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What is Engineering?

Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines,

structures, and other items, including bridges, tunnels, roads, vehicles, and
buildings.[1] The discipline of engineering encompasses a broad range of more
specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular
areas of applied mathematics, applied science, and types of application.


The American Engineers' Council for Professional Development (ECPD, the

predecessor of ABET) has defined "engineering" as:

The creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures,

machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or
in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their
design; or to forecast their behavior under specific operating conditions; all as
respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and
The Encyclopaedia Brittanica has "engineering [is] the application of scientific
principles to the optimal conversion of natural resources into structures, machines,
products, systems and processes for the benefit of mankind"

The word "engineering" is derived from the Latin "ingenium", meaning something
like brilliant idea, flash of genius. It was created in the 16th century and originally
described a profession that we would probably call an artistic inventor. Engineers
apply the knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences (biological and
physical), with judgment and creativity to develop ways to utilize the materials and
forces of nature for the benefit of mankind. The subjects are diverse and include
names like bioengineering, computer engineering, electrical and electronics
engineering, financial engineering, industrial engineering, internet engineering and
systems engineering, etc.
Main branches of engineering

Engineering is a broad discipline that is often broken down into several sub-
disciplines. Although an engineer will usually be trained in a specific discipline, he
or she may become multi-disciplined through experience. Engineering is often
characterized as having four main branches chemical engineering, civil engineering,
electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.

Chemical engineering

Chemical engineering is the application of physics, chemistry, biology, and

engineering principles in order to carry out chemical processes on a commercial
scale, such as the manufacture of commodity chemicals, specialty
chemicals, petroleum refining, microfabrication, fermentation, and biomolecule

Civil engineering

Civil engineering is the design and construction of public and private works, such
as infrastructure (airports, roads, railways, water supply, and treatment etc.),
bridges, tunnels, dams, and buildings.[66][67] Civil engineering is traditionally broken
into a number of sub-disciplines, including structural engineering, environmental
engineering, and surveying. It is traditionally considered to be separate
from military engineering.[68]

Electrical engineering

Electrical engineering is the design, study, and manufacture of various electrical

and electronic systems, such as broadcast engineering, electrical
circuits, generators, motors, electromagnetic/electromechanical devices, electronic
devices, electronic circuits, optical fibers, optoelectronic
devices, computer systems, telecommunications, instrumentation, control systems,
and electronics.
Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is the design and manufacture of physical or mechanical

systems, such as power and energy systems, aerospace/aircraft products, weapon
systems, transportation products, engines, compressors, powertrains, kinematic
chains, vacuum technology, vibration isolation equipment, manufacturing, robotics,
turbines, audio equipments, and mechatronics.

Interdisciplinary engineering

Interdisciplinary engineering draws from more than one of the principle branches of
the practice. Historically, naval engineering and mining engineering were major
branches. Other engineering fields are manufacturing engineering, acoustical
engineering, corrosion engineering, instrumentation and control, aerospace,
automotive, computer, electronic, information engineering, petroleum,
environmental, systems, audio, software, architectural, agricultural,
biosystems, biomedical, geological, textile, industrial, materials, and nuclear
engineering. These and other branches of engineering are represented in the 36
licensed member institutions of the UK Engineering Council.

New specialties sometimes combine with the traditional fields and form new
branches – for example, Earth systems engineering and management involves a
wide range of subject areas including engineering studies, environmental
science, engineering ethics and philosophy of engineering.

Other branches of engineering

Aerospace engineering

Aerospace engineering studies design, manufacture aircraft, satellites, rockets,

helicopters, and so on. It closely studies the pressure difference and aerodynamics of
a vehicle to ensure safety and efficiency. Since most of the studies are related to
fluids, it is applied to any moving vehicle, such as cars.
Marine engineering

Marine engineering is associated with anything on or near the ocean. Examples are,
but not limited to, ships, submarines, oil rigs, structure, watercraft propulsion, on-
board design and development, plants, harbors, and so on. It requires a combined
knowledge in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, and
some programming abilities.

Computer engineering

Computer engineering (CE) is a branch of engineering that integrates several fields

of computer science and electronic engineering required to develop computer
hardware and software. Computer engineers usually have training in electronic
engineering (or electrical engineering), software design, and hardware-software
integration instead of only software engineering or electronic engineering.


There are four types of ―thinking skills‖: convergent or analytical thinking,

divergent thinking, critical thinking and creative thinking. We use these skills to
help us understand the world around us, think critically, solve problems, make
logical choices and develop our own values and beliefs.

1. Convergent Analytical Thinking

Convergent thinking is the process of coming up with the best answer to a question
using our memory, resources around us, or logic.

A convergent thinker simply needs to apply already established procedures and

memory recall to reach the ‗correct‘ answer.

Convergent thinking is very commonly used for standardized and multiple choice
tests. These sorts of tests simply assess our knowledge and ability to apply
knowledge to simple and logical situations.
The key elements required to be a skilled convergent thinker are: speed, accuracy
and logic.

2. Divergent Thinking

Divergent thinking is the exact opposite of convergent thinking. It involves coming

up to solutions, paths forward or new ideas when there is no single correct answer.
Questions like ―should I study to become a doctor or an Engineer?‖ may not have a
simple answer. You might be good at both, and both options might bring you
happiness and a good life. So, which option should you choose?

To come up with solutions to questions without clear answers, you need to break
down the possibilities and analyze each part. You might create a pros and cons list,
a Venn diagram or a table to lay out your options and consider each one in turn.

We often encourage divergent thinking from a very young age. For example, we
encourage children to play or simply ‗be playful‘ in order to solve problems and
discover how their world is complex and full of possibility.

3. Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking skills involve analyzing something in order to form a judgement

about it. A critical thinker does not take the assumptions of a topic for granted.
Instead, the critical thinking involves ‗critiquing‘ what your are viewing using your
available intellectual knowledge.

People who think critically can use three processes to develop critical insights on a
topic: deduction, induction and abduction.

Deduction includes the critical thinking skills that involve drawing conclusions
based on the facts at hand. You have all the facts available to you to come to a clear
and unambiguous conclusion about a topic. For example, a doctor does blood tests to
determine if someone has a virus. The blood tests come back positive, so we can
deduce that you definitely have that virus. Deduction is a great skill to use if you
want to solve problems.
Induction includes the critical thinking skills that involve drawing conclusions
based on a generalization. You don‘t have all the exact information at hand.
However, you think critically and realize are aware of patterns, clues and a
methodology that can help you induce the answer. For example, you come to the
doctor exhibiting a fever, sneezing and coughing. The doctor doesn‘t do tests, but
they induce that you probably have influenza because your symptoms are
characteristic of someone with the flu.

Abduction includes the critical thinking skills that involve coming to a conclusion
that is the most likely or logical based on the small amount of knowledge that you
have. You can‘t be sure of the answer, but you can think critically and make an
educated guess. For example, you may see that a cat is on the roof. The most logical
answer is that the cat got up there by climbing a nearby tree and jumping from it to
the roof, but you can‘t be sure.

