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● Living cells are capable of producing exact

replicas of themselves
● Cells contain all the instructions needed for
making the complete organism of which they
are part of
● Nucleic acids: molecules in the cells
responsibilities for each capability
● Transmission of hereditary information takes
place in the nucleus, specifically in the
● Genes where hereditary information resides
within the chromosomes
● Chemical analysis of nuclei showed
chromosomes are made up of largely amount SUGARS
of proteins called histones and nucleic acids

Friedrich Miescher (1869)

● Isolated what he called nuclein from the nuclei
of pus cells
● Nuclein was shown to have acidic properties ->
called Nucleic acids
RNA contains:
NUCLEIC ACIDS ● D-Ribose sugar
DNA contains:
● Backbone of chromosomes
● 2-Deoxy-D-Ribose sugar (without O on C2)
● Contains RNA (Ribonucleic acids) and DNA
(Deoxyribonucleic acids) = unbranched
polymers (monomers: nucleotides)
Base + Sugar → Nucleoside
● Stores the genetic information of an organism
● When a N atom of the base forms a glycosidic
● Transmits the information from one generation
bond to C1 (anomeric C) of a sugar
to another
● Translates genetic information in the DNA into
proteins needed for all cellular function



● Nucleoside = Base + Sugar

● Nucleotide = Base + Sugar
+ Phosphate
● Nucleic Acid = Chain of
Composed of:
● Nitrogen-containing bases (Amines) Base sequence is read from the
● Sugars (monosaccharides) C5’ (free phosphate) end to the
● Phosphate C3’ (free hydroxyl) end – ACGU –
SECONDARY STRUCTURE (DNA & RNA) ● Chromatin Fibers are organized into loops →
provide superstructure of chromosomes
● DNA model was
proposed by Watson CHROMOSOME & GENE
and Crick in 1953
● Two strands of ● DNA molecules contain several million
polynucleotide form a nucleotides, while RNA molecules have a few
double helix structure thousand
like a spiral ● DNA is contained in the chromosomes of the
● Hydrogen bonds link nucleus, each having a different type of DNA
paired bases: ● Humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs),
○ Adenine – Thymine each made up of many genes
(A–T) ● A gene is the portion of the DNA molecule
○ Guanine – Cytosine responsible for the synthesis of a single protein
(G–C) (1000 to 2000 nucleotides)
● Sugar-Phosphate backbone is hydrophilic and
stays on the outside (bases → hydrophobic) DIFFERENCES OF DNA & RNA
● Purine base always hydrogen bonds with a
pyrimidine 1. Bases
a. DNA = A, G, C, and T
2. Sugar
a. DNA = 2-deoxy-D-ribose
b. RNA = D-ribose
3. Strands
a. DNA =double-stranded (helical structure)
b. RNA = single strand
4. RNA is much smaller than DNA

Transmits genetic information needed for cell
1. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
● Most abundant RNA
● Found in ribosomes → site for protein
2. Messenger RNA (mRNA)
● Carries genetic information from DNA
(nucleus) to ribosomes (cytoplasm) for
protein synthesis
● DNA is coiled around proteins → histones ● Produced in “Transcription” from DNA
○ Rich in the basic amino acids 3. Transfer RNA (tRNA)
● Acidic DNA basic histones attract each other ● Smallest RNA
and form a chain of nucleosomes ● Translates genetic information (mRNA)
● Brings specific amino acids to the ribosomes
for protein synthesis


1. Reproduces itself when a cell divides

2. Supplies information to make up RNA,
Proteins, and Enzymes
● Chromatin: condensed nucleosomes


● Separation of two original strands

● Synthesis of two new daughter strands using PROTEIN SYNTHESIS
the original strands as templates (breaking
H-bonds) Gene Expression: activation of a gene to produce a
specific protein
CHARACTERISTICS ● Only a small fraction (1-2%) of the DNA in a
chromosome contains genes
● Replication is bidirectional: takes place at the
same speed in both directions Base sequence of the gene carries the information
● Replication is semi-conservative: each to produce one protein molecule
daughter molecule has one parental strand
and newly synthesized one Change of sequence → New protein
● Occurs at many places simultaneously along

Origin of replication: specific point of DNA where 1. Transcription → synthesis of mRNA

replication begins ● Gene information is copied in DNA to make
Replication fork: specific point of DNA where mRNA
replication is proceeding ● Begins when the section of DNA that
contains the gene to be copied unwinds
● Polymerase enzyme identifies a starting
point to begin mRNA synthesis
● Proceeds from the 3’ end to the 5’ end of the

Leading Strand: synthesized continuously in the 5’ →

● When mRNA is released, the double helix
3’ direction towards the replication fork
of the DNA re-forms
Lagging Strand: synthesized discontinuously in the
5’ → 3’ direction away from the replication fork
DNA splits into two strands:
a. Template strand: used to synthesize RNA
Assemblies of “enzyme factories” b. Coding strand (Informational strand): not
used to synthesize RNA
1. Helicases → unwinds the DNA double helix
● Replication of DNA starts with unwinding of C is paired with G, T pairs with A, but A pairs with U
the double helix
● Polymerase enzyme moves along the unwound
● Unwinding can occur at either end or in the
DNA, forming bonds between the bases
● Attaches themselves to one DNA strand and
causes separation of the double helix
2. Primases → catalyzes the synthesis of primers
● Primers: short nucleotides (4 to 15)
● Required to start the synthesis of both
daughter strands
Sample Problem
● Placed at about every 50 nucleotides in the
● Write out the mRNA and informational strand
lagging strand synthesis
of the DNA sequence:
3. DNA Polymerase → catalyzes the formation of the
Example strand: 3’ – C T A G G A T A C – 5’
new strands
mRNA: 5’ – G A U C C U A U G – 3’
● Joins the nucleoside triphosphates found in
Information strand: 5’ – G A T C C T A T G – 3’
the nucleus
● A new phosphodiester bond is formed
between the 5’-phosphate of the nucleoside
triphosphate and the 3’-OH group of the new
DNA strand
4. Ligase → joined by ligase enzyme in forming lagging
2. Gene Expression 4. Translation
● Overall functions of RNA: facilitate the task
of synthesizing protein

