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how to install the drivers

The first this that should pop up is the little bubble on the bottom right on the

Then once you click the bubble it will prompt you with a selection asking you if you
would like to have windows look for the drivers you want to click " no not as this

With this next selection windows wizard will ask you if u want to them to
automaticly want then to install them(which you dont) you want to click the bottom

now at this point you are going to be asked to locate the folder that you have
installed(unpacked) the driver into
After the you are finished and this is the last screen from the wizard you will see if
u have done it all right

Now to top it all off on the bottom right of the screen where it all started there will
be a bubble that pops up saying "found new hardware your new hardware is
installed and ready to use"
Tired of the stock wallpapers and ringtones that came with your Moto?? Cant delete
them from your phone?? No problem! The following guide will walk you through
deleting locked files on your mobile phone.

What you need:

Data cable


1. Connect phone to computer using data cable

2. Open p2kman and wait till phone shows connected in the bottom left hand corner
of the screen

3. Click on the update list button

4. Open up the /a/ directory by click on the + symbol beside it

5. To delete the stock pictures access the following directory /a/mobile/pictures

6. The following files are safe to delete:

All EMS and wv_emoticon files
Higher Plane.jpg

7. Next to delete stock ringtones access the /a/mobile/audio directory

8. The following files are safe to delete:

Delete everything except:

funlight.pat (this will only be in the folder if u have ringlight/clublights)
AlertFile107.bas = Spooky (to keep motomixer working)

**Leave Start~up.mp3 & Power~down.mp3 if you want startup and

shutdown sounds

9. If you are just wanted to delete the stock ringtones and pictures then click on
the restart phone button. If you want to delete some more files to increase memory
a list of safe files to remove are below
And you may Delete the following Videos
Directory they can be found in /a/mobile/video
Delete Everything

You may also delete these templates

Delete Everything

You may also delete these skins

/a/mobile/skins/Scarlet (If you want max space and dont care about skins)
Delete everything

[/i]a/mobile/skins/Silver (If you want max space and dont care about skins)[/i]
Delete everything


Delete these:
DL_DB_INET_RECORDS - Gets rid of provider shop links
Scarlet.tcf - Icon for scarlet theme
Silver.tcf - Icon for silver theme
ss_scarlet_176x220~~ - more theme/skin graphics
Silver Skin Wallpaper 176x2~~
Silver Screen Saver 176x2~~
custgoodbye.gif-deletes the shutdown animation
custwakeup.gif-deletes the startup animation
moto.tcf - deletes Moto listed in your themes list

If you have issues accessing the ringstyles menu after delete the audio files just
follow this guide:

Now restart the phone and all your files will be gone.

You will need to upload mp3's through Mobile Phone Tools and select one as a
ringer, now you can go back into your ring style details and set up all your sounds.
Again be careful deleting with p2k as you could mess up your phone if you do it
Download Skin Manager0.31


Download Skin Manager 0.32


Download Skin Manager 3G version

now all you have to do is unzip the .rar file into the folder of your choice.

Once you have done that start the program up and let the program load the list of

Then all you have to do is click the install button and it will bring up a screen.

Also when the screen pops up you do not have to click on any of the boxes. * if you
do it your choice*

Then locate the .ski file that you wish to install and double click on it.
Then let the program install the skin and once done close the program

Then restart your phone and you will set

Motorola Guide
RAZR V3, V180, V220, V300, V400, V500, V525, V551,

Requirements to UPLOAD is a USB Cable that can be purchased almost everywhere,

especially on eBay. *Avoid the FUTUREDIAL Cable, it is not compatible with the
methods in this guide*

*IF THE PST Program or the MIDWAY program has problems PLEASE CHECK

* IF PST does NOT WORK, PLEASE download something called P2K Drivers from, place these folders somewhere, then when installing drivers for the
USB cable or when it asks you for drivers, point it over to that FOLDER.*


Please visit for more help. That site will guide you on how to get
the P2K Drivers to work if your phone seems to NOT BE CONNECTED and other
similar problems.