4. Creative Thinking

Creative thinking involves thinking about a topic in unusual, unconventional and

alternative ways to generate new ideas about an established topic. A creative
thinker will try to address an issue from a perspective that hasn‘t been used before.

While creative thinking may appear illogical, it is in fact a great driver of human
development. Creative thinkers identify gaps in marketplaces or new, easier, faster
and better ways of doing things. When a creative thinker comes up with a great new
way of approaching an issue, their new method can become the new orthodoxy.

In Engineering

Engineers seek optimal solutions to problems. Often, though, the constraints of the
problem and the solution criteria are of several, qualitatively different types, and
there is no formal way to find the best trade-offs. Nevertheless, engineers make
judgments and provide explanations to justify their choices. Engineering thinking
and rhetoric is the development of such explanations that identify and validate a
particular solution as the best. Engineering thinking involves analogical reasoning
as well as deduction.

Engineers deal with complicated and difficult problems that admit many possible
solutions but few good ones; they have theories and methodologies, some of which
can be applied very broadly; but they shy away from advertising their way of
thinking as something distinct and valuable in its own right.

What Engineers Do

The following five-point description of engineering as a synthesis:

• Engineering is applying scientific knowledge and mathematical analysis to

the solution of practical problems.

• It usually involves designing and building artifacts.

• It seeks good, and if possible, optimum, solutions, according to well-defined


• It uses abstract and physical models to represent, understand and interpret

the world and its artifacts.

• It applies well-established principles and methods, adapts existing

solutions, and uses proven components and tools.

The above definitions include the key issues of problem solving, the reliance on
science and math, and methodology. However, they do not say much about how
engineers think. What can be added to express the intellectual root of engineering?

• Engineering is the development of an explanatory framework that

identifies and validates a particular solution to a problem as the best.
This supplementary definition builds on the idea of optimal problem solving already
suggested in the earlier definitions, but it emphasizes explanation. The idea is that
engineering has a rhetoric, or a mode of argument to justify what it does. Indeed,
there are at least two modes of argument, and these depend on what the word "best"
means for a particular problem. For some problems, which here will be termed
"simple problems", best means the solution which can be proved optimal through
mathematical analysis or other deductive reasoning. For other problems, here called
"compound problems", it is not possible to find such an analytic optimum, and best
means the solution which is judged the most suitable tradeoff. That judgment is
made, and justified, through "engineering thinking".

How Engineers Think

Simple Problems

In simple problems, the constraints and criteria for evaluating the solution are all
qualitatively similar. Even difficult problems in computational terms can be simple
according to this definition. The traveling salesman problem, which involves
working out the shortest path to visit a number of cities, is computationally hard,
but because it has a single evaluation criterion (distance) it is a simple problem.
Many other engineering optimization problems are simple in this sense. Designing
a circuit that has to meet its specification with the minimum number of devices is a
simple problem, because two solutions can be compared and the better one selected.

The explanatory framework of simple problem solving is deductive. Engineers

solving such problems are thinking more like mathematicians than scientists
(science is fundamentally inductive). The similarity should not be overstressed
however. In many branches of math, optimally is not essential. For a
mathematician, finding any proof is often a triumph. Engineers, by contrast, are not
satisfied with existence proofs. Getting something to work is inadequate; it has to
work well according to parameters of the problem. Even in simple problem solving,
the engineer looks for evidence that the space of possible solutions was properly
searched, and the chosen solution correctly proved to be optimal.

Compound problems

In compound problems, the evaluation criteria are not qualitatively similar and
cannot be jointly optimized. Engineering jobs which require the balancing of cost,
safety and aesthetics are compound. Most systems engineering jobs are compound.
Wherever there are choices of materials, subsystems or methods that emphasize one
or another property, the problem is compound. The engineer can now apply several

1 Disqualify (ignore) criteria that cannot be measured.

2 Express relative values of criteria based on some evidence, then try to

reduce the problem to a simple one.

3 Divide the problem into parts which can be independently solved as simple

Strategy 1 sometimes has to do. For example, it may be impossible to say how the
aesthetics of a bridge are to be measured. However, if a criterion like aesthetics is
rejected, there may still be some implicit lower limit on ugliness. It is part of the job
of engineering, as an intellectual discipline, to understand how immeasurable but
implicit criteria are to be dealt with.

Strategy 2 is important. Cost-benefit analysis uses money as the common currency

of diverse constraints and criteria. When engineers do this, they are acting like
economists, and must answer the same economic (and philosophical) questions
about attributed value. But engineers have a wider gamut of mappings between
qualitatively different constraints. Speed/accuracy and speed/size are common
tradeoffs. When the engineer chooses a tradeoff, a judgment is being made about
relative value, and that must be explained.

Strategy 3 is pervasive. Almost all real engineering projects are decomposed into
sub problems which are then solved almost independently. Explaining why the
problem has been decomposed is usually easy: The problem would be insoluble
otherwise. But engineers should also be able to explain why a particular
decomposition has been chosen, to justify the belief that the aggregate of optimal
sub problem solutions will be the best overall solution, or, at least, close to it.
Usually a project-wide goal, for example use of existing components, re-usability of
new designs, or localizing properties and features into modules, guides the
decomposition. Such a goal is really an evaluation criterion, and engineering
rhetoric should explain why it is weighted so highly.

Compound problems include simple problems and their solution is therefore partly
deductive. But trading off between qualitatively different domains requires a
different kind of thinking. It has much in common with legal reasoning. In law,
some decisions are made by the interpretation of legislation; some are made by
developing earlier case decisions. These two routes to a decision are different: the
first is the application of an abstract rule to a particular instance, the second is
dealing with a particular instance according to similar previous instances. The first
is a top-down theory-to-application route, while the second is a sideways
precedents-to-application route. Compound problem solving uses the same two
routes. Abstract rules are applied when the relative values of different courses of
action can be measured and compared. This is not usually the case in design, so
exemplars (previous designs) have to be applied too. By analogy with these
precedents, compound problem solving decides on a best solution.

Practicing engineers probably make use of analogy as often as practicing lawyers.

Reference to previous jobs, identifying similarities and differences, making linkages
between contexts, are all regular habits. In many cases the analogies will be simple
and direct, but, especially in systems engineering, the linkage can be between two
very different domains. The ability to see analogical situations, particularly in
balancing the values of different criteria, is central to engineering judgement. The
ability to explain these analogies, and argue their relevance, is engineering rhetoric.


What is an Application Engineer?

An application engineer plans the design and implementation of technology

products like specialty industry equipment or computer programs. He or she works
together with a company‘s manufacturing, sales, and customer
service departments. Companies typically require this type of worker to have a
four-year degree along with years of field experience. He or she should have good
communication, math and teamwork skills.

