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Dissemination of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Research on Social Media Platforms Is Associated With
Increased Citation Count
Fares Ayoub, MD1, Ahmed Ouni, MD2, Robert Case, MD3, Michael Ladna, MD3, Harsh Shah, MD3 and David T. Rubin, MD1

INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to find out whether dissemination of gastroenterology and hepatology (GI)
research on social media networks correlates with citation count at 5 years.

METHODS: We correlated the Altmetric Attention Score with Web of Science citation counts at 5 years for scholarly
work published in the 10 highest impact factor GI journals in 2014.
RESULTS: In 4,026 analyzed items, the correlation (r) between Altmetric Attention Score and citations at 5 years
was 0.62 (P < 0.001), representing strong correlation. Twitter was the platform with the strongest
correlation with citations.
DISCUSSION: Social media attention garnered by GI scholarly work strongly correlates with the number of citations at
5 years.
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL accompanies this paper at

Am J Gastroenterol 2021;116:2137–2139.

INTRODUCTION published material. Scholarly work published in the 10 highest

Social media networks have gained popularity in the gastroen- Web of Science impact factor (IF) journals in 2014 according to
terology and hepatology (GI) community for the dissemination of Journal Citation Reports category Gastroenterology and Hep-
research. A number of societies and journals maintain successful atology (Clarivate Analytics, Philadelphia, PA) was included. We
Facebook and Twitter pages (1). Altmetrics (alternative metrics of extracted the AAS and citation count in November 2019 (ap-
impact) measure how broadly scholarly work has been men- proximately 5 years after publication). Spearman correlation was
tioned outside traditional literature including social media used to study the correlation between AAS, its individual com-
(Twitter and Facebook), mainstream news, Wikipedia, policy ponents, and citations. For multivariable analysis, logarithmic
documents, and other sources (2). The Altmetric Attention Score transformation of AAS and citations was performed to adjust for
(AAS) is a proprietary score (Digital Science Group, United skewness and allow for linear regression.
Kingdom) increasingly used by journals to provide an objective
measure of scholarly work mentions outside traditional literature.
Whether the number of citations a scholarly work receives in RESULTS
peer-reviewed literature correlates with how widely shared it is on We analyzed 4,026 scholarly works from the top 10 IF journals in
social media has been investigated in other fields (3–6) but has not 2014 (Table 1). Most scholarly work was mentioned on at least 1
been fully investigated in GI, with the only analysis finding a social media platform (2,198 articles, 54.5%), followed by 2
significant correlation limited to 1 endoscopy journal (7). We platforms (509 articles, 12.6%) and $3 platforms (67, 1.7%). The
examined the correlation between AAS, its social media com- correlation (r) between AAS and total citations at 5 years for all
ponents, and citations at 5 years from publication. scholarly work from the top 10 journals was 0.62 (P , 0.001),
representing strong correlation. Using linear regression, AAS was
METHODS a positive predictor of total 5-year citations (P , 0.001) (Figure 1).
“Scholarly work” hereby refers to content published in journals In a multivariable model adjusting for journal impact factor
and indexed by Altmetric Explorer (a data exploration tool pro- and article open access status, every 1% increase in AAS resulted
vided by including original articles, editorials, in a 0.95% increase in citations at 5 years. AAS, journal impact
reviews, conference proceedings, letters to the editor, and other factor, and article open-access status were all significant

Section of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA; 2Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic,
Jacksonville, Florida, USA; 3Department of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA. Correspondence: Fares Ayoub, MD. E-mail:
Received August 22, 2020; accepted February 23, 2021; published online March 22, 2021

© 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2138 Ayoub et al.

Table 1. Ten highest Web of Science impact factor journals in 2014, impact factor in 2014, and number of mentioned scholarly works
included in analysis

Name Impact factor Mentioned scholarly works (%)

Highest 10 impact factor journals in 2014
Gastroenterology 16.716 789 (19.6)
Gut 14.660 434 (10.8)
Journal of Hepatology 11.336 427 (10.6)
Hepatology 11.055 532 (13.2)
The American Journal of Gastroenterology 10.755 253 (6.3)
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 7.896 332 (8.3)
Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis 6.234 323 (8)
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 5.727 343 (8.5)
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 5.369 326 (8.1)
Endoscopy 5.104 267 (6.6)

