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History of Futsal About US Futsal Thursday, 07 February 2008 20:12 The origin of Futsal (Five-a-Side Soccer) can be traced

back to Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1930 when Juan Carlos Ceriani devised a five-a-side version of soccer for youth competion in YMCAs. The game is played on basketball-sized courts, both indoors and out without the use of sidewalls. The term FUTSAL is the international term used for the game. It is derived from the Spanish or Portuguese word for "soccer"-- FUTbol or FUTebol, and the French or Spanish word for "indoor" -SALon or SALa. The term was adopted by U.S. Futsal since it includes the initials "fUtSAl" (USA). The term was trademarked in the United States after U.S. Futsal changed its corporate name within the state of California. The game is frequently referred to as Five-A-Side or Mini-soccer. Once Ceriani got the ball rolling, Futsal gained rapid popularity throughout South America, particularly in Brazil. The skill developed in this game is visible in the world-famous style the Brazilians display outdoors on the full-sized field. Pele, Zico, Socrates, Bebeto and other Brazilian superstars developed their skill playing Futsal. While Brazil continues to be the Futsal hub of the world, the game is now played, under the auspices of FIFA, all over the world, from Europe to North and Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Africa, and Asia and Oceania. The first international competition took place in 1965, when Paraguay won the first South American Cup. Six more South American Cups were held through 1979, with Brazil winning all of them. Brazil continued its dominance with a victory in the first Pan American Cup in 1980 and won it again the next time it was played in 1984. A U.S. team took part in the 1984 cup, but finished out of the running. The U.S. Futsal Federation was founded in 1981 and incorporated in January, 1983. Osvaldo Garcia was it's first president. The game is referred to as Minisoccer, five-aside soccer, Futbol Sala or Futebol de Salao, but it is also widly refereed by it trademark name, Futsal. The current Federation president is Alex J.C. Para. The first Futsal World Championship conducted under the auspices of FIFUSA (before its members integrated into FIFA in 1989) was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1982, with Brazil finishing in first place. The Brazilians repeated as champions at the second World Championship in 1985 in Spain, but lost in the third World Championship in 1988

in Australia to Paraguay. FIFA took over direct sponsorship of the event in 1989 in Holland and 1992 in Hong Kong. Brazil won both times. The U.S. Futsal (Indoor Team), finished third in 1989 and second in 1992 at the FIFA Five-a-Side World Championship. The highest showing by any team from the United States in a FIFA tournament until the U.S. Womens team won the gold medal in China for outdoor soccer. The Third FIFA World Championship was held November 24 through December 11, 1996, in Spain and for the first time FIFA names it the FIFA Futsal World Championship. The Fourth FIFA Futsal World Championship was held in Guatemala between November 18 to December 4th, 2000. The fifth Futsal World Championship was held in Taipei in December 2004. The first international Futsal match played by the U.S. Futsal National Team was in May 1984 in Nanaimo, Canada, and the United States won 6-5. The first international Futsal match in the United States was held in December, 1985, at Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park, California. The U.S. select team, defeated Australia, 9-5. U.S. Futsal has conducted a National Championship each year since 1985. Futsal is establishing itself at the youth level in the U.S. The Boys and Girls Clubs of America took a strong interest after the Columbia Park Club in San Francisco asked the Federation to give a demonstration. The national organization adopted the sport, and it is now played at about 1,100 Boys and Girls Clubs throughout the U.S. The American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) also plays the sport in a close working relationship with U.S. Futsal since 1988. The U.S. Youth Soccer Association (USYSA) and U.S. Futsal signed an agreement in August of 1995 and in 1999, to promote futsal in all their National State Association as their game of choice for indoor soccer under the auspices of U.S. Futsal.

Welcome to Futsal Malaysia Online

Futsal Malaysia Online Portal is a Malaysian futsal portal that is committed in promoting and development of the sport. Slightly different from indoor soccer, futsal has garnered great participation among Malaysians over the past few years. There are more and more venues being started to cater to the ever increasing demands by players of the game. Started off as a past-time, it has grown to its present day where it is now considered one of the most played sport in the country, hosting its own district, state and national championships. is an ideal place to find out everything you need to know about futsal in Malaysia. there are rules of the games, venues, equipments among many other resources you need to know in playing this sport.

References Section

This section provides you with a comprehensive reference to the sport. You can browse this section to find out information like the historical background of the sport, the history of Futsal in Malaysia, who are the renowned players and so on.

Futsal Rules.

This section provides you with the rules of the Futsal. There is the official rules of the game that are played in tournaments and championships. This include information like equipments, official measurement of the courts and goal posts, etc. If you are one who would like to go for the official tournaments, you must first be well-versed with the official rules. Otherwise, there is the unofficial' rules. This section provides the rules people usually play in among friends. Registered members can submit their set of rules here for others to try.