Core Responsibilities

People in this field design, build, and test various technological products. They
gather information about clients‘ needs and work with managers to develop
products using sophisticated computer software. They can make original
applications or redesign ones that a customer already has. Many application
engineers also do research and development.

Industry Options

The specific role of someone in this career depends on which industry and discipline
he or she chooses. In an industrial environment, an application engineer might
orchestrate the planning, design and deployment of heavy machinery and
specialized equipment. One in the computer industry applies knowledge of software
and programming to develop computer systems and then draft technical white
papers that help the public to better understand the technology behind them.
Relevant Company Departments

Application engineers usually work with multiple departments in a company. A

manufacturing department might look to an applications engineer to confirm
specifications, standards, and changes required to make a product. When
communicating with the customer base, the sales department may depend on the
application engineer to answer questions and to confirm technical functionality
outside the realm of its knowledge to help close a sale. After the product has finally
reached the field and is in the hands of the consumer, the customer service team
could look to an application engineer to assist in solving a technical problem the
consumer has while using the product.

Education and Training

An applications engineer typically has at least a bachelor's degree

in engineering, computer science or information technology. Businesses
usually prefer people with at least five years of industry experience. Another
common requirement of an application engineer is that he or she has a strong
understanding of lean manufacturing, which entails eradicating waste and
improving efficiency when creating goods at an organization. He or she needs to be
up-to-date on the software field too.

Required Skills

In any industry, a self-starting person who is highly results-driven could be a good

fit for an application engineering job. He or she needs to be an independent thinker
and require little supervision, but also has to work well in a team to achieve the
organization's ultimate goals. Since most application engineers have to handle
multiple projects in a short period of time, they need to be able to multitask and
cope with deadline pressure.

Additionally, an application engineer has to present ideas and information

accurately and explain industry jargon in a clear manner for customers. A person
who has excellent verbal and written communication skills, strong math skills, and
the ability to handle both simple tasks and complex assignments is a valuable asset
to an organization in the application engineering field.


Why Engineering Designs Fail

Here are five top reasons why engineering designs fail.

#1 Failure to understand the specifications

Engineers need to remind themselves that their work isn‘t for themselves. Their
work is for some client, be they an internal marketing department, as is the case in
the auto industry, or someone external to the organization. That means that you
need to sort out what the client actually wants before setting to work. All too often,
The engineers make assumptions (or wild-assed guesses, really) as to what the
client wants for their product or service. This is engineering suicide. If it‘s not
crystal clear what the client expects of you or your design, stop what you‘re doing,
put down the CAD software, and step slowly away from the computer. That‘s it, nice
and easy. It‘s nearly impossible to ―guess‖ correctly. Do yourself a favor and get
clarifications from the client.

If you‘re client doesn‘t know what they want, that‘s OK too. Educate them. Get their
buy-in for the ideas you come up with. Don‘t assume that they‘ll love your designs
because they can‘t think of anything themselves. You may be the expert, but clients
tend not to sign cheques unless they get what they want/ expect.

#2 Scope creep

This issue is related to some extent to item #1. Scope creep is the inclusion of
additional project scope over time. Normally, this is the result of either the client
asking for more (or better, or faster, etc.) than what was originally specified.
Sometimes, it‘s the result of engineers trying to ―perfect‖ their designs, and over
deliver. Both can be problematic.

You see, there‘s nothing inherently wrong with giving more than what you signed
up for. In fact, that‘s a great way to keep clients happy and build a name for your
self. The problem is that often these little bonuses you provide get out of hand. You
lose track of all the extras you promised. And with each additional little feature or
function, your design gets more complex, more difficult to integrate, and harder to
design. It‘s better to stick to the plan, and only over-deliver in cases where you are
confident you won‘t be sabotaging the whole design or blowing the schedule and

Engineers need to remember: Perfection is the enemy of getting things done. Just
because you could make the design better than what has been requested doesn‘t
mean you should. Delivering exactly what you promised on time and on budget is a
beautiful thing.

#3 Lack of knowledge

Sometimes, engineers take on projects that are beyond their capabilities. This can
be because they want to prove themselves, they‘re being pushed by their
organization, or for any number of reasons. Regardless, the results are the same –
poor design. Even worse, lack of knowledge can lead to dangerous designs. This is
an absolute no-go. We have a responsibility to the public to keep them safe over all

The take-home message here is simple: if you don‘t know what you‘re doing, don‘t do
it. You can‘t possibly do a good job, and you could be putting people in harm‘s way.

#4 No prototyping

Engineers today tend to be unwilling/ unable to experiment. This is the best part of
the job. Let learn more from playing and experimenting on the shop floor than
anything else in the job. Engineers need to be comfortable stepping away from their
desks, into their steel-toed boots, and trying things out.
#5 Poor intermediate reviews

In his excellent book, the Lean Startup, Eric Ries discusses the importance of
building ―minimum viable products‖, or MVPs. His point is that if you build a
product that is at least viable, you can take it to your client to see what they think
of it. Then, you take that feedback, alter your design, build it up, and take it back to
your client for more review. The idea is that if you get your client‘s buy-in along the
way, then you won‘t waste your time building something just to find out they don‘t
like it at the end.

Many poor engineering designs come about because their intermediate reviews are
poorly planned, poorly run, poorly attended, and/ or poorly documented.
Intermediate reviews need to be strong in order for engineering designs to be


10 Characteristics of Successful Engineers

Engineers are the inventors, designers, analyzers and builders of our modern age.
They create the machines, structures and systems we use on a daily basis. The
constrains of physics, the confines of the manufacturing technology of the modern
age, the limitations imposed by current material properties, requirements in terms
of health and safety and cost: all of these are things that engineers must take into
account when designing whatever it is they're working on. Luckily, engineers are
trained to recognize and solve these problems; but in order to recognize and solve
them, engineers have to have a very particular set of skills, skills acquired over a
long career, skills that make engineers a nightmare for anything these problems
might throw at them. But what are these skills?
1. Teamwork

Teamwork drives the successful completion of a project. No one can complete a

project on their own; they need others to contribute. There are functions that can be
performed individually, but more often than not, an engineer will be part of a bigger
team, and must be able to work well therein.

Courtesy and tact goes a long way in building team trust. Project details are often
presented to managers and customers, and these interactions may become
confrontational. An engineer must understand everybody‘s position and should not
feel attacked, keep team members informed, and always present facts accurately.

2. Continuous learning

Technology and methodologies are constantly changing, and nowhere is this truer
than in engineering. A successful engineer is able to keep abreast of the latest
technological updates and capable of delivering the best value and quality work.

Engineers are curious by nature. They are interested in understanding how things
work. This gives them a natural aptitude for learning and allows them to continue
building their knowledge. In modern times technology changes quickly, so it is
critical to constantly learn and stay up to date. Successful engineers never assume
they know everything.