predictors of 5-year citations in the multivariable model (see The correlation between AAS and citations has been in-
Supplementary Table 1, vestigated in other fields with conflicting results. Strong correla-
tion was found in high IF pediatric surgery journals (6), weak
Correlation between individual sources of mentions and citations correlation in cardiology (8), emergency medicine (4), and no
The strongest correlation between mentions and 5-year citations correlation in plastic surgery literature (9). The strength of as-
was for Twitter r 5 0.54 (P , 0.001), followed by Facebook sociation may be specialty-specific, particularly if article content
r 5 0.24 (P , 0.001), suggesting that Twitter is the primary driver appeals to a broader readership. For example, an analysis of ar-
of social media–related mentions and associated correlation with ticles published in top radiology journals found a significantly
citation counts (Table 2). lower number of articles mentioned outside of peer-reviewed
literature (10). Case in point: The highest AAS article ‘A Diet Low
Sensitivity analyses in FODMAPs Reduces Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome’
The association between AAS and 5-year citations remained discusses a dietary approach to the management of irritable bowel
strong when we excluded outliers (citations .300, AAS.100) syndrome, a highly prevalent disorder present in 11% of the
[r 5 0.61], studied only hepatology-focused journals [r 5 0.55], general population (11). This would arguably appeal to a lay
and when excluding open access articles [r 5 0.64]. However, in audience more than the most cited article ‘Global epidemiology
an analysis of scholarly work published in the 10 lowest IF GI and genotype distribution of the hepatitis C virus infection’. In
journals (see supplementary Table 2, addition, studying articles published in earlier years compared
B948), r decreased to 0.12 indicating weak correlation between
the AAS and citations at 5 years in this subset of journals.

In this analysis of all scholarly work published in the top 10 IF GI
journals in 2014, we found a strong correlation between AAS (as a
measure of social media dissemination) and citations at 5 years.
Our findings suggest that the degree of social media attention
garnered by scholarly work published in leading GI journals
strongly correlates with the number of citations in subsequent
We found that 73% of the included scholarly work was
mentioned at least once outside of peer-reviewed literature since
publication, demonstrating an increasing reach across non-
traditional media platforms. Twitter was the strongest driver of
mentions on social media (and 5-year citations) when analyzing
the individual components of the AAS, consistent with other
studies (5). This further supports the dominance of Twitter as a
Figure 1. Scatter plot examining the relationship between log (Altmetric
prime venue for sharing scholarly work outside of traditional Attention Score 1 1) and log (total 5-year citations 1 1); fitted line repre-
peer-reviewed literature. In an analysis by Chang et al. of pediatric sents the linear regression model and 95% confidence interval (CI). Log
surgery literature, the length of time a journal’s Twitter account (Altmetric Attention Score 11) was a positive predictor of log (total 5-year
had been established directly influenced the strength of correla- citations 11) (P , 0.001); the overall model was statistically significant
tion between AAS and citation count (6). (P , 0.001), explaining 35% of the relationship (R2 5 0.35).

The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY VOLUME 116 | OCTOBER 2021

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Research and Social Media 2139

Table 2. Summary statistics and correlation coefficients between individual components of the Altmetric Attention Score (nonweighted)
and 5-year citations

Component Mean number of mentions SD Range Correlation coefficient [r]b Strength of correlation
Aggregate social media 4.02 12.34 0–321 0.56 Strong
Twitter 3.61 10.74 0–277 0.55 Strong
Facebook 0.37 1.93 0–64 0.24 Moderate
News media 0.34 3.01 0–142 0.27 Moderate
Blogs 0.08 0.51 0–13 0.22 Moderate
Patents 0.08 0.70 0–20 0.14 Weak
Policy documents 0.07 0.35 0–6 0.25 Moderate
F1000 0.06 0.27 0–6 0.24 Moderate
Google1 0.04 0.27 0–9 0.16 Weak
Wikipedia 0.03 0.23 0–6 0.16 Weak
Online video 0.02 0.20 0–5 0.10 Weak
Weibo 0.01 0.16 0–5 — No correlation
Peer review 0 0.10 0–5 — No correlation
Reddit 0 0.07 0–2 — No correlation
Pinterest 0 0 0 — No correlation
Q&A 0 0 0 — No correlation
Syllabi 0 0 0 — No correlation
Sum of mentions on the following platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google1, and Reddit).
Only statistically significant (P , 0.05) correlation coefficients are included.

with contemporary articles is less likely to yield a strong associ- manuscript revision. D.T.R.: study conception, manuscript revision,
ation, since social media adoption by the medical community has and study supervision.
only recently increased considerably (6). Financial support: No grant support was used for this work. The
Our results remained robust to several sensitivity analyses. authors wish to thank Altmetric for providing this study’s data free of
However, studying articles published in the lowest 10 IF journals charge for research purposes.
the correlation became weak with r 5 0.12. One explanation may Potential competing interests: None to report.
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© 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

Copyright © 2021 by The American College of Gastroenterology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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