Ringtones and Wallpapers via USB CABLE

Software Needed:
Mobile Phone Tools 2.16 +

Software will detect the Phone on Com 3 or 4 (try them all to see which works)
This software is pretty straight forward and you can easily access the phone and go
through Multimedia Studio Option and it is basically just click and drag to the Audio or
Picture Folder.
Games via USB CABLE
Software Needed:
PST 6.7
Midway 2.8
JAD Generator

There are 2 steps needed for this.

1) Enable JAVA APP LOADER in the Java menu (PST 6.7)
2) Midway to upload the game to phone
PST 6.7 (used to enable Java APP loader menu)
1. download PST 6.7+ and load up the program with the phone already plugged in via
USB cable.

2. Select NEW, then KJava Files

3. Click READ FROMPHONE (picture of a arrow POINTING AWAY from the phone)
4. Now that box should have the"Enable/Disable Java APP menu", CLICK ENABLE!!
5. It should bring up a message stating it will be putting it into suspend mode, and then
say "Changing JAVA APP MENU ITEM"

Finished, now check YOUR PHONE, in SETTINGS > JAVA SETTINGS and see if you
now have the JAVA APP LOADER in your Java menu.

MIDWAY 2.8(used to upload games)

1. Go to the NEW Java App Loader in your java menu and select it, It should SAY
2. Insert Data cable
3. Open up MIDWAY, Find correct COM PORT
4. Find the game's .JAD file
5. If everything went well you could then press "SEND JAD", then it send its to your

6. Now look at your phone, and it should say, download, download it and if everything
went well it will install.

(Games come in .JAR format, and sometimes comes with accompanied .JAD file. What
a .JAD file is basically a URL file to tell where the game is located. You can open any
.JAD file with NOTEPAD to edit. MY SUGGESTION is to get a program called JAD
Uploading Ringtones And Wallpapers VIA BLUETOOTH
How to upload ringtones and wallpapers via wap (no cable necessary)
1. Open Mp3 with program like Audicity/Mp3 Cutter or equivalent program
2. Cut Mp3 to 30 seconds or less (must be under 300KB also)
3. Save modified Mp3 to PC
4. Go to and click on "Click here to upload your files now
5. Click on the Browse button and locate cropped Mp3 and then click on the upload
6. You are then given an Item Code
7. Go to on your cell phone
8. Enter the item code and save the tone to your phone

**Data charges may apply for some providers**

Adding a Color style: '''(you can only add 1)'''

1. Download the 0032_0001 seem with p2kman, open it up with moto-tool and
check this box:

2. Save in moto-tool, reupload with p2kman. Now upload your custom spcolor to
'''a/mobile/system''', set the attribute to 4, click restart, and you color scheme is
now enabled.

3. '''Go to Settings> Personalize> Color Style> hit SELECT> scroll to the color stlye
you made and hit SELECT.'''

Custom outside text while the flip is opened:

With Pk2tools connect the phone to the cales and click the (connect) botton next to
the switch Mode botton. at the bottom of the screen it should say conected and
next to it there is a (Red) circle it should now be (Green).

1. Click tools at the top of the screen and go to External LCD.

2. Click (Get) to show your current text.

3. Type in your text only 15 letters, numbers, and symbols (@#$%!&)

4. Now click on the (Set) to set it up in your phone.

5. Done!!

Now hit the restart botton at the top afer you phone restarts disconect it, open the
flip, your new text that you have done will be applied.

This guide should work for any Motorola Vxxx series phone such as V300, V400,
V525, V600, etc. You will need a data cable for this, preferably USB but serial
should work. You cannot use bluetooth on a V600 to do this, you do need the data

Software you'll need

• A hex editor, such as freeware HHD Hex Editor:
• P2KMan software for accessing the files on your phone:
• If you want a manual for P2KMan, here it is:
(P2KMan's normal help files are in Russian so they won't be of use.)