Futsal, to many is different from Indoor Soccer, most likely because of the turf that is used. But when playing among friends, sometimes this is not something too particular. There are, however many types of turf and pitch that you can choose from. This section provides the information you need in understanding what turf suits your game most.


This section provide you with what you need to play the game. ranging from clothing to ball size to futsal boots, which differs from each turf you play on, read through this section and understand better what equipments you need to enjoy the sport.

Venues also provides a directory of venues and their contact details where you can book the court to play. This section also provides the prices of court bookings for comparison while ratings of each venue is also available for our registered members.


Our Forum in is catered to our registered members who would like to discuss just about anything relating to futsal in Malaysia. events, tournaments, injury talks and such can be discussed here. some of our users also discuss on tactics and techniques as well.


LAW II - The Ball Size #4 Circumference: 62-64 cm Weight: 390-430 grams Bounce: 55-65 cm on first bounce Material: Leather or other suitable material (i.e., not dangerous)

LAW III - Number of Players Minimum Number of Players to Start Match: 5, one of whom shall be a goalkeeper Minimum Number of Players to Finish Match: 3 Maximum Number of Substitutes: 7 Substitution Limit: None Substitution Method: "Flying substitution" (all players but the goalkeeper enter and leave as they please; goalkeeper substitutions can only be made when the ball is out of play and with a referee's consent)

LAW IV - Players' Equipment Usual Equipment: Numbered shirts, shorts, socks, protective shin-guards and footwear with rubber soles

LAW V - Main Referee Duties: Enforce the laws, apply the advantage rule, keep a record of all incidents before, during and after game, stop game when deemed necessary, caution or expel players guilty of misconduct, violent conduct or other ungentlemanly behavior, allow no others to enter the pitch, stop game to have injured players removed, signal for game to be restarted after every stoppage, decide that

the ball meets with the stipulated requirements. Position: The side opposite to the player benches Power Unique to Main Referee: Can overrule Assistant Referee's calls.

LAW VI: Second Referee Duties: Same as Main Referee, with the addition of keeping a check on the2-minute punishment period after a player has been sent off, ensuring that substitutions are carried out properly, and keeping a check on the 1minute time-out. Position: The same side as the player benches

LAW VII - Timekeeper Duties: Start game clock after kick-off, stop it when the ball is out of play, and restart it after all restarts; keep a check on 2-minute punishment for sending off; indicate end of first half and match with some sort of sound; record time-outs and fouls (and indicate when a team has exceeded the 5-foul limit); record game stoppages, scorers, players cautioned and sent off, and other information relevant to the game. Position: Outside halfway line on the same side as the substitution zone (i.e., the players' bench side)

LAW VIII - Duration of the Game Duration: Two equal periods of 20 minutes; clock stopped whenever ball is out of play. Time can be prolonged only to take a penalty kick. Time-outs: 1 per team per half; none in extra time Half-time: Maximum of 15 minutes

LAW IX - The Start of Play Procedure: Coin toss followed by kickoff; opposing team waits outside center circle; ball deemed in play once it has been touched; the kicker shall not touch ball before someone else touches it; ensuing kick-offs taken after goals scored and at start of second half.

LAW X - Ball in and out of Play Ball out of play: When it has wholly crossed the goal line or touchline; when the game has been stopped by a referee; when the ball hits the ceiling (restart: kick-in at the place closest to where the ball touched the ceiling). Lines: Touchlines and goal lines are considered inside the playing area.

LAW XI - Method of Scoring When the whole of the ball has passed over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar (except by illegal means).

LAW XII - Fouls and Misconduct Direct free kick awarded when a player intentionally commits any of the following 11 offenses (penalty kick awarded when infringement takes place in penalty area) kicking or attempting to kick an opponent tripping an opponent jumping at an opponent charging an opponent in a violent or dangerous manner charging an opponent from behind striking, attempting to strike, or spitting at an opponent

holding an opponent pushing an opponent charging an opponent with shoulder (i.e., shoulder charge) sliding at an opponent (i.e., sliding tackle) handling the ball (except goalkeeper) Indirect free kick awarded when any of the following 8 offenses is committed (kick taken from the 6-meter line when infringement takes place in penalty area): dangerous play (e.g. attempting to kick ball held by goalkeeper) obstruction charging the goalkeeper in the penalty area (i.e., goalkeeper charge) goalkeeper throws ball directly over the halfway-line (without it first touching his own side of the pitch or any player) goalkeeper picks up or touches with his hands a back pass goalkeeper picks up or touches with his hands a kick-in from a teammate goalkeeper controls the ball with any part of his body for more than 4 seconds goalkeeper touches with any part of his body a back pass that has been played back to him before the ball has (1) crossed the halfway-line or (2) been touched by an opponent

Players shall be cautioned (i.e., shown yellow card) when: a substituting player enters the pitch from an incorrect position or before the player he is substituting has entirely left the pitch he persistently infringes the Laws of the Game he shows dissent with any decision of the referee he is guilty of ungentlemanly conduct

These 4 yellow-card offenses are punishable by an indirect free kick taken from the point of infringement (or from the 6-meter line when the infringement takes place in penalty area).