3. Creativity

It may sound clichéd, but successful engineers have an innate ability to 'think
outside the box'. The engineering industry runs on the ability to creatively solve
problems. Engineers able to bring passion, creative solutions and big ideas to the
table are more valuable as businesses depend on creativity to efficiently resolve
problems or improve the efficiency of existing systems and processes.
Simultaneously, a successful engineer needs to be attentive to practicality when
proposing a creative solution - which entails being creative in itself.

4. Problem solving

Any project, no matter how big or small, will face problems. An engineer must be
able to effectively address these as they arise. They must meticulously study the
problem, fully understand the impact it has on the project, and then apply their
analytical skills in a methodical and efficient way in order to identify the root cause.

To effectively solve problems an engineer must also have the ability to truly listen
to the problem 'owner'. By attentively listening an engineer is able to fully
comprehend what the problem consists of and provide solutions from a well-
informed standpoint.

5. Analytical ability

The ability to effectively solve problems goes hand-in-hand with the ability to
properly analyse problems. Engineers are required to think analytically in order to
create solutions. Analysing a project scope or product specification ensures that an
engineer fully understands the relevant requirements and efficiently
applies resources to achieve the optimal outcome. Various methodologies may have
to be tested before committing resources to guarantee a successful solution.

6. Communication skills

Communication is more than reading, writing, speaking or listening. For an

engineer it means the ability to not only understand technical complexities, but the
ability to succinctly and effectively translate technical jargon into layman‘s terms
without patronising others.
Engineers communicate with people at many different levels, from unskilled
workers to directors. The ability to communicate in a respectful, clear and concise
manner is critical to ensure that the core message is effectively relayed.

7. Logical thinking

To fully comprehend complex systems an engineer must understand all aspects of

the system. An engineer must know how the system works, what can go wrong and
how to fix it. This requires an ability to think logically, and evaluate and
understand each element that makes it up.

Successful engineers are naturally curious and always looking for ways to make
things better. They have to be able to analyse an existing system to understand how
the different pieces work individually and as a unit.

8. Attention to detail

Successful engineers pay meticulous attention to the smallest of details. They

understand that the slightest error may cause a structure to fail, a system to
malfunction or software to glitch. The smallest error can cost a significant amount
of money or, in some cases, be fatal.

Complex projects may have a large number of steps to complete and having one tiny
thing out of place may delay an entire project. Being detail orientated during the
planning and development phases is pivotal for overall success. Successful
engineers know that their success depends on their ability to control the details.
Never assume something is too small or insignificant to care about.

9. Mathematical ability

Software has replaced almost all of the complex derivative equations engineers used
to do manually. Even though engineers are no longer required to do these complex
calculations themselves it doesn't mean that, to be successful, they don't have to
possess excellent mathematical skills.

Engineers must be well-versed in trigonometry and calculus in order to use software

packages and be able to interpret the results derived from them. They must be able
to understand the type of calculations required to ensure the correct type of
simulation is performed, and that models are correctly defined when performing

10. Leadership

Leadership ability encompasses many of the characteristics already mentioned on

this list. But being a leader is far more than this. It also requires excellent
interpersonal skills and an ability to inspire and motivate others to drive a team to
achieve success.

Sure, a successful engineer needs to tick all the engineering hard skills boxes listed
above, like maths knowledge and analytical ability - but they also need well-
developed soft skills so they can smoothly perform non-technical duties. People who
are charismatic, articulate and friendly are normally well-liked, and are able to
easily garner support.

What does an Engineer do?

Engineers - What They Do.

Engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to develop

economical solutions to technical problems. Their work is the link between scientific
discoveries and the commercial applications that meet societal and consumer needs.
Many engineers develop new products.

Engineers - What They Do

Engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to develop

economical solutions to technical problems. Their work is the link between scientific
discoveries and the commercial applications that meet societal and consumer needs.
Many engineers develop new products. During the process, they consider
several factors. For example, in developing an industrial robot, engineers specify
the functional requirements precisely; design and test the robot's components;
integrate the components to produce the final design; and evaluate the design's
overall effectiveness, cost, reliability, and safety. This process applies to the
development of many different products, such as chemicals, computers, power plants,
helicopters, and toys.

In addition to their involvement in design and development, many engineers

work in testing, production, or maintenance. These engineers supervise production
in factories, determine the causes of a component‘s failure, and test manufactured
products to maintain quality. They also estimate the time and cost required to
complete projects. Supervisory engineers are responsible for major components or
entire projects.

Engineers use computers extensively to produce and analyze designs; to

simulate and test how a machine, structure, or system operates; to generate
specifications for parts; to monitor the quality of products; and to control the
efficiency of processes. Nanotechnology, which involves the creation of high-
performance materials and components by integrating atoms and molecules, also is
introducing entirely new principles to the design process.

Most engineers specialize, each of the major branches of engineering has

numerous subdivisions. Civil engineering, for example, includes structural and
transportation engineering, and materials engineering includes ceramic,
metallurgical, and polymer engineering. Engineers also may specialize in one
industry, such as motor vehicles, or in one type of technology, such as turbines or
semiconductor materials.

Aerospace engineers design, test, and supervise the manufacture of aircraft,

spacecraft, and missiles. Those who work with aircraft are called aeronautical
engineers, and those working specifically with spacecraft are astronautical
engineers. Aerospace engineers develop new technologies for use in aviation,
defense systems, and space exploration, often specializing in areas such as
structural design, guidance, navigation and control, instrumentation and
communication, and production methods. They also may specialize in a particular
type of aerospace product, such as commercial aircraft, military fighter jets,
helicopters, spacecraft, or missiles and rockets, and may become experts in
aerodynamics, thermodynamics, celestial mechanics, propulsion, acoustics, or
guidance and control systems.

Agricultural engineers apply their knowledge of engineering technology and

science to agriculture and the efficient use of biological resources. Accordingly, they
also are referred to as biological and agricultural engineers. They design
agricultural machinery, equipment, sensors, processes, and structures, such as
those used for crop storage. Some engineers specialize in areas such as power
systems and machinery design, structural and environmental engineering, and food
and bioprocess engineering. They develop ways to conserve soil and water and to
improve the processing of agricultural products. Agricultural engineers often work
in research and development, production, sales, or management.

