tract Res al) 43) Onset of drug action is quicker in route (Intran scula k) Pain killer of choice to treat cancer related pain is 1) Dicyelomine is an _ i Antispasmodie/Anti rl Me is used in the treatmentof ___(Hypertension/Diabetes Mellitus: ni} Telmisartan isan _.(Antihyperglycemic/Antihypertensive) —~ 9) Abupine is used iu ihe went of, poisei (Organoarsenic/Organophosphorous) —~ ae were Scanned with CamScanner bo IstE’ MLTIDMRY EXAMINATION BOAR FIRST DALLT. EXAMINATION OF JUNE. 2014 \% PER-1) PRY & PHARMACOL! ye 1 QUESTIONS (PAP PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMIST i 23 Answer all Questions ‘Time: 3 hours’ iF ul (Use separate Ansiver Books for Parted, B.C IANATOMY, PART=A [ANATOMY] (25 MARKS) 1, Answer on any Three: Q-& Mantion the bones of Foot S ‘issue lures of skeletal niscle © id write the Fe joint. oat = fit insertion and function of any one Of} ¢ ox “ © pb Classify the muscle sssue an XY Eri, Name the muscles of arm ain desc 2. Fill in the blank ye8oi va, [tere varctelnal is a cartilagenous joint, >*" tr a sessamoid bene. TS © » pastel ie “ epethet tien vine | The lining epithelium ef skin is_SCLUel Draw a label diagram of synovial i hibe the origin, s the on "Study of cell is known as Cyatohesss _ eal A number of ehror * ‘ke naman cell, CAT | nour body, cee fee rl peat ceralt ‘Superior Venacava open in to ie Merhevon, is the structural & ft gs of the Brain is known as_ mea) ART =B [PHYSIOLOGY] ( 1. Write down the answers of any Five: @© 8) Define Endocrine glands name the glands & hermor jen down the function of blood. 7° pond ( 126 mg% b) FBS = 110 mg { c) FBS > 142 me% 4) FBS > 138 mg (vii) Pellagra occurs in deficiency of a) Thiamin b) RiboNavin Yo) Niacin d) Biotin (vin) At Iso-electric pH Proteins behave as a) Cations b) Anions: ¢) Zwitter-ions \7 4) None of the above (xi) Hemoglobin molecule is example of a) Primary structure of Proteins \/“b) Quaternary structure of Proteins c) Tertiary structure of Proteins ) Secondary structure of Proteins (x) Benedict's Test is done to know \» 8) Reducing Property of Sugars )) Non reducing property of Sugars ¢) General test for Carbohydrates“) Mutarotation Property of Sugars EDMET(AY?-1Q013) iE lore Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner PART ~ C [BIOCHEMISTRY| (25 MARKS) ' |. Write short notes on any Three of the following: Best «04 Classify Proteins according to its function ») Disaccharides ( c) Unsaturated fatty acids d) Physical examination of wine Cunt he ¢), Classification of enzymes Ox 1=10) ‘hoose the correct answer of the following: (i) General test for protein in a) Molisch’s test b) Ninhydrin test ©) Biuret test d) Hellers test (ii) Which of the following is aromatic amino a) Arginine ) Proline ay ne phan (iii) The vitamin that helps in blood clothing, a) Floic acid b) Menaquinones ©) Ascorbie acid 4) Pyridonine (iv) Which test is done in wine to detect ketone bodies a) Benedict’s test b) Benzidine test c) Hays test 4) Rothera’s test (v) The main storage forms of fatty acids are a) Triacylglycerols ) Cardio lipid c) Cholesterol G) Phosphu lipid (vi) According to WHO, which criteria is true for diabetes mellitus a) Fasting blood Sugar > 126 mz% ~b) FBS > 110 me? ©) FBS > 142 me% 8) FBS > 138 ma% ‘~if) Pellagra occurs in deficiency of a) Thiamin b) Riboflavin a aed Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner f PART =D [PHARMACOLOGY (25 MARKS} nswer any One: aoatel at of peptic ulcer. Write a brief note on antacids, & ae OR & er € Enumerate different classes offantimierobial agents) Write briefly about the therapeutic \ —-tises and adverse effects of amoxycillin. : a) Mention the Drugs used in the treatme @sx2t 2. Write Short Notes on any Two: a) Therapeutic uses of adrenaline ) Therapeutic uses of Aspirin c) Therapeutic uses of Heparin ) Moet te Rint goxt=! oN ‘2) Pharmacovigillance By Anxiolytic Divs b) Oral Route SA Doel Anticoagulant < Lactulose / Fa) Suady of adverse reactions ) Terbutaline 4 C/O Spf used in ‘Anaerobic infections ¢) Nitroglycerine, 7X 7p Used in treatment of shock NW f) Ramipril. 