Players shall be sent off (i.e., shown the red card) for: (a) serious foul play (b) violent conduct (c) foul or abusive language (d) second instance of cautionable offense (i.e., second yellow card) (e) intentionally impeding a clear goal opportunity (e.g. through a "professional foul") (f) intentionally impeding a clear goal opportunity in the penalty area by handling the ball

Direct free kicks (or penalty kicks) accompany the expulsion for (a), (b), (e) and (f); indirect free kicks, for (c) and (d) (from the 6-meter line when the infringement takes place in the penalty area).

Rules of Expulsion: The player sent off (shown a red card) is out for the rest of the game and is not even permitted to sit on the reserves' bench. The team of the player sent off can substitute for that player after 2 minutes of playing time or after the opposing team scores --which ever comes first. The 2-minute punishment shall be checked by the timekeeper (or by the assistant referee, if there is no timekeeper). The substitute cannot come on until the ball is out of play and he has a referee's consent.

LAW XIII - Free Kick Types: Direct free kicks and indirect free kicks Wall: At least 5 meters away until the ball is in play Ball in Play: After it has traveled the distance of its own circumference Time Limit: Kick must be taken within 4 seconds Restriction: Kicker cannot touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player

LAW XIV - Accumulated Fouls Accumulated fouls refer only to all the fouls mentioned in Law XII (a through k(1 to 11). Once a team has accumulated 5 fouls during a half (those accumulated in the second half continue to accumulate into extra time),from the 6th foul: that team shall not be allowed a defensive wall all free kicks shall be direct (no indirect free kicks) infringements committed within 12 meters of the goal line shall be punished with a direct free taken from the point of infringement or from the second penalty spot; infringements committed from12 meters or further from the goal line shall be punished with a direct free kick from the Second Penalty Spot


Until the ball is kicked into play, all players other than the goalkeeper and kicker shall remain behind an imaginary line that is in line with the ball and parallel to the goal line. The goalkeeper shall remain in his penalty area at least 5 m away from the ball. The kicker must aim at the goal, with the intention of scoring. No other player may touch the ball until it has been touched by the pitch, rebounded from the goal post or crossbar, or has left the pitch.

If the infringement took place in penalty area (and does not merit a penalty kick), the free kick is to be taken from the 6-m-line on the spot nearest to where the infringement occurred.

LAW XV - Penalty Kick To be taken from the penalty mark on the mid-point of the 6-m-line. The kicker is to aim at goal, with the intention of scoring. All players must be out of the penalty area, and the players of the opposing team must also be at least 5 m from the penalty spot. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player.

LAW XVI - Kick-in To be taken in place of the throw-in. The ball is placed on the touch line before kicking. The kicker's foot not kicking the ball must be outside or at least on the touchline; if it crosses the touchline all of the way, into the pitch, the kick-in is given to the opposing team. The kick-in must be taken within 4 seconds; if it is not, the kick-in is given to the opposing team. The kicker cannot play the ball a second time until it has been played by another player; infringement of this rule entail an indirect free kick to the opposing from the point of infringement. Players on opposing team must be at least 5 m away from point of kick-in. Cannot score directly from a kick-in.

LAW XVII - Goal Clearance To be taken in place of goal kick. From inside the penalty area, the goalkeeper throws the ball into play. The ball is not in play until it has passed outside of the penalty area. If the goal clearance is received inside of the penalty area, the goal clearance shall be taken over.

LAW XVIII - Corner Kick Ball placed on the corner (no corner-kick arc). If ball is misplaced, the corner kick is taken over. Must be taken within 4 seconds; failure to do so entails indirect free kick to the opposing team from the corner mark. The kicker cannot play the ball a second time until it has been played by another player; infringement of this rule entail an indirect free kick to the opposing from the point of infringement. Players on opposing team must be at least 5 m away from point of the corner kick. Can score goal directly from a corner kick.

Annex 1 - Penalty Kick Shoot-out Main referee decides goal to be used. Coin tossed to decide order. Five kicks to be taken by 5 different players selected from the 12 suited players. Captain of each team announces these 5 to the main referee before the kicks are taken. If two teams are still tied after 5 kicks, the additional kicks will be taken on a suddendeath basis by the rest of the players who have not kicked yet. Players sent off during the match are not eligible to take these kicks. Any eligible player may change places with his goalkeeper. While the penalty shoot-out is in progress, players will remain on the opposite half of the pitch. The assistant referee shall control this area.

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