Biomedical engineers develop devices and procedures that solve medical and
health-related problems by combining their knowledge of biology and medicine with
engineering principles and practices. Many do research, along with medical
scientists, to develop and evaluate systems and products such as artificial organs,
prostheses (artificial devices that replace missing body parts), instrumentation,
medical information systems, and health management and care delivery systems.
Biomedical engineers also may design devices used in various medical procedures,
imaging systems such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and devices for
automating insulin injections or controlling body functions. Most engineers in this
specialty need a sound background in another engineering specialty, such as
mechanical or electronics engineering, in addition to specialized biomedical
training. Some specialties within biomedical engineering are biomaterials,
biomechanics, medical imaging, rehabilitation engineering, and orthopedic

Chemical engineers apply the principles of chemistry to solve problems

involving the production or use of chemicals and other products. They design
equipment and processes for large-scale chemical manufacturing, plan and test
methods of manufacturing products and treating byproducts, and supervise
production. Chemical engineers also work in a variety of manufacturing industries
other than chemical manufacturing, such as those producing energy, electronics,
food, clothing, and paper. In addition, they work in healthcare, biotechnology, and
business services. Chemical engineers apply principles of physics, mathematics, and
mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as chemistry. Some may specialize in
a particular chemical process, such as oxidation or polymerization. Others specialize
in a particular field, such as nano-materials, or in the development of specific
products. They must be aware of all aspects of chemical manufacturing and how the
manufacturing process affects the environment and the safety of workers and
Civil engineers design and supervise the construction of roads, buildings,
airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and water supply and sewage systems. They must
consider many factors in the design process from the construction costs and
expected lifetime of a project to government regulations and potential
environmental hazards such as earthquakes and hurricanes. Civil engineering,
considered one of the oldest engineering disciplines, encompasses many specialties.
The major ones are structural, water resources, construction, transportation, and
geotechnical engineering. Many civil engineers hold supervisory or administrative
positions, from supervisor of a construction site to city engineer. Others may work
in design, construction, research, and teaching.

Computer hardware engineers research, design, develop, test, and oversee

the manufacture and installation of computer hardware, including computer chips,
circuit boards, computer systems, and related equipment such as keyboards,
routers, and printers. The work of computer hardware engineers is similar to that of
electronics engineers in that they may design and test circuits and other electronic
components; however, computer hardware engineers do that work only as it relates
to computers and computer-related equipment. The rapid advances in computer
technology are largely a result of the research, development, and design efforts of
these engineers.

Electrical engineers design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacture of

electrical equipment. Some of this equipment includes electric motors; machinery
controls, lighting, and wiring in buildings; radar and navigation systems;
communications systems; and power generation, control, and transmission devices
used by electric utilities. Electrical engineers also design the electrical systems of
automobiles and aircraft. Although the terms electrical and electronics engineering
often are used interchangeably in academia and industry, electrical engineers
traditionally have focused on the generation and supply of power, whereas
electronics engineers have worked on applications of electricity to control systems or
signal processing. Electrical engineers specialize in areas such as power systems
engineering or electrical equipment manufacturing.

Electronics engineers, except computer, are responsible for a wide range of

technologies, from portable music players to global positioning systems (GPS),
which can continuously provide the location of, for example, a vehicle. Electronics
engineers design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacture of electronic
equipment such as broadcast and communications systems. Many electronics
engineers also work in areas closely related to computers. However, engineers
whose work is related exclusively to computer hardware are considered computer
hardware engineers. Electronics engineers specialize in areas such as
communications, signal processing, and control systems or have a specialty within
one of these areas—control systems or aviation electronics, for example.

Environmental engineers use the principles of biology and chemistry to

develop solutions to environmental problems. They are involved in water and air
pollution control, recycling, waste disposal, and public health issues. Environmental
engineers conduct hazardous-waste management studies in which they evaluate the
significance of the hazard, advise on its treatment and containment, and develop
regulations to prevent mishaps. They design municipal water supply and industrial
wastewater treatment systems, conduct research on the environmental impact of
proposed construction projects, analyze scientific data, and perform quality-control
checks. Environmental engineers are concerned with local and worldwide
environmental issues. Some may study and attempt to minimize the effects of acid
rain, global warming, automobile emissions, and ozone depletion. They also may be
involved in the protection of wildlife. Many environmental engineers work as
consultants, helping their clients to comply with regulations, prevent environmental
damage, and clean up hazardous sites.

Health and safety engineers, except mining safety engineers and inspectors,
prevent harm to people and property by applying their knowledge of systems
engineering and mechanical, chemical, and human performance principles. Using
this specialized knowledge, they identify and measure potential hazards, such as
the risk of fires or the dangers involved in handling toxic chemicals. They
recommend appropriate loss prevention measures according to their probability of
harm and potential damage. Health and safety engineers develop procedures and
designs to reduce the risk of illness, injury, or damage. Some work in
manufacturing industries to ensure that the designs of new products do not create
unnecessary hazards. They must be able to anticipate, recognize, and evaluate
hazardous conditions, as well as develop hazard control methods.

Industrial engineers determine the most effective ways to use the basic
factors of production—people, machines, materials, information, and energy—to
make a product or provide a service. They are concerned primarily with increasing
productivity through the management of people, methods of business organization,
and technology. To maximize efficiency, industrial engineers study product
requirements carefully and then design manufacturing and information systems to
meet those requirements with the help of mathematical methods and models. They
develop management control systems to aid in financial planning and cost analysis,
and they design production planning and control systems to coordinate activities
and ensure product quality. They also design or improve systems for the physical
distribution of goods and services and determine the most efficient plant locations.
Industrial engineers develop wage and salary administration systems and job
evaluation programs. Many industrial engineers move into management positions
because the work is closely related to the work of managers.

Marine engineers and naval architects are involved in the design,

construction, and maintenance of ships, boats, and related equipment. They design
and supervise the construction of everything from aircraft carriers to submarines
and from sailboats to tankers. Naval architects work on the basic design of ships,
including the form and stability of hulls. Marine engineers work on the propulsion,
steering, and other systems of ships. Marine engineers and naval architects apply
knowledge from a range of fields to the entire process by which water vehicles are
designed and produced.

Materials engineers are involved in the development, processing, and testing

of the materials used to create a range of products, from computer chips and aircraft
wings to golf clubs and snow skis. They work with metals, ceramics, plastics,
semiconductors, and composites to create new materials that meet certain
mechanical, electrical, and chemical requirements. They also are involved in
selecting materials for new applications. Materials engineers have developed the
ability to create and then study materials at an atomic level, using advanced
processes to replicate the characteristics of those materials and their components
with computers. Most materials engineers specialize in a particular material. For
example, metallurgical engineers specialize in metals such as steel, and ceramic
engineers develop ceramic materials and the processes for making them into useful
products such as glassware or fiber-optic communication lines.

Mechanical engineers research, design, develop, manufacture, and test tools,

engines, machines, and other mechanical devices. Mechanical engineering is one of
the broadest engineering disciplines. Engineers in this discipline work on power-
producing machines such as electric generators, internal combustion engines, and
steam and gas turbines. They also work on power-using machines such as
refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, machine tools, material-handling
systems, elevators and escalators, industrial production equipment, and robots used
in manufacturing. Some mechanical engineers design tools that other engineers
need for their work. In addition, mechanical engineers work in manufacturing or
agriculture production, maintenance, or technical sales; many become
administrators or managers.

