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Department of Pharmacognosy, Riphah Institute of Pharmaceutical


PHARMACOGNOSY-I (Laboratory Manual)

Semester 3 (2023)


Riphah International University

This is to confirm that Mr/Ms. ABC enrolled with SAP ID: XYZ
of Semester 3 has satisfactorily carried out all the practical
activities regarding the 1 Credit-Hour Course: Pharmacognosy-I
(Lab) and has summarized them in the form of this Laboratory

______________ ____________
Student Signatures Teacher Signature
Table of Contents

Serial Number Practical Activity Performed Dates

1 Introduction to Pharmacognosy. 7/8/23 - 11/8/23

2 To understand the concept of Crude Drugs, study their 14/8/23-18/8/23

sources and discuss various ways to evaluate them at
Laboratory scale.

3 To evaluate Senna organoleptically and carry out some 21/8/23-25/8/23

simple chemical identification tests for the glycosides
present in them.

4 To evaluate Aloe organoleptically and carry out some 4/9/23-8/9/23

simple chemical identification tests for the glycosides
present in it.

5 To evaluate Rhubarb organoleptically and carry out some 11/9/23-15/9/23

simple chemical identification tests for the glycosides
present in it.

6 To evaluate Mulathi organoleptically and carry out some 18/9/23-19/9/23

simple chemical identification tests for the glycosides
present in it.

7 To evaluate Indian Oleander organoleptically and carry 2/10/23-6/10/23

out some simple chemical identification tests for the
glycosides present in it.

8 To evaluate Darchini organoleptically and carry out some 16/10/23-20/10/23

simple chemical identification tests for the chemical
constituents present in it.

9 To evaluate Kuchla organoleptically and carry out some 6/11/23-10/11/23

simple chemical identification tests for the Alkaloids
present in it.

10 To evaluate Ma-Huang organoleptically and carry out 13/11/23-17/11/23

some simple chemical identification tests for the
Alkaloids present in it.

______________________ ________________________________
Signatures of Laboratory In-charge Comments

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