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AcademicYear 2023-2024

Subject: Science Date: 11/01/24

Grade: 4

Holiday Homework: FA4 syllabus

1. Write the question and answers in your science notebook. (Continue from
where you left).
2. After writing you need to learn them.
3. Write very neatly, correctly on the line as instructed in the classroom.
4. If the handwriting is not up to the mark you will asked to rewrite.
5. Try to write on your own as all the answers are discussed in class.

Answer the following questions:

1. Write two differences between taproot and fibrous roots.

2. Write two adaptations of mountain plants.
3. Give three examples of plants that grow on mountains.
4. Give two examples of plants that grow in rainforests.
5. Describe the adaptive features of desert plants.
6. Give three examples of plants that grow in desert.
7. What are aquatic plants?
8. Give two examples for fixed plants, floating plants and underwater plants.
9. What are insectivorous plants? Give two examples.
10. Name any two examples for non-green plants.
11. Name the largest picture plant in the world.
12. Explain the adaptive features of desert animals.
13. What is adaptation?
14. What are the different types of animals based on their eating habits?
15. How does crocodile escape from heat and water scarcity?
16. What are the primary consumers in a food chain?
17. What are the different components of a soil?
18. Describe an experiment to prove soil contain air.
19. What are the three types of soil?

Draw the following diagrams.

1. Components of soil.
2. Cactus plant

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