Mining and geological engineers, including mining safety engineers, find,

extract, and prepare coal, metals, and minerals for use by manufacturing industries
and utilities. They design open-pit and underground mines, supervise the
construction of mine shafts and tunnels in underground operations, and devise
methods for transporting minerals to processing plants. Mining engineers are
responsible for the safe, economical, and environmentally sound operation of mines.
Some mining engineers work with geologists and metallurgical engineers to locate
and appraise new ore deposits. Others develop new mining equipment or direct
mineral-processing operations that separate minerals from the dirt, rock, and other
materials with which they are mixed. Mining engineers frequently specialize in the
mining of one mineral or metal, such as coal or gold. With increased emphasis on
protecting the environment, many mining engineers are working to solve problems
related to land reclamation and to water and air pollution. Mining safety engineers
use their knowledge of mine design and practices to ensure the safety of workers
and to comply with State and Federal safety regulations. They inspect the surfaces
of walls and roofs, monitor air quality, and examine mining equipment for
compliance with safety practices.

Nuclear engineers research and develop the processes, instruments, and

systems used to derive benefits from nuclear energy and radiation. They design,
develop, monitor, and operate nuclear plants to generate power. They may work on
the nuclear fuel cycle—the production, handling, and use of nuclear fuel and the
safe disposal of waste produced by the generation of nuclear energy—or on the
development of fusion energy. Some specialize in the development of nuclear power
sources for naval vessels or spacecraft; others find industrial and medical uses for
radioactive materials—for example, in equipment used to diagnose and treat
medical problems.

Petroleum engineers design methods for extracting oil and gas from deposits
below the earth. Once these resources have been discovered, petroleum engineers
work with geologists and other specialists to understand the geologic formation and
properties of the rock containing the reservoir, to determine the drilling methods to
be used, and to monitor drilling and production operations. They design equipment
and processes to achieve the maximum profitable recovery of oil and gas. Because
only a small proportion of oil and gas in a reservoir flows out under natural forces,
petroleum engineers develop and use various enhanced recovery methods, including
injecting water, chemicals, gases, or steam into an oil reservoir to force out more of
the oil and doing computer-controlled drilling or fracturing to connect a larger area
of a reservoir to a single well. Because even the best techniques in use today recover
only a portion of the oil and gas in a reservoir, petroleum engineers research and
develop technology and methods for increasing the recovery of these resources and
lowering the cost of drilling and production operations.

Work Environment

Most engineers work in office buildings, laboratories, or industrial plants.

Others may spend time outdoors at construction sites and oil and gas exploration
and production sites, where they monitor or direct operations or solve onsite
problems. Some engineers travel extensively to plants or worksites here and abroad.

Many engineers work a standard 40-hour week. At times, deadlines or design

standards may bring extra pressure to a job, requiring engineers to work longer
Education & Training Required

A bachelor's degree in engineering is required for almost all entry-level

engineering jobs. College graduates with a degree in a natural science or
mathematics occasionally may qualify for some engineering jobs, especially in
specialties that are in high demand. Most engineering degrees are granted in
electrical and electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, and civil
engineering. However, engineers trained in one branch may work in related
branches. For example, many aerospace engineers have training in mechanical
engineering. This flexibility allows employers to meet staffing needs in new
technologies and specialties in which engineers may be in short supply. It also
allows engineers to shift to fields with better employment prospects or to those
which more closely match their interests.

Most engineering programs involve a concentration of study in an

engineering specialty, along with courses in both mathematics and the physical and
life sciences. Many programs also include courses in general engineering. A design
course, sometimes accompanied by a computer or laboratory class or both, is part of
the curriculum of most programs. Often, general courses not directly related to
engineering, such as those in the social sciences or humanities, also are required.
In addition to the standard engineering degree, many colleges offer 2-year or
4-year degree programs in engineering technology. These programs, which usually
include various hands-on laboratory classes that focus on current issues in the
application of engineering principles, prepare students for practical design and
production work, rather than for jobs that require more theoretical and scientific
knowledge. Graduates of 4-year technology programs may get jobs similar to those
obtained by graduates with a bachelor's degree in engineering. Engineering
technology graduates, however, are not qualified to register as professional
engineers under the same terms as graduates with degrees in engineering. Some
employers regard technology program graduates as having skills between those of a
technician and an engineer.

Graduate training is essential for engineering faculty positions and some

research and development programs, but is not required for the majority of entry-
level engineering jobs. Many experienced engineers obtain graduate degrees in
engineering or business administration to learn new technology and broaden their
education. Numerous high-level executives in government and industry began their
careers as engineers.

The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) accredits

college and university programs in engineering and engineering technology. ABET
accreditation is based on a program's faculty, curriculum, and facilities; the
achievement of a program's students; program improvements; and institutional
commitment to specific principles of quality and ethics. Graduation from an ABET-
accredited program may be required for engineers who need to be licensed.

Although most institutions offer programs in the major branches of

engineering, only a few offer programs in the smaller specialties. Also, programs
with the same title may vary in content. For example, some programs emphasize
industrial practices, preparing students for a job in industry, whereas others are
more theoretical and are designed to prepare students for graduate work. Therefore,
students should investigate curricula and check accreditations carefully before
selecting a college.

Admissions requirements for undergraduate engineering schools include a

solid background in mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus)
and science (biology, chemistry, and physics), in addition to courses in English,
social studies, and humanities. Bachelor's degree programs in engineering typically
are designed to last 4 years, but many students find that it takes between 4 and 5
years to complete their studies. In a typical 4-year college curriculum, the first 2
years are spent studying mathematics, basic sciences, introductory engineering,
humanities, and social sciences. In the last 2 years, most courses are in engineering,
usually with a concentration in one specialty. Some programs offer a general
engineering curriculum; students then specialize on the job or in graduate school.

Some engineering schools have agreements with 2-year colleges whereby the
college provides the initial engineering education and the engineering school
automatically admits students for their last 2 years. In addition, a few engineering
schools have arrangements that allow students who spend 3 years in a liberal arts
college studying pre-engineering subjects and 2 years in an engineering school
studying core subjects to receive a bachelor's degree from each school. Some colleges
and universities offer 5-year master's degree programs. Some 5-year or even 6-year
cooperative plans combine classroom study with practical work, permitting students
to gain valuable experience and to finance part of their education.

Skills Required

Engineers should be creative, inquisitive, analytical, and detail oriented.

They should be able to work as part of a team and to communicate well, both orally
and in writing. Communication abilities are becoming increasingly important as
engineers interact more frequently with specialists in a wide range of fields outside
What Does the Job of an Engineer Involve?
If there is one career that has been in demand for decades and keeps growing and
also one that offers the most options in different fields – it‘s Engineering. If you‘ve
been interested in science and mathematics during your school years, there is a
high chance that you might like to explore the engineering options that best suit
your interests and passion.

An engineer is a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines,

etc. Right from the beginning of human civilization, or if you come to think of it
right from the stone ages, we humans are born engineers. From the first stone
wheel, to the first metal tools to the electric engines of yesterday and future, we are
engineering a strong and decent civilization.