Do not connect the data cable yet.
Install HHD Hex Editor first; it's easy to install.
Next, install P2KMan. It doesn't have an installer so you'll need to extract the zip
file to somewhere, such as in it's own folder in My Documents.
Now connect the data cable to your phone and then to your computer. It should
install drivers and come up with the "Found New Hardware Wizard" for some of
them. If the wizard doesn't come up, you will need to go to where P2KMan was
unzipped and run the P2KMan executable. It will then start the wizard. Ignore any
errors P2KMan might give you at this point, and close P2KMan. When it does come
up with the wizard, choose "Install from a list or specific location" and click Next.
Then make sure "Include this location in the search" is checked and click the
Browse button. Navigate to the folder where P2KMan is and select the "drv" folder
there. That's where the needed drivers are. It will probably come up quite a few
times with the Found New Hardware Wizard; if so, just repeat the process to point
it to the correct drivers.

Modifying the file

Ok, now you should be able to run P2KMan, so browse to it's location and run the
executable for it again.
A long list of files should come up in the list to the upper left in the P2KMan
window. This is the list of every file on the phone.
Now then, to download the file from the phone which needs to be edited. Click the
"File" column header at the top of the file list twice to have it sort the files. There
should then be a triangle pointing upwards on the "File" column header to indicate
the files are sorted in ascending alphabetical order. If the triangle is pointing down,
just click it again.
The file you are looking for is "/a/gain_table.bin" which should be about 4-5 pages
down with the files sorted the way they are. Once you've found it in the list, click it
to select it. Then click the "Phone >>> PC" button which is to the bottom left. It
should then pop up a "Save As" window. Go ahead and save the file anywhere you
Next, to be on the safe side, make a backup copy of the "gain_table.bin" file.
Always a good idea. Really, back it up before modifying it in case something goes
Ok, now run the hex editor and open the "gain_table.bin" file with it. In the split
window, you only will be modifying data in the left side (which looks like "00 00 00
ff ff"). The right side with "...yyyy" and such is to be left alone.
Read the last part of this document for where in the file to edit for all the different
volumes; I'll stick with just the earpiece volume here.
Try clicking on something in the left side. It should highlight in black and blink. Now
look to the very bottom center of the hex editor window. It should say something
like "Offset: 00000008 of 000003e8" which tells you the Offset of that place in the
file. For the above example the offset would be 08.
Now then, find the hex Offset location 0D. It should be the third column over from
the right side at the very top, and should be "01" by default. That's the earpiece
volume level, which can range from 1-8 and is 1 by default. Change that value to
"06" or so. Just select the "1" and type "6" in. The 6 will show up red to indicate
you've changed it. Now save the file using File->Save in the top menu.
You're done there, now close the hex editor.
If P2KMan is no longer running, start it back up. Now in P2KMan look to the bottom
where it says "Uploading path:" and click in the box. Type in "/a/" (without the
quotes of course) for the upload path. Be sure to do this correctly or it won't work.
With the upload path now set to /a/, click the "PC >>> Phone" button. In the Open
window that pops up, navigate to your now modified gain_table.bin file and choose
it. Now in the main P2Kman window if you look to the text box on the right you
should see "File upload... /a/gain_table.bin ok" in the text there indicating the file
was loaded back to your phone. Almost done.
Now, close P2KMan, unplug the data cable, and do a complete power down and
restart of your phone. This of course is done by holding the red End key in for a
couple of seconds, which is also how you power the phone back up. This has to be
done to refresh the file, and the change won’t take effect until a power cycle has
been done.

That's it! Call somebody to test it out and enjoy the new volume!

Offset locations in gain_table.bin for various volumes:

Earpiece- 0D
Inner key volume- 19
In-Call Speakerphone- 31
Ringtone/Video volume- 49
Soft keys volume- 4E
Each of these volume settings can vary between 1-8. Do not use a value outside
that range.
This guide was made using info on from various people, who I
heartily thank for discovering this hack. If you are interested in further hacking
values in your phone and such, or any other advanced operations on your phone,
HowardForums is the place to go. A real treasure trove of info for various mobile

For more mundane phone questions and tips, here is another great forum for V400

If you have another Vxxx series phone, you can jump to it’s forum using the input
box at the top of the page.