0 Laxative g) Warfarin. a) Broncodibator Drug hy Alprazolam” 8) Low Bioavailability \ ( i) Metronidazole ) Anti Anginal Agent qe, j) Dopamine ~~ 1) Anti Hypertensive Agent beg wy enq §F4 sate fete pre - * q=R —_ net Wa 13 é ci 6 Wy A AN © Qe. wy a Px (20! 3) Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner EXAMINATION OF DECEMBE eT. (St QUESTIONS (PAPE] BIOCHEMISTRY, PHARMACOL OG) | ( saweralt Questions — Time: 3 hours/Fwil Marks 1" sor Books tor Bartd, B, Cand D) IANATOMY, PHYSIOI PARA [ANATOMY | (25 MARKS) (8x3=15) stot ae Bar one = ine Seieh thae blanks with appropriate snswer from th apeacrimal gland is 8 gland (Salivary 7 SA. present in pace (Sub-dutal /S E (ww type of joint (Ba finge wrist can be felt on ery (oda system (G1 ReWeators CNS 1 qeyanatent PART _B [PHYSIOLOGY] GS MARKS) 8-15) os 6 Qeonvgen tran ~ Principal ea 21. @ypraw a labe un ys 10) ae Oy pony, 4 Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner PART _C [BIOCHEMISTRY] (25 MARKS) any five: mine deficiency ‘ anctions of Protein, wD \eFBotyunsaturated fatty acids (PUT) sOenzymess CED Polysaccharides >} 1) Biochemical role of ya nA, g) Essential amino acids (Sx2= 10) Fill in the blanks (any five): . 4) Pelegra occurs in deficieney of _ NSCS 1b) Two disaccharides are § petseatfand __futnes c) Name of the cholesterol ring is yl lapeartesneperr jypets ° d) Hay’s test is positive for gts ee Ww win urine Oyphe snartivrens ¢) Conjugated bilirubin increases in n_ and are the ketone bovies prese aeok? acer creid PART _D [PHARMACOLOGY] 25 MARKS) | acetone 1. Answer any One of the following: / x= 10) ‘hat are the different routes of drug administration. Wrige wi brict agest oral counr cl drug administration. @° bb) Mention the drugs used in the treatment of Bronchial Asthma, Wee a note on 7 Salbutamol. 2, Fulln the bianks (Any Six): . a) Penicillin is obtained from __(Fungus/Animals)-“ 6) Antacids in peptic ulcer are given in route (Oval / Parenteal) s obtained from source (Pi Aninnat) “3 Quinin okEiproftosasings ws in (Typhoid/Makaria) - Lo action is___{Phanmacokineties/Pharmacexlynan Sp Study of mechaniem of dn _spAisulinis___Antiote/Ansiinbatic drug) (2eGiaramtibitic . Gegagee/Stimulayy, eXPrednisolone if 7h) Diazepam is _ i) EDTA is _____ (Coagulans icoagulant) eee PpMLY/S2015 Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner FIRST. My Z EXAMINATION OF APRI, 2012 ESTIONS (PAPER-1) (ANATOMY, ruysionoGy, BIOCHEMISTRY," PHARMAGOTO Answer all Questions ‘Paws: 3 woweal full Sul (Use separate Answer Books for Part-A, B, C and D) \ wy PART -A [ANATOMY] (25 MARKS) 1, Write short notes on (any Three) with drawing wherever necessary img Cell js - By Movements at joints fF! pint © erinanent teeth $F sigentioy ) Spinni Cond WCE es — «Stomach Vig “heen 2. Fill n the blanks with aorroprine sy an ~gbStudy of bone'is known as _ PA. slag pDuctless gland is called ita - ©) Haversian canal contains AOAVEA » LL0% Lymphak oy 4) Vertebral column is made of _ 2 hnumber of vertebrae. ¢-\ Lone $ °) nunnber of Tarsal bories present in the foot. EH ‘one is an example of. point cis supplied by || ‘ulery (Cooney ) ‘y ‘Uterine artery is a branch of {1 =: orayi( Sakeract PLLeec f eye ball is oe rsd, JS Lunther pungture is done-at © inter-vertebral level . 7 {ue pure dglg —— sot PART= m SIOLOGH] 25 MARKS) . ir she 1. Write host notes any three: nase deer 1) Hssential fatty acid and its elinical significance, ake Write the functions of pron, classify carbohydrates Wit woweynins ©) Deticieney manifestation of VILA 6. 