Engineers turn dreams into reality.” ~Hayao Miyazaki

As said earlier, if you‘ve had interests in science and maths – and in today‘s
world it‘s taken for granted that you have some level of expertise in computers, take
it up a notch higher and compete for the engineering schools around to get your foot
in through the door. Yes, a degree is quite important to get through the entry level
engineering jobs anywhere in the world. Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Electronics,
Aerospace, Chemical, Environmental, Agricultural… the list goes on since there are
a plethora of engineering branches that cater to different fields to make our lives
better and more evolved.

Launching your career as an Engineer

A plethora of engineering colleges around the world are ready to entice you to join
them. But note that not all colleges offer the best in all branches, always do a
thorough research to find out which ones would suit the type of engineering career
you want to pursue. Although the entry and career path can differ from country to
country, in quite a few countries you don‘t have to choose the engineering branch
upfront as you join a bachelors degree program in an engineering college. The first
year introduces you to engineering courses in a wide range of topics that helps you
find the option that appeals to you the most. Always evaluate all possible options
before committing. Another way to explore what you would truly enjoy doing for the
next 4-5 years is to ask around your seniors and professors – some inspiration on
the how they perceive a particular branch of engineering may persuade you to do
something that you might not have thought of before.

What does the job of an Engineer involve?

From environmental engineering to aerospace engineering, it all depends on which

branch of engineering you choose, but here are some skills that you might be

 Designing and executing experiments

 Using computer-aided design/modelling software

 Working on components and equipment for varied industries like power,

transport, healthcare etc.

 Prepare detailed drawings and technical reports

 Robotics and designing remote control system software

What Are Your Engineering Career Options?

There are different field of specializations of engineers you can choose from that you
might want to take, including the following:

Electrical Engineers

They engage in research, design, development, and installation of a part of electrical

products or systems. Electrical engineers work in different areas, including building
services, power generation, and transport.

The typical employers of this engineering field include telecommunications,

computing, engineering, and utility companies.
Mechanical Engineers

Mechanical engineers work on equipment and components for many industries,

such as healthcare, water, power, and transport.

This work involves assessing project requirements, liaising with suppliers, using
computer-aided design software, and undertaking relevant research.

Chemical Engineers

They are responsible for designing new process equipment and plants or modifying
or improving existing ones. These processes or systems include those that are used
in creating products, such as gas, oil, and the food and beverage industries.

The employers of chemical engineers typically include chemical production

companies, food manufacturers, oil refining companies, and the water treatment

Biomedical Engineers

They work with different technical, medical, and administrative staff. The key
responsibilities of biomedical engineers include testing, designing, and
implementing medical procedures, like tissue engineering and computer-aided
surgery. It involves designing, testing, modifying, and developing products, devices,
and equipment.

Biomedical engineers also work with medical, scientific staff, engineering, and

training staff for safe use of equipment. Also, they maintain equipment, write
reports, and undertake relevant research. The typical employers include hospitals,
research organizations, universities, medical instrumentation, and diagnostic

Mechanical Engineers
They are specialists in material science and engineering, in which their key
responsibilities include modifying, testing, developing, and evaluating materials.
They provide technical advice about material suitability, diagnose faults, and
advise, plan, and organize inspections, repairs, and maintenance, overseeing quality
control processes.

“I take the vision which comes from dreams and apply the magic of science and
mathematics, adding the heritage of my profession and my knowledge of nature’s
materials to create a design. I organise the efforts and skills of my fellow workers
employing the capital of the thrifty and the products of many industries, and
together we work toward our goal undaunted by hazards and obstacles. And when
we have completed our task all can see that the dreams and plans have materialised
for the comfort and welfare of all.

I am an Engineer, I serve mankind, by making dreams come true.”

― Anonymous (supposedly found pinned to a site hut during the construction of the
Konkan railway)

As you see the options that an engineering career offers are wide and varied.
Salaries are great and the demand is huge. And since many of us want to create,
innovate and change the world for better, there are many reasons to consider a
career in engineering. just keep working on your problem solving skills and STEM
knowledge, it might take you your dream career in engineering.

Engineer Careers List

Engineering contains a large number of job opportunities and specialties.

We‘ve selected a list of specialties below. With each specialty, we look at the
definition and nature of the work, the specialties employment trends, possibly
career advancement opportunities, and hope that it is helpful for you in determining
whether or not the career is right for you.

Aerospace engineering is the study of the design, development, and

production of air and spacecraft. This engineering discipline is often divided
between those who pursue careers on the aeronautical side and those working on
space craft. Both air and space vehicles contain complex subsystems that require
specialists from many engineering groups such as electrical, mechanical, and
computer engineering

Agricultural engineering is also known as biological engineering, and it

covers subjects from aquaculture (raising food sources that thrive in water), to land
farming and forestry. These engineers also develop biofuels, plan animal
environments, and find better food processing methods. Often they work in offices,
but they are also outdoors and traveling to worksites where they oversee equipment
function in agricultural settings, and assure that government regulations are met.

Automotive engineering is one of the most exciting, challenging and

rewarding careers. Whenever a customer drives a new vehicle off a dealership lot,
he or she is taking with them the technical expertise of many engineers, but in
particular, the automotive engineer. Automotive engineers research, design and
develop vehicles and their subsystems. They work with sophisticated technologies to
create products that thrill the senses and bring the freedom of mobility to the world.

Biomedical engineers work with a combination of biology, medicine and

engineering. They are trained to analyze and design solutions that will improve
patient care. They are the professionals behind sophisticated medical equipment
like MRIs and microscopic surgical machines. Biomedical engineers are also
responsible for research and development of medical innovations like artificial
organs and prosthesis.

Chemical engineers utilize their knowledge of the physical world to

manipulate the interactions of individual atoms and molecules. Their talents are
generally employed in the research and development of new materials and are
critical to numerous fields including nanotechnology, energy storage, and
computing. Often working alongside other engineers in interdisciplinary teams to
solve humanity's greatest problems, chemical engineers are guaranteed to remain
key leaders in securing our future prosperity whether on this planet or any other.
Civil engineers specialize in road, bridge, buildings and water supply system
design and construction. They supervise and direct construction teams and work
with other engineers. These professionals ensure that every structure built is
environmentally compliant and can withstand earthquakes and hurricanes. This is
especially true in places where these natural calamities often strike.

Computer Engineers develop and improve the software programs and

hardware that make computers run. Computer Engineers may specialize in either
software or hardware. From operating system software, such as Windows and
Linux, to individual computer programs, such as Photoshop and Microsoft Office,
Software Engineers turn piles of hardware into fully functional computers.
Hardware Engineers develop the hardware of computers, including the
motherboards, graphics and audio cards and drives that are later programmed by
Software Engineers.

Electrical engineers specialize in power supply and generation. They design,

develop, test and supervise electrical equipment manufacturing. They have also
been trained to handle responsibilities like wiring and lighting installations in
buildings, automobiles and aircraft. What is great about being an electrical
engineer is that the training is so extensive that graduates may land a job in many
different industries such as construction, manufacturing and design.

