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1. Making sure leamers hear your instructions and know its time to listen to you or another member of the class Getting Students’ attention 2. Telling students how to do a task Giving Instructions 3. Speaking so that students can understand. This involves using clear, simple and concise language Grading your language 4. Doing an example of the task with the group to show them haw to doit Demonstration 5. Asking a question to make sure leamers understand the task. E.g, 'Do you work alone or in pairs?Asking ICQs 6. Visiting BO rooms and watchingfistening to learners as they work, gathering information about how well they are doing the task, how much time they need and helping them where necesseryMM onitoring 7. Different ways of grouping leamers: T-SS (Leacher-centred stages), S-S (palrwork, groupwork, mingling), tnd. (Individual work) interaction patterns 8. Keeping some leamers busy if they fnish the task quickly Engaging fast finishers 9, Leamers working together in pairs to compare their answers before going over the answers as a class Paircheck 10.Getting or giving the answers to @ task and going over any problem areas with the whole group Feedback 11, Getting information from learners rather than providing it for them Elliciting ‘2.indicating which learner should answer a question using the leamer’s name Nominating 1. Making sure leamers hear your instructions and know it's time to listen to you or another member of the Getting Students’ attention class. 2, Teling students how todo atask Giving Instructions 3. Speaking so that students can understand. This involves using clear, simple and concise language Grading your language 4, Doing an example ofthe task with the group to show them how to doit Demonstration 5, Asking a question to make sure leamers understand the task. E.g.'Do you work alone or in pais Asking ICQs 6. Visting BO rooms and watchingfistenin to learers as they work, gathering information about OW yt well they are doing the task, how much time they need and helping them where necessary lonitoring 7. Different ways of grouping leamers: -SS (leacher-centred stages), S-S(palnwork, groupwork, mingling) interaction patterns Ind, (individual wor) 8. Keeping some learners busy if they finish the task quickly Engaging fast finishers 9, Leamers working together in pairs to compare their answers before going over the answers as aclass_ Paircheck 10.Getting or giving the answers to a task and going over any problem areas with the whole group Feedback 11. Goting information fom learers rather than providing itfor them Elliciting ‘2.nclcating which learner should answer a question using the leamer'sname Nominating 4, Making sure learners hear your instructions ane tg ister 10 you or anther member of the attention 2, Telling students how to do a task Giving Instructions Grading your language 3. Speaking so that students can understand. This involves using clear, simple and concise language 4. Doing an example ofthe task with the group to show them how to doit, Demonstration 5. Asking a question to make sure leamers understand the task, E.g, ‘Do you work alone or in pairs?” Asking ICQs 6. Visiting BO rooms and watchingfistening to learners as they work, gathering information about how wel hey are doing the tsk, how much time they need and helping them where necessary Nignitoring 7. Different ways of grouping leamers: T-SS (teacher-centred stages), S-S (pairwork, groupwork, mingling) Ind. (individual work) Interaction patterns 8. Keeping some leamers busy ithe finish the task quicKl,aaging fast finishers 9, Leamers working together in pairs to compare their answers before going over the answers as aclass. Paircheck 10.Getting or giving the answers to @ task and going over any problem areas with the whole group Feedback 11, Getting information from learners rather than providing it for them ELliciting ‘2.nclcating which learner should answer a question using the leamer's name Nominating 1. Making sure leamers hear your instructions and know it’s time to listen to you or another member of the class. Getting Students’ attention 2. Telling students how to do a task Giving Instructions Grading your language 3. Speaking so that students can understand. This involves using clear, simple and concise fanguage 4. Doing an example ofthe task with the group to show them how to doiDemonstration 5. Asking a question to make sure leamers understand the task. E.9, ‘Do you werk alone or in pairs Asking ICQs 6. Visiting BO rooms and watchingfistening to learners as they work, gathering information about how wall they are doing the task, how much time they need and helping them where necessary Monitoring 7. Different ways of grouping leamers: T-SS (teacher-centred stages), S-S (pairwork, groupwork, mingling), Ind, (individual work) Interaction patterns £8. Keeping some learners busy i they irish the task quickly Engaging fast finishers 9. Leamers working together in pairs to compare their answers before going over the answers as a class Paircheck 10.Geittng oF giving the answers to a task and going over any problem areas withthe whole group Feedback 11. Getting information from learners rather than providing itfor them Eljciting 12.Indicating which leamer should answer a question using the eamer's name Nominating 1. Making sure learners hear your instructions and know it's time to listen to you or another member of the class. 2, Teling students how to do a task 3. Speaking so that students can understand. This involves using clear, simple and concise language 4. Doing an example o the task withthe group to shew them how to doit 5. Asking a question to make sure leamers understand the task. E.g. ‘Do you work alone or in pairs?” 6. Visiting BO rooms and watchingfistening to learners as they work, gathering information about how well they are doing the task, how much time they need and helping them where necessary 7. Different ways of grouping leamers: T-SS (teacher-centred stages), S-S (pairwork, groupwork, mingling) Ind. (individual work) 8. Keoping some learners busy ithey finish the task quickly 9. Leamers working together in pars to compare their answers before going over the answers as a class, 10.Getting or giving the answers to a task and going over any problem areas with the whole group 11, Getting information from learners rather than providing it for them 12.Indicating which learner should answer a question using the leamer’s name Eliciting Nominating Engaging fast finishers Interaction patterns Paircheck Getting Students’ attention Monitoring Asking ICQs Demonstration Giving Instructions Feedback Grading your language 1. Making sure learners hear your instructions and know it's time to listen to you or another member of the class. 2, Teling students how to do a task 3. Speaking so that students can understand. This involves using clear, simple and concise language 4. Doing an example o the task withthe group to shew them how to doit 5. Asking a question to make sure leamers understand the task. E.g. ‘Do you work alone or in pairs?” 6. Visiting BO rooms and watchingfistening to learners as they work, gathering information about how well they are doing the task, how much time they need and helping them where necessary 7. Different ways of grouping leamers: T-SS (teacher-centred stages), S-S (pairwork, groupwork, mingling) Ind. (individual work) 8. Keoping some learners busy ithey finish the task quickly 9. Leamers working together in pars to compare their answers before going over the answers as a class, 10.Getting or giving the answers to a task and going over any problem areas with the whole group 11, Getting information from learners rather than providing it for them 12.Indicating which learner should answer a question using the leamer’s name Eliciting Nominating Engaging fast finishers Interaction patterns Paircheck Getting Students’ attention Monitoring Asking ICQs Demonstration Giving Instructions Feedback Grading your language

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