Change Startup and Powerdown Image and Sounds

Change Startup and Powerdown Image and Sounds
Use Motokit to change the Startup and Powerdown image and sounds.
Run Motokit and select Startup & Powerdown Style from the Mobile menu. It will
take a few seconds to read from the phone:

Select StartupGif and PowerdownGIF boxes and locate the files on your
computer by clicking the ... boxes. Do the same for Startup and
Powerdown Tone if you want to change those as well. In the example
below they are left as the default. Select OK and restart your phone.
How to delete stock ringers/wallpapers for Vxxx series
Files Not to delete



Don't delete the above because they're the animated icons in the main
I got more than 7200kbs after deleting some locked MM files

Here's how it's done properly without messing up phone

the Moto theme is useless, so you can delete it from themes in the phone

Do not set up any wallpaper or screensaver display

Next you need:


then open the P2kman & connect data cable your phone,

1. click update list when connected, under /a/mobile/audio

You can delete all files
funlight.pat ,AlertFile107.bas <--- Spooky files, as we know these files are
important for ring lights and MotoMixer

2./a/mobile/mms/mmstemplate, delete all these files if you wish, but I

prefer keep one if I needed to use one. ( Keep Smallest File )

3./a/mobile/picture, again delete all pictures if you wish.

4./a/mobile/video/, delete all videos if you wish

5.Disconnect the data cable and restart your phone, do a master clear just
to make sure everything is in right order

P2kman Installation
Common Uses:

1. Explore system files on your mobile phone

2. Delete system files
3. Download seems from your phone to your PC
4. Change file attributes
5. Upload/download files from your phone


1. Make sure NO other phone programs are running in the background. Download
and extract to your computer.

2. Make sure your data cable is plugged into a USB port on your PC, then insert the
other end of the data cable into your mobile phone

3. Wait 15-45 seconds, a “Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard” should
now appear for the installation of the USB driver. (This step can be skipped if you
have installed MPT already)

4. Choose to do an advanced search the choose the browse option to show you PC
where to look for the appropriate driver. (Make sure you check the box “include this
location in the search”)

5. Choose the drv folder with the p2kman folder for the location of the usb driver

6. Next you have to install the 7 p2k drivers following the same steps listed above
when the “Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard” prompts you to install
each driver.

-Accessories Interface
-Communications Class - Communications Interface
-Communications Class - Data Interface
-USB Audio Device
-Data Logging DSP Interface
-Data Logging MCU Interface
-Test Command Interface

7. For each of the above devices, choose the P2k.sys driver in the drv folder

8. You should now be able to connect your phone to p2kman

Mobile Phone Tools Installation

Common Uses:

1. Sync/backup/restore calendar
2. Sync/backup/restore contacts
3. File transfer between PC and mobile phone (ringtones, wallpapers, screensavers,
4. Sending text messages/email
5. Connecting to the internet with your phone as a modem


1. Insert Mobile Phone Tools CD into your computers CD-ROM drive, the software
should auto run however if it doesn’t click on the setup.exe

2. Next choose your language, then agree to the software license terms and

3. To enter the installation wizard for MPT you now need to click on Install Mobile
Phone Tools

4. Choose the next button and then agree to the terms of the BVRP license

5. Next screen should be registration, enter your name and the company you work
for and press the next button

6. Now you should be on the select type installation screen, I recommend choosing
the complete option and the press next. Then press next again to start installation
of the Mobile Phone Tools files.
7. Now setup is complete, if you like check the add a shortcut box and press the
finish button.

Setting up a profile/driver installation:

1. After installation or when you first run MPT the choose a profile screen should
appear, press the new button and enter a name for the profile. This can be named
to anything that you like.
2. The next screen give you 3 options for connecting your phone to your PC: USB
cable, Bluetooth or IR. Make sure that your data cable is plugged in a USB port on
your computer then connect the other end to your cell phone.
3. The driver installation to begin automatically soon as you connect your phone to
your data cable.
4. After the driver installation is complete Mobile Phone Tools should automatically
start up.
5. You are now finished installing Mobile Phone Tools and phone drivers

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