ملخص E 521 hmod

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Everybody wants to …… by somebody

respected be respected Respect

The sun is at the canter of our ……. System

solar dollar polar

the …….. l hear about the giza pyramids , the more I want to know

best least more

the Nobel prize is ……… prestigious award a scientist can win

better less the most

we don’t have any electricity because the ….. are down

circuits bridge school

peoples life …….. has gotten longer and longer as medicine improves

death expectancy tomb

many scientists feel that global warming can be reversed …… scientists

other bother another

my friends have deep trust in each ……

another else other

He …….. his brother to lend him money . he should find work .

has always asked is always asking always asks

Khalid is learning how to design airplanes . he wants to become a leading figure in

the field of ……..

civilization deviation aviation

Majed Ahmed Abdullah is ……. . Even children today have heard his name

phantom legendary fake

have you …… flown in helicopter ?

ever once over

L haven’t finished my project …….

ever yet for

My professor is a …….. economist who is often quoted in magazines .

reputation excelled prominent

Airplane manufacture
d logo A. development and

c masculine B. Very poor

Of or relating to
a aviation C. Man or boys

Design symbol of a
b impoverished D. Business or product

He has a reputation for being one of the greatest doctors in the field of neurosurgery .

The Nobel prize is the most prestigious award a scientist can win .

I always feel overwhelming anxiety the night before a test .

My professor is a prominent economist who is often quoted in magazines .

A young actors untimely death in an accident usually gets wide media .

Delusions can sometimes be a symptom of mental instability .


Jack isn’t old enough to vote . Richard isn’t old enough to vote ( Neither )

Neither jack nor Richard old enough to vote .

Even if he will hurry , he will still be late . ( correct )

Even if he hurries , he will be late .

I'm interested … in …. Reading all sorts of stories . ( add preposition )


By the time the baby can walk , he (turn) one year old .

By the time the baby can walk , he will have turned one year old

The film (end) by the time we get there . hurry!

The film will have ended by the time we get there . hurry!
School is really important for all children. However, children do not all develop or learn in the
same way and many students have to overcome problems. What is easy for most students
.might be a triumph for others

About ten percent of people in Egypt have something called dyslexia. People with dyslexia
find it very difficult to read. In the past, people thought that students with dyslexia were lazy
.and did not want to learn. Other people thought that they were not intelligent

Actually, people with dyslexia are usually very intelligent in other ways. For example, they are
often very good at learning vocational skills such as fixing or making things. Some very
famous people had or have dyslexia, including Albert Einstein and the film-maker Steven
.Spielberg. Today, special teachers can often help people with dyslexia to be very successful

Another common problem is being color-blind. People who are color-blind cannot see colors
in the way that most people do. This can make it very difficult for them to read maps and
.traffic signs. It can also be difficult to prepare food

.For example, they cannot always see when meat is cooked

Of course color-blind people can be very intelligent. In fact, the first person to study being
color-blind was an Englishman called John Dalton, who was born in 1794. He realized he was
color-blind when people laughed at him for wearing strange-colored clothes. Although he
could not tell the difference between blue, pink and other colors, he became a teacher and a
.brilliant scientist

Experts think that some color-blind people have an advantage over other people. They say
that color-blind people can often see the difference between, for example, something that is
dark green and bright green. People who are not color-blind will just see green. As a result,
.color-blind people might be better at finding things in a forest or a jungle

People are all different and have different problems in their lives. In truth, everyone has the
potential to do amazing things if they work hard to overcome their problems, and if they are
..given the right help and support

1 – special teachers can help people with dyslexia to be very successful . (T)

2 – people are all the same and have no problems in their lives . (F)

3 – john Dalton became a teacher and a brilliant scientist . (T)

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What did you love most there ?

What did you do there ?

The best places I have ever visited is my hometown. I went there to see my big family. I loved
visiting my grandparents' house. I saw all my old friends. We went camping. We cooked our
.amazing lamb. It is really an amazing place

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