Three Stages
1. Initiation → mRNA binds to the ribosome
2. Elongation → next tRNA molecule deliverers
3. Genetic Code → language that relates the the next amino acid, peptide bond forms
series of nucleotides in the mRNA to the between the two amino acids
specified amino acids 3. Termination → continues until a stop codon
● The sequence of nucleotides in the mRNA is reached and the completed protein is
determines the amino acid order for the released
protein 4. First amino acid (Met) is not often needed
● Every three bases (triplet) along the mRNA and is removed after protein synthesis is
makes up a codon - each specified to a done
particular amino acid and is present for all 5. Protein Synthesis
20 amino acids ● mRNA attaches to a smaller subunit of a
● tRNA molecules bring specific amino acids
to the mRNA
● Peptide bonds form between an amino
acid and at the end of the growing peptide
● Ribosomes move along the mRNA until the
end of the codon (translocation)
● Polypeptide chain is released from the
ribosome and becomes an active protein
● Sometimes several ribosomes (polysome)
translate the same strand of mRNA at the
same time to produce several peptide
6. Termination
● Ribosomes encounter a stop codon: UAA,
● 64 Codons are possible from the triplet ● No tRNA to complement the termination
combination of A, G, C, and U codon
● Written from the 5’ end to the 3’ end of the ● An enzyme releases the complete
mRNA molecule polypeptide chain from the ribosome
● Stop Signals: UAA, UAG, UGA (code for ● Amino acids form 3D structure (active
termination of protein synthesis) protein)
7. Mutation
● Signals the start of the protein synthesis
(beginning of mRNA)
● Specifies the amino acid Methionine (Met)
(middle of mRNA)
tRNA (transfer RNA)
● Translates codons into specific amino acids
● Contains 70-90 nucleotides
● 3’ end → acceptor stem; always has ACC
and a free OH group - binds a specific
amino acid
● Anticodon: sequence of 3 nucleotides at Effect of Mutation:
the bottom of tRNA a. Somatic cell (nonreproductive cell): altered
○ Complementary to three bases in an DNA will be limited to that cell and its
mRNA and can identify the needed daughter cells → Cancer
amino acid
b. Germ cell (reproductive cell): all new DNA 2. Two primers – short polynucleotides that are
will contain the same default and is passed complementary to the two ends of the
on to the next generation → Genetic diseases segment to be amplified
3. A DNA polymerase enzyme catalyzes the
Types of Mutation: synthesis of a complementary strand
a. Point (Substitution) Mutation → most 4. Nucleoside triphosphates – the source of the
common A, T, C, and G needed to make the new DNA

● DNA of each individual = unique; used as a
b. Frameshift Mutation method of identification
● Any type of cell (skin, saliva, semen, blood,
etc.) can be used to obtain a DNA fingerprint
● PCR first amplifies the DNA, and then cut into
fragments by restrictions enzymes
● DNA fragments are then separated by size by
gel electrophoresis
i. Deletion Mutation – occurs when one
or more nucleotides is/are lost from a DNA fragments can be visualized on X-ray film after
DNA molecule they have been separated:

ii. Insertion Mutation – occurs when one

or more nucleotides is/are added to a
DNA molecule

● Infectious agent consisting of a DNA or RNA
c. Silent Mutation – has a negligible effect to molecule contained with a protein coating
the organism, because the resulting amino ● Incapable of replicating alone (no enzyme, no
acid is identical free nucleotide), so it invades a host organism
and makes the host replicate the virus
● Many prevalent diseases like the common
cold, influenza, and herpes are viral in origin

RETROVIRUS → virus with an RNA core

● Invades a host and then synthesizes the
RECOMBINANT DNA viral DNA by reverse transcription
● Synthetic DNA; contains segments from more ● The viral DNA can then transcribe RNA,
than one source which directs protein synthesis (new
retroviral particles to infect other cells)
Three Key Elements:
● AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency
1. A DNA molecule into which a new DNA
Syndrome) is caused by the retrovirus HIV
segment will be inserted
(Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
2. An enzyme that cleaves DNA at specific
3. A gene from a second organism that will be
inserted into the original DNA molecule


● Amplifies a specific portion of a DNA
molecule, producing millions of exact copies

Four Elements:
1. The segment of DNA that must be copied
● Immune responses to pathogens involve
many cells and proteins of the immune
● Early during an infection, these responses
are non-specific - directed at the pathogen,
but not specific to it - Innate Immunity
● Within a few days, adaptive immunity takes
over; this immunity is specific to the
invading pathogen
● Adaptive immune responses include
antibodies. A major goal of antibodies is to
bind to the pathogen and prevent it from
infecting, or entering, a cell.
● Antibodies that prevent entry into cells are
called neutralizing antibodies. Many
vaccines work by inducing neutralizing

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