2. Fill in the blanks: wt a) Fomcctod@isa non-reducmg sugar. ~~ 7 is the general test for carbohydr agar ean be detected by Benegbic | ily requirement of protein is) Finn | 2 P31 mucopolysteebari si “g) Ninn defitency causes 1) Steriod hormones are derived from form of enrbohydrate ‘anaemia occurs in del (i x10=10) 3) Macrocyt LOMursrry20n2 Coy cx cere e Eb) ponctect (eC) panedcrt A) 1M PET KGB loockrs coe TAL Cg) Heparcne Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner a 4 } yo pagr = € [BIOCUEMISTRYT (25 MARKS) os i wsefie5 1, eine sham notee on nny thee \ 4 4 ay Clussily eurbuliydrates with exanple t i Write the funtions OF proteins i ¢) Essential fatty acid and its clinical significance. } , d) Deficiency manifestation of Vit A 1 ¢) Isoenzymes. “tat av 2. Fill in the blanks: Load 9 # : ‘a) Dily requirement of protein is 1gm Pockd beach a jor earvonydrates. ponaolvet ok ®) is the goncral test G Urine sugar can be detected by Renedtss teat d)______ ww anon-reducing suger pucrose vit-D f) Rickets is dust defivianey af fg) Nincin deficiency causes . 1) Steriod hormon¢s are derived from i) Storage.form of carbohydrate in animal is oly is in deficiency of Kobe acid PAR! =D [PHARMACOLOGY] 2S MARKS) 3) Macrocyti¢ anaemia oc (ax3e1 1. Write short nutes Oany Four Aspirin 4 amaciés ¢. Ciprofloxacin _gJniravenvus route ——/ ‘e. Chloroquine «2, Choose the correct answer and fil in the blan} (3xtet \. _syergeonazone is 0 _ (Antifuky 2 by Meionidazaleris used in the reatment of - ‘) Omeprazole Is & (ah 3 ‘d) Amoldipine is used as an _(Amiibiotio# Ay eames gy AFemisinin compound is used «the weatment of WAatianginsl) {) Unwanted effect ofa drug isco cdl ___.__ (Thgrapeu JAdverds drug etfext _prQulakes onset of deg stion iy ~ route (OraVininteenous) “> ‘h) Major organ for drug metabolist is {Skin/ LDS} 1) Rifampin is used in the reatmes of (Tubelgtlosis/Peptic wi jMalbutamel is used in the trestmen of Gyperte ’) Ondansetron is _ _ (Antigimetic/A ntileprotic) oa al) firanch ef pharmacology thet coals with mechanism of drugs action Is (Pharmaodynamies/Phanmacoki Kimenses Sebband Cokenta + Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner wee A> puri Pisiley TL wou paroioas auow Jrora WOW > Sea AW 8 “yay how : power » fran Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ser} (ol=Sx7) v2 ST SST push “4 ‘9[eWW3y pz 9[BU yo suvBIO Yer (st=sve) (SwRuvIN $2) = : a DMLT/DMIRT EXAMINATION BOAREE OME IRS D.M.UAL. EXAMINA HON OF OC LOBE! SEPEL) 12 QUESTIONS (PAPER-1t | [ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY & PHARMAC OLOGs Ansiver all Questions — ‘Time: Shaursifbull Sharks st Hse sepunare bswer vas tar Paated BC cand E PART ~A [ANATOMY] (25 MARIS) 1 Answer any Three: ase 13i Bran a labeled diagram of Eye Ball Hieg. APE Iession the different pas oF urinary system an leg a labeled! diagno ve ules APP BrCiossity the muscles and describe the feature of amy one HF ay) SPeseiibe the stages of mitosis, ® og isi eres anl ptan ene rls) ne ill in the blanks: (Gav2=10) 2) QAI fairs ofspinat nerves only &) opis ~ OA MAES. Nos. of chromosomes present i human sperma g ano beng i) Filbors a meee EO ania cores. LSE = sur ahvig sven al Daneel pee _ is the 2 cranial nerve imple of Hanne om: PARI ESTOOGS [125 EVES 1, Weie briefly on any Five tetas) Qos Cetts and their tancton tion of stomach @) Hormones secreted by ) FEyilptis 1 y ~ (Gout / Diabelgs Mafitus) | 5) Rofamprcin is used in the treatment of Ss syle Aeectst) o )Hsonazote ws an “us (Antigagal7 iN 4) Br Artesunate is an deus (Antileprotic / Antimalarial) | 3 3 i[ a | iD) “ . \ BOMLT? [renee A i Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner \ prion aghatte DMiL.T/DMRT EXAMINATION BOARD, ORISS\ 