Electrical Engineer Careers

Definition and Nature of Work

Electrical engineers specialize in power supply and generation. They design,

develop, test and supervise electrical equipment manufacturing. They have also
been trained to handle responsibilities like wiring and lighting installations in
buildings, automobiles and aircraft.
What is great about being an electrical engineer is that the training is so extensive
that graduates may land a job in many different industries such as construction,
manufacturing and design.

Moreover, electrical engineers may take part in development and research as

assistants to scientists and other engineers. Many kinds of electronic equipment
from portable music players to GPS devices pass through an electronic engineer‘s

They come up with means to use electrical power to operate a certain product or
improve its functions. Among the most challenging and in-demand tasks for
electronic engineers today include developing construction plans for electrical
lighting systems for skyscrapers, designing remote-controlled race cars and building
technology for factories like robots that can perform welding.

Day in the Life of an Electrical Engineer

Electronic engineers perform their duties in offices and laboratories but may also be
sent to work sites for supervising and troubleshooting. This is especially true for
those who work in companies that manufacture complex equipment. They spend
about 40 hours per week at work, but they may work longer than this.

A typical day for an electrical engineer varies depending on their employer. Those
who work for the federal government may handle responsibilities in areas of
research, development and electronic device evaluation that may cover systems for
manufacturing, transportation, aviation and communication. Electrical engineers
use design software and equipment in their projects.

Becoming an Electrical Engineer

A bachelor‘s degree is needed to become an electrical engineer. This is an area of

specialty in the engineering field, and these degrees will prepare an individual for
an entry level job. It is important to start studying for their chosen career as early
as high school.

Aspiring electrical engineers have to take as much math and science coursework as
possible including algebra, calculus and trigonometry. Drafting courses are also
valuable. This is mainly because engineering students are usually required to do
technical drawings. Bachelor‘s degrees take four years to complete and include
laboratory, classroom and field work.

Electrical engineers may have to obtain a master‘s degree or other training

certifications in order to qualify for research positions. There are five-year programs
that offer both bachelor‘s and master‘s degrees together. They should pass the
Fundamentals Engineering exam to obtain a license after the bachelor‘s degree and
Principles and Practice of Engineering exam after an internship.

Career Advancement

Electrical engineers may undergo further training or education in order to qualify

for a position that will enable them to supervise a team of engineers and
technicians. It may also qualify them for management positions. They can either be
program managers or engineering managers. Alternatively, they can become
instructors at universities or colleges.

Is this career the right one for you?

Individuals who wish to become an electrical engineer should start their

preparations as early as high school. They should have exceptional communication
and math skills and be willing to work both indoors and outdoors.

Electrical engineers typically work together with other engineers and other
professionals. With this, they should work comfortably and efficiently with a team.
Experts highly recommend that graduates get into internship programs. Doing so
will allow them to see the real employment world for electronic engineers.
It is important that electronic engineers enjoy what they are doing. This
career field can be physically and intellectually challenging. This is why aspiring
engineers should be sure about their decision.

Are there any Electrical Engineering Associations?

Institute of American Electrical and Electronics Engineer

Association of Energy Engineers

Association for Facilities Engineering

Software Engineer Careers

Definition and Nature of Work

Software engineers are specialists who are in charge of the testing, design,
development and maintenance of computer software for business and personal use.

They apply the principles of mathematics, engineering and computer science in

creating managing software. These professionals are responsible for programming
computers to make them operate as they should.

Engineers focused on developing system software are involved in creating the

systems and software that make computers work.

These are primarily the operating systems for computers used in businesses or at
home. Programming software involves debugging, maintenance and support of
computer programs.

Application software involves the design of computer programs and applications.

This includes word processors and commercial software that is sold to consumers.

A Day in the Life of Software Engineers

Software engineering is a practical, intuitive, creative and analytical field.
Engineers come up with ways of improving computer systems to generate quality
use of the technology.

This work includes tests, prototypes and evaluations of software and computer
systems. Professionals deal with developing of web applications, managing systems
information as well as finding solutions to user-specific problems.

This career involves the use of a systematic code structure that is needed to map
out the software. An understanding of programming languages is one of the most
basic requirements in this line of work. It is highly stylized for computer
programming and engineering.

The code is very specific. Any error will result in unwanted changes in the system.
Software engineers use this code to write system programs. It includes line by line
instructions to tell the software what to do.

Software engineers have to analyze user needs in software systems in order to

determine the areas that require development. They make use of technical testing
tools in figuring out the best quality upgrades for the software they work on and
come up with package systems and customized applications. Maintenance is also an
important part of the job.

Professionals are expected to be able to work with fellow engineers. They will form
part of a software team to manage work efficiently. Working as a team will allow
these professionals to pull together resources and ideas to come up with more
options and solutions in the development and modification process. These engineers
usually work in offices or laboratories.

Software engineers may have different areas of focus. Some tend to work on
software development while there are other people who prefer to concentrate on
system design. Some will focus on medical software. Game design is also growing in
popularity. All of these professionals work using the same software engineering
Becoming a Software Engineer

Software engineering is a career that will require applicants to have a specific skill
set. The ability to program computers and experience with computer systems is a
requirement. Critical thinking is also involved as well as management techniques
and extensive technical knowledge.

Earning a degree in software engineering is a good place to start if you are serious
about a career in this field. Those with a formal education in any field related to the
subject are highly preferred by employers. It is helpful for a job application to show
a level of mastery in their line of work. This list includes some of the degrees that
will be helpful to gaining the necessary skills and information for a career in
software engineering.

Common Majors and Certifications:

 Applied Science

 Computer Engineering

 Computer Science

 Electrical Engineering

 Information Systems

 Information Technology

 Mathematics

 Software Engineering

Courses like this will normally take four years of full-time education. Colleges and
universities will usually help graduates with internships and work placements.
This will serve as a necessary foundation for a career in software engineering.

Career Advancement
Software engineers are not limited to these positions. There is a wide range of job
opportunities open to them. They have flexible skills that are used in a number of
industries. Networking and web firms as well as high-tech businesses often hire
software engineers. Global companies, government agencies, medical institutions,
manufacturing firms and the military all need professionals in this field.

There is also opportunity for advancement of in this career through the attainment
of certifications and master level degrees.

Is this career right for you?

It is important for those interested in software engineering to decide on the aspect

of the field they want to focus on. All of them apply the same principles of software
engineering, but the concentration will vary. Specialization is important for making
the most out of a software engineering career.



This is an Association for Computing Machinery interest group for software

engineers. They hold forums where specialists and professionals related to the
career come together to discuss new developments and analyze existing practices in
the field. Their mission is to find ways to improve software engineering through
interaction among communities concerned with the topic. The group also hopes to
further the development of software engineering as a profession.

Transaction Processing Performance Council

This is a non-profit organization for software engineers, market researchers,

consultants and other professionals. They hold conferences to discuss issues
pertaining to computer systems performance. The council posts findings and
evaluations on their website.

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