1s a FIRST D.M.L.T, EXAMINATION OF JANUARY, 2011 (ANNUAL) 4 QUESTIONS (PAPER-1) ? [ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY, PHARMACOLOGY] ; Answer all Questions Time: 3 hours//Full Marks ~ 100 i (Use separate Answer Books fur Part, B, Cand D) PART ~ A [ANATOMY] (25 MARKS) 1 LE in Shor notes on (any five): Gx5=15)4 Describe the morphology of a lymph node. —y 2.0098" j raw a labeled diagram of Nephron. — 004 |) Draw a labeled diagram of @ human cell, 72009 eo. ak ‘Name the different parts of Central Nervous System, - AT {+ 1 | Sa) Classify joints and give examples. -aoeq ec lame the components of eiveulatury systcin and draw a labeled digg snowing all the (el Hes i bers of heust, 206) MH -—O fin the blanks (any five) Qx5= pace? Epos iso_athy seco 1p ol vine Hewat -iyedlatfta Si. separaes thorseie cavity from abdominalavity, OCC P77IOTA » } ©} The outer covering of bone és 4) Total number of cervical spinal nerves in human i ®) ghamyaq_counon passage for Respiratory and Elementary tract. (1) % Spermatozoa sre produced in _stmaysjozs tebedvine 2% PARE. B [PHYSIOLOGY] 25 MARKS)’ } [L-Afawer any five @xs= 1s) Jo eS e the cells found in blood and describe their morphology with diagrams. #7” au °° Ty das yented lame the different blood groups of the ABO and Rh systems. “tx9" VG ~eDescribe the function of glomerul j | Lo SBNewe the endocrine glands of the body. Name and hormones secreted by thyroid, i | ON ‘Name the secondary sexual characters in male and female. i ae the functions of stomach. [pti fil in the blanks (any live): Qx5=1) 4 & Dig | Bnsulin is secreted from be gland. . 'b) Deficiency of vitamin, fe causes night blindness, \ (blood cell) take part in clotting. Frsreino fen pate let 2) Hemophilia is clue to deficiency of factor. so)Nommal WBC count is_Zoce to _fyeea‘cumm of blood, 0) “Absorption takes place in e ionirie.t Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner C [BIOCHEMISTRY] (25 MARKS) i! * 1 aiswer any 1: Gxsa| | % t ketone Codies 19 urine: ay Name ie xelor es, Describe the wat usedl to det b)Benediet’s tes: Classify enzymes. { DName the fat soluble vitamins. Describe the function of Vit.D, | ¢)Jaundice. \\ FClassificution of carbohydrates. i <2 FAM in the blanks (any five) , dace 2) ATP issyrhesized in aeteandty MidOC han “. by Acidsere croton te... Bomar Acveptor) By ae ©) Megaiot is va o 4) Blood 5 aw ©) Protein is synthesized | a 1) Hoe cholesterol is yood for heurt (OL / LDL) g \ lure (Cardiac / Rial e/Lysosome) PART. D [PHARMACOLOGY] (25 MATCKS) & AsAnswer any Two: @x5=il lassify routes of (lrug adm ina ‘Administration wi eX: By Name the drugs used in the rete of pepiic leet.) Wi rite in by verse effects of Penici 1) Write & nore ow Inwavenous route of ins. | Q4s6=8 (cna is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma (Sulbuare! ! Heresy | in/Metronidazoie) °) Drags that will microbes and are used in non-living objects are called _-ytsamé etseu (Antiseptivs / Germicidals) f) Albandazole is wai) obenpaunde drug (As stiheln ihiefamin Benensive) is ) Atropine is Posse fig, (Antibacterial Pz Parasympizbolytic) ey, Aspirin hus effect, Sei a> decades (Anulgesic / Antibiotie)™ fF brung odmennadio ——— Scanned by CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Sot pun 1), ORISSA "y & DMLTMRT EXAMINATION BOAR —gunssrions FEAEF a arta HOM, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY: JananmacoLosy! seer att Questions Tage: a ouegmeal MATES” row 1 a“ (ise separate Anse beaks orl vied BAC and D) {pau A [ANATOMY] (25 MARKS) short notes on (any thice} if and socket joints —— SySionaeh v Sppioion ues 1 — J ease fy Broin ster Xs \ alah Tock Covety body LQ Haye rien presenti te hs ea 13 goon isa _ yt binge type of syne init Fee pe bench gen agri 7 RE SN bch ‘present in the wrist a S & 1a Write sort te BE horen the *Syyrrfie down the ng volunies and cay 7 Write down the constituents oF fase} the functions of kidney yormanes seereied from Voth + condition when Wes ad aheln mophetoa: paeities with theie normal values ice with their functions dows iy pland vant. and post. pitti hypersecretion of geal normene ves ass Py wre down te) Fr Write down the ware oft Haare etosure of epiphysis 20% res daring penta boys ad sR, oe a) Uy, Tene to eo fini 2) Write down tie eh? vriie down the P tie owen te Hot Fin tue blanks monat control of mreAstcualG l 10) say Five sorts dite 1 withdrawal of hormone i fat aredeveloped gaint 2 calle canvce! of nwinsic op Menstrnation anemia antoanliDogies 7 Jn pernicious factor Lites Sy sone EGE? PRPRES PRSOLENR ‘juve present in sal gil mmucous ch discolouration of ski -epline ergtinty Zayreantdnce isa einieal ny” where yellows Oe ee ng HN SY eerie evet mare han 9 2F2 iQ ER nvonin Vee ! Ay invoxin V enty Okey onevtan Hiraion 1165 riretion cases cate WSEAS. nse oP kt noarestsuy) 1004 Scanned with CamScanner [rape inte CHEMISTRY] (2 1 Angwerany tive suede se setae als Daserby the W348 10 FEE! be ates ve BH) lene dict teil 6) Ulavaly eneymes : “Banc he anti ssntias sib the Function of Vit 1 “Shaiindice “-f) Chossifieation of earbohydrates in the blanks (any five) wqedschegafreda Pre rsyntesedin IN ; 0... (Dost6r4 eceptor) Pree | waacntia ig due to se deficieney of vitamnin_ : - | . tailyre (Cardiae / er | D MARMACOLOGY} (2 } |! J. Answer any One — - af 1) What are antimievobial agents. What are the uses and side eff wlyeosiag AAItat are the different routes of dag administration? Write a brief note on the adved 4 Sul disadvantages of intravenous route { 2 Jie vias choos apropnate answer (ay Sis 4 _petiGin is given by = | ANd dose asp as : 2) ibstamol is used inthe teat! of _ 1 PLO sytocin fs secreted om \ a ~ ")aThipentone sodium is used in (Local angesti : / 1) Phetiftoin is used in the treatment of chines, a ~ , \ Spr Ntioalycerine is used in the érastment of __ (Angie 1 ae . —_— i wGmeprazole isa client ' . DAfoiinzid iva drug (anid i : ae ) . “esome ie ustinie weamen at 1 # ~ \ | } | fee ran rest 109+ be Es Scanned with CamScanner DMLT/DMRT EXAMINATION BOARD, ORISSA ERsT. T. EXAMINATION OF SEPTEMI! . QUESTIONS (PAPER-I) ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY, PHARMACOLOGY} : Answer all Questions —‘Vime: Xhouryi(Full Marks 100 (Use separate Answer Books for Part-A, B,C and DJ" mee PART ~A [ANATOMY] (25 MARKS) Write short notes on (any five): : (Bx5= 15) A) Drgw a labeled diagram of a human cell. 7 4 Spine the components of circulatory system and draw a labeled diagram showing all ne / ‘chaynbers of heart, . . “ oon scribe the morphology of a lymph node, - . Oxane the different parts of Central Nervous System. 6) . 4) Classify joints and give examples, Wo Fi raw a labeled diagram of Nephron. ‘ 2.Fillin the blanks (any five) Qx3 + e te = pene nel py The outer covering of bone is called as *), yp PEOPLNOOME conarates thoracic cavity cavity ALEAPMRLAY ap ety r a a gepthow joing iss HEMEL syrectjoing MOS ; | _d) Fotal number of cervieal spinal nerve is_B pain. ny = Spetbacomnn passage for Respirntory and Elementary tract en : 3 i ' * Sot ¢ €3 “D Spermatozoa are produced in_seePtret Fores dnbules °F ; Nestea PART-B [PHYSIOLOG Y| (25 MARKS) i 1. Answer any five: Gx5=15) Name the cells found in blood and describe their morphology with diagrams Name the different blood groups of the ABO and Rh systems, e : ibe the function of glomerulus. ~ / ; wi Nan the endocrine glands of the body. Name and hormtones secreted by thyroid. ~ A Name the secondary sexual characters in male and female. —

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